Alan T. Dorsey

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Alan T. Dorsey ALAN T. DORSEY Dean, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 Email: [email protected] Administrative Appointments 7/1/2012{present Dean, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, University of Georgia 8/16/2009{6/30/2012 Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Univ. of Florida 12/1/2002{6/30/2009 Chair, Department of Physics, University of Florida Academic Appointments 2012{present Professor of Physics (tenured) University of Georgia 1998{2012 Professor of Physics (tenured) University of Florida 1997{1998 Associate Professor of Physics (tenured) University of Florida 1995{1996 Associate Professor of Physics (tenured) University of Virginia 1989{1995 Assistant Professor of Physics (tenure-track) University of Virginia 1987{1989 IBM Postdoctoral Fellow Cornell University Education 1987 Ph.D. Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Advisor: A. J. Leggett (2003 Nobel Laureate, physics) 1984 M.S. Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1982 B.S. Engineering Physics Cornell University Brief Description of Job Duties Alan Dorsey serves as Dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and as a Professor of Physics at the University of Georgia. The University of Georgia, a land- and sea-grant university, is the nation's first state-chartered university. Founded in 1801, the Franklin College is UGA's oldest, largest and most academically diverse college. With 840 full-time faculty in 30 academic departments, the Franklin College consists of five broad divisions: the fine and performing arts, the humanities, the social and behavioral sciences, the biological sciences, and the physical and mathematical sciences. The Franklin College teaches 44% of UGA's student credit hours, and is home to 11,000 undergraduate and 1800 graduate students. Several of UGA's interdisciplinary research institutes are part of the Franklin College, and the faculty of the College carry out forefront research in a broad spectrum of disciplines, with $78M in extramural research expenditures in FY17. As Dean, Dorsey has overall responsibility for the Franklin College's instructional, research, and outreach missions. A theoretical physicist, Dorsey's research focuses on the physics of novel phases of matter produced under extreme conditions, such as low temperatures or high magnetic fields. Active in national professional service, he has served as the Secretary-Treasurer of the American Physical Society's Division of Condensed Matter Physics, as a member or Chair of several national award and prize committees, and as an organizer of scientific meetings. Curriculum Vitae of Alan T. Dorsey: October 2018 2 Fellowships, Awards, and Honors 2014 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. 2011 Fellow, SEC Academic Leadership Development Program. 2002 Fellow, American Physical Society. 2000 Lucent Lecturer, Boulder Summer School for Condensed Matter Physics. 1996 University of Virginia Department of Physics Outstanding Teaching Award. 1991{1995 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow. 1987{1989 IBM Postdoctoral Fellowship, Cornell University. 1986{1987 University of Illinois Fellowship in Physics. 1982 Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society. Professional Activities: American Physical Society (APS) Fellow and Member, American Physical Society. Chair (2011), Selection Committee for the APS Lars Onsager Prize in Statistical Physics. Secretary-Treasurer, Division of Condensed Matter Physics, APS (October 2006{March 2011). Program Committee, 2009 Southeastern Section of the APS (SESAPS) annual meeting (At- lanta, GA). Chair (2008), Vice-Chair (2007), Selection Committee for the SESAPS Jesse W. Beams Award. Chair (2004), Vice-Chair (2003), Selection Committee for the APS Oliver E. Buckley Prize in Condensed Matter Physics. Congressional Lobbying Visits, Washington, DC (June 2004, June 2006, February 2007, February 2008, June 2008, April 2010). Invited participant, \Gender Equity: Strengthening the Physics Enterprise in Universities and National Laboratories," workshop sponsored by the APS and NSF (College Park, MD, May 2007). Program committee, 2006 APS Department Chairs Conference, \Responding to the Gath- ering Storm." Chair, 2005 Local Organizing Committee for the SESAPS annual meeting (Gainesville, FL). Program Committee, 2003 SESAPS annual meeting (Wilmington, North Carolina). Other Professional Activities Fellow and Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science. External Review Committee, Georgetown University Department of Physics (April 2011). Committee of Visitors, Division of Materials Research, National Science Foundation (Febru- ary 2011). National Research Council Research Associateship Program panelist, Physical Sciences (2009{ 2012). Curriculum Vitae of Alan T. Dorsey: October 2018 3 Advisory Board, International Conference on Ultra-Low Temperature Physics (ULT2011), Daejeon, Republic of Korea. International Advisory Committee, International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS 2010), Grenoble, France. Organizing Committee, Supersolids 2010 conference, Paris, France. Organizing Committee, Supersolids Banff 2009 conference, Alberta, Canada. Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme advisory panel, American Institute of Physics (2009). Validation Committee, Florida Teacher Certification Examinations for Physics 6{12 (2008). Invited participant, Rising Above The Gathering Storm Two Years Later: Accelerating Progress Toward A Brighter Future, convocation sponsored by the National Academies and the National Math and Science Initiative, Washington DC (April 2008). Review panelist, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships program (Febru- ary 2005). State University System Department Chairs' Workshop, Institute for Academic Leadership (June 2003, October 2003, October 2004). Co-organizer, International Workshop on the Latest Developments in Low-Density, Low- Dimensional Electronic Systems, Gainesville, FL (March 4{7 2000). Peer Review Panel for projects in the High Temperature Superconductivity and Ceramics Program of the Department of Energy (June 1992). Ad hoc reviewer for Physical Review B, E, and Letters; Journal of Physics; Annals of Physics; Journal de Physique; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Nature; Science; Journal of Math- ematical Physics; European Journal of Applied Mathematics; National Science Foundation; Department of Energy; Research Corporation; Petroleum Research Fund; FOM (Dutch Sci- ence Foundation); Israeli Science Foundation; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Smithsonian Institution. University of Georgia Governance and Service Chair, Dean of the Terry College of Business Search Committee (2013). Member, Reinventing Space Management Task Force (2013). Member, University Council (2012-present). University of Florida Governance and Service Chair, Director of the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences Search Committee (2011- 2012). Chair, Associate Dean for Student Affairs Search Committee (2011). Member, Assistant Director of Sponsored Research Search Committee (2011). Member, College of Education Dean Search Committee (2011). Mentorship trainer, Alliance for the Advancement of Florida's Academic Women in Chem- istry and Engineering, NSF ADVANCE-PAID program (2010). Curriculum Vitae of Alan T. Dorsey: October 2018 4 Member, Director of the UF Career Resource Center Search Committee (2010). Member, College of Education STEM education faculty search committee (2009-2011). Member, College of Engineering Undergraduate Education Task Force (2009). Member, Department of Astronomy Chair Search Committee (2009). Member, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Search Committee (2007-2008). Chair, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Finance Committee (2006-2008). Member, Department of Chemistry Chair Search Committee (2006). Organizer, \Astrophysics in the New Millenium: the Legacy of Newton and Einstein," inau- guration symposium for UF President J. Bernard Machen (2004). Member, UF Research Foundation Professorship Committee (Spring 1999). Member, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Professorial Excellence Program Committee (Fall 1998). University of Florida Departmental Service Chair, Department of Physics, (2002{2009). Co-Director, UF Research Experiences for Undergraduates program (1999{2005). Member, Faculty search committee, experimental condensed matter physics (2000{2001). Chair, Hershfield Tenure and Promotion Committee (Fall 2002). Chair, Maslov Tenure and Promotion Committee (Fall 2000). Member, Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam Committee (Fall 1998{2000). Member, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Committee (Fall 1997{2000). Member, Teaching Advisory Committee (Spring 1998). Chair, Graduate Recruiting and Admissions Committee (Fall 1997{2000). Member, Institute for Fundamental Theory Executive Board (1997{2001). Member, Graduate Student Advisory Committee (Spring 1997, Fall 2000{2003). University of Virginia Departmental Service Member of the following committees: Teaching Committee; Graduate Admissions Commit- tee; Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Committee; Physics Department Planning Committee; Un- dergraduate Program Committee; Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Committee; Faculty Search Committee. Teaching University of Virginia: Introductory Physics I; Classical and Modern Physics; Widely Ap- plied Physics I & II; Quantum Physics I; Statistical Mechanics I & II. University of Florida: Physics with Calculus 2; Mechanics 2; UFTeach Research Methods; Electromagnetic Theory 1 & 2. Curriculum Vitae of
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