Scrrey. Egham
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D1REGTORY .J SCRREY. EGHAM. 171 TERRITORIAL FORCE. Wesleyan, Egham (Chertsey & \Valton-on-1 Thames Circuit), ll a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; 6th Battalion, East Sarrey Regiment (H Co. ), The In.~titute, tues. 8.15 p.m. 2nd Lieut. J. C. Eales-\Vhite; Sergt. Frederirk H. O:lker, Rev. J. Simpson" Wesleyan, Englefield Green (Chertsey & Hall drill instructor • Walton-on-Thames Circuit), ll a.m. & PrBLIC OFFICERS. 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m. Salvation Army (The), Station road., U a.m. 3 & 6.45 p.:rn. ~ Assessor of Income & Property Tax, Henry Rowland, 44 mon. & thurs. 8 p.m Strode street The Brethren, Hummer road., 6.30 p.m Collector of Taxes & Clerk to Egha.m Sub-Committee of Surrey SCHOOLS. Local Pension O:lmmittRe, Arthur George Hutchins,Station rd Deputy Coroner for Guildford District, A. Dallas Brett, 23 Surrey County O:luncil Technical Institute, Egha.m HiJJ; ' Stati0n road erected 1905 Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Egham District, Windsor Public Elementary Schools. Union & No. 6 District, Chertsey Union, William \Vadham The schools are controlled by 9 manager&; A. Dallas Brett,. Floyer M. B. High street solicitor, Egham, clerk to the managers; Thomas Henry Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages for the Egham Peck, Lit~ra.ry Institute, Egham, attendance officer Sub-District, William Henry Gardener, High street; deputy,) Hythe, built in 1886, eniarged in 1890 & agajn in 1900 &. George Gardener, \Voolston house, Manor Crofts road 1912, for 900 children; average attendanc<>, 275 boys, 256 Relieving Officer for the Egha.m & part of Windsor Union, g4ls & 170 infants; L. H. Smith, master; Mrs. Averies, G. Marshall, 3 Queen's road mistress; Miss Eades, infants' mistrees Stamp Distributor, William Frederick Larkin, 60 High street Englefield Green, built in 1864, for 338 children, enlarge<! Steward of the Crown Manor, John Clutton esq.; Harry Gale, in 1885 for 500 & again in 1896 for 60 more girls, agaill bruliff & local agent in 1899 for 64 more boys ; average attendance, 132 boys. 134 girls & 78 infants; Edward John Forse, master; :Miss PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. :Marcham, mistress ; l\Irs. Forse, infants' mistress St. Ann's Heath (mixed & infants), opened Oct. 20th, 18~ Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, Rev. William Trcvor I for 150 children; average attendance, 105; Mrs. E. Dam, Nicholson B.A. vicar ; Rev. Albert Cecil Tranter & Rev. mistress Arthur Ralph Beadles l!.A. curates; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; I Station Road (formerly Egham Parish School), built in thur3. 7 p.m 1870, enlarged in 1895, again in 1003 & again in 1908, for Christ Church, Virginia Water, Rev. Reginald Edward )Ioly- 308 boys, 315 girls & 176 infants; average attendance. neux M.A.. vicar; ll a.m. & 6.30 p.m 189 b'Jys, 186 girls & 105 infants; William Forward Butler, S.S. Simon & Jude Chapel of Ease, Englefield Green, ll a.m. & master; Miss Charlotte E. Sunman, mistress ; Miss Edith 6.30 p.m. ; fri. 11.30 a. m. ; 1st. sun. in the month, 8 a. m Hookway, infants' mistress St. Cuthbert's Catholic Church, Harvest road, Englefield Green, Virginia Water, built in 1857, for 120 children; average Rev. J. Cuthbert Shoolbred ; mass, sundays, 8.30 & 10.30 attendance, 84 ; with an endnwment of £5 18s. derived a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; week days, 8 a..m from investments in Consols; ~Iiss Bra.nt, mistress :Baptist Chapel, ll a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m Railway Stations. Congregational, Egham Hill, Rev. Albert Ernest Snashall Egham, Frederick Spencer, station mast~r A.T.S.; ll a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8.15 p.m , Virginia Water, Albert Smith, station master }_;GHA.M • • Marked thus * receive their letters Cokayne-Naylor Cyril B. Hinemoa, Head Philip S. Elmdenc, Runnemede road through Staines. Runnemede road Herbert William H. Park End, :Manor Marked thus t receive their letter'R Collins William F. 25 The Causeway Crofts road through Virginia \Vater, Surrey. Letter!' Collis Geor~e, 25 Rusham road Heybourne RPginald, Falaisf', E~ham hi11 for Sunningdale station through Ascot. Connolly Edward, Daleham avenue Heywood Frank, Shrub's Hill place. Cross Thomas Coxhead, 9 Grange road Sunningdale PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cull George. 2o Rusha.m road Hibherd Joseph, Burleigh, :Braywood aven Annible Hy. Wm. Grcsham ho.Egham hill Davids Hugh, 17 Grange road. Hill William Ja.mes, Enderley, Manor Ashby Leopo!d Arthur, Wensleydale, Davies Lionel, 29 Queen's road Crofts road Manor Crofts ro:td Delia. Mrs. 1 Ca.mden villas, Braywood av Hills Arnold Frank, Broomfield hal1. Atkinson Stephen, Wyncott>, Limes road tde :Morella O:luntess, Wentworth Sunningdale Bacon William Beadell L.D.S.Eng. North- tDe Sali;s Rev. Henry Jeromc Augustine Holland Rd. Cha'1. Glanty ho. The Avenue dene, Egham hill :Fane l'T.A., J.P. Portnall p:uk HopkinsJoseph, Roxbury,ManorCroft-grd *Baird \!rs. Hythe house, The Hythn tde Tuyll Baroness )laximillian, Ashleigll *Hughes ChHrles Henry, 4 Avenue road :Ball Robert J. Belmont, The Causeway Drake John, Langley, Daleham avenue Hutchins Arthur Geo. Forge ho. High st :Ballantine Henry, Westwood, Egham hill IDrew Rt.S.B.A.,M.B. Daylesford,Egham hi Hutchins Mrs. Walcot. ho. The Avenue :Barnaby M:rs. Wyndhurst, Manor Crofts rd Drew William Thoma:~, 49 High street Jam('s Miss, Holmwood, Runnemede road Bassett Bernard F. Tilney, Old Bank *Dutton Ernest C. Pengoys, Avenrftl road Jam'S Harry Vincent, 4 Grange road house, High street Eagle ::\Irs. )fede cottage, Runnemede rd Jan<'R ){r;t. 18 Grange road *Bayliss 1-fi~s, The Fernery, The Hyt.h(> Edwards George, Cheniston, Rusham park Janes Sidney, 35 Grange road tBeardsley Mrs. l.'lverscroft Eplett John, Daleham avenue *Jcfferis Alfred J. Avonda.le, Avenue road *Beese Clifford, 2 Avenue road Evans William, Iddesleigh, Runnemede rd Jeffreys John, IGnburn, Egham hill :Bevan P. Y. sch.D. Hillside, Egh11"m hill Fitz Gerald James Richard, Egham park Johmtone Miss Emma :M. L.R.C.P.Edin. Bishop Mrs. 26 Grange road Floyer Williarn Wadham M.R. Cotswold Holloway s<tnatorium Blenheim 1\-Irs. Pembroke, Da.leham aven hous(>, High street tJuta Mrs. Huntersdale Bolden Albert, Chremont, Egham hill *Fry Stphn. Chas. Homestead, Thorpe rd Keel Alfred, Clarence street Bore John, Pendennis, Braywood avenue Fo1rnivall )Iiss, Rose cot. .:\-Ianor Crofts rrl Kennedy Edwin Downs, Hilsa, Runne Boume-)fay James \Villiam Senborne, Ga.rdenerGeo.\Voolston ho.Ma.norCrofta rd mede road Shmb's Hill hou~t>, Sanningdale Gates Henry, Eastcourt, Braywood aven Kennedy Stewart, 27 Grange road Bowra Brooke Hay, Simla lodge, Manor Giffard H:v. Edwd. Denham ho. High st Kent Benja.min, 3 The Avenue Crofts road. Gilbert. John S. Manor lodge, Pooley green Kent .:\Iiss, 4 The Avenue Boyce :Miss, 31 Grange road Giles Henry, Clevedon, Runnemede road Kent Miss E. 8 The Avenue Brett Al~x. Dallas, .'\lder close, Egham hi Giles :\IN. <T. A. 1 Rt. Agnes villas, *Kirkpatrick Mrs. I Avenue road Bright more Arthur W. Burford, Egham hi F.gham hill Legge Alfred H. &nthal, Runnemede road *Brown-Potter ~Irs. Ye Olde Bridge tGlen Arthur W. Stroud *Lloyd William, 41 Hythe road housf', The Hythe *Goring ,John, Ironbarks, Thorpe road Lucas James, Holmwood, Rusha.m Park av :Sudgen Edward, Inglewood, Manor Goring )Ji'ls, 2 The Avenue Lncas William, Selden, Rnsham Park av Crofts road Gray Waltt>r; 74 High street Ludlam Miss, Glen cottage, Sunningdale Budgen :Mrs. S. The Hollies, Egham hill Grimshaw .J. Stanfif'ld, Luddington house MacDonald Mrs.Sutherland ho.Egham hl Caddey John, )lanor house, High street Grover \Yilliam, Brockhurst, Braywood av MdJaster Donald K.C'., M.P. Merlewood; tCameron Sir Charles hart. M.D., LL.D., *Gundry John, St. Anne's cot. Thorpe rd & lA, C'ockspur strret, Pall mall s w; D.L., J.P. Glenridge *Gunn Wilbur, The Cottag(>, Thorpe roan Carlton club s w & Constitutional Camp bell Archibald, 45 Clarence stref't. Haine Fredk. 'Vm. Pooley lo. Pooley grn dub w c, London Cannin Mrs. Woodhatch, ~Ianor Crofts rd Haith John, Eastleach, Braywood avenue Marston Edward P. Woodhaw, Causeway Carey Charles \Yilliam, Dursleigh, :Manor Hall Rev. Jo<seph Simpson [\Ve;tleyan l\fiddlcton Regina.ld,Crowborough cottage. • Crofts ro:td Methodist], \Yesh·y ~1anse, RUE'ham Runnemede road Carrott Alfrt>d, Clearview, Runnemede rd Park avenue }Jills ::\Irs. 1 The Avenue Cave Mrs. Homedene, Manor Crofts road tHarpt'r Thomas Edward L.R.o.r.Lond. tliolyneux Rev. Reginald F..dward M.A. *Chapman Jn. H. Barracombe, Avenue rd Holloway sanatorium [vicar of Cluist Church, Virginia Chapman Mrs. 27 The Causeway Harris William, 2 Denham road Watt>r], Christ Church · :a.r: *Chapple John E. Morwen<~tow, Avenue rd Head Charles, Mead-s bank, Runnemf'<ie rd *l\Iontgomerie Saml. WaJ>'lhott, • Childs Wm. Heathfield, Rusham Park av *Head Edwin, Crindale, Avenue roa.d t~foore Alfred Aylett, The --'111• ~EFERENCE L1819, '-fJfl•l ,.... ·--...tet .