Resistance Training with Light Equipment The exercises on the following pages are labeled entry level, fitness level and enhancement level. Refer to the Progression section in the Program Design chapter for an explanation on each term.

Lower Body Exercises Purpose/Benefits: To develop leg strength, speed and endurance needed to meet the demands of challenging terrain (indoor and outdoor cycling). Unilateral work develops balance, coordination and stability, which are essential for out of saddle techniques. This type of approach also identifies deficits that should be addressed through resistance training.

Single Leg Step-Up - entry level Major muscle groups targeted: Quadriceps, and gluteals Equipment: dumbbells, step 1. Choose appropriately weighted dumbbells for overload to the working muscles of the lower body. Hold a dumbbell in each , with at your sides. 2. Stand facing the step and place one foot on top, in the center of the step. 3. Align directly under the ; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 4. Lift up to stand on your lead leg while focusing on an intense gluteal contraction. 5. As complete and knee extension is reached, a peak bilateral (both sides) gluteal contraction should be performed. 6. Lower the foot back to the floor using a slow, controlled movement, keeping the gluteals contracted. Keep the chest lifted and abdominals engaged. 7. Repeat on the other side and alternate to the desired number of repetitions.

Front Lunges - fitness level Major muscle groups targeted: Quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals Equipment: weighted bar or dumbbells 1. Choose appropriately weighted bar or dumbbells for overload to the working muscles of the lower body. If it’s comfortable, hold a weighted bar as shown, with wrist, shoulders and spine in neutral alignment. Rest the bar in the upper area, away from the back of the neck. There should be little or no low back extension. 2. Stand with feet hip distance apart or slightly wider. 3. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 4. Step forward with one leg, making sure the heel makes contact first and knee is directly over the ankle. 5. Perform the by flexing the knee to no more than a 90-degree angle. Lower the hips slowly and with control. 6. To accommodate deeper hip/knee flexion of front leg, it is safe to flex the back knee and release the heel from the ground. 7. Once a full range of motion (ROM) is achieved, contract the glutes, push off the floor with the lead leg, extend the hip and knees and return to the starting position. 8. Repeat on the other side and alternate to the desired number of repetitions.

Front Lunge/Lift - fitness level Major muscle groups targeted: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and . Equipment: Medicine ball 1. Hold the medicine ball behind your head with flexed to a 90-degree angle. 2. Stand with one foot forward, in a wide stance, ready for a lunge movement. 3. Keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 4. Perform the lunge by flexing the knee to no more than a 90- degree angle. Lower the hips slowly and with control. 5. To accommodate deeper hip/knee flexion of front leg, it is safe to flex the back knee and release the heel from the ground. 6. Once a full ROM is achieved, contract the glutes, push off the floor with the lead leg, and extend the hip and knees. Lift the back leg with an intense gluteal contraction as high as possible without coming out of alignment. At the same time, extend the elbows to lift the ball overhead. 7. Return to the starting position with control and repeat to the desired number of repetitions. Then repeat the set on the opposite side.

Reverse Lunge - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals Equipment: dumbbells, step. (This can also be performed on the floor without a step). 1. Choose appropriately weighted dumbbells for overload to the working muscles of the lower body. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with arms at your sides. 2. Stand on top of the step with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. 3. Shift weight to one leg and lower the other down to the floor. 4. Lower carefully into a lunge position with the front knee over the ankle. Note: The step creates additional height, which allows for deeper knee flexion. Make sure the individual is capable of this enhanced ROM without contraindication. 5. The heel of the front stationary leg is firmly planted on the step. 6. Lift back to the starting position by engaging the hamstrings and gluteals of the front leg. 7. Repeat on the other side and alternate to the desired number of repetitions.

Side Lunge - fitness level Major muscle groups targeted: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, hip abductors and hip adductors 1. Stand with feet hip distance apart or slightly wider. 2. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance 3. Step laterally into a side lunge position (staying in the frontal plane). 4. The heel hits first and the knee remains over the ankle as the hips go back. This will create some forward flexion of the hips for balance. 5. Once full range of motion is reached, push off powerfully using the quadriceps and gluteal muscles in the active leg and return to the starting position. 6. Repeat on the other side and alternate to the desired number of repetitions.

Front Lunge with Low-Grade Plyo - enhancement level Purpose/Benefits: Plyometric exercises are useful for developing muscular strength and power, which gives us the capacity to tolerate intense intervals in the Interval Energy Zone™ as well as anaerobic threshold work in the Race Day Energy Zone™. Major muscle groups targeted: Quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals 1. Stand with one foot forward, in a wide stance, ready for a lunge movement. Clasp your behind your head. 2. Keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 3. Perform the lunge by flexing the knee to no more than a 90- degree angle. Lower the hips slowly and with control. 4. Explosively push and jump off the floor while maintaining the staggered leg position and -over-hip alignment. 5. As your feet make contact again with the floor, immediately and slowly lower back into the lunge position. To prevent injury, both feet should land on the floor at the same time and the knees should soften immediately to absorb the shock throughout the lower body. 6. Rebound immediately with another explosive jump. 7. The repetitions are aggressive, consecutive and consistent, but take care to land toe-ball- heel and distribute body weight evenly throughout the feet upon each landing.

Plyo- - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals 1. Stand with feet hip distance apart or slightly wider. 2. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 3. Lower into a squat position, with hips no lower than the knees, and make sure that the knees do not extend farther forward than the toes. 4. Explosively push and jump off the floor. 5. As your feet make contact again with the floor, immediately and slowly lower back into the squat position. 6. Rebound immediately with an explosive jump. The repetitions are aggressive, consecutive and consistent. Variation: This exercise can also be performed with the hands behind the head.

Plie´ - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Quadriceps, gluteals, hip adductors and calf muscles 1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width. 2. Turn out your legs from the hip joints, only as far as is comfortable, without torque on the knee joints. 3. Keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 4. Raise arms to the sides for balance. 5. Lower into a plie position with the hips no lower than knee level and knees aligned over the ankles. 6. Return to starting position by engaging the hip adductors (inner thighs) and quadriceps. Be careful not to lock the knees in the standing position. 7. Repeat to the desired number of repetitions.

Single-Leg Calf Raise - fitness level Major muscle groups targeted: Gastrocnemius, soleus Equipment: Step 1. Stand on one foot on top of the step with only the ball of the foot making contact with the surface. The arch of your foot will be on the edge of the step. 2. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 3. If necessary, hold on lightly to a partner, wall or ballet barre for balance. 4. Raise the heel as high as possible until the calf muscles are fully contracted. 5. Lower back to starting position slowly and with control. 6. Repeat to the desired number of repetitions. Then repeat the set on the opposite leg.

Leg Curl - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Hamstrings and gluteals Equipment: Stability ball, mat 1. Lie on the floor in a supine position with arms at your sides, palms down, and feet resting on top of a stability ball. Extend your hips off the ground so that your ankles, knees, hips and upper back are all in a line. Engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 2. Slowly and with control, roll the ball toward your hips by flexing the knees and engaging the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. 3. Pause and then slowly roll the ball back to the starting position. Variation: This exercise can also be performed with one leg at a time.

Single Leg Lower - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis, hip flexors 1. Lie on the floor in a supine position with one foot flat on the floor and the other leg lifted and aligned over hips. 2. Lift your head, shoulders and arms slightly off the floor. 3. Slowly and with control lower the lifted leg towards the floor. 4. Keep the spine pressed into the floor and lower the leg only as far as you can without letting the lower back arch off the floor. 5. Pause and return to starting position. 6. Repeat to the desired number of repetitions. Repeat the set on the opposite leg.

Leg Lower - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis, hip flexors 1. Lie on the floor in a supine position with legs lifted and feet aligned over hips. 2. Lift your head, shoulders and arms slightly off the floor. 3. Slowly and with control lower your legs towards the floor. Be sure not to lock the knees. 4. Keep the spine pressed into the floor and lower the legs only as far as you can without letting the lower back arch off the floor. 5. Return to starting position and repeat to the desired number of repetitions.

Crunches Major muscle groups targeted: Rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis, hip flexors Equipment: Medicine ball, mat 1. Lie on the floor in a supine position with feet on the floor a comfortable distance from the hips. 2. Hold a medicine ball directly over the chest with arms extended. 3. Slowly and with control contract the abdominals and lift your head and shoulders off the mat. Do not use momentum or jerking movements to reach this position. Do not lift your lower back off the mat. 4. While you raise the upper body, the ball lowers towards one foot as you extend one leg and lift it over your . 5. Pause briefly with the abdominals contracted and then slowly return to the starting position.

6. Be careful not to let the head touch the mat between reps, because this gives the abs time to disengage and rest. 7. Alternate with the opposite leg and repeat to the desired number of repetitions.

3-Count Obliques - fitness level Major muscle groups targeted: rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis and obliques; shoulder stabilization 1. Lie on the floor in a supine position with your hips flexed and your knees at a 90-degree bend, keeping your feet flat on the floor. 2. Cross your left ankle onto your right knee and place your hands behind your head with your elbows stretching out to each side. Your vision is focused on the ceiling. 3. With an exhale, round the small of your back onto the floor so that you feel supported. Inhale and hold this position. 4. On the next exhalation lift your head and shoulders from the mat in three gradual increments or lifts. Your goal is to twist in the direction of the right knee and reach for that knee with the left . The right elbow moves away from the right knee. Each lift will bring you a little higher off the mat, with each of the three exhalations making a deeper abdominal connection. The third lift will take you to the maximum contraction. 5. With an inhale, slowly and with control, lower your shoulders (first) and head (last) to the original lift position, coming back to the center position. Do not come all the way down to the mat until the last repetition on that side is completed. Repeat with the left knee crossed and the right elbow moving. Repeat to the desired number of repetitions.

Superman - entry level Major muscle groups targeted: Back and shoulder extensors, gluteals and hamstrings 1. Lie in a prone position with arms extended overhead. 2. Lift the upper torso, arms, and legs off the floor, and at the same time, contract the gluteal, low back and hamstrings muscles. 3. Pause and then return to starting position. 4. Repeat to the desired number of repetitions.

Push-up - fitness level Major muscle groups targeted: , , triceps 1. Lie in a prone position with hands under the shoulders. Push up to the starting position with arms extended and knees and shins on the mat. 2. Keep the spine in a neutral alignment from the tailbone all the way to the top of the head. Engage the abdominals and gluteals. 3. Slowly and with control, lower the chest to the floor and then raise back to starting position. 4. Remember that body weight exercises are very challenging. Repeat as many times as possible without sacrificing proper form and technique. Variation: For added challenge, extend the knees off the ground (full-body push-up). Don't advance to this position if the spine cannot be kept in neutral alignment. Caution: Be careful not to allow the low back to sag.

Side Plank - fitness level Major muscle groups targeted: Obliques, shoulder stabililzers, triceps 1. Lie on your side and support your body weight on your with your elbow directly below your shoulder. 2. Raise your hips and legs off the mat, with your feet stacked one on top of the other. Keep the spine in a neutral alignment from the tailbone all the way to the top of the head. Engage the abdominals, gluteals and quadriceps. Extend the free in the air to help lift your body up. Variations: The free arm can lay on the side of the body for an added challenge. For an extra challenge, the supporting arm can be extended. 3. Hold for 10-15 seconds, or as long as possible without letting hips sag to the floor. Repeat on the other side. Work up to a 60-second hold.

Front Raise - entry level Major muscle groups targeted: Anterior deltoids Equipment: Dumbbells 1. Stand in neutral alignment with feet shoulder width apart, knees soft and abdominals engaged. 2. Hold one dumbbell in each hand just in front of your thighs with palms down. 3. Slowly and with control, raise one arm up and away from your body until your hand is at eye level. Be careful not to lock the elbow. 4. Pause slightly and then lower the arm back to the starting position. 5. Alternate with the opposite arm and repeat to the desired number of repetitions.

Lateral Raise - entry level Major muscle groups targeted: Medial deltoids, supraspinatus, and the core muscle groups Equipment: Resistance tubing or dumbbells 1. Hold the ends of the resistance tubing and step onto the middle of the tubing with one foot. Your stance is staggered, but weight is evenly distributed over both feet. Soften your elbows and knees and engage the core muscle groups 2. Slowly and with control, raise both arms to the sides keeping elbows soft and core muscles engaged. 3. Pause slightly when hands reach shoulder height and notice the peak contraction through the medial head of the deltoid 4. Slowly and with control, lower arms back to starting position. 5. Repeat to the desired number of repetitions. Variation: This exercise can also be performed with dumbbells instead of tubing.

Push Press - fitness level Major muscle groups targeted: Medial deltoids, quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and core muscle groups Equipment: Dumbbells 1. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet hip distance apart or slightly wider. 2. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 3. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder height. 4. Lower into a squat position, with hips no lower than the knees, and make sure that the knees do not extend farther forward than the toes. Keep the chest lifted and abdominals engaged. 5. Engage the gluteals and hamstrings as you return to a standing position, and press the dumbbells overhead at the same time. This should be one, fluid movement. 6. Pause briefly and then slowly and with control, lower the dumbbells back to shoulder height. 7. Repeat to the desired number of repetitions. Note: Initially, this exercise may be very intense as the body adapts to the coordination of the multi-joint movement. If necessary, ask a partner to watch and assist to ensure that proper form and technique is maintained.

Standing - entry level Major muscle groups targeted: Rhomboids, rear deltoids, upper trapezius Equipment: Resistance tubing and Spinner® bike, pole or some other heavy object to wrap tubing around 1. Wrap tubing around the bike and hold handles in each hand. Stand far enough away so that you are reaching forward (scapular abduction) and there is no slack in the tubing. 2. Face the bike with your feet staggered for balance, with weight evenly distributed over both feet and knees soft. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 3. While depressing the shoulder girdle, squeeze the shoulder blades together (scapular adduction) as your elbows brush past your ribs. 4. Lift your chest (upward and outward) as the mid-back (rhomboids) contract. 5. Return to the starting position and repeat to the desired number of repetitions.

Reverse with Plyometric Jump - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Rhomboids, rear deltoids, upper trapezius, quadriceps Equipment: Resistance tubing and Spinner® bike, pole or some other heavy object to wrap tubing around 1. Wrap tubing around the bike and hold handles in each hand. Stand far enough away so that you are reaching forward (scapular abduction) and there is no slack in the tubing. 2. Face the bike with your feet staggered for balance, with weight evenly distributed over both feet and knees soft. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 3. While depressing the shoulder girdle, squeeze the shoulder blades together (scapular adduction) as your arms open wide to the sides with elbows soft. 4. Lift your chest (upward and outward) as the rear deltoids contract. Rotate your thumbs toward the ceiling for further muscular recruitment. 5. Simultaneously with steps 3 and 4, lower into a lunge position to prepare for the jump. 6. Explosively push and jump off the floor while maintaining the staggered leg position and shoulder-over-hip alignment. As you jump, your arms and thumbs return to the starting position, with control. 7. Repeat to the desired number of repetitions. Note: Due to the multi-joint movement, with the addition of a plyometric jump, this exercise can be very challenging. It takes practice to master the coordination, and to achieve a fluid motion while maintaining proper alignment and technique. Practice the movement without external resistance first to prevent injury.

Spine Rotation - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Obliques Equipment: Medicine ball 1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. 2. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 3. Raise the medicine ball overhead with arms extended, and elbows soft. 4. Maintain an abdominal connection as you rotate the spine to one side, keeping the neck and shoulders aligned (the upper body and arms rotate as one unit). 5. Return to the starting position by rotating back, again keeping the neck and shoulders aligned. 6. Alternate sides and repeat to the desired number of repetitions.

Wood Chop - enhancement level Major muscle groups targeted: Obliques, deltoids, and the leg and core muscle groups Equipment: Medicine ball 1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. 2. Align hips directly under the shoulders; keep the chest lifted and engage all core muscle groups for stabilization and balance. 3. Lower into a slight squat position and hold the medicine ball in both hands, in front of one thigh. 4. Extend from the squat position and raise the ball up diagonally overhead to the opposite side of your body. The diagonal movement should come from spinal rotation more than simply crossing your arms in front of your chest. 5. Be careful not to swing the ball; the movement is controlled and must be performed with the abdominal muscles engaged to prevent injury to the back. 6. Return to starting position with control. 7. Alternate sides and repeat to the desired number of repetitions.