Coorong National Park

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Coorong National Park Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COORONG NATIONAL PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : NP5 Species Common name First - Last Record OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Ophioglossum lusitanicum Austral Adder's-tongue 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 AZOLLACEAE Azolla filiculoides Pacific Azolla 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 PINACEAE Pinus halepensis * Aleppo Pine 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 CASUARINACEAE Allocasuarina mackliniana ssp. Macklin's Oak-bush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Allocasuarina muelleriana ssp. muelleriana Common Oak-bush 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Allocasuarina pusilla Dwarf Oak-bush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak 01/12/1981 - 09/08/2000 URTICACEAE Parietaria debilis Smooth-nettle 01/12/1981 - 27/09/1996 Urtica incisa Scrub Nettle 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Urtica urens * Small Nettle 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 PROTEACEAE Banksia marginata Silver Banksia 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Banksia ornata Desert Banksia 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Hakea muelleriana Heath Needlebush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Hakea rostrata Beaked Hakea 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Hakea rugosa Dwarf Hakea 01/01/1990 - 01/10/1997 Hakea vittata Limestone Needlebush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Isopogon ceratophyllus Horny Cone-bush 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 SANTALACEAE Exocarpos cupressiformis Native Cherry 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Exocarpos sparteus Slender Cherry 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Exocarpos syrticola Coast Cherry 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 Santalum acuminatum Quandong 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 LORANTHACEAE Amyema melaleucae Tea-tree Mistletoe 01/12/1981 - 01/10/1997 Lysiana exocarpi ssp. exocarpi Harlequin Mistletoe 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 POLYGONACEAE Emex australis * Three-corner Jack 01/01/1987 - 01/01/1987 Muehlenbeckia adpressa Climbing Lignum 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Muehlenbeckia florulenta Lignum 01/12/1981 - 21/03/2002 Muehlenbeckia gunnii Coastal Climbing Lignum 01/12/1981 - 11/09/2000 Rumex crispus * Curled Dock 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 AIZOACEAE Carpobrotus modestus Inland Pigface 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Carpobrotus rossii Native Pigface 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum Round-leaf Pigface 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum * Common Iceplant 01/12/1981 - 04/02/1982 Tetragonia implexicoma Bower Spinach 01/12/1981 - 21/03/2002 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Wednesday, 24 March 2004 Page 1 of 16 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COORONG NATIONAL PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : NP5 Species Common name First - Last Record Tetragonia tetragonioides New Zealand Spinach 01/10/1997 - 01/10/1997 PORTULACACEAE Calandrinia brevipedata Short-stalked Purslane 01/12/1981 - 27/09/1996 Calandrinia corrigioloides Strap Purslane 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Calandrinia eremaea Dryland Purslane 01/01/1990 - 26/09/1996 Calandrinia granulifera Pigmy Purslane 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 CARYOPHYLLACEAE Cerastium balearicum * Chickweed 23/09/1996 - 27/09/1996 Cerastium glomeratum * Common Mouse-ear Chickweed 23/09/1996 - 27/09/1996 Minuartia mediterranea * Slender Sandwort 25/09/1996 - 27/09/1996 Sagina apetala * Annual Pearlwort 11/07/2000 - 11/09/2000 Sagina maritima * Sea Pearlwort 01/12/1981 - 27/09/1996 Silene nocturna * Mediterranean Catchfly 25/09/1996 - 27/08/2000 Spergularia media * Coast Sand-spurrey 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Stellaria media * Chickweed 01/12/1981 - 11/09/2000 CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex cinerea Coast Saltbush 01/12/1981 - 27/09/1996 Atriplex paludosa ssp. cordata Marsh Saltbush 11/07/2000 - 19/03/2002 Atriplex paludosa ssp. paludosa Marsh Saltbush 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Atriplex prostrata * Creeping Saltbush 01/12/1981 - 03/03/1982 Atriplex semibaccata Berry Saltbush 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Chenopodium glaucum * Glaucous Goosefoot 01/12/1981 - 20/03/2002 Chenopodium murale * Nettle-leaf Goosefoot 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Einadia nutans ssp. nutans Climbing Saltbush 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa Ruby Saltbush 01/12/1981 - 28/08/2000 Halosarcia halocnemoides ssp. halocnemoides Grey Samphire 11/07/2000 - 11/09/2000 Halosarcia indica ssp. leiostachya Brown-head Samphire 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 Halosarcia pergranulata ssp. pergranulata Black-seed Samphire 01/12/1981 - 01/10/1997 Maireana oppositifolia Salt Bluebush 01/12/1981 - 01/10/1997 Rhagodia candolleana ssp. candolleana Sea-berry Saltbush 01/12/1981 - 21/03/2002 Rhagodia parabolica Mealy Saltbush 20/03/2002 - 21/03/2002 Salsola kali Buckbush 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Sarcocornia blackiana Thick-head Samphire 01/12/1981 - 21/03/2002 Sarcocornia quinqueflora Beaded Samphire 01/12/1981 - 01/10/1997 Sclerostegia arbuscula Shrubby Samphire 01/12/1981 - 11/09/2000 Suaeda australis Austral Seablite 01/12/1981 - 21/03/2002 Threlkeldia diffusa Coast Bonefruit 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera pungens * Khaki Weed 01/01/1987 - 01/01/1987 Hemichroa pentandra Trailing Hemichroa 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 LAURACEAE Cassytha glabella forma dispar Slender Dodder-laurel 19/03/2002 - 19/03/2002 Cassytha melantha Coarse Dodder-laurel 01/12/1981 - 01/10/1997 Cassytha pubescens Downy Dodder-laurel 01/01/1990 - 19/03/2002 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Wednesday, 24 March 2004 Page 2 of 16 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COORONG NATIONAL PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : NP5 Species Common name First - Last Record RANUNCULACEAE Clematis microphylla Old Man's Beard 01/12/1981 - 10/09/2000 Ranunculus sessiliflorus var. sessiliflorus Annual Buttercup 01/01/1990 - 03/09/2000 DILLENIACEAE Hibbertia riparia Guinea-flower 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Hibbertia sericea var. scabrifolia Rough-leaf Guinea-flower 01/01/1990 - 25/07/1990 Hibbertia sericea var. sericea Silky Guinea-flower 08/07/1987 - 01/10/1997 Hibbertia sp. C Round-leaf Guinea-flower 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 DROSERACEAE Drosera glanduligera Scarlet Sundew 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Drosera macrantha ssp. planchonii Climbing Sundew 01/01/1990 - 25/07/1990 Drosera whittakeri ssp. aberrans SA:R 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Drosera whittakeri ssp. whittakeri 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 FUMARIACEAE Fumaria muralis ssp. * Wall Fumitory 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 CRUCIFERAE Brassica tournefortii * Wild Turnip 01/12/1981 - 11/09/2000 Cakile maritima ssp. maritima * Two-horned Sea Rocket 01/12/1981 - 03/09/2000 Hymenolobus procumbens * Oval Purse 01/12/1981 - 27/08/2000 Rorippa palustris * Yellow Marsh-cress 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Sisymbrium erysimoides * Smooth Mustard 08/07/1987 - 08/07/1987 Sisymbrium officinale * Hedge Mustard 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 CRASSULACEAE Crassula closiana Stalked Crassula 01/12/1981 - 27/09/1996 Crassula colorata var. acuminata Dense Crassula 01/01/1990 - 11/09/2000 Crassula decumbens var. decumbens Spreading Crassula 01/01/1990 - 27/09/1996 Crassula helmsii Swamp Crassula 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Crassula sieberiana ssp. tetramera Australian Stonecrop 01/12/1981 - 10/09/2000 PITTOSPORACEAE Billardiera cymosa Sweet Apple-berry 01/01/1990 - 19/03/2002 Billardiera versicolor Yellow-flower Apple-berry 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Bursaria spinosa Sweet Bursaria 01/12/1981 - 25/07/1990 ROSACEAE Acaena novae-zelandiae Biddy-biddy 01/12/1981 - 01/10/1997 Aphanes australiana Australian Piert 01/01/1990 - 27/09/1996 LEGUMINOSAE Acacia cupularis Cup Wattle 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 Acacia leiophylla Coast Golden Wattle 01/12/1981 - 01/10/1997 Acacia longifolia var. sophorae Coastal Wattle 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 Acacia myrtifolia var. myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Acacia pycnantha Golden Wattle 01/12/1981 - 01/01/1990 Acacia saligna * Golden Wreath Wattle 19/03/2002 - 19/03/2002 Acacia spinescens Spiny Wattle 01/12/1981 - 25/07/1990 Daviesia brevifolia Leafless Bitter-pea 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Wednesday, 24 March 2004 Page 3 of 16 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List COORONG NATIONAL PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : NP5 Species Common name First - Last Record Dillwynia hispida Red Parrot-pea 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Eutaxia microphylla var. microphylla Common Eutaxia 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Glycine clandestina var. clandestina Twining Glycine 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Hardenbergia violacea Native Lilac 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Indigofera sp. Indigo 20/05/1991 - 20/05/1991 Kennedia prostrata Scarlet Runner 01/12/1981 - 19/03/2002 Lotus australis Austral Trefoil 01/12/1981 - 10/09/2000 Medicago minima var. minima * Little Medic 11/07/2000 - 11/09/2000 Medicago polymorpha var. polymorpha * Burr-medic 01/12/1981 - 11/09/2000 Melilotus indica * King Island Melilot 01/12/1981 - 26/09/1996 Phyllota pleurandroides Heathy Phyllota 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Pultenaea prostrata Silky Bush-pea 01/01/1990 - 01/01/1990 Pultenaea tenuifolia Narrow-leaf Bush-pea 01/12/1981 - 27/09/1996 Swainsona lessertiifolia Coast Swainson-pea 01/12/1981 - 01/10/1997 Swainsona pyrophila AUS:V SA:R Yellow Swainson-pea - OXALIDACEAE Oxalis perennans Native Sorrel 08/07/1987 - 01/10/1997 Oxalis pes-caprae * Soursob 01/12/1981 - 24/09/1996 GERANIACEAE Erodium cicutarium * Cut-leaf Heron's-bill 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Erodium moschatum * Musky Herons-bill 01/12/1981 - 01/12/1981 Geranium molle var.
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