6 Week Strong Start ​ Training Program Brought to you by: Sean Escaravage Jr Owner & Program Director at Orca Empire Fitness ​ ​

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6 Week Strong Start Training Program ​ ​

Our mission at Orca Empire is to fitness as a way to Empower & Invigorate your lifestyle. The purpose and mission goal of this program is consistency & to stay accountable to your ​ mission of Living Stronger Every Day! Use this collection of workouts & recovery methods anywhere, at any time, with minimal or no equipment; the perfect package for every fitness level

At the Back of this program, please print off the page (or make your own) to track which workouts you complete, your performance & progress on each one, and rate your level of difficulty/challenge as well. You cannot manage what you do not measure, so keeping track of how you feel from week to week is a great way to see your progress and celebrate changes!

You shouldn’t be sore more than 24-36 hours, that is a sign of going a little too hard without enough recovery between. We have broken down this program into 4 different categories of workout sessions: 1) Strength Focused Training 2) Conditioning Focused Training 3) Hybrid Strength + Cardio Training Training 4) Recovery, Rejuvenation & Mobility Training

Remember that your goals and fitness experience will dictate what kind & how many workouts you will do each week. This is to help you: a) Build a strong foundation in your legs, core and upper body b) Become familiar and confident with the in the program c) Have a plan of action, no guessing or “when I feel like it” workouts! d) Gain the benefits in strength and body image with having a programmed workout routine

Based on your “training age”, or how long you’ve been working out. You aren’t stuck to one, so please adjust the frequency as you feel you need more or less training sessions during your week. Here is what the coaches at Orca Empire Fitness recommend as a guideline to get you started:

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2 days / week: ​ Pick 1 Strength Pick 1 Conditioning or Hybrid

3 days / week (more strength) Pick 2 Strength Pick 1 Conditioning or Hybrid

3 days / week (more lean) Pick 2 Conditioning or Hybrid Pick 1 Strength

4 days / week (more strength) Pick 2 Strength Pick 1 Conditioning Pick 1 Hybrid, or option for a 3rd Strength

4 days / week (more lean) Pick 2 Conditioning Pick 1 Strength Pick 1 Hybrid, or option for a 3rd Conditioning

5+ days / week Pick 2 Strength Pick 2 Conditioning Fill in the rest with whichever you feel, or go for a hike/long walk/jog in nature

P.s. I recommend downloading a timer app for your smartphone. It helps for many of the training below. Here are links to download the app: Workout timer for Android Workout timer for Apple

Without any further delay; please enjoy all the wonders this program can offer you; Cheers!

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Strength Focused Training Sessions (Workouts #1 - #11)

Workout #1 ~ Bodyweight Strength Focused ​ 1. 30s Plank (kneeling, forearms, or palms) 2. 10 Pushup + Opposite Shin Tap total 3. 20 Reverse Lunges or Single Leg Glute Bridges 4. Bear Walk across Room 2-4 times (how big’s ya space?) (Complete 3x)

1. 60s Plank (kneeling, forearms, or palms) 2. 20 Bodysaws 3. 20 Chair/Couch Step Ups or Elevated Glute 4. 20 Sit Outs or Starfish Sit Ups (Complete 3x)

1. 10 Chair Dips 2. 20 Bent Over Rows (grab anything!) 3. 30 Rererse to High Knee Stand (Complete 4x)

Workout #2 ~ A Balanced Diet of Strength, Sweat & Recovery 1. 20 DeadBugs total 2. 10 Glute Bridge + Reach total 3. 50 Jumping Jacks / High Knees / High Knees 4. 20 Bird Dogs total (slow) 5. 10 Wall Slides (slow) 6. 5-10 Sumo Squats 7. 50 Jumping Jacks / High Knees / Seal Jacks 8. 5+5 Step In & Reach (twist towards front leg ) 9. 5 Breaths in Bear Position 10. 5 Breaths in Plank Pose 11. 5 Breaths in Child’s Pose Set a timer for 15-45 minutes depending on the goal of your day…

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Workout #3 ~ Upper Body Rat Session ​ Perform each group for: Just Beginning = 3 Rounds Fitness Enthusiast = 4 Rounds Advanced Level = 5 Rounds The goal is to have less than 45 seconds between exercises. Depending on the weight you have available, pick the end of the repetition range that suits you best. Between each exercise group, complete a CORE round with a total of: ● 10 Swimmers ● 15 Bodysaws ● 20 Deadbugs ● 20 Starfish Sit Ups

1. DB / Machine Chest Press: 8-12 a. Pull Downs w/ band or cable / Chin Up : 10-15 2. Incline Chest Press: 10-15 a. Bent Over Rows: 10-15 3. Dumbbell Chest Flys (Wider Chest Press, wide push-up): 10-15 a. Rear Flys ( w/ cable, band): 10-15 4. Dips / Rolling Tris: 10 a. DB Pullovers / Single Arm Rows: 10-15 5. Bicep Curl Variation: 15-25 a. Tricep Extension (cable, band,supine skull crushers): 15-25

Workout #4 ~ Lower Body Gym Rat Session ​ Perform each group for: Just Beginning = 3 Rounds Fitness Enthusiast = 4 Rounds Advanced Level = 5 Rounds The goal is to have less than 45 seconds between exercises. Depending on the weight you have available, pick the end of the repetition range that suits you best. Between each exercise group, complete a CORE round with a total of: 10 Swimmers 15 Bodysaws 20 Plank Rotations 20 Starfish Sit Ups

1. Bodyweight/Loaded Pulse Squats: 10-15 a. Plank Position Straight Leg Lift and side Tap: 10-15 ea. side 2. Good Mornings / Straight Leg : 8-12 a. Stationary Lunge (loaded, leg elevated): 8-12 ea. Side 3. Single Leg Deadlift (rear leg flat to wall, w/ weight, w/ help): 8-12 ea. Side a. Step Up/Single Leg (chest tall): 8-12 ea. side 4. Cossack Squat/Lateral Lunge: 10-15 ea. side a. Elevated/Floor Glute Bridge March: 10-15 ea. side 5. Side Plank External Rotation Clamshells: 15-25 ea. Side a. Walkout/Curls: 10-15

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Workout #5 ~ 11 Bodyweight Exercises You Need Every Day ​ Perform this Essential Bodyweight Workout… - Every day you don’t do a resistance training workout - On a Rejuvenation/Restorative focused day - While traveling & don’t have access to a gym Butter the bread. Grease the groove. Sharpen the sword… Whatever analogy sticks with you, the point is these movements are simple in nature, yet highly effective when it comes to having a rock-solid fitness foundation. ​ ​ Remember, any amount of time invested is better than 0; don’t get caught up in an “all-or-none” pickle, just move! Perform each of them for 8-12 repetitions each, and for 10-25 minutes depending on your goals. 1. Fire Hydrants 2. Bird-Dog 3. Plank Bear Flow/ Bear Hold 4. Plank Rotations 5. Squat 6. Lateral Plank Walk / Push-Ups 7. Side Plank High Knee (can put bottom knee down to decrease intensity) 8. Single Leg Glute Bridge 9. Deadbugs 10. Superman-Banana 11. Plank Hold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USCePMpGONg&t=1s

Workout #6 ~ Dumbbell Doomsday Do the workout as a circuit. Start with the dumbbell front squat push press, then do the pushups, followed by the . That’s 1 round. COMPLETE 12 ROUNDS! Between each round, rest for 45-60 seconds with mobility, sips of ​ ​ water, or some fresh air!

1. Dumbbell Front Squat: 6-12 Reps

2. Dumbbell Push Press: 6-12 Reps

3. Pushup (neutral hand grip on dumbbells): 6-12 Reps

4. Single Arm : 6-12 Reps ea. Side

5. DB Suitcase Deadlift: 6-12 Reps

Workout #7 ~ Efficient Bodyweight Routine ​ Scientific study results behind this body weight workout routine are here. ​ ​ Each exercise is to be performed for 30-40 seconds with 10-15 seconds of rest in between exercises. Technically, one round only takes about 7 minutes, but if time permits, you should attempt to do 2-3 rounds. Rest 60s or less between rounds, & as always, use good form on every exercise! (on next page)

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- Jumping jacks - Wall Sit / Glute Bridge - Push-ups - Crunches (Bicycle Crunches, Dead Bug) - Step-ups (or skaters) - Squats - Dips - Plank - Running in place with high knees (standing mountain climbers) - Lunges - Plank Rotations - Side plank hold each

Workout #8 ~ Mini Band Madness: Non-Energy tasking, but important for the body’s overall health and movement ability 1. 3 Rounds a. Banded Glute Bridge x 12 b. Banded Side Plank Clam x 12 ea c. Banded Slow Mountain Climbers x 24 ttl d. Banded Bird Dog Kick Backs x 24 ttl 2. 3 Rounds a. Banded Spread Apart + Forearm Wall Slide x 15 b. Banded Spread Apart + Bent Over Row x 15 c. Banded Turtle Walks x 15yd ea d. Banded Side Plank Row x 20 ea. 3. 3 Rounds a. Banded Deadbugs x 20 ttl b. Banded Single Leg Glute Bridge x 10 ea. c. Banded Lateral Plank Walk x 10yd ea d. Banded Monster Walk x 20yd

Workout #9 ~ Push, Pull, ; Nuff Said

Do 1 set of exercise 1, then 1 set of exercise 2, followed immediately by 1 set of exercise 3. That’s 1 round. Do as many rounds as you can, resting as little as possible. Your goal is to do AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of each exercise in 30 minutes. Always use strict form. Some advice: Don’t ever max out on a set, or you’ll just blow up. In fact, if you can do, say,

30 pushups, 15 dips, and 10 pullups, you should probably do sets of about 5 to 10 pushups, 3 dips, and 2 or 3 pullups. A solid goal to shoot for is at least 50 of each exercise

1. Pushup 2. Pullup 3. Dip

Time: 30 Minutes

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Workout #10 ~ Hardstyle Challenge

Complete 2 Rounds of the following:

½ TGU: 5 ea. Side

Cossack Squat: 10 ea. side

Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift: 10 ea. Side

Single Arm Farmers carry: 60 yards ea. Side

Complete 10 Rounds of the following:

Full TGU: 1 ea. Side

Swing: 10

Squat: 6

Push-Up: 4-8

Overhead Press/Chin-Up/Row: 4-8

Farmers/Front Rack Carry: 60 yards

Workout #11 ~ 20 Minutes of Focused Madness

Warm Up first with 10 minutes of , core & butt activation exercises, and a 90 second deep breathing as the final thing you do before beginning this 20 minute strength stamina session. Record your # of rounds every 5 minutes to track your pace!

- 5-10 Chin-Ups (Band Pulldowns, Inverted Rows or Bent Over Rows if all available)

- 5-10 Push-Ups (any variation)

- 15 Air Squats

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Conditioning Focused Training Sessions

(Workouts #12 - #23)

Workout #12 ~ Classic Tabata Conditioning Watch the clock, set a timer, get help from family by joining in! Between each group; rest between 1-3 minutes. Enjoy! Level 1=20s work/10s rest, 4 sets each group Level 2=30s work/15s rest, 4 sets each group ** of the two options, pick one variation of the movement (this / that) 1. Jump Lunges /or/ Alternating Reverse Lunges a. Deadbugs /or/ Deadbug Hold 2. Plank Hip Toss /or/ Bear to Plank a. Squat Pulses to Jump /or/ Squat Hold 3. Sit Outs /or/ Shoulder Taps a. Lateral Lunges /or/ Skaters 4. Deadlift/Swings with dumbbell, kettlebell, milk jug, backpack a. Beach Towel Rope Slams /or/knee tuck jumps

*Bonus Challenge Finisher **Bump the timer up to 30s work/15s rest, 6 Rounds (3 of each)** - Burpees - Glute Bridge March

Workout #13 ~ Tabata Torcher...not torture Download a timer app for your phone, or intensely watch a clock for this one… Complete each pair of exercises 4 rounds through! 25 seconds of movement / 13 seconds of rest ● Rope/Towel Slams ⚈ Sprinter Step Ups ● Banana/Deadbug Hold ⚈ Push-Up variaiton

● Bent Over Rows ⚈ Glute Bridge March/Swings ● Squat + Press ⚈ Plank Taps

● Squat Hold ⚈ Sit Out variation ● Overhead/Plank Hold ⚈ Sprinter Sit Ups

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Workout #14 ~ AMRAP for 5 Rounds AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible … The goal is to complete as Many Rounds as possible in 5 minutes. Track so you can compare to your next workout in the future! Group 1: Group 4: 30 Rope/Beach Towel Slams 8 MB Power Slams 10 Prone Extensions 6 Chop & Lifts ea. side 10 Goblet Squats/Squat Jumps 4 Single Leg V-Sit-Up ea. side

Group 2: Group 5: 20 Sprinter Step Ups 6 Skater Lunges ea. side 10 Push-Ups 6 Plank Rotations ea. side 12 Russian Twists 6 Burpees

Group 3: 10 Swings 5 Curl + Squat + Press 10 Plank Pull Throughs ttl

Workout #15 ~ Another AMRAP for 5 Rounds AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible … The goal is to complete as Many Rounds as possible in 5 minutes. Track so you can compare to your next workout in the future! Group 1: Group 4: 6 Jump Squats 5 Squat to Walkout to Push-Up 8 Bent Over Rows 10 Swings 10 Russian Twists ea. Side 5 Swimmers

Group 2: Group 5: 5 Burpees 8 Single Arm Load Lunges ea. side 10 Plank Taps ttl. 8 Single Arm Row ea. side 10 Sprinter Sit Ups ttl. 8 Single Arm Chest Press ea. side

Group 3: 6 Up & Down Planks 12 Mountain Climbers ea. side 12 Sprinter Lunge to High Knee ea. Side

Workout #16 ~ EMOM Party EMOM = Every Minute on the Minute… each “set” will last 60 seconds. Your goal is to complete the prescribed exercises and reps in less than 60 seconds. Any time leftover between your final rep and the end of the minute is for you to rest. In short, the faster you complete the exercise requirement, the more time you have to rest. Example: ​ ​ ​ ​ complete #1 (all 3 exercises) in 44 seconds = 16 seconds to rest… then you begin your second set when the second minute begins. Complete #1 again in 51 seconds = 9 seconds to rest before beginning the next minute… complete all 5 rounds (a.k.a. 5 minutes) at one station before moving on to the next one. If you need some more clarification, please reach out to us!

Pick Your Poison! Complete each group for 5 minutes of EMOM… (on next page) Level 1 = choose 3 groups Level 2 = choose 4-5 groups Level 3 = take on all 6 groups! Page 10

1. 10 Glute Bridges + 5 Pushups + 10 Shoulder Taps 2. 12 Skater Lunges ttl. + 6 Up & Down planks + 6 Swimmers 3. 12 Jump Lunges ttl. + 12 Bodysaws 4. 5 Burpees + 10 Bicycle Crunches ttl. 5. 10 Squat and Press + 10 + 5 Knee Grab Sit Ups 6. 5 Burpees, 5 knee tucks, 10 sprinter sit ups

Workout #17 ~ A Different Kind of EMOM Party EMOM = Every Minute on the Minute… each “set” will last 60 seconds. Your goal is to complete the prescribed exercises and reps in less than 60 seconds. Any time leftover between your final rep and the end of the minute is for you to rest. In short, the faster you complete the exercise requirement, the more time you have to rest. ​ ​ ​

In this EMOM, the amount of reps will increase every round you are going (you have more time to rest in the first few rounds, and are resting less towards the end… Example: minute 1 group 1 = 4 burpees, then I rest until minute 2, then complete 8 burpees. Rest until minute 3, then complete 12 burpees (the more reps I’m doing means the less amount of time I am resting; enjoy your rest at the start!) **If you need to scale the difficulty back, complete rounds 4 & 5 of each group at whatever # of reps allow you 15 seconds of rest**

1. Burpees - 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 ​ 2. Knee Tuck Jumps + Bodysaws - 6, 10, 14, 18, 22 ​ 3. KB Swing - 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 ​ 4. Sit-outs - 10, 12, 18, 24, 30 ​ 5. MB Jumping Jax- 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ​

Workout #18 ~ Decrease Time, but Increase Intensity Perform 3 rounds of these 10 exercises. The first round through, perform the first option for your work:rest ratio… for example: 60 seconds of #1, then 20 seconds of rest, then 60 seconds of #2, then 20 seconds of rest, then 60 seconds of #3, etc until you complete #10… reset for 1-3 minutes & then repeat the same style for round 2 & round 3 time formats Round 1 - :60 / :20 Round 2 - :45 / :15 Round 3 - :30 / :10 1.Rope Slams/Beach Towel Slams/Knee Tuck Jumps 2. Floor press W/ tempo 3. Squat and toss/Wall Ball 4. Bent over row W/ tempo 5. Sprinter step ups 6. Prone (front lying) arm & leg lift (alternate) 7. KB/DB/backpack swings 8. Goblet squat W/ tempo 9. Bodysaws 10. Plank Hold/Plank Jax

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Workout #19 ~ 7 Minutes in Heaven… 3 times! Descending Ladder- Start each set at 7 repetitions. Decrease by 1 rep every round. Get as low in the rep count as ​ possible in 7 Minutes Group 1- 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A. Power jax B. Hand release push up C. Sprinter sit up ea. side ** always 7 SLAMS with slam ball after every round**

Group 2- 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A. Squat walkout B. Sit-outs ea. side C. ½ burpee ** always 7 BODYSAWS after every round**

Group 3- 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A. Jump squat B. Up and Down Planks each side C. Knee grab Sit-Up ** always 7 squat and press after every round**

Group 4- 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A. reverse lunge to high knee hop B. Mountain climbers each side C. Prone cobra ** always 7 glute bridges after every round**

Workout #20 ~ Grease the Groove + Break a Hard Sweat Part 1: (Complete 4x) ​ 5+5 Alternating Side Lunges 10 Up & Down Planks 15 Bodysaws 5+5 Reverse Lunges 10+10 Single Leg Hinge 15 Swimmers

Part 2: As Many Rounds As Possible in 4 minutes. Rest for 1-2minutes. Repeat AMRAP 4 minutes again ​ ​ ​ a. Mountain Climber (L+R) & Push-Up x 5 b. Prisoner Squat Jump x 5 c. Plank Rotations 3+3 d. Jumping Jax, Pogos, Seal Jax x 15

Finisher: 4 minutes World's Greatest Stretch + 1 Minute of Legs up the Wall Cool Down ​

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Workout #21 ~ Hotel Stairs At a light & easy pace (40-50% max speed), Go to the stairwell and travel at least 3 floors (if the building allows, I recommend going up to 6 or 7) and check your time once you get to the top. That time will be your goal every round, your accountability to stay pushing as you become a bit tired. (on next page) On the way back down, focus on really catching your breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Once you return to the bottom, check the time & begin your next round, making it to the top within the same time frame. Complete this for 10 rounds… 15 rounds if you are in the mood to kick even more butt ** To spice it up, bring something that is 5-20 pounds with you (backpack filled with stuff works great). Enjoy! **

Workout #22 ~ “Treadmill” Pack Hikes ​ I like this workout because it is mentally simple but deceptively difficult to execute. (There's a reason the Armed Forces “ruck” so much with heavy packs for long distances to improve their strength and stamina.

**This can also be done on some hills around your house, or as a step ups :) **

Find one at the gym or and put it between a 12-20% incline. A stairmaster is the next best choice. Next, put on a backpack and put in a sandbag, dumbbell, kettlebell, or any other heavy object in the backpack. For women, I ​ ​ recommend 15 to 30 pounds for a starting weight, and for men, I recommend 30 to 60 pounds for a starting weight… it’s all relative to your bodyweight as well. The workout is simple; just start walking and walk as hard and as fast at a steep incline as possible for 15 to 30 minutes. That's it. Try not to decrease the incline throughout, but for safety sake, can adjust the speed down slightly (last resort).

This workout can be even more difficult AND rewarding than running, but without the “pounding” stress on your joints and impact that running can sometimes create. For added difficulty, try to breathe through your nose only during the entire routine.

Workout #23 ~ Just Burpees… Ouch

There are two variations of this workout…

1) Complete 20 burpees and walk 5 meters across the room & back . Then do 19 burpees and walk 5 meters out

& back. Then complete 18 burpees. Keep following this pattern until you are finished the entire 20-1 ladder.

It is 210 total burpees… at the end, pick one of the cool down positions you enjoy best ​ 2) Complete 20 burpees and walk 5 meters across the room & back. Complete 18 burpees and walk 5 meters

out & back. Then complete 16 burpees. Keep following this pattern until you are finished the entire 20-2

ladder. It is 110 total burpees… at the end, pick one of the cool down positions you enjoy best ​ ​

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Remember to use proper form for the Burpee though. It is one of the most cheated movements. Make sure you own the plank position (or chest to the ground position), and jump a minimum of 2 inches off of the ground with your hips & arms fully extended at the top. I’d rather see you take 25 minutes and do every burpee with perfect form than cheat and finish in 15 minutes. Hold yourself accountable. Form is everything.

Workout #24 ~ Go for a Friggin’ Hike!

Nuff Said. Find a local outdoors area and enjoy nature for the day! (1-5 hours)

Hybrid Strength + Cardio Training Sessions

(Workouts #24 - #31)

Workout #25 ~ Slow Strength Rounds & Speed Time Trial Part 1 - Conquer As Many Rounds as Your Fitness Level Demands!

● 20 Plank Shoulder Taps ● 20 Controlled Goblet Squats ● 10 Push-Up Variation ● 10 Row (weight, Bands, or Chin-Ups) 1. Just Beginning = 3 Rounds 2. Fitness Enthusiast = 4-5 Rounds 3. Advanced Level = 5-6 Rounds

Part 2 - Complete 2 Rounds. Pick a Time from Below to Use, Set a Timer, and Record as Many Rounds Safely Possible ● 20 Sprinter Step Ups/Skaters/Jax/Beach Towel Slams ● 10 Alt. Lunges (Jump lunge, Glute bridge march) ● 20 Mountain Climbers/Sprinter Sit Ups ● 10 Burpee/KB Swing/MB Slam 1. Just Beginning = 6 Minutes 2. Fitness Enthusiast = 9 Minutes 3. Advanced Level = 12 Minutes

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Workout # 26 ~ No Equipment, No Problem; Get Movin’! Part 1 - Strength: Conquer As Many Rounds as Your Fitness Level Demands!

> 30 Plank Shoulder Taps > 20 Squat/Glute Bridge > 10 Push-Up > 10 Row (use something you can hold with both hands: ​ duffel bag, child, milk cartons, be creative!)

Just Beginning = 2 Rounds Fitness Enthusiast = 3 Rounds Advanced Level = 4 Rounds

Part 2 - Speed: Pick a Time from Below to Use, Set a Timer, and Record as Many Rounds Safely Possible (on next page)

> 20 Jumping Jacks > 10 Backwards Step Lunges > 10 BodySaws (plank on your elbows; shift your ​ chin over your hands, then back towards your elbows.. imagine sawing a tree!) > 20 Mountain Climber > 5 Pushup (+ Burpee if chose advanced) Just Beginning = 3 Minutes Fitness Enthusiast = 5 Minutes Advanced Level = 7 Minutes

Part 3 - Finish Strong!: Nice Work Today! The Perfect Finale is 4 Rounds of This Group!!

> 30 second Plank > 20 Plank Shoulder Taps > 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges (each) ​

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Workout #27 ~ Double Bell Body Armor Workout

Perform 10 repetitions of each exercise, then the “reset” of your choice. Then complete 9 repetitions of each exercise & a reset (the same one or different). Then 8 repetitions of each & a reset. Continue this trend until you only are doing 1 repetition of each exercise

A. **20 Jumping Jax Always**

B. DBL DB clean (from the floor, or can start elevated)

C. Front Squats (with one or both weights)

D. KB/DB Swing (with one or both)

E. DB Chest Press (lying on floor, or bench)

F. Plank Row (each side)

Reset Options:

1. 20 BodySaws

2. 15 Wall Slides

3. 10 Breaths in Childs Pose or DeadBug Position

4. 5 Burpees

Workout # 28 ~ Finisher Style Workout ​ QR stands for “quality reps.” I included that in the name because I really want to stress quality, not just quantity is the mission. Focusing on form (movement form & breathing form) first will help you conserve energy, and can help you finish faster than if you focused on just speed alone (it’s true)! I want you to stress form over speed, so you can see better injury-prevention, strength, and muscle-building benefits.

Directions: Set a stopwatch for 90 seconds. Once the timer begins, do 5 pushups, 5 dips, 5 squat or squat jumps, ​ and 10 Bodysaws/Swings (dumbbell, kettlebell, household item). Once reps are completed, rest for the remaining amount of time on the clock; once the timer rings, start it back up again ASAP & Repeat that routine for 5 Rounds for a solid workout… 8 Rounds to really level up… or 12 Rounds to feel superhuman!

1. Pushup: 5 Reps

2. Dips: 5 Reps

3. Squat/Squat Jumps: 5 Reps

4. Bodysaws/ Swings: 10 Reps

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Workout #29 ~ Basic & Bodacious Bodyweight Ladder

The cat’s out of the bag; workouts like this tricks you into doing a long, stamina-building workout by starting off a little bit easy & building intensity as you go.

Start with:

● 5 Jumping Jacks - or another explosive full body movement (Seal Jacks, Burpees, Lunge Jumps, Jump Rope, etc.) ● 5 Push-Ups - or another upper body strength movement (Pull-Ups, Inverted Rows, Planks, etc.) ● 5 Bodyweight Squats - or another lower body strength movement (Lunges, Lateral Lunges, Glute Bridges, Step Ups, etc.)


● Do 10 jumping jacks ● Do 10 push-ups ● Do 10 bodyweight squats

Every round, increase by multiples of 5 until you are doing 30-50 repetitions of each exercise (depending on skill level).

Workout #30 ~ Booty, Breathing & Speed Gains

Complete this workout from top to bottom in your best time possible… Be sure to be in a strong position for each deadlift repetition. Record your time

● 21 Rep Deadlift ● 400m Run ● 18 Rep Deadlift ● 400m Run ● 15 Rep Deadlift ● 400m Run ● 12 Rep Deadlift ● 400m Run

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Workout #31 ~ A Strong & Steady Pace Wins the Race ​ Choose 4 exercises for your workout. No less than 4, but can add more if you wish. Complete each exercise or movement flow for 60 seconds, then rest for a firm 30 seconds… Repeat that on/off for: Level 1: 4 rounds each Level 2: 6-7 rounds each Level 3: 9-10 rounds each

1. Swing (x6) + Clean + Press (x3) *repeat* 2. Plank Rotation (x6) + Jump Lunges (x6) *repeat* 3. Burpees (all the way) / Burpees (x5) + Deep Breath (x2) *repeat* 4. Plank Hold + Bear Position (switch) 5. Sit Outs / Sit Out + Bridge Reach 6. 3 Step Squat Launch Sequence 7. Battle Rope Beach Towel Slams

Workout #32 ~ Erg You Friggin Kidding Me?

6x (30sec Work/30sec Rest) = 1 block… pick any type of equipment you have available ( such as an Elliptical, Bike, Rower, Treadmill or Stairmaster). If choosing a treadmill, place it on an incline of 4-10% and perform a ‘power hike’ for your intensity interval as a non-impact way to get great conditioning benefits. If choosing an Elliptical or Bike, choose an appropriate resistance.

Rest 2-3 minutes between blocks

● Two Blocks = Novice

● Three Blocks = Advanced

● Four Blocks = Elite

Do a 10 minute warm-up on the equipment you plan to use for the workout… Whatever is available. Start nice and easy for the first 5, then build up a good sweat the next 5 to tell your body it is time to work hard. When you are done the warm-up, breathe & mentally be ready to dive in to Complete 6 total 30sec work intervals.

I.e. I choose the bike. Perform 30s of 90%+ effort, then recover with a nice and easy pedal for 30s. Then another 30s or ​ 90%+ effort, then recover with 30s easy… That is 2 out of 6 intervals…

Once you have completed 6 intervals, that is 1 Block; Yay! Determine if you will take 2, 3, or 4 blocks of work today.

Great job!!

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Recovery, Rejuvenation, & Mobility Training Sessions

(workouts #32 - 40)

**Special Add-In** Extra Boost for ANY occasion: The Iconic ‘Sally’ ​ You know her, you have a love-hate relationship with her, and most of all, you know exactly what to do! For this ​ ​ workout, you will pick one of the following exercises. Level 1 = Floor Chest Press /or/ BoxSquat Level 2 = Elevated Push-Up/or/ BodyweightSquat Level 3 = Floor Pushup /or/ Loaded Squat Wherever you can access music (YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, 8-track) please search for the song: Flower by the artist Moby (the B-Sides album). Throughout the song, there are 2 repeating ​ ​ ​ lines: “Green Sally up and green Sally down ​ ​ ​ Lift and squat, gotta tear the ground” When you hear the word up, you go into the up position of the exercise. And when you hear down you go into the ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ down position of the exercise. Be sure to hold a strong bottom position until you hear the word up again; THAT is ​ ​ ​ what makes this workout song so SPICY! Here are your examples:

* for the squat* Up = standing tall, Down = down in a strong, low squat position * for the pushup* Up = straight arm plank pose, Down = strong, low pushup position

Secret Tip ~ There are 4 longer pauses mixed into the song where a new verse is thrown in between the repeating bars… Be sure to Breathe Deep & Stay Strong during them!

Workout #33 ~ Joint Rotations to Improve Flexibility and Range of Motion, Decrease ​ Stiffness, Move Pain Free, Train Better, Recover Faster Perform Full Body ‘Joint Rotations’ 1-3 times per week. Think of it like an oil change for your car, or brushing your teeth; regular maintenance for important parts help them stay functioning well and healthy. You do not need to follow my pace, pause/stop whenever you need. If you’ve ever been in my classes (or listen to my rants about It is a great plan for longevity improvements! This is the equivalent of brushing your teeth and taking a shower; something necessary on a VERY consistent basis. ​ ​ Movements like these can help improve mobility, improve daily energy levels, decrease injuries, and allow you to keep crushing other workouts in the gym because you’ll be as supple as a salamander! - Part 1 of 2 is a fully guided step-by-step coached session of these Joint Rotations for your Neck, ​ Shoulders, & Upper Spine. Follow along with me on this detailed coaching on Movement Hygiene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpWeQIoVviU&t=90s - Part 2 of 2 is a fully guided step-by-step coached session of these Joint Rotations for your Upper & Mid ​ Spine, Hips, Knees, and Feet … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoXjOat3Jqw - The Full Series is a sped-up & comprehensive clip of the entire routine (what’s in video 1 & 2). This is ​ not coached, so it is how the full-body sequence would look once you have the hang of it & feel you are ready to tackle it on your own (a.k.a. Without me interrupting and stopping throughout to coach you).

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Once you have done the routine a few times with coaching assistance, use this video as a model to practice your ‘Joint Rotations’... Perform each rotation 3-5 times per body “part” :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itNq5RskB4A

Workout #34 ~ Foundations Core Training Basic Sequence ​ Foundations Core training is focused on reconnecting you with REAL CORE STRENGTH, the 360° strength in your torso, not just your 6-pack abs. Dr. Eric Goodman designed this to ‘redefine’ what core strengthening really is, and I personally use these movements every week too! To go through each of the Foundation exercises 1 time it will take you about 10 minutes; with a focus on perfect form. As Time goes on, more movements and repetitions will be added into the routine! Repeat for 2-4 rounds

1. The Founder: 20s (or 4-5 breaths) in each position in the sequence ​ 2. Prone Back Extension: 10-15 reps, tight elbows toward body for upper, mid and low back essential ​ muscle engagement, push tops of feet down through the floor 3. Prone Back Extension Isometric Hold: 20-30 seconds, squeeze small item between inner thigh, SAME exercise as #2, but you are holding one repetition & making posture adjustments during, rather than multiple reps this time. 4. Kneeling Founder/Child’s Pose: 20s each position, take time in childs pose if your spine muscles need ​ some love 5. Lunge Stretch: 20-30s each side once you get into a good position. Then, reach up & over your lead leg. ​ Breathe and reach your fingers high and hips down.

Workout #35 ~ Foam Rolling & Self Massage Essentials: ​ The single most important and overlooked element of most training programs is the need to Restore, ​ Recovery & Rejuvenate. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most easily accessible ones is to Foam ​ ​ Roll & Release Stiff Stuff - Shh, don’t tell anyone… I’ll share with you my secret foam rolling and myofascial release database. It is a YouTube playlist of 10 videos, each of them targeted on resolving muscle soreness, tightness, or stiffness. I recommend at least 5-10 minutes total each day, targeting JUST ONE body area. If you are ​ ​ preparing or recovering from a specific event (competition, hard workout, long day of _____), let your symptoms be your guide as to what to pick. Their titles will tell you what areas are focused on; enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTQ-Iy-yfhfRzRh9zQmRZY6_VXp2hL7ZX

Workout #36 ~ Metabolic Mobility & Foam Rolling Session

The timer or set number of passes works well for this one, movement in pairing with myofascial release is an amazing combination to alleviate pain, soreness and discomfort. This method combines the effects of cardio exercise with foam rolling recovery. For each Foam Rolling position, dedicate at least 60 seconds (and up to 2 minutes) per muscle zone. For every area that you foam roll, do 20-30 “passes” with the foam roller on the muscle group. If you find a sticky spot, go much slower and direct your attention to that area for the 20-30 passes. One “pass” means you go up the muscle group and back down the muscle group. The 18 Rounds of foam rolling worked L and R side of the body, moving from your foundation to your crown.

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1. Foam Roll Calf (L) → 10 Burpees 2. Foam Roll Calf (R) → 10 Burpees 3. Foam Roll Hamstring/Inner Thigh (L) → 20 leg swings L leg forward to backwards 4. Foam Roll Hamstring/Inner Thigh (R) → 20 leg swings R leg forward to backwards 5. Foam Roll Outer Quad/IT band (L) → 20 side-to- side leg swings L leg 6. Foam Roll Outer Quad/IT band (R) → 20 side-to- side leg swings R leg 7. Foam Roll Glute/Outer Hip (L) → 10 Burpees 8. Foam Roll Glute/Outer Hip (R) → 10 Burpees 9. Foam Roll Lower-to-Upper Back → 20 Jumping Jack (choice) 10. Foam Roll T-Spine & Upper Back→ 20 Jumping Jack (choice) 11. Foam Roll Mid Back/Full Shoulder area (L) → 20 Jumping Jack (choice) 12. Foam Roll Mid Back/Full Shoulder area (R) → 20 Jumping Jack (choice) 13. Foam Roll /neck/upper shoulders (L & R) → 20 Jumping Jack (choice) 14. Foam Roll Front of Shoulder/Chest (L) → 10 Burpees 15. Foam Roll Front of Shoulder/Chest (R) → 10 Burpees 16. Foam Roll Tricep/Forearm (L) → 20 Seal Jacks 17. Foam Roll Tricep/Forearm (R) → 20 Seal Jacks 18. Gut & Feet → Childs Pose, Legs Up the Wall, Inversion (as needed)

Workout #37 ~ Warm-Up Addition & Injury Prevention Tactic: Simple Inner Thigh ​ Strengthening for Reduced Back, Knee & Hip Injury Risk Perform This Hip & Groin Strength Exercise Sequence at least 1 time each week. ​ To relieve tightness or discomfort in the hips/lower back/pelvis, use this method and accompanying variations as a reset to your pelvis & lower back positioning. After a long day of sustained sitting or standing, this can also be used as a preventative tool to prevent its onset. Please use any athletic ball, foam roller, or yoga block as your ‘squeeze’ device https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UAu4vbrhY4

Workout #38 ~ Glute Medius Workout from Hell a.k.a. 7-Way Hips ​ The glute medius influences the strength and stability of your hips, lower back, and knees. From all of the sitting activities we do, this muscle becomes chronically weak & tight, which can contribute to a decrease in performance AND could be one of the causes for hip/back/knee pain. As a rememdy, I recommend a prescription of 10-15 repetitions for each exercise… Complete all 7 exercises on one side, then switch to the other side. Each time, try to either (a) add more repetitions to each exercise, or (b) slow down each repetition to make the muscles work more. Here is a video to see each of the exercises 1. Up & Down 2. Forward Kicks 3. Backward Kicks 4. Forward-Backward Kicks 5. V-Kicks 6. Clockwise Circles 7. Counterclockwise Circles

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Workout #39 ~ Full Spine Flexion Range of Motion to Wake Up Your Vertebrae ​ Perform in the morning upon waking up, and before falling asleep every day! ​ **This movement should be performed without weight most often** Taking your spine safely through these ‘Jefferson Curls’ are beneficial for many things (I talk about some in the video). Breathe consistently & allow your arms and upper body to drape towards the floor in a gentle fold, aiding decompression to your spine. Perform 1-5 repetitions of this in the morning and at night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcVM6RWuKZE

Workout #40 ~ All-Encompassing Stretch for a Total Body Rejuvenation & Warm-Up ​ Perform the ‘Worlds Greatest Stretch’ for 4 minutes before any workout at home This may be one of my favorite all-in-one warm up flows to date! This targets opening up your hips, , shoulders, spine and back all at once. This is a MUST for any workout or run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl-BO5v5tJA

Workout #41 ~ The first Video I Ever Recorded… Improve How You Move the Original ​ Inspiration! Follow this Full Body Rejuvenation Session at least one time each week This was the first video I ever created, and what sparked my love for taking care of your body outside of workouts. Please don’t mind the sloppy paint, awkward voice, or dance club tunes! This is choc-full of great bodyweight exercises to nourish your entire self anywhere at any time. (Please, pause the video if you need to slow it down). Here are some ideas on how to add it into your weekly regime: - Morning Movement Hygiene - Weekend Healthy Habit - Recovery/Restorative Focus Day - Cool Down from Workout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axUGdjfThw8&t=264s

On the next page, you will find your Program Progress Tracker. Please print off the page (or make your own) to track which workouts you complete, your performance & progress on each one, and rate your level of difficulty/challenge as well. This is a great way to measure progress from start to finish on this program, and can use this when moving on to your next fitness adventure.

If you want a little more guidance and customized coaching, reach out to our team at Orca Empire Fitness by ​ clicking this text and we’d be happy to do what we do best for you. ​

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Name: ______Date Started: ____/____/_____

Fitness Goals: Avg. night hours of sleep: ______1. ______Avg. daily water in oz:______2. ______Favorite type of workout style: ______3. ______What is your bodyweight today?: ______

Week / Day Workout # Selection How Did it Go? Difficulty How much water today? (1-8 scale), pros/cons, what How many hours of Sleep? weights did you use, # How many veggies? rounds completed?

Week 1

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

*Day 4

*Day 5

*Day 6

Week 2

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Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

*Day 4

*Day 5

*Day 6

Week 3

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

*Day 4

*Day 5

*Day 6

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**This is your halfway point** Assess your goals, the previous 3 weeks of your training… What’s working? What needs to be refreshed or adjusted? Who can you get help from? What workouts can you push harder on? How many hours of sleep are you usually getting What workouts do you find most difficult? How frequently are you doing them? What time of day do you have your best workout?

Week / Day Workout Selection

Week 4

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

*Day 4

*Day 5

*Day 6

Week 5

Day 1

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Day 2

Day 3

*Day 4

*Day 5

*Day 6

Week 6

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

*Day 4

*Day 5

*Day 6

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About the Author

Best of Fishkill 2019 Health Club owner Sean Escaravage Jr is committed to help lead the holistic health & wellness movement. Sean takes a balanced approach to fitness, lifestyle & nutrition and shares that through coaching, consulting throughout the Hudson Valley. Sean has a dual Bachelor's degree of Kinesiology & Exercise Science, Onnit Academy Specialist coach, Functional Movement Therapist, and has years of in-the-trenches experience. Sean’s specialty is treating each person as an individual, not with a one-size-fits-all method, and is what has helped him become the desired coach in the Fishkill area for sports performance, total body wellness, injury rehabilitation, functional fitness, & posture restoration.

Orca Empire Fitness is focused on Customized Fitness Solutions for Every Body. Independent business owners, doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, competitive athletes, wall street executives, school teachers, nurses, super-parents; these are just some of the people who we have the pleasure of coaching. People who want to help make a difference in other people’s lives, but need just a little help making a difference with their fitness; it’s our specialty! Contact us any of the ways below to take advantage of our other online offerings… & if you live in the Fishkill, NY area, come by and see what we are all about in person!

Orca Empire Fitness Sean Escaravage Jr 1545 Route 52 [email protected] Fishkill, NY 12524 914-933-7367

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