Notes on the History of

It is surprising how incomplete our knowledge is. We are all aware that we import from tropical America. But where do we obtain our tea? What is tea? From what plant does it come? How long have we been drinking it? All these questions passed through my mind as I read the manuscript of the pre- ceding article. To answer some of my questions, and yours, I gathered together the following notes. The tea of commerce consists of the more or less fermented, rolled and dried immature leaves of . There are two botanical varieties of the tea plant. One, var. sinensis, the original , is a shrub up to 20 feet tall, native in southern and western Yunnan, spread by cultivation through- out southern and central China, and introduced by cultivation throughout the warm temperate regions of the world. The other, var. assamica, the , is a forest tree, 60 feet or more tall, native in the area between Assam and southern China. Var. sinensis is apparently about as hardy as Camellia japonica (the common Camellia). The flowers are white, nodding, fra- grant, and produced variously from June to January, but usually in October. The name is derived from the chinese Te. An alter- nate chinese name seems to be cha, which passed into Hindi and Arabic as chha, anglicized at an early date as Chaw. The United States consumes about 115 million pounds of tea annually. The major tea exporting countries are India, Ceylon, Japan, Indonesia, and the countries of eastern Africa. Pakistan, Formosa and also export lesser quantities of tea. It is interesting to note that southern Russia produces a tea crop which is consumed domestically. Of course China also produces a large tea crop which is not exported to any extent. Tea was being prepared in China at least as early as the 4th century A. D.; it was taxed as early as 793 (during the T’ang dynasty). Introduced into Japan (as an article of commerce) in the 9th century, it was cultivated there by about 1200 A. D. An Arabian merchant named Soliman travelled to China about 850 A. D. and in an account of his travels described the use of tea in that country. Europeans, however, did not learn 20 ARNOLD ARBORETUM HARVARD UNIVERSITY








Illustrations are in bold face.

Abies concolor ’Gables Weeping,’ - - Shrubs and Vines, 172 251 Azalea border, 85 Acer griseum, 26, 210 - Pinkshell, 171 - japonicum & vars, 168 Aztec gardens, 123-125 - nikoense, 168 Azuma, 163 - palmatum & vars., 169 - pensylvanicum, 169 Baccharis halimifolia, 172 - rubrum, 169 Badianus, Juannes, 125 Acetaria, A Discourse of Sallets, - Manuscript, 126 115 Bagasse: Kraft Ayensee, 58-59 Acocotli, 129 Barberry, Japanese, 172 Acocoxochitl, 131 - Korean, 172 Acoctoli, 133 - Warty, 172 Actinidia chinensis, 180-185 - Wintergreen, 172 adhesives, 62-63 Barretto, Mrs. Gloria, 19 Ailanthus altissima, 170 Basic Books for the Library, Gor- Air Pollution, 40-44 don P. DeWolf, Jr., 107 Akebia quinata, 158 Bayberry, 173 Albizia julibrissin ’Ernest Wil- Beautyberry, Japanese, 172 sion,’ 252 Beech, European, 169 Alder, Black, 172 Bee tree, 91 Allium, 97 Berberis julianae, 172 Alpine Gardens, Mt. Rokko, Ja- - koreana, 172 pan, 19, 20 - thunbergii, 172 Amelanchier species, 169 - verruculosa, 172 American Gardener, The, 115 Bergenia cordifolia, 240 American Hemerocallis Society, Berlin-Dahlen Botanic Garden, 9, 19 166 American Museum of Natural Betula species, 169 History, 77-79 binding leather, 59-60, 64 Amur Cork Tree, 162 Birch, 169 Amur River, 163 - American, 169 Andrew’s Botanist’s Repository, Bittersweet, evergreen, 166 137 Black Haw, 172 Angelica-Tree, Japanese, 170 Blueberry, 172 Aralia elata, 170 Bonsai House, 227 Arboretum Weather Station, 186 Bonsai, Rhododendron indicum, Arnold Arboretum Bulletin of 227 Popular Information, 1, 200 Boston Climatological Data, Sum- Aronia species, 171 mary of, 191 Arsenicals, 44-45 Boston Ivy, 171 Autumn Color, Trees, 168 Boston Poison Center, 213 - - Shrubs and Vines, 171 Botanical Collecting, Hong Kong, Autumn Flowers, Shrubs, 168 9-19

- - Autumn Fruits, Trees, 170 Japan, 19-20 . ii I

- - Korea, 19 authority for Ilex, 99 Botanic Garden (Berlin-Dahlen), Cherry, Sargent, 169 166 Cheng, Peter, 15 - - (Harvard U. at Cam- Chinese Cork Tree, 163 bridge), 166 Chinese Gooseberries, 180 Botanical Garden (City Univer- Chionanthus virginicus ’Floyd,’ sity of Osaka), 20 253 - - (University of Bucharest), Chokeberry, 171 166 Chung Chi College, 9-18, 22 - - (University of Kyoto), 20 Churchyard Yews and Immortal- - - (University of Tokyo), 20 ity, The, V. Cornish, 140 Botanical Institute of Leningrad, Cibotium barometz, 13 166 City University of Osaka, Botani- Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum cal Garden, 20 (B-P-H), 7 Clark, William Smith, 163 Bridalwreath spiraea, 172 Classes, Fall 1970, 197 Bromfield, Louis, 100 - Spring 1970, cover 3, no. 2 Brush chipper, 220 Clematis dioscoreifolia var. ro- Burning Bush, 171 busta, 172 Bussey Institution, 97-98 - Sweet Autumn, 172 Buxus, 15 Climate at the Arnold Arboretum, Alfred James Fordham, 186- Cabot Foundation, 98 193 Calcium arsenate, 44 Cochineal insect, 134 Callicarpa japonica, 172 Cockspur Thorn, 170 Camellia granthamiana, 10, 11, Cocoxochitl, 129, 133 12 Coffee-Tree, Kentucky, 170 Can Man Survive?, 77-79 Cohuanenepilli, 126 Cape gooseberries, 180 Color charts, 83 Carbaryl (Sevin), 45 Conifers, 27 Card Index of plants, 81 Conservancy Society of Hong Care and Preservation of Library Kong, 18 Materials, George H. M. Law- Conservation, Hong Kong, 188 rence, 56-66 Convent of Huaxtepec, 134 Carissa grandiflora ’Seminole Coralberry, Chenault, 173 Queen,’ 251 Cork Tree, Amur, 171 Carya ovata ’Holden,’ 251 Cork Trees, The, Helen Roca-Gar- Case Estates, 92-99, 166 cia, 162-166 - - temperature, 193 Cornus florida, 169, 170 Case, Miss Louisa, 92 - sericea, 26 - Miss Marion R., 92 - - ’Flaviramea,’ 26 Castor-aralia, 171 - stolonifera ’Isanti’, 253 Cavanilles, Antonio Jose, 122, Coronilla varia ’Penngift’, 158 135 Cortes, Hernan, 123, 125 Celastrus, 98 Cotinus obovatus, 171 Cephalanthus occidentalis var. Cotoneaster, 172 pubescens, 257 Crabapples, 84, 94, 171 Cercidiphyllum japonicum, 169 Crab Apples for America, 84 Cercis canadensis, 169 Cranberry Bush, American, 173 - - ’Royal white,’ 252 - - European, 173 - - ’Silver Cloud,’ 253 Crataegus collection, Mainte- Chaenomeles, 97 nance and removal, 84 Change of place for registration Crataegus crus-galli, 170 iiilll

- lavallei, 170 - fortunei ’Coloratus,’ 158 - monogyna, 170 - radicans var. vegeta, 166 - nitida, 169, 170 - Winged, 171 - oxycantha, 170 Evenings with Friends II, 199 - phaenopyrum, 169 Evodia danielli, 170 Crook, A. H., 22 - Korean, 170 Crop protection, 44 Exochorda ’Carol Ann Bianco,’ Cytisus praecox, 86 254 Experimental Research, Case Es- Dahlia, The: An Early History, tates, 97 Paul D. Sorensen, 121-138 Dana Greenhouses, 186 Fagus grandifolia, 169 Daphne burkwoodii ’Carol - sylvatica, 169 Mackie,’ 253 Fall Classes of the Arnold Arbo- Darrow, George, 19 retum ( 1970 ), 197-199 deCandolle, Alphonse, 136 Farrand, Mrs. Beatrix, 85, 157 Department of Public Health, 36 Faxon Drawings for Christmas DeWolf, Gordon P., Jr., and Sil- Cards, 195 ber, Mark, Yews in Fiction and Feder, Dr. William, 43 Fact, 139 Ferns, Hong Kong, 21-22 DeWolf, Gordon P., Jr., 2 Film preservation, 63-64 - Basic Books for the Library, Fires, 84 107 Flemer, William III, Plant with - What Can We Do About Pollu- Nature, 100 tion ?, 33-55 Flora Japonica, 145 - Suburban Economics, 175- Flowering Plants of Hong Kong, 179 The, 22 Dicofol, 45 Flower Shows, 91-92 Dillon, Gordon W., 2 Fluorescent light, 64 d’lncarville, Father, 180 Food for Birds, 116 Dioscorides, 23 Fordham, Alfred J., 20, 182 Director’s Report, Fiscal Year - Climate at the Arnold Arbore- ended June 30, 1970, 201 tum, 186-193 Disposal of solid wastes, 179 - and Kennedy, Robert C., In- Diospyros virginiana, 170 ternational Plant Propagators’ Distribution of New Plants, 85- Society, Nineteenth Annual 89 Meeting, 117-119 Dogwood, Flowering, 169, 170 Fortune, Robert, 180 Drainage, 103 Fothergilla, 171 Draper, Henry, 94 - major, 157 dry mount, 63 Foxing stain, 62 Frances Williams and her Gar- Elaeagnus, Autumn, 172 den Adventures, Gertrude S. - multiflora, 174 Wister, 148-154 - umbellata, 172 Franklinia, 168 Elsholtzia stauntonii, 168 - alatamaha, 168, 169 Emmart, Emily, 126 Fung, Theresa, 18, 22 Environmental Pollution, 33-55 Environment, Changes in, 176 Galanthus caucasius, 78 - Early New England, 176, 177 Garden Club of America, visit to - Preservation of, 176, 177 the Arnold Arboretum, 243 Euonymus, 172, 173 Gardener’s Dictionary, Phillip - alatus, 171 Miller, 144 iv I Genus Hosta in Swedish Gardens, Hong Kong, 9 The, Nils Hylander, 150 - - Flora of, 22 George Robert White Medal, 156 - - map, 16-17 Georgina, 136 - - Natural History Society, 10 Gerard, John, 24 - - Report from, Shiu-Ying Hu, Ginkgo, 169 9-22 - biloba, 169 Horticulture at the Arnold Ar- Girdling Vines, 91 boretum, 1936-1970, Donald Gleditsia triacanthos, 170 Wyman, 81 Goat willow, 141 Hortus Kewensis, 137 Golden-rain Tree, 171 Hosta sieboldiana, 148 Greenstone Pie, 185 - sieboldiana, ’Frances Wil- Ground Cover plants, 95 liams,’ 152 Groundsell Bush, 172 - undulata, 149 Growing Season, 191 Hosta plot, 98 Gum, Black, 169 Howard, Heman, 83, 138 - Sweet, 169 Howard, Richard A., A Change Gymnocladus dioica, 170 in Arnoldia, 1 Huango-po, 163 Halesia monticola, 170 Huaxtepec, 124-125 Hamamelis, 171 Hupeh, Western, 163 - mollis, cover 1, no. 2 Hu, Shiu-Ying, Report from Hong - virginiana, 168 Kong, 9-22 Handbook of Hollies, 67-71 - Notes on the Genus Ilex Lin- Hardiness map, Arboretum, 83 naeus, 67 Harvard University at Cam- Humidification, library, 65 bridge, Botanic Garden, 166 Hunt Botanical Library, 2 Hawthorn, English, 170 Hurricane of 1938, 82 - Glossy, 169, 170 Hydrangea ’Tokyo Delight,’ 20 - Lavalle, 170 Hylander, Nils, Genus Hosta in - Single Seed, 170 Swedish Gardens, The, 150 - Washington, 169, 170 Heat, library, 65 Ichang Gooseberry, 181 Hebb, Robert S., Notes from the Icones et Descriptiones Planta- Arnold Arboretum, 25-26, 72- rum, 135 74, 116, 168-173, 251-260 Ilex aquifolium, 67-70, 69 Helianthus tuberosus, 247 - change in place of registration Hemerocallis, 9, 19, 20, 97 authority, 99

- - minor, 19 crenata, 172 Hemerocallis Society, 97 - glabra, 172, 206 Hernandez, Francisco, 128 - International Registration, 99 Hibiscus species, 207 - Linnaeus, Dr. Shiu-Ying Hu, Historia Naturalis, 115 67-71 History of Botany, 115 - X meserveae, 68, 69 Hokkaido, 163 - nomenclatural history, 67

- Hollies, 96 . opaca, 170 Holly, American, 170 - pedunculosa, 156, 170, 206, - Japanese, 172 211 - Longstalk, 170 - rugosa, 67-71, 68 Holly, Yew and Box, W. Dalli- - verticillata, 172 more, 141-142 Illicium, from Hong Kong, 15 Holmes, Dr. F. W., 38 Imperial Garden (St. Petersburg, Honeylocust, Common, 170 Russia), 163, 166 v

Index to Arnoldia, 200 Leather binding, 59-60, 64 Industrial Pollution, 33-34, 38, Lecture Series "Meet the Staff" 41, 43 Spring 1970, 90 Inkberry, 172 - - Fall, see Evening with Inks, 60-61 Friends, II, 199 International Plant Propagators’ Lee, J. B., 19 Society, Nineteenth Annual Legislation: Pollution, 34-37 Meeting, 117-1199 Lespedeza bicolor, 168 - Registration Authority for cul- Library collections, 2-8 tivated Ilex, 99 Library of Congress, 6 Introduction and Distribution of Library materials, care and pres- New Plants, 85 ervation of, 56-66 Lightning damage, 222, 223 Jack, John George, 163 Ligustrum species, 172 Jade Jewel, 184 Lilies, 96 Japanese Cork Tree, 166 Linnaeus collection, 60-61 Josselyn, John, 24 Liquidambar styraciflua, 169, 171 Judd, William H., 81 Liriodendron tulipifera, 102 Juniperus chinensis ’Sargentii,’ - - ’Ardis’, 254 158 Lonicera henryi, 158 Jussieu, Bernard, 180 Low Maintenance Garden, 93, 94, 234 Lycium chinense, 158 Kalmia latifolia, 207 Lysichiton camtschatense, 20 Kalopanax pictus, 171 Lysidice rhodostegia, 15 Katsura Tree, 169 Kennedy, Robert C. and Ford- Macao, 180 ’ ham, Alfred J., International Magnolia grandiflora, 12 ’ Plant Propagators’ Society, - X loebneri, 95 Nineteenth Annual Meeting, - Star, 172 117-119 - stellata, 155, 172, 206 Kew, 137 - Sweetbay, 172 19 Kitamura, S., - virginiana, 172 Kiwi Fruit, 180-185 Maidenhair Tree, 169 - - Upside Down Cake, 185 Malathion, 45 Koelreuteria 171 paniculata, Malus x adstringens 254 Hemerocallis ’Kelsey’, Korea, collecting in, - - ’Rodney’, 255 19 - - ’Sparkler’, 255 Kraft Aysensee, 58-59 - ‘American Beauty’, 255 - ’Cameron’, 255 Landscape architecture, see Plant -’Donald Wyman’, 116, 147, Wzth Nature 256 Landscape planting, Ecological - ’Henrietta Crosby’, 94 requirements, 102 - ’Maybride’, 256 Landscaping, 84 -’Pink Charming’, 258 . Larch, Golden, 169 - ’Pink Perfection’, 256 Lavalle Cork Tree, 163 -’Royal Ruby’, 258 Lawrence, George H. M., 2 - sargentii, 167 - Dr. George H. M., Care and - sieboldi, 147 Preservation of Library - - ’Snowcloud’, 258 rials, 56-66 - species and cultivars, 171 Laws, Pollution, 35-36 Manglietia fordiana, 12 Lead arsenate, 44 Manuscripts: preservation of, 57 vi Mao-erh-tao, 181 Nopal Cactus, 134 Map, Hong Kong, 16-17 Norietis, Arturs, 186 Maple, Fullmoon, 168 Notes from the Arnold Arbore- - Japanese, 169 tum, 25-26, 72-74, 116, 155- - Nikko, 168 158, 168-173, 251-260 - Red, 169 - on the Genus Ilex Linnaeus, - Striped, 169 Dr. Shiu-Ying Hu, 67-71 - Swamp, 169 Nuttall, Zelia, 123 Map of grounds, 82 Nyssa sylvatica, 169 Martinus de la Cruz, 125 Massachusetts Agricultural Col- Oak, Black, 169 lege, 163 - Pin, 169

- College of Pharmacy, 84 - Red, 169

- Horticultural Society, 2 - Scarlet, 169 - laws, Pollution, 35-36 Olmsted, Frederick Law, 84 Maximowicz, C. J., 166 Orchids, Hong Kong, 15, 19 Medicinal plants, Garden of, 84 Origin of Cultivated Plants, The, Mercer Research Fellows, 1970, 114 234 Ortega, 137 Merrill, Dr. E. D., 85 Over-pollution, 34-36 Merry, Mrs. Percy L., 97 Oxydendrum arboreum, 169, 171 Metasequoia glyptostroboides, 228 Ozone, Air pollution, 43 Methoxychlor, 45, 207 F., 199 Meyer, 83 Mexican History (Botanical), Palmer, Ernest, - E. 122-132 J., 34 56 Microclimates, 187 Pamphlets, Preservation, 58 Paper preservation treatment, Microfilm, 5, 61-62 144 Miller, Phillip, Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Ter- Mint 168 Shrub, 115 Moctezuma, 123-124 restris, Paris Green aceto-arse- 169 (copper Moosewood, 44 169 nite), Mountain-Ash, European, 169 - 169 Parrotia, Persian, Korean, Particulates: Air 41- Mt. 20 Pollution, Rocco, Alpine Garden, 19, 43 Mulch 94, 237 display plots, Parthenocissus 173 quinquefolia, 158, Myrica pensylvanica, 171 128 125 Passiflora, Nahuatl, C. 137 Nandina domestica Payne, Harman, ’Moyer Red,’ Pearfruit Cork 166 259 Tree, Penultimate 57 172 manuscript, Nannyberry, Permanent 95 96 nursery area, Narcissus, 170 National Science Foundation, 8 Persimmon, common, Natural of 101 Pesticides, 44-46, 50-55, 178, Cycle Growth, 179 Naturalist in Western China, 163 - 45-46 14 Safe, Nepenthes, Hong Kong, - table and New England Rareties Discov- Toxicity hazards, ered, 24 50-55 New mulching materials, 94 Phellodendron, 162-166 New York Botanical Garden, Li- - amurense, 162, 164-165, 171 brary, 6 - chinense, 162 Nomenclatural history of Ilex, 67 - japonicum, 166 vii - lavallei, 163 Protection of Crops, pesticides, - piriforme, 166 44 - sachalinense, 163 Pruning Exhibit, 91 Phillip II, 128 Pruning program, 84 pH in paper preservation, 58-59, Prunus sargentii, 169 62, 65 Pseudolarix amabilis, 169 Photo-chemical smog, 43 Purslane, 1144 Photographic material: preserva- tion, 57-58 Quercus coccinea, 169 Photoperiodic response, 101 - palustris, 169 Picea omorika, 72, 73, 206 - phellos, 102 Pieris floribunda, 157, 206 - rubra var. maxima, 169 Pigweed, 23 - velutina, 169 Pinus banhsiana ’Uncle Fogey,’ 259 Rabbit damage, 207 - flexilis ’Scratch Gravel,’ 259 Radiational cooling, 189 - ponderosa ’Twodot Columnar,’ Rag paper, 59 259 Raup, Dr. Hugh M., 187 - strobus, Witches’ Broom seed- Real Estate Tax, 175-176 lings on, 219 Redbud, Eastern, 169 Planchon, Jules, 180 Reed, John F., Problems of Hor- Plane Tree, 171 ticultural and Botanical Libra- Plantago major, 23, 23-24 ries, 2-8 - - medicinal uses, 23, 24 - 2, 56 Plantain, 23-24 Rees, Abraham, Cyclopedia Plant Distribution, 85 (1819), 24 Plant Introduction Garden, Chi- Rehder, Alfred, 183 co, Cal., 182 Report from Hong Kong, Shiu- Plant Registration - Notes from Ying Hu, 9-22 the Arnold Arboretum, 251- Report of the Director, 201 260 Rerum Medicarum Novae His- Plant with Nature, 100 paniae Thesaurus, 129 Platanus species, 171 Research, Staff, 1970, 215-217 Platycodon, Hong Kong, 15 Reviews, Dr. Alexander Garden Pollution? What Can We Do of Charles Town, Edmund About, Gordon P. DeWolf, Jr., Berkeley & Dorothy Smith 33-55. - The Book of Spices, Frederick Poplar collection, 84 Rosengarten, Jr., 29-31 Population, 175 - Can Man Survive? 77-79

- - excess, 34-36 The Early Horticulturists, Portulaca oleracea, 114 Ronald Webber, 75-77 Potassium lactate, leather preser- - Making Things Grow, Thalas- vation, 59-60 sa Cruso, 28, 29 Precipitation gauges, 192 - Man, Nature, and History, W. Preservation of Library Materi- M. S. Russell, 120 als, G. Lawrence, 56-66 - Orchids, Floyd S. Shuttle- Pride, Mr. George, 97 worth, Herbert S. Zim, and Prinsepia sinensis, 94 Gordon W. Dillon, 159 Privet, 172 - Oxford Book of Food Plants, Problems in urban pollution, 33 G. B. Masefield, M. Wallis, and Problems of Horticultural and S. G. Harrison, 160 Botanical Libraries, John F. - A Photo Guide to the Patterns Reed, 2-8 of Discoloration and Decay in viii Living Northern Hardwood Shade Trees, Pollution of, 38-39 Trees, Alex L. Shigo and Ed- Short, Charles, 56 win vH. Larson, 196 Shrub Bush-clover, 168 - The Quest for Plants, Alice M. Silber, Mark and DeWolf, Gor- Coats, 75-77 don, Jr., Yews in Fiction and Rhododendrons, 84 Fact, 139 Rhododendron carolinianum, Silverbell, Mountain, 170 157, 206 Small Tree Demonstration Plot, - indicum Bonsai, 227 95 - periclymenoides, 158, 207 Smog, Photo-chemical, 43 - prinophyllum, 158, 207 Smoke district, Boston & Vicini- - schlippenbachii, 158, 207 ty, 40-41 - vaseyi, 158, 171, 207 Snowberry, 173 - yedoense var. poukhanense, Soil, Pollution, 37-40 86 Sorbus alnifolia, 169 Rhus species, 173 - aucuparia & vars., 169 - aromatica, 158, 171 Soot and Fly Ash, Air Pollution, - copallina, 171 41 - glabra, 171 Sorensen, Paul D., The Dahlia: - typhina, 171 An Early History, 121-138 Roca-Garcia, Helen, Weeds: A Sorrel Tree, 169, 171 Link with the Past, 1. The Sourwood, 169, 171 Plaintain, 23 Sovasol, 207 - Weeds: A Link with the Past, Special Collections, Case Estates, 2. Purslane, 114 96 - The Cork Trees, 166 Spiraea prunifolia, 172 Rosa species, 173 Stachys grandiflora, 238 - virginiana, 26, 172 Stephanandra incisa ’Crispa,’ 158 - rugosa, 171 Stewartia, Korean, 169 - wichuriana, 158 - koreana, 169 Rose, 173 Strandell, Dr. Birger, 60-61 - Rugosa, 171 Sutton, Stephanne, Actinidia chi- - Virginia, 172 nensis, the Kiwi Fruit, 180- Roxbury-Dorchester Beautifica- 185 tion Program, 230-233 Suburban Economics, Gordon P. Rutaceae, 162 DeWolf, Jr., 175 Sulphur Dioxide, 41 Safe Pesticides, 45 Sumac, 173 Sakhalin Cork Tree, 163, 166 - Fragrant, 171 Salix caprea, 141 - Shining, 171 Salt Pollution, 38-39 - Smooth, 171 Sand, planting in, 105 - Staghorn, 171 Sargent, Charles Sprague, 1, 81, Sweet-gum, 171 182 Sweetleaf, Asiatic, 173 Sassafras, 169 Symphoricarpos albus, 173 - albidum, 169 - x chenaultii, 173 Sax, Dr. Karl, 85 Symplocarpus foetidus, growing Sciadopitys verticillata, 157, 206 in Japan, 20 Scorgie, Dr. Helen, 96 Symplocos paniculata, 173 Seed collection, problems of, 87 Syringa prestoniae, 94 Serviceberry, 169 - reticulata, 166 Sevin, (Carbaryl), 45, 207 Sewage, 38 Taxation, 175-176 I ix

Taxes, 37, 39-40, 46 - setigerum var. aurantiacum, Taxus, 139-147, 173 173

- - baccata, 141, 146 trilobum, 173

- - brevifolia, 145 Yellow Linden, 173 - canadensis, 144, 145 Vinca minor, 148 - cuspidata, 145 Virginia creeper, 171 - - var. capitata, 145 Von Siebold, P. F., 145 - x hunnewelliana Rehder, 143 - x media Rehder, 143 War Years, 84 Temperatures at Arnold Arbore- Water Pollution, 37-40 tum, 189-193 Water resources, 178 - differences in, 192 172 _- Wayfaring Tree, - gradients, 189 Walden, or Life in the Woods, Thesaurus, 129 115s Thiery de Menonville, Nicolas Weather data, Arnold Arboretum, Joseph, 134 Jan. 1968-Nov. 1969, 26 Thouin, Andre, 136 - Dec. 1969-Jan. 1970, 74 Tokyo, University of, 163 - Feb.-Mar. 1970, 119 Trees and Shrubs, Charles - April-May 1970, 154 Sprague Sargent, 166 - Aug.-Sept. 1970, 260 Tree of Heaven, 170 - summary 1969-1970, 199 Weather 188 Trees for your Community, 95 Station, Tree Lilac, 163 Weeds: A Link with the Past, 1. The Helen Roca-Gar- Trips to Europe, 87 Plantain, Trott, L., 15 cia, 23-24 Tsuga canadensis ’Watnong Star,’ - 2. Purslane, Helen Roca-Gar- 260 cia, 114-115 Tupelo, Black, 169 Weevil, white pine, 74 Weston Garden Club, 93 What can we do about pollution?, Union List of Serials, 7 Gordon P. DeWolf, Jr., 33-55 University of Tokyo, Botanical White Pine Weevil, 74 Garden, 20 - - Witches’ Broom seedlings S. of U. Department Agriculture on, 219 Bureau of Plant Industry, 182 Williams, Frances Ropes, 148 - - Weather Bureau, 186 Williams, Robert G., 85 U. S. National Arboretum, 19 Wildenow, Karl, 136 Wilson, Ernest H., 1, 20, 81, 145, Vaccinium species, 172 163 Veitch nurseries, 181 Winter in the Arnold Arboretum, Vellum-bound books, 60 25-26 Viburnum, 94 Winterberry, 172 - cassinoides, 173 Wister, Gertrude S., Frances Wil- - dilatatum, 173 liams and Her Garden Adven- - - xanthocarpum, 172 tures, 148-154 - lantana, 172 Wisteria, 98 - lentago, 172 Witch-hazel, 168, 171 - Linden, 173 Witches’ Broom seedlings on - Mapleleaf, 172 White Pine, 219 - opulus, 173 Witherod, 173 - Orange-fruited tea, 173 Woo, Ting-Kwok, 9, 12-133 - pruni f olium, 172 Wyman, Donald, 1, 82, 183, 200 x

- Horticulture at the Arboretum, Silber and Gordon P. DeWolf, 1936-1970 Jr., 139-147 - Mrs. Donald, 93 Yu Expedition, 86 Yang-tao, 181 Yung, C. T., 18 Yang-taw, 182 Yew, 173 Zuccarini, J. G., 145 Yews in Fiction and Fact, Mark I 21 about tea until the publication of Juan B. Ramusio’s edition of Marco Polo’s Travels in 1545. It is not certain whether it was the Dutch or the Portuguese who first introduced tea into Europe very early in the 17th cen- tury. It was apparently first brought to the attention of the (British) East India Company in 1615. Between 1615 and 1657 small lots of tea appeared in London (imported from Holland) and sold for between £5 and £10 per pound. In 1657 the pro- prietor of Garroway’s Coffee House obtained a large consign- ment and began offering the prepared beverage for sale. In 1664 the East India Company presented two pounds two ounces of tea to King Charles II, at a cost to them of 40 shillings per pound. By 1677 the demand was so great that the East India Company finally took steps to obtain a regular commercial supply of tea. From 1660 until 1689 the prepared beverage was taxed in England at the rate of 8 pence per gallon. Beginning in 1689 a duty of 5 shillings per pound was levied, plus 5% ad valorem. The taxes were gradually increased, until about 1770 when they totaled 119% of the original value. It may be recalled that at that period the tax on tea figured in certain disturbances in the American colonies. Tea was first known in the West only as dried leaves, and for a considerable period the true tea plant was unknown to western botanists. Apparently the first living tea plant in Europe was owned by one Captain Goff, a director of the East India Com- pany. It is recorded that he grew it in his orangery, and that he would not part with any propagating material. In due course of events his plant died and the species was temporarily lost to cultivation in the West. In 1763 Carl Gustavus Ekeberg, the captain of a Swedish East Indiaman presented Linnaeus with seedlings of tea that he had germinated and grown on a return voyage from China. Living plants were reintroduced into En- gland about 1770, and Thomas Martyn records that they were introduced into Georgia at about the same time. It is also re- corded that the younger Michaux planted tea as an ornamental in the gardens of the Middleton Barony, on the Ashley River, about 15 miles from Charleston, S. C., about 1800. Tea was introduced into Brazil in 1810. In an attempt to facilitate commercial production a colony of Chinese were settled in southern Brazil also. By 1850 the Chinese colony had broken up, but by then tea plants were widely distributed in Brazil. About 1835 the (British) East India Company began planta- 22 tion culture of tea in India. It should be noted that by this time the Dutch had plantations in Indonesia which were pro- ducing tea commercially. Dr. Junius Smith, a lawyer who was one of the founders of the British and American Steam Navigation Co., started a tea plantation on his property near Greenville, S.C., in 1848. Un- fortunately he died in 1852 and his plantings were neglected. At about the same time a Dr. William Jones, in Riceboro (or McIntosh), Liberty County, Georgia, set out a tea plantation. In 1858 Robert Fortune was commissioned to obtain propagat- ing material of tea, as is described in the preceding article. Fortune sent about 10,000 tea plants which were increased to 30,000 in a short time. Tea seeds were also imported from Brazil. These were distributed in the southeastern states until the war brought an end to this activity. After the war fresh supplies of seed were imported from Japan. In 1867 it was dis- covered that seed could be obtained domestically from the plants imported in 1858. Between 1868 and 1876 some 5,000 to 20,000 plants were distributed annually. Between 1877 and 1879 more than 100,000 tea plants were distributed. Apparently the plants grew well, but none of the recipients seem to have produced tea commercially. In 1880 the Hon. W. G. Le Duc, United States Commissioner of Agriculture, engaged a Mr. J. Jackson, a British national who had had experience in tea production in India, to set up a model commercial plantation. The property formerly owned by Dr. Jones, in Liberty County, Georgia, was purchased, and his plantings were the source of samples of tea submitted to the Commission that spring. Mr. Jackson also planted more than 20,000 more tea plants that first year. In the United States was encouraged sporadically by the government for the next thirty years but with little suc- cess. After the publication, in 1912, of Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin No. 234 "The Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in the United States," official governmental encouragement of tea cultivation seems to have ceased. Gordon DeWolf, Jr.

Bibliography LeDuc, W. G., Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Appen- dix : 35-45, 1880. Martyn, T., The Gardener’s and Botanist’s Dictionary. London, Rivington et al., 1807. 23 Mitchell, Geo. F., The Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in the United States. U.S.D.A., Bureau of Plant Industry Bul- letin 234: 1-40, 1912. Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the Year 1859-Agri- culture : 1-22, 1860. Saunders, W., Tea-culture as a Probable American Industry. U.S.D.A. Special Report No. 18: 1-21, 1879. Sealy, J. R., A Revision of the Genus Camellia. London, Royal Horticultural Society, 1958. Watt, G., Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Cal- cutta, Government of India Central Printing Office, 1889.

On December 14 a reception was held at the Administration Building in Jamaica Plain for the Sponsors, Patrons and Donors of the Friends of the Arnold Arboretum, to meet Miss Stephanne Sutton, on the occasion of the publishing of her book, Charles Sprague Sargent and the Arnold Arboretum. Miss Sutton was present to autograph copies of her book while the Friends enjoyed refreshments and examined the dis- ’ plays of Sargent memorabilia. Examples of The Silva of North America, The Forest Flora of Japan, Manual of the Trees of North America, all by Sargent, were on display, as well as books by Alfred Rehder, E. H. Wilson, George Russell Shaw, and other contemporaries of Sargent. Also of interest were examples of "Garden and Forest," a journal of horticulture, with articles signed "C.S.S." Another interesting item was a colored map of North Ameri- ca showing natural divisions of North American forests, pre- pared under the direction of C. S. Sargent. A collection of photographs of remote parts of China and Tibet, by Joseph Rock, Wilson, and others, were displayed, as well as historic photographs of James Arnold, Joseph Rock, E. H. Wilson, and C. S. Sargent and his family. It was an after- noon of homage to Charles Sprague Sargent and of appreciation to Stephanne Sutton for her fine book.