
Kinetic frustration induced supersolid in the S = 1/2 kagome lattice antiferromagnet in a magnetic field

Xavier Plat,1, 2 Tsutomu Momoi,1, 3 and Chisa Hotta4 1Condensed Theory Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 2iTHES Research Group, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 3RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan 4Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 153-8902, Japan (Dated: July 23, 2018) We examine instabilities of the plateau phases in the spin-1/2 kagome-lattice antiferromagnet in an applied field by means of degenerate perturbation theory, and find some emergent supersolid phases below the m = 5/9 plateau. The wave functions of the plateau phases in a magnetic field have the particular construction based on the building blocks of resonating hexagons and their surrounding sites. excitations on each of these blocks suffer from a kinetic frustration effect, namely, they cannot hop easily to the others since the hopping amplitudes through the two paths destructively cancel out with each other. The itineracy is thus weakened, and the system is driven toward the strong coupling regime, which together with the selected paths allowed in real space bears a supersolid . This mechanism is contrary to that proposed in lattice-Bose , where the strong competing interactions suppress with each other, allowing a small kinetic energy scale to attain the itinerancy. Eventually, we find a supersolid state in which the pattern of resonating hexagons are preserved from the plateau state and only one-third of the originally polarized spins outside the hexagons dominantly join the superfluid component, or equivalently, participate in the magnetization process.

I. INTRODUCTION XXZ model with strong Ising anisotropy, the strong coupling picture of the aforementioned atomic is applied. Thus, Frustrated systems offer a platform to study the inter- even though the supersolids of frustrated quantum magnets play of competing interactions and quantum fluctuations, look quite alike with those proposed in atomic gasses, the which has been the source of several concepts including spin Heisenberg ones are the exceptions that are not due to the in- ,1–3 valence bond ,4 spin nematics,5,6 electronic terplay of large interactions and frustration. Indeed, a mag- frustration,7,8 etc. However, it is difficult to understand pre- netic field already splits these degenerate energy levels into cisely how the “frustration” acts in the respective phases of several pieces of manifolds, and the severe frustration due to matter. In overall, geometrical frustration means the com- competing interaction is partially resolved. In such case, an- peting interactions that leads to a macroscopically quasi- other important aspect of frustration plays a crucial role. degenerate low-energy structure, which illustrates the impos- To highlight this point, we here focus on the antiferromag- sibility to form trivial types of long-range orders. It is then ex- nets on the Shastry-Sutherland and kagome lattices. These pected that quantum fluctuations will select particular config- two are the limited numbers of nontrivial systems that host urations out of this degenerate manifold, a mechanism called numbers of plateau phases; plateaus are the spin gapped order-by-disorder.9 This mechanism indeed gives a good de- phases in an applied field, and many of them can be regarded scription of how the supersolids could be formed in Bose as crystals of .25–31 In this picture, the magnetic field gases on optical lattices.10–12 There, the interactions between plays the role of a chemical potential of the bosonic magnetic are large compared to the kinetic energy, and the de- particles. Depending on the relative strength of the kinetic and generate manifold of states are mixed but the resultant state interaction terms, they generally form either a superfluid (or still keeps a part of the sites to have a localized component Bose Einstein condensate (BEC)) or a crystal, i.e. a spin den- of while the rest of the sites join a superfluid. Super- sity wave phase. The necessary condition to have a plateau is is an established phase of matter,13–16 but still elusive in a a well established commensurability criterion on the magnon sense that, after the first realistic proposal on solid helium-417, density,32–34 and a large enough interaction gives a sufficiency. only few examples appeared; only recently that the supersolid Now, the above mentioned two lattices afford the strong proposed in theory10–12 was found in experiments on atomic reduction of the magnon hopping by the kinetic frustra- 18 35,36

arXiv:1804.00789v3 [cond-mat.str-el] 20 Jul 2018 quantum gas on optical lattice. Other than that, there are tion effect, called destructive interferences as well. The some in some small windows of the magnetization curves of Shastry-Sutherland antiferromagnet has an orthogonal dimer frustrated quantum spin system with large Ising anisotropy, or lattice with an exact dimer-product ground state.37 In this equivalently, strongly interacting hard core bosons on the frus- state, both sites of a dimer are connected to the same nearby trated square19–21 and triangular22–24 lattices. It also appears site, and that site cannot have a finite hopping weight from the in the frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnets in the triangular dimer due to the cancellation of the weight from two paths.37 and Shastry-Sutherland lattices.25 Then, the magnon kinetics is dominated by the hopping pro- In quantum magnets, the “interactions” refer to the Ising cesses mediated by another bosons, which is called the cor- type of interactions, and “quantum fluctuations” or “kinetic related hopping.25,31 This particular suppression of kinetics term” to the XY interactions. In the Heisenberg model, the against the interaction term favors numbers of plateau phases two energy scales are essentially the same, whereas in the as the crystals of magnons25,31,38–40 or possibly pairs of bound 2 magnons,41 and supersolid phases nearby.25,42 Similar kinetics a) b) takes place for the kagome system,43–48 where the resonating magnons on hexagonal units cannot hop to the surrounding sites due to the cancellation just as those on the dimers of the J' Shastry-Sutherland model, which we explain in more detail AB AB J shortly. This kind of kinetic frustration is also well-known as the origin of the flat band in a series of line graphs including the kagome lattice.49 In the present paper, we examine the phases in the magne- tization curve of the kagome antiferromagnet off the plateaus, √ √ FIG. 1. (a) 3 × 3 structure in the reported m = 1/3, 5/9, and whose nature has not yet been disclosed, and find that the ki- 44,48 netic frustration plays a key role in keeping the magnons rela- 7/9 plateau phases, where hexagons with dashed circles repre- tively localized, which drives the system to a strong coupling sent localized magnons and the rest of the spins are fully polarized. A and B label those two types of inequivalent sites in the crystal state. region. The phase thus formed in the vicinity of a plateau is a (b) Hexamerized kagome lattice used in the perturbation theory ap- typical supersolid of magnons. proach, which becomes the uniform kagome lattice at J 0 = J. The So far, there are several candidate materials that are two lattices have the same space group symmetry. considered to have the magnetic systems of kagome ge- 50–52 53 ometries, such as ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2, BaCu3V2O8(OH)2, and CaCu (OH) Cl ·0.6H O.54 However, the magnetization 3 6 2 2 while the rest of the spins, not directly represented here, are curve with successive plateaus found in theory44,48 has not yet fully polarized along the field. been observed yet, whose exploration is an ongoing issue. The paper is organized as follows: In Sec.II, we present The m = 7/9 plateau actually provides a particularly√ clear√ our degenerate perturbation theory on the magnon excitations picture since the product state corresponding to the 3 × 3 56 below the 5/9 plateau. There, we derive the noninteracting structure is an exact eigenstate of Eq. (1). Starting from the one-magnon effective model, thereby examining the instabil- fully polarized state and introducing a single down spin, one ity taking place by the itinerancy of magnons. We also de- can construct an exactly localized magnon by assigning a stag- rive two-magnon interactions. Section III is devoted to the gered phase to the down spin around a hexagon. This results in analysis of the magnetic structure in the possible supersolid the cancellation of the hopping outside of the hexagon, which phases, stabilized by the magnon interaction, below the 5/9- is the aforementioned kinetic frustration effect. We call the plateau phase. We finally briefly mention instabilities in the hexagon hosting the localized one-magnon state a resonating 57,58 other plateaus in Sec.IV and conclude with some remarks in hexagon. From this single localized magnon, an exact Sec.V. ground state for m = 7/9 is obtained by the tiling the lat- tice with these resonating hexagons in a fully-packed man- ner. This state has a finite spin gap and thus leads to the pres- 31,32 II. DEGENERATE PERTURBATION THEORY ence of a plateau. The other two plateaus, although they do not have an exact description, are well approximated by the similar structure of two or three down spins resonating on We consider the Hamiltonian of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg an- hexagons and fully polarized spins on all the other sites.44,48 tiferromagnet in a magnetic field on the kagome lattice, Their stability is interpreted in terms of the same mechanism. X X In the remaining of this section, we introduce a hexamer- H = J S · S − h Sz, (1) i j j ized Hamiltonian based on the plateau spatial structure and hi,ji j perform a perturbative expansion of the magnon excitations starting from the plateau state. We focus on the stability of where S is the spin-1/2 vector operator on site-i, J > i the plateau m = 5/9 at its low field boundary by examining 0 the antiferromagnetic exchange, h the external magnetic one-magnon instabilities towards possible supersolid phases. field, and hi, ji denotes the neighboring pairs of sites i and j. We define the normalized magnetization per site m = P z 2 i Si /N, where N is the number of sites, such that the saturation value is m = 1. A. Hexamerized lattice and decoupled limit Previous studies have revealed that this model has four magnetization plateaus at m = 1/9, 1/3, 5/9 and 7/9, sep- arated by superfluid regions. In the following, we will not Based on the symmetry breaking pattern of the plateau discuss the small plateau at m = 1/9, whose nature is still state, we divide the kagome lattice between the resonating unclear.46,48,55 There are several numerical evidences that the hexagonal units and the surrounding polarized sites, which we other plateaus at m = 3/9, 5/9, 7/9 host crystals which all denote as A and B, respectively, as shown in Fig.1(a). For a lattice of N sites, there are 2N/3 sites belonging to resonating have the same√ symmetry√ breaking of an extended nine-site unit, called 3 × 3 structure.43,44,48 A schematic picture of A-hexagons and N/3 B-sites around them. those crystals is given in Fig.1(a). Hexagons labelled with The starting point of our approach is the aforementioned dashed circles indicate magnons localized on those hexagons, trial wave function of the m = 5/9 plateau state, which is a 3

a) b) 1 product state given by 0,+1

pi, -1 1 Y Y z |Ψ i = |1, 0i | ↑i , (2) 5/9 A;I B;i z I i 0 z where |S , liA;I denotes the l-th lowest eigenstate (l = 0, 1, 2 ··· ) for a given total magnetization Sz sector of the -1 7 Heisenberg model on an isolated hexagon, and | ↑i is the 0.5 7 B;i Sz = 1/2 state of the i-th B-sites. In the following, we adopt -2 the minuscule and majuscule indices to label the A-hexagons -3 and B-sites, respectively. According to numerical simulations, 0 1 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 this wave function gives an accurate description of the plateau state.44,48 Instead, one can incentively remove the interactions be- tween the A-hexagons and B-spins, namely take J 0 = 0 in FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) Lower energy levels of the Heisenberg the hexamerized lattice shown in Fig.2(b). In fact, the above model on an isolated hexagon in the total magnetization sectors Sz = 0, 1, 2, with the corresponding eigenstates denoted as |Sz , li, trial wave function is the exact ground state for this decoupled with l = 0, ··· . The eigenstates are labelled by (σ , k ), where σ hexamerized model. 7 7 is the reflection symmetry eigenvalue and, when applicable,7 7 the mo-7 The excited states from |Ψ5/9i are formed by creating lo- mentum eigenvalues k . (b) Magnetization staircases of the model calized magnons on either a A-hexagon or a B-site. As we 0 in Fig.1(b) at J = 07, with the three plateaux also present in the have order-N-different choices, each of these excited levels Heisenberg kagome lattice J 0 = J. has the degeneracy of that order. To prepare those excited states, we need the information on the excitations on the A- hexagons, namely the eigenstates other than |1, 0iA;I . coupling J 0 between the A-hexagons and the B-sites is an ap- For this purpose, we report in Fig.2(a) the lower energy lev- propriate control parameter to understand to how much extent els obtained by the diagonalization of the Heisenberg model |Ψ5/9i remains stable against varying the magnetic field. on a single hexagon in the sectors Sz = 0, 1, 2. The hexagon Following the above context, we adopt a degenerate pertur- Hamiltonian is invariant under two symmetry operations, the 7 bation theory approach starting from the exact limit J 0 = 0. reflection R about a plane and the translation T along the Throughout this paper, we set J = 1 as the energy unit and the hexagon. Since those symmetry operations generally do not 7 7 perturbation strength is measured by the dimensionless cou- commute, we can only use one to simultaneously label the pling J 0. eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. In the following, we choose to work with eigenstates of the reflection operation, whose As it will be shown shortly, the |Ψ5/9i state has a finite eigenvalues are σ = ±1. In the case of states with mo- and robust energy gap against the fluctuation of the magnon density, which corresponds to the width of the plateau. Our mentum k = 0, π7, the two operations commute and we also assign them the translation operator eigenvalue. The magne- objective is to perturbatively calculate the energies of the 7 59 tization staircase is shown in Fig.2(b), for which the exact one-magnon excitations above this gap and also their two- magnon interactions. It is shown that the gap (plateau width) ground states of the form (2) appear in the 1/3, 5/9, and 7/9 0 plateau states, by using the lowest energy states in the sectors sustains up to J = J, which also indicates the validity of our Sz = 0, 1, 2, respectively. approach itself. Spins on B-sites are fully polarized as soon as a finite field Let us further outline the process of perturbation. We 7 is introduced. will consider the one-magnon excitations which decrease the plateau magnetization by one. Starting from J 0 = 0, we track the evolution of these excited levels when J 0 is turned on, go- B. Perturbation overview ing state-by-state from the lowest ones in energy. In particular, we are interested in how the finite J 0 will introduce, or not, a The hexamerized decoupled model and the Heisenberg dispersion for the initially localized magnons belonging to the order-N manifold by the mixing of these levels up to the third model have essentially the same ground state, |Ψ5/9i, within a certain range of h. This motivates us to assign a different order perturbation. Figure3 summarizes the development of interaction J 0 between A- and B-sites, as in Fig.1(b), whose the two series of one-magnon excited states we studied, a flat associated Hamiltonian H˜ reads mode and four dispersive modes, as we will develop below. For each J 0, when starting from the large magnetic field and ˜ X 0 X X z h H = J Si · Sj + J Si · Sj − h Si , (3) by decreasing it, we reach a critical field value c, where the hi,ji∈A hi∈A,j∈Bi j lowest of the excited energy, eex, becomes zero. At large enough J 0, the dispersive modes overwhelm the flat mode and where the first and second summations run over all nearest becomes such a lowest excited state by gaining kinetic en- neighbor pairs inside the A-hexagons and on all bonds be- ergy as well as a favourable chemical potential. This naturally tween A-hexagons and B-sites, respectively. The kagome lat- leads to the formation of a supersolid below the plateau, as tice Heisenberg model Eq. (1) is recovered at J 0 = J. The shown in Fig.3(b). As we see in the final part of this section, 4

0 a) 0 b) associated effective Hamiltonian up to third order in J as,

2.5 -0.5 X † Hflat = (−µloc + h) cI cI , (5) 2 -1 I 0 02 03 -1.5 1.5 with µloc = 0.685 + J + 0.273J − 0.051J . This effec- tive Hamiltonian measures the excitation energy with respect -2 1 to the plateau state, i.e. it accounts for the energy cost of cre-

-2.5 ating a magnon, which turns out to be localized at this order. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 This can be straightforwardly understood from the different momenta k = 0 and π, which results in cancellation of the hoppings through7 adjacent paths. In fact, because the states FIG. 3. (Color online) (a)Evolution of the one-magnon excitation |1, 0i and |0, 0i also have opposite reflection eigenvalues e (J 0) J 0 A A energy, ex , as a function of , measured against the energy of (see Fig.2(b)), the direct hopping between nearest-neighbour the plateau, |Ψ5/9i. A magnetic field contributing as a chemical po- tential of one magnon, h, is also subtracted. The lower critical phase A-hexagons vanishes at any order. Even though longer range 0 hoppings are not constrained to be zero by symmetry prop- boundary is hence given by hc = eex(J ) using the energy of the ex ex erties, they only appear at very high order and we can thus lowest exited state. Here, |Ψc iI and |Ψa/biI are the seeds of the flat mode and the dispersive modes, respectively. The energy range treat this magnon as a localized boson. We here recover the of the four different bands of the dispersive modes are shown. (b) effect of suppression of the kinetic energy scale discussed pre- Part of the phase diagram we obtained by the perturbation. The bro- viously. ken lines are the boundaries of the m = 5/9 plateau phase evaluated As stated above, the m = 1/3 plateau state at J 0 = 0 is with the flat mode magnon instability. The supersolid phase appears Q † a crystal of these localized magnons, |Ψ1/3i = I cI |Ψ5/9i when the dispersive mode in (a) replaces the flat mode and become (we remind it is also a good trial wave function at J 0 = 1). the lowest one magnon excited state. Our scheme cannot identify the lower boundary of the supersolid phase which is left blank, and the However, since they form a flat band, their at the other plateaus m = 1/3 and 7/9, are not shown for clarity. The stars lower critical field of the plateau m = 5/9 would imply a di- at J 0 = 1 mark the region of the 5/9 plateau as obtained by DMRG48. rect transition from |Ψ5/9i to |Ψ1/3i, and thus a magnetization jump between the two plateaux, similar to the magnetization jump between m = 7/9 and saturation.56,61,62 For J 0 = 0, this is the magnetization step already displayed in Fig.2(b), we find that magnons repel with each other, which then sup- which, setting J 0 = 1 in (5), is shifted to h ' 1.9. Since such port the scenario of the continuous transition shown in solid c behaviour has not been reported numerically,48,55 we need to lines in Fig.3(b). consider other one-magnon instabilities, which have a higher We note that this approach cannot capture a direct transi- energy at J 0 = 0. tion to a superfluid phase, which is usually first order and hence require a drastic change of the wave-function. A simi- lar issue was also discussed in the supersolid-solid transition 2. Dispersive magnons in the XXZ triangular lattice.60 In contrast, when the magnons are localized with short-range interactions, the transition be- Unlike the lowest flat band magnon, the second level of the comes discontinuous accompanied by a macroscopic number isolated hexagon in the sector Sz = 0, |0, 1i , no longer of magnon excitations. There, a magnetization jump similar A experiences localization. Indeed, its different quantum num- to the one below the saturation field56,61,62 will be observed. 7 bers, namely σ = +1 and k = 0, do not lead to de- structive interferences7 of the different7 hopping paths. Because |0, 1iA and |1, 0iA are parts of the same triplet (see Fig.2), C. One-magnon instabilities this magnon excitation is simply a spin-flip of energy given by −h at J 0 = 0. One can alternatively flip one of the polarized spins on a B-site with the same energy cost, and we thus need 1. Flat band magnon to consider the following two types of degenerate one-magnon excitations, of degeneracies N/9 and N/3 respectively, 0 At J = 0, there are Nhex = N/9 degenerate lowest energy ex Y  Y  one-magnon states obtained by decreasing the magnetization |Ψa iI = |0, 1iA;I |1, 0iA;J | ↑iB;i , on an I-th hexagon. We replace one |1, 0iA;I by |0, 0iA;I as J6=I i (6) ex Y  Y  |Ψ ii = |1, 0iA;I | ↓iB;i | ↑iB;j . ex Y  Y  b |Ψc iI = |0, 0iA;I |1, 0iA;J | ↑iB;i . (4) I j6=i J6=I i It is convenient to introduce two species of bosonic oper- † † ex By regarding the plateau state as the vacuum, we represent ators, aI and bi , which create those magnons as |Ψa iI = † ex † this local excitation by the creation of a hard core boson as aI |Ψ5/9i and |Ψb ii = bi |Ψ5/9i on the I-th A-hexagon and ex † |Ψc iI = cI |Ψ5/9i. To examine its kinetics, we derive the i-th B-site, respectively. These operators are defined on the 5

a) b) c) 0.25





0 d) 0




-2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) Effective decorated triangular lattice: the hexagon sites (big empty circles) at the centers of A-hexagons form a † † triangular lattice hosting the aI magnons, and the three sublattices of B-sites (filled colored circles) with the bi magnons give decorating sites in the center of every triangular lattice bond. In grey is the unit cell of the effective lattice. (b) Hoppings connections of the effective model Eq. (7). (c) Hoppings amplitudes (top) and chemical potentials (bottom) as functions of J 0. (d) Spatial geometry of the two dominant transfer integrals tAB;1 and tBB;2. The paths of tBB;2 form three decoupled large kagome lattices, of which only one is drawn here. decorated triangular lattice shown in Fig.4(a). We then derive other important feature is that the geometry of the dominant a one-particle effective model using perturbation theory up to transfer integrals does not simply follow the geometry given 0 third order in J , and obtain the following Hamiltonian by the largest tAB;1 hoppings which form a triangular lattice decorated by the mediating B-sites (left of Fig.4(d)). In- 4 X X deed, the second largest hopping is t , which forms a large H = t (a b† + h.c.) BB;2 kin AB;r I j kagome lattice made from one-third of the B-sites (right of r=1 hI,jir Fig.4(d)). Two other independent kagome lattices are formed 3 X X in the same manner by the rest of the B-sites. Those three + t (b†b + h.c.) BB;r i j kagome are then coupled to each other by the smaller tBB;1 r=1 hi,ji (7) r and tBB;3 transfer integrals. For simplicity, the very small 03 X † hoppings |tAB,2−4| < 0.007J are neglected in the rest of + tAA(a aJ + h.c.) I our calculations. hIJi The unit cell of model (7) consists of four sites, one A- X † X † + (−µA + h) aI aI + (−µB + h) bi bi, hexagon and three B-sites, which belong to the three sublat- I i tices Λn [see Fig.4(a)]. For later convenience, we define the Fourier transforms of the four bosonic operators as where tAB;r, tBB;r, tAA are the effective magnon hoppings among the A-hexagons and B-sites, and µA, µB are the ef- † 2 X † fective chemical potentials of the two species of magnons. a = √ a exp(ik · rI ), k N I We label each type of transfer integrals by the index r, the I (8) distance between the two sites in the pairs of nearest to fur- † 2 X † b = √ bj exp(ik · rj). ther neighbours, written for instance as hI, jir. The hoppings n,k N paths are drawn in Fig.4(b). Details on the derivation of this j∈Λn Hamiltonian are presented in AppendixA, and expression of We study the band structure of the dispersive model (7), its parameters in AppendixB. whose minima give the magnon instabilities. Due to the com- In Fig.4(c), we plot the hoppings and chemical potentials 0 petition between the hoppings and the chemical potentials, as functions of J . Two important features are visible. First, there are four different phases throughout the range 0 < J 0 ≤ there is a very large inequivalency of the chemical potential of 1, including an incommensurate phase for 0.71 ≤ J 0 ≤ 0.79. † † 0 the aI and bi bosons at large enough J . In our target param- However, the energy at the minima also has to be compared 0 eter range of J & 0.8, µA becomes significantly larger than with the aforementioned flat band, and we find that these min- µB. By comparing their difference ' 0.4 with the amplitude ima become the lowest magnon excitation for J 0 ≥ 0.83. In † of the hoppings, we anticipate that the bi bosons will eventu- this parameter range, we are left with only two phases to in- † ally be favoured, and aI bosons will be fully suppressed. The vestigate, which we call phase I and II. The three lowest bands 6

0.6 metries. We note that the frustration effect can be included

0.4 from the third order perturbation. Higher-order terms will in- troduce additional hoppings, which also induce geometrical 0.2 frustration. While this can not be taken as a quantitatively accurate 0 value, we also observe that inclusion of the third order terms yields a more precise plateau lower critical field hc = 2.33 at 0 48,55 0.8 J = 1, unexpectedly close to the numerics value ' 2.35.

0.6 At second order, the dispersive magnon state achieves a signif- icantly lower energy and the instability thus occurs in a wider 0.4 0 range J ≥ 0.6, and accordingly, the critical field hc = 2.7 0.2 underestimates the plateau size. 0 One can also further continue with the same approach to examine higher one-magnon excitations. For instance, the third lowest magnon state at J 0 = 0 is created by chang- ing one hexagon to |0, 2iA;I . However, its quantum numbers FIG. 5. (Color online) Left panel: excitation energy spectra of model σ = −1 and k = 1 produce localized magnons. Since the (7) for the couplings J 0 = 0.84 (top) and J 0 = 1 (bottom). The applied magnetic field is chosen so that the lowest energy excitation effective7 chemical7 potential up to third order is small, the asso- closes the gap. The solid black lines denote the three lowest bands ciated flat band remains higher in energy than the previous ex- en,k of the model (7) along the path ΓKMΓ. The dashed red lines citations. For even higher magnon states, it is complicated to are the flat band coming from the first one-magnon states localized apply the perturbative scheme because of multiple degenera- in each hexagon. The minima of these energy bands are the can- cies between single hexagon energy levels. Also, they become didates for the one-magnon instability below the m = 5/9 plateau less clearly well-separated towards the middle of the spec- state, expected to give the lower critical field hc. Right panel: first trum, and the validity of the perturbative approach becomes Brillouin zone of the hexamerized lattice. The√ coordinates of the questionable. We have thus limited ourselves to magnon states high symmetry points are K1 = (2π/3, 2π/ 3), K2 = (4π/3, 0), √ √ obtained from the three lowest hexagon states, |0, liA with M1,2 = (π, ±π/ 3) and M3 = (0, 2π/ 3). The path used in the l = 0, 1, 2. left panel is shown in red.

3. Phase I: M points instability are plotted in Fig.5 for two choices of coupling J 0 = 0.84 0 and J = 1 corresponding to phase I and II, respectively, to- 0 gether with the flat band from the first magnon state. The In the range 0.83 ≤ J ≤ 0.88, the lowest band has min- 0 ima at the three distinct Mn points (n = 1, 2, 3, see right one at J = 0.84 has minima at the three Mn points at the Brillouin zone boundary, each corresponding to the instability panel of Fig.5). At these minima, the creation operators of of magnons forming stripes. At J 0 = 1, the minimum takes the one-magnon excitations are given by the linear combina- place at Γ-point, where the two bands are degenerate. For tion of bosons in Eq. (8) with wave vector k = Mn as 0 J < 0.83, the transition is driven by the localized magnon † † † d = cAa + cB,nb , (9) shown in Sec. II C 1, and hence there is no continuous transi- Mn Mn n,Mn tion to a supersolid (or simple superfluid) phase just below the where the coefficients cA and cB,n continuously depend on 0 m = 5/9 plateau phase (see Fig.3), but a jump to the m = 1/3 J . The wave vectors Mn are the three inequivalent center plateau. points of the first Brillouin zone boundaries, shown in Fig.5. Before examining those phases in details, let us mention A single Mn point corresponds to a magnon instability with that inclusion of the third order contributions is essential to a doubled unit cell of 2 × 4 = 8 sites in the direction parallel the above analysis. At second order, −µA is always lower to Mn. The distinctive feature of each condensate is that the † than −µB, and tAB;1 dominates all the other hoppings for dM magnons have contributions from only one third of the 0 n any J . In that sense, the effective model is essentially magnons belonging to Λn in real space, meaning that on the unfrustrated, and the model (7) has only one phase with rest of B-sites the spins remain fully polarized. This is inter- a unique minimum located at the Γ point. The resulting preted as a supersolid state where the superfluid and the solid magnon instability gives a superfluid component with weights components are spatially separated, as illustrated in Fig.6(a) p p p p (− 3/5, 2/15, 2/15, 2/15) on the A-hexagons and for k = M1. At this single-particle level, we cannot antic- the three sublattices of B-sites. Because there is no addi- ipate whether the instability will be realized as a condensate tional symmetry breaking, the added component upon the at a single Mn wave vector or as the superposition of more crystal structure is a simple superfluid. The situation drasti- than one condensate. The effect of magnon interactions on cally changes when third order terms are included, because this degeneracy will be discussed in Sec.IID. they introduce a competition among various hoppings at large We point out that this phase arises from a delicate balance enough J 0 (see Fig. 3(b)), and make the chemical potential between the effective hoppings (provided that the difference −µB lower than −µA. This change leads to the presence between µA and µB is not too large). Indeed, the two domi- of several different phases which further break lattice sym- nant hoppings tAB;1 and tBB;2 alone cannot explain the min- 7

a) b) ima at the wave vectors Mn, and we need to include smaller hoppings. Among them, tAA and tBB:3, seem to play an es- sential role to the formation of the stripes. Since they directly connect the sites belonging to different stripes, even a small amplitude will help this stripe to gain energy against a more complicated phase, e.g. incommensurate k-points due to sev- eral frustrated hoppings. In terms of J 0, the variations of the transfer integrals are quite large so that only a small window is allowed for this instability. Thus this phase is somewhat fragile, in the sense that moderate changes to the hoppings at higher orders might mask it. h h h

V state state umbrella

4. Phase II: Γ point instability FIG. 6. (Color online) Superfluids induced by the one-magnon in- stabilities below the m = 5/9 plateau at (a)the M1 and (b) Γ wave vectors. The grey regions correspond to the sites with finite densities For larger coupling J 0 > 0.88, the lowest band minimum is of one magnon species. Inset: the three degenerate configurations of located at the k = Γ point. As shown on the bottom left panel the B-site spins with a three-sublattice structure at the kagome lattice of Fig.5, there is a band touching at this wave vector. The J 0 = 1 (Γ instability). magnon creation operators at the two-fold degenerate mini- mum are ear combinations

† 1 † † † i † 1 † d = √ (b − b ), d+,Γ ≡ √ d1,Γ − √ d2,Γ 1,Γ 2 1,Γ 2,Γ 2 2 (10) 1 1 † † † d† = √ (b† + b† − 2b† ). = √ (b + ωb + ω2b ), 2,Γ 1,Γ 2,Γ 3,Γ 3 3,Γ 1,Γ 2,Γ 6 (11) i 1 d† ≡ −√ d† − √ d† −,Γ 2 1,Γ 2 2,Γ The important feature of these operators is the absence of † 1 † 2 † † weight on the aΓ bosons. This magnon instability would = √ (b3,Γ + ω b1,Γ + ωb2,Γ), therefore lead to a supersolid phase where the local magne- 3 tizations deviate from the plateau values only on the B-sites, where ω = exp(i2π/3). These new operators satisfy the chi- while all the A-hexagons remain in the |1, 0i state and pre- √ √ A ral relation Rd† = d† under the lattice reflection opera- serve the 3 × 3 structure of the plateau. Or, in the bosonic +,Γ −,Γ tion R, where the mirror plane is located through bond centers language, the superfluid component only lives on the B-sites. of hexagons. Contrary to the case of the Mn instability, this state can be We notice a close analogy with the magnon instability at 0 63 understood from simple considerations. At large J , −µB be- the saturation field in the triangular antiferromagnet (TAF). comes significantly lower than −µA by ' 0.5 (see Fig.4(c)), In this problem, there are also two different lowest energy one- leading to the suppression of magnons occupation of the A- magnon excitations from the fully polarized state at different hexagons. Consequently, we can keep only the three tBB;r wave vectors Q and −Q on the corners of the triangular- hoppings in the model (7). The largest one is tBB;2 (see lattice Brillouin zone (the equivalent of the K1 and K2 points Fig.4(d)), whose geometry produces three independent large in Fig.5). The magnon operators can be expressed as separate kagome lattices, as explained previously. Eventually, the flat contributions from three sublattices of the triangular lattice, bands of the large kagome are coupled by the two smaller cou- Λ˜ n, as plings t , t and acquire a finite bandwidth. The band BB;1 BB;2   minimum is then simply determined by the largest of those − 1 X − X − X 2 − two hoppings, here tBB;1 > 0. According to this scenario, S = √  S + ωS + ω S  , Q N j j j we believe that the Γ instability should not be too fragile with j∈Λ˜ 1 j∈Λ˜ 2 j∈Λ˜ 3 respect to higher orders: it mainly relies on the much lower   1 X X X chemical potential level of B-sites, which effectively removes S− = √ S− + ω2S− + ωS− , many of the hoppings from the problem, and next on which of −Q  j j j  N ˜ ˜ ˜ t or t to be largest other than t . j∈Λ1 j∈Λ2 j∈Λ3 BB;1 BB;3 BB;2 (12) The physical interpretation of this two-fold degeneracy is that of chiral magnons. This is readily seen by taking the lin- in which we recognize the same form as Eq. (11). 8

Further using the information from the TAF studies, we nearby is small; the validity of this effective model thus ex- anticipate that these magnon creation operators can repre- tends to lower magnetization sectors. sent three different spin structures:24,63 the so-called V (or Several simplifications have been made to derive the inter- 0-coplanar), Ψ (or π-coplanar) and umbrella states, shown action terms. First, we discarded processes of longer ranges in Fig.6(b). In the case of the TAF realized in the XXZ which appear only at third order and of small amplitudes 03 model, magnon interactions select one of the three states due . 0.01J . Second, we did not take into account the localized to the spin anisotropy. In a mean-field (MF) approximation, an † magnons (flat band) cI , which should however be included at easy axis (plane) anisotropy selects the V (umbrella) state.64,65 high magnon density in order to recover the m = 1/3 plateau. Quantum fluctuations somewhat modify the phase diagram by Third, we also ignored all the processes involving an addi- inducing the appearance of a new Ψ phase24,66–68 In the next tional type of bosons. In the sector ∆Sz = −2, there is an- Sec.IID, we derive magnon-magnon interactions generated other degenerate local excitation where a single hexagons is by perturbative processes, and in Sec. III we proceed to a MF excited to | − 1, 0iA. This local excitation, interpreted as a calculation to investigate which spin configuration is selected bound pair of magnons on an A-hexagon, is however disper- by magnon interactions in our case. sionless up to third order and can only decay into two neigh- † † bouring magnons aI and bi . Because of the large repulsive interaction UAB, this situation is unfavorable and the process D. Magnon interactions is safely neglected at low densities. Finally, we explain that the model (13) precludes the for- Since the two types of one-magnon instabilities studied in mation of two-magnon bound states or phase separation. In- Sec.IIC had degeneracies, we need to include an extra en- deed, all the density-density interactions in (14) are repulsive ergy scale to resolve them. The interactions between (dilute) † † and prevent the aI and bi magnons to attract with each other. magnons will take care of this role. In the following, we com- We also verified that inclusion of the flat band does not allow pute these interactions by considering excited states with two a mechanism in which two neighbouring localized magnons magnons and by applying degenerate perturbation theory. † † (or a localized magnon cI and a bi magnon in our case) can We restrict our analysis to the evaluation of two-body in- form an itinerating bound pair by means of assisted hopping teractions by working on the magnetization sector with two processes, like in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice.25 magnons, ∆Sz = −2. As discussed shortly below, we do not include the states where two magnons exist within the same hexagon. Up to third order, we obtain the interaction terms III. SUPERSOLID STRUCTURES BELOW m = 5/9

Vint = Vassist + Vpair + Vrepl, (13) In this section, we take into account magnon interactions where and show how supersolid phases develop below the m = 5/9 plateau from the magnon instabilities presented in Sec.IIC.  3 X X X  AB;B † Vassist =  Tr (bjaI nk + h.c.)

I r=1 hjkir ∈ I A. Effective spin model BB;A † 7 + Tr (bjbknI + h.c.)  To elucidate the spin structures described with the effective X Hamiltonian + T BB;B (b†b n + h.c.) , r1,r2,r3 j k l  jkl∈ I H = H + V , (15) (14) eff kin int X X V = 7 γ (b†b† b a + h.c.), pair r1,r2,r3 j k l I given in Eqs. (7) and (13), we start by rewriting the model I jkl∈ I in terms of an effective spin Hamiltonian. We use spin-1/2 3 X7 X X pseudo-spin operators to express the degrees of freedom on Vrepl = UAB ninJ + UBB;r ninj z † − † the A-hexagons as TI := 1/2 − aI aI and TI := aI , whereas hiJi r=1 hijir the bosons on the B-sites are translated back to the original X z † − † + UAA nI nJ . spin operators Si = 1/2 − bi bi and Si = bi . Using these hIJi spin operators, the model (15) is expressed in the spin lan- guage. We refer to AppendixC for the expression of the spin Those three terms respectively contain assisted hoppings, Hamiltonian and its couplings. pair hoppings, and repulsive density interactions. The de- Among various competing interactions, the two dominant tails of the processes, including the definitions of the indices couplings are the nearest neighbour spin exchange JAB be- r1, r2, r3, are given in Fig.7(a). Explicit forms of the non- tween A-hexagons and B-site spins and the second neighbor negligible coefficients T , γ, and U are listed in AppendixB, spin exchange JBB;2 between B-site spins. Here, we follow and the amplitudes of the five largest processes as functions the same rules of the indices as those used for the transfer inte- 0 of J are plotted in Fig.7(b). In the regime of low magnon grals in Eq. (7) (see also Fig.4(b)), while JAB solely denotes density, the probability of having more than three magnons the nearest neighbor ones. As previously, the couplings JAB 9









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

FIG. 7. (Color online) (a) Illustration of all the two-magnon processes appearing in the effective Hamiltonian (14). The top row represents the assisted hoppings, the middle row the pair hopping, and the bottom row the density-density interaction terms. Each red hexagon denotes the closed loop of the six B-sites surrounding one A-hexagon (see Fig.4(b)). Green and blue dots represent the magnons (the latter is used for the assisting magnons of top row). (b) J 0 dependence of the amplitudes of the five most dominant processes.

form a decorated triangular lattice and the couplings JBB;2 produce three layers of large decoupled kagome lattices given 0.18 in Fig.4(d). Both of them are antiferromagnetic, with strong 0.16 Ising anisotropy. There is also non-negligible antiferromag- netic coupling JBB;1 between the nearest neighbor pairs of 0.14 B-site spins, with a weak XY anisotropy. We notice that the direct exchange interactions between the B-site spins, absent 0.5 in the original model (3), is induced by the presence of the resonating hexagons (A-sites), which stabilizes the quantum 0.25 mechanical spin ordering, as shown in the following section. x y z The local spin expectation values mp = (mp , mp, mp) of 0 the p-site belonging to the I-th A-hexagon (p ∈ I ) are given by 7 -0.25 √ α 2 α -0.5 mp = hTI i (α = x, y), 6 1.2 1.4 1.6 * 1.8 1  1 mz = hT zi + , (16) p 6 I 2 and the spin expectation values on the three B-site sublattices FIG. 8. Local magnetizations in the supersolid phase at 1/3 < m ≤ 5/9 J 0 = 0.84 are directly given by the original hS i, for . These values are evaluated from the MF approx- i imation of the effective Hamiltonian (15). Top: Magnetization per α α site in each resonating hexagon. Bottom: Sublattice magnetizations mi = hSi i, (17) of the three B-site sublattices. The star symbol indicates the plateau lower critical field hc = 1.70. (α = x, y, z) for i ∈ Λn.

imize the total energy and obtain the ground-state spin config- B. Mean field approximation uration. For the sixteen site unit-cell calculation, we include only U-terms of the interactions (13). We now apply a MF approximation to the effective spin model (C1). Then, we take the classical limit, replacing all spin-1/2 vector operators with classical vectors of length 1/2. 1. Phase I: Coplanar stripes phase Assuming a unit cell consisting of four sites involving one A- hexagon and three B-sites (see Fig.2(a)), and an enlarged six- At J 0/J = 0.84, we have seen in Sec.IIC that the one- teen sites unit cell for the Mn instability, we numerically min- magnon instability appears at the three wave vectors Mn. 10

Therefore, we assume a spin structure with a four times larger 0.17 unit cell to allow for a possible superposition of magnon con- densates at different wave vectors Mn. We find that the ground state is in fact not a superposition 0.165 but a coplanar stripe state characterized by only one of the Mn. More precisely, magnons on the sublattice Λn and A- 0.16 hexagons form a Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) at one 0.5 selected wave vector Mn, giving a finite expectation value † √ hd i ∝ Neiϕ along stripes in real space. For instance, 0.25 n,Mn the spin configuration corresponding to the M1 wave vector can be written as 0 1 hT i = (exp(iM · r ) sin θ , 0, cos θ ), -0.25 I 2 1 I 0 0 1 -0.5 hSii = (− exp(iM1 · ri) sin θ1, 0, cos θ1)(i ∈ Λ1), 2 * (18) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 whereas the spins on the B-site sublattices Λ2 and Λ3 remain fully polarized. Here, the origin of the coordinates is located FIG. 9. Local magnetizations in the supersolid phase at 1/3 < m ≤ on a hexagon center, and the canting angles, 0 ≤ θ0 ≤ π 5/9 for the kagome antiferromagnet J 0 = 1. These values are calcu- and 0 ≤ θ1 ≤ π, are numerically evaluated. Because of the lated from the MF approximation of the effective Hamiltonian (15). non-zero wave vector, the unit cell is doubled in the direction Top: Magnetization per site in each resonating hexagon. Bottom: r k M1 and contains eight spins, i.e. two A-hexagons and Sublattice magnetizations of the three B-sites sublattices. The star six B-sites. Thus, the supersolid phase breaks the C3 space symbol indicates the plateau lower critical field hc = 2.33. rotation symmetry by choosing one of the three wave vectors. In total, the transition from the m = 5/9 plateau to the su- persolid phase at lower magnetizations is accompanied by the In the ground state, we find that the spins on B-sites have U(1) × C3 symmetry breaking. The local magnetizations in the three-sublattice structure of the coplanar V state config- the original kagome lattice are numerically evaluated in Fig.8. uration shown in Fig.6. In Fig.9, we plot the sublattices One sees that even though we introduced magnon interactions, magnetizations and see that this V structure has the feature the B-sites on sublattices Λ2, Λ3, remain fully polarized, and that two sublattices are still almost fully polarized. Below the magnetization slope comes only from the A-hexagons and the plateau, the A-hexagons keep the original magnetization z Λ1 sublattice. S = 1 coming from the |1, 0iA states, and the spin structure The physical picture of the supersolid phase is thus the al- on the B-sites is given by the superposition√ of the two con- 7 † † iϕ ternative alignment of stripes formed by the superfluid and su- densates hd+,Γi = hd−,Γi ∝ Ne with an equal weight persolid components. The rigid solid component is protected and an equal phase. Further decreasing the magnetic field, the by the kinetic frustration effect. As shown in Fig.6(a), the Λ2 spins on the A-hexagons gradually start to cant. One of the is connected to the two A-hexagons on different stripes, and spin configurations can be written as since A-hexagons have an alternating phase, the contributions 1 of hopping to Λ2 B-sites from the two superfluid stripes can- hT i = (sin θ , 0, cos θ ), I 2 0 0 cel out. This happens also for Λ3 B-sites. We conclude by  1 reminding that although the curve presented in Fig.8 extends 2 (− sin θ1, 0, cos θ1)(i ∈ Λ1), hSii = 1 (19) down to m = 1/3, the validity of our approach breaks down 2 (sin θ2, 0, cos θ2)(i ∈ Λ2, Λ3), before reaching the 1/3-plateau and another might occur. with the numerically evaluated 0 ≤ θn ≤ π, (n = 0, 1, 2). Using the relation (16) between the hexagon pseudo-spin and the original A-sites spins, we see that this translates into a 2. Phase II: Coplanar V phase coplanar configuration over the whole lattice. The magnetiza- tion per spin m of the whole lattice, given by 0 In the case of J = 1, we have shown in Sec.IIC that the 1 instability appears at the Γ point, with a degeneracy originat- m = (1 + sin θ0 − sin θ1 + 2 sin θ2), (20) 9 ing from a chiral degree of freedom defined on the B-sites. In our MF calculation, the numerically obtained spin structure is plotted in Fig. 10. The curve shows a finite slope compara- preserves the four sites unit cell of the Hamiltonian with one ble to the numerical results.48 hexagon and three B-sites, consistent with the wave vector The state below m = 5/9 developing from the Γ point Γ. To confirm our finding, we performed the energy mini- instability is therefore a supersolid whose solid component mization for the extended sixteen sites unit cells in the whole keeps the resonating hexagonal structure which√ has√ the same magnetization range 1/3 < m ≤ 5/9. symmetry as that of the m = 5/9 plateau ( 3 × 3) state, 11

To see it, we start from the exact ground state at J 0 = 0,

0.5 Y Y |Ψ1/3i = |0, 0iA;I | ↑iB;i, (21) 1 h I i

0.4 3 2 and calculate the one-magnon excitation energy in the sector ∆Sz = +1. 2 3 0.3 The lowest magnon state from |Ψ1/3i is created by exciting 1 an A-hexagon to |1, 0iA;I . For the same symmetry reason 0 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 as in Sec.IIC, the magnon is localized at any order in J . Up to third order, the higher critical field is hc = 0.685 + 0 02 03 J + 0.274J − 0.17J , which takes the value hc = 1.79 at 0 DMRG J = 1. This is quite far from the DMRG value hc ' FIG. 10. (Color online) Magnetization per spin m between the two 48 0 1.2. We further considered the second and third one-magnon plateaus at m = 1/3 and 5/9 for J = 1, as evaluated from the MF states, obtained by exciting a hexagon to the second and third approximation of the effective Hamiltonian (15). Inset: represen- hexagon states |1, 1i and |1, 2i respectively, which are tation of the supersolid spin structure (V state) around a resonating A;I A;I hexagon. both two-fold degenerate. We find that those four magnons are dispersive but all have very weak hoppings amplitudes. Consequently, the aforementioned flat band always remains the lowest energy excitation. The fourth magnon state is also whereas the transverse (superfluid) component breaks the localized and remains a high energy excitation. U(1) spin rotation symmetry and space C3 rotation symme- tries. The transition out of the m = 5/9 plateau state to the Therefore, none of the magnon excitations studied appears to be relevant for the transition at the higher critical field of supersolid is therefore accompanied by the U(1) × C3 sym- metry breaking. the plateau m = 1/3. This suggests that the transition would rather be of first order and hence not accessible from our Comparing Fig.8 and Fig.9, it is interesting to remark that method. This is consistent with the 36 sites exact diagonaliza- the magnetization curves below the plateau are similar be- tion spectrum, which found no evidence of the crystal order tween the two coplanar stripes and V phases. Namely, one just above the plateau.44 of the B-site sublattices carries the magnetization process, as- sisted by the A-hexagons. The two other B-site sublattices are either fully polarized or very weakly canted. The symme- tries of the two phases are nonetheless different. Thus, even though we cannot predict for sure that the V phase is realized B. Upper boundary of m = 5/9 plateau for the kagome limit J 0 = 1 rather than the stripes phase, this common property of which subset of the sites participate The lowest one-magnon state in the sector ∆Sz = +1 start- in the magnetization process (or, equivalently, to the super- ing from |Ψ i has one excited |2, 0i hexagon. Like in the fluid) could be an intrinsic feature of a supersolid below the 5/9 A;I other cases, its k = π momentum results in an exactly lo- m = 5/9 plateau. 0 calized magnon.7 At third order and for J = 1, we evaluate the upper critical field hc ∼ 2.68, which is comparable to the DMRG value.48 Two degenerate magnon states are then IV. OTHER PLATEAUS obtained by having one hexagon in the twofold degenerate |2, 1iA;I state. Up to third order, those magnons have a small chemical potential, as well as negligible hopping amplitudes Finally, we briefly report our results on the magnon insta- (∼ 10−3 at J 0 = 1). Therefore, they cannot overcome the bilities for the plateaus at m = 1/3 and 7/9, and for the upper flat mode. We also note that, combined with the results from boundary of the 5/9 plateau. To analyze them, we use essen- Sec.IIC, the m = 5/9 plateau is stable against magnon ex- tially the same method as in Sec.II. The only difference is in citations in the whole range of J 0, particularly at J 0 = 1 in a the choice of the low-energy degenerate space, which depends finite field range 2.3 ≤ h ≤ 2.68. We find the same almost on the energy level structure of Fig.2. dispersionless behaviour for the third magnon state. Accord- ing to the DMRG results48 (but not to the iPEPS results55), the magnetization process at the plateau upper boundary is very steep. This could suggest that some nearly flat modes A. m = 1/3 plateau contribute to the transition. However, it is beyond our scope to deal with magnon instabilities that have magnetization dif- One may expect that the lower magnetization regime in the ferences from the plateau value by more than one and thus range 1/3 < m < 5/9 is accessible from the higher critical we conclude by stating that our finding of magnons with ex- field of the 1/3 plateau phase. This is, however, not the case. tremely small bandwidths can be compatible with numerics. 12

C. m = 7/9 plateau This is, however, not the end of the story. Through virtual perturbation processes mediated by the A-hexagons, Q Q B-magnons acquire direct itinerancy to further B-site- Starting from |Ψ7/9i = I |2, 0iA;I i | ↑iB;i (which is the exact plateau ground state also at J 0 = 1), we excite one neighbours, a hopping not explicitly present in the original model. These couplings eventually become relatively strong. hexagon to |1, 0iA;I to construct the lowest one-magnon state. As for the previous lowest magnon states, the effective hop- The resultant hopping paths are complicated and competing, ping exactly vanishes. The magnon is thus localized and can- which work destructively with each other, generating several not explain the transition. Two degenerate second magnon minima in their energy dispersion. A large difference in chem- states are created by promoting one hexagon to one of the ical potential between A and B-magnons also induced by the perturbation works to select part of these competing hopping twofold degenerate hexagon states |1, 1iA;I . They are, how- ever, difficult to analyze within our perturbative scheme. In- paths, which effectively works as another aspect of kinetic deed, we find that the prefactors of the chemical potentials and frustration. Eventually, by introducing an inter-magnon in- the hoppings are almost equal for the second and third order teraction at the same order of perturbation and in recovering contributions. This indicates that the perturbation is not con- the original model parameters of the uniform kagome anti- 0 verged at all; thus we cannot reliably predict if those magnons ferromagnet at J = J, we reach a supersolid phase where can achieve a lower energy than the flat mode. The similar one of the three B-sublattices dominate the magnetization pro- lack of convergence is found in the third magnon excitation, cess, while the A-hexagons keep the resonating structure of which is also twofold degenerate. the m = 5/9 plateau. Finally, we remind that the transition at the upper critical The instabilities at other plateau boundaries are also studied field, namely the magnetization jump between the plateau and within the same perturbative approach. For all the transitions the saturated state, is already known to be the condensation of we considered, we essentially found that none can be reliably the exactly localized |2, 0iA;I magnons. described by a simple one-magnon condensation. Indeed, the lowest one-magnon state always gives an exact flat band, and higher excitations do not achieve a lower energy, mostly due V. CONCLUSION to very weak effective hoppings. It suggests that we should look for other mechanisms in order to describe the transitions The magnetization process of the spin-1/2 kagome anti- other than below m = 5/9. ferromagnet is known to be rich, including four plateaus at The supersolid discussed in the atomic systems m = 1/9, 3/9, 5/9, 7/9.44,48 In this paper, we disclosed that and in the XXZ quantum spin systems were supported by the the kinetic frustration effect plays a key role to protect the extremely large competing interaction with the aid of small plateau phases against the instability toward forming a super- quantum fluctuation. In the present system, however, an ap- fluid, and generate a supersolid phase just below the m = 5/9 plied magnetic field partially resolves the degeneracies of the phase. energies, inducing crystal structure of resonating hexagons. On the plateaux m = 1/3, 5/9 and 7/9, numerical sim- The presence of resonating hexagons efficiently suppresses ulations revealed a magnetic nine site unit cell, further de- the kinetic energy scale as well as select the path of super- composed into a “resonating” hexagon and three fully polar- fluid in real space, providing good description of how such ized neighbouring spins. We studied a J − J 0 model on a supersolids may further enrich this celebrated magnetization hexamerized lattice, explicitly partitioning the lattice between curve. the hexagons (A-hexagons) and the polarized spins (B-sites). We then examined the possible instabilities of the plateaux upon varying the magnetic field, by perturbatively calculating the energies of one-magnon excitations from the exact limit ACKNOWLEDGMENTS J 0 = 0 towards the kagome lattice J 0 = J. Within our ap- proach, the condensation of magnons formally corresponds to the formation of a supersolid phase. We acknowledge useful discussions with S. Capponi and We particularly focused our analysis on the instabilities at A. Furusaki. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI the lower boundary of the m = 5/9 plateau. The points Grant Numbers JP16K05425, JP17K05533, JP17K05497, clarified are summarized as follows: The excitation from the and JP17H02916. X.P. was supported by RIKEN iTHES plateau is described by the introduction of a magnon on each Project. A-hexagon and/or B-site, and the symmetry of the Wannier wave functions of magnons on A-hexagons turned out to be important. Many of the magnons remain localized on A- hexagons, since the symmetry of their wave functions allows Appendix A: Derivation of the effective Hamiltonians the destructive interference of two hopping paths from the ad- jacent sites on A-hexagons to the neighboring B-sites, which is a typical kinetic frustration effect. Resultantly, only part We briefly outline the derivation of the effective Hamiltoni- of the A-magnons become really dispersive, and contribute to ans Eq.(5), Eq.(7) and Eqs.(13)-(14), within the framework of the normal one-magnon instability. degenerate perturbation theory. 13 a) and E5/9 is the energy of the plateau state at the same order in perturbation. In the Hamiltonians reported in the main text, we have dropped the constant E5/9 such that the excitation energy is zero at the plateau transition. Similarly, the excited states with neighbouring magnons produce diagonal terms in- cluding both the chemical potentials and the two-magnon in- teraction terms. b) Practically, the chemical potential essentially corresponds to the difference between the diagonal processes on a plateau state |1, 0i and on an excited hexagon or flipped spin. For instance, the second order contribution to µA is

6 + 2 (2) 02 X X |h2, l|Sn |1, 0i| µA = J E0 − E2,l n=1 l FIG. 11. (Color online) (a) Diagonal second order perturbative pro-  (A3) + 2 cess on a |0, 1iA;I hexagon, or A-hexagon magnon, which con- X |h1, l|Sn |0, 1i| tributes to the chemical potential µA. Blue color indicates the pres- −  , E0 − E1,l ence of a magnon on the A-hexagon or a B-site, and striped filling l6=0 excited intermediate states. The perturbation is separated between its diagonal and off-diagonal terms Vdiag and Voff . (b) Off-diagonal second order process responsible for the hopping tAB;1. where E0 = E0,1 = E1,0 and n labels the six sites of a A- hexagon. The diagonal process corresponding to the second term is represented in Fig. 11(a). 1. Degenerate perturbation theory Similar procedure gives the hopping parameters of the ef- fective Hamiltonians. In Fig. 11(b), we illustrate the off- We use the standard formalism proposed by Bloch.69 Given diagonal process which contributes at second order to the hop- ex ex an unperturbed Hamiltonian H0, we define P0 and Q0 the pro- ping tAB;1 ≡ ihΨb |Heff |Ψa iI , with i and I nearest neigh- jection operators onto the degenerate unperturbed ground state bours. After simplification, we obtain manifold of energy E0 and its complement, respectively. For a perturbation λV , the effective Hamiltonian up to third order 2 z + reads (2) 02 X X h1, 0|Sn|1, lih1, l|Sm|0, 1i tAB;1 = −J . (A4) E0 − E1,α 2 1 n,m=1 l6=0 Heff = E0 + λP0VP0 + λ P0V Q0VP0 E0 − H0  3 1 1 + λ P0V Q0V Q0VP0 (A1) At third order, an example of contributing process is obtained E0 − H0 E0 − H0 by inserting an additional diagonal operator in second posi- 1  tion, which brings the hexagon to another intermediate state −P0V 2 Q0VP0VP0 . 0 (E0 − H0) |1, l i. Because of the last term, the effective Hamiltonian is in gen- eral non-hermitian at third order. In such case, we have taken † the hermitian combination (Heff + Heff )/2. Appendix B: Parameters of the effective Hamiltonians

2. Perturbative processes and Hamiltonians parameters In this appendix, we report the numerical values of the pa- The derived effective Hamiltonians describe the one- rameters in the effective Hamiltonians (7) and (13), up to order magnon excitations above the plateau state. After creating a of J 03. magnon on either an A-site (hexagon) or a B-site (polarized spins), we rewrite the diagonal terms of the effective Hamil- tonian as

ex ex hΨ |Heff |Ψ i = E5/9 − (µex + h), (A2) 1. One-magnon effective Hamiltonian which defines the chemical potential µex corresponding to an excitation on either the A-hexagons or the B-sites. In this ex- The hopping amplitudes of the one-magnon effective ex z pression, |Ψ i is one of the magnon states from (4) or (6), Hamiltonian Hkin [Eq. (7)] in the sector ∆S = −1 are given 14 by The density-density interactions, which contain the dominant two-magnon processes, have the values 0 02 03 tAB,1 = 0.236J + 0.151J − 0.135J , 1 0 02 03 03 UAB = J + 0.311J − 0.155J , tAB,3 = 0.0003J , 3 03 U = 0.013J 02 + 0.139J 03, tAB,3 = 0.007J , BB,1 03 U = 0.237J 02 + 0.401J 03, (B5) tAB,4 = −0.0005J , BB,2 (B1) 02 03 U = −0.026J 02 − 0.014J 03, tBB,1 = 0.0006J + 0.052J , BB,3 02 03 U = 0.076J 03. tBB,2 = 0.07J + 0.141J , AA 02 03 tBB,3 = −0.001J + 0.021J , 03 tAA = 0.038J , Appendix C: Effective spin Hamiltonian

z and the chemical potentials by Using the pseudo-spin operators defined by TI := 1/2 − † − † aI aI and TI := aI , and also using the original spin operators 0 02 03 µA = J + 0.639J − 0.283J , on B-sites, the effective Hamiltonian (15) in the spin repre- (B2) sentation reads 2 0 02 03 µB = J + 0.705J + 0.473J , X xy x x y y z z z 3 Heff = JAB(Si TJ + Si TJ ) + JABSi TJ hiJi 3 X X xy x x y y z z z 2. Two-magnon effective interactions + JBB,r(Si Sj + Si Sj ) + JBB,rSi Sj r=1 hijir X xy x x y y z z z The coupling constants of two-magnon interactions Vint + JAA(TI TJ + TI TJ ) + JAATI TJ [Eq. (13)] are obtained as follows: The assisted hopping pro- hIJi cesses have amplitudes 3 X X X AB;B x x y y z − 2 {Tr (Sj TI + Sj TI )Sk AB;B 02 03 I r=1 hjki ∈ T1 = −0.008J + 0.006J , r I AB;B 02 03 7+ T BB;A(SxSx + SySy)T z} T2 = −0.069J − 0.045J , r j k j k I X X AB;B 02 03 − 2 T BB;B (SxSx + SySy)Sz T3 = 0.017J + 0.022J , r1,r2,r3 j k j k l BB;A 02 03 I jkl∈ I T1 = 0.006J + 0.014J , X X 7 − − + + BB;A 02 03 + γr1,r2,r3 (Sj Sk Sl TI + h.c.) T2 = 0.049J − 0.040J , I jkl∈ I BB;A 02 03 T3 = −0.012J − 0.021J , (B3) X 7z X z − hA TI − hB Si , (C1) BB;B 03 T1,2,1 = 0.055J , I i BB;B 03 T1,2,3 = −0.011J , where the couplings are given by T BB;B = 0.015J 03, xy AB;B AB;B AB;B 2,1,3 JAB = 2(tAB + T1 + T2 ) + T3 , BB;B 03 z T2,2,2 = −0.053J , JAB = Uh,cs, BB;B 03 xy BB;B BB;B BB;A T3,1,2 = −0.002J , JBB,1 = 2(tBB,1 + T1,1,2 + T1,2,3 ) + T1 , z JBB,1 = UBB,1, where the hermiticity imposes that the Bcs parameters satisfy xy BB;B BB;B BB;A T BB;B = T BB;B JBB,2 = 2tBB,2 + 2T2,1,3 + T2,2,2 + T2 , r1,r2,r3 r1,r3,r2 . There are six distinct non-zero pair hop- z pings, JBB,2 = UBB,2, xy BB;B BB;A J = 2tBB,3 + 4T + T , γ = 0.039J 03, BB,3 3,1,2 3 1,1,2 z 03 JBB,3 = UBB,3, γ1,2,3 = −0.01J , xy 03 JAA = 2tAA, γ2,1,1 = −0.07J , z J = UAA, 03 (B4) AA γ2,1,3 = 0.014J , hA = h + µA + 3UAB + 3UAA, 03 γ2,2,2 = 0.094J , hB = h + µB + UAB + 2UBB,1 + 2UBB,2 + UBB,3. 03 γ3,1,2 = −0.008J . (C2) 15

In the MF approximation in Sec. III, we have neglected the uated as small contributions coming from T BB;A (n = 1, 2), for sim- n xy z plicity, (JAB,JAB) = (0.309, 0.488), xy z (JBB:1,JBB;1) = (0.194, 0.152), xy z (JBB;2,JBB;2) = (0.398, 0.638), (C3) and the effective magnetic fields are

hA = h + 0.337,

hB = h + 0.183. (C4) For the J 0 = 1 case, the three strongest couplings are eval-

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