


!Present:!Peter!Jones! !Andy!Looke!! Jane!Barker!! Peter!Van!Dyk!! Elliot!Payzant! Mary!Jane!Rodger! Donna!Crossland! Will!Martin! ! Jillian!Weldon!Genge!(DNR)! ! Apologies:!Royce!Forde,!Katie!McLean,!Angelika!Waldow.! ! 1.'Introductions'' ! 2.'Approval'of'minutes'from'last'meeting' ! MOTION:!Peter!Van!Dyk!moved!to!approve!the!minutes!from!December!7th!2015.!Seconded!by!Tommy! Lutz.!CARRIED.!! ! 3.'Current'Harvests' ! Northern!Pulp!(NP)!has!completed!the!Northfield!and!Salmon!Lake!blocks.!As!the!firewood!yard!on! Mount!Merritt!Road!is!not!ready!to!hold!!yet,!the!Conway!Workshop!agreed!to!take!200!cords! straight!away.!! ! For!the!hardwood!that!will!not!be!accounted!for!by!the!Friends!of!Keji!contract!or!the!Conway! Workshop!(and!possibly!Parks!Canada),!the!ops!committee!had!recommended!selling!to!the!local! communities,!with!a!discount!for!members!of!the!MCFC.!Work!had!already!started!on!upgrading!the! Mount!Merritt!site!for!the!yard,!and!construction!of!the!shed!is!due!to!begin!at!the!end!of!the!week.!A! gate!is!still!needed.!Firewood!will!need!to!be!cut!and!split!soon!as!we!have!it!to!start!seasoning!it.!All! hardwood!is!being!scaled!by!DNR!and!tracked!with!road!slips.! ! It!will!be!interesting!to!compare!the!actual!harvest!volumes!on!these!blocks!with!estimates!from!initial! cruise!data.!It!was!felt!that!there!will!be!some!discrepancies!because!some!of!the!blocks!had!to!be! tweaked,!but!it!seemed!like!the!estimates!had!been!fairly!realistic.! ! A!new!online!tool!(Crown!Land!Products!and!Sales!(Crown!LPS))!has!been!developed!by!DNR!to!allow! tracking!of!volumes!of!all!products!(except!for!hardwood)!to!mills.! ' 4.'Management'Plan' ! Mary!Jane,!Peter!Jones!and!Will!have!been!moving!forward!with!the!management!plan!and!are!still!on! track!to!have!a!completed!draft!by!the!end!on!27th!January.!The!modeling!work!being!carried!out!by!DNR! won’t!be!complete!till!February.!The!GIS!work,!being!done!by!ACCDC!is!almost!complete.!DNR!have!now! confirmed!that!we!will!be!able!to!claim!additional!administrative!costs!associated!with!the!management! plan!for!the!current!harvest.!! ! Key!Dates:!! ! •!February!18:!2nd!draft!available!for!Board!of!Directors!to!Review! •!March!1:!DNR!to!review,!with!target!for!approval!by!the!end!of!March! •!April!15:!Plan!posted!for!public!review! •!April!23:!Discussion!at!AGM! • May!6:!Deadline!for!public!comment! ! The!board!will!be!able!to!review!some!text!chapters!as!they!are!being!written!to!avoid!having!to!review! the!whole!document!at!once.!The!goal!is!that!the!plan!will!be!a!consultation!framework!for!the!next!two! years!and!will!not!really!be!closed!for!comments.!At!the!end!of!the!MCFC!pilot!phase,!a!new!long!term! plan!will!be!completed.!This!plan!should!outline!where!the!MCFC!is!and!how!the!board!makes! management!decisions.!!We!should!ensure!that!he!Mi’kmaq!community!is!given!plenty!of!time!for! consultation!on!the!plan.! !! 5.'Stakeholder'meeting' ' So!far,!14!people!have!indicated!that!they!will!attend.!Agenda!for!the!afternoon:! • Give!stakeholders!an!update!using!the!evaluation!framework! • Short!presentation!on!description!of!forest!by!Alain!Belliveau!(GIS)! • PTA!process!and!maps!(Mary!Jane)! • Management!plan!update!(Will)! • Discussion!to!establish!what!stakeholders!need!to!stay!engaged,!and!what!our!goals!and! objectives!for!the!next!year!should!include! ! We!still!have!no!confirmation!of!our!Mi’kmaq!board!seats!being!occupied,!or!Mi’kmaq!members!on!the! stakeholder!group,!but!relationships!are!continuing!to!develop!with!the!Mi’kmaq!community.!Will!and! Mary!Jane!have!a!meeting!with!the!KMK!next!week!in!Millbrook.!Identifying!stands!of!mature!White! Birch!for!Mi’kmaq!canoe!building!and!crafts!should!be!included!in!cruise!guidelines.! ! 6.'Budget'for'2016'and'updated'financial'forecast' ' Peter!Jones!presented!the!budget!for!the!coming!year,!including!any!assumptions!made!such!as!species! breakdown!(80%!softwood,!20%!hardwood!`!same!as!first!tender),!and!firewood!sales;!income!from!! selling!firewood!outside!of!the!FoK!and!Conway!contracts!does!not!include!the!added!value!that!would! be!gained!by!cutting!and!splitting.! ! Other!points!of!clarification:! • The!DNR!grant!does!not!include!the!admin!fee!gained!by!having!a!management!plan.!This!is! deducted!from!stumpage!costs!in!the!expenses.! • We!will!achieve!one!of!the!goals!in!our!agreement!with!DNR!to!pay!back!the!full!grant!amount!in! wood!sales!in!our!first!year!of!operations.! • Harvesting!costs!will!need!to!be!adapted!as!we!go!along.! • The!budget!includes!hiring!a!summer!student!(without!grant!aid)! • Some!areas!are!left!blank!where!income!is!unclear,!such!as!private!land!services!and!sublicense! fees.! ! Discussion:!! We!should!maintain!a!figure!of!around!$60,000!of!available!cash!to!allow!for!paying!contractors/big! expenses.!There!shouldn’t!be!any!“pinch!points”!in!our!first!year.!Mary!Jane!is!due!to!meet!with! operations!committee!to!look!at!!needs.!It!may!also!be!possible!to!access!some!silviculture! funding!via!the!DNR!Western!Region!budget.!!! In!future!years,!it!would!be!easier!to!profit!more!by!harvesting!wood!with!our!own!harvesting!crew.! Peter!will!supply!the!Board!with!actual!expenses!and!income!as!we!move!through!the!year.! ! MOTION:!Peter!Jones!moved!to!accept!the!budget!as!presented.!Seconded!by!Elliot!Payzant.!CARRIED' ' 7.'AGM:' The!MCFC!will!be!on!Saturday,!April!23rd.! Turnover!on!the!board!is!staggered,!and!six!Board!seats!will!become!available.!Current!Board!due!to! stand!down!should!consider!whether!they!wish!to!stand!for!re`election,!and!the!Board!should!also!start! seeking!members!who!may!wish!to!run!for!election!onto!the!Board.!! It!is!a!good!time!to!solicit!for!new!members,!and!also!we!should!seek!to!involve!more!members!at!large! for!our!committees,!as!at!the!moment!they!are!largely!populated!by!board!members.! ! 8.'Adjournment'

Medway Community Forest Cooperative February 22, 2016

Present: Mary Jane Roger Will Martin Katie McLean Jane Barker Angelika Waldow Peter Jones Andy Looke Elliot Payzant Jim Crooker

Absent: Tommy Lutz Donna Crossland Royce Ford Peter Van Dyk

1. Introductions

2. Approval of the minutes

MOTION Jim Crooker motioned to approve the amended minutes of the January 19, 2016 meeting. Seconded Peter Jones. CARRIED.

3. Operations Update

Harvest operations delayed until road conditions improve. Stave Lake has been begun. A road closure will be going into effect Sunday however, the Stave Lake Rd is not included. Conditions will need to improve before heavy machinery uses the road. Some damage has happened on road, we may need to ask Northern to do repairs.

DNR internal audit took place last Thursday. Some issues were identified with the crew and corrective action had taken place the following day. As we move forward we should consider having a formalized process for MCFC internal audits in order to mitigate these types of issues.

20,000 tonnes of wood submitted for IRM review approximately 2 weeks ago; still awaiting feedback. MJ will follow up shortly.

We are able to receive silviculture funding for Salmon Lake area still awaiting rate confirmation from DNR.

Called TIR re: Mount Merritt Road closure and firewood yard. At this point it does not appear that it will be a problem, TIR is open to working with MCFC.

Volume of delivered wood to date is about 1676 tonnes, PTA identified about 2000 tonnes. There is a load of wood still sitting roadside, but we will likely be under the estimated volume.

Conway Workshop has received approximately 122 cords of hardwood fuelwood.

4. Firewood

Yard has been completed. MCFC will receive one load of dry logs in exchange for green to compensate for lack of dry wood. Need to identify someone to process dry wood on the Albany New road. Unexpected early road closures may be an issue; we will need to wait until roads are open to get wood out. We currently only have about 4-5 loads of dry wood available for processing, none of which is currently in the yard. The park currently has enough wood to carry them into June. Should line up a processor to be ready to work as soon as road opens.

Once firewood is processed and bundled we need to consider how it will be covered; tarps and pallets for under are simple option.

Jane has asked for a quote for a sign for the yard. MJ will develop a draft design.

5. Management Plan

Plan is slightly behind schedule, but should be completed in time. Several sections are ready, others need to be drafted. Modelling will not be completed by DNR until April; DNR is currently competing a new inventory with far better data that is not yet available. We may be able to put out a draft without that information. It appears that we will not need to change a large number of parameters from the scenarios developed for the provincial timber objective to meet MCFC objectives.

ACTION Introduction and Forest Description section has been posted for Board Review. Board is asked to review and submit comments by Feb. 29, 2016. High-level comments, at this stage to conserve time we are not copy editing.

6. Outreach Committee Updates

Notes from the February 17 meeting have been posted to Base Camp. Topics arising included:

Upcoming outreach opportunities

Western Woodlands Conference, March 5, will set up table/displays; RPF Conference Truro, March 10/11, will set up display and MJ speaking; Invitation extended from Privateer Farmers Market, Liverpool, to have a table. Is there a Board member who could volunteer time to man the table/display?

Membership incentive- Need to identify some type of value added product, service or discount that will entice community members to become paying members. Wreaths would be a relevant product for the winter; ideally we would find local producers

Press Releases- A release should be put out well in advance of the public comment period for the management plan in March and circulated broadly to ensure members of the public are

aware that they are invited to contribute information and to participate in the AGM. The outreach committee will be responsible for this action.

Potential guided hike, public outreach event- Outreach Committee to plan. Site scouted today.

Forest Lab workshop/training- There is potential to work with Forest Lab to offer a workshop for woodlot owners, harvesting contractors, etc. on identification wood for special value products/items; Workshop opportunity could be announced/circulated at Western Crown Mersey Woodland Spring Info session. Meeting set up with Amanda Lavers this Thursday re: training opportunities/capacity building and opportunities arising from Forest Lab initiative.

Firewood Advertising- Jane will look into FSC labelling rules and requirement; Potential label design features include MCFC logo, FSC logo, text re: sustainable harvesting, harvested within 15 km of the park; MJ will look into options for materials for printing labels. Recommended that we discuss with Jillian re: process for using FSC brand and issues related to chain of custody.

7. Annual General Meeting

April 23 meeting- need to decide how we want to structure and what we want to achieve.

One component will include soliciting feedback on management plan/sections that are prepared. Recommended to include time for consulting of AGM content and receiving feedback.

Presentation from Alain of .

Presentation with focus on NTFP. Encourage people to come forward with proposals for managing land for non-timber values. Look for individuals working in related business.

Presentation about realities of operating on Crown Land from contractors perspective? Perhaps would fit better for a field day.

Seek First Nations representation or presentation on current initiatives.

MJ to book Caledonia Fire Hall.

ACTION Outreach Committee to meet re: AGM planning, Will to support with soliciting presenters- a post will be made to Base Camp and with AGM facilitators.

Mileage and lunch to be covered.

MOTION Angelika Waldow moved that speakers invited to AGM be offered mileage and provided with lunch and a gift valued at $50 maximum. Seconded Andy Looke. CARRIED.

8. Board Transition

Six Board members will need to re-offer at the upcoming AGM. (Will, Jim, Andy, Jane, Elliot, Peter J.). A nomination package will need to be prepared with all interested nominees.

MJ will put out an announcement asking for nominations in advance of the AGM. Nominees will be vetted and required to submit a bio. Board should aim to vet candidates at next board meeting (March 22).

9. Financial Report, Peter Jones

Budget vs Actual to January 31, 2016 presented and reviewed. Noted that a number of expenses have not yet been paid. We are currently below budgeted production, but planning to be on track by year end.

MOTION. Peter Jones moved for the acceptance of the financial report as presented. Seconded Jane Barker. CARRIED.

10. Capacity- to discuss at a future date

11. Strategic plan- to discuss at a future date

12. Planning to hire a summer student. MJ and Peter to draft a job description. Need to decide how to advertise. Hiring process needs to be determined, MJ to lead.

13. MJ Work Plan- will post to Base Camp

14. Adjournment

April 23 2016 AGM Minutes

Medway Community Forest Co-operative 2nd Annual General Meeting Saturday April 23, 2106, 2:00 PM North&Queens&Firehall&

Board Members Present: Katie McLean (Secretary) Angelika Waldow Will Martin (Chair) Peter Van Dyk Peter Jones (Treasurer) Donna Crossland Jim Crooker Jane Barker Elliot Payzant (Vice-chair) Mary Jane Rodger (MCFC Manager)

1. Will Martin called the meeting to order at 2:00PM and presented the agenda

MOTION Peter Jones moved to accept the agenda as presented. Seconded Peter Van Dyk. CARRIED

2. Approval of the minutes of the April 18, 2015 AGM Minutes

Katie McLean presented the minutes of the 2015 AGM.

MOTION Katie McLean moved to approve the minutes from the March 22, 2016 board meeting as presented. Seconded Jim Crooker. CARRIED

2. New Members

Will Martin reviewed a list of new members of the MCFC.

3. Financial Report

Peter Jones presented the financial report, including an unaudited financial statement (see attachment), 2015 Statement of income and retained earning, and a 2016 budget.

It was noted that harvest began in 2016 and is therefore not reflected in earnings from 2015.

Will Martin added that the MCFC has made more progress than was initially predicted in terms of generating revenue beyond grant money. It was also noted that it is important to recognize that after 2016 the DNR grant money will have been paid out in full.

Question as to whether we are planning to apply to future grants? There are challenges for doing so as a for profit entity. Some small specific opportunities may exist, but the plan is not to depend on grants to maintain operations.

Question as to whether it seems realistic to sell the 23,000 tonnes in 2016.

MOTION Peter Jones moved the acceptance of the financial report as presented. Seconded Peter Van Dyk. CARRIED

April 23 2016 AGM Minutes

4. Adoption of the by-laws

Will Martin presented the draft final by-laws. Key points include spending of dividends, composition of Board, use of general reserve funds/approval of spending.

MOTION. Peter Van Dyk moved that:

Whereas the Medway Community Forest Cooperative Ltd. must adopt by-laws to guide its operational activities and governance, and

Whereas MCFC by-laws have been circulated to the membership during this annual general meeting for review, and

Whereas the membership should have adequate time to provide comment on the by-laws,

Be it resolved that the By-laws of the MCFC shall be approved in principle, and that a 30 day comment period will follow this AGM, after which a documented response to all comments and final set of by-laws will be posted on the MCFC website, and final adoption of the MCFC By- laws may be made by special ballot to be circulated to the membership electronically.

Seconded Elliot Payzant. CARRIED

Questions from the floor: Will they be sent to Registry of Joint Stocks for final approval?; yes. Does the quorum of 20 people include electronic votes; yes.

5. Adoption of the Management Plan

MOTION Peter Jones moved:

Whereas the MCFC must establish a management plan for the area of Crown land for which it holds a Forest Utilization License Agreement, and

Whereas, the intention is for this management plan to be based on a high level of public and stakeholder participation, and

Whereas the members of the MCFC ultimately have the authority to approve any management plan,

Be it resolved that the MCFC Management Plan shall be approved in principle, and that a 30 day comment period will follow notice and posting of a completed Draft Management Plan, after which a documented response to all comments and final Management Plan will be posted on the MCFC website, and final adoption of the MCFC Management Plan may be made by special ballot circulated to the membership electronically.

Seconded Jim Crooker. CARRIED.

It was noted that consultation window will not start until the document is circulated. This will be done after the models are available and final section completed.

April 23 2016 AGM Minutes

6. Board seats for directors representing Mi’kmaq interests

MOTION Jane Barker moved:

Whereas the MCFC By-laws stipulate that two Board seats are for Directors representing Mi’kmaq interests, and

Whereas, the MCFC is still developing relationships with Mi’kmaq communities who may have an interest in this community forest, and

Whereas no members who may appropriately represent Mi’kmaq interests on the MCFC Board have yet agreed to stand for nomination,

Be it resolved that the MCFC may elect 6 members at large in order to maintain a 12 person Board, and that the 2 seats identified for Directors representing Mi’kmaq interests remain open and available to be appointed by the Board at any time when members are identified who can appropriately represent Mi’kmaq interests on the Board.

Seconded Angelika Waldow. NOT CARRIED. AMMENDED (1 vote against)

Clarification- the above motion could result in a 14 person Board.

Question as to whether MCFC was activity seeking individuals to fulfill Mi’kmaq seats; yes- this is in progress. Suggested that we could amend by-laws to have a 14 person Board and leave 2 vacancies. As stated could be perceived as uninviting. Discussion surrounding potential amendments to both motion and by-laws.

AMENDMENT Peter Jones. Be it resolved that the MCFC may allow a 14 person Board, leaving 2 seats for Directors representing Mi’kmaq interests open until members are identified who can appropriately represent Mi’kmaq interests on the Board.Seconded Amanda Lavers. CARRIED. (1 abstention)

Suggestion to amend bylaws to include 14 person Board with 6 members at large.

7. Nominations

Will Martin on behalf of the MCFC gave thanks to the three members who are not re-offering: Tommy Lutz, Elliot Payzant, Jim Crooker.

Elliot Payzant presented the candidates: Board Members for re-election: Jane Barker, Andy Looke, Will Martin, Peter Jones New members: John Theriault, George Uhlman

MOTION Elliot Payzant moved that all 6 nominees be elected: Jane Barker, Andy Looke, Will Martin, Peter Jones, John Theriault, George Uhlman. Seconded Jim Crooker. CARRIED

8. Committees

April 23 2016 AGM Minutes

Will Martin encouraged members to become involved in committees, including operations, business development, outreach, recreation.

Members were polled about interests for participation in committees: Operations- Will Martin, Rick White, Peter Jones, Matt Miller Business Development- Amanda Lavers Outreach- Craig Fancy Recreation- Craig Fancy, Elliot Payzant

9. Questions and comments from the floor

10. Adjournment

Will Martin adjourned the meeting at 2:50 PM

Medway Community Forest Co-operative Monday May 9, 2016, 6:50 PM North&Queens&Innovation&Centre&and&Business&Hub&

Present: Jane Barker Will Martin George Uhlman Andy Looke Katie McLean John Therriault Angelika Waldow Mary Jane Rodger Donna Crossland

1. Introductions

2. Approval of the Agenda

MOTION Angelika Waldow moved to approve the agenda for the May 9, 2016 meeting. Seconded Donna Crossland. CARRIED

3. Approval of the minutes of the March 22, 2016 board meeting

MOTION Jane Barker moved to approve the minutes from the March 22, 2016 board meeting. Seconded Donna Crossland. CARRIED & 4. Appointment of the Executive

Nominations for chair: Will Martin and Peter Jones were nominated as co-president.

MOTION Jane Barker moved that Will Martin and Peter Jones be appointed as co-presidents of the MCFC Executive. Seconded George Uhlman. CARRIED

Position of vice-president

MOTION Donna Crossland moved that the MCFC defers electing a vice-president for the current year (April 23, 2016- AGM 2017). Seconded Angelika Waldow. CARRIED

Nominations for treasurer: Jane Barker

Jane Barker was acclaimed as treasurer

MOTION Donna Crossland moved that the position of Vice-president be elected to the Board. Seconded George Uhlman. CARRIED

Angelika Waldow was acclaimed as vice-president, to provide support to the position of treasurer

MOTION Andy Looke moved the Katie McLean be nominated as secretary. Seconded Donna Crosslan. CARRIED

Katie McLean was acclaimed as secretary

5. Management Plan

Still waiting for models from DNR. Numbers will be available by the end of this week (Friday May 13, 2016), based on last conversation. It is expected that the amount of wood on MCFC land will be much lower that previously modelled, and is key information for the completion of the management plan. If numbers come in this week, we could be on schedule for a June review and public comment period.

Extensive versus intensive - based on previous meetings and discussion, management will reflect PTAs and silvicultural prescriptions and not reflect an intensive management approach. There are some items in the plan that should be reviewed by the Board before circulating the draft plan to the public (eg. disturbance management). Need to determine how to incorporate scientific research on the role of fire disturbance in the Acadian forest. This area could also be stated as a research priority/interest for the MCFC.

ACTION Board members should review latest version of the management plan and provide comment, prior to public review.

Question about whether current research on nutrient budget modelling is included in the plan? At this point it is not.

6. Bylaws

Comment window is open until May 23, 2016.

First Nations representatives are still being pursued.

ACTION Board members should review bylaws and provide comment on Basecamp, asap.

7. Financial Update, Peter Jones

Budget vs Actual for the first quarter of 2016 presented and discussed. We are currently behind schedule for harvest.

Forecasts (see attachments)- For new forecast it was identified that for hardwood $90/cord roadside might be an optimistic price given current realities; and was adjusted to $70 in forecast. However, this was determined as likely too low and the $90/cord figure should remain to not push woodlot owners out of the market. Prices also adjusted by product/species. Three forecasts have been prepared, based on different volumes of harvest (13k,18k, 23k tonnes). It was cautioned that selling at this price is likely undesirable for many reasons.

ACTION Firewood committee should meet in near term to discussion opportunities for sale of firewood

MOTION Peter Jones moved that the financial report be accepted as presented. Seconded Andy Looke. CARRIED

Discussion about how to monitor harvest operations to ensure the correct volume is being harvested. There is budget available for a forest technician, who could cover this.

8. Work Plan Update, Mary Jane Rodger

Outreach event June 18. Management plan- revision based on comments. British Colombia Community Forest Association Conference (BCCFA) is upcoming and MJ would like to attend as a professional development opportunity. Upcoming meeting about licensing options regarding moss rescue. Continue conservations with Bridgewater project; MJ will attend public consultation meeting on May 17. Work with Western service area on development of yard situated near Bridgewater to support biomass project. Annual report being developed for DNR. Need to explore how to address FSC certification; may need to develop a committee to address this. FSC certification will be essential for any future work on carbon credits. Access agreement with protected areas; there is an upcoming public stakeholder meeting.

MOTION Jane Barker moved to approval Mary Jane’s travel expenses to attend the BCCFA conference. Seconded George Uhlman. CARRIED

ACTION Will Martin to call first meeting of Business Development Committee in May or early June

ACTION Outreach Committee should meet to plan summer events

ACTION Peter Jones will call a Operations Committee

ACTION Katie McLean to call first meeting of the Recreation Committee in May

ACTION Executive committee to plan a conference call prior to next board meeting

9. Outreach Event

Outreach event planned for June 18, details will be posted on Basecamp

10. Next meeting, July, date TBD

11. Adjournment 9:18 PM


Medway Community Forest Co-operative Monday July 18, 2016, 6:00 PM North Queens Innovation Centre and Business Hub

Attendance: Jane Barker Mary Jane Rodger Peter Jones Zach Bernard Andy Looke George Uhlman Donna Crossland Peter Van Dyk

1. Introductions

2. Approval of Agenda MOTION Katie McLean moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded Andy Looke. CARRIED.

3. Approval of the minutes of the May 9, 2016 meeting. MOTION Donna Crossland moved to accept the minutes of the May 9, 2016 meeting. Seconded Jane Barker. CARRIED.

4. Review of action items from previous meeting

ACTION Bylaws- all Board members to review by-laws by July 25 and provide comment via Basecamp or e-mail. Some discussion as to whether there are clear enough processes for decision making where it is stated that decisions will be made by “consensus”, and if there are perhaps existing by-laws that could be copied to address this.

Action items related to committees were deferred to committee updates.

Executive meeting- Executive met June 6, 2016, at which time Mary Jane’s performance review was conducted.

5. Review of Financial Report

MOTION Van Dyk moved to accept the Financial Report as presented. Seconded George Uhlman. CARRIED.

6. Committee Updates

6.1 Recreation committee update The first meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on July 6 at the Hub. The focus of the meeting was the determine terms of reference for the Committee, and to identify short and long- term opportunities. Terms for the committee included supporting the development of recreational opportunities on the MCFC land base, and developing recreational based businesses to support the MCFC. Discussion included:ATV/multi-use trails, option to plan a rally as an outreach event, development of single track trails for walking or mountain biking, and the introduction of trail fees/registration on honour system for use of recreational spaces.


6.2 Outreach Committee update Public field event was a success, with about 20 members of the public participating. Public visibility and signage have been identified as short term needs. This issue may be addressed in part by the Recreational Committee ACTION work on signage plan for MCFC land base. Investigate signage options, including prices for wood signs. Jane will call a meeting of the Outreach Committee.

6.3 Operations Committee Letter from Northern Pulp requesting extension until March 2017. After discussion, it was agreed that Northern Pulp will complete harvest by end of 2016.

At present there is no market for pulpwood, which is affecting MCFC activities; the MCFC will proceed with tender and allow pulpwood to be left in blocks; when it is an option, it should be left standing. The MCFC could also offer sale of softwood for firewood. If Bridgewater biomass plant goes ahead the MCFC would have a market for pulpwood. Ads being placed to look for buyers for firewood. Board direction was sought on other places to advertise: the Advance, Bridgetown Reader, Tri-county Courier, Annapolis Spectator, South Shore, Valley Harvester, Rural Delivery were identified.

ACTION press release to be drafted by MJ and posted to Basecamp for circulation by the Directors

6. Manager’s Report

Management plan update; management plan posted on website for public feedback. Deadline for comment is August 8. A copy also has been sent to DNR, no comment has been provided by DNR to date.

Trail development update (Zach). A consultant from TrailFlow, based out of Wolfville, met with Zach to examine options for recreational trails on the MCFC land. Zach and Ryan (Trailflow rep.) visited the patch cut, which was identified as an option for a mountain bike or forest education trail. They also visited a hardwood stand, which was identified as a good site in terms of species composition, age, etc., and shows good promise for recreational use There is a parcel of land intersecting this area that is owned by Irving. Ryan feels there is opportunity for intermediate/advanced mountain bike trails trails, to compliment the exiting trail network at Keji, which mainly services beginners. Trailflow can complete planning, implementation, etc., but rate is relatively expensive and may be prohibitive for the MCFC at this time.

Idea of Thistle Camps, which support working holidays, were discussed as an option to complete trail building.

It was recommended to include events as revenue generators if investing money into trail building.

There was discussion about the potential for recreation based businesses to capture spill over from Keji, or to accommodate groups larger than 6 for camping.

It was recommend that the MCFC contact Rick Swain about trail development and building.


Value added wood for craftsmen- Zach is looking to identify sources of revenue for currently non-commercial or less conventional products (burls, blue pine, knotted pine). Goal is to organize a meeting in the first week of August.

There was discussion about opportunities to provide workshops and training to generate revenue. In 2017 admission to keg will be free, which should draw in a large number of visitors. Hosting a series of workshops could draw Park visitors to the MCFC

It was suggested that a committee be formed, perhaps in combination with non-timber forest products, to address issues and opportunities related to value added wood products.

There is opportunity to host a field day for woodlot owners and crafts people in partnership with MTRI that focuses on learning to identify value added products.

Carbon Management Dale Prest, Community International visited with Mary Jane to discuss building a carbon inventory. CFI has funding to write 30 carbon management plans. The MCFC could choose to develop carbon plan for a portion of the land base, which would be more feasible at this time; MJ and staff will work to identify sites.

7. Priorities for coming months Negotiating license beyond 3 year pilot Fundraising- woodsmen competition as a fundraiser (part of professional series)

8. Adjournment

Medway Community Forest Co-operative Monday September 12 North&Queens&Innovation&Centre&and&Business&Hub&


In#Attendance: Mary#Jane#Roger# Georgie#Uhlman# Peter#Van#Dyke# Donna#Crossland# Donna#Crossland# Katie#McLean# Will#Martin# Jane#Barker# Andy#Looke# Jillian#WeldonBGenge Peter#Jones# # Regrets:#John#Theriault# # 1.# Acceptance#of#the#minutes#of#the#July#28,#2016#minutes# # MOTION.'Donna#Crossland#moved#to#accept#the#minutes#of#the#previous#meeting.#Seconded# Peter#Dan#Dyk.#CARRIED' # No#errors#or#omissions.# # 2.#Financial#Report#(Jane#Barker):#Income#statement#for#Aug.#was#reviewed.# •# Income#from#backcountry#hardwood,#softwood#stumpage#sale#and#Conway#hardwood# (roadside#sale)# •# Expenses#were#normal.#Donation#to#the#fire#dept.#was#only#unusual#expense.# •# Bank#Balance#$124,162.44#(Aug.#31st)# •# Forecast#to#year#end#indicates#positive#income#of#approximately:##$43,000.## # MOTION.'Jane#Barker#moved#that#the#financial#report#be#accepted#as#presented.#Seconded# Georgie#Uhlman.#CARRIED# # 3.#Update#on#:## # A#map#of#the#fire#was#presented## # There#are#two#watercourses#where#some#restoration#work#has#been#completed,#but#it#was# determined#by#MJ#and#Georgie#that#additional#work#is#needed.#There#may#be#an#opportunity#to# receive#funding#from#DNR#for#watercourse#restoration.#Mary#Jane#can#put#a#proposal#together# for#the#work#and#send#to#Clean#Annapolis#River#Project.## # SalvageB#The#operations#committee#met#and#discussed#salvage#and#research#options.#It#was# determined#that#if#salvage#could#be#incorporated#into#a#research#project,#it#would#be#worth# pursuing.#Economic#considerations#make#some#of#salvage#work#infeasible.#Considerations# when#deciding#to#salvage#also#include#safety#for#future#harvest#or#other#work#on#sites.#The# Committee#is#waiting#for#a#recommendation#from#Kevin#Keys#about#potential#impact#of#salvage#

on#soil.#Depending#on#the#outcome,#MJ#could#identify#sites#for#potential#salvage,#and#a#proposal# would#then#be#brought#forward#to#DNR.#There#was#consensus#that#salvage#along#fire#breaks## should#be#pursued]#MJ#will#work#with#DNR#to#pursue,#and#also#consult#with#Westfor,#who#is# currently#working#in#the#area.#Stumpage#must#still#be#paid#on#salvage.#It#was#noted#that#it#is# important#for#public#perception,#safety#and#fire#prevention#to#clear#fire#breaks.# # ResearchB#samples#sites#have#been#selected]#forest#floor#soil#sampling#will#be#conducted# # with#support#of#Kevin#Keys#(DNR).#A#second#soil#sample#will#need#to#be#taken#after## # winter#runBoff#has#occurred.## # MJ#to#meet#with#Amanda#Lavers#(MTRI)#and#Matt#Smith#(Kejimkujik#National#Park)#to#seek#SFI# funding#for#research#project#regarding#salvage#and#regeneration#postBfire#for#the#Acadian#forest.# Application#deadline#is#October#10# # Question#raised#as#to#whether#there#is#a#surveillance#issue#that#should#be#addressed,#eg.# cameras,#etc.#It#was#agreed#that#it#is#important#that#MCFC#take#care#not#to#overstep#boundaries# in#this#area,#and#that#there#are#many#factors#limit#feasibility#of#surveillance#with#trail#cameras.## # 4.#Operations# # Northern#Pulp#would#like#to#harvest#remaining#volume#in#their#tender,#which#we#do#have# available.#MJ#will#identify#alternate#sites#with#similar#composition#to#the#originally#planned#site.## # Mary#Jane#has#circulated#information#to#mills#about#interested#in#purchasing#roadside#wood]#it# was#decided#this#was#not#economically#feasible#option#at#this#time.#There#may#be#opportunity#to# create#an#agreement#with#Westfor/Freemans/Norther#Pulp,#similar#to#the#current#Northern# PulpTender,#where#the#proponent#keeps#the#softwood#and#MCFC#pays#to#produce#the# hardwood]#MCFC#could#then#earn#money#on#the#hardwood.#This#would#also#demonstrate#ability# to#harvest#and#help#meet#harvesting#objectives.#The#administrative#cost#allowance/tonne#should# be#retained#by#MCFC,#and#an#additional#rate#could#be#applied#to#cover#MCFC’s#costs#for# managing#the#land#base,#conducting#PTAs,#postBharvest#monitoring,#etc.# # MOTION.'Peter#Jones#moved#that#the#MCFC#develop#a#proposal#for#Westfor,#Freemans#and# Northern#Pulp,#regarding#a#stumpage#sale#arrangement#for#the#period#of#harvest#between# September#2016#and#August#2017#for#up#to#20,000#tonnes.#Seconded#Georgie#Uhlman.# CARRIED.'# # Currently#18,000#tonnes#approved#through#IRM,#however#this#is#mainly#hardwood,#and# additional#20,000##tonnes##composed#of#a#mix#of#hard#and#softwood#submitted#for#approval.#Our# agreement#states#that#we#should#harvest#60%#of#our#AAC#in#year#2#of#the#pilot#project.## # 5.#Firewood# # 40#cords#have#been#sold#and#need#to#be#delivered#within#the#next#few#weeks.#There#are#some# issues#with#the#amount#of#bark#and#other#material#in#the#fire#wood#pile#that#need#to#be# addressed#prior#to#deliveries#and#freeze#up.#It#is#important#that#MCFC#deliver#a#high#quality# product#if#customers#are#to#be#retained.##Firewood#piles#may#also#need#to#be#spread#out#to#avoid#

mould#from#further#developing.#Hand#loading#is#one#option,#but#will#add#additional#cost#due#to# time.#A#conveyer#and#a#tractor#would#be#a#good#option#for#the#immediate#term.#Peter#Van#Dyk# can#provide#a#tractor#inBkind#(cost#of#gas#to#be#covered),#but#need#to#find#a#conveyer,#otherwise# it#will#be#done#with#a#frontBend#loader.## # 6.#Management#Plan# # Peter#Jones,#Will#Martin#and#Mary#Jane#Rodger#met#with#DNR#staff#regarding#review#of#the# MCFC#draft#management#plan.#A#large#number#of#comments#were#provided.## # Peter#provided#an#overview#of#areas#of#concern#presented#by#DNR:# BDNR#guide#to#natural#disturbance#regimes#should#be#followed,#and#there#should#not#be# reference#to#work#that#is#not#in#line#with#this# BThe#AAC#used#in#the#plan#was#based#on#model#3/2#partial#1/3#clear#cut#model#(AAC=21,000# tonnes),#which#was#considered#to#be#unacceptable]#the#original#model,#which#used#2/3#clear#cut# and#1/2#partial#harvest#should#be#used#(AAC=28,000#tonnes)]#because#the#MCFC#agreement# states#AAC#of#21,600,#that#number#is#acceptable#to#use# BDNR#has#strict#policy#that#all#prescriptions#follow#PTA,#this#should#be#reflected#in#the# management#plan# Bconcern#that#community#forest#it#establishing#conservation#areas,#this#is#likely#a#language#issue# related#to#the#term#“conservation#reserve”# Bconcern#with#language#regarding#consultation#on#Mi’kmaq]#noted#that#consultation#was#a# process#that#should#be#exclusive#to#DNR#and#the#Mi’kmaq#government# # There#appears#to#be#a#need#to#have#an#ongoing#conversation#with#DNR#to#ensure#that#there#is#a# shared#understanding#of#the#purpose#and#objectives#of#the#community#forest#before#addressing# specific#comments#within#the#draft#management#plan.#A#request#for#additional#clarification#on#the# comments#has#been#requested.##It#has#also#been#requested##that#DNR#assign#a#liaison#person# to#handle#future#discussion#and#revision#of#the#management#plan.## # ACTION.'#Will#Martin,#Peter#Jones#and#Mary#Jane#Rodger#will#request#a#meeting#regarding#the# MCFC#agreement#and#evaluation#criteria#to#ensure#there#is#a#shared#understanding,#and#initiate# review#of#management#plan#and#response#to#feedback.# # 7.#Royce#Ford#tendered#his#resignation#from#the#Board.#The#Board#would#like#to#thank#him#for# his#contributions.## # MOTION.'George#Uhlman#moved#to#accept#Royce#Ford’s#resignation#from#the#Board.#Seconded# Angelika#Waldow.#CARRIED.'# # MCFC#has#the#option#to#seek#a#new#nominee#prior#to#the#2017#AGM.#Board#to#consider# individuals#who#represent#an#economic#interest#to#discuss#at#a#future#meeting.## # 8.#Private#Land#Business#Structure# # An#invitation#was#extended#to#MCFC#by##Camp#to#meet#regarding#an#arrangement#to#act# as#a#Woods#Camp#Agent.#Work#would#include#property#visits#on#behalf#of#Woods#Camp.#Woods#

Camp#earns#money#through#commission#for#services#provided.#Agents#would#each#about# $200/property#visit.#Discussion#was#held#surrounding#this#offer.## # It#was#also#noted#that#the#Western#Service#Area#initiative#is#also#being#developed#in#the#area,# and#may#provide#similar#opportunities.#Meetings#have#been#held#by#a#working#group#to#develop# a#proposal#for#DNR#based#on#the#Cape#Breton#Privateland#Partnership.#This#proposal#is#now# with#DNR,#who#has#agreed#to#fund#the#first#6#months#of#the#project.#This#initiative#is#similar#in# structure#to#Woods#Camp,#but#also#address#nonBharvest#related#objectives,#and#is#to#be#based# on#a#coBoperative#model.#MCFC#could#potentially#become#a#partner#in#that,#but#more#discussion# is#to#be#held.## # Discussion#was#held#regarding#MCFC’s#role#in#private#land#services.#This#is#an#issue#that#should# be#further#addressed#in#upcoming#meetings.## # MOTION.'Peter#Jones#moved#to#accept#Woods#Camp’s#invitation#to#provide#fee#for#service#to# provide#woodlot#assessments#and#data#collection,#given#that#priory#always#be#given#to#business# of#the#MCFC.#Seconded#Donna#Crossland.#CARRIED' ' ACTION#MJ#to#set#a#Business#Development#Committee#meeting# # It#was#suggested#that#the#development#of#a#proposal#for#the#Wester#Service#Area#be#considered# at#the#Business#Development#Committee#meeting# # 9.#Next#meeting# # The#next#Board#of#Directors#meeting#was#set#for#November#14#at#6:00#PM# # 10.#New#shareholders# # MJ#provided#a#list#of#new#shareholders:# # 11.#Adjournent

Medway Community Forest Co-operative Executive Meeting November 7, 2016 North Queens Innovation Centre and Business Hub

In Attendance: Will Martin Angelika Waldow Katie McLean Peter Jones Mary Jane Rodger Jane Barker

1. Firewood business update

55 cords have been delivered to date. Obligations for the Park contract have almost been met; front country shed is full and in the process of supplying the backcountry firewood.

Expenses were greater than originally anticipated; the committee will meet to review finances to date and report back at the next Board meeting.

2. Management plan

A meeting was held with DNR in October to discuss the process of plan development and the feedback that had been previously provided. It was indicated that further comment would be provided on the draft management plan, to clarify some of the questions brought forward by the MCFC.

Priority will be to review the silviculture groundless to ensure they still meet the PTA rules. Mary Jane will participate in a meeting with DNR representatives to discuss technical aspects of this. It was also recommended that we invite a DNR representative to attend a Board meeting.

Some revisions may need to be made to the fire/natural disturbance sections to ensure that it is clear that the MCFC intendeds to follow DNR’s framework, but will also supplement that with additional relevant research.

3. Financial report

Some money for silviculture work that was originally anticipated may not be available. An update will be provided at a future date.

It was recommended that a group of the Executive meet in advance of the next Board meeting to produce a cashflow statement.

4. Operations

Northern still needs to cut an estimated 4000 tonnes, and has asked for an extension until February 28, 2017. There is a large volume of hardwood in their stands which will need to be bought back. Westfor to cut an estimated 2000 tonnes of salvaged wood. It is anticipated that the stands will be primarily pine.

There are blocks for tender and pre-treatment assessment currently waiting to be audited. About half of the required site checks have been completed. It is estimated that a tender can be release in approximately 1 month. It was noted that the tender should be prepared even if IRM is pending in 4 weeks to avoid missing the scheduling window for potential bidders.

All harvest for the remainder of the MCFC pilot period will be released as a single tender.

5. Woodsman competition

A report will be given at the next Board meeting.

6. Western Service Area

Currently in the interview process to hire a staff person. It is hoped that terms of reference will be developed to clearly define the relationship between the western service area and MCFC. It was recommended that the MCFC continue to offer support in the role of service provider. MJ will continue to involved in the advisory group in order to move this forward.

7. Priorities for year 3

Mary Jane presented a table of priority projects and the steps required to make progress on them. See attachment. Medway Community Forest Co-operative Monday November 14 North Queens Innovation Centre and Business Hub

Attendance: Peter Jones Mary Jane Rodger Donna Crossland George Uhlman Jane Barker Angelika Waldow Peter Van Dyk Katie McLean Andy Looke Jillian Weldon Genges (DNR observer) Will Martin

Regrets: John Theriault

1. Acceptance of the minutes of the September 12, 2016 minutes

MOTION. Will Martin moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Seconded Peter Jones. CARRIED

2. Financial report

Jane Barker presented a financial report, see attachment.

It was noted that ongoing work by Northern and the upcoming salvage harvest by Westfor may provide some additional revenue. Northern began harvest of 1000 tonnes at the start of the month.

Overall, less wood was harvested that was forecasted in the budget, mainly due to low market values. It was also noted that recreational and tourist based revenue are yet to be capitalized on.

MOTION. Jane Barker moved to accept the financial report as presented. Seconded Peter Jones. CARRIED.

It was suggested that more regular meetings or conference calls might be beneficial in the upcoming months as we move into the final year of the pilot phase.

It was suggested that exploring additional options for tracking finances may be beneficial for tracking and presenting finances. Work could be done to set up/clarify the chart of accounts and all invoices and receipts labelled accordingly. It was also suggested that by moving meetings to a later week in the month it would allow for updates to financial statements in time for Board meetings.

3. Committee updates

3.1 Firewood 56 cords have been delivered locally. The Keji contract has been fulfilled. There are about 20 cord of split wood remaining.

It was noted that a conveyer would make firewood processing much more efficient. Mary Jane will explore options and report back to the Board. A method for delivery also needs to be identified. It was noted that the firewood business does not presently have the volume required to justify purchase of a vehicle or trailer, so a 3rd party is required.

A target of 100+ cord of wood sold locally was set for 2017. Advertisement will be done earlier in the year. Some wood will be junked over the winter to dry, and some wood to be split for bundling in the spring. It was recommended that the MCFC continue to pay for processing on a piece basis.

It was suggested that in 2017 the MCFC produce a label or sign to provide brand recognition for firewood sales. Signs or posters could be placed in the park to promote the MCFC. An entry in the Keji visitor guide was also recommended.

Congratulations was given to the Firewood Committee for their work over the past months.

3.2 Operations

Northern has 3 blocks to harvest: 1 seed , 1 selection, and 1 shelterwood harvest. This will amount to approximately 4500 tonnes. An extension on their deadline has been requested. A decision will be made closer to the date.

Westfor will complete the salvage harvest at the end of November, estimated to be 2500 tonnes. No hardwood will be retained by the MCFC. Salvage is only profitable because of the DNR compensation provided.

Upcoming harvest tenders will be grouped together for the remainder of the pilot phase. Some issues were identified with some of the completed PTAs slated for this tender, which will delay its release. MJ is working with Picea to find a resolution, which may involved re-doing the PTAs. The tender will be for 22,000 tonnes or greater to compensate for the lack of harvest in 2015 and low harvest in 2016.

It was suggested that the MCFC could hire a contractor to complete this harvest on their behalf, and partner with the Western Service Area to care capacity for harvest on private woodlands. It was noted that this is unfortunately not likely financially feasible given the current low wood prices.

3.3 Outreach

Work is progressing on a timber sports competition with support from the Outreach Committee, Ryan McIntyre and Burlin Hamilton.

The group will need to decide whether to hold a sanctioned event through the Maritime Association or an unsanctioned event. Milford House has enthusiastically agreed to host, and the committee is looking at September 30 as a date. Sponsors will need to be secured. It was suggested that forming a non-profit subsidiary might be an advantage for implementing outreach initiatives such as this. A field tour is tentatively scheduled for November 29 in the afternoon to visit sites affected by the summer’s forest fire.

4. Strategic planning

Mary Jane reviewed an outline of project priorities for the coming year and beyond, includes next steps and related ideas, see attachment.

It was noted that M’ikmaq engagement should be added to this list.

Discussion following, including the need to demonstrate financial viability moving forward. It was suggested that non-profit status be explored, including the implications of holding this status; need to first clarify whether we can be a licensee of crown land and have non-profit status. Metrics should be developed for priority projects and responsibility assigned to individuals or committees.

Meeting adjourned 9:06 PM.