■ ' ■ .1 a ' ------- _____i_____ _ ____________ — I p h r " -’ J O / 0 , / 5 l i e t m Hr i G o o d nm o r m n g trtesi:oairn i^ l a n s ^ f Today’s forecacast: " " Sunny with high:ighs 90 to 9iS degrees, ’ llieAaodBtedPrm selves,” saidlid Senate-Majority Leader EBob Democrats joined almostalli all of the Rcpub- j Light southwest wiwinds in the morning . T; U.N. head Dole. R-Kan.jm., who sponsored the propeposol licans in supportinglg thetl m easure, 1. D- Thc House voteded 318-99; last month to : becom ing 10 to 155 rmph from the west in WAiBHINGTON — In 'a sh ^ repudia- wg rrandera vatoI.. - B7 along withil \Sen. Joseph Lieberman, the aftem oon. Loww ssn e a r5 5 . tion 'of Presidem Clinton’ion’s foreim ^licy; : ‘ ‘ v Conn. Thee UUnited Suites, Dole dcclarared. Iif\ thc embargo) — more than enough 'W ar m ay w iden - P«g«A2 the Senate voted decistveltvely Wednesday to ' ■ - B 7 w ould bearIT theU responsibility “if more-e are votes to override a veto.v But bccausc that iched to separate Icgislo- lift the arms embairo agaiigainst Bosnia. s h w I I killed and mimore are raped and more IIlittle measure was attache ' -Clinton decried Ae movaove; warning anew year-o-old arms em b^o that crid'rides say has boys are takeaken off to camps, 12 years} cold, tion, thc H ouse wiJlill'have h to vote again, ' that it could inject Amernerican troops into renderlered the Bosnian people dedefenseless, and more arare h anged in trees 'and mimore On Wednesday,y, 1121 House members thc Europ«m conflict. • R epulublicans and Democratss talike said throau aree cutc because we imposed1 1our sighed a bipartisann leletter to Clinton calling Following debate char(larged by fresh re- Boshiiilia m ust be allow ed to proteo tect itself if, will on thiss liilittle country.” the iidministration’sI’s IBosnia policy “morol- ‘ ; Bucldng th etrend tr ports of rebel Serb attackscks, the Senate vot- the alllilies lack the w ill to c a n y thith c fight- T h e 6 9 -v•vote o majority, was enough;h to . ly bonioupt and ana obviouso t failure.” ' - ' A private choinI ofo f Christian academies ed 69-29 to require Clintlinton to lift the 4- “Pd*eople h a ^ a right to defcefend them- override a1 pipromised Clinton veto, asU 2 1 PIPlease see ARMS/A2 • - says it can teach1 lckids elTectively with ' larger class populaulations and a shorter r school week. P a g e B I Not boaar-ed With'this pet "1 N avyr Igains : A V ithalldueit ... 1 : T he Idaho Supretsreme Court has. improp* I i n n u c[dear ' •. erly approved a walwater law in which the • Legislature exceeceeded its authority, s I • lawyer says.' P a y e B I w astee battle The Associated Pre»tew The Navy has pickaickcd up another victory in its campaign to} mresume dumping highly ; Follow the bououncing ball ■ 'radiooctive wastee ftfrom its nuclear wor- T he region’s A-di.-division Am erican Le* ships ot thc Idaho10 >National Engineering ; gion baseball team:ims started their state­ Laboratory. I qualifying toumameiment Wednesday, while A thm-judge panejancl of the'9th U.S. Cir- } the A A team s takee ththe field today. cuit Court of Appeal:)cals agreed late Tuesday ■1 P a g e C I to expedite considersderation o f the Navy ap- peal of thc federal:ral court ban that has ’ :1 ISU players chargedch blocked all but 3?^ wastev, shipments since June 1993. ;l Two current Idahc^ 0 State football play*, ' The action came''nc'only hours after the irged w ith stam tory rape ' ers have bem charge House Appropriotiontions Committee adopted ■ I involving 14-year-oIr-old giris. kvould void thal federal P a g e C I legislation that wou court ban beginningIng Oct. 1 over state ob- jections as long; as Defense Secretary William Pcny ccrtifiirtified thal good faith ne- gotiations with thele ssiate'failed to resolve its opposition. ; John Day RiveIver In a thrce-sentcnctence order, the appellate court agreed to holdlold formal argum ents in : It’s one o f the bebetter float trips in the the appeal In mid-Sd-September in .Seattle. ; northwest, and thele Ifishing ain’t bad, ei- ■ Earlier this month,1, it had refused to expc- : ther. ( • dite the proceedingsigs and had set the argu- P a g e C S hWB aMMUnvmo Tkra»MM . / . i ' ' • mcats:for November,bcr, ' • _ c expedited appeal of ‘ , ;jamespateftiOMIt. t.< 9,:of Declo. eijbys the:le c o m i n n y o f h|,a ly ta a t 1 3sterhog/Wednefday But while the e: is another boost for the: Never say nev(iver ..aftemoon irt the CCo q ll^ e o f Sbutt\em Ida^B hb iMimpiiiB. H jH lU rh a d days arid e a ^ that, evenin L o d g e’s ruling is a: Taking up a newlew sport isn’t always Navy, the schedulelie sset by thc co u n w ould w hen It becom eeI a big farm animal, he'llII ‘a i m y s b e m y p e t ’ d a ruling j)rior 10 O ct. , I., : easy,.but li!»ji»rth3rthwJulft.if you stay tne_^ probobly n ot yicld a i ssional legislation would ‘ : co'urse. 'n ! '■* when thc congressic ::P « g e C 5 take cffcct. I ' And while thc: cocongressional override : In still needs thc approiproval of thc full House Foi^rsoontefim vim for satlons 7 and Senate, Idahoho <officials conceded it w ill be adopted untesnless the state can negoti- ate som e kind o f scttlemcritsctti with the Navy, GetoutofBpsiosnia “ W hile I can’t predict,prci I can tell you it’s I river h,” Republican Sen. Dirk debaf^ng issueJ 6n wa]y down going to be tough,” The best thing thcthe United States •> and Kempthome saidd irin a telephone call to ' . ■ the United WationsIS - can do for Bosnio is »ervoir Friday, Hie Times-News and G ranite R e sa K ID D radio corlyy WWednesday. “It puts us : ~ nothing at all, today'lay’s editorial says. '^ a r awlmming tn«< Swimmerier Jamie James of Bo Tbe Assodatod Press 9 imio in » very bod spot.ot. But the elements arc P a g e A S ip the Sockeye Survival Swim B U ^oIr and ridlningthe d^edupti there that w e can wotwork something out.” ' L E W IS T O N -F o u r Ida]Idaho men have fin- ■- bring attentioiItion to the endangered fish, 1 Those talks arc•c u n d e r w oy, an d G ov. l o c k a , I c a n ’t h e lIp p but . .After swiiiwimming the reservoir and t ished a 450-mile symbolicolic swim down the th ^ Phil Batt has spentnt thc past week tiying to :ks, I can’t help but ask i f thi ti Salm on and p art o f the SnSnake River, ques- ask H theso dani m s ing the locks, pnvc Ihc w ay for pulpublic acceptance of rc- f dams are woworth it,” James said. Also tioning the value o fth e: firfirst sahnon-killing are w orth tt.’ __ J sum ed dum ping at11 ththc Idaho National En- * the sw im weiwere Roy Akins, o f Jerome, t : 30 days and countiogco hydroelectric dam theyey encountered at • ginecring Laboratoiytoiy in a state where one. • their jo urney’s end. ’ PaulLundgre poll showed nearlyly 990 percent of the pco- The clock has staStarted on. the 1995*96 The foursome followinwing the migration — Jamie Jame^.'s, salmon ur lower Snake River dams p pie opposed to furthijrther radioactive storage school year. Today’sly’s special section tells of juvenile sockeye sainalmon on Tuesday — vjdc no flood>od control, no irrigation ston ; you everything youou need to know about swimmer fromm Boise id electricity,, and they’re extiT cr. ’ reached B oyer Park at Lo\L ow er G ranite D am Thc Novy has askasked thc court to allow barking on July 1. ' ' ; ■■ minating thehe salmon.”1 hipmcnts of waste — six 'p a g e e D I ^ near Lewiston after embari low n im m ediately 12 shipi Whereas the river’s currentcui had carried tire expeditionei which startedd sat Redfisfi The swimnimmers advocate drawing da, from Oic oircraft carriMirricr N im itz so it can be /oirs to speed the current e them for m ost o fth e trip,ip. it took them five L akee ini Stanley Basin, where! tlthe salmon tbe reservoii sted- refueled and returnsirned to ihe fleet and six days to swim the last 3232 im iles because o f spawnvn. Lower Granite is the finfirst of e i^ t spilling ofr wwi ater to get salm on and ste from a cruiser andd fi^five subm arines that arc the reservoir behind Lowe;wer Granite dam. damslis before the beleaguered fisliIsh reach tbe head trout pastpo2 the d a ^ . l>cing taken out of seiservice complclelyt hey were not swimming, tt “The last five days weiwere a nightmare,” Pacifiiific O cean. W hen th ej «nU Adm.BmccDeMtcMars, head ofthe Naval I ' Agents challenenge claims said swimmer Gail Atef,ter, a school coun- Dururing their 25-day journey,f, Ithe htunan discussedI theth salmon issue with loc .
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