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John T. Reurink

Pat Miles Resorts to False Smear Campaign Against Justin Amash and His Family 1 message

Daniel Estrada Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 9:30 AM Reply-To: Daniel Estrada To: [email protected]

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: John Amash (616) 719-1935 [email protected]

Pat Miles Cannot Defend Failed Big Spending Agenda, Resorts to False Smear Campaign Against Justin Amash and Family Amash Campaign Calls on Miles to Withdraw False TV Ad

GRAND RAPIDS, MI-- This morning, in ’s Third District Congressional race, Republican nominee Justin Amash sent the following open letter to his Democratic opponent, Pat Miles:


Your TV ad campaign claiming that I co-own a factory in China is false. My family and I have no ownership in any factory in China and never have. If you have any desire to run an honest and clean campaign that honors the seat you are vying for, you will withdraw your dishonest TV ad today. West Michigan voters deserve better than your smear attacks.

Realizing that Third District voters overwhelmingly reject a candidate who is pro-choice and supports higher taxes, government-run health care, and irresponsible spending, you’ve resorted to repeated false attacks against me and my family.

But no amount of negative campaigning will make up for the fact that the voters of the Third District oppose the tax-and-spend agenda you support for our country -- the same agenda that has hurt our political process and devastated our economy.

Your false claims about me and my family will not change the fact that President

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Obama, whom you helped elect by reportedly raising $250,000 for his campaign, has enacted an $862 billion stimulus plan that has resulted in higher spending, more debt, and fewer Michigan jobs.

And those claims will not change the fact that the government-run health care law you support will cost trillions, impose burdensome regulations on small businesses, hurt health care providers, and damage our economy.

Your TV ad is part of a series of false claims you have levied against me. For example, you have claimed that I support eliminating the Michigan Department of Agriculture, voted to eliminate public funding of education, and pledged to protect corporate tax loopholes that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas. These are all lies.

For you to attack my father’s business, in which I have no ownership whatsoever, goes beyond any standard of decency. As you well know, my father, who came to this country as a poor immigrant sponsored by a Christian church, started his business from nothing and has provided great jobs to West Michigan families for over 50 years. In his lifetime, he has contributed extensively to community charities and causes. Attacking my father for political gain is disgusting.

If you really wanted to know the truth, you could have asked me. I would have explained to you that I have an investment in a service company -- not a manufacturer -- that helps ensure my father’s West Michigan hand tool company buys safe, high-quality products. The website you cling to for cover is not our company’s website.

I had hoped you would engage in a clean and honest campaign based on facts, reason, and principles. It has become increasingly clear that you don’t believe you can win that way. Your smear campaign dishonors our community and the legacy of great men like and who have honorably represented us in Congress.

I call on you now to stop making claims you know are untrue.


Justin Amash

Sources: Pat Miles Lays Out Four Key Agriculture Initiatives, Pat Miles for Congress Press Release, August 23, 2010.

Pat Miles Pledges to Work to Institute 5 Percent Pay Cut for Members of Congress

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Each Year the Federal Budget Is Not Balanced, Pat Miles for Congress Press Release, August 30, 2010: http://www.patmilesforcongress.com/budget.aspx

A False Tax Attack, Factcheck.org, April 9, 2010: http://www.factcheck.org/2010/ 04/a-false-tax-attack/

Grand Rapids attorney with ties to President Obama considers run for Vern Ehlers seat in Congress, Grand Rapids Press, February 12, 2010: http://www.mlive.com /news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2010/02/grand_rapids_attorney_with_tie.html

Stimulus is Now $75 Billion More Expensive, CNN Money, January 26, 2010: http://money.cnn.com/2010/01/26/news/economy/stimulus_cbo/index.htm

Pat Miles for Congress! Facebook Page, September 26, 2010, 7:15pm: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages&tid=1622077512480#!/ posted.php?id=112827738744326&share_id=163603763657194& comments=1#s163603763657194

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