Title Page & Intro stuff Origins

Son (or Daughter) of - Zagreus - Jumper ends up being a twin or just another son/daughter of Hades. Who exactly Hades had on the rebound is up for debate. Being - , , and mostly Resident - , , Patroclus, Eurydice Warrior of the House of Hades - The Three Furies, Achilles Servant of the House of Hades - Dusa, , Head Chef, House Contractor, Resource Director, Wretched Broker, Skelly Locations:

House of Hades: Right at the heart of Hades’ realm, his hall, his lounge (torn up at the moment by ’ anguished rampage), the Pool of , as well as the bedchambers of the royal persons. Not that anyone sleeps much around here. Except Hypnos.

Tartarus: Directly adjacent to the House of Hades, this is the lowest reach of the Underworld that the dead wretches will see. A maze of devilish design, constantly shifting, traps ever rearming, it houses the worst of the mortals. Those who refused or failed every opportunity to leave behind any sort of positive impression. While others may hope for rehabilitation, those here will never have such a chance.

Asphodel Meadows: One of the vastest regions of the Underworld, Asphodel was home to neither the worst nor the best of humanity. It is populated by the great masses who achieved only mediocrity that is so common to mortal lives. However, has become decidedly more unpleasant for the inhabitants of the verdant plains of Asphodel. The river of scintillating flame, , has spilled its superheated contents onto the grasslands. Bare rock and horrifying heat now tortures most of the who live here.

Elysium: The glorious that awaits the greatest of heroes or those particularly beloved by the gods in life. Moss coats most of the realm in a plush carpet of green that allows for a weary warrior to rest where his battle ended in comfort. Make no mistake, this paradise is not peaceful. Kings and heroes from all ages relive their glory days through recreational combat in arenas grand enough that they could not be imagined on the surface world. Those not fighting fill the stands, filling the ears of combatants with joyous cheers that accompany every swing and blow. And should those who inhabit this realm find themselves plagued by unpleasant memories, a quick drink from , the river of forgetfulness that flows through this realm, will numb aches and pains of the mind.

Temple of Styx: The gateway of the Underworld and the barrier between the surface world and the land of the dead. Cerberus guards the doors, daring anyone to attempt to enter or leave. So effective is the guardian that the temple surrounding his guard post has fallen into a state of disrepair from disuse. This has allowed and disease-filled vermin to infiltrate the halls, both disgusting in their own ways. The Satyrs would not be underestimated. They have successfully given Hades enough trouble that he has since stopped bothering to try to hunt them down entirely.

Fountain Room: Moments of peace are rare in the Underworld, but they can be found by a lucky few.

Past The Gate: Below even the deepest realms of the Underworld there exists the primordial void. The ancient emptiness that spawned all still exist and will continue to exist long after even the eternal gods have passed away. Only one being still resides here, has always resided here, and in this age few others even know of their existence. Of those few, none travel back down into the void. So your intrusion will be something of a surprise for the being known as Chaos. One they will likely rectify in a hurry. They are not a personable entity.

Erebus: A part of the Underworld few see for long. It is the spiritual gateway to the Underworld, just as the Temple of Styx is the physical one. The recently deceased all pass through and find their way to the realm they have earned in life in relatively short order. Few linger among the gloomy, featureless stones for the air is laced thick with the fear of the unknown. That you have arrived here allows you a unique opportunity. You may choose where you wish to go from the above list. Perks: General Bargain with the Ferryman (Free/200 CP): While you’re here, death won’t have a permanent hold on you. Through a unique deal with you will be returned to life should you meet any kind of unfortunate end during your time in this world. For an additional fee, Charon can be bribed a little further. Once every ten years he will be able to save you from a similar fate in other worlds. When you are killed, you will instead wake up in Greece (or the nearest equivalent for your world) on the side of a river near a mountain.



Opheus’ Apprentice 200 - Truly excellent singing voice.

Eurydice’s Cooking 200 - Able to cook food fit for the gods. , Underworld Pomegranates, and Nectar are all delights no mortal tongue could truly comprehend in their own rights. But you’re able to take these divine treats and elevate them into desserts, dishes, and drinks that would have even the gods praising your cooking. While you can’t do the same with mortal ingredients, food that you touch, even that made with mediocre ingredients, always has just a dash of divine flavor to it to help bring out it’s truest essence.




600 Son (or Daughter) of Hades - Zagreus Trained by Achilies (100 CP) - Trained by one of the greatest heroes to have ever lived, your combat instincts are something to be feared. True, they are untested for the moment, but they will not remain so for long. You have the raw potential to be the greatest of warriors capable of defeating even the Gods in your own family. Given your current situation, you will likely have no shortage of opponents willing to teach you which mistakes will lead to your death. Repeatedly.

Arguing with Hades Himself (200 CP) - Nerves of steel that let you argue even with those far more powerful than yourself without losing your cool.

Tenacity (400 CP) - An indomitability of spirit that refuses to be broken by great stress, emotional strain, or the repeated trauma of death.

In My Time of Need (600 CP) - Olympian Gods are not the only ones whose blessings you can accrue. Making friends, true friends that understand one another, can allow you to call upon their power now and again despite the distances that may separate you. These take the form of small plushies. Separation from these plush toys doesn’t keep you from calling on the blessings of your friends. Chthonic Being - Nyx, Hypnos, and Thanatos mostly Subtly Terrifying (100 CP) - There’s an aura that hangs off of you that makes more people nervous. Almost as if you exude a faint essence of the void you were born from and that makes those around you anxious.

Shadow Movement (200 CP) - The ability to travel through the nothingness that spawned you to reappear at another point.

(400 CP) - Being able to find droplets of crystalized shadow to empower yourself with, even in future worlds.

(600 CP) - Bind yourself to a specific place, deep underground, but gives you a truly impressive power boost. Underworld Resident - Theseus, Sisyphus, Patroclus, Eurydice 100

Bright Side of Death (200 CP): Just because you’re dead doesn’t mean it has to be all gloom and despair. Sure, you might be trapped forever surrounded by a sea of lava, but you’ve learned to make the best of it. At least now you don’t need to worry about firewood if you want to cook something.

Touch of the Lethe (400 CP) - You’re able to draw upon the River of Forgetfulness just enough to dull old pains, both of your body and of your . While forgetting the pain won’t make the wounds go away, it will allow you to push through difficult moments and deal with the injuries when you have time to do so.

Gods of Olympus, Hear My Call! (600 CP): Random blessings/smitings for a short time on command. Just don’t call too often or unnecessarily. Warrior of the House of Hades - The Three Furies, Achilles (100 CP)

Brothers (and Sisters) In Arms (200 CP) - Family is what you make it, not who was born alongside you.

Proven Warrior (400 CP) - You’ve got what it takes to stand up to even the spawn of the gods. At least, most of the time.

600 Servant of the House of Hades - Dusa, Orpheus, Head Chef, House Contractor, Resource Director, Wretched Broker, Skelly Hard Worker (100 CP) - Taking care of a God’s house is an endless task on a good day. Thankfully you’ve got the pluck to keep on trucking despite a hellhound’s rampage.

Service with a Smile (200 CP) - An ingratiating manner that will ensure you stay on the good side of the otherwise temperamental deities. Not like poor Orpheus.


600 Items Son (or Daughter) of Hades - Zagreus 100



600 Chthonic Being - Nyx, Hypnos, and Thanatos mostly 100



600 Underworld Resident - Theseus, Sisyphus, Patroclus, Eurydice 100



600 Warrior of the House of Hades - The Three Furies, Achilles 100



600 Servant of the House of Hades - Dusa, Orpheus, Head Chef, House Contractor, Resource Director, Wretched Broker, Skelly 100



600 Weapons of the House of Hades Blessing of the Olympians [Combinations would be given freely once the requisite blessings were bought.]

Zeus [Weapon] 100 - Electricity added to melee strike +100 - Affect nearby foes as well.

[“Cast”] 200 - Call down a lightning bolt to strike your foes. +100 - Your lightning bolt ricochets between your foes several times, growing weaker with each leap.

[Revenge] 200 - Lightning strikes those who dare strike you +100 - Those who assault you will find their muscles stiffened and painful for a moment.

[Call] 300 - Miniature lightning strike assaults foes in a wide area around you. The harder/longer you fight before calling upon this effect, the more will bless you with his bolts. +100 - For a short time after using this ability, you will be physically empowered to the point that it would be easy for others to think you had just stepped out of a Greek myth yourself. Companions Drawbacks (+0 CP): People who have died so far in your Chain can be found hanging out somewhere in the Underworld on the level most fitting to their personality/heroics/deserving fate. (+200 CP): Those people? They’re a lot less forgiving about their dead status than they were before.

So Many Butterflies (+100 CP, Son/Daughter of Hades Only): Lots of butterfly balls I’ll Add It To The List (+100 CP, Chthonic Being Only): You have a habit of getting very little done because you’re usually making lists about things you have to do instead of doing them. Not an impossible impulse to control, but you’re going to be wasting a decent amount of time making lists until you master it. (+100 CP, Underworld Resident Only): (+100 CP, Warrior of the House of Hades Only): (+100 CP, Servant of the House of Hades Only): People just keep piling the work on. Mumblemouth (+100 CP): Basically early Dusa. People tend to take you less seriously because of your inability to articulate. (+100 CP):

Five Rivers, Not Three (+200 CP, Son/Daughter of Hades Only): The and rivers, and the realms they run through, must now be conquered as well. One can only imagine what realms the Rivers of Wailing and Woe surround are like. (+200 CP, Chthonic Being Only): You have a hard time expressing what you’re really feeling, tending towards annoyance at those who try to get you to open up. Overcomable, in time, with very patient friends. (+200 CP, Underworld Resident Only): (+200 CP, Warrior of the House of Hades Only): (+200 CP, Servant of the House of Hades Only): Cerberus is going to throw a lot more temper tantrums over Zagreus’ escape attempts. Especially when they succeed, no matter how briefly. So be prepared to clean up around the House a lot more vigorously and often to keep things up to the standards expected of you. (+200 CP): Clutching Labyrinth (+200 CP): Absolutely no sense of direction, even if you’re just wandering around the House of Hades.

[Get Him Away From the Microphone!] Theseus and the Minotaur (+400 CP, Son/Daughter of Hades Only): Every boss in Hades has been replaced with Theseus and the Minotaur in different costumes. Even the Mid-Bosses. Only Hades himself has not been replaced. Instead, they’ll fight alongside the god of the underworld himself. Also, the various Gods of Olympus sound and act him the fabled hero. Including . (+400 CP, Chthonic Being Only): (+400 CP, Underworld Resident Only): (+400 CP, Warrior of the House of Hades Only): You’ll be required to stand against Zagreus and fight your hardest to keep him from leaving the Underworld. While you won’t be punished if you lose honestly, you will be if Hades thinks you’re throwing the fight in any way. In and Out of Favor (+400 CP, Servant of the House of Hades Only): You’re going to be spending some time in the void beneath . Don’t worry, yours is a short punishment. But Hades seems content to vent the anger his son causes in your direction. You’ll regularly spend short stints in the void as punishment for one transgression or another. Don’t worry, Zagreous will always bail you back out before too long. Godly Ire (+400 CP): You tend to have to deal with the disfavor of the various gods at moments when it’s really inconvenient for you. They won’t come down and try to stomp you into the ground, at least, but they’ll bend their powers to make things difficult for you. A lover’s quarrel just as you’re relaxing, your bowstring breaking just as you’re about to sneak up on your prey, ect. (+400 CP): Extreme Measures (+600 CP, Son/Daughter of Hades Only): Nobody is checking their punches anymore. Especially not Hades. Your trek upwards is going to be a challenge for the full range of your abilities now. (+600 CP, Chthonic Being Only): Dead And Not Loving It (+600 CP, Underworld Resident Only): As with the great king Sisyphus, you attempted to cheat your way around the death the three Fates had ordained for you. Because of this you have been punished in one way befitting your crimes. Perhaps you too have been ordered to push a boulder up a hill forever or have your liver torn out and eaten daily. Either way, your time in the underworld is not going to be pleasant. On the plus side, between bouts of torture you’re mostly left alone. Though attempting an escape probably wouldn’t be wise. Hades tends to frown on that sort of thing. (+600 CP, Warrior of the House of Hades Only): (+600 CP, Servant of the House of Hades Only): (+600 CP): Something about dying a tragic death or always failing horribly right before you would have succeeded due to some cruel twist of fate. It is Greek after all. (+600 CP):