Alphabetical Index

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Alphabetical Index Alphabetical Index 3i Group pic 3 Arnold Clark Automobiles Ltd 19 Black & Decker 37 3M UK Holdings PLC 3 Arrows Ltd 19 Black, Peter, Holdings pic 37 600 Group PLC (The) 3 Arthur Lee & Sons pic 19 Black_II, B H, Ltd 38 A Cohen & Co PLC 3 ASD PLC 19 Blagden Industries PLC 38 A F Blekemore & Son Ltd 3 Asda Group pic 19 Blakemore, A F, & Son Ltd 38 A F Budge (Contractors) Ltd 3 Ashley Group PLC 19 Blue Circle Industries PLC 38 A H Philpot & Sons Ltd 4 Ashley, Laura, Holdings pic 19 BM Group PLC 39 A Heald Ltd 4 Assi Forest Industry Holdings Ltd 20 BMW (GB) Ltd 39 A Oppenheimer & Co Ltd 4 Associated British Foods pic 20 BNB Resourcas PLC (formerly A T Mays Ltd 4 Associated British Ports Holdings Charles Barlter PLC) 39 MH Holdings pic 4 PLC 20 Boase Massimi Pollitt pic 40 AB Electronic Products Group PLC 4 Associated Container Transportation BOC Group pic {TlIe) 40 ABB Kant (Holdings) pic 4 (Australia) Ltd 21 BOCM Silcock Ltd 40 Abbey National pic 5 Associated Electrical Industries Ltd 21 Boddington Group PLC {TlIe) 41 Abbey pic 5 Associated Fisheries PLC 21 Booker pic 41 Abbott laboratories Ltd 5 Astac (BSR) PLC (formerly BSR Boot, Henry, & Sons PLC 41 Abbott Mea.d Vickers PLC 6 International PLC) 21 Boots Company PLC 41 Abu Dhabi Petroleum Company Ltd 6 Astra Holdings PLC 22 Borden (UK) Ltd 42 Acatos & Hutcheson pic 6 ASW Holdings PLC 22 BorthWicks pic 42 Access 6 Atkinson, T, & Son (Com Merchants) Borzo Investments PLC 42 ACT Group pic 6 Ltd 22 Bosch, Robert, Ltd 43 Adams Foods Ltd 7 ATOCHEM UK Holdings Ltd 22 Bowater pic 43 ADT Ltd (formerly Hawley Group Ltd) 7 Attock 011 Company Ltd (The) 23 Bowmer & Kirltland Ltd 43 AdweSI Group PLC 7 Attwoods PLC 23 Bowring, C T, & Co Ltd 43 Aegis Group pic 7 Austin Knight Ltd 23 Bowthorpe Holdings PLC 44 Agfa-Gevaert Ltd 8 Autobar Group Ltd 23 BP Chemicals Ltd 44 Air Products PLC 8 Automated Sacunty (Holdings) PLC 23 BPPLC 50 Airlines of Britain Holdings PLC 8 Avdel pic 24 BPB Industries pic 44 Airtours pic 8 Avis Europe Ltd 24 Brake Bros PLC 45 Akzo Chemicals Holdings Ltd 9 Avon Cosmetics Ltd 24 Brammer pic 45 AI-Bank AI-Saudi AI-Alaml Ltd 247 Avon Rubber pic 24 Brent Walker Group PLC (The) 45 Albert Fisher Group PLC (The) 9 B Elliott pic 25 Brioom Group {TlIe) 46 Albright & Wilson Ltd 9 B H Blackwell Ltd 25 Bridgewater Paper Company Ltd 46 Alcoa Manufacturing (GB) Ltd 9 BMpic 25 BRlooN pic 46 Alexander Proudfoot PLC (formerly Babcock International Group PLC 25 Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Ltd City & Foreign Holdings PLC) 10 Bailey, N G, Organisation Ltd {TlIe) 25 (formerly Bristol-Myers Co Ltd) 47 Alexanders Discount pic 10 Baird, William, PLC 26 Bristol-Myers Squibb Alexan Group PLC 10 Baltour Beatty Ltd 26 Pharmacauticals Ltd 47 Alta-Laval Co Ltd 10 Bamford, J C, Excavators Ltd 26 Britannia Refined Metals Ltd 47 Alfred Marlts Bureau Ltd 10 Bank of England 27 Britannic Assurance PLC 47 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd 10 Bank of Scotland 27 British Aerospaca PlC 48 Alfred McAlpine PLC 10 Banks, Sidney C, pic 27 British Airways Pic 48 Allied Colloids Group PLC 10 Banque Nationale de Paris PLC 27 British Alcan Aluminium pic 48 Allied Dunbar Assurance pic 11 Barclays PlC 28 British Arkady (Holdings) Ltd 49 Allied Mills Ltd 11 Bardon Group PlC 28 British Coal Corporation 49 Allied Partnership Group Pic Barlngs pic 28 British Credit Trust Ltd 49 (Formerly Allied Plant Group Pic) 11 Barr & Wallace Arnold Trust PlC 29 British Fuels Group Ltd 49 Allied Textile Companies PLC 11 Barratt Developments PLC 29 British Gas pic 49 Allied-Lyons PLC 11 Barrett, Henry, Group PLC 29 British Gypsum Ltd 50 Alusuisse-lonza (UK) Ltd (formerly Barretts & Baird (Holdings) ltd 30 British Nuclear Fuels PLC 50 Alusulsse (UK) Ltd) 12 BASF pic 30 British Olivetti Ltd 50 Amalgamated Foods Ltd 12 Bass PLC 30 British Petroleum Company piC {TlIe) 50 Amalgamated Metal Corporation PLC 13 BAT Industries pic 31 British Polythene Industries PLC 51 Amdahl (UK) ltd 13 Batleys pic 31 British Railways Board 51 AMEC pic 13 Bayer UK Ltd 32 British Shoe Corporation Ltd 51 Amerada Hess Umited 14 BBA Group PLC 32 British Steel piC 51 American Distributors PLC 14 Beazer PLC 32 British Sugar pic 52 Amersham International pic 14 Bejam Group PlC 33 British Telecom 52 AMI Healthcare Group pic 14 Bellway PLC 33 British Telecommunications pic 52 Amstrad pic 15 Ben Johnson & Co Ltd 33 British nssues Ltd 53 Anchor Foods Ltd 15 Ben Una Group Ltd 33 British Vita PLC 53 Anderson Group PLC (formerly Benjamin Priest Group pic 33 Broseley Estates Ltd 53 Anderson Strathclyde PLC) 15 Berg, V, a Sons 33 Brown a Jackson PLC 53 Andrew Weir a Co Ltd 15 Berisford Intematlonal pic (formerly Brown & Root (UK) Ltd 54 Anglesey Aluminium Umited 15 saw Berlsford PLC) 33 Brown a Tawse Group PlC 54 Anglla Television Group PLC 16 Berkeley Group PLC (The) 34 Brown, John, PLC 54 Anglian Water PLC 16 Bemard Matthews PLC 34 Brown, N, Group pic 54 Anglian Windows Ltd 16 Best Travel Ltd 34 Bryant Group pic 55 Anglo Leasing pic 16 Bestway (Holdings) Ltd 34 BSE-GENEX Co ltd 55 Anglo United piC 17 BET Public Umited Company 34 B.S.G. International pic 55 Appleyard Group PLC 17 BhS pic 35 BSS Group PLC 56 APV pic 17 Bibby Edible Oils 35 BT 52 Argos pic 17 Bibby, J, & Sons PLC 36 BTP PLC 56 Argyll Group PLC 18 BICC pic 36 BTR pic 56 Arlington Sacuritles PLC 18 Billington, Edward, & Son Ltd 36 Budlge, A F, (Contractors) Ltd 57 Armstrong Equipment Ltd 18 Birse Group PLC 37 Budgens piC 57 Armstrong World Industries Ltd 18 Blwater Ltd 37 Bullough pic 57 319 INDEX: Alphabetical Bulmer, H P, Holdings PLC 58 Cook, 0 C, Hoidings pic 78 EniChem Elastomers Ltd 102 Bunge & CO Ltd 58 Cook, William, PLC 79 Enterprise Oil pic 102 Bunzl pic 58 Cookson Group pic 79 Entores Ltd 103 Burgess, Frederick H, PLC 59 Coombe Farm Foods Hoidings Ltd 79 Equitabie Ufa Assurance SOCiety Burmah Castrol pic 59 Cooperative Bank PLC (The) 79 (The) 103 Burnett, Leo, Ltd 60 Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd 60 Equity & Law Ufe Assurance SOCiety Burton Group pic (The) 60 Coopers Holdings Ltd 80 pic 103 Burtons Gold Medal Biscuits Ltd 61 Cornhlll Insurance PLC 80 ERF (Holdings) pic 103 C & J Clark Ltd 61 COrnwell Parker plc (formerty Parker Erskine House Group PLC 104 C E Heath PLC 81 Knoll pic) 80 ESS-FOOD Danepak Ltd 104 C J Lang & Son Ltd 61 COrton Beach PLC 81 Esso UK pic 104 C T BowrIng & Co Ltd 61 Costaln Group PLC 81 Etam PLC 105 C Walker & Sons (Holdings) Ltd 61 Courage Ltd 81 European Grain & Shipplng Ltd 105 Cabie and WIreless pic 61 Courtaulds Coatings (Hoidlngs) Eurotherm International PLC lOS Cabra Estates PLC 61 Limited 81 Evans Halshaw Holdings pic 105 Cabra Estates PLC (formerly Conrad Courtaulds pic 82 Evered Bardon pic 106 Hoidings PLC) 61 Courtaulds Textiles PLC 82 Evode Group pic 106 Cadbury Schweppes pic 62 Courts (Furnishers) PLC 83 Exco International p.l.c. 106 Cattyns PLC 62 Cowie, T, PLC 83 Expamet International PLC 107 Calor Group pic 62 CPC (United Kingdom) Ltd 83 Express Newspapers PLC 107 Cambridge Electronic Industries pic 63 Cravan Supply Ltd 83 Exxon Chemical Ltd 107 Cameron Iron Works Ltd 63 Cray Electronics Holdings PLC 84 F A Hendy & Lennox (Holdings) Ltd 107 Camford Engineering PLC 63 Crest Nicholson PIc 84 Famco Holdings Ltd 108 Campbell Foods PLC 63 Croda International Pic 84 Farnell ElectroniCS PLC 108 Canning, W, plc 84 Croudace Ltd 85 Favor Parker Ltd 108 Cannon Street Invastments PLC 84 Crown House Engineering Ltd 85 Fenner PLC 108 Canon (UK) Ltd 84 Cummins Engine Co Ltd 85 Fenwick Ltd 108 Caparo Industries Pic 84 Cyanamid of Great Britain Umited 85 Ferguson International Holdings PLC 109 Cape PLC 85 Czamikow Holdings Ltd 85 Ferrsnti International pic 109 Capital & Counties pic 85 o B Marshall (Newbridge) Ltd 86 Fiat Auto (UK) Ltd 109 Caradon PLC 85 D C Cook Holdings plc 66 Figgis, S, & Co Ltd 110 Carclo Engineering Group PLC 66 Dae Woo Industrial Co (UK) Ltd 66 Flna pic (formerly Petrofina (UK) Ltd) 110 Cargill UK Ltd 66 Dagenham Motors Group PLC 86 Fine Art Developments pic 110 Cartsberg Brewery Ltd 86 Dally Mall & General Trust PLC 66 Finlay, James, PLC 110 Carlton Communications PLC 66 Dally Telegraph pic (The) 66 First Leisure Corporation PLC 111 Carter, R G, (Hoidings) Ltd 67 Daigety PLC 87 First National Finance COrporation Case, J I, Europe Ltd 67 Dana Hoidings Ltd 87 pic 111 Cater Allen Holdings PLC 87 Danish Baoon Co plc 87 Fisher, Albert, Group PLC (The) 112 Caterpillar (UK) Ltd 87 D'Arcy & Masius Benton & Bowles 87 Fisons pic 112 Cattle·s (Holdings) p.l.c. 68 Davenport Vernon PLC 66 Fitch Lovell PLC 113 CBS United Kingdom Ltd 68 David S Smith (Holdings) PLC 66 FKlpIc 113 COP Europe Ltd 68 Davies & Newman Holdings PLC 88 FKI pic (formerty FKI Babcock PLC) 113 CEF (Holdings) Ltd 68 Davis, Godfrey, (Holdings) Pic 88 Food Manufacturers (GB) Co Ltd 114 CEI 63 Davy Corporation pic 88 Ford Motor Company Ltd 114 Cantral Independent Television pic 68 Dawson International PLC 89 Ford Sellar Morris Properties PLC 114 Cantury Oils Group PLC 69 De La Rue Company PLC (The) 89 Foster Wheeler Ltd 114 Cares (UK) Ltd 69 DEC 91 FR Group pic 115 CH Industrials PLC 69 Delta pic 90 Frederick H Burgess PLC 115 Channel Four Television Co Ltd 69 Deminex UK Oil and Gas Ltd 90 Friends' Provident Ufe OffIce 115 Charles Church Developments PLC 70 Dewhirst Group pic 90 Fuerst Day Lawson Holdings Ltd 115 Charter Consolidated PLC 70 Dexlon Group pic 91 Furness Withy & Company Ltd 116 Charter Group Ltd 70 Diggar Umited 91 Fyffes Group Ltd 116 Chartered WestLB Limited 70 Digital Equipment Co Ltd 91 G Modiano Ltd 116 Charterhall PLC 70 Diploma PLC 91 G W Padley (Holdings) Ltd 116 Chivas Brothers Ltd 71 Dixons Group pic 92 GA Group Ltd 116 Chloride Group PLC 71 Dobson Park Industries pic 92 Gallaher Ltd 116 Christlan Selvesen PLC 71 Doctus PLC 92 Galliford pic 116 Christies International pic 71 OoIlond & Aitchison Group PLC 93 Gateway Corporation PLC (The) 117 Chrysalis Group pic 71 Douglas, Robert M, Holdings PLe 93 GEe 118 Church, Charles, Developments PLC 72 Dow Chemical Co Ltd 93 Geest PLe 117 CIA Group PLC 72 Dow Coming Ltd 93 General Accident Fire and Ufe CIBA-GEIGY PLC 72 Dowty Group PLC 94 Assurance Corporation p.l.c.
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