V \

S e ^ . 1* r '• -4 ■ ' ' ' y J: I " 0 : WIDHKSDAT, A m o t m , lUH iftanrlipator Comino Hrrolb Drive as Though a State Policeman Were Riding with You

Mr. and Mr*. mi**m V«aaart Mr. aad Mr*. Harold r . ■ldw«0, nw Warn**-* Mtorionwr itiiij)pi>» of ftwuMMl Lotb*r*a aboreb wtU and daughtor Kathtomi of un*y of garaaota. Florida. for*Mrly of Th* Weather boM It* flrri m**tbig of tb* ■**• *tr**t, aad Mr. and Mr*. David thl* town, ar* vtattlag tboir aan*ia> D a ly N at P i af U. a WaeUwr •M B**t T bar^ *ftomooo a Addy bf Foator *tr**t, hav* r*> law aad daughter, Mr. and Mr*. laia t;M . Mr*. H*rin*o Jotoww w ill toraad aftor a vacatkm at Old Jolm H. Morton of tS Choobnit I1H>W«- b* hi flbaig* *f d***tk*i* wltb Orchard ■•acb. Mala*. otroot, for tw« wooka Tb*y bar* ccaStorad ah* n « Mn. •paat tb* OBoatk of AugoM la Woot WkltMT Mr*. Amy O*rl*oa *Bd b*r corn* mittoCMr*. Owmr J o b i w Mr*, Rebort K. And*r*aa of Oaklaad. Hartford with tbrir aaa aad Bleartot and tonigMi Prir ■rte NriMM. Mr*. Hariry B**rm*n *tr**t I* vlritlng with hi* brothar- daught*r-la>law, Mr. and Mr*. day fair and < .■«• takytottHflnt itw ^ •ad Ml*. Oord* Orr, ** boot*****. In-Uw, Bm**t O. Kauffman of Ruthvon BldwaU. llMy plan to M!anchestsr~^A City of VUlofie Charm i^rtu •( Mr. u d Mr*. An lafonn*! tolk win b* glr*n on MUton, Mao*. toav* ter Ftorlda, goptembar IS. jMta* •( W CWwt Colled From (ff) Wiroa lag*. 1 2 1 1 9 PB^ERro IN lea* daefiae In Ruasta’a t h e O FFICE OF Goyemment Curb grain crop* is reported by U. 8. Department of Agriculture .... Intervention Asked PRESCRIPTIONS DR. A E. FRIEND Oidr ITUO HoatUr. Ton rriio t On U n . Committee appointed ty Bridge­ Eqaal or Bxeood th# RsqBlrsd Dowa f ty s B t port's Mayor Jasper McLevy to “Shve With Safely” WILL BE OPEN ON : Tmniigrant Quota try to aetU* 18-woek-old Singer IMMEDUTS DEUVKRT Mahufacturlng company strike TUESDAY SEPT. S nine-pour session In city 4iall Arthur Drug Stores With oat IsoolBg report.. Seoa' In Case of Oil Man IN ASSOCIATION Want Strict Adherence Doflee (B., N. Y.) will decide next Says Russians week whether to square off WITH To limitationa Now against Herbert H. Lehman In Pearson Says Vaughan, DR. HARRY Existing, Particular­ New Tork’a apactol ssnsto race Police Captain’s Viaitora Paid to Shift this fall..Jam es Patrick Ryan, Storm-Flood Telephoned Justice D^ INSJJRE MANCH16TMU— j r s u m w i S IS i Torn Out to Be Thieves LUTHER DAY ly Those Conoeming who says he was shaaghalad by partment Asking Some DPt, So That Nation Fraoch Foreiga Lagtoo, gsoc be­ Fatal for 68; Beltimore, Sept 1 - i/Tt— McKlNNEY BIM)THER8 Qaims Stand fore Navy ceurtmarttol In W ub- PoliSe Capt. Fred Ford wishes Intervention ’ Regard- sially fa r Won*t Be Burdened Ington to answer desertion ebarg*. he had been at home. SOSMaia 8t. Ttl «M0 Jam u C Petrine thceatene to Burglars entered his place, ing Income Tax Fraud Official Yngoslav Pa­ Bilen** orchestru In New York, 223 Are Hurt la a i a g e r t i PhiladelphiSi Sspt 1— ransacked It and greeted his —Says Burton Subse­ per Charges Moscow and peealhly threogheot naBoa, In wife on the way out. Indicating spporoL Ths Amarican Lsgion's dlsput* with AFL AuMTlcan Guild to her that they had been quently Convicted on •1st national convontion do- Getting $50,000,000 of Variety Artists . .Warttme Oer- 5 0 MiMing in Central visiting the Captain. FREE mandod today that the Uni­ ■aw gaaerak ar* being enlleted to HonBhu Typhoon Area She discovered otherwise. Jury Bribing Charge As Price for Change BrilltarlM German p^ee In 8o- Gone were the Captain's Delivery Service ted StatM *'eartail as far as vtot sons, n y s 'British Military —100,000 WoA Fever­ possibls any forthsr immi- government.. Torx, Me., physi­ diamond ring, wrist watch — Washingrton, Sept. 1—UP) Belgrade, Tugoclavto,.aept 1— and his gold badge. — Drew Pearson testified to­ K tion** a t th is timo. The (ff)—Tttgoelavla'c odtotoi newepa- cians raport "alight Improve- ishly on River Levees Oor frtd dellTcry don view was sxpressod ment" in cenditlon\ of Supreme day that Maj. Gen. Harry H. per charged today Itucela la gat- Court Justice Wiley B. Batledga Tokyo, Sept. 1—OP)—Dead and Vaughan telephoned the Jus­ Mrrk* Is arsOabld to A ipaolntlo adopted ahcrtly ting $80,000,000 for tailing out batetu tbs I egtoasalriB war* to Fun-seal* battle over latcraa- injured piled up today In Tokyo’s ta 70S for an poor Tugoslav clalma to a alles of tice department in 19 4 6 assds at sop tint b*gla bnlotlng to cho** a n*w Hoaal trade poUey looms for Sen­ Typhoon-nood ravisbed araa with Arctic Region ‘asking some intervention" liaHanal eoeinuad*r, major Item Boutham Auatrla. ate whan It returns Wednesday and for any qaan* •t tba flnel aatrian of tb* foor- Tba ebarga waa tb* latest propa- flirbm one-wock'vscaUon.. tJnlik* $$ knovn dead, 338 Injured snd n the income tax case of a tity. Jest can PINE landa btori In tb* war of hto buddy who want back to Rus­ SO niiMing la tha central Honshu ^ew Orleans oil man. The Storm area. Site of Tests PHARMACY aad tedant govematont cbonld Mtwaan Buaal* and Tufoctavla sia, Peter PIregev, refugee Soviet columnist took the witness Tba dlspote baa baat hlghUghtod filer, u y * he la determined to stay ' Some 100,000 men worked fever­ yonr order win bt *totrietty edhm* to the exlctlwg by rumor* of Sovtot troop oohean- A amaa *U fliatgla miri* bitos WIIB* Oarriaaa. 1. la lbs ishly to sandbag river levees chair in the Senate’s “fivs deUTtred iranedl* lawa aad quote* sOowlng Inunl- liT America.. .Bep. Franklla D. Canadian and American per center” investigation ahortly graOon to tba United States,’' traUons on Yugoslavia's borders. Atlanta. Aari tbl* la the eecond ttma "BUI"—that’s tbs Baaeevelt. Jr., la married In New against a repetition of floods attly . coonUrmevaa by Marshal ‘nto's M ttn WUUa. The day before BUI eaak kto torth late WlUto’s right which In 1047 drowned 3,000. after a White Houm newa ooa- nia raaohitlan aaid. Army and atorias of eahotago In- York to BoclaUt* Susanne Perrin, Ground and Air Forces Taittoulaily. tb* U. •. aboold ■ (ooto baadag*), ehoeh him aad Snag blae savetal fast. WUUe wqrtlme Marina reaervlit . .West Reports of property danlage ference at which Preaident Tni- etd* thto Balkan country. waa twaled ter sever* mnl* Mta. Atlanta. Jouna from wind and water mounted To Work Out Defense ntan said Vaughan would stay on adbar* to tb* lay* now In fore* ap- H i* newepaper Berba, vole* of Gemun naarspapere note tenth AMred. asalgaad to Utmtiato IS* atoty, aakod WIBto to annlvcrury of outbreak of World steadily after the blow which lash­ •a hla army aide. pUrliig to dlaplac*d parasns ratbar Hto's govammant. put the $60,- mala a* ba eauM gat a ptetoM ' eng Jw t toek what bapp*a*d. Only ed th* Tokyo bay metropolitan Identifies CaM The Air tbaa plaoa additional burdan on tba 000,000 pries tag on what tt ealtod war n with chorus of "W * don’t Washington, Sept. \—(/P)—Can­ thto rim* H Mly ptaebad Imrd—a* damaga (AP wtrepArta). waat aaothar.** area tost night, leti $4,000 home- Pearson identified the caM a* paopi* «f Amariea.’* Ruaria'a *TMtrayar of Tugeotovla lesB, verified figures from tha nS' adian and United States ground that of "W. T. Burton, New Or­ Borba daelarad Buaala droppad Former profcsaional besebsll Conditioned COTTON AND WOOL PLAID Uooai rural police showed. and air unite wiU work out fight­ leans oil man,” and a “very good Tb* Lagtenli Amaricanlam oom- her Bupport of Tugoatov territorial player who quit gam* in early VlcUms etui were being pulled ing technique* this winter for friend of William Hells." CORDUROY aalttoo also won ooavantlea bach- eUlma on Auatrla last Jun* after thlrtiu for p^tlcal career, Albart from Shattered buUdlags when th* combined dcfenM of tha critical The columnist said Burton had lag cf a rmotatton uadsr wblcb rii* got waatom agreement on Europe Not Achieving B. nni nm n. takes over $30,000-*- flood toll Started trickling In over Arctic froaUer. been tried twice on Income tax PINE ralaing Sovtot war clalma against yaar Job u axecutlv* director of araa aamiasra would ba aat up at Anstna from glOOJMW.OOO t^lSO,- partly patched communlcationa The Army announced today that fraud charges, and on both occa­ DRESSES JUMPERS Urmtogbam, Ala., ladlaaapoUa RepubUean National eommlttaa.. Through Alol In the mountains oomparatlvcly amaU unite of the sions the Jury failed to agrM. PHARMACY % 000,OOA Britain. Franca and the Tttkyo Rom defense at San Fran­ lad.. New Toefc and Saa fVancla- U. a. have oeariatontly oppoaad northwest of,Tokyo. Armies of the Jiwo nations, sup- He went on to testify that Bur­ MdCaatarSt TsL »81d 00 to stogy Rmsiaa fifth column Goal of Self-Support cisco trial Implies, but is unable But tb* Mg d auer was to com* potiad by tho'V. B. and Royal ton was subsequently Indicted and Tugoatov toad etotana as part of an to get Into racord, that Japanese $7.98-$S-98 acUvtttoa Anatrton iadapandaae* trasty. when th* Tea* m er and other Oanadlaw Air ForcM — will b* convicted of a charge of Jury brib­ 36” Washable Wool $5*98 to $8.98 orar-Ume “Orphan Ann” broad­ streams—swoUan by 18 InchM of ceoductod In ths Yukon and Alas­ ing. Anstbae praviricn ariiad that ap­ Pbat TagsalBiv Retort cast* 'wer* recoin'itaed by U. B. plicant* far U, a. ettaanridp be ra- Bortoa'a odttortal waa tha drat Top Marxian Plan Offi* rain In tha mountains — raged ka arsaa near WhitohorM, Y. T ‘There waa a lot of maaouvering Lyke qulMd la swear to baar arma for Tugeriav ratect of an ofBctoi na- Defense May Navy u "morale hwWderi" for down onto th* Kanto Ptoln north during January aad Fabruary. to prevent his conviction,” PMrson tJM U. a., wbcBcvsr ncoo tura to an angry Rnaalan not* de­ dale Declare Amer- Ametiean troops. of Tokyo. Eatii Army provide a "one- said. arlaia livered Monday daclariim again lean Aid Has Not Put Nam* «C Patfwiaua John asiilbAvtoam tneliuttng McOraaety Sooro* af Story SKIRTS tils M tlaa’a Slat anauel that n to Wmaalf had abandmiad B^Grpup Job naaalgan. Shot by prtooner In Naw o-adribUrir -wttf be He said he teamed of Vaughan’s toat FHdhy, it purported interest In th* csm frem PLAIDS Wool Plaids, Solid CoiWsL bl8 AoetolBa elilma bektod Gontiiieut on Road YeYf employed la a parachute role—ar- plan *Xdaad on tb* ria’a badL Hm ewditem dangar list at hospi­ Japantoa govsiiiment coBceatrated tfliery. tnglnaers. ntgaato and oth James P. McGranary, now V. K Wool sad Cofdaroy With mlsad dadanca and tal.. . Bscrstary cS Navy Mat- its 100,000-man labor force In this Judg* for th* eastern district of BO D Y and paopla in thair Paris, Sept 1 — (ff) — Nadong May Decide to *r aupperting anns aad Mrvieea,’’ > witaout raUano* eaam. Botha riwnBd Ihiaato waa UMws 4nd party at high officiate bMvlly diked low country. the formal annotneement said. Pennaylvanie. At the time, .1S4A EuTope’s two top Marshall Discard Com­ McGranery waa th* sssiatant to FENDER c yd. of lb* Padoral govamnaant la aotr- trying to bring Tugostovto under I aafWy at Moffat field near Waters Lap at BrUgs Daeliao to Bpaeify Total probtoms." "control In oroer to ptoc* her in plan officials declared today mand as Impractical Saa Frsactoeo early today after Water of th* TVxte elre*^ top­ Army offletato declined to speci­ the then attorney general, Tom $ 3 .9 8 tba preposri, town aad an unequal and aubduad poaltton.'* th at more than |6,0OO,OOO.- torcod back frost night to Honolu­ ped at the bridge of the main rail fy the total number of men in­ Clark. WORK Smart Scotch and The ton* of edltortato, both in lu by aagln* trouble . . State 'Tax Ine. And tha flood crest was y«t Pearson Mid he was in McGra- city would caadmr with tadustrlal 000 in American aid haa volved, pointing out that slae of nery's office, and that whUs ha waa novelty plalda In all aad cMe Itadwa aad pool tbalr Borba and anotbar Balgrad* papar. Washington, Sept. 1—on—Tb* department Intends to crack down to come. a combat team varies wlrely, de­ Polltlka, showed little concern over failed so far to put the war- 12 AtlanUc Pact countrlu preba- on number of reported esses wher* AU th* dead wars JapaneM. Th* there Vaughan telephonad Me- is Our SpoeUdty color combination*. raaBuraaa on a eonaanmlty plan. It pending on ita adMlon. Granery “asking aom* Interven­ la a bay part of the Lagioa'c 1860 damaged continent on the bly will entruat their d*fMW* plan­ dealers and other groups are do- only American mentioned In eitber The two Air ForcM will pro­ Blue, red, grey, Cotton Tailored « on Pag* Twaive) ning to a small steering commit­ battag Mlea tox. casualty or mlaaltvg lieta waa an tion in the Burton csm.” dnmottlo program. road to self-aupport They tee instead of a alngto aubrem* vide fighter cover for troops and McGranery, Pearson oontfouad, aPronpt Coarttons green and brown. Ehghth Army soldier hoApltallsed bomber, reconnaissance and trans­ EsU antes reported that Europe’s econ­ commander. by flying glsM. told him about it. Psaraon hfU* omic situation b u improved In Dlplomatie nfflctole reporting port planes. ed: BLOUSES n o ricetica'af a now eommand- LeM than 34 hour* after th* "In addition to existing commu­ aBodtat Terms ar waa tbs aula item of busiaaaa Railmen Start the toat two years, but Uiat the this today said all countrlM rapra- typhoon whipped Tokyo bay into “McGranery made th* state­ doltor-ahortagc problem had not sented on th* steering group would Minimum Wage nications, mobile R. C. A. F. and ment he was darned If he was go­ CB tbo laat'day of tbo teur-day 80-foot waves with 100-mlIe winds U. 8. A. F. signals equipment will a Factory Type Finished oOBvaation. 'Nomlnatlona w been ulved. have * q ^ rank wiOi no eingla thle waa the dismal picture: ing to stand for any political In- boas. DacUlons would b« taken be used," the Army said. "Mobile fluenoe In the csm ’’ Work $1.98-$2.49 riatod this morning with tha vote Shorter Week The raport, to be sent to U. 8. Increase Near Eighteen ships and boata sunk Air Force radar and control cen­ pcohAbly thto afemoon. MarahaU plan authoriUu. w u by unanbnoua vote Pearson Mid that la Novambar The** ofllclato. ducribed th* and 50 mlMlng, moat of them tom ters will also be employed.” , made by Baron Jean CStarlu Bnoy from mooring* in Tokyo and Saga- December of 1946, ’’rumors lTo\u candldatoa all Wortd war steering oommitte* Idea u more Canada and the United States cropped up In Louisiana that torg* n vaU, ar* In th* rae* for tha Von-Operating Workers of Belgium, chairman of th* 18-na- pracUcal in j>«ac*tlm* alnc* It Senate Passes Revision mi bay*. are undertaking to build a perma­ MANCHESTER 818,000-a-y*ar Job now held by Uon OrgantoaUon for European In Tokyo alona, 49,000 perSOna nent chain of radar aircraft detec­ contributions had been mads la ALL-WOOL SWEATERS * 4 .9 8 Get Five-Day Sched­ oo^ratlon, and Robert MuJoUn would not give any on* country the Kanaaa City primaries In ordar WOOL Perry Brown of Beaumont, Tex. th* responsibility for mapping th* Bill; Compromise Re­ wer* being fed and sheltered by tion stations across the northern to prevent a conrietion In the Bur­ MOTOR SALES SUp-on style. Long sleeve. Th* Dcgicn na««r before hac baan of France, OEEC ucretaiy-gen- defense atrategy of 11 other mem the Japanese Red CroM and gov­ rim of the continent to warn of the ule Effective Today eral. ton case." • haadsd by a World war n vatoran. her nations. mains Only Barrier ernment agencies. Many left dam­ approach of hostile craft acroM Pearson had asked the commit­ 512 West Center St. JERSEYS 1. CalUng on th* accratary of "If It w u at one Ume our belief aged homea but moat fled rising the polar cap. Long Slfcve Washington, Sepu 1 —ijp)— The that Ihuopean recovery w u pro­ Mtatotors 1W Decide tee to hear him. He said he want- Phone 41S4 labor to act to rastor* th* Said A final decision is expected when WiITaahinfton, Sept, 1-—tlri” An flood waters The overall commander of the Csp or Sleeve staff of th* Vetorana Employment ftva-day week most otbar Ameri­ ceeding f u t enough to make it rasa* in ths minimum wage In Kanagawa prefecture, which Arctic exercUe will be named by CARDIGANS e a « e • e e * 5 .9 8 can wag*.*ani*rs have enjoyed for posslbto to achieve viability (ulf- foreign ministers of th* pact ccFn- tneraas* the United Stetes, aa weU as the (Ooattonad o* Pago Few ) , ' ADCelorB ^ ^ trles gather hqre September' 17, to from 10 to 70 cents an hour was « I aa Pag* Paar) years went Into etfeet today for put th* treaty Into operation. Tb* Ttrtaany aasursd today. ^4.98 th* rail Industry, wMoh mum con­ fena* strategy for use in event any will be flown into the WhltshorM approrimately $2,000. Teimo ar­ tinue kuplng th* trains running that remalna now Is fgr th* two area, with tha rest moving in ovsr Pastel colors. Six Old Vets pact member Is attacked. branehes to eempromUe other General Qtes ranged on balance. day In and day out every week Rebels Holding Meanwhile, the fate of Preeident the Alaska highway. In some In­ without a halt. polhts in the btUs each passed to stances, troops WiU trav*} aa much F la s h e s ! Truman’* requut to Congreu for revlM the 108$ wage-hour tow. Centrally located In Manche*- Cotton Blouses...... $ 2 .9 6 Break Gunp Th* raducUqn from a alx-day a $1,180,890,000 anna aid program Jap Progress as 3,000 miles. ILnto BoUatlm ef tba UT) Wba) tor—Dnplra with (2) S room Plsldi^ short alttve for Juaiptrs. For Pre-Teens week, effective tost midnight, w u 4 Key Centers for European pact members w u The principto Issue to be Milled ’The objective* of the exercMe apartments. Oocapancy in 10 to a long time oolhlng for tha million atiU up in the air In Oongreas. concerns emptoyas covered by tba ar* to develop procedures, doc­ 48 days la one apartment. Hot Beautiful Combed Yam non-operating workers who urvlca tow. The House bill would r*- trines and techniques for th* em­ air teraaoes. Owner's tid* has 3 6 ” A. B. C Sanforiaed Final CUsping of Shak­ A sharply reduced program h u Communism Is Through Sengs and Boos Balk Speakar ^ Pique Cotton Blouses...... $ 1 .9 8 COTTON snd WOOL PLAID and maintain th* trains. Bolivian (^verament been paeeid by the House. Kay mov* about 1,000,000 workera ployment of the combined Cana­ Bridgeport. Sept 1—<81 — TB* lavatory down snd bath up. Sanforiaed Ameritex ing Hands Ends Sea- To Got Baai* Phy aqnators reportedly haVe agreed from covaeaca- 'The Senate pro­ As Major Threat to dian-United StatM Army and Air ■taglag Id patriotic eoaga and b*an Beatal Income from other Saort sloovo. Whi^, pink, yellow, bin*. Undefr terms of an agrument Admits Fall of Yaciiiba on a $1,000,000,000 figure, with em­ vided akemptlona for an Mtlmsted Forces operating In the far north," franfi tlie i^ o rity of 408 pafasMi apartment $80 per month. Sal* DRESSES $5-98 to $8.98 sion of Grand Army workad out betwsen tha rati un­ phasis on delaying full aid until 380,000 or ao, mainly in retail Recovery of Nippon the Army announcement said. led by a plckettog group of the price $8,000. Doom payment Fall Prints ions and carriars—baaed on raco- And Sucre Today joint dofeiM* strategy la com­ storas. The exerclaea apparently wlU be thoHc War Vetersa*. drqwMd $1,008 to $IA00. Balance on PLAID Long Sleeve Cotton Blouses . / . . .$2.98 Short sad Slseve. mmandationa made by ajraaldent- pleted. With the Senate taking a week’q oat tbe wordo of epenkess S$ S Indianapolis, Sspt 1— and a prayer. of the presidential boartL said The' government announced that nism no longer la a major threat oaatrstlen against the total af IS apartment *p. 2 separate steam Japan. Communist party lenders In Itew heaters. 2 car garage. Sato Today six old vatorans ar* acat- bowaver that th*. naw five-day tb* roMe had taken Yaculba. an w uk rates will be about th* asm* Important oil center on the Argen- "Today. Japan might, indeed, Made by Reds York. price $12,800. Owner says he Beautiful deep.tonea In small pattam*, paisley, toring to th* four winds, navar to bw viewed as a aymbol of hope for Mill lake $1,000 to $2,000 down. meat again, at Isaat in formal *n- th* avarag* for factory work­ Un* frontier, and Sucre, 380 mllu pessant atrip**, and shadow prints. AU aan- Ic yd. 3«” Width esmpmant They algnsd and aaalsd ers for comparable ekllU. uuthaaat of La Pas. Don *t B e A H oliday I*M fortunate peoplM o v e r- Boros Stop* McHato Balance can be arranged on BACKTO-SCHOQL VALUES ON THE MAIN FLOOR Whelmed by the despotic rule of Boebsater. N. Y , Sept. > KB"" rental basis. tha decision In thair only bualnaaa The trains ar* enputod to kup Th* NaUonal RavoluUonary par­ Communist Irregulars forlaed shrunk and eomplataly waahabto. aaailnn yaatorday. thair praaant achadulaa Tb* atv- ty (^MNR) which launched a r*' oo-esclve. force,*' he declared* In a JuUnbBoro*. Hw $8-yanr ali no- aid* to TwUlgkt Parade aral hundred thousand oparatlng volt Saturday to overthrow Bol|v forward-looking review of the oc­ Bite Huge Hunk Out ebuntont from Brtdgapsat, Cans, IN ANDOVER ■eft as Bilk—In naw dacp ton* eotoringa In Driving Casualty cupation which he commands. The Walker (WMar Janaat 0 Boom Cape Cod—All Im­ Then ter more thaa an hour, v*t workers, aucb u engine^ and la’s mlddl* of th* road government Of Kwangtung Area provements FIreplaee, ten eOl- anMll and lars* plaids. All combed yarna and Children’s Anklets Children’s Rayon Panties araas of totar—but no mors color- firamqn, v * not affaetod by ths also holds tha Important cantara formal surrender took place Sept. MeHale of Bstklsbsifc i k . 4 nnfl K tel—ware marched behind the Chang*. They ara paid on a ml- of Santa Crus In th* autorn Bo- 3. 1848. Boros, who Is a uMafoar *1 • Waal tar, basement garage. Sale price saaterlsad—No abrlnldns after laundering. • Fin* quality merceriaed cotton anktoto to. turn separate car* In which the six tired For the ssfety of themtolvoo sad the protection of "The Japanese people,” he said, Hartford golt etob, soasag a apab- $8,000. Down payment $2,000. For ft Dressy Dress! Uvton oU ftolda and Poioai in tha Oqntsn, Bapt i-v0P>—Oommu back or atralght up atylas. Whit* and dblefa. BaUciine brand with clastic waist band. Color*: ole eoMlera rod* In a twlttgbt ps- railroads, given an eight- tin mining south. others, motorists are lurfed to follow these simple ‘have fully and falthfuUy eb- nlat Irragulars today bit a hug* tacnlar birdto two an tbb ISl-ysii Term* arrasged on balance. Ha* Comhtoatlons of wine, green, navy, black and Maes S to U...... pr. c White and toaross. Sla* S to IS ...... Each rada Almost 100,000 thtengad served their surrender comiplt- ittb wbw Ms tsa Btot Isn4|i« In s H aer* of lanA 29 c month notlu of th* new work 8tr*agb*ld Sorraadsted ru les: huqK out of nerthaastem Kwang- hroam. 39 tha curbs along the 13-hlock route, wuk, began In advanu to eut menta and advanced steadily tunig proviac*. tonp and b* sapladad ant ato$ tots •artier, however, they had baan ehaering th* aged man In their eomeia and u v * money. For |n- 1. Don’t speed unnecoanBriljL and respoet stop signs and along the read of spiritual r*- tha eqp. IN MANCHESTER 39** Wafhable Printed tut biM of martial glory. forced to aurronder their strong- Naw* dlapatchM coneed* the fall ^ # o * GREEN SECTION Btaaea, they cloaad many freight held at Cochabamba. Loyal forou traffic lights. geacratioa aad physical aaoon- a t Hatngnlag, 138 mitos east north- Bands and flfars biuught baek ■tations and offieu on flaturdsys. structioa." , aast of Canton, to Irragulsrs wb* Avtaam Bitafs IMto DiaA (8 bedrooms), Staplace, screen- S9” A. B. C. WASHABLE tbs ab^-dasd aMmorlu of ’$8 which occuplsd that city war* Waabtogton, japt. U-df^ ($ bedrooms), flreplac* Aerecn- Smart New Fall Handbags School Supplies rntb^Ylia Bsttto CTy of Fraadem” And'many Jobs ar* being auchan. sweeping today to attack Santa 2. Don’t weave in and eut of traffic laniiL racing pMt Ptagpaaa Aecetoretoa stoahad down from Klangsl poor- ed porch, $ car garage, steam an4f 'Tramp. Tramp. Tramp tb* toed. crus, Potofl and Sucre, th* Inter­ lines of cars on tbs othor side of a white Noting "aceslaratod atagreaa" Inea. beat. Caecneat location and Pouch and ovar th* ahouldar atylas In ptoetto calf. Broadcloth Eeonomlu already put late af ior Ministry aimouneed. la every phaM during the paat Malbalen. so aUlM northwaH. to to* Rayon Crepes Spun Rayon Serge Boys Ara Marriilag.’^ line painted on ths highway. year, ha said that assault* oa potta- $pM$0iiOg >«» Is In exceptionally Sne and ausdln*. COlora: Back, brown, graan and rad. PENCIL BOXES ...... • •*ao*B*«**a «29C d *0 0 - War Mameriw Ftorttag f u t or In th* proceu of being Dospito their recent reverses th* waa ahandonad without a fight. condition. Ooenpaney $0 to 48 mad*, ar* dulgned to held to a m o re l eUff appeared confident democracy by “the small exlatoat Swatow was tbrsatoned. U m awvle* snM tm Hi* war msmortes war* faw and 8. Don’t drive while fatigued, drowsy or under the in­ turn toto* toat sflsi days. Beaaonably pifand. BALL POINT PEN S...... • ••*sk8**a»es*****o fluting In th* "eampflrt" aassion minimum any required additlona Dm loyal tercM would crush th* Ooiamunlat ralaority*’ had'baea ef­ Kwangtung port la >0 miles asst of to th* railroad working tore*.'* revolt- fluence of alcohoUo bevarafos- fectively saputoed by Jaaaeee* Puning, which th* Red guerriltob saM, to* eannt *f i that wosad tha $$rd snd tost *q- deeUeed. It atappto IN MANCHESTER $1.69 end $3.98 PEN AND PENCIL SETS eebesbtbbbeasannpe o^laOO eaimbaant, T wu a drum ma- Tha earriara at on* tlma estl' . Acting Pieaidsnt Mamarto Uiw 4. Get an eariy start in the mornings when the air is pubUc opialea rather thaa'p]^ po- took. NaUonaUst forcM were try­ 8 Mow modlScd Cap* Cad ' ® yd* Jm'^^arad Albart Wool^ lOt, mqtad they would have to hire be­ rtolagoiaa in a m***agi* to th* Ue* powfr. ing to retake th* vlltog*. to* wask an# 79® y^' 79 cooler snd you won't And it necessary to race in ter to* waak wBb ImptevcBisnl* U t $8 a 8CRIPT0 PENCIL ...... 20c Did$|)^ Minn., who ws# named tween 300.000. and 800,000 ex tn peopl* last night hailed th* recap­ raaulL” he atatod, "th* Regmoptag Oaaton Oriv* 1S8. Baacanablo acenpaacy. Bala Junior viu eommand*r yutorday. man. Now th* unions aatlmato ture of Cochabamba, which ha “starts and spurts,” almost bumper to bumper, to threat of Cooununtom aa a major In Hunan privlnoa th* Rada ap­ Price $8A08; Dmm payamat Slmulatos a wod aarg*. Smart fen estora In PRESTO STAPLERS ..... *«*«8B*at*8beenp»k*o* Ybaodor* A. Pbntond, 100, Van* tha number will b* 100,000 or to eallsd tha principal seat of “total­ ’gfit to your destination, start hunting for your laaua la J^paaeae Ufa la paat It peared to be regrouptag for a maa- •UM8. Vmns arrangad^Tbal. Tsu wm want men than on* drasa length Green Stamps Glvoa With Csfh Salep oouvar, .WaalL, wavad h m lly from Th* ehang*-oV*r h u concerned itarian subvaraton.'’ oyerniiht aocommsdations rsasonably early in feU victim of Its own axcai aiv* driva te w ^ Cbnton. tB s at- black, navy, brown, foraat graan, wine, scartot, IIHC-O-GRAPH PENS ..... ***••**•••••••••••* 92*00 ' * " 1 Jto u of an autouiekll* a u t all th* PqM o n e * department to th* Tha Ja paaeaa mlad peaetiatod toekera war* aast of th* Haakew- af thaa* beautiful prints. -g.'tbs paiaw.teuta At th* the afternoon, to avt^ disappointments snd in- Boldtor bhia^ oopan blua and aqua. Warimbto, u ten t Oiat It h u u id It may have Trsasory Bslsnct the hypoertoy rivpovttng Its pa* Ckaton rsilrasB. A bty eaneentm- CO$0>OSinON PADS ...... iOe Apflie," W IM v ^ aang "rant­ to move RKiq* mall by air and ' 8urt the comfort of your party. sttlon. ‘niis toat 6f meagth, armle tton ef men was rapmrtefl north- ing On tb* Old Cqmpground.** ALLEN truck, partietdarly on wook-ende Washington, Sept. 1—(BV-i-Tha dlsturhiag to orderiy progtaea. aast of Hangyang. 37 RING BINDERS ...... e a * o a * o »’* **»888888b8* 2SC Pqnland proudly teoeivcd a dto- when moat of th* non-operating position qt th* Treasury August strvsd to bring to Ught for th* Natlonallto lourcsa claUnad Green Stamps libiid • atuddad paat oomroandi woricars will have their two days Be Safely in Your Home on first tlma tha fun totait poarer of TbeU. 188 mitoa northwast of R E A L T Y C O . BINDER REFILLS ____ badge, though he'U npw be corn, BBAITOBS GiVen W ith Cash Tito • a- *•* *-8 rasbasnsd#* #« • aIOC off. Nat budget raoslpto, $83.$84,- thei Japaaeaa davotlen to th* Hangyang, bad baan retaken. A The J W H A M CORR maader ter Ufa. The badge, But tb* department ta waiting 813.60; budget expandIturM. $181,- coacapU et 'lteadem and the la- strike to the east fram Tsell atiglit ■ 111 SalsB M jm a u m k TYPBWWTER PAPER .... Tuesday Morning sm M AN CN iftm *€OMIf C o p to *«*a»*o**a-tan8SS*8e'88 20^ 38$.886.38; cash batofice, $4,408,- tadangar It84 oupply Uaas team off qn Paga Pear) « Paw) 770,806.8$. - ^ th* Taagtss rivar. SsewlVl V . n - = ■■ “T*" P A i a : MANCHEaTEK EVENING HEEALD. MANCWaTBE. CONN, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1»4» MANCHESTlilt EVIttNlNU UEKALii, MANCUJWfeAlUi. OONN« THUKiiDAk. btPiEiLBEA 1, .1649

among them two by (Serald Chap- out by tha rtaa In the would hava to ba ratlflad bv tha •n4 liniim***. Linnmor* and family Group iU, baritone soloist of the North NORTH HA VRB JMSM ___ of living. Induatrya nnpra- Vote Proposed next aaaatoH of tha OeBeral Am- Cu atwawi and StoM and CMUr. To Give Show Playground Cethodlst church, aMo aeveral In- CIO to Double eadantad atodepUtng of profits baa ambly which craatad the various Green^ Lincoln t:SS Adama S (far pupMa in It rumen tal numbers. As tbe S/SvIR U Big Hardware rasultad la tba bighast prteaa tq rtgional high achool diatricta in ^ 1 1 Kind#i*arten and Oradai 1 and For Patients Holds Reunion h lgblM t e f the enterUdmnMlt, Political Work birtory. To Settle Row the atata. VICES School Busesja^ ata» « ma anar. naaaad the Roesa presented their new ' Show Planned ."Industry, by and larga, atUI Haarlnga on the suit and eoun- ^ 1 mm .MS N ole» Puppet Shew "Pinopchlo,** lasting d. C. Bartlett makaa ao proviaion far amployaa ter-snit filed both by Mewtown 8:M Jama 1 (Tor pupiia in SHIPPER Iat«r6r«i tkt wtelM n e a ^ aa hour, aad which many Berth Hs v m , Oenn. whan they are too old to work, but and the regional board In fiuperior dradea 3-S) anil atap at Cantar Local Branch of YW Nearly 200 children gathered at Local Persons Take felt to be the nqaa of poppeteer- too young to die; but at tba same General'Referendum in court are achedulad to ba raaumad Seh'Unles for Transpor­ Labor Day Statement oepoMta Salaaa. Salaai and Meraa. Mamlorial rield ypatarday for tha Mg. sate*a F lrtili^ !>«*»• tlms attempts to Mock any gov- tomorrow at Hartford. Salsra and J^rrUt, Jarvta and To Provide Entertain- Part in the Gathering Promiaea Increaaed ermnant aodal aacurlty program Four Towii^s o f School tation o f Pupils;, Cafe­ closing picnic for all playground _____ Nu niaavTOi Experiencad shfppar want­ Adams, on CenteJ"' St. oppostU In W aterford ^ OttseneMp Rovoked ao •dWMUTuaai onatnite .Prodnela nt wMch aUofWB more than misarably Didtrict la Urged ' John i* Borko Adams, and McKee and Center. mrnt at the Annex children. Starting at 11 A m. a ae- hg aortal DDT gftagt Efforta for Gains ■mall aUetmants. teria Inform ation ^OCMterh SUtea** rONERAL ROME g:36 Jarvla 2 (for puplla in Kin­ rlas of games ware Iteld^nder the New, Haven. SepL 1—OPJ—Fed­ •'Industry haa left workers no ed by local concern. Butinett the Griswold A. Chappell, of 471 ieG r ^ ,11 ■ ^ Bouthbury, Sapt. 1—l/h—A gan- dergarten and dradaa 1 and 2) Tha Manchsatar Branch of direction of Roger Thomas, John eral Judge CarroU C. Hlneks Mw WaUrbury, Sapt. I —Oh — Two choice but to aupplamant thair col- tlia Mancbaater Oraan achool ann stop at the above named Hartford Cbunty Y. W.-C. A. haa North Main street, was olsctad laettva bargaining afiorts with aral raferandum In tha four towns H b m i c M M - * * * “ Shea and Jee BMUa for the boys Mvokod tho Amerioan cttlasnshlp fidF*. I " - Ooimart! Connactlcut StaU CIO council bua will aa foUawa, beginning placea provldod a aarlM of entortalmnonU president of the Chappell Family which araa granted to BIxten Hen­ d g > u p raakiaf haidw an Influa- maximum iSforta' in poUtleal ac­ which compriaa Regional High school graduate preferred. A t­ The cafeteria anil he open on for tlM paUonta at tho ManckaaUr and maaa and group games for laadara, In a Joint Labor day atata- Wadneaday, Sept. T: Association which held its annual ning Stostn, then of Stantford. tn ter-wm ba rtviaiy pwtrajrafi by tion. School Dlatriet three has bean Wedneeday. Puplla may uae Mamonal Hoepttal Annas thla gtrla under tbe dlrectloa of Bever­ mant, today daclarad that "Indua- •The Connactlcut CTO will work S a. m. llatber and Parker reunion Tuesday afternoon and 1937. Petition for the revocation aart«nt an4 OomimBy, Maw Ha try haa laft worfcara no choice but proposed as a means of aattilng caah the first week to purchi summer, such aa colored travol ly Messey, RutAXyan, Rosemary eras filed by U. 8. Attorney Add- dUigantly In both fields. On La­ tractive salory. Free group ATOO, evening In Waterford, Conn. m to Bupplamant thair eollacUva bar­ bor day, 1949, it dadteataa Itself the dispute between the town of ■oupe, aalade. sandwtehaa, fndt < ntoviaa and mUaieal programa by an W. Maher svbo told the court van, and U Tata and Town# Man g;10—Arondale Road area. Qulsh, CUaabetb and Patricia Membera attended from New gaining afforts with maximum af- to douMa afforta” , - Newtown and the Regional board. g;20—Vamon 8t. Extanaion. Ly- juicea, tank and lea craam. Mra. a. C. Mehrbachor af Thomp- thet Storm returned to .Sweden, afacturing Company, BtamforO, In farta in political action.” ___ aonvlUa. It ia felt by the ataff of Kirkpatrick. York, Florida. Maasachuaetts and Tba proposal waa mada bare last insurance and paid vacotion. Broilers, Fryers, dall. lake and Eaat Middle Tpka. many parts of this state. Rasldea where he now Uvea, nlna montha Sqtr raapactiva Connactlcut BuiM- Bald CIO Oounell Praaidant night aa raprcsenta^l^vaa of tha tha liiaUtutlon that theae eoUr- Tbe feUowtng evepU were run after sworn In as a citaen of the ngr axMMts at tha 1049 Baatara MltchaU tvtrtdoir and SjeraUfy- I ATOA. To Give Exhibit talnmenu, gtVlag tho paUanta off: Mr. ChappeU and. hla wife the four towna, Newton, Bathlaham, I Tranaportatlon to and from United States. Maher charged fiataa RxpealUoti. SapUmbar 19- Traaaurar John J. Drlaooll: Union Willing South bury aad Woodbury, mat Roaitors end Capons something to think about aad look In the soft ball gaiM the boys famUles of their eons, Gorald and Write, stating qualifications to 1 achool thla year will not be pro- Barnard, also attended. Theae that Storm swore aUeglanoc to the •T1i6 OwmacUcut CIO win wonc with board membera at the South- anertallaU vlded for the following artaa; Of 4(t Work forward to, are a valuabla aid to won from tha gtrla 4 td X United States with reservations. . , In kaaping with tha action diligently In both flalda. On Labor Trt. 9848 1 gathartnga are held each year on Uiana of tho many ilvo axhiMU In To Take Slash bury OmaolldaUd acbooL Tbe I Up to 330 Vernon «t. their comfort end morale. Horse and Rider mca wen by day* 1M9, It dadteataa Haalf to dou­ *rhe local Y. W. C. A. branch a r-! Walter HUla aad Walter Kuesyus- tha last Tuesday tn August. tUdFapackwa eokaHal-atyla aUuc- board haa planned tba construction Box H, Herald. , Seventh and Eighth gradere In . Storre. Sept. 1—Connecticut 4-H All members of the Asoortatlon bled afforta.” of a regional high school but at llMca. Na waltlai. ranged for the appearances of Mra. Id. tufb at Woat Bprlngflalfl, Maaa., In Svtrtdoff and DtlaooO .\vondale Road area. members will get a chanca to ahow are descendants of Rev. Gurdon qbaraa of tho a ta u Davolopntant Watarbury, Sapt. 1— RapHcaa of the original modela action. . Tcjected the union offer. Grades 3-8) will atop at Adama tiring president of the Associa­ FLUii "Fqllow M« QaMty” itad marquaa twacHbad w itt U»a ■ But wharevar labor la f«>^ "Hie company announced an Under an agreement, any town Jacte.. * Grange haa cohaented to hatp prO' Girls' volley baU won by Mamo- r nama. Rapraaantativa of locke developed by tha com­ voting for dissolution of the dis­ XmeetC p rie e i in Conn. All blue ribbon winners at tion. at whoae home on Avery STARTS arN.i “Rhlto Hm I” p l y , moaV Important ef which la on thla Labor day calabrat^g hourly wage cut of 21 centa on vide entertalnmeht for the men rial Flald. J lU complata galna already made, trict would pay tU proportionate To Sell countv demonstration contests and women. Lettera have been sent Tug of War won by Robertson i L«ne the reunion was hald. | la Brat cylinder lock made by May 19, two daya aftar its con Any nuka or modtl fnr Dcta win ba ahown in ttfhtad watt ba foiMid dedicating Itself to the tract with the union expired. Va ■hare of the current regional srill be eligible to compete, i varlowi other erganlxatlone In Park playground. Noted for Puppet Shows InaaU and along tha axhlWta _lnue Tale in 194B wfll be dlepUy- Itss nMiidy. The hast have I Mr. Roae and his wife Margo achievement of future g a l^ cation pay and paid holidays also coats. The costa ware listed last t r u s s e s - B E L T S Whaplee edded. County agents may ; asking If they win under- Girls va. Boys Tug of War won front countar. Thaaa wlU ad along with the more recent -American worirera aiw atlU art well known for their Puppet BERGEN typn manufactured by the com­ ware abolUhed by the company at night aa $109,000 ia tewB. Boy from s tek- alao aelset two 4-H membera from , one evening of music by girla (boys had one band in I — r% ...... I gatSM and carpontar t o o l a ^ without security. Economic gains Any agreement for dliaolution SINGLES OR TW O FAMILIES Tiglon expart snd have th Elastic Stockings a coimty to competa In demonitre-1 Mohrbaeher. pockat). I Shows. Their home ia equipped faiohua intagralock and brlgnt pany today. Each lock will be of the last few yaara have bean tha aama tlma. tlone on subject matUr where no with a small theater In the beue- EASTWOOD fully Identified by a printed card MstiHstiirn 4enc rirht for Expert Fitters If there are others Interested In I FoUowlng tbe events, a fire CHARLIE wire gooda in apaclal p a c l ^ ^ I blue ribbon wlnneri were chosen. helping to provide entertainment I ment, which makes it an Ideal E4. a. ■sMaoos "TRE IBCaET A' amall aaaemhiy unit wUl ba explaining ita hlatoileal orlgina ALSO BUILDING LOTS hast reception. buUdlng contest under tbe direc­ OABOER” and operating data. ' "Stete 4-H Demonstration Day Is for the men and woman at the An­ tion of Bill Stearns, Jr. and Robert spot for these gatherings as this "■OL'aB o r faatufiad In othar aectlona of the Arthur D rug Stores I held to select sUU winners who nex, they mav contact Mrs. Frad- room, with a seating capacity of BTRAJIOEBS” Maig’l O'DrUa axMbIt with throa aktiled crafta- CUfford saw the Nathan Hale boye MKARTHY EMI Taak Tiwek BtrUie If you want to acD FaD Is the best leKFC KAOIO AND will go to regional and national arlclc C. Heerde of 587 Adama tbe winners. The Nathan Hale about three hundred, can easily be n '■AFRiCA OCaSAMW mafir parforralng complato aaaam ^ L i r r 0 tSLEVIMOK competition,” WhapMa said. “ U street. team was composed of Richard turned Into a large dining room. bly oparatloiia on loekaata and an also gives club mamibera an oppor­ This year one hundred and ten ‘ .MORTIMER SHERD tngpactor chocking tha work ax- Chicago, Sept 1—OPi—The 21- Manchester headquarters time of year—Call us, we bring actloiu Hunt, Robert Brown, Walter Kuc- acuy aa ia dona in tha homo planL day atrike of tank track drivers 445 Hsrtferi Road tunity to Show practicaa and Ideas xlnakl and George Markham. Mo- members enjoyed a dinner which has been traditional since the first Othar company peraonnal will ex which had brought a near gaaolina Cor. McKea Street FILL UP HOUR TANK they’ve learned In 4-H club work." mortal Field was seoand and last reunion, nsmely chicken pie with r FOR SAXOPHONE- piam to apecUtors tha methoda of famine to the Chicago area anded IN 6UMMER,lDO^ M a n e h p u i p r vvaa the North End Boy Scouts, RAY NOBLE aaaatnbly and othar data Oirough early today. Tha 1,900 membera smart haircuts Phone t*4S04' composed of Jack Belankeki, i biscuits, aeversd vegetables, home CLARINET LESSONS of the A FL Teamatara union voted • ■ • ■ • • ••••• made pies, coffee and punch. a ioudapa^tor ayatam. TED GOODCHILD FORWATER.HOT- Tully, Roy CUfford and Gene YoeL { Can |VICftA0K>*MrMnilCK I Yale aad Towaa Hiatory unanlmouely ehortly after mid Open Evenings Tin 7 Date Rtmk Following the Fire contest hot After dinner, which was served IPLUf 6/m Sm 6£^/\ night to accept a wage booet of TMAT FRIEND I P HOU ^ New and Used ^ at 6:30. the room was rearranged Tha Yala and Towna exhibit win 15 FOREST ST. H i ora. and Fri. TOl 6 dogs were roasted and hincb aaten.: Dun4:Rn D. Kennedy lA TI STAOl IHOWl lAT lUad lU trUM tha hiatory of locka and Jock- 10 centa an how and Improved fo r tots to te e n s for entertainment presented by M ifl vacation benefita. The new agree­ H o m e s o f ■ Satariay, September IS | Aftar lunch, with daasert furn- \ <>wy-jANimi$stu*A«TNMRby maktag from early Egyptian timea a Wapplng Grange annual Fair. lahed ^ the Recreation depart-! members of the family. Several to tha praaent day. A wide range ment la ratroaettva to July 1. vocal numbers were rendered, HlTla .Orove and Community mant. a abort antertalnment was Tel. 7925 * Outstanding Values * Heuae. II carried out. Cult cuts for H»4 kl"4Rr|«rtR« sRt . . . * la vsrtoM iiBttene af BAN- ^ Also Bolton Grangt 4-H Club. Jack Shea awarded gold base-1 balls to the following membera of i ky our t8ltnt94 i IrH at 10 ttylkls. A or 8891 CHBSTaa. oBaraS by JAR- Fair. VMSHBZQll|nin|Hpp« Via Yea aaf^ •» Wttb • Salmday, October 1 the Memorial Field Champion I kBspukt ctrtifieitR arfHi • lock ot k iir yam aaada well aappiy voa m Tall Odart Fan Oaremonlal De- Midget Baseball team: ALDEA wttb the boBM van Saalra. H grae work 2:30 p. m. Parade 8 p. A llM Johnson, Kenneth Cburll- wHI bt prtsRfitR4 to aK k child. \ , Q 0 la, Robert Adams. David Duncan,; Saak From JARVIS aad Va R m. BRENNAN SELECTED ShaU riad aad Re Happy. ^ Annual Fair. Women's Auxiliary . Edwin Adama, William CTalboun, of Manchaatar Mamerlal hoaptUl, Robert Calhoun, Thomas Sualarn,- NOH’—FIRST SHOWINO In Masonic Templa. { Jackla ”T>onae, David Ooulia, Paul Bcantifal Singer USED CARS Jarvis Reolty * Hiarsdav sad FVtday, Oct. 27, 2$ Donnelly. Jimmie Nelson, William of Songa Tha Center Theantana praaent Longfallow. and Arthur Thayer. 4 1647 OUn "76** Sedan Company a •'For Love or Monev.” a comedy by Tots team won In the playoffs from Manchester Green Midgets. Maacbeater. Oaaa. ■ F. Hugh Herbert. Hollleter school m om aotasoKteiior t AN6 IMiOM AVAKAMI eudlterlum. Tbe Champion St. James team of 4 1647 Chrjraler Chih ,'v -/t' .'IV/f.' •84 Gaotar Stroat _ Taea-aiR caH ia imart. carnal tlyles . . . ■>, :-i I i ( . i s ' t M (. nwi *0 ' Tel. 4 m . 7278 ar * the Junior League will also re­ Coopn ceive gold baaeballe. vf. 1 ' .»-.x I Batarprlao SSas t UM M tfORM 009* ML MY, MtNMV. S»T. Mk Sa nut — M nanaBiaWa with aa Kttla 4 1647 O Hs "71** H u V After tbs aiyardlng of the priz­ RED iRsaamRRSRRi Personal Nfillres es 4 program ef Magic was put on (/d^fo^nkLtliXb^A. 8 s is a by the "Great Lowell" for the en­ R I C H M O N l f 1.00-1.25 tertainment of the children. At tbe /1646 DaSoto Ceavertibk COAST TCKOAST SWEET *WIMES Card of Thank* conclusion of tbe program tbe M atUr of tha I wish t« thsnii all of mr fritnils snd i rain mada abort work o f clearing 4 1647 Olds Cenvartibla BroUed The NEW rsUtlrss for ths many sets acts of klnd-kind-: oj* grounds but "a grand time was K e y b o a r d flH HAIP GALLON m Art ntss SBC' sympathy shown mo at tho had by all.” 5 5 ' 1.29 JUO A .A T ROAD tlms of tho funorsi nf my son Bft. ______"Charco-Sall” Flavored •omc OAUON BEAirrV SALON PROVEN Oforso Erickson. In St. LodU, Uo. , SEE THE NEW HOLIDAY b i e r c u r t ; I am moot sratoful for tho (loral I Valley Street playground ended MOUQUM SJZS* trlbutoa and lympathv carda I rocslv- ; eeaaon of acUvitiea with a STEAKS f 5 ' e I COUPE TONIGHTI td from frlondo and vetorani' organ-1 oonteata put OB last night ROMA B T A H s;7r SANKMTO DELIVERED IN Isatlona. 985 Main Street Tel. 8951 Manchester Hoton Erlckaon. under the direction of Cliseheth • .Somethint Different Kirkpatrick. Tha results of the C0AST-T0<0AST TABLE WINES Othern Tn CbcMina From MANCHESTER In Memoriam contests for the younger boys, fol­ *2119 low: running race won by Chris H w l o f t Restaurant IT • O AM T 8at “ W'aH” ByehoInkI In loving momory of our i.oar daugh- Only I7S.50 Monthly. Your Present Car May tor and aiftpr who posted away 10 Flynn; Hopping and Skipping race Bv FARR R O U TE 31,, COVENTRY— C O V I AT THE LAKE 5IM HALT A A C Equal or Exceed the Required Down Payment yoars a|^ today. won by James Anderson. Relay 'The finest food SERVED” Featu rin g: •om i 4 r OAUON » » ® ^ 1 . 8 9 race won by Richard Dlckermsn, Ozxie Osgood’s "S ta r Dnatcra** IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i A tokan of loro and ramombranco Ronny Bleu, Eddie Bleu, Jack Cur- S i t u . , Of a daughter wo’It nerer forgot. Friday and Batardajr Night MANCHESTER ' Her momory to uo Is a treaour*. ton, Barry Cole, and Tony Blan­ Number Ten u 5TH HALF ' Her loot a llfotlmo rogret. chard. Moviea Tknraday NIghta p o io a u B PROOF BOT 2.49 OAi The results for the older boya: ’s Eaat Good Food—-Logal Bororagaa STH HALF A New Service at Marlow I To some you may ba forgotten. 40 MOTOR SALES Shoe scramble ' won by Clifton Othor EatOFtalnRMnt 2.59 To othcra Just part of the past. Brown. Sack race won by Kent Center Street RED CROWN PR(X)F •OT CAL But In our hearti dear Betole, No Cover—No Nlniaiaai Cliarto 40 STH HALF Open Evenings m m iS k e m d * Wa'll chtiiih your love to tho U.ot. Scovilla, three legged race won by Bruce CTardena and Tommy Strat­ ROBIN HOOD PROOF BOY 2.59 GAL .rSUPHONR »iss Call WiDinantic 2233-W2 112 West Canter Street MANCNEsrea. llr. and Mra. Leonard PorreU ton. Running race by Eddy Turk- Lobhtrr Lobster e o n u o ExciusivEiv rot A ie liquor stores and family. IngtoB and David Hovey. Tbe resulta for the younger SAUTEED C h a m p a q t U L SHOE REPAIRING girls: Running raes won by Kath- ' Out of it’s Shell STH ANNUAL HALF.PIUCI SALi erins Dlckerman. Double running i%boa i4|Uoa i^bioi i4 p iw %kiH TAiniNGER IMPORTfO 1441 VINTAGE BOT V race won by Marsha B|4ddwln and out of this World’ STH Sandra Sharon. GAYLORD NEW YORK STATE BOT The elder girls contests: Run­ STH ning race won by (Tarolyn Berg­ f TONIGHT AT THE AIR CONDTTIONID BY FARR POL MORLAY IMPORTCO FROM FRANCE BOT Featuring: Dorothy Gray strom. Jump rope contest won by Lorrine Quirk. T h e Aneat food SERVED” QmptfdsuLStdtck, Prises for the various oentssts * Service While You Wait H m ’s M Old Timers meant k were donated by Pottertons, Bur- OAK GRILL STH Cleansing tona, Blairs and the Roe Depart­ GLEN CRINAN S6 PROOF BOT ment. STH ^ * Reasonable Prices Get the most THE VAGABOND FORTET RODERICK DHU 46.B PROOF BOT . Creams Lagal Notices STH Jt-’/ V V- * out of your lunch MUSIC YOUXL WANT TO HEAR AGAIN GLEN GRAEME B6 PROOF BOT * Service and Material Guaranteed ^ Great LiqrOB PBBXIT ti> label STH * • NOTira or srPLirsvion BULLOCH-LADE ‘ B6.B PR(X>F BOT They meant the hearty. fuU-hodied flavor that hour by enjoy­ * Cat's Paw and Goodyear Soles and Heels This Is to give notifs that I. PRS-VK DANCING STH makea B n'm iytk Irish Brand Craam A lt more MANTELLI. of Route 4. Bolton, hsvs THISTLE SCOTCH B6.B PROOF * BOT nistJ an application Sated August 2t.- ing good foc^ popular than ever before! They meant tha I For the Fimat Entartalnment Coaie to Manchaatar*a * Shoes Dyed and Cleaned 1941, with the Liquor (^ntrol Commla- B h a n t U s iA , uste of the finoat inpedients money can buy— alon for a Rsataurant Permit for the in pleasant sur­ "C en ter o f HapRineeaT* A t the rhoiccat malt aad hops . . . We think you'll aale of alcoholic liquor on tbe premlaes TVEAtiOLO STH Routt 4. Bolton. C0AST"T0"C0AST S4PR(X>F BOT know that inromparahle taste when you try roundings. so OAK STREET P H O N E SM4< The business Is owned by Frank S YEARS (Xir STH Btvtruyrk Irish Brand Craam Ah! Laaht Mantalll of Route 4. Bolton. and».fohn Opening Specials J. Mullln. of It Wtlllam Strset. Man­ < i M a CHATEU IMPERIAL B4 PROOF BOT rrenmier...fostsi crnninisril.ls eratsmiarf Regularly . . *2 chester. and will be conducted by Dine ut the 7 YEARS OLD STH Frank Mantelll ef Route 4. Bolton, as OLD FAIRFIELD APPU 44 PROOF MEN’S, WOMEN’S, CHILDREN’S RUBBER HEELS . . S9c Now Available Ia permittee. I . BOT Flat Tbp Caaal FRANK MANTELLI. Air-Conditioned ------U^hiaJuaA Dated August >T. 1949. LADIES’ LEATHER OR COMPOSITION LIFTS ...... 2 9 c KINTUCKV STRAIGHT BOUR80N LiqCOR FERNIT CABDIOANS nOTICB o r AFPLICATION TOM MOORE •6RROOF S’; 2.99 PRINCESS fO N I G H T 'S •lINMD WHISKir M E N ’ S S O L E S ...... $ 1 9 8 Regular *4 size now *2 Thla la to give notice that I, PEMBROOK •6RROOF , s ; 2.95 aBBASTIAN ALOIBIO of Boston Turn­ Main St., At Pearl ILL SnAIOHT BOURBON WOMEN’S 90LES ...... $ 1 . 6 9 % pike. Bolton, have fllad an application ATTRACTION $ ^ . 5 7 dated Aug. 10. 1949. with the LIquer BRIARCIIFF •anioof JS;2.99 DRY-SKIN CLEANSER^ Control Commlasien for a Restaurant Noonday Speciala ★ tlENOED WI4ISKEY CHILDREN’S SOLES ...... $ 1 . 6 9 ¥ (Craam 6S3) * LIquer permit for the sale of alcoholic lYNNBROOK •6NOOE SJ2.99 liquor on tha premliaa, Boston Turn­ SUNMDVVMISKfY Si"' pike, Bolton. 50c M E N ’ S « O L E S A N D H E E L S ...... $ 2 . 9 8 Tha bualnssa la owned by New Eng­ STRATHMORE QUB •4RROOF is; 2.89 SALON COLD CREAM PEE WEE EHERLONE FIRST QUALITY land Uotsl, Inc., of Boston Turnpikt. (/hr HormaJ ar sia'n) Dinncra Served RVI OR BOURRON young Eelten. and will be renductec.' by SUNNY RIDGE WOMEN’S AND’CHILDREN’S SOLES AND HEELS. . $2.39 NEW FALL SHADES aBBASTIAN ALOIBIO. of Boston 5 P. M. To 9 P. M. A N D H I S RRRROOf SS3.49 CLEANSING CREAM Turnpike. Bolton, as permittee. aOURBONWHUKCY S IZ E S ! 34 T O 40 SEBASTIAN ALOISIO, *GREEN VALLEY 40.4 PROOF s ; 3.79 (U^uofyiag) ^ (for oiljr skin) Dated Aug. 10. 1149. Shoe Repair Department in Our New Batement LiqVAB FERNIT RAYS MANY OTHER NATIONAUY KNOWN 9RAN0S AVAKABU INaUDINO srAMHwecj’ *3.50 lice for *2 NOTICE OP APPLICATIOX OID TAYIOB CANADIAN aUB FOUR ROSES, OCROEN WfOOINO, Ad prims plus Ms TOP NOTCH DANCING MUlIC SEAORAMX-R. M. Df lUXE, Billow s, RItSCHMANN, IMFfRIAL LOCATED AT THE GREEN This la te giva notice that I. W IL­ »ICHfNUV.' JOHNNY WALKHI'S WHITI HORSE, BiACK t WHITE, LIAM D. VALENTE, of 104 Washing­ CAlveiTS. HUNTER.______LIMITED TIME ONWY ton street. Manchester, have (lied an SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 1 application dated Auguat SI. 1949, with OPEN UNTIL 9 P, M. NIGHTLY the Liquor Control Commlaalon for a Th oM Rcitaown Musical Comedy Stara K l COW MB6 AMD M l ON U m K f A U flM B Package^ Bear farmlt tor the salt at MARLOW’S alcoholic liquor on tha premlaea,k 406 LET AND GENE ------" Center atroot. Hanchtsitr. Ths business Is ownsd by W ILLIAM ' " 723 MainStroGf FOR EVERYTHING KniTTino mills SMmii D. TALENTS or KM WasMngtoa 1 I S C E N T S H O P atroot, ilanshostor. and will bo eod- duetad by WILLIAM D. VALENTE of CLUB CHIANTI^^^ ManchMtor / 406 Csntsr atroot. Minchester, * i psr- 1601 Main St. TtL 1221 mlttss. ' ^ las. "OUs My Eagardr T# 14 DEPOT SQUARE TELEPHONE 61IE PURNELL PARKING !■**’•■ NM. 4qr »Mi we assl. m 4S4SS OiSjSMrawh W ILLIAM D. VALE.N'TB. arsadway” Flos FtaWral at ,ifartaaaa. * N' .' anr, ewsmwUfwsnw. im- " tm . a. v., u. i. a Doted August SI, 1949. Plop, “ BMi't Hash Maw”

I 'V f . T PAGE am which had proved of value In their tha work done by nine staff sddes Ur the woman who runs a ranch Nicholai who U a nurse, told about. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,

■ ■ ■ tfA*^rif^ T* * EVENWO HEEALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 194S lUNCUBBTSR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1949 PAGcsdtm^ ^ *1 sxhlMto kiM ba aaUmd at T Norwich. Whits Cross OouimU. Nta a Maekliat managad. in aema Burned Woman IS, Knigktx ef Oolombua and alae kaa eleeid tor the siesoa end 88- Lalbtor of Devou. Carbla ts re- of Suffleld were guests of Mr. and and coming to a atop draped with ment and operating without vey Ttea Expert Ota th en W ill Resurvey' o'clock on Thursday otrning, but Mrs. WllUam Rohinaon on Sunday feihinine iaery picked up on its cense. and auxillaty bulMtoge irstpr^ hy tha vary Nada wa, lltrastock aaay ba brougbt In aarl- the UnSod ItaUan Society. He lo odd boys and their oounselora left cui iratlng from a aedere lUneaa. too apacial eaaa of tha forth* married and has tSrea children. PlanJRenewal tor their homea Saturday •*** Br. and Mrs. Lyndon Little, and ths four went Miequassieut New Haven, SepL 1—— An way through the display. Police ail the equipment uded In Intended to drtra from German lor If desired. H m formal open- Gose to Death to •utoinoblle out of control crashed identified the driver of the car aa Ta Dedleate Warehewto eastern area. Ray B, eoadng tol** batwaan tha Vnltad Norwalk Plants The Mwe repair aaetles la loeatp Theron French, director of the Cokimbla Omea. have returned Beach In R. I. for the day. Mrs. Kr 9fr«l& public Ufa. lag of the fxir will ba an B r i ^ Spaulding and Mm. Rohinaon were through the plate glass window of Anderaon T. Reed, 81, who waa Old Qrsenwtch, Sept. 1—(JS)—A who started Davor's first •tatao and Mtato. at 10 o’oloek whan all buOdtofs ed In Marlow^ basement and haa » . i ' aaoto and his family sow ataylng from an automoMla trip through a btoakhatad Oarmaaa. Meridan. Sept. 1—— The oen- been completely equipped with the lo o l on for'a Urns. Friday night tha Varmont and New MampeMra. classmaUs at a Home Economics a dreaa ahop here yesterday, nar­ arreated on charges of operating new 8178,000 warehouse will be warahouaa In 1818 la . m a -Wa aboil bo ooneomad In tha Narwalh. Sarpt Mnyor wlU be openad aad oxhtblta wUI iiiu Normal School In dHnnaylvanla. rowly missing several pedsatrtana a motor vsMcIa with faulty equip­ dedicated here Sunday hy the Da- 1., WlU be In charge of whana crime waa either that they ba In ptoca. Judging srill take dlUoo ot Mis. Frod J. Anderson, finest and most asodom BMChla- group hsid tha annaal keaquet Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Spaulding oMitha imwadlataly ahaad." bo Iroltw Praaao nnnouneod Inat ory avallablo. bi an advartlaamont wlto. roaat turkey the n aald. •Witt cartato apacial and felt Ionia aanaa af dwma OT#r ptaee from 10:80 to 8 o'olook on SS, of 7t Sylvan avenuo. was ra- olsewhere In thla oiHtion, arc listed night that baenuaa af the raoant Friday. Tboro will be food oold Abich InteM Here course. The casfip oomaUttee from argent proMama arlaing out af the daeda af tha Nada, or that poiaoning of j^^ t ^ numbara of portod as extremely erltieal at the opening specials. Center church In Hartford and fiver an- of ot tha'food booth both daya. la Moridsn hospital today. In McrclMUidisiiig at tha praaant unbalancod atota of thay mardy aooaptod dnployroent Aahao In tha tho afternoon, contoot, gamso and Carlton F. Sharpe, city maaaFer, from ua. art being aubjaatgd to an tha dty'a Induatrtnl planta border­ A boopttal apokesman aald that were gueata. Latter awarda were world trade. lUpraoantaUraa of ing on tha itraam will ba raaur* mess will be held. A supper win Mra. Andoraen waa sufforing from Manchm^f^t Pkm0 The Variona Stores amptoymant boycott and aoctol be served at the food beeth ota Fri­ given those having aarnad them too UiUtat Kingdom and Canada v e ^ . The raaurvey, ba aald. oocood and third dsgrao buna LirrS TAKE A RIDE during the season. oatradam. Tliay, and not tha day evening and the program for Distributor for win aoon ba hara to diaeuaa aoma wUI ba made to detarmint wMch when her clothing caught Arc Plans for raatwing the toll end Charles Hsrrto was gusst ef planta have been dumping cyanide tba evoning will begin at t o’eloek whllo eho waa cooking In tbs IN TH A T mum HAT* of thaaa problatna. Wa look upon Nada, ara tha oaae baing punldiad with danelng following. •SOHMER winter elaaasa la lUtxU tterchan- honor st a surpriaa M ^day party by tha Oarmana Ibamaalraa. aa waataa Into tha river. kttohen of bar homo Tusoday. dlalng aad Raise Technique, epon- £ 3 ^ •••••••• toaaa aa dtaeuadona among Tha mayor addod that n com* Saturday’s program srin atart Prompt action by a nolilibor, *49 PACKARD •GULBRANSEN at the home of Mies Bthri Burnett frianda about problama which af* tha Garmaaa begin ahowlng thair plaint agninat tha ••offending com­ at 7:80 with breakfast for thoos Mrs. Armand Richard who wrap­ 185 H. P. aored by the Retail Merchanto on Columbia Laka mday> About own oolora again. pany or companlae” had bean re* who art staying ovonUght Ths ped her in a Mankst and rolled bor •W U R U TZE R Bureau and the Oiamber of Oom- thlrty-flvs young people ettended. Pf fact ua aU. and In tha aoluUon of 22 Miles This group hove a full eummer OM rmr * fg Ihtlr Bltuntlon la ao dmaUc farrad to tha SUta flah and Gama exhibits win be open to the gen­ on tho flM>r waa credltod with sav­ ■seroc wtU be drawn up at a meet­ jrilkw.'rwe«gi.■(•<<1...... •!••* which wa aU hara a conun<» In eral pubHe at 8.:80 o’coick with Pot GsOm Gas •HARDMAN with a round of parties at various that ora have bean forced to dl* eemmladoo. ing Mrs. Aadsraon’a Ufa. ing of the Student AMvlspry oom- taraot. homemaklag demonatratlona from BIG TRADES BfUtoe, on Beptember 7. la the of- homea each week. ■II o r reel apadal raUtf for them, toil. 10 o'clock to noon. Agricultural Mra. Edna RImlnitoa haa as her kTBP > Tha pw»pla of thla country ara PSFtoOTits As Low As 145 flee* of tha C pf C. on Hain TM AmMMM m af •• •■••••'*•5 wan aarara of what tha arar In many caaea, tha Oeimaa offl* demonstrations win ba hold follow­ riheat. guesU. Mlae ' Grxes Austin and «j2 »< teeiiw a «f rMuW •«•*•<• •[ ing luncheon aad a aeftbaQ gaxM Marlow^s to Add Mra. Elala Brookaa of New Tock meant to Grant Britoin and of tha dale who are auppoaad to ex­ North Coventry K E N P ' 8 At this tints the eommlt{ec wlU In aSn nuni*** y y ff dfi.^.r? win ba a feature of tho oftonean Branner*s Packtrd Mra. T. A. Loughrey of “Bay- Mt MlMfwiiS trs#Hs# te Cv^ ^NS* ■traroao and atralna which hnva tend thla reUaf have refuted to from t o’clock to 8:18. The dreas iRcorforatdd study and select the oourae for Shoe Repairing thla Urm offered by the StaU De­ hlir* la vlUtIng In London, Canada. ^ ‘T!L222L2il'^rti2SIi function for that purpoaa. Rov. HoUls BkrUott of Worcos- revue, Uvaatock parade and 558 East Cmtor St. PsniitBrt sad Mask MIm Helen Romanik has re­ AU nM»* w r f gWHatKm bean laid upon tha Brltlah paopla partment of IMucaUon. Five B R O O K S iD f a-riMteM* Aaran W al— r—arwa. Thua. once again In hlatory. a Ur, Maas, was guost speaker at awards will take place at 8:80 to 4 turned from a visit at Camp O jjg ______in racant yaara. Tha rapreaanU' the Socood Congragatlonal church Shea repair sorvloa wblls you eouraeo are Required to obtain f i ^11 rtf M ■- A ilrtr,' juatica Impoaad by vlctora haa o'clock and exhtbita will bs taken Wamguntneauk. N. H. In East ttvas of tha United Kingdom wUI on Sunday morning with tho tbomo down at 4 o’clock. wait is another of tla new and the StaU Diploma in Distributive Madison and nearby reaorta, failed ta team juaUea to tha de­ Education. Loat faU the group find hare a ararm paraonal wal "Facts and Phrasoa" from Mat- 'WllUam r. C. Orcutt, praaldsnt featurad developmanto in Mar- Charles H. Lee of ML Kiseo, N. FRESH IGfiS SaArartAptAilaM: .T^ coma and may be aaaurad that feated, and tha daftatad ara, once thsw. of ths Tolland County 4-H Fair low'A opening tomorrow. took the eight weeks course In joifwEAUwwe Modem Bales Technique. There ., arreated by Officer William C/Urcfjf / MAYONNAiSl Tafik Cina*§o. 6itraf* aM •rtatoa. again, reverting tha verdict at Sunday ovsnlng tho Christian Association haa extendsd a wsl' Tho department will feature thaaa mutual problama arlU ba an- prompt shopping oervlco at isa are slim several elective oouraee Ackerman of Colcheator Barracka thair flrat opportunity. Endsavor Socitty spoasorsd x corns to sveryons to attand thla after his car had struck that of Aunn •unKAti o» amlnad by ua In a apirM of friend- hymn sing under ths leadership of fair. sonablo prioea In sparkling new that may be taken besides the H i cinJCCItioK* standhrd courses. It is hoped that Donald. I. Garthwalte of Columbia IlncM and helpfulnaaa." John B. Kingsbury, Jr. Ths load­ Thsre ware sight tabtaa in play quarters la Marlow's basement Center on Route 8A shortly after ^ N A s t ers for ths month of Soptembor store. The quality lines of Cat's thla jrear two claaaes will meet And i«« matms 0>>«P“ 1',. j'ifc Praaidant Truman than llatad St ths sst-back party hold at Cov­ midnight last Friday, was to ap­ _ _ „ .jAsetei r*»n<»«*'6'l'V W have boon listed aa follower Ssp- entry Orango last svtnlng. C. Paw and Goodyear aolea and heels each week, one class for begln- fVSH SUOf four "baalc underlying prlnclplaa nera. and the other for thoae ad­ pear In justice court hara Septem­ doun lembcr 4, Hubert Edmondson; Irving Loomis was in charge as­ win be featured. ber 12. He waa released on 828 •ArtlMnMtR RAS OtM$l PMC^DR niRtt4 upon which tha economic policy Sept. 11. Miss Gwendolyn Glenney Suede, linen, gabardine, kid vancing from last term's claaa. 2f O j Connecticut sisted by Mra. Loomis and Mr. and bond. Garthwalte had stopped to PI of free natlona muat ba baaad.” and Mias Margaret Robertson, and Mrs. Adolph Roberto. Th# next leather, stiver and gold ehoeo can . The Student Advisory commit­ •ns Mr be dyed any color doolisd. Baby'e tee le composed of the following; help Newell L Ackely of Colches­ ThuTtdAy, StpUmber 1_____ ■ The flrat prlndpla." he aald. Bopt. 18 a movie is being planned party win ba bald BspUmbsr g. ter who had, he said been struck Yankee to which all th# young poopla are first shoes can he preserved la Mtaa N ^ cy Eldridge of Dewey- "la that a aound and expanding Rlchman, Howard Turklngton by a.hit-and-run driver. Invited. hronse, gold or sliver In thlo new O^M* Tk« Fscti of EcMiomic Lift world economy la aaaantlal to By A. H. 0 . Mr. and Mra. Jamas IMmondoon deportment. of Kelth'o, Mra. Mary Lange of Mra. Evan F. Kullgraa haa re­ Ms4, turned after spending tha summer PrMttrat Ttumnn At PhllAd*!- world panee. . . . and chUdron have moved from Salvator “Tony” CSaadonte, with Slihros, Slid Gordon Neddow of ‘The aaoond principle...... la their homo on Brewster street to Wapping 25 years of shoe repairing service Johnson Paint months in Flarlas, Vermont, aa phlA, with th# datr loflc of 8«c- Tha first course here proved craft instructor at Camp Aloha. that we ara t r ^ g to expand tha Wa have bean eonalderably Falla Village where Mr. Edmond­ will be in complete eherge of this rttary of StmU Aehc*oa •hiiUns Wsdnesday. Sept. 7 all schools new shoe repair section. Mr. Ossa- Beys* laokeB- very suceoosfut, over ninety loool Mr. and Mra. Harold Wyman of exchange of gooda and aertioaa puxxled by tha quaatlon of which son will begin his duties as a tkrMfli hit ipowh, p«rform»«l two teacher. in South Windsor will reopan for donte is a member of the gHka of any hlachar retail employeea taking advantage Flushing, N. T„ were guests of d ------«oc*W wW, Nehon./ of two Itama of RapubUean advice of opcurlng this education offered hlfMy vAlntbU *«t Importtni among natlona. .... Mrs. John Kingsbury left Satur­ tha fall ttrm. Marls Woodmanaee. with half- Mr. and Mra. Clair L Robinson of The third prtneipU la that wa to Governor Bowlaa baa been tha ' day morning for a vacation In superintendent of echoole, has an­ by the StaU Departnunt of Edu­ Post HUl during the past week­ ttrrktt. more oorraet and advantagaoua Pennsylvania. nounced that Sept. 7, 8 and 8 In daakkParaMe cation. Thla'year'a clamee should end. .C0N6 yirpt, ht gtvt an eltmanttry cannot aucceed In creating aound be larger because the tnUrest has for the atote. Mrs. Franklyn R. Orcutt and all ths schools, seasions wUl be on sale w M di oat- v-Mr. and Mra. Fred Tatro. Route IMMB, aa ABC letaon. in worM and expanding world economy un- a half day basU; the high school Incraasad. The first claaa la ex­ S t e m ’s * " ; : ^ h 1 The RapubUean organlxation Mrs. Alfred Bray have returned waara laathar 6. have aa their guests, Mr. and 5 1 1 0 0 •oeatmlct. ieaa we keep cvarlaating gt It from a motor trip to Vermont closing at noon and ths grammar pected to bo tho first „week of Oc­ Mra. Albert Wittum and Mr. and ••AlVgj which laauaa auch advice does not, schools at on# o'clock. Ths hot i a r rabbar. tober. tMond. ««tnf that a* U ck- There art Umaa, no doubt wkan of oouraa, have to worry about the where they visited Mr. and Mra. Mra. Harry Lebfvre all of Provi­ fima we ahall beoonM Impatient or aa* Dan Hammer of Lincoln Center. lunch programs In tbs schools will Taw fli, durable E tu fic .o H ' dence, R. L St 29-02 grouat. ha diartet th* Amarteao dilemma It preaento. Batgf In tha start Monday, Sept. 12. noytd by dalnya and obatadao. oppoaltloa, it haa tha aactbd privi­ Mrs. Hammer w as ths former Mrs. Mias CTarole Luaky, daughter of "~25< mood ant Amtrican prladplat Alice MuUer of this town. Sunday, Sept. 18, the first social laathar uppari. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Lusky is But we cannot throw la our hand lege of advlalng and'attacking on. Hithtaond Itr th« (orthcoming tconomlo both itdaa of tha aama iaaue. It la Coventry Grange will entertain event of Abe Miller Post, a fam­ Sixes IvC’ to a. J o h n s o n Columbia spending the week with her grand­ and walk out of tha game. Nor ily outing, will be held at Andru- ' \ taUu with Britain. not bound to conalateney, at leaat ■ast Windsor, Columbia and He­ MANCHESTSa parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert bron Granges on Thursday svenlng lot’s Grove on Never# road. ^ 88d MAIN ST. "W 0rt4 aooaomle problamt.' can any other nation afford to' do not by tha uaual rulea of tha game. 824-828 Main Street Spencer Macht, injured In an that The path of mutual adjuat* And tha target of auch incon- and thsv will furnish th# program. Dinner will be served at 1 p. m. . automobile accident Friday night, E tlM PTMltint bagan Wa rtading t t The rttreehirfent committee will and Howard Bennett, chairman of i Tel. 5161, Manchester and a patient at Middlesex hospl- meat and oemblaed ooonomie af* ■latant attack and adviea la in no WHIN MISTS COMi- tha atamantary iaaaen, “«ra ua> way ebligntad to try to reaolvt it. be In charge of Mrs Benjamin i the committee, promises everyone tol. la reported by his family aa tagiutly aawpJt*. ■«» thair fort U not an aaay ana. Tha ac* Only aoma conadeatloua hyitand- Strack. _ attending all they can eat. Follow­ resting fairly comfortably al­ though the full extent of his In­ imptattnca tn wa la rmry el anomie intaraato of natlona ara ar, Ilka oimealvaa, la likely to be East Central Pomona Grsjige. ing the dinner there will be games Havf t you seen our No. 8. will hold an aH day meeting and other recreation. Tickets may juries haa not jret been deUrmlned WaaM ptaaparttr la naeaaaary to t i l oaally raoeneUad. No | fooUah enough to take up the problem and try to Bolomonixe It with Stafford Grange on Wednes­ be obUined from any member of new line' o f Men’ s as the stUndtng physician had not W h ite Tuna FANCY SOIID 70Z TIN 3 9 . ««r|| gatea. mrtharaiora, world eon got alt It waato. But thara day. September 7 beginning at permitted him to be moved for Tka Jay— Waiaai wWeli la the Poet. gwa^artty la nietaaaiy to our own la na other aray to tho aolutlon of 10:80 a. m. Following the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ntchol- Sport Jackets, Suits, DEPENDABILITY Xraya. Tommy Fagan, a passen­ CUPLETS the ewieetottoa prixe aotomatio* our dlfflculUaa than the way of at noon the Lecturer's program ger In his car. who suffered s dis­ Q overdale Tuna IKHn^MIAT *0^ ^ 3 3 . ggaagoytty hart In tha Unltad ally awaidad to too defeated op* eon. Mr. and Mra. Henry Dubord located hip and cuU and bruises, CUP CAKI MIX OLD HUNDRID mutual ceneaaaton add ooopara* under the direction of the lectur­ and Mlae Lorraine Dubord of Top Coats and Rain­ Imprcmyoor MX or bridge petty •totaa. U thaaa teeU ara kapt In paaltlan haa aevar toian amre en* er. Mrs. Walter 8. Haven will hs Is Xble to sit -up In his bed, next to A aREFIfl. DRIVER Will BE A SURVIVOR tiOA. JajraMy domoaatratad than In Pleasant Valley road have re­ Uiat of Macht's. He la expected gvests. Cuplcm has the quality DiH Pickles Mouirs uicio QTiTi 2 9 . ■tot, It wIB bn aaaiar to untor- oresented. The theme will be "A turned from a vacation trip to coats. K E C R EA M ••The fourth prlndpla.^* and It too two Items of BtoRbMuy ad* to be home In a few days. no. other cup cake mix has been attod what thla country la trying vlea to Oovamar Bowles MT tha Southerner VlslU New England." Canada. Mr. and Mrs. John A. UaeVeagh, A WONOEIfUl ASSTMT waa here that Praddeat •Truman Mrs. Haven will also give a de­ While In Chnvls the two men able to equal Makes 12 to 18 de­ to to- • • • • iMltai of n vaanttan lor . the Al$o most mything in celebrating their 40th wedding an­ Sweet Pickles “ 'Kxtf’" ..o«*23. ef RICH, CREAMY FLAVORS ••tha (raa nattona ara datar- made hla hanlthlaat contribution tailed report on the New England captured two bear cube whose niversary Sunday, were gueata of licious cup cakes or one nine Lecturer’s Conference which she mlnbd to naotd tha mlatokaa o< to tha ntmoaphara for tha np* •Tho flrat ttsm of advice was Is- mother had been ahot a week be­ Meh*$ Made4o4)rder honor at a cocktail party arranged 8INAST 29 OZ TIN attended In K^gtson, R 1 . Aug. fore. 'They discovered the cub# In • This butinesi of compounding by their children. Colonel John inch layer. Bartlett Pears 3 7 . tha gaat. Tha rooto of tha graaant proaching talka, ‘•ta that tha dam* susd by the Republican organlxa- PINT PKG Ben at the height of the General 15 to 18. the top of s 80 foot poplar tree. Suit$ at very rea$on MaeVeagh and Mrs. Dorothy M. aoonomlc groblama go back to tha ocratlc nations , era not pronoalag^ ’ Claeses at the new elemenUrv With the aid of spikes, Mr. Dubord preacriptiona is no child’a play. Hickey Camegy. Eighty - five miAST IdOZ TINS Assembly session. WliXt It told school on Cross street end the 7th OVEN BAKED 2 9 . n n t World War. Altar that war to Intarfara In one nnothera In- Govamor Bowles than. In very def- : eVhibed the tree and with great able pricet. friends and relatives atUnded, Baked Beans 2 tomni polities. We knew grade at South street will begin difficulty brought both cubs down It requires Imowledge, akill. and among them Mra. Sarah Henry, S J S f H M I S Inlts torms, was that be ought to too wtlTur of tha world mada tha on Wednesday. September 7th at Mra. MaeVsagh's ,aunt from Ar­ well how we would feel if some take a vacation and gat out of the He gave one to a bystander who PINAST 2 140Z BTLS 3 5 . —fr*t*** of foUowtng narrow and 9 o’clock. Afternoon session will helped him to capture them. The lington, N. J., from whose homa ChiK Sauce Standard Tonatoes m‘10. foreign nation tried to tell ua how state so that the state’s problems close at 2:48 o’clock. The bus a high degree of accuracy. toait^lgktod poUdoo of aeoooinlc could be settled without his Inter- other he brought home In a cage die waa married 40 years ago. route schedule Is as followa: Slm.e With Mrs. Henry wees her slsUr, 2 i4 0ZBTIs 3 7 c ■gtitiiollain Bach oountry, arork- to vote. Wo rooegnlxe that each fsrtncc. ■ on the top of Mr. Nicholson's car guesswork must be eliminated. Finest Ketchup tomato WHOU u n p h 6 nation haa Its own political prob­ bus win pick up the high school and now he ta in a cage at the Du­ Mm. L. Van WUcklen and her tog lor Ita own talflah Intoroot, Governor Bowles found himself pupils at French’s comer at 7:05 daughter, Mrs. Mary Southard of lama and that It uaea different bord home. Television Certain powerful medicinal PUSH Richm ^ Apricots ” m‘ 2 3 . telot to got tho boot of tho othara. unable to take that advice at that a.m.---- and proceed to South street------Monday's rain waa welcomed hy Ocean Side, Long Island. A small- Heinz Pickles CUCUMPH • 24-OZ JAR 2 9 . ■gab natton aroctad trada bar* poUUenl Inhale and different slo­ particular moment. But he did. In by way of Silver atreet up Miller a , ,ft*r the prolonged Lotcett prices in Conn. ■ sr group stayed on for buffet sup­ HOMHJLND gans from those we use at boms due course, formulate hla plans road to Route 44-A. High School , ^ro^^ht agents must be measured to a fraction of a grain. per and the avanlng. Ruby col­ YOONo rlait to koop out tha producta of for a vacatidh and embark upon ored gladiolus with white ones, FANCY 2 2 OZ JARS 39* Hen Turkeys TtHOgg atoag natlana. Wa aU ramambar la the anme way, natlona have atudenta will tranafer to Roaes , Eapeclallv glad were the ahade Any make or model for Staffed (Hives PKG OF 48 43. •■’2 IR A VC lb s o , one. « bus St the comer of Bread anJ : grown tobacco growers as it en­ - When you bring your preacriptions to us you have were used In profusion for deco­ Tea Bags B tof^-bnioot and arhat It did different bualnaaa practices and Now, with that amaslng celerity less money. The best buys rating the h=nu and a centerpiece Milk atreet. Roae’a bus for High abled them to get down the cured LUX FLAKES MIDIUM 4Vi OZTIn | 7 c and ROluo . to t i^ oountry orontually. Each different gavtmmeaUl devices of opinion which la the prlvUage of achool pupils will start at 7 o'clock , in town. Buy from a tele­ the ■■euranrr that all of these principles will be of red roses and wnlte asters ar­ Ripe (Hives wmfc Fores tobacco which had dampened in ranged by^lon Klute, who makes J O A N C A R O L OES/RfO aauBtry triad to dump Ita oam for achieving the enme economic tha poltUcsl critic, the Republican to pick up atudenta on Route 31. i the sheds. They have had no vision expert and have th LB organlaation laaued a new finding. croaalng to the Experiment Farm hla home at Merrlmacs. graced the gpadBcta la foraign marfcata. ends. "dampa" before, therefore they installation done right for conscientiously ofaeerved. Your own physician dining room table. Six nieces of O lVaiD HAM 2H-OZ TIN^7c It waa criminal neglect of the and proceed to Route 44-A and couldn’t get the tobacco down to LCE PKG ■Underwood ■ ir m i-K M “Thiai pohciaa warn aalf-delaat- 'A conununlty of democratic atate'a welfare for the Governor to best reception. the couple, wearing little ruby Fowl plump M u r y will arrive at Bread and Milk give room for the rest of their will verify this statemenL trimmed tea aprons, made by Mrs. ond HOMY BREAD 18 lag. Thay achlavad aalthar na- nations cannot insist on uniform­ be absenting himself from the atreet at 7:30 and then to Man- crop and consequently they were MaeVeagh. were junior hosUssea. Armour's Treat 12-OZ TIN 4 0 . w sto or Ort-Uj) ttongl nor lataraatlanal proa* ity In mnttara of poUtlca or bual' stats at a moment when Important cheater High school. forced to lay off their gangs of ^ 1 i e E 'C b a d io a n d ta sU irr d TELfcVISlON Lovely glfU of ruby glass and sil­ THIN SLICED .•,«#* ■mm, Tho only uniformity on problems wars crying for solution Sim’s bus will pick up elemen­ pickers t6 wait for a damp. ver were presented to Mr. and Mrs. DOUBLE WRAPPED IB LOAF ^ | 9 C * parity. laataad. they balpad to How eould ht ao hsartlealy aban­ tary achool pupils starting at 7:20 LIFEB U O y SOAP I20ZTFI 4 3 . hriiig on tho arorat dapraaalon tha which thay can tnalst • - • and thla Judge WllUam Thresher will be­ MaeVeagh In honor of the occa­ Libby's Corned Beef don the state at such a moment? on Bread and Milk street, croaa to gin Sept. 8 to hold Town Court 465 Hartford Road sion. SOLO ONLY AT lIK T NATIONAL STORB la what binds ua together aa free In this, it did not bothsr the Re Cedar Swamp down Brewster Tueadav evenlnga Instaad of Mon­ Cor. McKee Stxeet Columbia Congregational ohurch -.vs'x.q New, aald Praaidant Truman, nations * * * le a firm adheranec publican organisation that It had atreet to South street, picking up held lU last service for a month, RIG BARS ones advised a vacation and that day. as held formerly. ‘Tha’ free natlena have ovaroonM to democracy, true democracy, achool children at the corner of Phone 2-4304 ( I f f i l d c m i Sunday morning, with a large con- now It condemned one. Nor waa Mlller'a road and South atreet Preseriptlee Phamaey egatlon In attendance. Dr. and Ve/fetaUUi. tka danger of Immediate poat-wnr not the fake kind put out by the there any reason for It to pause to about 7:45. From there the bus Open Evening! TiD 7 891 Mala SA Tei. 8881 Slorga S. Brookea, pastor, who eallayM, kot wa have yet to Communlata, coupled with a com­ rsallss that. In origlng a vacation will go down South atreet to the ; Thurs. and Fri. THl 8 will spend hla vacation at his home ShooWers^ gckleva toe sound and expanding mon desire to Improve tha stan­ upon him. It had been claaalfylng achool. i In' Rockville where he will work LIFEBUOY SOAP Djfc i * u 49. dard af living of all our dtlxana.' him aa a hindrance and menace to Thla bus will then return up' on the manuscript of a history of O ranges 2 >^39< warld aaaaamy that la nacaaaary the state’s welfare, while, in ob­ RockvlUa which he la writing, has far lasUag proaparlty and pence. AUstolr Oooke, the correa* Route 81 to Storr's corner, pick ITAUAN jecting to the vacation be finally up on Tolland road, turn at | announced that he may be reached BATH SIZE TLto I L ■ LB A C . •Tkis larger task la tka one pendent f o r th a Manchester did take, It inferred that hla ssrv- French’s comer at 8:20 and pro­ there for any emergency, Sunday 2 h Grapes siiDuss 2 19* togt now oenfranU us. . . . . Guardian In this oountry, was dla- tca was of such Inestlmabls value ceed to Brick achool, then to Ex-1 morning Milton Lane, organist at that none of the state’s problems perimental farm to Brigham's, the Wethersfield Methodist church, MOUNTAIN ■ARTUrr 3 LBS 29 ••pudi n warld ecaaomy la vital, cuaslng the growing bickering be­ could be solved without hta master was guest and his son, Robert, PRUNES * tavern at 8:40 and to school by net aaly to tta enuae of world tween the United States and Bri­ touch. , /4 (U h aang two solos. They are brother- FRESH way of the Experimental farm in-law and neNiew of Mrs. Allan RINSO pages- but alao to our national tain the other day, and then ob­ Well, as we say. tha Rnubilean and Route 31. Rose's bus on Its A pples COOKMO LIS 29* prosperity and security. Wa, In served this: organisation is not obligated to Robinson, church organist. nnast Liverwurst LB make any choice between its two first • trip for elementary school Money Worries.. EAST HARTFORD The Inter-League baseball i tka United Stotaa, depend upon ••At this juncture, perhapa only pupila will pick up on Route 44A •on Is over, the finals between the LGI PKG varieties of advice, and the sad Finance your home the mod­ LBS 2 25 foreign cauntries for many vltnl one man could wipe out these disillusionment Governor Bowles Coventry line at 7:58, south on Telephone 8-3231 two high-scoring teams. Hebron Green BeansNAnvi * frankfurts Miller's road to South street ar­ em way with a 4% mortgage WAnCINS and the Ridges, having baen played miaarals and other matcrtala •currlliUee and restore to the may have experienced when he 8kOTH8RJ. INC riving at Silver atreet corner loan under O. I. Bill of Rights. Sunday afternoon on Hutchins C e le r y f^SCALorWWn LGEDM.BCh | 9 < Without foreign trade, many of Washington conference the grave tried to comply with that advice is not a public problsm. about 8:10. Thla bus will pick up Construction Loans available. FUNERAL field In this town. Hebron ^ LUX aur tnduatriaa would suffer. With' goodwill that Is Ita due. That Silver atreet children an(l 44-A the game and thereby the cup for nnast The only valid problem np for Mortgaga Ananclqg through G. TOUT SOAP Bologna LB out faralga trada, for example, i man le the President of the United neutral delermlnatloa la that of from Stiver atrsat to Storrs Cor­ I., r . H. A. or conventlooal SERVICE the year. Several non-league Eggplant nativi 2 13* would ba difficult It not impoa- States." whether or not the atoto It bet­ ner east on Route 31 to school games mm expected to be played. about 8:30. The Second trip for Bank Loan. The local team played one with ELBERTA plMs, for us to develop atomic We think that le what Presi­ ter off when OoveHior Bowles la Oratnd JkWett REG BARS LBS on vacation. Conatdnrlng the rel­ thla bus will be from Route 31 Funds alas available for homa D i m t e r Lebanon Simday afternoon and Peppers nadvi 2 aaafgy. Iforoovar, wa natd to sa(l dent Truman has at least begun ative quiet and serenity which to Pond Hill school crossing to re^ rs, msderalsattoa. etc. See Buy BOW f«r fall .. • bast them 16-12. A return game LB a|gay ttlaga abroad. Our catton, to do, as, at the same time, he Experiment Farm at 8:40 and na ter eomplete details regard- will be played here next Sunday. has ruled In the pnet month, •nd Mve Sunday's sailboat races on Co­ LBS jwsh SwonMsb our wheat, our tobacco, far ax* has begun the process of educat­ there teems little deubt that the then going went on Route 44-A to lag a new loan or the stieam- s PEACHES Tom atoes, n^tivi 3 lumbia Lake were exciting as the LB ampla, must have foreign mnr- aaawer Is In thn nfflrmntlw, and Storrs comer back on Route 31 to lifllng of an rxisting loan. SW AN SOAP FR IiS TO N E ing his own countrymen to the school about 8:56. All interested wind waa strong and the water kata. Our proaparlty would be that having the Governor on va­ Thla la a tree Jarvis aervloe rough. The Leonard boat, with LBS propocltlon that economically this cation representa half the dls- persons are requested to keep the Potatoes «««• 2 aarlously damaged If tha export ta already one world, and can only schedules for future reference. —No charge to the borrower. ALL W OOL Maurine skipper, capslsed w d the taaee to a Oeaneetlcnt Utopia. aarke boat ripped a main toll. REG BARS susHa of agr products ware cut off. work out Its prosperity If It be­ The remainder ef the distance The Registrars of Voters will ba 3.29 f^ K V SHied Wlnnem. In the' Lighting claw •'Wo cannot tharefora, fall back haves aa If It knew It. might be represented by n vaca­ In session at the To(s-n Hall, North COVERT COATS * were Mlllem. flrtt; Ferguson, sec­ LB Coventiy on September 6tb from 74# Siga of • Into aoonomlc laointloniam. In- tion for the Republican or- JARVIS ond; Lueia. third. Comets. Ly­ 35. g^plantlon too. ’llwa It would 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock to complete man, Englert and Wheeler. There atoad. wa muat taka ovary action WORTHY SIRVICE gjuS en JUUBABH. PUn FRUIT Wrong Outcasts prove enUgbtealng how well the the preliminary reglatry list of all R E A LT Y CO. are two more racaa scheduled for SW AN SOAP LBS Strawberries mo oaa to taring about nura trade, otnto can run Itaelf. electors entitled to vote at the 654 CENTER ST. 142 Bast Center SL the season, next Sunday, and La­ expanding markets, and growth T h e denaxiflcatlon program town election on October 8rd. The PIMM 4118 Or 7275 bor day. loazpicc RASPBERRY BETTY ALDEN session In South Cqventry will be Grttmi Beans rSTeSL 2S* and development la ,other eoun- which the western alliee conducted Manchester A total of 187 chlldmn have held at the Town Office Building 2 5 .0 0 . ' been registered for entrance to LGf BARS 27. WHITE SLICED t|lct«g well ga our awn. in Genqany, either through their State Officials at the asms data and time. Home# W. Porter school. for the Preserve^ 29. •Xkto af tha meat aerlaua dU- own military courts or through Plana are almost eomplete for opening of the fall Urm. MUs PICNIC ACCISSORIES CHEESB for SNACKS nativs German courta, was do W ill Participate the 7th Annual Fair of the Tol­ Notice Qladya Rlea. principal announced ficuMlaa wo fgaa,” and here Praat Republican Caucus Bqdget oontclons girls are MSAM. MANOI BREAD tagnad to make outcasts, among land County 4-H Fair Aaaoclatlon foriowlng the mglstraUon' day LUX Piptr NapkiRS 25?o21« dmt Tnimga put kla flngbr on tka Inc., which will be held at the The Registrars of Vottrs of the bu>1ng their ooata naw Lo a f C h M M AiSSSm ^ 45* tha Qsrmana themselves, of all | Hartford Sspt 1—(FI — Con Town of Coventry will be in ses­ The RapubUean elsctoxa of the , whan ahe acceplad the names of tout soap 180Z one key tketar ui the praaant grounds of the 8econ(| Congrega town of Boltan are requested to —they know they get the , so children who wUl be fimt grad- Phak PbtOS »«onA«» ,«oofe|5c M A M A A L A D R altugitoii, iMiudIng tta ttsss who shared positive guilt la necticut oBclqlaofliciela are tolo participatepantcipi tional church in North Coventry. sion In the finest selection SM the V e lv e o ta nuwrs VS18PKG 29* LOAVES In the pregram of the New Engr Town Clerk’s. Office. South meet in caucus at Bolton Com­ pick of the afylee! Wene- SM and five new young people In 2 ! PMtgtn, •ig tka fast that, the berm s of Hitler. September 8 an'd S. ' munity Hall on Wedneaday. Sep- Upper gtodea starting here for the BATH SIZE Hot D M Cups . PKOOF«|5c land Conference on Probation, Ps< There alU be varteus 4-H ex­ Coventry, ly IntwUXad. wet] made 11< A g e d C h od d or u 69* Preserve “ ««I9. at PTMw t, faratgn nations need A claso of outcasts haa ladeed role end Crime Prevention to be and the Umber 7, 1949 at 8:00 o’clock p. classic stytes with new flrat tInM. - hibits Including dal^' witn Rob­ m„ to nominate candidates for Scheol la scheduled to open the .Waidi Pipor nsjTRoulle to buy mars things from ua than been created. But it is not oom- held in Newport, R. I.. September ert Th.orp, Buperlnt'dndlng: Baby Town Hall, North Coventry, nnd softer details. Wine, C h o te a u powmb vsupkg2 9 c 27 15-17, It was announced here to- the following town offices; Thursday after Labor Dmy. The FANCY U. S. Nto 1 WNm wa iMad to buy from them. . . . poaed of former NasiS. Many of Beef, Melvin Avery; Sheep and on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, black, gray, brown ' ar BOUT POICn TO TAKE OCAREITIS dsy. 1849, from 9 a m. to 5 p.m., for Assessors, Board of Tax Review, green, fliaes 8 to 18. teaching staff will ba tha same aa Buy Ixtrw for the lone Week md NeRdey ••fko urgent demand which these are back in positions of In­ Lambs. Winthrop Merriam, Jr.; Selectmen, Town Clerk, Treas­ It waFlaat year: Mtsa Lois Hildlng, SILVER DUST Lieut. William E. McKenzie of ^wlne, Gilbert Rlsley; Poultry, the purpose of completing the . POPULAI BRANDS CLOVERMAID foraign aoimtrles have for theee fluence comparagto to Uist they the State police «1I1 discuss com­ pieUmlnary registry list of all urer, Agent of Town Deposit Arts grade; Miss Elsie Roees. see- ics; Dr. Dudley P. MUler of the Paul Siegel; Vegetables and. Flow­ Fund, Grand Jurors, T ax Collect­ pnd g ^ e ; Mra. Ethel Brabant LUCKY STRIKE, OLD GOLD FriNkfwtRoRs JPANCAuat PKeoFefJc . tbima far auoada their praaent held under Hitler. The outcasts ers. Wlnlfrad St. Louis and Nancy electors entitled to vote at the a N Of Connecticut Commission on Alco­ .town election on MONDAY. or, Constables, Registrar of third and fourth grades: Mrs. Mil LGE PK<^ CHESmnElD. CAMa HOLIDAY I2IOZBTLS orov LIJAR aUStg to pay for them. Aa a are those Germans who ware in holism will speak on "A Connecti­ Gataa; Handicraft. Wilbur, Wba- SHOP IN AIB dred Church; fifth and sixth 10 PKGS H 29. SlMlwicIl Edb ••ANCAPOi FKOO»8f7c plea; 4-H Racorda, Allen Abbe; OCTOBER 3. 1848.. Voters, Board of Education and PHRJF MORRIS end others M o xio TREAT j p N . maitl traga <« row aarloua- any way associated with the dc- cut Program on Alcoholism,*' and Mafjorid J. Qrqham Fire Commission, and to transact CONDITIONED grndsa, and Mlsa Oladya Riee. aav- Hobbles and Photogriphy, flain* CO.HFOBT MB eg bglanaa. .... ■ aastficatlen program, althCy gs B|r. Gsama (.ol|i. msdlesl dlr«*T EUSbbeth M. RytoUlf ^ ^ sudh other buslnea* as mgy prop enth axd eighth grades. Miss Mar­ SNN tnmagga ato bujtag easpleyee igf tha United *0toto# t«* of toe Tta* Flqn clinic, will Rs^strasa, lit Blllriet erly coihe befOrd such cduOul. garet Danehy will Aturn as achool give a pMfasaloiial view 4f treat­ By order of ths Town fJommlt. nurse. Merle Walker has been en­ SPRY a S iM V ma ara to ncuava a MlUtary Qovemmont or of the ment of alcoholia. W. D. Bamos 4-H Demonstratlone, Richard Nie- Gertrude 'A. Haven Elsa E. Koehler gaged s« music director to suc­ world trada." ) denazification courta. These Ger­ of th# Connecticut Prison Associa­ derwerfer; Canning, Lorraine Mc- Clatchey; Food. Shirley Pratt; Registrars. 2nd District Ralph B|;oll. CThslinisn ceed Mra. Wilo Supernant who ra- NEW ENCLANDS LARGEST RETAILER OF FINE FOODS mane are the ones who are find­ tion will preside at the dlacuaaloii tahSd tM basic of the interstete compact govern- Clothing. Faith Gibson; and. OaUii St Coveiitiy, Conn., this Dated at Bolton, August 30th, Blmert’'ln .Tune. i’,, II HN C 3-lB tin of fworld aconoraie life, ing themselves on a blacklist, ^ d ins arobatirii aad aarole. Adult. Aline Loyxim. The fair 3ist day of August, 1948, 1949. Campr Asto-> Wamsh.. Center 3 2 -li.r.'i ■ t 'rhuroh eaesp at Oalumbta Lake I I m t MiiiikhaiiM X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1949 PAOBMIMS MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 194» I ------» ------•svantb annual fair of tho ’Tollaad Hall la North Coventry, Beptem- hold articles, Ann Reynolds; Lola Motycka, Nancy Cbrdaer, Donald land 4taU and laauHant nawa ly toapondad to tha advortlMag County 4-H Fair AsooeisUon, bar 8, from 8 n.m. to 5 p.m. to Lyman, Bariiarn Contoa; sewing G e h i^ ; hoMSy axklblt, Donald eovaraga bad raautUd la aa Im- and vaeattonsd la the sUto Mmw- >»t »4 » T o p St^nttiets South Coventry Ssptembar 8 and 8 at Church Com­ complete the preliminary regtatry Mt. no first prise Alice Crick- Gehriag, Adale Gehriag. Booths: %vtm ; — II Work Shortage ■riiTflrr that thara wna a gmisral ad that ta r aneh |1 apant la ad- munity Houm and Grouada la list of all elactors entitled to vote more, Gay Niamn. Other gar­ Agricultural, Hl-Orowera Chib; FRIED O YSTERS, CLAM S •bu. PaaSae UtUo Coventry Dairy a n b , 4-H Crafta- migratloa af Industry from tha ra- vartlalng thay "brought to Ctoa- North Cevralry follows: Dairy, at tha town elactloa Octohar S, ments worthy of premiums, Bar­ PISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW PRIALAtOtl glsa, tha roport daolarad. To eem- nactlcut n o t la dlraet, trnoaaMa THIS'W ATTO ” B ase V isitors Rohact Thorp; sboop and lamto 1M8. bara Schwann, Joan Koehler, mea. Homamnklng booth, Coven­ l S o " S Today *8 Radio Board Problem new buatooaa. WInthrop Marriam, Jr.; poultry, Awards given at the elghtarath Carol Wittmann. Canning: Vage- try Junior Homemakers. Demon- bnt this ImpranSan with faeU. tba • 4, ' Mra. Oaorgo H. dour otatas tha Uw Btw Bflflitarr groMM ctv « r m a islIrtiBii. otIM i w « A V - » m Oammtarioa mada a atndy of Owmnalty AM MIm Uta Miner; vsgetaMaa and annual 4-H Town exhibit August tablaa, Judith Zachea, Ann Ridi- etraUons: Garden. Nancy Galea I—UM plastle ware ordered at tha First 25 at Church Community Houoe ardson, Judith Saciiea. Fruit, no and Diana Motycka; homeiniaklag. ffflMka brawfl fooS — M b M la tht tavarl Csow Ib a a i ehaagea oeeurriaf riaM tha and of RaqueeU from fneal eomnnini- Thm AttedluAi T<^ congregational church choir spon- flowors, Mlaa Nancy Gataa, Rich­ State Development Com* tha war. R fotmd OOnneetieut kwt Ues for adviaocy aaalatanoe la ard niig. Rodnra Elsmors; can­ In North Coventry, not prerioualy first. Judith Zachea. Diana Rich­ sewing, Carol Wittmann and Bar­ UmmI PRIED OTtmCRS AND CLAMS PACKED *11:8^ L A B O R D A T ^rarily from Tiasne sorod demonstration has arrtvad Hated follow : Clothlnig, < suits, ardson: roUoh, no first. Judith bara flchwarm. CooMag, Nancy IT Induatrtaa by raxMvnl ar eon- plannlag and aaang prohlenM tn- at her hoam on Bchool stiaot. Just ning, MMa Alio# DaWitt; clothing, S TAKE HUME. CALL S8M. VM Clock. Naara On AH SUttona. mission's Annual Re* aohdatlon whlla 6S mlgratad Into eroasad to 808 from 147 during tha M l« Anna Gataa; adult Mlw Alina Nancy Gates, Ann Gates;' bast Zachea. Foods: bakad custard, no Cbrdner and Barbara MlUar, Joan WHAT—Moonlight MaUnee. provtdua fiscal yaar. Of thaso, gt CeUs to Submarines scram from Bt Mary’s ohurch. dreaa, Barbara flchwarm, Carol first, Barbara Miller; muffin*. Ayer and Shirley Chriatenaen. trrat-IM edT port to Governor tha sUta In tha saaM partod. T t • Stock Up Th e She raquasts that tha appreat- Loyslm. Local Judgsa Include Mrs. . W n O —■•etaU fo Wtfo. litis— was evtaant" the Commission da- were handlad paraonnally by tha Now for Long Holklaf Kftineth Sims, Mrs. Arthur J. WIttmann; achool dreaa, Judith Ann Reynolds, Nancy Cbrdaer; Fat lambe, Jaroea Ward, WInthrop COMMUNITY RESTAURANT WDRC—World Tonight clarad, "that tfeara waa no general Cbrnmlseion’s planning engineers ■r rvaak OMsy mato flfty orders bs oallsd and Wittmann, Carol WIttmann, Dor­ biscuita, no first, Joan Ayer; Merrlam, Jr. 4flS— paid for as soon os poaolhia, Vtaton. W n C —Nawa. Hartford. Sapt 1—National da- trmd toward tha lamoval of in- while a aarlas o f sniall puUIca^ Speny and BanieB, wlkole or either nd rreas Selsass Big«r*w Registrars of Votaro wtU bs in othy Ward; skirt, Ann Gates, cake,' Judith Wittmann, Ann I4S NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHBBTBI w n o - * u n « DaUM. W TH T-Joa Haael. fenae procuremant “unquaetlonab- Mr. and Mra T. WUhahi *WKIf»—H*wt; ScowbokTd V»- dnatrisa from tha •Uta.'* ttons called "Planning Aids” wo Mew Loadaa, Sept Some ssssion at Tom Office building Nancy Gates; blouse. Aim Gatoa; Richardaon, Barbara flchwarm. Labrador la tha moat eaatarly WONS—Bop Show; News, ly prevented further aggravation used In other eassA Graham, Jr., o f Main atraat. South play clothes, Alice DeWltt; house­ Handicraft, Inside articles, Diane part o f the American eoatiaeat. rtotlM. Although da oooBpaat waa found of the nstlon's tep'sdentlata turn­ Oovsntry, wUl lanva Frtdny, Sapt «** "•'utb Covratry and the Town l i l t s — of (bualneaa) oondtUona within for one larga vanaat war plant In The Commlaaloa reported It had W n C —AppolnUnsnt With Mu­ the sUU” and axporU ‘lihawiaa ed their stUntton temporarily ts- 8, to spend nhout tan days at Sal- **WDHC5—N*w Eagtaad NoU- BrUtol. those in Strafford a: placed amphasta la the 184g Ota- COOKED HAMS >^05* ale. bad a curiiioning affaet”- during nactlcut BuUdlng exhibit at tha 4tf from tissue oella to sobmn- gn& v LrIm, Mg.' WTHT->"Waathar; Dance Band. ■outhiagton were atID kQa at tha the sUte’a ftaeal year ended June year's enA But "the outlook qfss BasUm Stataa tapoaltlon, on In­ rtmoo. Independent Rapublican Party WOOC—N«wa: 1 » 0 Oub. 11:48— 80, the State Development Oom- niatform aubmittod by John M. WTHT—BuidaUnd; Nawa. hopaful,” tha roport aalA “ that In- dustrial dlsidayo while still giving Bnnsrchem sttsndlng the ninth WTSO—Muale. miialon eUted In iU annual report duatrtal u n aa u would bo found prominence to OonnecUeut agri' Swift's Premium’ lb. evg. ■yniBoelum o f the Society for the ler, publicity ebalrmnn, fODowa: trrtO-LonRM Job**. to Governor Bowlea. culture. ■nie party pledges thomaalvaa to WHAT-ChMMr. Um Clittoua and now job opportuniUoa created Study of Develammnt end Growth rfP/ w n o —Newa; Dance Muale During the year, the anney In both commualMea." With ro-> lb St Oonasctleut Consgs for Women the people of Coventry dedicated OtlMl- Fregneacy Moilulatloa ■aid It had kept abreast o f and spect to smaller Industrial space, SMOKED PICNICS .were eeheduled to tske time off to the following purpooss: For the WDRO— FM: 88.7 MC. had devoUd IU primary atUntkm the Oom mission said It had had party, to nominate all candidataa w n C —T oub( Wlddar »rown. ftom their eesslone to visit the WFHA—108.7 MC. to economic changae "which have "surpriring and gratifying re- njwy EVERY TK mm Mnvy's sutminrlne bsee on the at a slngla RopubUean eaueua en­ w h a t —H uy Tot Tttnai- WTHT—FM 188.1, MC. produced Inereaaing Induatrtal un' ■ponaa” from nawapapsr advertis- Lean sugar cured. Thnmee river. courage new poraons to Join tha tm— _ ^ 4:00—Show time. employment and ahortenad houra Tho jdhket waa to ba more, then party and tun for offica oonoidor WONS— Ranch. In Connaetleut planU.” Ing. 6:80—Sarano Oammell. Sites PalnM Out a eight eeelng sffstr, however. iJl euggooUona on thoir merit with­ WI>RO—Wbmtr Taka All 6:40—Weather; Concert Hour. The Oommiaatoo aald It had a » Swift's Tender Grown 4-4H The Msvy had promlisd to have Its out regard for oouree, and accord WHAT—Story Quaan. 8:08-Baeeball Oaroe. slated the armed aervloea In their laduatrial realtors In and out- own.BCleatlsts on band to give the equal party rights to all peraons. WKNB—Raquaat IfaUnaa. w n o —FM 48A MC; 86A MC. procurement work In Connecticut •Ido of Oonnoctieut wore taken, in HAKa vtsltom tha low-ddwn,aa "phyrio- For tha town they have Uated tha H a m s WTHT—BandatanA WDRC—FM On the air I pjn.- and that 1800,000,000 arorth of cooperation with tha Now Haven Pll CPUfT MIX leglcsl aspects of submsrlns war­ following: Actively soUclt and pub­ f i ' w n O —Whan a Girt Marrlaa. mllitai-y procurement contracU RallrosA on a laagtky tour of po­ ROASTING CHICKENS » 4 9 - fare." serve ^ «-^ d "o n o * 11:88 p.m. Your p i* Mb * 8 can’ t fiUl oridi licise tha Ideas of the ciUssns and satwri — ' WOOO—Junior Dlac Jockaya. H m A —Same aa WDRC. were In force In Connecticut at’the tential manufacturing ritaa In tha Ts OlseuH Pleat Experiments willingly carry them out as direct­ f t U H . S:1S— cloae of the year. ■Ute, tha agency roportaA and Flako. Flako iagradieaa are pm- Today, before they m for the W n iA —P. M. thia resulted in the optioning of a ed by town, meeting nctlon. Hold *WDRO—Hia Old Raeord Shop. 8:15—SporU; Weather. Foreign Salaa Hold Cp ci^ioo-mixad Iw sotn wanlM tt Snhmsrias Bass, they were to bssr regular monthly meetings of thW WnC3—Portia Facaa Ufa. 8:80—SporU Newsreel. While Ubulatlonh In a aUte- large tract of land. Dr. C W. Wardlsw of Manchester. Boards of flalactmsn. Finance, and ■rtialCEYS “ WHAT—Maat tha Band. wlde survey of Conaecticut’a ex- SilighUy tnereasad vacation ad­ every baking. And no othar pie Bngtshd, discuss snertments In 6:45—840 Oub. vertising brought worthwhile re* 8b Education with tha public cordially WCXJO—Melpdie Mood* 11:80 W nc — Appointment porU arc atill la proceaa, prellro- enm mix has baao ab)e to sqoal SUCED BACON whirii cempists plsnte are grown tnvltad and flla mlnutaa of all tnary study showed the state's ■ulU. the Commission sUteA and Flako quality. Just add watar. Si the Isbomtory Juet by trssUng with Music. a survey among those who actual­ tiny fern psrtlclee wUh certain meetings with the town clerk. Con­ UP STSKt eUSEI **WONS — Champion. Wondar WTHT—FM. On the air 8 pjn.- foreign sales In 1448 declined less duct all town affntra on a sound KoW^« than one-third as much propor­ growth-promoting chsmlcnla. bualneaa-Ilka baals In nccordanca MJ. M T lU O R ItV WCCC—Nawa; B lf Brothar Bill. 11 pjn. tionately aa thoae fOr tha whole Top Quality Skinleee Whrdlnw was to bo Introduced LAM Same aa WTHT. by Dr. Ralph H. Wetmere. Har­ with tha general etatutas of the — MORIAY SEPT. S W n C —Juat Plain BIO. w n c —FM On the air 7:84 a. country, the Oommleslon reported. State of Connecticut. Prepare the WTHT—Sky King. It has been publlciting sUte-made vard boUaiat sad president of B.-1 a.m. lb tiM Rodity. annual budget for adoption by tha PUME Slop EARLY Same aa produoU abroad since 1848, and L*' WOKS—Curiey Bradlay. wnc. eaid It was proud that Connecti­ Perfect for Iced Tea — FRANKFURTERS BuHer thia wsMc. Wetmors told town at the beginning of tha flscal • Tetorialon cut’s axporU held up so arell last a reporter that ahnllsr research year and abide by It. Oparat*. m ow WDRO—Curt Maaaay and Mar­ plows over a planaad route, start­ tha n iton. WNBC—T>’. year. . omploytng ferns and flowing plants P. M. Also reported by the Commis­ More Tea per Bag was under way at Harvard and ing before It becomes too deep to CUT W n C —Front Paga FarraU. move. Make emergency road re­ WHAT—SporU. 5:00—Taletunea. sion was the extension during tha other InsUlutlons. 5:45—H ^dy Doody. year of thia type of publicity to M I N C E D H A M Freteeakle Ts Anhemle pairs immsdlately and subBoit acbodula of all road Improvsmants GkOOriO • WOOO—SporU. 8:00—Small Pry Club. help bolater aales in tha domeatlc He said planta that ena be grown 8:80—Lucky Pup. market. Dlrectortea of Connecti­ that way ar« prefsmMo to sxpori- for approval by town masting. Ac tivsly. support ths Firs Dspart- O Ciutomer*’ WDRO—Nawa. 8:45—Jean O’Brien. cut-made producU arcre auppUed BOLOGNA aNBtal anlmsls for many atudlsa L» 7:00—Kukla, Fran A Ollle. to purchaalng aganU throughout aa growth sad development msnts, community Orators; U M i. WHAT—Nawa. brariss and other ctvic organlxa- WCCC—HIU at SU. 7:30—Vincent Lopex. the atate, and a "■ampUag" pro­ Testerdny, at another •see Corner 7:45—News. cess brought requeaU from 4,000 B A K E D L O A F sdeatisU saw proepects of la. Provldo addiUonal play­ L» WONS—Hawa. ground faeilitlas In all sectiona of WTHT—Ball Scoraa: Muale at 8:00—Stop the Muale. purchasing agents in other states ’SALAM raoeoreh aid from an old standby «*»g sapsrtmsatnl ersstursa — town. 0411 town maat Inga an nights Six. 0:00—Moray Amsterdam Show for the Oommlaston’B regular pub­ \ i 0:30 — Cruaade In Shtrope lication describing producU : OLD FASHIONED LOAF the ffBglo4sllsd "protoaoum." ronvenlent for people to attend. My— wranfcirifoaraa. • w n C —Hawa. Conduct town nffnlrs In a friendly WKHB—Nawa; 8p«rU Newa.. bare. T B A - B A f l S The protaaos kmg have t «M to r— n chaokont acaelstent parforman in the manner with continuous town Im 10:00—PrivaU Eye. Na Indnatry L om otanA, wkat gnalltlaa \vr)RC_Haadllnara Club. 10:80—Nawa. A situation In aaotbar New Eng­ asgsria of sdancs. Remember the provsment our foremost aim. Coventry Grange Patrons of I w nC —Strictly SporU; Waath- Wiggly "psramecium" you studied w— M yom Irak fo r t H A lt^ alcO H under a mleroaoopa la high sehoolT Husbandry srlU Bb boats to Oolum- East Windsor and Habron M A S T m Mkc prU o M i WHAT—S u p ^ Saranada Ha’s one of tha typo of protoaou P ic n ic WONB-SporU. aanad "elllataff*—so nsawd ho- Graagas at their ban hi Horth Ae/brilkaf oar Aioiktri on ■ u ijr c s r oauoi tlMy havo halr-Uka "cflla" Coventry. Ihuroday, Sept 1, at T im e a p. m., during n Nrighbor's Night omtOtoo*, frootft m i e#* WDRO—Raeord Albuaa. aa their bodies. They use these If* open asasoft lor picnic* and A4P ho* WTHT—porUpaga. d h a tar propulaton. program. ail tha filin'* lor the bounUlul basket. Everybody Is Talking About The Tba clliatas havo in thalr one- Coventry Junior baseball team Delight iamily and irlend* with the pick r a D O O ^ , gttt will play a Imma gnma at d p. m. ftoakoosaff.Bslraialkes* WDRO—Raeord Album. OSBed bodlea aoma granular par- tiREfi—— -*-p —H ei fine loode at budget-soring prleee 33' WOOO-Hawa; Ooooart Hour. ttelea eaUad "klnatoaobus." Tbesa today wfth Taloottvina. Thurnday, m bora A&P. a aalaleetalde the auoleua or leoee.’ B rat L at 8 p. as. thalr gaasa with In— A s aarrosf pnos a/eaek COO I WKHB-BporU. Values and QUaUly Foodstuffs from Mraehsstor Ctowra win b< at ths I W ON i—Anawar Man. o t tha sell, and appanntly play Baa*, sftq-g* yw A s eo rro d WTHT — Sarann Oamnall; California Good Siae Jnley gHs*. rola In tha reproducUoa of Wast Bids dtamond to Msaehsstsr. GRAPE JUICE 1 9 * on 3 7 * tha creatrire. Local ouparintandento of tho Issal anJ gkw yon Ike eorrseS i S f WTIO—WrightriOa Folka. m w a niaiaB Maw Atteaffia TOMATO JUICE IONA TlMSil kinatosBiiisa. whUa long S i O - _ ORANGES 2 Z 9 » WHAT—AMana IModUa. at this ttme lor this rea* • ■Aalaka or If ya« kasa WONS—Branint BUr. that w fli PLAIN OLIVES SIATANA Ths theory has been advanced V WTHT—Han o f Rama. Italian EEtra Delicious slakaonratricl W nC—Thraa Star Extra. racently that In the cells of aU S A N D W IC H SPREADVi'.S’ZP* WKNB—840 Oub. SCHAEFER’S MARKET fonto of life—Including man—this HAIODM ala^Anrda o f aae— aey* SiM— ■ay bs trus: N A P K IN S HUDSON 2 2 f * WDRO-Baulah. PRUNES la addition to “genao” — car* C O M B i S m B B Ma041T WHAT—Symphony Hatt 84 OAKLAND STREET FREE DEUVEKY DIAL 7386 tlors of heredity—that axlet la the Only good feed ttssstai^ Cora SLICED CHEESE AMERICAN t.43* call nucleus, there may be other WONS—Pulton Lawla, Jr. muffim flrad* with nskoca aro FOR EVIRY to WTHT—Nawa; Haadllna Edl Large Bunch ■ndliary ganea in tha material CHED-O-BIT CHEESE USE Mm Swift’8 Brookfield surrounding tha nucleus. dslkious bwMiss dray tknL Local Pullet I BIB END from finsst quality ingm UsM CANADIAN CHEESE w nO —Suppar Qub. But there is IttUa evidence so AkPFood Stores OVER 2 YEARS OLD n 33e far 1^* such oxtarior, or "plasma No ochar oo» mBui mix bos CHEDDAR quart BUTTER PASCAL CELERY No ocbor com m fin 490 Laxkigtaa Avaane MIATf 59" UNIFORM TOP QUALITY WONS—Tallo-Taat EGGS I PORK ROASTS 59c genoO" aetuaUy exlsL bsoaabktosquxlaaqqnality LUNCHEON ARMOUR’S UEET WTHT—Do Ton RaaaambarT How, soma aeleatlsU say, the Flakorn. Compare. NawToikl7.N.Y. "klneaoeomea” of certain protoxoa HASH w n O —Nawn Hand Picked CORNED BEEF Sliver Sktilef WDRO—Jack Smith Show. A A I q u a l it y , tWELL TRIMMED offer tho opportimlty for reaearch- Get iixit- ar.d vayctabWs at thair finast and 7 ig (^ le lb. ara to study a readUy-vUlble and 1091 :r-:>hos;' Leve:ji '...tbs a ajy <3-1 pt^d'JCa on WONS—Gabrial Haattar. SIRLOIN Q O , . apparantty very active material SPAM Ll^HEON ME A T H f^ the rack* at yz .r reaiby A4P u rigidly WTHT—Oountarapy. OR SHORT Lb. OFC that sxlata outside a cell nucleus. ipectad—oti-grada and otl-condition item* aia I*® ’ STEAKS MclNTOSH APPIRS 2 2 5 - CHOPPED H A M ^^EssH> ’can 2 ° ^ 4 7 « r t ic is troTuierred/to A5P'» ’'Quick-Sal*’’ Tabla ot ra- wno—Guy Ltorobarda Show. ducad pricas Shop the A4P way lor complet- WOOO—Ifawa; Sign OS Sara- Clarkiq* Fancy Quality I NATIVE, TENDER Jack F roet Fancy Firm Large CHICKEN » s ^!a^^ 89« satlslocllon. WDRO—spin To Win. T olland J-amouA, rfibAg. J-oods, U JM tiM m WDRO—Larry Laauaur. TO M ATO I FRYERS or FOW L Lb. SUGAR 49 WONS—Inaida Of SpofU. BANANAS The ’PsOand U braiy association N«w tsar frietf , « u » PEAR S WESTERN lARTLEn 120135'j FOR 2 5 ' wlO bold tho SepUmbor mooting LEAN SUCED 2 " > ‘ • 2 9 * CRANBIMIY SAUa TOMATO JUICE LIIRY'S ^CAN^ 2 9 ‘ ‘ * ’ w 5 rO—Broadaray la My Baat PASTE at the library roonu Monday All guess work hen bean elimin- P O T A T O E S 15 RAG “ 5 9 ' ■apt 13th at 8 p. m. Lll>bT< WTHT—Tha E y e .__ , Oe^on spray atad . . . each and every Item PEACHES “ai-S V JUM»0 WONS—Hartford Chlafa, Baaa- 5 lb. bag U. S. No. 1 Long bland TIm local acbools will open for CANTALOUPES SIZE ea2 3 ' Lb. c 1 u haa the price marked on it. ball Oama. BACON 49 the faU term. Wednesday, Sapt. 17* FR U IT C O C K T A IL UIIVS ^OtN^ 34« CORHCD IKF WHAY—Music From Holly-1 cans Tth. Compxire it with the cash 33f BANANAS YELLOW, RIK u16' wood. 10 lb. bag Miss Barnloo A. Hall Is spending cut SHORT SHANKED, LEAN, SMOKED POTATOES register slip .. the price is right S A U S A G E ^ VIENNA-llUr^ t P* HSSH w n C —Maradlth Wilson. soma time with her slater Mrs. onxl you know what It Shop P O T A T O E S YELLO^GofoiN 3 lm l i l t Scot AUea H. Creelman and brether-ln SAITMES is. 2 5 ' with eonhdance A&Fs price- SWEH WDRO—Mr. Kaan. Traear a(| L t law Ira Crealman. Edueolar-Megowen Xow (pAjiaiA,! Lost Parsons. Fine Amtrican S H O U L D E R S 49c Mra. LuelU C. McCarthy of marked way . . your assurance GRAPEFRUIT XXJia 3 o«29' TOILET k J I D I E T C w h q l k k e r n e l c o r n 12 o z . \ n ^ WHAT—Muale Room, North Brookfield, Moss., is spend- oi accuracy. n i D t E l j DEL MAIZ CAN l / C w n o —Father Knows Bast RED MALAGA or BIG RIBIER tng'eome time with her son Eu- n:tr PEPPERS green, sweet 2 l.s 1 7 * , WTHT—First 100 Taara. -isut. *M *mw - mseu - TISSUE gm McCarthy and Mrs. Mc­ M twet IS tttvt- NO. 2 JjwpUfL JoodA . a m p l e Carthy. G R A P E F T JUICE 2 CANS 2 7 ‘ ^ ° n 2 9 ‘ WHAT—Nawa; SporU. ETOVING STILL 8 CRISP# CRIST GRAPES 2 Lba. 19c f r e f Chnrlea Broadbent o f HunUng- I# #2 ASSORTMENT pKc 22 . „ tmi. Mass., a former resident has CssUm O R A N G E JUICE 2 M a°n 4 5 ‘ ORANGE JUICE sno. coo ^.^ 2 7 ' WONS^BUl Hanry, Nawa. TILL 9 P, R. PREM cans g bean spending n few days In town Ssfsr WsiflTf CIISPO ; « i 6 ‘ VERY LARGE BARTLETT PMUUN and eallsd on stveral former juia CAP-N JOHN LI WDRO—Eseapa. Swilt’* Lunehsen Meat lURRV'S ASS T BLEN D ED 1 7 ‘ ^ °n 3 9 ' COD FILLETS 3 9' friends. . , Ctflkiflf NOMESPU# *«39‘ NO. 2H < WONS—Hartford Chlafa, Baaa-| 4 4 9 * Miss Hssel West of Hartford ball Oama. For JACK FROST • I ASHDRTBD (Coatmte Only) n » W ffx P B F sr IONA PEACHES CAN , ICE CREAM IsnarKelcJi lipol* pS 2 5 ‘ WHAT—MaanUght Matlnaa. PEARS 6 29c waa a weak and guest of Tolland 4d* raUtivas and bar alator Mrs. Edith GELATIN DESSERTS WTHT—Amgtaur Hour. FiiM Quality Owe SqBflrti tUCNARO Fine Quality W. Ounthsr and famUy. SPARKLE ASSORTED FUVORS 4 ^ p"rg? ^ 2 3 ' WTIO—Music Halt NO. 1 GOOD COOKING S U G A R 5 Lb. Bag 43e I S O D A S 3u . . u ^ 25c •AT# mmt Oven-Frtsh Ro//s Burt RU of Chaster, Mass., a WflflObisy f Sflop CAKE I I ^ I P S A D E T T E C POPULAR IRANDS 8:18— KM YOUR MCNKBr AT HOMH WDRC—Criraa Photographer. PEAS PAPER fsnstr resident la young manhood LUX RAKES . W IU JK K E I I PRICED FOR CONN a N l a # w RICH 8 WTTC—Jamaa and Pamala Ma-1 POTATOES 15 Lb. Pk. 59^ G leeQ ub was a recent g u ^ o f ToUanfl ANN P GE to 16 02 to tog FUU- son. No. 2 a n friends, and attended the Old Home Brighten* and Whitena Golhei EVAPORAnD MILK BEANS Aa VARIETIES X CANS S m A BOOIEO Frankfort Rolls 8:45— TOWELS Day reunion. CXJAR1 to to g LI tAn WTHT—Kama the Movla. YELLOW FREESTONE. DELICIOUS ||. 29 oz. Un Marin Newel Tent No. 22 of the Whit# House DILL PICKLES STANDARD . JAR AA PKG re ykc to tog 18:88— PEACHES Daughters of the Union Veterans OF 8 1 0 O f l2 X « l \it>RC—Flrat Nlghter. of the a ril War held a meeting at ff ULL PEANUT BUTTER JAR* 35« W n C —Fred Waring Show. P E A C H E S . r 3 29c the home o f Mrs. Minnie B. Met­ P CAMS WTHT—Personal Autographt; ] calf CD Wednesday, Aug. 24. It RASPBERRY Homburg Rolls Personality PortralU. Willow Brook was voted to bold a food sale for LUX TWLn SOAP PRUMNCI Hr 29* Ctnw# Issf HbiIi I UCAN M 18:18— FREESTONE, SWEET 2 ">"‘2 9 the benefit, of the Tent in the PINTS V g h g cfn lV WTHT—To Ba Announead. near future, time and place to be Lather* Fr««|y mmd Q u l ^ y NAIIICO #«a 01 a a C IDEAL JARS ^FOR' CANNING* DOZEN / W PatHss PUNUT MTTU PRS 2 2 18:88— 46 OJL Un aaneunoed later. The .Alda Mre. VIGO* DUS WDRC—Danca Orchaatraa. PLUMS 3 dol 2 9 c Dalldoua TOMATO JUICE Maud Clough, and Mrs. Nellie I MAUUt Mfliflr Oil T U N A FISH whK st ^ n' 3 9 ‘ AND WHAT—Blue Mirror Trio. Darling reported $15 dollars made | 13* WINEV BACK-TO-SCHOOL »« » 69‘ WTHT—Wo Cara. * at tto plastle demonatration held * Dry ClfflRBr •10*0I*IZ[* ZkH 19' AAP KETCHUP 7 ,V/s 3 7' LI RAG WONS—Nawsraal. 1 NEW CROP FINE SWEET T o n g e r i n e Ciunpbell'B at tha home o f Mrs. Maud Clough i NO 2 APPLESAUCE <.39‘ W n C —Dragnet. BEANS by Mrs. Ruth flench of Coventry. NEW low PRICE IONA TOMATOES CAN 1 0 ' Mrs. Florsnee Ayers president, DRIFT C H O C S TIX JANE PARnER KG 2 5 ' Ht S t —HWwoiwlraa. ^ POTATOES 3 Lba< 29c SshSBS TflffNrtSM UN 15* f No. 2 a n a JUICE 16 oz. Un Sserstory Oracs Oough and Pa­ Dlth*f Shine Wltheut Wiping WONS Oasaart MoUbaoh. PO RK end BEANS triotic instructor Mrs. Maud C. 4/a., C U P C A K E S 6 KM35' 1 HAND PICKKD MclNTOSH No. 2 Cans Clough visited and decorated the graves of the deceased Sisters with L O A F C A K E aajuoi KCAN mc4 9 ' AUTO GLASS A. C Petereen Farms flags, n was voted at tha masting SpecUd SuggegiUmg for th^ txmg W eek-End wf. • APPLES 3 Lbs. 29c to buy markers with holders for «: MIRRORS 3 c m ths flags for all of tba graves of RAISIN BREAD i^17' ths dscaaaad slatara. VfHOLI RIADY*TO*SnVI CANDY RAIS mi CUM JANI BARKB CllfFY 1 FANCY FIRM MELLOW ICE CREAM TIDE YUKON RR AND SWEDISH RYE niao ^ 1 5 ' APRICOT or RED Assault Case Coattoued Tides In - DirU Out Xannisdl Hdm 6 -P A C K vSUniB Pop Corn Bovoragos lONELESS, SKINLESS • K g EACH to tog GOLDEN LOAF u25' CHERRY BANANAS 2 L b f l . 2 9 c Kernel or Cream Baaoon Falls. Sapt. l— A sn * M — to n .,, .. ■ NO WASTE-8-10 LIS. L l O O (ftek of 4 pkgi) A r a CHOia Or,’H£RSH£yS,'MARS, 1 9 ' contlnuanea until Bspt. 18 was ‘TW * ^ .r"*S a r?i:4 ^ LfTIN Z .1 9 ^ granted Mra. H llffi DeehtUa Wil­ WELCHES. MKH-NUT. P r e s e r v e s 1 FANCY SUNKIST 1 CORN jpitmta, lima Rikka;^, Lamm and JANI FARKII CIliFY kinson. 44. of Bsaeen Falls whan ■ANQUIT-CANNn Lb. Jars* No. 2 Cans she was srraliFM in JuoUoa court MffTSlMIMillflWg WMPU 19 Por tonight on n ebarga of aasault PAO NAPTHA SOAP t RKIPf MSSMUa Potato Chips 1 L E M O N S 6 25c With a dangsroua waapon. Mra. 28 0Z W h o lo Chickon tm------IMM'S Vii«gC nitsr FOOD S RE DeoUttla waa arraatad aarly ysa- Keepa dothas Whits 3 iOTS10 2 9 ' r B B R V l f C1SCUS MS M 10 ^ ____ tMnler «r SflHtfi terday In connaotlon With the I GOOD SIZE SWEET JUICY ' OF MANCHESTER. INC. CONTENTS ONLY 2.09 AnPOilB PBfS LAR4C sue I t shooting of l^Uam Pottsr, 41, of 22* i 1. (O U N D TIM 7 f e 2 4 9 Ansonin.' folloarlng nn argument I OKU O R A N G E S 2 o » 59c 646 CE|«rrER STREET f T E L .80S9 hstwsen the pair at. Mrs. DooBt- tls’s tM-room cottage. AH erl*a* *iibjaet to market ek*ns«* and affaotiv* at all A * r a*lf-8arrtoa > I r, VT* .1: ‘ I ■' / l-i s’*- V . mANCHBSTBB ffVENINQ UERALa MANCHE8TWL ODNM. THURSbAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1949 PAOR

1EANCHB8TER BVINING HEKALD. MANCBCMTITO, CONN, THUBSDAJ, SEPfElIBER 1, 1949 tin. It, tha muaielaB was wanted _.sL 18 at S p. at FoSowtag here ta eoimeCUon with tha arrest a mart buatneaa emelon. ths meet- Dotson to Face Check Charffe unity, purpose aa New Teachers earUer of Oarmea O. Martin. 30. cheater on an aldsn," he eaM. * . . over, that tba Squirsa really tonm { ffoCkyttle 1 tag will ha ppea tolha fuMto, both atoo at this eity, on a charge of ut­ Tba membere of the BqjUlrce have about thstr raUgloa ... Oie OathoUc phlleaephy at life. Superior Court tering and caehtag fraudulent Father Keller Anmag oUmr apeidMra in jthe me* aad wemea, with Repreaeata- Coming to H it fo r d " ] Squires Note put on n grand exempUflenUon of "Tbsra are a graat many oUwr INSURE tlva John Oak Atoep of Avoa aa Here'Selected . Brin^Arreet choeka. Ha waa hold ta bonds at lers the Sncminent of Oonfirmatlon. . acUvlUaa In which you can pnr- opening, aseMona wsrs the Itev. 83A00 on the chaek charge. List’e kwk forwnrd to many Uclpata as Squires. Tou eaa have Chief Speaker Arthur J. Heffemaa, dloeenan su- Night Sehool New Ouaaii. Sept New Haven poHc# were close 5th Birthday weeka and years of enjoying our- athleUe events, social avanta, and erln ten ^ t of schools, and John A benefit bnaebell game will be Hayward Dotson, 19. at Maw Oa» behind Martin when he boarded a Public Bidding nean woe bound over to tha fall Marihuana Qg«rtttrs aelvaa in S t Jamea' haU." affairs Ilka this ona tonight ... JuUan Rjran, profcaaor of ingUsh layod tonight at d o’clock at SupL niing Announces Hartford bound bus. They tele­ Chief Squire Neil Danahy ae- Sometimes when you want to do at Boatoa ooUags. M S NaSi ‘reTMM • Classes Form laary Park, witk all proeeeda go- Unn of the-Superior eourt on a Found in Posasssion of phoned ths Hartford police end Roman Catholic Educa­ Appointments and the ImrgUry charge by Judge FhlUp Loral Circle Celebrates aerted that It waa an "honor be­ oomething your oounsaaors will Araronlmataly 1JOO prtesta, ate- iag tp Orrto Babcock, a aemnef Martin waa picked up when the bus Privale Offer for A»- ing chief aquire, even If it meant say ‘No’ just aa your parents and tors to Qose Educa­ tsra from about 80 ordera and lay of tha EUtogtoa AC who fraetared Records o f Each Y. Reinhart In town eourt tort New Haven Mualrian arrived ta that city. Eagan said Event With Banquet at tsschars wUl UU»you ‘No’ aoma- iMChMTff SltffBdlllS tiM MH Rc^istratioii In Rodi- hto leg ta a game 'at tho Logtoa night In defbuH of 810.000 that when arrsetsd Martin had in of Tool Gompanj lot of hanl work.” bonds Dotoen WM rmaanded to the timss. When you gat to know Joa tion Institute Today Field reoently aad who to at gfee- Eight new tsoeher appotntmeate Now Havan. Sapt. 1- liP)-Want- his pnnssssion 39 marihuana riga- St. Janies* Hall Chief Cbunaellor Jeoeph Mc- . uille StBits Today! oounty JaU. h m j e c l e d McCooa you will find him ona of eat at the Hartford HewfiaU tor ManeheeUr pubUc achooto ad ta ooniwctloR with a bad ehsok rettea. Cboe declared that It was an FENDER AH p. Doteon waa arrested last month The Martin girl to charged with •honor to me to be asaoclated the best guys ever .... I Hartford, Sept 1—V^—Ronian A fte ra eeaeea hi whtob the have been announced by Superin- charge, e New Haven musician "Everything you or T do Is ^iher N«wa o f Qty schedule waa untoterruptod by on ebaigea of burgtory offB rapo. wne arrested ta Hartford yester­ tendering e fraudulent check for j *W w H s m B«pt. ! —<»»—A pub. with the Squiree" and heped that •To ba a Squire danotaa you art OaUiolic sducatora from tho dlo- tendoat of Schools Arthur H. Ut- 8110 ta purchaae of e 881 radio. msssured In ths light of being a a catholic. W ith e r a Bqulra or BODY WORK rata, the playoffs ta the Softball An 98 year eld woman woe the day and found, prtlea salA to have li, fg tlM m m U o< th« O. K. hla aervice In that offlea would be of Hartford $rin eloas thsir RockvUto, S«pt 1 — (SpMlal)— complainant on the rape charge. ta hto poeseeelon a quantity of She received 879 In mah, Ettann Catholic." ITnancIa] Secretary successful. . not. to ba CathoUc ta to ba aoma- % e new audto-vtounl elds p r » said. Tba girl toM pollea tha check ib ti totoptny of Shultoa wo* op- tblng special.. .To be a CatboUe is twm-day rikhicatlon tnstltuts hera SsUmene and KIm k . tna. m y e trattow tor tiMse tatermtod msnt bocauM of the haavy rata No menUon of the latter charge "bad" otnrettes Grand Knight John B. Hayford gram will be under tba direction of IdIntMedI ^ Capt of DetecUvea waa gtvan har by Martin who to MfOU jwtorday by Fa#Aksr will bs ths started today sTtaragtoe of Sopt FbBeOMes MalB. Ur. Spef t er WM graduated members of Browh-lsiGace-Staum SANSON^S Ooatrary to roporta which have 4«r«4 0»o roJocUo* of • prtraU circle and ita htetory slnoe then wrong you always hear: ‘He is a Rev. Jamea KsUsr, N.M., wrho will at etbaala A. M. Chattertea. It from. Boston Uatvorelty School of m 1« Md of $800,000. circis. Columbian Squlrea, and as- Catholic!’ You do not hear retlgton exaggerated the attuatlon, ooly and said the circle has had "many speak on "Ths Chriatoplier Mevs- wlU eenttaue aa Friday, Sept 1 EdttoaUea ta IBiS, majoring ta au- Tho MM.OOO bid w u mode by ssmbled guests at the supper eom- mentioned when tba wrong-doar ment in ths CaUioUc Schools.' one ceae of poll has been reported dto-vtoual adttoatlon aad ecrvlim as good counsellors, all of whdm ASTHMA and Tueeday aad Wedneaday, Beyt to Or. Francis H. Burke, d ty WiUUm Corlaon ond OuoUv J. Ro- memoratlng the fifth anniversary is of another faith.. .People seem Father Keller originated the move­ amlstant ta that depart ment Dur­ of the ergafilaatlon of ths drcls, should be oompnmVnted. for the There’s Nethint Better d aad T. Tbeaa claeeii wUl atait Jlealth Odker, tw the Hertford MB Of Bridfopo'^ rajMtion Interest they have taken in the to want to point out that avan In ment. Than * on Septonaber I t If a mStolent la- ing the poet year Im hse taught WM oakod by John U BmiUi and St 8t. Jsmes’ school hall last that Infallible church there Sra REMEDY iMtotton hospitai. Dr. Roy C. organteatlon.” Other epeakere will include Sis- tareot to towwn. Tha mbiUnum Forgueea, ‘Town Hoalth Ofltoer, and orgnntaod an audio-visual pro­ Alfiod L. kUrthmU. ancUlory ro- night Mr. WIIHams. cMsf speakar members who do not Uvs up to tern Mary Anunciata, O.P., and gram ta Weymouth, Mess., and on the program waa grand knight Vwsent She Phillips Has brought reHcf to number at regtotrante aeceeiary has rocatved reports of two caste, eoteoro ond by U. 8. Attorney their rellglm ... Mary Joan, O.P., both membere of to start a oeurae will be 10, with IMS eompletod eosM work towarda of Campbell council at the time Counsellor Gerard Cbapdolaine both In one family on Labe street, Adrian W. Mohor, for the rederal • “Every^Dg you or I do is the fheutty at Catholic univerelty, many by removing the OC a a -Usi e reyatretloQ fee of $10 being re­ Vernon. A report to being await­ hto mMtor'e dogroe ta that field. (ovemnent. the circle waa organised on Aug. in wcll-choaen worda presented in measured in the light of being behalf of the circle a calfskin Washington, D. C. and R. P. Krog- symptoms of asthma. quired at the time of vegtotrattoo. ed on another Rockville patient He haa atoo served ■% years to Morrla Tyler, attorney for the 27, 1944. The supper was served Oatbolie. To be a Catholic la gsll regional manager of Encyclo ROASTING If Uw attends tha required who baa just been ndmlttsd at the tha enay m a gUder pUoL by the Catholic Lstdles of Oolnm- leather wallet aa a alight token of leeoirera told the court that a bid privilege and. sometimea, a hard­ pedla Britannlca Filme. Inc. number at nights, IS at this wtQ Isolation howltol- Mre. nisaheth ludd af this town waa expected to be made m caah bus. Recorder Charles J. McCarthy appreciation to Lsike D. Phillips, ship ... I would like to try to drive Try It Tbdayl be returned. The entire 810 win wUI teach art ta the other newly Edgar Bergen Cbarbe McCarthy who resigned last May after serv­ Social PrineltA e Wtr ieaed AacMent VIettme uid to be at leaat two-thlrdi of of Campbell council, served as home ona thing—you should be CHICKENS be refunded if the eourM Is net Reporte Wednesday night from asUbItohed poeiUon In the local the appralaed value of 8600,000. toastmaster. ing as a counsellor for nearly five proud to be a Catholic..." The tnatttute opened yesterday Far mto at the fnllowtag given. The newly decorated State Thea­ MaaekwitoT Drag Stairmi New ia a good time to tha tobasoa Memorial b ^ it a l at sehool eyatem. She was graduated ■n»e cartoon and Roaen bid pro­ A feature of the evening's pro­ years and for a period of a year Advios la Otferag wdth a sOrica of ad^receee. Sister Attendance at night school Stafford Springe, where four Roek- ter. Hartford, will lna\igurate lU from Rhode Island School at De- vided for a caoh payment of $50. gram, tyhich was attended by and nine months as chief counsel­ Toastmaster McCarthy offered AnunciatA in the princlpel ad- atoefc your frecarr iHUi claeiMa tor the past five years has vllle young men were taken follow­ Olga ta 1988 aad bna done graduate gala atage ahow season this Sat­ lor. dreae, atreesed the need of teach­ QUINN’S FHARMACT 000 with a ate year term plan for members of the clergy from Bt, aa advice to the Squires: "Dig in M . lis t these fine ehiekens. 10% been small, and bsenuss of the s«- ing ea accident August 33 on the work at Rhode Wand StaU Ool- urday and Sunday, (Sept. Sbnd 41 ing eound Chrietlan social princi­ penae involved, there must be the balance and wanted a company James’ and St. Bridget's parishes After accepting the gift Mr. tooth 'and nail behind your ehisf NORTH END PHARMACY o ff on 10 or more. Quick- Crystal Lake road, were that Law­ toaa. She hH taught S|b years ta payment of $«0.000 in aecounto for two days only. Headlining the parents of ths Squires, officers of Phillips spoke briefly, chiefly ad­ p l e "the truths of the Catholic more Intorest ahqym or night rence Farr had not as yet re. opening profram will be one of the squire.. .Take part la every activ­ T fl taaa frozen in special wrap if Wend and OonnecUcut payable by the Shelton firm. the Kn'ghts of Columbus, counsel­ dressing his remsrks to the Squires ity. ...If you follow tba program church applied to home and com school win be omitted this year gained conaciousileaa. Preliihl- Ta Be At Llncola Scheel Judfe Hlncka declined Roaen’a greatest stage and radio attrac­ lors. past counsellors, past officers munlty living." CENTER FHARMACT you prefer. HIgh'SciMMi Begtotmtlea nary X-rays tadlcate that a chipped who were Invested Isst March. He for thp Squires meat important of Trt. 4«ini Grade n at tho Unooln school auKteatlon that hla bid be held In tions of all Umas. Edgar Bergen and members of the circle, was the advised them to follow the Tpn She Included among ten Chris­ Prtaclpel Allen C. Dresser ^ aecli bone may ba oauatag tha and Charlie McCarthy, noted radio all—spiritually, morally and phal- srlU be taught by Mtos Prtoellla abeyance pending receipt of pub­ presentation of a pageant depict­ Oommsndments of God, ths beati­ cally you will ba a batter youth.” tian prtnciplee, the tvidivtdual dig­ WBtJNlN DRCti ROGER OLCOTT announced that there will ha ragto- Boralysto.___ Carl Tourtollot who Lynch at Eaat Hartford. Miss lic offera aa not being feasible in team, who have delighted audienc­ ing the administering of the Sacra­ nity of each human being, the TrL S Ifl tratlon tor ell new pupils e n t e r s has a bad concuatoon, to considera­ es on the air for many years. Ber­ tudes end precept* of the Catholic Rev. Robert J. Carroll, chaplfiln 40S West Center Street L ^ ch was graduatod from Ooa* that ouch acUon might discourage ment of Confirmation In two church as they go through Hfe, say­ of Campbell council, cloeed tho sacrednees and integrity of the Rockville High sobool today, Fri­ bly better. Dewey West, srho has aeoUeut O a ll^ for Women ta gen will also present the newer Featnrtog Ftm Delivery a nerve paralysto. end a brokan public bidder#. He ordered the bio scones. Deputy Chief Squire Btrk- ing that then " 3rou will be a credit program by remarking: "The family, and the need for sharing Telephone 7853 day and next Tuesday. Hours are June and to enrolled in the tratatag rejected aa not meeting court re- additions to hla wooden family, material and non-material poese*- from 8:80 a. m. to 18 noon aad 1 ehbulder and riba, to able to alt up. ery Johnson ss the bishop; Francis to yourselves, to your parents, to parents who are here tonight must Herbert West, who had three program at New Britain. Her ma- autrements. Mortimer Snerd. the gap-toothed McDonnell as the priest and lions not only among communities to 8:80 p. m. Pupils who do not bumpkin, and Effle Klnker, a your community, to your state, to be proud of the work the Squires register unUl Wednesday, the broken ribs, bee returned home. J^ waa English ahd philosophy Attorney Maher said the Federal counsellor Chailee 8. Tarpinlan as your nation, and to your church.' exhibited in putting on the pag­ but anrong nations. and she has had playground super­ . government was Interested in the so\ithem belle, \^ho will try her Discusses CorrienWhs opsabig day of siAool, are llkriy to Certeton "Babe" Mtlaneee. who charms on ageless Charlie. Oo- the parishioner played role# In After congratulating the Squires eant depleting the Sacrament of mlsa classee because of lack at was injured ta a aoftball gaoM on vision experisnee for two summsra. property because of tax liens the first scene In which the parish­ Confirmation. I want to extend my SIstsr Joan discussed ths Catho­ Mrs. Beatrics Robb of Manehaa- starrlng on the bill will b# Ray upon ths presentation of their Uc school curriculum In another time to attend to registration. August 10, and who haa baen a against It. ioner sought the meaning of the thanks to those who participated psiUant at 8L Francis hospital ta tor will be a part time fsacher at The public bid# will be received Noble, famous maeatro-Comedlan pageant and giving worda of good address. She compared the cur­ AWendtog Oauvmitleu of the Bergen-McCarthy radio sacramenlt. i advice concerning the conducting In the pageant tonight.” Following Mrs. Maa D. Chapman, presi- Hartford ever since, underwent an Homo Bconemioa at Nathan Halt Oct IT, at the plant, 88 Hpll street, In the second scene Counecllor his brief talk grace was said by riculum to the blueprint of an operation Monday. His condition •ehool. She taught In this posi­ Bhelton, with the beat offer being show. Extra added attractions will of the affairs of ths organisation. dant of tha FoUrth DJetrict, Amert- Tarpinlan wss ths reader of the Father Carroll, closing the event architect, giving an overaU v le w ^ oan Lsgton Atalltory, to munding to considered mttotaetory. tion from September. 1946 to June, confirmed a week later by the be Vie and Xdlo, •'Two Beys from Mr. WlBlsms said: "We noed men for the evening. the school program, deriving its Brasil;" Pat Patrick, riotous co­ explanation of the activities. Al­ in the Knights of COlumbua to help the naUonel conventton of the Power Interrupted 1948. t court. Mrs. Marjorie A. Mansur of South median and a host of other cels- bert Bombardier. David Oay, Ray­ with the Squires movement. When M£AU Auxiliary in Philadelphia this A branch of a tree falling across utility wires on Preepect street braied stars of stage, screen and mond Klrally and Raymond "ner- the last need for such a man arose Bira vffR BRmcd to the com* Windsor has bean appointed to radio. The State Theater In Hart­ ney. the confirmation candidates, mlttea on Pa«-Amertoan 8^ near the foot of Chestnut HIU dur­ teach Grade 1 at the Lincoln volunteer arose—Joe McCOos. and National Sacurlty by Mrs. Eric ing the etorm Wedneaday night school. Mrs. Mansur rooelved her Allows Dropping ford le completely alr-condjtloned John Kanak and Thomas Donlon. It wss the most satisfactory thing tho acolytes. Chief Squire Nell Ahlberg. 4el^^^l«^chalrmaa. caused what appaarsd to ba three degree from New .Britain ta 1988 There are late sUU ehows Sat­ that could happen ... If Joe gats PINEHURST DAILY BULLETIN .; explosions which could be both LEANI4DAIN SMOKED DHSVFSROS/ urday and Sunday, starting at 10 Danahy, the sponsor, and Robert and taught for 1% year* In Of Bus Route some cooperation from other peo­ The SalvaUon Army annual ap- heard and seen for quite a dis­ primary grades ta-^East Hartford. p. m. ' Manner, the stage manager, ple, If the boys coopsrats with Jos Friday. Anytime From 8 A. M. Until 6 P. M. rnther Haaiiou Speaka l for 88,000 to RookvUle will tance. Telephone boxes ta homes At the Banes Sehool LEAN M B 1 —on—Dlacon- and the other counsellors they can Come To Pineharat For Folks! Check Your Pantry concluded with tag dan F r k ^ nearby gave off sperka and power Mrs. Bemtoo Brody, at proaont Hartford. Sept, Rev. John F. Hannon, pastor r ijt. 49c ttnuance of a buibus route between sufllctent pstronage on the line of St. James’ church was the first do great things ... and Saturday oonduetod by F. W.In the ^ k street aecUon waa in­ of New York, will teach Grada 1 Pork Cho— now to warrent continuation of terrupted. A " emergency crow Woedbridge and New Haven by speaker called upon by Toast­ "The Squires wars formed for FRESH Then Check With Carrots Ranstrom and A. B. Brain of the at the Bunco school. She waa SHOULDERS *39^ tke OonnecUcut Company h service, and that the route Is oper­ various purpossa. Some are serious BalvMlon Army. It le hoped that from the Connecticut Light end m e a t y M IorLO E B “WAYBEST’ FRESH NATIVE master McCarthy aa the speaking Power company removed the graduated from Boston Univaraity been approved by the State Public ated at a loss. purposes and others are frivllous BLOCK by this maana the entire quote wiU Sehool of Education in 1947. fol­ There wss no opposition at the program was started. In his brief For Outstanding Values branch and service inunodlataly TTUUtlea conuniasion. talk Father Hannon said that he purposes ... We don’t want anyone ISLAND be met lowing a three-yaar course ta the Veal Chops The route was established in hearing, although a petition signed to feel they are coming Into the Fblr BopettotoimMto became normal. by 20 persons wss filed with the looked forward t« many happy SWORDFISH If you’re planning u picnic or would rather stay at Perry Kindergarten sehool. For the Jt48 ss a war transportation serv- Squires to lesm their Catechism Ifembera of 4-H clubs from tha commission opposing dlscontlnu years In Manchester. *'I have re­ Preah Salmon. Haddock Fltleta Mackerel or freek eellcate peat two years rite has taught BMALL LINK Ics. The company claimed at a ceived a royal reception In Man ... It Is s very welcome sign, how- home C a m ’s Market is the place where satisfaction on town of Vernon who wUl serve as kindergarten and first grads ta hoarlng August 4 that there Is not ance. Savored Scallopa. Thee* taetv fresh ScallepB will be fentared department euperlntendenU at the CHICKENS ’ 49/ each purchase is always guaranteed. at the low price of 09c IK It might Intermt yen to know that Parking Meters East Hartford. 5ausages l k ^ m i l k i.b-.43c pairs and renovations, park lands PEACHES BAgEET $ 2 ’M| AMERICAN LEGS OF LAMB ’ ...... Lb. 69c and playfleldf. a parking lot and SUNCREST CIDER READY Roost Beef mlscellaneoua public works. BXTKA FANCY MeINTOBH All From Ihe Finest Genuine Spring Itamb. Tho sals brings to a total of $6,- TO EAT 460,000 the bonds sold by tha dty FULL Full Ql. 15c HAMS le QT. VINEGAR Lb. 65c this year. QQ J BOLOGNA “What,” said Cap, the Robart Farm Manager, ”50 f APPLES BASKET BY Robart Turkeys again this week?” when we placed our OSCAR MEYER CXN ITALIAN FANCY order Just now. “What better value can a person get for f a n c y THE a long holiday week end, than a Robart Fresh Conn. FRANKFURTERS lv 59c OOZ. PIECE Produce 69# FOR 35/ Farm Turkey at 65c lb.”, we replied. Whgn he told us FANCY NATIVE EI.BERTA PLUMS 12 FRESH DRESSED, YOUNG HEN the farm was running an ad on Robart Turkeys in two SWIFTS MOOKHttD Hartford papers, we told him he had better plan on an­ gUlCT BWEBT PEACHES 4 i„.29e other order from us along about Friday morning. No. 1 OBAVENNTKIN DOZ. Again this week the turkeys will weigh from 12 to 14 FOR APPLES 4 . .. 29c lbs., with possibly a few under 12. Please order now, W ITH THS WCH atgjumv HAVta ORANGES 4 MARGARINE TURKEYS when we can get nearly your exact weight. Think about (3 i v c your b u d g e t CAU#DRNIA VALENCIA JC1CE Pepperidge Farm bread stuffing to go with your turkey. TU N A FANCY WIHTE MF.AT 39c ^ RtST With these CREAMO ORANGES 2 49c SKINLESS FRANKFURTS SUGAR 5 Lh* 43c Over . ^ o r d a y s p e c i a l s 1 LB . LARGE CALIFORNIA BARTLF.TT PKG. 17/ PEARS 7 y.,29c BOLOGNA, COFFEE RROWN BERRY 49c Thrae Hundrad lb CAMPBEL14S MINCED HAM Piniihed MonomenU and FANCY PORK and BEANS lie Markers In Oor Displsy WHITE MEAT CAN TYLO . Yard To Choose Prom! ALBACORE Frozen Foods Pot Roasts . . . Rib Roasts . . . Corned Beef . . . TUNA FISH 3 9 / , NATIVE Ldsn Lamb Shoulders . . . Lean Short Shanked Shoulder t o i l St p a p e r 4 Relto 25c AMER. LOAF FAUUfONTS FROZEN The Finest In DEL MONTE FOWL Hams. CAMPBELL’S LAEGE PEAS 2 12 Oe. Pkga 49c TOMATO SOUP 3 r„29e Design 14 OZ. BOT. 15/ FAIRMONTB FROZEN FANCY SFEARS TOM. CATSUP PETER PAN EAGLE BEAND 8347 Workmanship DEL ASPARAGUS 2„„.»„85e PEANUT BUTTER LK 33c SARDINES Eeek 10c MONTE CHEESEe 1 C A U F om riA < Materiol FANCY By MM. Anne Oabet 1“ 3 5/ Select your fresh vegetables from our llsvor fresh By S«M Buiuett KERNEL CORN Now la tba Urns to whip out NATIVE ORANGES 2 55c Just tha thing for the grammar your knitting needles and maka CiitBng done in our own cracked ice dbplay rack. Sweet Potatoes, Des Moines or ■■hfol' belle—a darting little broad LB. Butternut Squash. Farmer Brown’a Spinach are among this amart vareatlla atoto ao yaa ' op from the rouffh stoi SHEET BARTLETT PEARS 5 f .# 19c ■houlWed jumper that buttons win have it, to wrap up ta whan LOAF the new arrivals. Plenty of Apples, Peaches, Pears and down the back, with tiny pocket the iintihed memorlnL • BOLL / tha firat chilly days e f autumn 11 Grapes.. California Oranges are lower in price.’’' fitpe for intereaL lUio’ll wear it commence. Knit it in any eontraat- SCOT TISSUE BLUE PLUMS 2U .23C with tha blousaa provided, or BNOW CROP tag colora, far example the goM Broilers brlgkl sweaters. and beige, or rust and dark brown Bitquick 43c Pattern No. 8347 comes ta sIsm MANCHESTER HILLS ORANGE JUICE 27c oombtaaUone that ate ao popular SHUBTINE 3, 4. 6. 8, 7 and 8 yaara. Stoe 4, for the aeason. The fascinating jumper, 2 yard# of 36 or 39-Inch; pattern la made by "dropping^ MEMORIAL r-i 1 BROS. Moyonnaiiff Pint 37c (•IlUiw.’i 3-8 yards. stltchca kfter the stole to com SUPER a- 49* J'ul^his pattern, aend 26 cents. plated. COMPANY your anmt, addraes, etae Fattem No. 5981 conetote of A. AIMETTI. Prop. COFFEE Tract 39c and the Fattem Number complete knitting instructlone, Cos BumetL Tha Manchester SUtpB UhisUatlMie. material r** OOP. PEAEL and HAKEIPON MARKETS We have a iuU line oi GARRA*S . •.nmg Harold, U » Avn. Amer- futoemanto aad ftatohtaK dUaa* B n S B T p POPULAR Naw Vetk It. H. T- Bene. Ot i ertte teat Oemeeeff.. FOOD. ready-to-eat meats tor your • Fall and Winter Fashion to Bend 30e ta ootae, your name, T E U m O N E TIM Or 88M Q R D [QRYit a complete- guide ta planning -a eddroee end the Pattern Number f r k t a r i o h g n b c t tcj « Opea kundev# 974 MAIN STREET week-etnl picnic. C ^ ooc^ jt o w.urffble fifll wardfobe. Naw-dx- to Anne Cebot (Tba Manchester tiuna; Informative free pattern Evening Heraldl,,1160 Ave. Amer- Bny IHreer^nnd Save Mniieyt t BfARKET printed inside tha book. 3^ cents .icei|■— New York 19, N. Y...... »■------• 302 MAIN <; . • 0IAL4ISI • .4 SOUTH MAIN jSTREET v -f." MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, IMS PAOl \ RANCBESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, 00NN„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, lt4f bispHal assy ksttar ssrva tho oaas- satsnRy. In Attendance At Carey's Tonight Finish Plans EsUmataa of tha cost of tha ad­ Pamphlet to Introduce dition provloualy have run to WANT YOUR BANQUET $•00,000 sf w l ^ t«W,000 has At Vet Parley Fot* Addition basa antlcipatod as a Mvammant. WEDDING or PARTY H^DLED Tots, Parents to School grant in aid. The kuUdiig fund, at ^m^^ster in St» Louis Rocks Yanks Bach on Their Heels last report was la tka vIclBity of I THE RIGHT WAY? Hospital Layout for Con­ $$$8,000. Coventry. McreUry; Mr«. Francis Miner, Marcel _ ■■ . Churchill, Coventry; Mre. tractors to Be Ready T H K * Props Blank la Fun, « DeOco, WUUngton; Mm. Dooze Present at the CbRO b Toumey Foes Browns Drub Leaders tar MraaAa af Srat grade i Doran, Pomfret; Mm. I^egion Convention By Next Week ^^irt Smith Batting HERALD ANGLE Silk Gty, 5-0 iMIlraa la eatpactad from the cacUie D. Gray, Manafleld Center, Proved Tough ■ketchei; Mra. Donald Hurd, Tol- Plana for the new Memorial RENT THE MANCHESTER CATERERS For Second Strai^hl; •Hatara about tha Past Commander Francis Miner ■ r — w|M Ethtl He JtnkinE, I land; Mm. P. D. Uadr. Wllllngton, hospiul additions are la final ' Mm. Kate Lameon, Storre; Miai and Mrs. Miner and Asalatant Ad­ Phoao n s t Or 1-SOIT Champ of Rec League ■ARL W. TOST Swan Scatter* Three eiipgrflsor, ftiuiounccd • stage now and specifications may Q typowritor _____Th« pamphtet ii d*op tendance at the annual American ance of Iniitatiorts to Md on the Oak GrUl Star PoaU| ^Drivere’ O ub and the Bay BtaU Local Twi Leaguers Trail by Two Games; ^ d w at achool. Mra. Pauline Morganaon, Tolland: with your wovk Caliber in WichiU au b aro oeheduled to appear. Tlw theoamphlet. ta# In Mm, John Morrtaoi^ *^*»a"°"; Legion convention In Philadelphia work has been pending for aome Joe Page of the Tankeaa and Indians and A*s Split; ?p W * r ' Mra. Qlady. Murd^k, Pomfret; .529 Average With 18 ’ riarting field bi the 100 tapper wlU which closes today with the elec­ weeks dus to difficulty In compltt- 3 W A Y S to q- t ;; tt’Tu^nai L O A N Thd WUks of the CardI— le are With Oeerfs Bwaa f eshtaalng a B, Th« AsaodsUd Pisss tion of National officers. Past Although they were net able to be Uka a Whe’a W ba 1a midget takT « a Suiitrated ^ Barbara R «^ .,^ ven try, Mm. ing tha plans, but Raymond W. Baae Hlto in 'SA at generally eonstdered tha Data n - earracbig wfUi Mike Naaanik. neat three-Mtter, tha HamUtm Braves Top Chicago Doris Sharpe. Pomfret; Miss. Har­ Commander Miner la III attendance Goalee of the bocpltal building Natteaal Laagne S n ^iaa by Collie D. Gray briag kaelt any af tha gfU t baeoti Uef pitchers bi tha American and Charile Bthler, Prsneky Braard Props eooved fioor unearned runs o( Maaageld Center who will teach riet Nash, superintendent of nur­ as a member of the Legion’s Na­ committee said that ha has baen aearytktag raa^' Bnli; Aeelo Rnnnemp Batting — Robtnaon, RaoklyB, sery and parent education of the tional Economic Commission and from tlM Mallowtf T a « r M « « t at National Leaguai but CUvaland and many ethera scheduled to bo stop the SUk a ty A. C. win a Bv Jack Band .350; Slaughter, 8L Loida, StT. tha flret grade at the Storm Gram­ assured that the preliminaries will E IID III3 compete. AaJLdatad Vtmm Sports Writer ______State Board of Education; Dr. Steward Donze is In attendance 1 . M w w n f WlcMta, tha BritUli Amaiican fans Uka big A l Boston. Tha for­ Runa — Reese, Brook^m, mar achool. 1949-60 achool yeM. be completed sbo^y. 39.05 aui4 amlth la tha faaUtag ohass- Gmniry O n b Notf Pollowing the midget meet, the atreak at rix gamae, scoring a 6 Alice Crossley. assistant professor in keeping with being at every Fw paaad Adffitlaa a. MCOffiilW-jMlaaklartbaYBS Club Uam did bring back mer Detroit Tiger righthander baa Dlaaeter In St. Louie, foUowlng j R^brneon. B rookl^ M. Tbatc are alao auggeaUona to aid of education st the University of ptoa of tha Rao Softball U a f«a . been a Ufe-aavsr for tho fndlnnr B-banglng stock ears wUl take to 0 win. Tbe game was staged at both the parent and child, aa well convention of the Legion It la pos­ Tha proposed additions will, IdANagsr. Its YBB ta 4 out of 8. 7.m I 30.70 t t e Oak OriO star ehibkad dut 18 many momoriaa of a wonderful toe shocking loos of Tommy Hen Runa Batted In — Rebtaoen, Connecticut; Miss Margaret H. sible lor him to attend. OaleaUa PaWaga bi at least a doeen gamea this aea- r. Three heata will be staged the Oval last alghL Brooklyn, 105; Klner, Pittsburgh, aa the achool and ataff. Chaptem among other things, provide a four loans $98 to •••• on baas MU la 84 ertlctal trips u tho to the Southwaai. Oaaeh rieh, has docked to# league-lead-! am devoted to the three R’a—read­ Danehy. RN, school nurse; John Met Oeaeral Bradley floor wast sring, new radlologleal, McKaa-Bmlth vs. Wa-Holway, trip son. Last nlgm. tai a flremaa’a rota, with a 80 lap feaqire eoneludlag Only Oua Oaudino and Jimmy 94. C. Reilly. superintendent of Mr. and Mm. Miner wem fortu­ AMea ftoU for a groat .tSf avarage. DaMartln - SprUgor—Bya, Bonton btankod tha A ’s for the show. A total of 31 ears and Ing New York Yankeea back on ing, writing and arlthmeUc, with pathological and recorda equip­ t tBnJf J OMc* MfficMnM ioeoad placo Moors want to FoU Johany Hedlnnd and the players Blanchard were able to touch Hits—Robinson. Brooklyn, ITS; manuacrtpt letter forma Uluatrated schools, and Miss Jenkins, worked nate In meeting General Omar wood-HIgginaffiggins va. MeBrtd8-La»- Inamgs to earn an 8 to 7 w ls Bon­ drivers will be bi the featurs The Swan, with Oaudino getting two their heata Thomson, New York, 183. with the group sessions. The ment; 46 new adult beda. IS ba^ AMto, also of the Omt. with a were dtaappotatsd to sot In the writing section. Cmatlve Bmdiey and chatting with him at | xidea Brennan, a beautiful sing ainets, a complete new operating W k la C w H bi b M bcM im o cetthaavArwar uat$ to tar Wamn-: ton etarted tha season In the mtn- ace drivers from the American hits In two tripe. The Hamilton Two straight drubbings by toe Doubles — Roblitson, Brooklyn, committee held meetings In vari­ 448 mnik. Bin IJ^«*rL^?S!!r lag at least ons victory In the Hot Rod Racing aub and tha Bes- Arta, idence. Social Studies one of the many social functions beautiful songs, will be seen suite, new kitchen and dietary de­ uri lUd OAvaUo of Thr^ Clanii-l^»n.^ tnL»»• Lf^'Lrirn<»-»ww.aaon«w- tourney, but ons look at mori of ore but the Indiana gamoiaagamblsd anaand iwa nacuig (jiud ana cna Eas- southpaw waa in complete charge. upstart Brownies while Boston was S3; Ennia. PhUsdelphla and Hat­ ous town schools and In private brought the fdteher ^ k Into the | tern Stock Oar Racing Aasoeiatlon Haalth with regard to play, lunch held In connection with the conven-1 heard at Cavey'a tonight. Her partment, locker rooms for per­ /ea&fmoc FINANCE wlthlSnioka—Bya, Tarca, Kupuaka va. the teams out there and the BA e Once again, Blanchard’s support cooling off the surging Detroit 'D- ton, anclnnati. 31. homes. Each meeting was pre­ tlon. Mr. Miner says ^ a t he has! npp*n.,i,cea regularly at the pop- • n tlod for fourth plMa,4aeh a Mg show. Benton, bi addition to win Tie for caah and glory In toe and raat periods, are also dlsctissed. sonnel, supply rooms, autopsy hsw m a .444 nvamffa- Etatlatlen worn■ ra- Haydan-Cbaaay, Ooalaa-^orvaU— knew the National crown was prevented him from gaining Ms gers, has cut toe Yank’s lead to Triples — Robinson, Brooklyn Them wUl be a special data page ceded by a tea served by the re­ been more Impressed than ever be- j |,,y, MARLOW'S bod • nan imAiM Bva. Doharty-Bamea va. I t Andar- being a Ufa saver la reUaf, has super show. two games aa the season antars Its spective hostesses. room, enlarged nursing unit, room 78$ aum tiMR. naitcitiMB out of titotr reach. first victory In a local uniform. and Mustal, 8L Louts, 10. for the chUd. On this page may lore at this gatlwrlng et lh* i mand by Caveir’s patrons. At the for additional beda In maternity also etarted and won several Sheta Hare and H mss final month. Home Rune—Kiner, Miss Jenkins also said that most standing Industrial, banking and . “ For Everything** •M MM • bavM Novey, Tt$ i In their first encounter, the Pishing la more popular than The clever rizhthander gave up be put the child's plctum. tele- piano in his unusual interpreta­ and many other features to mod­ games Hie record stands at aavsn but four singles with Johany There la a chance that Henrich 38; Muaial. S t Louta 37. nhoM number, hia teacher, princi­ of the first grade teachem In Su­ civic leaders who use the Legion’s iMM mS> n.intaaMi a W ■tiwii 5K51SJSS2LJ5. BA'a were matched with de­ golf or tennis among high school perintendent RelUy's territory are tions of songs, old. new and In­ ernize the institution. A ta la l of 38 nlnvnm bntUd JOOI non-Rloa, Ctarka-Jaiuilngs — fending champions, the Ft. Wayne wins and four bieoea. LIchats getting two of the four. may be back In uniform within .Stolen Bases -Robinson. Brook­ pal, and other namea of people msny facilities In bettering their triguing will be the Inimitable Baoo Drtvoeo i^Md and college etudentt« but among planning on giving teas for the own conffitlons. It is surprising, Is Overcrowded Now tUXSwSisS S: ”-,52r"2iSSl?71:-?- Oeneral Electrics from Indiana. Four cosUy Silk a ty mlacuas gava Uirce weeks, but by that time the lyn. 29; Reese. Brooklyn, 22. with whom he will come In con­ Red Richmond. It la the hope of the tnisteea Reports from West 8prbigflsld 1, tennis leada toe other two die rnay be cast. In the meantime Pitching—Wilks, St. Louis 11-$, tact during his llrst year of achool. parents of these chUdren during Mr. Miner reports, the Ifrge num­ OB tho Hat of ZOO ring- Only one player remains on this sports by a wide margin according toe winners four of their five rune. the flmt month o9 school. At that that with completion of tha new Speedwsy sre to tbs effect that Eddie Lsakus and Andy Ragus- the Tenks have brought up first .785, Roe. Brooklyn, 11-4 .788. Iglaa Jenkins, asalatant to Super- ber of business men who mly upon gowiThrlftyn had four, and jfaa- Jr.-^r*. team from the 1948 roster, the re­ to a aurvay of the buying praoUcea time the pamphlets will be distri­ wing, seriously overcrowded eon- U m and Moriarty Brotbora t h m o lan-WaU, H ul^M uro^ l^ri Johnny Rice and Bert Brooks driv­ baseman Fenton Mole from New­ Strikeouts—Spahn, Boaton, 111; tatendent John O. ReUly, acted m the Legion and Ita manifold con­ mainder haviito Jumped to toe of students of 44 campuses. Among kaa both reached on errors tn toe buted. Mr. Reilly's and Miss Jen­ nections In assisting them In their Auetion Sales ^ dltlona may be alleviated and Ibt er of Roy Hagedom'e Offy, were second Inning. Both runners ark. Newcombe. Brooklyn. 111. MM rml chairman. She aaid the aitota. T V 0 » k OrtlU Maachaoter Golden Cbor &ewerlea from Col tils boys Interviewed, 68.8 per cent kins’ work cover the towns of Cov­ problelns. However, he states, no Foods Otaanartr Walnut Straat Tavern Irina. each fined $60 for toeir part bi moved up on Ed. Ragus- New York ran into the Browns and parent# Initrumental orado, toe favorite club to cap­ the foul-drlrlng taetica displayed Indicated they were fishermen. entry, Lebanon, Mansfield, Pom­ Issue Is allowed to transcend the Manchester and Rod Men each placed two men ture toe crown, *01# Voltmen kas’ aaertflee and both scored on In their hottest streak of the year In compiling the material for the Reach New High! 08.8 were tennis playeri and 43 American League pamphlet and working together fret, Preston, Tolland and Wllllng­ basic objective of the American You ta the eelect elrele. C- A n d e ^ - ^ B k y a ^ » lg . on toe speedway last Baturdsy LIchata'e single through the mid­ and became tbe victims of St came up with a aew team loaded night Pans In attsndanes were per cent were golfers ... Qrant- Batting—Williams. Boetoa, .S8«; for Ita completion Included the fol­ ton. . , Legion—RehaWUUUon of the Vet­ I Beet haoe etealer waa B e i m y | ton-McO*w fa B w n ^ E.^ with talent galore from the major Louis’ sixth straight series victory. Fmnk Kalas of Tolland la doing Will treated to an extra special bump­ iland Rice selects Oomcll to win dle. Once escaped from the cellar, there Kell, Detroit. .844. lowing: Mm. Harriet Allen of eran. TomatoM brought the highest THE OFFICE OF I , Fagaid of tho Oeanom who awtpod ri«P*r> ndle^ Hal Lewis reached on an error the printing. -taM baoeB. Hippo OorivnU o f ley-Chanda va. Plper-BlriL F » ^ and AAA leagues. Many ing act by the two drivers and re­ the Eastern football championship appears to me no stopping Zsch Runs—Williams. Boaton, 139; Lebanon: Mm. Myrtle D. Carpen- price of the season here yesterday Public Market En/oy I will, remember Johnny Dudlck, In toe IMrd and went to second Joost. Philadelphia, 111. Italian Bank Employes Strike DR. A. E. F R IZ N D r ' Thrifty’s ThriftYe c r a c t e T ^ eU doublee ports from the pits after the drlv- this season. The dean of Ainerica'a Tasior’a gang. when offered at , the Manchester PODROVE*B--M5 MAIN STREET Sloan# va Forde-Mathlaeon, Jao- now 88 yeers old, a veteran third ers pulled off the speedway aportswrltera placet Army. Dart­ on a passed ball. Oiarile McMeana’ Runs Batted In-Stephens Bos­ by Baron Snoy and Marjolln after and A1 RaffU of tha qaanare had, ------K„oOa. baseman with the Chicago White ■Ingle gave the Prope a 8- to 0 Bumping Vic Raschl in a fpur- ton. 140; WllUams. Boaton, 188. the 19 mclpient countries had Rome, Sept. 1—— Rome and Auction Market. A high qf $3.48 WILL BE OPEN ON four tripisa. high in b6th depart-1 oboon-Maeearoobaoa-Maeearo va ByaB ya KnoOaKnoOa- claimed one of the participants mouth, Penn State. Boaton College run first Inning last night, the and a low of $3.35 per half buahel Haitllng va Tryon-E. Johnaon. E. Box. Jim WaUaoe. a pitcher with was aportlng s ahincr before order and Penn behbid toe Big Red In lead. Hits - Williams. Boaton. 170; Says Russians argued bitterly over their needs Naples banks were strikebound * ★ BMata Ed SavTno waa the home,— .— . - - . _ the Boston Bravm until Isst year, A base on balls, an Infield out, Browns soundly thumped the for two hours today. Employes carton waa paid on 1,198 half TUESDAY SEPT. 6 ★ ★ with throe White Owl 1 McLoughlln-Olaon va Bya •lev was reatored by Springfield police. Ms annual pre-seaaon Elastem Mitchrll. aewland. 184. for additional allocations. run king Faulkner-CUfford. ta also listed with toe champs. and Jerry Williams’ bobble, mads Yanks. 10-3. Although nicked for Doubles- Kell, Detroit 35; Wll- staged the brief walkout to pro­ bushela. For Th«| Labor wallepa ana-Jasanls va Saturday night a 100-lap raca will forecasL Rice’e overall national 13 hits Ned Carver went all the The Marjolln-Snoy plan will be Total sales were $3,507, the high IN ASSOCIATION Lm Lockett, a 338 pound glhnt It 4 to 0 for toe Propeller nine. liaroa, Boston, S3. Paid to Shift submitted to the American Eco­ test against the Institution of Star Values Tito Mancltorier cieanere ponca i , cUmax the riiow and as both Rice ehamplonahip of the top ten teams way for his 10th win. The 22nd split working hours, scheduled to mark for a single day’s aalea slnca tito beet team batting average, 1 BallaleDer ve. Norea-Senubert, Ai outfielder, played 'With leadinf and Brooks are scheduled to drive, is as follows: Oklahoma, MIcMgan. Hamilton’s final run tn toe alxto *—aeveUnd. 30; DUhng- nomic Cooperation administration Boncleas Snoked Day Wok-End Inning was the only earned run of homers by Jack Graham and Dick tha August 7 opening. AHTH colored teants throughout tin a capacity -crowd 1s expected by Vanderbilt, CJornell, Southern er. St. Louis. 13. begin Oct. 1. Spring J9t, while Moriarty Brothers held, ------, ~ - ____ Kokos were the big blows for the Home Runs—Williams, Boston, Claims Stand The plan calls for an allotment A toUl of 80 bushela of cucum­ mid-west for many years, tbe promoters Methodist, Notre Dame, Army, toe ball game. to Britain of f9«2.000,(X)0. This DR. H A R R Y S r runaerup spot with a J9t First named liavlng served with the Kansas Browns. Four hits by Joe DlMag- 36; Stephens. Boston, 35. DaaUh Pretghter Hlta Barge bers sold for a high of $3.50 and toaai rnarh. " ^ ( ored In the upper brackaL a im s VereuB Britt Pend Oaudino and Uchata tUrred at PICNICS Minnesota, Michigan State and glo provided toe only Yankee Stolen Bases — DDllnger, St. Is 8118,000.000 more than orig­ a low of $2.45. LU TH E R D A Y LAMB OerrentJ etaeeg id aa tb# loop’e named playeri w the lower b r ^ a - City Monarcha, pUytng with Letters end poat cards are pour­ Tulane ... A aurvey of 105 school! the plate. wMle the Aces’ Willie Oea« froas Page Oaa inally allotted, but far less than ■park. Louis. 14; Valo; PMtadelphta. 12. Copenhagen, Sept. 1—(JT— The No. 1 pltritoT wna aoven dectrioqe 1 eL Playeri In the lower b e a w t Satchel Paige. CharUe Shipman, ing la from baseball fane concern- showed that the two-platoon foot­ Olekaenakl captured the defensive the $1,618,000,000 deficit Britain SoanS and Lana toe winning hurler In that game, aeveland missed a chance to Pitching-Kinder, Boston. 17-5 the possibility of the war of nerves 7.17«-ton Danish steamer Nevada | LEGS Lb. 69c and three reveraes. Dorn GalU of 1 muet contact pUyers tn «>• Ing toe Yankees and Mel Alkm ball syatam will be ueed by fifty honors, throwing two men out with nick a game and a half off the Mtlmated for herself. collided today with a channel i No Wasto bracket and offer two playing is a 8 foot 8 Inch righthander who and tot Red Box and Jim Britt two fine atope and throws from his .773; Parnell. Boston. 20-« .769. turning into a shooting war soon. the Mancheeter Cleaners Won nine per cent of the teams tola fall ... Yank lead when the lost to Phila­ Strikeouts — Trucks. Detroit Will Accept New Figure dredging barge off Hals Barre Whole or half. Brtglit, TeMtor datea. AH first round matches waa Vito in toe Cbisox chain. John Some claim one team and on# m deepest shortstop position. Both Asserts Beports "Made-Up” NEW gamea but dropped four. The second :00-Iap x'hamploiisMp delphia 2-1, In toe second game of 182; Newhouser, Detroit 118. Britain will accept the new fig­ near Aelborg and six of the 11 . The leading uttere and depart- must be played by September 8. C»rr1den and Tod Hunter served nouacer ta top# while ethere feel race of toe atoek car season la balls were tabbed aa base hlta. a twlllght-nlght doubleheader af Borba charged tha Russian news tn toe Paclflc coast League. agency Tass with spmading ure, Sir Edmund Hall-Patch, his crewmen on the barge were killed. I HUDSON Oaaulae Spring 1 LA 59c PEAS Phg. 25c tabot hadere foOew; just toe oppoalts. Limited apace listed Ssturdsy night at Riverside Saturday afternoon the locale ter winning tha opener. 7-8 on Jim country's representative on tbs I The accident occurred In a heavy Leadlag ntters Beasted Youag C$«k wevenU use of toe many lett^ wiU play In East Hartford In an­ "made-up” mporta to build up Oellvaeafi Hats FkUy Stadium. 'Ted Tappett copped the Hegan'a 14th homer. As a result, Uttle deeper Into the cellar With a prsasum against Tito's govem- council, arid, although be bad re­ fog. Cqaippsfi AB H Pet Walter Kellner pitched toe received alnce our editorial earlier first 100-lap grind at toe Bay other exMWtlon before meeting the Tribe gained only a half game fused a previous allocation. LAMB Mixed ArlBona Apcoa to toe 11 to 8 win thU week on the two ptay-by-ptay the BA’a Sunday In the firat of a 4-2 decision. Bill Pierce went the ment. j Smith, Oak Grill $4 18 .839 | State plant ... Heavywelghta wlU on New York and now trails by route with an elght-hltter to hand over the locals on Saturday eve­ announcers. three game asrlas for the town (Seemtary of Stats Acheson said Reservations about accepting | FORES Lb 49c P. Aeeto, Oak Grill be featured on the Initial indoor 41 League pennant raca for the day, slavia appear to be part of a war wkeelbaM (Leeni tnxee le be of New York la bracketed with 1 country's allotment had been ItoMedx. Silk City star hurler for the Philadelphia day night at Cherry Park Speed­ H. Lewis, 2b .3108 1 postponing both toe St. lAWils-Phfl* of nerves.) added). Falrfield'e Bemie Reynolds in toe 0 » worked out several montha ago. CALLED FOR Placet QuaUty Bloek March, Cieanere Yeeterday** A's. He la now attending toe Uni­ way when Promoter Ed Otto pr^ McMeans. cf ..8010 0 adelpMa and Brooklyn-Onclmiatl (Tha latest denial of unusual do- • Only the acoeaeorlee yon CORNED 10-round feature ... Both Rocky 0 1 i gamea. Thus the Dodger# romath ' tags in central Europe was aa Aus­ KoalckL Wrinut’a versity of Arisons and vpU report senU toe claaalc of claealcs. a 100 Grazlano and (Tharile Fursart pre­ Zwlck.'as .. .2101 Benton held toe A'a Greeca held her share should be AND order CAULIFLOWER ..2103 0 0 >: !■, games beMnd to# Ctardtosta trian govemment mport that bor- mcreaaed. or that the present fig­ CHUCK Damehon. MoHarty** Hartford at Albany (poetpeoed to spring training next year. The lap feature midget car race and dict knockouts In their Sept. 14 Laskos. If . a Cneb or tiino poymente BEEF a 00 tap stock car feature event 2 2 0 0-0 0 ' The Brooks play a day-night dou­ I dar tn fS e between Austria and ure of $163,000,000 should not be DELIVERED o With or withnnt trade-in qiimIB. Bilk a t y $4 14 rain). Apooa had a fairly young baU boxing bout at toe Polo Grounds. A. Rsg'kas, Sb Proobeds from the banner presen­ E, Rag’lias, lb .2016 0 0 bleheader with CMiclnnaU today Csedoolovakla was normal. This reduced further. France alao Air Oanffittonad o Good rilowanee for yonr ROAST Lb. 59c Our Own Cwre n, 31e BldeMa, Iforiarty’s SO 12 Utica 9, Binghamton 3. . club, ranging tn ages from 23 to We'll go along with the East Side Brtasle Edge* Wynn 39 IS Klmlra 8. WlUtea-Barre 4. 38. Many ^ y e d organised ban tation will be presented to the Lichatx, rf . ..8021 1 0 while the Cards meet the PMle In wyteVed down a mport that the arid aha could stand no further car OcntllODre. Red Man Kid, Graxiano ... Another stock ..2 0 0 5 3 0 Lmi Brisale edged Early Wynft OorrenU, Thrifty*# 47 18 Only gamea scheduled. In toe minor leagues scattered In- summer children's camps epotv BeUda, c . a single night game. border bad been closed.) cuts. Switaariand. altbpugh a PINE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY car racing meet wlD be presented ...2 0 0 0 3 0 the second game. He drove In member of the OEEC, has never ON SOME MODELS Flaeta MUk-Ped Boaelesa Lb. 65c Vtacek. SUk .a ty 41 18 A88 NattoMl the SoutoweaL Ik y in g third base sored by toe Hartford Omrant and Sunday afternoon at Stafford Sw4n, p .. Eight # were hit, five Esibs Uote Chargee SPINACH . .1 0 0 0 0 0 the tying run with a aerenth-lnn- received dollar rid. Holmea, SUk (Yty 8$ U .$$8 BgaStal 4, Chicago Bob Duncan, oohstdered toe Hartfbrd Tbnes ‘ Springs Speedway. Gene White, H. Lewis. If by the New York Giants, as Leo Borba Ustsd ebargaa against PHARMACY Tline trials for the midget por­ ______— — ig single. Sam Chapman’s single ' Xuaals her satellites in the McCl.URE Aliro VEAL O o fN ^ . Red Men 37 9 ; NawTerii 1*. Plttshargh T beat fielding and hitting third local chauffeur who carted home D urooher’s club thumped Pltte- Exaat figures for the distribu­ 664 Cenisr Street Fanciest Pkg. 25c tion of the program will itart at 32 5 4 18 6 3 1 the eighth was the winning burgh, 12-5. Anly 4.701 fsna were war of nerves. Including an aco- tion have not yet been released $73 .Main 8L iO'rner Straat Saifiel^ Thrifty's’ 40 IS J38 Other games postponed. baseman in the tourney so far. top money last week when he low. TeL 2-9814 TeL $-9443 ' Lb. $4 I I .$33 Americas He Is fsst, snd stole foiu- bases In 7:30. The fastest 16 car# wlU qual­ City (0) on hand for the long dlstanee hit­ ■omlo blockade against Yugoslav­ by the OEEC. ROAST 69c Oagood, NaarifTs ify for toe 100 lap faature. In ad­ grabbed the feature, heads the list ab r h po a e Homers by Bobby Doerr and Boucher, TTirtfty’a 38 9 .821 Chicago 4, Waahlagton 3. his tsams first 3 games. CSiarlle ting exhibition. ia, provocatiosi of border incidents, SHcfd dition. the amall cars will com- of entries ... Buddy Wingfield . 2 0 3 2 0 0 ed Wllllama. each with a man on, asodlng Miles into the country and Delicacies Oothherg. NaaaUrs 38 9 .331 8L Louis 10, New York 8. MCNabb Is toe glsnt cstcher on will be toe etarter at Narraganaett Oaudino, If . . The Boston Brava# tightened Extra Fancy, Tender Baby Beef peU In three qualifying heata Bibriis. Sb .. ..3000 2 1 fted toe Red Sox to a 7-4 win threats against the Tito mgime. Our OwB First Orade Wrobei; SUk City SO 11 .80S aevelmnd 7, 1. Philadelphia the team with an arm Uke a rifle. Park which opens Monday for the _ver the ngera. Chuck Stobba, their grip on third place by edging KILL ATHLETE.S FOOT STRAWBERRIES 50 15..800 aUrtlng at a:S0. The leading driv­ Olekaenakl, as .3 0 0 2 4 0 The Yugoslav mmarks about For <3Hen, ^ o rla rtye 2. (14 Innings first game). He and Bill McBryde played to­ season. 0 who gave way to Tex Hughaon in the Chicago Cuba, 4-8, In 10 Inn­ “T-L-4 BEST SELLER" SO 9 .300 er* from tbe American Racing Bolduc, c . ...3 0 0 3 1 ings. Tommy.Holmee' single over Tbaa steminsd specifically from a LIVER Lb 69c (jaxsa, Walnut’e Boston 7, Detroit 4. gether In the Southwest Texas 1 the seventh, grabbed victory No. 9 SLICED Pkg 37c Williams, cf ...3 0 0 1 0 third base with two out In toe report that tbs city of Flume was SAYS J. W, HALE CORP. Leadlag PItohere Standlags League. 1 1of his first full season at Hal HERE'S THE REASON. The s«™ Next Best Thing To A Raise In • W L. Pet. The team that represents east­ Blanchard, p ..2010 tenth scored Slbby Sistl with' toe In a atau of stage because of sab­ Eastern Marion FUxsorald Wlna 0 0 Newhouser'a expenae. growB deeply. You muet REACH it to A ny Cut Freni Baby Porkers 3 .700 ern Texas Is toe Weimar Cow- Giant All Stars Levesque, lb ...1 0 0 9 winning run. Elble Fltecher added otage. The Mlnlatry of Information K IL L I t T-4-U contRlnlnf 90 ppr Weirk’s Frozen Correntl, Thrlfty’z. 7 w . n. Pet. GBU 1 1 The only American League game Pay. Is To Shop The L. T. Wood BACON 4 .093 boya, composed of the entire Uni­ Ladies Club Championahip Klein, 2b ...... 2 0 0 2 his bit to "Fletcher Night” with a emnmanted: cent Alcohol. FENETRATEIS. Rcachee OriU. CaeanMre Albany ...... 703 — Play Collegians Plummer, If . . . .2 0 0 0 0 0 that did not Involve contenders "It la officially announced that more g^rme. Tour 4T7 1 Local Sport abllittss at Mlasiaslppl Unlveralty, Charur Oak Field. All candidates COUPE Chive Cheese ... COFFEE Washington .. 43 88 .388 88 offered a tine position aa person­ The Oolleglana, drilled by big are urged ’to he on time. GOODYEAR pkg. 32c 1 |OLEO 2 L..49C ir Naaelirs *31 nel manager with the Oslorado Boneless Chucks of Beef (Pot Roast) 69c IJ). Today's Games Herman Hickman, head coach at Head Coach Swede Solomonaon ___ P Breakstone Lh. Caa 55c Thrifty’s 8*3 Ooor Breweries. He was the out- First QaaUty walnut's >*4 EtMlom Chatter Tale, also wrill employ the T. The reporU that because of Labor Day Europe Is Not Our Famous Tender Knit Ste’aks . 89c Lb. Sour Cream .... . pkg. 43c 1 Seldner’s Hartford at Albany (3). standing player la the 1948 tour 40-ipan college squad la drawm weekend, there wlU be no practice nament and so far la well on hie from 23 eastern schools, most of tomorrow evening, Sunday morn­ Small Lean Fresh Pork Shoulders. . 49c Lb. Breakstone FRANKFURTS, Craame Binghamton at Utica. Pro Alex Hackney at toe Coun Group 1 Battery Achieving’Goal Scranton at WllUamaporL way to mailing dowi\ this honor try aub reports the Team Cham­ wrhlch used toe T attack. ing or Monday evening. Following Sweet Blitter . .ih. 80c MAYONNAISE Chicago—Oalumet Parm’l Be­ again. He la a left-handed swing­ Center Cut l.«an Pork Chops ...... 89c Lb. BOLOGNA. witch ($4.40) carried 118 pounds Elmira at WUkes-Barre. pionship Tournament wlU be re­ Hickman’s attack Is centered tonight’s eesslon th# team will re­ Breakstone OLEO 2 55c Antoricaa ing first baaemaif who powders i vived this season after a lapse of around Army’s backfield star. Bob­ port next Wednesday evening at (CoaUnned from Page One) 59c l.b. «.41e horns In 1:84 3-8 for the mUe at long baU. la tha first three games MANCHESTER Little Link Sausage (Swift) ...... Cottage Cheese . . pkg. 18c MINCED HAM she closed gamely to edge out New York at >BL Louis—Byrne several years with play getting by Jack Stuart. 8:15. hs whacksd three pitches out of The game will be played at the Practice equipment has been la- suport) In 1952, we must now ad­ Shrimp Cocktail . .jar 33c i SeMaer's Stole in the $37,480 Beverly Handl. (14-7) vs Keanedy (4-7) or Starr the park, and the rlight field fence underway in toe nasu; future. A Seldaor’s trophy will be awarded toe win­ Polo Grounds with the kickoff at aqad and the candidates have been $ 9 - 9 5 mit that tho rate of progreae U not NATIVE MILK FED VEAL cap at Washington Park, • (1-7). Is 378 feet away. MOTOR SALES (Ready to serve) Boston at Dstrolt-— Parnell ning team. 7:30 p. m. (e. a. t.) doing a great deal of contact work aufflcient," Baron Snoy and Mar­ Lb. 55c MACARONI New York— Blue Kay $8.10) These are only some of tbe etare Boneless Roasts ...... 69r Genuine Imported ^ociete POTATO ■cored s two length# triumph In (20-8) va Houtaman (12-8). this week. Solonaoneon expecU a jolln arid. playing' In too National tourney. Oeir full game ecrimroag# one week "The dollar problem, despite the Open Evenings Bee Roquefort SALAD 29c Aqueduct’s $10,000 added AatariU Philadelphia at aeveland— The biggest disappointment from Hackney will compete In the with Your Old Battery Improycment In the situation over Rump Roasts .. ia*aaaae*a**..a SALAD Pt. 29c Stakes for Juvenile fillies, while Sritelb (8-10) vs Lemon (18-9). Connecticut Professional Golfers Rochester, N. Y.- Willie Turneea from Sunday. C h eese...... lb. tl.59 a local viewpoint was the contin­ Both Solomonaon and his asslat- the Jast tiwo years, is not on the Gordon Gllmon was the riding star Washington at Chicago (night) Asaoctatlon event at Norwich. won two matches In defenae of Ms West Center St. Veal Cutlets ^ - . ■ aaeaaeae* I z l ? # (Portion 51c) ued failure of tbe BA's to produce U. 8. Amateur crown aa three of anL Line Coach Alax Ferguson, g u a r a n t e e d a 'i ^ o solution.’’ with three winners—Major Kay —Walk (1-9) va Oiimpcrl (10-18) under the lights. Both games were September 8. 9. Alex, now eerv- hia strongest rival# — Frank are well pleased vrito the work of Similar statements ^ v e been Loin Chops ...... 83c Lb. Casino Camembert ($18.70); Our Jotn “Wm., (18) Natteaal Ustsd as twlUght affairs, starting, Ing him firat aeaaon as pro at tbe and Kamanaea ($9.30). Pittsburgh at New York — local club, la expected to be asked Strmnahan, Skee RIegel and Ray the 40 candidate*. But with th* SPEOALS ON ALL OTHER SIZES made recently by. delegates to the Cheese...... 'i wheel S5c at 5:48. Out bi the West It turns loss of eight line men from last Rib Chops . . . . ■ aeaeeaaa* • 79c L i b a Walsh (1-2) vs Belunnan (8-3). dark quickly, and both gamea to return again next year. Alex Billows, toe latUr ousted by Assembly of the new Council of Delicious Sliced year's squad, Ferguson I* in dir* Europe at Strasbourg. They advo­ Teaals anclnnati at Brooklyn — (3- were ftnlshed Under lights For has been popular with the mem­ Turnesa—were aUminated. Stahl-Meyer Extra Lean P e stro m i...... ' ) Ib. 79c Poreet HlUe.-N. Y.—Defending Day-Night) Pox (8-18) and Weh- seven Innings toe BA’e played line bership. Glendale, OaUf. — MacDonald need of more material for th* blue ^ Here*$ a real sirecial if you ^ cated more measurea for eco­ and white’# forward wall.. For to# nomic cooperation between Europ­ Kosher Style Ohamplon Pancho Gonealee of meler (8-8) vs Mattsa (11-8) dhd ball against the O E nine, but Smith, the carnoustle Scot who Roe (11-4). was a famous golfer for 40 years past three seasona, toe local’s line ean countries and lowering of YOUR DAISY SMOKED Salami ...... lb. GOBBoa Ane->— Angeles B"'gave hie adlnlreta succumbed In the last two Innings Membera of the Northern Con­ ▼ can use this size tire. ’ trade barriers. ome anxious moments before de- Chicago at Boston — Lade (4-S) under the ares LsadUig • to 4 go­ but never a big time winner, died ranked with the’ beat In th# ataU, some anxious mo necticut Voim] of Umpires will Including both seml-pro and pro The goal of the Marshall plan HAM SHOULDERS Sardo-Romano Lsting Straight aark, Pasadena, vs Spahn (18-11). ing into the seventh frame with hold#n Important meeting tonight of a heart attack. - baa baen to make Europe eee- Cheese ...... hts second round St. Louis at Philadelphia tbe Apcoe; on came too lights CTolumbua, O.—Weiley EllU, Jr. elevens. lb. 85c %4, 7-8, 7-6. In : at 7 o’clock at toe Britito Amer­ The squad li far from being 710-15 WHITE WALLS - SUPER nomically self supporting by 1953. M tch of the NNatlonal'-Amatsur (nigbt) —Pollet (16-8) va Helnta- again, and out went tbe BA’s, ican club. of San Antonio, Tex., paced the Birdseye Oysters pkg. 95e 36-hole qualifiers for the Annual picked, so If you’re a llnemsn and Report Studied at Meeting 4-6 Lb. Avg. Lb. ehqmplonslilp. elman (15-8). - comailtUng numerous errors The FIRST 49c National Caddie Championahip inte'reaUd In playing footbalL you The Snoy-Marjolln report waa Birdseye Scallops pkg. 69c outfleldera admitted losing balls Tommy Faulkner has been CUSHIONS BY GOODYEAR Old Snappy and Very Sharp Cheese i ...... Lb. 69c hit to them In the outfield l)ecauee with 144 atroHea, even par. are cordlsjly-Invited to contact studied yesterday at a meeting of O 4k C French Fried playing sparkling golf this season Ferguson at any one of the team’s the OEEC council, which approved W hite American Club C h eese...... Lb. .iSc they were not able to follow them and carded a fine 69 recently. Onions ...... can 29c in tbe air. The BA’s pitching dur­ Tale Orldden Report practice aeeaiona. (PtaaTuO a plan for distribution of about LMPORTEQ SWISS CHEESE Tommy haa been shooting tn toe Sunday. Sept. 18|la Hated as toe Valued A t $22.50 $8,670,000,000 In MarabaU aid for Snow^s Welsh Combination Charity Program ing both gamea was fins Cal low 70s during toe major portion With OM L^sa doing a good job against the New Haven, Sept. 1 — (P^— local's opening home date. Some of (Plus Tax) 1949-80. The plan was drawn up VACATION STOP! Rarebit ...... can 27c I ,-.i of the aeaaon. For the long week-end picnic. Grote & Wei­ Voltman. and Jackie May and 'Vic Yale’s football squadad led1 by Capt the state’s betUr elevens Includ­ WHILE THEY LAST $13-51 Levi Jackson, report# today for ing ThompsonvHle Rlnsldl Post gel Frankfurts and Assorted .Cold Cuts, cut to NATIVE HONEY-ROCK BAKERY SPEOALS Taggart combining to allow only Stock Car and Midgets six blU bi the Apooa tilL Taggart Finale In toe Softball TwlUght to# firat pro-scaaon practice ##•■ (the Greys have folded), Stafford your order at all times. No cold ruts are LARGE COFFEE RINCS each 29< ■truck out toe sldo In toe etghto Leagna playoffs will start tomor­ ■Ion. Soventy-ntne player* are Springs, Hartford a n y HlUs, Hart­ DYNAMIC and STATIC ■afera you •• M Iha bsoch. CMsa la row night at Robertson Park'wlto expected by Coach Herman Hlck- ford Merchants, Spartona and the 1948 M ELO N S Each 25c EXTRA LARGE PIES ...... CMh 55« Inning.' throwing only thirteen •a Wa aro wall efoda^ wMi all sliced ahead. In this way you are assured of SUNDAY - 8:30 P. M. pltohes. toe Italian Americans meeting man. * WaUrbury Warriors, aro now !)#■ Broad Street Motors. The game Hickman, who left the Eastern (ng scheduled by toe Bilk a t y WHEEL BALANCING Packord Saddns W . a n . a t George Staler, one-time great $i^nfiiee_ aoa4$, one oiff SEpsitsfiSS^ freshness. Is scheduled to start at 8:80. AU-Star squad he has been coach­ management. AH Eqaippad first baseman for St. Leula Browns ing St Bear Mountain. N. T „ to Naff b naiy fsna yaw Is tbs toumsmsnt commissioner. welcome hia charges as t o ^ Law M il^ e CHERRY^PARK SPEEDWAY He snd National Oomiplssloner Reg., $1.50 Plus WeighU lika N«w Fooih The Cloiwna will meet toe Cov­ ahowed up laet night, U to conduct Foods i)!VON--ltOUTE 177 Ray Dumont, told tho BA manage­ entry Cuba tonight at 8 at - toe toe initial praoUee drilL Manchester ment that thev abouM not feel West Side Oval. Paul Uriano S p o r lR 5W>ImnIu le , - Our-Special $395 tmSSioit You You dlsgraood by Mbig defeatod by wrin hurl for toe locals. Yeatarday's Btais |1 i i 100 tap Mi(|lget Featnr« (h m teams. Dumont said tbs BA's L. T. W O O D wm PrMay, Bept. $ Rnumcr's Packard wm wero the best team to represent Batting. Hank Thompson md Motors vs. ItaUaa-Americans, 50 Lap 3tock feature this etste bi the National event Friday night at toe West Side N t Baat Cmtor St. (USildbni Enjoy Public Market Enjoy Oval toe Softball Twilight League Bobby Thooson, Giants—Each Mt S:30 p.m.—Robertson Park. PraacriptioB Phsnaacy £ O C K E B PLAItT ■bice the New London Debmls per­ Softball An State vi. BaaebaU. O p «a t l l a a « B M , F rL No Incrcaae In Priesa AU Btars irtU meet the Twilight a homerv double and two singles NICHOIS-BIUSTOL M 51 BISSELL STREET tEL. 8424 PODROVE’S—SOS MAIN STREET ( formed in the INO toumw. The AU Stars 8:45—oval. 901 Main St, TaL 5321 BA’a had many rooten In m cM ts Baseball Laagua All 8tan with all In 18-6 route of Pirates. SD6 TO ASSIST THE NEEDY Pitching. Al "Benton, Indiana— Sunday, Sept- 4 10«* MAIN STREET NANI For a small town team, cempeting proceeds entering the bseebell Brltlsh-J^erlcans v i 8Silk aty. 6 r GREATER HARTFORD leop’e accident fond. 'The game Blanked A's In 8 H-Inning relief against euperier teams'the locals 3:00 pja.-^aL ^ did a fine Jobx They returned hems wUi etart at O.’iO. Job to earn 7-6. decisloB. ij MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TlfURSDAY, SEPtEMBER 1, 1949 PAOl Ilf'l'IlM

3Ul MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER L 1*4* BY FUNTAINB FUR Soma a< ua go to thto sMviaa. Our nloa young HiUAr.i.% ll.l.h H itkh Te aaa our farorito atarA wa’ra awoot, ...... — Sense and Nonsense Aad aoma make a Kobby And I 60 no$ m km aairbo: •1 nsiK I fo r M s Of blocking the lobby Wa act os thootb- K ?*«(« A-toast O f r « « 4 14 "S u i t c a s e " S i m p s o k Customer [ A girl had just eompletod the] A alM M bO M P n 8>1« 4 M 'purchase of a rather awkward toi Te stock up en randy ban. To watch them hktfea tho bulgr- DOfl rOODB, TWO USED hot sir futnnosn. 180 todtasT 8. Onwr Bartiar. s t o c k Nrastmaata Appotat- of Prtneatoa atoaatachoal i lalssmsn —6orry, but this Is a I handle article, and the clerk po- G E T GOO D Half-ton soNss Rand fsat plptag, alMron, raglstan: TWO ROOM fhrnMhsd apartmsat aaants arranfad. Joaapfc M ^ t ^ UOHT TRUexma oil burner wltk eontrolk otoata Large Uvlag raom with squall/ drugstore. Can't I interest you in Itltaly aokad: Doctor—Did you tail that young TRANSPORTATION plek-up truck. No «i dipping and tar omrriad werktog eouple. Ih- I Clark—May wa sand this for, Har Suitor—atr. I eai katy Bralnard-Judd Co, To Psarl, Kannal Supp^ or hot air; SO gallon hot water qnirs aftor 8 o’elo^ 184 High brl^t and usaabla anclomd alarm clocks, some nice leather man I think ha is no good? H alford . TaL Manchastsr S-S37S. rnbblahu Phone S-1S78 geods. radio parts, a tawnmowtr, ' you. Madam T —aal^ yen wbatbor you FOR LABOR DAY stracL T im . tank; gas side arm heater; aloo strest Rafsraaees relied . p o ^ ; kitchen designed tor - '4 Dsugh.ar—T sa I ^d. Dad. but Jact-j4r-to toy munytaf, jtafr cleacv yet it 10/ large aad cagi- •r a toasted cheese sandwich. j Olrl (with gwtous amUal—No! ha did not seam at ail iipoat. Ha A d w rtiw e n tt W E E K E N D p e t e r W. PARTALUK aJactrteal LA YELL'S Express Bght troektag 13 p ain o f irlndow Minttaro. ] daughter? - CIMMERMAN'B nENNELB, fo rta m ; compact lavatory apd ! thank you, I’m'^vtag. |M id It wasn’t the first wrong dtsg- IMT PI.TMOUTH Radio ooatractor, ssahitanaBoa and ^ and dsBvory. Wookly or Monthly Phono 3-181A Har Son (crym g out with much ) Her aFther—My hoy, you avo tlLAanPIBD ADVT. and kaatar. A nloa olaaa fandlf rabblab routes tavtted. Ms street PhoiM 63ST. Boston ■Lsostloiw spadoua dtatng room oempMte If having s good time Is all there nosla you have made. I only twenty-oha and my.daugbnff tug ror U ^ t and powar. 40 Pon> Her pupa, Eon FURNTTUHB tor sale. ChU Hart- the Brat Soor. Thraa baauttfiil gtoa)—Oh, Mothar dear, are wt| d 5 t . H O U R S : tar straat Pboaa MM. Fir llaiit 64 is to life, s monkey has a man out- going back M the nara straat car? I is twenty-aavan. Why nist umM- a Iftt' aTVDKBAKSR 4-DR. LAND Boxer pnpploa tard 8-8806 or Maaehastar 8-6816, bedrooms all with ample otoaeU, dlatancad completely, both in A motorist is on# who pays only I few yean till you’ra both the $a|B6 •H t A. M. I» 4 itt P. M. FOR RENT—8 rasas amdarn of- and tUo bath upoUlrA OU hot CRUnttR—Comptotrty>aqulppad. r a d io naad dnlngT Hara R ra> A8HE8, RubMah od. Osl- color, brtadlo. 7 to 8 avantaga axeapt Wadnae- anuising others and being amused. in ths long run. I aga? Fidl prtea f iv n . palrad toy aavarta. Ptck-up aarv- tars, yardslids sBd ciaaaeA day. t e . Oultabla for oaa ar t«ra ama. water heat Tww-ear garaga wfth — Ex. A touch of effeminacy Is uneov- IN I DaBOTO 4-DR. M D AN —Ra- Duata truck for hlra. Phone 8814. Apply IIT Bast Ota- aa amaolto driveway. Property is arsd in bassball with ths reveta- Man—Thera’a s tremendous w ill; . ^ . lea, guarantaad work. Bata rhaek Uon that a ssajar laagua pitcher dU> and haatar. Dots o f food mlloa ad In tba horns. Chr radios a graral. an and alo DOBERMAN PInoeh* FURNITURE dtaeet fnqa fhetory tor straat arailabls for Imaradlato o ^ - powar behind avetything Tom .*‘"'1?^* IMO CHRT8IJBR ROTAD—Radio Telephone ReehvUlo to yau at warabouas ^eaa. Ad­ pancy. 113,000 mortgage avoil- has bean Usted an his tasm’s roa- goaa. more and , spadalty. Mhaebastar R adio MaerL PhoM 4838. FOUR CONNECTED raoma oa tar as 86 for ths fourth year in a and iMatar. A elaan oaa osrnar BaiTlea. TS BReb straat. Phc miral rangas and remgeratars. abla. Excluotra vrlth T. J. Friond — I shouldn’t have busineasae era t n r n ^ t o ' Chamban Warahouss Salaa, |6l aaeoad Saor In bnatasoa aactlon. row.—Naw Yotic Sun. thought it to look St him. , newapaper advertlring as the toA -. S-0B40. RUBBISH sad aahaa Ckockstt Broker. Phont MlO. IfM CHKV. S-DR. 8KDAI4—Raat- etaeratora clsaaeu Band, graral Llvt SlBCk— VolikloB 41 MIddls Turapika Bast Opsa days Suitable for beauty aaloa. tailor Man—Ah! ^ t you haven't seen ■ mean* of keeping their wared.80*-. U. IM*. tfoBd^ni tbnm gh shop, drsssmsking sstahMshassat WELLINGTON r 6 a D — 8 rootos wife. ' customer*. __ U l« IjrM r. sr. A rsally clan low priead ear. SAW8 rUad. kayo auda, moarara and clndero. Vaa ssrxfea and aad svsntags fram TtaO p. as to Itoyha local barbars sslfht copy TRAN8RORTAHON 8PBCIAD aharpanad. outboards and air local movtag. PhoM R M. Jen PIGS SOR SALE. Oon ITT8. 6:60 p .m . or prafeasional offloas. Apply Ed­ complete. ' Oil steam heat Ora- this Idea: TliU Is to certify that . 4sn. 1W7 CHRV. 4-DR. SEDAN— coolad angtiias rapalrad. Oapitol 3-1863, 3-SOn. ward J. HoO. 1008 Mata streat taace. Largs aunporch, garage. .... has Iraduatad from baby­ Naw Wife—Sixty rents a dozen ‘ Te jam broadcasts, Moscow utof Haatar. Lota of mllas laft. PNiIl Equlpsaant, M Mata straat. Phaaa 8117 or 811A Very clean tkraughout nicely hood, having raeaivad hla first seems vary high for ens. Haven't ’ sound recordings of ban ip ss. OBWUIO lU e W M MODERN oak kitchiisa ast A-1 landacapaA, Immadtato oooapan- fa ra d «r ____ priea I17B. TWO EAMILT eowB. En iaat S. ooaditlaa, $38. Phoas s-ssoo. haircut today"—so rsad the car- you any cheaper ones? ’ dock* do$«. •"d raa xuUa. Nodh^ ’ nlia. w«fk cnamtMd. OiU Opan Mon. and Thura. B r in g s RADIO Chale protects your ta- Pahitliit—FBpartaB >1 Oowdy, Nortk Oovsntry. ChO ey. Priced for quick sale. Charlee tlfieato aceompanlad by a lock of Grocer—No, ma’am. I'm sorry I like it has been heard on radlat fa r R sa t 65 i i n , m la in i f vestment Our low overhead saras OUTSIDE, INSIDE PataUng and 37S3. USED WASHERS. AU in psrfeet L’EaperancA Phene 8680. hair, given toy Lswishsm (London) haven’t You ace its very expensive suggests the StratforA Ont. Can.. BROWN-BEAUPRE, Inc. you money. Call today if your Beac'in-Herald. ilnce the lata poperhangtaC- rraa sstlmatsa runatag ordsr, 818 aad up. SEVEN-ROOM ftornishad homA THIS HOME le compIctA It hes toartosn to every junior customer producing them. One egg Is s O S TOU hara a tart* ba«tT OiU so Bissau Streat Phona 71S1 radio or electrical appliances need Ramp’s Inc. 0680. whole day's work for a hem fuehrer harangued the falthfUL ^m pt ssrvtea. Roasonabts ONE PONT, oM sadSIs hsiM , tmo greandA on bus lint. Auto- everything. Fear flaiebed, two lira. lU M M. Brown, lUg. Spaa- repairs. 110 Spruce street Phone pHcea Phona 78S0. D. FYschette. M f OanaUar for na "liidlTldually 1M7 CHEVROLET coupe. 1M7 5073. work horaaa. 488 HUIstawa Road. THREE-PIECE Uvlng room se t baat Fully aqulppod, 1185 almost finished. Plaster iraUa and Plymouth sedan, IMS Plsrmouth Workman’s compsrtsatlon, public Phona 3-0187. LANK LEUNAKD dMignod braut support'' 0»n oombtaatlon Olenwood stove with cslItngA insulation. tUs bath MICKEY FINN Ovtr Ths Hump! t-STT5 for an oariy nppolntmont sedan, IMS Plymouth tudor. OE-LONfl'S Refrigerator service. llsbillty care. gas hsater. Electrolux refrigera­ with shower, open stairway, hot Clean cars, priced right. Quaran- Repairs on all makes, commer- Pooltry sn4 S«BBfl«8 44 tor, beds and bureaua Can 8881 watsr'kpat two SreptacM, Rusco MTiyAIA-f taad. Cbla Motocfi 41M. etal and domestic. Emergency 34- INTERIOR and Exterior painting Wanted ta Rant 68 VOUWHCWTfy and paperhangtng. Oet my fras or 10 Haasl strest ssoernd Soor. storm xrlndowA laundry In base­ OHYIAHU fa r S id t 4 hour service. Phene 3-1707. ment forage. Many other fea­ AMU. BUICK IMS super four-door estimats on your work. Raymond FGR SALE—Barred Rocks PhoM WANTED—A four or Ora room HHE UNCOIttCIOUS REMEMPBUMn sedan, gray. In paiifact condition. Flska 3-0837. WANTED—BRIO-A-BRAC. furni­ rant Wa wUI redecorate. Phone tures. launsdisU ooeupaney- INB lORD COUPE—Oood. M4S ALL APBLIANCES serviced and Manchester 4587. ture. antlquee. Old MU TraUng I.'s 81,000 cash, $75 approximato TOuteMTiccny mSLOOKM' IMS OLDB SEDAN Haatar, radio, directional sisnals. repaired, buraera. refrigerators, 4S87. Pour brand new U. 8. Royal INTERIOR AND Exterior paint­ YOUNG FYaahly kfllad torkaye. Peat 17 Maple atraot Pheaa chargsA non-fl.I. $8,800 caah, $45 FORAHOOK-AND R. and R —Oood. W45 ranges, washen, »te. All work 3-1060. ' approximato carrying eharga. Master white -aall tires and new guaranteed. Metro Service Oo. ing. papari>.-nglng. eolltagn re- Cleanly picked, IS to 16 Hm, 68c ACCOUNTANT and wife In need irnpITTIREAK IN S WMSlJ. BUICK 3-DOOR Snlabed. FuUy tasurad. Expert per pound 30 Ib. averaga, 06c of unfurnished apartment or rent Maddock and DoVoa, Hartford Good. »3M battery. Actual mileaga S0,07S. TsL Manchester 3-USSS. BOOKCASf, Kitchen sets, stoves. Priea S1.47B. Rookvllla flaraga. work. New IMO wallpaper books per pound. Phona 7783 preferably C all-1-8008. • 3-0355, evenings 3-071$ or SS*14tl. Edward R Price. Phone 3-lOOS. after 5 p. m. An kinds oir household furniture. Phona Roekviga 13S._____ ^ The Woodshed, U Mnln street WE HAVE several good two- KaUsy’a Servica Canter He sshoM Sdrrfc WANTED—4 or 5 room furnished Id Erataard Plaea Pbaaa 738B ISSS FORD. Oood conditioa. f*our- (mARBONNEAU Houae paint­ or unfurnished apartment or families. Can promlsa occupancy. O ffe r H 14A ing, interio', axtertor. Paper Wanted— Prta—Panltry— FOR SALE—Birdseye maple large house by adult gentleman and One U located In a buaincie sona. door sedan, has IN I motor. tllB olae child’s wardrobe, like new, llu CHEVROLET ooaeb. flood FLAT FINISH Holland window himglng, floor aandlng and refln- m a rk 44 daughter. RsfsrenceA Write auKable for doctor or profession­ aondltlon. Raasonabla Phona 3- cash. Leaving town. Phone 3' 880. Large Ivory basinette with W4S. shades made to measure. All lahlng. can 3-OS7S or 7-3S05. Bon Q, Herald. ^ al purpose. Call our office for the OBM.______w a n t e d —Oowa, ealvaa aad baaf pad, 85. Bathfnetto, $5. Fhone latest UeUnge. Wm. Goodchlld. metal Venetian blinds at a new PAIN77NO And paptrhanglng. 3-3000. IMS FORD custom two-door, low price. Keys made while you cattle, alao uoraea. We pay the WANTED—8 rooms or more, by Sr.. Realtor. Office 15 Forest p^RO —IMS f0ar>door m fully equipped, low mlloage, S400 FHret class work, reasonable top dollar. Ptota Brea 664 BM- veteran, wife and baby. Call 6143, street 7026 or 8801. Radio and haatar, new point wait Marlow's pticea. Bob Fisks. Phone 3-0178 WHITE CbmMnatlon stove, com­ DavisA below new car price. IMS Chav- well street plete with Florence oil burner, BscrtNa, IlSB. Phono RockriDa CALL ROT sad Oordon. Experts FOUR ROOM single. 3 unfinlskSd iiuiMM* w n * a*a araaisi* ia*.> o rolat sedan. Haatar, white walls. 800. Phone RockvUle 1640J8. WANTED—Immediately, one and 1S40J3.______Only 47 miles. 1S4S Chevrolet for rug and upholstery ahampoo. up, good location, new. oU burn­ R epairtiiB 44 Aritrim tar Salt 46 one-half to 8 rooms unfurnished Now Dud T akas Ovar BY EDGAR MAMIIN lt41 STU liiEAKER Oommandar. sedan, radio, heater, only $1,043. tag. Complete home and oifice ALMOST New Montgomery Ward er, 10,500 terms. Six room slngta. BY UEK8 HBERGER BUGS BUNNY______BOaiS AND HER BUDDIES cleaning. iUl kinds of odd lobe. with garage- up to $50, for Miss 8-3. flrapUee, oil beat good loca­ FUNNY BUBINElM flood ooaditlaa throughout Raa- IMO Chevrolet coach, excellent If A’lTRESSBS. Tour old mat' ROYAL, Corona portable. Smith deluxe parlor stove. Cabinet type Kathryn fl. Bryon, director of I HDf \^\ itm n ,oco • 1 .vA'Mi HOO a.RO\A-Vy«'.TMO ^ j'O i/V t 'leOVL BOKi'iM KflVN.W condition, radio, heater, I5B8. Up Phone 3-00S7,or Maacheater 3- tress sterillud and remade like dost $80, wil^ aacriflee for 850. tion. Immsdlato occupancy, 113.- BUT PUBKV AIN'T sanahla. Phona 730ft.______Corona standard typswritera and Christian Fklucstlon, ( o u t h 500, terms. Two-family flat 6-8. -J— A v4OK0 0 iYorL bA2M6 AMO to SO months to pay. Douglas 4840. new. Can Jones Purniture and adding mschinea. Used machines Also tra il# w heclt 815. Call Methodist Church. Phone Rev. UCKBD...NOT WMILB ' TO OO BUT H orouto'aJ IT. vmKWMCK voa tt*. 1 S « FORD, irodal 36, two-door Motor Sales, 83S Main. Open Fioor Covering. 84 OaA Tei. 8- 8-0178 after 8. excellent location, SO^day occu­ 7U' 6UPBB BRAIN WEAVING of burnt, moth holes sold or ranted. Repairs on all Fred R. Edgar, 4014. pancy, two-car garaga. Several OUOl ttityi Motor In good condition. every evening until S. 1041. makca Marlow’a. Q^ICKIN'/ Tiros Uka new. Slid. Phone 3- and torn clothing, hosiery runs FELT Base ruga, florals, tllsA large lots In restricUd ssetlon. ssds.______. VERY LOW MILEAGE haadbaga repaired, slpper re­ MA’TTRBSSES Re-made and ster- YOUl; CHANCE to own a Royal marbles, hooked sad nursery water and sewer,, nice view. Sher­ placement umbrellas repaired, Hanaas for Sato n U SE D C A R S lUzed, like new. We call for and portable, brand new condition, at patterns to cIxkmm from. Not all wood A. Beechicr. Realtor. Phone INI PACKARD duh c o ^ R men’s shirt coUare reversed and deliver anywhere. Frank Falk. 43 patterns In all siscA 0x15 rag. 8040. and haatar. Machaaiciny | PRICED RIGHT—NEW CAR a fraction o f lU value. Call 2-3854 WEST SIDE- -Dutch colonisL liv- replaced. Marlow'a Little Mending South Main street, Colchester, $13.50, special $8.47; 0x13 rag. tag room with fireplace, dining PrIraU oiwnar. PHoad ra* G U A R A N T E E Shop. Cbnn. Phone Colchester 460. $0.75, special $4.40; 0x10.4 rag. WAPPING ab^. can 79St after 4 p. m. 1M7 PONTIAC SEDAN room, kitehen, 3 oedroomA eteam GRAY Baby carriage for eale. $8.05 special >5.07; 7.9x0 rag. furnace, eide and res( porchtA Excellent 8 room tingle, nestling 1M7 PONTIAC TUDOR Call 3-1430. $4.75 special M.44; 4x13 reg. in a setting of large shady mapleA 1848 ATLAS Royal 8 A p. twta- 1M7 PONTIAC SPe CONV. BaiMing—Coatrsetinf 14 Pnvata Instnirilnna 28 garagto, let 88 a 384. October oc­ eyltadtr motor, 88 hours, with $8.50 special $A34; 6x9 reg. $0.45 cupancy. Madeline Smith, Real­ Just the home for the buelnsM 1M7 PONTIAC BIGHT CONV. A-l BLACK Loam, 4 yards. 818 special $8.44. watklna Brethent executive or profeeelonal man who ttaBd. S88. TsL 7486. 1M7 PORD CONV. QENERAL CARPENTRY, Altera- BALLARD’S Driving School, take Quarry wall stone, 4 yards, 130. tor. 3-1448 or 4670. tiona, additions and new construc­ advantage of our experience and In c. ______wants country charm ndth easy idS7 BDICK roodmostor. CO^^ tion. Dormers, porches and ga­ fine reputation. A.A A. certified Flat Held stone, 4 yardA SIS HAMLIN Street 10 room duplex.) acceaaibillty to his work. ‘ E t 1048 PONTIAC MXSIX SEDAN Also Bolton building stoaa and REVBN-PnSCE bedroom eet. four- pr#*war buIlL iil modern conven-1 room plnffU, heat. «*• lOM PON’HAO SIX SEDAN rages at reasonable prices. Work­ tastructor, dual controlled cars, 3-tS30aftsr d p. as. manship guaranteed. FYee estl- flagstooA Bolton Notch Quarry pleoe nursery set ‘ (crib, ward' iencM. on# apartment owner oc-1 eondition. well locatad, COUPE license included. Phone 2-2245. IVT BY V. 1. UAMUN mateai R. M. Alexander. TeL Phone 3-0617. Stanley Pntnode robe, dresser, youth bed). All ex­ cupied. Ideal, convenient location. I Jli-*®*- A L L E Y DU P Goinff Back U SE D C A R S M Months—Open Bhrentags 871A cellent condition. ’Telephone 8042. Phone 8068. Musical— Dramitic 29 ENCYCLOPEDIA Ameri ca n s. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA V it PICTUBB VL WOW.' WHAT A ISM BUICK SEDAN COLE MOTORS— 4164 CARPENTER Work of all ktada. Late edition. 80 volumes. Real IMMEDIATE Occupancy, 3-faml)y REALTOR •B BBADV KICK.' X HC3PE Building contractors. Attics fta' PIANO ’TUNING, repalra, recon­ bargain. ’Trading Post 17 Maple MODF3W Walnut bedroom eet flat very good condition; alsol 876 MAIN STREET -mORROW.POC...' w e a o T uPO PP 3BM B U K X OONT. COUPE 1M7 CHEVROLET Pleetltae two- IN 6BCTi«»NB/f i 18$S EORO TUDOR______Isbed, cabinet worA alterations ditioning, etc. John Cbckerham. street. We buy and selL Phone Attracura prlcA 2-0608. has 8 dog kennels, outdoor fire­ Phona 6440 Or 8638 door aedan. Fine condition, radio, Darling A Davta, 8 and 10 Wad- 38 Bigelow etreet Phone 4210. 2-1080. EstabUshed 1931 haatar and defroatar. Phona 5868. place. - fruit trees and shrubbery I 1N7 BUBCK BEDANBfm dall road. Phona 3-03M or 3-8469. ELECTROMASTER clecyie range patch, frontage 110 feet by 870 Home Uatlnga Wanted IBM BUICX BEDAN GRAY Thayer carriage, ' baby KSenmore electric washing ma- 1085 FORD plchup. Rebuilt motor, I BasineoR OpporianUlw 42 feet deep. Price 118,500. Phone 6 AND 4 DUPLEX, on bus tins. ibmchrtslsr s e d a n CARPENTER Work of all kinds bathlnette. Excellent condition. chlnA CaU 2-1378. East Hartford 8-8753. No ageata. 8 months old, new brakes. Burt I Roofs, sldtaga, addltlona and al' CaU 8-1450. ' Pleasant large rooms. Hot water IBM PONTUC OOACM Lehman’s Attantle Station, 70S| POOL ROOM for sale, 4 tablea, tarattana. Also m u conateuctlon. WE BUY and sell good used tornl- W E L L *K nu r 6-roop> single (two heat, two-car garage. SO'ktay oc­ IBM RUDBBAEBR SEDAN Mate straat Sleffart Phona 3-0358. clean place, good opportunity FOR SALE—Man’s double-bresat- tuTA COmbinstlot) rangeA gas cupancy. Call 8000. H. B. Grady, for right party* Apply on rd navy serge suit, else 41, $45; unfinished). Fireplace, hot water SB41 BUICK BEDAN BUICK’ 13M Roadmaater four-1 rangss and nsetsra Joaw Furnt heat, receoaed radiation. Attrac­ A gent BRICK, Stone, cement work, premises. 84 Oak street Man Royal small type typewirter, $85. turs Store. 84 Oak Phone 8-1041 3B41 BUICK OOUPB )or atdan, btacA Uke new. landscaping. Ctontract or hourly. Chester. Call 3031 between 7 and 8 p. m. tive modern kitchen, situated on targe eomer lot. Nice location. SBM PACKARD SEDAN Fully equipped with beater, radio, I Call 8-1601. COMBINATION electric and cool Lnts for Bale 73 IBM PLYMOUTH COACH saat eovars tag lamps, whlta wall stovA Also modern Oriole gas Combination acreena and storm ‘How about a rafund7 Tm only on Mm about half of SBM ntTERHATlONAL PANELJ Urea, back-up lights, dlractlonall Help Wanted—Female 45 THAYER Stroller, in good condi­ stove. Very ressoneble. Phone 3- windows. Excellent condition. LARGE Corner lot 75 x 170. Must tha timaP a lg n ^ Actual ndleaga, 14,470.1 Florists—N orsericB 15 tion. $7. Phone 3-0441. Thla Is a real buy at $10,400. be sold at once. Owner’s loss is TRUCK S’TENOORAPHER-CTerk. Local 3242. Priea 81,395. Rockville Garage. Down payment only $1,900. Bet­ your gain. T. J. Crockett Brok­ SIDE GLANCES BY GAI3 RAITB Phone RockviUe 138. FIRST-CLASS tandsesping worA concern will have a full time DE LUXE Bendix, two years old. ter hurry. Wm. Goodchlld. Sr, 46 er. Phone 6418. • CA’ M BY DICK TUH n ER I mg pRiENDS Coma Riffht In BY MERRILL C BLOlHMh GORMAN MOTOR SALES Making new lawns and planting position open shortly for an ex- R o a ti ami Very good eondition. Also pot Realtor. Office 15 Forest street. lOM FORD CLUB COUPE trees, furnish labor and mater­ peiieaced and competent glrL. CORNER LOT on Woodbrldge S Z MUBNuBt PhonsTSSOl burner oil heater. Both very rea- 7936 or $891. He'S A & 0001 iw So AtA I &js> lb see YOU. < L «f Radio and Heatar ials Lifetime experience. Large Work to consist of general sales MERCURY outboard motor, street Slse 50 x 160. Has gas, Acespr MY o(ti-i7uof, MAsreas laro and ChMu StsiMajr, Wednesdays and | aoaable. CaU 2-3784. RISC(,US. fOR 4 MOOT gNJOYABtf OUVH6! ^ JCC.BUTWMATJ BU3HEO YOU D STAYeO AWAY ‘ PONTIAC streamliner assortment of blue spruce end office routine of typing, filing. In- { 7 >4 H. P. Used only 4 houra FOUR Room houae phis two un­ I DAY. X WOULD M V e MAO fklday 'TV 8 and Batui^y 1M7 water, fewer, bus Une. Price 8396. A PiSMINO- /RIOMOON6 FOUR DOOR 6 CYL, evergreen trees, 50c and up. Call ventory and order control, Invoic- Phone 8847. finished on second floor. Fire­ Sold only to G. I. Box J, Herald. NUT.'“ / >C*MPClOtCS LAWNJ T S OONNA Radio and Heater 8-3091 between 5-8 evening*. Open tag. etc. Muit be able to take I Marhinrrr and Toola 52 place, combination screens, etc. ) MARTIN 60 outboard motor and 9 years old. Owner leaving state. OFF BROAD fiteet 8 lots 100 e t u p Rto BUICK lOM Spadal four-door | jm t CHEVROLET ’TWO-DOOR all day Sunday, 376 Burnside ave. rtiorthand. use dictating machines 0 foot sea sled, 1150. CaU RoeB- ^ J nue. East Hartford. and calculators. No bookkeeping CEMENT Mixers, large and amaU. Phona 3-0201. X 820 each. City water. Price re­ TViBte DAYS WMB1 jtflin B ladi and axoallant con- Radio and Heatar vUla 211J1. Repairs for Foriisoa, Mssssy- LisaTMme./ atienT Haatar, radla asat eovera, or accounting experience n eces- ______duced to $760 each. Msdsllns IM l PONTIAC STREAMLINER Harris, Oliver, Cletra«f New-used ST. JOHN Street— 6 rooms com­ Smith, Realtor. 8-1642 or 4870. dhtacttonal algaals Actual mils- 6 CYL eary. Reply in confidence to Box MERCURY, Champion, Flambeau Rookag-r^iding 16 CR, Herald, stating experience, tractora, equipment. Dublin Trac­ plete. Attached plastered ga­ aga 80.076. Priea ll.M A Rock- Radio and Heater Chris Craft motors. Lyman. tor CO., North Windham Road, rage, fireplace, taaulated, lava­ villa flaraga. Phona RockviUe 1040 l^ R D TWO-DOOR WE SPECIALIZE In roofing and salary desired and avallablUty. Dumphy, Penn Yen boats. SslSA 100’ X 140’ partially cleared. Oak* service, trade terms. Small boat WllUmantic. tory, laundry, storm windows, 136. Radio and Heater siding. Highest quality materialA ESCPERlENCED counter girl from screenA gas hot water heat. Near land Terrace. CaU 6370 altar 6. workmanship guaranteed. A. A. hardware. Robert McIntosh, 38 1686 OIDBMOBILE. ’Two-door, 1040 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 0 a. m. to 3 p. m. 4 days week. hue line, school, shopping center. JUST 8 left. 50 x 140. 1 Mock Dion, Inc., 700 Autumn streeC Apply in person. Annex Snack) Harvard Read. Mosicsl lastramvnts 53 Beautifully landscaped. Shown flood eondlUim. Low price for Heater TeL 4860. ' from bus 11ns, $150 ssch. Bold quick aale. GkU MIO betwean 6 1080 OLD8MQBIUD CLUB Bar. PIANO BUYERS! Hera are real by appointment Charles L’Bs- only to G.I. Apply Box Q, Herald and T. 86 Wtatar straat COUPE Dlamondn— Watohe perance. Phone SgtO. f-/ WOMAN For general houseiwork values! Used spinets A-l condi­ Radio and Heater Roofing—Repairing 16A .48 tion. 8346 to 8305. good' selec­ FOK SA1.B or exchange. Bulldtag 1M3 PLYMOUTH four-door black In modem home. Live in. flood) BEDROOM House, living room Iota at ths Green. Wsa Kanahl. T. M. Wfc V. a >«T. Of. ■adan. In good condition. Call 8- 1037 CHEVROLET FOUR-DOOR salary. Phone 5001, or 20 Weat- tion. Also small gtandA 8-4 stas with fireplace, dining room, kitch­ Radio and Heater FEA’TURING Guaranteed roofs LEONARD W YOST. Jswalsr Ro- uprights, plain caasA racondltton- Builder, 510 Oenter street Phona Purely Coincidental BY AL VEtfftEtir 387A______And expert repairs os well as minater Road. pairs and adjusts watchos expert­ en. oU hot water heat, attached 7778. PRISCILLA'S PUP All cars fully reconditioned by gutter and conductor work. Try ed, aaniUsed, real bargains. garaga. BuUt prewar. Elevated ly at reaaonabla prlcsA Open Terms too. floss Plane Oo.. 57 'rr» HANBWa M WPOP 5MT WHAT ^NO, NOT IM l CHEVROLET coups. Bxcal- factory methods your “Local Roofer." Call Cough­ location with long view. Septem­ VERNON STREET—aearad lot* I OCEPSf THAT ONE lant eenditlan. Raaaonsbls. Call WANTED — Part time waltrese. Thursday eveningA 139 Spniaa Allyn street, Hartford. 5-6609. LiviNa « o ^ cr A HEAM lin 7707. Street. Phone 3-4887. ber occupancy. Lot 88 x 328. 300 X 400. Drive out and aaa It HE'S A TH 8-0681 after 5 p. m. BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. Apply in person. Silk City Diner. Closed MondayA Madeline Smith. Realtor. 3-1643 My sign is there. MadeUne Smith. AND OLSHOSI KILV-ER- 155 Center Street Phone 3-4545 GUTTERS Repaired, dtimneye're­ or 4670. OILI-ER. 1888 CHEVROLET coupe, origin­ 8-1643 or 4470. ALL NASH 1040 deluxe four-door paired and cleaned, roofs built and Garden— F arw— Dairy 58 al paint 1088 Plymouth coupe, repaired. Phone 8335. Help Wanted— Male W ssled—To Bay MANCHESTER^Markhall Road. I RICHARD ROAD—1, 2 or 8 lota- RU5 HT.' radio, heater, new motor Job. Five sedan. Dark green. Priced to sell Prodocta 50 BUYTNO Used furnltura and 4-room Cape Ood with space for Water, aewer, finest location in krand naw Urea Phone 3-034A quickly. Mr. Whipple. R.F.D. No. ROOFING — SpeclaUBlng In re­ WHY WORRY about layoffs and 3. Rockville. Phone Rockville underpay? You may be just the CUCUMBERS for eale, 35s basket household goods, any quantity two additional rooms, fireplace, Manchester. Priced for quick pairing roofs of all klndA also Bi'ing yiMir own contalnerA The Woodshed, 11 Mata atreet blower typo furnace, double in­ sale. Phone 6040 or 5101. 5111. new roofs. Gutter work. Chim­ person we are looking for to direct our quality Sterling silver Robotto’a Farm, BIrck Mountain CaU 3-8184. sulation, oomblnation storm win-1 1 • neys cleaned and topalred. 26 Road. dows, screens and doors, extra fine J MODEL years' experience. Ftee estimateA program. In this fuU tlmA steady Waatril—Heat Batato 77 n Motorcyelc»>.RIr7ri«o It career, which reqplrea a cait you loL 80-day occupancy. FuU price Call Howley. Manchester 5341. TOMATOES for canning, Reoim WRhoat Rm H 59 $0,500, down payment $1,800. AIRPLANES are really paid what you aq basket. Bring containers. WE HAVE caah buyers ready te worth on a percentage basla. Na­ AUea Ctampet, Agent, 843 Main purchase yqur property. We sril) 1037 HARLEY Davidson 7A | Rosetto, S3 Lake street VERY Comfortable heated room, street Phone 4y03 or 3-0886. Beating'S—Plnmbing 17 tional advertlstag. national spon­ centraUy located. CaU 2-3174 appraise your property free ol BOATS Perfect condition. Call 3-1404. sors, supplied leads, plus the charge. Phone our office before I PLUMBING, heating. Repairs on after 5 p. m. AUTUMN STREET. Mora for your BOY’S SIZE 36, two-wheel Elgin guidance of a ekilled Adviser, TOMATOES—Bring own contain' money. Owner leaving state dc- you sell. Quick eale guaranteed. CARS old and new systems, oil buraer, can build the kind of secure era. 57 Florence street ATTRACTIVELY furnlahe^ room Center Realty Co., 441 Mata bicycle, ’Two years old. Good coi\- Ifster pump service. Prompt at­ •Irea quick sale. Beautiful g etra. tetoiv mu h *«i«*. n*. t. m. m*. u. a mt. Untangling The Threads BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY AND RALPH LANf dltlon. Can be seen after 6 p, m. profitable future that you want with light housekeeping privl- yoara old honA Ftva furnlahad straat Manchastar. Pbooe 3-4271 VIC FLIl^T tention. John H. Carlson. Tel. Write today giving information ELBERTA PEACHES tor legsA Centrally located. Inquln days. T >!.**«■ V. a XT. ow. >«6l6Cr*iST00tf BtaMT.Luevt^ 194 Parker street. 7325. rooms. OU heat flreplaca, vena­ dH aB w enw 't iviRmiiNAB HOBBYSHOPPE about jroureelf, and phone num­ nlng. Leo Oambolstl,^Route 86, 14 Arch atreet Mra JeromA •‘Haro eomta my wifa again and I bat tha a fSlng to aak 06WM EOVUllOUf.l MISSfO UR Gilead. Phone 7037. tion bitada, cabinet kitchen, etc. 8is Griswold St S2S3 HARLEY DAVIDSON model 1351 STEAM. Hot water and hot air ber to J. S. EUwelL Empire Crafts flarsgs, outdoor fireplace, shade mo about .buying aomothlng—I’vo boon talung har for “Imagina accusing ma of pork-barrol larialatien! Why, tWCAN6ITflflD(69 VTUISTM^SOT motorcycle, 8,000 miles, good | hsattag. Van Uamp Bros. Phona Corporation, Newark, New York PLEASANT Room, centraUy . lo­ trees, large lot Excellent residen­ yaara not to call on ma during buainaaa hourtr my state is primarily industrial! ------6AM I..< yUKYMOGDUR condition. Phone 2-1853. State. FOR SALE—Mclntodi windfalls M IT. 16UC$4 Open Evaninga 5344. Good apples, at farm pricea cated, for gentleman. CaU 4734. tial locatloA Large FJl.A. mort­ ARE YOU PLANNING TO I61W0 Phone 8116. gage avaUable. Suburban Realty UUY UUK WAY« BY J. R. WILLIAMS HUB HOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOUPLE PLUMBING and heating, special' EXPERIENCED milk man want­ Baainana Servieea Offercil 12 ed. Must be acquainted wHh Man­ ROOMS FOR RENT. OaU 8574. COn RMltorA 49 Perkins strest. SELL YOUR HOME? Affysf H6 O0T66 0 *i THIS VBAH. Suit tYBM a m oh , r ul s iBlng in repairs, remodeling, cop­ Phone 8315. RFUMBO 6HRM P90-~' SlLH HAT (loiNr IB W Bi'T’ ini per water piping, new eonstruo- chester, over 30 years of age. BoaaohoM Goods II P i V i ------MOVINGT I^LOOR Problems solved with Write Box P. Herald. HSH-HBHf.«.PLKP9 TRUlVK TiCkUSH ID RiOK ^ T H 5 SACK tlon, estimates given, time pay­ TWO FURNISHED rooms for A NICE CLEAN 4-room home, Bxsaas FtoraliMsgst linoleum, asphalt tile counter. ments arranged. Edward John­ 835 836 826 836 825 835 $35 $38 modehi, 3>car gsragA On bus We have a number of (n- i6 A BtOe-SlOOD AND NOTf WiTHf A800TA# WITH . Ws Bay, Of Sen Expert workmanship, tree estl'/ It’c hard to believe, but It’e true working couple, centraUy locat ONB OP tHOSl TDmBO C A tol RASfUNS ’TOUftNiiy i f f PLAID/1 son. Phone 6970 or 7083. Situations Wanted— ad, on bus Une. Telephone 6085 Une. Immediate occupancy. Prtca matcA Open even in g Jones' Only $36, no more and you can buy reduced for quick aale. A 4-room terested buyera — Call 8009. BATBR6 FROlH.to TO * • » WHiCH StflPT IN AT AUCTION Fuialtura Oak street Phone EFFICIENT Plumbing and heat­ Fem ale our famous after 6. ■tngle, modern, built in 1043, Un- SH ANTNTOWM !)\. 'rHSBB.Si.T U P j A BABM 3-1041. ing. Plugged drains machine WOULD LIKE td cars for ehll- “Bride's Delight” PLEASANT room, gentleman pro- medlata occupancy. Price $10,000. cleaned. Carl J. Nygren. Phone 3 ROOMS BEAUTIFUL LINOLEim — Aephalt UIa w drsn dsyA In my home, vtetalty farred. One minutes from Post A $-fanlly 4x4x4 — a $-«ar ga­ H. B. GRADY. Agtnt NCARS IhMA SasoA 4407. BRAND NEW FURNTTURB rage- Asking $1$,000. Can you Mtosa. covering. Done by rail able. w< of Nathan Road. Write Box RN, Office. Phone 8888. OLOJ trained men. All Jobs guarante Herald. I eompleta with a new 1049 “Philco’* give an offer? A single 4x3 on Any O H aMi tosais PLUMBINO, Heating, estimates .Electric Refrigerator and a New l a r g e Room with twin bed for Hall Linoleum Co., 33 Oak street gladly furnished. Excellent work Moore • street double lot, about YOUNG WOMAN desires full time 1940 “Bengal" Combination Range. one gentleman. Near busqs. 114 30 ysara young: Price $0,000. Two Now -Gig Wonders BY ^ U B CBB Os sad WM OaB Phona 3-4023, evenings 6144. and moderate prices. Pqggie SELLINO OR Buying propartpl I Wash iiib r s work after 3 p. m. Experienced Free Storage—Free Delivery North School street. Phone 6$86- business lots on Hartford Road. TMBBB'f JUST XXBOMT W t UP TO Peterman.' Call Manchaater 8423 P.B.X. operator and office clerk. Free Set Up Contact this qfflca for proaipl 1TH0U6HT r BOBRV ROBERT M. REID « SONS OLANDER’S Machine Shop, or RockvUle 6143. Corner lots. James J. Rohan 6i| TUMt5 dBOP \ BHOIO m m T6T. M MKTBlOilMW pair — production — welding. Tel. 2-3081. jThe shove furniture shown by ap­ Scat Raaltora, 517 Hartford Road. and Mraonai sarrtcA AUea Chun- YOU ^ AT I APTBR,.ArTBK MBR 661. Mato BA Pbaas 6166 Boarders Wantad 59A p et Real BstaU end Inouraaoa SteelReel for aale.ale. Open from 8 a m. pointment only. Telapbona 7488. i s s t s u flAMT* MOUBB WBABB tOBaNi 3UBT [xtSmu'wfi 843 Main street Ptaons 4068 at W bTIM B ,.J to 7 p. m.. 48 MUI street Moring->TnKkiiig— Phtoie Hartford 6-0868 WOULD Uke a child of school Sitoationa Wantod— Ask for Mir, Albert 11 JACKSON Street, 4-room sin­ 6T0tlM.Mtaf 8-MlO. S tora g a 20 iaga to board In my home. Phona M alt A-L-B-K-R-T-8 gle, steam hast with oil, copper S-3944. Numbing, 1st Sour lavatory, 3 c t m i D r o m o TKBVMMf RATOO — Elactrlcal Appliance EMPTY VANS to and. from aU 43 Allyn St., Hartford TOUR PROPERTYT FOR RENT SarvloA rapaln picked up and states. Assured return load, POSITION Wanted as doctor’s Open Thurs. TUI 9 P. M. rooms and bath 2nd floor. Cen­ OaUverad. promptly 80 years’ rates. United, |133 West street chauffeur. Call 5818. Mein Store—Waterbury Apartments, Flats, ( tral ____ looatlon. Tmmadlata______occu- . Without' obUgatton to you, ws Basasiant' mom at 1 sxparisaoA John Malonsy. Ihione Phone 4375, $25 825 835 836 $35 $36 $38 $38 Toaemanta ifS mcy. FuirprlM. M.B0O. Phona I wUl appraise or make you a cash 8-1046. i Walnut straat > 7738 «r 6878. Brae-Burn. offer for property. See ua hefoto SoEtk Main Stroat En- I MANCHESTER Package DeUvery. Dogs—Birds Pfita RENT SEEKERS—We wie again I 11 I ... ■ ' I jrou sell. trspM at driTowaj lav«L AMVIQUES Reflnlahed. Repairing Local light trucking and package UNIVERSAL Electric range, flood for a limited time only accapttag EAST CENTER Stnet, five roona | ^one 7726 Or 6876 fttfntAr ns s dandiig do*M on any furnltura. Tlemann, delivery. RefrigeratorA waohers REAL ENOUSH sattarA 6 weeks condition. Call 3-367h. ' applications to fiiRl you a rent a n floor^ two on eeeond. Om Br a E-BORN R B A U lV ’' sfliisaL iM Sooth Mata atreet Phone and otovs movtag,. a apaclalty. old. Bred to hunt. Daniel N. do our utmost to place you steam hfwt acrqanad pAr«h qzmmm-pm zw ' » Phona 6-0766. Stowell, off Stiver Street, North amosiU drive, two-ear garagA HAVE You a atagla ov 'S it^ t} Excel ta a daolrabta rent as soon as poa-. p a r w tr y . Phone 6604. MAPLE CRIB, eompleto. stble. Invsetlgats our service. large abode treeA Price“ ■ $11,600.■" heuse to aaUT If so caU, wrlto ot VENEHAN BUNDS. All types I THE AUSTIN A. Cbamben Ob, lent condition. Call 3818. Charles L’Esparonce. Phone 8630. TROPICAL FISH. Ploata. tanks] Rental'.Serytee Bureau. 641 Mata phpna Howard R Hastlaag BaM ItATMBfJiT 1 ^ , , . , .i. .jL! t a a 'lid 'i Btada^to order, also reeondlHon-1 local moving, paoktag.. cratliig EOtate Spaclaliot q u ^ ty. Ftadel) Uanu-I and atoraga -ervlce to all parts and aeoatsbries. Kelley’s Aquar­ NORQE Refrigerator. Very .goei street Maaehastar. Phone Usn- CAuyntAUisxT ckestec,$-4370 daya Also open Fpda-t At tha aiptor eAMaaebaa- fa e t iii^ Oo.. '48t. Middle Turn-1 of the lU S . A. and CansdA Call ium, 30 Sunset atreet. Phone) eondition. Raaoonable. Phona .’J #* /■- 1 6706. 6736. ' ' - avqataxs 7-6 ». sk Read Herald Adva. tor. y - -' ' f r ------pika Bast, can 4666. i 6167. f i* ' . ■ t??:- ' V' •-1. * '%*•'

■ 4 iH oisD A Y ,^B ii*iei i» T h a W « t h a r Maxuktttitt IcD^ftta lk(vU rnJhm Fwoaaat of U. a. wnathar , tSS8 Otaar aad ooal this a t aad tanlghtt fair with ibMi Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. MdKaevw Hesds Managers Big Downpour 9,388 About Town eCSM CoauBlt stwst. and Sw •raadaMUMr, M n. Margaret La- O f Rain Here IM n . r Ladne tad North Mala street, Cby gif ViOwf Charm Ch S ^ o< ------. - - era gueeU UUng Pnsidsnt LI Tsung-JoB Air*Cooled Stores cheater. Mrs. Lepper w m M ^ bnd happened thla yew. Shower Admitting German ot NaUonallat China appaalt for Tentative Six-Point Helen Carlson, of West Hartford, 'dint afforte of ail peace-loving prior to her marrlaga aoooeeded ehpwer ns the water paoplaa against tateraattaM) Cam- droned dowt. ----- *-oi.., Floiida-'a Mggaat laan- Arthur Drug Stores Mrs. W. H. Dowd of Bow street However, this morning, while buat in years la brought to end who has been spending some tlnM water oouraes were Celrly wall Nation to Council whan snarling, knife-wielding fugi­ at the family cottage at KnoU- filled, the brooks etUI have net tive ia cut down by blast of ahat- wood Beach. Saybrook, will return raeatvad aupply enough te Plan to Aid Britain goa and ptatel 8re in orange grove for the week-end and holiday. them to retairn to netlve flow . A Sdinman Deelares Saar Cominform Journal aaya thara largo part ot the rain ooakod la. Dispute About gaaadaa" C^ommnalat party in Television The marriage of Mias Elisabeth Out In the eouatry tbs aurtaoe Must Become Mem­ Ytigoalavia, which la growing and American, British and A. Furphy and WlUlam S. Preston drainage filled vrater helm and ber Before French may eventually overthrow Premier Locate Camp Lotoett price$ in Conn. will take pUce Saturday morning pends, hut dry wsUo were not re- Salvation Not Marshal 'Hto. Probers Now Canadian Officiala at 11 o'clock in St James' church. Oeerge H. WadSeB Dlsixlshwl. Win Accept Germans; Oan. Tboosaa T. Handy arrtvaa Meet Twice Daily for Any make or model for Manchester’s General Manager One o f the groat threats «U StodE Up For The Big Holiday Wook-End in Frankfurt to auccaad Oan. LU' Miss UUlaa Franklin, and her Oeorge H. Waddell was elected Of Primitive lass money. The best buys summer out In Um country has Says U. S. Aid Alone Yet Resolved cius D. Clay as commander in chief Taking Stock Past Week to Ex­ cousin. Itussen UtUa of 88 Strtck- prn^nt of the aty and Town been that of fire. Up to now, la of U. S. ^ropean command . . in town. Buy from s tele­ land street returned yesterday Managers of Connecticut yester­ almost nine places out of ten, Cannot Save Europe from PUkdals, Maas., whsrs they Britala’a Mggeri airliner ia achad' Yuma Tribe plore Problem; Hope vision expert end have th day ax a luncheon meeting held at there has been no sufficient avail­ uled for taxl-lng teata tomorrow On Inquiries visited relatives They also paid the 'nmea Tower, Avon. Archbishop Cushing Up- To Complete Agenda installatira done right for a visit to another cousin, and his able water supply with which to Paris, SspL 1— — For- Prague preaa aaya Csecho Mr. Waddell suotewM Rodney fight fire. Moot rural fire de­ At HALE'S SELF SERVE best reception. wife. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin s(gn Minister Robert Schu- * held by Vatican Rul- atate courts are tending to jail citi- For Discussion by Loomis of West Hartford, mana­ partments havs wen-integrated ■ans accuaad of having knowledge Pre • Hittoric Artifacts rranklln. o f Dodge. Maas. ger of that town. msn served notice today that ing; Father Feeney Government Starts to Also elected were Richard Qia- ■yetems of water supply by means of anti-government plots and fan Foreign Ministers / a s I E E ^ C RAUIO a n d of panda, water holas. or lakca Francs wUI flght the admis­ tag to Infom police , , , An | Squeeze Qosed Doors Uncovered in Ground CL l r r 9 t e l e v is io n ter, Windsor manager, who wfll Wants Pope’s Opinion aerve as vice president and Rob­ This summer due td the lack of sion of Germany to the 0>un- habitual criming aentenced to Near Cody^ Wyo.^ by And HEALTH MARKET Tannaaaaa State penitentiary for In Search for Im­ Wsshington, Sept. 2 — (/P) LANDSCAPING ert Heltcb of Farmington, mana­ water the greater part ot aU rural Europe unless tbs Saar 4fi5 Hartford Road eO of Boston. Sapt 1—(SV— A 8 Ufa, wUl go to Texas next month —A tenUtive six-point pUn ger, who wlU serve as saerstary- property has baaa prsctleaUy un also bsoomas a mtmber. proper Influence Princeton Professor Cor. McKee Street Learn and Peat Maas Far Bala protacted. mentha diaputo batwaan tha B< to hear big choir alag hln cantata for helping Britain out of its AO Kinds af Stantlar treasurar. Schuman toM a new confsr- John C. Gall, attorney / >r South­ Phone 2-4304 Weefc Dana About 40 were praaent tncludlng ton kalarchy snd a Roman Catho- New York, Sept. 2—( ft —Exten­ financial crisis is expected as guaste the city and town man' V d reeta Old Fashioned anea limited to French re- ern Coal Producera Association, B a lk tin ! Ue group ovtr wbathar thara la aaya that “ aubatantial number" of sive remains of a primlUvt group today from final discussion Open Evenings Till 7 A.LATULIPPE JkSON agen ot MaasaChuaette. HEALTH MARKET potUn OuU tha Cbusdl’a atetute Washlagtea, Sept. 2 —<4>— Also present were Ftande Mur­ V erm ont pravtSM a plam tor arasa Ilk* aalvatlon outelda tha CathoUc coal companies withheld 2fi-eent Seaator McCarthy (R.. WIs.) of hunters, who roamed the Amer­ of American, British snd Thura. and Ft I. Till 9 TtS Veraon S t ' TSL SITI Mtoera* welfare rayalty paymenta phy. pubUaher of The Hartford the 8m f m gaeodUite nieinbers* church atm appeared unaattlad to­ ■aid today he wUl teaiat that ican west thousands of years be­ Canadian fact-finding offi­ limea. Carter Atkins of the Con­ Thay oaa ha raremmted is tha dua August 20.. .Blehard Strmoaa, Fraak OeateUo of New York, HALE'S Smoked Frmh day daaptta a VaUcaa ruling up­ famed German compoeer, ia re-, fore Chirst ■ birth, have been un­ cials. Representatives of the necticut Public Expenditures OoasHltoUva AaaamMy. hut set in holding Archblahop Richard J. reputed "slot marhlae king." Council, and Lealia Gravlln ot the Cheese tha OoHunmaa o f MlalaUra. ported to have suffered ralapae in be called ■■ a witneea In the earthed near Cody, Wyo., it waa three governments have been Hartford Governmental Research Headquarters Cuablng. hia heart illness . . . Fourteen Sraate laveatlgatlan of "ire dlscloeed here today. mecUng twice dally for the past ShoulMers "Tha oandMa^of tha Saar tor UcMga N. Craig o» Brasn. Ind.. ackknowlcdgra the ehiara o t Mb t o l ^ CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TAN KS Shoulders Tha dacloloa waS announced by membera of House show up for per eenten." week to explore the problem. InstUitte. FOR Uia Oouaell of Buropa thua offara - iilinri-- In TTiT" *r“ ~ *Har ka waa ctoeted naBanal sannnaader. twe-oalante aeaelen, half of which Dr. Loren Elselcy of the Univer­ o ■D mffieulty,” ha asid "Wa ahould AiebbtShop Cuahlng to ‘Tha Pi­ sity of Pennsylvania said the Hope to Complete Ageudu POWER CLEANED lb. QO lot." official pubUeatlea of tha At Ian la tha dS-yanr-eld lawyar’a oan, John, ( h ^ **.***, la used by chaplain's opening pray­ Waahlngton, Sept. 2—(F)—The They hope to complete an . . . . am day put totwafd tU oaa- eras o f Waatd war n ever named to the peat. (A F wtraphata). er. Wyoming camp site probably dates ' ~ y. a ^ wa eansot eomatva Beaton OatboUc archdiocaaa. Tha government staAod aqueealng cloe- back to between 6,(K)0 and 11,000 agenda today that will permit In yinin Id i iiidI I i< Diit\ lb. aanouneamont aald tha fuhng waa U. 8. IMatrlct Judge Albert V. their foreign mlnistera next weak Otnnaiiy ba admitted If tha Bryiui rules la Alexandria. Va.. ed the doom on five per centers years before Christ. Television Id exclude4a** made by tha Suprama Sacred Gon- to dlacuaa these points: « U M . \M.' I ri K I \ K IN I \l M It An White Sdad Meat No. 2 Can Blue gragaUon of tha Holy Offlea, over that race aagregatlen docs not today as probing senators paused Most Important Find Lotoeat price$ in Conn. For Yonr HoUday Dinner Na Part Of O enw y He called the find one of the 1. Reducing further British Diam ond Schuman pointed out Siat tha which the pope praMdeo. violate Constitution or acts of Con­ to take stock In their month-long purchases from the United States o r Picnic Economical Pork Roest Tha controveraial group, lad by Licenses of 30 Firms gress . . . Pilots and officiala get moat important ever made in con­ Any make or model for asnr la not a aovaralga atete but in tuna-up aaosion In preparation search for Improper influence In nection with the culture of the and increasing buying In non-dol- McKinney b r o s. tha 4 had takan no part la tha tha bRav. Leonard J. Faanay, S. J., Federal contracting. lar areas wherever possible. less money. The best buys TUNA haa Boratoted In tha oontentkm for Nattenol Air raeaa which be­ Yuma, the nomadic group who I \\ \ 1 I i 1 •! \ I M l P in e a p p le FLAVOarUL formation of tha Waat Oannan gin a three-day saoaion of speed Chairman Hoey.CD., N. >0}{ vision expert end have the FISH tensibly penned by Anatole Bar- mittee racesaed the Inquiry yes­ the earliest known inhabitants of Britlah exportera to send thair I TENDERIZED hair Ite own govarnmaat and pnr- Warning Otvan I T terday for at least a month while goods to' the United States. installstim done right for J id e e ia being studied by State de­ HamanL with n naconomy att^h- ^ staff studies the evidence taken the New World. best reception. Tha Sacred oongragation ruling Withdrawn in ConnCC- I partment tranalatora for possible Dr. Elseley estimated that the 3. Easing prortsions of the 184S Lb. ad to yrnooa. ended with -n aolamn warning to I o r- i i j Craig Pledges thus far. BriUsh loan agreement to permit HAMS Schuman aald American aid f t . raanay*B adharante to abandon light on why former Soviet flier Mlddlemaa On Way Ont ancient camp site covered about can 2 cans tion With So-Called twiea awitehed Mdca in cold war. 600 square feet of terrace over­ Britain to slow up purchSM o f ^ 1 i e E ^ C r a d i o a n d alom cannot aolva nil Buropa’a their pootUon tmmadiataly "at tha The governmant'e chief pusebas- Fra-hoMny rise In stock market hanging Sage creek, five miles American goods in favor of thoaa W l a i r r 9 TELEVISION Ranges, Refrigerators pitMcms. parti o f their aoult." ’Dlegal Gift Parcel Sm ial Action flaslaa out . . . Five women who ing officer, Jeaa Larson, assured from non-dollar countries. For Holiday Weekend Meal RIa atatamant foUowad a raport ft. Feeney tndlcatod he would tha senators before the hearings northeast of Cody. STOP! Racket’ in Germany pleaded guilty to working for pel- The valuable deposit of tools, 4. Boosting American pur­ 465 Hertford Rosd Washers and AO HOEMEL yaotarday by top Buropaan Mnr- ■tend pat pending an ex cathedra ley ring ara tongue-laahed by closed that the middleman in gov­ Planning Miall pun offtdala that Europa la weapons snd food remains were chases of British commonweialth Cor. McKee Street announcement from tha pope hlm- New Commander Says Bronx magistrate as "a gang of ernment contracting la on the way Un and rubber. The United Btajaa LOOK! Other Appliances not on tha road to aolf aupporL aalf. Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. ou t preserved through the centuries by OXm FEESH GBOUND canoerous parasites" . . . Johnny dusty desert sands, now covering has been buying Qmlted quantl- Phone 2-4304 CHOPPED HAM In IS uontha of oparationa, tha U m group haa held to tta pool- 2—(A>>— The licenses of 80 Legion Win Have Voice Brltenbruck 'spends two hours div­ Lnraon, who heads tha new Gov­ U. a . baa aMppad mora than |8,- tion in face of a atern Interdict ernment Bervlcea administration, the camp site to a depth of about Uea to stockpile for an emer­ firms from eight countries ing for body of boy drowned in gency. USTEM! Open Evenings Till 7 ttaJWIUUcoat U B8T*8 HAM BURG 55e e0S.00O.S0O worth o f fooda to ■galnat thair organlintloti— St. In PoUtical life Alao Brooklyn roaervolr, than goes Into teatlfled that he. Secretary of De- 10 inches. WasUR; Surapa under the plan, Banadlct'a canter—and tha "K- which had distributed gift fenaa Johnson and Budget Dlrec- The Yuma ware foot hunters 5. Increasing American soon- Thnrs. snd Fri. TUI 9 ring and knocks oat wattorwelght omlc help to aouUteaat Asian "Amaricnnsarlcnn ud muat ba eotnplo- landng" of ft.' Faanay. paresis in Germany hsvo FhOadalpWa, Sapt J —(ff)— Tha . New to Frank FMa had worited out wha raved tha high plains of the "OEM” SKINLESS an aald *T»y tha a plan toenaka Arcct contnettog| American - in search of bison. meipbera of the Btlttafi oonunon- ROAST BEEF Btod," Raf anting to th^ gnn^a otond, bsen revoked, the American AmartaM Ldtidtfa .naiw nal lanai; tha ______easier for small busineosmen. Evldencea of their existence have ealth to aaae their demande M MAINE __la tatter tmm tna SaoMd aon- Mnitery government rsporte. eoinmander — 40-yaar-oM Ooorga c l » y ^ FRANKFURTS gragatlon doctarad: automobile, ptana and train. Unethical firms wrill be black­ been found before. Dr. Eiaeley Britain's acarca dollar #appl]r. UP TO at n lstleaa batwaan Emopa "... .It in clear that the doctrine The licenses were withdrawn N. Craig ot Brasil, Ind.—stood Axe with which nnldentiflad listed and Federal amployca warn­ ■aid. but never ao extensively or in The countries involved are report­ and tha dcflar sem.’* praaontad (by tha group) -----aa in connection with the in- pledged today to make that organ-' hand alaughtered wealthy father ed about taking favors, he said,, a deposit that may enable scient- ed to )>e India, Pakistan and Mal­ THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL SARDINES aya, along with Burma which la achwasn win loavu Bapt. Id for genuine CathoHc teaching U far vaatlgation of the ao-callad “il­ Ixation "aa important voice in the and stepmother ot Usale Borden In adding: late to fix more accurately the pe­ Give The Family A Treat 01 a aarlaa o f Iteancial eonfaranoaa in their Fall River. Mass., home 57 "It la my honest opinion that this riod in which they lived. no longer in the commonwealth. Sn,VEB LANE from bebiEauch. and can do noth­ legal gift parcel racket" by Uni­ nation's political and social life." COUNTRY FAIR tha united Btoten. ing but grava harm to thoaa who ted States cuatoms aufiiorlties in years ago remains as darkly hid­ procedure, together with'the policy May Denote Age S. Calling a new tariff cutting Delicious Chicken! Ha blamad praaent dUfleultlaa are in toe church and to thoaa Germany. Some others were can­ The Hooaier lawyer—the first den as ware identity and motive of of decentralising procuiVment and For example, be said, from the conference some Ume next yaar WILLIMANTIC ELKS SWEET RELISH In the Marffiali plan to "nlatlena I outeida it" celled previously. - . World war n veteran aver named unknown kiUer when police were the maintaining of adequate, cour­ biaon bon^a on the site it may be to reduce duties on Britlah ex­ «500 batwaan O nst Britsln and the dol- to bead the Legtoa—waa chosen summoned on Auguat morning In teous and efficient Information possible to determine whether the ports to the United Btatea. Tha communication from tha A group o f 17 German and Inr sem ." Vatican alao named f t . Feeney Greek nationals in Bremen were yesterday in a nip-and-tuck race 1892 . . . Amaricap brdiit, mem­ centers will cause the so-called five Yuma lived before certain lypei Stop-Gap Measures SEPT. 1, 2, 3 and LABOR DAY SELVEB LANE PLUMP FOWL Othar Buropaan countrloa, he with three other candiatea. The ber of goose family, ia making B-S Poub4 Avaraga. and atrongly critlcixfd him Nor hia arraeted recently. At the eame per center to wane ji^d die be­ of bison became extinct late in the The steps are intended aa stop­ Garden Displays In New Exhibition BuUding ■aid, faan d that Inenaaad Brttlah part In the controversy. Job pays $15,000 annually and car- comeback after being almoat ex­ cause there will be no need for his ice age. gap measures to ease the drain OPEN MON., WED., FRI. TILL 9 naods woilld raault in a reduction Ume, the Ucenae of a Daniah firm tinct two years ago. Exhibits, Rides, Games, Dancing MUSTARD PICKUP. 25c FBE8H "It la beyond understanding" waa withdrawn. riee with It a $85,000 expenae al­ services." No human bones were found. Dr. on Britain's dwindling reaervaa. a f OMlr Mura c f Amaricnn mid. lowance. The term five per center has 5 Big ProfeMionsl Acts Presented Free Twice Nightly tha latter read, "how a member Firm la Identified Eiaeley said. But officials agree they wlU not LONG, SUCED of a raligloua aocisty, namely Beauniaa Qutat Narmntey been used to describe those who There were numerous "Yuma by ithCmaelvea solve Britain's 1938 BUICK SEDAN Many Other Attractions For Yonng snd Old LAMB PATTIES A U.S. Military government re- Phlladaiphla. Ite straate washed seek out government contracts for polnte," delicately fashioned flints Father Faanay, can preoanPhlm- leaaa laat night identified the firm long-range problem: Ita inability 1938 PACKARD SEDAN aalf as a ‘dafandar of the faith' clean ot Lngion literature, raaumad Debate Looms others for a fee—usually five per that apparently Upped Yuma to earn enough dollars to'^ay for __ "ot. 25c HALECO m C K M tT SMOKED Join in Fight aa the Peter Gay Shippers. quiet normalcy today after four cent, "nvat activity Isn't illegal, lances. It is believed the Yuma did DILL PICKLES and at the aama time not haoltata "PratlnUnary Investigation," the « 1939 PACKARD SEDAN 4"h J. 1 to attack tha catechetical teaching day ot aarioua diacuaalon, apeech- but the Senate group has been not use bow and arrow. (Conttnued on Page fba) OULDENE release said, "revealed that the maklng, politicking and parading On T ariff Cut searching for signs that it in­ There la no evidence that they 1940 PACKARD SEDAN U n r iJan pfcpoaad by legitimate autborttlaa, Peter Gay Arm, which has been BACON imd not even fear to bring upon that marked the Legion's Slat an­ volved "influence peddling." tamed animals, even doga. The under the obeervatlon of German Look Toward Resumption 1942 PACKARD SEDAN BUILDERS OP MUSTARD 2 jii. 25c hlmaalf the weighty aaneUons o f cuatoma Invaotigatora for several nual conrantlon. bones found apparently were the SMALL LEAN canon law laveiad against hia grava' .... The funmakara ara gone. No Millikin Promises ’Fu­ No sooner • had the committee remains of centuries-old meala H C N m montha, received a license from suspended hearings for the pres­ Two More Major Net­ violatlona of duty as a raUgioua, tha Joint Export-Import agency longer does the nclae of firecrack- Campfire altea were littered with AMESITE DRIVEWAY era and miniature cannon echo on rious Debate’ I f LoW' ent than some membera began to bonea. aome of them charred. D A ISY H A M S works Go to Court ■a a prikat, and a* an ordinary last May for the Import of 16,500 look toward the time when the Also Tsrvis and Asphalt snd |0B 14 Ox. B ot membar of the church." gift food parcels totalling approx­ downtown atraeto. Two Deatinct Cultures Flashes! 1946 NASH 4-DOOR KETCHUP 15c No longer do Legionnaires ering Move Made tnauiry resumea. The Yuma roamed the same naajaMS! _ BEAaONABLB - WOEB To Save Giv^ways Tha censure apparently rafarrad imately 125 tons, which included When that time comes, William (Lata BuUetlM ot ttm (ft WIra) to ft . Faonay'a vigorous public at­ 87 Vi tons of coffee, 17 tons of tea. frighten woman by dangling rub­ general area of the Folsom man SEDAN ^895 OUAMAMTEED - FEEB ESTOtATES UBBF'S DEEF BBOWN ber Uaards and mica in their facaa. Waahlngton, Sept. 2—(ft—Sen­ Hclis, oil operator and racing fig- who it is believed lived about 15,' New Torfc, Sept 8— Two tack# on nrchdlocesan leaders In- nine tons of coca and 12 tons of Down Psyment 1195 Maathly P ayaw ta U DaMiad chocolate. The eonvention'i over—1950 Is ator MiUikIn (R.. Ck>la) today 000 years ago. Dr. Eiaeley said the mora major natworka joined the next. And in November the Leg­ promised a "furious debate" if the (Confianed on Page Ten) Cody site again reveals clearly Trio Oraba $28,000 P ayn a 2csns 27c Canning American Broadcaatlng company (Oentteoed os Psga Twelve) “The time of the arreat, one of BEANS the ring leaders—a Greek national ion's National Executive commit­ administration tries to lower tar­ that the Yuma and the Folsom Bremen, Sept. 2—(ft^T hrae DEMAIO BROS. today in n court fight agalnat the —attempted to flee but was subse­ tee will decide where the 32nd con­ iff barriers for Britain without cultures were dlsUnet. men held up a payroll mielbenfer f b a n c o -a m e b ic a n 1946 PACKARD CLUB COUPE SINCE IM. . TELEPHONE 7M1 has on glvasway ahowa. . - - _ _ ^ quently arraated. clave will be. Loa Angeles, Boston heeding Republican demands to Both, he believes, may have of the Sewell Maaufactortng com­ ISURJEL___ 2 Pkt. 25c Tha N atiesal Broadcasting Iwgx ^gagxn "Several membera of the occu­ and New York ara bidding for tha protect domestic industry. Red Demands been the remote ancestors of the pany today and eacaped with be­ 1946 PACKARD SEDAN company and Columbta Broad- I •I T RF VT a s SPAGHETTI 2 c a B a 29c pation forces are alao involved in aite. • MiUikin Id leading a fienate latter-day American Indiana. tween $24,000 aad $25,000. PoUca 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN eamng system filed civil suite to thla gigantic gift shipment ring. Gets Thumping MaJorttiM drive tb keep in the rclprocal An expedition began ita work on Chief Emmett Gray aald the trie, enjoin tha Federal Oommunlca- By Diplomats Preliminary atatemente of a lead­ Craig rolled Into office on trade act a provision the Repub­ Cause Delays the Cody site last Aug. 5 under the rtdtog in a green car, forced • 1947 CHEYROLET SEDAN a u n t JEBtIMA*S ICERTO Boi. 23c tlona commimlon from enforcing ing member of the ring revealed thumping majorities given him by lican-controlled 80th Congress dffection of Dr. Glenn Jepsen. Sin company truck off the road. One Qifghm idghm i ^ m iifghm leghmEiflpim idl^m liVM Ci ita ban on auoh programs. The ftat a member of the occupation a half doaen of the Legion's blg- wrote in last jrear. Clair professor of geology at of the men held a gua oa the driv­ SILVER CAKE MIX p^ ,. 2 9 c FGC Interpratad them aa lotteries. forces purchased $1,900 worth of gaat state departments—Pennsyl- It requires President Truman to Austrian Peace Treaty Princeton university. Princeton er, BUI GaUmaa, while a aaooad • . The roc has ruled that radio I Not Concerned by Re-| gift certifleates in the last three vanU, Illlnola, Ohio, Texas, Indi­ anawer to Congreas If he cute tar­ sponsored the exploration. mqn removed the payroll. Two wo­ JAR LIDS Dos. 25c must atop gtving away Iceboxea, montha for delivery t o ' l*.e ring 1946 DESOTO CLUB - raxsaiTETE ported Troop M oves ana and New York. iff! below a point which the Fed­ Still Deadlocked by Dr. Elseley was called In by Dr. men employea of the company TO OUR CUSTbMERS gla^ara. and almllar trtnkete to and aubsequent diveraion to the The new leader, aerenaded by a eral Tariff commiasion considers Jepsen to assist. Dr. Eiaeley is were In the truck with GaUinnn. Good lvck lucky Itatensn beginning Oct 1. B order 1 black market, dangerous to American buaineaa. Soviet Disagreement a a a 17c To Yugoslav o u r u c r i im- Hooaier band as ha stroda to the chairman of the Department of COUPE $1095 PIE CRUST NMC and CBS contended, aa rostrum accepted the reaponoibUity The (>>lorado senator aald there Guarded Jewelry DIaappenra did ABC aarUar in tha week, that Down Psjrment |195 Dos. of "making the Legion ^ import­ won't be any trouble If thla "peril London, Sept. 2—(ft—The Brit­ (Ooutlnned on Page Bight) London, Sept. 2—(ft—A guard­ CABIPBELL’S JAR RUBBERS O il federal agency haa no power Buchareat, Romania, Sept 2— I (OonUaned on Page Tan) point” procedure is observed be­ (F)—Waatem dlplomata In BuchS- ant voice in the natlonip pollUcal ish Foreign office said today Rus- ed shipment of Jewelry werth CARTER to interpret ttia lottery aectlon of and social life. -’•I' fore any cuts ara made In Ameri­ the criminal coda in this way. raat do not ballava tha Oomlnform can Import duties to help Britain aia'a "extreme demands" were re- about C16.000 ($64,000) tea disap­ 25c countries will go to war against I •My generation haa altoady car- peared from aa alrplana batwnaa 1947'PACKARD SEDAN TOMATO JUICE All Kinds Of Copt For Regular . Only Mnfonl Net in Fight riad the reaponslblllty of national out of her current flnanclal crisis. sponsible for a big four deadlock Of tha four major natworka, MarshaLTIto of Tugoalavla. Valuable Print Japanese Toll Paris and the Bahamae, a apobea- 1948 PACKARD SEDAN Blue Thay are not unduly ooncarned | pacurity in time of war,” Craig But, be added: on an Austrian independence only Mutual now haa failed to "If the idea la to make conces­ roan for the Boueberoa Jewel firm CHEVROLET Jars and Wide Mouth Jars with rsporte publtahed abroad that ■aid, "and now we join. In unity treaty. here aald today. He said tha Jaarata 1948 PACKARD SEDAN Gray Snow Crop Froxen Foods Join radio's fight agalnat the ban. troops ara balng concantrated | tt purpoae, our older comrades.. sions that hurt the U. S.. then you Mounts to 95 NBC anld the ruling would kill Under Picture wUl be off to a furious debate.” The deadline for agreement by were lost several weeks ago adtor FEENCR FBIEO la pramottng and aafaguardlng belag packed by tbe Paris ImM- 1948 PACKARD SEDAN Green six waakly coaat-to-ooaat prt^ | ttioaa prlnclplaa neeaaaary for our OlvM ftaoMcBt Antboilty the deputy foreign minietera aS' > We Have All Sizes Of Jars and grains bringing tha network a The radnprocal trade act gives signed to write the treaty expired quartera ot the Beaeheran firm Wf// Be Closed All POTATOES ...».23c Oomlnform (Communist Interna-1 eonUnuad. strength and proaparity Landslides and Floods and routed via London aad Llahan totiU o f mora than 18,000,000 a ' tlonal Information' bureau) and Currier and Ives Col aa a natlw .' tha president authority to cut tar­ yesterday wrlth nine articlea of i iffs in sxchanga for similar action to Naaaou. Jelly Glasses * year. tharatora an axtramaly aanattiva MiAaa to Attendance 59-cIauaa treaty still unaettlad. In Wake of Violent • • • Theta programs ara "Holly­ liateniM post lectors Tell Story An m S toted 80,000 Legton- by othar natlona. 1946 DODGE SEDAN Day Saturday and Monday CAULIFJ.OWER .. 31c A Foreign office apokeaman told Rebel Plaaes Raid 1 « Paa wood OaUing,” "Doubla or Noth­ A Romanian apokaaman da- Of Auction Purchase iialraa attended tha mammoth Mr. Truman wants Congress to Typhoon Ups Deaths PAMni*vvvv^ruvvTArif*innn.n.rLrLj*u‘i FROZEN CHICKEN PIE $1.15 Fresh Fruit and_Vegetabies Bald Spppar Club Tala^iona founded and-nn act of provoca- Eaton. 0„ Sapt 2—(ft—Tha la alao tha Ruaalan deputy at the and flooda in tha wake of a violent hut governmeat antl-alraaalt Qute." Uon.” • dlaoovary of a valuabla Currier (Oeattouad on Pago Twalva) (OoBttenad on Fags Beven) talks—had complalnad . informally typhoon boootad tha death toil in tertos preveated thema from dahto FBOEEN Caa waa fighting to keep nt Aa far as tha underground oppo­ aad Ivaa print bought at an auc to a Britlah represantetiva, Hec Japan to 95 today. any damage. The aatl-alraraA 1947 KAISER SEDAN lanst thraa programs — “Hit the sition here and in other Cominu- tion for 60 cent# waa dlacloaed tor McNall, that "tha west ap­ Tha lataat national poUce aatl- Are kept the planea atotaneh i AWfh SANDWICH STEAKS . o.»..49e Jackpot” "8ptn to Win" and nlst countries la lioncarnad, how­ here today. pears raluetant to eencludy mata waa 417 injured ahd 49 mtfa- altlM e that meat a|ot their hstoba 4-DOOR $975 ever, tha Tlto-Oondnform split haa | Dr. and Hia. Jooo|^ R. WU- traaty for Austria.” mtasad torgeta In Mm atty mmI liWEEN PEPPERS 9c "anto It Agsln,” Tha last- named lag. M on than 60,000 wara home- landad Imtend to Down Pmymsnt $175 aCpnw n 888JXI0 eaah award coma aa a bonanaa. Hama, ooUaoton ot currier i Frees Skunk From Jug Makea Na Suggaattan lean in tha Thkyo-Tekohama area WELLESLEY FARMS VANILLA, CHOCOLATE. ■niasa counttjaq hava not aatUad Ivoa lithographs, aald the print whtah anrronnd La Pom ( atM og ita prlsaa. In making thla charge, Mr. bacauaa o f flooda or because tha dropped to tbe palto,.ef a pnal NOTICE STRAWBERRY OR COFFEE ------<------down undar thair Communist ra- wa» purchaaad at aa auction by Zarubin put forward ao eoaerate typhoon omaohad thair'dweUlnga. gimas as ia provad by local mvarn- ] John Zartman of Tiffin, O. His Without Being Penalized peSeeatoltae, Ihnt tailed to CUCUMBERS ,«> 3c Traasory Balaacc propoaal for breaking tha daadlock Heavy Eaia Cauaea fftaada 1948 DODGE 9EDAN mant appaails for ranawad claaa WllUama hou(riit the print ffo n Heavy rain fall throughout tha PL 25c vigilanca. in tha talko," tha aiwkaainaii said e a ICE CREAM , Waphliigton. Sapt 8—b. 25c Whoa Zarunaa purehssad ^ Fred Holto k w (ianoalad Ma plea uawilUngnaaa to retreat from her cauaed the floow in taw anas of In New York the United Na- print, ha was thlnkuig only of tna DuoMtoz Ml PIm at Aettva Tokyo. Nee aroMd o ' ' Mat budgat racalpte, 882,44^- tkxu World predicted that 20 to W for volunteara to help scgvt a daU- axtrama demands on Austria." ohargod Into 1949 G. M. C PICKUP 888.83; budgat axpanUturas. $780,- trams whloh ha could use for Bolts dseldad on n plan of action Backed up water halted all rail BISCUIT Pkgs. iz9c kay (jonununista in Comtnfonn eate problem: How to gat a yaatarday. Ha donned what -ba Tha daputlaa ara meeting to­ traflic batwaan Tokyo and Toko- ' ot Bavi WILL BE CL(»ED 886,008.18; cash ^ balance, 84,417,- countries would aoon daaart Moa- plotura ho had at home. night to dlacuaa an American aug- FRESH BEETS 2 15c' 888,480.18. Thara .was a ahoddy lithograph skunk # head out of g $ ^ jug callad “^tsctlva clothing agalnat hamd; stranding large numbers of eow and awing ovtr to Tito. a akunk" nnd found ths Juggad- gaatloa that thay adjourn thair commutera. to EASY TERMS jlLWr Giesa Stamps Ghte With Cask Salsa Tha magasina, a prlvataly print- In tha frarao when ba took It drltbout balng penallaed th# talks for thraa waaka and moat a aaofot I FBESH ELBBETA teytag Oft lasSO Warkara homo. Ha ripped it out—aad there head animal undar tha sdga ot a Tha Tone river, wblw threatena UP.TO 24 MONTHS TO P^Y FRIDAY, FROM 1:30 ON I ad pubUenti^ said n toja ^ ^ p j^ ■kunk. wator tonk. Holding hia noaa with aln In New York Sapt 22 to try Tokyo with flooding, ran bank ot MM arraalad e tag to launch a now unddinoath was Curriar aad Ivaa' "Tha Ufa of a Hunter—a light HolU and hia wlfa wara arauaad oaa hand. Holts beat over, graapad raah for ogrtamanL full. Firankfurt, Garmafiy, Sapt 2— Communist organlaation to coih-1 aTlio OuncU of Foreign Mlnia- Nina Dta In laadeaflaa PEACHES (ft—Waot Oarmaay'a atote-ownad Fix.” Ho tooWtha print to an art from alaap Wadnaaday by a tha Jug with his othar hand aad FOR THE BALANCE OF THE DAY ■ y^i 4rU»-2 SC poto with tho Cominform. thumping racket outslda thair gave n quick tug. The Jug cnaM tera of Brttatni Franca, Ruopta and Nina ot the additional deaths MeINTOBH railroad ayatem announead today Tha "deoartera'’ would Join him dealer who oattmatad Its value at Mater. E figaala, was $8,000. hofha In nearby Wadsworth. Thay looaa. Holts eontinuad to hold his tha United Stalaa agreed In prin- reported today wara caused by a fBRlJMMER'S it la laying o ff 10,000 worktra bo- in thla group whose purpose, tha clfla la Faria laat June qn tha landaUda near Urawa. northwest of snaly. Ihay amia eat found a akunk. Its h ^ atuOk In COIR eauto o f dacUnlng rovoauaa. Thera magaalna sold, would ba "to fuse Daefinaa to PavdaUPrloe noaa and alao hia branih. M l EAST CXNTER STREET DUE TO DEATH IN THE FAMILY Mrs. wtniams dedinad to my tha Jug, frnnticnUy nttomptlng to Thd akunk taohad nt his raacuar, terma o f th Auatrtan paaca treaty. I APPLES 4 Lbs. 25c alraqdy ara about 1^200,000 joh- tha alma ahd activltiaa of all Com- ramava the unwalooaM head gear. H it daputlaa wara given tha toak typhoon hit this populm 91-*DPEN: MON,, WED^ FRI„ EVE. than acamparad away without ISM ia western Germany, near tha ^ graMiag tha 4 ___ ,A_, hi$haat peak ainca tha war. (OauManod on Fago ftralral. an Xm ), A call to tha ahaittr# office, the word — or aaythlajc.

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