Legislative Council
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ABORIGINAL CULTURAL HERITAGE ............................................................................................ 8101 ADJOURNMENT .................................................................................................................................. 8097 ADVOCATE FOR OLDER PEOPLE .................................................................................................... 8054 ANIMAL WELFARE ............................................................................................................................ 8099 ANNUAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS ..................................................................................... 8048 ANZAC PARADE OBELISK ...................................................................................................... 8089, 8091 ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY AMENDMENT BILL 2016 ..................................... 8097 AUSTRALIAN-EGYPTIAN COUNCIL FORUM ANNUAL GALA DINNER .................................. 8051 AVOCA LAGOON ALGAL OUTBREAK ........................................................................................... 8090 BARANGAROO DEVLOPMENT ........................................................................................................ 8102 BIOFUELS AMENDMENT BILL 2016 ..................................................................................... 8056, 8097 BRIDGES FOR THE BUSH .................................................................................................................. 8089 BRUSSELS TERRORIST ATTACKS ........................................................................................ 8080, 8100 BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE .................................................... 8048, 8049, 8050, 8053, 8054, 8054, 8056 CHARLES BARDEN AND LUCY SMITH RETIREMENT ................................................................ 8092 CLIMATE CHANGE BILL 2015 .......................................................................................................... 8056 COMMERCIAL FISHING INDUSTRY ............................................................................................... 8087 DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES INNOVATION .......................................................... 8091 DOLPHIN MARINE MAGIC ................................................................................................................ 8083 EASTER ROAD SAFETY ..................................................................................................................... 8081 GENERAL PURPOSE STANDING COMMITTEE NO. 5 .................................................................. 8055 HAWKESBURY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 125TH ANNIVERSARY ....................................... 8084 HELLENIC STUDIES AWARDS ......................................................................................................... 8049 ILLEGAL HUNTING ............................................................................................................................ 8090 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION ............................................................. 8048 LEO MCCARTHY MEMORIAL PARK ............................................................................................... 8081 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AMALGAMATIONS ................................................................................. 8100 LOW CARBON ENTREPRENEUR PRIZE.......................................................................................... 8054 MCKANES FALLS BRIDGE ................................................................................................................ 8085 NSW OMBUDSMAN ............................................................................................................................ 8048 PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE ................................................................................ 8053 PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RECONCILIATION .......................................................... 8053, 8098 POLICE OPERATION PARABLE INVESTIGATIONS ...................................................................... 8086 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ....................................................................................................... 8081 REPRESENTATION OF MINISTER ABSENT DURING QUESTIONS ............................................ 8081 SMALL BUSINESS COMMISSIONER ............................................................................................... 8048 SYD EINFELD DRIVE FLOODING .................................................................................................... 8082 SYDNEY CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT LOCKOUT LAWS ...................................................... 8088 SYDNEY MOTORWAY NETWORK .................................................................................................. 8085 TESTERS HOLLOW FLOODING ........................................................................................................ 8086 UNITED STATES CONGRESS RESOLUTION REGARDING MIDDLE EAST GENOCIDE ......... 8050 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING ................................................................................ 8085 WOMEN IN SPORT .............................................................................................................................. 8097 WOOL GROWING INDUSTRY AND MULESING .................................................................. 8075, 8092 ZAKYNTHIAN CULTURAL AND HERITAGE EXHIBITION ......................................................... 8050 8048 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Wednesday 23 March 2016 __________ The President (The Hon. Donald Thomas Harwin) took the chair at 10.00 a.m. The President read the Prayers. INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION Report The President tabled, pursuant to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988, the report entitled "Investigation into the conduct of the Mine Subsidence Board District Manager", dated March 2016, received and authorised to be made public this day. Ordered to be printed on motion by the Hon. Duncan Gay. NSW OMBUDSMAN Report The President tabled, pursuant to the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 and the Ombudsman Act 1974, the report entitled "Oversight of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994—Annual Report 2014-15", dated March 2016, received and authorised to be made public this day. Ordered to be printed on motion by the Hon. Duncan Gay. SMALL BUSINESS COMMISSIONER Report The President tabled, pursuant to the Small Business Commissioner Act 2013, the report entitled "Small Business Commissioner Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2015", received and authorised to be made public this day. Ordered to be printed on motion by the Hon. Duncan Gay. Pursuant to sessional orders Formal Business Notices of Motions proceeded with. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE Formal Business Notices of Motions Private Members' Business item No. 650 outside the Order of Precedence objected to as being taken as formal business. ANNUAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Ms JAN BARHAM [10.05 a.m.]: I seek leave to amend Private Members' Business item No. 698 outside the Order of Precedence by omitting the words "significant improvements to" in paragraph (2), and inserting instead "updating of". Leave granted. Motion by Ms JAN BARHAM agreed to: (1) That this House notes that: (a) in an interview on ABC Radio on Tuesday 14 March 2016, the Federal Minister for the Environment, the Hon. Greg Hunt, MP, said that: "I believe that we have reached what's sometimes known as peak emissions" and "the trend on our emissions is not just good, but deeply and powerfully important."; 23 March 2016 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 8049 (b) the Australian Government's most recently published Quarterly Update of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory for June 2015 indicates that annual greenhouse gas emissions in 2014-2015 including land use, land use change and forestry were estimated to be 549.3 Mt CO2-e, a 1.3 per cent increase on the previous year's emissions, and the first increase in annual emissions since 2005-06; and (c) an analysis published by RepuTex Carbon in January 2016 entitled "Downward trend reverses as Australia begins climb to new emissions high" reported that the emissions growth in 2014-15 was driven by growth in brown and black coal generation, increased land clearing activity and increased coal and gas production and stated that: (i) "the government's long-term outlook confirms that Australia's emissions growth is projected to continue, increasing six per cent from 2015 levels through to 2020"; (ii) "analysis indicates that Australia's projected emissions growth through to 2020 is among the highest of large developed economies currently reporting under the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change"; and (iii) "Government climate policy notwithstanding, analysis indicates that Australian emissions will grow close to their 2005-06 peak by 2019, before reaching a new high in the latter half of the next decade. Notably, we project that this pathway will continue to grow, with no peak in emissions expected prior to 2030 under current policy." (2) That this House acknowledges that achieving the aim of the Paris Agreement on climate change to attempt to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels will require significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by developed countries including Australia and will require updating of legislation and policy across all levels of government and additional action to reduce emissions across all sectors of society and