VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2 (SUMMER 2007) The Superior-Simple Ship Fleet Construct New Era or False Dawn? AIMP Aurora and the Canada First Defence Strategy A New Marine Commando Regiment Why Does Canada Still Need a Navy? VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2 (SUMMER 2007) CANADIAN NAVAL REVIEW I i CANADIAN NAVAL REVIEW VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2 (SUMMER 2007) VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2 (SUMMER 2007) Editorial Board Dr. Edna Keeble, Dr. Danford W. Middlemiss, Vice-Admi- ral (Ret’d) Duncan “Dusty” Miller, Rear-Admiral (Ret’d) David Morse, Dr. Denis Stairs Editor-in-Chief: Peter T. Haydon Editor: Dr. Ann L. Griffiths (Ret’d) Urquhart Lt (N) Ian CNMT Trustee Photo: Assistant Editor: Douglas S. Thomas Subscriptions/Administration Manager: Dave Perry HMCS Sackville in Halifax Harbour. Associate Editors: Dr. Richard Gimblett, Dr. Rob Huebert, Colonel (Ret’d) John Orr, Joseph Varner, Michael Young Graphic Design: Kim s2uared Incorporated Printing: Advocate Printing and Publishing Contents The editorial offices of the Canadian Naval Review are located at Editorial: International COMMAND AND RECOGNITION 2 the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, 6299 South Street, Henry VICE-ADMIRAL DUNCAN MILLER Hicks Building, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Can- ada B3H 4H6 THE SUPERIOR-SIMPLE SHIP FLEET Construct 4 Phone: (902) 494-6846 KEN Fax: (902) 494-3825 Email:
[email protected] NEW ERA OR FALSE Dawn? AIMP Aurora AND THE 8 Website: www.naval.review.cfps.dal.ca Canada First DEFENCE StrateGY JOHN ORR The Canadian Naval Review is published quarterly by the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies (CFPS) at Dalhousie University. It is a A NEW MARINE COMMANDO REGIMENT 15 professional journal examining a wide range of maritime security issues from a Canadian perspective.