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Dynamical Processes of Interstitial Diffusion in a Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystal

Dynamical Processes of Interstitial Diffusion in a Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystal

Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Dclodlcrystal colloidal 2D systems. model colloidal of diva- studies in microscopic creating for of by avenue dynamics an melting the up local opens create work This can cancies). of one melting (similarly local This creating lattice quickly. to a recover route to possible and severe a window, suggests too time observation are same the lattice in local observed the the not diinterstitials is between for excited sixfold However, thermally reversibly. be configurations can that and lattice balance elastic detailed remains local lattice satisfies the of that indicative behavior is equilibrium This an monointerstitials. for disclinations sym- sixfold emerges a sevenfold defect, the metric and of position five- center-of-mass the of to plotting relative to positions by that, found accumulative found are We the and Diinterstitials monointerstitials. vacancies. measured than of slower constants are those clearly than diinterstitials larger The and significantly . be processes mono- colloidal dynamical 2D both the a of of in video study interstitials using a time of report real in we studied Here be microscopy. can is microscopic defects the these which little of in dynamics system very model Yet convenient defects. a provide these system. microspheres of submicrometer of the processes dynamical colloidal Two-dimensional of detailed the about important known the an play in to expected role are dislo- They edge disclinations. of and and defects vacancies 2019) topological cations 16, of i.e., October states defects, review bound for are point (received interstitials, , 2020 20, (2D) April two-dimensional approved and In MA, Cambridge, University, Harvard Weitz, A. David by Edited a Kim Sung-Cheol crystal a colloidal in two-dimensional diffusion interstitial of processes Dynamical htitrttasmypa rtclrl ntemligo super- of www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1918097117 melting the in role critical of a play properties suggestions may been the have interstitials understanding There that (14). for melting and near absorp- 13) solids acoustic to crystalline (12, of importance understanding metals of the in in been tion e.g., long solids, have of interstitials study the fact, are Near interstitials In of clear. processes. physics The less melting (7). pairs the ther- from excited in indistinguishable mally that essentially roles be expected will important is vacancies melting, it play Thus will (9–11). they edge disclinations defects, topological and of composites , are they as nontrivial of are physics 2D the in change defects may of they how kinds melting. in and various 2D 8) interests of (7, dynamics growing crystals melting the colloidal are the in in There years roles understood. recent their less and mate- are the Young present, real in transition always that However, and are (6). defects apparent confirmed well- (4), been rials, has is the melting Nelson of it via nism and experiments, mecha- continuous (KTHNY) well-controlled Halperin Kosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nelson-Young or In Kosterlitz (3), order by (5). proposed Thouless crys- first unbinding (2D) defect and either of two-dimensional mechanism be a known of topological) can long- melting (or of tal The orientational effects survives. the accumulative order order Nevertheless, the long-range In (2). to (1). true due order temperatures, absent long-range finite is and at rigidity shear two of properties gent C eateto hsc,BonUiest,Poiec,R 02912 RI Providence, University, Brown Physics, of Department ntodmnin,pitdfcs aace,adinterstitials and vacancies, defects, point dimensions, two In uigwihtemn-oysse cursteemer- the acquires system many-body the process symmetry-breaking which spontaneous during a is rystallization | a,1 nesiildefects interstitial ihoYu Lichao , | a,2 diffusion lxnrsPertsinidis Alexandros , | ealdbalance detailed a,3 n isegSa Ling Sean Xinsheng and , 3 2 1 doi:10.1073/pnas.1918097117/-/DCSupplemental. at online information supporting contains article This 4 ulse ne the under Published Submission.y Direct PNAS a is article This interest.y competing the no per- declare wrote authors X.S.L. X.S.L. The and and S.-C.K. A.P., and data; S.-C.K., analyzed research; X.S.L. paper. and designed L.Y., S.-C.K., X.S.L. research; and formed A.P. contributions: Author of made crystals colloidal 2D in a performed was experiment Our Results can One defect–lattice and from determined. interactions. defect emerge can point are behavior a nonequilibrium of lattice how see dynamics the equilibrium the in visualize directly diffuses inter- colloidal an defect fast 2D how stitial a determine that in origins diffusion microscopic The during crystal. defects interstitial in tuations defects point result, of a type this elusive. As of remain (16). processes dynamical techniques the atomic indirect of in details on the defects based point mostly of are studies solids Previous (15). crystals heated h xeietlstpcnb on nrf 17. ref. in found be can setup sepa- experimental constant disk) the lattice thick with a crystal and colloidal coverslip Two thin by potential. (a rated Coulomb substrates screened repulsive silica the fused to due crystal a estimated aque- an (22 The achieve length to 5036). screening deionized Debye No. thoroughly was Scientific ous (Duke microspheres sulfate tutrlBooyPorm eoilSonKteigCne etr e ok NY York, New Center, Cancer Kettering Sloan Memorial Program, Structural 10598.y NY Heights, Yorktown Center, Research Watson J. T. IBM 10065. 02142.y MA Cambridge, LLC, Google owo orsodnemyb drse.Eal Xinsheng Email: addressed. be may correspondence whom To h ealdblnei bydo iltdi h fluctuating the in violated lattice. or a whether in obeyed assess processes is to tool balance direct detailed yet a the providing simple defects, configura- a the time-averaged of propose the tions also visualizing in We method interstitials. powerful of disclina- dynam- processes the and quantifying ical We in dislocations melting. 2D progress in edge significant roles critical demonstrated of play of interstitials to pairs expected are proliferation and They bound tions. vacancies the fact, crystals, by in 2D mediated are, In be dislocations. to edge accepted (2D) widely melting Two-dimensional is melting. of and processes formation microscopic con- the crystal dynamics about information defect essential physics, tain fundamental condensed- and broad In of interest. are materials crystalline in Defects Significance ∼1% eew eotadrc ie mgn td ftelclfluc- local the of study imaging video direct a report we Here ◦ y ) h olia pee,bigngtvl hre,form charged, negatively being spheres, colloidal The C). y qeu upninof aqueous ∼2 ofie h upnint omasingle-layer a form to suspension the confined µm NSlicense.y PNAS a,4 κ −1 ≈ 0. 390 36 y m tro temperature room at nm, a imtrpolystyrene- diameter µm https://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/ ≈ NSLts Articles Latest PNAS 1. .Tedtisof details The µm. [email protected]. | y f7 of 1


1 μm 1 μm


Fig. 1. (A and B) Video images of an isolated (A) mono- and (B) diinterstitial in a 2D colloidal crystal. Red and blue dots indicate 5- and 7-coordinate disclinations. The 5 × 5 diamond region contains nine particles in a perfect lattice but 10 particles when it encloses the core of a monointerstitial. The 4 × 6 diamond has 10 particles when it contains the core of a diinterstitial. (C and D) Delaunay triangulation diagrams of corresponding images in A and B.(C and D, Insets) The Burgers vectors are defined as the displacement between disclinations, from low to high coordinations.

An optical tweezers system with an Ar + (Coherent time, it is a monointerstitial; with less we also find two INNOVA 90; λ = 514 nm) was constructed on an inverted micro- extra particles in that region, a diinterstitial, the main subject of scope (Zeiss Axiovert 135) with a 100× objective (Zeiss Plan this study. Neofluar; N.A. = 1.3, oil immersion). We used rotatable mirrors Direct video imaging of the real-time behavior of the inter- to control the position of the beam so that we can capture a par- stitial diffusion provides unprecedented insights into the micro- ticle and move it across the field of view (∼50 µm × 50µm). The scopic processes of defect dynamics. Fig. 1 shows two represen- real-time images were recorded as videos at a rate of 30 frames tative captured video images and their corresponding Delaunay per second using a monochrome charge-coupled device (CCD) diagrams. The point defects and their configurations are identi- camera (Sony SSC-M370) and a Sony SVO-9500MD recorder. fied by counting the number of particles inside the dashed line The CCD images were captured by a frame grabber (NI-1409) loops. Clearly, by simple counting, one can see a single inter- and analyzed using a particle-tracking algorithm (18). stitial in Fig. 1A and two interstitials in Fig. 1B. This example In our 2D experiment, initially we used optical tweez- shows diinterstitials directly observed in a real experiment. Red ers as a tool for removing impurity particles; mostly two particles dots indicate 5 or fewer coordinate particles and blue dots indi- stuck together irreversibly (by van der Waals ). In the pro- cate 7 or more coordinate particles. Interstitial configurations cess, we discovered that we can drag a “good” particle off its can be viewed as a combination of several bound pairs of 5, 7 lattice site to create a vacancy (17). Furthermore, we found that coordinated disclinations. Being topologically neutral, a point by dragging the particle along one of the three crystalline axes, defect should have no net Burgers vector. The Burgers vectors we can cause a row of several particles to displace, resulting in ~nij (pointing from red dot to blue dot in Fig. 1, Insets) indeed interstitials forming at the other end of the row. Most of the add up to zero in each configuration (7).

2 of 7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1918097117 Kim et al. Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 (DI (DI tial (I interstitial i tal. et Kim (I interstitial ric 2. Fig. 3d I2a DI2a SI G SDI DF A J , DI 2d eanytinuaindarm fmn-additrtta ofiuain.(A–F configurations. diinterstitial and mono- of diagrams triangulation Delaunay 4d ,a , ). DI2 3 ;( ); d 2 ,b F ;(C ); ,adafufl ymti nesiil(I interstitial symmetric fourfold a and ), ;(J ); ,adson wfl ymti nesiil(I interstitial symmetric twofold disjoint a ), ,atoodsmercditrtta ihdsotdltie(DI lattice distorted with diinterstitial symmetric twofold a ), I2 DI2d,a I3 DI3d H K E B 4 ,asltditrtta ( diinterstitial split a (G), diinterstitials; (G–L) ); 2d ,atoodsmercitrtta ihdsotdltie( I lattice distorted with interstitial symmetric twofold a (D), ); 2a ;ad(K and ); oonesiil ( Monointerstitials ) and ,dson hefl n orodsmercdiinterstitials symmetric fourfold and threefold disjoint L), SDI I2d ;(H ); I4 DI2d,b DI4d L I C ,asltitrtta (SI interstitial split a A), and I ,dson wfl ymti diintersti- symmetric twofold disjoint ), 2a NSLts Articles Latest PNAS ;(E ); ,atoodsymmet- twofold a (B), ); ,atreodsymmetric threefold a ), | f7 of 3







B 15 20 25



18 Fig. 3. Trajectories of mono- and diinterstitial defects. (A) Monoin- terstitial trajectory for ∼30 s. (B) Diinterstitial trajectories for ∼10 s. The yellow lines show a triangulation diagram, superimposed on the trajectories a few seconds after the interstitial diffused away 16 from the field of view. Blue circle is starting point of trace and black 36 38 40 42 44 46 dots are centers of interstitial.

Following the standard Delaunay triangulation method (18), observed in Fig. 2 A–F for monointerstitials and in Fig. 2 G–L we first calculate the coordinates of each particle from each for diinterstitials; the notation is adopted from refs. 19 and 20. snapshot, as shown in Fig. 2. Distinct defect configurations are The position of a point defect is defined as the center-of-mass

30 mono-interstitial

) di-interstitial ² m

µ 25



10 di-vacancy mono-vacancy

5 Fig. 4. Time dependence of mean-square dis- placement: mono- and diinterstitial. The mean- square displacement as a function of δt was cal- Mean square displacement ( 0 culated from ∼6-s trajectories. Red and blue lines are linear fits for mono- and diinterstitials, respec- 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 tively, and fits are for δt values of 1 ∼ 3 s. Most diinterstitials move out of the 2D sample region Time (sec) quickly.

4 of 7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1918097117 Kim et al. Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 i tal. et Kim s. 8 over aver- and lags time different with displacements square the direction. its diinterstitial the while 3B lattice, Fig. triangular in 2D a in randomly moves h atc ofiuainfo eunilvdofaefloigta in that following frame video sequential a from configuration lattice The (B) dislocations. (Inset edge “o.” indicate lines red The tions. 5. Fig. described are tracked are movements proce- defect in The the diffusion. in which in diinterstitials by differently and dures behave mono- crystals that is colloidal observation field 2D the first from The away view. colloidal moved interstitial of The the after lattice. obtained colloidal is lattice underlying 3, the Fig. in on shown as superimposed interstitials the of trajectories green time-elapsed the a within disclinations coordinated 2). 7 (Fig. 5, loop all from position CD AB rmtetaetre fmlil nesiil,w calculated we interstitials, multiple of trajectories the From osuytedfuindnmc ftedfcs econstructed we defects, the of dynamics diffusion the study To R (µm) 3 Fig. S1. Fig. Appendix, SI 0 1 2 3 eanytinuaindarmo oonesiilwt h etrmre sa x n h / disclina- 5/7 the and “x” an as marked center the with monointerstitial a of diagram triangulation Delaunay (A) diffusion. interstitial of Dynamics 02468 h ipaeetvector displacement The ) ifssaogacranltieai n edmchanges seldom and axis lattice certain a along diffuses mono-interstitial ie(sec) Time ~ A R fteitrtta sdfie rmxt .(C o. to x from defined is interstitial the of hw htamonointerstitial a that shows tn fmnitrttasi infiatylre hnta of that than larger significantly con- is diffusion monointerstitials that the Surprisingly, than of (21). larger stant divacancies indeed and is mono- interstitials of of constant view diffusion microscopic the the in the disclinations of of out by mean- one explained disappears window. the because be quickly sampling and can diinterstitial enough diinterstitial line of the linear lack of con- between confirm- displacement diffusion discrepancy square 4, are The minor fitting, Fig. linear The walkers. the in from random obtained diinterstitials 10.95 these as are and that which behavior stants, found mono- time their We on both ing dependence type. for linear interstitial lag show each displacements for mean-square them aged speitdi ueia aclto 2) efudthat found we (20), calculation numerical a in predicted As

and R (µm) 0 1 2 3 02468 ± D) 0.04 ~ R s ieframnitrtta n inesiil respectively, diinterstitial, a and monointerstitial a for time vs. R µm 2 and /s di-interstitial D ie(sec) Time di 7 = .53 ± R A 0.05 ihtecne akda an as marked center the with NSLts Articles Latest PNAS µm 2 ,respectively. /s, D | mono f7 of 5 =

APPLIED PHYSICAL SCIENCES A 5-fold disclinations B 7-fold disclinations 3 3 I2 I2 I3 I3 2 I2d 2 I2d I4 I4

1 1 m) m) µ

µ 0 0 y ( y ( −1 −1

−2 −2 mono-i. mono-i. −3 −3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x (µm) x (µm) C 3 D 3 DI2 DI2 DI2d DI2d 2 DI3d DI3d DI4d 2 DI4d

1 1 m) m)

µ 0 µ 0 y ( y ( −1 −1

−2 −2 di-i. di-i. −3 −3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x (µm) x (µm)

Fig. 6. (A and B) Plot of (A) 5- and (B) 7-disclination positions over 8 s, colored by each configuration and centered about the monointerstitial defect core. (C and D) Same plot of particle positions of (C) 5- and (D) 7-coordinate disclinations overlapped on top of the centered defect core of the diinterstitial during 8 s.

diinterstitials. The difference here is much more pronounced For thermally activated processes, the residence time in a par- than the difference between the mono- and divacancies. Note ticular configuration contains the information regarding attempt that the experimental conditions used for the vacancy diffusion rate and activation barrier (23). We estimated the residence study previously (17) were the same as those used in this paper. time of the interstitials to be approximately τmono = 0.04 s for In a 2D colloidal crystal, the grab and release of a colloid particle monointerstitials and τdi = 0.02 s for diinterstitials. (The proce- by the optical tweezers generates the interstitials and vacancies dure is described in SI Appendix, Fig. S2; for more details, see simultaneously. If they are within a few lattice constants, they ref. 24.) recombine and disappear, as described in the previous paper Fig. 5 provides additional insight into the thermally activated (22). But if they are created at more than ∼10 lattice constants dynamics of interstitial diffusion. The fluctuations of the hop- apart, they behave independently and diffuse out of the field of ping distance are shown as a function of time for both mono- and view individually. (The actual 2D region of the colloidal crystal is diinterstitials. Here, we define the center of the interstitial as the approximately five times the field of view.) average position of all fivefold and sevenfold disclinations. The

6 of 7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1918097117 Kim et al. Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 1 .Fe,D .Nlo,D .Fse,Itrttas aace,adsproi re nvortex in order supersolid and vacancies, Interstitials, Fisher, S. D. Nelson, R. D. Frey, E. 11. 2 .S e nenlfito nteitrtta oi ouin fCadOi tantalum. in O and C of solid interstitial the in friction Internal Ke, S. T. 12. C L. DaSilva, L. 10. 4 .H tligr .A ee,Pitdfcsi c rsas tutrs rniinkinetics, transition Structures, crystals: bcc in defects Point Weber, A. T. Stillinger, H. coefficients. F. diffusion 14. atomic Interstitial Zener, C. Wert, C. 13. 5 .V rnt,Itrttac oe o odne atrsae fface-centered-cubic of states matter condensed for model Interstitialcy Granato, V. A. 15. ie ne h aecniin tmeaue oi tegh.As strength). ionic lat- (temperature, same conditions the same in the are under they tice, not preserve though is even locally behavior diinterstitials equilibrium for fluctuations preserved this when However, (25). only (disclina- balance possible defects detailed that is topological symmetry This the by tions). the broken restore over spontaneously order fluctuations was this thermal restore transi- Namely, a cause configurations, time. at which different order fluctuations, between Thermal orientational tions time. the in destroy instant locally given interstitial similar an a with exhibit disclinations sevenfold of behavior. distributions the ftedslnto oain ntefu ifrn configurations different distribution four the the in We in symmetry 2. I locations sixfold Fig. disclination striking in the a configuration of is each of there by coordi- out top that grouped on sevenfold find diffuses core plotted and it defect and five- the shifted (before are of of s interstitials locations 8 of we The disclinations to of view). nated 6, relative period of Fig. a positions field In over disclinations the origin. core sevenfold physical defect and the deeper five- a the anal- missed these plot have However, may (21). diffusion yses defect individual studying diffuse diinterstitials walker. result, random a quasi–one-dimensional As a in behavior. as this displacements confirms core S3 diinterstitial Fig. and a distribution is angular mono- observed The of detailed have diinterstitials. for we A effect what direction. memory that strong previous conclusion the a config- to between of fluctuations leads the memory urations of S3 ) a Fig. Appendix, has (SI it analysis direc- two process if or hopping one as only the tions has diinterstitial of the However, directions diverse. the are monointerstitial the For 4. Fig. to in contrary the result monointerstitials, expect the than would faster one diffuse stochastic, to purely diinterstitials are observa- processes this in the With if distance. shown tion, hopping as smaller and frames, time residence sequential two 5 from Fig. positions center the vector displacement i tal. et Kim .E okye .Esr nreiso on eet ntetodmninlWigner two-dimensional the in defects point of Energetics Elser, visualization V. Direct Bausch, Cockayne, R. A. E. Nelson, R. 9. D. Meinke, H. defects J. Bowick, point J. of M. Lipowsky, energetics P. and 8. configurations Equilibrium Ling, in S. crystals X. colloidal Pertsinidis, paramagnetic A. of melting 7. Two-stage Maret, G. Lenke, R. Zahn, dimensions. K. two in 6. Coulomb vector the and melting. Melting Young, two-dimensional P. A. of 5. Theory Nelson, two- R. D. in transitions Halperin, B. and metastability 4. Ordering, Thouless, J. D. Kosterlitz, M. one- J. in 3. or of Absence Wagner, H. Mermin, D. N. 2. Anderson, W. 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