Glossary of Clouds Weather Terms
SkyStef's weather page home | e-mail Glossary of terms for clouds Definition of a cloud: a hydrometeor consisting of minute particles of liquid water or ice, or of both, suspended in the free air and usually not touching the ground. It may also include larger particles of liquid water or ice as well as non-aqueous or solid particles such as those present in fumes, smoke or dust. Principles of cloud classification: clouds are continuously in a process of evolution and appear, therefore, in a infinite variety of forms. It is possible, however, to define a limited number of characteristic forms, frequently observed all over the world, into which clouds can be broadly grouped. A classification of the characteristic forms of clouds, in terms of "genera", "species", and "varieties" has been established. Definitions and descriptions of each of the characteristic forms corresponding to this classification are given in the list below. Intermediate or transitional forms, although observed fairly frequently, are not described; they are of little intrest, as they are less stable and as their appearance is not very different from that indicated in the definitions of the characteristic forms. Finally, there exists a group of clouds, rarely or occassionally observed, not included in this classification. Some of these so called "special clouds" consists for the greater part or in their entirety of non- aqueous liquid or solid particles. The above mentioned definition of a cloud is therefore not applicable to all special clouds. Special clouds are: nacreous clouds, noctilucent clouds, condensation trails, clouds from waterfalls, clouds from fires, clouds from volcanic eruptions, clouds resulting from industry and clouds resulting from explosions.
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