Cover photo credits National Guard Soldiers and Airmen (New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans from 1st Battalion, 114th Infantry Regiment; 508th Affairs photo by Mark C. Olsen) Military Police Company; , and 177th New Jersey Airman 1st Fighter Wing arrive near the Capitol to set up security Class Bria J. Murray, , reviews positions in Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2021. National second appointment information with individuals Guard Soldiers and Airmen from several states who received the COVID-19 vaccine at the COVID-19 deployed to Washington, D.C., in support of Federal Atlantic County Vaccination Mega-Site in Atlantic and District authorities leading up and through the City, N.J., Feb. 25, 2021. Citizen-Airmen with the 59th Presidential Inauguration. (U.S. Air National Guard 108th Wing and the 177th Fighter Wing are assisting photo by Master Sgt. Matt Hecht) healthcare workers in temperature screening, Resident Carl Wilson receives the COVID-19 registering and guiding individuals through the vaccination at the New Jersey Veterans Memorial various stations, and monitoring people after they Home at Menlo Park, Edison, N.J., Jan. 5, 2021. received their vaccinations. (New Jersey National These are the first vaccinations administered at Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen) the Home under the Federal Pharmacy Program. A New Jersey Army National Guard Soldier with the 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, performs a temperature check on an individual scheduled to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the newly opened COVID-19 Burlington County Vaccination Mega- Site, Moorestown, N.J., Jan. 22, 2021. The Citizen-Soldiers are assisting in temperature screening, inputting insurance information, guiding individuals through the various stations, and monitoring people after they received their vaccinations. (New Jersey National Guard photo Mark C. Olsen)

Thank you for this opportunity to present the FY 2022 I wish to first address the heartbreak and sorrow this Department budget for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. has seen in the past 13 months. In the six months in which I I would also like to acknowledge those representatives of have served as Interim Commissioner and Adjutant General, I our Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) with us virtually have overseen direct changes to tighten internal controls and today. The men and women on this call, as well as thousands procedures to mitigate issues the virus had laid bare. of others working throughout our state, are tireless advocates To be clear: every resident of our veterans’ homes is a for those who have worn the uniform, those who continue to family member to us. Every life lost is a tragedy. Our sadness serve, and their families. at the losses sustained at our homes is unspeakable. I am Dr. Lisa Hou, the Interim Adjutant General of New As someone who has proudly worn our nation’s uniform for Jersey and Commissioner of DMAVA. Governor Murphy more than a quarter-century, I cannot think of a more important appointed me to these positions in mid-October of last year. mission than to protect the lives of those who protected our I have been wearing this uniform and serving our state and nation’s highest values. our country for 26 years. For 24 of those years, I have also COVID-19 is a threat to older people, especially those been donning a stethoscope as a medical professional. with pre-existing health conditions. Residents of our homes During my more than two decades in the Army, I have often come to us in poor health, with many serious conditions, been a field surgeon in Iraq and Afghanistan, had the honor of and are often at an advanced age. Fighting this virus in our being the first Joint Surgeon of the New Jersey National Guard homes is a battle the likes of which I have never seen before, and served as the Deputy Adjutant General. but one that I have taken on with great resolve. The oaths I have taken, both as a Soldier and a doctor, When Governor Murphy asked me to take over the give me a unique perspective on the health emergency that Department, it was made clear that the foremost goal of my face our state’s veterans. team and every member of our staff was to immediately make Before I speak to the Department’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget, changes to our operations and act to safeguard the residents of

Since taking on the role of Commissioner, my number one priority – both as a physician and a Veteran – was to ensure that the losses we endured early on in the COVID-19 pandemic would never be repeated.

1 NJDMAVA FY 22 Ours is a daily fight against an invisible and pernicious enemy. Everyone at the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is committed to providing our Veterans Memorial Home residents with the highest standards of care. our veterans homes. I have never shied away from a mission, DMAVA senior leaders and I have been to our Veterans and the mission I was asked to take on is the most important Homes on a regular basis talking to residents, clinicians, and one I have ever undertaken in my career. administrators. We fully understand and base our decisions on Since taking on the role of Commissioner, my number the fact that COVID-19 remains a threat to our residents. one priority – both as a physician and a Veteran – was to We are working to improve communications with the ensure that the losses we endured early on in the COVID-19 family representatives of our residents. The goal is weekly pandemic would never be repeated. Preparing our homes for emails and more frequent messages if needed about any the remainder of the pandemic has been the focus of my work positive COVID cases. and my team’s work, and we will continue to make every effort to fight this virus.

A resident at the New Jersey Veterans Home at Paramus meets with his family. (New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs photo by Anthony Elia)

New Jersey Army National Guard Spc. Laurel Yerg, a combat medic We have begun Incident Command Training to ensure we with the 1st Battalion, 114th Infantry Regiment, checks on a resident of the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home at Menlo Park in Edison, N.J., have plans in place for another pandemic, or any natural or April 17, 2020. More than 60 NJARNG Soldiers from the 44th Infantry man-made disaster. Brigade Combat Team, as well as seven Airmen from the 108th Wing I meet regularly, not just with our Veterans Healthcare and 177th Fighter Wing, were assigned to the Home to assist the civilian team, but also across departmental functions. We have the staff in caring for the residents during the COVID-19 crisis. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Senior Master Sgt. Andrew J. Moseley) recommended level of PPE, with up to 10 weeks worth in stock and we have the proper staffing to ensure our residents We acted quickly to bring in reinforcements. After receive the best care possible. Governor Murphy’s direct appeal to the VA, Federal Veterans We have improved existing policies and procedures, Administration clinical staff joined the fight along with contracted a long-term care facility subject matter expert, and dozens of New Jersey’s Citizen Soldiers and Airmen who called a New Jersey National Guard infectious disease nurse to stepped in to help our keep our veterans safe, in good spirits, active duty to assist with our efforts. and to even simply keep them company as they were isolated The homes conduct regularly scheduled COVID tests of from friends and family. the staff and residents every week. My team and I also supported the U.S. Department of We initiated searches for permanent administrators for Veterans Affairs Assessment Teams deployed to Menlo Park, Menlo Park and Paramus; a process that I am pleased to report Paramus, and Vineland. is complete. My team and I undertook a painstaking effort to

2 NJDMAVA FY 22 Part of that outreach is the newly approved New Jersey Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) Medal. This medal honors the selfless service of those New Jerseyans who have served our great nation since the terrible events of September 11, 2001. find individuals that would treat our veterans with the respect is aggressively working to keep our residents and workforce and care that they deserve. We hired new administrators, safe from COVID-19. including an award-winning CEO at our Menlo Park home. Now, I would like to address other parts of DMAVA’s budget. Our new administrators have hit the ground running in the The $25,000 placed in last year’s budget is retained to fight against COVID-19, and have worked vigorously to ensure assist counties with the interment of Indigent Veterans. This that our residents and staff are protected. This month, we will valued program allows counties to request up to $1,250 for bring on-board a permanent Director of Veterans Healthcare burial costs. Services, who possesses a clinical background. In addition, all three volunteer Veterans Home Advisory Boards now have their full complement of members and are meeting regularly to provide feedback to Department leadership. I know that in the past, some residents have felt disconnected from department leadership, which is why I have made it a priority to speak to our resident leaders often and to ensure that they are heard. Speaking to residents directly allows me to understand their perspectives and inform my decisions. We partnered with the Department of Health to ensure that the overwhelming number of our residents are now fully vaccinated at all three facilities. Residents of our homes were among the first long-term care residents in the state to receive vaccinations, something that we are very proud of. New Jersey Youth ChalleNGe Academy (NJYCA) graduation ceremony That said, I wish to acknowledge that COVID-19 presented for Class 50 was held at the War Memorial in Trenton, N.J., Dec. 9, 2019. a challenge unlike any encountered by DMAVA leadership, The NJYCA is an alternative education program designed to reclaim the healthcare providers, and the civilian workforce. lives of at-risk 16 to 18 year old youths and produce graduates with the values, skills, education, and self-discipline necessary to succeed as Our Veterans Memorial Homes continue their pandemic adults. The National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program was established response in adherence to local infectious disease outbreak by congress in 1993. New Jersey’s first ChalleNGe class began in plans and ongoing guidance from the U.S Centers for Disease September 1994. (New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen) Control, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the New Jersey Department of Health. This budget also provides funding to restart the New Ours is a daily fight against an invisible and pernicious Jersey Youth ChalleNGe Academy. enemy. Everyone at the Department of Military and Veterans Before COVID shuttered the doors of Youth ChalleNGe, the Affairs is committed to providing our Veterans Memorial program celebrated a great milestone, graduating the 50th class of Home residents with the highest standards of care. 16- to 18-year-olds completing the 22-week residential program. As we continue to assess our policies, procedures, This program assists at-risk youth and will soon relocate facilities, and staff in this ongoing public health emergency, from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst to the National we are putting in place plans to enhance current programs or Guard Training Center at Sea Girt. initiate new improvements. This is not just for FY2022 but It continues its focus on youth leadership and remains looking forward to the years to come. an innovative partnership between the state and federal This budget also provides funding to increase direct care governments. Three-quarters of the program’s cost is paid with staff to resident ratios. For the coming fiscal year, this will add federal dollars. just over one million dollars in salary costs. This additional Another effort we look to get back to pre-COVID numbers funding will add 78 new direct care professionals across all is DMAVA’s outreach to New Jersey’s more than 300-thousand three homes to include Nurses and Health Services Technicians. Veterans and family members. DMAVA continues a quarter-million dollar commitment to Part of that outreach is the newly approved New Jersey pandemic training, prevention, and treatment. Our Department Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) Medal. This medal

3 NJDMAVA FY 22 VSOs assisted with more than 3,900 VA claims totaling nearly $31.5 million dollars. This will be our sixth year in a row assisting with new claims totaling more than $30 million dollars for New Jersey Veterans. honors the selfless service of those New Jerseyans who COVID-19, but we expect them to rebound as the state have served our great nation since the terrible events of gradually reopens. For example, looking at the reimbursement September 11, 2001. to counties for Veterans’ transportation in the first half of FY2021, we saw just over 3,900 rides, compared to more than 19,400 in the full fiscal year before. The Vet-2-Vet hotline also witnessed a drop in usage from July 2020 to this January, tallying nearly 2,800 calls which are 700 fewer, when compared to FY2020. This hotline remains our first resource for Veterans in crisis 24-hours a day. We continue to be the only state that offers help to families of veterans as well.

A family member takes a photo of New Jersey Global War on Terrorism Medal recipient Navy Engineman 2nd Class Clarizza G. Ecot Wilno, second from right, with left to right, Walter R. Nall, acting Deputy Commissioner of Veterans Affairs, Gov. Philip Murphy, and Col. Lisa J. Hou D.O., Interim Adjutant General, after the New Jersey Global War on Terrorism Medal ceremony at the National Guard Armory at Lawrenceville, N.J., March 10, 2021. This is the first time the New Through the use of video chats and phone calls, the Post- Jersey Global War on Terrorism Medal has been presented. It is Traumatic Stress Disorder counseling program remains steady awarded to New Jersey residents who served in at least one of the following Operations: Enduring Freedom, Noble Eagle, Iraqi Freedom, and is tracking to slightly increase from the previous year. In Nomad Shadow, New Dawn, Inherent Resolve, Freedom’s Sentinel, and the first six months of this fiscal year, more than 2,500 clients Odyssey Lightning. (New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans participated in counseling. Affairs photo by Mark C. Olsen) The Veterans Haven transitional housing program in Hunterdon and Camden counties have seen occupancy rates We know there are thousands of Veterans like myself, who drop under 60 percent. We believe these numbers will slowly honorably served in Iraq or Afghanistan, or other locations increase back to pre-pandemic numbers later in FY2022. around the world in this nation’s fight against terrorism. In March, I am proud to report that despite no in-person visits, Governor Murphy participated in the inaugural GWOT medal DMAVA’s Veterans Service Officers worked with more than ceremony, the first of many more medal ceremonies to come. 21,000 Veterans or constituents in the first eight months of DMAVA’s role in managing the recruitment and training this fiscal year. of mentors for the Statewide Veterans Diversion Program is That is a tremendous amount of hustle, working the phones another effort that is just starting to get back into operation. and email; along with countless video conferences with the While in-person mentor training stopped, we are looking at Veterans Administration, as VSOs continued to support our first virtual training later this Spring. compensation claims. This training will provide additional mentors to VSOs assisted with more than 3,900 VA claims totaling county prosecutors’ offices. These Veteran Mentors work nearly $31.5 million dollars. This will be our sixth year in a with eligible service members to resolve the underlying row assisting with new claims totaling more than $30 million problems that led or contributed to their involvement with dollars for New Jersey Veterans. the criminal justice system. The Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Several other programs were adversely affected by Memorial Cemetery remains the final resting place for our

4 NJDMAVA FY 22 state’s heroes. During the last fiscal year, daily interments remained steady at 13. We did open the cemetery to limited operations on Saturdays to assist funeral directors with scheduling interments. Even in the face of the pandemic, our employees provide the dignity and respect our Veterans and their spouses are due.

New Jersey Army National Guard Pfc. Benjamin W. Reason, 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, talks with an individual about to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the newly opened Bergen County COVID-19 Vaccination Mega-Site at East Rutherford, N.J., Jan. 29, 2021. The Citizen-Soldiers are assisting healthcare workers in temperature screening, registering and guiding individuals through the various stations, and monitoring people after they received their vaccinations. (New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen)

Brigadier General William C. Doyle Memorial Cemetery at North Hanover responses in a wide range of capabilities. Township, N.J. (New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs photo by Mark C. Olsen) At almost any given time during the past 14 months, anywhere from 500 to 1,000 Soldiers and Airmen have been Now let me change hats from Commissioner to The on duty in support of our state and nation. Interim Adjutant General and talk about the more than 8,000 We provided security, traffic control, health screening, Soldiers and Airmen of the New Jersey National Guard. Our and augmented medical operations at three FEMA drive-thru remarkable service members have stepped up to every mission COVID testing sites and three Field Medical Stations. and challenge they faced during this extraordinary year. We supported the state Medical Examiner’s Office with From the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the Mortuary Affairs in Newark and Millstone and conducted this New Jersey National Guard has supported state and federal important mission with the utmost respect and dignity. Guard members continue to assist at our three Veterans Memorial Homes and support the residents and staff of Veterans Havens North and South. The New Jersey National Guard supports the New Jersey Department of Health’s distribution of the COVID vaccine. Over 400 uniformed personnel provide security, traffic control, and administrative support at the six mega-site vaccine points of distribution, or PODs. More than five million vaccine doses have been administered throughout the state of New Jersey, due in no small part to the efforts of the mega-sites. As pandemic support continues in a variety of healthcare settings, the need for Guard presence in other public spheres within the state became apparent and desirable. New Jersey National Guard Soldiers and Airmen go over the wear of protective equipment at a COVID-19 Community-Based Testing Site at In accordance with an executive order by Governor the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, N.J., March 23, 2020. (U.S. Army Murphy, county Boards of Elections conducted a largely vote- National Guard photo by Spc. Michael Schwenk) by-mail primary and general election. The Guard assisted 19

At almost any given time during the past 14 months, anywhere from 500 to 1,000 Soldiers and Airmen have been on duty in support of our state and nation.

5 NJDMAVA FY 22 Simply put, the crucible of the last fourteen months of overseas and domestic operations has tested our Guard’s capabilities and resilience. The incredible level of dedication and expertise they have shown through every mission has earned the respect and admiration of our interagency partners and the public we are privileged to serve.

The National Guard Family Program continued to operate during stay-at-home protocols, and supports and educates families before, during, and after a deployment cycle. Many of their programs have been made virtual in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

New Jersey Air National Guard Senior Airman Tashea S. Jackson-Medley, 177th Fighter Wing, processes ballots at the Board of Elections Mail-In Ballot Processing Center, Mays Landing, N.J., Nov. 3, 2020. The Citizen Soldiers and Airmen will be processing vote-by-mail ballots under the supervision of county election officials, a mission successfully executed during New Jersey’s Primary Election in July. (New Jersey National New Jersey National Guard Soldiers with Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen) 114th Infantry Regiment, work at a security post near the Capitol in Washington, D.C., Jan. 13, 2021. National Guard Soldiers and Airmen counties requesting support, an extension of the Guard’s active from several states deployed to Washington, D.C., in support of Federal role in preventing the spread of coronavirus in New Jersey. and District authorities leading up and through the 59th Presidential In January 2021, at the request of the National Guard Inauguration. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Matt Hecht) Bureau and authorized by the Governor, more than five hundred Soldiers and Airmen deployed to support the DC New Jersey National Guard operations are responsible National Guard. They have since returned home, and a second for a large amount of federal dollars flowing back to the rotation of five hundred Citizen Soldiers and Airmen have Garden State. From December 2020 to mid-April 2021 deployed to provide additional support to Capitol Police and alone, federal support for COVID and DC operations totaled local authorities. approximately $6 million. These domestic operations are in addition to overseas I am happy to report that two Air National Guard military deployments in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and construction projects are complete. The first is a $9.9 million Operation Inherent Resolve. dollar fuel cell and corrosion hanger at the 177th Fighter Wing Simply put, the crucible of the last fourteen months of at Atlantic City International Airport. The other project is the overseas and domestic operations has tested our Guard’s nearly one-million-dollar replacement of the 40-year-old capabilities and resilience. The incredible level of dedication control tower at the Warren Grove Gunnery Range. and expertise they have shown through every mission has The New Jersey National Guard in the Federal FY2021 earned the respect and admiration of our interagency partners received more than $138.8 million dollars for operations and and the public we are privileged to serve. maintenance. During the same fiscal year, the salaries for Our Guardsmen and women deserve our support, as they have our Citizen Soldiers and Airmen totaled $80.5 million dollars given so much. This leadership has the same level of commitment with an additional $219.2 million for the full-time military to serving our Guard families and ensuring their needs are met as technicians and Active Guard Reserve (AGR) force. they wait for their Soldier or Airman to return home. These federal dollars are directly tied to our efforts to keep

6 NJDMAVA FY 22 the New Jersey National Guard a strong, viable, and modern force. I am proud to say that the New Jersey National Guard is at over 100% strength. When it comes to our Veteran leaders, communication is key. Upon assuming my position, I set aside time to meet one on one with the commanders of each of our state veterans service organizations. I directed the Deputy Commissioner for Veterans Affairs to convene monthly group meetings with all VSOs. Most recently, I was on a call where we connected our Veteran leaders with the Governor’s Office as New Jersey state government continues to support their important work. I salute them for their selfless service and tireless efforts. Every day, the DMAVA team works hard to make New Jersey a better place for our Veterans and service members and their families. The great challenges of this past year underscore the serious F-16 Fighting Falcons with the 177th Fighter Wing at Atlantic City Air National Guard responsibilities of our Department. Base, N.J., and a 108th Wing KC-135R Stratotanker from Joint Base McGuire-Dix- Lakehurst, N.J., perform a flyover May 12, 2020, across various locations inthe Thank you for the opportunity to make tristate area. The New Jersey Air National Guard units conducted a joint flyover to this presentation before your distinguished honor healthcare workers, first responders, mortuary affairs, and other essential committee. My staff and I will be happy to personnel who are working on the front lines to combat COVID-19. (U.S. Air National Guard Photo by Staff Sgt. Cristina J. Allen) answer any of your questions.

7 NJDMAVA FY 22 8 NJDMAVA FY 22 9 NJDMAVA FY 22 Ready To Serve - Proud To Have Served The mission of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is to provide trained and ready forces prepared for rapid response to a wide range of civil and military operations, while providing exemplary services to the Citizens and Veterans of New Jersey.