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ORNL-EIS-74-28 Oil Annotated ^ibfiiogftapliy o{ the 1973 ^litmtuiie • > 'T j 1 t i/K •V (.'••• • t>-<i - •>> •i * 1 r , , "f« OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY ~ t M rf \V fej OPERMED BY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION FOR THE U-$;AT0fll( ENERGY COMMISSION r > , . • 1 * ' » * « ' T • - • --<-t- r'tA OP.NL-EIS-T't-28 ESD #612 Contract No. W-fk05-eng-26 THERMAL EFFECTS ON AQUATIC ORGANISMS - ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE 1973 LITERATURE Compiled and Edited by j\ Cha/iteA C. Coitfant Environmental Sciences Division Hele.n A. Vfaudn/ieA Information Division Bobbie Nzal ColtieA Information Division This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, com- pleteness or usefulness of any Information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that Its use would not infringe privately owned rights. OCTOBER 1974 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION MASTER INTRODUCTION Scientifically indexed bibliographic information from the 1973 literature on thermal effects on aquatic organisms is presented. The references are arranged alphabetically by first author. The thermal effects literature of this and earlier bibliographies is available for machine searching through the authors or through the AEC Technical Information Center's RECOIf System. This automated file of references indexed and abstracted to highlight the effects of temperature makes it possible to cover the rapidly expanding literature specifically and quickly. Documents in which temperature is a variable or where it is important in the experiment were included. Heat sterilization and laboratory studies that do not relate to the environment were not included. The literature on thermal effects has been reviewed annually for several years in the Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation (JWPCF). The literature indexed herein forms the basis of the review of the 1973 literature assembled for the JWPCF by C.C. Coutant and H.A. Pfuderer. Citation Form The bibliographic data were arranged according to the Environ- mental Information System standard format for computer entry of information.l As a result of computer limitation in indicating superscripts and subscripts in the standard manner, certain conventions have been established in the bibliography: Oen, C.J., N.F. Scllins, and D.K. Trubey, Guide to the General- ized Bibliographic Format for the Environmental Information System, ORNL-EIS-71-3 (February, 1972), 36 p. BLANK PAGE iv l) "X sub t" (X being a variable) means X^ or X subscript t. 2) In chemical compounds and elements, "NaI03" (for example) means NalO^. 3) "10(E+3)" or "X(E-3)" (E denoting exponent) 3 -3 means 10 or X , respectively. M For units of measurement, such as cubic. '3 centimeters or square feet, X3 means X . Indexes Indexes are provided for: l) author, 2) keyword, 3) subject category, k) geographic location, 5) taxon, and 6) title (alphabetical listing of keyword-in-context of the nontrivial words in the title). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Machine processing for this document was done by the Data Processing Center, Information Center Complex (ICC). Faye Fletcher of ICC and Ruth Slusher of the Computer Sciences Di" ision carried out the computer production of this document. The computer programs supporting the composition and indexing for this bibliography constitute a part of the Oak Ridge Computerized Hierarchical Information System (ORCHIS). 2 Brooks, A.A., Oak Ridge Computerized Hierarchical Information System (ORCHIS) Status Report - July 1973, 0RNL-U929 (January, 197*0, 63 p. SAMPLE REFERENCE . kb^tmxct Vocutmnt Title. Publication Vc&uiiption CoH.pon.ate. Authofi Publication Vote Keffner, R .L. ,*»Phytoplanktoi\Dyimmies in the Delaware River EstuaryThefeis, .Millersville State College, U\p.\971, ' 4asters Abs., 53, 109B(1972). MMillersville State College, Millersville, PA) The effect of 3 generating plants on the Delaware River Estuary near Philadelphia was negligible on phytoplankton when the thermal effluents were 3 centigrade degrees above ambient. (HPV Comment: Part of thesis was published by the author in Marine Biology, 29, 102-108(1972) Abit/iactoi'A Initial* 1 <1> <1> <6-» Abbott, R.B., A Nev systesatlcs for Bryozoa . AOams, B.L., W.S. Zaugg, and L.R. HcLain, Aver. Zool,, 12, 71b. "1972.' (Marine Biological Temperature Effect on Parr-Smolt Transformation laboratory, Woods Hole, HA) in Steolheat Trout (SALHO GAIRDHERI) on Heasnred by Gill sodiun-potassiun Stinulated Adenosine Teaperature say control the expression or Triphosphatase. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 94, developaent of astrogenetic grovth phases in 1333-1339. 1973. (Western Fish nutrition five species of coaaon encrnstlng Laboratory, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and cheilostoaate bryozoans and vithin a given Eildlife, cook, WA) grovth phase nlcroenvlronnentnl factors naybe the principal deternlnants of zooid rize and At 6.5 or 10 c there vas a twofold increase proportions. (HP) in Na • K • ATPase and a sharp decrease in coefficient of condition at the beginning of the snolt season in Harch in steelhead trout, <2> i •< SALHO GAIRDNERI. in June the ATPase activity Abeliovich, A., and N. Shilo, Photoxidative returned to pre-snolt level and the Death in Bine-Green Algae. Jour. Bacterlol., coefficient of condition increased to or 3(3), 682-689. 1972. (Hebrew university. above that of the parr. At 15 or 20 C there Department of Htccobiological Cheaistry, vas no Increase in Ha t K * ATPase nor did Jernsalea, Israel) the coefficient of condition decrease during the snolt season. Preliminary test shovod a When incubated in light nnder 100* oxygen, correlation of salt vater survival vith high wild type blue-green algae (AHACYSTI5 Ha • K • ATPase activity. These results HIDULANS, SYNBCHOCOCCUS CBDROROH) die out indicated that in steelhead trout parr-snolt rapidly at temperatures of a to 19 C, end 35 transfornation and subseguent sea vater C (or at 26 C in the case of S. CEDROROrt) in adaptation vere inhibited by vater the absence of C02. Blocking of photosysten ' tenperatures of 15 and 20 c. (HP)(Auth) II at high temperatures in the presence of C02 sensitizes the algae to photooxldatlve death, photooxidatlve death aay be <7> responsible for the sudden decoaposltlon of Adans, H.S., and W. stone. Field Studies on blue-green bloons in suaaer, and nay be a Photosynthesis of CLADOPRORA GLOHERATA factor in tbe absence of blue-green bloons in (Chlcrophyta) in Green Bay, Lake Hichigan. vlnter. (HP) Ecology, 54(4), 853-862. 1973. (Oniversity of Wisconsin, The Institute for Environnental Studies, Departaent of Botany, Hadison, WI) <3> Abrahamsson, S., Fecundity and Grovth of Sone seasonal measurements of photosynthesis in Populations of ASTACUS ASTACUS Llnne in Sweden the algae, CLADOPHORA GLonERATA, suggested vlth Special Regard to Introductions in Northern that relatively vara vater temperatures Sveden. Rep. Inst. Preshvat. Res. Drcthninghola occurred during periods of high productivity. (Sved.), 52, 23-37. 1972. (University of Lund, Lover rates of photosynthesis occurred vhen Departnent of Aninal Ecology Land, Sveden) temperatures vere between 9 and 16 c and higher rates vhen teaperatures vere betveen Breeding of ASTACUS ASTACUS vas confined to 19 and 24 C. Het photosynthetic rates vaters with an average temperature over 3 appeared to decline on days vhen water summer nonths of 15 C. (HP) tenperatures vere above 25 C. (ST) <4> <8> Achituv, r.. The Zonatlon of TETRACHTHAHALOS Adey, W.H., and D.L. HcKlbbin, Studies on the OBLITTERATOS Nevaan, and TETRACLITA SCUAHOSA Haerl Species PHTHATOLITHOH CALCARE3H (Pallas) RUFOTINCTA Pllsbry in the Gulf of Elat, Red sea. Nov. Comb, and LITHOTHAHN10H CORALLOIOES Crouan Jour. Exp. Har. Biol. Ecol. (Heth.), 8, 73-81. in the Ria de Vigo. Botanica Narina (W. Ger.), 1972. (Hebrev Oniversity ot Jerusalem, 13, 100-106. 1970. (O.S. National nuseun, Departaent of Zoology, Jerusalem, Israel) Washington, DC) It vas suggested that the distribution of the Tank deternlned grovth rates of the aaerl barnacle, TBTRACHTHAHAIUS OBLITTERATOS, in species, PHYHATOLITHON CALCAREUH, shoved an the uppermost parts of the aldlittoral zone opttnun betveen 11 and 14 c at 334 and 640 and its greater abundance on south facing lux and LITHOTHAHNIUH CORALLOIDES shoved a slopes reflected its greater tolerance to optimum betveen 9 and 11 C for 334 lux and 9 heat and desiccation than that of TETRACLITA and 12 C for 640 lux. (HP) SQUAHOSA. (ST) <9> <5> Agraval, H.P., Breeding Habits and Early Adair, w.s., Tenperature Effects on Sperm Developaent of a Pulmonate Gastropod LTHNAEA Binding in the Purple sea Urchin ACUMINATA Form Typlca Lamarck. Jour. Zool. Soc. STRORGTLOCEHTROTOS PURPDRATUS (Stimpson) . Amer. India, 23(2), 125-129. 1971. (High Altitude zool., 12, 705. 1972. (California State Field station. Zoology Survay of India, Solan, Oniversity, San Diego, CA) India) Thermal inhibition of fertilization In the Development of the gastropod, LTHNAEA sea urchin, STRONGTLOCENTROTUS PUWPURATUS, ACUMINATA, regulred 10 days at 27 to 31 C. might result from a reduction of available The influence of teaperature on rate of receptor sites on the egg surface due to a developaent vas discussed. (ST) teaperature Induced modification