Robertsville Bus Madison Grants Bus Franchise Marlboro Tax $15.98 Per

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Robertsville Bus Madison Grants Bus Franchise Marlboro Tax $15.98 Per !iO;!!10UTU CO.. HISTORICAL ASS.!., FKSEROl-D. N.J. * ■ This Week COVERING TOWNSHIPS o r One Section llOLMDEL, MADISON MARLIIOKO, MATAWAN AND ........ 16 PAGES MATAWAN BOUOUGII Member 'National Editorial Association M em ber 89th YEAR — 32nd WEEK. New Jersey Press Association . MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 ,19S8 Monmouth County Preu Aiaoolation Single Copy Ten Cents To Start Art Classes Madison Grants Matawan Grammar School P-TA Honors Those Serving School System Mayor Sehanck Requires 65 Per Cent * Registration for drawing and painting classes . to be sponsored by the Matawan Bus Franchise Must Petition For Sewer Extension Borough Recreation Com* mission will be held Saturday Marathon To Reploce Majority Of Housebolders Affected Must at lQ a.m. at the Borough Camden-Amboy Line Agree To Accept Assessments Ta Meet Cost Recreation Center on Mid­ dlesex Rd. Those eligible to. Marathon Bus Lines, Inc./ Revival ot interest In extend- register are pupils­ South Amboy, was given fran­ lng sewers to tlio non-soworcd garten through 12th grade, chise preference by the Madi­ Animal Hospital parts of the borough, especial­ residing in the borough. son Township Committee on ly the Oreou and Wliltu Vlllngo , Tentative plans have 'been Monday for a bus route from area, wui reported at the made to have two classes South Amboy Junction rail­ Is Turned Down Maln'*U)r Board: of H o a 11 11 every Saturday morning ' at road station to Jamesburg over Not Ablo To Use meeting Monday. • the recreation center. One loads In the western portion of Tho board wns informed thnt class will meet from .10 a.m. the township. T h e bus will Koopman House ' Mayor Spafford W. Bchnnck . until 11 a.m. and one from niake two trips* daily to; re­ —An application (or a variance hud appeared with a ionreacn-__ -ll~6*cl6ck untll~12 o’clook place tralns_belng taken dff by from tlio borough zoning ordln- tutlvo of Uio J. C, Remington noon. Final details, however, the Pennsylvania Railroad. ■unco so nn nnlntal hospital, firm, Cnmdcn, linfdro an Inter­ cannot be settled until regis­ Rossmeyer *&. Weber, Me- particularly for dogs, could bo ested group recently. Tho Rom- tration^* completed. tucbcn, operators of a bus established at Uio former ugton firm drew tho plans for ; Art-classes conduoted last route from South River to Thomas O. ICaopman residence a projected extension of lmilns year by the Recreation Com­ jamesburg, first had applied on ltojitci- 34. adjoining tlio Into (lie Ravine Dr, und Omm mission were both successful for the franchise right. They proporty.of tlio Mntnwnn Pros- nnd White Village uions tn and benefiolal according to were by-passed in preference byterlnn Clmrch, was, tiivnod 1041. Tho study was undertak­ Anthony J. Nucolo. c h a 1 r- to the Marathon route because down by the. Matitwan Zoning en at-tlio time because of Stuto man. *. It was the opinion of M a y o r At the meeting of the Matawan Grammar Schoot. Pardnt* Elizabeth Shelton, Mrs, Grace Curran, Miss Esther Blau, and Board of Adjustment o n Jan. Department of lienlth criticism, John L. Chamberlain and town­ John E. Rcnnett. Unable to attend, or not preHcnt when the of the scptlo tank sltuatlpn In ship committee members this Teacher Association, hold last night In the Matawan nigh'Softool plcturo was takenr'wore Miss' Laura Gordon, Mrs. Ilerhert 21. * ,. Matnwan but was tUopp8<4, as’ could be a first Btep to regular Auditorium, tbe organization paidtrlbute to all thb GiUins, Mrs. Wilson W. Hobrougft, Mrs,, J. Franklin Don\)nlck, J. Raymond Kotohel, bonrd fhinnolttlly too burdensome Robertsville Bus bus service by the Marathon sohool Bystem1 and Honored .especially those’ who have setved Mrs. Fred Hankins, and John J; McCurdy. scorotnry, sald'thls morning when: Tt’cnUm eanqsl Its con- _ thi-AimVi ♦*»—.thejjpfujih ei the system for many years. Past presidents also.were honored Past presidents of thb organisation arc .Mrs.*Harold DU- Hint niinouiiccinent .of tills no­ surcs.....................j-.!!......;....... m r c i n o afeaTl>rthe"township, will at the Fhuhder's Day program. - ' ‘ % brow, the late Mrs. Mllton F. Stevenson, Mrs. Warren Donnoll, tion was withhold until tt/a (t(>> Mayui 'Seliiiiiok was reported: In the ahove picture; Mrs. Gerard Gardner, president, Is Mrs. John Baker, Louis Tailenia, Mrs, Rensselaer L. cartan, Ullcanb had boon notified duly, to havo Informed the* Interest­ there is no public lnter-urban presenting a gift to F. Howard Lloyd, sr., who also Was ithe; Mrs. p. t . Long,'Mrs. Paul Braun, Mrs. William Bradley, Mrs. Mr, KoUilio) stated tint bpnn) Berate. Need Of Tots bus service. The Marathon speaker, of the evening, using as his topio, "Trends In /Educa­ J. Kavanaugh, Mrs, Thomas Stames, Mrs, Donald MucMlllan, ed residents that the counotl firm operates along the north­ tion.” Others In the. picture, who also received gifts, are; in William J. McGraw, Mrs. Fred Hammond, Mrs. Dafit&l Rtnear, reviewed Uio appllontlon^Wlth would rosloro the sower pro- To Cross Route 9 erly section of the township op the usual order: John J. Shea, Mrs. Howard Erdmann,'Mrs, jr., Mrs. II. Glenn Rodman, and Mrs. A. J. Tomasello. respect to tho nood for n lioar Jeol to '.native standing If <S y Transportation for pupils liv­ its Perth Amboy to. Keyport lng, Tho nppllonnts worn Dr. por cent of tlio housoholdor.tof had Keansburg run. and Mrs, Honrl C.-.Marsh, the areas conecvncd signed pe- ing- within the iwo-mile limit, Holmdel Rate Down Pollution Teste Spring LakoTIolghts. In tholr tlttons requesting sewer sorv- the perennial problem lo r An ordinance splitting th e Plan To Survey Kickoff Dinner application they doclnrod that Ice unit Indicated a willing- _ boards of education, confront* sixth^leptlon district In half to A reduotlbn .In the tax rate / Matawan Board of Health they needed n variance for tho ness to accept an' assessment ' ed the Marlboro T o w n s h 1 p create an eighth district ini Old for Holmdel Township from Monday appropriated $100 to house and land which ls sltiiat school board last night. A peti­ Bridge and nearby rural areas 113.62 per 1100 to $12.10 per School Situation^ finance the oost of four tests For Scout Drive for sower service, * was introduced. ed ISO foot nnd moro In from V.e Would Bn 01)11,.tor/ tion of 2| signers from parents $100 was - announced at a Discuss Six Areay V next summer of tho watora Malkmus Hoads llio highway; This 1a tho sec­ Tho health ■ bomkl members " living- lathe'extreme westerly Second New .District' special meeting of the' Holm­ used as a swimming area In tion of tlio property which Is lo affirmed that u s e of sewers ■ section .of the townshlp^gsked lit Two Years del Township Committee yes­ Of Investigation V; Lake Lefferts.* Matawan Campaign cutod In n Class A residential would boeuiAo obllintoiy upon the board for school "buses* to The new eighth district is the terday when the 1958 munici­ Fredcriok Moucr, board none from which b u s i nos. nll> householders whose places Robertsville School for their second created in Madison pal budget was introduced. Th© Citizen’s Council for president, d 1 s o I o h e d the Tho 105B Boy Scout "Mnn of would be .bnried, . of residence Wore passed by kindergarten and primary Township *ln two years, It Is By individual items, t h e Better Schools in the Matawan board has been making thcso Tomori-ow". campnliin Imd Its Temporary U.o tho mains. I’hi* Is n stnlo law, .classes children. (bontlnued on page fourteen) rate for municipal purposes Township School District met tests for soverol years to pro­ klokoff at a dinner lust night Tlio Remington roproscntn- Charles E. Butler, spokes­ was down from $4.3F per on Monday ovenlng In the Mat* test borough residents wiio at Yo Coltago Inn, Keyport, Dr, nnd Mrs, MmhIi explain live Informed the residents man for, pointed out $100 In 1957 to $2.45 per $100; awan High School, President use the lake for swimming. Robert J, Malkmus, 1 Foun­ od tlio uso of tho fornfcr Koop­ thnt the 1040 eullmatoa of the the dangers of having small Marlboro Tax the rate for the county tax George Hensler presided. One I e s t li made as tho tain Avo,. IsNphalrmnn In Mata man residence tor hospital pur­ annensmeiit lo householders - children cross heavily traveled was down from $2.86 per .9.100 Plans for a survey of the swimming season approaches wait Borouglfc—and Victor R. poses would bo only tempor­ wns $0.30 per foot frontage. A Route 9. on foot on their way to $2.37 per $100 and the rate present school situation; -wero to dctrrmlne that the waters Armclllno, 1 Taylor Rd., Is as' ary, for as noon no they worn new study would hnvc to be to Robertsville School. Harvey $15.98 Per $100 for schools wab up from $<L72 begun. - - ............... have not become fouled over slstant. In a position lo do so, they made to delhrmlue a figure do-; V. Holland, board president, . per $100 last year to $7.28 Mr. Hensler reported ' that tho winter months. Then Tho kickoff was Bparkcd by would .finance Uio erection of n rived from Ihcrenioil ousts of / admitted It was not a good sit­ Public Hearing On Iper $100. thp Executive Committee had three mofo tests aro made arr announcement of a 12000 hospital bliliding In the area ccmntruotlon und mninteiiunoe uation.
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