
Appendix A

Ecoprovinces of the Central North and Adjacent Plains1

Dennis A. Demarchi, Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, British Columbia V8V 1X4

in cooperation with

USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Laramie, 82070 USA

INTRODUCTION Canada. The ecoprovince units for Canada were adapted from the recent Terrestrial Ecozone and The fundamental difference between the map pre- Ecoregion map of Canada (Ecological Stratification sented here and other regional ecosystem classifica- Working Group 1993). Ecoprovince units from tions is that this map's ecological units are based on Demarchi (1993) -1:2,000,000 had previously been climatic processes rather than vegetation communi- incorporated into the Canadian Terrestrial Ecozones ties (map appears at the end of this appendix). and Ecoregions map at 1:7,500,000. For , Macroclimatic processes are the physical and ther- ecoprovince lines were adapted from Strong and modynamic interaction between climatic controls, or Leggat's (1992) Ecoregions of Alberta - 1:1,000,000 the relatively permanent atmospheric and geographi- map with additional consultation with Wayne cal factors that govern the general nature of specific Pettapiece (Agriculture Canada, Edmonton, Alberta) climates (Marsh 1988). This approach to regional eco- and Scott Smith (Agriculture Canada, Whitehorse, logical classification has proven useful to resource Territory). The Aspen-Parkland ecoprovince managers and interest groups in British Columbia was adapted as a separate, transitional unit from ei- (see British Columbia Commission on Resources and ther the Canadian or Boreal Lowland Environment 1994; British Columbia Ministry of En- ecoprovinces from early work by Crowley (1967) and vironment, Lands and Parks 1993; Hume 1993; Prov- Bailey (1976). For , the Ecoregions of ince of British Columbia 1993; Quesnel and Thiessen Saskatchewan by Harris et al. (1983) were used to 1993; Senez 1994; Wareham 1991; augment those of the Canadian map. Wilderness Committee 1992). . For the United States portion of the The ecoregion mapping concepts from Demarchi map, ecoprovince lines were developed using the (1993) and Demarchi et al. (1990) were applied to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Ser- map, but due to time and budgetary constraints ex- vice ECOMAP Team's map of Ecoregions and Sub- isting ecoregion classifications had to be used. The of the United States - 1:7,500,000 (see Bailey resultant map uses ecoprovince lines and mapping et al. 1993). It was used for broad ecoclimatic zona- concepts from the British Columbia Ecoregion map -

1:2,000,000 (Demarchi 1993); the Terrestrial Eco- regions of Canada - 1:7,500,000 (Ecological Stratifi- cation Working Group 1993); Regional and Zonal 1The ecological stratification scheme presented here shows spa- tial relationships of ecosystems in common to the United States Ecosystems in the Shining Mountains - 1:500,000 (De- and Canada. The relationships will be important in the develop- marchi and Lea 1992); Major Ecoregion Subdivisions ment of conservation strategies for forest carnivores. The stratifi- of the - 1:2,000,000 (Demarchi cation scheme has much in common with the USDA Forest Ser- vice ECOMAP system (U.S, coverage only - Bailey et al. 7993) and 1991); and other mapping sources described below. is meant to be complementary to that system.

153 tion concepts (ecodivisons) and a rough approxima- ECODIVISION AND ECOPROVINCE tion of ecoprovinces. The U.S. Environmental Pro- DESCRIPTIONS tection Agency's maps of Ecoregions of the Conter- minous United States - 1:2,500,000 and 1:7,500,000 The following is a discussion of ecodivisions and (Omernik 1986, 1987; Omernik and Gallant 1986, ecoprovinces on the enclosed map, Central North 1987a, 1987b, 1987c, 1989) were used for definition American Cordillera and Adjacent Plains. The of physiographic units. Land Resource Regions and ecodivisions and ecoprovinces have not been put into Major Land Resource Areas of the United States - an ecodomain framework because almost all of the 1:7,500,000 (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1978, mapped area falls within the Dry Ecodomain (see 1981) was also used as a basis to aggregate or com- Bailey 1978). Ecoregions have also not been described bine regional units into ecoprovinces. And the Na- as part of this current effort. Ecoregion information, tional Geographic Society's (1976) Landsat compila- however, is available for the Canadian portion (see tion was used for final physiographic definition. Ecological Stratification Working Group 1993) and Mapping was conducted at 1:4,560,000, in order to for the United States' portion (see Bailey et al. 1993; be compatible with the composite Landsat image of Omernik 1986; Omernik and Gallant 1986, 1987a, the National Geographic Society (1976), which was 1987b, 1987c). The author is unaware of any ecoregion the only available Landsat image for the entire descriptions for . project. Ideally, more detailed Landsat images at 1:250,000 should have been utilized. No attempt was BOREAL PLAINS ECODIVISION (1) made to correlate lines with vegetation community This low-lying, upland and plains ecodivision lies units (i.e., Brown and Lowe 1980; Franklin and at mid-latitudes across the from the Dyrness 1973; Department of Water Resources Rocky Mountain in British Columbia and 1990; Kuchler 1975; Ross and Hunter 1976). Alberta east to the in Alberta, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency map Saskatchewan, and . The climate is conti- (Omernik 1986) often provided the best fit. But, there nental, with cold winters and moderately were many instances where instead of mapping re- warm summers. It contains two ecoprovinces. gional ecosystems, that map approximated a zona- tion level. The map of ecoregion aggregations by Omernik and Gallant (1989) did not satisfy the iden- Boreal Lowlands Ecoprovince tification of broad climatic classes. The USDA Forest Service ECOMAP Team's map Landforms. This ecoprovince occurs predomi- appeared to be at a broad level, perhaps at the scale nantly on the Interior Plains, specifically the Alberta of presentation (1:7,500,000) (see Bailey et al. 1993). , northern Alberta Plain, northern There was a reliance on broad vegetation communi- Saskatchewan Plain and Manitoba Plain, which con- ties or patterns to reflect ecoclimate zones (Bailey, sist of low , plains, and lowlands. All were pers. comm., 1993). glaciated by the Laurentian Ice Sheet. The USDA Soil Conservation Service's (1978, 1981) Climate. Cold, dry Arctic air masses are dominant Land Resource Areas map was based on soils, cli- in the winter and spring. In the summer and fall mate, and land use. Each Land Resource en- warmer, wetter Pacific westerlies dominate (Strong compasses several climatic regions and major physi- and Leggat 1992). Much of the summer and fall mois- ographic units and appears to be based more on cur- ture is from surface heating of the many wetlands, rent agricultural practices than on any ecological pa- streams, and lakes. rameter or process. Land Resource Regions were Vegetation. Quaking aspen with bluejoint, prickly broad groupings of the Land Resource Areas for ag- rose, and bunchberry dominate most upland sites; ricultural planning purposes. The Land Resource wetter sites are dominated by quaking aspen and Areas are quite detailed and approximate specific balsam poplar; poorly drained sites are vegetated by physiographic units or physical landscapes. an overstory of black with an understory of Mexico. The ecoprovince units that were defined Labrador tea, bog cranberry, and ; jack for were developed from Brown and communities are common on the uplands, but white Lowe's (1980) Biotic Communities map, and Lowe spruce and black spruce are the potential climax for- and Brown's (1982) Biogeographic Provinces map. est species (Strong and Leggat 1992).

154 Boreal Uplands Ecoprovince contains the west to the center of the and the Bulkley and Tahtsa Ranges Landforms. This ecoprovince occurs on the Alberta of the . Those mountain ranges on the Plateau and consists of plateaus, plains, , and east side of the are included because lowlands and is generally a rolling upland once away they are much drier than the windward side and from the deeply incised river beds. therefore have a more interior-type of climate. Glaciation. The entire area was glaciated during Glaciation. The entire area was glaciated during the by westward-moving ice sheets that the Pleistocene, and ice sheets moved northeastward originated in the Arctic of and Baffin from the Coast Mountains. Glacial lakes and subse- Island (Fulton 1989). A large glacial lake was formed quent lacustrine deposits occur primarily in the in the Peace Lowland basin. Basin area. Climate. The climate is typically continental since Climate. The area has an atypical continental cli- most of the moist Pacific air has dried and crossed mate: cold winters, warm summers, and a precipita- successive ranges of mountains before it reaches the tion maximum in the late spring or early summer. area. Air movement is generally level, with intense However, the moderating influences of Pacific air orographic lifting in the vicinity of the . occur throughout the , as is the case for most of In warmer months, rain is largely caused by surface British Columbia south of 57N. This ecoprovince lies heating, which leads to convective showers. Winters in a leeward of the Coast Mountains. In are cold because there are no barriers to irruptions summer there is intense surface heating and convec- of Arctic air. tive showers, and in the winter there are frequent Vegetation. A single climax community, the boreal outbreaks of Arctic air (these are less frequent than white and black spruce forest, dominates this in the Sub-Boreal Interior ecoprovince to the north). ecoprovince. Quaking aspen seral forest occurs in the Vegetation. The area contains interior Douglas , Peace River lowland and black spruce muskeg oc- pinegrass forests in the southern landscapes; lodge- curs throughout most of the upland surface. On the pole pine, quaking aspen, spruce forests in the cen- western-most areas, just east of the Rocky Mountain ter; and hybrid spruce, lodgepole pine and quaking Foothills on low ridges, more mountainous vegetation aspen forests in the north. In addition, bunchgrass develops such as the Engelmann spruce and subalpine with big sagebrush occurs within the deeply fir forests that occur on the of those ridges. entrenched portions of the Fraser and Chilcotin riv- ers. , lodgepole pine, and pinegrass for- HUMID CONTINENTAL HIGHLANDS ests occur at middle elevations in the Chilcotin ECODIVISION (2) Ranges and southern . Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir forests occur on the middle This complex mountains, plateaus, and basins slope of all mountains and the higher portion of the ecodivision is situated at mid-latitudes across the northern Chilcotin and southern Nechako Plateaus. central interior of British Columbia, from the Coast Alpine occurs on all mountain summits. Mountains east to the Interior Plains and south into northeastern , northern Idaho, and north- Shining Mountains Ecoprovince western . The climate is sub-continental with cold, commonly Arctic winters and warm, dry sum- Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of six main mers. Precipitation is predominantly from Pacific air physiographic systems: the highlands on the west- masses, but surface heating of wetlands, streams, and ern flank, the , the Southern lakes provides additional moisture. This ecodivisions , the of contains three ecoprovinces. the Canadian , the Rocky Moun- tain Foothills of Alberta (including the Porcupine Central British Columbia Plateaus Hills) and Montana, the Belt Formation or Border Ecoprovince Ranges of the northern Rockies in Montana, and the mountains of the Panhandle of Idaho. Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of the flat Glaciation. The entire area was glaciated during to rolling Chilcotin and Cariboo plateaus and the the Pleistocene, and the most intensive was the Cor- southern two-thirds of the . It also dilleran glaciation in the Columbia and Canadian

155 Rocky Mountains. Portions of the Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountains. The mountains in the west include Foothills may have been unglaciated during periods the southeastern portion of the and of waning glaciation because this was the eastern the . The mountains to the north boundary of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet and the west- include the southern . The moun- ern boundary of the Laurentian Ice Sheet. In the tains to the east include the Misinchinka and Hart southern mountains, occurred on the upper ranges of the Rocky Mountains and associated Foot- slopes, but not in the valleys, even though glacial hills. In the center and south is the low-lying plateau lakes often dominated those valleys. area of the Nechako Lowlands and northern portion Climate. Air masses approach from the west and lose of the Nechako Plateau. moisture, first as they pass over the western Columbia Glaciation. The entire area was glaciated during Mountains and Bitterroot Ranges and. again as they pass the Pleistocene by glaciers that coalesced on the pla- over the Rocky Mountains. The Southern Rocky Moun- teaus and lowlands. Glaciers moved southeast from tain Trench bisects two large mountain blocks with simi- the Boundary Ranges and south from the Skeena and lar physiography and macroclimatic processes. During Omineca Mountains. They met glaciers that moved the summer, intense surface heating creates strong up- northeastward across the and moved drafts in the mountains. The resulting downdraft over together over the (Claque 1989). Large the center of the Rocky Mountain Trench clears the skies glacial lakes formed in the Nechako Lowland and and enhances the sunny conditions. During the winter Northern Rocky Mountain Trench. and early spring, outbreaks of Arctic air bring cold, Climate. Prevailing westerly winds bring Pacific dense air to the and eastern air to the area over the Coast Mountains by way of Rockies. The Rocky Mountain Trench serves as an ac- the low Kitimat Ranges or the higher Boundary cess route for Arctic air that occurs in the Sub-Boreal Ranges. Much of this area is in a rain shadow. Coastal Interior of ecoprovince. air has low moisture content when it arrives. Mois- Vegetation. Four climax communities dominate ture does enter the area when there is a southwest this ecoprovince: the interior western redcedar and flow over the low Kitimat Ranges. Summer surface western hemlock forests in the lower to middle slopes heating leads to convective showers, and winter fron- of the Columbia Mountains and Bitterroot Ranges tal systems result in precipitation that is evenly dis- and wetter localities in the Rockies and northern tributed throughout the year. Outbreaks of Arctic air portion of the Rocky Mountain Trench; the interior are frequent. The southern boundary of the Douglas fir, bunchgrass, bitterbrush forests of the Ecoprovince approximates the southern boundary of Southern Rocky Mountain Trench lower slopes of the the Arctic air mass in January. Clark Fork ; Engelmann spruce and subalpine Vegetation. Sub-Boreal spruce forests with hybrid fir forests on the middle slopes of all mountains; and spruce, subalpine fir, and lodgepole pine dominate dry, rock dominated on the mountain the Nechako Plateau, Nechako Lowlands, Northern summits. In addition, ponderosa pine, bunchgrass, Rocky Mountain Trench, and many of the valleys. and bitterbrush forests occur in the Southern Rocky Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir forests occur on Mountain Trench. Douglas fir, lodgepole pine, and the middle slopes of all mountains, and alpine tun- pinegrass forest occurs in the valleys and lower dra occurs on the upper slopes of those mountains. slopes of the Continental and Border ranges of the In the wetter valleys of the Skeena Mountains, inte- Rockies and eastern ; the interior rior western redcedar and western hemlock forests Douglas fir and grand fir forests occur sporadically occur. In the northern Omineca Mountains and val- c)n mid slopes in the Coeur d'Alene Mountains and leys of the Rocky Mountain Foothills, forests of white in the Clark Fork Valley. Quaking spruce, lodgepole pine, quaking aspen, and black with rough fescue occur at lower slopes in the Rocky spruce occur. Mountain Foothills.

Sub-Boreal Interior Ecoprovince HUMID CONTINENTAL PLAINS ECODIVISION (3) Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of several physiographic systems: the Coast Mountains, the This plains ecodivision is situated at mid-latitudes Interior Plateau, the Omineca Mountains and the across the Interior Plains of Alberta, Saskatchewan, 156 and Manitoba, and then south on the Red River Plain Georgia-Puget Basin Ecoprovince of North Dakota and Minnesota. This area is transi- tional between the boreal, continental climate to the Landforms. This ecoprovince is a large basin that north and the prairie continental climate to the south encompasses the southeastern and west. Winter consists of cold, dry, Arctic air, while Mountains, the Nanaimo Lowlands, the Strait of Juan summers are hot and humid with surface heating of de Fuca and the eastern slopes of the Olympic Moun- wetlands, streams, and lakes. There are two tains in the west; the Strait of Georgia, Gulf Islands, ecoprovinces but only one for this project. and Puget Sound in the middle; and the Georgia Low- lands, Fraser Lowlands, Puget Lowlands in the east. Climate. Pacific air reaches this area primarily af- Aspen-Parkland Ecoprovince ter lifting over the Insular and Olympic mountains. That air descends into the central straits and sounds Landforms. This ecoprovince occurs on gently before it rises over the extensive Pacific and Cascade undulating to rolling glacial deposits, usually con- ranges. Surface air flow is level or subsiding and cre- sisting of packed morainal, coarse -washed, or ates clearer and drier conditions than in coastal ar- finer lake-deposited materials (Klassen 1989). eas adjacent to the . Temperatures Climate. The winter climate is affected by a ridge throughout the area are modified by the ocean and of high pressure that usually extends from the Gulf marine environments and only exceptionally will of to Hudson Bay. The cold, dense Arctic air Arctic air flow over the Pacific Ranges to bring short from the north generally deflects the milder, west- periods of intense cold and high winds. erly Pacific air southward. Winters are long and se- Vegetation. Temperate rainforests dominated by vere. Summer and spring climates are warm and western hemlock, Douglas fir, and western redcedar humid, often being affected by moist air from the Gulf occur on most mountain and upland sites. Low el- of Mexico (Hare and Thomas 1979). evation plains and rocky sites along the western por- Vegetation. Quaking aspen that occur as clones are tion are dominated by coastal Douglas fir and salal surrounded by rough fescue, bluebunch fescue, forests. Garry and arbutus trees occur northward junegrass, and needlegrasses that dominate the natu- along eastern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Island, ral landscape. Quaking aspen and balsam poplar giving the coastline of this area a Mediterranean ap- stands occur on moister sites. Eastern cottonwood, pearance. Mountain hemlock and subalpine forests green ash, and Manitoba maple are common along occur on the higher portions of the Vancouver Island the riparian areas. In the eastern portion, quaking Ranges. aspen and bur oak communities dominate (Harris et al. 1983; Strong and Leggat 1992). The natural eco- Pacific Northwest Coast systems of the entire area have been affected by the and Mountains Ecoprovince reduction of wildfire, the elimination of free-rang- ing plains , and cultivation (Harris et al. 1983). Landforms. This ecoprovince includes the wind- ward side of the Coast Mountains, Coast Range, Cas- cade Range, Vancouver Island, all of Queen Char- HUMID MARITIME AND HIGHLANDS lotte Islands, the Alexander Archipelago, St. Elias ECODIVISION (4) Mountains, and the continental shelf from Cook In- let to southern . Large coastal mountains, a This ecodivision consists of complex coastal ma- broad coastal trough and the associated lowlands, rine areas, lowlands, archipelagos and rugged moun- islands, and continental shelf also occur here. tains. It lies perpendicular to the prevailing North- Glaciation. This ecoprovince was glaciated most east Pacific air masses and the Sub-Arctic Current of heavily in the northern portion and less so in the the Northern Pacific Ocean. The climate is generally but was unglaciated in the Coast wet and mild throughout the year, with hot, dry pe- Range and Willamette Valley of Washington and riods in the late summer in the south, and with in- Oregon. Glaciers and ice-sheets that originated along tense precipitation during the fall, winter, and early the crest of the coast mountains moved west and spring. Arctic air invades this area only infrequently. southward to the ocean, sculpting the valleys and There are two ecoprovinces. faults into fjords and channels. Even the continental

157 shelf was affected as it received the glacial debris and 30ºN (Brown and Lowe 1980; Lowe and Brown 1982). outwash, forming a deep blanket of sediment. The South Coast and Peninsula ranges are a series of Climate. The major climatic processes involve the northwest-southeast trending foothills and valleys, arrival of frontal systems from the Pacific Ocean and whereas the Transverse Ranges are oriented east- the subsequent lifting of those systems over the west. This ecoprovince also includes the coast and coastal mountains. In winter, oceanic low pressure islands such as the Channel and Farallon islands and systems dominate the area and pump moist, mild the continental shelf from Bahia Santa Marie north air onto the entire coast. In the summer, high pres- to San Francisco Bay. sure systems occur over the north Pacific Ocean and Climate. Prevailing westerly winds dominate this low pressure frontal systems become less frequent area. Moderate temperatures and moisture meet hot, in the southern portion and tend to strike the coast dry interior climates, creating fog that persists along of Alaska. the coast and windward side of the mountains. Sea- Vegetation. Temperate rainforests of western hem- sons are dominated by wet, cool months in the win- lock, yellow cedar, western redcedar, and sitka spruce ter and early spring, and by dry, hot months from dominate most of the mountains and lowlands. late spring to fall (Munz and Keck 1970). Mountain hemlock subalpine forests and alpine tun- Vegetation. Forests include thick-leaved species of dra communities occur on the mountain summits. live oak, live oak, interior live oak, Glaciers are common, and large icefields persist on California laurel, arbutus, and Pacific bayberry on the St. Elias Mountains, Boundary, and Pacific ranges. the north-facing slopes; chapparal shrubland of More locally, drier coastal Douglas-fir forest occurs chamiso, manzanita, Christmasberry, California in the Willamette Valley; interior western redcedar scrub oak, and mountain mahogany on the south- and western hemlock forests occur in the Nass Ba- facing and drier sites; and sagebrush-steppe of soft sin, a coast-interior transition area; and Engelmann chess, cheatgrass, and California sagebrush on the spruce, subalpine fir, and boreal white spruce and coastal plains and interior valleys. black spruce forests occur along eastern-most valleys that lead into the interior of the . Great Central Valley Ecoprovince

Landforms. This ecoprovince is a low elevation, MEDITERRANEAN HIGHLANDS broad alluvial valley bordered by sloping fans, dis- ECODIVISION (5) sected terraces, and low foothills (Bailey 1978; Munz This coast, foothills, basins, and mountains and Keck 1970). ecodivision occurs at south to mid-latitudes from Baja Climate. Moist Pacific air rises over the Coast California north across California to southern Or- Ranges to the west creating a rainshadow in the Great egon. This area lies perpendicular to the West Wind Central Valley. The prevailing winds from the west Drift and California Current of the Northern Pacific also help to moderate the hot, dry air from the Ocean and to Pacific air masses. This wet, mild air to the southeast. An important climatic factor is the mixes with the hot, dry, air of the interior cre- fog that occurs in the winter, bringing humid, cool ating a strong Mediterranean climate-a wet winter conditions to this area (Munz and Keck 1970). followed by a dry summer. In this current effort, four Vegetation. This ecoprovince has been converted ecoprovinces have been recognized, but further to agricultural and urban developments, but the po- evaluation is required to determine if such a desig- tential dominant vegetation is needlegrasses and nation is warranted. threeawns. At present, the undeveloped areas are dominated by annual grasses such as bromes, fes- cues, and oats. Chapparal or broad-leaved California Coast sclerophyllic shrub vegetation occurs in sporadic and Foothills Ecoprovince patches as do southern oak woodlands (Munz and Keck 1970). The rivers flow through alkaline flats Landforms. This ecoprovince includes the Central where greasewood, picklewood, saltgrasses, and Western and Southwestern California Geographic shad scale are prevalent. Tule marshes border the subdivisions (Hickman 1993), which extend south lower reaches of the San Joaquin and Sacramento riv- onto the Baja California peninsula to approximately ers (Bailey 1978).

158 Sierra Ecoprovince ally level and sub-continental in effect and does not contribute much precipitation, until it reaches the moun- Landforms. This ecoprovince is composed of the tains to the east. Winters are cold and dry and usually southern portion of the Cascade Ranges and the high, not affected by cold, Arctic air; summers are warm to rugged . Some mountains had glaciers hot and dry, but with peak precipitation in the early during the Pleistocene epoch. The Sierra Nevada con- growing season. Three ecoprovinces are recognized in sists of an immense granitic batholith. While its steep this current effort, but the complex Northern Rocky eastern face rises abruptly above the to Mountain Forest ecoprovince should be re-evaluated. the east, the western slope is a more gradual tilted plateau that is scored with deep (Hickman 1993; Munz and Keck 1970). Ecoprovince Vegetation. On the western foothills dense stands of blue oak and Digger pine occur with scrub live Landforms. This Ecoprovince is predominantly a oak. Annual grasses such as chess, wild oats, and level surface of Tertiary that have been deeply ripgut brome are dominant understory species. Veg- dissected by the Columbia and Snake rivers. Much etation changes from ponderosa pine, manzanita, and of the northeastern portion has been scoured by ex- black oak, to forests of Douglas fir, incense cedar, cessive flooding during the later stages of the Pleis- sugar pine, lodgepole pine, and then to red fir, Jeffery tocene glaciation (Alt and Hyndman 1984; Thornbury pine, mountain hemlock, and white-bark pine for- 1969). This ecoprovince also includes the dry-for- ests with rising elevation. grows at ested, leeward portion of the Cascade Ranges. treeline. Alpine occurs on the highest summits. Gi- Climate. The climate of this area is moderated by ant Sequoia grow in the moist southern valleys the surrounding mountains. Much of the moisture (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1981). has been precipitated from the westerly Pacific air masses as they cross the Cascade Ranges. The air Northern California Coast Ranges flowing down the leeward slopes warms and retains Ecoprovince moisture as it crosses the plateau. The great chain of mountains to the north and east protect this area from Landforms. This ecoprovince is composed of the all but severe outbreaks of Arctic air in the winter Klamath Mountains and Coast Ranges of northern and spring. In the late summer and early fall, hot California and extreme southwestern Oregon. The sub-tropical air can move in from the south prolong- province rises in a series of low hills and mountains ing the hot, dry summer conditions (Franklin and from the Pacific Coast. Dyrness 1973). Climate. The climate is greatly influenced by the Vegetation. Dominant vegetation typically in- Pacific maritime westerlies that baring mild tempera- cludes big sagebrush, pasture sage, bluebunch wheat- tures and intense moisture during the winter and grass, and bluebunch fescue, rough fescue, and - spring. During the summer and fall, hot, sub-tropi- berry occur with increased elevation to the east. In cal desert air arrives from the east and south. the mountains, ponderosa pine forests give way to Vegetation. Forests range from western hemlock, Douglas fir and grand fir montane forests, which give grand fir, Sitka spruce to Douglas fir, arbutus, broad- way to subalpine forests of Engelmann spruce, grand leafed maple. Wet, fog-dependent redwood forests fir, subalpine fir, and lodgepole pine on the upper with Douglas fir, salal, and rhododendron occur forest slopes and higher valleys. Alpine tundra com- along the coast (Hickman 1993; Munz and Keck 1970). munities occur on the summits of the higher moun- tains (Daubenmire 1970; Franklin and Dyrness 1973). SEMI-ARID STEPPE HIGHLANDS ECODIVISON (6) Northern Rocky Mountain Forest Ecoprovince This basin, plateau, and mountain ecodivision lies east of the Coast Mountains and Cascade Ranges of Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of several southern British Columbia, Washington, and north- mountain ranges with different origins that collec- ern Oregon. Much of the western area is in the tively form a major east-west mountain block. The rainshadow of those mountains. Pacific air is gener- Blue Mountains in the west are predominantly of 159 sedimentary and volcanic origins, with wide, raised level, resulting in little precipitation, except through valleys and deep dissected river gorges. The moun- surface heating of lakes and streams. There are occa- tains of central Idaho consist of the Idaho Batholith sional irruptions of hot, dry air from the Great Basin and are high and rugged, with deep narrow valleys. to the south in the summer. They bring clear skies The mountains of eastern Idaho and Montana are and very warm temperatures. In winter and early volcanic and sedimentary with high spring, frequent outbreaks of cold, dense Arctic air rugged ridges rising abruptly from wide flat-bot- occur because there is no effective barrier once it en- tomed valleys. The mountains of Wyoming are vol- ters the interior plateaus of British Columbia. How- canic, with high valleys and higher mountain ranges ever, such events are less frequent than on the pla- (McKee 1972). teaus farther north. Glaciation. These mountains were not overridden Glaciation. Pleistocene glaciation was very intense by glacial ice-sheets but were sculpted by mountain throughout, except for the portion in Washington glaciers in the of Idaho, the where valley glaciers and mountain glaciers re- Bitterroot Ranges, and mountain ranges in Wyoming. mained distinct. Large glacial lakes formed and then Climate. The mountainous topography of this were filled with silt in the Thompson, Nicola, and ecoprovince results in a very complex climate. It re- valleys. ceives the Pacific westerlies after they have crossed Vegetation. Three climax plant communities domi- the Cascade Ranges and the Columbia Plateau, giv- nate this ecoprovince: the bunchgrass steppe, often ing added moisture to the western flank. These with big sagebrush in the lower slopes of the large mountains are also a barrier to outbreaks of Arctic basins; the interior Douglas fir and bunchgrass for- air flowing southwestward across the Interior Plains ests on the lower elevations of the plateau surface; of or southward across the interior and the Douglas fir, lodgepole pine and pinegrass of British Columbia. In the summer and fall this forests on the higher elevations of the plateaus and ecoprovince receives intense heat from southern sub- highlands. Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir forests tropical air masses. occur on the higher elevations of the plateau and on Vegetation. The plant communities are complex the middle to upper slopes of the mountain ranges. in lower elevations and includes big sagebrush, On the highest summits of the Okanagan and Pavil- bluebunch wheatgrass stands. Douglas fir, grand fir, ion ranges, alpine tundra occurs. Ponderosa pine, and ponderosa pine forests dominate the middle el- bunchgrass, and rabbitbrush parkland occur sporadi- evations; Engelmann spruce, lodgepole pine, and cally on the middle slopes of the large, dry basins. subalpine fir occur on the upper mountain slopes; and alpine communities occur only on the highest mountains in the eastern portion of this area (Bailey SUB-TROPICAL DESERTS ECODIVISION (7) 1978; Ross and Hunter 1976; Steele et al. 1983). This complex coastal, basin, plateau, and moun- Thompson-Okanogan Highlands tain ecodivision lies at mid-southerly latitudes in Ecoprovince northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. Climate is extremely arid with high temperatures. Landforms. This ecoprovince includes the Thomp- Days are very hot, but nights are cold due to outgo- son Plateau, the Pavilion Ranges, the eastern portion ing radiation causing extreme day to night tempera- of the Cascade Ranges south to Lake Chelan, the ture variation. Three ecoprovinces have been delin- western margin of the Shuswap Highlands, and the eated for this project, but more are likely to occur in Okanogan (spelled Okanagan in Canada) Highlands. Mexico. The leeward portion of the coastal mountains and the drier portion of the highlands are included be- Chihuahuan Desert Ecoprovince cause they share much the same climate as the main plateau area. Landforms. Broad desert basins and valleys are Climate. Air moving into this ecoprovince from bordered by gently sloping to strongly sloping fans the Pacific has already lost most of its moisture on and terraces. Steep north-south trending mountain the west-facing slopes of the coastal mountains. The ranges and many small mesas occur in the west air moving across the plateau surface tends to be (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1981).

160 Climate. Most of the precipitation comes in con- sons; early spring is very dry. This pattern falls be- vectional storms during the summer months; rain tween the summer-rain type in central and southern and even snow in the mountains fall occasionally in Mexico and the winter-rain type of California. The the winter. The most arid season is late spring and winters are characterized by low relative humidities early summer. Due to the high elevation, mean tem- and are cold with many hard frosts. At higher eleva- peratures are moderate but the summer days are hot tions light snowfalls are common (Gordon 1968). (Bailey 1978; USDA Soil Conservation Service 1981). Vegetation. The vegetation is a complex of Mexi- Vegetation. In the and basin, veg- can oak-pine forests. Ponderosa pine is common but etation consists of Trans-Pecos shrub savanna on the there are a dozen other species as well, such as scrub lower plains, changing to grama-tobosa prairie and oak, cypress, true fir, Douglas fir, prickly finally to oak- woodland with rising eleva- pear, barrel cactus, and accacia. A dense, low, tion. In the western mountains and mesas, grama- chapparal-like woodland dominated by scrub oak tobosa shrubsteppe occurs at the lower elevations and acacia grows above the oak-pine forests. In the changing to oak-juniper woodland and finally to foothills, a large variety of occur in both the live Arizona pine forest on the summits of the highest oak (encinal) and oak-pine woodlands (Brown 1982b; mountains (Brown 1982d, 1982e). Meyer 1973; Pase and Brown 1982).

Sonoran-Mojavian Deserts Ecoprovince SUB-TROPICAL SEMI-DESERT HIGHLANDS ECODIVISION (8) Landforms. This ecoprovince is characterized by extensive, undulating plains from which isolated low This complex basin, plateau, and mountain mountains and buttes abruptly rise. The mountains ecodivsion lies in northern Arizona, , are rocky but flanked by alluvial fans and outwash southern , and southwestern . The cli- aprons. Most minor rivers are dry most of the year mate is transitional between that of the extreme (Bailey 1978). deserts to the south and the more temperate climates Climate. The climate is characterized by long, hot to the north. The hot, dry climates are moderated by summers, though the winters are moderate and frosts the elevation of the plateaus and mountains. There are common. In the winter, the rain is gentle and are three ecoprovinces. widespread but in summer are preva- lent. In some , in the western portion, there may Arizona Mountains Ecoprovince be no measurable precipitation (Bailey 1978). Vegetation. Plant cover is usually very sparse, with Landforms. This ecoprovince is a series of moun- bare ground between individual plants. Cacti and tains, ridges, and mesas, culminating on the Mogollon thorny shrubs are conspicuous, but many thornless Rim. The area is very hilly and mountainous, but the shrubs are also present. Creosote bush is widespread upland plateau is dissected by many deep canyons on the Plains. Aborescent cacti and (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1981). cholla are also common. Mesquite grows along Climate. The area is affected by hot, moisture- washes and watercourses. On steep rocky slopes laden air arriving from the Pacific Ocean to the west paloverde, ocotillo, saguaro, cholla, and compass and occasionally from the Gulf of Mexico to the barrel cactus are abundant. Along the higher, north- southeast. Such air is heated as it crosses over the ern portion is a belt of and pinyons (Bailey American deserts. Half of all the precipitation that 1978; Turner and Brown 1982). falls here occurs during the growing season (Pase and Brown 1982). Sierra Madre Occidental Ecoprovince Vegetation. Climax plant communities occur as successive belts that change with elevation and pro- Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of mature, tection from desert air. On the southwestern side, rolling volcanic plateaus, cumulating in high moun- sagebrush-steppe gives way to oak-juniper scrub, tains. Deep, rugged canyons dissect the plateaus and which changes to ponderosa pine forests. At the high- mountains (Gordon 1968). est summits, notably the San Francisco, White, Climate. In general the climate is dry, although Mogollon, Black, Mateao, and Magdelena mountains, there are light winter and heavy summer rainy sea- spruce-fir/Douglas-fir forests are established. Alpine

161 tundra occurs on only the tallest of those summits way to pinyon-juniper woodlands, with big sage- (Humphrey Peak). On the east or brush at higher elevations. Douglas fir and ponde- side, pinyon-juniper woodland is established (Brown rosa pine grow in more sheltered locations or at 1982a; Pase and Brown 1982). higher elevations. On the highest summits, Engel- mann spruce and subalpine fir forests occur (Brown Colorado Plateaus Ecoprovince 1982b, Pase and Brown 1982).

Landforms. This ecoprovince is surrounded by TEMPERATE SEMI-DESERTS ECODIVISION (9) mountains: to the south are the Arizona Mountains, to the east are the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and This ecodivision is a broad expanse of basins and New Mexico, and to the northwest are the Rocky intervening mountain ridges situated in Nevada, Mountains of Utah. The northern portion of the Colo- western Utah, southern Idaho, southeastern Oregon, rado Plateau physiographic unit is affected by more and northeastern California. It has a predominantly temperate climates and is therefore considered to be semi-arid continental climate with periodic summer another ecoprovince (the Central Rocky Mountain rainfall but high temperatures. Winters are cold and Basins ecoprovince). The Colorado Plateaus eco- dry, and summers warm to hot. This area contains province consists of the , Kaibab Pla- two ecoprovinces. teau, Painted Desert, and San Juan River Valley me- sas and plateaus. In general the surface consists of Great Basin Ecoprovince gentle to strongly sloping plains. Volcanic plugs rise abruptly from those plains and deeply incised can- Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of the ex- yons interrupt the plains' surface (USDA Soil Con- tensive isolated ridges and mountains and wide in- servation Service 1981). ter-valleys called the Climate. The climate is characterized by high alti- (Omernik 1986). The highest accumulation of moun- tude and cold winters. Summer days are usually hot, tains occur in central Nevada. Most streams do not but nights are cool. Accordingly, diurnal tempera- drain to the sea. ture variation is considerable. Summer rains are thun- Climate. Summers are hot and dry, and precipita- derstorms, but ordinary rains and snowfall come in tion occurs in the cool winter months. winter (Bailey 1978, USDA Soil Conservation Service Vegetation. The landscapes are dominated by 1981). much-branched, non-sprouting, aromatic, semi- Vegetation. The plateau surface consists of Great shrubs with evergreen leaves, such as sagebrush, Basin sagebrush, pinyon-juniper woodland, and shadscale, blackbrush, winterfat, greasewood, or grama-galleta steppe. Within the Grand Canyon, rabbitbrush. There are few cacti, and those present creosote bush, saltbush-greasewood, and blackbrush tend to be of short stature or prostrate and include occur (Turner 1982). chollas, prickly pears, and hedgehog cacti (Turner 1982). New Mexico Rocky Mountains Ecoprovince Basins Ecoprovince Landforms. This ecoprovince is dominated by high, rolling plateaus, with isolated mountains and Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of the broad steeply scarped mesas (USDA Soil Conservation Ser- , , Harney Ba- vice 1981). sin, High Plain, and Black Rock Desert. It also Climate. The climate is characterized by cold, high includes the Fremont Mountains of Oregon. Topog- elevation winter temperatures and hot summers, al- raphy is dominated by level Tertiary with though evening temperatures are cool due to rapid deep dissected rivers or stretched landscapes of Ba- high-elevation heat loss. Precipitation usually occurs sin and Range formations (McKee 1972). in winter as rain or snow; thundershowers are typi- Climate. The climate is influenced by the high cal of summer precipitation (Bailey 1978). mountains to the west, which create a rainshadow Vegetation. vegetation of Indian for westerly Pacific air masses. The Northern Rocky ricegrass, blue grama, dropseed, prickly pear, four- Mountain Forest ecoprovince also provides an effec- winged saltbush, winterfat, and rabbitbrush gives tive barrier to Arctic air moving southwestward

162 across the Interior Plains or southward through the mountain ridges (USDA Soil Conservation Service interior of British Columbia. Summers are hot and 1981). dry; precipitation is evenly distributed in fall, winter, and summer (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1981). Colorado Rocky Mountains Ecoprovince Vegetation. Climax plant communities are domi- nated by sagebrush with wheatgrass; saltbush and Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of very high greasewood occur on alkaline soils. The northern mountains with wide, high elevation valleys often occurrence of desert communities occur within called "parks." Mountain glaciers during the Pleis- Harney Basin. Western juniper with ponderosa pine tocene sculpted most of the mountain summits. and Douglas fir occur on the higher uplands (Bailey Climate. In the winter moist Pacific westerlies 1978). move across Oregon and Idaho and then deflect south of Arctic air masses lying over the . The TEMPERATE SEMI-DESERT HIGHLANDS contact of the moist and cold air masses bring fre- ECODIVISION (10) quent snow storms to this ecoprovince. Arctic air can also flow over this area during periods of intense This is a complex basin, plateau, and mountain outbreaks. In the summer the intense heat of the sub- ecodivision, situated in eastern Utah, central Wyo- tropical air masses is ameliorated by the nocturnal ming, western Colorado, and north-central New dissipation of surface heat, due to the high elevations. Mexico. It has a semi-arid continental climate that is Vegetation. Climax plant communities are divided strongly influenced by the generally high elevations into elevational belts; sagebrush-steppe of big sage- of its plateaus and mountains. Winters are cold and brush, rabbitbrush, needlegrasses, and wheatgrasses dry, with Arctic air frequently lying along the east- give way to ponderosa pine and Douglas fir with ern mountains. Summers are warm to hot with con- junegrass and Arizona fescue. Quaking aspen com- siderable precipitation. This area has four munities occupy mid-elevations sites along with ecoprovinces. lodgepole pine and Engelrnann spruce forests. Grass- lands and mountain meadows can be found within Central Rocky Mountain Basins all mountains. On the summits, rolling alpine tun- Ecoprovince dra or bare rock is common (Mitchell 1993).

Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of many Utah Rocky Mountains Ecoprovince basins, such as the Green River, Uinta and Paradox, and many mountain ranges such as the Roan, Landforms. This ecoprovince consists of two domi- Uncompahgre, White River, Pla- nant mountain ranges, the Uinta and Wasatch Moun- teaus, and Grand Mesa (Mitchell 1993). tains, and a series of smaller ranges to the south. Climate. The climate of this ecoprovince is mod- Climate. The climate is affected by Pacific wester- erated by the surrounding mountains, with complex lies, which bring considerable winter and spring pre- rising and descending air masses. Maximum precipi- cipitation, in spite of the to the tation occurs in the winter and spring as Pacific air west. Precipitation is equal in summer and winter, masses are deflected south around the Arctic air ly- with snow being common in the winter. Cold Arctic ing in the Interior Plains of North America. In the air often invades this area, having no effective bar- summer, sub-tropical air masses bring hot, dry rier to the east. Summers are warm, but thunder- weather, although the high elevation of this area storms and convective showers bring periodic pre- causes most of the day-time air to dissipate at night. cipitation. Mountains in this area cool off rapidly in Vegetation. This area supports sagebrush-steppe the evening due to their elevation. of big sagebrush, needle-and-thread bluebunch Vegetation. Climax plant communities are variable wheatgrass, and western wheatgrass. At higher el- with grassland steppe, mountain shrub, quaking as- evations, big sagebrush, rabbitbrush, and winterfat pen, conifer forests, and alpine rising in sequence form dense shrub communities with needlegrasses, with elevation. Big sagebrush and bluebunch wheat- Arizona fescue, and bluegrasses. Rocky Mountain ju- grass are common sagebrush-steppe species. Quak- niper occurs on shallow upland soils. Ponderosa pine, ing aspen forests are dominant over much of the land- Douglas fir, and quaking aspen forests occur on low scape (Mueggler and Campbell 1986). Conifer for- 163 ests at higher elevations consist of Douglas fir, pon- tains. It is generally a rolling upland with packed derosa pine, Engelmann spruce, white fir, subalpine glacial till, coarse glacial-river deposits, and fine gla- fir, and lodgepole pine. Curlleaf and birchleaf moun- cial lake sediments overlaying level , tain mahogany, Gambel oak, serviceberry, and shale, siltstone, and . The large rivers are chokecherry shrub communities are also abundant. dissected below the upland surface (Beaty 1975; Alpine tundra communities occur on the highest Klassen 1989). mountain summits (Mauk and Henderson 1984; Climate. The climate is continental, with bitterly USDA Soil Conservation Service 1981). cold winters and short but warm summers, with a light precipitation regime. In the west the Cordillera Wyoming Basins Ecoprovince modifies the eastward-flowing Pacific air, causing warmer and drier conditions to prevail. In the east Landforms. This ecoprovince is composed of a sub-tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico causes in- series of high-elevation basins and low ridges; it also creased humidity and precipitation (Hare and Tho- includes the Rocky Mountain outlier-the Bighorn mas 1979). . Vegetation. Needlegrasses, blue grama, and pas- Climate. Summers are short and hot, the high el- ture sage dominate the southern and eastern por- evation causes great diurnal temperature fluctua- tions. Rough fescue, Parry oatgrass, junegrass, lu- tions, and the winters are cold. Arctic air can invade , and northern bed-straw dominate on the this area unimpeded from the northeast, while Pa- higher uplands to the west and near the Aspen- cific westerlies bring moisture. When the two sys- Parkland ecoprovince. At higher elevations on the tems coalesce, snow usually results. upland outliers are quaking aspen, lodgepole pine, Vegetation. Sagebrush-steppe, usually big sage- needlegrasses, wheatgrasses, lupines, and fescues; brush, bluebunch wheatgrass, shad scale, blue grama, Douglas fir and ponderosa pine occur on the needlegrasses, or fourwing saltbush are dominant in Sweetgrass Hills and Bearpaw Mountains (Ross and the wide basins. , juniper, ponderosa Hunter 1976). pine, and Douglas fir forests occur with rising eleva- tions, giving way to Engelmann spruce and lodge- Northern Great Plains Ecoprovince pole pine on the higher elevations (Green and Conner 1989; USDA Soil Conservation Service 1981). Landforms. This ecoprovince is a high elevation plain, often called the High Plains or Rocky Moun- TEMPERATE STEPPE PLAINS ECODIVISION (11) tain Pedimount. It is a rolling upland, often with a steep mountain outcrop that is more typical of the This expansive plain ecodivision extends across the Rocky Mountain Foothills than of the surrounding Interior Plains of southern Alberta and Saskatch- plains. Being unglaciated, these plains have had a ewan, eastern Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and long period of , resulting in wide valleys set western North Dakota, , , between hard rock ridges. In some cases the streams , and . It has a strong semi-arid con- are deeply incised. tinental climate. Cold, usually Arctic winters in the Climate. Winters are cold and dry, and summers northern portion and warm to hot summers with are warm to hot. Summer precipitation is a result of considerable precipitation occur. The high elevation surface heating of streams. Arctic air may penetrate of the southern portion effectively cools the area so a considerable way southward, but the winter cli- that both northern and southern portions are simi- mate is as much a result of elevation as it is of Arctic lar. This area has three ecoprovinces, two of which air masses. are shown on the map. Vegetation. Native plant communities are typical of the : buffalograss, bluegrama, Canadian Prairie Ecoprovince bluebunch wheatgrass, western wheatgrass, needle- and-thread, western needlegrass, and big sagebrush Landforms. This ecoprovince occurs on the south- are common plains species. Much of the original ern portions of the Alberta Plain and Saskatchewan vegetation has been replaced with cereal crops and Plain and includes elevated features such as the Cy- occasionally with irrigated crops. In the mountain press Hills, Sweetgrass Hills, and Bearpaw Moun- outcroppings, ponderosa pine, spruce, and quaking

164 aspen communities are well represented (Ross and Beaty, C.B. 1975. The Landscapes of Southern Alberta: Hunter 1976; USDA Soil Conservation Service 1981). A Regional . , Alberta: The University of Lethbridge. 95 p. SUB-TROPICAL STEPPE PLAINS British Columbia Commission on Resources and Envi- ECODIVISION (12) ronment. 1994. Vancouver Island Land Use Plan. Volume 1. Victoria, British Columbia: Province o£ This is a complex of plateaus and plains lying in British Columbia. 260 p. and map (1:500,000). , northern and central Texas, and British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands southern Oklahoma. The climate is subtropical. Sum- and Parks. 1993. State of the Environment for Brit- mers are long and hot, with most of the annual pre- ish Columbia. Victoria, British Columbia: Province cipitation; winters are short and mild. This area has of British Columbia. 127 p. In cooperation with: two ecoprovinces, one of which is shown on the map. Ottawa, : Environment Canada. Brown, D.E. 1982a. 122.4 Great Basin Conifer Wood- Southern Great Plains Ecoprovince land. In: Brown, D.E., ed. Biotic Communities of the American Southwest-United States and. Landforms. Like the Northern Great Plains, this Mexico. Desert Plants. 4: 52-57. ecoprovince is a high elevation, rolling plain with Brown, D.E. 1982b. 123.3 Madrean Evergreen Wood- dissected river valleys. Hills and uplands are com- land. In: Brown, D.E., ed. Biotic Communities of mon. the American Southwest-United States and Climate. The climate is greatly influenced by the Mexico. Desert Plants. 4: 59-65. Gulf of Mexico air masses coalescing with the sub- Brown, D.E. 1982c. 142.1 Plains and Great Basin tropical desert air from the southwest. Much of the . In: Brown, D.E., ed. Biotic Communi- precipitation falls in the spring and fall. Due to the ties of the American Southwest-United States and high elevation, freezing conditions may occur dur- Mexico. Desert Plants. 4:116-121. ing the winter and early spring. Brown, D.E. 1982d. 143.1 Semidesert Grassland. In: Vegetation. Common native vegetation is mixed- Brown, D.E., ed. Biotic Communities of the Ameri- oak savanna of live oak, post oak, and blackjack oak, can Southwest-United States and Mexico. Desert with little bluestem, sideoats grama, switchgrass, Plants. 4: 123-131. plains lovegrass, and plains brittlegrass. Shinnery oak Brown, D.E. 1982e. 153.2 Chihuahuan Desertscrub. and sand sagebrush grow in the northern portions In: Brown, D.E., ed. Biotic Communities of the on sandy soils (Brown 1982c; USDA Soil Conserva- American Southwest-United States and Mexico. tion Service 1981). Desert Plants. 4: 169-179. Brown, D.E.; Lowe, C.H. 1980. Biotic Communities LITERATURE CITED of the Southwest. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-78. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Alt, D.D.; Hyndman, D.W. 1984. Roadside Rocky Mountian Forest and Range Experiment of Washington. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Station. Map (1:1,000,000). Publishing Co. 289 p. Claque, J.J. 1989. Quaternary Geology of the Cana- Bailey, R.G. 1976. Ecoregions of the United States. dian Cordillera. In: Fulton, R.J., ed. Geology of Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, For- Canada and Greenland. Geology of Canada No. 1. est Service, Intermountain Region. Map Ottawa, Ontario: Geological Survey of Canada: 17- (1:7,500,000). 96. [also The , Geologi- Bailey, R.G. 1978. Descriptions of the Ecoregions of cal Society of America, K-1 vol.]. the United States. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Crowley, J.M. 1967. (in Canada). Ca- Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Region. nadian Geographer. 11: 312-326. 77 p. Daubenmire, R. 1970. Steppe Vegetation of Washing- Bailey, R.G.; Avers, P.; King, T., [comps., eds.]. 1993. ton. Tech. Bull. 62. Pullman, WA: Washington State Ecoregions and of the United States. University, Washington Agricultural Experiment Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Station. 89 p. Forest Service, ECOMAP Team. Two draft maps Demarchi, D.A. 1991. Ecoregions of the Pacific North- (1:7,500,000). west-First Approximation. Victoria, British Colum 165 bia: British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Idaho Department of Water Resources. 1990. Actual Lands and Parks, Wildlife Branch. Map (1:2,000,000). Vegetation Types (of Idaho). Boise, ID. Draft report. Demarchi, D.A. 1993. Ecoregions of British Colum- Map (1:500,000). bia. 3d ed. Victoria, British Columbia: Ministry of Klassen, R.W. 1989. Quaternary Geology of the Ca- Environment, Lands and Parks, Wildlife Branch. nadian Interior Plains. In: Fulton, R.J., ed. Quater- Map (1:2,000,000). nary Geology of Canada and Greenland. Geology Demarchi, D.A.; Lea, E.C. 1992. Regional and Zonal of Canada No. 1. Ottawa, Ontario: Geological Sur- Ecosystems in the Shining Mountains. Victoria, vey of Canada: 138-174. 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Macroclimatic Regions of British Ecological Stratification Working Group. 1993. Ter- Columbia. In: Stelfox, H.A.; Ironside, G.R., comps., restrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada. Ot- eds. Land/Wildlife Integration Workshop No. 3; tawa, Ontario: Agriculture Canada and Environ- 16-19 September 1985; Mont Ste-Marie, PQ. Ot- ment Canada. Draft report and map (1:7,500,000). tawa, Ontario: Canadian Wildlife Service. Ecologi- Franklin, J.F.; Dyrness, C.T. 1973. Natural Vegetation cal Land Classification Series No. 22: 22-32. of Oregon and Washington. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW- Mauk, R.L.; Henderson, J.A. 1984. Coniferous Forest 8. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Habitat Types of Northern Utah. Gen. Tech. Rep. Pacific Northwest Research Station. 417 p. INT-170. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agricul- Fulton, R.J. 1989. Foreward to the Quaternary Geol- ture, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment ogy of Canada and Greenland. In: Fulton, R.J., ed. Station. 89 p. 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Toronto: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 230 p. tain Research Station. 69 p. Harris, W.C.; Kabzems, A.; Kosowan, A.L. [et al.]. Munz, P.A.; Keck, D.D. 1970. A California Flora. Los 1983. Ecological Regions of Saskatchewan. Tech. Angeles; Berkeley, CA: University of California Bull. No. 10. Regina, Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Press. 1681 p. Published for Rancho Santa Ana Parks and Renewable Resources, Division. Botanic Garden. 57 p. and map (1:2,500,000). National Geographic Society. 1976. Portrait U.S.A.: Hickman, J.C., ed. 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher The First Color Photomosaic of the 48 Contiguous Plants of California. Los Angeles; Berkeley, CA: United States. LANDSAT Imagery of the National University of California Press. 1400 p. Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Hume, M. 1993. Where Birds Sing Year Round: British Geographic Magazine. 150(1): Map Supplement Columbia's Ecological Diversity. Borealis. 3(12):8-11. (1:4,560,0000). 166 Omernik, J.M. 1986. 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