
Birth, life, and death of a dipolar supersolid

Maximilian Sohmen,1, 2 Claudia Politi,1, 2 Lauritz Klaus,1, 2 Lauriane Chomaz,2 Manfred J. Mark,1, 2 Matthew A. Norcia,1 and Francesca Ferlaino1, 2, ∗ 1Institut f¨urQuantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Osterreichische¨ Akademie der Wissenschaften, Innsbruck, Austria 2Institut f¨urExperimentalphysik, Universit¨atInnsbruck, Austria (Dated: March 23, 2021) In the short time since the first observation of supersolid states of ultracold dipolar atoms, substan- tial progress has been made in understanding the zero-temperature diagram and low-energy excitations of these systems. Less is known, however, about their finite-temperature properties, particularly relevant for supersolids formed by cooling through direct . Here, we explore this realm by characterizing the evaporative formation and subsequent decay of a dipolar supersolid by combining high-resolution in-trap imaging with time-of-flight observables. As our atomic system cools towards quantum degeneracy, it first undergoes a transition from thermal to a crystalline state with the appearance of periodic density modulation. This is followed by a transition to a supersolid state with the emergence of long-range phase coherence. Further, we explore the role of temperature in the development of the modulated state.

Supersolid states, which exhibit both global phase co- or incoherently, by iteratively computing mode popula- herence and periodic spatial modulation [1–7], have re- tions via a set of coupled Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov equa- cently been demonstrated and studied in ultracold tions [9, 21, 22]. In order to accurately describe dynami- of dipolar atoms [8–10]. These states are typically ac- cal processes occurring at temperatures approaching the cessed by starting with an unmodulated Bose–Einstein critical temperature, both coherent excitations and in- condensate (BEC), and then quenching the strength of coherent interactions with the background thermal gas interatomic interactions to a value that favors a density- must be accounted for, requiring either more advanced modulated state. In this production scheme, the super- c-field [18] or quantum Monte Carlo [23–27] techniques. fluidity (or global phase coherence) of the supersolid is So far, theories with realistic experimental parameters inherited from the pre-existing condensate. However, a have not been developed to unveil the finite-temperature dipolar supersolid state can also be reached by direct dipolar phase diagram and to determine the properties evaporation from a thermal gas with fixed interactions, of the thermal-to-supersolid phase transitions. as demonstrated in Ref. [10]. In this work, we experimentally study the evaporative A thermal gas at temperatures well above condensa- transition into and out of a supersolid state in a dilute tion has neither phase coherence nor modulation, so both gas of dysprosium atoms. As the atoms cool down to must emerge during the evaporative formation process. quantum degeneracy, the number of condensed atoms in- This leads one to question whether these two features ap- creases, giving birth to the supersolid state. Continued pear simultaneously, or if not, which comes first. Further, evaporation and collisional loss lead to a reduction of because this transition explicitly takes place at finite tem- atom number, and eventually the death of the supersolid. perature T , thermal excitations may play an important Such an evaporation trajectory, as illustrated in Fig.1a, role in the formation of the supersolid, presenting a chal- passes through the little-understood finite-temperature lenging situation for theory. Moreover, in the case of portion of the supersolid phase diagram. During the a dipolar supersolid, the non-monotonic dispersion rela- evaporative birth of the supersolid, we discover that the tion and the spontaneous formation of periodic density system first establishes strong periodic density modula- modulation lead to important new length- and energy- tion of locally coherent atoms, and only later acquires scales not present in contact-interacting systems, which long-range phase coherence. When comparing the birth dramatically modify the evaporative formation process. and death of the supersolid, which occur at different tem- While the ground state and dynamics of a zero- peratures, we observe higher levels of modulation during arXiv:2101.06975v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 22 Mar 2021 temperature dipolar quantum gas can be computed by the birth, suggesting that thermal fluctuations may play solving an extended Gross–Pitaevskii equation [8, 11–17] an important role in the formation of density modulation. (see also Fig.1a), similar treatments are currently lack- For our experiments, we first prepare an optically ing for finite temperatures in the supersolid regime. In trapped gas of approximately 105 dysprosium atoms principle, effects of finite temperature can be taken into (isotope 164Dy), precooled via forced evaporation to account by perturbatively including the thermal popula- temperatures of several hundred nanokelvin, at which tion of excited modes. This can be done either coher- point the gas remains thermal. From here, we can ently, by adding them in a single classical field which apply further evaporation either by a nearly-adiabatic abides the Gross–Pitaevskii equation, as in Refs. [18–20], ramp-down of the trap depth (“slow ramp”), or by a 2 a b broken along the long (axial) direction of our cigar- T shaped trap [30], typically giving rise to a chain of three to six density peaks, which we call “droplets.” These droplets have a spacing of roughly three microns, clearly i visible in our in-situ images (Fig.1b). As in our pre- vious works [10, 16], we also image the sample after a c ii time-of-flight (TOF) expansion using standard absorp- Nc as ID tion imaging. These TOF images include a spatially BEC broad contribution which we attribute to thermal atoms, SSS whose number Nth and temperature T we estimate by 2D-fitting of a Bose-enhanced Gaussian function [31], ex- cluding the cloud centre. Surplus atoms at the cloud centre (compared to the broad Gaussian) are at least FIG. 1. Evaporation trajectory through the finite- temperature phase diagram. a. At T = 0 (bottom locally coherent, or “(quasi-)condensed” in the sense of plane), the phase diagram for a gas of dipolar atoms is Refs. [32–34]. With the total number of atoms N mea- spanned by the s-wave scattering length as and the conden- sured by pixel count, we define Nc = N − Nth to be sate atom number Nc. In an elongated trap it features a the number of these (at least locally) coherent atoms. BEC (white) and independent droplet (ID, black) phases, sep- During TOF, -wave interference between the ex- arated in places by a supersolid state (SSS, gray-scale). The panding droplets gives rise to a characteristic interfer- plotted lightness in the T = 0 phase diagram represents the ence pattern (Fig.1c). The high contrast of the inter- droplet link strength across the system (cf. [16]). Away from T = 0, the phase diagram is not known. We explore this re- ference pattern is visible in single TOF images and in- gion through evaporation into (red, near i) and out of (blue, dicates that each individual droplet is by itself a phase near ii) the SSS, along a trajectory represented schematically coherent many-body object. The stability of the inter- by the colored arrow. b. Single-shot image of the optical ference fringes within the envelope over multiple exper- density (OD) of the sample in trap. Here, a system of four imental realisations encodes the degree of phase coher- “droplets” within the SSS region is shown, together with its ence between droplets (cf. Refs. [10, 16] and discussion projected density profile. c. Single-shot matter-wave inter- below). The combination of in-situ and TOF diagnos- ference pattern after 35 ms TOF expansion (OD), and the corresponding projected profile. The color-scale is truncated tics provides complementary information allowing us to for visual clarity. The background clouds of thermal atoms measure both density modulation and its spatial extent present are not visible in the color scales of subfigures b, c; (number of droplets), as well as phase coherence. for 35 ms TOF and around 50 nK (as in c) the thermal atoms Figure2 shows the birth of the supersolid. Start- show an approximately isotropic 2D Gaussian distribution of ing from a thermal sample, we apply the “fast ramp” widthσ ¯ ∼ 55 µm. (225 ms) evaporation protocol to the desired final trap depth, too fast for the cloud to follow adiabatically and intermediately resulting in a non-thermalized, non- rapid reduction of the trap depth followed by a hold condensed sample. Simply holding the sample at con- time at fixed depth (“fast ramp”) to further lower the stant trap depth for a time th, collisions and plain evap- temperature and induce into the supersolid oration lead to thermalization and cooling. In Fig- state. The “slow ramp” protocol yields a higher number ure2a we plot the average axial in-situ density profile 4 of condensed atoms (Nc ∼ 2×10 ; see next paragraph (cf. Fig.1b) versus th, for about 20 images per time step for definition), and lower shot-to-shot atom number fluc- without any image recentering. At early th the atoms are 4 tuations, whereas the “fast ramp” protocol (Nc ∼ 10 ) primarily thermal, and show up as a broad, low-density < allows to follow the evolution of the system in a constant background in our images. For th ∼ 150 ms, inspec- trap, disentangling the system dynamics from varying tion of single-shot images reveals an increasing, though trap parameters. In contrast to protocols based on substantially fluctuating number of droplets appearing quenching the interactions in a BEC [8–10], we hold out of the thermal cloud. After this time, the droplet the magnetic field (and hence the contact interaction number stabilizes to its final value. We observe that the strength) fixed during the entire evaporation process at droplet formation happens on the same time scale as the 17.92 G, where the system ground state at our Nc is a equilibration of Nc and T [35], which we expect to be supersolid (scattering length ∼ 85(5) a0). set predominantly by the elastic collision rate. Once the droplets have formed, other time scales might be relevant For the present work, we have implemented in-situ in determining the equilibration rate of their relative po- Faraday phase contrast imaging [28, 29], which allows sitions and phases; the details of this possibility remain us to probe the in-trap density of our quantum gas at an open question [16]. micron-scale resolution. During the formation of the To better quantify the growth of the modulated state density-modulated state, the translation symmetry is we consider the density-density correlator C0(d) for the 3

interactions over kinetic energy.

a 10 ) ) a 5 5 200 m 3 (


n 0 2

o ), N (10 N ), i 100

t 4 i

T (nK) T 1 s

o 50 (10

p -5 0 c

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 N -10 b 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 hold time th (s) 5 b 0.1 c )

) 0 0 0 0.05 m d ( 0 (

4 C 0.0 L c


t 1 A

-0.05 g M

n A -10 -5 0 5 10 e 3 l

0.4 n o

i 0.5

t (arb. u.) (arb. a ) 0.2 l d

e 2 ( r 0 r C 0.0 o 0 c -0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 -10 -5 0 5 10 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 crop time tc (s) distance d ( m) coherent atoms Nc (1000) FIG. 3. Development of modulation and coherence FIG. 2. Growth and spread of density modulation while evaporating into the supersolid state. a, Sample during evaporation. a. Averaged density profiles (no re- temperature T (left ordinate, bullets), total (N, right ordi- centering, approximately 20 shots per timestep) along the nate, dashed red line) and coherent atom number (Nc, red line) as a function of the ramp crop time tc. The shadings long trap axis as a function of hold time th after the “fast ramp” reduction of trap depth (see main text). b. The den- reflect the respective confidence intervals. b, The phasors Pi sity correlator C0(d) (solid black line) is fitted by a cosine- (black dots), representing the magnitude and phase coherence modulated Gaussian function (dashed red line) to extract the of modulation for selected tc (dotted lines; same radial scale correlation length L. Gray regions are strongly influenced by for all polar plots). The red shading reflects mean and vari- imaging noise and excluded from fits. Correlators are dis- ance of the distribution. c, Evolution of the Fourier amplitude means AM (filled markers) and AΦ (open markers). played for th = 50 ms (upper) and th = 300 ms (lower). c. Density-density correlation length L versus Nc, for the same timesteps shown in a. Horizontal error bars are the standard While in-situ images provide information about den- deviation over repetitive shots, vertical error bars reflect the sity modulation (diagonal long-range order), they do correlator fit uncertainty, the red points correspond to the correlators of subfigure b. The dashed line indicates the sim- not carry direct information about phase coherence (off- ple atom-number scaling of the Thomas–Fermi radius of a diagonal long-range order), either within, or between 1/5 harmonically trapped BEC, ∝ Nc . droplets. For this, we use TOF imaging and address the question of whether the formation of density modulation precedes global (i. e. interdroplet) phase coherence dur- ing evaporative formation of the supersolid, or the other in-situ density profiles over distances d [35]. We find way round. that C0(d) is well described by a cosine-modulated Gaus- For this study, we perform a “slow” (500 ms) final sian, and define the density correlation length L (Fig.2b) forced evaporation ramp of constant slope that is nearly as its fitted width. This method provides a way to de- adiabatic with respect to Nc and T (though not neces- termine the extent over which density modulation has sarily with respect to excitations of droplet positions and formed. Figure2c shows L for the data set of Fig.2a ver- phase), and terminate the ramp at selected crop times sus the number of coherent atoms Nc, which we extract tc [36]. After tc, we immediately release the atoms and from TOF absorption images in separate experimental perform TOF imaging. Figure3a shows the observed trials with identical parameters. Interestingly, despite evolution of the total (N) and (quasi-)condensed (Nc) the strongly modulated structure of the supersolid state, atom number as well as the sample temperature (T ) ver- the density correlation length L closely follows a scal- sus tc. We expand on the observed evolution by mea- 1/5 ing ∝ Nc , just as the Thomas–Fermi radius of a har- suring coherence properties. Following Refs. [10, 16], for monically trapped BEC, suggesting a dominant role of each measurement i we extract a rescaled complex pha- 4 sor Pi = ρi exp (−iΦi), i. e. the Fourier component cor- T (nK) responding to the modulation wavelength in the TOF 50 75 100 125 150 interference profile [35]. For systems with a small num- ber of droplets (but at least two), the magnitude of the phasor ρi encodes the modulation strength and also the 2 0.6 (local) degree of coherence within each of the individual 0.6 1.5 droplets. Meanwhile, the phase Φi depends primarily on 0.5 0.4 the relative phase between the droplets (cf. [37]).

0.4 0.2 ) We plot the phasors for different evaporation times on 1 4

the polar plane in Fig.3b, where two effects become ap- 0.3 0 (10 parent. First, the modulus of the phasors grows during 0 1 2 0.5 C 0.2 N 4 the evaporation, indicating that the degree of modula- M modulation NC (10 ) tion increases. Second, the distribution of phases Φi is 0.1 0 initially uniform, and then narrows down over t . To c 0 determine the time sequence of these two effects, we -0.5 calculate the incoherent and coherent amplitude means, 10-3 10-1 100 101 AM = h|Pi|ii, encoding modulation strength and local hold time th (s) phase coherence, and AΦ = |hPiii|, encoding the de- gree of global phase coherence across the system [10, 16]. Plotting AM and AΦ against tc (Fig.3c), we notice a time lag of around 40 ms between the increase of AM and AΦ, indicating that during evaporation into a super- solid the translational and the phase symmetry are not broken simultaneously [38]. Rather, density modulation and local phase coherence appear before global phase co- FIG. 4. Lifecycle of a supersolid state. Density mod- herence, consistent with predictions from Monte Carlo ulation M (from in-situ images) during the evaporation pro- simulations, cf. e. g. [27]. A similar effect is observed in cess (left ordinate, bullets; the vertical error bars reflect the the fast-ramp protocol [35]. propagated uncertainty returned by the fitting routine). The This observation suggests the transient formation of sample temperature decreases during the hold time th and is a quasi-condensate – a state with local but not encoded by the color filling. Nc (from TOF images) is the number of coherent atoms over t (right ordinate, red line; long-range coherence [32–34], whose increased compress- h the light-red shading reflects the measurement standard de- ibility relative to a thermal gas allows for the formation 4 viation). At two times where Nc ∼ 1.1×10 (vertical dashed of density modulation [39] – prior to the formation of a lines), but at which the atoms have different temperatures, supersolid with phase coherence between droplets. The M differs substantially. The corresonding averaged in-situ lack of global phase coherence could be attributed to a images below confirm a higher level of modulation at earlier Kibble–Zurek-type mechanism [40], in which different re- th. Inset: The observed modulation M plotted versus Nc. gions of the sample condense independently, to excitation of modes involving the motion or phase of the droplets during the evaporation process, or to the thermal popula- become dominant and lead to a continuous decrease of tion of collective modes (which reduce long-range coher- Nc, eventually leading to the disappearance of the mod- ence) at finite temperature. As the evaporation process ulated state. However, this death of the supersolid is does not allow independent control of temperature and not a mere time-reversal of the birth. Nc decreases, condensation rate without also changing density or trap i. e. evolves in the opposite direction, but more slowly geometry, we cannot reliably determine the relative im- and at lower temperature than for the birth. Further- portance of these effects (or others) from the experiment. more, phase coherence appears to outlive modulation and Dedicated theoretical studies at finite temperature will to be maintained until the very end [35]. Thus, a com- thus be needed to elucidate the impact of these types of parison between the birth and death process provides us processes and to understand the exact formation process. with important clues to the impact of temperature on After the birth of the supersolid state, both density the supersolid. modulation and global phase coherence persist for re- We contrast the birth and death of the supersolid in markably long times, exceeding one second. Figure4 Fig.4 by also plotting the observed in-situ density mod- shows the evolution of the coherent atom number Nc and ulation M, which is calculated by Fourier transforming temperature T at long hold times under conditions sim- the in-situ density profiles and normalizing the Fourier ilar to Fig.2 – the same fast ramp followed immediately component corresponding to the modulation wavelength by hold time th. Evaporative cooling first increases the to the zero-frequency Fourier component. 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