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THE PANDORA VOLUME III. PUBLISHED BY THE A I-:, K A, X $, ATfl, <P r A, AT A, AND 2 ]\ FRATKRNITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA " 'Tis pleasant, sure, to see one's name in print; A book's a book, although there's nothing in it." Byron. GEN AUGUSTA, GA.: CHRONICLE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1888 A To the ^Fraternitij Seat: Whose patience has been more severely taxed by oft repeated jokes at his expense, than by the physical burden of weighty novitiates, this volume is sympathisingly dedicated. Please accept this little volume And what pleasure it conveys ; ffone are there, than thou, to whom is Due more credit or more praise On giving to the public Rich gems of college lays And true tales of student''s ways. YE EDITORS ALBERT HOWELL, K A, Editor in Chief ASA W. GRIGGS, $ P A, Silliness Manager. STAFF T. REMSEN CRAWFORT), A T fl, LUCIAN L. KNIGHT, X $, FRANK W. COILE, 2 N, W. M. GLASS, A T A, WILMER L. MOORE, 2 A E, "Let them be kept from paper, pen and ink, So they may cease to write and learn to think." —Prior. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PKG.E The Pandora Volume III - - 1 Kappa Alpha Tennis Club - 71 Dedication The Fraternity Goat 3 Sigma Alpha Epsilon Tennis Club 7 2 Ye Editors ------ 5 Chi Phi Tennis Club - - - 73 Table of Contents - 7 Members Philosophic Society - 75 Preface ------- 9 Engineering Society - - - 76 Editorials- ----- 12 College Invalids - - - - 77 Faculty ------- 14 Things We "Would Like To See 78 Department of Law - 14 Our Letter Box 79 Medical Department 15 Commencement Programme - 81 Agricultural Department - 15 Wants ------- 82 Resolutions on Death of Dr.
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