10 Blind Ex-GI Held for Robbery
$ IHaaaaBraasaHrHRraH THE OHIO B UNDID COMMENTS Reid Succeeds ON CURRENT 5ENTJNEL Allen As Prexy EVfllTS \ ? Br J. B. C. Of frontiers VOL, 3, No. 8 Saturday, August 4, 1951 Columbus, Ohio The 10th annual convention of 10 Well, Old Man Jim Crow the Frontiers of America, which /. took a long delayed holiday met in Akron^Thursday, Friday in the U. S. army when the and Saturday^"' elected Att'y Thomas H. R*?ia of Portsmouth, all-Negro 24th infantry was COLUMBUS, OHIO * broken up and the soldiers New Organization Aims V'a., national president, succeed VOL. 3, No. 9 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 integrated into non-s**-re- ing N'imrod 0. Allen, founder of gated units. the movement, who had served as White and Negro soldiers will president since its inception ia be fighting shoulder to shoulder 1936. To Improve Actors' Lot One of the highlights of the in Korea under a new policy, ac m public meeting Friday evening cording to reports from Wash NEW YORK. — Forma- It will he th* aim of th* and include in its membcrshir was presentation of a plaque ington last week. Although the tion of a new organization, BOW organisation to promote a representative* of stage, screen, | order was issued over three %•••-.!- the Coordinating Council better aad*r*tandiag on *uch radio, television, the press, as ago by Pres. Truman, the new for Negro Performers, has controversial issues a* que** well as organizations and individ army orders were the first to been launched on a broad uals not of the theatrical profes formally end the Jim Crow pol tionable - "good taste" ia the program to improve and; •election of material written sion.
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