Sonderfarbe: Sonderfarbe: Sonderfarbe: Pantone 7482 U Pantone 200 U Pantone Cool Gray 11 U CMYK: CMYK: CMYK: 75/0/77/0 0/90/90/40 0/0/0/80 War and Genocide, Reconstruction andWeb: Change: Web: Web: # 2dac62 # 9e2511 # 565656 The Global Pontificate of Pius XII, 1939–1958 Research Meeting Sonderfarbe: Sonderfarbe: Pantone 345 U Pantone Warm Gray 2 U CMYK: CMYK: Rome, 14 – 16 June 2021 40/0/50/0 8/8/20/15 Web: Web: # aad19a # d4cfbd Livestream Pantone Warm Gray 2 U Registration is required: 14.6. and 16.6. École Française de Rome For registration, please check the of the École française de Rome 15.6. German Historical Institute in Rome For registration please send an e-mail to
[email protected] (deadline: 14 June 2021). Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom École française de Rome Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma Piazza Navona, 62 Via Aurelia Antica, 391 I - 00186 Roma I - 00165 Roma Organisation and contact Simon Unger-Alvi (DHI Rome) Nina Valbousquet (EFR)
[email protected] [email protected] With support of In March 2020, the Vatican has opened its archives for the Pius XII steered the Catholic Church not only through the mass pontificate of Pius XII. Long-awaited within the scholarly violence of the Second World War and the Holocaust, but also community, these new sources will allow historians to address through the period of post-war reconstruction, the Cold War, a whole range of topics that extend beyond Eugenio Pacelli's and finally into a new era of globalization.