NRS 058(Int):2000 First edition reconfirmed Interim Rationalized User Specification COST OF SUPPLY METHODOLOGY FOR APPLICATION IN THE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION INDUSTRY Preferred requirements for applications in the Electricity Distribution Industry N R S NRS 058(Int):2000 2 This Rationalized User Specification is issued by the NRS Project on behalf of the User Group given in the foreword and is not a standard as contemplated in the Standards Act, 1993 (Act 29 of 1993). Rationalized user specifications allow user organizations to define the performance and quality requirements of relevant equipment. Rationalized user specifications may, after a certain application period, be introduced as national standards. Amendments issued since publication Amdt No . Date Text affected Correspondence to be directed to Printed copies obtainable from South African Bureau of Standards South African Bureau of Standards (Electrotechnical Standards) Private Bag X191 Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001 Pretoria 0001 Telephone: (012) 428-7911 Fax: (012) 344-1568 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: COPYRIGHT RESERVED Printed on behalf of the NRS Project in the Republic of South Africa by the South African Bureau of Standards 1 Dr Lategan Road, Groenkloof, Pretoria 1 NRS 058(Int):2000 Contents Page Foreword ................................................................................................................................ 3 Introduction............................................................................................................................