Robert Coles to Give Trustees, Faculty Workshop Examine Provost’s Lecture Diversity at WPC; Need for Improvement Dr. Robert Underscored by Consultant Coles, professor of psychiatry and The need for the college to under— Earlier, on February 18, fiftyvtwo medical humani— take a serious effort, with defined goals, faculty members selected by their ties at Harvard to hire additional African—American respective deans discussed diversity in Medical School, and Hispanic faculty was the central a workshop sponsored by the office of will present the theme of a report by a consultant on the vice president for academic affairs third annual diversity presented at the Board of and provost and conducted by Dr. MK Trustees meeting on February 26. Henry Gardner, assistant vice Robert Coles Provost’s Lecture on Thursday, eeting in its president for minority education. (See April 21 from 2 to 3 pm. in Science ’ annual all—day open page 2). Hall 200B. His address is open to all public session in the - In his report, Harvey, a professor of faculty, staff and students, as well as Nicholas Martini higher education administration at members of the community. Teleconference North Carolina State University and Prior to his lecture, Coles, who is a Center in Hobart president of Open Mind: The well—known author, will meet with Hall, the trustees Association for the Advancement of faculty and students who are involved heard from William Cultural Diversity in Higher Educa— in a cluster project, and will hold an Harvey, a special tion, said “the college has the informal discussion with a selected William Harvey consultant on potential to attract and to keep more group of faculty and students. diversity issues, who African—American and Hispanic Coles, whose special interest is field visited the campus on November 18 faculty members than it presently has, work in social psychiatry, is a research and 19 and issued a seven—page report but in order to do so the president outlining his views and suggestions. and his chief lieutenants, the vice (Continued on page 5) presidents and cleans, must demon— strate synchronized leadership,

Hope Springs Eternal! ongoing communication and effective follow—through to potential candi— dates, to the current members of the faculty, to the surrounding communi— ties and to the other campus constitu— ency groups.” “The college must be prepared to grade itself in the same way that students are graded — not on the efforts, but on the outcome," he explained.

(Continued on page 4)



Michael Craig

Reinhardt, head grounds worker, is taking a similarly optimistic viewpoint in 1994, as he tends seedlings being nurtured in the Hunziker Wing Greenhouse in anticipation that April showers and the warm sun of May may finally melt the mountains of white stuff. At right, a typical campus scene from the winter of 1993—94.

Photos from top left, clockwise are: Bruce Gulbranson; faculty, deans, staff discuss diversity issues; Henry Gardner, William Rosa and Jeanne Nutter; Beverly Bonaparte, Robbie Cagnina and Alice Davis; Elaine Gardiner, George McCloud and Beverly Bonaparte; Dona Fountoukidis; William Rosa, Jeanne Nutter, J. Jordan and Sue Radner; Francis Cai; Sheila Collins and Steve Shalom; Susan McNamara and John Peterman; Henry Pruitt; Bruce Gulbranson, Alan Lazarus, Miryam Wahrman and Eleanor Smith; C.K. Leung. photos by Will Cofnuk

“Our human resources are our greatest “Each of us has to Tededicate ourselves “In the year 2000 only 15 percent of assets as a nation and if we fail to to make this as diverse a place as those entering the work force will be prepare any segment of that resource to possible. ”—Arnold Speert white males; 47 percent will be white live productive, quality lives, this nation females. Latinos will be the largest group will not remain competitive nor will the 99 of the labor force in 2007. Asians are the fastest growing group. It is not a fad; it quality of life in this country continue at “What is the difference between a is a major trend. We’re talking about even its current level. Diversity is not a shopping mall and a college? The image becoming more diverse and interna— matter of choice, nor is it just a matter of WPC as a shopping mall seems to be tional." — Jeanne Nutter (Communi- of moral obligation; it is a matter of an endun'ng one. If we are taking survival for all of us.” — Eleanor Smith diversity seriously we have to be cation) something else than a shopping mall. 99 99 Something has to be done to make us “Are there attempts to attract minority individuals, to make us human beings - “We tend to identify African Americans students into math and science? They that we are somebody.”,—]ohn and Latinos as EOF students. Some are do not have the appropriate background. Peterman (Philosophy) regular admits. We have to break with They need support. I have a feeling it is that type of stereotyping.”— William not being done.” - Gilbert Ndjatou 99 Rosa (Languages and Cultures) (Computer Science) “I ’ve been here 30 years. The women’s 99 99 studies minor at WPC is one of the first in the country. Now our work is “We would like to hear from the Board “What I miss the most here is that towards trying to make our courses more of Trustees and the president on how instant feeling of community; that we are multicultural. It’s a big task and that’s they intend to work on these issues.” — speaking with one voice. There are ‘ why it is unfinished.”— Sue Radner I. Jordan (English) many wonderful things happening here (English, Women’s Studies) but we are not together.”— Beverly 99 99 Bonaparte (Dean, Science and "It would be helpful if President Spee'rt Health) “We are desperate for adjuncts. When could put out a statement on affinnative 99 you talk salaries they don’t want to action.” — Steve Shalom (Political come. Those who want to come get the Science) “The goal is now. We cannot afford to jobs.”— Isabel Tirado (History) 99 think someone will do the job for us. 99 We must take the responsibility.”— “Part of achieving diversity is letting Henry Gardner “We do not graduate ou'r Black and people know we are serious.”— Barry 99 Latino students in the same proportion as Morganstem (Communication) we do our white students.” — Dona 99 “My findings at WPC are that we leave Fountoukidis everything for other people to do.”— 99 “We need more funds to finance Robbie Cagnina diversity.”— Gary Schubert (Art) “We need more diversity in hin'ng adjuncts. " — Alice Davis

Harvey Report (Continued from page 1) In the discussion which followed between the consultant and the trustees, administrators, faculty and staff attending the session, Clarice Jackson, conducting her first meeting as chair of the Board, pointed out that “every one of us is responsible for affirmative action. You can be smug about other people but you must look at your own actions,” she said. “WPC is not an unusual place,” said Harvey. “Many campuses are dealing with the same concerns. But you need to establish where you want to go; what will take place in each unit over a certain period of time. Endorsement by the Board and administration is necessary. It is a challenge to this campus to become a model for the lstate and maybe a model for the Northeast,” he said. “I think that it is doable,” said Jackson.

Frank Zanfino Dies; Former Vice President for Administration and Finance Frank Zanfino, vice president for administration and finance at WPC from 1968 to 1980, died on February 26 at the age of 69. : He had directed Frank zanfim the financing and construction of most of the buildings on the campus. “Zanfino had served the college in many capacities from 1948 until his retirement in 1981,” says President Arnold Speert. “He was with the college when it moved to this campus from Paterson, and when it evolved from a predominantly educa— tion institution to its current role.” He served as acting president in September, 1972. A 1949 graduate of Paterson State ’ College, Zanfino held a bachelor’s degree in business educa— tion and a master’s degree from New York University. He was active in the WPC Alumni Association and was named Alumnus of the Year in 1964.

Cheski "as!” Michael ON THE AIR: WPC's top administrators took to the airwaves on February 7 as guests on "Night Talk," a public affairs program produced by WPSC, the college's FM radio station. Student hosts Kevin Serio and Kristine Novak are shown with (from left) President Arnold Speert; Peter Spiridon, vice president for administration and finance; and Eleanor Smith, vice president for academic affairs and provost. The three answered questions sent in by students as well as call—in queries on a variety of issues. "Night Talk" airs on Monday nights at 10 pm.

Provost's Lecture Catharine MacArthur Foundation (Continued from page 1) Fellowship and the McAlpin Medal of the National Association of Mental psychiatrist with Harvard University Health. Coles is co—founder and a Health Services. He offers courses at member of the board of directors of the Harvard College, Harvard Medical newly established Center for Documenv School, Harvard Business School, tary Studies at Duke University. Harvard Law School, the Harvard The annual Provost’s Lecture was School of Education and Harvard established in 1992 by Dr. Eleanor Extension School. Smith, vice president for academic Since 1961, he has published more affairs and provost. It carries out than 1,100 articles, reviews and essays Smith’s second signpost for the college, in newspapers, magazines, journals and which calls for enhancing and main— anthologies. His 56 books include the taining a stimulating intellectual and five—volume Children in Crisis, The scholarly environment and campus life. Moral Life of Children, The Political Life of Children, The Call of Stories: Teach; ing and the Moral Imagination, and The Call of Service: A Witness to Idealism. BULLETIN He has recently completed a book on

the meaning of children’s drawings VOL. 8, NO. 6 MARCH 21, 1994 and paintings, and has done an Produced by the Department extended study on the spiritual and of College Relations. religious life of children, which Office of Public Information: examined how children from a variety Editor: Barbara Bakst Managing Editor: Dianne Franconeri of backgrounds acquire religious values Associate Editor: Mary Beth Zeman in various social and cultural settings Contributing Writer: Joseph and how these values connect with a Martinel i child’s life. Office of Publications: Coles received his A.B. from Publisher: Lorraine Terraneo Design: Bob Verbeek Harvard and his MD. from Columbia Production Designer: Annemarie University College of Physicians and Russonie 0 Surgeons. He has received numerous Office of Public Information awards, including a John D. and White Hall 209, 595—2971 Printed on recycled paper.

Director of Academic Computing to Gulbranson, Rosen Facilitate Expansion of Campus Network Selected for AAHE Conference Phillip Long, Prior to his appointment at SUNY, formerly associate Long was an assistant director in the Bruce director for library Office of Statewide Computer Policy Gulbranson, systems at the and Instructional Technology at the professor and State University New Jersey Department of Higher chair of the of New York Education, overseeing the Computers theatre depart— x§ /. ment, and Robert Cheiki (SUNY) Health in Curricula grants program. Rosen, associate Science Center at Long holds an AB. in psychobiol— Michael Brooklyn, has ogy with honors from the University professor of Phillip Long ,,.. English, have joined the college of California, Santa Cruz, a PhD. in Bruce Gulbranson community as director of academic biology from Pennsylvania State been selected to represent the college at the American computing. University and has been named a Long, who says his priorities at Fellow in Medical Informatics by the Association for Higher Education’s 1994 National Conference on Higher WPC will be facilitating the expan— National Library of Medicine. He sion of the campus network and became interested in the use of Education, March 23—26, in , Illinois. The announcement was providing access to that network for computing in science and medical made by Eleanor Smith, vice presi— all faculty, students and staff, has education while completing his dent for academic affairs and provost. extensive background in computers dissertation, which involved popula— Gulbranson was selected as “a and information technology, includ— tion modeling, and in postdoctoral faculty member who is serving gladly ing platforms similar to WPC’s VAX. studies involving statistical analysis. as an academic citizen in the best and At SUNY, he served as co—chair of a He has taken extensive continuing fullest sense of that term” and has campus—wide computing and audiovi— professional education in VAX/VMS, been invited to take part in a national Oracle data base design and adminis— sual implementation committee colloquium, “In Praise of Faculty responsible for the design, selection tration and network CD—ROM Citizenship.” and installation of computing and administration. Recently, he con— Rosen has been audiovisual equipment in a newly ducted a “Navigating the Internet” invited to partici— constructed, 260,000—square—foot post—conference workshop in New pate in the Forum health science education building. York City. on Exemplary and was chair of the Internet coordi— He and his wife Maryann, a Teaching, de nating committee and network midwife at Morristown Memorial signed for faculty manager for library servers. Hosital, are the parents of two “who are not only children. They reside in Summit. Cheski .

powerful teachers g ,. but who have also Michael Specialist in Latino Literature is Visiting taken on roles Robert Rosen Distinguished Professor related to the improvement of teaching beyond their own class— Arnaldo Cruz, a University. During 1989—90 he was rooms.” The forum will explore specialist in both the recipient of a Ford Foundation modes of teaching appropriate for Caribbean and Postdoctoral Fellowship to do “the let century academic work— US. Latino research on the Cuban writer José place.” literature and Lezama Lima, the subject of his Both nominees will be honored at a doctoral dissertation and forthcoming culture, is on special plenary event. Guedd campus as a book. Visiting Distinr “My research revolves around Michael guished Professor questions of identity, nationality, Arnaldo Cruz for the spring gender, sexuality and modernization,” semester. He is teaching two courses, says Cruz. “1 am especially interested “Caribbean Literature: A Comparav in the way in which personal and tive Perspective” and “US. Latino national (or ethnic) identity is Literature and Film” for the Departv constructed in bildungsromane, or ment of Languages and Cultures, and coming of age narratives, both in is lecturing on US. Latino literature. Caribbean and in US. Latino His April 6 presentation will explore literature.” “Colonial, Homosexuality and An assistant professor at Fordham National Identity in Modern Puerto University, Cruz has also taught Rican Literature.” courses in literature and culture at Cruz holds a Ph.D. in comparative Tulane University and the University literature and Spanish from Stanford of California, Berkeley.


The Board of Trustees held a special FACULTY REAPPOINTMENTS public meeting followed by a retreat on . 19 — 5 Saturday, February 26, 1994. At that Peter Appelbaum, Assistant Professor, time, the Board approved the change of Curriculum and Instruction the bachelor of arts degree in sociology/ Mary Baumgartner, Assistant Professor, anthropology to bachelor of arts degree in 33 Sociology anthropology and bachelor of arts degree 0 William Boos, Assistant Professor, § 3 , Cheski in sociology. Philosophy f2 Francis Cai, Assistant Professor,

2 Michael The following personnel actions were Jennifer Hsu Alan Lazarus Economics and Finance ta en: Charles Carter, Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction FACULTY PROMOTIONS APPOINTMENTS Jo Ann Cunningham, Assistant Profes— Effective September 1, 1994 Anthony Agresta, Coordinator, Gradw sor, African, African—American and From Assistant Professor to ate Studies, Graduate Services, 1/3/94— Caribbean Studies Associate Professor 3/1/94 Sheridan Dodge, Assistant Professor, Nan Brown, Assistant Professor, Environmental Science/Geography Curriculum and Instruction, 10/ 15/93— Diane Falk, Assistant Professor, Music 1 1/8/93 Terrence Finnegan, Assistant Professor, Gayle Hornet, Professional Services History Specialist, Biology, 12/24/93 Kenneth Gold, Assistant Professor, Joan Lesikin, Instructor (half time, Communication spring semester only), Languages and Janice Golojuch, Assistant Professor, Art Cultures, 1/21/94—6/30/94 Bradley Gooch, Assistant Professor, Cheski English

anuk Audrey Mathies, Instructor (spring

m” i . ,, Daphne Joslin, Assistant Professor, Michael semester only), Exercise and Movement Will Alice Deakins Community Healt Thodeore Cok A Sciences, 1/21/94‘6/30/94 Phillip Long, Director, Academic Emmy Knaus, Assistant Professor, Computing, 1/15/94 Marketing and Management Sciences Peter Ryczek, Project Specialist, Science Patricia Malone, Assistant Professor, and Health, 1/1/93—4/1/94 Curriculum and Instruction George Martin, Assistant Professor, EXTENSIONS OF APPOINTMENT Curriculum and Instruction .. Dawn Blakely, Field Representative, Esther Martinez, Assistant Professor, SCOPE Program, Education, 2/2/94' Languages and Cultures Gaeaki Cheski 3/1/94 Kevin Martus, Assistant Professor, Mary Alice Cesard, Reference Librarian, Chemistry/Physics Michael Michael Sandeep Maheshwari Imafidon Olaye Library, 12/27/93—6/30/94 John Mason, Assistant Professor, Joan Cohen, Reference Librarian, Political Science Library, 12/27/93r6/30/94 David Miller, Assistant Professor, From Associate Professor to Professor Anita Daniels, Reference Librarian, Mathematics Library, 12/2 7/93—6/30/94 Gilbert Ndjatou, Assistant Professor, Paula Howe, Project Specialist, SCOPE Computer Science and Quantitative Program, Education, 2/2/94—3/1/94 Analysis Kathleen Hughes, Cataloger, Library, Jeanne Nutter, Assistant Professor, 12/27/93—6/30/94 Communication Rimona Palas, Instructor, Accounting

1 F. Beresford Jones, Assistant Professor (half time), Philosophy, 1/31/94—6/30/94 and Law ,

Cheski Jeffrey Jones, Director, SCOPE Program, Lillian Prince, Assistant Professor, Art Cofnuk Education, 2/2/943/1/94 Carole Rhodes, Assistant Professor, Will Michael Thomas Lancaster, Media Specialist Curriculum and Instruction Angela Aguirre (NJIN Supported), Arts and Communica— George Robb, Assistant Professor, tion, 1/1/94—3/31/94 History Margie Risher, Project Specialist, James Sadler, Assistant Professor, Art Registrar, 12/22/93—2/22/94 Scott Sigmon, Assistant Professor, Jacqueline Sipos, Assistant Professor Special Education (half time), Philosophy, 1/31/94—6/30/94 Susanna Tardi, Assistant Professor, Priscilla Stevens, Project Specialist, Sociology Registrar, 12/22/93—2/22/94 Gary Telfer, Instructor, Art Cheski Chesk Jinn—Tsair Teng, Associate Professor, qr-(i Marketing and Management Sciences

Michael Michae‘ Sandra DeYoung Linda Hamalian Philip Thiuri, Associate Professor, Environmental Science/Geography

Ousseynou Traore, Associate Professor, Erin Shaughnessy, Head Coach, Linda Hadshinow, Assistant Coach, African, AfricanrAmerican and Carib- Women’s (10 months) Women's Soccer, 1/30/945/31/94 1 bean Studies Ella Thacker, Assistant Registrar Joseph Van Putten, Instructor, Art Alfred Vizzone, Training Support RESIGNATIONS Stephen Vail, Assistant Professor, Specialist Marilyn Anthony, Professional Services Biology Matthew Whelan, Assistant Director,- Specialist, Communication Disorders, Serge Von Duvillard, Assistant Profes— Admissions 1/3 1/94 sot, Exercise and Movement Sciences Lisa Wolfson, Assistant Registrar Mary Jo Clegg, Director (interim), Field Reynold Weidenaar, Assistant Professor, Experience, 1/24/94 Communication July 1, 1994 . June 30, 1997 June Cuddihy, Assistant Professor, Bruce Williams, Assistant Professor, Anthony Cavotto, Assistant Director, Nursing, 6/30/94 Languages and Cultures Auxiliary Services Gregory Lusardi, Assistant Football Coach, 2/ 13/94 PART—TIME FACULTY July 1, 1994 — June 30, 1998 Sharon Ann Lynch, Professional Services REAPPOINTMENTS Stephanie Mykietyn, Box Office Specialist, Communication Disorders, 1994 — 1995 Manager 1/3 1/94 Colleen Barbarito, Assistant Professor, Lorraine Terrance, Director of Michael Newman, Assistant Professor Nursing Publications (half time), Languages and Cultures, Murray Colosimo, Instructor, Music Mary Beth Zeman, Newswriter/Media 1/3 1 / 94 Vicki L. Coyle, Instructor, Nursing Specialist Pamela Norris, Assistant Director, Joan Griscom, Assistant Professor, Financial Aid, 2/3/94 Women’s Studies Nancy Sheffield—Warman, Librarian, Hollie Heller—Ramsay, Assistant CHANGE IN STATUS 2/25/94 Professor, Art Rosanne Marrone, from Senior Clerk David Horton, Assistant Professor, Art Typist to Project Specialist, N] Project, CHANGE IN EARLY RETIREMENT Arlene Scala, Instructor, Women’s 4/ 13/94—6/30/94 Mark Evangelista, Registrar, early Studies Frances Novick, Librarian, from 12 retirement (7/1/94) rescinded months to 10 months for one year, LIBRARIAN APPOINTMENT effective 9/1/94 1 a 5 Frank Petrozzino, from Professional MID—YEAR REAPPOINTMENTS Yvonne Roux, Librarian 2 Services Specialist to Assistant Director, July 1, 1994 — June 30, 1995 Campus Activities, 2/5/94 Lester Bigg, Assistant Director, Financial PROFESSIONAL STAFF A'd 1 REAPPOINTMENTS CHANGE IN SABBATICAL Gayle Homer, Biology Lab Technician July 1, 1994 — June 30, 1995 Georgios Gregoriou, Professor, Political Reynaldo Martinez, Assistant Director, Louise Albers, Job Location and Science, from spring 1994 to spring 1995 Advisement Development Coordinator John Viterito, Counselor Travis Cephus, Resident Director (10 months) LEAVES OF ABSENCE GRADUATE INTERN Anne Deighan, Resident Director (10 Monique Barasch, Assistant Professor, APPOINTMENTS months) Languages and Cultures, 1/25/94 3/24/94 Halime Diril (Ramapo College), MBA Caroline Doyle, Assistant Director, Roy Davis, Associate Professor, Account— Program, Graduate Office Admissions ing and Law, 1/21/94-5/23/94 Kimberly Gleason (Valparaiso Univer— Deborah Gilleran, Publications Writer/ Carol Gruber, Professor, History, sity), Campus Activities, Enrollment Editor 1/21/94.5/23/94 Management and Student Services, Karen Hilberg, Assistant Director, Shirley McFarlane, Assistant Director, 1/21/94—5/23/94 Recreation Services Financial Aid, 1/6/94—2/7/94 Michael Iannotta, Resident Director (10 Charlotte Nekola, Assistant Professor, GRADUATE ASSISTANT mont English, 1/21/94.5/23/94 APPOINTMENTS Meryle Kaplan, Coordinator, Women’s Vincent Tong, Assistant Professor, Spring, 1994 Center Marketing and Management, 1/21/94- Lisa Andrisani (William Paterson Erin Keelleher, Assistant Director, Career 5/23/94 College), Communication, Arts and Servi Communication Anthony Leckey, Assistant Director, CHANGE IN LEAVE OF ABSENCE Renee Armour (SUNY—Stony Brook), Admissions Judith Linder, Assistant Director, Biology, Science and Healt Karen Lewis, Resident Director (10 Community Affairs, 1/17/94—2/13/94 Fabio Federico (University Bari, Italy), months MBA Program, Academic Computing Charles McMickle, Assistant Director, EXTENSIONS OF LEAVE OF Mark A. Vernooy (Hope College), Center for Telecommunications ABSENCE Educational Leadership, Education Robert Mikus, Resident Director (10 Leslie Agard—Jones, African, African— (SCOPE Program, spring and fall 1994) months) American and Caribbean Studies, Claudette Moran, Supplemental 1/20/94.12/31/94 GRADUATE ASSISTANT Instruction Coordinator (10 months) Behnaz Pakizegi, Professor, Psychology, RESIGNATION Susan Rienstra, Assistant Director, 11/30/93—12/15/93 Tracy DeMarzo, effective 1/ 18/94 Financial Aid Maximina Rivera, Resident Director ATHLETIC APPOINTMENTS Sharon Rosengart, Assistant Director, John Farrell, Assistant Coach, Career Services 1/31/94—5/31/94 (resigned 2/3/94)