The Following Is the Initial Vaughan's Australian Plants Retail​ ​Grafted

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The Following Is the Initial Vaughan's Australian Plants Retail​ ​Grafted The following is the initial Vaughan’s Australian Plants retail grafted plant list for 2017. Some of the varieties are ​ ​ available in small numbers. Some species are coming through over the next few weeks. There are also plants not listed which will be added to a future list. All plants are available in 140mm pots, with some sp in 175mm. Prices quoted are for 140mm pots. We do not sell tubestock. ​ ​ There will be a $30 handling fee plus postage for any plants sent via mail. Plants placed on hold, (max 1month holding period) must be paid for in full. Call Phillip Vaughan for any further information on 0412632767 Or via e-mail (Don’t forget to follow us on facebook) Grafted Grevilleas $25.00ea ● Grevillea Acropogon ​ ● Grevillea Albiflora ● Grevillea Alpina goldfields Pink ● Grevillea Alpina goldfields Red ● Grevillea Alpina Grampians ● Grevillea Alpina Euroa ● Grevillea Aspera ● Grevillea Asparagoides ● Grevillea Asparagoides X Treueriana (flaming beauty) ● Grevillea Asteriscosa ● Grevillea Batrachioides X bipinnatifida (not Katydid) ● Grevillea Baxteri Yellow (available soon) ● Grevillea Baxteri Orange ● Grevillea Beadleana ● Grevillea Biformis cymbiformis ● Grevillea Biformis Biformis ● Grevillea Billy bonkers ● Grevillea Bipinnatifida "boystown" ● Grevillea Bipinnatifida "boystown" (prostrate red new growth) ● Grevillea Bipinnatifida “boystown" seeding upright ● Grevillea Bipinnatifida (green leaf, orange flower) ● Grevilllea Bipinnatifida deep burgundy fls ● Grevillea Bipinnatifida X Juncifolia (goldilocks) ● Grevillea Bracteosa ● Grevillea Bronwenae ● Grevillea Beardiana orange ● Grevillea Bush Lemons ● Grevillea Bulli Beauty ​ ● Grevillea Calliantha ● Grevillea Candelaba white ● Grevillea Candeabra pink ● Grevillea Candelaborides ● Grevillea Candicans ● Grevillea Cagiana orange ● Grevillea Cagiana red ● Grevillea Coastal impressive ● Grevillea Coastal sunset ● Grevillea Coastal prestige ● Grevillea Coccinea ● Grevillea Crowleyae ● Grevillea Droopy drawers ● Grevillea Dryandroides ssp. Hirsute ● Grevillea Didymobotrya ssp involuta ● Grevillea Didymobotrya ssp didymobotrya ● Grevillea Dryandroides ssp Hirsuta ● Grevillea Elegance ● Grevillea Eremophila ● Grevillea Erectiloba ● Grevillea Excelsior ● Grevillea Excelsior x Eriostachya ● Grevillea Eriobotrya ● Grevillea Eriostachya ● Grevillea Eriostachya X juncifolia (new collection ) ● Grevillea Fastigiata ● Grevillea Flexuosa ● Grevillea Firesprite ● Grevillea fire drops ● Grevillea Flamingo ● Grevillea Fulgens ● Grevillea Georgeana ● Grevillea Georgeana X insignis ● Grevillea Georgeana X redacta ● Grevillea Gillvrayi ● Grevillea Goliath ● Grevillea Globosa ● Grevillea Granulosa ● Grevillea Hilliana ● Grevillea Hookeriana X Armigera ● Grevillea Hookeriana black ● Grevillea Hookeriana prostrate ● Grevillea Hookeriana Yellow ● Grevillea Honey Barbara ● Grevillea Honeybird pink ● Grevillea Honeybird cream ● Grevillea Honeybird yellow ● Grevillea Insignis x Georgiana { glabra cadabra] ● Grevillea Ivory whip ● Grevillea Joy Elegance f2 ● Grevillea Johnsoni Red ● Grevillea Johnsoni Orange ● Grevillea Juncfolia terminal flower ● Grevillea Juncfolia X honey gem (midas touch) ● Grevillea Juncfolia X bipinnatifida (Goldilocks) ● Grevillea just peachy ● Grevillea just rosey ● Grevillea Katherine's sister ● Grevillea Katherine's fire ● Grevillea Kennedyana ● Grevillea Katydid Dwarf (bipinnatifida X batrachioides) ● Grevillea Lollypops ● Grevillea Lime spider ● Grevillea Leptobotrys (Dryandra forrest) ● Grevillea Leptobotrys (Tutanning) ● Grevillea Leucopteris ● Grevillea Magnifica ssp remota ● Grevillea Maxwellii ● Grevillea Majestic ● Grevillea Miami pink ● Grevillea Misty Pink ● Grevillea Nudiflora broadleaf ● Grevillea Nudiflora upright ● Grevillea Nivea ● Grevillea Obliquistigma sep. funicularis ● Grevillea Oche pokers ● Grevillea Oligomera ● Grevillea Parallelinervis ● Grevillea Polybractea ● Grevillea Polybractea X Lanigera ● Grevillea Pilosa dwarf ● Grevillea Petrophiloides White ● Grevillea Petrophiloides Pink ● Grevillea Petrophiloides Deep Pink ● Grevillea Petrophiloides Dwarf Pink ● Grevillea Pilulifera ● Grevillea Plurijuga Bronze leaf ● Grevillea Plurijuga Blue leaf ● Grevillea Pimelioides (available soon) ● Grevillea Pink Flush ● Grevillea Pterosperma WA ● Grevillea Pterosperma VIC ● Grevillea Quercifolia ● Grevillea Rudis ● Grevillea Rigida ● Grevillea Stylish ● Grevillea Scapigera ● Grevillea Shuttleworthiana ● Grevillea Striata (available soon) ● Grevillea Sarissa ssp rectitepala (Available soon) ● Grevillea Spinosa X eriostachya (new selection) ● Grevillea Spinosa X Juncifolia (Canning Gold) ● Grevillea Starfire ● Grevillea Sylvia ● Grevillea Stenomera ● Grevillea Sunset bronze ● Grevillea Suberba ● Grevillea Thyrsodes ssp. thyrsodes ● Grevillea Thyrsodes ssp. pustulata ● Grevillea Tenuiloba ● Grevillea Tenuiloba x nana ● Grevillea Tango ● Grevillea Tetragonaloba ● Grevillea Tripartita X ● Grevillea Treueriana ● Grevillea Wendy's sunshine ● Grevillea Yamba sunshine ● Grevillea Zygoloba White ● Grevillea Zygoloba Pink Ice ​ Grafted Hakeas $25.00ea ● Hakea Bucculenta ​ ​ ● Hakea Bucculenta X Francisiana ​ ● Hakea Erecta ● Hakea Francisiana ​ ● Hakea Francisiana Pomonal pink ​ ● Hakea Francisiana (coriacae) pink and white ​ ● Hakea Grammatophylla ​ ● Hakea Grammatophylla X Rosie ​ ● Hakea Multilineata ​ ● Hakea Multilineata claret and cream ​ ● Hakea Minyma ​ ● Hakea Victoriae ​ Grafted Balaustion $25.00 ea ● Balaustion Pulcherrimun​ Grafted Boronias $25.00ea ● Boronia Heterophylla pink​ ​ ● Boronia Heterophylla White ● Boronia Heterophylla lipstick ​ ● Boronia Megastigma brown ​ ● Boronia Megastigma lutea (yellow) ​ ● Boronia Megastigma Jack McGuire’s red ​ ● Boronia Purdieana ​ ● Boronia Pulchella ● Boronia Serrulata X aussie rose ​ Grafted Brachychiton $20.00ea ● Brachychiton “ Beau bells” ​ ● Brachychiton “Jerilderie red” ● Brachychiton hybrids X 3 Pink bells or red bells Grafted Darwinias $25.00ea ● Darwinia carnea upright ​ ​ ● Darwinia Chapmaniana ● Darwinia collina ​ ● Darwinia hypericifolia ​ ● Darwinia leiostyla X Coolamon pink ​ ● Darwinia macrostegia ​ ● Darwinia macrostegia X stripey ​ ● Darwinia masoni ​ ● Darwinia meeboldii ​ ● Darwinia meeboldii X crimson skirt ​ ● Darwinia neildiana ​ ● Darwinia oxylepis ​ ● Darwinia oxylepis X pink fls ​ ● Darwinia speciosa (coming soon) ● Darwinia squarrosa ​ ● Darwinia Virescens large fls form ​ Grafted Diplolaena $25.00ea ● Diplolaena Angustifolia (new ​ selection) grey leaf ( ​ Jurien Bay) ● Diplolaena Ferruginea ​ ● Diplolaena Grandiflora (grey leaf) dwarf ​ ● Diplolaena Grandiflora ( grey leaf) prostrate (coming soon) ● Diplolaena Grandiflora (green leaf) dwarf ​ ● Diplolaena sp Murchison station ​ ● Diplolaena Mollis Grafted Eremophilas $20.00ea (There are several lines of Eremop​ hilas available which we have been unable to name) • Eremophila abietina - ​ • Eremophila accrescens ​ • Eremophila bowmanii – x2 forms ​ • Eremophila brevifolia - ​ • Eremophila christopheri white ​ ​ • Eremophila compacta ​ • Eremophila conferta ​ • Eremophila cuneifolia small leaf ​ • Eremophila cuneifolia large leaf ​ ​ • Eremophila cuneifolia X fraseri ​ ​ ​ • Eremophila Delisseri • Eremophila exilifolia ​ • Eremophila flaccida ​ • Eremophila foliosissima - ​ • Eremophila forrestii - yellow leaf ​ • Eremophila fraseri - ​ • Eremophila glabra Murchison river ​ • Eremophila glabra Murchison river low form “silver ​ flame” PBR • Eremophila glabra Murchison upright ​ • Eremophila glabra Steep point ​ • Eremophila glabra prostrate ​ • Eremophila glandulifera ​ • Eremophila hygrophana ​ • Eremophila lachnocalyx ​ • Eremophila latrobei green leaf crimson fls ​ • Eremophila latrobei green leaf pink fls ​ • Eremophila latrobei grey leaf pink fls ​ • Eremophila longifolia grey leaf ​ • Eremophila macdonnellii – green leaf ​ • Eremophila macdonnellii grey leaf ​ ​ • Eremophila mackinlayi - desert pride ​ • Eremophila miniata - ​ • Eremophila mirabilis ​ • Eremophila muelleriana- ​ • Eremophila nivea – ​ • Eremophila nivea X drummondii ​ • Eremophila oldfieldii - ​ • Eremophila oppositifolia - purple ​ • Eremophila phyllopoda ​ • Eremophila platycalyx ​ • Eremophila racemosa X ​ • Eremophila reticulata ​ • Eremophila rotundifolia ​ • Eremophila splendens ​ • Eremophila strongylophylla ​ • Eremophila tietkensii ​ • Eremophila warnesii ​ Grafted Geleznowia verrucosa (X 5 forms) $25.00ea ​ • No.1 1.2 X 1m Cut flower • N​ o.2 Large bright yellow • No.3 Compact large yellow fls • No. 4 Yellow aging to red • No. 5 Compact small flower Grafted Philotheca $25.00ea ● Philotheca verrucosus (do​uble flower) ​ Grafted Prostanthera $25.00ea ● Prostanthera magnifica ​ ​ ● Prostanthera calycina (red flowers) ​ Grafted Homoranthus $25.00ea ● Homoranthus Porteri ​ ​ Grafted Hypocalymma $25.00ea ● Hypocalymma puniceum ​ ​ ● Hypocalymma robustum ​ ● Hypocalymma scariosa ● Hypocalymma sp Cascade ​ ● Hypocalymma sp Lake king ​ Grafted Pileanthus $25.00ea ● Pileanthus aurantiacus ​ ​ ● Pileanthus Bellus interstock (coming soon) ● Pilleanthus limacis interstock (coming soon) ● Pilleanthus filifolius interstock (coming soon) ● Pileanthus peduncularis ​ ● Pileanthus rubrinitidus ​ ● Pileanthus vernicsus ​ Grafted Pimelea $25.00ea ● Pimelea physodes pink f​ ls ​ (yellow form and red form available soon) ● Pimelea Spectabilis white flower ● Pimelea Spectabilis pink flower (coming soon) ● Pimelea Suaveolens large yellow fls Grafted Verticordias $25.00ea ● Verticordia Amphigia ​ ● Verticorda Attenuata ● Verticordia Bifimbriata ●

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