Perth Amboy Dollar Cleaners the Smf 2M MAPLE ST
rst With The News! F* Value-Shop The Ait ,.„ Astride All The Activities Th« Urfttt And B«»t Shop! And J,f The Town With Your Swvkw In Th* Area Ara Our Home-town Paper XXVII-NO; 6 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1948 PRICE THREE CENTS ,i Repeat Legion Auxiliary Officials See Poppies Made Crowning Adult Education, Recreation Will Checl Programs Planned By Teachers [Jons' Show Fete Hefe ("ARTKRF.T A rerrenllnn and educational protnun f*r adalU Vandalism Is being planned l>v thr Frdrratlon n( Carteret Twirhem, It w»» annonnred todaj. On Sunday The profram w.ll herin in the fall. Mm. Lorcita Alionine, At Schools in Sunday apflktaman for thr «rnup, »ld a wrlra at Ifftnres la planned on health, home tinning and baby care, aim flints, folk dineint |H Will Be Use.! Sacrc«l Heart r.hurch and movie*. j Board to Ask Police The wope of the program will depend upon the demand, Mrs. pro(,, Sodality Arranges Algottlne said. If enough Interest U manifested, other aetlvltle* to Keep Closer Eye will l>e Included |\ Here Appropriate Program on All Schools rl,:HFn—All roads will lead CARTERET Under the direc CARTERET — Police will "V n(Rh School Auditorium tlon of Rev. Larllslaus J. Petrlck, Firemen Get Field For Rodeo; asked to aid checking vandalism 1 « o'clock Sunday night, final iirranurments have been school property. ct Lions Club will completed bv the Young Ladles At the request or School Com-- ,is- minstrel and variety Sorinllty of the Sacred Heart Strict Rules On Use Are Set mlssloner Ster/hen Fedlam, .
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