A.. " "Tv- • V.' r .'

.. <' . VV '• ; v ‘ ■ -X -' ■ ' f >>:• ' " "'T ’ .'TJ.- V. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER W . 19BB ineEKIt-FOUB •fi- Aycrate DMIy Net Preae Run th e Weather. j3|anrir(Bt(r Stiifnins 3|fralii Far tha Weak BmM Fawimrt at D, O, Wiwtbar Bunm — " ' .... . ‘ ' ' .... ' l* OcL 38, lie s llon raeorqg elreulatlBf uadar TSirl- Olaar, anaaoMhiy mol toalgbt. Tha OoftMaad CathoUe Moth- Tha Nathan Hale FTA U apon- C oncert Fentnres aortng a'food aa)e at the J. W- Hale oua hkbala. > / Law around 48. Fair, . vafimiaa are Orele organtxatlen group la Dances in SHbvr This- la tha Singing ^ a s tA aac- 1 1,8 93 A b o u t T o w n planning open n l^ t for proepec- Store tomorrow. A variety of home toetiorWiw, ' turronalng ciondtaMoq baked geode wJU be on aale. , Singpiig P reacher ond concert tour In.AnMrlca. Last V ’ Clearance . Mcmbca at the .Audit tlv# raw membara. w ba held yaar, on hla first.tour, he aang In Burcan af drenlatlon. lu nfteraoan. High tn upper Me^ Alfr«4 M. UUmihsl, noted au­ Friday, Nov. 4, at the knighta of 12 .major ctUea and made four tele- M anehe*ter—~A City o f VUlage Charm Columbue Home at S o’clock. Any All newa carriera In thla aioa 2S% Off OB All filalat Rsmii FaraHora thor, iacturtr and expert on Middle for the Herald. Hartford Courant Tha singing Catholic priest from vision art?earancea. • Zhat affaire, tinu'lecture at the mother of ge^aatiilaaUQil la Invite^ to attend. - the meeting of the Methodiat Men fD L . LXXV, NO. 23 (TWRNTY-rOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27,1955 PRICE FIVE CBNTB^ Ava,, Hartford, toeaorrbw night at at the South Methodiat Church el Ic roualc et the Buahnell Me- weeks of the year Father Mac- ■ O’clock, on the Arab countilea 7:30 tonight, to hear Walter Sage orlal in Hartford Friday evening E>iran tpenda on tour and the re­ CHAMBERS FURNITURE SALES and Baat. 'Hia lecture te St>^l!StN^iule Thaddcua Mothara 'for the beneflt* of, the scholarehtp Clrole ^ meet tont^t at 8 of the Hartford Tlmea. He wltl mainder of the year he devotes to bMnf apOnaored b ^the Women’e talk end ehow'adund moviea. fund of the Greater Hartford Cath­ hla pariah m tha village of' Loch­ Low Ovoriioeid — YMi Sovo. Byrtaa-LObaneae Club of Hartford. o’clock at the home Mfa. John olic Oraduatee Club. McDermott m Bolton. gilphead, Argyll, Scotland, 70 miles ‘M l E. Middio TuniDilio>*Tol. Ml 3-51R7 lines T te pnbllc la Invited. The YWCA V l v e i ’ Thuraday Father MacEwan waa bom in from Glasgow. Bowling Leagui^ which meeU Glasgow at;d educated at the Uni­ The Hartford concert will begin: Opon DaHy 10:00>5:M—Evoniogt 7f30-i:30 . Thuraday momlngw^t 8:45 at the versity of Glasgow and the Royal at 8:15 p.m. and tickets are^avail- ^ S ^ P O R T Community Y. haa m m for more Academy of- Music in London. able at' the audttpriuffl. FaU to W in bowtera. A baby aittor for amMl Karly In hlf career he auditioned THBv' children ia available a ^ e break for the late John McCormick who eiRL SCOUTS made- for coffee. Y w i^ ihcm- encouraged him In hla work. Fa-\ beralup la requirtd to jollt^ Any­ thar M4cBwan'a singing voice has SUPPORT Council Bid one interceted may call the \WCA much the same tonal quality aa THE office for further Informetlok or John McOormack’a. He haa ^ven United Nations, N. Y., Oct. attend the bowling tom orrow imfuiy, concerts In the British lalea, GIRL SCOUTS 27 (JP)— The U.N. Assembly ihnrnlng. New Zealand and Australia where . '5l London, Oct. 27 (JP>—Pfin- he broke all box office records, eess Mu^ar'et paid a surprise fa il^ to break its* deadlock evant those set by McCormack pRll on the Archbishop of over a hotly-contested Securi­ A uction Conducted himaelfi He. haa niora than , a mll- Canterbury today—-presum­ ty Cpuncil seat today as*it re- aum^ voting after a week’s At W ales Session ably to dtbeuss her xomance ______.■ -/■ with Peter Townsend. recess. ^ V Today’s Irilttml ballot was the Due to unforeahen elrcumitancM GEN T Thla talk behind cloaed doora between the .Pl^neeaa and the iGitii slnqe the Assembly firot tan- Miaa Arnold .of the ComiMtlcm glM two veeks ago over thaMat Will Receive ranking prelate gf the Church of I^rv Council'waa uitable^ gUre TVSE ICE Whi^ formerly haef, been helt^y her talk on nutrition X t England cbuld decide her love of-, Daye . A Can lair with the divorced war hero. eastern European countries, 'nia ■■■ V night'* WaUa meeUng/ln.'®nker uondldatte for the seat ara the Hall. However, th^-^ea^rceful NIgtaU Flua Farta The Princeea drove to Lambeth TEL. S-SIM JPUaee, reaidence Of the Archbiah- PhiUppinba backed by the United Security Guarantee nlembera aubatltut^ whAt proved States, a i ^ Yugoslavia, supported to be a Ijeat aucMaa, gamely, a ' op, Dr. Geoffrey Flaher; one day after the London Times warned b y. Russia and th.e British Oomi Parcai Poat at^idn. / monweolth t^tmlricA Pravtoua t ^ h e vacation aeaaon, her editortally th a t‘ if she mar­ H By JOHN M.-HIGHTOWER ried Tosvnsend she mUat follow-In V - The vote on the lOth ballot waa tha jnem beX Were/aaked to mail SO foe the Phtli^ines and 84 for pachagte from the' different pieces the footatepa of 'her . uncle, tha Geneva, Qct, 27 le B a n w t was tha auctioneer, part In vhe ceremonial dpUes of the royal family. receive two-thirda of aliNtba votes Foreign ministers of the Rig Four Rations settled down'to ^ d uie g ^ t variety of the con­ STORES^ cast.- ,v tents tf^the packagca ereatad Talk AibaMt on Hour work in the council room of the Palace of Nations at 4 :16 p.m. much^interaat among the more ~ The Princeeb remained In Lam­ . Tha nth ballot waa \ unre­ Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Foreign Secreti^ tham^lOO mamberk present, fncl beth Palace for almoat an hour. stricted, or not limited. t^.U|e Philippines and Yugoalavia.\ It Harold Macmillan of Britain and French Foreign Minister ' • / / dentally eight new membera were She went without fanfare on thla Antoine Pinay had agreed beforehand to presa Russia’s 'V. M. wAlcumed last night and tha me^- IT LL PAY YOU TO Important Journey in her life. She failed, however, to produce \harsAtp. active and Inactive, a'p Barbara Beede dfove from Clarence House, where FRINGESS MARGARET significant change. The vote was'' Molotov to accept German unity on western terms. 'proachea the 250 mark. X' . she ,iVea with Queen -MoUier El- Philippines 30, Yugoslavia 25, ■ They were prepared te c o n f r o n t ...... —- ■ ■ 1 ■ 1 India 1. Harvey Ward, able director of Miss Barbara Beeda will (Umce IgabeUk People on the street looked ward Vli, to leave the throne 19 the Soviet dlplomatio chief with [ . ' / On the 12th ballot, ala- - unre­ the aaaoctatlon’e recent. aucceaaful In the minatrel show to be pre> up in surprise as she drove by. / yeara ago iii order to .marry Wal- a two-part_progrom.■P' - - Offering to A c l l ^ S O n S a y S vaHety ahow, "Tpna of Fun,*’ waa stricted, the. Philippinea received guarantee Rusaia against German sehted by Campbell Oouhhll No. A barrier to the marriage of lla Warfield Simpeon, an American 32 votes, Yugoslavia 34 and India made the first honorary member. the 25-year-old Princeaa . is that J'divorcee. aggression In futurs if Kussla wilt Hla wife, Mrs. Henriettk Ward, 573, Knighta of Cblumbuh, In the Townaend ia a divorced man. The Margaret'a romance la tx>mpll- 2^ agree to merge EXat and Waat waa chairman o f the refreahment Verplanck School auditorium Nqv. Church-o f England: frowna- on the cotad by tha fact that har eUtar. Britain’s Sir Plersoi Dixon then Germany through nationwide free Dulles FoUcies Committee last . n l^ t and Mrs. proposed Uiat the Aasembiy poai- 'clectlphe. The wetlerh''irttnlktOrs 10. 11 and 12. ra m a n ii^ of ^vorcad persona Queen ESizabeth II, la titular head ppne fufUier voting for. 10 days. Mary iJttle, aa usual, did an ar- Thla will be her fifth'appearance While -former - partnera still of the - hurch and could not be In ora convinced a fta r Oannon -vote tmtlc iob o f Tjecoratlng the -tables: is i~ffantier "Ih~thS TBidW, WlCRDft are alive, aa the former Mrs. U.8. Delegate Henry Oabot Louke-of-Wlrtda«V'then-KlHg - Ed-- (CoatiauiM ea FageTfiTrfeeU)' The Assembly vo.ed' 21--18 In Banatary o^Stata Dean AchoMR Mlaa Beede Wilt do her own expected to insist that before Ger­ favor of Dbcon’a proposal and the A Swiss soldier, armed many can be unified new condi­ has amarMd from a long n tf- im­ dance routines thit she has meeting Was luljournad Immadi- worked out aa'a teacher' pt Helyn wearing steel helmet, misses' tion! muet be created In Europe posed ptmtical stlanca to tab hiii ataly. Fifteen countries abrtalned. the proceedings as Soviet' For­ by abollahlng the North Atlantic party shparior to tha RepubUemnX R. Flanagart'4 Studio. She la,also The Soviet bloc voted with the employed at the Aetna Fire In Faure A sk s eign Minister V. M. Molotov, Aillanca and building up a new . . '. / n British and other Yugoslav sup­ European wide oemirlty syatem. ih..forelgn policy laadershtp. A t tha mes left, leavaa -plane Jdflbwed by aurance Co. and. attend# classea at porters in favor of tha postpone­ Thera appeared to ba no- pros­ ■ama time he blasted OOP Sacra- the University of Connecticut, ment. ■ ' aides and new^nen at airport tary.John Foster Dulles. in Geneva, ‘Switzerland. Oct. pect of a compromUa here between Hartford / Branch. She haa alao The Rusaiana - took 11th hour R isk the Walt Bn(T Soviet approaches, y . Acheaon declared that DuUaa has ■X made eeveral appearancea on radio measures to strengthen Yugoslav’s 28. Mplotov was the first or displayed “almost a claaaiOWuotra- and television ihowa. To Power New Sub bid for-'the aeat; the Big Four foreign ministers The conference which began hjm tion of ths way a leader ammig Beds Issue Warning ' la-'aiTlve for the donferenca today is an outgrowth of tha/Qa- tree nations ahould not proeoad.” opening today. On right, U. nSva aummlt meeting in July As the General Araemhiy pre­ when-heads of the four govern­ He said thla' wM shown whan n Francisco, Oct. 27 (JP)—The Navy plans to power its pared for' the new round of bailot-- 8. Secretary of State John Dulles announcsd .,a policy of Foster Dulles talks Into mi­ ments spent a weak of cordial but GENERAL Cht Ready For A Cold Winter new, giant submarine with two atomic engines, giving the Ing Russia circulated warnings ,^ 0 n s , Oct. ^ (4V-Ptemier "great capacity to rajoltate, hi-' W««r 61 SEE that the butodme would teat the crophones at Geneva airport Highly genOralizad. talk about Ger­ ■Untly, by means and at piacaa of boat a speed equal to the fastest surface ships in a task force. ;£diar Faure, recent victor in (AP Wirepheto via radio from many and other world problems. It Buiuicol olostictiesiery TV SERVICE "Geneva spirit” q'n the opening day our choo8lhg,” ’ igainat An ftfgr«lF> Rear Adm. H. C.-Kickover, the government’s top atomic sub­ of the crucial Big Four talks. crucial tests Ib the Na Qanavoj ; la also a continuation ,of negotla- •or. T" tldM carried on at a foreign mlnls- Days M g e A OaU marine expert. Included some new- TEL. MI 8-5184 anbmerstble ami other a-aubs in from 'the Omimunlat party News­ ducad “agitation, (loubta ftara.^*^ ~aup|wrt you got trom • an address prepared for the local Peru Sub paper Pravda. charging the United riskier vote idencK* Ike to Work Ptnmy,. whose government M O T C ^ R O L A M i of eonfldanca in oun Ishder- cquacil of the Navy, Lqague, the Sttdea with exerting- "crude pres- . The result could throw him aqd Aria is (Kreatensd with ship” among our AlUaa. .. t Values To Fit Ei’ery Purse \eaambef df commarce. and the aurU” in' pushing an Aslan dower Foreign Minister Antbliit ftitijt, Uoa tomorrow- becousO bf'ttftei h A M n ea's •attwk esm t fitm d k i UKMX Obmmerclal'Club. Aims Peaceful, for a seat the Soviets clam .be- out of office at tha varyMart of 0n Message Fren^ -problems, was chain imjirffaMitousiy MUh/A wanXttig • ATvoueeiuooiiT He also predicted that by the' Ihnga to an East Ekiropahh pow­ the- Big Four foralgA mini fo^lnSyOpenlng* session. — " haother former DamoeroUe; COSMETICS ; iSfiOa all projected ' new Navy | er. ■■ / ■/ meeting tn Geneva. ' Tna itfaUng arrangsment hod of Stoti, Jamaa F .' PINE LENOX ships will bq atomic powered. Admiral Claims Tha article, put out here aa % Backed-into-A corner by defeat To Congress QuHea wlqnhta back to the-great ByAldi^ Jhat the time haa comio to - '* Kickover said Congress has au- press release, declared Unanimous on two procedural questlona, Foure windows tltat look out toward halt kpUUeal attacks on tha na­ We Carry All the Top Unee ^ Buy For Gifts Too! shut off further debate until. to­ I Utorized the building of atx nu- ■ Groton, Oct. 27 (Jf) — The Pe­ support foftot Jugoslavia would fol- Lake GahayiTlMolotov waa aaatad tion's di)>lomalk. Tha viaws of both PHARMACY morrow by demanding a vote of Danvsr,*Q<^t. 27 President Thii fBWiWi’g costs, new In everj'thfngr 7 * ^ fabric to ^ear powered submarines tn ad­ ruvian Nayy it building up its sub­ at tha squona: uUila-Ut hta rlghL wartset. .-Yorth *.ln magosiaa 299 £ . Center Street Arthur “ (Ooatbiii^ on Page Thirteen) confidence. ‘ The vote will ba taken Eisenhower chlle<| two aide# to his Macmillan to. hlsytoft and Pinay arttcla'a, ’Acheaon writtiig in Map- fashion! Cashmere blends, fur-like fabrics, pluSbes, 100% WOOL 72x90 dition tq the original Nautilus and marine fleet to help .“In the de- at the session beginning at 10 a.m. Tel. Mitchell 9-0896 the aecM4.A-boat built,, the See-' feiise and maintenance of the peace a ■i '. 1 _ ' hospital room t(K|ay f(>r a start on oppoaita. Eaeh was rjoakad by od per'a aMMyrnea in Collleifa. Deeces, tweeds . . . AH quality-cut and quality-crglfted. Friday, and unUI then the Pre­ vlsers and intarpratai SaldT Extra Special! wolf. and iacurity of the Free World.” mier, a master of political maneu­ the January Btsrta. of 'tha Union \ Lebanon Scotch Plaid "Four of t h ^ ," said Kickover, Vlfg Adm'irar.Koque A. Saldlaa, maasaga outllnlrig hU[ laglalatlve "If , man and Woman of our vering, had an opportunity to cast diploma Jc. aatabllahnmt contiaua 1 :^ •Vm be smaller than the Nautilus, -lenra’s Marine minister, asserted ^^0-Red Wins about for additional support. (Oanttaoed an Pnga •) LIMITED QUANtiTY and Seawolf. Preparations to here today. program to' Oongreas, ... to b» ’ IS objScto of’ political aty "No evil or hidden purpdses are Had a deciaivc vote. bMn taken .Tha recuperating Presiilant quite p tacks, rldieuit, negwet and mV BLANKETS build ope of them Is going^n at this morning Faure probably would ,.95 ^ $ REG. $14.95 100% W O O L Mara Island Naval Shipyard, hara involved in our detcrmlnaUon t& ^obel Honors likely won’t ba back at hls .lYhlte managemehti-lf pububUc confid have been beaten. in California. Another has already achieve a Navy wgrthy of- the rvO- Houea desk on a real wwklnt hasis it not ralnyaatod IR tha quailto dadication of their aervica,: tho r*> bean started at the Electric Boat ble traditiona of Peru,’! said Saldlaa PoMible Resalts Ignored until about the time the a n n ^ IsPael Preventive $ 1 3 9 5 In a'speech prepared for la/cere- Fdr Literature - The point that the Big Four for­ maasaga goes to the lawmakers. salt could be national diaastSr,*' NEW LOW PRICE Go. in New London, (Groton) Conn, \ ‘Itop ShooRng r apd the other two will be built at mony at which the keels of me two eign ministers were starting their Preliminary Draft Set \ CHatham Blankets meeting in Geneva today seemed to Tanning carter magidMra o f tha b r a n d N W ^ ’ 5 the Portstriouth, N. H.,. Naval new Peruvian submarines, the Stockholm, Oct. 27 (JB—The 1*68 But he is repraoanted by associ­ A beautiful plaid blanket so warm and Atun 4nd the Merlin, w ^e laid. have caused no hesitancy among ates here as eager to gat the bOll Threatened by SharetL forelgh. service ag “b v , first Haa Shipyard. Nobel prize for litfratura woe won deputies who want to throw. the of dafattM" in pseArtlma, Byrnta TO WASH CLO.HES Q C FIRST OUAUTY good looking by Leb/inon. Buy for gifts, “ One of the remaining two nu- Hpeaks at Oreiion today by an Icelandic novelist, rolling On a preliminary draft- of He.'spoke at the shipyard- of the government out. The fact that an tho document, which wl)l g<»- as added; 72x90 too. elaar powered submarines will be Haider Klljan Laxnesa. adverse vote would cripple ‘Thp tl has to atop % new attack type with a speed Electric Boat Division of General A Leftist, he is scUve in the the one last January did—to a Geneva, Oct. 27 tP)~IsraeU Pre-^ It 'sboutd ba tha Interest of Dyhamics Corp- where Peru first France’s representation at the in­ GohgraOs controlled by the Dam.o- qUef Moshe Sharett jjaw into clvUlsad-diatiohs ovtrywhara toaaa shootum /en greater than that of the Oommunnst-sponsored Internation­ Tha.^lgar cols, for one n ordered four submarines 32, years al Peace Movement, which previ­ ternational ineeUng got only paaa- craU. Geneva today and sai<: hla country that -liratl does not have* to fight c l e a n e r '^ 0 colors only. Rose pink and yellow. kutilus. Yhlng, be said, 100%' W O O L S ago. These ^ aft are stilP In ac­ ously awarded him a literary prize. Ing mention In the debate. would fight a preventive -War If again—as she will fight If aha has ^ OS a sprtng- Aowatf priced 21' Motorola Five year guarantee against moth darnage! •The other will be our largest tive service, and Electric Boat has . For his first con'ferenca looking board for unfi ' a and unfair cdmola— bfoutiful matol cobi- submarine, and the first one . pow­ He haa called the North Atlantic But it waa the same way last to\^-ard that draft Eisenhower hes neceaasry but " j hope to God shb to." The last of this wonderful value!/ built several others for the South Treaty OrganizaUon “ a society of week when the Premier-aXked for will not be driven to this.-” Asked if ha would be in Geneva pima overblouse •iat in Elond or. Rronxa. No ered by two reactors. It Is being American republic. ' called in retired Maj. Gen. Wilton (Oaatiaaad an Paga ) A U NEW. war' lunatics." - a vote- of confidence pn Algeyiin B. Persona, who ia in charge of the Shsrett lUid ha came to Geneva long,' the abort, mustached pre­ stooping, no sifialching, oil con­ T Chatham BJankets disigned to be fast enough to op­ The keel-laying ceremony, helped policy. He won^that one patfly, to aee Soviet Foreign Minister V,- erate In conjuctlon with a fast car­ . I-axness, 53, has been a candidate Wjiite House liaison .With members mier replied; trols within aoty raadi.* AAodi " 5 Year guarantee Against Mpth Damage celebrate a ■ Penivli*n and United several years for the prize. Ap­ 308 to 254, after the deputies had M. Molotov and tha Weatern for­ ,’:i hope not.” f. rier task ftwee arid to provide It States holida'y. Today Is the day a weekend for' reflection,' though of 'Congress,. and Kevin McCann 3 / 4 sleev es, Q . 0 2IK37, yours f«>r ' parently the Royal Swedish Acade­ the {Yesident's ithitf speech writer. eign minUiere but had no definite Ill Jerusalem, meantime,. Isroail What A Value! With radar Information." of restoration In Peru, and Navy my this year overcame the dislike on a preliminary procedural qqas- appointment -with Molotov. \ I larger Thao Nautilus 'Thay^MlLget Elsenhower’s ideas military spokesman claimed tOday ENMX $259.95 Reg. 512.95. 66 X 90. Day. In the . of his .political leanings that at tion they had defeatitad him h SOS ■ to "My task," said Shatett, "is to that Egyntlan and Syrian military Kickover did not specify speed j In another prepared talk. Frank least some of its rtiemiMra had felt. 274. I ■ . on the lagialative program at a attract international attention to QuUetim REG. $ 12.95 , Twin «ze .. #•••••# or dlmenilons of the giant Sub­ brief mMting, then return to units,hail penetrated Israeli terri­ 0 Lnd-&way cuffs Pace Jr.. OenerarDynamics' execu­ He will receive $36,730 at the pres­ Faure asked for a vote of confi­ the very arrious danger emofront*. tory In two different demliltarized from the AP wjb«B mersible. However, there have tive vice president,"spoke, as did entation of Nobet Awards Dec. 10. dence this time after the deputies Waohlngtortvto begin actual writ­ Jng Israel ea the retul,. of acquisi­ 8 5 % W O O L — 15% NYLON keen reports that It will displace Saldlaa, of Peru’s peaceful inteh- ing of the mOssage. nones and said one Syrian soldier Reg. 516.95. 72 x 90. Laxnesa writes about the every­ voted 289 to 286 to take tip a So­ tions of Egypt—an avowed enemy was believed killed. Twin, or full 8ize. . , . about 5,000 tons, compared to 3,- tiona. day life of the 150,000 persona of cialist resolution refusing their Aides said It still Is too early of Israel- -of large quantltiea .of eOO for the Nautilus. ’The aubmarlne, while used In hrs4)nme iXisndNi the North Atlah. to tell whether Elsenhower will be The Egyptians'were reported to W’OltK SLOW-DOWNS LBOAL confidence. , - weapons from Soviet eources.” have croaaed Into the El Auja- The speed of the .b 'g »’>l’ Pt*' war. Is basically a rneena for pro- tic. . His, _ ' ‘Independent , ______People” aold Refuses Priority on Plan up to making a personal appear-. ' Hopae to Avoid War Wiiahingtoa. OcL X7 (P) —H m Hale's Moreweax Reg. 517.95. 80 X 90. Bumably-will be over.30. knots. tO' .ecUng peaceflil countries against ! heavily In the United Stales Arked if Israel, ^,'outd launch a Ntzana sOna near the Sinai border U,g , Contt -g f fippaila n * * 4 e - mitch that of the fast carrie.* I ^ Ea.'lier, the Assembly refused, (Oontlniiad on Page Four) and entrenched thamaelvae. This dajr that-a labor nolan m ap naa m .Extra size full...... by a vote of 303 to 275, to give preventive war, the Premier re- task . force. The Navy says of- (Continued on Page ’Thirteeii) [ (Coatinued ou Pt^ga T%venly-tkraa) poaltloiv tha Israeli spokesman “horoaelng toeUea” durlog aago- AUTOMATIC priority to a mild government for­ 4>lied; said, is in addition to the one near BLANKETS , Bcially that the speed of the mula "taking note" of govern­ ’T hope to God that Israel will UatiaM with aa ewiptoyar ■In-, TMftieil of oil Motorola 21 * For years of warmth and .service buy a Nautilus is over 20 .knots. not I be driven to ' this- -to what, the El Sabha checkpoit held by chtdlag work alew-dow a wtth- 'I'ke four smaller submarines ment declarations on its general the. Egyptians for some time. It WASHER TV. Mttl Compact, diolf-liza Chatham. policies. '' might appear to be a ahoricut to ent M ag guilty of foUnra to metal cabinet In dncoraler * probably will be about 2,200- tons B illion-D ollar O perationi the Miution of our grave probie.m." is about'half a mile Inside Israeli bargain in. good faith, Tha soort — compared wlth,;the Nautilus’ 3,- Technically, the vote tomorrow News Tidbits wathaa clolhas cla«n with colon—Charcoal, Carnation .95 win be on thla government resolut Hesitating a moment, he then territory, jputh of Beerotsylih. averruied a rullag by tha .Ni^ WEK fink or ton. Anedel 21725, 000 and the l,'60O ton displacement tion.- , ■ added: Another spokesman earlier said tianal Labor Ralatieaa Board 100% DUPONT D A ^O N FILLED of conventional, fleet-type . stib- Culled from AP Wire* But actually it pits opponents of "It’s not the case of a preventive a. Syrian military unit entered the that the CIO-Textile Worttona $199.95 We have just received another . shipment OLD FASHIONED PRINT - mersibles. Strobel Denies Profits Faiire's plan for a general election war U’s' the caili of • meeting ag- demlUtarizad none near- Dan in L'iiloa failed to bafgala to goad The ■ new attack type design, of these' -wonderful blankets. Warm and in December, at least under pres­ ' Labor leaders George Mesny and greaalon.” ...... northsaatern Galtiee and clashed faifki with the Personal Pradneto also'high speed, could be intended Bharett said larael, by virtue of With an laraeli poUca patrol, then Co. I light weight, -will wear for year^ Blue, primarily as a-guided missile fir- ent electoral laws, against those Walter Rauther report prepara­ --■A in favor, tions for merging AFL and CIO its hlstoiy .and Us spectacular re- withdraw. He taid the Syrians _rose,^ yehow, sea green, emerald grteen and tng submarine. _From ______Official ____ Position construntion progntT), iS- o f great, took -the-Jiody of one' man-back, Kickover*' has two posts—cTuefy ' " ^— - - - - Faui-a-haa-pr<,'p<»s«4-to. Pi—Peter whicn normally would continue to citizens of countries throughout Exchange exhlMtad ^reiM todog alon’B Naval Reacto*- Branch and! A. Strohel, *;mailager of jhe gov- Senate Agriculture Ckwumlttae Ahalher PUFFS until next June,.In order m elim­ finds strong support for program the w.orld. (Ceiatlmiad an Page Fahr) that the govaniment’s new maos- No ald-faihlanad thrsthinf efito- Usistant ! chief of the Navy’s ernment’s Mlllan-dollar^ public inate some polities fromjffeciilbiu uree to curb biftottoa and hoeat ■ofidix Exclutiva REG. $8.95 FIRST QUALITY _ buildings operation, has strongly that,'would use IIS, fimda to pay British exports ore not aa sayoio tar Wadat la waar aut yaur Hatha 1 ., (Centtnoed a« Page Siz): denied to House investigaton that farniers to produce leas ratbeifX aa moel brokers and traders had (Continued eh Page Fear) than use them to buy surpluaso. . . , SIX HUNDtPD T H O U I ^ r ^ ’ 3% POUND HALE'S ^ 1.95 TT" y his New York •engineering! con- raorad. Prieto ctlmbed whHl Ms auitant: firni ever profited from Blgelow-Sanford Co. jpute offict Revenue Servim Exarhines axebangr opened, with indnaMol JETS OF ENERGIZED HOT, SOAP7 and rug-making equipment on WaAla^t 'Austerity Program his ini luentiai official position. and oil shnraaiiaading Iho. wag. watar ara FORCED THROUGH Extra nmiart ami rranacn- You wilMove the aid fashionid pittern of Strobe! was recalled for further B ensoii U m ler Fire aucUoB > block' alter sales of its 7 De«e<«ter Ce(effL iCal! 21-ioch ebrlf^iie-tnodri in Bronsr.' t^bercoel or Blond. Charfnhouse Arlon this new 100^ dacron filled ijliff. Light testimony tomorrow, however, by real estate holdings in Anulerdam, Books af TdxT'ree Groups u.$. p ou o RA-re d o w n YOUR clalhat aaary minutal S ^ t f o r A r g e n t i n a a Hoiise Judiciary subcommittee N. Y. bring estimated $356,000 . . Washlnglon, Oct. 27 l^li-tThO Rye-Cobdirionrd intidr and Weight, extra warm, re.silient, non-matting,' Again on Program SEF THE NEW out. hieht-l p.Fjont ControU. Investigating possible . cdnflict of Therataned strike of Pan Amer- Public Health Berviee sold today O An entirely 'New Kind .of Wuher! washable. Gold, blue, green and red. interest between his ^ b lic role Threatened strike of Pan Aiiier- Washington, Oct. 27 (P) — Tha»emptlons la not yet (iacidsd, accord- the nstlon’a poUo rote to ISU Ship’n Shore takes over with "a fashion— au.thorative BENOIX Kuair.r niriel Srebinef;'^ Model ; Buenos Aires. Argentina. Oct. 2 m 6 . ILANKETS and nis 90 per cent partnership in ihington, Oct, 27 (S^-xSecre- throughout nation if temporarll.v Internal Revenue Sarvlca is exam­ ing to avalUbta InfornMtion. may be the * lewrat stoca lt5 l. new overblouse I Smart lowered Waistline, convertible O New waahing action SurgM dirt out! POWER SURGE 37 — A policy'of • "austerity, the firm of StrobeL A'Saizman. halted by court actions in New Meanwhile, it idso.waa reported The weekly conuponlcabla dis­ PJ9S tary-ifcf Agriculture Benson cime ining "at least the) more con- ■O Bendix Soli Siphon nnd epiclat WASHER $219^5 ^LON and RAYOl^ BLEND REG. $10.95 FIRST QUALITY ■^rk and- sacrifice" with no The subcommittee also sum- undejn fresh fire today aS he aban- York City and Miami. troversial” cases among more than that the Justice Dapartmeht has ease summary- from the Deport- arched collar, J>uSh-up sleeves with newiy-i^t cuffs. l ^ m is e Of "pl,e, vn the sky" wa.-i moned Joseph B Moody, counsel 32,000 ()fganisatiOns-it liata-aa tax- told tha-Traasufy ILshould get.our -meiiit.of " draining prevant re-aqiltng of PRICIS START a l l S]ETS-YXCLf4>Et x c — A0x90-EXTRA SIZE (Hod«»-p lans for a European tour 0(W. Alian_8hivers of Texas says Wonderfully washable combed Ipima rottbn . ricH before the Argentine pePple today for the Public Buildings Servise l.i order to work on farm program Democratic llarty has many free. thorijly from Congtaas before car­ Welfare said; 25,737 new waihad eiotbee! AS LOW AS I HF-VHF TUNINO as the new government celled for Jew^ tones . , . fine 3.ved-to^matcirpearl buttws. Sizes - ______CHATHAM which Strobel heads'eads as sis.auu-a-$l4,800-a racojnmendationa to Congraos next good praalgentlM poaeJblUtlea mod­ Tnis was laarnad today irom.an rying out a long-rbrnored plan to of ocnla poUo-mycUlla were « • - ,^72x^9a 4 stringent program of economic year commisaionerler in Gene rat erate in their |>oljtical 'views informed amirce in contact with open to public inspeirtion docu- parted between. Jon. 1 lond OcL y « y -' - - 1 28 to Also many new plaids and woven patterns.— rabtiilding. Services Administratiitistration (GSA)l piin D. JobnstoH (D-8C), Friends reportedly are asking Sen. Revenue Service headquarters! meiKs filed by. organisations ' to 2$, compared with 88,078 durtog- 5 NYLON and RAYON BLEND Provisional President Eduardo a eorreapoading 18M period. 12.98. ' . Warm as blankets twice the price. Our the government't’s ' housekeeping .uring Benson as ’ Unpopular aifford P. Case (R-NJt to bid for here. . i which tha Ravanue Sarvlca grants UHF InstoUafion Lonardi said' last night. Argentina agency. h.farmefs throughout the coun- New Jefaey’e 3$ GOP presidential Revenue Service o.fficiala and tax axamptiona, AhKS CO RADIO NBT. WitMAiiy Sot N. Y. office beUght thousands months ago Qi confronted with the. "most Negoiiatca Controots sald ha thinks the Eisenhower nomlnaking votee as part of bur- their Treasury superiors ■aid they Tha federal government accords to get this low, low pricel Eight colors, diaoatrous aituation in our .eco­ The Public Buildings .Service tnlstration will dismiss Ben- reoningl "favorite eon’’ movement could not discuss the matter sit this tax-free atatua to reltglaua, edu­ Hartford. OcL' 87 (iP) — A ■POSTSWEAB — SECOND FLOOR pink, blue,.^ yellow, orchid, gi^n^red, aqua BLANKETS nomic history." He put the'blame directs aJI federal building man­ aa agriculture secretary next Jn both! major political partiee. . time. \ cational and charitable organiaa- 84e,0M CtvU D eM ro radio as« aquarely on ousted l^eaident Juan agement acUvitiea and does such "Poaaible PoUticol IntoresU which would Moaket tka atoto and tan. Limited Quantity-^ Colon In an effort "to aave. face” OcneiWl Motors Corp. Is expected tl(pia- ' * ■ O. Peron, aaying the. “irrespon­ things as'selecting arcMtects and the farmers. to set an all-time record for any However,, it waa learned tax of­ A parson familiar with the plan durtog an amergency will to M sible and corrupt” -10-yaar rule of contractors for new buildings, haven’t foiind one farmer in business .enterprise whaii' it shows ficials are giving increasing . ebn- said removing tha secrecy ciirtain prM »l«d for caaaideiaUoa kg TRIPLE apeclnJI seoaion af tka Oaa- the fallen dictator had. I'eft aoo- iiego*iating contracts for govern­ 1 Carolina- who is for Ben- net profHa of over $t hUilon for slderatfon .to the question of what from tax exemption applications ^ Green SUmpa 1.1 IlSSSi.c chaos. • ^ ment ieaoe-purchasa (if privately the Senator aiided in 'an in- 1966.. Repoi^i of screams tha yardstick to apply jo an organisa­ and. tax returns of such organlxa- •AtaeoMMy. Stoto CO DlNe- The JSM H A U ^R STORES^ - Making, a datolled report over built buildings, and kuptrvising erviaw. A member af the. Senate night of Oct. Itihava police aaarch- tion with poaaibla politicai Inter-, tlons. would show their alms, tori .Lea 8. M nlaakg aoM I ' M i u i a i i v m a nationwide radie hotdnip, Lqnar- faderaTraal estate. > dgrlcultura Comailttaa, ha has Ingi twoi aparaely aeittled areas of asta when 1$ asks for tkx nem pt backers,' and datalla o f thalr fi- todito ka had wriMon to ton The JMIIIAU CORK Given With Cash Sales Stoto' IMaasSar . OammlMM 'vn* COM 'dl ooid the natlan’s gold and dollar Stfobdl,: a mifd-nuuuiartd wit- long criticlsad Banstm and' ths od-| npnhwaat side of Chicago for cluaa statuX. .r' "1 noneaa.. - 1 - 681 MAIN HT. gnaatlng it stodg Ihe AFFUANCE OEPT. — OAK ST. ENTRANCE MMknwmm. Coiiii* ' i ' - - to bratal oloylag s t thrab young, Whethar thla will rsM t in t o em m m e AUitmi Cohn* Tel. MI S-6771’ Msalva)! (C a* Poga Stx) (OanMMMd a ilR O B ^ (OMrttaoad m Pioga r) ''1 On : s. . ■ ^ - ' -fT 4 J ^ -A '. . l i lt . •1-f ■y^

<1 ■* i‘ Y- / ■ r •i' - ; " . 'I ■■■ e v e n in g MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. |1AKCHBSTEB« CONN, THURSDAY, . OCTOBER 27. 1958 PAGE T H U K ' iltAl^ClffiSTjSR^ HERALD,fMAN CONN^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27> 1658 .to JamaiCR Acliei^bn Says MANCHESTER KNITTINC MIU.S ii lame THE MlWHgTBI W5TE8 Geneva Conference Op^ns^ r ParisK Will Meet EASTWOOD p West Seeks Grernian Unity Dul|es Policies i::::niii St^hid^Deoics Profits qf Navy Jets Alas LaSS' A Onaae* Tht Haittotter^toaMailty flaym Sjaturday Evening Sas* AflyMB ‘ Sms Msuaeas FACTORY ■fell! I (Oeattoued tiaae Page Oaa)' Conlilses Allies I -. ' Washington, Oct. 27 (>W ’h ie A ^ a a which did not work out^xbiit, “The ^Footstep* - ill . H4broh, Oct. 37 (Specisl) — RockvUte WSatinghouse Electric Cerp..'lw■ th ‘ a " fim e valuable ...... iowledge was McConnell « SscretAry of Defense. CaiArles nlltl- Frem Official Position psrt^ msetlng of St. Pater's Epis­ galned'.K in the Fo^’ “A SLIGHT CASE OF MURDER” (OwHIaelN t r ^ t a g # : O w ) iinir disputed stetementa t l ^ 'faOui'e Story’* Z WUaon sat oh Dulles’ right. Molo- copal Church wlll.be held Saturday . Smith'lkteatlmdny Umt engine i i OM) of jet engines It manufactured was Is ClsssuSesp* Is CeUr > VERPLANCK SCHOOL AUDITORIUM^ « tov waa between AndreT Gromyko criticism of-the enttre^i^t* De- failure coulA.not be blanied for any eaS CMer and an'Interpreter. ... Jury Awards iii!iui;:: evening St 8 d’eioCk with the'meto to blame for aci^deiita which coat acriouB accidirii|a Involving the De­ TOMORROW NIOHT and SATURDAY NIGHT PartmenL \ / ffihi jticH, ytstertUiy told tho lubcom- •AboutTd^wn objMt being the oatUiv of a hector t:ta4 :toS;U li4M:to But looming bMore the foreign iillil the lives of fouf men testing mon seemed toN;pnflict ^ th that Aitalts .91.19 (Tax la d ,)—Stiideeto ASo (T ax led.') nintatere — although not taken AejMson wrotothat th* Mmo- i i nittM h* "d^d not com® to W«»h- , Membc'ra «d tbe^omen’a Repubp, or piiest-in-chsrge for the church, Navy's Demon interceptor. taken Monday from Rear . Adm. account in preconferonce $47,500 cratte party has "ahown the auper-- teetett for pcivoto join,” w d that llcan Club are urt*d to attend tha h has been without a minister Speaking for the Arm, W. Vf. JamM S. Russell. chiM of the Navy TOMORROW .— waa the fear that Mid- lor capacity" to Itad the. country jlllii h o 'a o vo ^ hlo manac^OMnt con- the memberaWp tea tomorrow af. ! -the Tfslgnstlon of the Rey. Smith; told e House dovemnient Buraau of Aeronautics/ tehaiona would flare Into to an tatalUgant, vlgotoua foreign temoon a t-3 o'clock af'the Man. QtWratlons subcommittee yester­ Btomea Crash on E a) MsUsm Oaly — A OrMi In GirFs Death ) ^ i i i . noetMia with hia Arm wh«n ht w u ard D. Clark in September, to full 'scale ehOotlng war. . . " ______■ / r - policy* ' cheater fJountry Club. Tha gueat day Westinghouie rs^rds "show Russell said that |n three T ' - _N4w frontier chutaea between Acheaon, beerotgiy t ^ a r for­ appolatod public buUdlnft «om^ apeakee Will be Mra. ,:. PreaooU me the office of chaplain at no instance in which/a crash re­ HoHowMfi Fwn Show fthe Hectory'Schoot In i*omfret. the engine "can be blamed dli «. Israel and Egypt hhve heightened RockylUe, Oct- 27 (Special)*-' mer Preaidant ’mOtan.X lauded pfdMloiier in July 1954; Bush. Other Republican. wonjen sulting In Injury or death, of a pilot GIRLS'7 to 14 - iliil ' A brondsing proepect fprlhe po- or aeriously suspected" and Ft** <• every Alik aMeaSlaa—a fall '.r; these fears, as did i^en t ahlp- After deliberating four houra, a Truman ta praiatag tito record of jle iilao taid be never made any who are nofxmembera ol the club could be directly, attributed to the- another the engine was a factori face halleWeeB leaek -»- Ms* he* sitlon^t St. Peter'* is >n sight, and 'failure of a J40. engine." \ , , «**4y ysenta of Coaununiat Arms toJ(.Tolland Holland CdUnty • Superior Court Demooretle leadership ta |breign M vaheret tha* ha retained a 90 per are also cordially invited. He aaid these four crashes cost two “ R fypt from (Jachoalovekie. poltc.y after World War n. / 'gjPi '^y /^_a «a.aaJIO IvatArMi if« hi it is hoped that the" church will Ok{x^>«r*eai Abbelt * CetleU* la JUry toqay awarded 847^5(K> dam­ cent proAt tptereai in hia Arm, hays a ^sder in th? near futurs. Heads Turblwt Division Uvea. r OffleiaU In Waahtagtbn today "Th* sweep, coherence and •im A daughter Wm bocn at the Smith is manages of the West- Tha Navy is noiv outAtting ages to the family ot Diane Har- TURTLE NECK ill:: which he declared "ia abe^it; Ml 1 todlcate Church “M H n THE MUMMY" ~ described the Middle East as the ergy of all that waa don* la 1 have." He aaid he had cleared that Hartford HoepitelX on Monday to inghousc Electric Corp/e Avia­ models of the Demon with a more » moat' critiical theater in the Cold 'tehsteta, who was killed in a traffic, to grasp from a mer*; oatAlogu* Mr. end ^Mre. Frank Vaccaro, 9 Th4'‘*-*'KL* *** ssrvlce of re- . ^30 OAK ST* ei- MANCHESTER arrancement with ■ * B3dmund F. tion Oes Turbine Division, at powerful En^nc than the J40 — sues* Ceihf4y • Certeea* aaS Sees ~ Wat. State Department spokes­ accident Sept. 80, 1954, on Rt. 16 maaaurea, he aakt.' "It lias, I Middlefield St. ' \ dedicSlion Sunday at the Gilead Ksniss City. the J71 f.rodur:ed by the Allison Hi Manaure, OSA administrator... Congr^atloiial Church at 11 a.m. . Be*l. DAyk Oyea ItM — ★ FINE FOOD ★ QUALITY REVENGES men said they had new Informa- in Vernon. ■ think.'in the boldness, the Iniagina- SWEATERS After e x t e n d e d queationlng. The subcommittee, hoping to Division of General Motors Oorp. Fert*Haaaee 1:4® -tlon that Soviet blOc sources have Uventsa, the creaUveneaa of the Rrilllam England, 3w ^ n ic e St., The morhtng service at the Hebron Wind up today He Inquiry Into the II — Mlaa Hartenstein, JS, daughter Chairman Oeller DAILY s p e c ia l s ~ about supplying arms to . Israeli of Mr. and Mrs. Eltaer F. Herten- Sciences at the Unlyenrtty nf-Con- membersmentbers arexifmted to attend the craft . Co. F3H i^mona powered ta th'e sustained will which those lation ef. the conflict M interest declaring that "planes powered by • HOME MADE RAVIOLI * forest. stelif, formerly of 138 Prospect St., In charge maintained and com' nccticut and assistant aports^editor Gilead servlc'sA ' Sunday gchool with WesUnghouac' J40 englnai, ra'>> J40'a not only w ill'fly but some Rockville, waa killed while a pias- atatutes." of the OonnecUcut. Daiij’' Cattume, here will be held at 9:30, and at ' MamlUAn and Pinay were ex- municated to the country. <>eeelloa of IMieacy celled Navy and McDonnell offi­ have Down exceptionally well." ' peeled to protest to Molotov pbbut aenger In a vehicle dp*tot*<* hy the school's daily pubfleatton, ^sa Gilead at 10:15. cials for questioning atr an open • VEAL KAUOPtNl • IREADEG^EAL CUTLET 'Thi| stemmed straight from N.® acknowledged that the devel- mm the arms being sent to Eg>-pt since Hieodore C. Scheitlin Jt., 18, algo President Truman himself.” But Caller told him there was a electsd to the rKfwspsper's board P'ii ’mi; The Gilead Church has been re­ hearing (10 a.m. EST). opm'eht lagged behind original ex- they, deem the Russian government of Vernon. ScheitUn'a ch r/ sia iiii'i "quesUbn of delicacy" as to wheth­ ot directors this week. The board decorated In Its interior, end while ■truck by a trucll owned-by ptafee Ha went on to say: liiili er Strabel should have recom­ consists e f eight departmental Subcommlttea members have pec tattons, and that Westinghouae reeponeible. , "Tha years ataca 1952 In.Amart this was In progress dpRng the criticised the program as one Bros, of North Oxford, Maaa., Ani' m mended one of hia Arm's clients tb hesds^jM two regular staff mem­ never did develop a model aa Israeli Premier Moshe Sharett can foreign policy are not notable 100% ALL W OOL Mbt sununer the Gilead Congregs- which, coat an estimated $300 mil­ powarful aa it had hoped before operated by A. J, Qardnor ot ^ II architectural work on. a bers elected by the entire ataff. tl^ ellits met with the Hebron headed here from Paris to make town. ■ X for th* quality ot tha ideaa gen­ jiiU lion and four pilots' Uvea without the Navy Cancelled the contract hia own protest to Molotov; pnd to erated. Policy has coasted on . the JiHii ieling job for the Immigration church. producing 'a combat-worthy plane. According to testimony SCheltUn. Fancy cabla-knit in waym, andsNstunUiaatioh Service in NeW Pvt. RuMSli ty. Wlrtella, 19,^ eon Ha aaid WesttnihouBe has since press for, western arms and^pro- Hioinentum of peat initiative. . . Deastlon to Relief The Navy, Mya It was a calculatad. taken steps to ci^ect the defleien- ■topped hia vehicle to pick. up^ h extra soft pure virgin itool. YorK-s . - of Mra. Mabel E. Wirtells. 71 Am^riejam L^foit taction for Israel. He conferi-ed hitch-hiking. Mdrins and ad It " T h e stream of ideas, of im- Perfect for akatliig. Bright Chestnut St., is scheduled, to be Tha Hebron Congregational t*- risk taken under Korean War pres- ciaa which; contributed to this lag. AgdBAtlva thinking, had dried up. StroMl teaUflfd his p*m now die* Aid Society has appropriated ^ hia Paris yesterday with. ’Dulles ■tarted in motion again waa struck ■cariet or white. has aatao^3 clients, and that two sent to Europe from Fort Riley, and Macmillan. ' by the truck from th* rear. Mlsa BmM PlMto. Tha poaier Of anargaUc acilon Ken., next month as part of Opera- the Slim ot tsO to be used In flood ■aembikto have been loat” .of tjtem—sen e Petroff and iChap- relief for a Oongregstlonsl/chi^cji Against Anns Aid Now Hartenateta-dfcd the following day Jrasica-bound Mr, and Mra. Ruaaell 8 . Pottarton o^Jtotterton'a electrical appliance store accept their man, Evans\A Delehanty-r-won Uon Qyrascope, tha Army's new OWBEN These two and Pinay were re­ expense-free tour ticket from Edwin G. Finance, ealea to p to ^ for Fedders room air condittoners. unit rotation plan..lto entered , the needing repairs. Maeons Plaiiniiig from bums she roselved in the fire architectural aHeraUdn jobs 'for ported to hays decided agaiiut, which ignited ftom the accident. Pottarton won the trip to' the tropical resort for selling a rauma of conditionera. Tha couple leaves Bos­ a t , RO YS'orW GIRLS' Army last April gnd tocelvsd basic Ofheeni elected at Its la s t y rushing arms tb Israel or formally^ ton Wednesday by plana for the 8-daV stay. Some 2L6G0toIeemert have won the trip. Thirty Super 6 the Publie Buildings Service.' training at Fe:t Riley, He Is a meeting art: President, Mra Wal­ “ IS Marine, Pfc. Harold Cody, 20. Halloween Party He said he' recommended the former student at tha. Univaraity Old Timer* Night ■" guaranteeing Its aecurlty at this /Bast . Mass., was slightly Clippers have been transporting them frorii live U.S. cities to Montego Bay, And b'eck.' ter tlonald; first and second vice i j m i c b X ; time. They evidently hoped to Petixjfr Arm for the immigration ^ll conduct a Borst, Mrs. Raymond J, Burt; Mrs. 7:80,/ _ . CAUERi HERI MERCIER cent addlUon to their personal Revealed by Runaway Pair S:U Tach. Ssie-t* ■ tags. 1^ man, Bvana A Delmanty. ■ale of imported goods from Swe­ Leeman Kearnsy, Mrs. John , G, The program will Include pre­ property ■asessinenta if they a.m., will bs traAtad to a HAllowaan den. all-occealon cards and serve Beck, wit* of the pastor; devotion LEGION MEMIERS — FRIENDS Many Bttoh aide gatheringa are 000 in . do not sign decleratlona At the / MeaMSea Friend sentation ofl.BultaXIe emblems to here*(X>naUtuted an automatic probA' parly after tha aeSakoiis Saturday refreshments. el chairman, Mrs. Fred Patten. FBIOAY. AT 1 F: M. CSILDhBIf’6 ♦ expected^ during the three to four office of Tax AsseJiaor Henry Prompt action by police morning, and all chUdran of tha Strohel told the committee that those who Have corhpleted 2^ or PSOOKAMt LtoMHd St. Horn* weeka that the Big Four ere here. tlon violation for Duffy, potica ha bah net "in any way used or Fellewahip Workers . Mutrie tomorrow or Monday, and ta New York CJtty may hava school are cordially invited. Legionnglres of D 11 w o r th - "ThaaderhaaS. laa at Flldka" al** The weaterh mlnlatera have nr- Andover. tald. agq|ht to use tnjr efftcfal peeiUqn to The Congregational P 1,1 g r I m more years w membership In the "Tumaa aaS |ka Apa i » u ’’ REFRESHMENTS Mutrie said today. prevented A holdup planned by Patrolman Walter \ Outimer W” ' Helen Opalach and, Mrs. w; FeilpWahlp irnup, niemberi~ are lodge. Most WdrshlpluV John H. JVi’ /r.. IH man HAND tanged t o confer-regularly among The deriarattona must be on* of threc^lOcal youtha during a ;i^|jiier the i n t e r s t£i teic:" tma Legibn'^i^ lta Auxiliary, are ;plck*d 'tip tojL working thla week after a e h 0 o Smith, grand master of Masons In /■themajrttoe ta orderto maintain, the sighed before Nov. T. and amt the two awards to hie requeatad tq^meat at tha Lagion ■ffllfU front they conalder their Cub Scout* Fla trip they' tw>k to th* nation's larg­ cheater i a class In aewlng' with up ment heads which developed, par­ room of the Elementary School out leave from the Navy. Head of Auxiliary eral good time (a antldpatad. i wmilfl deiir tha question with Atty. a bake sals In Luthar Hall. qiiet hell and ample opportunity flannel lining for qxtn wanrith, tipper to data techniques, to be held at ticularly between President Eisen­ State of GrorglA sues to teat Daniel Duffy, U, of 77 Lockwood Gen. Brownell and the White the home of Mra. John E. Ho>ton will be afforded the members, tomorrow night. St., and a is-year-old youth, told closure. 8 to 6x. many of whom will come a eonaid- hower .and Soriet Premier Bul­ ■tate laws beWtng. use of atate, House. But in response to ques- The Rev. Ernest. W. Franklin of Nov. 10 ganin, the cordial yelationa and The cubs have been working all Lt. Raym ed Griffin the - atpry Mrs. Clarlna Duff was Installed ttena, Strohel could not any Whath- Ehiaign, Kan, will be guest spekk .ersble distance, to visit and renew month on coatumea, masks and county, or city fi(nds for lategra- Mrs. Porter and Mra. Brunell ere ' declarations for peace which have UoH of public achopls, . . Env.oya when th* pair 'waa picked up - on aa president o f^ a Frank J. Mans­ *eata or thla waa aver done. ^ er at the Evangelistic service Sun well equipped for the work, having 'Old acquaintances. ' come to be known the world over noisemakers ta preparation for their return here. 'They left Bar­ day at 7 p.m. at tha Church of While special Invitations have the party. of U.S. and Red' Uhina reiume ton, still at the Chcaterfield, and field Marine . Corps League attended a leader training class ' as the "Spirit of Geneva.” 12-week-otd secret .lalko In Pnisce TODDLIRS' 1 t* 3 i t all the Iron ora, eoal and llme- tha Naaarena. prevlo.uly. been sept to those eligible for this The program will begin with a told police they did Dot want any Auxiliary ta Inatallatlon cert-: Put SpIrH'to Test grand march which will be fol­ of NatioBB In Geneva short dis­ eloaa cohaumad by the etael in- Thla course will prepare for in recognition, the meeting will not New Dulles, Macmillan. ■ Pinay part of the holdup. monies held last night at tha tfuatry to one year w«re placed in \ Ralph L. Wetherell Jr., ion of ■IrucUon In a course in tailoring lowed, by e guesaing-geme before tance from where Big Four For- Arrested at,Hotel be confined to this group end ell and Molotov are putting' that apirit 'eign Minuter*' Conference i^n s. Army and Navy dub. railroad cars and coupltd togethar, Mr. and Mra. Ralph L. Watherell to be held later, under the auspices Master Maabha are cordially In-^ BROILED ' . A to the hard teat of turning genaraU- the boys unmask. The two yoUtha Varned police ha ~Sg,32S 9>’- 380 Darning St. has been Cubmaster George Munion will Two rival State employe utUons Barton waa armed' with "■ a .22 Clcall- Other officet;g taatalled at thla CORDUROY tha vast train, would of tha Tolland (JDunty Extension vlted to attend. ties. Into concrete accomplish- mllea long. ^ awai"'arded a RatcTlffe Hicks acholar- Service. conduct the opening ceremony clash at Stale Capitol in H a r t f^ her revolver and explained his plan time ' included; Mrs. Margaret LIVE DELICIOUS Before you buy. TV see ments. Bakstan, lic* president; Mrs. Lil­ ■hip for tha current academic year Scout Meeting At th* outset'was .the possibility which will be followed by the pre­ over proposal to add Social Secu-' to rob the women. Police here .Im­ -atxC- ...... - - - the 21” ^otoroU UHF- lian Farrapd, s e c re ta ry Mrs. tha-Unhprsity Of Omnectlcut. Girl'Scoute' of Tfoop 114 met of dispute on what to take up sentation o t awards by the Cubs" rity coverage to present liberal mediately teletyped. New York po­ A sophomore at tha university, he LOBSTER _ MEAL parents., .Tb* ^ntfer Bobcats 'wrtU be lice and they arrested Barton at the M r y Dannaher, \reaaurer;\Mra. the flret of (hp week nt the home with French Fries and VHF. YoulKftnd a Uberal hrit. The heeds of government aa- Slate employe retirement program. CRAWLERS /ucille O'Brien, judge advocate; waa on the daan'a lut last. year. - Garden Salad cOMPins 'taken tato the pack. . ; Chief of. Army engineer Corps hotel yeaterday afternoon. ' of their leader, Mfa. Hugo Lederer, trade-in a n d '^ y terms at algned ea the first topic "Euro­ BartiM appeared in Felony OoU: ’^Mra. Elsie Anderaon. chaplain; and under her direction got up pean. security and Germany." . Two baskets of apples have been promises Mayor WillUm T. Sheas- Mhw Florence L. Herriaon, direc­ 277 Broad . . Vpina a com­ in Manhattiui today on a'charge Mra. Helene Smith, historian and aunxi^ Aid served It. IThoae taking MANC-HESTER ! Molotov'a ’ press spokesman, donated to the peck and will be by "ouLvlmuni reller’ In lowering tor > of the -Service Burequ..]^ petent Service Apartm ent silt-fllled bed of Naugatuck River. possession ot a gun, and th* Mra. Martha Mansfield, Mrs, Lil­ \ part ware OaU Bataoh, Cheryl and $ 1 . 5 0 Leonid Ilyichev, told a press con-' used In relay games. Other enter­ lian Farrand amt Mr*. Gladys Fal­ WoiMn’a Orgahliattona in' Hart­ Dfuve $2.00> to back up each\aale. tainment will include games with was referred to the Court Nancy Fried. Mery Hall, Sue-BHen ference last night European 'Flood /iaaator loane totalling Special Seationa for-hearing. lon, traateea ford Tor nearly 10 years, wll apeak olt n marshmallows and bubblegum and 'Klrkbam,' EUasa Laderer, Susan R O Ncrrea. (ILM) NEWS CABAVAN that until Germany ia reuniti All Cub Scout parents are urged ex-king Parouk. youths registored at the hotel Under Pbilippinea, Indoneale, Oylon, In­ Cheasal IB Iliirtfard, Cass. --Jaka CaintraB 8«;syia. to attend the meeting aa the lead- Mrs. O'Brien, retiring president, i-iiii ia OtoiaaaHrspe dia, Pakistan, the Middle East. Bu- FINE WINES, LlQyORS and BEER C'kaan*l It FiUafleM, Ifsaa. IXLM) GBOl'CHO MABX^HOW there can be no rOal security in aliases police said. Queationed by iii!i Flne'ptawale corduroy-with handy xhap-crotcli Europe. era maintain Cub Scouting is a waa presented with a lovely past r0|w and tha Scandinavian coun­ Ckaaaal XI flpelaitoeld. Ms**. ( t> BI8HOF FULTON J.\ New York police, Duffy and the preaident'a pin ta recognition of openlM. Btak, graan, red, blue, mint, royal, n m t «Adveataio ■( Sadie* Ckaaael M New BrUnin, Cana. 8HKEN \ ’ Some weatefh diplomats thotight parent-participation program and Juvenile told police ber* they were tries and waa entertained and Ckaana) U .Wetarbary, Cana. (IMS) DOB CCMMINoa BHOW swards can only be given through her aervicea for the'past two gold. . fetedin the homes of women lead­ Chaual t$ Ualyaha. Nai*. lit) FACT8 FOBCM however, Molotov would be It To wn advised to hitchhike home when years. governed by the n,ore cordial them. they explained they were rita' en In each country. Advance (U) HALF ROCB FILM Refreshments were served-/ at reservationa for the dinner must LoFOND t:M IM) PEOPLE‘8 CHOICE spirit Of East-West relations to New Books Received . King David L ^ gaN o. 31, lOOF, awaya. C«m* Early ay (I.) ATOP the Ml'AIC ■ the extent that he would not make will hold regulAr nieeUng Friday Chief Herman O. ScKondeP re­ the close of the evening's pro­ MRN'S GARARDINI be made with the Service Buneu. tit) FOt'R ATAB FLAYHOIBE The following new adult . books gram. NOW tpama Late. 6aa —"Fen Clrela" great issues of such problems as have been received at the' Andover evening at Odd- Fellowa Hall ' at vealed' the full story of" Barton's BROTHERS Cast, Fr*m MANCHESTER (XX) HIGHWAY PATROL what to talk about first. Public ' Library: “ Grandfather 7:30 p.m. A social, hour will follow plan today, aaytag he was unwil- George Findell, 60 Cioburn Rd:, a a ».». STATE O Canikala akaSr. IM) FILM senior at the'University o f Con­ STEAK HOUSE ' In that event the Big Four may Stories,” Adams; '"Historical Who- the meeting. Those planning to aV i.lng 'clease xnythingabbut the 26 TAKEN PRISONER LUMBER/Inca tuxIKU) CLIMAX third youth until New York police necticut. la vice president. of the MONSON, MASS. t:M'(tt.ni DRAGNET -Jack Webb come to grips quickly with. Ger­ jdunita,". Williamson; “ Casserole tend the Veterans Day Dinner and QU1LT”LINED Student Union board of operations HITS! EXTRA SFECIJU. SHORT! lUILDING MATERIALS ( *) ATAR TONIGHT man unity and security issues, SpecialtlM." Anders; "World of Dance to be held Nov, 11 are urged had a chance to investigate' the lABdOa. Oct. 27 (Vi—The Fer- TONIGHT for the com i^ year. The unto Home of Three Suae of Fun ’CmSMAlCOPl _ AND IIX) VARIETY THEATEB which, both sides <^<’»c«ied are in- Behielmana," Bemelmans; "Out- to make reservations with Noble story of the two yo/hs In custody eiga Offlee disclosed today that aied Geler! —"OeatleniBn WItk Ou*" ■ timately linked. ., dooraman's Cookbook,” Carhart; Grand Arthur Holmes and Cainton here. , _ / • 28 Saudi Arabian troops occupy- ' the center 07 recreational and _ Shows Thursday, Friday, M A S 6 n S U P fL IE S “ Llcklkaate" dpi acUvitlea at the University and (SS) HALF HOCB DBANA and "S() Beat American Houses." Keeney, chairman of the commit­ Violates /rebatlOB tag the Buratnri oasis were taken "McCONNEU - Sati^rday aad SuadSy ■7 Carpenter. Duffy Js beli^held without bond piikoner yesterday whe» British- tha A^rd of opentlon*. the gov­ We^ Finance Your Jobs t:M HICKEY MOraE c il b CIrele" Wamuitee Deeds Own" Kitchen." ile auUioriUes. Leaving the State ed'ta a brief fight. FomUy Shows tlS) LATF. MATINKF. i—"Killer ahark" Lindsay to Eugene'Michael Bixter sellers "M an In the G^JTannel Tinothv J. Horan, 74 Mather •rinVART OBANOBR .wTCCHNICOLOR ttX> I'NCLE HD-H Ft'N CLL'B I#:te (^^M) VIDEO THEATEB St., Mancheste- civil Defenia Tel. CO-7-5584 tM> BAB M >Wfc8TKaN . THKA < »> T.V. THEATEB and Colleen A. Bixler. property at Suit," by Wilson,, and “The House * dBAN 80nt(}NS US) JOH.NNV CABAON 13.1 Beriton St. on Nauset Marsh,” by/ Wyihaji. radiological chief, la attending/* Thanks TEB "Kit Cnr«an" Okay. 1 CANDin CAMEBA radiological conference Hart­ AUDIE MURPHY (Sit OCT WEST I In p'ra(reM) (U) MB. DIATBICT glTOBlrET Henry R. Andefioh and Barbara "Hiroehima Diary." by' Michiklo, ta SUN. BY BEQUEST 1 wi*h nelabOnr*. rrirnd* Call us about your pairty- Wa (K-Xet Mon-DY DOOOY P. Anderson to Harvey W. Lovell and "Party, of One,” by Fadiman, ford this week at the State. CapK "IX F T h a n d o f OOD" and rrli 'or the many act* n( Co-Hit I "Betrayed W e m ^ (U) FILM THEATEB tol. 'iTils conference ta cohductod ■Di! • 'Water-repellent, spot raaiaUnt; klndnru ■ympathy ahnwn mr In. hava special party rates. THE ItoBLY 8HOW dwelUngx to .John R. Hilli at 78 at the 1< .a.m. seri’ice Sunday fall series of the State School SKI CAPS —"Wins* af Da»er" APPLIRNCES White St., $1,500: to Cllntbn morning at the First Congrega­ Evacuation Coramlttee Thursday. (UI HC8ICAX aHOBTO .. . ■ Bragg at 32 Utchfleld St.. $300; Nov; 4, I'n Hartford. ■:M I at aroBTacOFE tional Church; Mrs. Stewart WADtlELL PTA tit) NKWa a WEATBEB : Joseph- A. -'VirellL at ,448 Parker Hoisinfion will-be in-c-hxnge-of tbe- lU) PHONE YOOa ANBWU ‘ St.. $40; Salvatore FiUoramo at Ha'ppy Hour for children. The Manchester Civil Defense I ■) WEATHEB POBKCA8T 375 S. Main St., $1,000; O. V. Er- at tlX) 8JTOBT8 PIGE8T The oard of Deacons will meet organiiqtlon will start its fall i II t) UrUBLO NEW8 TODAY Undson for Robert Turner at 106 st the-home of Mr. and Mrs. Ratoh recruiting of volunteers next flSH iK PKY CLlANSERp INC* tli) ABOUND NORMAN’S Barry Rd„ $2,7i()0; William R Kansome, Hebron Rd. Nov. 2,^*t Dur.'Mlsy evening on Main St. (it) NEwa -Burke at 29 Harlan .St.. $1,200; .|3 2 5 IROAD STREET. MANCHESTER . lU) ANME OAKLEY 448 Hartford B4. Tel, Ml f-4897 8 p:m. Those interested in Civil Defense Schaffer Cx^for Albert F. The Ladies' Benevolent Society may volunteer at the Civil Defense AT THE WADDEU AUDITORIUM 14:M < I) FAA8POAT TO DANGEB Schaeffer Cq. for Albert F, will hold a Christmas Fair during Bus, • on FISHERS J1GW p « £ « , ___ " t-'-'LIA)*'"'. To John A. Partridge for Eloise ihejearly parl.OL December. There <}uUted.HnM,' imbreakeblA vUer>'Tau9*i RKVPi ■ (II) wbx:atling CAFEBA : E. Seeley, for a -l-*tory. 6-room GFfRLS' I R U ' 1 0 0 % charcoal. ■ (Ul EABLY LATE SHOV will be a’ meeting of the Ladies' & O C T .2 to R E 1:00 F.M. WESTERN*”*STORE dwellin' at Woodland St.. '$14,- Society On Nov. 3. at 10:30'a.m., to Chapman Court No. 10, Order CASH and CARRY (Ul ELLEBY QL'ECiT , - of Amaranth, w"!!! hold a rummAge 615 BIaIii Stv-^pp. CsHter PArk 921. work'- on projects for. the fair. '!■ U:XA (tSiajei NEVA sale at the Masonii;,Temple torhor-’ DISCOUNT PUN ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR (XX) FINAL EDITION . :Tb )Ve«tviey;' Realty Co., for- a Members are askedio bring a box ALL WOOL (IHii Every Day 9-5:80 (XX) NIOHTCAF EDITION 1-story^ 5-room dwelling at Lock- row At 9 a.m. Memtors may LADIES'- 4 n J K • ( I) HIGHWAY FATBOL lunch and coffee will be served. isee.cletet space —Hire laaixitr r(erii*i - Rrige *Ws Gunnatee Ton’ll Have A Good Time!” OPEN Thursday 6-9:00 wood 'St., $9,710. A canvaav training session will leave articles at the Temple this Whfto f u:*i (1X1 THE La te ahow evening. In the North section of til viaier —cle ix iii $lei 5$< $*r larMtat —"W l.l.r Caralv.I" , ■"o Robert L Parent, for addl- , be preceded b'y dessert and coffee II ' RroA-a Auto' Snppll^ Teola, (K) APOBT8 ROl'NDl'P tlon to a garage - at 46 Whitney | at the First Congregational the town, Ever' Ready Circle of Jiiii' . Btack -pi Sperttag Goode. Palate, (XX) WEATHEB King's Daughters will hold th*‘t • «INO THIS COUPON 'Hi (Xtl FBEVLEA - Rd., $300. 1 ■ j CSiurch Nov. 4._ at 7:!W_p.m. ! Toya, Btkea, Wheel Geoda, Tb 'John A. Partridge, for a tqol | ’rfie me*''fing'wilf feature a show- fall rummage sale- in the v«atry of Ftahtaf TacUe, Ontboarda Il:l4 (IX-XX) WEATHEB (St) CONNECnCl'T BEFOBT ■hed at 302 Woodland St., $800. ing of the stewardship film, 'The the Second Congregational Church c a s h ; o n d U:1X (111 BIO AHOW Secret , of the Gift,"‘ and will be tomorrow'morning. 7:4* ( l> It'S A PLEAACAE SMOG GRIPS NEW ORLEANS (jyer by 9:30. CARRY^ P40W1 ...UelaR (It) NEWS (XX) SPRAY Ol'N . Adorable new style* in a large paaatoaato pafa liei CLYBBOrSE (X*). T.B.A. ■'On Nov. 6, canvassers will meet (BMfMBMNn $ 1 .0 0 ) variety of color*. Many with (ttl WEATHEB-Ml'AIC U;ie ( X) NITECAP THEATEB . , New Orleaas. Oct. 27 (JP)',—., at the church for dqsxert and cof­ angora triii). WALNUT GRILL arAjtyaialMa’s —Vic Janowicz. from 7 to 9. ■ by the Himgerfqrd and Terry Co. lY 10 OUT *Y 5 At lEGUlAI rUClS DAN OURYEA 7^//..-rx,. SOT. fbebtOn of THB » RlaBeaSt. — I of Clinton,.N. J. The equipment, txa ENTERTAINMENT TCHON who failed in hia attampta to make Miss Edith Mielker will be the SpacUiit Parkinf THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS ths big leagues aa a-catcher With gueat speaker at a meeting of the housed in a small buUdIng near KniTTIHG mills the well on Lovq Lane, will make Riddtca. i Pittsburgh; had found hU mark in Board of Relifdoux Education to­ INCUR HAWAIIMIAN RO haakt ,C*ei 1 7f \ tag leagu* -fbotban. ■ In hia flrst night at S at the "First Omgrega- it pojMible to use,the well full-time . SLOAN anon. MSc UATRE OF LIFT i MAPLE SUPER SERVICE STATION next summer.. -m E S -n tlX T S O F T H E W X X K A X X :. WITH THE Adulto SOe. EXTRIISPEGML! ■\ .four' games ;with WaahlngtOT’a tlonal CJburch. 'All teachers and MANCHESTER GREEN. CONN aaoRs MHKI(\llo\ V(i>-:N()it|}r Tlli)^ II lU" . lUdtarinA He scored 40 .pointij to other Intereated persons are 1 in­ . MeanwhUe, Water Department . s Aa real aa Hflp and daathi workers were digging a pit for the I SPECSAL FOR OOSTI7I MOIOI; M M I I . „ J lead' th* National, Football League vited tq-aUend. ■ ; J . ■ ') ADAMS and PORTER LEE AitERS TRICji' TRIe la a story af rsekleea seorers. ‘ H* Scored »fqur*^ touc^- water pUmp at' LAkewood CIrele 3. If yon Hva ■■ the Abeva atreeta ta . Manckeater. you myo entUM .Mllchfll I WIN A S^AT TRV TO MRW YORK CITY FOR A drivtog, ef plea pare and I r s f Mr. Rkambn and wiatara Ml4tS I ,:dow|u, kicked two field goal* and ManAheator Evaatag HersM Aq- and Bruce Rd. The pumptaff xtq^. to • 25% CASH.diaeeant ■■ nU-diy deantag (mtaimiim $1,00) w OtraSR YALUABLB NOW ON DISPLAY A T aaaa benad eltia(NMr 'I' 1:1 I I -I Uon will improve pressure in that' BROS. . . . BtaOES. 685 6IA IN ST. Road Service MI y\n. ad* 10 extra pqtata in 11 st­ dever (eerreeposdeBt, Mr*. Paul tbhi week! Jnst enll MI B.2I11. Wa wfll Dtek bb Aad deUver. PflBaatteU, l^ h e B e , P I 2-6856. areA , . ' t ; - ■ ■ V ■ V *■'' 1. V ! ,

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M A N C H E S T E R .^N N . THURSDAY, OC'TOEER 27, 1956 PAGE FIV E ' 'bIANCHESTE^I gVEI^G HER^i)/MANCHE»TK^ THURSDAY, ri should run cur Seen Bringing week AbiUbi Power * Paper an­ attack. Farm Journal Mafaslne Preventive War tospital have raportad Utay lives, and no\ the paopla run the 0 la ^ d today. • )pmg Judo Demonstration nounced a similar Ihcroaae and last On: Mesmge d no poiitica with him. government" \ Tbm foUowfhg program night the big Cknamn Interna­ r h i c d I *The monthly farm macaaine, In say U would ba inappropriata Eisenhower will rSauma a series Ad Rate Boost its November iaaue, reported that . (Oonttmaed from FNIo One) ha still is hoapitailsad. of cabinet level ceafercncea Satur­ ■n'auppliod.lfy the radio.■ ss;irr^^5sr«t?sKvenina QoodX tional l^ipcr Co. xnnotmeed its Attorney General Brownell, Poet- A Marina from .Verno«j, J7-year-, show Belaaky tha' tactics for moots ODd arei aukjaqt 'te chaopi Robta'iI'e NcBr ' price would be advanced By^’84 a T6 Conttr^a It wasn't until last night that- day wheh )>• meets qt tha hospital dlsarming a man' had been \ SVTM>;-LOTe Rangerr maeter . General Summerfield and Dan demmtarlied aona'^ii near the old William T, Raymond, waa; wUhout DOttCO. . x" WORC—1Mv SSon_____ Jeep New York. Oct. 27 (gV-Forth- ton. The increases will send- the j r J SMILING f SERVICE anyoaa raally closa to .the Prcai< ndth BacreUry of AgnpUtura Bm- taught at camp. In enaldng Gorhing ihcreasei in newsprint price of newsprint delivered in N w Harold K. Btaaaen, the Preaident'a site of biblical Dan and 'eloae to Page Cna) deitt ventured go discuss in public aon for a discussion of firm lagis- aUbbed in tha dias)^yaaterday at-, WGTH-ontcUl OetecliTe Ballot lepecial aaaietant on diaarmament, struggle, 'the Marina acet- a:ia- prices leave American newepapera. York to 8131 e ton for the .first the Jordan River aoufeea,..' * \ tha possiblUty that ha may not ba latlon — and piubably the pouu- tamoon while giving an Impromptu dentally stabbed, Itcrchaot WHAY-^Folka. Party , I with full cabinet rank, were be- cally hot iaaue of what to do about d Urvut •*'•"•"6 Good Muate^ xvithout any alternative except to two makera and to 8180 a ton for Move NM Varda Into Israel ' !ore‘'Oongraaa to dtllvar tha a candldata next year. . Judo demonstration to a 16-yaaivolH Bdtb Pbc* Court leat MaUaee. WIWB-RoMna Neat increase advertising rates and the International paper, I Pico OM) Ihlnd the kUefedL ouaUr move. The The Egyptian intrusion nsaf Et mesaage. Addresaing a hapublleia rally falling farm pricas. WTIC—Lone Ranger ^ _^^lmaaaidne aald the three wanted to Mend in th« F ii^ National Store Pdtrolman Cooke said U ^ Koibr WDRC—Johnny Dollar price to newspaper aubscribera, thq O v i y ^ v v S Sabha, accoming to the work waa gstUng startad as in his home New Jaraay county of on Main St. ^XWOra--waxvtirka ineral manager', of the Ameri* JOBLE8.S CLAIMS JUMP th at havo to he nil)e oa, MhrUi|.|ibandon the Beneon farm policlea la at a point 200 yards. Inside I s ­ the Fi-ealdent'a alow but on sched- Bomarsat, Barnard M.'Bhanley, pressure had.been applied to WCTM-Pooibalt i ^ c a i - ' \ l and outpromlae the Deraocrata. His friend, Arthur P. Belaaky of knife, the reauiU qould Jtave bean 4 :U - t:M — Newspaper Publleheri >Aasn. Hertford. Oct, Sr7.tA>»—The State raeli tarrltory in tha ao)(th'eastem ula racovery progressed' to a point Slaanhowar'a appointment sacra- Driver Uninjiii*^ Manchester, rushed Raymond to WHAV—JUusIc tterebant WHAY- .PA) said yesterday. Labor-Department yesterday at-, nmMMMt nader^Ftre 1 Treaaury Secretary Humphreyi corner of the El Au^Nicana gone where hd now la doing mora and tary artfl former spacial counael, much more serious. .Ih a knlfchad • wexe—K«curu Keyu* “^tSr^debate ^ a to r e Defemie Secretary wilaon., Secre- Manchester Memorial Hoapjtal been ground to a daggsr-Uha WKNB—lleeueit Matinee \ ifniuenUng on the hikes .of $5 tr ib u t^ a sharp Increase in un- which waa held by th« Bgyptiana mors unaastated wqlking from his said tha President "knowa ha will whera he waa treated for tha punc- tWlU—ateiui irallaa ' a toll by two Canadian newsprint emniojment compensation, claim criticlam -Petoer Yount WGTK-Lislerf. The today bet^ean The dabata atarted a ^ | « y “ W / An Israeli military apokeapnan pUcatlons.’’. ratunung from a trip to the Far ■baok towkrd Inck wall in tha First National vegetable •da— ' maad for Information on wbaHbo^.*’’;, A liaat. damage aatimat room bounced back and atriick him expense and ini qiiiene of ths-Amerl-tha- ‘ The Teachers Hav denied that ‘ any Uraall fores But aa ha convalesced steadily can dally newapa’ ler.la theilarrow- KINGPETCR maoaurae tha govamment plana toj^^J^t^ advlaar on tha fa ra fronk crossed into l^ p tta n te r r it^ , In his address last night 'Whan ahe in the cheat. Belaaky works in (he WDRC—Amos 'n' Andy take to meet t& heavy expenaea of h*^^*^* the White House conUnua'd ' to ac- *‘t?HAY —Record est aver an6 gro^oWag ■ Narrower. Ma^. Oen; Edaon L. M. Buffis mainUIn silence on ell quastiona SohM^Ua, NJ„ Shanley eatii First National and Raymond waa WCCC-Reoord I WGTH—Usten BdUtaiy operationa in North Afri- Thh nitgaidnf, tlap aMd vthat Chief' U.N. Palestine tnice ob- td that parhaos 60 per cent man Ai^red Rit^ vialting him there. t o u r s WKNB—Requeet ; fs4a - To stay operating;'oui^Aewspapers AND ca. PtaMce Miniater about tha Chief ExerttUve’s pbUU- . Th«, thickness ,o( Raymond's WTIC—News WHAY-Nient Watch will have to flnd nyw/and a4dl- •eryir, reached New York yester­ cel future — speclflcaHy about legialaUva program the Praatdant WUKU—Newe^ Wnc—TeTHeath-' tlonal income.' TOey neve only FOimlln, however, painted fc rosy very, »li^_lM ncim ^ day m confer with U.N. Becretary set form when he took off)da in ^Hi^gaport said i^^han^bekad jacket and shirt made thia stoiy -a CRUISES , WGTU—Boh iuHl Ray WDRC—Amoa,.^ri Andy m AlEXANDRA picture of French finaacea and aald ^ whether ha wfll.aeek a aecdnd Urm little thin, police'felt, and eventu­ ^ T H —Ustrti two sources, advMlslng rates «nd Ocntrai Dag Hammarskjold. Bord­ daepita hia tiaart attack. n 1B5S luurb**n completed. off and started" ^noiih. again 'On "Sii*— . ' m depuUta naad have tto faara 195« " pcertaent Or er problems In the El Auja-NIUeana Broad a t. and *‘rtniclr\another ally the pair gave them thia one: WHAV-iRecord Rodeo- the price of the ^newspaper to read­ of Yugoslavia ; •bout tax increaaea. I vice President. y Thara his baan no davalopman^ Bhahley plugged for aldcUon of Raymond, . on - leave from the AIR TICKETS WCCOrWCord Review. ers. ThesF urol have to go up If reiripn. were reported to be the to change tha genaral impression Republicans ip congraaaional aaata nukty pole." -^Request Metlnee Faura made, soma comprbrnlaea main topic Of their dlscuasiont. He contlnuaid. "She then wi training base a t .Cherry Point, N. .loao Radio Lane WDRC—Football Forecasts withh opponenuopponanta to a quick election K_ - , / w . \ hare that he won't ruh again. But lunct year. Sounding ^ n o ta likely C , waa talking with WBelaaky ai In tha WGTH—E P. Morgan T he incredibly candid itory of In Waahtnirton, Top American James C. Hagerty, VriMldanUal to m tu ra the GOP appeal whether -to her home anA called police. ....f^SS^Ra, MllA- their fight for hapmneu at agrMlng the French govern- V erO U l<» Lld actm a was taken'to erma ahlpinanta to p ^ a n t a WDRC—Zalman. WOTH-^aeanme «f U 4 only b im i ^ t h s ago. Om ry Ferdbtoepital for addlUonU potentiallv dMaatroua ATebrlaraaM WGTM—Conn. Sport Ught 'ISita. ' .... -...... —.... iitlA- . 7 'HUlMire’s "ibDlkNiildltir' ^rlicvcfdm arms race. ■ f a 4 i* ' .ffBAY-eiNlia-Watsh. w art qaiddaa to topple him by an ' M iss/L a k e , who made Uw |n fact, there waa some evl W HAY—Dinner pate Wlnc^tarllgiirBmnade B W ater repellent WCCC—Good Evening Good Music WDRC—Danes Qrcbeatrs adverts' td ta which would ypt be “Peekaboo” hair-do famous in tha the Rusaiena. mtfht be trylnk^io WKMB,»4 oa Glraod nylon trims — eonlrosting piping MM ttOKK^tn# raiJOrIvy nMtlUTWrn^ IPtOi, h a iwan appaaring tn the foment uoubla by spurring on WTIO^-MoptOvant VALE NAMES NEW MLAK, eaU ti*eenaU tutteoal pw ision Imbire p!ay, ’The Uttle Hut." at WDRU—Goy Lombardo eWooI interlined aidaa in the Middle Eastern. fes4 YtGTHiiWn Stem' ' - Near Havetir Oct: Y ..— ^ '"lix e s ------— V 'Btto offbetr* '' «W'■ TOtimra BbUbarl T h eatefr~ T » e *111# Btata Department aaid yestar-' nounced yesterday that company manager said he would day It had new mtonnation that ^ A Y —Dinner Dale Smith, chairman of its d e Detacheble ...v ra iA T ID w i M n not lutow until later today wheth 'approacbea___ have _ been made by WCCC—Good Evenina Good Muple Denova, Oct. 97 VD French WKNB—Serenade parUnent from 1646 t< ^ 964, has All taxM HRpaiiHloYtl^all be ihargMl , hood - ee she would be ebie to eppeer bloc eourccs to lareeii rep- USE GRANTS W’l'lC-'lbree Star lUxtra been named aatoclateslun of the Vbroiga Mlidstar Antolao Pinay the play tonight raaenUUvet," apparantly with the THURSDAY WDRC—Lowell Tbomaa Yale School of ArcJKitccture and diaclooid today ha la planhtng to Bhe waa stricken at 3:10 a.m idea of supplying war gear to the STORE HOOliS WGTH—Meet the Artist gotum to Faria . far- tomonow’a Deeign. ithers-— keep 'em cosy, comfy end werml • B Poplin ehell H having stopped et e resteurent for Jewish slate, too. JU>6>Hi6»’ fwitiwwa Orant Oalhw Oanfi Many lt*m|^*ciwlly purchiiawd HANDY CREDIT<>i 1:ta- '/2 tf 1% iRtertst iM rA^^M lil paM. vata of conSdenca In tha French dinner- after last- nlght'a perform Borne top U;B. officials are tliniSaL9:3iM WHAY—l‘:ncore Theater brinfa aywefecwliw sinfiiiBs far'this ,^*dey •vmiti wHiara ar« 1 ‘t ,WCCC—Good Eveiiinf Good Musle Natldnal Aaaembfy. . ^ ence. As ahe entered the lobby of known to believe our wait-and-see TVKNB—Serenade r GIRLS' FLANNEL-LINED B Sizes 7-14 Pinay announced his plana aftw le Barium Hotel, where ahe was policy. Will be insufficient to meet lay kS04;M tMiys f « r yiHi, y «u r family miA tionw. b«sf t«ll«re, prlc* alawlwd. COUPONS ■ WTIC—A.-iswer Man ^ WALTER N. LECLERC tnaotlng with V: 8. Bacretdry of ataplug, she -fainted. the Russian challenge. They be­ \ WDRl>—Tenir Emia HousemMii V State Dulles and British Foreign WGTH—ruKon Lewie QM^ed to a sofa, she recovered lieve . urgent priority attention r,-: 1 :U - Tax^^oEoctor B Blue, red, navy Socrotary MacMillan. WHAY—Kneoye Theater conacK.uaneaa quickly, but com- should be given to the Middle East, WCCC-~Good Evening Good Music The French Minister asked that plained aavara chest pains. Po­ parhaps in the shape of stepped up WKNB-Serenede Ea REAR.2 3 M1AINSTREET- CORDUR9 Y JEANS the foreign mlnlatbra art tomor- nce drove, her to. Kecelving Hos American aid to Arab natloni for WTIC—Your SUr . TCw'a meeting for the morning so Irrigation and other developmpnt^ WDRC—Tenn liimis Also Availabk in ha could ranch Faria by plant In plteL \ WOTO—J Vandercook Houn: 9>12 Noon— 3*5 R.M. and 7>9 P.M. Miss Lake told physicians she project!, : 1% l^ggiag Backache Preeteen Sisca timo for tba yota. had been working hard and felt Any Such program, even if WHAY—Kneore rhealcr Nofcinc bAokoclMa bMdoehB. or muBcolar proved by top Elsenhower admmla- WCCC—Good Evening Good Musiq aehoB aaB pciliiB inoy comBonwitliOFDr'>«ior* recently that ahewaa “nearing ax- WKNB—ETeninf Serenade / tlon,omoUo&a] upM^ or day to teRBlrtMMid $10.99 . heuatU^” tratton policy makera, prowbly !' WTU;-Newe nl^ortd / ■tr«(». AM foflu who Mi uid dHnI; —wMoly Benson Under Fire' . Shd raglaterad ka Mrs. J. A. would roqulrs congreaslonal ictlon / WDRC-Bing Cmeby ■oaiBtlpHoo tnffor mlid bladdor IrHtDttM Voliio$3.99 —ahd this-would mean delay. In WGTH—Gabriel Heatter •.««i]th that roBtirM, uiko«n*D Pllte odtoB b«fp .^aini ,on, P«qpwM te publisher, were knowledge. the Communrata could WCCC—Good Evening HuMe iholrpote rtUBvliiff aetlocL by tlMlr Bootb* boxer type — fully lined maka gains in their cqlnpaign to WKNB—Dinner Date ins tbet to cftflB bUddor Irriuui^ oM by married in Traverse (hty,' Mich., Laat shipment sold o u t- WTIC-Une Man s ty tbof r mnd diiirot k mtiibh throutb iHo kldnoy* Page OMj^^ two months ago while Mias l ^ a win over the Arabe. WDRC-E R Mun «• Undlnir to iBePtaao Uib output ^ tbo if sizes 7-14 — red; navy, green new renditions in sama WGTH—Say It Wkli Music irIIm o( kldn^ tub**. ‘ was appeaiw in a aummgr Sanforized broadcloth. So if baekocht iiiaI(b% yep fotl theatre production there. m«fM'rt)ut,miBmbk...wltbriMtlB^«)oBpp. Ministration’s flexible price sup­ 32-38. CHIIDRIN'S TelCTteten Progtsm s kofl nlfhu...4oB*tw«it...trr Doan'* rao... port pmgnun for farm gbods. Uisiiraiice/AgeiiU Reg. 1.69. ^ 1 fot tbo MOM boppy rtlltf mlliioM boro ««• Johnatoa aald that even If It cost CORDUROYS / LITTLE ^ Y S * ^ Pagfl Iw o ioyDdforoT«rBtl;roAf«.GttDoM*anibtd^| f 18 bUlkm a year. It would be better Eorjst Warned .. /■ tn return'to the DemocraUc-apon- ^Atlen^ Couclave S H m r SET , Mothers— this is specially priced! Mothtrs— htra't B big buy!# ■orad high price support aysUm than -let farmers "go tmder" aa he Following Crash The Mbnohaatcr Aaaociation of R e g .'l.lS $1 45% tHmon, 35% coffoti •■td la happening to them now. . Inaurance/AgenU waa well repre- Have We Got Shirts! Benson announced after e White ■ented at/the all-day conferenca Special purchone! Infafitn’ Mouaa conference yesterday th at Frank R. Renda, 44. Glendale, crnwlers, chlWa overnTls. From Vary Famous Makar L. I., drew g warning from State veaterday at roe Hotel Statler, lengiea. Sturdy long-wmr. be will remain in W u h in g t^ next 'Hartfoya.*' OONt BUY iWV month "to direct the continuing Police ;hia morning after the car /' ■ • he was driving struck a post near Tha/gueat al>eaker at the afUr- MOTHERS ROYS' COMPLETELY W ASHAIU ' ------“ Ondatlona! Reg. 2.98. Easy-wash, no­ preperetion nooi/sesaion waa 'tl.R. Senator strength- the junction of Tolland Tpke. and ironing. Washfast colors, to Coagresa Rt. 18. P r ^ o tt Bush of Greenwich, who 2.98 Colton Dresses iRfohts' RKBiying , improve and the present apslke on economic .conditions in shrinkproof. French cuflFt, agriculturel Renda waa driving v/eit on Rt Season-spanning tCyles. phmkBts ^VloaPreai waa unde r­ 15 in a car owned by ObrisUanaon *uhlngU>n during (be pest two. links, tie. Sizes 3 thru 7. FLANNEL SHIRTS and W.era Motors, Inc., of Elm- '#ara Dark ‘n light toned prints. stood to hkve ^ a t the White 12-20; 1611-2411. 2 Inr I.r^ / House at tha/dame time hunt, Ia I., whan.'he told State, Edgar Clarke, of the Clarke Police, e truck paaa^ him an Ineuraace Agency, R Center St., Reg. i.oo77c CHRISTMAS SpaeLpt ParebcHB laading to-dpoculaUon recelvad a citation for hU out- Vov save bocawse fheV re Itid a hand In Benaon' cut him off shgtsiy. Bwafviag. M / 2.- cair atrucK tha ^ t and went/up stantiing work on the State board. Oranfa Own#irsf OuotHy FABRICS RaedloHy $2.99 plana. Benaon had aald, laiA than Othera prasent ihclUded d arence ■r two yrbeka ago ha stlU expected to on tha center eaplande. . / "M y DoHy flfi^ Mb" Regularly 4tc yard Eut^ean tour next month Renda waa warned for driving H. Anderson and M. Kenneth Oi- rSIS NYLONS too f a s t. under prevailing condi trinakv. prealdent and secretary, solids •— prints — Bxfra strength saams an effort to prosoU VB. farm ij'.ii Look- alike frock. Get your tlone by Trooper Robert Reimer respectively, of the local group: dolly free with this pur­ Aldo Paganl; Earle Rohan, Chartea lec 6se. 61 — eed aald ha will again aeck of the Jlartford barracks. The car chase. / A K 7 38«‘ guaranteed washable eolers— sizes 6-12 'Stlatalned extensive front eiid dam Lathrop, Lionard Rivard and John m VbDptwlDfy DOPNlloit ' : 1' ■ * OUngresa* approval o( “several ad- Lappen. M PRS. ■ Reg, 4 9 8 . •t.W / bedi, imida end | i arinistration recommendations not age,. ^ Ilce aaid. .Permanent finixh organdy .Made lor us alone by \ l •«Wds, vriildi MSMt acted upon this year.”'He listed ■ ' deluxe Sanforized b ro j^ tip er leer. among these the administration's America’s leading makers. ■' 3.91 Solid Draw Drapat clo>h. Plenty of holiday Kelittsslla ere eur program for low income termers Sheer SI gauge, 15 denier; Novelty textured rayon; 9 white, red, kelhXgreen. Sewt iWm far cMIdrse. CHILDtlN'S SHOBSI Motheri—suitable for both school and bestl and rspaat of markating quota full-fashioned. 8>d-ll. 1.91 Nylm TrUtf ^ panaltiaa on goods used on ' tha So pretty you'll want all 3 decorator colors. 84" over­ X.’ SANFORLAN WASHARUI farm where grown. styles. Cut • for -'comfort • / all. 90" long_^_^r. $ 3 Aloo, ha said ” f urther study will REMNANT bp given to diver Una to aoU Pasteis. whitt.32-40. | bmidmg and conaervation crop ^CIALS : WOOL FLANNEL ,acreage not currently needed for f< ^ and fiber. Weel-aNylen Cotton Roffinonts STRATOLINER ■ BOYS' Further conslderatUm mil be Stratch GlovBg Beautiful aasortment of C£H01ISESS0N given, he added, to propoaeU ton Barefoot CombBd Ceftofl aanforized cotton rerj- ' ' ...... « N 1 " u AUrOAfUTK^PUtNeunON RANM 90^^ Wool Improving the quality of farm One size s-t-/e-t-c-h-e-* to /i nante in printa and WE GIVE green stamps laid Lining SLACKS products, expanding marketb at { hi all. Fashiqn.shion .r o io f aolida. 2 7 c Mme and abroad, emergency pro- colors. Washable,i^axhab Reg. 44c yd. >A nATWNM TNI NIW ANTOMATK 00% Wool it' giiuns for specific commodiUea, interlining . and ’Vkrlous.othcr proposals which day stripes. Size 6 UUNtO SVIlFAa UNIT. .. FOODS , show promiae of atrenglhehlng m ^trcjflt* Half Aprons to 19. Reg, 1.J9. $1 COOK AUTOMATKAUT-WITNOUT With, 100%' J ■ farm-lncoma and farm prices and Rayon Romnonts ATTINTION.MAKlskVlKTOAY eMCW Wool Plaid £. ■promoting/ greater freedom and Re^, 70c Hostess .stj'les in Would sell for 98c yd. in V ' VeduB $7.99 ■tability for agriculture. ' full bolts. In lengths from UTINSaS AUTONUTKI CtlrodB Bake Unit Scarf colorful percale*; "Focused Heat” Broiler Soma members of President novelty trimmings. 5 T ‘. 3 to '15 yds. m - C l with matching belt — sixes 6-12 ■Reg. 69c, X . for 9 I FABRICS For FALL and .•Pusbhuttoa Coairolt Camel-and r - eMCla/ Big Master Oveu with iV' ■ ^ "Sorlighf GfaT-'Ovto- with Tel-A.Cook Lights charcoal grey — brown bankers gray . ChtniUt Mocqatlns laierior. Lignt gray ' a Hi-Specd Surface Uaits,' 7 Muslin Pillowcosos porcelaiB finish auJus C alr^ One Extra Hi- Reg. 1.99 H and-la^ mocs? oven tasiar to s*a into:: - Speed Unit Reg. 59C ea. Sturdy, long- WINTER SEWING bouncy crepe sole ^ ^ ... easier to luc... eas­ wearingi white • Electric Miouia Tiascr washable, 4 to 9. Z fa^ w Z Doerdih Priseilku FROM ier to clean! lo ys' DBflim muslin. • Amoeutic Oven Ttaier Mothe^rs:— they never have enough! That Interpret The j No ironing needed, eaay 3 6 O for to wash, quick dying, will $1 Widies Of The Psiaily Nyf-o-Witp^ BrM|t DiHigarBBB not ahlnk. Long ■+ Machine Washable Reg. 59c. Miracle nylon and wearing. A In T lill Fabrics Salesroom i-f Reg. 4.98.» “t . J # Bath TowbIs JOHN B. BURKE . acetate; soft, ab- gm * ■ BOYS' HINBIAL HOME Reg. 1.59 Reg. 69c. Extra absorbent 177 HARTFORD RD. — PHON^ Ml 3-7322 Most. Wanted------soybent. Sizes S>9.'^ E far I 1.47 -22 X 44 as- 43 , 4. ' * TEL. M1-B-B868 $ sorted coloi|s.“ foV m ■ I AUOWANCE ip tke PRETEEN world of fashion •f EA B t c e n t e r ST. There’s toe-wrifg|irig delight in cvery- KNIT AMBULANCE SERVICE i l bIG and LITTLE GIRLS' PINWALE CORDUROY 1 3 0 paif of cool, djtenwork Jumping-Jack -1 Sandals! Aliid theie*s jslcht)’ of foot ~ SOWN$R|*WOMD( Homt ^ 36” wide. A ll colers. . ; • 100% WOOL— Snug. warm, comfort la Reg. 39c ea. Wide assort­ REG. PRiOE O F THIS RANGE : ; V:7. . . $379.95: "IrysoB U d" protection in Jumping-Jacks’ sixes toi>44, SPECIAL SAVINGS'... ment of colors to patented one-piece sole choose PLAIN Yd. ^ A U O W A N fE ...... $130.00 S|)Bcial PorelMiB “f PRINTED 2 («• 41 3 , „ 5 1 95c and heel. Gay, ( 1.4f S|:lH»olgirls' Knit Shirts -$1 from. for BOY COAT ttunmerttme colors. l.M IwiffcMit Slips. ■ Men’s , 1.59 Sweat SALE FRICE $249.95 full cut—double thickness at points of strain— S h irte Rayon Nylon SUITING and DRESS RAYONS You lova 4 1 c on tvtry one 3.49 LittiB Girls' puHtBd Dusters — ------^ 3 • Blankof ^ ' >-•{!> wid# alastle waistband— no ironing raquirad— of these sleep-easy button ■ I Fully ntece-llned. for ab- [n aorbdncy. Knitted w'riats, IReg. 5.98 site 72 X 84 for a |oy to wash. Sizas 6-12. Buy sevaral now. '.front cotton flannels' In 1,9t UttlB Girfs* ChBniNB SlippBrs waUt Sm 1 4 7 twiiji and double. 95cw$1.25«. jsoft pastels Sues 34 to 46 ijped. Ig. beds. SpBckil girls' Db Luxb AnkiBts •— — 3 prs. SI * , ' AH brand new fell fabrics. •iF CORK CEH01ISE&SON 815 MAIN STREET DAILY WIDNiSDAY ^ I N ANT orat txcm i >< " ' <1 ' ' ' , iiudq. l ,t r. I„cl, . W M O l V E W t OREEE N STAMPS -•‘-X .v.'i' ' V , / .1 :• /.• • ■fc- . V . ' /. •• • • ■ ^ ' ' ■

t > - ■ ' y-'.-.-y- • i-i'.- ', : U" • r . r ■ <-■ ' '.V -.1- ’ ; V - - N pAGE sd: IIANCHIESTEII EVENING HEftALDrMANCHESTER.iI e I CONN* THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27» 195S IfANCHESPR EVENINQ HERALD. KANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1965 PAiGB SEVEN, jolery nor-promise pie in the aky. Wi(^ strike threat by the Oeheral Uaa of Ktomie uim In Msjudiaater. A ll of the Austerity ‘ Program I address'the nation hot to give Confederation of Lstbbr {C(3T), surfkce. UUpa *" 45^ u t« Recriving aaoaey ralsed.ia used loealiy, with but to ask efforts of abstinence which supported Peron. New Data a* NaatUna tha exception of a $5 charter fee and sacrMl'ce.” ' , • The, huge labor organisation He said the Newport Newa, V*., Douations in Mail sent' each year to national haad- Sri for Argenli^ii "Argentina no longer is the great warned.the government laat night Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. has quartSrs In New York fSty. Aa the ■— -wsmls-w—iiis School Unit Vicks Jensen; exporting nation of befor# ..there that unless Control of a number pf 'been at work.for several years on Olrl Scout population haa tn- (CenUMUed from Page One) . are no exports with which to pay it$ upiona in returned, a general a design for an A*powered Navy *• itMnf contributions to the Olrl -cteased in the past ftw years, so for a single machine or single strike will be called within' 48.- •urfaea eblp and work on another Scout annual .drire for fUnda have has the need for addlUonsl funds increased, to malntsln an offlea STpRE HOURS Board Appointments Made reserves totaled $1,650,000,000 at piece of equipment for Industry or hpurs. Some CXIT unions wefb .design has been .atarted by the been receiTed by niall this week the end of World .War II.'Now, he transportation, but we will take taken over by force, after Peron’s shipbuilding division of BetHle-’ and to pay for the services of • in ^sponao to tbs'appeal left with highly trained executive who gives ■aid, A rgehtiha has. an Internal urgent treasures |b remedy thta ouster;; by antl-COT fsctlohs. ham Steel, Quincy, Maas. V Boltoh. Oct. sar (Spectal)— .three faiths, a Boardiof .SMuegUon situation.’?'. ■ . an envelope dddraieed to the treas­ unstintingly of her- tlma in work­ ^MONMY to ' reprelentative and PTA'Tspreaen- debt of 15 billion, a fore/gn debt of Tha Admiral diaclossd soma urer of the Manchester Olrl Scout Howard P. Jenaen’ waa named $737 nklHon and , reserves are If Argentina tightens its belt,’ ha naw detaiia-on tha accompllah- ing with leaders and other adults , • 'X tativa-would t>e invited. . continued, gives the country’s far­ (TounciC Mrs. A . .B. Sundqulst, in to hefp them carry -on a bettar pror chairman of the Board of Educa* ' Sasaman Moderator down to $450 million. Two Atom Enginri mants of the pioneering ..Nautilus: the house-to-house esnvass con­ Argentina piled up vast reserves mers tuid ranchers a new lease on graqi, for malntananca and ra- SATURDAY. tiOQ laat night at lu organlaa- Edward Sasaman of eho Willi- life-, fosters a revived private en­ 1; She traveled totally, sub­ ducted lest Sunday afternoon. palri of Camp Merri-Wood, and for tlanal meaUng. Succeeding John manUc SUte Teachera College will during 'World War H by selling terprise, beckons foreign aid and merged from New.Lohdon, Conn., Receipt of these contrSmtionTby wheat and meat to the. Allied pow- to Power New Sub t6 Sqn Juan, Puerto Rico, 1,800 addiUonia training for Giri Scout ^>^M.to5:30PJR. XcDarmott, Jeoaen waa elected by ■erve as moderator of a panel ■loahes a topheavy bureaucracy, it mall will lessen the work of sdult leaders.,,- * which will initiate the dlacuaslon ers. . When Peron came to power miles . In 84 hours. He eald this volunteers and Glri Scouts who can march to a new;.greatness in All IntermediaU and Benlpr CHri n •da as a cloaely>knlt unit. Health consultant, will attend the i-uptlon have led us. tOv, the most there are at least 1SQ,006 govern­ authorised ' for ^ constrttcUon'’ will first time any submerged com­ The Manchester Girl Scouts have Standing coipniltteea named by meeting-lii an advisory capacity. disastrous situation in out econom­ ment employes who are. unneces- be propelled by nuclear power," batant submarine maintained such set a ^ a l of $9,000 to ^ r r y on the About U.OftO people are klUed tha Board included: SaUry and :^The Board alfo voted to make ic history. , ■ \ Richover said. a high «peed for more, than one present program and to meet ths by 5ra every year In the TJnited Oontracta, Mrs. Pearl Jewell every effort to alpqulre a piano for •:i do not come to hand, out ca­ T^e govemrtieht faced a nation- And at another point he'- said hour.” needs of the Girl Scout organisa- States. .. (Chairman), Philip O. Dooley and use in the second grade classroom Jenaen; Budget. John J. McDer- of Mrs. Danielson and heard a re­ n ott (chairman), Norman neuaa, port that 50 teaspoons-had been the Rev. Mr. Yeager, Mrs. Jewell; reported miaaing from the school, Policy, Jenaen (chairman), Mc­ cafeteria. OPEN MONDAYS Dermott, I>oolc.v and Vincent Since the regular meeting, date 975 MAI|>i STv AAANCHESTpR — Acros^Fi‘orh Popular Market XrineicU; Maintenance and Equip- of the Board faila on Thanksgiv nawit, Blraealdd and Janaen; Trana- M»g Eve next month, the Board pertation, the Rev. Mr. Yeager and voted to meet Instead on Nov. 30. ' ■ ■ MaiKhesler's Ai\osl Convemcnlly totaled Store FOR YOUR SflOPPINe CONVElWNCE the c itla ^ ' group which has been . Unpaid Motor - Taxes aarvbig; Hot lainch, Mrs. 'Jeweii Tax Collector Anthony A. Ma- a ^ Jenaen. neggia has -again expressed - con­ ; - Manchester High,- School re­ cern at the number of motor JUST ARRIVED T ported in a latter enrollment of 71 vehicle taxes allll unpaid. He re- \ -X, local Btudenta at a tuition fee of portk at leae^ 70 taxpaySra are eli­ GIRLS' KNEE-tENGTH -FAIRW/Hr AMAZING!! $S3ft each. Odrteaponden^e waa gible for placement on the Hat of y also received front, the Selectmen delinquent taxes being compiled TO ^TO W NE to^iSIVutf'RdtitemsTijR tor nie^ Motor Vehicle Commis- STRETCH SOCKS FEATURES " THURS., girding bua stope amt supplying ilbner< , V' 445 HARTFril^^b ROAD i T McKEE . athtements requiredKl iid k . applying Mkneggia feels a good many for the State grant, on ^he new people who pay their taxes' to Irregulars, Usually ^ FAIRWAY FRI. achool building project.. \ bahka monthly are under the Im­ 8 9 c' The School Building OMninlttee pression that car taxes have been ~ «ted in a letter that the laq^e pgid. This IB generally not the ■- -'"Y Fairway Priced PRICED TOYS and Defense room be provliM ik practice of the banks, Maneggia the^gew addition be equlppetlli^ unless specific arrangements toam and achMl e been msde.The Tax Collector SAT. The lenar said movable ^bookeasM Luggeste'd that anyone In doubt .could bo u a ^ ao the room could be abou t^e statue-of their car .tax VIKING utUiaed as audlUnlum or fo r payment contact him. Renewal U N L Y THEY similar purpo reglatraUona will be withheld by The Board, tMamh inUraated In the Motor Vehicle Oommieaioner in SHIPS the suggeeUon, M M t required con FAruary if dflinquuit taxes art aiderable thought aadsgotad to ad­ unpaid when application ie made. /- FAIR WAV vise the SBO that no mtUoii could Harvest Baaee Tomorrow CANDY CORN lb. 29c ; Pa'> be taken in time to sCeot 4ta Xiocal. busineseinetv have coutri PRICIP fanning. _ _ ^ butedao the interest of the fim'v' ^ AH Color* A letter from the S^ta m Daiice'to' be-gfireh' tomorrow at I ■loner jof jEducaUoni F. B. the Rainbow Club by the PTA. HALLOWpTSPICE l)«0PS lb.25c man, waa read advising that . Door prizes have been donated, by / HOUSE wdaymtonidbe avoided aa a m a6 F ' ■ In’s- Grocery," the Bolton ‘ Gen^ up day in the school schedule erM. Store, 3-J'a Restaurant, MuP' HAlD)WBEirMEafreREAIfrM» lbr2Kr it waa the Jewish Sabbath. It cited aon'K. Candy Kitchen, HIllcMst PLANTS^ AUTHENTIC MODEL the State Board's advice that ReatauKMt, (3am-Dot Ceramics, PRICED HalloweenmNVT BUTTER KISSES. IkiSc I NYLONS I school should not bs held on the McKlnneyj^ntber and SUp^ Co., DARK SEAMS ^ •abbsth for those of either the Lassen Pslroleum, Mstmhester CANDY FlljUD PUMPKINS 1% to 69c Hundrddg Of ) Jesrlah or Chiiatian falU). Drive-In T h ^ e r and tM Bolton Different KiDds Bills In &e amount of 11,041.53 Notch Servle.^tatlon/Mrs. Ed­ COOK ware vioted paid. A report from ward Steele, chaihnd^f the com­ . C I Mrs. Harry Kites, cook-manager mittee, has annoiu^d that any other local merchaiua who may ./ \ • f the hot hmeh program, was not have been coMacted. and who 29c each 'N P r.| heard. DiUciae relating to hot would like to/particlpatkyshpuld This hyManchester's originpl discount bdsemenl' store with a tremendous With Coupon Only hmeh, achool aetivities funda and contact her. personnel were referred to the pol­ SERVE icy committee for eonalderafion. Dancing Wtll be from 9 a.m. dntll stock^f Notionolly Advertised Applionces 7 . . All ot exteptionolly LOWER <4 ^1 Bex of 3 Pairs ^ The Boud voted that the staff 1 a.m .-'srith. music by Toi Free! 0'Bright?s orchsstra. jh-oceeds' SET hs advised that no money ie to be from the dance will be. used to un­ Pritos! Come in ‘ * / , \ H ^thy African Violeh .. 89c FAIRWAY tart In classrooms after achool derwrite the class night party Matching homr*.. The question o f securing each year by the PTA. for For Chili|dren 4 to PRICED ^^2-69 a safe for the prlnctpal’e office was ' imeqtafy School graduates. Vrsferred tC Uis equipment commit PuUlc Heslioan Mask WROU A COSTUME TO ^ ^ E R Y A Little Girl's Deli9htl 1 ^ ^ With Ckiupon only \ Dtatrict Odafee^Cs Aired , The Assessors are holding pub­ VEJ S4 VEJ IRON lic session* to hear property tax Miss Viola Lanen, Elemmii declarations a t . the Conuminity PA^CY IFRIGHTEWNG OR With MAGAZINE ■t^dimieor, who attenidedthe Han today, tomorrow and Satur­ HARD tag as^representatlve o f the SUper. RACKS day from 1 until 7 p.m. They w ' FESTIVE—CNOIOB^F COLOR intandeht'a office, spoke the als6 meet on Monday from 1 ufAll Every Board ahbut sttsndancs a t^ m Dis­ 7 p.m. and fc.- the last tlipe on trict Oonf4ence today. / She gd- PUANCES THiesday, 3 -to -8 p.m. vised the mpmlng sS^on wdiild Special Town Meemg V Costume Blue Bell be davotefi to- diacumion of 25 A sp e ^ l Town M e e ^ g tonlghl SPEC •FAIRWAY PRICE rdy gabardine (i|r pinwale cordu* REG' $ / questions formulatad'hy Uis tesch- wtU consider enartmeht of seven GENERAL ILECTRIC SPECl , lined throughout with colorful BOXER ars on the emotlndal problems of lorid ordinances. The meeting wilt 544M5 ^ 100% ALLJ^OOL $ fJ9 Jackets with children. This jmaeusalon-iwni be be held at tha Oi^muntly Hall at NEW MODEL E L E C ^ RANGE FAIR\ :ede Jiiiinga. Zipper fronts, etaetie 2 7 r JUMBD ASH TRAY A.: led by Dr. M um of,the State De­ • o'clock. ^ P R K apd ^ itted back. 2 pockete, eanforized, LONCIES partment of HeidUi. \ Tha a f t^- G r i i ^ to Meet Bright, Warn) fu lly‘washable. Guaranteed uncondi­ noon eeealop wtli be broken into The regular Orange meeting will X REG. $ or CANDY DISH BUNKHS tionally for fit, and quality., thrscK seoUdna during w i ^ three be held tpmorrow. at the CTommu NORGE R E FR I^TO R physical jtMucaUoa InatniCfaBra will nity H i^ a t 8 p.m.'' . , 5539.95 ^ SPARKUNG^ CRYSTAL Linings rkahopa on whhV can be 13 CU. FT. 2.DOOR A U T O M i^ FAMOUS NAME-^EG. $17.95 done td provide recreation. iter lh?ealag Herald Bol- MASKS / 4 M asks - m a sk s In the classrooms on 'eerreape«de«t, Mrs. Joseph O O WHILE the children cannot go 'Italia, telephona, Mitchell WEG. ] on. BENDIX ECGNOMAT 9 ■ THEY ‘ HALF M A S I^ — FULL MASKS — RUBBER M A S j ^ ''S-5545. , . ^ $229.95 ^ principals’ meeting in 8u| Iriaiid New-—FuHy Automotfe Washer / DECORATIVE — USEFUL district on Dec. 1 HOWELL’S BEEN iUtOllND 1 6 5 “ GABARDINE \ in'Miss Larsen's re|)ort, 2-12' 8he agiffsitet the priaelpahr had Hew York tB—Coach Jim I..ee A U CHROME ON COPPER BASE WROUGHT IRON FRAME long been vpneemed atmut the ■ Hovteir la in hie 19th season with I DEEPFRIeZE RANGE VGOOD S 7 F A M O U S 5 ‘ i . 6 9 ^ y f : -guidance of adpleacent ydu'th, par­ the New York Giants. After his lUYxAT ^ ticularly in aex w^caripn. A ape playing: career ended in 1948 hai AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC 36^ MODEL rial masting has -wrefora been served M an end cohch under] 1 4 9 ^ N05ES — BEARDS — MOUSTACHES — MAKE.|!iP arranged for Dee. ^ t ^ I la n d Fed- Steve-O^yeh. This is Howell's .sec-, TRIVETS •rated Church ti ie ff Clergy 'of ond year Sp head coach. Jim ie 41, REG. \ TEA K E m t 7 CERAMIC INSERTS HOTPOINT DISPOSAL $119.95 NATIONAL BRAND / .

REG. S ALL ADIRIRAL REFRIGERATOR $ * L !f T - ^ a t " ' j . for $ 1 PRICED $549.95 ■ 51.19 e a . p V ^ / Cboiee 2-DOOR DUAL TEMP.. 19SS MODEL $4.95 THE f a ir w a y HOTPOINT ELEC. RANGE NEW SHIPMENT W i^H lN G MACHINE DETERGENT Used Ciirs Party Hats . . 5c-1 Oc POUILE OVEN—MODEL RN59 535T.T5 SMART LADIES'end , IIHF Converters STANZALl Napkins .... pkg. 17c Noisemekers I0c-25c 1953 Dodge Coronet Y8 " S995 \ ' M: y' TableclotKs...... 29c - LIHLE LADIE^S' : > ' S-Doer Weden Ivory and greea,*' equipped with overdrive. WHIRLPOOL R E G . %* I.9S Snappers ...... Sc baelnip ligkte, tinted glaee, all hew Urea. $249.95 ^ C u p s ...... ^ pkg. 17c % AUTOMATIC WASHER yX $ ^ .5 4 Decorative Party Baskets pkg. 29c Cut Outs .. 5c-IOc FALL BAGS i V $ l 8 ^ 9 5 All elzea end colorjl,' 1953 Plymonth Grahbrook $1195 v a l u e \ 25 LB. PKG. S-Deor Sedun. t-tGM rmilloe hp’Mttr, whHew'all NO TRADE-INS NEEDCD STORE HOURS C 1953 Chevrolet i^Door S995 UP TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY on MONpAYto Dwk Mae, radio aad heater. • - A U MERCHANDISE FULLY 6UARANTEE0 1; . -TYFE 128 MUSLIN ILE/^CHED SHEETS ^SATURDAY , 1947 Chevrolet 4-Door 3195 SIZE REG. ..Ol'RFRICE .SIXE REG. Ol'R PRICE ,.TiQucai aar taoio. xcaeer aw m , hriucr, motor paria hava- A ll 9 A.M. to 5:30 PvW becn ckrema plated.-., ; . ■ .-X-...... 72 * « 9 ^ 2 . 4 t $1.79 «1 X 99-42.69 $1.89 P r iees r FREE DELIVERY 72 X 108— $2.69 $1.89 . 81 X 108— $2.89 $1.99 THURSDAY 1952 Plymonth 2-Diibr $795 Include FREE HOOK-UP 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Radle. keatcr, new whitewall Urea. ' ' .» ■ # » A U CARS CARRY OUR SD-DAY WARRANTY OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M: IN W|tJTIN©. OPEN MONDAYS Your Choice Mgy Not Be Uisied, We Have Many Others FOR YOUR SHOPPINS CONVENIENCE I From Which To ChooM NORMAN'S I i''; NOTEI ' :x' 1 'L 975 M AIN ST*> A^ANCHESTER — Across Frq^ Popular Market AU . ORGANIZATIONS aiid CUIBS Solimeneq Ipca M M m M M ' SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT ' j Manchcster^$ AAost Conveniently Located Store •S4 CENTER ST„ MANCHESTER-Ml S-5101 ON ALL GROUP PURCHASES IBreet Factory Dealer For Dodge and Plymonth ; 445 HARTFORD ROAD i TEL. Ml 9-4597 - a . M.-I P. M. Wcekdaya-<-ChMicd Snndays : -• X

I-- : X '- r M ■k\ '4; ', . ' 'll.' i 1 -- N.:. ■■ r


powers feel they ought to tents this "raciar borough!' and ho-. Sadred H eart CRurch, Veti^oa In cent pldce to Uvb end cartainly no body else. Again, w e,______i r a t e that_ he E U i n g t o n change. < state, action to prevent kew an- IBanrl^reti^r do, to satisfy, the woHd, what at- placa Whare we can entertain a Ribicoff tQ Badk ^ croaihmanta on river ckannela are, happens to be. very Bm Ious in aerv- Droodles EamUy Night jTizSSf W om en m caller. • . ‘ ive Treasurer Plays L^ad Rol^ % isli ^ Demands m.oaphere they wish to achieve and Connecticut Ing anybody, from his whole stste- • -.M- . ./ of necessity, things which wUIjti' Bjr ROOBB MUCK Society Will Hold A potluck supper and church "Do the men do anything about \ a loM time to aoeompllsh," MEN and WOMEN ll^raid perpetuate, can be mope im* vidde constituency. But the racial family night will be hel A While flvii of .the Congressmen The Roekville District! Coiincil of trips to the northvreat, ^ today has loat hit mannera. succeeding yaffn, with many pro- side. Each of these fixed positions, And the result of tlds. for our pres- Poland (*), —. Oom- "We still, study French as ourl/ Abraham A. Blbicoff*aaya he'll tel) ' Hartford, Oct. 37 (Jh—U.8. Sen. jsdts, auch ' as the proposed, from Connecticut represent gro­ 'ent discussion, is tnet this group, Fersonal'MeBtloa ' on/ Germany, and on disarma- the' NpfWieh.tt*r. versal of pfervtoue fixed' ^sltlons. uation of the present districting. It house on Suntey' afternoon 'at St.' viait with her daughter end fam­ ace happy about the way think it’s smart to speak Roebian ment Mtabliahea dloastar Insur­ conservation measures "can never from the First representing twice ily. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. W. Young but since when can. we learn any­ be a aubatltuta for the reservoirs deduction which we have ex- SOflICturauN 8 AtKH We .^and Russia have, In reality, would have something special to Bemard'a Cliurch. < EE3I REPQIRj ance, people will buy it “aa a mat­ perlniced. ' TV SERVICE Psymbl* ID AdVDDCD as many people' as the Oongresa- and daughter of Islington, Mass. . ten 80 to 45 hirid alaMSt all Joba thing Important to women from and other rivet-bamsasing proj- s^'apped positions on each issue. lose if the state were, divided into 'niero will bo benediction at 3 the Ruaalan7” .v . ter of courae.9' ecU we desperately need tp flood- "Notnit;g ' should . distract .w Odd Xddd man from the Fifth, Ul8lHct,-r-the six districts, Bs'it should be. , Mfk Arens la entertaining her the party control!. Primt Mlnlatcr from callii^r upon Jhs Congress to D ay a M AK A Call. 8U ItoDlha ••«•••«•••••••••*••**** We couldn't quite m'anagd to swap o'clock followed by a meeting on nephew from Washington. Josef CyrankleWicx, 45, has held Bachekir glrla have to double up Ribicoff aaiil yeatsrday that he proof communitlMl in Connecticut Nights amawwnmFaita THr«f MontlM MqiiUia sixth Connecticut', Congressman v,Ho nobody Is partifulkrly con- and tha other New England appropr^te \m e required funds. again, but we could meet in the mrned about ending the present scramenta Into the Home." • Mrs. Learie Kibbe of Meadow top oAce ceven years. Chief editors In single-room dWeillngs while the win' tell VhrX&bcOinmittM of the TEL. BO. 3-8IN really represents nobody, at all. W# The gueat speaker will-be Mrs. men.get the pick of apartments rc- statea." We cannot artqrd time-wasting WMkly iilDl-d|striCtlng of Connecticut, Brook Rd. Is a patient in the are in their 30a. Theddeus Kra- Senate ./Banking and Currency debate whether wmservatlon or. Anglt CopyDow •.**^f'*DDi»*DD**x* •'* middle. ' \ . suspect he httnself would quarrel $-Y> Mary ^ e d Newland of Monaon, Rockville City Hospital.' ^ ihiiiKf u-aiRiTi cHoweky, 33, auperviaea Orbia gardlesa of marital status. Committee that federal disaster In- "Conservation la a Ugbly deair- ■—_!___•/■ ■ and there.is one rather strong, m m abla part of a flood-prowctlon pro­ Bonlng or flood oontMl wbrkt are With 'that, statement, contending special Interest In preserving It. ‘Jar of Uriirlce Jelly Beans witb Mass., author of the book "We and Corp., the atate’a version of the A young/party :official coun­ aurahcD Is not only necessary but TBB______AaSOcSrED PRJdB Our Children.” tered: gram for New inglsM," Buah needi*. The feet la that ell are Junk^ Trouble that he does, a zealous job of try­ ■ 3 Vanillas’ /' Mancheater Evening Herald. El- American KXprees Qo. He operatea practical. needed, but, the fastest acUon for Cathlic mothers should And Mrs. 'Uagton eorreapondent, Mrs. G. F. I f M W U D W ’ Q night' clube, liotels; ticket agen­ "The women, expect ua to get said in a prepared nddrei* for the «ar.^«n/irr.SL.ss?s^^ ing to rfepre.senl all .the people of I don't know about Mrs. Frank / **1 am certain," the Governor fourth annual conference \of the our protection can be« abtUeved By Some unkind accident,^ the the ''state. But out' point is. of Williams of Philadelphia, Pa., who Newland’s Talk helpful. Ilie pro­ Ran, telephone, TSamoBt 5-MlE cies and travels to the west everything done at once. We ve 'said,'“that just at .people and Mti, ju it aa 5s.'^s;!srgs..s^^ gram will ,colse with S' refresh­ frequently to pick up new Ideas. been buay and-wq haven't any time New England Region, Rivers and throu^ tha conatrootlon, •od -■-> tile toeai n««« pubUebM bm . spotlight of public attention Jhss course, that he has no distHct to thought up this Droodic, but I am Lower Stiaet floor Lovol/ bnslneBsmen take out Are and ac- Harbors /Conffress. "We must aoon- as the funds can be appro­ CHICKEN PIE All ilthts of repubUcaUoo. of ap«^Dl focussed itself upon the travel ar­ run from, and that he Is elected at BOl^ SCOW a Jelly Bean Lover from 'way ment hour with women from St. Seven Michigan couittiei have A n tt-N ^ Bole Vital for fancy thUiga. The women blame cldriit insurance u a matter of PtTAtehe^^erelB w eleo reetnreo. Maurice Church, Bolton, and the To bold an importaoit job two us because there are not so many never lose sight of the Impoimnt priated and bulldosera put to rangements and finances of threi large.*^ back. I .eat several -bags a day, In more than 300 lakes each. course,-they would also te willing role It can play. work moving dirt, of the . flood- IWl nrnea clle^ol N> *. A. Serr* Furthermore, ■ we have been Notes atul News fact, Tm' what is Imown as a thlnfa are Important: youthful gdod dreaseS and coats and ihoes te take out disaster In^inance. protective works recommsndsd by members - of the United States vigor iand a record of having in the ahopi. They forget that not Omserviatloa Not Enough \ SUPPER electing a' Congressman-at-large "Chain Beanei-’" and I think we Boland A. "If the 'premium C0 ^ conld te Hrrald Pbolo; the Army Engineers," *%ibtMien llipr»e«nUiU»e«i The Senate. They happen to be D^io- for more than ?0 yeai;s of the->s6 should set aside a/Nationai Holi­ reslatqd the Nexla. Party member­ long ago„thete weren’t, even any "But when the akiea dump tons' spread throughout m o ^try ' and V*' Roger Negro of water on towns and dtles In crats, which, may make them feel years since we 'dast redistricted o h Friday evenlhgrW 6lct..28, tX ii 1955, day in- honor of the Ittle rascals. ship hrtpa but la hot necessary; ahopq,” BUBKAO o r thtra are only 1,300,000 meiqber, However, the battle Of the sexes . Roland A. Miller, clJMf clerk and paid by eountleas/nitrii^ of peo­ southern N*'V England in a single HEBB INBECtOB DliU Sot., Oct. 2Y. S H i m Connecticut for wlecllona to '^ e Cub Scout Pack No.j. 2 2^X, wlwill hold We could have a Jelly Bean An­ Roger Negro. wilt po'rtray the that a Republican administration in tha 27 million population. la going politically, and soctal- auditor of the First .National Bank ple, adequate r^rvb/fanda could night, and the upstreahi states ex­ Hodse at'WashIngton. them which could be .called "Hur- central character, Remy .Martco, thirien, Oct, 37 Uh—Ralph A. TIM lie iiiJd P rt^ ^ CoiBPW, 1 ^ had a hand in setUhg up this, pub­ T^hls fact—that we havedio long its firstX pack meeting'-, of "the ra.v' for the Red, 'Whfte and Blue— The young .party member dif­ ly, the cities and vlUaget are'teem- of Mancheater, wifi act as,'treas­ be built up w provide protection perience little or no.rainfall at all, GILEaiiD H A U fers from Ore Communist one sees whenever dhKtstdrntrtlma any sec­ in “A Slight case.of Murder," to as happened in Hood disasters thU UIn* n 53, director of labor rela- neiraMe do tlniuiclal rcspniiwblllt)i tw lic spotlight. They happen to have had'-.an additional Congressman aeason at\ht. Mary'a Church at and Licorice'Xand also we should ing with kids. Somebody is getting urer of the fund drive to, bA.con- innanBlllCAl efTOtberrotb •DPCAlIng•ppeaxlng ID dB> GenUMiy* Ha apenda his tion of thq^Uofi.^' be presented by the Mancheater ysat-j It la apparent that we would tlona \, fofor the Olaaa Container ______and other read*— had schedule trouble, at the end we ought to provide w,l;ui a district 7:30 p.'mle • \ - . . • acquaint people i/tth Jelly Bean c m T A , along with somebody else. ; < ( . ducted during Natlanal*'Betafded Cmlnga buying a good neck- te fooj-harily to rely on eonserva* Manunteturera Inatltutp of New la The MaDCheater ErylBd : of his own - -might normally be'ex­ Harry H.' COw'les, a professjOnqj tacts s .di a's fhe fact that Marlon Children's Week. - ' .' • The ^ ta df such diaaslera as Communtiy Players tomorrow, and of their combined, tourist and Brando mumbles because he's al­ - B u t' German Red feels the floods which struck North- tlon alone; for^ our protection." Tork, died suddente yea);erday. ipeaeered IW Tha Oiaplar adrartlaiDt cM ds boorai pected to add fuel to some reform archer andUid former committeeman Miller has been with the local Saturday nights at 8:30 at tha Var- slndy .trip abroad, which resulted effort to \eliminate the rotte.n ways got a mouthful of Jelly be 'hjba to- a^ow his social eaatXug. 19 and again Oct: 15 “are Bush'said that reforeatatlon and Prevloualy Und ha*teen manager h e b b o n o b a w e n o . m flsr MODdajr—1 l. of Pack No. 27, will give an archX Trumiui Ex-Aide banking iiutiUitlon atnee March planck School, other conser\-atlon work, togother of the enginsering firm of Steven­ • Toeaday—1______. p. , _____ m. {ToiiSIi:ooday.' in afrangemenlM more expensive borough type, of congrusional dis­ Beans. And do' you know why 'It^nlnga by throwing away hla 1950; H elived nipit of hit life In sdAreat that they mudt be spread laOalahraUasiersOthAiml- ' Wedneaday—1 r ery demonstfatioh'at the close of (ftcktle. Negro has -appeared In numsr- with flood apnlng and planning by son, Jordeh * Harrlaon of New v e r ^ at OUaad HaU As m . than usual being made for tbem— tricting Which now exists in che. the busines.s part.of..-Hie, meeting. apolepn always - kert his hand HarUord la a graduate of St among all the people^ of this coun- • TbiiradaT about hla asaociate actence degree from H |^ icant ones being "The Curious tlbnal I^bor /Relations Board in AMn jected by them. ' fy.j Cubs to'exhibit the handiwork.they THIv? WEEK ONLY—ALL SALES FIN A L ^ t^O RETURNS / appearance. He finderatandS' the “Tha only fairway of doing this Savage" and "The Sliver Whistle." conetruction y protective worke Olevelaad. Hla hurvivora Include equal slsd anyway. Tha fpet that Albany, "x, X-. Oct. 2T tPl— yer College. - ; / Is to set up sqm# sort of disaster 7 5 ^ CUMrea Uadcr M Tasi« They tbsmselves are certainly, did at their den -meeting in con buie suit technique and- at New He acted with* the Coventry Play­ •'which ere needed not only In land hla widow, a eon and a daughter. We have a homeless tflohgressman ■’a time much of Warsaw trots Roger' Tubby, who was presiden­ He served as bombardier/Wtb Ihtnranca but on the eoaats." < , rri ought to lend some atihospbere of nection with this month's theme the rank of flight oScer la ^ a Air ers in “Berry's Etchings" and di­ Funeral eervleaa will te held Fri­ Thuraday, October angry, and unhappy. ^Because the of ''Robin Hood.”' to Hpiior ■ r C E IL IN G 'VARNISH SEjyil.GLOSS LA TEX \ nd in dinner jackets. > tial press secretary in the last M>icoff teld private companiQs rected the Oolumbia Players' “Conservation \ and local and day. spotlight is where it Is, they may emergency to thS need. - . ..i, ' be Polish; women have' their few months of Harry Truman's ad­ Corps from 1942 to 194Slm4 dsrvad caii't writer such Insurance without Rut no one ts disturbed. ~^o At a recent meeting of parents, Non-TellowhiirEnamel FLAT HNISH \ dfiring World .War in. New drama, VJdhuary Thaw." Hb was ...... ■ ■ • ■ G«n4* per gal. P*L.***’- he la ak almighty. He. thinka.it is hidbnduals, busineaaea and indus­ chaater Community Playera won if all had remained quibt and rou­ borough in the Connecticut Dries In 1 Hour . ' enough to kiss our hud' publicly that he had redlgned hla position tries which do not qualify for aid to trftiitete the "spirtt of Oeneva" House, and the Republicans,.Who .ney. Asst. Cubitiailtcj-; Paul Rer asa, win hold a potluck supper Covers In One Coat All Purpose the bast phiductloh award )ast tine. However innocent* and rou­ herd, treasurer; S ta n l^ jg. Stiolik, Ex^mnely DnH^le WnshpUe X when he atert* to dan^and when as Information chief of the NeW for president litlBSA Is expected uhder the various programs.! spring. ' Into scene ^Itaflble results. Very want to ciiro the rotten borough ln\uie l/idge dining room In thb dance \nda. That's ^ far as York State Commerce Departiqent. to announqe/next month that he tine the business might have re­ condition In the Stato Senate, insiitutional representatlw;.;, Wil­ Orahge ' Hall, ■ E. Center St., Tickets for "A Slight Casa of well,^ are smiUnr other, Paper Drop cloths 9 x 1 ^ 9 c —Paint RAUcr Specials hla etlquetti Gmy~B««mB‘'to: h a w ^iS^tihg foirowing' th ^ u p p e r. 'The WHOLE CUT.UP ^ HATIVt OYEN.READY - " prised and pleased. R It produces roasted, do not deserve. to- be an advantage in the existing set­ following persons will be honored': up, it doesn't want to lose it. The nothing concrete, that will be rou­ roested alone. If, as a general A Thougi^t for Today Mrs','Amanda Hultine, Mrs. Alfhild thing; we hed to make-k eholcs .be- other party automatically suspects Wogman, Mrs. Jennie Nlohnson; tine. gerrymandering. Sometimes, as in John Kilatrqm, Alfred- LlXdholm, But whatever it accompUibes, tween having oUr legislators the proposed redlstrlcting of the la b o r Is Life ... William Johnson and Carl CHKKEN rOWL ^ ? or whatever ita parUcipants really travel lushly abroad and not travel Stste Senate prepared by the Re- There Is a perennial nobleness, Members who have been 1 the 4 puUicahs in 1953, even a very good -Lodge for 25 years will; also be b'en- hope for from it, one keynote to at all, we would consider the for­ and even aacredness,. in work. mer the better. Much of the tabu­ job proves to contain a prospective Were he ever so benighted, forget­ ored: Mifui Esther Peterson. Miss AFTERNObN Its endeavors la inevitable. There advantage for ope party the other Edith Johh.son, Dextbr Peterson lation^ df' costa Involved In such ful of his high calling, there la sl- will be a propaganda umr going on, party cannot bring itself to accept, waya hope a man tha't actually and Einar- Anderson. AT «rhI LESS WINGS Ui. at thie conference, ea each aide matters ti a paper thing — the There is also a-special explana: and earnestly works. In'- idlenerv For further InformatTon.- persons tlon why nobody seems particular­ aaeka to poae as the aidb Which Is planes are there end the'men who alone there Is perpetual despair. may contact Mrs. Leggett at hec EVENING ,fly them are on the payroll any ly concerned with the problem of Ibe latest gospel in this word home on Alexander St. GIZZARDS y 2 Lh^. ^ JACKS wtBlnf to go cloder to ebme real finding a district for Connecticut's Is, ‘'Know .thy'V ork' and do It." agreement. Ute West haa pro- way. extra Congressman, and there'oy It has been written, "An endless ' ABANDON FIGHTS 2 fe Y P.M; poaalB It^wdU advance, loping to If there la a real, basic evil in­ creating a niore equitable align­ |ignificance lies in work."*A msif LIVERS lA. 89c ment of all our districts. perfects himself by working. Foul Miami, Fla., O'et. 27 (J b - have'them recognised aa generous volved. It Is that convenience for legislators traveling abroad lies In It has come to be Informally ac­ Jungles are cleared away, fair Brlffga S. Cunningham, of Fair- and Imaginativu-raa,'^ in short, cepted that although the Connectl-/ seed-fields rise instead and stately field, Conn., millionaire sports car the province of government - de­ MIS$ BARGER THESE PARTS ARE CUT. ONLY FROM CONNECnCUTi FJNESt something a R ^'la poseeasing cut Congresaman-at-large has'tul cities. . . . builder whdse entries competed in BROILERS and FRYERS any reel good -will would have to partments with whom these legis- district, he doe* have a paftlculsr Blessed Is he who i.as found bis some of the world's outstanding honiai •coRomtef and yiriissliiiis^Mpnrt ond counsolor constituency. He la su p p led to be work; let him ask no other bleaaed- autp races, haa abandoned his five- accept latbrs deal. In -the course of their TASTE AND COMPARE . GUAIU^^inSO service in Oongress. Thus, the De­ of, by and for one particular rqcial nesa. He has a work, s life pur- year fight to prove that Ameri­ X ^And RuSala, we can be eure, is group of votes. It seems something pose; he has found It. and will fol­ can-made-automobiles are thC best ahiWpeiiing stands of ita ewn, in fense Department, in its extra- at a “racial borough" syatem. low it . . . Labor Is life. ■ In the world. Cunningham told the which, Russia hopes, Russia will oriUiiary effort to take care of Again, we are not saying that the Thomas Carlyle Miami. Herald yesterday that he these^ three senators, might nor­ Congressman In office distorts hts Sporu'-ored b y ' the Manchester has sold his sports car factory in kti recognised as the true advocate own functioning so that he repre- Council of Churches. W est: Palm ,.Beach, Fla. of peace, and the Weetem pawera, mally have been Improving ita own and primarily the United States standing, on Capitol Hill,.so far as future approprta^ons or other HEW grlU bear the burden of to reject peace. .legiBlative favors w ^ e concerned. --X'- WEEK END -tJia-most- Important CpnVerpely, as thlngiijsippene^ it ; about the conference will be -may have these three senators LAUHDRY -th at both tfdes will be gtmnlng for It. . If we are going to continue to • ' V. SPECIALS their ca ^ before' world / have leglsletlva travel abroad— public cil^on, to be recognised as \ . the true ^am pion of peace. and we should continue to have it ■•ndix Tumbla Action \ Come in -- see how ' But onlW la one atWa, as the ex? —perhaps the sensible thing Automatic Washer \ Bendix Washes parts aee.it will the conferees would be to provide for it, through appropriationa te Congress/Itself, have an easy^tlme of putting flesh LOWEST ^oster^ Cleaner, Safer HOME3IAOB end ^ th some administrative of­ C L U B S on thdr pro|Mganda war, This la the retaUyely tmlmportsht, but ficer under Congress Itself respon­ Usns inss soap and loss water ' SAUSA8EMUT still not unw^emne, area of fur-i sible for scheduling, feciUlies and Bccommodetiohs. Let the junkets COST ther relax^On^ W the various kliids of «irtaii^'--we two jworlds be by courtesy of ihb .taxpeyari, BIG 'ECONOMY BOTTLES u . - have set up arahst me anothW. atid not that of eome government MONIY OROiR In other anM, th ^ f a t some department eager to build itself up. with the lawmakers. fundamental pokUonaXtohe ad­ lendix Super FoH Dryer justed, if there l\ to iW * REGULAR PRICE taste of occomisUanment.\on Indian Summer Defined ^ / ' Dries Twice As Fast / armament, we are, fm the moment N There could be Indian Slimmer at,, least, in the flxed^aium , be­ any^day now, and, for once, we are cause, apparently, we m not Wen prepared, ■ in advance, with ah HICKOBT HILL know what we ourselveV are will­ exact defipitlon of just, what it is. FRESH MAINE LIVE .. THfUK 8UCED / ing to do beyond the PsesidenVs It is a definition prepared by PERSONAL MONEY ORDER Oadulne Hlckery floMkad mptual Inspection propoeat. In 1 Frank H. Forrester, who is LOBSTERS propaganda warm-up for the con-' meteorologist of the' American BACON ference, Russia seems to be build­ ^useum - Hayden- Planetarium IN THE NEW WALLET SIZE ing up the argument that ' the down in New York, aiid It hap­ , United' States alone is blocking pens to be the flrl t comnletely re- /■ Trade your old posher real dlscuaaion. Perhaps, on o\ir liable deacriptlon of a ItaH bless­ '. Lb. 55c 2 dcdl 9 9 c part,' this is a plan to see how far ing ^e hsVe ever encouAtered, -Try A Fehad Russia wiU really go in order to "Indjan Summer," sayA this ex­ Take 2 years to pay leinpt us out . in the open again. pert, '(is _a stagnating high-prea- Cost-ontylSc each; Pdy teller the .. But, anyway, the need for plla- fure system that moves' into the WE INSTALL AND SERVICE . blUty le located In our policy. central *nd eaftern sections of amount of money order plus the WITH OUR OWN MECHANICS 1 FULL LINE OF COLD CUTS Oh the que^on of Germany, it i the United States from Canada ALL OUCED FUSH lO OEOBB ' ■ '" I is, Ibissia which hasjtaken the behind a cold front. small fee... |Ko applicatloh blank ' . W flMd poaiUon, in which Russia "While the forward edges of the 6 snainlaine thait - them I ts nothing , XEARN ABOUT THE Enjoy the world’s ncst beverages high-pressure celt' are moving In, B A N F A N C r at all that can bC* don#abo(it Ger- cold air covers the region arid to fill out. No waiting in line. at a big saving. Canada Dry ' GREEN I many right now. Here, again,' temperature and humidity drop ILUEBERRIES Ruasla may be pUylng a klnij of quickly-. , Ginger Ale 13 the original pale dry g ttn t—to see-just what the West' BENDIX DUO-MATIG mm^ In Heavy Synig r "Then, ts the cell slows its iast-. ginger ale. It. has a perfection of_ . •' -'-I le willing to offer' Here;; m Rus- ward movement, ^ tends tp stag-1 'ala'e. apparent lack of. liliabUity, ALL.IN.ONEi. WASHES. RINSES, FLU^DRIES. nste and subside or aitdt.Tl^s wind i THROUGH THE COURTESY OF THE HARTFORD TI - - \y - f ■ ...... ■ .-...... -- - ■flavor, purity and sparkle that no L h. 27e ie the propaganda point the West movemehl is veiy low and the air has been emphasixing, in ita own .mass, having traveled far from YOU ARE WELCOME TO STOF IN a |n D SEE THE N^W other ginger ale even approaches. FR E ll ]|U1CV FLOBIOA approach to the conference, Snd It iU original aource, loses' iu cold FLOOD PICTURES I^ W ON DISPLAY IN OUR LOBIY la In the effort to highlight this temperatures. Canada Dry Club ^oda is ORANGES - Russian fixed stand that the Prices start at At the same time, , because OYSTERS MMirTE RICE... 39c lyeet, in Paris the past, few days,' $ famous fpr exclusive "Pin- * temperatures aloft are warmer 149.95 bais been ehaping ite “own most than those at the aui;face at night; ' Y' f" l' ' * Point Carhonation.” Last year a<„ HURTS IS?/... 4 u.. 99e _Jteardqome proposals for Geneva, smoke and haw become trapped til‘ Pint Front 'ParclL SpeoM.. In either case—should we prove the bottom layers of air. The re- Pay Only Pennies Per Day alpne, it made over t-«h -disarmament, -or shoiHd ■sult is a succession of mild, slight­ Russia prove pliable on Germany ly hazy days.’’ ' 1900,000,000 highballs taste NEW STORE h W r S STARTING SUNDAY. OCT. 30: —raccompUshment would be pos- That is what, it Will be like, If OPEN DAILY 9 A M. to 7 P.M,—tHURSUAY. dud FRIDAY. 9 A.M. to 9 P^M. -•iibie. Mahehtsttr's Lar9«st TV, Radio, RKord cmd AppHonct Srera ^ better,-Sparkle Ibpger. Stock' * ’ . 'V ■ - ■ It comes; That will be how it hap­ And one would auspect that, in' pens. if it happens. It has nothing *up n tn i ! Keep plcnty.on ,hsind " f ht Country Store WHh City Priets" going to Geneva, both sides have to' do w|th the Indians, except that indeed been forced to thliik of try- they w^re the laat people to have for your family and friendsi . iag for eomethtng more than anr- aenae anou'gh to, relax and enjoy ether eold-war stelemau, lU- It.'-' ' O F F E R FO R in rival propaganda de- LI.MITEO TI.ME HIGHLAND PARK MARKET aigaa.. Perhape,the fact that eur- North CaroUna SUU College . O N LY face hopea for the conference ere experta say the average worker in PLENTY OF FREE PARKING 317 HIGHUND ST. - 1 MANCHESTER, CONN. ga low ia e^eoutaglng^ < tbaLttate bad td work 21 minutes . 'i ' " ' . " i : Ml 3.4270 OPEN SUNDAYTIU 7 O'CLOCR for a quart of mift in 1938 but only Om . thing is clear. 1Vhat Hhe 130 CENTER $T. doR. OF CHURCH ST. U iBiaut||i la IPIl ■ ICANCHESTER' EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEH, OONN« THURSDAY, OCtOBER 27, 1955 - by Nov. 10,(o Mrs Mabel G. Hall, Covm try a t MaiiMMd Depot. UaU q( Itams Ifaiv. James J. O’Brien of Storra. W a p p i n g • penalty - wilt'ba . Invoked. Asalti Church will mast at the Evelyh Hanson, vjes pKstdeht;' guisa bato^ BO that.n'o fan will desired,wuKlM mhUad aich Aa: ' -The n t Germain Guild acted aa tax cPian* claims that many trict chairmaits^sald. Unquent laxpayare will be. .sub-! ^xChui^h R ^lccls The'district has ptanned a aUver Property ClainiB ley Club will be held tonight at McLaughlin will be the assistant to Msit teachers' collSgc In the housewives in \ bargain basement Mra Joseph Bcown, of 'Storrh muted to the. Motor Vehicia De­ 7:30 at the club house. Following hostqss. frocks, outdo soiqa of the $S,000 gave a’brief leporhon the course tea Nov. 6 at the Blk'a Home in near-filturc, s'nd,is,sacuring liters- Blasts Carh W'illimanttc with St. Joe^h’a partm ent / the bueineaa aeeaion, a repreaenta- BnUtoy*s Sermon tuia pertaining’' to -the require­ a week movie fUrii in dress. ^. Veteii*an l^ d e r s m leadership given aKSt. Joseph’s Church organization in charge: Mra. Hall is sanding yrarrents to Due oil Tuesday tive fnmi a frozen food sarvlee The topic of Rev. David Crock­ ments'for teaching, in this state. '"All the money ta the i f^Uage, Hartford. Otmr speakers delinquent property^ taxpayers. ett’s sermon Sunday at the Wap­ Mary ,Ai>n Dobosz hss been won't buy good taste.Xriie an „ j X - ' were Mrs. Luke Grotano, inaaident The Center School parehta* night )sllt speak On "Freazars and the Of Film Stars Coventry, Oct. it. (Special)— tonight will < he a t 7:30 aj the She said todhY there la a real Wapping, Oct. 2T (Speolall Freezing of Meat.” '' ping Community Church at 10:«5 Seeking Dt^ember Elec lion named president of the local chap­ Miss Piazza is the Itoft of - the St. Oermatn. OiUldNpf St. estate tax sale being planned tn a.m. will ba "The Mark of God on ter of . Future' Homemakers of star who. ever -came up 'y u tele­ ‘Mrt. EXaa Koehler haa ht^ehiclectad Mary’a Church; Mrs. John Bnrko school. Work of the Srat g rM en Enoch Pelton, asssMOT, has re­ The hoateasez will .bsi'Mrt. Wil­ January. ' .7 liam Banz, Mra. LeUia Oeatonao, U a" America.. Other offieera' are, Bev­ vision to sterdom\in tMK Metro­ to .z e rv 'c her ' 2Vth of St. Mary's Church, WiUimantk will be explained hX bie teachers ported that only one-UHnl^of tha J>o«e present tn fstlUtate their erly Qillich; -vice presIdenV: Marcia Hollywood, Oct. 28 Iff)—Opera politan Opera but eW^nu no de­ Mrs. John LeRoy, Mra. Charli„ with a eoclal hour and quesUbp Mrs. Edward Kuehn and . Mrs. Rock\1U€, Oct. 27 and television singing sUr Mar­ Clerk of tha Second ^qnd answer period in each elate* personal property UeU h V f heen ^Earl Sanford, Mandiestor Bvaatng Herald Mrs.In . C«th»rlneCatherine D. « ty i i uiiiunW»t*nnK t*>* report as it Clark, secretary; .Cai^oi KrOymann, sire -to stay in the king hair Murphy. Mrs. John Conway of ..M aa«fM etor,.B v»'kiag MetaM clerk; has iuinounced that the will I u diMiased by representatives of treasurer. Mias Nancy BiSurIn if guerite Piazza today blaated what bracket. tlonal Church. Baltic, tha Rev. J. Baldwin of the roqm. filed.. , St, Jade Unit Meets Wapping . earrenpendent, Mra. \/ Taxes Doe Oeveiitrjr aorreepeatleet. Mrs. C. There'are more than 150 ret< aot be a candidate on th^ Demo^jthe flrtiix^ the club advlaor,. • sfta called the sloppy dress, in pub­ She currently^ doing a night Walter Haven liaa baen , Norwich - Diocese; Mrq. Charles . Tonight at 8 o’clock St. Jude's Annie Oomne. tetophone, Mltehell I teoMiatw s* Seven high ranking members of club act wh^^g%e starts out sing­ ' liM, diocese preaidmtt and the AultomohUe taxes must bs paid L. Little', telephone. BBgrbn 8*S>8L due. After Tuesday, a 10 par cratlc ticket fOc raelectlon at thf^ a recoonfi^endation for new con- lic of-some movia stars. to hii 26th conseeuWe term aa Mothers' Ctrela ot St. Frantc of 8-44t». tM4 ceNatiNcer siati nieisM taewn city contests in December, due to j *truction b< made - by the the senior class at-the High School ing ariaa..d!Me an onstage strip­ tiaaaunr hf the church and hfs Increased home responsibilities. 'Biilldinjt ComntHiee as a result of took the preliminary screening test "Hollywood-is the only place I tease dOM^ to a scanty. gosfuhie Mrs. Moran aas'/first elected'this -report- and Ihpse rendered given under the* .National Merit know where the. men dresa better revealing . a Monroe-like figure. Wife, Sfra. Gertrude A. Haven, is clerk in i m 7, beings the first'wom­ previously. Scholarship program yesterday, than the women," the Jf^w Orleans her show singing the * entering l)*r'nth year aa auperln- an to hold a higiycity office. She .appoinl.appointed Representative ,' ' The local atudenUi who'took the thrush declared, adding: i y ijo u lt Blued" and "When the tendent of the Sunday School. ' "It must be the climate.” . Dttshfls of bsrgaiiM * t t ready for the pick- did not seek rejection in J949.-but Charles ,E. Bui-lon, president pf teat were Patricia Hiller, Dlann nts Come Marching In" in red .'Others elected lAclude: TVuateea, bocama clerk -again in July of 19S1 the Property (hvners Organtcatidn -Dowdtng,-Janice Bartlett. Beatrice She named Marilyn Monroe as ot New.Orleans style. / itiB at OUT great storewide HARVEST SALE! one of the worst offenders i Harry Kltchlng, Byroh W. Hall, to fiU mit the term o f Mrs. Mar­ of Oonnectio'ut has appointed W. Brown, Carol Kroymann. Mary Is that, dignified for an opera Mra. Richard Storra, Clarence E, TNff TRIP o r They’re everywhere you ibok—on every table garet Kerrian. who had accepted E. Flamni of the Rockville and Ann 'Dobosz, and Patricia Metcalf. she. hotted Hollywood to llvj star? ' . - . '4- apd shelf .. . in every case and section. All New York. Williams, Robert - Cordner', Mra YOUR DRiAMSl a position'as assistant clerk of the Vernon Taxpayers Assn, a* his Attend School - \ “ I'm through with opera for a Wilfred S.' Hill;- deacona, Raymond V I —‘ the family’a favi^te foods are here.. . every­ Buparipe Court. personal representative to'attend Ten members of the Police De­ Marilyn Seen very good reason,'.' she aiiawers. partment attende(f the first of a "I hear there has been^mc im­ S.torta, Thpmaa D, McKinney, thing front the'.freshest produce and dairy ifra: Moran has continued as a conference of property ownera The reason; Floyd Standiah; honorary deacons, city clerk since that time. . organliatlona' being held today at aeries'of eight classes of a police provement since - sha^ent back "When I work in Las Vbgas (she products to the finest meats and groceries— 7 Cancas Dale Chanard school last evening In Thomnion- E ast.r Miss P ia iz i^ a id . Shelley Henry Bdittei, Hewhll A. HIU, it y * Bridgeport.' opens there again tonight) I make Waltar 8. Haven. George Phelpa; I r ^ and AIn'women's dCess. The movies w-itl be held this eve­ b# sat. X \ year Will be the Important busi church facilities, espeplally tor the bury; music, Mias Helen Jordon, FREC PARKING reputation as a cqn^ls well know She has been named on adveral ning S t the East Side Recreation ' y 1st; Aanlvcraary ness of the evening during this an Sunday School and youth program. in the Hartford Area, having ap­ ten bett dressed women liats. Mias June D. Loomis Mrs. Marilyn EVEHlNGSxTII Iwrs. Hpws’fd C. West, Center at 8 o'clock; the West Side Ward, Mrs. Theuiies T. Cooper, \ \ ntial meeting. Reports «n Travria peared frequeiwy with hia own "Hollywood's most durable stars Recreatipif Center tomorrow eve­ 974 MAIN ST. ol^C'est wMge, Snipaic Lake, af* Following the voting, members The Rev. and M rs./Nathan B. clown troupej/AlthoUgh .Thompson know how im portant It. la to dress ning al 8:15; and the Commiinlty 'Mrs.' Sanford Hathaway, Mra latly obseVWng their Slat wed- will hold .a workshop period. Burton will show pictures and .lerl has not- b»tn' seen in a . major for their public. Look at Joan ,Y Friday evening "at 7 o'clock. Floyd Hayes. ' / mpg tiuiiversim today with a fam- 'The meeting will ha held in the of the frailer.trip tb iy took to the Thespisn/productlon since ’’years Crawford. She wouldn't buy a loaf There ii no charge for this activi­ Also vlsHlng, Mrs. John E, ^ Uy party. The\cot>ple were mar­ social rooms of the Union Congre­ northwest Uila p ^ aummer. at a Ago,” ‘/M hOa nevertheless- been of bread at a! sr-permarket unleae ty, and-all children may come to Kingsbury, Mr//. Anna Anderson. FALL FESTIVAL SPECIALS! k e d in RockviUeNOct.27, 19(M, and gational Church, starting at 8 p.m church family supper tonight at actlv9'1n the backstage production she wore a Don Lbper creatidn. watch them, regardless of'age. Mrs. Grant B. Toothaker Jr., Ward have resided in tJt^s -vicinity ever Pemonal Sleatlmi Crystal lake. / - of nearly every show. cor)tributlng "Marlene Dietrich is another. If ' Day, Mrs! Otis HIU, Mrs. Anthony slnca. Mrs. Priscllls Flynn Of Vamoft ‘Bhere will^^ a potluck‘supper hts ysiusbie experience as 'a mske- Marlene goes tor a walk in Cen­ The U.S. aircraft carrier Sara­ Peracchlo, William Paradis, tha Appeal far Wallis^ Dobors Center hss returned from Several served at 8;30 at the community ■up ertist. tral Park end wants to dress toga has a power plant that de­ Rev., e , Arthur Bradley; auditing, An appeal for aralkVn donoM to chapel,, to/beiiy'D followed by the p r^ Arthur J, Vinton, Mra. Oecil Rob­ days visit with her sister and Rudy Thomas, as Mike, the mea- casually, ahe makes sure to dis- velops 200,000 horsepower. iva blood on MondsyVrom 12i>tS brother-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Ed gram of/plcIctures. , / ertson*, ushering, Hubert E. Ed­ ;h S.'SO. p;m., s t\th e Elks / School Policeman / senger boy, is making hia first ap­ mondson, aive Barnsbee, A..Harry ward Melnlcoff,.of Philadelphia pearance with the Thespians in Club Is b ein g ^ad e by tb'e Rock- She waa accompanied by Mrs Thomas L. Larkin of Grave 8t., W, Olaen Jr., George Mathews, vine Chapter, American Red Cross. -I; Is SSrying ae school polleeman.at this show. Heretofere, Thomas has E dria VanDore, who will join with been heard In Thespian radio,plays Donald Gowdy, Christian Klocker, The .quota fo r\^ day\ls 18® the niiladalphia ' Inquirer, ass.' the intersection of Wesi-and,Union Franz Wittmann; religious educa­ IT'S-NATIONAL APPLE WEEK pints, and to date, ^ ly two sts. He la' a former aaxoclate j;idge for the ALT experimental tion, the Rev. Bradley. Mrs Haven, fashipn editor -soon. . CN jor cM sr, ju icr a m i s . . . m i s m i s g o o d are scheduled. Kenneth Peterson, Richard Mar-,. 'of the City' Court and - retired theater. John Miller^ Thomas D. McKinney, RecfulDweittr aaveral yeara agp'Wter'being em­ -In the role of Billy, young and Mrs. Gehrtng;. " lfll7and George Hereog Jr., rep friend of L a rry . Larkin’s neWly X tmdsr the chaihnanshik of reaanted the Union Congragatl■egatiwial ployed by the l^miecticui’ Go., for MANCHESTER BevV Mussar to Speak adopted son, Normsn, Jerry ^ 1 Winfred Kloter is msklnk a'-teli Church at the recent LayLaymb-'a many yeara./«e will replace Wll- The Couples Clnb of the Ftrat FANCY MeINTOSH .Mpme canvasa .of__protMcllvi. Chrlallan Conlerenca keld at/Pawaf/’ l- Itam C. Pfuhder, \yho has accepted son, son of Mr. and Mra. Marvin Congregational Church, wiBL-sinc V ...... oonors.'th an attempt to jin oot the a. position with Pratt A Whitney Wilson. Is making hlaThW plkil ,ng, N. Y. ■ ■ „ / , debut. I-oiig accustomed to onstage tertain the Mr. and'M rs. (hub of 100 appointments necesaaryX^* linemploymenl RtaWi / AlfcrafL ■■ the Second Congregational Church meet the 150 pint minimum. \ it ;tinempIoyment /co'hPC'Wa- Funeral Saturday appearances, haylng-j starred In Saturday at 8 p.m. In the vestry. . Transportation wit] be provided Uoh claims taken for Wa w e ^ end­ ^Funeral sei-vlces for Gottfried H. local dance reviews aa well ai PUBLIC MARKET The Rev. Forrest Musaer of the Ftr for those desiring it. Anyone de­ ing X>ct. 33, rose sligntly over ^ e ^Kahler, 65 of BIlihgtori, prominent those in the greater Hartford drea Rockville Union ObngregatloMU siring to give blood is aakM to call prtfvmua .week, 122/being filed, aa Mn agricultural circles,, who died plu.s TV appearsnees, Jerry brings 803-805 MAIN STREET Church will give a talk. the Rad Cross headquarters. compared to ilo.'The numbeiv-of suddenly yesterday \t the City to this psirt a wealth of theatrical Fire Department Notes Bpectok Partsk Meeting Initial Vlaims dropped from IT to Hospital, wii< be held .Saturday at know-how.” ,• The North Coventry Fire De­ As a result of a detailed inapec :same two weeks. . 2 p.iyi. at the C3irlatian Apostolic Tickets for “King of H e^s’ RtUnr RED SBEDLESS 14 duiinjr the ; may be' purchased from Mrg.-'Mll partment Answered two- fire and CHOICI/ . - STEER t lElP tloii of the facillUcIs a t St. John’s.‘ohh*r __ Patient Church. one emergencYcalls during thepast I^iscopal Church, the . entire Burial will be in the Ellington lard Rowley. Mra. Donal^RIchter, /m Frank FWlder, U Mpfket St., Is or from any Thesplap^ member. two weeks. The mpn have planned p^sh Is urged to attend a special a patient kKcity Hos|litsl today,, Center Cemetery. Friends may call their next paper collection for Dec.' mscUng called by the vestry, for at hia home tomorrow afternoon ‘The King of Hearth" will be pre­ 1^29* 'Sebwaatir.' Notes sented at Bowers School, Nov, 10. The last paper collection netted Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 8 p.m- Mlu -orothy sitverherz, a-stu­ and evening. \ The Ladd Funeral 12,000 pounds of paper. 600 pourids • I ajThe report as prepared by Paln- dent/ at ' S irtlim '’oHege, -has been Home of this city la in charge of qnd 5. of rags and flve.batteriea. ' \ CHUCK ROAST ebard A Ryder, architects, and an- nanVed to the dean’s list fdr high arrangements. "X The Rev. J89c POT ROAST OVEN ROAST LIFETIME serve tor the coming year: Dale Lb. 55c ^ b . . LR. aaaeaaora win be la the RoUin.e, president; Stanley Szet- e Short e SIrInIn RIB or LOIN ' AO#> Thin Mints 29c HEN TURKEY lOpa Clerk'e office Mondays, towrtckl, vice president; Ronald VEAL CHOPS . Kadaeadaya and Fridays from /a PorierhouM " ) Lb. 59c ; Lb.79c OTC PORCELAIN Choc. C — • Nickerson, sacretaiyyJohn Sam- ' / ■ » large /bunch J WAVIEST NATIVE iARGE ROASTING t A. M. to IS noon add S Pr M. pisri, treasurer. Philip A;idlbert Is I Cream Drops 11 Oz. dC 3C « to 8 P. M. Also Monday evenings the Club advisor. from T to 8 o’clork. FINAL The Future Teschere' Club, di­ X FRESHLY GROUND AU, LEAN GROUND FRESH SMALL STEWING CHICKEN PARTS ◄ DAT NOVEMBElt 1, • A- M- rected oy Mito Janet- Morrill, has FINISH / For Your PeanutClusterso.. b.. 29c to It anon. organized, Gfflcers for the year In­ HAMBURG CHUCK REEF OYSTERS •lEGS ....., Ib.75e PLAIN OR PEANUT•EANUT 1 LB, BAG clude Jean McLaughlin, president; FRESH DRESSED ◄ Halloween Needs Lb. 3^ci,L75c • BREASTS . . . Tb. 85c ◄ Fresh mode pure eider, pumpkins M&M Candy 29c Candy Corn 29e< Make* A Nlee^Meat Loaf P in t • WINGS .... lb. 25c (oil sizes and shopes). iMlon rBST— 1 LB. BAG HARVEST— 1 LB. BAG / Lb. 55c Lbs.$1 89c com. chesfnufa. apples by ^ the ◄ bosket. cocenuH. etc. idyMix 29e Jelly Beans /25c & From Tho Hottto of Tobin Faokii Ni 6 M BOLTON Now, Reduced Prices! 4 FRESH NATIVE ON SAUSAGE. BACON, CORNED BEEF Et h a n A l l e n M O U U M a Extra Loan loby Pork Ldins 6«7 Lb. Avi L b .'S V $ OUR OWN MAKE PURE PORK SAUSAGE 4 Extra Loan loneless Frosh Picnics . Lb. 59c PaRBRkt Mix Anat Jemima 19e ■AL Vary Loon Frosh Wkola Hams . . . Lb. 59c POULTRY • SMALL LINK a ..:. X...... 4 AMEBICAN s u c e d loby Porii Fraih Spararibs...... Lb. 49c Cream Style ConT^’ ID Cuftkiiditat Mix Aum jemima 20e Frtsh Front Pork Fact ...... Lb. 19c •LARGE LINK ...... HOPS 4 CAMPBELL'S FANCY T Hi-Ho Craekirs 8unehtna->l Lb. Box | 35e Loaf Cheese V 53c Lb. 39c • SAUSAGE ME|^ . .... DANISH IMPOBTEO "SPECIAL->WE MAKE IT*^ For cutting up. • ITALIAN SAUSAGE ...... ,T ,f. Vtii-ThlR P rills - 74^ 0*. 25e tb An leaf and Tomato Link^usoga , 7. Lb. 55c Bleu Cheese rsc Tomato Soup 4 »43 4 9 ' KBAYTB 7 rislt' or TTMI Educator—• Ot. Caeldea298 CAPONS X Lb. 49c bUB OWN' E.XTRA LEAN . PACIHC PEARL — ALASKA ” SMOKE M^AT PRODUCTS Medium iiize. , X HICKORY SMOKED BACON .. CudohyJxtro Loon Smoked Skbuidars .... Lb. 39c VRH'4||| ' Tall Cane 2 For 33e qheezWhiz'.^^ 2' OUR OWN MAKE BONELESS Fester Cooked Boneless Horn . . . . . Lb. 89c FRYIRS Fjich $1.49 And Farh $ 1 : 6 9 Libby Hash Corned Ba^-r.l-Lb. Can 31a Grete A Woigel Cottage Horn ...... Lb. 59c Cut up, ready for the pan. /■ BRISKET CORNED BEEF ...... Red Salmon Grote & Weigel Fronkfurts ...... J....:. Lb. 59c DEL MONTE GARDEN FANCY DaafStiw Libby—24 Ot. Caa FRESH MADE KISKA Lb. 45c BAKERY FRIGIDAIRE Tall RIvirBrani Rict S-Lh. Box 29e BABY BEEF Livfti , . Lb. 59e A Sellout C an s DIPT.-' Laat Week LOAF Sweet Peas--2 OilTSpaafS ^ Lnaito’ Chalea- Ouart 29C e SPECIAL WHOLE KERNEU-12-OZ. CAN FRESH GROUND BEEF...... Lb. 39c Hat ObaiBolatt Bordena—a-Oz. Can 24e BLOCK CHUCK POT ROAST ...... Lb. 49c AUTOMATIC BliUkn lilmw : Johnaon:* ' floor VraX ie% oe saia—g t. 100 BOnOM^ ROUND POT ROAST -..... Lb. 75c IN OUR forn Niblets 2 F o r Njidsoa Naoklit ao count Spkg.. 35e WlLS

* -V . ilANGHESTEB EVENING MAKCHBg!r^CONN> THUkSDAY. GCTOBF^^ 27.’ 1985 PAGBi/rWEIiVl Sect^iir fwo I -itRSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1965 ^ Pages 13 to 24 kniockedVout of / opecationa tern - to ^ e y 'i are fought; Pearl K. public opinion to what It, considers ■ . ■ I ■ . i r i...... I II. || 1 ,1." . - dangsrs this country faces. It is porarily. ,. Pitney va. Francis E. Pitney, grf- Air Defense Cites. Claims ...... f ,,'i I ...... , M. -----'------r — ------i li Revenue Service Examines^ headed by Clarence Manton, for Aecordin^to the report, there hiorty, supporCrcustody a n d ^ u p - RUMI^GE SALE nier dean of. the Notre IHme were 6,000 subh claima. These Con- Briilsh Students trib'ited to a nwel-all claims jKn- sel fees, Corinne t>, Margham Skywalch Leadw School, and by Gen. Robert^ Ki Increase Frk^, Oct 2t, 9 o jii. Peru ^tib FleeC by G roup Books of Tux-Free Groups Wood of CBiicago. crease. In. the sW a from 81,^38 Wilbur W. Markhdhi,;^dgment; I in Storrs Debate 'Maw^ St- Display Stresses Dangei^ iA Drfioing m es For America's lists astlbng Us to 24,42'f. Weterbutiy and Danbury and Dorothy A., Gagnei-^ Norman Mre. Marjorig Conlon. a member purposes work for states rights Claima for. qpemploymeht com­ received the major ^ rtto n ■'of the WT'Gagn^, Jud^ei^. , of the Ground Observer Oorpe MASONIC TEMPLI Peacefitl; !■>:' (OMttMWl (NH ' Om ) iU actirtUes had Adversely affect­ Other eases incite- JohA' But-*^ ed the Intereste of the Unit^ and ‘’enll;r,htened naunf.allsm."’ and pensation in the Manchester area flood claims with a^roxliBately since its reaotiv'ationMn .July 1962 -.T h a flrat Intematidnal debshd In FaU to W in opposition to cpmrarunlsm *nd *'su- junined from 710 to 783 during 2,500 and 2,000 reaffsctlycty. ' An- kiewlca vs. > August Person, dNi- CHAPMAN OdUBT NO. 19 tbo hUtory of tha Univeraity of Til* TCtum*. , •oui^« Mid. States. . V. , the lyeek ending Oct. 22, according eonia received art' estimi 900, cltf-ure; AnnabeUe L. Izzaireill *'i, and a member of the ClViJ DefeiMi^ Admiral Claims IP "This was denied by officials of perinternationahaL.. ORDER OF AMARANTH / Connecticut wee held yeetbrday at wtroia r*ve«l acUvIWw of Brig. Gen. ^ n n e r Fellers; Ret... to the weekly report of the State Nonyalk 500^e*(d New N 2 0 0 . Adolph C. BrolV et Ala,' default for organization for six yeaMi. has Storrs before a large audience M ^ t k a a ! : Exempt orfimiutioni the iPR, who describe their -pr- failure to plead; -PhylltV A. .Gil­ ganlzation as a nonpartisan in* For AmcrlcifA Washington repre- Labor Department. . , been awardsd the Distinguished when two etudente from Cam­ ((isiiitlnned from Pn|;e'OM ) Council Bid Si« 1B most cases re<|uliB(i to fi> sentatlve/Aaid Manlon and Wood Thev new total, which repi bert, ppa. et al- va, Phillip ,W. TCtiims, although they pay no stitulion fpr scholarly research Mitchell, et al default for failure Achievement Aw^d for her wdri; bridge Univeraity In Shglahd de-; \^ld discussion of Far Eastern wrote Secretary of the Treasury sents percentage I n c r t u t J ^ t as a skyvtra.tcji leader, Fred--Ed­ bated, the motion, "Modem eodety war.” Ac# said, " ^ o have-all (Oentlnaed flrom Page Om )*^ ' 'tskca. I Huinimrey they had no guarrel 8.9, inclildes 105 initial claims, g2 to plead; Charles N. Pallocha ve. leaj-hed that a stiPng defense la Treasury officials declined to pfoblerns. . , ? fte r Borofsjty, et als, default, dla- wards, OD direiitor, announced to-, anjoye grealeat beneflta under a The avenue Service said Oct. wUiir• the decision -to lift the more suSh clai-ua than the prtwi- vo^nd County Women’s Bellet Corp planned economy,", with two etu- thB surest means of Insuring the low "tha principle of equitable dia- eoounent on this report, too. j p's tax exemption privileges, ous week. Initial Clairol repn cKJaure of defense, and JudgmenL day.x ■' peace. Peru, which has proved her The Internal Revenue Service i IS It^ d taken the American,IPR the case'Of Alice Egan vs. .AttxUiary to the O, A. & dents reprceentlng Connecticut. trtbutlon of aeats” and would point from its tax-exempt tolls. ' Thp' f&iif he salH'lhey.appeided a list hew spells' of unemolo^ment. Edwardi^ said the award was Under the aponsorehip of the peaceful attitude towar(l the world reoantly revoked tax-free prlyi- of 54 organisations and asked why Superior Court Florence P. Squires a motion for up Big Four harmony as tha Oene- legea involving two controversial service said the law barred giving , The number of Jobless behefita discloawre Is sought. Stafford.Sav­ signed' by Gem E, E.' Partridge, (Stato-^ p t. of ConaecHont) department Of epeech and drama. over many years, Is assuming a any re^nX pr the action. Thc-dPR these should hold tax-exempt sta- claims filed by womenAbM. In­ John G. Tork, 24, and Kenneth W,' role of leaderahip in develo^ng va .talks get under way. organisations—the Jtmericaip' in­ tui. Feller-said * no answer has ings Bank vs. Arthur O. Parsmore Air Defence Command,-tlSAF. la SponaoHag Their Pearly stitute of pacific Relations (IPR) protestied tho.move. X creased. In the week ehdlng Oct Rockville, Oct. 27 (Special)-^ Jr., et xeeks default, disclosure: It was-given to Mrs. Oonlon "in T*oet,'20, both-.af Chatham, .Kent, peace through atrength!" The arUcle drew tart critieiam The aervice^so recenjly denied been rec'el-ed. }5 , the number of c^ m s filed, by / Compared with many other from BrtUin, although aha la back­ and For America. The Revenue Service publiahes Fourteen cases are listed for to­ of defanse, foreclosure by sale and grateful recognition of ah opt- . Bkiglohd, repreienftng Cambridge, The IPR was InvesUgated by contributions to\For America the women ctood at ^77, or 66.3 . per .^dgment. \ - standing contribution and patriotic TELEPH^ DRIVI Argued Life affirmatlva side of the countrlea, Pace aald, Peru la small ing Yugoelavia ■ for tha council rljfht to deduct'sOclycontribuUoav the names of all organisations en- cent of the toUri; last week, the morrow's short calendar session of ^ physical aasels. but ‘.'has shown seat., , ■ the Senate Internal Security sub- Jo.ving tax-free privileges. The last liefault for N[ailure to plead is devotion to the country aa a lead­ nueetlon,; while the Univereity of cmnmittee In 19S1-19B2. After­ for Income taxypurpoaes. For number w^''^ 632,' «flr 67,9 ' per the Tolland County Superior sought, in the \iuie ' of Mag* E. er in the Ground Observer Corps of tomco Ho^sohoM 'Connecticut' was represented by more and more that it la In tune A Briiiah spokeaman labelad tha America descri^ itself aa a non- listing, dated .Qct. 31. 1954; con­ cent, , . X with our times and la truly eager itatement “misleading” and “un- ward. the Senate uroup said in a Court. , Wegner vs. Nlck\Uchata, et al, of the United Btatea.” JfUchard .Cronin and Douglas Falrr IpfUI." report the iPR had been Infil­ profit.4ionpollUta! and hpnpartlsan tained an estimated 32,400 names. Hiroughout the State, maan- Among theni are one divorce dba. The' Sa.vings i^ n k of Man­ In behalf of the United States Products ^•weather. . v . to accept and use such advanced organlzatloiyAedlcated to, alerting Supplemental lists have added sev­ products as our submarines." ' Russia, which first backed Po- trated by Oommuiilsts and that whlle/ihe.''effects of the latest case. Geoffrey Beall vs, Jesn Marie chester vs. Lester O, Abbott, et Air Force, Gen. Partridge offered for veteran_____ relief Iff jro Work, Voor ■ The two Britilh debaters will l € l eral hundred ngmes. flood were .being felt in a sudden Beau, aka, where Judgment Is als andi the aame banK\Vs. Bknest "deep appreciation fOr personal meet teame from over 40 collegee Stating that submarlnea have lantr-for the seat then switched to The law says a contrlbutlo'n may cooperation as in/'tileIko post, la made vast advances In tha past two Yugoriavia when the Poles bogged lurt 'Of Iniyal claima for Jobless sought; and four domestic rela- S. Pamphrey, et als, botK seek de­ sacrifice which you have made appreciated. .Knd univeraitlee during their tour Thomas E. Rotliasoa be deducted when it la made tin. benefits filed by workers whose ti ns ccr«i, Marguerite Helen fault, disclosure oi defuse and toward streng^ening the defense of the United States, which .fa decades. Pace told the keel-laying down, Has been reported anni^ed A corporation, trust, oi'. coni- gaUieriiig:- by an American maneuver which A places ' of employnient had been Riiby ve. Earl S. Ruby, where at- Judgment. of'the TJnited States of America.” Sponsored by the Iiutitute of In- Thomao K. Rollaaon',';asaUtant .“,4T munlty rhpat, fund, or foundation ^ Lethal Combat Vieoel treasurer and aaeiatant Mcretary 'laced thc\Yugoslavs on another -temattohal Education of New. ley U.N.; body, thue endangering' organlzedxand o'perate^/exclu- 3Tork, in cooperation 'with the “They can/eervo as fgst. lethal, of tha Manchester Trust Co., has for religious, charitable, acl- combat v^aela afloat v. or sub­ raealved a scroll certificate of their security eduncil bid. X 'Speech Aeeociation of .^merica. merged. ./'They Gain serve aa firing : Lost week aft4r nine deadloekad llterary or ed^tlonal pur-‘ ‘ Poet le secretary of', the Cam- THIS couUbe merit and his bank a letter of com­ and no substantial part of and fire patrol boaea for either mendation aa a apeciai disaster ballots, the UnltelL States pushed l^dge Union Society And'is atudy- icuided or free flying missiles. 'They vltiea o r^ lch la carrying -Ing history a t the sfihobl in Cam­ loan representative for the Small through a moUon i^ e r Soviet op­ on proJ>«8n^ or otherwise at- calt^be used afloat for radar detec- Business Adrolnistrntlon. The position to postpone^^e Security bridge, England. He Intends to be­ tionNvork and submerged for sonar temptingMo' Influence legislation." come a Central American archae- award was for bU- wortt In the Coupctl election and l^ J o t ifor the Tax tecriniclana who discussed detection work. They can do all diaoater flood areas in Oonncctl- U.hL Economic and f f o i^ Ooun- .Olpglst upon graduation, hnd In hia manner \ of maritime ,reconals> what they cWleH ."a rapidly grow- Apare time-psu'tlcipatea In acting. cut In aattlng up merchnnts and cil OPCOSOC). Y u g M a ^ short­ the most trou- sance work because of their In­ buslneaimen wiped oiit, ly foUi^ herself elMed t^OOO- York, a committee' member of creasing r«ge In a manner un­ SOC,.- \ ■ ■ ■ / ^ ' btesome question Is how to sepa- nibridge Union, has' a B.A. Rollaaon was one of some 60 i-ate "political gctlon" groups, •Hkimto dreamed of 20 yeare ago.they bank officers from member banka A in tri^ cirelM /declared ve*«n is O ctober 3 1 . . . tbry and 'iaw-from Clara C^l- can be uacd fo r moviilg, personnel truata, foundations or other organ- '.Oambridge, and la currently Herald Pbetd. w of the Oonnectlout Bankera Aaan. considerably itrengthened isationa f roih, those which may, > Soma stprtllng atatlatics on 1954 automobile Ueatlu aa compared and msteriala. aWjftly 'and' effi­ who voluntarily performed these PhilippHies ppMUon. I t la have an Interest In matters of lilhg for a pyofeaslpn'ln iiw. to those caused by the -recent State floods cauied i^fef Herinan O. ciently, etther for jt)M purpom of dutlee aaeiatihg the Small BueU Bible for a njrtton to serve on teth Hear State Regent or the purposes of peace. ‘ get., ready how at G ranti public policy, but are not '"active­ Mtti'gaj^t Calls Schendei to cooperate with the StAte Theater management in arrang­ neits Admlalatratlon. All of thehe bodies, b u y auch a distinction la ly” trying to Influence legislation. ing thla artildent display on* Main St. A short movieN»lled "pevil erything that cair-be done by officers were Invited to attend the usually raderved for the major BubmartneS/Such aa Public Relations Confluence held powers. / - Take Ui," shown there last week to Chief.Schendel, Judge Vfealey Gryk, At DAR Meeting the Xtim and Merlin, Pa^added, On^4rchbishop Chester Robinson, vice principal of MHS; and.Willlam 'Vaders, a teach­ yesterday at the Waverly Inn. y ^ t f i Lose Votes M ETAL CUP can be aqnB better by the tdomlcLOmiG Cflisahira, on “How Banks In. Con­ er of driving at the high school, occasioned the exhibition of a vrracked pow'ered sUpmarinos General A t Ahe conclusion of Sacurity car and the tombstone In an attempt to stress the dsngers in driving. Yesterday afternoon Orford Par­ necticut Met the Flood DUaater.” balloting last weak, the N "(Oontinued from Page One) iah Chapter, DAR, joined with namlca bulIdiNpr the .United BtalI t i ^ During the conference, theSe bank The movie, starting today at the'State, says one out ^ v e r v two people because they have-"a range farir Ib(R stood 31 for tjia Phtllppinas SUPPORTERS now bom will be Involved in an automobile accidenydomehow, statUUca. Sabra Trumbull CJiapter of Rock- offleers were publicly commended for Yugoslavia. Tha wlnnar Marg:aret and other members of yond that of' the conventional id asked to stand for recognition show. 5(1111 .and Martha Wolcott aubs.” led two thirds: of the vote casL* ' By the royal family dinsd with the ^helr work. 39 votes. N Chapter of East Hartfo: Two women, who dohq^ leather — ^ attendsd the afternoon irf- Archbishop at Lambeth a .week gional meeting held at aprons and iqanlpulata^ wilding Britain spilt with the UMtad ^ o k m o H e houae for her or for TVwnsend, falr ^ t h WllKam Knight, also States in the Security Council son ^o. Bishops of the chilrch also who win be 41 next month. Home in Rockville, with torches, had a prominent parj in the Triiat Co who la a member, »pital Notes the ceremony.' .“i teat on grounds that, under were guests at the dinner. Presum­ FtrmL ______ville Chajrter as hostess. Uiq^ PubltO^Relatlona Pammlttesi. AYailaW a ably on that occasion there-were Repdria of yhiipler work for the ■TIw~wom»n“ 1946 London-btg-powaf agreea Last night, the Aral Joke about Briggs, wife of the American am< the seat nov h«Id TlfTt^/mui A'P too many people abput for the. the romance .was cra.cked on BBC. / ADMITTEP YESTERDAY: Max past year and plana for the cur­ who praaen:i t ^ kodachroma j /slides Princess and the -Archbishop -.to Wegner, Maiisfleid - Depot;,’-Theo' rent-year were glveA.-hy the-ehap- bassador to Peru, and Mtwdmriea of hia vaeati trip immef Allocated to an E ast OiuropaMt confer. the state-sponsored British Bromy dore Robbins, 20 Earl St.; Stephen ter regents. Mrs. Donald C. Fisk' W. Wilkins, Wife of 'the VM., state. xaatlng Coip. Comedian:iBiU Kf/rr, M d ii S tT M t ■...... No"OompToinla«"''"'~';:... - .Berttr46TY0i1«»n st.l'Ttidfiifd ItTe- for Sabrg Trumbull; Miss “Ndrine 'NfiiVy’i" chief of Poii AimericaK'’aS ing. The mounts; as arere '"THe'ua'siaair pretending to read a newspaper Comb, 11 .Quaker Rd.; Wilfred Norfhrup - for Martha Pitkin. Wol­ fairs. ' patticularly; beautifiJ'L. vltal to observe this ptUielpIo et Soo Our Solocfion The Archbikhop has not tbm- bulletin, said; ' ... Wnpres- jnented directly on the royal roi Lenilre, 137. Brookfleld S t.;. Mrs. cott and Mra. Halstead Tiffany for Their part In the ceremony was live. FoUowing these, otion pic- regional distribution. mance but has made it plain there "Britain facing another crisis— Evebm Hiedburg, 79 Ridge St.; Orford Pariah. to. weld plates bearing the ^ttals turea In color, enUtli lOhes- The' United Stalm contended Of Pino WInos could be no compromising in' the they had tea together again to­ Stanley Polinsl^ 213 'Highland Mrs. Ronald B. MacKenai^ of of Peru's President, Manflel A, ter News Reel, :ed. that the J946 agrednient held good church's position oi. divorce. Both day.'* St.; Mrs. Eileen 'Trahan, 44 Burke FalrfieM, State rtgenX and Mrs. Odria, and Peruvian Marine Minis­ These Included of for the flrat yeayunly. It defend­ Townsend and Princess Margaret 'Die studio audience laughed. Rd.. Rockville; William Bray, Charles B. Gilbert, pf Norwich, ter vice Admiral Roqile A. Saldlaa, events In Mtnch: such ah\the ed Its support/M the Philippines UnUl Princess Margaret visited South Coventry; Kristian Karlsen, State vice regent. Were the guest to keep, plates of the ships. Memorial Day on grounds ^ a t Asia ahould have are Anglicane. . speakers.. /' the Tlirl EMERGENCY -Yeaterday'c .'Dmes editorial gen­ the Archbishop froqt page atten­ 89 Laurel St.; Mrs. Anna Yawor- The subs are being built by the Pay race, breaking ground oei fuller zeprosentatton on the coun­ Wines tion here haid swung away from ski. 17 Kerry St.; Mra. Barbara Mra.' Gilbert gave an' Inspired Electric Boat Diviston of the Gen­ monies at thi/new nigh school and erally was believed to express the talk on her conception of true cil. ' OIL lURNER Smith, 531 E. Center St.; Edward eral mmamlcs Oorp., which built ending with moviM or the summer •V / ------. views of the moet powerful oc- her romance, With Tiewspapera de­ patriotism.: To her way of thinkr SERVICE clesiartical and possibly govern­ voting prime attention to Britain'i Gottiec, RFD 3, Coventry; Mra. the Nautilus, world's flrat atomic outing held/by the Trust Co., em­ \FioIet Keenan, 202 Holliater St.; ing; this consists of a deep pride ployes at Columbia Lake. Dancing COAST TO COAST mental figures in the country. new anti-inflation moves. The gov­ In one's countrj', active participa­ ■ub. Furm to Relocate On ’he basis of that Princess ernment yesterday hiked retail Walter PlerCe, 25 Morse Rd.; Rob­ concludeiy the program of the CAIIKWNIA iWtET WINES CALL ert Wormstedt, Stafford^ Springs. tion in civic affairs, profound re­ evening^ / . Margaiet Jiad these choices; taxes 20 per cenL The morning spect for the law and, most, im­ KMT, EHiair, MUKATEl. WMiTE newspapers, "went In for headlines ADMITTED TODAY: Max Lau- R o b ^ M. Hoffman spoke briefly I^ ox St. Walks WILLIAMS Stay' a princess and sacrifice portant of all, devotion to God. Manchester Trust on tjn "Human. -Re)atlona'' pro- SMT, fAll MV tHfIRV love'for dv.ty. like "Butlpr Raids th4 Kitchen," a tenbaeh. 115 Maple St. Mrs. MacKenzle outlined, the ^ O il SERVICE reference to the Chancellor of the BIRTHS YESTERDAY-: A aon fro r f that Is being Initiated by the Give up the life of ceremony into main ol^cts of the Daughters of directors for the employe^ next The Pontlcelll'Oonstroctlon 1.35 oAt 2.59 which she was born, marry 'Town­ Exchequer, R. A. Butler, and the to Mr. and Mrs. John Demko, 291 the American Revolution. She said Holds Fall Dance was sehedulsd. to start this increased taxes on pots and pans Spruce St.; a daughter tp Mr. and we4k.- Hoffman, a Farmington rea- MI-9-4548 send and live as a private person. while' the DAR la prlmgrily a Ident, repraaents the//-Stevens- noon on the widening ot i There seemed to be no halfway —apd automobiles. Mra. Adam Chriatie, 28 Durant St.; patriotic organization. Us objects of Lenox St. north of lyxJentar St. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. EM- Yhe annual fall dinner dance of Oavls Company of Chicago. FANCY are historical and educational as Mancheater Trust Co., waa held, Program eommittee for the fall The PonRcelU fln»r which has lEFRANC WINES wnrd Sklllen, RFD 1. Rockville; a wen as patriotic. In closing . she the town's co n tr^ for sidewalk daughter to MC and Mrs. Ddnald Stated that this month 3,4M) 'hew last evening at' the Manehestw affair incliided /Ruth Murray, •OTTIIO IN CAIIFORNIA Anderson, 23 Elm St., Rockville. Country Club. I t was an en jey ara Jeanette Beechter, Edward Tom- repair this yew, will relocate ■ucr roar, TAWMY eoar, MUtcAm. ^members had been added to the evening for all the oncers, dlrat- kiel, Richard/ 'lYotter, Kverett walks on th e^ u t side of tha street DISCHARGED YESTERDAY:^ rolls of the National Society DAR, for 190 fpet north from the point WHh mosks S spociol occossorios CaiAM EHieSV, C lU t MV EHEMV Mrs. Ethel Hennequlnv 167 Grteh S3 of these from. Connecticut. ors and sjaff membera. ’^bles Moore and V^llliiin Knigm. A KHOONMAKE* SELECTION MARY SAYS ~ ""Thank You^ Manchester For were arranged In "herring>bona” where the street was'widened ra- Rd.; M erritt Sglmon. RFD 3, M/n- The music of the afternoon was Population experta in,J'as a^ thb side of tha shoppl^ STH I l-IB ' - chester; Mrs, Aceynath Venccsiau,. furnished by the well known bari­ formation with a dlfzdor ‘tpresld- in, J 'a p V n •OT S . U Ing" at e(ich table for eight, includ­ which Ta making atrenuous offorts emftw at the comer. CHILDREN’S SWEET JUICY (CAMP.) 2 Years Of Happy^ Relations"" Kelly Rd., 'Vernon; Mrs. Mildred tone, Phim Hall of Hartford, to reduce the Increase in ita popu-. The highway will be widened 1^ Bafumq and daughter, 819 Center Among his selections were "The ing an oncer at each. A full course IONE.IN POT ROAST Road to Mandalay" and ‘'Old Man steak dinner was aerve^ latibh eatlmate the naUon Yrilfhim IS f«et cLthe edge of the ahoppiiy Td CELEBRATE THIS OCCASION WE ARE St.; Mrs. Gertrude Buccino,. 174 , Colored plcturea were shown by J60 million people before numbdra center] srty to five.at tha north Vernon St.; Mrs. Jeanne Charland River.” He was accompanied' at can be etablllied. COSTUMES CROWN VINO and aon, T^cottville; Ecpiiund Cia- the piano by Miss Edith Ransom Russell B. Hathaway, prasKlent, end I elocation project. con, 4 ^ Lawrence St., Rockville; of Sabra Trumbull Chapter. ------X.., • . Fon«et)-lca in'rayon taffeta. Go-,^' ROBUSTA M rs^arbara Doherty, JO N. Park The beautiful Elks Home wa's rilU, '^ l u chief, Bo-pcep, cat, 9 8 A IIGHT RED TAIIE WINE S*//R'orkville; Clifford C. Harris, lavishly decorated with fall flowers' i K yspaoecoaunaniio, clown; and many HALF A g e 1 A C MISSISSIPPI Chestnut St.; Efan Hummel, .54 and each person aUendiiig was \ FANCY TENDER lA lY L. Middle Tpke.; Mfs. ■ Shirley presented with' a dainty corsage. / thcr cblorfiircoetumes. Each OAl aw OAUON I.WW LEAN SHORT SHANK CAPONS i;! n^49c Landry and son. South Coventry; Ice cream, cakek, nuts and'mints is complete. In sites 4 to 14. OSKh CELLO Mrs. M argaret Niphols. 87 Mill St.; were served by the hostesses, BACON Edwin Palmer; .540 Parker St.; PKGS. Edwin Przybvlskl, 115 Woodland /0 hiiclrty Moujg Whiskies COLONIAL LARGE ANO SMALL v t r C O c ^St. ; JbhrK6ubTk-,"T40:Hoinster S t I friends from Disneyland X— I.9S DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. • Los Angeles (A?)—-One of the land I PINK SEEDLESS Cello Grace, Colby, 107 Spruce St.; Mrs. Strongest women's bowling teams RAUARO'S B O L b e k A Wrapped Betty Benedict and daughter, RFD on the west coast Is Wood's Wom­ CUT FROM HEAVY WESTERN STEER lEEF 1, Rockvillei Mrs. Ruth Fliiekiger en; They have a team average of ■ I E N D o f s t r a i g h t W H I S K E Y : and son. Ellington; Najeeb Charles 935. On the team are Capt. Esther 1 4 , - S T H o Sir.. 92 Veriipn St.: Doriald Begin.' Wood (18.1 average), D ^othy d im o k le a P R O O F B o r D n & $ T r s K ALL lEEF CUT FKOM HEAVY WESTERN S T inS 714 ■'N. Main St.; Deanna^Dzlsto, Meyers <193r, Al.vce M rak/(185). 6 Y E A R S O l b 55 Delmopt St. ' Peggy Farley (184) and Hattie S H O R T C T rA lIC CUT*sYOU . UQc Wooster (190). The team bowls In More than half the nation's two men's leagues—the Pasadena m LIIIY'iS ta rt cherries are grown In Mlch- Classic and the San Gabriel Men's LYNBROOK CLUB O lL A IlO UKfTHEM " ’ 1 1 9 Igah. Majors. a , . :ilN 0 i0 WNISKIV FIRST FOOD V U e* 5TH PROOF »OI 3.23 46 Qz. JUICY TENDER- ’ M A IN E LIVE NAIF 7 J , GAl / ' ■ ‘ L I RIB ROAST » LOBSTERS WHISXIES IN THIS PRODUCT WELCH'S rO FFFFl NEW! PRE-COOKED "20" | f ■ y vUi FL ^ S, 6 ANth.7 IEARS OlO , SIRLOIN—PORTERHOUSE '\ OLD LOG CABIN FISH BITES Z p*. 49’ l STEAKS >^79e ‘ 5 9 ' . r a i C K O K m i i v p r u r s , STRAIOHT SOUR SON OCEAN SPRAY «7Q® ~ -t - Keep plenty of candy on hand. A* ’ ITH « i n ■ PiNiTREE PROOF aqr w.OT -- -JO : I f W e suggest butier-Cfgam mix, EAST HARTFOhD candy' coyn, and soft, chewy 4 YEARS OLD " CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 37c PHONE BU 9-9351 ' pesmit-butter kissei. Buy now! 2 9 f JESSO F renchlrlel2 p>gue'’ •OTTIED IN BONO KRAFTS kiU f t s H U N r S HEINZ KETCHUP •OMBON WMMIY SWIFTS KRAFTS - ■100 S T M Q A A VELVEETA •ROOKFIELD MACARONI P R O O F S O T w .Y Y CHEEZ-WHIZ Tomato Sauce 17.98 Hsm’s Bordsn^s oonpletdy new coffee. . biSTIlLfO IN KENTUCKY CHEESE BUTTER DINNER U S s N o s I More than that-A new idea in coffee! For an air of elegance, We caU it "Bich RoMt”. That’e our 2 7Vt Oz. GRADE A young aophisticstei way of ueinc gentle heat, to draw out IMPERIAL •«**<>» STH 3 .8 5 2 Lb. Loaf 85c 8 Oz; 'J a r 29 c PkKA JLDV 3 c .t 2 5 c will love thi.s slender shaped sheath of silver full flavor from a very qieciiil blend of CARSTAIRS ^ *1* 3 .1 5 Ihreated brocade . . . premium gride.coffee. liie reBttlt is • n ew : sto k e h o u r s n o w in EFFECT: a ma'gniflcently allur- dng theme. Pink, blue, cup of 4»ffee that’a smooth, rich, heart-, Accotsorios to tho fact that or brige. Sizes 8 to 16. wanning...above all, with a deeper fla* . H411®HAUY KWWN branqs T l i L G l f e 9 P. M. OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 P.M. ASK AlOUT OUR UNIQUE vot yoM’ll lika at coca.------:-----—- I A V A U M U AT ASP ttOO O R STORVS THURS.10WT FRI. UNTIL rT M . JELIVERY SERVICE HiisW iiHraHW ' -V, We think youll agrear-bere’a a wonder­ •from gt^blin’s to goblins, Grants is the haunt'for ful neja way to tiua ooffea oontantment Hallowe'en fun*fare. Pennies make a party pf Qct. 3 1. Pkk up a Jar or two of Borden’a tew *liicfa Roaat", nest tima you buy coffto MASKS forfaricMIi jcMUraaMdoMla- .tOc to S*c 118 -«nd aoJoy daeper coffaa ffiwor. " MOtUMAKfe H O R N S foe habtin in the b aN orL -^ O c V • ■ -t * . ' HAUOUmlHHHATS top fba aeenilan far Ml_____Se-tSe Im T , tabbaM 'am . 2 t ( , 3 f ( , S 9 c |EASTCENTE1r| ■ MARY’S Sage-Alien, East Ifart- ' ■ ’ ■ ; .1 "MANCHESTER'S MARKET OF QUALITY" ford. It open Tuesda.vs through Saturdays, • STREET 1 9:30 AAI. 40 5:30 P.M„' am eun laasi. priiM mg STORE OF AiA^CHESTERlg INC I South Main St. Mitchell 3-6920 Fridays to 8:65 P.M. wianma cm os cow oh n. ST., MANCHESTER sr piMiiaNQ HENinr OF FREE PARKING FRONT AND REAR O F ' MARKET MANCHESTER V ?e-- '1 1 • l i : ■ j •• r-/: ^ V ' •V . A • . #,v, .. .’ : V 5 -y • . V '• X •■7 i .t-j

.V- ■'■v, . J CHESTER EVENINO HERJtt^D, MANCHESTER. COHN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, l9jS5 PAGE FIFTEEN >AGE FbtmtEEH ICANCftESTEB. EVENING HEEAED. BIAwCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, OCg;OBER-27. 195B ^ who sarved In China iS months for WEliy-PlLANNED CITT ^ Lola to Dr. Edward Gerber Jr^' adn Medical ;e. Flower and' Fifth Claaa in tailoring, to start up c' noon through th* nirai parts of roe.” laid-.' n .poet oiice, referring of tke sweet girl gr^uide’s half.' to accord recognition to DJem's rorism was at Its peak in August/ try’s largest manufacturera, and a formerly on the faculty - of ^the H ebron tBs,oos A wmv V Jta anfajamanta with director several big ' pusineSs Cplonldo School of Mines and with the United States Relief and Rc- Melbourne ID— This capital « tha of -Mr. and Mra, Edward Gerber of Avenue H He ia a member littlo.later./'Tbla M under the ana-' Hebron, showed Ih* , bright reds not to tree*, hilt to a lady attired It wiMi't last much iMiger. iCkraden, N. J. ( * — T r i l B e r French Recognize Wiuiee. ■ election victory. over ex-Kmperor Hopiwnot says .the men should Naugatuck. of Theta and Alpha picea of the ToHand County Home- and crinisons bf the, tree,-foliage as in Ailken array. No School Tomorrow be turned over to PTench mill- corporations. Died Wednesday.. '- the Carter Oil C a ahd Imperial hahiUtaMon Administration. Died state of Victoria where the IWW George P. (Maje) Odom of Hail, The rrench Hlah UommUtlonor, Bao I>al. '* \ Wedneaday. . Olympica will be held la a modem , r-Mlsa Hildlng- la' a graduate of Kappa _ Medical Fraternity.. making group. Thoae interasted In almost entirely blotted out. but -Hebron teachers will have the The others are 'fhe U n i ted iary justice. / ' New York— Anlhorty Ross, 40. OU-Co. of Canada.** Died Tuesday. W eddiitg Planned The'fq|lage seemed ahnioct more ambaaaador HanA ' Hoppmot, ad- 'Pittsburgh— Howard C. McKm- wdll-^anned city of IH mllUoh the University of Connecticut, He three years wtth- thf’ taking thla course are asked to another kind of beauty- was fe- beautiful that when tha brighter day ott tomorrow to allow them to winner of the Belmont Futurity, fiiem ^ ^ on .Chief States, Britain, Australia, New who plajred the role of a. college get In touch with the above leaders says thei horse winked at Mrs. An* vieed Fofalpi Minfalar Vu Van •ney, 01, founder and director of people. It Is an important financial where afie waa a member of'Kap- U. . Force during World-W-ar vealed In ypllows. Treed and colon predominated. One beholder attend thq annual teachers’ .conven. Vised roratgn MlnlatJir Vu Van Man Zealand, Japan, Thailand and professor in the Broadw-ay cotnrdy Working girls— to keep crlir By Mifis HUding or with Mra. John E . Horton be-, hushes seemed to he almost on fire Uon In Hartford: ; -| son Blgelpw of Palm Beach, .Fin., "Bus Stop,” who had been on the PltUburgh s Hill O ty municipality, and neat during the long, rainy trading center In the life of the pa Alpha Theta and Gamma Chi iL-Sskd^d ia now a init|(ical resident said the Had never seen the-autumn Ip the past p i t i e s the highest Italy. Australian hation. Electric rail­ Epillon( Honorary Society.* She is l/df It, John's. Episcopst Hospitaf, fore Tuesday. A lesson In tech­ with that flaa-ning' color. Some of display aa beautiful as it has been k ^ " ■* at the/lS54 Saratoga, yearling . fSaiifon, South VIot Nam, Qct. 27 The French have been annoyed, Deaths Last Night New York State for 23 j'ears. Born a Negro institution to combat fall days ahead, cheek with your nique* muat'be taken in'gdvance of price to the maWnenance of friend­ crime and Juvenll# delinqueiicy, at ways, street egrs and busee serve Hebron, Oct. 27 (Special)-—Mr. nojv with the Pratt and Whitney' in irooklyn, N. Y. the trees had every leaf yellow. this fall. But thla is probably what Manchester Evetibig Herald He­ sales. U was then that Mrs. B in - m — m i i M r«cogift>»d P^m icr ly relationa bdtwaen the tWo gov- with Diem because Vietnamese in NeW YorK. Died Wednesday. taUdh' to see ll your, office coe- the courae/ They looKed'xks. if. hung with low bid in thr grey colt for ■ Bogota,_(%lumbla— Ray A. Wal­ one time director of tha Whitt .tumes will take kindly to a treat­ the metropolis.. and Mya. Albert W. Hildlng -of the Xfrefaft. ^ / .Tailoring Class , we' all think every fan,'- bron correapondent. Miss Susan Kgo Dlnh D im M now chief of emmanta ln4ha ihutual respect of civil ;ustlia insists on trying two Chicago— Eldgar K. Rand, SO, St. , Mrs. Douglas H. Porter and Mrs. Neiy Beauty Revealed sparkling, snlmnierihi; gold leaf.' 000/ Mra. Bigelow is ]the focmer t - Liouis, ~ praiident' of the Interna­ ters, general manager of Thtema- Chapel American Red Croat S a r^m e n t of one of the water I’epel- Hebron-Amiton Rd., announce the , Dr. Gerber J i a graduate ^ -C o l­ . S()nday'a display was the- c<^or Pendleton, telephone, ACndensy aUta of South Vtot Nam today their r sapactlve engagements.” French officers accused of pos»- Indiana hat 6,M1 miles of railroad.- eni^gVment of thjir daughter, gate Urtlyfraity and N e ^ York Raymond Brunetl are heading a ■ V A motor driva Sunday after­ "Oh how that glittering taketh of sunshine, of fire, of gold, And RS4S4. Josephine (Fill) Wideiier. ‘ Frarvee was tha eighth country sessing explosive^ et the fime ter­ tional Shea Co., one of the indus­ tldnal Petroleum (Colombia). lAd.', ice.Club in Uverpool, England, am lenta. Sut iiMod aha aiqiocU tha rapublic 2 ALL FIRST NATIONAL SUPER JRARKETS T NATIONAL SUPER MARKETS PEN EVERY THURSDAY and FBIPAY^EN IN G til 9 P. AA. OPEN EVERY HURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENING 'til 9 P. AA E B a a X S E K ^ B9XH

/- ^ ■ •/ Oh your You save wlicn you buy FINAST MEATS because everythingt you YOU buj/buV is / w ':' ;/ ■ f .: ' guaranteiSd for good eating -— and all cuts are properly trimmed so )ou Baesuse every item in your First National Stofrf is/priced just as low as possible, all get full value. You are npt F*y‘"g for excess waste, . ^ pennies you save quickly add up to WI^QI-E DOLLARS SAVED on your total X,': \: fpod bills! Check and compare the prices pf every Hem on ypur list afid you'll FINAST 111 I /IDfiMTT t n^ EA TS ™ s\ HKxwkw; see why we say, "COUNT THE TOTAL - - THE TOTAL COUNTS f ' J u fjauonj ^ppie W eeU SEvery pound of FINAST MEATS is told on ihii ilrsightTbrward mpney-back guaranleo H you am not completely (Stisfied, every penny you pe«d will be refunded wilheul queiHonl One fine quelHy * - one low price • • at adveriited. f CORTLAND COOKING TURKEYS V IVItVeNI UKM NMIZ HOMI^.HCI 600D N ISi . \ ^ BELTSVIlU EVISCERATED LIS NATIVE LIS TENDER, PLUMP and FULL-BREASTED/ NETTY CROCKER 20OZ H E I N I CONDENSED S O U P S OVEN READY ■ 5 ** Coke M ix Oiecelaie PKGS 65< V o g t t o b l e WITM MH STOCK ^ Hf>Z CANS l / c A - •Ssrvs «'//4 , • • 12-iii-IAttK 40OZPKG A l c Bisquick . C * * CrMm of Tomato 4 •’^^cans 4 5 c Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 2 CANS 37e ChidcM Noodle or Mushroom 2 >^zcans 33c Ripie Olives (HMANNi Jumbo 9HOZC^ 33< FLORIDA MOM GOOD NMNZ RUYS FOR FULL OF JUICY GOODNESS A TENDER JUICY ROAST BOROei’S ^ soz O ' ! ^Ketchup 2 T443Enis47c * Bolced 31c TOP ROUND ROAST LEAN AND FLAVORFUL u 7 5 ‘ Bake H Eel PKGS 4 b I * ■/'i « I ' ' J . " ■"!"■ 'J ' - M nrrr-PBBi— aAMf TOKAY \ V ^ T E R N - FRESH CRISP FULL OF JUICY FLAVOR Cohciy :iBdrs"sz!rizr'ox»r; EASY-DO DINNERy CELLO PKGS PKGS Grapes LBS Carrots BOTTOM ROUND ROAST LEAN And TENDER /•7 5 V NATIVE WHITE HEADS JBBY'S BEEF STEW •OSC - OREGON CONDITIONED TENDER, JUICY AND^EjUlL OF FLAVOR READY TO-COOK, FRY OR BROIL - 2H-3H IB AVG Rf‘tz, tfi-Ho, Crox LBS Cauliflower HEAD ^ Face Rump « AST . . \iMel In Ttaalf and alwayt Pears 0 1 75 Fresh Chickens u43< aOVER A4AID IDAHO PRUNE j VIRGINIA - TIGHT GREEN BUNCHES id-oz CAN 3 9 * MILDLY c OReD t o perfection wiA targa 1/ KING OF THE BEEF STEAKS QUAKER STAH LBS •CH and vagainhlaa / 3 io 4 Servings in Mch can Plums Broccolix \ AAushrooms vk,, ______X Parterhause »«ak « 9< ■Bwmwwwni^aHwnKBamiacMMHBmmanlBmaaHaiMMnMei 7 Smoked Tongue i>45< yo rr (^a/rd&n FROZEN FOODS FINEST QUALITY \ BET^Y ALDEN CHOICE • CUT FROM HEAVY WESTERN STEERS i F 7 , Chocolate BorsZ^rr,!. 39< Fronkfurts A U BEEF LB . WHITE BREAD GRAPE JUICE CONCENTRATEDX M- «-O Z CANS Sirlain Steak 79< 49 Dry Milk iss 59« CLOVERDALE - LEAN, SMOKED . S L I C I D j r t l R I C H i D - DATED FOR FRESHNESS A TENDER, LEAN ROAST - , CUTS and TIPS W-OZ PKG 3 9 . 12- o z ^ G Pre;m, Spom/Treet S? 37« # Santa L A I Q I Loat . . Asparagus Raspberries 29* Pork Roast «27< Sliced Bacon » 49< # Santa L O W Prka . . • . 18-OZ LOAF Asparagus Spears 10-OZ PKG 45< Baby Lima Beans 2 ^s 47« Angel Soft 'acwtissub 25’«4 39* • Santa HIGH Quality , • • Ua/mti I S ^ 3 o^VaL.s! ■ ":'/■ X' S0USO96 PottioS z)e»k>ot soz PKG 29< Fratb Haddecfc IMat t* 49c I Fratb MadtartI u 23c Nucoo A4ARGARINI w Q»rt LB PKG FIESH CIIAMBIY silted Bacon oEtRfo^ « 59c Fra«h SIkad Cad u 35c | Splh Mackaral PAN UADT - 33c BROOKSIDE BUTTER , / finast c qtjar TO GIVE A TREAT MAYONNAISE Creamy Smooth ■ / iStart ^IJour JSr/ •- / PLAIN, SUGARED SFICIAL )4'/i OZ Cbaas* lor aO occasions, whoifior it'm . OR CINNAMON PKG OF 12 EVAPORATED \ POPULAR MECHANICS ^ oi^NUTS EVANCELINEf t MILK Coffee •filhuiiaslt ttidc to FinaP eoffeet becama (bey WSH Yoo'U'find a ^^wTvTriotv ^ CHEESE ' FINAkt an « f>nt N^ional Sloro. ropresani top coffee val(>e*. Our owi^ importation and rINAST - All. Purpose APPLE CIDER MARVO Pure Vagatabla Shortening tB C A N 27 Do-it-Yourself roasting control maka ibaia your ba^ ceffaa boys' SoM « t A U n iS T NATIONAL SUPER AAAIKITS 1-LB RICHMOND H ROLLS - ' m * Mild and HALLOWEEN DECORATED PKG OF 6 MARGARINE 2 Mellow CUP CAKES VelumM 1 thru 11 33 VOL 1 79* 4 CHEESf SPREAB 2-U10« ^ 9 « ,/ BAY STATE • Large, Whale Q T JAR FINAST - GIANT VaiOW EACH DILL PiqCLES KYBO * J^T***® Cheew^ •™AH j^.1 LOAf 8 5 c C^lto Bags Pt>P CORN 2 ."«2 9 < V O lU M I Na. 3 HOW At|AltA »l.l Extra Rtcb DROMEDARY - White, Yellow I 19-OZ Full Bodied LB BAG 89* ■ * ^wyere «»Mfsnc * ^ h(c 33- OLD HUNDRED CAKE MIXES 1. ( or Devil's Fbbd , PKGS All Popular Flavors 2 » o s 4 9 < • 2 t d z h c g , 2 9 c ICE CREAM 1 COPLEY r X)AN CAROt H erb-O x Cubes ' mf o« chicken ^^gscxs | c »OZ JAM 2 9 « - FINAST - ROOT KU.'C(XA , - r " . SWANSON 5-OZ CAN 2 5 loriip or Regular BONED TURKEY LI CAN Cii^ Alt 3 32< Tea Table Mints 29< Herb-Ox Cubes *o o il l o n ! o « c h o i n ' hcgoeu 2 1 c Vaojon Packed 95* / finast . PURf CONCORD ' X)Aft CAROl ASSORItD VARIfTlfS COCKTAIL - A bland pf 46-OZ C A N BrillV Spaghetti Sauce wai c* whozcan I 7c !F YOU PREFER INSTANT Cookies 25c Orange and Apricot Juices ■ AKERY VAtUES Gape Met 2 'ins 29< BREAKFAST COPLEY INSTANT 'OKXOtATI ■ • \ ,;l-_ FINAST JUMSO Dovalettes Facial Tissues ', fff .of'5oo 27c ■ t: 60Z IA* 2-OZ JA» Hershey Kisses 27c Salted Peanuts 47c; ZION 2-LB PKG Grape-Nuts Flakes d^ zpkg 22c ♦ SWEET RYE BREAD VANtUA OR CHOCOLAU 1 I X>AN CAR(X • ASSORTID DARK FIG BARS 1.39 49< A Jiffy Biscuit Mix 4(wjz pkg 29c Copley! ■ITTY ALOIN ^ I C I A L . Kraft Caramels 35c Chocolates lrrok 85c c a e r i i lEGiAA* RRtCt IS C ' 18-OZ lOA Prudepce Corned Beef Hash 29c_^ HALLOW EEN CANDY NOVEcLTIES . 'V • M O A l You will find 0 comploif asiartmeni el Heltewoen Candy noyGHios atl «tOfe« Prudence Roast Beef Hash I i- ■ S 29c A TRICK O* TREAT FAyi^lTE REjG RRia SSc Evo^ihinfl you will need Mellow ton parties or "Trick or Tree!'* vistlorv ' Li- Halloween Loaf Cake EACH 3 | C ■ FiNAST i— ------— ------■ -■ A OELIClOUi IREAKFAST TREAT « G PRICE 3*e SMOAL Smoolhy or Crunchy 12-OZ JAR W i RESERVE the! RIGHT JV - PEANUT BUmR Autumn Fruit Coffee Coke . ^ , EACH 3 3 e TO Ujiiin (XIANTITIES FIRST r national V STORES

1 SWan Soap ., Swan Soap Puss N ' Bopts Silver Dust S u r f . Lux Liquid Spry I Renuzit Niblets Corn Green Giant Nabisco iu x Flakes Lifebuoy jRinso White Rinso ^fOe L u x New eiiM Optayant 'Par Clannar ClPtliat M M Detersent - Vagatnbie Stsartanlnf 1 O^InHaee Cimmnm WIm Ic K w n a l Sweet Pees Mramiur Seftliie-t^cltert e Ven[ MHd . . Tetlet Seep Mr • Krighter Weili Per Cleener Ctetitee diet See 1 .Se .Piwe . , . ' Se MUd . . . - V - ' Cet Peed ' ■ ■■ '5 4 1 ; 33c iJS 88c 2i£J9c2K lS27'c LGE LGEPKG 3 1 c 1 3 t'^BARS 2 5 c BATH BAR ‘| J^C 2 IS aZC A N S 2 7 c LGEPKP 3 2 c ^ IGEPKG 3*h:! 12? 38c T5S' 68c « ^ C A N 1 . 7 9 2 ' iriOZCANS 3 9 c . «PKG 2 5 c LGEPKG 3 1 c PKG 3 1 < 3 BARS 3 7 e

: ■ ■ '< < . ■>. ./z*- r-. e v e n i n g h e r a l d . teANCHBFTER. CONN. THURSDAY, )B E R 27, 1955 FACE 3DCTBEN llANCmESTBft EVEI0JC H ERm ). MANCHfSTOlk^IX)mf. tirURSDAY, pcrOBER"2^^ fOT'-wdiklng/ mothers. It .turned a General 'Confederatidn' of. Labor /preris' treated »t home an<4 did not ...... ‘" ' i.'.. in the ahip-to-shore laundry busi­ Ing on per cent of preapeeUVe downtown Buenos Aires, budding tod Labor Ministry, .topWrover the aby’s C ry S a v^ , rural comteunlty near thla aeuth Proceeds o f Sale rejnuire hoapUalizatton. - < . Faith in Police Texaa town. ’>■' UiS. SHiioi* H eld ness," it added. ** i* O iiiai|a,^M crgc8 givers. ■ Seeking Heater into a swanky turnlahad home for agency, A crew from the Connecticut Mrs. Brown has been anttrlns Japaneae authorities In Yoko­ He announced a week’s extamrion working glrtw . , . Today Von Renitell, from hia Fam ily from Gas Light A Power Co., which provides Skyvoatph Schedule hama Indicted- laundryman Ku of the drive which had bedn Bcned- A id iflooEl V ictiiiis gas 'and electric aerylce. here, V Rewards ' Tots contasta for yaara tryln* ,to wtn For ^aks on Drives^H^^M ove Miaa Mary DellaFera, -wel­ The idea was to Offer these aerv- desk’ on the alsth floor of .the money for a bicycle. Jerry Wayne Yuan-pin on charges of spying at tiled to formally does today. - fare . director, said today - a Icea at cut-rala prices to pgople fouhdation headqueeters building, began .excavating in the street out­ and Charlea -picked . up . bottles the huge U.S. Nevy base Here. Building fund-drives normally $ 1 7 8 M illion Questidit who otherwise could not afford akya Ha trdditfonbl actlvlUea are Meriden, Oct. 27 The wall side the'Meslte home in an effort ShipSchc^les T o B o ^ T a k e peraotl W-puld ilka to St. Margaret's Circle No. 28Q- W ith New Bikes alonir the highway tef get money , 'The other taundryrnan. Wel'Mal- are'held piecemeal When a particu­ have a gas operated hot water -’ them. Although mlUloda of pesos going right 6n—such as helping of a crying baby waa the alarm t'o discover the source of the gas. Midnight—2 a.m;- lar organization, feels the need. Dau'ght’era of .’Isabella, will bold a for » e postage. 5TU. was cited for failure to regis­ heateri Anyone who has such powrsd in by the naUon's cltlsens put In the'^port town of Ensenada, \chlch saved a family of four from 2 a,pi, -4 a.m...... ter a* *h alien.' Japane^ authoTi- ^ .Detroit last year tried the con- rummkge sale at the Brltlah possible death by - gas .poisoning 4 a.m.-« a.m. ... Allmkn wrote Jerry Wayne that Tokosukir, Japan; 27 f/Pi - .Omaha,. Oct. \ 27 -Omaha, a heater^to donate' may C0,n- . American' --caubi —JS- MApld at. fina^oed these services, propa- hamaged by^ghtlng In Septem­ 12th Jiir^ r Naiiiccl -Hamb^^TSBc, Oct *7 he waa.ahipplng not one ^mclatmed ti'ea said Wei. 37, and ku, . 34, had aon'datkd plan, but Only .went to BuaM#/,.^|i^.Qct»^aT,fA|_j;;Ar-^Mlby>fotced coatribuUona: Yrom ber's revolt. early today. 8 a.m.-•■8 a.m. . tackling something new in/ fund- tact'i^'the Welfare Department Tuesday. Nov. 1. at.6:3i0 p.m. and- gnmchq^adr-lt Appear the Perona littlt boys and their eister a re ^ t* Wcycle^but three nOw ones and a A U.S. Navy eWef petty officer entertained Navy: men from the. corporations, * foundations, clubs office.lh the Municipal Bulld- (ontlha’a nalF leaders faM a 9179 every worker, the otftoiaation out aC’fhHKoadnesa of their hearts Eight month-old Deborah 8 ato.-r-lO a.m. and speCiHi givers for such funds, continue the. sale 'on Nbv. 3, at 9 “But at the hwaent time we tine aMn;jr-new bicycles ai^lh elr . tJricycle for baby .Janie thla w'eek. and a Chinese laundryman were Yokosuka baac ‘adores of' limes” - raising drivea.'ig out to morg than •Ihg; million quaaUon—-arhat. to dcrwlth flquriahed. Rlight now,.-aayfc. Von wore doings a ir these things for cannot talk of IheM ure.” the Ad- , * J i i ’ T r i a l o f R e d s 10'p.m.—-12' Noon Cohtmbia De Carll and that ku had collected infor­ drive .leaders here aaid. a.m. , • , * Rentaell, Its aaSetl total 3ti| bllr Noon—2 p.m...... Etnelbto Ueuls baby, siatOT a tricycle b e ^ a e one They arc gifts of the Roanoke Fra­ held today^ln an Investigation of double the amount raised last year Mrs. ■ Joseph Tdnakl, chairnan. the'huge foundation thraugb-which •their people. miral declares. ternal Order of Police and Others. mation on oase operations and, Everyone here la haing asked to lion pesos (9178,871,438) and it When illuminating gas fumes 2 p.m.^—4 - p.m. ., of Uem %aa faith In ^Icem en. the leakage of confldentlaj warship Iji separate efforts of the Com­ will be assisted by Mrs. ;Joseph Give Two Days’ Pay The LonsYdt governihpnt .. .TnomtoMaxwell, fcdward * Allman said he still remembera warship movements. contribute to. the building fundN! day. The members of, the local Juan and Eva Peron tunneled well has. 18,090 employes. ' lined the home of tjeorge Meslte, New Haven. O^t. 2 (gh- A Yale Felthanv 'movrhients . to an enterprising munity Cheat and Red Cross. Falko'vSki, and Mri. F^Iieo Bar-, Every worker had to give two ended the requirto wdrkM 27, shortly, after toldnlght, little accident prevention executive who ThOy iH the childyM Of Mr. and how badly he ' wanted a bicycle ‘Their establishment Is called Mattson said the Natio&iM. Aaao-' 'tJantpbell Oouncll will .meet dt the ^publicised.help to the poor. Doled Ont MUHom, days pay a year.rt'o the founda­ 4-p.nii-6 p.m. Arthur Boi "Friends of Free China’ Laundry," Diiva leaders are predicting suc- elation (ff Community Cheats - la retl .1* -co-chairmen. Qmera on the The Eva Peron Foundation, tribuUons. . .' Deborah bcoame ill. SJhc began to descrlbe.s himself as ''open-mind­ lira, ainipco -BrowTJ . Jerry that his. parenU were too poor to Sundry, ’ / CtihKh of the Assumption at 8:15 oammittce are Mra. Anthony A t g e ntina’s "deacamisadoa’ tion. In addition, It received untold 6 p.mi—A p.m. ... buy when hew M a boy. He finally^ but auihorllies said it appeared ceaa. keeping a cioae watch on the rooted in "pcrsohismo,” grew to Has Von Rehtzell uncovei cry. Her 27-year-old mother w-as ed" ;is the ^ t h juror for thb trial Mcv.-autey Wayne, fl; CTayfes, 12: Janet, 13 $everai other Navy men' w-are am. tod receive Communion In a Gom-r, Mrs. Antbdny Gryk, Mrs. (ahirtlesa ones) worshiped Eva millions in contributions ' from awakened, oilly to flhd her husband of eight alleged Communists. paid for one at 1< oui'of a'lVh- have Nio cloaie' connection wflh In a single campaign, fund rala- Omaha experiment. body at the :SP Mass. • vast pro|Mrtiona. It ' la now vlr- rrtdence of graft in the organiza­ 8 p.m.—10 p.m...... OJive Ray, Grace Ahdersbn :and Janie under inveatlgatlon but are not "Many experts said that operat­ 8 William DeHan,.' Mra. Francis \ Peron, and one 'reason was th*t labor unions and business firms. jiconscloiis and Deborah nau- Lincoln H. Uppt'ncott,' of Guil­ week newspaper ' route. . / either the pro-Nationalial or'pro- era are seeking n.323.147 for *7 \ually an Institution In tola na­ Government taxes on race tracks tion? .“We are invMtigatlng and 10 p.m.-^-Midnlghl ..... ,;j... . . Anthony ZHihskaa i Jetty W^ayne read Uuit the Roa held, tiie.Navy agld. / ing and building fund drlvea. just ■ Breakfast t^lll be served, fol­ Breen, MrS;,,-Martln Regan Jr., she doled out, milllona of peaos ifed and tossing in her crib, ford, paraed a'' juror yesterday. The 'nighl after the leltet came, Communl^ Chinese romi^nlUea community services, the ftcfi Cross lowing Maas, at toe American La- tion. ' through her 'foundation. Congress and Mar Del PlaU’s gambling gathering information on this sub­ Skywatch Post lopAted on top of Manchester Pblica'^^Atatlcm. Charts W. ^rlovv, Navy, chief In the Yokohema-Yokpauka area. don’t mix,'■ Be e>explained. ■ ■ Mrs. Jolm>SWba, Mrs. Frank ject,” he says. ' ’Then from upstairs came Mrs. ssid>he was opposed to anything noke. ya^, police 'watehouae waa Mra. Brown.aald her ho$< woke.her and a b-ycar building fund for rgion Home. Llafi'g. • Mrs. Albert- AVery, Mra. The provisional government gave her-power to handle Its ac­ casino also fed its coffera. Volunteers may register at Civil Defen.se Headquarterr! Mtolct- toveral timea to it he had quarlermaater from CliaHeston; those agencies. 'The building Elearvois,^ Meslte,- 52, George's reart-ibling "guilt by association,'? atacked with unclaimed bikes. He Magr. Lace.Vr.haa recently re­ ■Wilfred Vancour, Mrs. John Stev­ quickly gave the foundation a new tivities'without, having to account . The foundation attained aemi- /The task of selecting four slte.r- pal Building, Manchester on Monday,- Wednesday, Friday been dreaming about it.' .She’s w. Va.. ■'’is being held-for InvestI' ' HIT fund .would get ]1,760,000 of the to­ name, the . National Institute of OOP PROSFSBitV CITED mother, ^ e got to the bottom, of wrote detective Capl, Kermit, E. IBS] turned home after an eiglu-year ens,'’Mrs. William Qall6, Mrs. Rene for Incmne or expanses. official status. . ■ the stairs Imd -collapsed. nate Jurors . began today. 1-5 p m. , AlOTan ctkddn't he please ha'^bhe having trouble getting him to go 'gallon by Nayy authorities for al­ tal. .'.I K of C to R eceive period at the- Vatican at Rome. He Social Action, and put it under the Montreal UR )8andy Amoroa't'. iavoie and Mrs. Edward'Oiapde- The agency did not oonfthe itself In 1951, for' axsmple, the na­ Hartford, Oct. 27 (gh -^Sen.^ush Young MrsS^fesIte nished to enti yesterday, the Eisen- they '.were revived. Th^^ospitalsald The eitot are charged whh (g5—Argentina's ex-dictator, Juan Illness prevents the father, *'a Ingklhe International I.ekgue in Yeste'r^a.v, drive ClTairman Rt. -Rev, 'itsgr. Joseph Lacey t»f D.S. rlgarrttes made'in TBl their ntindrt to maRe~thta"project- -F oundation—rto reaorta.', all-—oatenalMy f oe ■ -the-• 4n-4958j huwer aditilnlstratlty' has—given: they "WfTe ftbt THlute“ li iisiy ill conspiracyTtr adtmtate nrPenm. saya^F'ekpeclaTb'lrf:? disabled veteraft. from driving a to two Chinese laundrymen, who ting in 1S53. Me battied .J.M for Lloyd Mattson leported about 80 the Hartford Diocese will address contained about 3 per cent nico­ a su iceas: A good selection tof. quMtlen mark. bmefij^-of the laboring claaaee. hcr husband, aided by an qight- America "an era pf unparalleled by the flimes. the forcible overthrow of the gov­ 'rbat'i'.whgt be wrote AJlmahhe used the information to gain a: maih ,;:jTiany months” in Para­ truck more than part time. Mrs: 'Montreal. Hia manager waa Walter per cent of the $3,323,147 goal had Fall Commilnion break-fast of tine compared .to about 2 .par cent clothing and other articles has Mrs. Peron creatad It in i 948. .''''^ e foundation set up nureeriea memt^r board representing the prosperity,” ^ ■ The baby tod the ypiing rhflther ernment. guay. He declined to elaborate on Brown can’t work. They live in a wanU to. be when he gTeen eollected.

to thank the mUHom aid us a iroof that A kP saves y j^ money \

birthday visity \. on more itemsi more days a week.

‘ i ’

\ a r a t e n a u r ocMuftat ■■./ Ik w Dees It Peel to Be M? •tmply wonderful, thanks . . . thanks Jn all you l o ^ A&P COMI tn...CO M I «AVI AT AaAl \ austoBters, that it. Tour friendship and pktronats have made Juft fhg^rick fof frgdt3h« budgtte.a she month-lont celebration of our -96th dunnt You can put ff our Last 3 days of AbP's 96th Anniversary JANE PARItEUAKEO OOODSI CHANGE TQTNE COFFEE THATS ^October an ooeastonifor real rejolcinc. ^im ported”! apple pie! Celebration i Ia warm welconte awaits you- ,-)to.»»lyJ‘PE!«» k -J ^_wnUpiiedjruj^ t r j t s t h ^ 8 0 --Swfprise cUaaerta iroM lew yet- The etqtit " NRrie . .. and a wtd6-opf»t OppoTtunity to bujr TN'bnbark upon another year qMervlftg yOA —. we piediKT' eurselvM to prove srorthy of-It by constantly striving to cake and pie recipes froni/France, Denmark, Swifser* your family's food favoritM at special sav*. make j ^ r A&P a better l^be to.shop___for values. fend, Sweden, Austria, fem eni*, Hunoary, ^ Mel. * M e u t n t ings-^-Eor rjtally_.smarT economy, choose - lend. 11»av*re wendeffoL end eeay. ten-wHh Wesiiae’e from' among AfcP’t own brands 'y .h n n ttol, please _ IMm along to your A&P r. We’re Oay*t FeverHe Ameri^en A p p le '^ fer geed measure. ^ IE (A U H MEAT ItEFKESEMtS AloiiT 25% 0F< never too oM vlearnl Clip riteee fer ymif recipe treeaure file. One e f rire , yo u! food m de^, K'i l«p«rtMt T# Km w Page Fine Foods;.' Jane Parker baked fo4^ features in riie Nevamtser iMua U ly RBLA’nONS DEPARTMinNT goods; Eight P'Clock, Red Circle and woman’s day tm i a a f m a o a z i m : \\. ING OUR RIG OaOBER CHEESE FES T IV ^ ^ F.iRM-FRE'SH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 'RID R w iid l . h e a v y S.TEEK b e e f C- . L B ^ ^ T SUNNYBROOK MEDIUM, GRADE A / ONE PRICE ONLY ...AS ADVERTISED!, 1 Q T 1 4 0 Z .. F re s h E g g s PRICED LOW ru it CANS* . A h P \'' D Q n C l ^ n a S YELLOWyellovM ripeRIPE X L B ^ - x V AGED CURED N- ' FRESH-JUST ARRIVED mC TOP ROUND STEAK A A P H q d i M / PMCV ItJUnA I U 14 « CM z r ■1- ,pr«fnlU fi|-<4ita0Fyr ..k' A A P W h o l« Kernal Corn ’ 2 I l» CANS 25! Sharp Cheddar V i O r f l YELLOWGOLDEN H ^ E A R sO D ' BonolOM/SmokodBonotoM Smokod Butt*I ' v6iT< LB \ A4 P niMoppI* iulc« 2 uuz«i4«e*w4 9 « R o l l a b l o W a x B o o n s ^ 2 '*'* ** “ ■* 2 7 ' Smoked PiCnk4 Short Shoiik LB 3B« Ma-O-Blf AMERICAN / G re^n Beans y i^ e r 2 LBS 2 5 " AAPCrMHii SfyUCorn 2 iuum2 9 ‘ R ofiob lo Cuf. C roon Boons 2 OZ CANS 29' Roents - focD Rump W Top Rouml. LB 7Se Sliced Cheese v: s—si ^ i All Good Slicod Bocon ^49* sure sovings with ANN PAGE FINE FOODS! goodness, lt’% "Alive with Flavor” .. and AfcP'a famous Count on Pufe delight . . . and light as an angel’s whisper! Made ■: » - j- AGEN FROZEN ilCK-OB-THEAT'^ SUGGESTIO!^ BY THE R ib V e a l C h o p s LBaS*^ | - I from 'a famous ” l3-Egg” Recipe . . . downy-soft and "Flavor-Saver” Roasting is one reason why. This method H-f i" 'iCORE AT AAP . . - ALL RUDGET^ICED! ARP BUTS NO. 1 GRADE FBH... EXaUSIVAY dreamy to serve atone or with ice cream or party top­ toasts in a/t the natural flavor.. . and you get itl Yet you ' G r e e n P e a s 3 J S g 4 9 ' = . / k ’' pings. Heavenly dessert at down-to-earth pricel 1 L^ S h o u l d e r ’ ch“ s u D S ’^I A IM mot enjoy AaP Coffee's miUion-dollar flavor for only fbouf .Largo Shrimp : g r a i n FOR SA L A M P o ta tO O S nuKN rtiEBSArrtS'ZnuEs 2 ' 2 9 ' J e l l y B m h s WORTHMORE PKG m T W O STYIES 3f a cup. Try it today/ — •: D # % # e c 4 ,«ONELESS C f i C REABV.TR.C0K JA M PARKIR UB I Smokod Fiilott '1 LB 15 O Z Rospborrios rerwrts/ 2 '<'^?**v 4 3 ' I C O C l a i - SHOULDER LB 9 9 PORK A TOMATO SAUCI Harvest M ix .WOrthmore PKG Solt Cod •lAOY.TOtOOR tOSTON t m i Cfioppod^Broccoii *«»/»«^« 2'*""'«-29^^ CANS MarsWallow T lb 4 oz -B Q C M i x o d V o g o t o b l o s Xts FM ^ -or Prepared Spaghetti.! Available in alt aifeaD JUST RIDUCIDI G.E. 25-40- ■ PUM PKIN CANS Apple Cider 59' Light Bulbs 60-75 WATT EA ANN PAOl APRICOT, PiACH or PINEAPPU PKO. MICHIGAN P LABEL TLB' OP 12 100 d ld k C vb^ 3 -u .t.. <2^1 G .E. Light Bulbs WATTEAj P EA BEANS N iw LOW PRICI! PKG$ I C c * ^ RID HEART Dog Food 2 1 LD CANS 29' For folks who prefer ’ ■'•>a r ; ' A ^ i b H p z ’ 1 2 Donuts rUUSMWWSEB . 4 ’"tv 75' .a mild coffee, we rec­ ^ ehjeek the flavors' ANN PAOl P«ra ommend full-ftayored ■ j ' TOMATOSOUP ANN PAGE CAI^S Three-ways wonderful . . . because they’re light, tender, Eight‘O'clock I Rlqhtor^s Cocktail Pdanuts ~ « tw 3 5 ' V aheek the pricN^S and delectable I Keep plenty on' hand for a/f meals 1 and I Del Monte Peot . 2 ' “ ' 4 1 '- Idna Tomatobs 4 iiacA«49*. for between-meala, toot irresistibly good . . at grand i. .. 4-lSJ4-N-tA»-39Su---; "havings by the dozen I . .1 Bo m o Choc. Syrup '»«^'33' Del Monte^ruit Cock toll— Bctt^Crocker^BisquIck— — swtone^fi- u Dz iomc 2 1 ' ioho Peas sciintu^lrY ' 4 iiscsas49‘ Made of juicy tun-ripened fruit picked at flavor peak . . . the proudest products of Snow Crop Orango Juico 2 37' . Dei Monte Ketchup AaP^i own Ann Page Food kitchens. Preserves are perfect all day long they brighten HALLOWE'EN JREM BY JANE PARKER i \ ' Cheex It Crackers ' SM si KS | 9 ‘ Hershey^s Chocolate Syrup 2 ' ^ 39' breakfast toast, transform tandwichn into luscious .lunches, make tempting toppingi Uth « fetM edM ^^T*****^^***T!!*y*******mi»u^'^ie M 4U US! • jt t O r a n 0 # JU iC # FROZEN CDNCrNTRATCil CANS C*N w O for detscris. Why not sample each flavor at these low, low prices? 1-LS. AAP Honey ^ I IS MB 3 1 ' Recipe Marshmallows *» ’ •* T"’*’***f«» 19* A N N P A M O r a n g o o d o rnwriasisrsMia 3 « mcmk2 9 ' EA TEA ' 3 7 ' ' u I I II I ' ...ai — Ann Page Creamy: or KrunfJiy—Priced Real low ! t il ■n.-i'.vijTJie ■M iw'itttj isS'anto*''.----'-. - Cranberry Sauce 2 iono Peaches 2 t U IIS! CASS 5 5 - AeOy O W Il"l^ l VMMTANU I^riiiit Buttir "w 3 5 ^ Jano Porkor Pop Corn 15' 3^~4e9>2i55 Gorbor's Baby Food 4 g 9 7 ' ^ ta s te ond s a vin g s Gold Seal PrunO JVice 2 5 5 ' I ' ., ' t, * j , lANMICM JME M M U MOUU | 9° i t O ' Gorbor'f Boby Food 6>*"B5' Ann Pag* OronRo M armalodb"^^ 23'" JANI MSHI MUm FM MUn . FAOUtl 2 5 ' Nabisco Fig Newtons '^*"<‘ 43' l u tBagy taste makes good food even betterl Oniods, Ann Pago Moyonnoiso '<^t‘29'. p4«49' Potato Ckips 4^maas.iszF« 35' mmfn* 49« L u x S o a p Lsntmrsmvsassuiaiy . 4 f'V^*^**** 3 5 ' 4 $ ° t" S :,;4 3 ' Gronuloted Sugar »!•»*► 48' ««»w95' \ dexo V • - Ibe digestible all- ..trlMgsr and aavory aeasenings are artfully blended srith — PrkFURNUSU JMR PARKCR 1 purpose ahortening It Ideal ^luacioiu red-ripe tomatoei to add sett to many a dish. Ann Pago Chili Sauco »«Ma25' Scott ToilotTissuo . ^ ‘ 4 *»^*45' WQOK1VS BRAND PM ftAUOWEEN " P«« JrW Wgecees & Wioey OUR OWN TEA for caket, fries and p«rfec| Another Ann Page quality pt;oduct at a budget pricel Propai^ Spaghotti -AiiMrAH 23' 'tk^ i' JANC PARKER >llB1BZj«-e Ginger Ale rswi-** nAvM^csNTUTs 3 32' I eiiFDiaog ^ IT # D r # 0 0 . ■ . STILL tWlY* . LOAF ■ # JU»T ■ v tii e g c UmmSiutv^ pias. Sparklo Puddings MR rMi'roe: nAVMS 4 25' ,1 . 4 ,/ •• 14IL Spry Shbrtonihg ’«^33' 3“ ' iiDucm SKC’.Dto iloxod Donuts . . «s»'n37' ^ • KAO .sMvto seaa sw»ais.... swes ise t e x i 3LBCAN UBCAN a- ’ - - - tnaa fmiw, Blondod Syrup 25*| a4«ZB9T 45' I toMitn b W i - ■*e w#Nv. , 3-uil Bag .92.61 ,A P ' Super Markets j Am Pago Spaghotti ^ u c 4 2 >!•** «« « 39' 3V 7 1 ' 2 7 ' Mhcaronler fpoghottJ 2 35' f-f ■ v r i f ■ ■ :■■■. t'-i; ■'- <•■ ■• • ■ ■■ - I .-f- • '* ' ■ -"j ’' I

---J-. . V -'i w ! r, . . . . . I t X ' , J/"V- .'f; - ■V'.- ■ ' i . 'V. f FACE ISIGHTEfiN ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 19B5 MANCHESTER EVENIKG HERALD. hiANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2T, 1955 " . " ...... ■ ...... , ...... 1 ., ,, ■...... ■ ,|.,'| II. i'. / i.nf, I I I .i'. ..- . •- •• I ll^l■-■l II II " '■"' Pi^E igiNETEEN • ti' No worthwhile peace Se tnm enforce ten eommandmenta. :X BUGS BUNNY " chainnaa. It wJU taka place at the the afternoon' with which to pur­ attatnded exeept at (he feel bf/tbf __ ll. M uldoon A ttends T alk on N arcotics CountiT Club on Wednesday, pec: H allow een Picnic Answer t o 'Fair ChaiiTOBii chase hot dogs, hambiirgera, cof­ Prince of Peace. Min—Row la y ^ vkfe getting »CTI '7. Members are to bring a. doUar fee, tea, soda, gider and -pgatry. Sense and Nonsense along with her reddclng diet? X W orld Cdiiiogt >Condave of G iven by R ivard gift for the grab bag.-AiI raserva- There -will also be applei and AMESITE DRIVEWAYS ■tlona must be made by contacting Piaiined by PTA Somebody figured It Fnend—Fine. She maeppeared pumpkins for sale throughout, the ixPtm Y iN tnuiD have S6 million' laws eemphrtely. laet ^ M k .\ Mrs. Noren baforb, Dec. 2- - event. Those .fam ily planning to Joeeph-.p. Muldoon. field repre- •The Present Butua of Nar- (Jlder and.^' ddugbmits ..were Base GradiBg MadriM Bpra^"^ Forma Sat ,-i. Favorlt« XMly dear! You muatn't drIvA'ao faat! ____" •^e PTA of the Verpfsnek attend are requested, to bring their When your hilr h u turned to •»• . Huiband— not? 1 fY andi c o in . t Bignets aentative Ol the Manchester Heart 'cbtic Addiction" waa diacuased by served at the conclusion of * the School will sponsor a picnic' on own picnic blankets. ' Alsot Partdag Lota — Jnaals Oonrta'w | ' ver- • ' •, ; Wife—Thadiotor ppliceman who CARNIVAL . 4ChM,gdUl SBmMlMttd Assn., la taking part in the; Slat Glenn C. RivaN at the Jaycee evening./ - ,, Saturday. Oct. 2C. from noon until This spbcTal Verplanok PTA Ibnna Ar^gad U Desirad haa beeijddllowljig' uj won't lika It. BY DICK ibRNER 10%|JFOB ^RANBACmONB I h*Ve not the illfthtept doubt \ ootai «C- SMcaitliMy anK annual- meaUng at the Amertean Wives meeting ih the Center Con­ ■ / 'i.v". 6 p.mv. at Bwkland’a New Eng­ Halloween program end family That It will be becauM It-ta' ^ . IC odaiM land-Water Uly Gardens, 61» picnic, designed to give the chil­ ALL INStALLATIONB BUPiOtVIBED PT MAH0BDBS^B MI-S-7eBl _ BABTFQttD OHapal 7-aBl7 ISTreaten StProteetlee ' t informatlva talk waa prwailtad to Edward Feltham, Raymond ■ Fike week? ^ U T y - ^ A n b ia n caliph ‘ 7 G et tq> association -'staff menibers' .find Rehearsal for tba Minstrel Show ■ports events will ba pony.rtdes for On the marquee of a theater in SlDtoeraes coming Uia group of adultbVimd mothers the children and horaeshoe pitch­ and John Long, New RecrutC—\Vell, I aaw a man Indlanapolii, Ind., waa thia algn: ISBIeckMrd • Unit of board members from all partd of to widen and clarify their undef- . S S P rt^ name StSeoMib sponsored , by the Mancheeter ing for the men. There will be no beating^ a donkey and I atopped "New Wide Screen From Here to M H eaaM reluetan({e ' (h* nation. atanding of Ui* topic. A film, 'X. him, i ' IT B lem iab tM ia e w h o 3S Concealed teeeako The highlight thus far of the I^ g e Of Elks will ba held Sunday admtaalon charge but merchan- Eternity,''^ "Subject, NacMU'cs," waa shown, afternoon at S o’clock at tha Lodge ,, Leader—That’a fine, my lad. And IS S le t glecified SSPronoun 40MR»oae many meetings that began Satur­ diaa tickets In 90-cent pscketsrwill ' 1 T w i VA rorruNAnt.y, auvoush x savai^ eiUilbita presented and a Home On Blasell Rt. The Elks are be sold on the grounds throughout what good trait did that exem­ Reataurant window alMi’in Dal- SO Reply (e«.) th e aorong SO'Rough lava 41 Strong certs, day, Oct. 22, was the address' by sUpudatihg question and anawtr A MlMCP AM A POOR MARKSAUm, plify? • lae. Tex.: -‘'While There”a a Steep- Sl"Ruy Hfor to Large AMeanSS Repugnant, 44Mualaal w Dr. Paul Dudley White, who re­ fortunate in securing the services IN EVERY 6IWMIZE CVRIL [« AN ., sessldn followed. of Jack Sanaon, former manager HALE'S Several Volcea- Brotherly love. Left in Texaa. You'll Find the Be; a antelopee S4 Rounded ^ eetiipeaMlen turned from Denver to Join' in a Mrs. Michele Maxzocco presided / / e x c i u f i ^ SS Riaec in vaporM Conatellatioo S6 N autical term 47 Rdge of . the State 'heater, to assist lUK KHMin sy p n g| Part of Him Here. panel diacutaion on ’‘flehabiUta-! .ht the buaineas pieeting. A revised Joseph Macaiofie 'tn -directing the Headquarti ReTRtTvSR i, ■ “Ek-onomy haa at leaat thia to ' • . L _ ------i S4PortttgUaae In the zodiac 37 Trapper 4gO baar*a tion and Heart' Disease" on Sun­ edition of the by-laws was report- Ask Your Hootor mohetery unit show. he aald In ita favor: It leavea you By the . time a m»n haa /found day afternoon. ^ upon by Mrs. Tliomas F. Fergu- Onb of the feature acta.to apfiear with an appetite. Not to want the key to aucceaa. he hM often S40irl’a'nanM n m s Dr. White, Boston cardiologist ion, committee chairman and in theVahhw is Miss Gene Walton, To Phois Us morKJa to loan the enjoyment of lost hta lorka; — Maurlc^ Seltter S7 Aurielca i f l a J J and consultant in President Eisen adopted by unanimous vote. girl watsUer, who haa appeared on ,B„ deBg,,_Xifclime In Satevepoat,_____ SS A rld - ■ RersM Photo. Plans' for the Christmas party ‘SOX>i«r~'v— hower’s-^lneBS, said that Inatilling tha HcMce Heidt show. Tht Min­ LlvingT . a hopeful outlook la the most im­ Mrs. Doris L. SwaUbw to be held at the next meeting strel win be held on Nov. 4 and 5 Pair I^xrhUge SI P revarication ware discussed by Mrs. Robert at the Iwddell School. Tickets may S3 Coin minting portant thi'ng a doctor 'can do to Mrs. fidrls L. Swallow, 80 Oak Oo-ed—I've deeded won't be After Clhriitmas I'lLatand in line help a person return -to normal life Noreh. refreabments chaifynan be obtained from Everett * Moore, married till I'm 2^ Returning hia gift/W'hile he retuma la an — ' ' Grove St., hiu|,baen appointed gen­ and-M rs. Ted LaiBonne, projpam / after a heart attack of coronary or'any of the members. Elder Slater—And'' have de- mine SS B read a p re id eral chairman'^ the Christmas (•»> l«M»f***** elded not to be 2.% till I'fl jnarried" Then' we’ll aall/ forth, undaunted. SB Congera thrombosis. ' Such opttmtsTri, Dr. r White declared, is fully justified- « *i « tt. • P M SR To buy exactly what we wanted. SilmbeUiahaa Fair which Msinbftol Tample No. Wife (in back aeat)—H — Evelyn Ze'iT>ke. 44 London atcoet TT for most heart patients iii the 33, Pythian Siatera,\^dU conduct on 4SBody parts light of medical experience'of re­ Tuesday, Dec. Is.^friun 2 p.m. Yoor Nexi^ 43 Folding bad w cent years. While, pointing oqt throughout the cvenUt:, ib OUT q Or w a y BY J . fL WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLE 48C ictM X that it is Impossible to .)>ropheay lows Iiell. 4gBxUnet U rd‘ i r concerning - future repeat attacks ' Plans for the fair were dlscbsKCd Prutriiitioii WBLL>,MACaOT‘l&>bu 47 Stout cOrda in any given ease, Dr. White em­ a t the meeting Tuesday eveni C M E E B ^REAT teMaacuUna w r m phasized:. “The majority of my Among.other things; it waa pro- " ^ jw w k iiw r 'K p « « r A»v UOC8P w u ,, , UP, 3AK6./ AL».OVBRTWPA» T lam . . aad vkbari a UuMfl |M6 A FEW P1XI&> JAXE MOU)5 (ab .) symposium on heart disease that nated by Sloan Bros, of Manches­ TkeJWHAUa o e . y o u the aasociation apionsored, in the •oul^^oa4// V iM A , T(2ICk:$/—, 'AND IT'^ "Yes indeed: Midstn looks bettor alroidyr B4 Intervening 5T 5T ter. First prize la t trip for tti« CCOOkC* vYoue d e a l /; JAKE’« IS Grains (ab.l. |i eastern area- of Ckmnecilcut laat winner and parent to. New York ■V. 1 8 0 t o i W u m . lb MARXfeD spring. ' An . Invitation was ex­ C?ity. Other, prizea are diaplayed z T>SC\

M t o ' ' ’* ClMKi


A !H 1 , HD.t>AVMN\ BUZ SA W Y E R VNAAr 65c I v v rrv E SAWfeRoe n c k is e n c e ! INSTANT I.OX iv U E . i/x ; a ENGLAND GQV>VSLE.». COFFEE 111 I h iMOKEB PICNICS ft 8.0Z\PK 6. lAKER'S ■ CHOICE or PRIME • /o * z'r BAKING RIB ROASTS lE P P COBB 3Y PETER HOPFMAN CHOCOLATE Wil! Suit The Moat Discriminating 7 HEY,'...THAT'S 7 CAN WE HAVE ^ G6E, THANKS.'... ALL OF US m i c k e / f i n n P e r fw tio a f BY LANK LEONARD FANCY Sweet Life—(iroiinld To Order LOU HAMMER, XJUR AUTOGRAPH, KIDS ARE PULLIN' FOR YOU 7 7 , THE BOXER! L0UL..HL|H'2 TOMORROW NIGHT./...YOU'RE V OUR KIND OF A SUV / NATIVE FOWL X PILLSBURY COFFEE Lb. B ag \ HWPOVOUIKE T V ^ f/w iip W E Y K Ll0t)IE?«6HT *7\GOING‘WltYOOT FLOUR 5 Lbs. CHICIKEN PARTS S W E E T LIFE 1 THE Mi«>lE again! A Breasts lb. 85c Legs 1b. 75c TOMATO JUICE SUNCREST MAYONNAISE 2^^ 53c : P in t 29c ' Quart 49c " SWEET LIFE CAMPBELL'S ' l I R D i EYE F R E N C H STY LE k 4 REG. CANS TOMATO SOUP 41c TUNA HERSHEY Ca p t a i n e a s y Holti It BY LESLIE TURNER GREEN BEANS 2 49c NIBLET-vVACUUM CAN f o r ... \ FRECKI,ES AND HIS FRIENDS •• •'. Take T h at! Solid Pack ■i BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER In Brine C h o c o l a t e SYRUP II«A«NtH'MeC>ICALCOgP»pliR»ISTH‘WAR.u ^ y R B gome. 16-OZ. CAN SUNCREST aw.c'aaon; iWiu. M0TMIN6 A-OZ. PKG. SNOW CROP JUST A I KEEP YOU , NoW.StiUSW/ LETS AIL CORN 2 c a n s 31c II CONCENTRATE ON THE . , F o r SWEET UFE. FANCY 2 ‘^ . 2 r 3 9 e -fcsal-X M 'in- movie / ^ r J CUT GREEILBiANS 2 35c GRAPE JUICE 2

SNOW CROP SLICED Selected Fresh STRAWBERRIES 10-08. P k g . 2 0 0 PEARS No.Zj'i.Can FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS ^ FRUITS and VEGETABLES BIRDS EYE 20 FRE-COOKlD ARMOL'R 2 8-oi. PI(gs. ^ 0 PL\K-SEEDLESS FISH BITES Y ial Cutlats s-oz. Pkg. 69o r GRAPEFRUIT^ 4 2^ SWEET LIFE ' O raRSfJulet 2 S-of. Oani 3 3 0 VIC FLINT FLORIDA J ' „ f Note From Nunzio BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE C harges 1 BY WILSON SCRUGGS BIRDS EYE FRENCH JUICE ORANGES g 10-oz. f A . PROBABty 'LO, v sa h . X VWAG i - rrB A Mt9eM<£.itBap w r - allL <0OL-LEril OONT 9BB w iw ii^ TWHW A UffUr lADeETOT'mAKl' G i ^ B a a n s A pkga- 996 BRAPy. MiB POK OK SuidM NTHE tvbbk 7H1* MCrTE.MOM - •BOLU6E i TV4S FOUg'ALABM P U M / Hg FA.NCY TPARNfi CLCOn^J^THAI NUMXIO. HE aOBGNT RlAGHPOMEtrj CAD W D mZAIOHTlKl ITOUr l'


..-i' ,r v :: .'f y ^ - ' ' ; - l ' ^ ■ " ' S ' ' A- ,t ■. ■ ,v •K.y



y - Herald ■1' ^ > ^ ca go C w dgJEroploy M e n t o r S h ifts Rangerg Climb, R e t r i a t WipB i Gam bridgeshire Stakes iBeefy Linem en Reiu tor InvQgion o f Middlelowik/. \ r o i t S to c k .EAHL ^. YOST " Hex to Beat Rivals B p rlo r • J O L IIR I® Veteraii Guard ^ e a d n g Sporta^EEftiar '' ow«aco. Oct. t i : m — a « * lo te rs ffHOTfl HERB AND THF r e fijfm Ue of the New York ttM> Hm did It to the Philadel- V iw York, Oct. 27 (d>)—It be- phla Baclee mod the Oileexo ■ F.NTAritANT LKAUl'K Chalktiig:Iktiig: up 1615 pointspo( in , only Giants. p tM n g star Chuck Coner- ’laim s Bay's (S» To Wiug"^Post . gina. iO look m If the oM order four3ur games With with the'Pittsburgh Cafdiii*lii think he eon. do It ■ y . , J. Illllri.kl . . 1 » «7 S4 310 n n a li^ )iaF~Chang«d In the Na­ Family Trust ly ait tW 'Gtonts and Eddie Lo* the Cleveland Browne S u i^ . llreio ...... 125 t04 100 Hornets In the American, Hockey '.tiuthrlo .... tional Hockey League. B arom ^ the Redskins wilt be hon- •the Cards think he y ( the ...... lU U — .16 West Point, N. Y., Oct. 27 League resulted In the recalling of Beaumont,'’ITcx., Oct. 27 (,**)— A -opeu/at 2:3^ s.[.m„ MHldi^ said. Joe RivOKA ...... IM — 116 230 Nobody ever has called E arl4Rad) How yise are you going to ex­ Detroit, Oct.-.1 27 (jPi-'xA family •Wllll^ Marshall the parent ored'fiy . the Marine Corps tfiaguo heat hcker since Evtl^BJra Fln> "Coach Sader couldn't prove a K PRffAni ...... 12S\ 110 106 361 ' nil, ' ’ former Baylor tMtball star who John Rivoaipi I.;...... — ^20 ,101 j221 Blsik a slight of hand petformerj/ plain Uie New York Rangers trust took over the m a^nhip of Tdronto Maple LeartMn the Na­ oFN ew Jersey durthf hdlftlme kin, the former brnring esunp thing on us. I Wish he would do so. whipping the'DettM t Red Wings was expelled froirl |hi team and but he could well qualify for man" th« Detroit 'ngei^Ljbdaeball team tional L e a g u e ...S a tu r^ nlfbt crtmonles Sunday at the polo haHtue who waa/linpposed to If he' can. The coach said that a Totals.,., ..T ,.,..' 607 ~5?6'' 507 1,630 4-2 last night and climbing within suapin'ded indefinitely Yrom ■ the fimrden <1) .. bership In the* Aii.etican Soclaty at the West Springfield Gotlsaui ' Grounds whan the Giants meet pat the hex oaJtgfttUt*, so the freshman had'called him to report a single point of league-leading x)^ y but It appeared (inly a mat- Springfield’s. Indians are h M ^ to uhlveraity said "W e got a ,dirty, V(,«*dlo ...... 80 107 fW of M a ria n s off liie way he has WoWilngtod. A ll thfee nien' —^ M I U itt g o t ^ that we.^.KCere there - The coach Zwlck , ...... lOO .86 9.1 moved his Arpiy football players Montreal ? ;er\of ■ time befor* the famous the Buffalo iBIsoha. Facc-off/lltne former Marines... Winner Bex Hier^ex. hdwever. Is a rotten dealV" and tha|.''' Coach would pdi reveal the name,'of the .<>'liars ...... R9 129 107 J26 ^ertean League franchise would McMullin around thi$-9eason. The Rangers, matched Mcmtreal is 4:15...Willie Mays /A the ^eeday night's fight at thefKste %llle with one bine «Ve George Sailer could not drpve that freatmian." ...... 106 KA 96 106 in victories with the astonishing­ bj^old mmght. Giant* wa* thrown out pifly three training regulations nad been A.4df'riion .s s .... Itil 98 106 [»V4 It is net by choice that Blalk Tlieater |p Hartford between Den* brown one. , At Waco, Suuer could not be ly easy decision over the Red lltVof^dders for the-Prop­ time* in 27 stealing ^tempts in nls^^triek Rrady and /Larry broken. ■Toiala has had to dig deep into his bag Bogieo’ IMch BlelskI . Reached imniedialel'V for comment...... ; 665 5xi" 699 1510 m n ga.. New York, long nothirig erty now held fiVitruet for the five 19.M.. The centerflemr pilfered Dan Miller, a Bear line star, raid of tricks to put a creditable team Boordman will gain a oKot at Ar- .ihtssed a Held goal attempt Miller said he ui«hed to enter a mojre than ah also-ran, battered chlldretU of the Tate Walter O. second base 14. UmM and third mand Savoie. \Vhlle oft the. long on his return home to Pbrt Neches public Menial that he earlier had Roltns Lake H»u.r 12) on the field Saturday after Satur­ In the teal mlante of 8nDday*s Sohlskl ...... 102 100 9k 300 the W ngs, clomps of the N H L for Brlgga lsN|Towing icn|;er, High X4 tie game with the Oafda 'jtwtrk •• ..-,-,'7...... 77J'm 117 125 335 seven ^a 'rs, jo r a 5-3-0 record and, • B»T*PMYaaW WCEP 4HE OHiy for myself. Some peopb want to I ’ ohl 106 97 9.9 295 coach to make shifts In a team Hk'k With.Flu 10 joints. Montreal, losing to name—Henry Ford II, Dodger pltcheie to hurl complete featured perfor In Hartford et **Rex was right on the Oar'' get me a lawyer and prove my "I had been slfck with the flu and Kdiiilrs ...... 100 96 12* .123 that a t tile sU rt of the pre-season dlnals' bench at the tune,” mys Mscl.rfu-lilan 97 166 117 356 Tbrohto 2-1, has a 5-2-1 mark for Still hope^ of keeping gomes ogOinatN^e GlanU In the old W e t'' ild Ave. cor innocence, but I just don't want had taken penicillin shots. That's drills figured to be one of the best Briggs name the fine stadl PahUcIst Eddie MoOolre. “ He In Blalk's 15-year tenure at the 11 pmnts. . .1955. .New Haven^KRamblers will )>ams. to go into th^t. As long as mom why I got sick and couldn't play Totals ...... /. . . ^ ^ *653 561 1610 le W. O. (SpikeINBriggs Jr., Wal­ nch / their Boatezn Hockey bad Ms bine eye trained direct­ ind dad undtrstand, then I'm. not the laat half. The Aggies did bel­ Walsat.flrlll (fr Point. . •' .Under the rock-and-roll methods nauKliiii.y .|...... 97 l26 1 05 32* ter’s only son. But\bia efforts sp- Deoiwe. schedule on w ^n today QmiUbtia teevee progroihl ly at BlelskI. The poor gny going to i^orry. ter In the last half than they, did First it was the l>ackfield that o f i^ew Coach Phil Watspn,! the BUI rnXsnl ...... *9 — 90 179 pesr W'rspped In le m red tape. nigHt, Nw./Ffigalnst the raladel- o ftte ^ n will feature a i ,30- neoer had a chance.” Expelled. Monday Ben. Pnssiii .. . 90 116 99 303 had the likeable redhead shifting Raiwera socked the-Red Wings for In the rtrst half,” he continued. The ownership chm m to the ia. Baltimore,, Woshlni^on, m l ^ e segment devoted' to Miller and four other tgam mem­ Mille/ said he was not notified Whrlsn ...... 110 101 211 players like a chess master. Even the'second time in two meetings Four b ee^ Ummen with the powerful Manchester Merchanta'foot-ball teahv.tl^seasMi are shown above. From’Sleft to right, arS.llne. Keeney ...... 96 99 — 193 this, season, raising their goal- trust . fund was one\of many Arena.-FronbWsea In the B. spdrt of twlmmlnf. Tlte telecast bers. Including two ' additional of th4 expulsion action until the Bsslela /,...... : 1'57- 127 95 95 37# today the backfield still is a iriajor men OM rge Vincek.x Yosh yincek, Bfuno Moske and Larry Hotnies.All four ajpe .veterans with the local combine, / ^ le y will be seeff^n legal technieslities suiyoundli are held by NeWvHaven, PhlUdaf regulars, were expelled from the aniVouncemenl was. made to the problem as the twice beaten- scoring lead to 31. The high-flying action Sunday afUOioby at Mt. Nebo 'against Mhldletow|j at 2i30, >11 originate from the exhibition Totals \ the baseball franchise. TheNBrifigs pl)la, BautlmoreN. Washingtoi ■\ at the Payne Whitney gym squad Monday for allegedly break­ newspapers. S.27.^ 576 690 1593 Cadets prepare to meet once- C)uiadlens, . by comparison, have scored 24. ‘ U^mmerclal and Developm e^Co., Johnstown, po., andi;Tlhton, ' bf''YWe Unlvelsltjr In New Ha­ ing training, rules last Saturday "Coach Sauer knew I had the flu.- Z' ' villa. Lsulaa (f 1 whipped Colgate Saturday. , Y ... .Saturday's teevee fbeibi^of- No Backfield Shifts Ron Murphy, who scored only which held tbe baseball etae . . ven. X New Britain . Teachers, morning before the Bears lost s He could have aaked any of the P. Cofreiitl ...... 1.27 106 96 329 dlsst^ed effective today ruvde^the faring on Chonnel fiO win_MKjowa Zanlungo ...... ;.....425 - 101 106 '3.16 Rcl rial, right foreground, nearest camera, an EngUah-bred 18-to-one ahdt, drivea to victory in (he 14 goals In 64 games last seaaoif, knocked' fron> ute ranks , of Um Local; ^ Sport 19-7 game to Texas.. AAM. a j|ame other coaches," Miller saldf But at least Blaik will have the Oklahom a G rid graduation H igh terma X Die Briggs vmu And tlv and /Michigan State... in which the Bears were thorough­ The big' linebacker said he In- Kearns ...... 116 67 105 306 Cambridgeshire Handicap Stakes at Newmarket, England, O ct 24. Turk's., Blood, next to Retrial, was same starting backfield for the took over the ijidiv'dqal lead with Liidpfeyted lilts undefsated and uhUed loot w e ^ Brnxowskl 99 102 116 315 stock Went into t i ^ tn iit fund. himtera:'Treat every gun with fo*. by New* Haven Taodhera OoUege, ly outpbyed in the line. leqda to get his degree at some BOIlneky 132 second by a head over Swept, on left of Turk'a Blood. Other horses unidentifled. ((A P Radiophoto from two aicainst the Wings for a total 100 113' 335 second straight Saturday with Don However, ttiere is/m dtfference of ~"Ct due a loaded r M and never C h a fip r ' Miller said that the coach had other school. But that he did not London.) \ Holleder at quarter, Pete Lash of eight. Apd DaVe Creighton, a Norman,’ Okla. — ( N I ^ ) r-Okkt|H>ina’s senior footlMlI Ietf6)r;(- iaya hpat to A IC B a t o ^ y in the T rfla 'ls...... legal opinionAiX to Whether a it a min at O n jrt^ g you do net lardware C IW ... JesS Dow, the aceused_thrj)layers of being in s intertd to play college football. 1...... 667 696 63$ 1619 and Mike Zeigler at the halfback I Detroit castoff, shouldered into ^ r n have graduated at an 8^3 per iM. Of ter Merchants face a Connecticut times for ; Royals ^ o \ ^ ll play the Celts to­ Howe’s stick', continued the chal­ ards and a TD. Not er S](lke Brlgga can be a ^op er college team In New England.^ and 131. A b o In the same league, T o t a ls ...... "869."553 In '. 1639 homn for Kansa.*, and turned la his report of the Texan game. days away, then turned to a line WUklnao|Ps 18 An-Amerlcaa, 15 graduated and the^ofner three opponent Sunday a ft ^ o o p at 2:3o many semt-pi clubs in New Eng- night p i the^ortford Armory. lenge against' Red Kelly, who bidder'^ for the club alnqs he not Dow's squad It unbeaten and un-' Chet NowieW plnhed a 378. Art Instead of the nsual diagrams and personnel notations, Rep- problem thet. forced hirli to per-, arecl(3od. ^ at' Mt. Nebo. Providing, the opposi­ land can boai a backfield aa fast Ued... Boardwalk Billy Smttli, Moore. Irritated Rocky M I.XKn n o t HI.KH form another of his tricks. picked up the disc, and, flipped It y la fi, beneficiary of the truat,- Johnson 135.856, Ed Kovis 135-353, (It Still in Action logle's report was ar. hand drawn picture of ixi Indian, one hand tion w ill'b e the newly organised and powerful the Merchants, Swthpsw Ing . Dusty who (ought Johnny Holman teat This time he shifted Ralph . to Jack Evans who awoo^d in for e la one fit three executors of IL Jarry Smith 858, Fred McCurry. R. BaiUrKFor/ ...... 80 80 62 262 raised, saying “ How ?" . and unbeaten MiddIeto,wn. WaY- Maitel at Faking Bi'iggs,. ndw on the Padfle Ctoast es and Btliy fiyior of the night In Mtemf has oaven tewthors A. BailArK^on .....-,1 1 3 M 88 Chesnauskas, one of the out­ a late second period goaU that Charlea Vhrrick 150-377, Lanky 269 New York, Oct. 27 m — Who "That meana how you gonna beat ’em,” Replogle said to Ms rlors. The visitors, led by Player- . The Merchi ts only complX^d on.a trip, aai^ he hopes to ma^ Giants did well _ left handed and otx oteUra. Hla manager la Waickowhki 140-389, BUI McCar^ standing guards in the East last gave New York a 2-1 lead. That Totals ...... a»3 178 170 55^ said the baseball season Is over? Kansas associates. Coach Joe .Mfissi, former, standout two passes agaf S t the Pequhtebut another, bid. He organised a s y ^ pitchers. Rhodes betted .500 with Sheriff Gerry Gormley... Rarely thy S5J/^and Pete Aceto 145-347. With Personal Letters season and a starter at left tackle . was all for Detroit. . R5 340 The far-flung ' winter baseball a lifetime total of 270-^ing the l a i l i field ap^ars to be/wide X>*n. In Wlklol24. -- F. L a Z u rl ...... 85 115 392 three years as a wingman in high tXl.sbn. era. F i ^ k loiX'and Joe Clfone. season. PuMlriet BIQ Great .pitchers who falledlm man- vidilisd the public wants a rematch East for only one reason, A close ,81 season ia well underway. In ad­ mark for left wingsTs set by Mon­ ■/' addition to .ForeXthe Intersated schobl. Coach Gay Saivucel's talented But VYebb Is much faster than the pomte out iHiK iunrnir Dodgei: and Archie-/‘AVina a couple of Totalii ...... '"’iw "T w "176 treal’s Aurel Jol)4H. / parties are k n o ^ to be Bill Vdsek, a jn r tta e n im J^hnsohond F n tim O H T E R S will practice friend. Irving Berman, Is retiring —,1,- dition to the four Icggiie belong­ The in jury, jinx which has court­ Much TinprovimSnt was showmrthrea(j as a pawer, Braiilt han(M squad flitglly found Itself last yv^lt 'iattCC two -ends. pUchenv-were-knockedout­o f -the n gnti 'tS ''tiir‘n e x rte w wRwiihi. frOin' the retail nieh’i clothing Rookie DicIvDufr, a 19-year-old former, owner/St Cfieveland and 81. i m o r i w ’nijiht A BiW Charter A. Nmldtin ...... 100 104 82 298 ing to the Caribbean/Fede'ratlon— ed the Army squad tenanciousiy falls to tak0'''4 In New ikmdon trouncing the Pe- Little isXnown whether Middle- box In 20fiflOfif 2228 meetings and Mrook So said the champ Here today, by Coach Walkef Briggs' Indiana off well and /Pever I Louis; Jaro^D . Norria, the boxing, Scholartjr-lookin Bob Ingalls,/ Oak Park and Coach 'Swede Solo- business' and Rocky figured he D, Rimmims .. ...J .. 101 101 101 303 Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and since practice started early ’ in left-winger, Wought Toronto home week aftei- w4ek. quots ’to the tune of 40-7. The will-, ton -Is'lyrunning or passing fe'ahi. -glppera an early shower In adding (1) that Jersey Joe Wal­ could ■ help ballyhoo Berman's “ I on -top. r^iicored ([pith Leaf, goals 'last week in their losing duel with physical beating we- and hocltey operator whose ' aon who guides the destinies o( the monson urges Ml boys to be on TotaU 6599 Panama—there are four or flvi September prompted the shuffle, ners scored 2t points in the fouj^tk But i^ardless .of who the War- the last Ifigsm es between the arch cott hit him much harder than- did quit" closing put sale...... 201 206 193 . M — sh o o ^ g the payoff score into scatback Jeriy Byrd, and the un­ But the 5-4, 150-poiind algnpl-c*ll- owns U ^D etrolt Red Wings hock­ UConn football team, cteinu that hand. The once-defeated Firemen other league's employing some -((be Cadets have gone through a er has a jo t.o f "guta" anir works quarter, 20 in the final four/fiiin- rid r^ a y e in their backfield, they’ll rivalBX/.Untverslty ot Massachu venerable Archie, and (2) Moore Normally such an enterprise New York, Oct. 27 (,TJ—'South-Ycome 1952 champion Art Luppino the n ^ » at 2:39 o f the final period. defeated ,-Middletown Tigers. The ey l e ^ ; and the National Brew- Buddy Aiuendola ts "the best line- aye idle Sunday but the Police (•/. SniKh ...... 7ft 73 88 231 talent. ' total of five right ends. Dave as hard, as ahyone on the s^und utes of play. It was' without a h ( ^ to be at'th eir utmost best sette/^lll play a 30-gaiinele btui^t-btuiMt- backtr In th* East” Iiigalte. who Criiisers travel td New Britain for really got under his skin with his would be worth big money to the II. S m ith ...... 128 R8 108 323 Thi|^^victory lifted Toronto out of winle.as Red and White squad will IhKyV®- of Detroit gnd Baltimore. Mexico has a Vera Cruz L ^ gu c ern California's Jon Arnett gained of Arizona with 52 points, S a m 'Thbmas, Don Satterfield. Bill to Imp/ove his passing,- ball han-'' ..doubt the most devastfng last when ' they cenfront" defensive ocheottla thla aiow. The cantered severar fins Michigan m leagua encountar against one of canwalgft for a title'fight' champ._ . -__ Saunders and more' recently Bill ood into a fifth place tie have/ tb show even more improve- period attack ever staged by a Silk T oUIb 7 : : . . . 186 161 197 656 and a Mexican Pacifle /Coast 416, yards by running against Brown, UCLA, 61; A1 Ward, Yale, 'meiu Saturday afternoon at Mt. dling and field generalship. W h af standouts like the wily A| Mar­ edmen will meet UConn1 at Storrr teams and teten played with the four Meriden entrws. "Sure I waa aore," said Rocky. What'about A1 Weill, hls( man­ (9) . League. The Occldental/Leaguc' Melnil\^have been hobbled by knee /ivit'h the Red Wlnga, who had Clty'elcven. on Feb. 28 amt Trinity on Feb. 28 D. Mnrrinon ,, 104 ‘. m Calif'jrnia last Saturday. The 14 and Ukl Vereb, Maryland, 48 ead'h; Xebo In the final CCIL battle with , he. lacks, In ability, he certainly ques, Larry Mplmes, Bruno Mboke, Green Bay Packets In the Na- "He even aent me.peradnal letters, ager, the;man who handles all of ...... 91 104 in Venezuela opened lasySatur^y injuries.\Each was In the start-, been unbeaten in four straight be­ Best R ow ing In their only Nutmeg appear­ ' Pro League, te not alone daring me to fight him.” hU affairs when it comes to any- R. Morriflon ...... 120 1Q2 81 313 wqre the ones that counted. Paige Cothren. Mississippi, 44, and fore losing at New York. a much strengthened Windham) makes It up In spirit and deter- Irv Russell, Bin. and Jack F a g ^ Cothren Acclai BOCXBV AT A OLANOB and a four-club Domiidcan L ^ gu e ing llheujv at one time or another Quarterback- Tilly Dubose c6im^ Fred Sycourka, Pretzel JacOos, ances. . .The jimmial N tw England In; hte high praise for Amendote. Wedeeadaye Resulta Due to the govem m enf a healthy thing from one to one million dol­ Totals ...... '206 I 95 812 at’s how far Arnett had ti Bob Mpss, West Virginia. and this fall. \ eleven. ' Kickoff Is scheduled s t ' mtPation...... a u got under way Sundgy in U»e Do- forth with his best showins/alnce SIkora and newcomer VIn Clan- Invitational, Basketball Tourns'* Scribes who hava viewed the Xattoaal Laagoe bite out -of his ring earnings. lars? avel for the three toUchdowAs Howard CaasaJy. Ohio State, 62 Saunders apd’ Satterfield may b e, 2 o’clock. I ' Continues to Improie donning a'Mancjie'Stcr uniAirrii in AP Back of Week .mlnlcan Republic. V ^ v e M l Voung '^at put him-ahead of Te^as Billy Sm ith I^ses cotti, grid captain at A lC in '53. ment wtU be h e l^ t Colby College UConnovelaJm the cluh would ^ New Yorit 4, Detroit 2. Rocky confided, it Isn’t profitable Rocky smiled. It was left for (•) each. Cothrens total includes 11 available for limited duty,against Outside of Byrd’s two long Another Indian who continues '53, riinhlng for 75 ya>dA in eight in Watervilte, Miufie. *!^m a en; lost w lB ^ t ^ Derby eUr, J. MrCofW . , , ...... 78 96 85 258 Baltimore player^and ^rm bandy tfliristian’s Jim Swlnk in UiCir pri- extra points and three field goals. Ciancotti, Who. gained firine as a Toronto 3, Moatraal l to fight more than tVIce a year. his friend and traveling buddy, H. Wlltkn ...... 84 119 •84 297 Colgate. Melhilt iis dut.'until KOs- touchdown runs (57 and 65.yards), to improve with each pa-sslng carries and scoring on/a beautiful tered for the t3fic. and 30 Imagine h o^jr two guys' on your Amaiism League He figures the next defense of the wealthy Jack Werst, Dayton, are playing in/ the/Colom biyi A’ate duel for the major'^ college . Off-beat doings, especially in week is halfback Tommy Ru.ssell linebacker at AIC, made hlir debut • Unlyeralty;, M i ^ Oct. 27 (F)-- League in Sou^ Am^lca, / si^bly the Yale ghme I^ov. '5 ^ ' III Com ebaipik. T ry the locals fared quite well. Theif 35-yard run in the ^ l a l quarter. gnrrtea are IfMoes, fij^n n , Am­ M l .club a ty m some Urns like Providence 3, Buffalo 3 - crown will be in June. / Ohio, gem tycoon, to explain the Tolnln ...... 178 231 176 "57s foot'Mil scoring leady^Svo of A r­ the pass-catching department, -iLoren Reid, a 6^. 200-pc)Und al­ who has yet to carry the ball.. His ball handlingXnd choice of. fast week against New London and. Fullbaok Palgfe/Cothren. the As (4> The four leagues Affiliated in the nett's scores came from six yards defensive play w;as much better come through with three' pass in­ .‘-oclated Preas’ 'tBack of the herst, ' Bowdoin, /^Brov^ Colby, Charlie SUwia of Trinity and Springfield 3 yes, he added, the winner o f the situation.” B. rhUllpn . . . M l l i 108 309 mark the other individual pffense ternate tackle {roiA jFt. Coirms. / - — X ' than the previous outing agaiiist Since the ^ d and White’s secOnd plays left little t^*>e desired. A l­ Harvard find gfiMcUdltury.^Dofsiu)- Amendote/ i MtU- like Sticka os W. rhllll|>B ...... I l l 124 88 ,125 Caribbean yFeder^lon work ,-Very out. the other frpm four. statiitics. For instance, Missouri, Miami Beach^Fla., Oct. 27 (yPf— game'with Hall, Russell has done terceptions, two of which led to Week" fqrjrfi performance against _ Cdlo,, will move InlO^the tackle also unbeaten Meriden. ' High’s though he sat the entire second Ing champion Dartmouth npt the best ell around back in the clo.iely vMh organiited baseball. These two Jiave almost out­ which can’t win a game, has llTie John Holman,,/the strong but slow Manchester scores. ArkariBasC revived the i H ot kick­ T oIa Ib ...... 202 238 184 634 spAt vacated by Cltesrtauskas. offen.sive attack, ixilled In full/gear all of his team'* punting and man­ half after going 68 yards for the compete. Bowdoln , rtplacaa xJhe ■Ute, Yale InclodmL..Dstfa Day Players^ho have been In the ma­ distanced their rivals in the scor­ national leader in pass receiving. xxUoetly Fumbles ing tiiM goals I6r the University _ .Situation 1 Chicago heaXwelght, made Board- in the first half against the big aged to average a fine 35 yards in Merchants'Xcond TD late in the Indians in the eightrteem foId\;. will be observed Bntnrday at of Misatssippl. <0> jors for two-full seasons are not ing rape and latest N C AA Service Hank Burnine , of Missouri and Meantime, tlje backfield situa- ,jS*-alk Billy'Sm ith’s return to the four kicks against Middletown’s second pectod,.Salvucci picked up Salvucws rugged and alert de­ Tigers although they ran ,6ut of thren set a Southeastern CoiiW Don Eagle, parhspe the- mppt; .atom when Connecoeut plays K. H«\tlUin4 .• ...... 7.1 7R 88 217 e llg iw . Contracts are honored BureAi. statistics record 11' touch- Wake Forest's Bill Barnes have lioii has brightened somewhat. wars a painful one last night. He fast charging line. Tommy also 83 ya rd ^ n seven attempts. Kick­ fensive unit'held the Pequoti to a -j^pUlor of the wreetilng(vretUlt idols who; J. IlFdlund ...... 94 n o 135 339 gm ih the final stage^of the con­ iMcord, where field fi[oale are al­ Hampshire in a Yuikee Con.- miitually. downs/and 10 extra points for a graboed -24 passes apiece but Bur- Dick Murtla'nd out . for t itr e e flatteRed the New Jersey/ jailer proved to be a defensive standout ing s lX Stsn Griffen carried for net gain of 39 yard* on the grounj appArs In these peris, w ill' have 76-pdJnt totAl for Arnett with test, The losers hiX no less than most out of date, by booting two (Swanee feothoU game. In Totals ; ...... 187 1R6 1»4' 546 n tl/e noh-federatlon leagues, nine’s gaining pi a r g I n of 333 weeks after the Penn State game wiUr'a right cross in the Seventh against the Tigers as Ehiggs in-: the first time this seasoh snd and intercepteo"fdur aerials. five scoring opportunities but against Georgia.111000 two also aa.hU.foe tonight Menchester's Al Whkh started in 1904, New (4) flayers' are considered under the ink a point, behind on 12 touch- yards to , 325 gives him the lead. wlth\ ^Chronic Charley, horw, rpnod. .lerted him into the backfield to 31 yards in four carries, London barhjxwere hit Getz, r yeteren of 20 years. T w o M. Simmonn .. .*...... 8.S 88 113 304 owns and three conversions. failed to take adXntage. were t)ie flret field goals kicked ■hire holds a wide, edge w l^ i t J. Simmnnfl ...... 107 #138 88 34V regiitatlon's of barn.9l6rming. Th^ There's no other instance on rec­ lo o k ^ good In limited action Smith was trying a comeback defend' against passes. linemen provlcjed the openings tlnuousiy all afternoon and as a other boutsoomplete the card at wine find only sevim- for " is how' Wynn, the veteran Cleyc- Third place goes to Tom Mc­ ord where a major college catcher ten months after Paul Andrew.* Consistent Runner the hacks responded. result fuihbled three Xmes, with by a MUaisalppI playkr aince 1931. against Columbia laat Saturday Juniors Norm lohenthal, Dick 6)ulte a 'PerfomiMiMi Foot Ouard^Hafl, with the first Kickoff will be at 2 b’clock. Yitt^ Tolnln ...... V, .203 233 311 land righthander, i.i allowea to Donald of Oklahoma with 56 was leading after six straight but he’ll now have, to earn his job belted him into temporary oblivion Co-Captain Jack FSrrell contin­ When a team has. three fullbacks two ojUlhe bobbles lending to Mer- starting at 8'13(L, .Byron flen- grid attnteUon with ' Dartmouth points on nine (touchdowns. Then team losses. k’sCrell,' BolV Lazzari and Dopv The Jnuior booted one field goal pitch two games for BobbyKAvlla's bacli.l - in Miami. For five rounii. he did ued his fine all around perform­ Schiatrito and senior Jeff Qihns in the same backfield at one time, c l ^ f s ’ TDs,' -fteiek’s famous Hollywood movie at the Bowl In New Haven Satur­ ------J----- L— ------all right, but the plodding Holman against Arkanaui, In addition to M. Jnr\^iB ...... 78 83 256 Mexico City Reds. Bdb Lemon Boh Kyasky from whom big A ance. Without a rfoubt. the rug­ ti^ e d in strong defensive gitmes 'something, has to give and that is /' The locals Will be at' full dogs are. scoring a all per­ day will g n nhd«ivay at 1:30. 0 . Jnrviii ..., 108 caug^ him in the , sixth with a scoring a touchdown, kicking two ...... « /ion .296 also was to have pltiMcd a couple thinga had been expected, still has- ged halfback la Hriggs' hardest aXinst favored Middletowpt Out- exactly what haopened -to Nevr' strength for -the Invading War- formances of the- annual powerful left hook that lead him I-ondon's big line l y^ t Sunday _ when riors who impose a threat oti the extra points. Intercepting a pass ToUl* ...... 170 185 572 of games but begged off. his lellt knee In a cast and thAre's worker, the team's strongest and «d e of the elusive Byrd,"Uie five and blocking vlclqusly for his World’s Championship .Charlla Robblno, tha H yin g -, under the ropes for a count of, nine; Salvucct inserted'' Bob Sklhner,'| locals’ r ^ 6rd of not having lost to (A t Paul jPhinney Runs Dally a re,i'.(!>te possibblllty he'll b O ^ d y only consistent rilnner and has few -mdians "tvere mostly resp°'''‘’'ble teammates. , the Boston Garden. The rodeo' Physician." writes .ifrom Mididdle- .M. PuifhihK .6 ...... 82/'115 103 lift for thf Yale game. And SMik ia Smith went down again for a, equals on defense. Diminutive Tommy Thompson ami, TJConn's a stafe rival in 11 meetings In run through Sunday night, OcL .1 Pii/hlnp ...... \ ( y 118 '3.T7 Bill De WltJv^New York Yankee for containing the ’ngSrs’ vaunted A penally prevented Cothren tewn where he is nojp practicing not evpn planning on getting any nr count before the end of the Mike, Sikora into the./'j|;ame as a th ru '- seasons, Sslvuccl and hla -1'!/ aaslstaiit gaflersl manager, thinks Dick Pepin roulid the sailing rough ,offtnsive_ attack. from scoring all Mla'isrippl points Uuat Dick H aft recently ran six TotAln ...... ,.r...,/(?2 333 $22 647 help from speedy Joe 0ygler. He siklh; although Holman’.* punch unit. Skinner racedTbr 59 yards in •sqhad wtH drill tomorrow -night at Blazing Al WoiM YalVa. leading ./^ the ChiQi^o White .S.ox "h.elped last Salurtiay. cspectall.v pn offcn.se in Its 17-7 victory over Arkansas mUab/n 29:30, anew record for on Willi Championship 'team has a broken ankle, y / aeetned 6q have little behind it, amf Windham got lo a poor'atari nine carries, Thoihp.ion netted 48 4:15 at the West Side Oval. pomt-iietter, waa able tec pick up themselves most"- iw the deal that being held to little gain, but the Saturday. , „ , American. Haft, former Unlvef-' <'d j S T R Y y { . i n V N Blaik isn’t thinking'of next year he couldn’^^panage to pull his w i^ this fall losing X Middletown and hut' (5 yards In. 10 ball carrying SpiraFiI brought center fielder Larry Doby speedy left halfback, came through Cothren Is keeping alive the ■Ity of F e ^ y lv o n te captain, By T’A T BOLDUC - cess Ihe ^ a st two seasons has yet, but it’s nice to know that togeUiVr during, the rest periodA' Meriden but ^ v e since bounced trie* against the tough, polgate Srhm ldl ...... 87 /^'87 8.5 288 to the Sok from Cleveland for With his finest defensive performs back' to troiihce Bri.stol and Nor­ PcOle tradition—despite a differ­ placed s^oncNn the Turicey Day 8m)(h ...... 81 8.5 280 men like Murt A t 1:43 of thS seveath,'HotiPan line Inet Seturday at. the Bowl In shortstop Chico Carrasquel and Kyasky and ance of the sea.son. Pepin shoulcl ent name—at Miaeizslppi. The Road Race here lort Novembw, He S ro r«' ...... 77’ 71 218 in a p S n . ^rtrciri'mentionedl Cygler have^Anq pouhded V right hook to^-thc jaw wich. Coach Andy Palau has New Keven. .. Injured Yale right le ' now em|Uayea a t Hamilton Horvnth . .yfi...... 75 78 153 lier year of eligi- be quite a player next season, his three famous Poole brothers, Ray, outfielder-Jim Busby. the many Achievements and train- 'wiO/inhcrited the coaching reins bility re-ma that flnl.ifted the nal;tonally-tele- .several strong scatbacks' and' a Cpfhmon ^^nse Precautions end, 'Vem Loucks will be beck In I. Arnlrmthn ...... ii . 93 98 S3 272 .senior year. " Buster, and Bam4y,fire his uncles. standard In Windsor Locks; Th* illMnnhi / ...... /... 91 90 91 272 "Sure. Cleveland has a shortstop ing grind' Of the successful High Wigren who announced vised fight \n the Miami. Beach provenypasaer In quarterback Al action Baturday kgalnst Dart lanky Hart may be the dafkhofoe leow Scyrn ...... y,. .. 75 75 now,” said De Witt. "But- they Auditorium Little credit has-been accorded' C a s e X who has "tossed for five- A Jackson sports writer recolis — cross country team. But those J**" retirement laat year. A for- moilth at the Bowl. Louckp In ad­ entry in this year’s Turkey day ■ i y won’ll haVe that fellow (DobyI In were past performances. Hqw mer collegecollev* rmcross «« -mintrucountry stand- A crowd of ^,812 paid a grbas senior quarterback Ronnie Brai/lt touchdowns. The Whippets upset t^liminate^Hunting Mishaps that Cothren, fresh out o f high Totals 69.1 15,17 Man Holds school and .headed for “Mississippi, dition Mo being ii fine pafs receiver trot...Bucky Harris is thp mty IHnnionr h M) centerfleld. He'and A1 Smith about the 1955 squad? / out in his own right, Phinney runs ate of *6,652.\jlolman weighed • for the .fiTne .work he'has- done this, th/locals 13-12 la.st fail but Rat- arid .lefensive performer, is also msijor Isagu* mensger who rssidsa (,‘a^ry .... /...... SO 89 71 2.T1 .03'4, Smith 175 fan. Although not a seriou* -day’s contest inonis a toss-up. was talking to Buster POole, a hurt us more than any shortstop To date the Red and Whljte har- daily \vith his hard-working har­ f Th® ob^fvance of two »imple*i pltifullly worth1«M alibi anyon^ Yale’s beet npnter. He was iii for In the city in which hs manages.' Iwiiittnn .. 88 83 230 riers and corrects each boy's forij binding Race Stub coach at Mississippi.- FOodsik .,, . 75 *78 72 225 weakness Cleveland might have have captured seyim dual commop/Sense precautions; neither can offer. only one pliw In lost week's los­ The Tiger Skipper has tSikan up -^h/Fmakl .. . 88 77 98 271 had.” Poole aald'lia was on hla way ing bsHle wit! - Colgate/'.'. Coach residence in Detroit. PhHnn ...... 84 • 80 95 268 .'S. '(.•’.".rs rs ssiouir," .’’’r " “i of wfilch, would cause.the hunter '’When you are resting In the to Louisiana to look at a top-flight Bretwa ...... ST 82 105 270 victory skein to 28 since 1962.'The 1 Boston, Oct, 27 (jp)—A retired field or woods, always lay your, high school prospect,. ,. At Rosen had better bone up on businessman who - any considerable Inconvenience. Indians also placed first in the' Hoople^s\Blue C hip P iep s gun down flat, unloading It first ,” .H,efi a good fullback,;' Poole de­ ToUtn ...... r... 4SS "^8' 522 1488 hlS' Spanish with Carra.squel and says he found it cheaper to own (voi»ld eliminate more than 90 per­ recent Connecticut invitational! ?> and with the muzzle pointing' In scribedMo the dismayed Cothren. HpnrU iftt Avila In the srfmc infield.. -With horses than bet on then- pocketed cent hf all hunting accidents and ...... ,so S2 ,83 Meet at Storf*. Captain . Bobbv; Jt i J?" ^ a safe direction. No one con en­ "But,” Cothren .pleaded, "you’ve Tsow Scor<* 2a55 Branch Rickey Sr. as an advisor J60.100 today for Rockoastl^s tre- put huhting far out In front of Bnrc»*r ...... 74 75 226 Vinton, "The Flyirlg Indian" and I m « i . " Include middies over Irish joy lunch looking down the muzzle got a fullback,’’ Wuinch ... , ...... 73 80' / 93 246 and Branch Rickey Jr. a.6 head of mendou.s victory in the *50.000- teammate Bill MacArdle finished i xhV ' the safcsiNwort in the V-orld, ac- of a gun, toadied or unloaded. In Poole .ivo'.ild agree n-ow that he Nrlw^n •.... 85 94 / 80 268 the farm system, will there be any nn»-i«-o In . H.rnn fi.M 'Th'- Kr°**P workril real hard while added Yankee Handicap. cording to r i^ r y P, Davis, public IsGrfntxm . 85 UH ' 9T 386 one-two In a darge field. The I climbing over- fqnces or obstruc­ lias. I real change in Pittsburgh opera­ sturdy Vinton recently set a new keepiiTg an eye'' on the '55 schola.i- - "U sed to bet on them, but de­ Bv MAJOR AMOS B. HOOpftE •:n k v .K.k: j relations m aV.a g e r, Remington ,AU^it ...... 87 277 No. 2 tions. always first hand your gun . l>-ads Scoring Race tion under Joe Btowh 7 rbcord over the , local course tic season jihA it is evident that cided it would be c.heaper to own Upset Champion ol .411 Hm r- Totti* ,.,.. 484 Dipti'k’hNrnf 96 362 ! ■‘^rms Company.'Tnc. over to yoUr companion, or pass Cothren lead* the. Southeastern 531' 544 Tsm (13:09) while pacing the Indian.s . the sumlrMr labor has had its just mv o-S^'n,’’ raid Joseph Leone yes­ , Eureka! My zjlliuns of gentlej Hitrt ...... *2. "These are Ttewt every gun • 'riu b i (4) rew ard ^ It through the'fencfiahd lay It on Conference Scoring rsce with '46 A. Johanon - to a one-sided victory over rival terday after' his speedy and dur­ readers are rejoicing with me those j Bonadip.^ 93 87 94 •274 LAST NIGHT’S LTGHT ('frrrAflo *4 ’^■**h the respect d u ^ loaded gun’ the ground. A stumble or fall points on four touchdowns, three N. Jfthnfloh ...... Si 82 83 246 Windham. Bobby’s time bettered Phlriney and his quartet ran the able colt defeated g fine field of days because . at' last I have ' „ land ’Never point a gho at any- D^Marlln .• . * ■ a a • a 1 . 80 83 . 85 248 six-mile race in Wilbraham, Mass., .. might pfove diaastrous. field gbals, .and 11 extra points. Miami Bcacli, Fla,-f Johnny Hol­ the old mark by bight full second#. 10 other three-year-olds in the Totaln ...... 120 .122 362 986 rthlijg you dc not want to-Mioot,'’’ rhrrmik ... aaaaaaa*. 82 101 121 304 and Paul covered the distance in emerged in my true colora,' the , He's a good bet for A 11-SEC Wilklft aaaaaaa*. 82 115 126 32.1 man, ?03*2, Chicago, knocked out Races with Squad Yankee’s 2OU1 running. Tram No. 4 (4) 96 306 P*vis: "Simple' and easy to "Before loading your gun,, make 62 minutes.. Competing in the purple and gold of success — hari- t 1am No. i (S) nothing except that which he When wsikin'fi ih front of yoiir first National AA.U Chanipionship o f 20.052 n^de Hilton Dabson's Colgate did, for the first time in i Mnfi^’cmhrni‘ ...... 72 m id.v 2sn In the fourth period, he kicked 4-D«KDr. An OrigliMi $4,000 Oinr. 0 30 years. We gave you Auburn ovei; I Konnrfikl wants to shoot,, the curve on the companion, keefi. your-' muzzle HAI UGHT medal for finishing second on his Nance’s' Lad' a 9-5 favorite...... 87 lor* a field goal from the 12, an angle team, in the National 25-Kilometer Rockca.stle caught .Sidney Bab- Georgia Tecli, -and that victory 1 nn.fifio ., ...... 81 M paph of hunting accidents takes pointed forward. I f you are walkl shot , that made up for an earlier waa the first in 15 years. Oh, yes, , OupIIpup ...... 81 ,81 a decided drop, % . (15 miles) race In Massaclpisetts. bltz' Speed Roaser. the leader from Missinn; (iriti Star j Brng.'lmi ...... 100 TngTsehlhd him. see that yoiir gun unsuccessfur attempt.' Save! Savef- He was as close to exhaustion as the start, at the head of the stretch aid Florida over (xjuisiana State, Other .PrecauUon.s Is pointed away from him at all - j FASHIONED / ! Totalff .. Down possibIa>when he crossed the finish and then surged forward. Nance’s •the first time in history! ■ ...... 43« 479 "These are not .(he only precau­ times. It Is best lo walk abreast, FE.UKFU'L. OF LETDOWN Counties* other amazing form tions to remember when you. go but in doing io, 'see that your; muz­ line in 96 minutes. One week Lad made a game attempt to over­ Talks of Returning V UKAorf. Wsltham, Mas*.. Oct. 27 (/P) ■S3 MfSCUSY 'S I FORD -reversals were passed along to you hunting, but they provide the zle la ^ m ied .away from your later, Phinney ran In the Ntjw Engl, take the Leone colt, but had to Haai'lirsler .Molar Jj*le» (3) , Brandeis ■University, Football ilardtep.. IUt66 6*; boat, t ar of ‘ through a fence. T bl* preparation for -Bridgeport Sat- — - '56-p o e e a (dsp ' " ' ---- ^ Ra*rr> Carp. (*i . iin, whethp)- yrtu are in- iirday. FYiedman. sent his charges the hard work has^aTrrdivTdencis^ up here einfi diaclo.sed he;d like.ti Is obviously: an extreiRely (laijgrr i-Dobr. ’Twq-teae point, Auto- Trade In YourTHd With his daily wqrkouts With his This, week we are able to offer CliFt Vnrrick "...... ,....'87*^- 80 *5 273; doors or outdoors, ALt^'AYS flrgi thro igh their , most rugged scrim- *53 lUICK this fall and who krfbws what the get back liriohool. A .Ln.mouroux ...... ’87 96 ous practice which hn.s. resulted in matte traasmtealop.. C l thinclads. Phinney look#" fo'nvsrd a few more Juicy ones; Iowa over point the muzzle in a -safe dlrec- I mage sessioh of the,year yesterday Huper Riviera Hardtop. Dyna- future holds? Like Phinrfey ex­ CravenlF’ and his IT.-yetr-'old ! Hpininn U a 106 fatalities. ,' flow, radio, heater, . tlpted ytooi Storm Windows and Doors to greater succes-s In the forthcom­ plains it, "I have no trouble get-' Michigan, Minnesota over Southern . ^ ...... W IftI ...112 ' .... 3(i9 , iand examine the rpiece______care-_ after hearing ecouting reports of Radio and heater. $795 J. Bniith glass. A e exeep- Stidp orouwl for ih* big nomes in TV. See thi hondsexT* .new 21" Sylvonio "Decolur* ing Turkey Day Race in Man(;hes- ting the boys to practice jm d the CaJilorrtia,e s J if^ m NavyNavv overCVer Notre DamDame, e.! 1 Ayer, tele- ...... I2l. fully lor mn|^e whether or not "Watch that safely 1, Keep it on tlie Bridgeport passing attack. phoned their parents in OWens-, until you are ready, to shoot. what they offer ond how much they coit. ter. poorest men on the squad have al­ to cite a few. , ' IT ; 'Sis i “ ‘ tlonal (car. ( ^ * ^ *53 UNCOLN t • Ho/eligh(®. for eoiier viewing bora. Ky.. from Tuc.=on last plght. • Ex.imine It frequently. Sudden Jars > Having their coach for inspira­ ready, Intiproved their time over the Go on willj the forecast friendr: NEW QI';\K’rBKB.4('K8 . Capri Hardtop. Fully powefiilL Then compare them all to 1954 Sylvonid« TV • ‘"SJver Screen 85" for brilliant pictures Toward Lifetime They had not been heard.;from H«a'. (Z) . j r«"ce apd brushing against tw ig*' o f tion It’s - little wonder the young­ local course by at least five min­ Colgate 14, Army is McCJannl ...... mil 113 109 323 " loaded gur; and nevqr-leave Waltham Mas*.. Oct. 26 (F) — Power steering, power wta- at this low pricel There's no better buy. . . no sine# they left the campus and Hafr»>noir brush can release the safety-catch • “Cwtom 33". cho Jilt .for grealer -poXer sters strive to produce a winning utes." Princeton 15, Brown 16 i . ' unlMS .VOII unload It BrandelS' Coach Benny Friedman *54 MERCURY dowa. Whitewall tires. • Columbia 10, Cornell 7 ' i marfie’d 'the same day at Shawnee; Martin .... without your, knowing it. •osier-watching television. You owe it to your e Versatile styling lo f!l any-room town. 111. Chafi. Varrirk 150 /117 lio 67? I Carry only empty guns, has ' halfback ' Dick Cunningham Hardtop. Mercomatlc, radio, ImateciUate. ^ 2 3 9 5 Y&le. 31, Dartmouth 13 | McCurry ...... Be- Sure of Target and fullback' Maury Stein working heater, two-tone paint. White­ eyes to own Sylvonio. (Here's what you get in “ 'Come in for o demonitration soon...... 116 106 169 .151 taken down or with thel action ■! "Always be' sure of. your target Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors Holy Cross 16; Syracuse 13 i , Both were freshmen at 'Ken­ out et quarterback this week in wall tire*.! Black and red Penn State 36, Penn 7 tucky. They beeSme the abject of Totals' ..A. ----- .. . . 57.1 5.1* ■*« T ^ ' automobilil, camp before pulling the trigger, and see Ra* Wlllia (I) preparation for Saturday's game leatheirintener. *50 CHEVROLET Purdue. 30, IlUn'b.is to ______a multi-slate search a,fter Ciavens’ F(»h what’s behind. It. T.ake ..a. good .look -JXt 107 - -90- -'Wfiteh- thitt. mnzzl#? T?ie pbiht- luid then look again. NeVer fire with the-Unlveraity of Bridgeport. An. exeeptloiial | ^ 2 I 9 5 -4-Boor. Itedlo.—keate r.~Exee8^ • f a c t o r y T O Y O U i iBOWL THE MODERN WAY! Iowa It, Mirhikan 7 fa lfie f b'etiame coffce'rnetf'' liy his O RoilIv ,i. 88 85 290 . i Jimmy Stehlln. the fudges’, ace K)RFREE Kansas 30, Nebraska it • son’s absence. i Komoanik . 87 87 ihg of a loaded Or unloaded gun ilf the direction of a «uddei^ sound. .J"' lent robber. Im- C A O C S e tJa d Ratra ...... Michigan State 33, Wisannsln 18 The young couple arrived here ’ 106 98 121 326 ^toward a- companion la. s violation n may be caused by tome f^rm fr’s ! „*•! ‘’ *•‘ 7 ''' Bsaculatc condition. ^ * t 7 0 DEMONSTRATION Ten ( 10)* automatic pin |aet- WslCknuaki 125 140 ...... lft4 368 ofc every principle of good sports­ • SALES • s e r v ic e ' Minnesota 11, So; .Cydlioifita- 7 O ef 17 ' and Mrs. C'avftns got a CiZiio ...... 104 *100 204; livestock or, worse still, *n«>»hcr ; a* part tiihe Job at - a department manship. '/It is the unpardonable hunter. And this hss' happened, *STPI.YMOUTH *50 FACKARD C A If Ml 9.4533 ler? are now in ^ operation. .Colffiado 30, Mlasouri l3 ToUla whpm miszed lajt fieek ’s g.anfid store. Cravens has hot been ab|e . 559— 567 610 1616 sin of shooting ethics. Do it .just too! Belvedere Hardlop.^^ jr A |> 4-Doori Boillo aite Cl OK Ohio State-1*, N'orthwfstem 7 , agsjnst New Hampshire,’ still are to find a job,. -<>, " i- I Merrill's .1.Wsrfcrt ('l-l\ . once and, you haVe lost the respect "(jlonstent practice of safety pre­ Radio and heater. ^ 0 7 ^ heater. Nice ahnp^ ^ 1 7 0 Openings fojr morning and af. Navy 14, Noire Daoie 7 sidelined with Injufte* and are not • INSTfLLATiON "I think maybe they’ll take me Appl-.by . 129 102 \ ': ■ and comradeship Of your compan-' cautions make them pome easier, Alimamfi 10, Georklfi 10 V McCsrlhycCsrIhy ___ 106 353 expected to be ready for Bridge­ ternoon resefiationa,. Texas A. and M. '14, ' Arkansas ck w'ith a marriage scholarship," Baiilarius .... 106 222 Ion and branded yourself as a With time they become second na­ J. lUltnrr .... . port. I® ' ,1,’ -e said. " I f I can go- back and take 66 326 thoughtle.s* novice, or a- careless, ture, The thinking sportsman be­ V Fsrranrt... 112 .232 comes morel careful with exper­ Auburn'89, Tulfiae up where I left off,-I’ll do It — if L. . KarraiiO . loe 106 217 dangerous shooter with whom it ia Tex. Christian 31, Baylo’r 30 they still-want me.’,’ M. Farrand 95 ■ - 95 unsafe do go afield. .YhgJe Tk sim­ ience. It Is .^e trigger-happy lad companlciii ahd yoiir fellow-sports­ Georgia Tech 13, Duke .7 who thinks he knows it all who will man behind It.- too. The obsejrv- f's f~A"N’E T 17 BowH4g On Thcae Fast and Pspsndabte MachlM* Cravens, considered an exce|lent Tnlals ply no excuse for such hiction. „ 6t2 533''" ll 9-1676 bear constant -watching. -That sort ELECTRONICS LABORATORIES Rice 19, Kentucky IS . football prospect, said he became r«rrrali'sMs>,arliaFr <2) . ‘Horseplay’ Ruled Out' ance of the** simple rutes,'which "O N tH E ______I of chap isn't popifiar for'long wi^h become almost religion With rqal HE Lf(vEL AT dCNTER and BROAD” Mteslsalppl 37, I a . Slate.H discouraged because he thought he A "to .,....J,its- 106 ms 167 "Never indulge iri ‘horseplay’ Usten to SUtioa WHAY Every High*Nlghi iigfi-10.iig0-l0. Tean'etage 19, No. (Mrollna It was doing badly in hla school work. in* i » ‘ or other hunters. . ’ 's sportsmen, will not only keep hunt­ Winterseal of Comi. MANCHESTER BOWLING GREEN with fli^earms. This foolhardy "These art all Sirriple,' eozy-to-do 801-815 C E N lV n 8T.7- M I 8-6185—O p il UBtil IA48 M l i\H STREET PHONE Ml 9A533 ing a safe eport, but will increase L T " m iw im j /^Texob ’l l ; So. Methodist 3t He lAld./liowtiver, that his grades Backus ^ 0.1 102 it09 practice has caused many fatal 2 ^ ’ UCLA 99, CalffoniU U things. Just remember that the your popularity with your fellow CENTER ST, ~ MI \ were ; good etiougb keep him Twaroniie jlio9 )i3 ______io\ 323_ and nfiar-fajol qcctdenU.’ T didn’t WaoUagtoa 14. .0ngoa 8i filij^b^ for footbfilL only M fe place with a loaded gun man. Help mtUie ihte the Totals ...,u ...... *4* *6$ 48S an>7* iT4g 87$ iTig know It Waa loaded' li the. most te behind it, and keep your hunui^ hunting geoaon to

MANCHE^STER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27,^985- PAGE TWENTY-THREB i WENTY-TWO MANCHES™ EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEB, CONN„ T?IURSDAY. OCTOBER 27.,1955 ■ ' -!'*!■ ' ' .I i ' « . iM'.i !■ I ' I. ; 1. I'l , 1' 'ir Dogs—Bird»-)>Pcts \4 1 Articlcp Ftor 3sl« 45 Household Goods 51 Farms and Land For Said 71 Houara For Salt 72 Subttrtwh For Sale 75 By KAGALY alid SHORTEN Business Services Offered 13 Painttnc-^Papcrinc 21 Help Wantedr-Male S« ,l*eraonal« 3 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! MANCHESTER Pet Center, WOODEN STORM windows: two SHELVADOR rofrtgsrator. in good FARMLET near WUbur Oooo Hal Boyle AUTO MECHANICS, full time. Can PERKINS STRBBT-Moderii five BOLTON —custom d40i|nsd three LAWNS 'and leaves rsiked and rub- PA IN Tm a AND paper NaaglM. Ufiu tioby porakeeu, gimn 28“ X *2", four 12“ X 43’\. no, condition. It cu. IL’-, W . Ml. Parkway. Eight rooma of aunalUna riwma with lO’ x '20’ enclosed bedroom ranch, , Youngstown p a s s e n g e r s W Al^D, worktnf ish removed. Trees removed and Repair Or new work. Ft$at clags aiao use automobile poliahef, lube otnguig (uutoriea, ttenntara, tropt npronct 10“ 'parlor heater, ' $15. 2-8800. > May be aeen at Zt Oarard on l\a acres. Two-car garage, porch. CoIojWd the bath. clrculmt- • :30-4:X0/ M inchnter - Hartford '■■.fnan, tire man, coal and oil truck.. kitchen, mitoteaduit bathroom, Classified chain saw-work. Land clc’arad and work at. reasonable rates. Ray­ cal fiolt, pet foods and ouppltea. 3-8873. , SL '* . ■ . poultry house. Ideal home for ing hot W4(fer oil heat; Desirable colored fixtures, cor port, omastte State 0 « tte ButldlnK, etc. MI. mond’Fisks. Tel. Ml,/'i-938t.'' • driver. Call or atop m, see Mr.. 995 Main S t Ml. 9-4273. Open 9 *------...... , -iyour ^Udren. Priced 812,4M. loratton; fenced lot. fruit tiwea. S-915S. JMT SEZ S o i N VOU BargL. ^CBOWjlpotnt . hotAup h i^ Brick front, braetaway, gorag*. younger brother for the White hie"own brother; Henry Street—New de luke five ward J. 000 Main House poet Those posts have' qualified him Lost and Pound 19.51 Cadillac 4-dr. sedan PROMPT DELIVERY Investment Corp.', 344 Main street. cleaning, salary and oommlsaion. waxerit, wallpaper atcamera. waU- rows, plowi. Used spreaders, xrtl hot water heat, automatic hot S t MI. ------Writ«-BoK-A^-Harald^ — — - pppcring s e a s o n e d HARDWOOD cut to -tftpa haled \a y , Hereford.-ieeder -Watec^tnsulate0L.lotL0t..g I'M, Jn-. J 59M Jfihch ready for ..occupancy, "Why not MUton?" te the quai^ ) on_ expert^ In ^fields ranging 12ST--Mdlm^cla'3atTteir*l- oide^f; f W lT c o r ^ 'I x iu ^ ^ staves. Dubltk Tractor Co.. North dian Drive. 920,000. C9Q agoat IToh being 'aikida num tw r% from" sol r "c'tmvenatlon" to"' labor- one owner car. Looks" brand flew. mF 9 ^ F C. J. N un. *-*1*3. Large kitchen, with built-in range TOLTON-«tx i-Waat Side Rec, Wednesday 2ND m o r t g a g e mdney at lowest TYPIST—Evenings, 10 p.m.-8:30 a. “ ter Sf., ' Windham Rd., 'Willimantic. HA. MI. 9-5229. ( unfinished, bule gio hl^h officeholders as welLAa ordi­ management , diSputea, ^ payeho- lun* Pieaae return to Recj Only'W96 down. Sr payments: $33.38 for each $1,000. m. Five days. No weekend*. Ben*, 3-9217;. . \ ■ and oven. Selling for. 916,706. nary party workers, loglcal .warfare to government re­ OUKtM ia Co., Jeh^a RUg Shop, 68 Taloott Ava., dows and screens an^many oths^ If you « • career In 24 lines. But it takas Park Sta. 'Reward, JA. 8-0)534. Pleaaa call .;P .m .^ . 8-d598. lar and Bundy. Metter'a Music TiMn Botton. la th e J * His friends here akem to feel 1952 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan 1395 Tolland Turnpike. RockvUle. 'TB/ 8-8709. I APP^,^80c and up MANCHE^TOR GREEN extras.' that any talk of hls\ beCemlng a 47 Unsa ipprely.. to itglnlae the MI. Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale 4 Auto Driving School 7-A ' • ■ ■ - L. M. ^ U , y ff Bush Studio, 177 McKee. *10. 3-7800. . jo^aot We ocyrao- crowded gctlvltiee oT President . All flna equipment, ^Including SECTION tlcaily avant ptec* property political candidate nekt yeof-te at ' 'J power glide^ Just mounted 4 new 1954 c !aDILLAC 82, four d ^ LARSON’S DRTVn^G School, Hodseb oM/Services ATLANTIC SERVICF MAN w a n t e d for. part Um4 work THAYER c a r r ia g e , mahogany the worst In poor tasti and atHhe Milton, who, among/other thJngi, 1947 OLDSMOBILR convertible, Manchester's^ only trained and dffereii as route maiu Apply-’ in person.. tewbdy pedar cheat. ReiuoMhie T. J, CROCKET that is oti thSvmarket. ItM )n or IS a director on two bbiriheaa firms. l o s t —Golden Retrlavod \ dog, Goodyear w.w tires too. A, one sedan. Radio, heater, pow'er steer­ 13-A STATION FOR LEASI caU T. J, C at 344 bCst ill-timed. ^ male. M found, phone M l/ 0-3S41- owner car—original throughout. $75. Call MI. 9-7631 after 4 p.m. ing, power brakes, jrawer win; certified instructor. For your safe- Fisher Dry Cleansers, Broad St. MI. 8-4822. hold Goods ^ Wurinc AppartL-Furs 57 Real 4istata Broker^ Although Milton Elsenhower has He doesn’t h ut holoSsp office," ‘ty we are trained to teach proper­ FLAT FINISH. Holland srindow ■4-Room Oarriaon^G(^ii1>1 Main fit., M anehU^rl 3-8419) nk once remarked, ''^ a ab- Only 1295 dp«’n. 1955 FORD FAIRI/ANE rlbh aedan. dows. A rich green finish. . This For information' call Man- tOWN AND SHARPE automatie BEDROOM FW RNltUi^, dealr, ' Office MI 3-6419 or at his hoiha IhvBoII Center a record of government service l o s t — TWO Blue Tlc/k Coon car haa been driven' a certified ly. Ml. 9-4078. . , ' shades, made to ; maaaurt. All TBAYBR'SXpCTOBER BABY BLUE winter coat. eUe : Mot W ater » Residence MI 9-7761 perhaps unmatched in its variety, soY _ two tone cadet blue ^ n d snow -metai veneUan blinds at a naw chest^T MI 9-6826. Hours to . screw machine operator and. set radio record combinaUon, tables: FURNISI^GS SALE 12, ykay old, $13; checked coat, Oil Burner (Ml. t-TTBl). hounds, vicinity AndoveV or, Cov- 14.000 .miles, and wilt be sold with up man, also Cincinnati Center^ ate.'MI. 9-3319 after 6 p.m. he haa never run. for an; elective such a man do'M eptry. fcall. Ml, 1951 Ford 4^r. sedan de luxe shoe white. Radio, heater, Ford-o- a new car guarantee. Barlow MORTLOCK’S DRIVING School. low price..Keys made while you' call 6 P. M.-to '9 P. M. Free gift Wltk purchase of crib aize 12, $10. Cajl mominga / MI. City Water and fun ? "Awbtk (lay th at sometimti matlc, many other exlrak found Lost confidence quickly restored watt. Marlow'e. leas grinder set up man. SO hour ' 9-1883. , RQCXiHLLE, Davla AVa.-)Sevan office. Ha has never shown a de.' V8 Motors, 438 Main St., Manchester, DREISSER AND bed reasonable. or carriage. ComMete line of fur-' Birch Kitchen Gablne' 19,900 TWO BEDROOM fahch. j m sire to. He isn’t showing one nowr runs to li Dbun a day doesn’t' LOST—Vicinity of West Ide, gray on Ford's finest. New car guaran­ by a skilled, courteous Instructor. week, vacation with pay and all nltura for the entire home. / -- Birch Flueh Doors rdbm, ail stucco horns likan'e at XI , Sharp and fully equipped. We Ucenie included. Insured, dual w e a v in g of burnt, moth holts ONE OF Manchester's most popu­ benefits. Valeo Machine,Go,, 470 TWO coll gas water neater, small TWO BLACK tuxedos, aizes 34 and redecorated, plastered, oU naL Rockville’s most deslrabiessoca* He is men of deep personal and Isave him ntMh Qitea for bobbies, and white kitten with led collar. tee oii this ofl’glnsl 9.000 mile hsr, 1954 OLDSMOBILE ''aS'' Holiday lar grills doing a good food and C H A M B ^S Flraplace fuu ceUor, controlly located. CM- family loyaltlea Thoas near him MI. 3-S3S3. I think its the cleanest '51 Ford In Barlow Motors, 435 Main 2v controlled standard and hydrama- ' and tom . clothing, hotlery nma, Cottage Grove Rdi, Bloomfield. white enamel Sink. MI. 9-0482. 189. Splendid condlUon. Will sail Uona. In immaculate' conditloii^la but Milton hnatoirkteA ky fish­ coupe. Bronxe and white. This car handbage repaired Upper re­ bar business can be purchased t t FURNITURE BALES cheap. Phone MI. 9-1837. Full Bath—Ynd^noor ton .W Hutchins. Realtor, home conaista of living say he has been very lonely since ing, reading daUottva town. A one owner car. Manchester. tle cars. MI. 9-7398. CH. 2-4282. TtVQ .303 ENFIELDS aa issued, LAvatoryVlat Fioor \ 9-51^, Ml. 949M, NOTICE IS hereby gli en by the Only tl9S down. is fully equipped and invite* your placement, umbrellas repaired, about H of Its actual value. If 517 East Middle ^ m p ik e else dining room, large-bs' the death last year of his wife, denlng (his wlfa '■’osest inspection. Sold with a ’new you are looking for a money mak­ $30. 8 m.m. Lebel carbine, box of Houni lOrS p.m. 7;30t/S;30 p.m. TOY'S STORM coat, aize 19. Used MaUI Hatriiway Men Bakin Elsenhower, in whoae Baylngs Department c The Man- 1981 CHEVROLET power glide, meri's shirt collars raveraed and "PNE OWNER, tlx room Cope Cod, 4ucceUent Xfirixo with "Ha fiddles with ttM^ awater Trust that Si idngs Pass kleetline de luxe. Very good con­ csK guarantee. Barlow Motors, narages-'-.Service—Storage .10 replaced. Marlow’a Little Mend­ er, thii la it. We also have two Help fcartridges; $25. miscellaneous am- two months, reasonable. Phone FoldaWy StalM To AtUe disposal, lavatory first floor. Be mory friends are now • I rales the vagateblaa" 435 Main St., Manchester. luncheonettes and one email rea- muiiiUon. Call ^Tt. 5-2853. BENDDC AUTOMATIC washer, r ^ MI. 9-9912. Chobsa Ypu’r OwnVDecoratlona three years old, with full-and Book No. 639 haa ba< 1 ^ ' and Lpw Price Specials. dition. Good buy for $450.'Private; ing Shop. Male or Fen^e 37 leather (plastic) awjvel chair. front dormers, bath, lavatory, olid floor has three bedrooms a chapel here. The Hi Ing the piano. a^lcatlon for the fs lance of 6 Call MI. 9-9817. ' WAREHOUSE . Space. 12' x 80.’ taurant you may buy at your ICED RIGHT bath^ l\iily inauiated with cuffered by his idol MUton Eleonhowar Is 1983^ CHEVROLET, four door Main St., Center, cellar. Separate — ------TWO STORM windows 31 x , 54V4 Both tn good condition. MI. 9-6147, GIRL’S GREEN coat and olacka, laundry, plastered walla, alum­ nsw book haa been price. Bara and reataurants are Ml. 9-20^ before 5:80. steam heat, garage, older > n ha has sei old, a highly eligible age 1946 C e lia c 4-dr. sedan DODGE 1947, two-door aedan. sedaW TIlKbest Bel -Air model entrance and rear loading'area. Building—Contracting i 14 our apccialtiea. If you are Inter- WEAVERS WANT Florence combinaUon gSa and oU size 7-9. Good condiUon, 97. MI. inum. acreens, storm windows and as a c '• has broi atove, (automatic oH pump In­ 9-2780.' , • doors. Hot water oil heat, shingled drive. Beautiful grounds with fruit preeidenUal eandlute. Original paint, like new through­ equippelk With radio, heater, Rea.sonahle. MI. 3-8112.' etted In a buaineaa of your own, v ,hlm (n Excfllent throughout/ Pa l m e r a n d c a r n e t , mason cluded). Call at RusaeU’s Barber REFRIGERATOR 925. G aa atoVe, RAY OND T. SCHALLER exterior. Shade treks, ameatte trass and garden plot. Large tool if President Ike vote Annmmccinimta \^FuU price $896. out, Fullv equipped. 407 Summit powerglide ami many other qual­ call J. Moriconi, Agent. MI. 980. Good condition. Call any tlmh 218 Parker s tr e e t. ' house, fully plastered with out- Tita admiration kaU St. MI. 9-8e$9. . ity extras. A onb^owner csr driven contmclora. Free eatimates. No 8-7100. Male or Female j Shop, Spruce St,, Manchester. MI. driveway. Also s^ rOm i,aidlt j l t ^ out of the ptUiUcol plcturia' Job too big or too amail. MI. 9-4420. except between 8 and 9 p.m. MI.\ Mencheeter, Cohic:==Az:2 level, eight room Mitefatl w ^ ga­ •teadlfic cold ftorage vault. Lot tw( her aa rnwch ai iioW Milim heed the ideaa d! ^ less than 27,000 miles and carries Motorcycles—Bicycles 1! _____ u,______■______. 9-5*14.a u i . ^ r ■ Rooms Withooi Bomrd 59 iqnnKtmately 88’ x 191’. AU rity me »f kinship. Pres- AUCTR 1953 FORD Vlctorfa, ■ hardtop. our written guarantW For a truly 3-4793 or Rockville TR. 8-4744. Owner-Builder / . > rage, and three bedroom ranch new "diaeoverere" ohd step in? IREATEST! 1950 English Austin 4-dr. BICYUl e REPAIRING all typea, AUTDIVpX hearing aid and bat­ with garage. Priced from .119,800 cMvenianeee. Very convenient to t 1 lUad Milton the COKHKqnCUT'S ’ Beautiful two tone green finish, de^ndable car ba c ^ a ln to see Second and Third Shift * schools and bus. An excellent aenhower broth- . The question is 'j^remsture; But. -Va l u e s ■Bedan---.-\-V~— low Mileage. tuny equipped. ^A Eingllsh a Specialty.. Now open 9 STONE, b r ic k work and concrete Help Wanted—Femtle 35 teries. Excellent condition, $38. to 928,000. Thelma Jeffries Ea- Paatucing FANTAS*! tbla brie.' Drive it and you'll buy ML 9-8738. ' PLAY PEN. high chair. Good con- v e r y PLEASJ^, large room for COSSY COTTAGE. 8V4 r o ^ , one home realioUeally priced at In m a Congrosa " le presidential poUtlcol Ughb-~ ------o # "m * 3 ro q a itikrK on it. truly-'sporty' car tn like new coii- it. Bob Oliver ha* qualitW ars at -■•m_,_. to ...9 p,m. Manchester work, Call Ml. 9-5451 days. Ml RetKicad cott, Agant. ML 9-7989. y ^ o i Cycle Shop, l88 .tiVeat Middle 'Turn­ 3-5042. Valentino Belluccl. s h ir t , PRESS operator; Must ap­ dition, 98 each, 9-94M. gentleman. Parking. Ml, 8:4071. .^ floor. Choice . 9M|I(E. llwron tv appointment haa struck, twlc# in ths ooma Full price $498. dlUon. Buy now before the' price Center Motor Sales, 481 kfkln St. ply In person. New Model Laun- \14 WOOD BUl]LDIN<3 brackets, for quick sale. • r . MI. 9-8448. iy sevarol times bofort la -Increase. See Bob Ollver^today at pike^ AH. 8-3C98. Apply In Person TANNER ST.—Five room Oipa only. George J> Oolaman, Broker, OU needn’t sell Ml to m a e v e r t WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY df7 , 73 Summit St. J a c k ie block. iSo’ **’’ rope. Two ROOM j ^ R one or two persoM. Rockvllle/YR. M048, TR. 3-4710. man In history. Zt eonoolvably and SATURDAY NIGHTS! Center Motor Sales, 461 Main St. 1950 CHEVROLET, black, two-< WANTED ■ .■ Inquire at Stats Tailor finop,/ 8 WEST SIDE—Duplax e-6.cortsisUng Cod. Breeieway fiu-age, ameelte I think, ha’s the gr MASON — Fieldatone a apecialty. 100 chlek eleetric brooders. Ml. of four bedrooms, living room, drive, 19 x 22 Uvlng room, flra­ the iXttedBtatea lf it t for could again. COME! BID, BUY a i^ SAVE IMB Chevrolet Conv. Club aedan. Radio and heater. Mt bOY'S 24" BICYCLE, $10. Call MI Ernest Toth. Ml. 9-8207. EDIPHONE OPERATORS for POST NARROW 9 -5 ^ . BisaeU St. Tcl. Ml. 8-7399 b r , ^ . But thess. noor MUton Btoen- pn Oifta, Tools, Aitmtlnum-wart, 9-3343 after 6. social sarvlca agency in East r Reliable Honest Person ‘ 3-8047...... r- - ' ' huge jdtehen, new hot water oil place. IH hatha, Rusco windows his ngme, he would be In A high Not bad at al^ FUJI price $198. 1948.FORD club coupe. .Call TR. 5098, . FABRICS CO. TO TAKE OVER ■ ■ __ 1' .. heat- ayatem, copper plumbing and Bbrtsns, lot 100*^ x 140', ntcai Andovei* Bolton - Coventry government poetUon.*' ' honW feoL aim. of one thing. He Electric AppUanc^''L«mp8, Gar­ Hartford, Interesting work. JA. FOOD FREEZER, 17 cu. ft. United would never consider taking a po- den SuppUoi Pal«t,[Jewbiry, Flah- 8-'538S. 1948 CHEVROLET four door Roofing—Siding 3-8341. upright,\u se d one leaaon only. UNPAID BALANCE LARGE HEATED room, near can­ throughout. Only 914.800. Reiu landocaped. Bowara ' School. ORIGIIIaL OOLONUL — Seven It te the magic of the Andover, Conn. ter. MI. 9-2894. ''Estate Center, Inc. Ml. .9-8181, 917,880. Fsrndale Realty. Tel, Ml. rooms, oil improvements, modem hower name, of coutm, that 1 U tl^ step without at loost ths tng_ Buppll^" 'Garden Fbralture, 1949 Oldsmobile 4-dr. sedan WANT TO BUY A CAR and had aedan, radio, heater, defrosters. B usih^ ScrvtCM O ffcretIJ3! f o r t h e b e s t m Bonded built Like new.^ 0 0 , MI. 9-1485. .. MONTHLY PAYMENTS 9-1689. tacit eenaoit of hte oldw brothar. Dish as, stc.' Very good condition. MI. 9-lli0. evening JA; 8-9824. kitchen, 1 flreplecee, beni/ view; ly axptelna why soma poUti< . Solid throUghoutxFull price $396. .vour credit turned down? Don't "up roofs,’ shingle, roofs, gutters, MIDDLE-AGED woman to do HOLLYWOOiy^tudlo couch, $15. 917.93 acreage, ‘asking 917,000, - Several give up, see “Honest” ' Douglas, ALL TYRES OF TV SERVICE conductors and root repairs call LARGE ATTRACTIVE room, Sin- 910.900 RANCH 88 x 38. Nearly N!pAR EAST Canter Street." Six WE C iC s ACCOMkiODATB lOOO AT MANCHESTER Station Waron housework and live in. MI. 9-7037. Situations Wanted— One pair te e ^ g e shoe roller 3 c o m p l e t e others. ^ •Which was tha firot at tha 333 Main. Not a financt company Headquarters ipiu'll find: 1955 Radloa.^and Phonos Coughlin. Ml. 8-7707, If no answer akatex, aize' 9, .edit $22, will aell 8la or double. In qUict, clean, 1 new, fireplace, til* bath, oil hot room'4iarrisbn dolonlal, excellent I PEOPLE—9( 0 CARS 1947 Dodge 1 Toh^^T/uck plan. call Ml. 9-4421. Male 39 ROOMS OF BRAND NEW home. Central location. Parking condition, tile bath plus lavatory, 6 R(30M RANCH—niOO), fire­ rolli^amls to tha PacIfle .Northwaat s a l e s s t a r t AT 7 P. M. Fordranch wagon, 1955 - Ford WANTED—Young woman for gen­ for $10. Miscellanebiia. 28 Elm water heat. Ruaco atorm windows, place, baMment guage\find leUn- ProVRed Wins Avallsble^U All Times eral laundry work. Apply New FURNTTURB facilities, 14 Wadsworth St. Phone cellar.'Over two acrca'good land. .hot water hast, less than year old, to baemBpiatodT and anOw plow. Full prir> |89S. .country squire eight passenger, RAY'b ROOFING OO., ahingle and WOULD LIKE to clean homes, of­ Bt.. East Hartford; Beautiful Wc*tlnghouaa Electric dry, excellent locMlon, only A—'iM Northern' Pnelfle. Itoll- 1954 Pontiac, four door, 1954 Ford Philco F’actpry Supervised Service System. Laundry, 44 Harrison St. MI. 3-4921. . shade trees. Subut'ban, Catirlton W. only 919.000. Carlton W. Hutchins. POST AUCTION ROOMS built up roofs, gutter and con- fices, clubs, restaurants, etc. For Refrigerator . - I - ... ■ - — . 1) ...... ' MI. 9-8192, Ml. 9-4994, 912,000. nMuLThadoat siOka waa driven a t lliesa and more fine cars priced CLYDE (TIEVROLET- country aedan eight passenger, iLOND MODERN coriier tier Hutchins. MI. 9-8132, MI. 9-4994. 7 ROOM o l d e r home, com Nob^l Honors OonnacUcut'a Lai geat Auction to plqase at Call WILL hX l S d,dctor work, roof, chimney re­ SALESLADIES wanted, full time ■ details call MI. 3-7067 after 8 p.m. table, J12, Duchess , of v^ndsor Beautiful Bedroom Suite ROOM FOR one.or two with com­ Gold O ro ^ Montano, Boptember 1954 Chevrolet four door eight pas. pairs. Ray Hagenow, MI 9-3214. or part time for Christmas selling. | Beautiful Living Room Suite plete light housekeeping facilities DISTINCTIVE, Canter hall, aix- MAN(JHESnaat known novels « - W h y ^ d h o u ^ tiful maroon finish, new white inatallationa and repairing done. ONE COLEMAN floor furnace, deliv^. Free set up by our own re­ ton W. Hutchins, Realtor. MI. Mrs. Johnson, Conneeticut Real is “Salka VoUw,'* which ha began 1953 Cbevi'olet 4^oO,r EXPERIENCED? Dogs—Blrfls—Pets 41 new. Will.heat four roOms. Cost Kitchen privllegea, parking avail­ Estate Exchange. Q L 9-9878, eve- WELLES AGENCY ' of m •qulno:^oqul HALLOWEEN c o s - m M u vail tires and tubes. Complete Call J. & A. Electric. MI. 9-9673 ALTEX FOR HURRICANE-proof liable men. able. Near bus and shopping. Ref­ .9-8192, MI. 9-4894. as a mevla oeenorio while ha woa 948 PLYMOUTH rohverilble Light blue finish. Heater, slip before 8 a.m. and after 4 p.m. $139, will take $85, Campbell's nlngs, Coventry. p%, 2-7589, Main St., Coftntry. PI, 2-0873 Cadillac equipment Including lifetlrrib, roofing. Siding, gutters. WANTED—Good home for five erences. MI. 9-8424. In Hollywood, Imt nsvar got mode twson thq^ year PAR' coupe, radio, heater, signal covers. Clean car. $l,(w8.^ We Need; months old, hOusebroken, cute, Dilve-In,- Main St.. Vernon, or Phona:Me Immediately power ateerlng. tinted glass and MANCHESTER . T. V Service, Men insured. "Work guaranteed. corner Dobson Ave., Vernon. SMALL FAMILY SPECIALS 630 LTDAtX —Older six room Into a movls. \ solar lights, whitewalls new top. $375. electronic eye. Driven less than Call for iNif estimates. Altex, TRAN*aCRIPTION TYPIST friendly, short-haired, white dog, BEAUTIFULLY furnished apacloua MANCHESTER—Ott' East Center The Academy, making the an­ MI. 9dl78'f. radio and T.V. specialists since with brown markings. ML 9-1603.- HARTF' CH 7-0358 house. AtteiMd garage, 3>A scree wVud~Re9JBitAte W FRIDAY, 4 j m / . ^ 19,52 CHEVROLET 2-Door 35,000 mites. One 'ocal owner. See lOSf, Charter members' of Telsa. Inc, MI, 3-8189; ’ INVOICE CONTROL CLERK COMBINA'nON kitchen range7uv- A fter 7 —CH 6-4990 room with complete light house­ St. for 913,800, CJustom built five of lend, ol^ot water rest Ruaeo nual award ufidlsr tha will of Al­ Q—Was Rob Roy. horo of Dark gray, healer, powerglide, this beauty today at Genter Motor ENGINEERING AIDE ing room stove, oil dirnms, play­ keeping taClUtlaa available. Will room home excellently constructed. combinMibn' windows, ameelte, WA^^rnSD-'^ room Iteuse. bol fred Nobel, eits4 Loxneta for "his MANY-OLDER cars, good trans­ Sales, 481 Main St. ML 9-6880 or ML 3-4607. COCKER SPA m ETl^pplea, AKC rent single er double. Children ac­ W ^ ^ Scott’s famous novel, portation. Cars that can't be seen four new Urea, $895. Roofing and ClHRineys 16-A registered with papers, $20, Cali pen and battiinette. Mj, 3-7608. See-It Day hr Night First floor conalsts of; Cheery liv­ drive. Priced at only 914,700. A'. R. twes'h fujqo and■ww V..,******114,800 ; xAISO 4 great epic wrttihg which haa r«- rOMchoroctor? AT THE S’TATI THEA'TER RUBBISH and ashes removed. Attractive salary, excellent con- If you have no means of trans­ cepted'(limited). Central. Reason­ ing room.'wlth fireplace and open W Ul^ end Company. Ml. 0-4890. room under Ml.'000. Baverm client* newod tha norrauva art of Ica- from the street. Look behind oiir 1953 CHEVROLET BEI/-AIR hard­ diyons, many employe benefits, Rockville TR. 5-4837 after 8 or able. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. Yes, ha woB a famoi|a Boot- Office; Douglas Motors, 333 Main. General cleaning, cellars, attics ROOFING—Specializing. Ip repair weekends. portation I’ll send my atito for you. stairway, cosy dinhtg room and with Jorge down payments. Carl­ Und." tish ouUaw whoa# rsiU noma woe 1951 CJicvrolct 2»Door top. Ivory over blue, radio,, heater, and yards. Reasonable rates. M. Ing foefa of.ail kinds.'Alsu new five day week] 8-4:30. ONE BABY crib, in good )5onditlon. No obligation. iiASin r>qwN~ n e w raheii ton ‘W. Rutctilhs, MI. 9-0133. nratPrUa:/' \/ defrosteia, signal lights, and NICTSLY FURNISHED rooms, dou- kitchen. Second floor—Two bed­ . Laxness (pronciiincaikLoeka'ntti) Robert Maegragor. Ha was known - Expense paid trIpUo Naw York BEST OFFER takes 1951 Stude- Dark green original finish. A M; Rubbish. Removal. MI.' roofs. Gutter work. OKmneys ' j/ r '■ ' . ' MI. 3-1398. . . A—L—B—E—R—Ta-V-S rooms, full ttl* bath, if you. are and Cape Cod homes, flrepljtcas, 9-4694. •" Radio, heater, slip covers, one '■ many other quality extras. Driven Read Herald Advs. ble bed, large clothes closet, tile betha. fUU ■ ■ '■1 ■ ■ begiui w ritt^ oo. a" hbyNahapherd- as tho "Robin Hood of Bcottand.* ; for two. /' baker Champion.-Bxcellen. Condi­ 9-9757. cleaned, repaired, '26 yearigex- Apply 43-45 Allyn St., Hartfoi other convenlences.'v For gentle­ really seeking a well built liveabls cellars, gs/ogea, / ' tion. Radio, heater, good tires. owner. $795., leas than. 10.000 miles. Owner's - pe'nence. Free eatimates. Oqil 33 M.M. GERMAN EXACTA cam” home call today. 1 and 2 acre lots,). large trette,tree high ARB YOU OONiSlDERING Since 17 he haa been 9 ^nim ntal nainc on request. Aa good as a . Employment Office ei-a, speed,to 1,000'.seconds. Self men. 318 Sprue* S t\ traveler. Plunging Into ^Contl- Q—How -early haa lawn bowUng Second/Rrlsa: ■ ■ / ' i , .MI. 9-8394. FURNITURE Repair Service: Howley. Manchester' Ml. 3-5381; Now Open Dally 8-5 THREE-PIECE living room ^ MANCHESTER—High up on 'Oak elevation, suburban. Cerlt^ W. 8E1XINO YOUR PRpi>ERTYr T hrta i^ r a ,bf :\ahoea. y our, ------— ------new one, at a big savings. Sre Complete repairing, reftnishing, timer. 3.5 Carl Zelas Tessar lens, with custom m'ade 'slip coven.. Hutchins, Resltor. Ml. 9-5193, We wlU appraise your property nentel Europe after World W^f been ployedT 1950 Plyriiouth 4-Door Bob Oliver today, Center Motor Saturday 8-12 St. for 913,600. Four rooms; ex­ c^ce, plus thfea tlieatar tickets. MERCURY Monterey cob- restoring on all types of furniture. CHIMNEYS cleaned, ‘recapped, with leather case. Quick sale $100. Reasonable price. 14 GlenWood 8t, OOM FOR gentleman. Centrally pandable Cape, built In 1940. Fire­ 0-4004h free and without any bbligation. he was shaken., by ftis oxperii A—ThU'gam* haa boon popular _ _ / ' I vertible, standard with overdrive. Original black finish, hester, 'Sales, 461 Main St. Zlgmurd Gotdz. Prop. Formerly pointed and repaired. Call HI. SEPTIC TANKS MI. 9:4203. ’ MI. 3-8858. place, steam heat, copper' plumb­ U- We also buy property.lfor cash. In Germany sdid Austria. In the British Islos tinea the lioo’a. Third Priia: / \ radio, heater, new white wall radio, white wall tires, $595, 9-2469. Dry Well*—Sewer Lines • ibcated. MI. 3:4692. A REAL NICE horns. Six rqpnM, It may have been played there 1951 HUDSON Pacemaker ’'8 ", Watkins Bros, Tel MI. 3-7449, VV^DEN STORNJ windows and ing, basement garaga,\large lot. iMItng or bujmg wataot 'He fled to a Roman ...Catholic' / Two pairs 4* shoes, lyour choice, Urea, electric windows and seats, THE WHITNEY CHAIN Installed partly furnished and recreation 8TANLET BRAY, Raaltbr hyen earlier. ^ plus three/thaater tirkeis. four door sedan. Sea mist green FENCES built of cedar, wire and screens: 28''x61“ 27T,”x50 15-16” ; LIVING ROOM sofa. Good condi­ Present owner has putgrown prop­ monastery In Luxembourg, where dark green body with new tan top. Millinery—Dressmaking 19 COMPANY SEWER and SINK LINES Aparlmenls—naU erty, Represents a<>haxTmum' value room. Two-car garage. AD. 3-9890. BRAE-BURN REAITT he . decided to become a theolo- }tl. 9-2579 after 8 p.m. 19.50 Buick Special 2-DiMH', Fully equipped and very-clean, gpm also red cedar clothes ROTORY CLEANED 30 "X35 1-16 " 24' X39 " 29 15-18“x tion. MI. 9.7662 after 6 p.m. Q—TO what animal U the Joihv Fourth u td Fifth Priteie^: Dynaflow, A real buy, $595. For only $295 - full prl-e, also no , poles erected. Free estimate, hil. 169 Bai'tjiolomew Ave. 61", 29 15-16”x5l’', L 29%“x Tenements <-T In the smell home field. Other list­ BENTON ST. AREA, twtvfemily MI-S-fi37S jflsn. But his passion for writing ALTERA'nONS - Coat*. auiU. Hartford, Conn. ' AMESITE DRIY^S ings evailable/ related? Ona pair of shOea, yM r choice, money down with good credit, I g-sgsg. ,dresses skirts, etc., also custom 50 15-16'', 30”x 5r'. 28"X47 l-ie", FIVE ROOMS of furniture *a ts. 6 end S flat in A-1 condition inside WE NEED HOUSES of aU type* '..Slid travel persisted, and he even­ piuf t ^ ^ theater Hcgeta. 1950 BUICK Barlow Motors, 4.15 Mala St., WEATHER SEALED 28''x47". Front door 317i,’'x80»i’’, Whole or separate pieces. 1' i de­ ROCKVILLE, 24 Grove St.— Well ALICE CLAMPET. Realtor and out. Two new O.E. furnaces, tually reached Hollywood. He llsta A—TIm monkey, tgig^tho triie \ 19.50 Packard'4-DX>R£ YOU BUY a used car 1948 F'O -D '.i-ton pick'up. Original ful Avon cosmetics. MI. 9-2814. | FOUR ROOM tenement, thirtthird Bpect caU Ml. 9 - ^ . A. R. WUkie We have available qvSr 200 See Gbrman Motor Sales. Buick 1947 WillvsAragon knives, mowers, etc., put into con­ packing, storage Coll Ml 3-8187. / floor. Available November >. 218 and Co. ‘ aluminum rtorms. Immaculate quallfiedHroapeets for Real Eatate He spent Conslderabie Ume fn In South America by P < ^ Alrnten* .forest green paint.'Equipped with dition for coming needs. Braith- Hartford CH, 7-1423. condition. Iihmedlat* occupancy, Sqvlat RusaU In 1033, 1038 and ,der VI In .1403, The Uhe waa In- - Sales and Service, 385 Main $199.- heater and signal .lights.' An A-1 -X- Spruce St. inquire 216 Sp^Uce. between w r branch and main of­ ■V atreet. MI. 9-4571. Open avenmga. walte. 82 Pearl atreet. $12,600—Brick / front expandable 912.600, Real Estate Center. MI. fices. We offer complete' Real Es­ 1058. tended to Battle dleputea bateesen Pergonals truck at an A-1 price. Barlow MANCHESTER Package Dcllvary] ■MAIN S T :^ 'ThreV' ■ roqifi .Heated Gape. Ceramic tile bath, shed dor­ 3-6151 any tlihe. ■^■^— ■------Motors; 435 Main St., A.anchegter. GUNDER'S T.V. Service, available Liriht trucking and package deliv­ tate service ahd^ aro itertlclpatihg In Ms book Spain mid ftertagalTegoirdtiiirlHiir^ 1981 CHEVROLET Style line de apartment. Tile bath, and shower. mer, ateei beam conatruction. hot members of ths, MulupU(|ljstlng' Uon’’: he deals with' Iceland while cfaima ln th# Now World. WANTBD^Ide, dally, to Hartford any lime. Antenna conversions. ery. Refrigerators, washers and "Stnee 19417 MAN(3Hg)STER — Four bedroom T ron Sdiith end. Gall MI. 3-7443 luxe aedan. Radio, heater. Jet CLYDE CHKVROLET- TWO 1951 Pl.vmoiiths.' Both "in By Reid Second floor. Stove and refrigera- water heat, rocreation room. Very System. Allle'd troops were there in World black finish. - In excellent dondi- BUICK Philco' factory supervised service. stove moving specialty Folding It's Been. tor. Immediate occupancy. 986 a clean. Neaf bus. Bowers School. coloiilai'. Nice condlUon, good loca­ ...after*. '■ beautiful condition. One a twp- Tel. kn. 9-1488. Chairs for rent. m . 910752. ■ Of Couraa" tion two-car garage, extra large W sr U, ;■ It IS critical of -Icelandic ' tion, 1949 Oldsmobile “99" sedan, ROUTE 83 ROCKVILLE dbor, one a four-door. Fully AUCTION month including gaa bill. Call MI. Carlton Vfl Hutchins. MI. 9-8133, ■THE REAL ESTATE poIiUcIons, portraying them as MI. 9-469^ lot. Full price 919.9M. Large home radio, heater. In very good condi- TRmont 5-3394 TRemont 5-3395 equipped. Douglaa Motors, 333 3-7925 any Ume for appointment. submissive to American d4imands, Read Herald Advg.. Uon. Douglas Motors, 383 Main bt'. ,4n Outstanding Sale—IV^ny Important Items with two car garage and ill acres CENTER, Inc. Main. IMMEDIATTN occupancy of three 37 STE^P HOLLOW LANE good land. Selling price 912,400. but Laxness soys the book was Local Stocks room (urnlihed apartment. Kelley Beautiful four room ranch breeze­ / Realtors , never meant to be onU-Amerlcan. 194R CHEVROLET station wagon. Antiques Rd., Talcottville, in retiiirn for Distinctive and practical. 7 way and garage. Full price Manchester Branch He Is rich by Icelandic stand­ Runs good. $125 or best offer. MI. Auto Driving School 7-A COMPTOMETER OPERATOR 911,580. Over 60 more listings of teaetoMoae. gurolihii By 3-4047.. room and board. Ml. 0-0142. 05 East Center St.—MI 3-5151 ards and drives a cream-colored Would you like to work near home and forget the bus Exceptional CoUeetioii' With Interesting Background room single with 2 c u t at- all kinds Including two and three Buick. He and his wife and two Oahtm « aiMdlebreok. bw. MANCHESTER Driving Academy> ride? '| tached g ghRag^ a r i i g ^ family home*. Dalr The Ellsworth LISTINGS WANTODi - Single, small daughters live in a modem: I 9- ■- M«aaa Manchester’.s oldest, moat recom­ , All from the ESTATE OF .MARY M. MeELROY AND RE­ BusinenaJLticationS' JiUtlen Agency,-. Realtor. Ml. two-tamily, thrM-tamlly, busl- tsUc villa outelde Reykjavik. mended, your safety, our busi­ Local maniufacturing concern has a gd,job for you MOVED FROM HER LATE HOME IN EAST HADDAM, CONN. For Rent , 64 3-6930 or Mr. Higgins, MI. 34609. nesa property. Hav* many cash ****** Bid ness. License guaranteed. Stand­ jon cost analysis, .^pply' ■ ' Thl* Estate Lot Was Pulrhaaed from Mr. Hall Couan, Legatee, ‘ 4 Sleeping Rooms buyers. Mortgages arranged. Mattooat EWUi AUCTION ard or automatic. Mr. Mlcietta Brother-In-Law of the. Late Artor William Gillette; and at tho I AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES— ^"Gomplete Baths SIX ROOM CJSspe CdS, Only liUle Pleas* coil George L. Oroaladlo, of Mancheater, ...V . 28 88 I •, ■ .At «:S(I P.M. your peraonai Instructor, Dial PI. Gillette KamU.v wa* Related to the M te George and Charles 100% Main St. location. Park-. cash needed. Robert O. Johnston Realtor, Ml. 95879. 109 Henry Hartforii Natlonitl 2-7249 any time Dudley Warner of Forest St.. Hartford, this sale Inriudes *omo ling.' Apply Marlow'*, $67 Main • ^ 1 Lavatory agent. MI. 3-6888. Street. • . BanlOmd TriUt Go. 31H 5311 SATURDAY. OCT. 29 ^ SreNCER RUBBER PRODUCTS CO. offering* with both family asoor^tlon*. St. ■ 2 Fireplaces Cfonn. 'o u ik and 1 To Be Held At Joyland’' I WOMEN M o st careful drivers. CH.APEL STREET — MANCHE.STER WE HAVE several ciuh cItenU and Trust. Co...... 80 88 Route 6 Between Brooklyn, Never too old to learn. Female in- Evening Appointment* Can Be. .Arranged h e a t e d s t o r e for rent at 32 Recreation Room In Basement m a n g h e st e r waiung to buyi Liat your property Mancheater Trust 86 I and lliinlelsun. . atruclor. Standard - automatic. ^ 0 Phone Ml S-5ISI Salt at LEGION HALi] Manchastar, Conn. Oak. St. Will paint to Suit tenant. Open Porch or bu8lne||s with the Manchester Ftro OamiNuttea , : j Watch For Signs . Dual insured car. M and M Driv­ On Leonard Sl„ Off Main SL, Opposite State Armory FOr information call MI. 9-1690, ATTRACTIVE BRICK TRIM, Associates, Realtors, Earl Rohan; Q—Which le the oldest regiment Aetna Eire ...... 65 6 i ing. School. Ml. 9-6841, ------. 1 . I,-*" ------!------—- MI. 9-8($94, Ml. 3-I41S. Lotl00x216^ MI. 3-7433. Phillip Hallln. Ml.‘ Hartford Fire ....148 109 ' $90,000.00 WORTH Custom built five room ranch, 9-9221, -ChaFles Lathrop, Ml. In the U.8. Army? National Fire . LARGE Of f i c e . For professional A—The celebrated 3rd Infantry .) t. 91 98 of brand new Refrigerators, AUTO DRIVING Inatrtiction. Ail 1 SAT , OCT. 29 AT 10 A. M. Vacant high elavaUon. fully insulated, fire­ 9-o;|p4. P h o en ix ...... ^.77 . __ 82 Washers, Dryers, flanges. War lessons bn ..Insured dual control 'or any type of business. Hartford place, ceramic Ule bath, formica Regiment. It’s long hUtory goes Speneer Rubber Products Co. .Road location. Call Ml. 9-0969. back 'to 1784. It haa fo u rtt in U fa and ladeoMUtv n o . Oea. ter, ifeatrrs, Freeiieni, Tele- cats,, atafidard or automatic. INSPECTION AFTER *;N A.M. counters, full cellar. Hot water HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Good buy: .Aetna Life ....;.-....210 250 -Vision, Sinks.—Olsliwaahera, Gapabla experienced instructors. 14: TALL ■f Call baseboard" hegt; 917,980. Middle era by tha gross. Call us If selling, every war Involving the United Cherry lowboy with Spanish-^foot, 3 very fine ilant'front desks States and displays 32' battle Aetna Casualty ...... 1 5 0 185 HM NEiD FOR SEVERAL Vacuum Cleaners, Radios, Rec­ Cordner Auto Schpril. SH. 9-9010, fcherry and .mahogany'), mahogany half-moon inlaid sideboard, Heights asctlon, next to Bowers buying, or frsdihg. Tbs EllsworUi Coni). General 550 SSS ord Players, Heaters, Floor JA. 7-<38Sa I Houses For Rent 65 McKin n e y b r o t h e r s, inc. School. Turn north oh Earl off Mitten Agency, ftcsltora, MI. streamers "on its regimental flag­ : ,i-v maple highboy, cherry highboy base with sunburst, chetry hlgh- 3-6930. Hartford Steam Boll. .8 4 92 F'umaces. Toasters, .Mixers, boy top. cherry Pembroke table. .Sheraton drop leaf table, fine YOUNG TEACnER desij-etxirl to East Middle Tpke., left to Hillside, staff. ' " ' 'Travelers ...'...... S3 - 5B Waffle'.Makers. Steam irons, share lovely Bolton home. Car MI 8-6060 or Ml 9-3931 , to 86 Buckingham St, Owner- MAINTENANCE MECHANICS maple ahakefoot candlestand and othera. early round-a-bout chair, WANTED T o BUY in Manchester, Q—From what grain Is the bev­ ' " ■ 'rhMte cttm iM Rotisseries, Paint, Carpet s. itiahogany a drawer sewing table with rope leg*. Hepplewhlte necessary. Write Box T, Herald. BOX MOUNTAIN Drive, V ernon- Bullflep, Ralph E.. Coweit MI. .Ea$t Hartford or Hartford. Single Conn. Light Power .. 17 19 ' Portable Typewriters, Dry ' SEPTIC.TANKS inlaid card table, pr. Chippendale chairs, I'oeewood Victorian sofa. 9-eoiiS. erage, sake, made? Conn. Power ...... 4014 92H Preferably with electrical background. [Cleaned, Repaired, fastalled . Building and .selling home.s Ijoth ii.sed and new New six room ranch, three acres home, two or three family. Man- A—Ja'panese sake, or rice wine, Goods, Pots-.and Pans, 4,'utlcry, Victorian Gentleman’s chair ^nd 4 aide chair*, other Victorian of land, fireplace, .ceramic ' Uls c’hester P.O., Box 726, Misnehee- Hartford Elec: LL . . . 06' 58 Dinnerware, Alf-Condlilonlng, is our bu.9ine.9a and we at the JARVIS, Rh^ALTY chairs, Dunfcan Phyfe stand, others, 2 empire sideboards, butler’s Wanted To Rent 68 U fermented froiii rice grains. Hartford Gaa Co. .... 36. 39 Glaasware, F^ungltiire, /Boats, Call 8172 bath, birch: kitchen cabinets, full 99600—SIX-ROOM HOME, oil hot ter,; Cfonij. THE„ HONEY WAGON CO. are rnighty proud of the busihe.9s we have, desk, small M drawer cherry chest, curly maple tip starid. knuckle MIDDL&AGED, refineii, quiet basemifsnt, attached garage, ames- water' heat, garage. 3-3 - acre. So. New England MACHINISTS Power .Mowrrs, tilftw arr, aii(l| arm Windsor .chair, others, pr. Venetian oval mliTorV goldleaf 14". 24" Ite drive. 921,900. Warren. £ How­ IF READY $0 buy, aCll, exchange Q_What is North America’s Tel...... 39 41 hundreds of Items too numer­ Mancltester MI 9-;SSa done over the years. Service to the community is ' business woman with noniroaming Hear bus. Carlton W. Hutchliu. ‘ Inferably with good tool and die or mould back- and other mlrrora, unuaual empire dreaalng table, maW 4 post Watch the look of delight oh pet dog wants' two or th^me room land, Realtor. Ml. 3-8000. Ml 0-8132, 1^ i'leOi. i real eatate, idortgagM arrange fastest animal ? Mannractnraig Oomooalae ous to mention. .All famou* our first thought. If you have any real estate bed, aJelgh bed, Fiartkiln fireplace, pr. spool beds, blanket chests, your youngster's face when he or Conault Howard R. HasUnga, A—The pronghorn antelope. An Am. Hardware ___ground; ______:______...... brands. such as Phlk-o. F'rigt- A'completfe set of* clothe* for her unfurnished spartment. Refer- expert'on the animals once, cloclf.ed: 2114 2514 problems or you are going to htiiUl a home on your large round mahogany diningVabte, wing »h»tr. Veivi nne flre^ mo'st 'prized dbir ■ r*e'(v" ni)» cute she receives this lovable ■elephant. 'ehC'es: W . 9-5931. ' jPvOGKLBDGE SECTION. Unusual Agency. Ml. 9-1107, Arrow. Hart,-Heg;- . .-.-'60 - -68..... daire, (i. K,. .Admiral, .Motorola, place item*, p>nn. bia*s andiron*, steeple top, lemon top, brass And what's more you'll have fun 3 bedroom ranch, family sizs 73 a buck at 61 miles' an hour on Ian Aseo. Spring . . Norge, Westlnghpiise, Hotpotnt, own lot come into our office at 654 Center-Street outfit easily and qulckl.v.j and have Lo^ For Sale . . . 3014 8814 or drop in at our Model Home on --^gne-s Drive at fenders, tool*. Jam hook*, etc. Some iuari>le top pieces.,Mahogany read.v as a holiday lsui:pnse. making him! TWO a d u l t s need four heated ' kitchen. Excellent birch cSblnitS.' automobile speedometer. Bristol Brass . .-Efi . . . 1814 2014 ' , >TOP AREA RATE I’niversjU, Flasy, Glenwood, Pattern No. 2527 contains pst- unfurnished rooms. Place for' car. Cieramic tile bath, tub. Separate GLASTONBURY —One acre, 185' ! RBDH PACE LEAGUE Collins Florence, Bendlx.i table desk, copper and bias.*. Item*. Oil portrait of Juatls Warner Paitern'N o. 8172 is fot-Xlollji 14, ...1 1 0 120 SEPTIC TANKS J'ARVIS ACRES and have a chat w ith one of our 1 father of Charles Dudley Warner) by 8, P. Howea, Boston, 1829. 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 in(!'hf^, for exact tern piecei'; material require- References; MI. 9-7682. shower stall. Basement fireplace, frontage, 292' deep. BeauUful loc«t- ■ r - •?-— ; Q—Between what dates mt Em-Hart v •••••• -....: 27 SO * OVERTIME YOU . \ amf: it— AND ,, qualified representatives. We’re never top busy Portrait by RUben Moulthtop. 176.1 small cabinet carved by yardages,, consult pattern. meiitS;- sewing and finishing dl- garage, 919,900. Warren E. *How: Uon. MT. 3(5903, . i New lYork, O ct 27 (45—Provl- C%aristmaa paresis for servicemen "Fafnir Bearing ...... 4 7 We 'le HAVE i t : Until 9 William Gillette, audubon print No, 5-4. plate 45. purple mairin, For this pattern, send '38c in rsetiohs. COUPLE 'w it h five months old land, Realtor.. Ml. 9-8i800. | \ dence'a high-flying Rada, vrho fin- overseas be majled?. Lan'dera-Frary Clk. We have to hell \o the hlgheat to talk with you. Our office, is wow'open baby desire 4 or 5 room reason­ .. 24 26 • FUll INSURANCf • | ( r PLUaCED SEWERS Ps M. on Thursday and Friday nights. Stop in at 2 Gould bird prints, iriantel clock .(Jones, Prlndle and Co., N. Y.) ,Coins, your Jiamor^ddress. sise de­ Send 25c.in coins, your name, ad­ iahed.in the cellar of the American . A—October 15 and November 15. N. B. Machine Co. . ...5 8 89 bidder. Our warehouae haa been dress and the Pattern Number to able rentj CH. 7-3196, 913,500. FIVE ROOM colonial. Tteo- Snbopban For Sale 75' Hockey League last year, were in nold out from under nS. Coipe and olfiera. Lsiweateft thina, helmet creamer,, teapots, etc. Canton sired and the Pattern Number to car;garage, ony «cre. Delighttel N. Eastern Steel .... 514 614 that time if you cap’t make it during the day. platters, bowls, jilates, Dutch flip glass, some pink lustre, Spode HUK BURNETT. THE MANCHES­ ANNE C.ABOT, THE MANCHES­ COVENTRY —Route No. 81 'to u r first place today on the strength Q^Whlch la the most p^utherly Nei-th and Judd ...... 8814 5814 ■ •PAID HOtlOAY$:;r'^l •• Z' early! IMOHINE LEANED neighborhood for >.bUdren. Gaston tlty of Canada? - - ' ; ^ pink tower, much other fine china, much glasswrafe, wdnea. cor­ TER EVENIN4? HERALD, llSfi TER EVENING HERAU>. 1180 Realty Ca.t 16S*-fichool St. MI. room ranch, lot 100' x 150', oU of. the play of two former New Rusaell Mfg...... 8 10 E»ay terma 'on aolea i t ever AVE, AMERICAS, NEW YORK Farms and Land For Sale 71 -tTorx Rangers. The reds acquired A-i-Windaor, which lies in south­ $150 oaly.' Septic Tanks, Dry W'eUs, Sewer dials, etc. Painting on porcelain, hronse cat,J milk, glass lamp, J\VE, AMERIltultor. ML vleterryt over the Buffalo Bisohs day. Saints cadledd a Monhbi)? i. The e quotatume oTe Mt^te ) Aactktneek IM rlU Peo^ St., Y8L Ml S-ftSM send 25oilo

...... t ■>, -.K' I - ■ '• ■ ■■ ■ - ' :.v,v S m ;*V -,T- '■* . ■■-I'* /:■ ^ r ■ I ’ SM: ■V>-- ' 'ei * .'a . • , Average Ddily Net Preaa Run . The Wrather FACE TWENTY-FOUB '■ ■' rauESDAY, O^BER'*27, ■' .rer.Rw'-Week Eaded F oraeirt e f V . B. Weather Rare— OeL 22, 1965 Fair, cdol tqnlgtrt. ham m te rn t 40, near- 35 to rural areas. Tomor­ Attention ha^'heen called to the . Membera of Mlaa Bemiea Jiiul ahd Mra. 11,893 row fair,'windy, warm' Showen fact that alrla elatlalna to be Girl of the Church .Bolduc of tha Wtldon Baauty Stu­ ...Memher e« tha A iM t : likely tomorrow night. High abeot P . About ibw n Scouta have been aelHiw articlea meet a t 7:30 U dio will taka an active p%rt In Vof RoMaa ef OfcatottMi I they have made from dMc.lto-door Holmea Fimafal Home, tOO ^Main "Kolege of Beauty Knowledge/- At M aneh«d^r— A City o f i^Ulago 0utrm Hartford Cfuqttar SPEBSQSA, in the South’ Main St, aecilon of St., tO'pay'reapecta to Wlliianrt H. the 'Hotel Btatlef, Hartford, Sun­ ■ : '■ ■ . ■ 'I Barberahqp Singera, will atage Ita town. During, the time pf the Girl Da via day and Monday, Oct. 30 and 31. 10th annual concert of barberabop Scout drive no Girl Scoiita are en^ X TOL. LXXV. NO. 14 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCRI OM)n 4 FRIDAY, OCTOsik<28. 1955 (CtaaaUlee A«vaettotog aa Page U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS numbera on. Saturday, Nov, 19. at gaged In auch. money-niaking ac* laa Ma>y-i:. Felice, M Nor- - ...... h------^ • ^ 7 V Burtinell .Memorial. The benefici­ tivltiea for their troope, according maiNlt. and Richard T. Louria of ^M4(M«ntoranaRRMraW ary will be the Hartfortk Aaaocia- to the Girl Scout q^Rve- ^iryvllle. wtll be united In mar­ ^ V ------tion for the Help of -Retarded riage S atb e ^ y at 10 a.m. in 8t> Ghlidren. • • The Rev. John R. figabtH, pu- Jamea ■Churchl with reception at DON'T tor of the Community foptiet 1 p.m. at tha>dtaUan American SfUl pleaty of wear left to OPEN THURSDAYS and m aa Marilyn T. Bowera, 19, Chirfeh. attended the aeventh an­ Club. • elkiee when brought here for FRIDAYS TILL 8:30 P.M, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Evelyn nual United ,Natlona and Foreign expbrt repairing. Bowera, I t Main St., la compietlna 'ollcy Seminary in ActivlUea wiR he canceled at . ' WORK DONE WHILB her Air PorOe^bulc military tralnyry«»terday and today, f Sponaored the Nazarene Youtlk^nter the BDMET PRIOED MATERNITY DRESSES ina .courte a t lAckland Air Popee TOO WAIT by tl;e Gouncll on Chriatlan Social remainder of the week-becauee of X Baae, Sari Antonio, Tex, Progreea of the American Baptiat the death a t. William R, Davla, conventioh, the 2-day semliMr en­ which occurred yeeterday. A'iorm- SAM YULYES The, Mlaalonary :piret»^f the abled deiegktea to tour the U.N., 'er atudent at the Naurene^Coilege SHO| ^ P A I R I N G Imanuel Lutheran \C hurch Will visit a memberof the Ruaalan dele­ and a member of''the local. Nav, OF BETTER RIND . S^&vN OUTLET wet tomorrow nlghtm 8 o'clock gation to the U.Nxand hear apeak- xarenc Church,, he waa greatly in- 505 E. MIDDLE tPKE. AT THE GREEN \ fo\ practical work, ^ which ttrne .J8’ Mhple 'St-,-i-Acroaa From era from both the V.N. aderctariat tereated In th« youth building from « a t l ^ l Parfctog Lot UtAfalth offerina boxea will be col' and the Britiah' Miaelon to ' the the firat and aaaiated' in Ita con- OPEN DAILY d a : M. to 9 P. M. ecuri lectad, U.N. . . atruction. ■' . . 2 srael i.

/ \” In/M ideast / / V t By J O I # ^ . HIGHTO;«?ER ./ Jerusalem, Oct. 28 (fP)—An ^raeli ~ military informant / Geneva, OcL 28 ’<4*) ^ - and ^ the’• Wratmf- powgrs' V. '^■aid 10 Egyptian soldiers clashied in the BiY^our forei; inisters meeting ' y with \ \ X were slain and 20 captured Hval /ind appapnitl^irreconclk^Ie plgns for uropean - Cnenv white Itflottrar, la rf • firm h t ^ , early today by an Israeli force security. '>-4. , , only. 33c each ' i^t th« ,top of th« value which stormed and captured The United States, - and Ji'Yance- got in Uet thla week. <> an Egyptian frontier post. senting_to Soviet Foreigiv Minister VNH- Moloto’^ \ fiecker'B wonderful orunchy criap Paacal Israel said'the raid was, in re­ point “Treaty of Assurance on the Reunifiratioii of Celery . . ..1|:. double bgnch at 2Sc la a V United Nation^ taliation for an earlier Egyp- It would become fully effective only if Ela^and West food buy, too. Tomatoea, dvl^ a pKf. will many were united and the new Germany beeb ^ a be featured a t 19c a box. ^ . .^ H e ia y Ctobdt Lodg^Jr., (leftl talka with Oen.'Carlo#.P./Romi- tiSn assault on an Israeli po­ ulo, Otttlrman of tha^hllipplne Delegation to the UN. befojre the lice post. / ’ of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO)> Come to Plneliunt for the very fineat Idaho. ^If Sem ani Meat Dept. atari rtlh e Oaaeral Awembly meeting in New York. The neealM, Egyptian apokeiman In Cairo Molotov responded with a 15-point proposal for lisEu: Bakinf Potatoea, wonderfully n ^ h Beekei^a w hl^ waa devolM to balloting for the contested vacant seat on the said four Egyptians and four la-- security treaty, delaying German unij^tion indefP ‘ Native Spinach, better quality Green Beane Security ComiW, ended In another stalemate fon the Phittppines raeliawere killed to today's attack, Under the Soviet program the»-'' ..... i < and tfatlve Broccoli. White and Yellow Tur* and YugMlavia, leading qonteadara In the voting. (NBA Tele- which took place at Kuntlla, about North Atlantic AUia-nce 14’ould be'l . \ nipa are now in. alonf with Paraiilps, Car- phot«). X three miiea inside Egyptian-held deatroyed. Communist . C h I n,a I A .|iT T va rota and Sweet Potatoea. , W juxL 0Slpt. Urritory. The apokesman aaid the y B i g Four at G e n e v a Conferenc^^ ^ '^ould became an “observer/ In Eli- A X (9, laraell force waa driven oft. Egypt rope end all American troops - You will find Plnehurat Veaetablea “freaher riled a strong protaat with the te S tM acound the conferehcb table in the Palac^f Nations at Geneva, ^lU erian4 for th^ppen- wtoi)d aventually hava to be wltb- U.N. Htoqd.Anntotl0d. -lng-)9fr th e Big Four confereneea are:-The^U;6 . arlaa draww •’from the territories of SMm Hope for Spanish Cut From Chwee B ^f Fans Teushm Eufdpiton oountHiM.” E JRvilson; Secretary, of State John F o t^ Dulles; Livingaton Merchant; ^ u g la i MacArthur It; arid m m . . * . V „ t / TJ.N.Bars As this latest' clash fanned tries Bohlen; the"Xrench delegatlop-aed by Foreign Mlmstor Antoine."^ Plnay; the Britiah delega- Weat Rejects ^Red Proposal iONELESS ..■■’••’X ' ' .niounUng: tenalon_lDL the .-Middle (lon,riedHty Foreign Secretary HaroM Macmillan; the ITueaiMitolegatrari, led by Foreign Minister By-the Urns-Molotov actod tbe- Tame H-Bomb East, U.S. Secretary of State John VVeatem minister had already ra- Foiter Dullee and British Foreii Vuachealav M.-M^toV, and/Dc^ty Foreign Minister-Andrei Otwn^o. INglA- Radio-Telephoto)./! Rice je'eted his proposal: They beeed New York; Oct. 28 (P> — Tha Secretary Harold Macmillan cqi Iheir atatement, In advance of its MINUTE RICE ferred for an hour in Geneva/on presentation, on Rliaalan proposals chances are eltm that the H-Bomb HALE'S PREMIER y I.'^ronto c h u c n : Palestine problems. laraell aonreea Rail Union^ts Which had bMU/made at the Gene- reaction -can be tamed or con­ in Geneva aaid the Unlted/States va -mmmit conference In July. trolled soon to giye world X United Nations; N-Y„ Oct. 28 r and a coupla of axtra lege or breaate , , . Soviet fequent laRt week. { World War U D^ked viol were exchanged for 25 minutes and French, Forngn Minister Plnay or buy the you prefer. tome Bgypuaha fled. Finally the neers. X . -, > niiniitera ... realgiied frbm hla axpectod basic dtseovery turns up." 2 Lbs. ' H epry Cabot LfOdR:e Jri, chief J *trUe-tom Cypnik today. Aiuaddltbmai 2 per cent la to be proposed Molotov all over again a tad otoar oclaiitlaU Ifw®®*!!? remMning Egyptiene eurrendel-ed cabinet, Faure unexpectedly got plan . for unifying Garmany EGGS U.S; Delegate, was quick to op- A crowd of several hundred addlM' “as an adjustment of dif­ help from Socialists.' and Com-' Margaret Platt find ways to control If you are ready for lam hie week, you .aeva 4c lb., 28c to 30c ,, pose Kuzneteov’s move.. He aald it Cypriote of Greek , orlgto formed and the Israeli raiders returned to through free elecUona under Big * Doz. BEE F their own base at 3 a.m. Seven of ferential Inequities between loco- muniats to win;. 477 to 140. on his or thermonuclear is- a lag, under leet w c'a low price. Tha flneat lamb lege would be better to wait a few after a service conduc^ In Nico­ .motive engineers and employes in Four aupeiVlalon. Vlrtualiy the peaceUma power.' available a t 59c lb. sia’s biggest church W Arehjbiahop the 20 captured Egyptians werq policies for Morocco. On Oct. 18, Lpndon, Oct. 28 (85-^The wide eamaplan was praaented 20 monthd ^-Weeks untU ail the Information 7 \ other classes of railroad service.’* -some Oaullists came .to his rescue ,Iy read ^ndon Dally Mirror to­ reaetlon, Uknt atoms a t was available. It would be Impru­ Makaribs-—leader of the Union- wqwded. ' ago/at the' Berlin Big Four cim- The Egyptian camp--on /the The announcetoent isaid. and he wop a 308-254 conddence day bitterly charged the influen­ fercnce, , add presumably litMum If your budget needa a helping hand, aerve our freshly ground nor 27 dent to take up the question now, with-dreece' moiynent In thla Abojut 48,000 engineers are af­ 'use or merge to produce tre- SHANKS Sinai Penlnrula-^was held bjr two Vole on a program for Algeria. / tial London Ttniei with an ”111- Action Clause / ' lamb patUes 296 lb. or fteeh^'Rlnehuret 39c hamburg or ' V. "X. he ijild. British 'colony. T b t mob tried to fected )>y the agreement, which Ji energy. But terrific heat smash througl/barbed wire bar­ platoons equipped with hcaty aux- Opposed b y . SecilaUete / .disgtilaed attempt, to force Prin­ ' 55c gioimd chuck a t ona or twidsmeala. "Dlaarmament Is, one of the retroactive toU ct. 1, this yeap. cess Margaret Into 'glftngf.up the The action clause of toe treaty tg needed to start and ooqtlnua toa cou>t0s,m yp0s - quMtiona cloaeat to, -Preaident ricades held ^ police and British A portion.of. the increases grant­ Today, he waa solidly opposed by proposed' today says "an attack In eaction. The heat and preeaura od For Spreading, Flavoring, :troops. -Three British Commandos « sued on Page fifteen) SoclalisttXuid got'' practically no man ghe loves by a bullying ulti- EuropeEurope byt any party- gTooklng Kaenhower’a heart,’* Lodge aaid, ed is in lieu of a heiiUi and,.w.elfare help from toe Gaullists, hut by matuni.” ' ' Fowl from. Miller of Coventry, Turkeys mmi Robert, tender- "We sincerely want disarmament. were hurt fund. a member of NATQ (epecirici (Coattoned on Page Twalfo)] cure oomed beef made by ua or the meH cutter’s favorite llae Tear Gas ,y ^ pulling the Centrist parties tightly In one of the most savage at­ meaning unltad Germany), V E A I, W e' w ant a full dlaciisaion of it “If the- Brotherhood ®f Locomo­ together.' the Premier managed to tacks ever made by one' Britiah R:iB o v e n r o a s t which la aelling thi^w qek at B9c lb. KRAFT VELVEETA at thla aaaembly. But thla ia 'not The leering crowd hurled atones tive E^ineers moves for a carrier- veraa, would i^angSr the ■X. < (3rd thru 7th rlba^^ffer you plenty of chob RIHER'S DOUBLE;r6'UR SUPPLY NOW! UeSe. Xp^ported survive his toughest test. newspaper upon another, the tab­ and aecurity which la toe object •* * the time for It.” at th/ soldiers. The troops used financed health and -drelfare plan Today’s vote was on the govern; loid said tha 'Times’ editorial lec­ Kuanetaov made his demand af­ tear, gas to disperse It. No civilian on individual railroads.” the an­ of this treaty, and that toe 2 1 l a i i D f metit's general policies. The rea- ture to.-the, Princess on. Wednea-. parties- would then take appropri­ TGMATO JUICE ProceK Ch^ ter Colombia’s Francisco Urrutia ca^aities were reported. nouncement said, ‘/the agreement, olullon .adopted .merely, "takes day bOre "nn-. delation, to the /an Famagusta, a crowd of aev-. Studra^ Israel provldes thatr-np to"tw ir cents am ate action to meet that; common Bulletitts proposed that the'commlttee move ■ '"w \ note" of/statements by Faure slid Wishes of -the vast todjority of danger.” ' ' , Jug 2 Lb. B< on to a study of dangers of atomic /ral thousand,people gathered af- hour will be credited to the rail­ Finance Minister Pierre PSimlin oh people," tadiation. Thia aubject would com^ * ter the local service and a bomb roads ■ for payment of such bene­ Molotov Had announced lie would from tho AP Wirra Meat RATH'S Plek fo^x^ms Snanclal and e'eonom-ic policies Million.f.lrciitotlen introduce to the Big Four confer­ plete committee action on atomic exploded. Police -harged the crowd fits.” _ • / X ■ ■ ■ ■; which/have guided the government - 'nie Mirror, which claims a subjects after its 53-0' vote last (jWlth batons and,, troops fired tear The" settleimnt-also provides for ence at today’! aesalon Russia’s Group 2 Can. 33c and toe results obtained. Rejected dally circulation of more than 4d eMineers If it Is requMt European Security. Soviet |>ollcy Woshlagtoa, Oct. 29 (Py—ReR. Caller (iVNY)/said today to# agency. ■ / ' In timaasol, where th# service States has promised toNconsider s eft on all tne natloh’a rallr^d rallrq s. (Centtoued on Pnge Five) (Gontlnned on Page Three) ffOt, Vegetable ■Yhe Soviet' bloc -oted /wUh the was canceled on orders of .the list of arms wanted by the Jewish Interstate Commerce-ce xCommii- (Coatinaed on Page Twelve) . FBI Is looking toto' Peter A. Weatem majoritv fijr a/resolution bishop, three British commandos state to balance Egypt's^awelling non statistics show th,hai over-the- Strobel’s relattoas wtRi hto GroupxXL. Can. 27c that- calls' for a prMmlnary 12- were hurt after a mob formed and araenal. -, ' road '/engineers ayeraged ' annual vate buelMsa firm ’ In ^ Rrusrakle Container nation atudy of agency constitu- began stoning' them. More'teargaa "The word came out as U.S. Sec­ eamtogs in 1954 ofYJ;52S andVard a gl4300-».year govs JACK FROST or draft, to be followed- by a and baton 'chargea' dispersed the retary of State John Foster Dulles ehgjneers .36.255. . job aa. public bulldl|i^ M m AT alouer. Oiler did not give $ m j am id conference to w-rlU the final crowd. . / and Britiah Foreign Secretary egotlatloni between the rail- aiiM ouR 's DOMINO n v Duucious statute. Britain has rejected demands Harold Macmillan conferred for an- Is -and 'the Order of Railway Priest’s Life Called Parallel details, but asked S trM at Q . - Asks Quick Report that It surrender the island colony hour on the problems created by lonductors and a group of non­ House Judiciary aubconuaittea 7 CORNEaBEEF / T h e Sovlet^.Union has proposed to Greece. - the Soviet bloc’s thrusts Jnto the operating railroad unions still' are bearing whether he koew; hto NABISCOnODKMIN CIUOPHANI /a debate on a Soviet package en- Pr^esatfflto, and mass - meetings Middle East. - , / In progress. i. Oise had been referAd to tha titled "Further Relaxation of Ten- j were banned by Gov. Sir John The Western statesmen are xe- The settlement with the engi­ To Fdinland’s ‘Going My iWay’ FBI by the Justice Deportiiieat RASH 9 Lb. B\ ywttgH^fsHfhvor. slons.” Kuznetzov aaid the com-: Harding but main streeU were ported planning to demand' sefia' neers was effected without the In­ o n ^ t . 4. Almost d a I receive ahipmenta of fresh crunchy red McIntosh mittee should deal -with -this as’ decorated with Greek Saga, which rately of Russia’s 'V. M. Molptov tervention „ o.f. government medi­ NOW! M h^khrthhstal'it that Red arms-peddiing in- the ators or boards. ' By JOSEPH A. OtVENS / RETAU TRAmS UP 31% an d red land, apples from Pero'a local orchards. Buy a 5 lb. I !.b. Tir SANDWI&H CHEESE Lb. 49c Kern three on itVorogram but ailso hew also over private houses. Hartford, Oct. 28 fSpeclal)—The hag for eat them or bake them. For cookin'g apples,' urged that thee df^nnament com- Ia .Athens, 39 persons, including reetless area, be ended. WashlkatoB, Oct. 38 IfftsfJtos ' Preparing Equipment U st eccleelaetlcal Bing Crosby la home­ tollers didl $170 bUUon wOrOi a t ~ siiggest.old fashioned hard Greenings,, 5 |b. 2 SKIT PIE CRUSTS H m -T ffW sick for the HlghUndd, has ”a bit SS" BOILED HAM !4 Lb. 59 c (OeuttoUed eu Paga Twelve) ^(Continued on Page Twelve) The Israeli informants said their bualnese lost year, aa lac ream SunsMine government Is preparing a list of of a sore ■throat,” and ia qulU tired of close to 31 per-emt over tlia Last chU for trick treat . . . buy Ptnehumt Halloween candles ifromi defensive military equipment after three weeks of ”one-night- .volume In 1948, 'iDenaus Director today/, We are Thursday and Friday night until g:S0 KRISPY OLIVE LOAF Lb. 59c which they say Is needed to offset NewsTidbits «ra.”-btjt Father Sydney. Mac Ewan Robert W. Rurgeea reported to* P. 7 . the heavy weapons flowing into will atride to the data at toe Bush- ^ay, Burgess gave a brief pre* Egypt from Czechoslovakia. 'Thejr from AP ¥V!reg mil Memorial tonijght ,and aihg with bewltchltig sweetneas. s-lew ef reeulte of the 1954 ceo* Juice orangea and''prctty fair quality seedless pink grape- Texas’ Top Democrats made it clear Dulje;’ undertakihg sue of buatorss, at the notteoat gra now In'.'. ^ PREMIER. PEELED 1 Lb. Pkg. The- Rev. MkcEwan, a. 46-year- Fresh Oysters to' consider the Israeli list was not oonferenen of business piper edi­ HAND.PACKED a promise to supply the Items. Former ' President! Herbert old Scottiah-Iriah priest, la In th# tors here.. The toot previoaa;i ■■ ■■/■ HOSMEL . Dulles saw Israeli premier Hoover -says "the excessive bur­ United State# for hla aecondT con­ Bid to Corral State Vote cert tour; Last year he sold oiit busineM rrileuB was to 1948k i ' i . V -.x/Xfi,,.X; /X.:. JUDY'S REST Moshe shareU In Paris and is to dens- on President pisenhower meet him here again tdp\orriiw. should be of great comvnt' to every audltoriuio at which He ap­ peared and during (he first three KILLED IN PRANK CHOPPED BEEF TOMATOES WE ARE WELL SUPl^MEp ' Fort Worth, Tex., Oct. 28 Rayburn was guesS of honor last The informants said in Paris, Amertean people,", especially to ' Bloomington, Ind., Oct.- 38 (P) JIST ARRIVED.... Dhlles ‘ emphasized the United view of Rresident ElhenhoWer'a weeks of his curreht 6-week junk­ 12 0z. Tin ‘lyxas’ three top Democrats,-night at s dinner where an en- et, the script hasn’t changed. ; — A volunteer, firemen was 2 Cans , c HALLOWEEN X WITH FRESH nS»1 squared off today in . another | thusUistic crowd pai'd IS each for States has no Intention of rushing heart attack . . . Americao f Red killed and nine othera were to- large new' supplies of arms into Cross estimates its totol aid to Deepite the fact. that some of iMore of the much talked of Sy.ivanik new pearl pink soft ^ ^ • Q w io r t For round of the 3-year-old hit and, barbecue, beans and two hours of the world’s fpriamoat critica com- Jured today when a 809-foot run scuffle for control of the fast-paced politics. Israel in such a way as' to'touch victims of August anci October Covered bridge collapeed to a light bulbs. ,They come in 75, ,100, 150 watt size and -3 CREST CANDY off'an Bast-Weat amis race. floods on East Coast will exceed Eare )ila ainging’to that of the im­ Texas Democratic vote. Shivers name , was never ' men- mortal John McCormack, Father' fire believed set ty HaUoweea w ay . Another, shipment of Dromedary new ready mix ' Recent moves to patch up hurt Uoned, although H waa apparent! _ t ^ - 815 million after all payments are pranksters. The, wdodea br idge^ Pound cake, t MIX cotopleted. ^ MacEwan-wsntaXno-part of--Bwh Fresh Fruit onJ Vegetables— feelings between the feuding fa<-, ihfiil a number orr«lnrSrk’s were | ipoattaned on Page ^ree) talk. “It’s not that I don’t have Mpanning^Whito River ecwt' at tions of the party apparently died aimed In his direction. — ; '— ' Six hundred Roman Catholic Uemport to Monroe .CjpWBty. ' I ■ ' ■ ■■ ■■ . '■ ! • 1 -■ 2 For women plan to visit every book­ great admiration for John, il’a NIW SWLET- ■ , with the last roSe of summer. "I here without any handles that I’m not wortKy of the honor, apparently Waa set fjim about From Crosse and Blacka ell, Dundee Marmalade in stoine Yells Shake Rafters politics.” Rayburn told the store and u,riewRstand in Centra midnight. , \ .ODcks, Ginger Marmalade in crocks, New Mince Meat, H E CRUST W ashiiigtpii D en ies Ontaria in a campaign to ferret You can be successful and not'lie Last night the rafters of an crowd. "I’m a Democrat and that’s another John McCormack. In every Har)d^Sauce, Major Gray's Chutnev, CARNATION STICKS 27e POTATOES 2 Lbs. T,9c eihihit hnluiinp- tTie'ixDoaitSon *!•, Whether you spell it with a big i ¥ j ^ , D * 11 out •"•lucent indecent literature literature ...... Strike Strike OPPOSE!$ FLOOD AID TAX herl «hU-e«d the '“I'* D.” ' BeilSOll OuSter B k L of »onie 500 long dUtance tele- American city I have yisited.'the ; ; . . . . GRANDMOTHER'S ghost of John rises.” ] Hartford, Oct. 38 (P) — A k. EVAPORATED FIRM HEADS ^ S ;ry e > U o7 2 ’^^W ‘let the applause die down' -phone------operators-- and - maintenance,------PURE While most artists have a full Hartford merchant today opaoed Also E-Z Pop Pop Corn 89c ini aluminum pari. Trend, the approved a show of power put on ■ y°5*, »Poke j workers in Massachusetts and a movement against . may ts- latest thing for dish washing. You save on the introduc­ a.’/u.,.;/- aT:-.u.ra..::^R straight into a television-camera;. .'.Washington, Oct. 28 <;»b. The Rhode Isla.nd Is threatened for to- 12 months to devote to their Ca­ Lb. 1 0 c "Abd I'm noj a. Democrat is : lAhite House, chsllengirtg a pub­ reers, Father MacEwan appears crmuie in toxea to Saaiioe tha tory pkg. of Trend at the price of 2 cans for 59c. You MILK CABBAGE qitd Senate Majority Leader Lyn­ I, night by union official. state’s flood recovery program. MARMALADE m onths-of thf two years then som e lished report that, some cabinet President Eisenhower says in a publicly only a few weeks of the save on, Old Dutch special pkg. of 3 for 2’7c. ' ] PASCAL ' don Johnson. thing elB|e me six -months when members tried to oust Secretary of year.. He tolthe pastor of a small Instead of. levying.any addlUoo- Frozen Food Specials . *’If Eisenhower doesn't run It prepared message read to National 3 Cans. 31 Oz. Jar . I Voting Cornell up,” Agriculture Benson,.Bays' “the en- Industrial Conference board- gov­ Catholic' Church in Lochgilpead, al or new toxee. Jack I, Part­ doesn't make any difference wbd Delegate SMiild Bark Nominee — Gre administration” -Is- working Argyll, Scotland. .This la his life's ner proposes that prevtoully osK. Cello Pkg. 29c the Republicans run for president. ernment 'wiuita .no monopoly in SNOW CROP / Rayburn said he believed It yas with Benson on the farpi problem. developing peace.tol potentials of work, not singing. toorlted funds for iastttutioaal We are-going to defeat them any­ every persoti's right to attend or A White House statement yes­ •atomic energy.. .Scientists ; at He uses his beautiful Voice only building and other purchasea ka how," laid Rayburn in what he not attend a. party convention but terday termed "not only untrue but to benefit Kis diocese. His Income used fortoe disaster work. Fonlliook or ibby Limas 10 oi. called his only political talk in Franklin Instttiite in Philadelphia 2 Lb.. 25c hr felt that delerates should be completely unfounded” the report report they, ha-ue. worked but 8rsl from this source has rebuilt Scot­ FLORIDA Texas this yeari “ morally bound to support nom- published...... hyby FFpriii a r ' Journal " maga- step necessary to end air poliillon tish churches and helped the poor, UAVA PERILS JXVA AREA SNOW CROP Earlier yesterday. cLc, Allan inees of that convention.' sine, one of the largeat publics-1 and smog. .riocSety, Darllni^ Jakarta, Indoaeoia, Oct. 38 itti t Shivers, titular hfad of the state "I feel that we should send a tions in Its fiel Maurice Hindus says future a t The lyrical padre did not become —Tito voiraao Meropt coattoned • Leaf or Ghoppstf SplRaeh 12 or. ORANGES Do& 49c poriy who has drawn the glares of Democratic delegation to the next Arid Benson-Ihimself;* due for a Europe ant) rest of world depends a prleat until after having estab­ today to belch out hoBdreds ed 4 Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Rayburn and Johnson since ■ he national ponvention,, one. w h l^ will' Denvjer conference with President Upon continued health of American lished himaelf as a darting of p>n- tons of lava. The voleoaia la feV’x. SHOW CROP DELICIOUS hwmig the party machinery for Ei­ support the nominees.” ! . Eisenhower tomorrow, told nwws- economy. Rome’s II Measaggero don society back In the ’30a. In erupting every five'to aovea mta- . senhower In 1952. announced a new Earlier Rayhum spid It! waa too .men: "There has been no split in 8 ^ 8 new: Western proposal to- be 1938 he turned hie'back, on the utea with rtvera a t lava roekag campaign ito strengthen his atand- early for him . to make uf toa mtod OraRRs iuiss e or. \ the cabinet on the farm situation." presented to Russia In Geneva muaiO world and entered a ,sem- toward central Java viUogea at *99’ He paid he would triivcl about a presidential candt^te. for Farm Journal .said a move to dis­ ”^ a farther than any offer yet iiiary: , ' He called the .woriji of a record speed of 3W/iMt''per throughout the' nation urging the party. ■ lodge Benaoh, was started ito Atty. rnadf' to .^gtve . Soviet ■ Union glitter, travel - and adulation "a •eoond. Foieete. were m t aMoae SWANSON t I I -Dqmoerata to nominate “a'm an In a brief talk'Johnson, predicted Gen. ^rownell..Postmaster General giwranteea of peace If Germany ia dreadful life.” mod a wMe Oreh whera Riera a n Who is nodarate Infills vieiya and allowed to reunite Under free elec­ Bereld Pbola. tandreda of vUtocaa woa do* . ' MaMCHssrm Cohn- lApiilsorl Rm 8 ao4 npraoant any. gxtrenM.” .(OoattoiMd «« Page fCMittaued on Page Ninetieew) ' tions and remato In NATO, FATHER SYDNEY MscEWAN fOosH . Page Fiva) dared a danger m em . *29c .'t 4