Court Layout

Hornby Stadium 81 Buchanans Road Hornby, Ph 342 6800 [email protected]

Also Available

Indoor 8aside T20 Junior T20

Rules Official Indoor Men’s Mixed Junior

Indoor 7aside 6aside Daytime Ladies Junior

Court Bookings Kids Birthday Party’s  Only players in zones 2 or 3 may throw live balls. Start of Play: The game will commence  Live players may hold a ball for no …… Rules of the game, with all the balls lined up in the mid- longer than 10 seconds. You may dle of the court. All players will line pass a ball to team mates. up on the back net with one hand on  If a player places a ball on the ground the net (pulling on the net is not per- they will be eliminated. Team: Consists of 6 players with up to 4 mitted). The umpire will signal the substitutes start by blowing their whistle. Players Zone 3 is the scoring zone then run to the middle to grab one  All live players will be called into Games: consist of two 13 minutes halves ball only. They must then return to zone 3 when either team is down to 1 zone 2 before throwing commences. player. Players: A live player is one that has not The half way line is off side. You  Players will be eliminated if they been eliminated from zones 2 or 3 will be eliminated for standing on or leave the zone. You may however (refer to diagram). over the line. leave the zone to retrieve a ball if you A live ball is one that is travelling have no eliminated players to do this in the direction of the back net. Zones: refer to the diagram. for you. The ball is live if it hits the top or When either team is down to the last side nets. It is also live if the ball player the umpire will stop the game Scoring Points: Once a team has been bounces. and call all live players into zone 3. eliminated a point is awarded to the A player will be eliminated if they The game will then recommence un- non eliminated team. are hit by a live ball in zones 1, 2 til either team has been eliminated. or 3. A player will be eliminated Play will cease at the half or full if they drop or fumble a live ball. Zone 1 is the stand down area time whistle with no points Players must remove themselves awarded. from zones 2 or 3 if they have  Players will enter the stand down been eliminated. area if they have been eliminated from zones 2 or 3. Game Points: If a live player catches a ball on  A player may enter the stand down Win: 3pts, Draw: 2pts, Loss: 1pt, the full without fumbling it then area if no players in their team have the thrower is eliminated and a been eliminated to retrieve balls player from the catches team may  A player can be eliminated if they re-enter play. are retrieving a ball from zone 1.

Any player may substitute after a Zone 2 and 3 are the live areas point has been scored.  Live players must remain in zones 2 or The umpire is the sole judge on 3 unless retrieving a ball or they will eliminations. be eliminated.