Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 5 1 1780 Hannah DYER d Samuel Ann Downton Farmer 7 1 1780 Thomas FARMER s Henry Honer Woodlands Labourer 15 1 1780 Nathaniel MARTLE s Nathaniel Elizabeth Labourer 16 1 1780 William NIGHTINGALE s James Elizabeth Common Labourer 22 1 1780 Thomas DOWLTON s Thomas Elizabeth Common Labourer 23 1 1780 William BRIANT s William Mary South Labourer 5 2 1780 James SEWARD s John Jane Marsh Labourer 12 2 1780 Charles MARSHALL s Charles Martha Town Labourer 20 2 1780 John WHEATLAND s William Mary Dell Labourer 26 2 1780 James APPLETON s David Mary Frith Labourer 4 3 1780 John MARRINER s John Ann 4 3 1780 Richard HARMSWORTH s Jonathan Ann Woodlands Labourer 4 3 1780 John WILLIS s Edward Hannah Woodlands Labourer 8 3 1780 Mary FULKER d Nighelle Dorothy Town 11 3 1780 Harriot TAYLOR d John Mary Labourer 19 3 1780 Mary WALKER d John Martha Sidmonton Labourer 27 3 1780 Elizabeth WALKER d John Mary Town Coachman 29 3 1780 Mary PULLENGER d Robert Sarah Dell Tanner 31 3 1780 Sarah TYLOR d John Ann B. head (?) Harrier 31 3 1780 Sophia BATES d James Mary Frobury Farmer 1 4 1780 Richard RABBETS s Richard Margaret Woodlands Labourer 1 4 1780 Letitia HUSE d Isaac Hester Newbury Marsh Labourer 7 4 1780 Rebecca LAMBOLE d Richard Elizabeth Town barber 9 4 1780 Mary PAICE d Abraham Rachell North Sidmonton Labourer 12 4 1780 John FULKER s John Grace Town Chair Maker (?) 15 4 1780 Elizabeth TROUGHTON d Anthony Elizabeth Town Labourer 15 4 1780 William ROLFE s John Sarah Dell Labourer 15 4 1780 Joseph BLACKBURN s Thomas Racheal Common Labourer 16 4 1780 George MYALL s Richard Betty North Hill Labourer 21 4 1780 James ANSELL s William Mary Hide Farm Farmer 22 4 1780 John NOLTON s David Ann Common Labourer 23 4 1780 George MARINER s John Ann Labourer 30 4 1780 Mary CANNONS d Richard Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 17 5 1780 Elizabeth BARNES d Sarah Common BARNES spurious 24 5 1780 William FULBROOK s John Mary Straton Labourer 26 5 1780 William CANE s James Elizabeth Town Baker

Page 1 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 28 5 1780 Sarah TIBLE d John Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 2 6 1780 Isaac PATEY s Joseph Sarah Town Blacksmith 4 6 1780 Henry HEWLETT s Henry Ann Town Victualler 18 6 1780 William PIPER s William Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 23 6 1780 William TWITCHIN s John Elizabeth Town Maltster 29 6 1780 Ruth POKE d Isaac Mary Itchenswell Labourer 22 7 1780 Jane HENSTER d Richard Mary Town Labourer 23 7 1780 William BRIDGMAN s Joseph Mary Town Labourer 30 7 1780 Gabrial SILVEY s Gabrial Patience Labourer 6 8 1780 Richard MIALL s John Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 9 8 1780 Elizabeth WYATE d John Mary Town Sawyer 20 8 1780 Sarah FISHER d Thomas Hester Labourer 27 8 1780 Miriam CANNONS d William Martha Itchenswell Labourer 31 8 1780 Fanny THOMAS d William Jane Hannington Farmer 14 9 1780 Hannah HARRIS d Thomas Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 23 9 1780 Elizabeth FISHER d Robert Diana Common Labourer 27 9 1780 Spradborrough WEBB d John Mary Common Labourer 30 9 1780 Hannah BROOKER d James Hannah Dell Labourer 6 10 1780 James HUNT s James Ann Headley Common Labourer 10 10 1780 William WATERIDGE s William Ann Common Cutter 15 10 1780 Eleanor BUXEY d Robert Judith Dell Labourer 18 10 1780 George WEBB s George Mary Hannington Farmer 20 10 1780 Mary PHILLIPS d Phillip Mary Town Tailor 21 10 1780 Elizabeth TAYLOR d Robert Mary Town Tailor 22 10 1780 Lucy BENSKIN d James Martha Town Labourer 28 10 1780 John TAYLOR s James Mary Nutkins Labourer 12 11 1780 Joseph STEPHENS s Thomas Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 15 11 1780 Joseph HUNT s Ann Common HUNT widdow spurious 24 11 1780 Elizabeth WINKWORTH d Thomas Mary Town Mason 25 11 1780 Mary GODDARD d Isaac Hester Newbury Marsh Labourer 29 11 1780 Mary HALL d Thomas Ann Common Labourer 8 12 1780 Joseph JENNINGS s John Agnes Town Maltster 13 12 1780 Grace TINKER d James Grace Town Inn Keeper 16 12 1780 Mary BUTLER d James Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 29 12 1780 Jinny HUNT d John Jinny Town Labourer

Page 2 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 5 1 1781 Ruth DYER d Richard Elizabeth Town Labourer 7 1 1781 John WOODLEY s Daniel Jane Itchenswell Farmer 7 1 1781 Sarah WOODLEY d Daniel Jane Itchenswell Farmer 13 1 1781 Mary PILGRIM d Richard Sarah Island Mill Miller 13 1 1781 Martha TEGG d Thomas Rachael Bishops Green Labourer 14 1 1781 Betty STROUD d Charles Betty Itchenswell Labourer 14 1 1781 Sophia RALPH d Martin Mary Sidmonton Labourer 20 1 1781 Timothy HUSE s Peter Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 27 1 1781 Mary WYTHE d William Elizabeth Town Labourer 28 1 1781 Elizabeth HAINES d Thomas Sarah Sidmonton Labourer 9 2 1781 Thomas FOSTER s James Elizabeth Summershurst Farmer 10 2 1781 Mary BLACKWELL d John Jane Common Farmer 18 2 1781 Sarah OLDMAID d John Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 18 2 1781 James LEWINGTON s John Mary Sidmonton Labourer 24 2 1781 Mary CLEMENTS d John Mary Town Labourer 27 2 1781 Mary BOND d Richard Margaret B Court (?) Labourer 17 3 1781 Mary BECON d James Mary Wolverton Labourer Common 17 3 1781 John SMITH s John Mary Town Labourer 18 3 1781 James PAINE s James Susanna Town Labourer 30 3 1781 Henry RUDDLE s William Mary Farmer 31 3 1781 Sarah FISHER d Benjamin Catherine Stratton Labourer 4 4 1781 Sarah SMITH d Joseph Elizabeth Sidmonton Labourer 7 4 1781 Ann TUCKER d George Miriam Common Labourer 19 4 1781 Elizabeth RABATS d James Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 29 4 1781 William GODDARD s John Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 29 4 1781 Timothy WHITE s Thomas Jane Town Labourer 11 5 1781 Richard LAMBOLE s Richard Elizabeth Town Barber 13 5 1781 Robert DOSWALL s Anthony Mary North Sidmonton Labourer 18 5 1781 Edmund PRISMALL s John Martha Labourer 19 5 1781 Mary WOODay d Isaac Sarah Dell Labourer 25 5 1781 David BENWELL s Daniel Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 26 5 1781 Robert THATCHER s Robert Clara Town Labourer 26 5 1781 Michael GOVER s John Mary Plaistow Green Labourer 1 6 1781 Joseph HERBERT s John Elizabeth Itchenswell Maltster 2 6 1781 William KEWELL s William Phebe Bishops Green Farmer

Page 3 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2 6 1781 James BENDELL s Noah Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 9 6 1781 Thomas HaRRetT s William Patience North Sidmonton Farmer 15 6 1781 John SHARPE s John Hannah Town Miller 16 6 1781 Mary NAISH d Martha Town NAISH spurious 17 6 1781 James PROWTON s James Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 23 6 1781 James MAYLIN s William Susannah Town Labourer 29 6 1781 John LIPSCOMB s John Ann Wolverton Farmer Common 1 7 1781 John ALLEN s Edward Ann Town Labourer 6 7 1781 Richard Naish SMITH s William Sarah N Rend (?) Blacksmith 7 7 1781 Ann DORMAN d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 8 7 1781 Thomas lerher s Thomas Sarah North Sidmonton Labourer 13 7 1781 Robert OSMAN s John Elizabeth War (?) 15 7 1781 Elizabeth NICHOLSON d William Ann Itchenswell Labourer 18 7 1781 Elizabeth ROLFE d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 19 8 1781 Joel JEWEL s Jonathan Ann Wolverton Labourer Common 24 8 1781 William TOWN s Francis Mary Town Butcher 26 8 1781 Phebe HAZEL d John Ann Itchenswell Labourer 9 9 1781 Miriam MEURS d William Mary Town Labourer 26 9 1781 Richard FORD s John Ann Town Labourer 29 9 1781 Hannah SOPER d John Martha Wolverton Farmer Common 3 10 1781 Priscilla EALES d Isaac Priscilla Bishops Green Labourer 7 10 1781 Lucy LONG d James Ann Common Labourer 13 10 1781 Elizabeth RABETS d Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 17 10 1781 William ROBBINS s William Susanna Fair Oak Maltster 19 10 1781 Elizabeth WEBB d George Mary Farmer 21 10 1781 Ellis HUCE s Isaac Hesther Itchenswell Labourer 26 10 1781 Elizabeth PULLENGER d Robert Sarah Itchenswell Farmer 3 11 1781 William FARMER s Henry Honor Wolverton Labourer Common 3 11 1781 Elizabeth WOODORS d John Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer 18 11 1781 James GODDARD s Michael Bethany Pitch Horn Labourer 25 11 1781 Mary AIRES d Samuel Mary traveller 1 12 1781 John BRIANT s William Maria Town Labourer

Page 4 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 29 12 1781 Elizabeth LAWRANCE d Thomas Mary North Wood Labourer 4 1 1782 Sarah HUNT d Robert Hannah Common Labourer 8 1 1782 Jane TOMLINS d Edward Merey Town Publican 19 1 1782 Ann GALE d William Mary Common Labourer 19 1 1782 William SMITH s Nathaniel Jane Town Labourer 20 1 1782 Amy EXELL d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 20 1 1782 Susanah HITCHCOCK s Matthew Elizabeth Exenford Labourer 21 1 1782 William THOMAS s William Jane Hannington Farmer 25 1 1782 Sarah BUCKER d Hannah Town BUCKER spurious 2 2 1782 Jonathan SMITH s David Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 12 2 1782 John TWITCHIN s John Elizabeth Town Maltster 15 2 1782 John PAINTER s John Sarah Bishops Green 16 2 1782 David ROLFE s Joseph Elizabeth Dell Labourer 22 2 1782 John HEAD s Joseph Lucy Town Carpenter 2 3 1782 Edward CHANCE s Edward Ann Town Shopkeeper 3 3 1782 Elizabeth FROOM d William Miriam Sidmonton Labourer 6 3 1782 David TYLER s John Ann Itchenswell Carpenter 15 3 1782 Charlotte STEVENS d John Mary Itchenswell Carpenter 22 3 1782 John BECON s James Mary Frith Labourer 2 4 1782 Elizabeth SIMPSON d Benjamin Elizabeth Dell Mason 6 4 1782 Richard HENSLAR s Richard Mary Town Labourer 6 4 1782 William BRIDGMAN s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 12 4 1782 William HUNT s James Ann Common Labourer 13 4 1782 James WICKINGS s James Ruth Town Labourer 13 4 1782 Hannah MARSHAL d Charles Martha Town Labourer 27 4 1782 Robert TAYLOR s William Phebe Itchenswell Labourer 8 5 1782 Sarah GREACE d Isaac Martha Itchenswell Labourer 20 5 1782 Elizabeth HALL d Thomas Ann Warren Labourer 20 5 1782 William CRESS s Ann Town CRESS spurious 1417 21 5 1782 Isaac ARNOTT s Isaac Elizabeth Town Carpenter ? 24 5 1782 Phillip PHILLIPS s Phillip Mary Town Tailor 25 5 1782 Mary FRY d Joseph Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 29 5 1782 Esther CARTER d Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 29 5 1782 Mary WEBB d James Lucy Common Labourer

Page 5 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 31 5 1782 Ann MEARS d William Mary S Kush (?) Labourer 7 6 1782 Mary CANE d James Elizabeth Town Maltster 8 6 1782 Peter PRIER s Richard Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 8 6 1782 Charles ELLS s James Elizabeth Town Labourer 8 6 1782 John PIPER s William Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 15 6 1782 Hester FISHER d Robert Dinah Common Labourer 16 6 1782 Abraham PAICE s Abram Rachel North Sidmonton Labourer 6 7 1782 Charles MARTIN s William Jane Newbury Marsh Labourer 7 7 1782 John NIGHTINGALE s James Elizabeth B. Head (?) Labourer 12 7 1782 Thomas SHARP s John Hannah Town Miller 13 7 1782 Mary ROLFE d Samuel Mary Dell Labourer 20 7 1782 Emmily FULKER d John Grace Town Turner Father transported for 7 years 21 7 1782 George MILES s Joseph Martha Sidmonton Coachman 26 7 1782 William BROAD s Jonas Sarah Town Mason 26 7 1782 John BATHE s John Mary Itchenswell Miller 7 8 1782 Elizabeth WEBB d Thomas Mary (?) Farmer 9 8 1782 Hozia PRISMALL d John Martha Summershurst Labourer 9 8 1782 Charlotte HAWKINS d John Mary Sidmonton Farmer 10 8 1782 Mary RABBITS d Richard Margaret Common Labourer 10 8 1782 Sarah WALKER d John Mary Town Shopkeeper 14 8 1782 Ann ANSELL d William Mary Hide Farm Farmer 17 8 1782 Martha HARMSWORTH d Jonathan Ann Wolverton Labourer Common 21 8 1782 Elizabeth TINKER d James Grace Town Inn Keeper 23 8 1782 Joseph SEWARD s Joseph Mary Town Blacksmith 28 8 1782 Hannah ROGERS d Thomas Mary Dairy House Farmer 30 8 1782 Samuel BATES s James Mary Frobury Farm Farmer 8 9 1782 Ann MARRINER d John Ann Common Labourer 15 9 1782 John RABETS s William Ellis Common Labourer 27 9 1782 Thomas COOK s John Sarah Freemantle Park Farmer 28 9 1782 Charlotte TAYLOR d John Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 5 10 1782 Richard SMITH s James Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 12 10 1782 John PATEY s Joseph Sarah Town Blacksmith 19 10 1782 Dennis WYETH s Richard Hannah Labourer

Page 6 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 20 10 1782 Elizabeth OLDMAIDS d John Sarah Itchenswell Farmer Saby 25 10 1782 Hannah SIMS d John Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 3 11 1782 Thomas TEGG s Thomas Ruth Bishops Green Labourer 9 11 1782 Elizabeth ROLFE d John Sarah Dell Labourer 10 11 1782 Hannah KELLING d Thomas Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 23 11 1782 Samuel BARNES s Thomas Ann Common Labourer 27 11 1782 John WATERIDGE s William Ann Common Cutter 1 12 1782 Elizabeth herret d William Patience North Sidmonton Farmer 1 12 1782 William HUNT s Elizabeth Fair Oak HUNT spurious 7 12 1782 Christian WEBB d Benjamin Mary Dell Labourer 14 12 1782 John Henwood MAY s Sarah MAY spurious

22 12 1782 Lidia DOLTON d Thomas Elizabeth Common Labourer 22 12 1782 Alathea STEVENS d Thomas Dinah Itchenswell Labourer 27 12 1782 William PARSONS s Mary Itchenswell PARSONS spurious 27 12 1782 Rebecca WICKENS d Stephen Elizabeth Dell Labourer 28 12 1782 Ann TROUGHTON d Anthony Elizabeth Town Labourer 28 12 1782 Elizabeth SMITH d Joseph Mary North Hill Labourer 1 1 1783 Mary MCCULLOCH d James Mary Town Shopkeeper 3 1 1783 Mary FARMER d Thomas Ann Town Labourer 11 1 1783 Ann FARMER d William Ann Town Labourer 12 1 1783 Hannah STROUD d Charles Betty Itchenswell Labourer 13 1 1783 Sarah HERBERT d Jonathan Lucy Town Labourer 17 1 1783 Richard PAULING s Richard Mary Tailor 25 1 1783 Hester FISHER d Thomas Hester Itchenswell Labourer 26 1 1783 Mary BUNCE d Henry Mary Town Labourer 31 1 1783 Peter PARSONS s William Mary Itchenswell Maltster 16 2 1783 James PRYOR s Richard Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 23 2 1783 John DINES s John Amey Itchenswell Tanner 28 2 1783 Mary FOSTER d Joseph Elizabeth Summershurst Farmer 1 3 1783 Ann SEWARD s John Jane Newbury Marsh Labourer 14 3 1783 Andrew TWITCHIN s John Elizabeth Town Maltster 15 3 1783 Sarah BLACKBURN d Thomas Rachel Ashford Hill Labourer 15 3 1783 Hannah TUCKER d George Miriam Headley Labourer 15 3 1783 Elizabeth MILLS d James Mary Wolverton Lane Labourer

Page 7 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 16 3 1783 James SMITH s John Mary Sidmonton Labourer 22 3 1783 Elizabeth HARMSWORTH d John Esther Labourer 23 3 1783 William MORSDELL s Richard Elizabeth H Hill Labourer 26 3 1783 Frances LIPSKIN d Robert Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 29 3 1783 Thomas SPICER s John Ann Hannington Labourer 2 4 1783 Richard WYEAT s John Mary Cannon Park Labourer 5 4 1783 Sarah APPLETON d David Mary Wolverton Lane Labourer 11 4 1783 Robert SEWARD s William Frances Town Blacksmith 12 4 1783 John CLEMENTS s Joshua Hannah Town Glover 19 4 1783 William NOULTEN s David Ann Common Labourer 11 5 1783 Amelia MIALL d Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 18 5 1783 Hannah WOODHOUSE d Ann Common WOODHOUSE spurious 24 5 1783 Frances HUSE d Peter Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 28 5 1783 Jane KING d Thomas Ann Wolverton Lane Labourer 6 6 1783 Robert JENNINGS s John Agness Town Maltster 7 6 1783 Thomas PAYNE s James Susannah Town Labourer 13 6 1783 Mary HATE d Samuel Sarah Nutkins Labourer 14 6 1783 Rebecca FORTER d James Betty Common Labourer 20 6 1783 Charles CHRISSIE s Richard Sarah H Bridge (?) Labourer 24 6 1783 Hannah FOOLBROCK d John Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 27 6 1783 John PULLINGER s Robert Sarah Itchenswell Tanner 29 6 1783 Amos HAMPTON s Ann White Hill HAMPTON spurious Brownjohn 29 6 1783 James RABITS s James Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 5 7 1783 Thomas TAYLOR s James Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 9 7 1783 Robert ROBBINS s William Sarah Fair Oak Maltster 11 7 1783 Sarah MILES d Joseph Martha Sidmonton Coachman 13 7 1783 William DORMAN s Richard Mary Common Labourer 13 7 1783 Charlotte SMITH d William Mary Sidmonton Labourer 18 7 1783 John HOMES s Joseph Sarah Town Tailor 27 7 1783 Matthew HUSE s Isaac Hester Newbury Marsh Labourer 27 7 1783 Thomas BECON s James Mary Frith Labourer 1 8 1783 Robert RUDDLE s William Mary Headley Farmer 2 8 1783 Mary BURD d Sarah Common BURD spurious 3 8 1783 Sarah SEARLE d Thomas Elizabeth Town Thatcher

Page 8 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 10 8 1783 James JUSTICE s Betty Town JUSTICE spurious 10 8 1783 Elizabeth LONG d James Ann Wolverton Lane Labourer 25 8 1783 Ann OSMAN d John Elizabeth Warren 24 9 1783 John ARNOTT s Isaac Elizabeth Town Carpenter 27 9 1783 Samuel HUNT s James Ann Common Labourer 1 10 1783 John SMITH s George Mary Wolverton Labourer Common 3 10 1783 Ruth WEBB d John Martha Rihouse (?) Farmer 4 10 1783 Martha WHEELER d John Ann Town Blacksmith 4 10 1783 Hannah SMITH d Sarah Common SMITH spuria 11 10 1783 Elizabeth JEFFERY d Thomas Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 12 10 1783 Ann FISHER d Benjamin Christian Wolverton Lane Labourer 18 10 1783 Hannah HUNT d John Jinny Town Labourer 24 10 1783 Elizabeth TAYLOR d William Mary Nutkins Labourer 25 10 1783 William CUMMINS s William Sarah Dell Labourer 28 11 1783 Henry ROLFE s Mary Itchenswell ROLFE spuria 30 11 1783 Hannah HALL d James Martha Common Labourer 19 12 1783 Henry BATHE s John Mary Itchenswell Miller 20 12 1783 Elizabeth CHANCE d Edward Ann Town Shopkeeper 26 12 1783 Jane MCCULLOCH d James Mary Town Shopkeeper 28 12 1783 James hazel s John Ann Itchenswell Labourer 31 12 1783 Mary GODDARD d Michael Bethany Pitch Horn Labourer 2 1 1784 Abraham GOVER s John Mary Common Shoemaker 2 1 1784 Hannah MARES d John Mary Common Labourer 2 1 1784 Thomas SEWARD s Francis Ruth Itchenswell Labourer 3 1 1784 Sarah MARTIN d James Sarah Dell Labourer 4 1 1784 James HUNT s Aaron Grace Labourer 6 1 1784 Moses LEWINGTON s John Mary Sidmonton Wheelwright 11 1 1784 Diana HALL d Thomas Ann Down Labourer 7 2 1784 Thomas FARMER s William Ann Town Labourer 7 2 1784 Elizabeth RABBETS d William Ollif Common Labourer 8 2 1784 John NEW s William Sarah Summershurst Labourer 18 2 1784 Lucy SOPER d John Martha Wolverton Labourer Common 21 2 1784 Hester PRISMALL d John Martha Common Labourer 28 2 1784 Thomas TAYLOR s John Jane Town Labourer

Page 9 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 3 3 1784 Hannah WOODLEY d Daniel Jane Common Labourer 3 3 1784 Elizabeth TOMLINS d Edward Mercy Town Publican 6 3 1784 James BRIDGMAN s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 13 3 1784 Isaac WOODHOUSE s Isaac Sarah Town Labourer 17 3 1784 William TIBLE s John Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 19 3 1784 Joseph HEAD s Joseph Lucy Town Carpenter 31 3 1784 Sarah BENWELL d Thomas Elizabeth Common Farmer 3 4 1784 Daniel HENSLAR s Richard Mary Town Labourer 4 4 1784 Rachael SMITH d Joseph Elizabeth Sidmonton Labourer 7 4 1784 Jonas BROAD s Jonas Sarah Town Mason 16 4 1784 Betty HEAD d Richard Ann Town Carpenter 21 4 1784 John SHARP s John Hannah Town Miller 24 4 1784 Sarah ROLFE d William Elizabeth Town Labourer 24 4 1784 George HITCHCOCK s Matthew Elizabeth Common Labourer 25 4 1784 Thomas HERBERT s John Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 29 4 1784 Elizabeth HUNT d Robert Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 29 4 1784 Ann GODDARD d John Sarah Common Labourer 8 5 1784 Elizabeth MAILAND d William Susannah Dell Labourer 16 5 1784 Hannah CANNINGS d William Martha Newbury Marsh Labourer 22 5 1784 Sarah SMITH d Nathaniel Jane Town Labourer 22 5 1784 Hannah LONG d Henry Mary Common Labourer 23 5 1784 Ann BUTLER d James Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 19 6 1784 George SPURRET s George Elizabeth Common Labourer 4 7 1784 Mary JOHNSON d John Sarah Town Labourer 25 7 1784 William ALLEN s Edward Ann Town Labourer 27 7 1784 Henry FARMER s Henry Honor Wolverton Labourer Common 15 8 1784 Sarah blunday BUSHLAND d Mary Pitch Horn bushland 21 8 1784 Elizabeth GRIGG d Richard Mary Itchenswell Cordwainer 29 8 1784 Richard BENSKIN s James Martha Town Labourer 1 9 1784 John EARLE s Robert Margaret Town Cooper 5 9 1784 Jacob LEWIS s Isaac Mary Common Labourer 17 9 1784 James CANE s James Elizabeth Town Maltster 18 9 1784 William FRY s Joseph Ann Common Labourer 19 9 1784 Elizabeth NAISH d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Smith

Page 10 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 25 9 1784 Henry BUNCE s Henry Mary Cannon Heath Labourer 1 10 1784 Elizabeth TWITCHIN d John Elizabeth Town Maltster 9 10 1784 Lucy MILES d William Mary Town Shepherd 15 10 1784 Betty CRIPS d Richard Sarah Common Labourer 16 10 1784 William CARTER s Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 17 10 1784 Rachel WEBB d Mary Dell WEBB 23 10 1784 James SMITH s John Sarah Common Labourer 31 10 1784 John WOODHOUSE s James Amy Sidmonton Labourer 31 10 1784 Peter WOODHOUSE s James Amy Sidmonton Labourer 2 11 1784 Robert Arthur TINKER s James Grace Town Inn Keeper 6 11 1784 John SMITH s David Elizabeth Common Labourer 6 11 1784 Hannah HEDGES d John Hannah Common Labourer 13 11 1784 James LAWRANCE s Thomas Mary Common Labourer 13 11 1784 James TAYLOR s William Phebe Common Labourer 20 11 1784 William BROOKER s James Hannah Common Labourer 20 11 1784 Mary SEWARD d Joseph Mary Common Labourer 27 11 1784 Daniel BENWELL s Daniel Elizabeth Common Labourer 27 11 1784 Thomas HUNT s Elizabeth Common Labourer HUNT 11 12 1784 Joseph WEBB s William Jane Common Labourer 12 12 1784 Thomas BENDell s Noah Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 18 12 1784 Jacob RABBITS s Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 3 1 1785 Guy HURLEY s John Elizabeth Cannon Heath Steward 8 1 1785 Richard WYTHE s Richard Hannah Labourer 8 1 1785 George JENNINGS s John Agnes Town Shopkeeper 22 1 1785 John MARSHALL s Charles Martha Town Labourer 13 2 1785 Harriet TEGG d Thomas Ruth Common Labourer 25 2 1785 John FOSTER s Joseph Elizabeth Common Farmer 26 2 1785 Ambrose WIGGINS s James Ruth Common Labourer 27 2 1785 Thomas ROLFE s John Sarah Dell Labourer 27 2 1785 Hannah HAINES d Thomas Sarah Sidmonton Labourer 5 3 1785 Joseph JEFFERY s Thomas Mary Fair Oak Labourer 5 3 1785 Henry TUCKER s George Miriam Headley Labourer 11 3 1785 Elizabeth SEWARD d William Jane Town Blacksmith 11 3 1785 Jane OLDMAYD d John Sarah Stanton Farmer 19 3 1785 William ROBBINS s William Susannah Fair Oak Labourer 29 3 1785 Joseph TYLER s John Ann Farmer

Page 11 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2 4 1785 Jacob MYHILL s Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 10 4 1785 John NICKLAS s William Ann Itchenswell 16 4 1785 Joseph RABETS s William Olive Common Labourer 22 4 1785 Abraham ROLFE s Samuel Sarah Town Labourer 23 4 1785 George RABETS s Richard Margaret Swithuns Gate (?) Labourer 23 4 1785 Martha HARMSWORTH d John Esther Common Labourer 29 4 1785 Charity WATERIDGE d William Ann Tan House cutter 20 9 1781 30 4 1785 Mary KEELING d Thomas Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 5 5 1785 Richard BOND s Richard Margaret (?) Labourer * 13 5 1785 Sarah PULLINGER d Robert Sarah Itchenswell Tanner 14 5 1785 Elizabeth PIERCE d William Dinah Common Labourer 16 5 1785 Charlotte SUMERSBY d Jane Tuckers Hill MOORE spurious 17 5 1785 Elizabeth PROWTEN d Richard Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 21 5 1785 Catherine WHITE d Samuel Ann Itchenswell Labourer 25 5 1785 John HOBBS s Thomas Betty Town Cabinet Maker 1 6 1785 Richard ROGERS s Thomas Mary Dairy House Labourer 3 6 1785 Sarah PHILLIPS d Phillip Mary Town Tailor 5 6 1785 Joseph WEBB s Elizabeth Ram Alley WEBB spurious 10 6 1785 James ROGERS s Richard Elizabeth (?) Farmer 12 6 1785 Lucy CATE d Samuel Sarah Itchenswell Farmer 12 6 1785 James BATHE s John Mary Itchenswell Miller 17 6 1785 Ann WALKER d John Mary Town Game Keeper 22 6 1785 Hannah SMITH d Thomas Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 26 6 1785 Elizabeth LONG d James Elizabeth Wolverton Lane Labourer 3 7 1785 Jane ROWE d John Jane Common Labourer 3 7 1785 James JEWELL s Jonathan Ann Common Labourer 3 7 1785 Thomas STEVENS s Richard Rachael Town Labourer 3 7 1785 John Holding WOODLY s Daniel Jane Town 15 7 1785 Elizabeth BATES d James Mary Frobury Farm Farmer 23 7 1785 Susannah TROUGHTON d Anthony Elizabeth Town Labourer 29 7 1785 Stephen FOSTER s James Elizabeth North Hill Farmer 31 7 1785 James LIPSCOMB s Robert Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 14 8 1785 Rebecca LONG d James Ann Wolverton Labourer 14 8 1785 Daniel JENNINGS s Edward Jane Itchenswell Labourer

Page 12 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 24 8 1785 Charlotte BECON d James Mary Frith Labourer 27 8 1785 John TAYLOR s John Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 30 8 1785 Josiah PRISMALL s John Martha Common Labourer 2 9 1785 Hannah GOVER d John Mary Common Farmer 7 9 1785 William ARNOTT s Isaac Elizabeth Town Carpenter 11 9 1785 Letitia MARTIN d William Jane Newbury Marsh Labourer 16 9 1785 Martha FIDLER d Edward Sarah Town Shoemaker 1 10 1785 Sarah CASBORN d John Martha Town Carpenter 9 10 1785 Mary SMITH d John Mary Sidmonton Labourer 22 10 1785 James COOPER s Joseph Ann Town Labourer 29 10 1785 John BURFORD s William Mary Town Free Maker (?) 5 11 1785 Hannah HUNT d James Ann Itchenswell 5 11 1785 Daniel JENNINGS s Thomas Hannah 6 11 1785 Dinah RABBETS d James Sarah 20 11 1785 Joseph TAYLOR s James Sarah Town Labourer 27 11 1785 Jenny SMITH d William Mary Itchenswell Labourer 3 12 1785 Elizabeth SEWARD d Francis Ruth Town Labourer 9 12 1785 Thomas BLAKE s John Mary Town Excise Man 10 12 1785 Edward EVANS s Fanny EVANS Baseborn of Ttraveller 10 12 1785 Henrietta HUSE d Peter Sarah Newbury Marsh 11 12 1785 Hannah WOODHOUSE d Isaac Sarah Town Labourer 28 12 1785 Robert Soper HALL s Thomas Ann 28 12 1785 Hannah DORMAN d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 30 12 1785 Martha RUDDLE d William Mary Hannington Farmer 30 12 1785 Elizabeth WHEELER d John Ann Town Blacksmith 8 1 1786 James POPE s Mary Itchenswell POPE Baseborn 18 1 1786 Thomas SMITH s John Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 5 2 1786 Hannah FISHER d Thomas Hester Itchenswell Labourer 18 2 1786 Anthony PATEY s Joseph Sarah Town 19 2 1786 Mary Ann HALES d John Ann Birth at Mr Brown Wolverton 26 2 1786 Elizabeth SERLE d Thomas Elizabeth Town Thatcher 4 3 1786 Mary Ann KING d Thomas Ann Common Labourer 11 3 1786 Francis MEARS s William Mary Town Labourer 12 3 1786 Sarah HUNT d Aaron Grace Common Labourer Page 13 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 17 3 1786 Sarah Rogers TURNER d Richard Sarah Town Carpenter 31 3 1786 Henry BURGMAN s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 7 4 1786 Susannah BROAD d Jonas Sarah Town Bricklayer 8 4 1786 Richard NAISH s Richard Elizabeth Labourer 18 4 1786 Arabella CRIPPS d Richard Sarah 21 4 1786 Elizabeth THOMAS d William Jane Itchenswell Maltster 11 3 1786 3 5 1786 Robert EARL s Robert Margaret Town 4 4 1786 7 5 1786 Mary SMITH d Nathaniel Jane Sidmonton 12 5 1786 Elizabeth SHARP d John Hannah Town 4 2 1786 19 5 1786 Martha Ann BISHOP d John Martha Town Surgeon Green 28 5 1786 Sarah MEARS d Thomas Elizabeth Common Labourer 31 5 1786 Hannah FARMER d William Ann Town Labourer 5 6 1786 Sarah LEWIS d Isaac Mary 7 6 1786 William NOLTON s Thomas Elizabeth 7 6 1786 Henry NORRIS s Mary NORRIS 17 6 1786 William SWAIN s William Rachael 18 6 1786 James BRIDGMAN s Joseph Mary 23 6 1786 Jesse FOSTER s John Ann 25 6 1786 Catherine BATHE d John Mary 25 6 1786 Elizabeth NEW d William Sarah 31 3 1786 30 6 1786 James ELLS s James Elizabeth 1 7 1786 Sarah HARRIS d James Elizabeth 2 7 1786 John HEARN s Samuel Amy Town 2 7 1786 Elizabeth BRIANT d William Maria Town 7 7 1786 Henry Wilmot TWITCHIN s John Elizabeth Town 7 7 1786 John ARNOTT s John Ann Town 15 6 1786 12 7 1786 Elizabeth ROGERS d Richard Elizabeth Farmer 16 7 1786 Hannah ROLFE d Mary ROLFE 22 7 1786 John ARLOTT s James Hannah Town 28 7 1786 Edmund REEVES s John Elizabeth Town Surgeon 2 8 1786 William HUNT s John Jane 4 8 1786 Lucy TOMLINS d Edward Mercy Town Tan (?) 5 8 1786 Richard HARLET s Jonathan Lucy 5 8 1786 David MUNDEY s John Elizabeth

Page 14 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 6 8 1786 William ROLFE s William Elizabeth 6 8 1786 Charles HINE s John Ann 13 8 1786 Johannah BUNCE s John Mary Itchenswell Farmer 13 8 1786 Hannah HOCKLEY d James Elizabeth Itchenswell 25 8 1786 Robert MILLS s Joseph Martha Sidmonton 27 8 1786 George PRIER s Richard Mary 30 8 1786 Henry MARSHALL s Charles Martha Sidmonton 2 9 1786 Elizabeth PIPER d William Ann 9 9 1786 Mary MARTIN d James Sarah Town 9 9 1786 Charlotte BROWN d George Hannah Itchenswell 9 9 1786 Sarah ARCHER d Benjamin Susannah Itchenswell 24 9 1786 James NORTH s Thomas Mary Town 27 9 1786 Mary Bayley LIPSCOMB d John Ann Common 29 9 1786 Sarah TINKER d James Grace Town Inn Keeper 30 9 1786 William MASCLE s William Mary Common 2 10 1786 James DOLTON s David Ann Itchenswell 6 10 1786 Richard HOLLAND s Ann Town HOLLAND 7 10 1786 Sarah COCK d Edward Elizabeth Woodlands 8 10 1786 Mary SPURRETT d George Betty Woodlands 19 10 1786 Mary FULKER d Grace Town FULKER 28 10 1786 Richard GRIGG s Richard Mary Itchenswell 28 10 1786 Betty LEWINDON d John Mary Town Walery (?) 4 11 1786 Thomas HOCKLEY s John Hannah Town 11 11 1786 Job WEBB s John Martha Woodlands 12 11 1786 Edward HALL s Martha HALL 22 11 1786 John GODDARD s Michael Bethany 7 1 1787 Richard EXELL s Richard Mary Town 7 1 1787 John STEPHENS s Richard Rachael Town 10 1 1787 William SMITH s John Hannah 13 1 1787 John HILL s James Elizabeth 13 1 1787 Hannah TAYLOR d William Phoeby 14 1 1787 Isaac HITCHCOCK s Matthew Elizabeth Woodlands 20 1 1787 Hannah HARMSWORTH d John Esther Common 21 1 1787 Deborah KING d Deborah Town KING 4 2 1787 Michal DORE s Ruth Sidmonton DORE

Page 15 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 5 2 1787 Richard CHANCE s Edward Ann Town Shopkeeper 5 2 1787 Esther PULLINGER d Robert Sarah Itchenswell Tanner 18 2 1787 Mary DIBLEY d Samuel Ann Town 23 2 1787 David FOSTER s Joseph Elizabeth Wolverton 2 3 1787 Dinah RABETS d William Olive Woodlands 3 3 1787 Miriam CHAPMAN d William Elizabeth Common 3 3 1787 Lydia KEEP d Edward Martha Common 10 3 1787 James SMITH s Thomas Sarah Woodlands 17 3 1787 Sarah GOVER d John Mary Woodlands 18 3 1787 Samuel WHITE s Samuel Ann 18 3 1787 James MCCULLOCH s James Mary Town 30 3 1787 Harriot BECON d James Mary Frith Labourer 3 4 1787 Elizabeth COOPER d Richard Judith Town 7 4 1787 Hezia WICKINS d James Ann 8 4 1787 Fanny PAYNE d James Susannah Town 13 4 1787 William BUNCE s Robert Mary Hannington 21 4 1787 Hannah PIERCE d William Dinah Woodlands 6 5 1787 Susannah BENWELL d Noah Hannah Itchenswell 11 5 1787 Betty BUNCE d John Elizabeth Farmer 12 5 1787 Phillis WEBB d William Jane Common 18 5 1787 Francis JENNINGS s John Agnes Town Maltster 22 5 1787 John GREEN s Richard Ann Town Chandler 26 5 1787 Mary HEDGES d John Hannah Town 27 5 1787 Samuel SPURRETT s George Betty 28 5 1787 Hannah TAYLOR d James Sarah 1 6 1787 Leah PRISMALL d John Martha Woodlands Labourer 1 6 1787 Letitia CRIPPS d Richard Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 5 6 1787 Mary FISHER d Benjamin Christian 10 6 1787 John MUNDEY s John Jane Town 23 6 1787 Sophia LAWRENCE d Thomas Mary 29 6 1787 Hannah LAWRENCE d Ann LAWRENCE 30 6 1787 Hannah FRY d Joseph Ann 1 7 1787 Thomas PAICE s Abraham Rachael 7 7 1787 Elizabeth JENNINGS d Edward Jane Itchenswell 15 7 1787 Sarah EXELL d Richard Mary Town

Page 16 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 21 7 1787 James CO s James Martha Town Labourer 28 7 1787 Hugh FOSTER s James Elizabeth North Hill Farmer 29 7 1787 Jane DORE d William Elizabeth Sidmonton 1 8 1787 Mark Anthony MORRIS s Mark Nanny Town Shoemaker Anthony 4 8 1787 Thomas SEWARD s William Frances Town Inn Keeper 6 8 1787 Jane BYE d Thomas Mary 15 8 1787 James BENWELL s Ann Common BENWELL 30 8 1787 JOHN Brown BROWN s Hannah BROWN Sharp 2 9 1787 Richard MILLS s James Mary 2 9 1787 Isaac SWAIN s William Rachael 5 9 1787 Henry WEBB s Benjamin Mary Dell 23 9 1787 Anne AYRES d Hannah BROWN 3 10 1787 James TUCKER s George Miriam Common 6 10 1787 John BURFETT s William Mary Freemantle Park Farmer 7 10 1787 Mary HERBERT d Jonathan Elizabeth Itchenswell 13 10 1787 Joseph PRYER s Peter Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 20 10 1787 Mary Green BISHOP d John Martha Town Surgeon 29 9 1787 20 10 1787 Rachael RABBETS d Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 27 10 1787 Esther BROOKER d James Hannah Dell Labourer 9 11 1787 Hannah CARTER d Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell 10 11 1787 Sarah JEWEL d Jonathan Ann Common Labourer 17 11 1787 James BOULTON s Benjamin Ann Town Labourer 17 11 1787 James WALKER s John Mary Town Shopkeeper 21 11 1787 Martha PHILLIPS d Phillip Mary Town Tailor 28 11 1787 Joseph SMITH s John Mary Town Labourer 9 12 1787 John AYRES s John Mary Labourer 12 12 1787 Mary Ann GODDARD d William Ann Farmer 15 12 1787 Richard HALL s Thomas Ann 22 12 1787 Sarah WHEELER d Richard Mary Town Wheelwright 23 12 1787 Jacob KEELING s Thomas Sarah Itchenswell 1 1 1788 Ann CANE d James Elizabeth Town Farmer 12 1 1788 Hannah MEARS d Thomas Elizabeth 13 1 1788 Charlotte MARINER d John Sarah Common Labourer 13 1 1788 Benjamin WITHE s Miriam Common WITHE

Page 17 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 19 1 1788 William SUMMERS s William Mary Travellers 17 2 1788 Sarah HUNT d James Ann Common 23 2 1788 Richard BENNETT s Myriam Common BENNETT 1 3 1788 Richard BACON s James Mary Common 1 3 1788 Martha JEFFERY d Thomas Mary Common 2 3 1788 Joseph EVANS s Joseph Olive Dell 16 3 1788 Elizabeth APPLETON d David Mary 29 3 1788 Ann PERRY d Thomas Martha 5 4 1788 Alexander WEBB s John Mary Common Labourer 5 4 1788 Ezra WEBB s John Mary Common Labourer 6 4 1788 Elizabeth HERBERT d John Lucy Town Labourer 12 4 1788 Charlotte HINE d John Ann 19 4 1788 Mary BROWNJOHN d Amos Mary Itchenswell Miller 19 4 1788 Sarah WALDRON d John Betty 25 4 1788 George KEEP s George Mary Woodlands Farmer 26 4 1788 John COOPER s Richard Judith Dell Labourer 10 5 1788 Mary RABBETS d James Sarah Common 16 5 1788 Elizabeth BURYMAN d William Elizabeth Labourer 25 5 1788 John BROWN s George Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 25 5 1788 Elizabeth BUNCE d Henry Mary Labourer 7 6 1788 William FARMER s William Ann Labourer 8 6 1788 Thomas DORMAN s Richard Mary Dell Labourer 8 6 1788 Robert WEBB s Edith Dell WEBB 13 6 1788 Hannah WOODLEY d Daniel Jane Common Labourer 15 6 1788 Elizabeth SPURRETT d George Betty Common Labourer 15 6 1788 Sarah ROWE d John Jane Common Labourer 25 6 1788 Mary ELLS d James Elizabeth Dell 27 6 1788 Betty RUDDLE d William Mary Woodlands Farmer 11 7 1788 Matthew SHARP s John Hannah Town Miller 13 7 1788 Mary Anne HILL d Jeremiah Susannah Town Tailor 13 7 1788 William WHEELER s John Ann Town Carpenter 2 8 1788 Hannah TIDBURY d William Charlotte 3 8 1788 James STEVENS s Thomas Hannah Itchenswell 17 8 1788 Allayah POPE Elizabeth Itchenswell POPE 24 8 1788 John HARMSWORTH s John Esther Tuckers Hill 13 9 1788 Mary HINE d Elizabeth Wolverton HINE

Page 18 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 13 9 1788 James ARLOTT s James Hannah Ashford Hill 21 9 1788 Jesse LEWIS s Isaac Mary Frith 27 9 1788 Jane MARSHALL d Thomas Jane 27 9 1788 Thomas THOMAS s Thomas Jane Itchenswell 4 10 1788 Elizabeth BENWELL d Daniel Elizabeth Ram Alley 11 10 1788 Joseph DINES s John Amy 7 11 1788 Laben MORRIS s Mark Nancy Kingsclere Shoemaker 8 11 1788 Elizabeth HOBBS d John Ann Sidmonton Farmer 8 11 1788 Hannah ARCHER d Benjamin Susan 29 2 1788 8 11 1788 John KEEP s Edward Martha Woodlands Labourer 8 11 1788 John WITHERS s John Mary Frith Labourer 8 11 1788 William BUSHNELL s William Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 23 11 1788 Lucy FISHER d Thomas Esther Itchenswell Labourer 25 11 1788 James BRYANT s William Maria Town Labourer 13 12 1788 Noah MARSHALL s Charles Martha Town Labourer 27 12 1788 Mary HUNTLEY d John Sarah Labourer 3 1 1789 Mary NORTH d Thomas Mary Town Labourer 3 1 1789 Sarah HILL d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 10 1 1789 John HUNT s John Jane Town Labourer 10 1 1789 John BOLTON s Benjamin Nanny Town Labourer 10 1 1789 Maria EARLE d Robert Margaret Town Cooper 10 1 1789 Sarah BUNCE d Robert Mary (?) Farmer 1 2 1789 Richard BRIDGMAN s Joseph Mary (?) Labourer 1 2 1789 Letty MILES d William Mary Dell Labourer 15 2 1789 Richard SMITH s John Susannah Common Labourer 15 2 1789 William MUNDY s John Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer 15 2 1789 William TEGG s Thomas Ruth Itchenswell 18 2 1789 Miriam ROGERS d Richard Elizabeth Pitch Horn Farmer 22 2 1789 William RECKMAN s James Ann Exenford 16 3 1789 Martha TOWN d Francis Mary Town Butcher 22 3 1789 George ARLOTT s William Ann Ashford Hill 28 3 1789 William COCK s Edward Elizabeth Tuckers Hill 1 4 1789 Hannah BLACKNEY d John Martha Summershurst 5 4 1789 William NEW s William Sarah Plaistow 15 4 1789 Mary GYBSON d Mary Town GYBSON 18 4 1789 Catherine MARTIN d James Sarah Dell

Page 19 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 23 4 1789 Richard HIGHAM s Samuel Ann Town 23 4 1789 John ROLFE s John Sarah Dell 25 4 1789 Benjamin LAWRENCE s Thomas Mary North Wood 26 4 1789 John CO s James Martha Town Labourer 30 4 1789 William TAYLOR s John Mary Marsh Labourer 16 5 1789 Jonas WEBB s John Martha Common Labourer 17 5 1789 James PIPER s William Ann Woodlands Labourer 19 5 1789 James WHITE s Samuel Ann Itchenswell Labourer 3 6 1789 Richard KEEP s George Mary Woodlands 7 6 1789 James ANDREWS s John Jane Itchenswell Labourer 7 6 1789 Richard MARRINER s John Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 14 6 1789 Mary STEPHENS d Richard Rachael Town Labourer 21 6 1789 Martha POAKE d Isaac Mary Itchenswell Labourer 22 6 1789 Mary ROLFE d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 26 7 1789 Mary AYRES d John Mary Common (?) 29 7 1789 Robert SIMPSON s Richard Sarah Town Mason 31 7 1789 Martha PRISMALL d John Martha Common Farmer 7 8 1789 Timothy HUNT s James Ann Common Labourer 14 8 1789 Elizabeth HOBBS d Thomas Elizabeth Town Sadler 30 8 1789 Isaac PRYOR s Peter Elizabeth Common Labourer 30 8 1789 Mary SIMS d John Mary Common Labourer 5 9 1789 Rosa Ann CHANCE d Edward Ann Town Mercer 6 9 1789 John BEARE s Thomas Sarah Dell Labourer 6 9 1789 John MAY s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 10 9 1789 Maria CROCKER d Joseph Hannah Town 11 9 1789 Henry SMITH s Thomas Letitia Itchenswell Labourer Jemima 20 9 1789 Charles MYHILL s Richard Betty Common Labourer 27 9 1789 Mary HARMSWORTH d John Dina Common Labourer 28 9 1789 Timothy GOVER s John Mary Common Farmer 3 10 1789 Edmund SMITH s David Elizabeth Common Labourer 11 10 1789 Samuel TAYLOR s James Sarah Town Labourer 17 10 1789 Thomas BURFETT s William Mary Freemantle Park 24 10 1789 James BROWN s George Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 30 10 1789 Ann SEWARD d William Frances Common Smith

Page 20 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 31 10 1789 Mary LEWINGTON d John Mary Sidmonton Wheelwright 1 11 1789 Henry LIPSCOMB s Robert Sarah Common Farmer 8 11 1789 James CAUTE s Samuel Sarah Itchenswell Farmer 14 11 1789 Mary TAYLOR d William Phebe Nutkins Labourer 21 11 1789 Elizabeth WEBB d William Jane Common Labourer 27 11 1789 Hannah FOSTER d Joseph Elizabeth Woodlands Farmer 29 11 1789 Hannah CHAPMAN d William Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 5 12 1789 Sarah COOPER d Richard Judith Dell Labourer 13 12 1789 Charlotte LAWRENCE d Sarah Town LAWRENCE 26 12 1789 Mary PIERCE d William Dinah Woodlands Labourer 27 12 1789 James BISHOP s Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 10 1 1790 Ann BROWN d John Hannah Woodlands Farmer 10 1 1790 Isaac HOCKLEY s John Hannah Town Labourer 10 1 1790 Thomas NIGHTINGALE s James Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 16 1 1790 Joseph FRY s Joseph Ann Woodlands Labourer 20 1 1790 Ann WHEELER d Richard Mary Town Wheelwright 20 1 1790 William CRIPPS s Richard Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 23 1 1790 Patience LONG d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 24 1 1790 Peter BENWELL s Peter Sarah Woodlands Labourer 24 1 1790 Dinah BENDELL d Noah Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 29 1 1790 Elizabeth ROBBINS d William Susannah Woodlands Maltster 29 1 1790 John Green BISHOP s John Martha Town Surgeon Privately Baptised 30 1 1790 Mary Ann RODE d Richard Mary Town Tailor 30 1 1790 Thomas GODDARD s Michael Bethany Common Labourer 30 1 1790 Samuel GODDARD s Michael Bethany Common Labourer 31 1 1790 Henry BOOTH s John Sarah Sidmonton Farmer 5 2 1790 John BUNCE s John Elizabeth Cannon Heath 13 2 1790 James FARMER s William Ann Wolverton Lane Labourer 27 2 1790 Joseph STROUD s John Ann Town Mayor 12 3 1790 Harriet HILL d Jeremiah Susannah Town Tailor Susannah 13 3 1790 Mary Ann WIGGINS d James Ruth Common Labourer 20 3 1790 James BUSHNELL s William Charlotte Itchenswell Farmer 21 3 1790 Sarah BUTLER d James Mary Common Labourer 21 3 1790 Frances SMITH d John Mary Town Gardner 27 3 1790 Rebecca KEEP d Edward Martha Woodlands Labourer

Page 21 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 27 3 1790 Fanny WITHERS d John Mary Freemantle Park Labourer 28 3 1790 James WEBB s Jemima Dell WEBB 29 3 1790 Hannah GODDARD d John Sarah Woodlands Labourer 3 4 1790 Robert RABETS s William Olive Common Farmer 5 4 1790 Henrietta PAINE d James Susannah Town Labourer 21 4 1790 John EARLEY s John Mary Frith 2 5 1790 Rachael CONSTABLE c Elizabeth Itchenswell POKE 2 5 1790 Phebe LOVELOCK d Sarah Common BENWELL 2 5 1790 David HALL s Charles Jemima Itchenswell Labourer 8 5 1790 Edward BATE s Edward Elizabeth Common Labourer 9 5 1790 Amelia SMITH d William Mary Sidmonton Labourer 9 5 1790 William PERRYMAN s William Hannah Sidmonton from 14 5 1790 Ann TINKER d James Grace Town Inn Keeper 22 5 1790 Mary MILLS d William Mary Coomb Hole 22 5 1790 James HOCKLEY s James Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 28 5 1790 Amos BROWNJOHN s Amos Mary Itchenswell Miller 29 5 1790 Mark WICKINS s Stephen Elizabeth Plaistow Labourer 13 6 1790 Hannah DRUCE d David Ann Town Labourer 19 6 1790 Rebecca RABBETS d Thomas Sarah Plaistow Labourer 19 6 1790 James BECON s James Mary Frith Labourer 20 6 1790 Margaret Ann BUNCE d Henry Mary Canham Heath Labourer 20 6 1790 John WALDRON s John Betty North Wood Labourer 20 6 1790 Thomas WALDRON s John Betty North Wood Labourer 1 7 1790 Elizabeth ROGERS d Thomas Mary Dairy House 2 7 1790 James NUNN s Robert Hannah Canham Park 7 7 1790 Elizabeth GODDARD d William Ann Woodhouse Farm 9 7 1790 Ann PULLINGER d Robert Sarah Itchenswell Tanner 11 7 1790 John MARES s Thomas Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 17 7 1790 Charlotte ARLOTT d William Ann August Hill Labourer 21 7 1790 Hannah PERRY d Thomas Martha Headley Labourer 23 7 1790 Jesse BRIANT s James Sarah Town 24 7 1790 John STEVENS s Robert Ann Itchenswell 25 7 1790 Sarah HARMSWORTH d John Hester 25 7 1790 James FORD s Ann FORD 1 8 1790 Dinah MOODY d Abraham Amelia Itchenswell Labourer 6 8 1790 Anna RUDDLE d William Mary Harriden Farmer Page 22 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 14 8 1790 Francis SEWARD s Francis Ruth Town Inn Keeper 29 8 1790 Joseph HAZELL s John Sarah Itchenswell 29 8 1790 Elizabeth LAWRENCE d Jonathan Ann 5 9 1790 Joseph MILES s Joseph Elizabeth Sidmonton 12 9 1790 Elizabeth ROLFE d William Elizabeth Town 19 9 1790 Joseph HALL s Martha HALL 25 9 1790 Charlotte ROURK d John Mary Town 25 9 1790 James RAY s Joseph Ann Town Labourer 29 9 1790 Henry SHARP s John Hannah Town Miller 6 10 1790 Elizabeth RODE d Sarah Town RODE 9 10 1790 James HERBERT s Jonathan Lucy Headley Labourer 15 10 1790 James MCCULLOCH s James Mary Town Shopkeeper 16 10 1790 Sarah OSMAN d Thomas Sarah frost hill 16 10 1790 Richard HEAD s Richard Ann Town Carpenter 17 10 1790 John LONG s James Ann (?) (?) 30 10 1790 Peter RABBITS s Richard Margaret Woodlands Labourer 30 10 1790 Elizabeth DORMAN d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 6 11 1790 James WEBB s John Mary Headley Labourer 6 11 1790 John Bates WEBB s Elizabeth Headley WEBB 12 11 1790 Ann ROGERS d Richard Elizabeth Pitch Horn Farmer 14 11 1790 Hannah WINTER d Joseph Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 14 11 1790 Henry JAMES s Robert Eleanor Travellers 5 12 1790 Thomas MARSHALL s Charles Martha Town Labourer 5 12 1790 Mary LEWIS d Isaac Mary Frith Labourer 12 12 1790 William EELES s James Elizabeth Town Labourer 17 12 1790 James KNIGHT s William Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer 19 12 1790 Lucy THATCHER d Robert Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 24 12 1790 Thomas DUCKETT s Richard Winifred Town Brick Maker 31 12 1790 Mary WOODLY d Daniel Jane Goose Hill Labourer 2 1 1791 Catherine JOHN d Martha Sidmonton JOHN 7 1 1791 James Collins TOWN s Sarah Town TOWN 8 1 1791 Thomas WHEELER s John Ann Town Smith 15 1 1791 Lavinia TOOVEY d Robert Mary Town Plasterer 22 1 1791 Prudence SMITH d Richard Elizabeth Goose Hill Farmer 23 1 1791 William BENWELL s Peter Sarah Woodlands Labourer

Page 23 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 29 1 1791 Thomas HUNT s James Ann Headley Labourer 4 2 1791 Thomas BUNCE s Robert Mary Hannington Farmer 6 2 1791 Mary ROWE d John Jane Hawkers Hill Labourer 13 2 1791 Sarah MILLS d James Mary Wolverton Labourer 13 2 1791 Joseph ARLOTT s Joseph Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 20 2 1791 Jesse HUGHES s John Dinah a gypsey 20 2 1791 Diana MARTIN d James Sarah Dell Labourer 23 2 1791 William BEAR s Richard Diana Ashford Hill Smith 6 3 1791 Mary KEEP d George Mary Ram Alley Labourer 6 3 1791 Hannah NEW d Richard Sarah Plaistow Labourer 6 3 1791 John HUNTLEY s John Sarah Knightsbridge Maltster 12 3 1791 Jacob JEFFRIES s Thomas Mary Fair Oak Labourer 13 3 1791 John JENNINGS s Ethelred Jane Itchenswell Labourer 13 3 1791 William BROOKER s James Hannah Dell Labourer 20 3 1791 William BOND s Richard Margaret Wolverton Lane Labourer 20 3 1791 Joseph WOOLDRIDGE s William Mary Sidmonton Labourer 10 4 1791 Mary SMITH d Thomas Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 15 4 1791 Margaret WOOFF d John Margaret Long Cross Farmer 24 4 1791 Richard EXELL s Richard Mary Town Labourer 24 4 1791 John DYER s Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer DYER 29 4 1791 Henry PHILLIPS s Phillip Mary Town Tailor 30 4 1791 Hannah HIND d John Ann Headley Maltster 1 5 1791 John HEDGES s John Hannah Wolverton Lane Labourer 8 5 1791 John BEW s John Eleanor Town Cooper 8 5 1791 Hannah MARRINER d John Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 14 5 1791 James BENWELL s Daniel Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 14 5 1791 Ann BUSHNELL d William Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 22 5 1791 Thomas WICKENS s Thomas Elizabeth Strotten Labourer Twins 22 5 1791 John WICKENS s Thomas Elizabeth Strotten Labourer Twins 22 5 1791 Thomas ARCHER s Benjamin Susannah Itchenswell Labourer 25 5 1791 Daniel THOMAS s William Jane (?) Farmer 27 5 1791 Leah HILL d James Elizabeth Town Maltster 29 5 1791 Mary BURGMAN d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 4 6 1791 Sarah RABOTS d James Sarah Plaistow Labourer 5 6 1791 Charity KEELING d Thomas Sarah Itchenswell Labourer

Page 24 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 10 6 1791 James FOSTER s James Elizabeth Woodlands Farmer 15 6 1791 John SMITH s John Hannah Fair Oak Labourer Twins 15 6 1791 Jonathan SMITH s John Hannah Fair Oak Labourer Twins 19 6 1791 Abraham CO s James Martha Headley Labourer 25 6 1791 John WHEELER s Richard Mary Town Wheelwright 26 6 1791 Hannah CHITTEL d Michael Elizabeth Bishops Green Labourer 26 6 1791 Hannah STEVENS d Thomas Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 29 6 1791 Sarah CHANCE d Edward Ann Town Shopkeeper 2 7 1791 Elizabeth AYRES d Samuel Elizabeth A Gypsey 3 7 1791 Mark SIMS s William Lucy Holy Born Labourer 15 7 1791 Sarah BRIANT d James Sarah Town Farmer 17 7 1791 Miriam FRY d Jane MORE 17 7 1791 William LAWRENCE s Thomas Mary New (?) Labourer 24 7 1791 John HALL s William Elizabeth North Oakley Labourer 24 7 1791 William WOODLEY s William Elizabeth Itchenswell Farmer 30 7 1791 William EARLEY s John Mary Frith Farmer 7 8 1791 William TRAISH s Nathaniel Ann Hannington Shoemaker 10 8 1791 Rachael ROBBINS d William Susannah Fair Oak Maltster 21 8 1791 John CARTER s Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 28 8 1791 Sarah PARR d John Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 4 9 1791 Ann BASSETT d William Sarah Dell Labourer 11 9 1791 Henry WHITE s Samuel Ann Sidmonton Labourer 16 9 1791 Robert CANE s James Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 24 9 1791 Ann PAICE d Abraham Rachael Sidmonton Labourer 30 9 1791 Thomas PEARCE s Thomas Ann Itchenswell Labourer 2 10 1791 Elizabeth HATTEY d Charles Catherine Ashford Hill Labourer 12 10 1791 James HARRISON s John Ann Sidmonton Carpenter 23 10 1791 Samuel ROLFE s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 26 10 1791 John GALE s William Sarah Holly Common Labourer 29 10 1791 Elizabeth BUTCHER d William Mary Town Labourer 30 10 1791 James ROLFE s Mary Dell ROLFE 2 11 1791 Josias ANTHONY s Mark Nancy Town Shoemaker MORE 5 11 1791 Ambrose RODE s Richard Mary Town Tailor 19 11 1791 Mary Ann PATY d Joseph Sarah Town Smith 19 11 1791 Samuel HUNT s John Jane Town Labourer

Page 25 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 20 11 1791 Rachael FARMER d William Ann Wolverton Lane Labourer 20 11 1791 Samuel TUCKER s George Miriam Holly Common Labourer 23 11 1791 Timothy KEEP s Edward Martha Woodlands Farmer 4 12 1791 James MOORE s Timothy Sarah Ram Green Labourer 21 12 1791 Elizabeth TAYLOR d William Phebe Dell Labourer 26 12 1791 Sally BUNCE d John Elizabeth Canon Heath Farmer 6 1 1792 Ann Martha HILL d Jeremiah Susannah Town Tailor 8 1 1792 Hannah STAMP d Charlotte Itchenswell STAMP 27 1 1792 John PRISMALL s John Martha Spreadbury's Farmer 5 2 1792 Elizabeth ROLFE d John Sarah Dell Labourer 17 2 1792 Charlotte PULLINGER d Robert Sarah Itchenswell Tanner 26 2 1792 William MILLS s William Mary Coomb Hole Weaver 4 3 1792 Mary BROWN d George Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 10 3 1792 Ann GODDARD d Michael Bethany Holly Common Labourer 11 3 1792 Thomas FRY s Joseph Ann Woodlands Labourer 24 3 1792 Richard PIPER s William Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 25 3 1792 John OWEN s Ann Holly Common OWEN spurious 31 3 1792 Richard HARMSWORTH s John Hester Tuckers Hill Labourer 31 3 1792 Sophia STROUD d John Ann Town Bricklayer 5 4 1792 William RODE s Sarah Exman's Ford RODE Charsley 7 4 1792 Maria SMITH d John Mary Town Gardner 8 4 1792 James ROLFE s Mary Itchenswell ROLFE 9 4 1792 Mary ROLFE d William Elizabeth Town Shoemaker 11 4 1792 Sarah DRUCE d David Ann Hall Farm Labourer 11 4 1792 John BENWELL s John Phebe Woodlands Labourer 18 4 1792 Timothy BROWN s James Mary Itchenswell Miller 20 4 1792 Alice NUNN d Robert Hannah Town Groom 5 5 1792 James TAYLOR s James Sarah Town Labourer 5 5 1792 Maria PEARCE d William Dinah Summershurst Labourer 13 5 1792 Lydia WEBB d Rachael Tan House WEBB 13 5 1792 Thomas MUNDAY s John Jane Town Wheeler 13 5 1792 James SMITH s Thomas Letitia Itchenswell Tailor Jemima 23 5 1792 Sarah GODDARD d William Ann Woodhouse Farmer 28 5 1792 Richard CLEMENTS s John Ann Town Labourer

Page 26 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1 6 1792 Jesse KEEPE s George Mary Ram Alley Farmer 2 6 1792 Mary PAYNE d William Sarah Town Labourer 3 6 1792 Charlotte HOBBS d John Ann Sidmonton Farmer 3 6 1792 William MUNDAY s Hannah MUNDAY 10 6 1792 Joseph BROWN s Phebe Dell BROWN 24 6 1792 James TEGG s Thomas Ruth Itchenswell Labourer 7 7 1792 Lavinia TOWN d Francis Grace Town Inn Keeper 7 7 1792 Elizabeth ROOK d John Mary Town Ostler 7 7 1792 Catherine STEVENS d Robert Ann Itchenswell Labourer 11 7 1792 Thomas HARMSWORTH s John Dinah Woodlands Labourer 26 7 1792 Eliza BISHOP d John Martha Town Surgeon Privately Baptised 29 7 1792 Robert COOPER s Richard Judith Dell Labourer 3 8 1792 James SEWARD s William Frances (?) Smith 5 8 1792 Solomon CHAPMAN s William Elizabeth Goose Hill Labourer 5 8 1792 John HOLLY s John Sarah Town Labourer 10 8 1792 Anthony TUCKER s Anthony Elizabeth Headley Labourer 11 8 1792 Elizabeth DORE d Edward Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 11 8 1792 Ann WEBB d John Martha Itchenswell Labourer 12 8 1792 Lucy SEARL d Thomas Elizabeth Town Labourer 12 8 1792 Lucy PRYOR d Peter Elizabeth Labourer 26 8 1792 Ann PAYNE d James Susannah Town Labourer 5 9 1792 John MILES s Joseph Elizabeth Sidmonton Coachman 28 9 1792 Sarah ROGERS d Richard Elizabeth Pitch Horn Farmer 29 9 1792 Hester BEAR d Richard Dianah Ashford Hill Labourer 30 9 1792 James WITHERS s John Mary Freemantle Park Labourer 7 10 1792 William SIMS s William Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 26 10 1792 Thomas HAWKINS s Joel Sarah Exman's Ford Labourer 2 11 1792 William BUTLER s Elizabeth Fair Oak BUTLER 4 11 1792 William TIDBURY s William Charlotte Knightsbridge Labourer 11 11 1792 Mark HALL s Charles Jemima Itchenswell Labourer 16 11 1792 Mary COLLINS d James Sarah Town Labourer 18 11 1792 Thomas HAINES s Ambrose Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 18 11 1792 Stephen HUSSEY s Stephen Ann Town Labourer 18 11 1792 Sarah BUNCE d Henry Mary Warren Labourer 21 11 1792 John STOCKBRIDGE s James Ann Itchenswell Maltster 21 11 1792 Mary SHARP d John Hannah Town Miller Page 27 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 24 11 1792 Mary EARLY d John Mary Frith Farmer 24 11 1792 Hannah BEER d Thomas Sarah Town Labourer 2 12 1792 Hannah HOCKLEY d John Hannah Town Shepherd 9 12 1792 Robert TAYLOR s James Elizabeth Mayhead (?) Labourer 12 12 1792 Thomas LANE s Luke Drusilla Town EARLE 21 12 1792 Mary RUDDLE d William Mary Harriden Farmer 21 12 1792 Lucy BROWN d John Hannah Knowl Hill Farmer 23 12 1792 Sarah NEW d William Sarah Plaistow Labourer 29 12 1792 James HUNT s James Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 4 1 1793 Elizabeth TURNER d Richard Mary Woodlands Horse Courser 12 1 1793 Sarah BEER d Joseph Elizabeth Town Labourer(?) 2 2 1793 Daniel RABBITS s William Olive Fair Oak Labourer 3 2 1793 Rebecca POKE d Elizabeth Itchenswell POKE 10 2 1793 Kesia KURNET d John Alice August Hill Shoemaker 10 2 1793 Joannah WALDRON d John Betty North Wood Labourer 16 2 1793 Thomas WOOFF s John Margaret Holly Common Farmer 17 2 1793 John PERRY s Thomas Martha Holly Common Labourer 17 2 1793 Sarah THATCHER d Robert Hannah Exman's Ford Labourer 17 2 1793 Elizabeth DICKER d Grace Town Shoemaker FULKER 20 2 1793 Harriot HUSE d Isaac Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 23 2 1793 Sarah PORTSMOUTH d William Anne Town Labourer 24 2 1793 Charles COPOTHITE d Thomas Ann Ram Alley Labourer Twins 24 2 1793 Susannah COPOTHITE d Thomas Ann Ram Alley Labourer Twins 24 2 1793 Mary SIMPSON d Richard Sarah Town Labourer 9 3 1793 James CLEMENTS s Joshua Amy Town Fellmonger 10 3 1793 Martha LONG d James Anne Wolverton Lane Labourer 10 3 1793 James WEBB s William Jane Holly Common Labourer 15 3 1793 Philip PIERCE s Joseph Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 16 3 1793 Grace PARSONS d John Martha Town Inn Keeper 19 3 1793 John CHANCE s Edward Anne Town Shopkeeper 30 3 1793 Luke WICKENS s John Sarah Pit House Labourer 31 3 1793 John DORMAN s Richard Mary Dell Labourer 31 3 1793 Sarah SMITH d Thomas Sarah Fair Oak Labourer

Page 28 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 7 4 1793 Thomas WALDEN s Joseph Mary Sidmonton Warren Labourer Adams 21 4 1793 Anne LEWIS d Isaac Mary Frith Labourer 21 5 1793 George DORE s William Elizabeth 22 5 1793 Sarah SEWARD d Francis Ruth Town Inn Keeper 26 5 1793 Mary WINTER d Joseph Betty Ashford Hill Labourer 9 6 1793 Elizabeth MARES d Thomas Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 16 6 1793 Hannah STOCKER d Charles Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 16 6 1793 Elizabeth EELLS d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 19 6 1793 James WEBB s John Martha Fair Oak Labourer 23 6 1793 Charlotte DUCKETT d Richard Winifred Town Brick Maker 30 6 1793 William MARRINER s John Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 30 6 1793 Benjamin ARCHER s Benjamin Susannah Itchenswell Labourer 30 6 1793 Elizabeth HUNT d Elizabeth Fair Oak HUNT 30 6 1793 Charlotte VINCE d Isaac Hannah (?) Labourer 12 7 1793 George PHILLIPS s Philip Mary Town Tailor 13 7 1793 Sarah WOODHOUSE d Isaac Jane Dell Labourer 21 7 1793 William KEEPE s George Mary Ram Alley Farmer 21 7 1793 George HAZELL s John Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 27 7 1793 William WHITE s Richard Hannah Summershurst Labourer 28 7 1793 James HERBERT s John Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 2 8 1793 Elizabeth TAYLOR d James Sarah Town Labourer 4 8 1793 Elizabeth ARLOTT d James Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 9 8 1793 Harriot BUNCE d Robert Mary Hannington Farmer 11 8 1793 Richard RABBETS s James Sarah Plaistow Labourer 25 8 1793 Mary BASSET d William Sarah Dell Labourer 27 9 1793 Anne FLOWER d Francis Anne Town Maltster 6 10 1793 James BROWN s Bartholom Jane North Sidmonton Farmer ew 16 10 1793 Henry CO s James Martha Headley Labourer 18 10 1793 Jacob SMITH s Joseph Elizabeth Summershurst Farmer 25 10 1793 Elizabeth JENNINGS d John Agnes Town Maltster 2 11 1793 Richard WHEELER s Richard Mary Town Wheelwright 2 11 1793 Hester BUSHNELL d William Charlotte Itchenswell Farmer

Page 29 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 6 11 1793 William GEORGE s William Hannah Holly Common Farmer 15 11 1793 Charles HILL s Jeremiah Susannah Town Tailor 17 11 1793 Thomas JEFFRIES s Thomas Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 17 11 1793 George SEWARD s Mary Town SEWARD 24 11 1793 John MILLS s James Mary Wolverton Lane Labourer 24 11 1793 John YOUNG s Mary Humbers (?) YOUNG 24 11 1793 Joseph HILLIER s William Sarah Hall Farm Labourer 29 11 1793 Mary WINKWORTH d John Mary Town Bricklayer 30 11 1793 David SMITH s John Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 1 12 1793 Mary FARMER d William Anne Wolverton Lane Labourer 21 12 1793 Elizabeth HILL d James Elizabeth Town Miller 21 12 1793 Charlotte TUCKER d George Miriam Holly Common Labourer 22 12 1793 Phebe HARRISON d John Anne Sidmonton Carpenter 27 12 1793 Hannah BOOTH d Joshua Mary Itchenswell Farmer 12 1 1794 David STROTTON s Richard Hannah Itchenswell Blacksmith 12 1 1794 Thomas WEBB s Richard Mary Holy Common Labourer 17 1 1794 Lucy BUNCE d John Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer 24 1 1794 Charles KEEPE s Edward Martha Woodlands Farmer 26 1 1794 James SMITH s Thomas Letitia Itchenswell Tailor 8 2 1794 Elizabeth BROWN d Joseph AnnJemima Town Tailor 14 2 1794 Catherine PULLINGER d Robert Sarah Itchenswell Tanner 15 2 1794 Jane LAWRENCE d Thomas Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 15 2 1794 Lucy MOOR d Timothy Sarah Woodlands Labourer 16 2 1794 Sarah OWEN d John Ann Holy Common Labourer 16 2 1794 Jesse TAYLOR s William Phebe Nutkins Labourer 23 2 1794 Rachael CLEMENTS d Mary Tuckers Hill WYTHE 23 2 1794 Sarah SIMS d William Sarah Tuckers Hill Labourer 2 3 1794 Sarah HAYNES d Thomas Sarah North Sidmonton Labourer 9 3 1794 John COVENTRY s John Mina Itchenswell Labourer 9 3 1794 Stephen WHITE s Samuel Ann Itchenswell Labourer 9 3 1794 Sarah SMITH d John Mary Kingsclere Gardner 9 3 1794 William HUNT s James Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer 14 3 1794 Letitia ROGERS d Thomas Mary DairyCommon House Farmer 22 3 1794 Samuel HAYNES s Ambrose Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer

Page 30 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 5 4 1794 Sarah DORE d Edward Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 5 4 1794 Thomas WYTHE s Daniel Sarah Woodlands Labourer 5 4 1794 John WEBB s John Martha Itchenswell Labourer 6 4 1794 Amy BRIDGMAN d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 6 4 1794 James TAYLOR s John Margaret Dell Labourer 12 4 1794 James HINE s John Ann Holly Common Labourer 16 4 1794 George GODDARD s William Ann Woodhouse Farmer 25 4 1794 Elisha BROWNJOHN s Amos Mary Itchenswell Maltster 25 4 1794 Joseph TUCKER s Anthony Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 26 4 1794 William MILES s William Mary Warren Warrenman 26 4 1794 James WOODLEY s Daniel Jane Goose Hill Labourer 26 4 1794 Elizabeth HOLLY d John Sarah Coldridge Labourer 26 4 1794 Joanah COOPER d Richard Judith Dell Labourer 27 4 1794 Sarah BOZELY d Thomas Hannah Ram Alley Labourer 27 4 1794 Sarah MEARS d Charles Rachael Town Labourer 27 4 1794 William MARSHALL s Charles Martha Town Labourer 2 5 1794 Charlotte PIERCE d Thomas Ann Itchenswell Labourer 4 5 1794 Thomas GALE s William Sarah Headley Labourer 4 5 1794 Joseph ROLFE s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 10 5 1794 Elizabeth ROLFE d Mary Dell ROLFE 11 5 1794 James HAWKINS s Clement Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 11 5 1794 Elizabeth EVANS d Joseph Olive Dell Labourer 11 5 1794 John PEARCE s Joseph Elizabeth 18 5 1794 Sarah WARREN d Mary Plaistow Labourer WARREN 21 5 1794 Louisa WILLIAMS d John Sarah Sidmonton 23 5 1794 Priscilla EARLEY d John Mary Sidmonton Labourer 29 5 1794 Robert NUNN s Robert Hannah Woodlands Groom 29 5 1794 Howell GWYNNE s Howell Susannah Town Cluians (?) 1 6 1794 Joseph SMITH s Joseph Elizabeth Wolverton Lane Labourer 7 6 1794 Joseph EXELL s James Martha Itchenswell Labourer 8 6 1794 Jane HUMPHREYS d Richard Elizabeth Labourer 8 6 1794 Robert ROLFE s John Sarah Labourer 10 6 1794 Mary BLACKMAN d John Mary Town Victualler 15 6 1794 James FARMER s Rachel (?) FARMER 22 6 1794 Mary HALL d Martha Ashford Common HALL

Page 31 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 22 6 1794 Martha HALL d Martha Ashford Common HALL 22 6 1794 Ann CARTER d Nathaniel Mary Labourer 27 6 1794 Hannah BROWN d John Hannah Knowl Hill Farmer 29 6 1794 Jesse PRISMALL s John Martha Woodlands Farmer 9 7 1794 Sarah BENWELL d Daniel Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 13 7 1794 Jane BUTLER d James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 19 7 1794 Richard CARTER s Richard Ann Ham Labourer 20 7 1794 Mary WOODLEY d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 27 7 1794 Mina CHITTLE d Michael Elizabeth Sidmonton Labourer 17 8 1794 Grace ANTHONY d Mark Nancy Town Shoemaker Morris 17 8 1794 Henry HUNT s James Ann Headley Labourer 5 9 1794 Harriot PARKER d John Eleano Town Fellmonger 13 9 1794 Daniel STEVENS s Robert Ann Itchenswell Wheelwright 20 9 1794 Hannah BENWELL d John Phoebe Common Labourer 21 9 1794 William WOOLDRIDGE s William Elizabeth Sidmonton Warren Labourer

4 10 1794 Richard CANNONS s William Hannah Town Labourer 12 10 1794 Mary HARMSWORTH d John Hester Tuckers Hill Labourer 19 10 1794 Hannah GODDARD d Michael Bethany folly farm Labourer 25 10 1794 Elizabeth WEBB d Elizabeth Headley WEBB 26 10 1794 Mary MILES d Joseph Elizabeth Sidmonton Coachman 1 11 1794 Dinah DRUCE d David Ann Town Labourer 9 11 1794 John BUSHNELL s William Charlotte Itchenswell Farmer 15 11 1794 Thomas AYRES s John Mary Fair Oak (?) 16 11 1794 Mary BOOTH d Thomas Elizabeth Sidmonton Farmer 22 11 1794 Thomas Bates KEEPE s George Mary Woodlands Farmer

22 11 1794 Harriot SHEARMAN d William Dinah Dell Labourer 14 12 1794 Elizabeth DYER d Richard Elizabeth Town Labourer 19 12 1794 William CLARKE s William Sarah Town Glazier 21 12 1794 SamuelWhitfield LANE s Luke Drusilla Town Footman 26 12 1794 Sarah HUNTLEY d John Sarah (?) Maltster 28 12 1794 Mary PRYOR d Peter Elizabeth Ashford Hill Gate Keeper 31 12 1794 Ann BUTLER d John Hannah Plaistow Labourer 3 1 1795 Eliza MATTHEWS d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer

Page 32 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 3 1 1795 George WHEELER s Richard Mary Town Wheelwright 17 1 1795 Sarah WOOFF d John Margaret Stratton Farmer 17 1 1795 Sarah TAYLOR d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 31 1 1795 Charlotte STROUD d John Ann Town Bricklayer 4 2 1795 Ann VENN d Mary Town VENN 13 2 1795 Maria WEBB d Charlotte Dell WEBB 13 2 1795 Charles HUSE s Isaac Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 1 3 1795 Francis TUCKER s George Miriam Holy Common Labourer 15 3 1795 George FISHER s Benjamin Christian Newbury Marsh Labourer 5 4 1795 John NORTH s Thomas Mary Town Labourer 19 4 1795 Ann PORTON d Robert Sarah Sidmonton Labourer 19 4 1795 Robert PORTON s Robert Sarah Sidmonton Labourer 25 4 1795 Jenny HARMSWORTH d Jonathan Hannah Headley Cordwainer 26 4 1795 Lucy LEWIS d Isaac Mary Frith Labourer 26 4 1795 Bethany SPURRETT d George Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 1 5 1795 Hannah GEORGE d William Hannah Headley Farmer 1 5 1795 Sarah DORMAN d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 10 5 1795 William ROLFE s Sarah Itchenswell ROLFE 25 5 1795 Joseph LONG s James Ann Wolverton Lane Labourer 30 5 1795 Elizabeth SMITH d Thomas Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 5 6 1795 James HOBBS s John Ann Sidmonton Farmer 6 6 1795 John HUTCHINGS s William Mary Fair Oak Labourer 27 6 1795 William BUTLER s William Maria Ashford Hill Labourer 28 6 1795 Stephen WICKENS s John Sarah Plaistow Labourer 28 6 1795 Rebecca MARRINER d John Sarah Common Labourer 1 7 1795 Elizabeth TINKER d Mary Town TINKER Hancock 1 7 1795 William WINTER s Francis Ann Ashford Common Labourer 5 7 1795 Joseph WINTER s Joseph Elizabeth Ashford Common Labourer 5 7 1795 Henry HUNT s John Jane Town Labourer 5 7 1795 Richard BASSETT s William Sarah Stubbington Labourer 19 7 1795 James STROUD s John Elizabeth Sidmonton Labourer 25 7 1795 Letitia RUDDLE d William Mary Harriden Farmer 26 7 1795 Hannah EELS d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 31 7 1795 Joshua BOOTH s Joshua Mary Itchenswell Farmer 9 8 1795 William LAWRENCE s Ann Town LAWRENCE

Page 33 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 9 8 1795 Hannah RABBITS d William Olive Fair Oak Labourer 30 8 1795 Thomas PIERCE s Joseph Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 6 9 1795 Moses HUNT s Elizabeth HUNT 13 9 1795 James VINCE s Abraham Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 4 10 1795 John HUSE s Moses Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 9 10 1795 Thomas WOODHOUSE s Isaac Jane Town Labourer 18 10 1795 Maria BARKER d Thomas Mary Town Groom 18 10 1795 Sarah HAYNES d Ambrose Elizabeth Holy Common Labourer 25 10 1795 John ARCHER s Benjamin Susannah Itchenswell Labourer 30 10 1795 Henry BUNCE s John Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer 8 11 1795 John WYATT s Sarah Town WYATT 11 11 1795 Deborah FOSTER d John Sarah Old Farm Farmer 15 11 1795 Hannah SHAW d Martha Town SHAW 18 11 1795 Ann STOCKBRIDGE d James Ann Itchenswell Maltster 25 11 1795 John BOND s Ann Itchenswell 30 12 1795 William HOBBS s Thomas Elizabeth Town Cotton Maker 2 1 1796 Sarah WEBB d John Martha Itchenswell Labourer 6 1 1796 Joseph HEAD s Richard Mary Town Carpenter 6 1 1796 John HEAD s Richard Ann Town Carpenter 10 1 1796 Hannah ANDREWS d John Jane Itchenswell Labourer 10 1 1796 Richard LAWRENCE s Thomas Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 15 1 1796 Lucy ROGERS d Richard Elizabeth Pitch Horn Farmer 22 1 1796 Henry PULLINGER s Robert Sarah Itchenswell Farmer 23 1 1796 Sarah EARLEY d John Mary Nutkins Labourer 24 1 1796 John HUSE s Miriam Newbury Marsh HUSE 29 1 1796 David PHILLIPS s Philip Mary Town Tailor 1 2 1796 William FOSTER s Martha Town FOSTER 5 2 1796 George HILL s Jeremiah Susannah Town Tailor 7 2 1796 Elizabeth CUMMINS d Sarah Dell CUMMINS 14 2 1796 James PERRY s Thomas Martha Holy Common Labourer 21 2 1796 James HUNT s James Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 21 2 1796 Elizabeth COLLINS d James Sarah Town Labourer 21 2 1796 Elizabeth CLEMENTS d John Ann Town Labourer 21 2 1796 Daniel SMITH s Joseph Elizabeth Summershurst Farmer 5 3 1796 Sarah WINKWORTH d John Mary Town Bricklayer 9 3 1796 Josias BACON s John Mary Frith Labourer

Page 34 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 12 3 1796 Mary Elizabeth TOWN d John Sarah Town Butcher

13 3 1796 Hannah COVENTRY d John Mina Itchenswell Labourer 16 3 1796 Hannah NUNN d Robert Hannah Cannon Park Groom 18 3 1796 Martha GODDARD d William Ann Woodhouse Gentleman 19 3 1796 Hannah RABBETS d James Sarah Plaistow Labourer 25 3 1796 Ann COOPER d Richard Judy Dell Labourer 27 3 1796 David PRISMALL s John Martha Woodlands Farmer 27 3 1796 John WITHERS s John Mary Freemantle Park Labourer 30 3 1796 Hannah SHARP d John Hannah Town Miller 8 4 1796 Catherine BEW d John Eleanor Town Cooper 10 4 1796 George HARMSWORTH s John Esther Tuckers Hill Labourer 15 4 1796 Mary Maria DOVE d William Sarah Sidmonton Labourer 17 4 1796 William ALLEN s Edward Mary Town Labourer 23 4 1796 David TAYLOR s James Sarah Town Labourer 24 4 1796 Mary BENWELL d John Phebe Fair Oak Labourer 1 5 1796 Elizabeth OWEN d John Ann Woodlands Labourer 1 5 1796 Joseph WEBB s Richard Mary Woodlands Labourer Twins 1 5 1796 Jacob WEBB s Richard Mary Woodlands Labourer Twins 9 5 1796 James PURDY s Richard Frances Woodlands Labourer 12 5 1796 Louisa HUMPHRES d Richard Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 15 5 1796 Martha KENNETT d John Alice Woodlands Labourer 15 5 1796 Mary HOCKLEY d John Hannah Town Labourer 16 5 1796 James FREEMANTLE s James Hannah Summershurst Labourer 17 5 1796 Joseph BROWN s John Hannah Knowl Hill Farmer 18 5 1796 James Brown- KUEL s Hannah Itchenswell KUEL John 21 5 1796 Hester PIERCE d William Dinah Hall Farm Labourer 21 5 1796 Hannah MILES d William Mary Frith Labourer 29 5 1796 Amos WHITE s Samuel Ann Itchenswell Labourer 29 5 1796 John GIRDLER s William Hannah Woodlands Labourer 29 5 1796 Sarah ARLOTT d James Hannah Woodlands 29 5 1796 Joseph BRIDGMAN s Elizabeth BRIDGMAN 10 6 1796 Martha DUCKETT d Richard Winefred Town Brick Maker 17 6 1796 John Shoe CLARKE s William Sarah Town Glazier 19 6 1796 John WEBB s William Jane Headley Labourer

Page 35 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 26 6 1796 Elizabeth BROWN d George Hannah Labourer 26 6 1796 Diana FROOME d Hannah Labourer FROOME 26 6 1796 Harriott HILL d James Elizabeth Labourer 26 6 1796 John DEANES s John Leah Labourer 29 6 1796 Sarah BROWN d Joseph Ann 16 4 1795 29 6 1796 George BROWN s Joseph Ann 30 6 1796 William ROLFE s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1 7 1796 William FLOWER s Francis Ann Kingsclere Farmer 5 7 1796 John FARMER s William Ann Wolverton Labourer 5 7 1796 Rebecca RABBETTS d John Diana Summershurst Labourer 17 7 1796 Elizabeth MOORE d Timothy Sarah Woodlands Labourer 17 7 1796 William HEDGES s Sarah Kingsclere Single Woman HEDGES Illegitimate 17 7 1796 William ROLFE s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Shoemaker 24 7 1796 William MARSE s Charles Rachael Common Labourer 24 7 1796 James PARSONS s Peter Sarah Dell Labourer 24 7 1796 Thomas DURBAGE s William Mary Dell Labourer 24 7 1796 Jane STOCKER d Edward Mary Itchenswell Labourer 5 8 1796 Philip KEEPE s Edward Martha Woodlands Labourer 6 8 1796 Charles SMITH s Thomas Letitia Itchenswell Tailor 14 8 1796 Thomas FUCE s Richard Grace Woodlands Labourer 14 8 1796 Elizabeth VURNEY d John Rachael Dell Labourer 7 9 1796 Meriam BERE d Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 11 9 1796 William TUCKER s George Meriam Headley Labourer 20 9 1796 Elizabeth BLACKMAN d John Mary Kingsclere Publican 25 9 1796 George POCOCK s Betty Single Woman POCOCK 25 9 1796 Hannah CLEMENTS d William Rose 25 9 1796 Charles PRATER s Thomas Mary Sidmonton Labourer 2 10 1796 Sarah WHITE d Richard Hannah Summershurst Labourer 2 10 1796 Mary WOODHOUSE d Joseph Sarah Ashford Hill 16 10 1796 Mary MYHILL d Dennie Hannah Kingsclere Shoemaker 16 10 1796 Lydya DORMON d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 16 10 1796 Ann ROLFE d Mary ROLFE 22 10 1796 Sarah ISARD d Aaron Mary 30 10 1796 James HARMSWORTH s Jonathan Hannah Headley Shoemaker 9 11 1796 William HOLDING s William Mary Kingsclere Attorney 13 11 1796 Martha CHETER d William Sarah Itchenswell Labourer

Page 36 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 20 11 1796 William BUTLER s James Mary Ram Alley Labourer 20 11 1796 William TROUGHTON s Samuel Martha Kingsclere Labourer 2 12 1796 John PAIN s William Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 12 12 1796 William HOLLEY s John Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 14 12 1796 John FRY s Jane Single Woman MARR 25 12 1796 John HELLIER s William Sarah Knowl Hill Labourer 25 12 1796 Ann HAINS d Ambrose Elizabeth Headley Labourer 29 12 1796 William SHERMAN s William Dina Kingsclere Labourer 3 1 1797 Mary TAYLOR d James Elizabeth 5 1 1797 Josey NEW s William Sarah Exelsford Labourer 9 1 1797 James EXELL s James Martha Dell Brick Burner 29 1 1797 Mary MAYERS d Thomas Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 29 1 1797 William STOCKER s Ann STOCKER 3 2 1797 Charles HUTCHINGS s William Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 5 2 1797 John RODE s Sarah Single Woman RODE 5 2 1797 William CHAPPEL s William Martha Ashford Hill HALL 8 2 1797 Jane PEARCE d Joseph Elizabeth Plaistow Labourer 12 2 1797 Michael GODDARD s Michael Bethany Headley Labourer 12 2 1797 Martha GODDARD d Michael Bethany Headley Labourer 8 2 1797 Jesse BRYANT s William Maria Kingsclere Labourer 17 2 1797 Elizabeth BOOTHE d Joshua Mary Itchenswell Farmer 19 2 1797 Mary HAWKINS d Clement Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 22 2 1797 Sarah LANE d Luke Drucilla Kingsclere Servant 24 2 1797 Elijah BOOTHE s Thomas Elizabeth Itchenswell Farmer 5 3 1797 Rebecca SERLE d Thomas Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 12 3 1797 Charlotte CANNINGS d Elizabeth North (?) CANNINGS 12 3 1797 Benjamin BOZLEY s Thomas Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 5 4 1797 Elizabeth BASSET d William Sarah Dell Labourer 9 4 1797 Richard GEORGE s William Hannah Headley Labourer 9 4 1797 Shadrach SMITH s John Mary Kingsclere Gardner 14 4 1797 James ROLFE s John Sarah Dell Sawyer 14 4 1797 Mary ROLFE d John Sarah Dell Sawyer 16 4 1797 James TIDBURY s William Charlotte Sidmonton Labourer 16 4 1797 William SEWARD s Sarah Newbury Marsh Single Woman SEWARD 23 4 1797 Charles BUSHNELL s William Charlotte Itchenswell Farmer 23 4 1797 Esther TAYLOR d William Phoebe Nutkins Labourer

Page 37 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 21 4 1797 Elizabeth CARTER d Thomas Mary Kingsclere Gentleman 16 5 1797 Sarah GIRDLER d William Hannah Common Labourer 18 5 1797 Robert BUTLER s William Martha Kingsclere Labourer 24 5 1797 Mary STRATTON d William Hannah 10 6 1797 Jane TURNER d Richard Mary Itchenswell Horse Dealer 11 6 1797 Amey DYER d Richard Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 18 6 1797 Jane MARINER d Thomas Sarah Dell Labourer 27 6 1797 WOODLY s Daniel Jane Common Labourer 27 6 1797 John MAY s John Mary 30 6 1797 Joseph SMITH s John Hannah 2 7 1797 Elizabeth CARTER d Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 9 7 1797 Ann BOWLES d Giles Ann Kingsclere Labourer 9 7 1797 Mary AYRES d John Mary 16 7 1797 Hannah HAYARD d Thomas Patmos Headley Labourer 20 7 1797 Elizabeth WOODHOUSE d Isaac Jane Freemantle Park Labourer 30 7 1797 Thomas CO s Martha Kingsclere Single Woman CO 2 8 1797 Thomas FORSTER s James Sarah Woodlands Farmer 2 8 1797 Sarah KEEPE d George Mary Ram Alley Farmer 6 8 1797 Sarah WOODY d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 6 8 1797 Rebecca BUNCE d Henry Mary Dell Labourer 13 8 1797 Eliza HUGHES d Charles Harriot Itchenswell Labourer 20 8 1797 Rebecca BACON d James Mary Island (?) Labourer 25 8 1797 George HEAD s Richard Mary Kingsclere Carpenter 25 8 1797 Mary Louisa CHANCE d Edward Ann Kingsclere Merchant 30 8 1797 James WOOFF s John Margaret Headley Farmer 10 9 1797 Joseph BARKER s Thomas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 24 9 1797 Elizabeth SMITH d Richard Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 27 9 1797 Mary DICKER d Joseph Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1 10 1797 Mary COMENS d James Martha Headley Labourer 1 10 1797 Ann BRIDGEMAN d William Elizabeth (?) Labourer 20 10 1797 John POOR s James Ann Headley Labourer 6 10 1797 Daniel EARLY s John Mary Nutkins Tanner 8 11 1797 Diana MORRIS d Joseph Mary Single Woman BROWN 20 11 1797 John WINKWORTH s John Mary Kingsclere Bricklayer 30 11 1797 Ann MARTIN d James Sarah Dell Labourer 5 12 1797 William FUCE s Richard Grace Goose Green Labourer

Page 38 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 7 12 1797 Deborah TAYLOR d Harriet Newbury Marsh Labourer 22 12 1797 John LEWIS s Isaac Mary Dell Labourer 22 12 1797 Hannah HUMPHREY d Richard Elizabeth Summershurst Labourer 25 12 1797 Mary Ann PRISMALL d John Martha Waites Farm Farmer 27 12 1797 Elizabeth NORTH d Thomas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 29 12 1797 Harriet SOPER d John Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 23 12 1797 Thomas LANE s James Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 25 12 1797 Thomas RABBITS s William Olive Waite's Hole Farmer 21 1 1798 Henry HEAZEL s John Sarah 21 1 1798 William STROUD s John Ann Kingsclere Bricklayer 28 1 1798 Mary VINCE d Isaac Hannah Blissetts Farm Labourer 2 2 1798 John WICKENS s John Sarah Summershurst Labourer 2 2 1798 John BROWN s John Hannah Knowl Hill Farmer 11 2 1798 Elizabeth BERE d Joseph Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 15 2 1798 Charlotte WEBB d John Martha Itchenswell 17 2 1798 James DOLTEN s Elizabeth 20 2 1798 John HUCE s Jeremiah Martha Newbury Marsh Labourer 25 2 1798 John SMITH s Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 4 3 1798 Giles COVENTRY s John Mina 4 3 1798 John HUNT s James Elizabeth Headley Labourer 8 3 1798 Edward MYHILL s John Elizabeth 10 3 1798 William HOCKLEY s Ann 15 3 1798 Elizabeth WEBB d William Martha 20 3 1798 Henry NUNN s Robert Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 3 4 1798 Timothy WHITE s Samuel Ann 3 4 1798 Richard ALLEN s Ambrose Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 11 4 1798 Richard CLARK s William Sarah Kingsclere Glazier 18 4 1798 Rebecca HOLDING d William Mary Kingsclere Attorney Carter 25 4 1798 Ann DUCKETT d Richard Winifred Kingsclere Brick Maker 25 4 1798 Thomas SMITH s John Ann Summershurst Labourer 27 4 1798 Richard WINTER s Joseph Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 29 4 1798 Phoebe MARINER d John Sarah Ram Alley Labourer 30 4 1798 Elizabeth FREEMANTLE d James Hannah Headley Labourer 1 5 1798 Rebecca EXELL d Dell Labourer 3 5 1798 Maria GODDARD d William Ann Woodhouse Farmer

Page 39 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 5 5 1798 Sophia Jane HILL d Jeremiah Susannah Kingsclere Merchant Tailor 16 5 1798 Joseph TROUGHTON s Anthony Martha Kingsclere Blacksmith 20 5 1798 Matthew MILLES s William Mary Labourer 20 5 1798 John BOOTHE s Thomas Elizabeth Sidmonton Farmer 20 5 1798 Harriet WITHERS d John Mary Freemantle Park Labourer 20 5 1798 Livinia BATES d Thomas Elizabeth Humbers (?) Farmer 25 5 1798 Sarah HUCE d Moses Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 27 5 1798 William WALKER s John Mary Itchenswell Labourer 27 5 1798 Rachel SMITH d Elizabeth Single Woman SMITH 29 5 1798 Hannah OWEN d John Ann Goose Hill Bricklayer 17 6 1798 John PRYOR s Peter Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 17 6 1798 Elizabeth ORCHARD d John Hannah Frith Labourer 17 6 1798 Robert HALL s James Martha Ashford Hill Labourer 17 6 1798 William MONDAY s John Jane Exensford Wheelwright 17 6 1798 Richard WEBB s Richard Mary Headley Labourer 17 6 1798 Mary PRATER d Thomas Mary Sidmonton Labourer 24 6 1798 George MYHILL s Dennis Hannah Kingsclere Cordwainer 1 7 1798 William PIERCE s Joseph Elizabeth Plaistow Labourer 4 7 1798 Maria BAKER d Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Traveller 4 7 1798 Elizabeth WOODARD d John Mary Freemantle Park Farmer 15 7 1798 Jesse FRY s Joseph Ann Ram Alley Labourer 15 7 1798 Peter PARSONS s Peter Sarah North Sidmonton Labourer 5 8 1798 John STOCKER s Edward Mary Itchenswell Labourer 5 8 1798 Isabella LEACH d John Elizabeth Headley Labourer 5 8 1798 John VERNEY s John Rachael Dell Labourer 19 8 1798 William DOVE s William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 19 8 1798 Abraham BROOKER s Edward Esther Kingsclere Labourer 2 9 1798 Betty GIRDLER d William Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 9 9 1798 Thomas SMITH s Thomas Mary Fair Oak Labourer 9 9 1798 James PAICE s William Hannah Dell Labourer 16 9 1798 Ambrose HAINS s Ambrose Elizabeth Headley Labourer 19 9 1798 John CHAPMAN s William Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 30 9 1798 Joseph ISARD s Aaron Mary Itchenswell Labourer 30 9 1798 Sarah GEORGE d William Hannah Headley Farmer 14 10 1798 James COOPER s Richard Judith Dell Labourer 14 10 1798 Hannah WEBB d William Jane Headley Labourer

Page 40 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 21 10 1798 Sarah ROLFE d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Cordwainer 26 10 1798 Elizabeth PHILLIPS d Philip Mary Kingsclere Tailor 2 11 1798 Mary FISHER d Mary Itchenswell Single Woman FISHER 7 11 1798 Mary CARTER d Thomas Mary Kingsclere Gentleman 16 11 1798 Jane BLACKMAN d John Mary Kingsclere Publican 18 11 1798 William ARCHER s Benjamin Susannah Itchenswell Labourer 26 10 1797 9 12 1798 Charles BENWELL s John Phoebe Fair Oak Labourer 9 12 1798 James COMENS s James Martha Headley Labourer 9 12 1798 Thomas HILL s James Elizabeth Catt's Malt House Labourer 25 12 1798 Hannah BISHOP d Thomas Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 25 12 1798 Mary WOOLDRIDGE d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 25 12 1798 Harriet GALE d William Sarah Kingsclere Soldier 2 1 1799 Mary Ann FLOWER d Francis Ann Kingsclere Farmer 6 1 1799 Ann MEARS d Charles Rachael Wolverton Labourer Common 6 1 1799 Martha LAWRENCE d Thomas Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 6 1 1799 Mary HARMSWORTH d Jonathan Hannah Headley Labourer 9 1 1799 Thomas HARRISON s Thomas Eleanor Kingsclere Inn Keeper 11 1 1799 Rebekah BLACKNEY d John Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 13 1 1799 John HELYER s William Sarah Old Hill Labourer 27 1 1799 Peter KENNETT s John Alice Hawker Hill Labourer 27 1 1799 John HIGGS s John Charlotte Fair Oak Labourer 27 1 1799 David SIMMS s William Lucy Common Labourer 3 2 1799 James TAYLOR s James Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 8 2 1799 Letitia RABBETS d William Olive Fair Oak Farmer 12 2 1799 Elizabeth EXELL d James Martha Dell Labourer 13 2 1799 Rebekah EARLY d John Mary Nutkins Farmer 17 2 1799 Ann BRIDGMAN d William Amey Freemantle Park Labourer 17 2 1799 James TOVEY s Robert Mary Kingsclere Labourer 17 2 1799 William SOAPER s Mary Kingsclere Labourer WHITE 24 2 1799 John MOORS s Timothy Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 24 2 1799 Jane PERRY d Thomas Martha Plaistow Labourer 10 3 1799 Francis TROUGHTON s Samuel Martha Kingsclere Labourer 10 3 1799 Deborah PIERCE d William Dinah Plaistow Labourer 17 3 1799 Martha EATALL d John Ann hill green Labourer 17 3 1799 Charlotte STRATTON d Richard Hannah Itchenswell Labourer

Page 41 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 17 3 1799 Robert CUMMINS s Sarah Dell Single Woman CUMMINS 19 3 1799 Benjamin HOLMES s Benjamin Ruth Swan Inn Dragoon Billeted at Swan Inn 20 3 1799 Joseph FOSTER s James Sarah Woodlands Farmer 23 3 1799 Hannah MATTHEWS d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 24 3 1799 Stephen MILES s Benjamin Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 24 3 1799 Esther BASSETT d William Sarah Dell Labourer 31 3 1799 Sarah GODDARD d Michael Bethany Headley Labourer 12 4 1799 Harriet KEEPE d George Mary Ram Alley Farmer 14 4 1799 Thomas HOLLEY s John Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 14 4 1799 Maria ALDRIDGE d John Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 28 4 1799 Charles MILES s John Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 28 4 1799 Richard EATWELL s James Mary Plaistow Labourer 28 4 1799 Maria DURBAGE d William Mary Dell Labourer 28 4 1799 Rebekah HUTCHINS d William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 5 5 1799 John SHEERMAN s William Dinah Coldridge Labourer 12 5 1799 Sarah DICKSON d William Ann Kingsclere Labourer 12 5 1799 Charlotte BUTLER d William Maria Ashford Hill Labourer 13 5 1799 Eliza Jane EALLS d James Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 26 5 1799 James TAYLOR s James Elizabeth Kingsclere Waite's Man 26 5 1799 Elizabeth LAWRENCE d Ann Kingsclere Single Woman LAWRENCE 29 5 1799 Charlotte PARR d John Phoebe Itchenswell Labourer 2 6 1799 Philip MUNDAY s John Elizabeth Exensford Labourer 9 6 1799 Ann HEAD d Richard Mary Kingsclere Carpenter 16 7 1799 John ALLEN s Edward Mary Freemantle Park Labourer 12 7 1799 Ann ARLOTT d James Hannah Stubbington Labourer 21 7 1799 William BUXEY s William Mary Kingsclere Labourer 21 7 1799 Thomas BUXEY s William Mary Kingsclere Labourer 21 7 1799 Charles MARINER s Thomas Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 11 8 1799 Maria HAWKINS d John Sarah Hawkers Hill Farmer 11 8 1799 Sophia SMITH d John Mary Kingsclere Gardner 11 8 1799 Charlotte CARTER d Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell Farmer 16 8 1799 Sophia LANE d Luke Drusilla Kingsclere Shopkeeper 18 8 1799 Thomas WHITE s Richard Hannah Summershurst Labourer 23 8 1799 William POORE s James Ann Kingsclere Publican 1 9 1799 Eliza TANNER d Mary Ann Hawkers Hill Single Woman TANNER 6 9 1799 Thomas BOOTHE s Thomas Elizabeth North Sidmonton Farmer

Page 42 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 22 9 1799 Jesse SMITH s John Ann Summershurst Labourer 22 9 1799 Sarah HEUSE d Miriam Kingsclere Sawyer HUSE 25 9 1799 John HOLDING s William Mary Kingsclere Attorney 13 10 1799 Charles MYHILL s Dennis Hannah Kingsclere Cordwainer 20 10 1799 Ann FOSTER d John Sarah Common Farmer 20 10 1799 Elizabeth BURGESS d John Spradboro Workhouse Labourer WEBB 27 10 1799 James FUCE s Richard Grace Goose Green Labourer 27 10 1799 Maria HARMSWORTH d John Hester Tuckers Hill 27 10 1799 James TONANT s Daniel Elizabeth Reading Marsh Single Woman HUNT 30 10 1799 Jane MYLES d John Mary Dell Dragoon 3 11 1799 Thomas SMITH s John Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 10 11 1799 Clement HAWKINS s Clement Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 10 11 1799 James SMITH s Job Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 20 11 1799 Jane WOODARD d John Mary Freemantle Park Farmer 22 12 1799 Lucy GODDARD d John Mary Haughurst Hill Labourer 27 12 1799 Thomas WINKWORTH s John Mary Kingsclere Bricklayer 27 12 1799 Hannah MINALLE d Thomas Charlotte Headley Labourer 29 12 1799 James GIRDLER s William Hannah Plaistow Labourer 30 12 1799 James ARCHER s Benjamin Susannah Labourer 5 1 1800 Mary STEVENS d Thomas Charlotte Labourer 10 1 1800 Ann KING d Thomas Grace Fair Oak Butcher 10 1 1800 John COMENS s James Martha Summershurst Farmer 15 1 1800 Elizabeth CLARK d William Sarah Kingsclere Plumber & Glazier 22 1 1800 John Robert HIGGS s John Mary Kingsclere Gentleman's Servant 22 1 1800 Hannah ANDREWS d Mary Headley Single Woman ANDREWS 26 1 1800 Elizabeth SMITH d David Mary Ram Alley Labourer 28 1 1800 Mary WICKENS d John Sarah Summershurst Labourer 28 1 1800 William SMITH s Sarah SMITH 2 2 1800 John ARLOTTE s William Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 2 2 1800 Martha WINTER d Joseph Betty Ashford Hill Labourer 12 2 1800 John GEORGE s William Hannah Headley Farmer 16 2 1800 Jeremiah RABBETS s James Sarah Plaistow Labourer 21 2 1800 Mary FUSE d John Sarah Storkhouse Farmer 21 2 1800 Robert PRATER s Thomas Mary Sidmonton Farmer

Page 43 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 5 3 1800 William BROWN s William Ann Kingsclere School Master Litten School 9 3 1800 Thomas BENDELL s Elizabeth Itchenswell Single Woman BENDELL 9 3 1800 Thomas COVENTRY s John Jemima 9 3 1800 James WOODLEY s William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 14 3 1800 Sarah BROWN d John Hannah Kingsclere Farmer 30 3 1800 Solomon BENNETT s John Leah Fair Oak Labourer 30 3 1800 Lazarus LAWRANCE s Sarah Workhouse LAWRANCE 6 4 1800 Harriet JEWELL d Joseph Sarah Frith Labourer 6 4 1800 Mary Ann RODE d Sarah Workhouse RODE 6 4 1800 Elizabeth SIMS d John Hannah St Lawrence Labourer Wootton 14 4 1800 Anna GODDARD d William Ann Woodhouse Farmer 27 4 1800 James CATE s Henry Ann Kingsclere Labourer 27 4 1800 Jacob FREEMANTLE s James Hannah Headley Labourer 27 4 1800 Ephraim BUSHNELL s William Charlotte Itchenswell Farmer 27 4 1800 Jane WEBB d John Martha Itchenswell Labourer 27 4 1800 John STROUD s John Sarah Kingsclere Butcher 4 5 1800 John LEACH s Richard Elizabeth Headley Labourer 4 5 1800 Robert WOOFF s John Margaret Headley Farmer 4 5 1800 Elizabeth HOCKLEY d John Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 9 5 1800 George PIPER s George Martha Kingsclere Fellmonger 9 5 1800 Miriam VINCE d Isaac Hannah Blissetts Farm Labourer 18 5 1800 Richard SMITH s Thomas Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 18 5 1800 Martha TAYLOR d James Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 18 5 1800 Laetitia BRYANT d William Maria Kingsclere Labourer 18 5 1800 Henry STEVENS s Robert Ann 25 5 1800 Samuel HUMPHREYS s Richard Elizabeth Summershurst Labourer 25 5 1800 Charlotte TANNER d Thomas Jemima Itchenswell Shoemaker 8 6 1800 William HEASE s Jeremiah Martha Marsh End Labourer 15 6 1800 William COOPER s Richard Judith Dell Labourer 15 6 1800 Samuel PRISMALL s John Martha Woodlands Farmer 29 6 1800 William Henry DOVE s William Sarah 6 7 1800 Lucy NUE d William Sarah Exensford Labourer 13 7 1800 Isaac HAINES s Ambrose Elizabeth Headley Labourer 27 7 1800 Thomas HUNT s Thomas Elizabeth Headley Labourer 27 7 1800 Rachel BENWELL d John Phoebe Fair Oak Labourer

Page 44 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 3 8 1800 David SOPER s John Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 10 8 1800 John MOORE s James Mary Tuckers Hill Labourer 10 8 1800 George PEARCE s Joseph Elizabeth Plaistow Labourer 17 8 1800 Miriam MYLE d William Mary Coomb Hole Warrener 17 8 1800 William MAYERS s Thomas Elizabeth Ram Alley Green Labourer 17 8 1800 George RABBETS s William Olive Fair Oak Farmer 24 8 1800 Hannah DUCKETT d Winifred Kingsclere Widow DUCKETT 31 8 1800 Mark HEUSE s Charles Harriet Sidmonton Labourer 21 9 1800 James HEAD s Richard Mary Kingsclere Carpenter 28 9 1800 Charles OWEN s John Ann Rackleton's Bricklayer 28 9 1800 Peter SMITH s Henry Sarah Itchenswell 28 9 1800 Mary HUGHES d Moses Elizabeth Itchenswell 17 10 1800 William Bates PAICE s Mary Sidmonton Single Woman PAICE 17 10 1800 Lydia EARLEY d John Mary Nutkins Farmer 19 10 1800 Mary Ann SELLWOOD d John Elizabeth Marsh End Labourer 26 10 1800 Esther CUSSELL d John Mary Dell Shepherd 26 10 1800 Hannah BENDALL d Samuel Rachel Itchenswell Labourer 23 11 1800 William HAYWARD s Thomas Patmos Stratton Labourer 23 11 1800 Ann LANE d Samuel Susanna Ashford Hill Blacksmith 23 11 1800 Hannah WHITE d Samuel Ann Itchenswell 3 12 1800 Ann FOSTER d James Sarah Woodlands Farmer 7 12 1800 John SHADWELL s Richard Sarah Workhouse Pauper 10 12 1800 Joseph DANCE s James Rebekah Woodlands Labourer 28 12 1800 Mary BLAKE d Joseph Mary Kingsclere Carpenter 11 1 1801 Elizabeth GEORGE d Robert Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 18 1 1801 David HARMSWORTH s Jonathan Hannah Headley Shoemaker 18 1 1801 Rebekah ORCHARD d John Hannah Common Labourer 25 1 1801 Charles KING s Thomas Dinah Plaistow Labourer 25 1 1801 Rachel BARNES d William Sarah Goose Green Labourer 25 1 1801 Ann BOZLEY d Thomas Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 27 2 1801 John BUTT s Benjamin Hannah Kingsclere Inn Keeper 27 2 1801 William NORTH s Thomas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1 3 1801 Lucy PROUT d Thomas Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1 3 1801 Elizabeth GALE d William Sarah Headley Soldier 1 3 1801 Rebekah ALLEN d Ambrose Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer

Page 45 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 8 3 1801 Richard STRATTON s Richard Hannah Kingsclere Maltster 13 3 1801 John DRAKE s John Jane Kingsclere Maltster 13 3 1801 Joshua BOOTH s Joshua Mary Itchenswell Farmer 20 3 1801 William ALDRIDGE s John Elizabeth Labourer 20 3 1801 John LIZARD s Aaron Mary Itchenswell Labourer 22 3 1801 Hannah KEEPE d George Mary Ram Alley Labourer 22 3 1801 Mary WEBB d Richard Mary Headley Labourer 31 3 1801 Mary HOLDING d William Mary Town Attorney 3 4 1801 Elizabeth BISHOP d Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 5 4 1801 Laetitia LANE d Luke Drusilla Town Shopkeeper 9 4 1801 James BLACKMAN s John Mary Town Victualler 9 4 1801 Robert ROLFE s William Elizabeth Town Shoemaker 15 4 1801 Elizabeth BUSHNELL d William Charlotte Itchenswell Farmer 3 5 1801 Hannah SMITH d John Ame. Summershurst Labourer 3 5 1801 John SOPER s Edward Molly Itchenswell 17 5 1801 Lucy GIRDLER d William Hannah Common Labourer 29 5 1801 John HYAM s James Martha Kingsclere Wagoner 29 5 1801 Henry SEWARD s John Elizabeth Kingsclere Blacksmith 29 5 1801 Rebekah FORSTER d John Sarah Old Farm Farmer 7 6 1801 Ann DICKSON d William Ann Kingsclere Labourer 14 6 1801 Sarah HELLIER d William Sarah Spradbury's Labourer 14 6 1801 James SHEARMAN s William Dinah Old Hill Labourer 14 6 1801 John HAWKINS s John Sarah (?) Brick Burner 29 6 1801 Charles MATTHEWS s Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 3 7 1801 Thomas STROUD s John Ann Town Bricklayer 19 7 1801 Mary SMITH d David Mary Ram Alley Labourer 19 7 1801 Richard HILL s James Elizabeth Catt's Malt House Labourer 19 7 1801 Mary Ann MARRINER d John Sarah Ram Alley Labourer 26 7 1801 Sarah WIVILL d Richard Mercy Pilgrim's Mill Labourer 2 8 1801 Mary WEBB d William Jane Headley Labourer 2 8 1801 Jane ALLEN d Edward Mary Frith Labourer 9 8 1801 Mary MARES d Thomas Lucy Oxford Lane Labourer 9 8 1801 Harriet DORMAN d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 30 8 1801 Sophia POVEY d John Elizabeth Slader's Farm (?) Labourer 6 9 1801 Elizabeth HAWKLEY d James Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 13 9 1801 Thomas STOCKER s Charles Hannah Itchenswell Labourer

Page 46 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 16 9 1801 Ann MEGGS d Thomas Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 27 9 1801 Hannah BLACKNEY d John Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 27 9 1801 Elizabeth DANCE d James Rebecca Headley Labourer 4 10 1801 Hanna WITHE d James Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 11 10 1801 Samuel SMITH s Richard Elizabeth Headley Labourer 11 10 1801 William DURBAGE s William Mary Dell Labourer 11 10 1801 Lucy HAWKLEY d James Ann Itchenswell Labourer 14 10 1801 Harriet IRVING d John Rachael Dell Militiaman 18 10 1801 Thomas WHEATLAND s William Elizabeth Sidmonton Labourer 18 10 1801 George POCOCK s John Elizabeth Kingsclere Carpenter 25 10 1801 Richard BUTLER s John Martha Kingsclere Labourer 25 10 1801 Mary WEBB d John Martha Itchenswell Labourer 30 10 1801 Isaac POORE s James Ann Kingsclere Inn Keeper 30 10 1801 Lucy LONG d James Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1 11 1801 Mary BEARE d Joseph Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 6 11 1801 Jesse COMENS s James Martha Summershurst Farmer 8 11 1801 Jane IRELAND d Joseph Mary Common Labourer 22 11 1801 William PRIOR s Peter Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 27 11 1801 Ann FEUSE d John Sarah Hants House (?) Farmer 4 12 1801 Mary Shoe CLARK d William Sarah Kingsclere Glazier 6 12 1801 Martha MILES d Sarah Sidmonton MILES 13 12 1801 William HUTCHINS s William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 20 12 1801 Sophia STEVENS d Henry Mary Itchenswell Wheelwright 20 12 1801 Robert SMITH s John Mary Kingsclere Gardner 23 12 1801 Aaron BROOKER s Edward Esther Common Labourer 3 1 1802 Thomas MAYERS s Thomas Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 3 1 1802 Benjamin MYHILLS s John Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 6 1 1802 Ann RODE d Richard Mary Kingsclere Labourer 10 1 1802 William WINTER s Joseph Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 15 1 1802 Mary BROWN d Daniel Mary Itchenswell Farmer 17 1 1802 Henry GODDARD s John Mary Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 17 1 1802 John BRIENT s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 24 1 1802 Mary HAINES d Elizabeth Sidmonton HAINES 19 2 1802 Sarah FUSE d Richard Grace Starkhouse Labourer 21 2 1802 James COOPER s Richard Judith Dell Labourer 21 2 1802 James MINALL s Thomas Charlotte Common Labourer

Page 47 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 21 2 1802 George ARLOTT s William Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 28 2 1802 Eliza SOPER d James Charlotte Plaistow Labourer 7 3 1802 Hannah BENNETT d John Leah Fair Oak Labourer 7 3 1802 Richard MYHILL s Benjamin Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 8 3 1802 Mary DYER d James Charlotte Hawker Hill Labourer 19 3 1802 Elizabeth GEORGE d William Hannah Ram Alley Farmer 24 3 1802 Mary Ann BUTLER d William Maria Ashford Hill Labourer 28 3 1802 James COTTREL s Charles Charlotte Itchenswell Carpenter 28 3 1802 Sarah BARNS d William Sarah Goose Green Labourer 27 4 1802 Benjamin BOOTH s Thomas Elizabeth Sidmonton Farmer 30 4 1802 Joseph HARMSWORTH s Richard Elizabeth Common Labourer 9 5 1802 James SMITH s Henry Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 9 5 1802 James Porter BENWELL s John Phebe Fair Oak Labourer 23 5 1802 John TAYLOR s James Elizabeth Kingsclere Militiaman 23 5 1802 Hannah BROWNJOHN d Amos Hannah Itchenswell Miller KEWELL 30 5 1802 Edward PIERCE s William Dinah Plaistow Labourer 1 6 1802 Thomas PRATER s Thomas Mary Sidmonton Labourer 6 6 1802 Hannah BARLY d James Elizabeth Itchenswell 13 6 1802 Harriet BROWNJOHN d John Mary Itchenswell 13 6 1802 Harriet FARMER d Thomas Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 20 6 1802 Letitia HUMPHREY d Richard Elizabeth Summershurst Labourer 27 6 1802 George MAY s Charles Ann Ashford Hill Sawyer 27 6 1802 Ann FREEMANTLE d James Hannah Headley Labourer 18 7 1802 James FRY s Joseph Ann Ram Alley Labourer 18 7 1802 Joseph PIERCE s Joseph Elizabeth Plaistow Labourer 25 7 1802 William TAYLOR s William Elizabeth Strottens Labourer 1 8 1802 Mary KERNUTT d John Alice Common Shoemaker 1 8 1802 Sarah MARRINER d Thomas Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 1 8 1802 Harriet TANNER d Thomas Jemima Itchenswell Shoemaker 7 8 1802 William DRAKE s John Jane Kingsclere Maltster 8 8 1802 Martha SMITH d Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 13 8 1802 John FOSTER s James Sarah Woodlands Farmer 15 8 1802 Mary STROUD d John Sarah Kingsclere Butcher 15 8 1802 Harriet WHITE d Richard Hannah Summershurst Labourer 15 8 1802 John HUSE s John Harriet Sidmonton Labourer 15 8 1802 Eliza NORTH d James Miriam Itchenswell Labourer

Page 48 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 22 8 1802 William PERRY s Thomas Martha Common Labourer 12 9 1802 Elizabeth HAWKINS d Clement Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 19 9 1802 Eliza CARTER d Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 24 9 1802 Ann TURNER d Richard Mary Itchenswell Horse Dealer 24 9 1802 Mary MOORE d James Mary Itchenswell Labourer 29 9 1802 Charity SEARLE d Thomas Elizabeth Dear Lower (?) Labourer 29 9 1802 Philip PHILLIPS s Philip Hannah Kingsclere Tailor BUTLER 1 10 1802 Joseph WINKWORTH s John Mary Kingsclere Bricklayer 1 10 1802 William WINKWORTH s John Mary Kingsclere Bricklayer 1 10 1802 Charles PARSONS s Thomas Elizabeth Itchenswell Farmer ALLEN 3 10 1802 Elizabeth WOOLDRIDGE d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 10 10 1802 Ann HOUSE d Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer CUMMINS 17 10 1802 Rebecca WICKENS d John Sarah Summershurst Labourer 24 10 1802 Harriet COVENTRY d John Jemima Itchenswell Labourer 31 10 1802 Mary HAINES d Ambrose Elizabeth Common Labourer 21 11 1802 James ALDRIDGE s John Elizabeth Common Labourer 26 11 1802 Charles MUNDAY s John Elizabeth Exensford Labourer 3 12 1802 Charles SEWARD s James Ann Town Blacksmith 5 12 1802 Rebecca MYHILL d Dennis Hannah Town Shoemaker 5 12 1802 Martha SEWARD d William Sarah Town Labourer 12 12 1802 Mary PIPER d William Frances Ashford Hill Labourer 12 12 1802 Hannah HART d William Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 27 12 1802 Sarah TAYLOR d Elizabeth Town TAYLOR 2 1 1803 Eliza HUGHES d Esther Itchenswell HUGHES 26 1 1803 William LANE s Luke Drusilla Town Shopkeeper 30 1 1803 Richard MUNDAY s John Jane Exensford Wheeler 30 1 1803 Joseph PARSONS s Peter Sarah North Sidmonton Labourer 2 2 1803 Mary OWENS d John Ann Rackerton Bricklayer 6 2 1803 Thomas EDWELL s John Ann Common Labourer 6 2 1803 George LEACH s John Elizabeth Common Labourer 6 2 1803 Peter PRISMALL s John Martha Woodlands Labourer 13 2 1803 Hannah ARLOTT d James Hannah Town Labourer 13 2 1803 William HILL s Jeremiah Susannah Town Tailor Jeremiah 20 2 1803 John COVENTRY s Anthony Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 20 2 1803 Maria MATTHEWS d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer

Page 49 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 25 2 1803 Sarah CLARK d William Sarah Town Glazier 2 3 1803 Henry CHAPMAN s Elizabeth Common CHAPMAN 6 3 1803 Elizabeth ALLEN d Edward Mary Frith Labourer 6 3 1803 Jacob HEYWARD s Thomas Patmost Common Labourer 6 3 1803 Maria SMITH d John Ann Summershurst Labourer 6 3 1803 Job SMITH s Job Sarah Town Labourer 9 3 1803 Sarah BANCE d Matthew Mary Town Cooper 20 3 1803 Samuel ROLFE s William Elizabeth Town Shoemaker 30 3 1803 Joseph BLAKE s Joseph Mary Town Carpenter 3 4 1803 Elizabeth BROOKER d John Mary Dell Labourer 3 4 1803 Hannah JEFFERY d Thomas Mary Fair Oak Labourer 6 4 1803 Thomas ROLFE s William Mary Town Sawyer 10 4 1803 Thomas GIRDLER s William Hannah Common Labourer 17 4 1803 Rebecca BISHOP d Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 17 4 1803 Thomas HUSE s Jeremiah Martha Town Labourer 24 4 1803 Josiah RABBITS s William Olive Fair Oak Farmer 8 5 1803 Martha BUTT d Benjamin Hannah Town Inn Keeper 18 5 1803 Mary POCOCK d John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 28 5 1803 Martha WIVILL d Richard Mercy Pilgrim's Mill Miller 30 5 1803 Francis TAYLOR s James Sarah Town Labourer 30 5 1803 Charlotte LANE d Samuel Susanna Ashford Hill Blacksmith 19 6 1803 Lydia MYLES d William Mary Turnpike Gate Labourer 26 6 1803 Charles RABBITS s James Sarah (?) Labourer 26 6 1803 John VINCENT s Abraham Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 3 7 1803 Charlotte WOODLY d William Ann Woodlands Labourer 3 7 1803 William IZARD s Aaron Mary Itchenswell Labourer 3 7 1803 George MILES s Joseph Elizabeth Sidmonton Coachman 3 7 1803 Sarah BEAR d Thomas Winifred Town Labourer 10 7 1803 Sarah ROLFE d John Sarah Town Labourer 10 7 1803 Martha POORE d James Ann Town Inn Keeper 17 7 1803 Rachael BOZELEY d Thomas Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 17 7 1803 Richard HUNT s James Elizabeth Common Labourer 17 7 1803 Sarah SMITH d Joseph Ann Plaistow Wheelwright 19 7 1803 Elizabeth HOLDING d William Mary Town Attorney 24 7 1803 Rebecca RABBITS d John Mary Common Labourer 24 7 1803 Elizabeth RABBITS d Hannah Common RABBITS

Page 50 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 31 7 1803 Thomas TAYLOR s Richard Elizabeth Town Wheelwright 5 8 1803 Richard BLACKMAN s John Mary Town Inn Keeper 5 8 1803 Letitia BRYANT d William Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 7 8 1803 George SHEARMAN s William Dinah Town Labourer 7 8 1803 Ann WHITE d Samuel Ann Itchenswell Labourer 19 8 1803 Elizabeth SEWARD d John Elizabeth Town Blacksmith 21 8 1803 Mary DICKSON d William Ann Town Labourer 21 8 1803 Mary SPROUT d Thomas Hannah Marsh Labourer 4 9 1803 William SMITH s Joseph Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 4 9 1803 William MOOR s Timothy Sarah Tuckers Hill Farmer 4 9 1803 Hannah WEBB d Richard Mary Common Labourer 18 9 1803 Phoebe KEWELL d William Jane Itchenswell Labourer 18 9 1803 Mary Ann STEVENS d Henry Mary Ann Itchenswell Wheelwright 2 10 1803 Hannah SMITH d Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 2 10 1803 James BENDELL s Samuel Rachael Itchenswell Labourer 5 10 1803 Rebecca CARTER d Thomas Mary Kingsclere Farmer 16 10 1803 James HILLIER s William Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 16 10 1803 Hannah MAY d Charles Ann Common Sawyer 26 10 1803 Elizabeth HARMSWORTH d Richard Elizabeth Common Labourer 28 10 1803 Mary FOSTER d John Sarah Old Farm Farmer 4 11 1803 John CUSSELL s John Mary Dell Shepherd ROLFE 13 11 1803 Sophia STOCKER d Edward Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 20 11 1803 Peter TIDBURY s William Charlotte Sidmonton Labourer 11 12 1803 Hannah HUTCHINS d William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 18 12 1803 Hannah NORTH d James Miriam Itchenswell Labourer 25 12 1803 Richard Henry CHANDLER s Henry Elizabeth Town Labourer 30 12 1803 Ann HINDE d Morris Sarah Common Labourer 4 1 1804 Mary ELLIOT d Richard Ann Common Labourer 6 1 1804 Jane COTTERALL d Charles Sarah Itchenswell Carpenter 6 1 1804 Ann CUMMINS d James Sarah Summershurst Farmer 8 1 1804 Jane WARD d Samuel Martha Sidmonton Labourer 11 1 1804 Richard STROUD s John Sarah Town Butcher 14 1 1804 William PIPER s George Martha Town Fellmonger Edward 20 1 1804 Hannah PARSONS d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Farmer ALLEN 27 1 1804 Lydia BARNS d William Sarah Common Labourer

Page 51 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 29 1 1804 Elisha BOOTH s Thomas Elizabeth Sidmonton Farmer 12 2 1804 Jacob HAWKINS s Joel Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 12 2 1804 Elizabeth ARLOTT d William Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 12 2 1804 Thomas HOCKLEY s James Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 17 2 1804 George TAYLOR s William Elizabeth Town Tanner 19 2 1804 Elizabeth PEARCE d Joseph Elizabeth Plaistow Labourer 19 2 1804 Thomas FARMER s Ann Town FARMER 19 2 1804 Mary Ann SMITH d Henry Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 19 2 1804 Liza FOSBURY d William Harriet Itchenswell Labourer 19 2 1804 Johanna EVANS d James Mary Itchenswell Labourer 22 2 1804 Sarah ROLFE d Henry Hannah Common Labourer 4 3 1804 William DYER s James Charlotte Common Labourer 4 3 1804 Mary TROUGHTON d Samuel Martha Town Labourer 11 3 1804 George BAUGUST s Robert Susannah Strattons Labourer 11 3 1804 Elizabeth MARRINER d John Sarah Ram Alley Labourer 11 3 1804 Henry SMITH s Nathaniel Jane Sidmonton Labourer 25 3 1804 Charlotte FEUSE d Richard Grace Woodlands Tanner 1 4 1804 Mary VERNY d John Rachael Town Labourer 4 4 1804 Charles FOSTER s James Sarah Woodlands Farmer 8 4 1804 Sarah ALLEN d Ambrose Elizabeth Town Labourer 8 4 1804 Harriet TAYLOR d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 8 4 1804 William WEBB s William Jane Common Labourer 11 4 1804 Hannah EARLEY d John Mary Nutkins Labourer 15 4 1804 James DANCE s James Rebecca Common Labourer 15 4 1804 Henry BENWELL s John Phebe Common Labourer 15 4 1804 Eliza STOCKER d Charles Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 15 4 1804 Sarah WHEATLAND d Willia Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 22 4 1804 Hannah WEBB d John Martha Itchenswell Labourer 29 4 1804 Sarah PAICE d Thomas Mary Town Labourer 29 4 1804 Mary FREEMANTLE d James Hannah Common Labourer 29 4 1804 Harriet PRIOR d William Martha Itchenswell Labourer 6 5 1804 Sophia HAWKINS d David Elizabeth Common Labourer 6 5 1804 Mary CHETER d William Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 9 5 1804 Elizabeth STROUD d John Ann Town Bricklayer 13 5 1804 James STROTTEN s Richard Hannah Itchenswell Blacksmith 20 5 1804 John BLACKNEY s John Jane Common Labourer

Page 52 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 27 5 1804 Anthony COVENTRY s Anthony Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 27 5 1804 William BENNETT s John Lear Common Labourer 27 5 1804 Harriet GODDARD d John Mary Hawker Hill Labourer 30 5 1804 Richard RODE s Sarah Workhouse RODE 3 6 1804 Edward NORTH s Thomas Mary Town Labourer 6 6 1804 Hannah VINCENT d Isaac Hannah Blissetts Farm Labourer 6 6 1804 Letitia CHAPMAN d Elizabeth Common CHAPMAN 10 6 1804 Thomas KING s Thomas Dinah Plaistow Labourer 13 6 1804 Kesia MORRIS d Mark Ann Town Blacksmith Anthy 17 6 1804 John WINTER s Joseph Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 22 6 1804 Edward GODDARD s William Ann Woodlands Farmer 24 6 1804 Elizabeth BANCE d Matthew Mary Town Cooper 24 6 1804 Daniel PARSONS s Peter Sarah Sidmonton Labourer 24 6 1804 Mary TIBBEL d Peter Lydia Itchenswell Labourer 15 7 1804 John BEAR s Joseph Elizabeth Town Labourer 15 7 1804 James BASSETT s William Sarah Dell Labourer 15 7 1804 Catherine CLINCH d Thomas Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 20 7 1804 William FISHER s Benjamin Martha Town Labourer 22 7 1804 Ann WYTHE d James Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 22 7 1804 Maria NEW d William Sarah Exman's Ford Labourer 25 7 1804 Elizabeth FLOWER d Francis Ann Town Farmer 29 7 1804 George SOPER s James Charlotte Common Labourer 5 8 1804 William ASPREY s John Jane Sidmonton Farmer 19 8 1804 Maria SILBEY d Gabriel Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 24 8 1804 John HEAD s John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 26 8 1804 Phebe BUTLER d William Maria Ashford Hill Labourer 26 8 1804 Ann MOORE d James Mary Tuckers Hill Farmer 2 9 1804 Henry BROWNJOHN s John Mary Itchenswell Miller 14 9 1804 Eliza BROWN d Daniel Mary Itchenswell Farmer 16 9 1804 William COLLINS s James Sarah Town Labourer 26 9 1804 James SEWARD s James Ann Town Blacksmith 30 9 1804 Mary RUMBOLD d John Elizabeth Itchenswell Blacksmith 5 10 1804 Richard WINKWORTH s John Mary Town Bricklayer 7 10 1804 Mary BRIDGEMAN d William Amey Common Labourer 14 10 1804 Abraham ALLEN s Edward Mary Frith Labourer

Page 53 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 14 10 1804 John GREETHAM s Richard Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 21 10 1804 Mary Ann PIKE d Richard Hannah Town Tailor 21 10 1804 George HAWARD s Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 2 11 1804 Jane CARTER d Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 4 11 1804 James PIPER s George Christian Town Labourer 4 11 1804 William JEWELL s Joseph Sarah Frith Labourer 4 11 1804 Jacob MINALL s Thomas Charlotte Common Labourer 6 11 1804 James KILPIN s William Ann Town Gentleman Widmore Hopkins 11 11 1804 Elizabeth BUTLER d John Martha Town Labourer 18 11 1804 Thomas TAYLOR s William Elizabeth Stratton Labourer 25 11 1804 Elizabeth HIGGS d John Charlotte Dell Labourer 25 11 1804 Joseph HARMSWORTH s Richard Hannah Town Labourer 25 11 1804 Ann ROLFE d Thomas Sarah Plaistow Sawyer 2 12 1804 Jacob KERNUT s John Alice Hawker Hill Shoemaker 9 12 1804 William CATE s Harry Ann Town Soldier 9 12 1804 Hannah RABBITS d John Mary Common Labourer 16 12 1804 George SMITH s John Ann Summershurst Labourer 25 12 1804 William KEWELL s William Jane Itchenswell Farmer 25 12 1804 Charles TANNER s Thomas Jemima Itchenswell Shoemaker 25 12 1804 Samuel SEWARD s William Sarah Town Labourer 28 12 1804 Richard STEVENS s Robert Ann Itchenswell Wheelwright 30 12 1804 Elizabeth PRATER d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 30 12 1804 Thomas BLAKE s Isaac Frances Common Labourer 6 1 1805 Mary BISHOP d Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 13 1 1805 Mary JEFFERY d Thomas Mary Common Labourer 13 1 1805 James HARBERT s Elizabeth Itchenswell HARBERT 23 1 1805 Elizabeth TUCKER d Ann Woodlands TUCKER 27 1 1805 Joseph SEWARD s William Mary Town Labourer 27 1 1805 Rebecca ALDRIDGE d John Elizabeth Common Labourer 3 2 1805 Mary HOPGOOD d Isaac Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 3 2 1805 Ann ORCHARD d John Hannah Common Labourer 3 2 1805 Mary WARD d Samuel Martha Sidmonton Labourer 3 2 1805 John HUMPHREYS s Richard Elizabeth Summershurst Labourer 7 2 1805 John Jacob HEWER s John Mary Town Clericus (?) 17 2 1805 Elizabeth WICKENS d John Sarah Summershurst Labourer

Page 54 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 17 2 1805 Robert WHEATLAND s James Ann Itchenswell Labourer 24 2 1805 George BRYANT s William Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 1 3 1805 Sarah BOOTH d Joshua Mary Itchenswell Farmer 3 3 1805 William CHANDLER s Henry Elizabeth Town Labourer 10 3 1805 Timothy SMOKER s John Dinah Woodlands Labourer 24 3 1805 Hannah INGLEFIELD d John Ann Common Labourer 24 3 1805 George HOLDING s William Mary Town Attorney 24 3 1805 George GIRDLER s William Hannah Common Labourer 24 3 1805 Eliza PEARES d William Dinah Common Labourer 25 3 1805 George HOBBS s Thomas Elizabeth Town Collar Maker 31 3 1805 Joseph WOODLEY s William Ann Woodlands Labourer 31 3 1805 Sarah TAYLOR d William Mary Itchenswell Labourer 19 4 1805 Charlotte PARSONS d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Farmer 26 4 1805 Martha EDY d John Grace Town Labourer 28 4 1805 Martha WHITE d Richard Hannah Summershurst Labourer 1 5 1805 George EAGLESFIELD s Benjamin Abigail Town Inn Keeper 5 5 1805 Ann SEWARD d John Elizabeth Town Blacksmith 12 5 1805 Mary Ann HEYARD d Thomas Patmos Common Labourer 12 5 1805 Ruth BARNES d William Sarah Common Labourer 12 5 1805 Charles WOODLEY s Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer WALKER 2 6 1805 Myme COVENTRY d John Myme Itchenswell Labourer 2 6 1805 Jane TAYLOR d James Sarah Town Labourer 2 6 1805 Richard WIVILL s Richard Mercy Pilgrims Mill Miller 9 6 1805 Rachael SMITH d Thomas Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 9 6 1805 Sarah BROWN d Richard Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 16 6 1805 John LAWRENCE s Elizabeth Newbury Marsh LAWRENCE 23 6 1805 Abraham HINDE s Morris Sarah Common Labourer 23 6 1805 Richard LAWRENCE s William Mary Common Labourer 23 6 1805 John SOPER s Lucy Common SOPER 26 6 1805 Mary POORE d James Ann Town Inn Keeper 30 6 1805 Sarah BROOKER d Edward Esther Common Labourer 30 6 1805 Mary ARCHER d Benjamin Susanna Itchenswell Labourer 7 7 1805 Henry HEUSE s Jeremiah Martha Workhouse Lane Labourer 7 7 1805 Elizabeth BOOTH d Thomas Elizabeth Sidmonton Farmer 10 7 1805 Lydia MYHILL d Benjamin Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 12 7 1805 Robert CLARK s William Sarah Town Glazier

Page 55 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 21 7 1805 James VINCE s George Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 21 7 1805 Ann LANE d Luke Drusilla Town Shopkeeper 26 7 1805 Thomas SMITH s Job Sarah Town Labourer 28 7 1805 John SEYMOUR s John Mary Stubbington Labourer 28 7 1805 James WINTERBOURN s John Sarah Curdridge (?) Labourer 4 8 1805 George MEGGS s Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 7 8 1805 Elizabeth HUSE d Frances Workhouse Lane HUSE spurious 11 8 1805 Israel HAZELL s John Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 17 8 1805 William HOPKINS s William Ann Kilpin Town Gentleman 18 8 1805 Mary Ann FRANKLIN d Joshua Sarah Dell Labourer 6 9 1805 John BLACKMAN s John Mary Town Inn Keeper 6 9 1805 Thomas DRAKE s John Jane Town Maltster 11 9 1805 Priscilla TAYLOR d William Elizabeth Town Tanner 22 9 1805 William SMITH s Joseph Ann Plaistow Wheeleer 6 10 1805 Daniel WHITE s Samuel Ann Itchenswell Labourer 10 10 1805 Thomas CARTER s Thomas Mary Town Farmer 13 10 1805 Prudence FUCE d John Sarah Starkhouse Farmer 16 10 1805 Elizabeth HEAD d John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 20 10 1805 Jane MYHILL d Hannah Town MYHILL 27 10 1805 William POCOCK s John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 30 10 1805 Christian GEORGE d Thomas Christian Ram Alley Farmer 3 11 1805 Eliza PIPER d Elizabeth Ashford Hill PIPER 6 11 1805 Hannah CLINCH d Thomas Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 10 11 1805 Richard SMITH s Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 10 11 1805 Charles BROWN s Martha Sidmonton BROWN 17 11 1805 James WISE s Isaac Eleanor Dell Labourer 24 11 1805 Harriet HAWKINS d Clement Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 27 11 1805 James BLAKE s Joseph Mary Town Carpenter 1 12 1805 Joseph MAY s Charles Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 5 12 1805 John FUSE s Richard Grace Common Labourer 8 12 1805 Hannah BOLDEN d William Frances Common Labourer 15 12 1805 James PEARCE s Joseph Elizabeth Plaistow Labourer 15 12 1805 John EVANS s James Mary Itchenswell Labourer 22 12 1805 Thomas MILES s Joseph Elizabeth Sidmonton Coachman 29 12 1805 Amelia SMITH d David Mary Common Labourer 29 12 1805 Hannah SMITH d John Hannah Common Labourer

Page 56 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 12 1 1806 Samuel MILES s John Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 12 1 1806 Jane SMITH d Joseph Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 19 1 1806 James MOOR s James Mary Tuckers Hill Farmer 24 1 1806 Charles KEEP s George Mary Ram Alley Farmer 26 1 1806 Cicely TAYLOR d Sarah Nutkins TAYLOR 26 1 1806 Thomas BROWNJOHN s John Mary Itchenswell Miller 2 2 1806 Jane DYER d James Charlotte Pineapple Labourer 2 2 1806 John HAINES s Ambrose Elizabeth Common Labourer 9 2 1806 Maria FORBURY d William Harriet Itchenswell Labourer 9 2 1806 Elizabeth NORTH d James Miriam Itchenswell Labourer 9 2 1806 Esther STOCKER d Edward Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 12 2 1806 William BROWN s John Hannah Freemantle Park Farmer 16 2 1806 James HUTCHINS s William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 16 2 1806 Sarah PERRY d Thomas Martha Common Labourer 23 2 1806 Henry SHEARMAN s William Dinah Town Labourer 23 2 1806 Henry HUNT s James Elizabeth Common Labourer 23 2 1806 Charles WEBB s Richard Emery Common Labourer 23 2 1806 Charles HUSE s Timothy Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 7 3 1806 Elizabeth SEWARD d James Ann Town Blacksmith 9 3 1806 William RABBITS s John Mary Common Labourer 9 3 1806 Mary COTTRELL d Charles Charlotte Itchenswell Wheelwright 21 3 1806 John DANCE s James Rebecca Common Labourer 23 3 1806 Sophia HAINES d Hannah Sidmonton HAINES 26 3 1806 William JUSTICE s James Ann Soldier 30 3 1806 Mary Ann WALDEN d Robert Deborah Common Labourer 5 4 1806 Elizabeth CUMMINS d James Martha Summershurst Farmer 6 4 1806 Hannah HELLIER d William Sarah Workhouse Lane Labourer 6 4 1806 James MILES s William Mary Turnpike Gate Shepherd 6 4 1806 John ELLIOT s Richard Ann Common Labourer 9 4 1806 Thomas SEWARD s William Mary Town Labourer 13 4 1806 Elizabeth HEDGECOCK d Benjamin Lucy Common Labourer 20 4 1806 James WHITFIELD s Mary Dell BUNCE 20 4 1806 John BASSET s William Sarah Dell Labourer 20 4 1806 Martha BENDALL d Samuel Rachael Itchenswell Labourer 27 4 1806 Eliza APPLETON d John Hannah Pit House Labourer 4 5 1806 Jane RUMBOLD d John Elizabeth Itchenswell Blacksmith

Page 57 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 4 5 1806 James BENDALL s Elizabeth Itchenswell BENDALL 11 5 1806 Thomas PRIOR s Peter Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 16 5 1806 Caroline REEVES d John Caroline Town Surgeon 18 5 1806 Elizabeth DIXON d William Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 18 5 1806 Martha VINCE d Isaac Hannah Blissetts Farm Labourer 25 5 1806 Richard MOORE s Timothy Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 28 5 1806 Henry PACKER s John Mary Itchenswell Blacksmith 30 5 1806 Sophia PULLINGER d Mary Itchenswell PULLINGER 4 6 1806 Elizabeth MUNDAY d James Sarah Woodlands Farmer 20 6 1806 Martha FOSTER d John Sarah Old Farm Farmer 22 6 1806 John DURBAGE s William Mary Dell Labourer 29 6 1806 Lettey ORCHARD d John Hannah Common Labourer 13 7 1806 John ANDREWS s Joseph Hannah Knightsbridge Farmer 20 7 1806 Sarah CHANDLER d Henry Elizabeth Town Labourer 27 7 1806 Thomas STROUD s John Sarah Town Butcher 27 7 1806 Jane BANCE d Matthew Sarah Town Cooper 27 7 1806 Hannah PEASEY d Thomas Ann Common Labourer 27 7 1806 Mary MATTHEWS d Mary Sidmonton MATTHEWS 30 7 1806 Ann PLATT d Samuel Elizabeth (?) Farmer 3 8 1806 William RUMBOLD s William Charlotte Itchenswell Blacksmith 6 8 1806 Ann BATES d Richard Miriam Town Inn Keeper 6 8 1806 Henry BUTT s Benjamin Hannah Town Inn Keeper 13 8 1806 Jane HOBBS d John Mary Town Collar Maker 17 8 1806 Robert BAGHURST s Robert Susannah Common Labourer 24 8 1806 George CURTIS s Robert Rebecca Common Labourer 24 8 1806 Richard BENWELL s John Phoebe Common Labourer 31 8 1806 Henry HEAD s Richard Mary Town Carpenter 31 8 1806 Jane TAYLOR d William Elizabeth Town Tanner 7 9 1806 Caroline COOK d John Sarah Town Shoemaker 7 9 1806 Martha TROUGHTON d Samuel Martha Town Labourer 10 9 1806 James BENNET s John Leah Common Labourer 3 10 1806 Mary Ann PIPER d George Martha Town Fellmonger 5 10 1806 Ann HILL d James Elizabeth Catt's Malt House Labourer 5 10 1806 John Wood ASPREY s John Jane Sidmonton Farmer 12 10 1806 Hannah THOMAS d James Mary Hannington Tailor 22 10 1806 Thomas HIGGS s John Charlotte Dell Labourer

Page 58 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 26 10 1806 Sarah LAMB d Gabriel Elizabeth Itchenswell Farmer 31 10 1806 John Field PHILLIPS s Philip Hannah Town Tailor 2 11 1806 Lydia FREEMANTLE d James Hannah Common Labourer 7 11 1806 Charles VERNEY s John Rachael Dell Labourer 23 11 1806 William RUMSEY s William Mary Town Labourer 23 11 1806 John HEYARD s Thomas Patmos Common Labourer 23 11 1806 Sarah ALDRIDGE d John Elizabeth Common Labourer 23 11 1806 Sarah FARMER d Mary Town FARMER 23 11 1806 Alexander ALLEN s Ambrose Elizabeth Town Labourer 5 12 1806 John THATCHER s John Sarah Workhouse Lane Labourer 10 12 1806 Eliza CHAPMAN d Elizabeth Common CHAPMAN 28 12 1806 George PRATER s Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 28 12 1806 Rebecca GIRDLER d William Hannah Common Labourer 28 12 1806 Rachael CLINCH d Thomas Hannah Common Labourer 18 1 1807 Charles ALLEN s Edward Mary Frith Labourer 25 1 1807 Edmund SMITH s John Hannah Common Labourer 30 1 1807 Eliza WHEATLAND d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 1 2 1807 Sarah ARLOT d William Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 1 2 1807 John EELS s Elizabeth Itchenswell EELS 9 2 1807 John Pilgrim WIVILL s Richard Mercy Pilgrims Mill Miller 11 2 1807 Charlotte BRYANT d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 15 2 1807 Lydia KEWELL d William Jane Itchenswell Labourer 22 2 1807 Diana PAICE d Thomas Mary Strottens Labourer 22 2 1807 Lucy PIPER d George Catherine Dell Labourer 27 2 1807 Sarah BOOTH d Thomas Elizabeth Sidmonton Farmer 1 3 1807 Isaac HAWARD s Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 1 3 1807 Richard HAWARD s Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 22 3 1807 Emma MAY d Charles Ann Ashford Hill Sawyer 29 3 1807 Lucy SEWARD d William Sarah Town Labourer 12 4 1807 John BRIDGMAN s William Amy Common Labourer 17 4 1807 Charlotte SMITH d Joseph Jane Brazen Head Labourer 3 5 1807 Harriot SMITH d Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 10 5 1807 Maria HUMPHREYS d Richard Elizabeth Common Labourer 10 5 1807 Joseph HEAD s John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 17 5 1807 Elizabeth MUNDAY d John Mary Common Labourer 17 5 1807 Mark PARSONS s Peter Sarah Sidmonton Labourer

Page 59 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 17 5 1807 Elizabeth WINKWORTH d John Mary Town Bricklayer 18 5 1807 George CLARK s William Sarah Town Glazier 20 5 1807 John BASTIN s William Hannah Common Labourer 29 5 1807 Hannah WINTERBURN d John Sarah Common Labourer 31 5 1807 Martha WICKENS d John Sarah Common Labourer 31 5 1807 Elizabeth WISE d Isaac Eleanor Dell Labourer 5 6 1807 Jane BROWN d Daniel Mary Itchenswell Farmer 5 6 1807 Edward POCOCK s John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 7 6 1807 John MASLINE s Thomas Ann Knightsbridge Labourer 14 6 1807 John DYER s James Sarah Common Labourer 14 6 1807 Charles HUSE s Charles Harriet Sidmonton Labourer 17 6 1807 Deborah TAYLOR d James Jane Town Labourer 21 6 1807 Joseph HEWER s John Mary Town Labourer 28 6 1807 Richard WITHE s James Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 28 6 1807 Jonathan HARMSWOOD s Richard Elizabeth Common Labourer 5 7 1807 George GODDARD s John Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 12 7 1807 Mary WHEATLAND d James Ann Itchenswell Labourer 12 7 1807 John HUSE s Henry Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 19 7 1807 James SEWARD s John Elizabeth Town Blacksmith 19 7 1807 Ann POCOCK d John Elizabeth Town Blacksmith 19 7 1807 Mary Ann GOULDING d Benjamin Sarah (?) Labourer 19 7 1807 Hannah BEW d Richard Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 2 8 1807 John SMITH s Henry Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 2 8 1807 Henry PEARCE s William Dinah Woodlands Labourer 2 8 1807 Hannah QUELCH d Thomas Ann August Hill Labourer 2 8 1807 Thomas BUTLER s William Harriet Ashford Hill Labourer 2 8 1807 Hannah PEARCE d Joseph Eliza Woodlands Labourer 2 8 1807 Hannah WOODLY d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Thatcher 2 8 1807 Hannah ANDREWS d Robert Eliza Itchenswell Labourer 7 8 1807 Mary PLATT d Samuel Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer 9 8 1807 Richard FUCE s Richard Grace Common Labourer 16 8 1807 Charles COVENTRY s John Myme Itchenswell Labourer 28 8 1807 John CARTER s Thomas Mary Town Farmer 30 8 1807 Ann Amelia LEWIS d William Ann Fair Oak Labourer 30 8 1807 William SEWARD s Mary Reading Marsh SEWARD 6 9 1807 James EVANS s James Mary Itchenswell Labourer

Page 60 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 6 9 1807 Hannah TEGG d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 13 9 1807 John Adams RUDDLE s John Mary Town Inn Keeper 27 9 1807 Anne WOODLY d William Ann Woodlands Servant 27 9 1807 Rachael HINDE d Morris Sarah Common Labourer 4 10 1807 Richard RABBITTS s John Mary Common Labourer 11 10 1807 Mary Ann BUNCE d Thomas Sarah Cannon Park Labourer 11 10 1807 Charles NORTH s Thomas Mary Town Labourer 18 10 1807 Hannah SIMS d Richard Henrietta Workhouse Lane Labourer 18 10 1807 Timothy EALS s Hannah Itchenswell EALS 18 10 1807 John KERNUTT s John Alice (?) Shoemaker 18 10 1807 Mary ROLFE d Thomas Sarah Woodlands Sawyer 18 10 1807 Ann TROUGHTON d Samuel Martha Town Labourer 18 10 1807 Thomas SEYMOUR s John Mary Stubbington Labourer 23 10 1807 George SEWARD s James Ann Town Blacksmith 25 10 1807 George WHITE s Richard Hannah Woodlands Labourer 30 10 1807 James GOARE s Jacob Lucy Cannon Park Labourer 11 11 1807 Ann HOBBS d John Mary Town Collar Maker 11 11 1807 Mary MUNDAY d Philip Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 29 11 1807 Elizabeth SEWARD d Ruth Town SEWARD 6 12 1807 Samuel CAWLE s Harry Ann Soldier 16 12 1807 William CANNONS s Charles Hannah Soldier 18 12 1807 John RUMBOLD s John Elizabeth Itchenswell Blacksmith 18 12 1807 Elizabeth RODE d Richard Mary Town Labourer 3 1 1808 John CHERRY s John Hannah Common Labourer 3 1 1808 Jane SMITH d Mary Town SMITH 3 1 1808 Mary COVENTRY d Anthony Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 13 1 1808 Charles CUMMINS s James Martha Summershurst Farmer 17 1 1808 James PIPER s William Frances Common Labourer 20 1 1808 John WYATT s Hannah Town WYATT 24 1 1808 Sarah TAYLOR d Thomas Hannah Strottons Labourer 31 1 1808 Mary SEWARD d William Mary Town Labourer 3 2 1808 Elizabeth LAMB d Gabriel Elizabeth Itchenswell Farmer 3 2 1808 Thomas FOSTER s John Sarah Old Farm Farmer 5 2 1808 Elizabeth NIGHTINGALE d William Hannah Dell Labourer 7 2 1808 Mary SEWARD d William Mary Town Labourer 10 2 1808 Hannah SMITH d James Sarah Common Labourer

Page 61 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 17 2 1808 John COTTRELL s Charles Sarah Itchenswell Carpenter 19 2 1808 Mary DANCE d James Rebecca Woodlands Labourer 21 2 1808 Charles SILBEY s Gabriel Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 2 3 1808 Thomas BATES s Richard Miriam Town Inn Keeper 2 3 1808 William SMITH s Job Sarah Town Labourer 6 3 1808 Charlotte MINALL d Thomas Charlotte Common Labourer 6 3 1808 Patience TAYLOR d James Ciceley Itchenswell Labourer 9 3 1808 Charles HOLDING s William Mary Town Attorney 13 3 1808 Charlotte APPLETON d John Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 13 3 1808 George MUNDAY s John Elizabeth Common Labourer 20 3 1808 George HUSE s Timothy Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 27 3 1808 Jane BLACKNEY d John Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 27 3 1808 Thomas GEORGE s Thomas Christian Ram Alley Farmer 27 3 1808 Patience WEBB d John Martha Itchenswell Labourer 27 3 1808 Sarah POORE d James Ann Common Labourer 28 3 1808 Elizabeth ADAMS d John Sarah Reading Butcher 3 4 1808 James BRIANT s William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 10 4 1808 Charlotte CHETER d William Sarah Sidmonton Labourer 18 4 1808 Elizabeth WYATT d Richard Mary Town Bricklayer 18 4 1808 James SMITH s Joseph Sarah Common Labourer 24 4 1808 Elizabeth DRAKE d John Jane Town Brewer 24 4 1808 Charles HUNT s James Elizabeth Common Labourer 24 4 1808 Stephen BOSELEY s Thomas Hannah Summershurst Labourer 24 4 1808 Sarah HUTCHINS d William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 6 5 1808 Richard HERBERT s Richard Miriam Town Weaver 8 5 1808 Nathaniel CARTER s Nathaniel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 8 5 1808 Sarah FRANKLIN d Joshua Sarah Dell Labourer 11 5 1808 Martha MYHILL d Hannah Dell MYHILL 29 5 1808 William MUNDAY s James Sarah Woodlands Farmer 6 6 1808 Rebecca BLAKE d Joseph Mary Town Carpenter 7 6 1808 John LEWIS s Mary Fair Oak LEWIS 12 6 1808 John BROWN s Richard Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 24 6 1808 Peter HUSE s Jeremiah Martha Town Labourer 26 6 1808 Daniel PAINE s George Hannah Common Labourer 1 7 1808 Elizabeth WHITFIELD d James Jane Common Farmer 3 7 1808 Elizabeth EATWELL d John Ann Common Labourer

Page 62 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 10 7 1808 William MOORE s James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 10 7 1808 Thomas MEGGS s Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 10 7 1808 Martha WEBB d Richard Mary Strottens Labourer 17 7 1808 Richard SHADWELL s Richard Sarah Workhouse Labourer 24 7 1808 Elisha PARSONS s Peter Sarah Sidmonton Labourer 24 7 1808 Eliza HARRIS d Richard Ciseley Dell Labourer 31 7 1808 Elizabeth STROUD d John Sarah Town Butcher 31 7 1808 Hannah TAYLOR d William Elizabeth Knowl Hill Labourer 31 7 1808 John s Robert Susannah Common Labourer 31 7 1808 Harriet SIMPSON d Sarah Dell SIMPSON 5 8 1808 James PHILLIPS s Philip Hannah Town Tailor 5 8 1808 Robert BLACKMAN s John Mary Town Inn Keeper 7 8 1808 Sarah CLINCH d Thomas Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 14 8 1808 Mary Ann HARMSWORTH d Mary Common HARMSWORTH 21 8 1808 John VINCE s George Hannah Common Labourer 21 8 1808 John WALOIN s Robert Deborah Woodlands Labourer 4 9 1808 William BANCE s Matthew Mary Town Cooper 11 9 1808 Hannah HUNT d William Sarah Town Labourer 14 9 1808 James RUMBOLD s William Charlotte Itchenswell Blacksmith 19 9 1808 Mary FOSTER d Jesse Charlotte Woodlands Farmer 21 9 1808 Jane HORN d William Phebe Itchenswell Labourer 21 9 1808 Eliza VERNEY d John Rachael Dell Labourer 2 10 1808 Charles BENDALL s Samuel Rachael Itchenswell Labourer 2 10 1808 Mary NORTH d James Miriam Itchenswell Labourer 2 10 1808 James FOSBURY s William Harriet Itchenswell Labourer 2 10 1808 Sarah TAYLOR d William Elizabeth Town Tanner 5 10 1808 Eliza HILL d William Mary Sidmonton Labourer 7 10 1808 Mary Ann EMENS d William Elizabeth Town Labourer 9 10 1808 William HELLIER s William Sarah Town Labourer 9 10 1808 George JEWELL s Joseph Sarah Frith Labourer 9 10 1808 Daniel HEDGECOCK s Benjamin Lucy Woodlands Labourer 16 10 1808 Samuel ROLFE s Abraham Elizabeth Dell Labourer 16 10 1808 Sarah ROLFE d Abraham Elizabeth Dell Labourer 16 10 1808 Joseph STOCKER s Edward Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 23 10 1808 James SMITH s Joseph Ann Woodlands Wheeler 6 11 1808 Ann GIRDLER d William Hannah Common Labourer

Page 63 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 13 11 1808 James CURTIS s Robert Rebecca Common Labourer 20 11 1808 Sarah WISE d Isaac Eleanor Dell Labourer 11 12 1808 Charlotte ALDRIDGE d John Elizabeth Common Labourer 14 12 1808 George APPLETON s Charles Rosanna Pineapple Carpenter Richard 18 12 1808 Elizabeth DURBAGE d William Mary Dell Labourer 18 12 1808 Ann PRATER d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Farmer 18 12 1808 Sarah SMITH d Elizabeth Common SMITH 25 12 1808 Sarah PERCY d Thomas Ann Common Labourer 15 1 1809 Henry SMITH s Henry Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 29 1 1809 Dianah THATCHER d John Sarah Town Labourer 5 2 1809 John FREEMANTLE s James Hannah Common Labourer 17 2 1809 Elizabeth CAWTE d Lucy Itchenswell CAWTE 26 2 1809 Leah VINCE d Isaac Hannah Summershurst Labourer 26 2 1809 Charity MEARES d Ann Summershurst MEARES 10 3 1809 Mary SHARP d John Hannah Town Miller 10 3 1809 Elizabeth CHANDLER d Henry Elizabeth Town Labourer 17 3 1809 Ann BUTT d Benjamin Hannah Town Inn Keeper 26 3 1809 James MARSHALL s Timothy Mary Common Labourer 26 3 1809 Eliza MAY d Charles Ann Common Sawyer 26 3 1809 Thomas DORMER s Hannah Dell DORMER 31 3 1809 Peter HAWKINS s Clement Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 31 3 1809 Mary Ann BUSHEL d Thomas Maria Sidmonton Labourer 5 4 1809 Elizabeth PLATT d Samuel Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer 9 4 1809 Sarah SMITH d John Hannah Common Labourer 9 4 1809 Jane WOODLEY d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 9 4 1809 Martha TEGG d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 18 4 1809 Richard PILGRIM s Robert Elizabeth Town Maltster 23 4 1809 Ann RUDDLE d John Mary Town Farmer 23 4 1809 John PIPER s George Christian Dell Labourer 23 4 1809 Richard ELLIOT s Richard Ann Town Labourer 5 5 1809 Charles ALLEN s Edward Mary Frith Labourer 7 5 1809 John TROUGHTON s Samuel Martha Town Labourer 7 5 1809 Sophia ORCHARD d John Hannah Common Labourer 7 5 1809 Eliza COO d John Hannah Strottons Labourer 7 5 1809 William KEELEY s Joseph Ann Common Labourer

Page 64 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 11 5 1809 Ann EARLY d John Mary Nutkins Farmer 17 5 1809 Martha MUNDAY d John Mary Harrow Farmer 21 5 1809 Ann POCOCK d John Elizabeth Town Joiner 28 5 1809 Grace JEFFREY d Thomas Mary Fair Oak Labourer 28 5 1809 Sarah BENNETT d John Leah Frith Labourer 31 5 1809 Ann WINKWORTH d John Mary Town Bricklayer 31 5 1809 Charlotte MILLER d William Sarah Town Gun Smith 10 6 1809 Isaac EVANS s James Mary Itchenswell Labourer 18 6 1809 Charles HAYWARD s Thomas Patmos Common Labourer 18 6 1809 Hannah DYER d James Charlotte Common Labourer 9 7 1809 Charlotte WEBB d Rachael Town Single Woman WEBB Illegitimate 16 7 1809 Hannah MILES d John Hannah 16 7 1809 William THOMAS s James Mary 23 7 1809 Elizabeth CRIPPS d William Dianah Town Labourer 4 8 1809 Richard CARTER s Thomas Mary Town 20 8 1809 Thomas SEWARD s James Ann Fair Oak Blacksmith 27 8 1809 James SEWARD s William Sarah (?) Labourer 27 8 1809 Sarah PICKTEN d Thomas Mary (?) (?) 3 9 1809 Jesse SMITH s David Mary 3 9 1809 Hester GORE d Jacob Lucy 3 9 1809 John WINTERBORNE s John Sarah 13 9 1809 William DIXON s William Ann 17 9 1809 Joseph FUCE s Richard Grace Common Labourer 17 9 1809 Elizabeth RABBITS d John Mary Frith Labourer 24 9 1809 William ALLEN s William Rachael Itchenswell Labourer 24 9 1809 Thomas WALKER s John Mary Itchenswell Labourer 27 9 1809 Mary HOBBS d John Mary Town Labourer 5 10 1809 James BROWN s Daniel Mary Itchenswell Farmer 7 10 1809 Shadrech ALLEN s Ambrose Elizabeth Town Labourer 20 10 1809 William HEAD s John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 29 10 1809 Charlotte BUTLER d Thomas Sarah Common 29 10 1809 Mary Ann DRY d John Elizabeth Sidmonton Shepherd 29 10 1809 Robin FISHER s Benjamin Martha Labourer 11 10 1806 15 11 1809 James CUMMINS s William Sarah Town Labourer 17 11 1809 William BASTIN s William Hannah Common Maltster 19 11 1809 James TAYLOR s Thomas Hannah Itchenswell Labourer

Page 65 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 26 11 1809 Robert MOORE s James Mary Common Labourer 26 11 1809 Eliza FARMER d Thomas Elizabeth Sidmonton Labourer 2 12 1809 Mary PARSONS d Peter Mary 10 12 1809 Thomas BRYANT s William Elizabeth Labourer 19 12 1809 Louisa ORDE d John Frances Town Clerk 18 12 1809 Latitia APPLETON d John Hannah Labourer 20 12 1809 Elizabeth BOSELEY d Thomas Mary 23 12 1809 John BEW s Richard Sarah 27 12 1809 Harry PIERCE s Joseph Elizabeth Labourer 27 12 1809 George LANE s George Sarah Charles 31 12 1809 Mary WALLIS d William Hannah 31 12 1809 Charlotte PIPER d William Mary 3 1 1810 Elizabeth ROBBINS d William Mary (?) 3 1 1810 Anne COOK d John Sarah Shoemaker 5 1 1810 John COOPER s John Leah Town (?) 5 1 1810 Charles LEACH s George Sarah Woodlands Labourer 10 1 1810 Henry Newell GODDARD s William Anne Woodlands Farmer 10 1 1810 Thomas MARSDEN s Thomas Ann 10 1 1810 John SEWARD s John Elizabeth 4 2 1810 James SEWARD s William Mary 7 2 1810 Charlotte WITHE d James Mary 6 2 1810 Elizabeth PHILLIPS d Philip Hannah Town Tailor 11 2 1810 Mary KING d William Anne Baughurst Labourer 21 2 1810 Hannah BARNES d William Sarah Labourer 21 2 1810 Charlotte PERRY d Thomas Martha Labourer 4 3 1810 Edward TAYLOR s James Jane Town Labourer 4 3 1810 Anne DANCE d James Rebecca Common Labourer 4 3 1810 George SILVY s Gabriel Charlotte Sidmonton Labourer 4 3 1810 John MUNDAY s Philip Elizabeth Town Labourer 9 3 1810 Daniel HUTCHENS s William Barbry Common Labourer 9 3 1810 Daniel RABBITS s Joseph Lucy Common Labourer 9 3 1810 Sarah HUMPHREY d Richard Elizabeth Common Labourer 9 3 1810 Robert TANNER s Itchenswell Shoemaker TANNER 9 3 1810 Jean TAYLOR d James Sisley Itchenswell Labourer 22 3 1810 Samuel SEYMOUR s John Mary

Page 66 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1 4 1810 Thomas HOBBS s Joseph Esther Publican 1 4 1810 Henry HUGHES s Moses Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 6 4 1810 Maria CLARK d William Sarah Town Glazier 8 4 1810 James HAWARD s Thomas Hannah Labourer 8 4 1810 Mary BATES d Richard Miriam Town Publican 12 4 1810 Thomas PAICE s Thomas Mary 12 4 1810 Nathaniel POCOCK s John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 15 4 1810 Elizabeth CUMMINS d James Martha Town Labourer 15 4 1810 Letitia NEW d Elizabeth Common NEW Illegitimate * 2 5 1810 Deborah HARMSWORTH d Sarah Tuckers Hill HARMSWORTH Illegitimate 4 5 1810 Thomas BLACKNEY s John Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 4 5 1810 Lucy SMITH d Thomas Sarah Labourer 4 6 1810 Jemima WICKENS d John Sarah Woodlands Labourer 4 6 1810 Ann COTTRELL d Charles Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 6 6 1810 Lucy LEACH d Richard Elizabeth Common Labourer 11 6 1810 Keziah BOOTH d Thomas Elizabeth Sidmonton Farmer 13 6 1810 James WHITE s Richard Hannah Common Labourer 13 6 1810 Charles COVENTRY s Anthony Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 18 6 1810 Hannah WISE d Isaac Eleanor Common Labourer 25 6 1810 Hannah FOSTER d John Sarah Common Farmer 27 6 1810 Hannah SMITH d Joseph Ann 4 7 1810 Emma Cooper HOLDING d William Mary Town Gentleman 11 7 1810 Emma ORDE d John Frances Town Vicar Jemima 11 7 1810 Letty KEEP d George Winefred Common Labourer 27 7 1810 Mary WYATT d Richard Mary Bricklayer 29 7 1810 John TAYLOR s Elizabeth TAYLOR 3 8 1810 George POWIS s Charles Hannah 3 8 1810 Charlotte POWIS d Charles Hannah 3 8 1810 Lucy WASHBY d William Elizabeth 5 8 1810 Eliza SMITH d Emily Sidmonton SMITH Illegitimate 2 9 1810 Hannah KERNOTT d John Alice Common 21 9 1810 Leah CLINCH d Thomas Hannah Ram Alley Hyler (?) 23 9 1810 Thomas BOSELEY s Thomas Hannah Common Labourer 30 9 1810 Sarah BUTLER d William Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 30 9 1810 Eliza MAILING d James Elizabeth

Page 67 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 30 9 1810 Anne RUDDLE d Henry Anne Town Carpenter 5 10 1810 John Legg JENNINGS s John Sarah Town Miller 5 10 1810 John PLATT s Samuel Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer 14 10 1810 Sarah STROUD d John Sarah Town Butcher 28 10 1810 William PRATER s Thomas Mary Itchenswell Farmer 28 10 1810 Charles VINCE s George Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 11 11 1810 William VERNEY s John Rachael Town Labourer 11 11 1810 Anne BEAR d Joseph Elizabeth Town Labourer 20 11 1810 Henry SMITH s Joseph Elizabeth Labourer 20 11 1810 John SHARP s William Ann Labourer 9 12 1810 James DOLTON s William Jane Labourer 23 12 1810 John HOCKLEY s Thomas Mary Town Shopkeeper 23 12 1810 Thomas SEWARD s Ruth Town SEWARD Illegitimate 27 12 1810 Mary CHANDLER d Henry Eliza 30 12 1810 Stephen CURTIS s Roland Rebecca Common Labourer 30 12 1810 Hannah ALDRIDGE d John Elizabeth Labourer 2 1 1811 Jane TEGG d Thomas Mary Common Labourer 5 1 1811 Lucy WEBB d Richard Mary Town Labourer 20 1 1811 David GIRDLER s William Hannah Common Labourer 20 1 1811 Harriet WHEATLAND d James Ann Common Labourer 23 1 1811 Francis BENWELL s John Phoebe William 23 1 1811 Betsey SIMMONS d William Elizabeth 25 1 1811 Daniel ARLOT s William Mary Town 17 2 1811 John MARSHALL s Timothy Mary Town 26 2 1811 Martha HARMSWORTH d John Mary Common Labourer 10 3 1811 Robert WALDIN s Robert Deborah Common Labourer 10 3 1811 Mary RUDDLE d John Mary Town Inn Keeper 10 3 1811 Daniel ANDREWS s Robert Elizabeth Sidmonton Labourer 10 3 1811 Eliza DAY d John Elizabeth Sidmonton 12 3 1811 Ann PIGDEN d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 26 3 1811 Mary HEAD d Joseph Nancy Town Carpenter 31 3 1811 James HOBBS s Joseph Esther Inn Keeper 7 4 1811 William HORN s William Phoebe Itchenswell Labourer 10 4 1811 John JARDIN s Richard Mary Itchenswell Labourer 24 4 1811 Martha COOPER d John Leah Common Labourer

Page 68 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 28 4 1811 Daniel WHEATLAND s William Elizabeth Labourer 1 5 1811 Stephen DANCE s James Rebecca Common Labourer 22 5 1811 William ROLFE s Abraham Elizabeth Town Labourer 26 5 1811 Esther MINAL d James Charlotte 2 6 1811 Hannah CUMMINS d James Martha 5 6 1811 Elizabeth PEARCEY d Thomas Ann 9 6 1811 Thomas Elizabeth 9 6 1811 John MUNDAY s John Mary Woodlands Farmer 12 6 1811 William FOSBURY s William Harriet Sidmonton Labourer 15 6 1811 Anne BROWN d Daniel Mary Itchenswell Farmer 20 6 1811 Sarah WINTERBORN d John Sarah Woodlands 3 7 1811 Maria ROBBINS d William Mary Fair Oak Maltster 3 7 1811 Mary RUMBOLD d William Charlotte Itchenswell Blacksmith 5 7 1811 Anne BASTIN d William Hannah Woodlands 5 7 1811 John SEWARD s James Anne Town Blacksmith 7 7 1811 Mary FUCE d Richard Grace Woodlands Labourer 12 7 1811 William EALES s Hannah Town EALES Illegitimate 15 7 1811 Henry TAYLOR s William Elizabeth Labourer 17 7 1811 Joseph CARTER s Thomas Mary Town 28 7 1811 Alice BENWELL d Thomas Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 28 7 1811 Charles BRYANT s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 3 8 1811 Robert BUNCE s Robert Elizabeth Town Labourer 4 8 1811 Enos WHITE s Samuel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 7 8 1811 Charles PIERCE s William Diana 9 8 1811 Charlotte LANE d George Sarah Common Blacksmith 9 8 1811 Aron COVENTRY s John Miney 11 8 1811 Edward LOVELOCK s William Anne 11 8 1811 Mary Ann COW d John Hannah 13 8 1811 John DORMER s Elizabeth Dell DORMER Illegitimate 25 8 1811 Anne WATTS d John Anne 25 8 1811 Haeriet CHITTLE d Charlotte Sidmonton CHITTLE Illegitimate 25 8 1811 Elizabeth WEBB d Henry Charlotte Dell Labourer 1 9 1811 Henry WATERIDGE s John Mary Woodlands Labourer 1 9 1811 Elizabeth TROUGHTON d Samuel Martha Town Labourer 1 9 1811 Anne TAYLOR d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 4 9 1811 Mary PIERCE d Thomas Elizabeth

Page 69 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 18 9 1811 John SHARP s John Hannah Town Miller 22 9 1811 Joseph KEWELL s William Jane Itchenswell Labourer 25 9 1811 Elizabeth HUGHES d John Ann Labourer 4 10 1811 Jane DIXON d William Ann Common Labourer 6 10 1811 Francis HUNT s James Elizabeth 13 10 1811 Hannah DYER d James Charlotte Common Labourer 27 10 1811 Harriet MEGGS d Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 27 10 1811 Ann BLAKE d Joseph Mary Town Wheelwright 27 10 1811 John ARLOTT s James Ann Town Labourer 1 11 1811 Robert TAYLOR s Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 3 11 1811 Charles STEVENS s Richard Mary Itchenswell Game Keeper 3 11 1811 William CUMMINS s William Sarah 3 11 1811 Mary RABBITS d John Mary Common Labourer 3 11 1811 Daniel BENNETT s John Leah Labourer 5 11 1811 Mary Anne LAMB d Gabriel Elizabeth 12 11 1811 Mary THATCHER d John Martha Labourer 20 11 1811 Henry SMITH s Rachael SMITH Illegitimate 4 12 1811 Olley PARSONS d Peter Sarah Sidmonton 10 12 1811 Joseph SMITH s James Sarah Ashford Hill 10 12 1811 Isaac HEDGECOCK s Benjamin Lucy Exensford 18 12 1811 William ELLIOTT s Richard Ann 28 12 1811 Mary HINE d Morice Sarah Common 28 12 1811 Sarah HINE d Morice Sarah Common 4 1 1812 James ASPREY s John Jane Sidmonton Farmer 24 1 1812 Charles CLARK s William Sarah Town Glazier 24 1 1812 Ann SEWARD d William Mary Town Labourer 24 1 1812 Martha COLLINS d James Sarah Town Labourer 29 1 1812 Rachael PIPER d William Fanny Ashford Hill Labourer 7 2 1812 Mary Frances TWITCHIN d William Harriet Town Farmer 7 2 1812 William TWITCHIN s William Harriet Town Farmer Wilmott 9 2 1812 Ann PIPER d George Christiana Town Labourer 16 2 1812 Charles SMITH s Joseph Sarah Common Labourer 16 2 1812 Philip MUNDAY s Thomas Elizabeth 18 2 1812 Susan SEWARD d John Elizabeth Town Blacksmith 21 2 1812 Susannah HEART d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer

Page 70 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 4 3 1812 John BUTLER s Thomas Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 6 3 1812 Letty RABBITS d Joseph Lucey Common Labourer 6 3 1812 William GORE s Jacob Lucey 8 3 1812 Daniel MILE s Benjamin Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 15 3 1812 Mary Ann JEFFREY d Martha Town JEFFREY Illegitimate 18 3 1812 George HEAD s John Elizabeth Town Carpenter 22 3 1812 Mary EVAINS d James Mary Itchenswell 5 4 1812 Ann PIKE d Richard Hannah Town Tailor 5 4 1812 Keziah DOE d Francis Amelia Common (?) 14 4 1812 Harriet Mary REYNOLDS d John Sophia Town Mariner 19 3 1798 Padeson 15 4 1812 James COOPER s Sarah Dell COOPER Baseborn 19 4 1812 Mary RUDDLE d Henry Ann Town Carpenter 4 5 1812 John DAY s John Elizabeth Sidmonton Shepherd 4 5 1812 David MIALLS s John Hannah Ashford Hill 6 5 1812 Elizabeth SEWARD d William Hannah 8 5 1812 Rebecca HIGGS d John Charlotte Dell Labourer 16 5 1812 Harriet WINKWORTH d John Mary Town Bricklayer 24 5 1812 James STEVENS s Robert Ann Itchenswell Labourer 31 5 1812 James BARBER s Thomas Elizabeth Common Labourer 12 6 1812 Henry SEAMOUR s John Mary Itchenswell Labourer 28 6 1812 Bettey BEW d Richard Sarah Labourer 5 7 1812 Elizabeth VINCE d Charlotte Woodlands Spinster VINCE Baseborn 8 7 1812 Richard SEWARD s Robert Febey Town Labourer 10 7 1812 Louisa FOSTER d Jessey Charlotte Town Labourer 16 7 1812 Daniel DUNBRIDGE s Mary Headley DUNBRIDGE Stephen 24 7 1812 Ezra WHITE s Samuel Mary 26 7 1812 Sarah PLATT d Samuel Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer 3 8 1812 Eliza ORCHARD d John Honour Common 5 8 1812 John HARRIS s Richard Elizabeth 10 8 1812 Sarah BATES d Richard Miriam Labourer 17 8 1812 Mary CLINCH d Thomas Mary 26 8 1812 John HARMSWORTH s Richard Hannah 29 8 1812 Sarah ROLFE d William Mary 13 9 1812 Ann CANE d James Sarah Town Labourer

Page 71 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 18 9 1812 Mary ALLEN d Edward Mary Frith Labourer 18 9 1812 Sarah WYTHE d James Mary Plaistow Labourer 20 9 1812 Hannah BUNCE d Robert Elizabeth Hannington Farmer 20 9 1812 James JEWELL s Elizabeth Wolverton JEWELL Common 4 10 1812 Maria TAYLOR d James Jane Town Labourer 4 10 1812 Thomas FOSTER s Stephen Elizabeth Tuckers Hill Labourer 11 10 1812 Lettitia HUTCHENCE d William Barbury Ashford Hill Labourer 25 10 1812 John BOND s Richard Sarah Town Labourer 1 11 1812 Henry SILBY s Gabriel Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 6 11 1812 Thomas VERNEY s John Rachael Dell Labourer 8 11 1812 Charlotte WHITE d Henry Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 15 11 1812 John ALLEN s Ambrose Elizabeth Town Labourer 29 11 1812 Joseph GIRDLER s William Hannah Town Labourer 29 11 1812 Joel PEARCE s Thomas Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 23 12 1812 Peter COMMINS s James Martha Woodlands Labourer 13 12 1812 Henry BUSHELL s Thomas Maria Sidmonton Labourer 1 5 1 1813 Walter Turner ROGERS s William Elizabeth Candover Hants Farmer & Horse Dealer 2 20 1 1813 William COOPER s John Leah Kingsclere Publican 3 22 1 1813 Elizabeth Ann MARSON d John Sarah Thatcham Publican 1795 4 24 1 1813 Henry BRIDGEMAN s James Mary Common Labourer 5 24 1 1813 John SMITH s Joseph Ann Plaster Green Wheelwright 6 27 1 1813 Elizabeth TWITCHIN d William Harriet Kingsclere Maltster & Dorney Farmer 7 12 2 1813 Jane HOMES d Richard Elizabeth Ram Alley Green Labourer 8 28 2 1813 Charles PAICE s Thomas Emelia Sidmonton Labourer 9 28 2 1813 Hannah HUGHES d John Ann Harrow Baker 10 28 2 1813 James WYATT s Richard Mary Kingsclere Mason 11 3 3 1813 Mary Luisa MARSON d John Sarah Thatcham Publican 1799 12 5 3 1813 Jesse BRIANT s William Elizabeth Ram Alley Green Labourer 13 5 3 1813 Hannah BASTIN d William Hannah Common Maltster 14 7 3 1813 Ann BARTLETT d George Susannah Town Carpenter 15 12 3 1813 Joseph JENNINGS s George Sarah Town Miller 16 12 3 1813 Robert JENNINGS s John Sarah Town Miller 17 14 3 1813 Daniel CO s John Hannah Headley Common Labourer

Page 72 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 18 21 3 1813 Ann TAYLOR d James Cecilia Itchenswell Labourer 19 24 3 1813 Hannah DANCE d James Rebecca Farmer 20 4 4 1813 Keziah WICKENS d John Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 21 4 4 1813 John GRIGG s John Mary Town Shoemaker 22 11 4 1813 William IMMENS s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 23 2 5 1813 Joseph WEBB s Leaey Town Spinster WEBB 24 5 5 1813 Maria AUSTIN d Samuel Elizabeth Town Publican 25 9 5 1813 Charlotte HARMSWORTH d John Mary Wolverton Labourer 26 9 5 1813 Hannah LEACH d George Hannah Common Labourer 27 12 5 1813 William SIMSON s Robert Harriet Brimton Common Labourer 28 16 5 1813 David JEFFERY s Thomas Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 29 30 5 1813 Elizabeth PAICE d Thomas Mary Town Labourer 30 30 5 1813 Hannah SMITH d David Mary Town Labourer 31 30 5 1813 Eliza BRIDGMAN d Richard Mary Town Labourer 32 6 6 1813 Mark WALDIN s Robert Deborah Common Labourer 33 6 6 1813 Hannah WELLAND d James Ann Itchenswell Labourer 34 11 6 1813 Frederick ASPREY s John Jane Sidmonton Farmer 35 13 6 1813 William WINTERBOURNE s John Sarah Town Labourer 36 13 6 1813 Ann ROLFE d Abraham Elizabeth Town Labourer 37 13 6 1813 Jane BUTLER d William Maria Common Labourer 38 13 6 1813 John HEDGES s Thomas Catherine Town Labourer 39 18 6 1813 Thomas SHARP s John Hannah Town Farmer & Miller 40 20 6 1813 William TEGG s William Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 41 27 6 1813 Robert ANDREWS s Robert Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 42 11 7 1813 Hannah BRIDGEMAN d William Amey Crookham Labourer 43 11 7 1813 John LOVELOCK s William Ann Plaster Farm Labourer 44 18 7 1813 Alfred BENWELL s Thomas Sarah by the Harrow Carpenter 45 18 7 1813 James ROMAN s James Mary Ann Town Sawyer 46 18 7 1813 Jane ROMAN d James Mary Ann Thatcham Sawyer 47 21 7 1813 Emma PLATT d Samuel Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 48 25 7 1813 Henry WHITE s Richard Hannah Frith Labourer 49 25 7 1813 Thomas ALDRIDGE s John Elizabeth Fosters Lower Labourer Farm 50 30 7 1813 John MOORE s James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer

Page 73 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 51 1 8 1813 William BARNES s William Sarah Goose Hill Labourer Common 52 1 8 1813 William HARMSWORTH s James Hannah Town Labourer 53 4 8 1813 William ROBBINS s William Mary Pithouse farm Farmer 54 4 8 1813 Ann ROBBINS d William Mary Pithouse farm Farmer 55 8 8 1813 Hannah STROUD d John Sarah Town Butcher 56 8 8 1813 Jane SEWARD d James Elizabeth Plaster Green Labourer 57 8 8 1813 Mary Ann SMITH d Rachael Sidmonton Servant SMITH 58 15 8 1813 Letitia RUMBOLD d William Charlotte Itchenswell Blacksmith 59 15 8 1813 Hannah TAYLOR d William Elizabeth Town Tanners Man 60 27 8 1813 William RUMBOLD s John Elizabeth Itchenswell Blacksmith 61 27 8 1813 Ann RUMBOLD d John Elizabeth Itchenswell Blacksmith 62 12 9 1813 Jane HUNT d John Mary Dell Labourer 63 12 9 1813 Charles SHARP s William Ann Itchenswell Labourer 64 12 9 1813 Mary MUNDAY d John Mary Knowl Hill Farmer 65 19 9 1813 Maria EVINS d James Mary Town Labourer 66 19 9 1813 Robert KUWELL s William Jane Itchenswell Labourer 67 26 9 1813 James POCOCK s John Elizabeth Dell Sawyer 68 26 9 1813 Harriet GODDARD d John Elizabeth Little Knowl Hill Labourer 69 3 10 1813 Charlotte COTTRELL d Charles Charlotte Itchenswell Carpenter 70 3 10 1813 John DOLTON s William Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 71 10 10 1813 Sarah RABBITS d John Mary Fair Oak Labourer 72 17 10 1813 Henry GOOREY s Jacob Lucy Town Labourer 73 17 10 1813 Lucy CAMBLER d William Ann Town Labourer 74 31 10 1813 James WEBB s Henry Charlotte Town Labourer 75 31 10 1813 Ann SMITH d Mary Common Spinster SMITH 76 14 11 1813 Hannah ALLEN d William Rachael Sidmonton Labourer 77 17 11 1813 Sarah WEBB d Richard Mary Common Labourer 78 21 11 1813 Harriet BRIANT d James Amey Itchenswell Labourer 79 19 12 1813 Mary Ann MARSHEL d Timothy Mary Goose Hill Labourer 80 19 12 1813 Rosannah MARSHEL d Mark Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 81 26 12 1813 John CUMMINS s William Sarah Town Labourer 82 26 12 1813 Mary Ann ARLOTT d James Ann Plaster Green Labourer 83 29 12 1813 Sarah BATTEN d Benjamin Thomision Ashford Hill Labourer 84 2 1 1814 Ann THOMAS d James Mary Ecford Labourer

Page 74 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 85 16 1 1814 Jane SMITH d Thomas Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 86 16 1 1814 Charlotte HUGHES d Moses Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 87 16 1 1814 Mary SOP d Thomas Ann Itchenswell Labourer 88 27 1 1814 Caroline TURNER d Zaccheus Ann Frobury Farm Farmer 89 6 2 1814 James BIRD s Richard Jane Headley Common Labourer 90 13 2 1814 Mary TAYLOR d Thomas hannah Itchenswell Labourer 91 13 2 1814 Charlotte PIERCY d Thomas Ann Frith Labourer 92 20 2 1814 John FOSTER s John Sarah Tuckers Hill Sawyer 93 27 2 1814 Mary BENNETT d John Leah Fair Oak Labourer 94 2 3 1814 Elizabeth BASTEN d William hannah Woodlands Maltster 95 6 3 1814 Charles SEWARD s John Elizabeth Town Blacksmith 96 11 3 1814 Sarah Pithers TRUELOCK d Ann Ashford Hill Spinster TRUELOCK Baseborn 97 13 3 1814 James MILES s Benjamin Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 98 13 3 1814 Sarah ELLIOT d Richard Ann Cannon Park Labourer 99 20 3 1814 Charles HINE s Moses Mary Common Labourer 100 20 3 1814 Hannah CHERRELL d John hannah Wolverton Labourer Common 101 21 3 1814 Sarah HARRIS d William Susannah Ram Alley Green Labourer 102 1 4 1814 James BARTLEY s Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 103 3 4 1814 Sarah DYER d James charlotte Hawkers Hill Labourer 104 6 4 1814 Eliza ROLFE d James Mary Town Labourer 105 10 4 1814 Harriett PIPER d George Cath. Dell Labourer 106 11 4 1814 Robert DRAKE s John Jane Town Brewer 107 24 4 1814 Charles FOSBURY s William Harriet Itchenswell Labourer 108 8 5 1814 Elizabeth RUDDLE d John Ann Sandford Mill Miller 109 15 5 1814 James HOCKLEY s Thomas Mary Old Farm Labourer 110 18 5 1814 Henry SEWARD s William Mary Marsh Labourer 111 19 5 1814 Ann HOOPER d William Ann Farmer 112 20 5 1814 James BROOKER s John Mary Dell Thatcher 113 20 5 1814 Henry Hobbs WINDIATE s Richard charlotte Common Farmer 115 22 5 1814 Ann SEYMOUR d John Mary Frobury Pitt Labourer 114 22 5 1814 william MINALL s Thomas charlotte Wetlands Labourer 116 29 5 1814 Thomas MILLER s John Rebecca Town Watch Maker 117 31 5 1814 Jane HEAD d Joseph Nancy Crookham Farmer & Common Carpenter

Page 75 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 118 7 6 1814 Sophia WINKWORTH d John Mary Town Stone Mason 119 26 6 1814 Harriet MARES d John Frances Tan House Labourer 120 26 6 1814 Thomas COOPER s Sarah Dell Spinster COOPER 121 26 6 1814 Henry HELLIER s William Sarah Hale Lane Labourer 122 10 7 1814 Mark MIALLS s John Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 123 10 7 1814 lucey BUTLER d Thomas Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 124 24 7 1814 Hannah ROLFE d William Mary Itchenswell Sheppard 125 31 7 1814 John CANNONS s Hannah Town Spinster CANNONS 126 7 8 1814 Elizabeth FARMER d Mary Wolverton Lane Spinster FARMER 127 14 8 1814 George MONDAY s Philip Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 128 14 8 1814 Lucy HINE d David Elizabeth Freemantle Park Labourer 129 14 8 1814 George Monday s Philip Elizabeth Town Labourer 130 17 8 1814 John Foster BOOTH s William Deborah Itchenswell Farmer 131 28 8 1814 Mary Ann GIRDLER d William Hannah Common Labourer 132 11 9 1814 John HARLOT s Elizabeth Itchenswell Spinster HARLOT 133 18 9 1814 James SMITH s James Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 134 18 9 1814 James FOSTER s Stephen Elizabeth Tuckers hill Labourer 135 25 9 1814 James HARRIS s RIchard Elizabeth Town Labourer 136 25 9 1814 Martha HARMSWORTH d RIchard Susannah Fair Oak Labourer 137 30 9 1814 Sarah FOSTER d Jesse Charlotte Waits Farmer 138 2 10 1814 Sarah SMITH d William Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 139 14 10 1814 Elizabeth NAISH d John Sarah Town School Master 9 12 1813 141 14 10 1814 Mary BARTLETT d George Susannah Town Labourer 142 21 10 1814 Maria WICKENS d James Luiza Headley Common Labourer 143 23 10 1814 Robert RABBITS s Joseph Luzia Fair Oak Labourer 144 20 11 1814 Leah BRIDGEMAN d James Mary Headley Common Maltster 145 23 11 1814 Samuel PLATT s Samuel Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer 146 27 11 1814 Stephen WICKENS s Mark Sarah Common Labourer 147 27 11 1814 Elijah WETLAND s William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 148 9 12 1814 William BROWN s Daniel Mary Itchenswell Farmer 149 18 12 1814 Sarah DANCE d James Rebecca Spradbury's Farm Farmer 150 25 12 1814 Jane HUSE d John Ann Harrow Labourer 151 29 12 1814 John MAY s James Fanney Town Baker 152 1 1 1815 Jane MEGS d Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 153 6 1 1815 Emma TURNER d Zaccheus Ann Frobury Farm Farmer 154 8 1 1815 Jane STEVENS d Richard Mary Itchenswell Carpenter

Page 76 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 155 8 1 1815 Ann BRYANT d James Amey Itchenswell Maltster 156 8 1 1815 Hannah LONG d James Martha Wolverton Lane Labourer 157 13 1 1815 Mary Ann ROMAN d James Mary Ann Town Sawyer 158 22 1 1815 William CUMMINS s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 159 25 1 1815 Thomas COOPER s John Leah Town Publican 160 25 1 1815 Elizabeth SHARP d John Hannah Town Miller 161 1 2 1815 Frances HOLDING d William Mary Town Attorney 162 1 2 1815 Elizabeth WITHE d James Mary Plaster Green Labourer 163 22 2 1815 Hannah HUSSAY d William Salley Sidmonton Labourer 164 22 2 1815 Precilla CLEMENTS d Sarah Workhouse Spinster CLEMENTS Illegitimate 165 26 2 1815 Jane NEW d Elizabeth Exmans Ford Spinster NEW Illegitimate 166 5 3 1815 John HALL s James Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 167 19 3 1815 Eliazer JENNINGS s James Spradboro Goose Hill Labourer ugh 168 26 3 1815 Elizxabeth AUSTIN d Samuel Maria Town Publican Esther 169 2 4 1815 Elisa BREAKSPEAR d John hannah Tan House Butcher 170 2 4 1815 Harriet CHAPEL d James Lewhazer Headley Common Labourer 171 16 4 1815 Rebeccah JEWELL d Joseph Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 172 16 4 1815 Mary WINDIATE d Richard Charlotte Wolverton Farmer Common 173 16 4 1815 Richard HOMES s Richard Elizabeth Ram Alley Green Labourer 174 16 4 1815 Daniel WOODLEY s Thomas Mary Itchenswell Labourer 175 7 5 1815 Sarah COMMINS d James Martha Sommershurst Farmer Green 176 14 5 1815 Charlotte HUMPHREY d Richard Elizabeth Goose Hill Labourer 177 14 5 1815 Hannah WIATT d Richard Mary Town Bricklayer 178 14 5 1815 Henry BRYANT s William Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 179 16 5 1815 James LANE s George Sarah Plaster Green Blacksmith 180 16 5 1815 John BROWN s Joseph Mary Town Butcher 181 16 5 1815 Charlotte SMITH d William Mary Exmans Ford Woodman 182 21 5 1815 George ALLEN s John Jane Town Miller 183 28 5 1815 George COPPOTHAITE s Charles hannah Itchenswell Servant 184 28 5 1815 George TROUGHTON s Samuel Martha Town Labourer 185 31 5 1815 Ann PIPER d James Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer

Page 77 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 186 7 6 1815 Mary taylor d William Elizabeth Town Tanners Man 187 11 6 1815 George MARSHALL s Charles Ann Sidmonton Servant 188 11 6 1815 Mary Ann WALKER d John Mary Sidmonton Warren Labourer

189 11 6 1815 Charles ALLEN s Ambrose Elizabeth Town Labourer 190 11 6 1815 Stephen BRIDGMAN s Richard Mary Dell Labourer 191 11 6 1815 Letitia HUGHES d Timothy charlotte Town Labourer 192 2 7 1815 Ann WITTS d William Naomi Sidmonton Labourer 193 2 7 1815 George VERNEY s John Rachel Dell Labourer 194 2 7 1815 Mary HERBUT d Elizabeth Strattons Spinster HERBUT Illegitimate 195 10 7 1815 Mary BISHOP d John Maria Maidenhead Surgeon 27 7 1813 in parish of Bray Ethelreda Green Ethelereda 196 16 7 1815 James NIGHTINGALE s Thomas Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 197 16 7 1815 Jane PAICE d Thomas Amelia Sidmonton Labourer 198 23 7 1815 Sarah RUDDLE d John Ann Sandford Mill Miller 199 23 7 1815 James MATTHEWS s John Mary Town Labourer 200 23 7 1815 Edward BLAKE s Joseph Mary Town Wheelwright 201 23 7 1815 Harriet SIMSON d Richard Harriet Ram Alley Labourer 202 30 7 1815 Ann COVENTRY d Anthony Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 203 30 7 1815 Elizabeth ROLFE d Mary Marsh Spinster ROLFE Baseborn 204 6 8 1815 Elizabeth TAYLOR d James Ciscelia Itchenswell Labourer 205 13 8 1815 William TEMPLEMAN s William hannah Town Instrument Maker 206 20 8 1815 Mary Ann SHEARMAN d William Diney Dell Labourer 207 20 8 1815 Henry ALDRIDGE s John Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 208 3 9 1815 Mary Ann BEAR d William Martha Ashford Hill Blacksmith 209 10 9 1815 Charlotte LEACH d George hannah Common Labourer 210 17 9 1815 James ARLOT s James Ann Common Labourer 211 1 10 1815 Richard FARMER s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 212 15 10 1815 Letty SPROUT d John Ann Town Labourer 213 15 10 1815 Ann CUMLER d William Ann Town Labourer 214 25 10 1815 Dinah RABBETS d John Mary Fair Oak Labourer 215 29 10 1815 Daniel SILBY s Gabriel charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 216 25 10 1815 George JENNINGS s John Sarah Town Miller 217 12 11 1815 Mary Ann WEBB d Henry Charlotte Town Labourer 218 12 11 1815 Eamy THATCHER d John Martha Town Labourer

Page 78 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 219 12 11 1815 Mary Ann ROLF d William Mary Itchenswell Labourer 220 12 11 1815 William SOPP s Thomas Ann Itchenswell Labourer 221 12 11 1815 Edward STROUD s John Sarah Town Butcher 222 19 11 1815 Mary ROLFE d Abraham Elizabeth Town Labourer 223 26 11 1815 Sarah WICKENS d John Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 224 3 12 1815 Elizabeth SMITH d Joseph Ann Plaster Green Labourer 225 3 12 1815 Sarah HUNT d John Mary Town Labourer 228 25 12 1815 George WINTERBOURN s John Sarah Town Labourer 227 25 12 1815 Hannah LOVELOCK d William Ann Plaster Farm Labourer 227 25 12 1815 Charlotte PRATER d Thomas Mary Itchenswell Farmer 229 7 1 1816 Ann BENDell d Samuel Rachel Itchenswell Labourer ?? 6 1815 230 7 1 1816 Charity TAYLOR d Thomas Hannah Labourer 231 10 1 1816 Martha PLATT d Samuel Elizabeth Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 232 14 1 1816 Francis ASPREY s John Jane Sidmonton Farmer 233 18 1 1816 Ann MUNDAY d John Mary Tuckers hill Farmer 234 31 1 1816 Maria MARSON d John Sarah Thatcham Publican 1979 235 31 1 1816 George HUSE s John Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 236 4 2 1816 Charles HARMSWORTH s Richard hannah Town Labourer 237 4 2 1816 Charles HILL s Eliza Sidmonton Spinster HILL Baseborn 238 9 2 1816 Mary CHECKLEY d Edward Ann Town Clergyman 4yrs 6 mths 239 9 2 1816 Thomas CHECKLEY s Edward Ann Town Clergyman age 2yrs 6mths 240 9 2 1816 Henry CHECKLEY s Edward Ann Town Clergyman 241 11 2 1816 Benjamin BATTEN s Benjamin Thomision Ashford Hill Labourer 242 14 2 1816 Lavina BOOTH d William Deborah Itchenswell Farmer 243 3 3 1816 Ann HARRIS d William Susannah Ram Alley Green Labourer 244 6 3 1816 Richard HOLDWAY s William anne Town Maltster 245 10 3 1816 Charles BUTLER s William Maria Ashford Hill Labourer 246 10 3 1816 Alfred ARCHER s Sarah Itchenswell Spinster ARCHER Baseborn 247 10 3 1816 James HINE s David Elizabeth Freemantle Park Labourer 248 10 3 1816 Charlotte ANDREWS d James Mary Sidmonton Labourer 249 24 3 1816 George PEARMAN s Ann Common Spinster PEARMAN Illegitimate 250 28 3 1816 Eleanor ROGERS d Elizabeth Dairy House Spinster ROGERS Baseborn 251 29 3 1816 Maria WEBB d Liddy Newbury Marsh Spinster WEBB Baseborn 252 31 3 1816 Sarah TEGG d William Sarah Itchenswell Labourer 253 17 4 1816 James ROBBINS s William Mary Ashford Hill Farmer

Page 79 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 254 19 4 1816 Sarah FOSTER d John Sarah Tuckers hill Sawyer 255 20 4 1816 Hannah HAYWARD d Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 256 21 4 1816 Job WALDEN s Robert Deborah Common Labourer 257 28 4 1816 James FRANCIS s Joseph Harriet Dell Cabinet Maker 258 28 4 1816 Eliza LEWINGTON d William Sarah Dell Labourer 259 28 4 1816 David SHARP s William Ann Itchenswell Labourer 260 12 5 1816 Sarah CUMMINS d William Sarah Dell Labourer 261 26 5 1816 James WOODHOUSE s Peter Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 262 26 5 1816 Charlotte HALL d James Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 263 26 5 1816 Thomas HELLIER s William Sarah Town Labourer 264 26 5 1816 Mary SEWARD d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 265 26 5 1816 Hannah HUSE d Siles Mary Town Labourer 266 2 6 1816 William PIPER s Thomas Jane Cannon Park Labourer 267 2 6 1816 Elizabeth ROLFE d William Ann Dell Sawyer 268 2 6 1816 Harriet DYER d James Charlotte Hawkers Hill Labourer 269 2 6 1816 John SEWARD s William Sarah Town Labourer 270 9 6 1816 Martha MARES d John Frances Ashford Hill Labourer 271 9 6 1816 Charles HUTCHENS s William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 272 23 6 1816 Hannah SHOTTON d Charlotte Itchenswell Spinster SHOTTON Baseborn 273 30 6 1816 Thomas ELLIOT s Richard Ann Cannon Park Labourer 274 30 6 1816 Eliza ALDER d Elizabeth Itchenswell Spinster ALDER Baseborn 275 15 7 1816 Joseph ANDREWS s Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 276 24 7 1816 John FOSTER s Jesse Charlotte Common Farmer 277 28 7 1816 Jane FOSTER d Jonathan Mary Itchenswell Shoemaker 278 28 7 1816 Mary HAYWARD d Thomas Rachel Town Labourer 279 6 8 1816 Thomas WOOF s William Betsey Fair Oak Labourer 280 11 8 1816 Elizabeth EASTWELL d John Ann Headley Common Labourer 281 18 8 1816 David BUTLER s Thomas Sarah Common Labourer 282 25 8 1816 Joseph ANDREWS s Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 283 8 9 1816 John NORRIS s John Sarah Catts Malt House Miller 284 8 9 1816 Thomas PENFORD s John Sarah Tuckers hill Farmer 285 8 9 1816 Charles SMITH s Rachel Sidmonton Spinster SMITH Illegitimate 286 11 9 1816 James BASTIN s William Hannah Edmonstrip Maltster 287 20 9 1816 Harriet ISARD d Aaron Mary Town Labourer 288 22 9 1816 Ruth WICKENS d James Luisa Common Labourer 289 25 9 1816 Mary SMITH d Shadrack Jane Town Labourer

Page 80 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 290 30 9 1816 Ann TAYLOR d William Elizabeth Town Parish Clark 291 10 10 1816 Harriet DUCKET d Thomas Martha Town Labourer 292 10 10 1816 Charles WHETLAND s William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 293 13 10 1816 Ann FOSTER d Stephen Elizabeth Plaster Green Farmer 294 27 10 1816 Mary Ann TIBBLE d William Mary Wolverton Labourer Common 295 27 10 1816 Martha HUSSEY d Thomas Sarah Goose Hill Labourer 296 3 11 1816 William WICKENS s Mark Sarah Common Labourer 297 8 11 1816 Hannah Jane NAISH d John Sarah Town School Master 4 11 1815 Hatchett 298 11 11 1816 Mary FRUIN d Uriah Phebe Tan House Labourer 299 13 11 1816 Charlotte COOPER d John Leah Town Publican 300 13 11 1816 Ann CANNONS d James Sarah Workhouse Labourer 301 17 11 1816 Thomas COPATHITE s James Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 302 4 12 1816 William MAY s James Fanney Town Baker 303 8 12 1816 John WIX s John May Town Publican 304 8 12 1816 Mary Ann BIRD d Richard Jane Mill Green Labourer 305 17 12 1816 Charlotte EVANS d James Mary Frobury Pit House Labourer 306 18 12 1816 Ann AUSTIN d Samuel Maria Town Publican 307 25 12 1816 Elizabeth BARTLEY d Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 308 25 12 1816 Thomas CLEMENTS s Thomas Mary Ann Town Carpenter Richard 309 27 12 1816 Charles HIPPITT s William Naomi Sidmonton Labourer 310 27 12 1816 Letitia RUDDLE d John Ann Mill House Miller 311 28 12 1816 Frances BUTT d William Jane Sidmonton Farmer 312 12 1 1817 Richard STEVENS s Mary Workhouse Spinster STEVENS Baseborn 313 22 1 1817 Charlotte SMITH d William Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 314 24 1 1817 William BEAR s William Martha Ashford Hill Blacksmith 315 26 1 1817 Charlotte ANDREWS d Robert Elizabeth Itchenswell Shepherd 316 13 2 1817 Elizabeth NORTH d Thomas Letty Town Labourer 317 16 2 1817 William SEWARD s William Mary Reading Marsh Labourer 318 23 2 1817 Robert THATCHER s John Sarah Pit House Labourer 319 2 3 1817 Charlotte EVANS d James Mary Common Labourer 320 7 3 1817 Mary ALLEN d John Jane Town Miller 321 16 3 1817 Joshua COPUTHITE s Charles Hannah Town Labourer 322 16 3 1817 Elizabeth NORTH d Thomas Letitia Town Labourer

Page 81 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 323 23 3 1817 Thomas WOODLEY s Thomas Mary Itchenswell Thatcher 324 23 3 1817 Mary GRIGG d Richard Charlotte Town Shoemaker 325 23 3 1817 Sarah SMITH d John Elizabeth Knightsbridge Labourer 326 6 4 1817 John WYATT s Richard Mary Town Mason 327 11 4 1817 Mary MUNDAY d James Sarah Long Cross Farmer 328 11 4 1817 Rebecca DANCE d James Rebecca Spradbury's Farmer 329 13 4 1817 Mary PIERCY d Thomas Ann Frith Common Labourer 330 13 4 1817 John BENNETT s John Leah Frith Farm Labourer 331 13 4 1817 Mary Ann HOLLEY d William Ann Hall Farm Labourer 332 13 4 1817 Hester SMITH d David Mary Common Labourer 333 13 4 1817 Richard HARRIS s Richard Elizabeth Down House Labourer 334 13 4 1817 Martha BLACKMAN d Jane Town Spinster BLACKMAN Illegitimate 335 20 4 1817 John SIMS s David Margaret Headley Common Labourer 336 20 4 1817 Henry CUMMINS s James Martha Plaster Green Farmer 337 27 4 1817 Richard BRIDGEMAN s James Mary Headley Common Labourer 338 4 5 1817 Amelia GIRDLER d Elizabeth Common Spinster GIRDLER 339 4 5 1817 Richard BATES s Edward Sarah Common Labourer 340 9 5 1817 Eliza Philippa JENNINGS d John Sarah Town Miller 341 11 5 1817 Richard STEVENS s Mary Wolverton Spinster STEVENS Common 342 18 5 1817 Sarah JERREL d John Hannah Wolverton Labourer Common 343 18 5 1817 Andrew GIRDLER s John Dinah Common Labourer 344 21 5 1817 Henry HOCKLEY s Mary Town Spinster HOCKLEY 345 25 5 1817 William BROOKER s John Sarah Dell Labourer 346 25 5 1817 Ann MILLER d John Rebeccah Town Watch Maker 347 30 5 1817 Lavinia FOSTER d John Sarah Common Farmer 348 1 6 1817 Hannah GIRDLER d William Hannah Common Labourer 349 1 6 1817 James WELMAN s Joel Ann Fair Oak Labourer 350 6 6 1817 Maria WINKWORTH d John Mary Town Mason 1816 351 8 6 1817 John RABBITS s Joseph Lucy Frith Lane Labourer 352 15 6 1817 Daniel FOSBURY s William Harriet Itchenswell Labourer 353 15 6 1817 Ann NIGHTINGALE d Thomas Sarah Itchenswell Farmer 354 18 6 1817 Ann SMITH d Thomas Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 355 22 6 1817 James SUZZEY s William Sarah Sidmonton Labourer

Page 82 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 356 29 6 1817 Ann HOCKLEY d James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 357 29 6 1817 Christopher ASPREY s John Jane Sidmonton Farmer 358 6 7 1817 James VERNEY s John Rachel Dell Labourer 359 9 7 1817 Ann Hopkins KILPIN d William Ann Kilpin Town M.D. 28 5 1803 360 9 7 1817 William KILPIN s William Ann Kilpin Town M.D. 2 8 1805 Hopkins 361 9 7 1817 Charles James KILPIN s William Ann Town MD Hopkins Hopkins

362 9 7 1817 James KILPIN s William Ann Town MD 23 7 1804 Widmore Hopkins Hopkins 363 8 8 1817 Rebecca GODDARD d John Sarah Frith Down Labourer 364 10 8 1817 Daniel BRIDGEMAN s Richard Mary Dell Labourer 365 17 8 1817 John BUTLER s William Ann Sydmonton Down Labourer 366 17 8 1817 William MILES s Robert Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 367 22 8 1817 Henry RUDDLE s Henry Ann Newbury Road Carpenter 368 24 8 1817 Sarah WYTHE d William Mary near Waites Farm Labourer 25 7 1817 369 31 8 1817 John MEGGS s Thomas Hannah Swan Street Labourer 370 31 8 1817 Ann PALMER d John Ann Farmer 371 31 8 1817 Charles BROWN s Charlotte Sydmonton Spinster BROWN 372 7 9 1817 Harriet WYITH d James Mary Dell Labourer 373 14 9 1817 John ROLFE s John Mary Town Sawyer 374 17 9 1817 James WEBB s Joseph Esther Tan House Labourer 375 21 9 1817 Mary STEEL d Hannah Swan Street Spinster STEEL 376 5 10 1817 Hannah WEBB d Henry Charlotte Town Labourer 377 5 10 1817 Sarah BUTLER d William Sarah Town Labourer 378 5 10 1817 John HARMSWORTH s Thomas Jude Wolverton Labourer 379 17 10 1817 John FRANCES s John Ruth TownCommon Labourer 380 26 10 1817 William MARES s John Frances Ashford Hill Labourer 381 9 11 1817 Henry COTTRELL s Charles Charlotte Itchenswell Carpenter 382 16 11 1817 Richard ALDRIDGE s John Elizabeth Woodlands Labourer 383 23 11 1817 Eliza ARBOT d James Ann Plaster Green Labourer 384 30 11 1817 Samuel POCOCK s John Mary Ann Itchenswell Bricklayer 385 30 11 1817 David HUGHES s John Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 386 5 12 1817 Harriet BRIANT d William Elizabeth Ram Alley Green Labourer

Page 83 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 387 7 12 1817 William SEWARD s John Elizabeth Town Blacksmith 11 10 1817 388 7 12 1817 Ann HOMES d Richard Elizabeth Town Labourer 389 25 12 1817 Eliza SOP d Thomas Ann Itchenswell Labourer 390 11 1 1818 Anna BOOTH d William Deborah Itchenswell Farmer 391 11 1 1818 William SMITH s James Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 392 25 1 1818 Harriet HUSE d Timothy Charlotte Town Labourer 393 25 1 1818 Charlotte SIMSON d Robert Harriet Ram Alley Green Labourer 394 25 1 1818 Charles TAYLOR s James Cicely Labourer 395 8 2 1818 William BREWER s James Ann Pitt Labourer 396 8 2 1818 James BREWER s James Ann Pitt Labourer 397 15 2 1818 Charles MARSHALL s Charles Ann Sydmonton Servant 398 20 3 1818 Elizabeth LEACH d George Hannah Ashford Common Labourer 399 20 3 1818 David Palmer STEVENS s Mary Ecchinswell Spinster STEVENS 400 27 3 1818 Hannah SMITH d William Mary Exman's Ford Dealer in Wood 401 5 4 1818 William ROLFE s William Ann Dell Labourer 402 5 4 1818 William GODDARD s John Elizabeth Dell Labourer 403 5 4 1818 Charles COPATHITE s James Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 404 12 4 1818 Henry PIKE s Richard Hannah Town Tailor 405 12 4 1818 Elizabeth PIKE d Richard Hannah Town Tailor 406 19 4 1818 Ann FOSTER d John Sarah Tuckers Hill Labourer 407 19 4 1818 Charles HIND s David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 408 19 4 1818 James HAYWARD s Thomas Martha Knightsbridge Labourer 409 19 4 1818 George PAICE s Thomas Emily Sydmonton Labourer 410 24 4 1818 Elizabeth HILL d Elizabeth Ecchinswell Spinster HILL 411 3 5 1818 Eliza EXELL d Charlotte Ecchinswell Spinster EXELL 412 10 5 1818 Sarah MUNDAY d John Mary Mill Green Labourer 413 10 5 1818 Richard DYER s James Charlotte Hawkins Hill Labourer 414 10 5 1818 Sarah PIPER d Thomas Jane Town Labourer 415 13 5 1818 Hannah FOSTER d Jesse Charlotte Waites Farm Farmer 416 31 5 1818 Henry BROOKER s John Sarah Dell Labourer 417 31 5 1818 Eleanor LEE d Thomas Mary near Sandford Soldier Farm 418 7 6 1818 Martha TAYLOR d Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 419 7 6 1818 Daniel BARNES s William Sarah Goose Hill Labourer 420 11 6 1818 Thomas MITCHELL s John Mary Kingsclere Clergyman 10 5 1818 421 14 6 1818 Ann ANDREWS d Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 2 5 1818

Page 84 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 422 14 6 1818 Sophia WINTERBORN d John Sarah Town Labourer 423 14 6 1818 Sarah BOLTON d John Mary Shotton Farm Labourer 424 21 6 1818 Charlotte PIERCE d David Ann Headley Common Labourer 425 21 6 1818 James CUSSELL s James Mary Holdup Hill Labourer 16 5 1818 426 21 6 1818 John HARMSWORTH s stephen ann Town Labourer 427 28 6 1818 James CANNANS s Charles Hannah Town Labourer 428 5 7 1818 James OWENS s John Mary Goose Hill Labourer 21 12 1814 429 5 7 1818 Elizabeth OWENS d John Mary Goose Hill Labourer 29 3 1818 430 5 7 1818 John HUNT s John Mary Town Labourer 431 8 7 1818 Francis PLATT s Samuel Elizabeth Frith Farm Farmer 432 10 7 1818 Ann LANE d George Sarah Plaster Green Blacksmith 433 12 7 1818 Sophia SEWARD d William Sarah Town Labourer 13 6 1818 434 12 7 1818 James SMITH s Henry Letitia Ecchinswell Labourer 435 12 7 1818 James WOODS s Joshua Ann Burghclere Labourer 436 15 7 1818 Eliza ROLFE d William Mary Dell Shepherd 437 19 7 1818 George PARKER s William Jane Nuttanger Labourer 438 19 7 1818 George PEAK s Frances Watership Spinster PEAK 439 19 7 1818 Elizabeth WICKENS d Mark Sarah near Plaistow Labourer Green 440 22 7 1818 George BASTIN s William Hannah Edmund's Strip Maltster 8 6 1818 441 3 8 1818 William THATCHER s John Sarah Sithouse Labourer 442 7 8 1818 Henry SHARP s John Hannah Town Farmer & Miller 443 7 8 1818 George FOSTER s John Sarah Old Farm Farmer 444 9 8 1818 Charles WALKER s John Mary South Sydmonton Labourer Warren 445 9 8 1818 Jane CAWTE d James Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 446 9 8 1818 Sarah LAMON d John Harriet Harrow Public Labourer House 447 12 8 1818 Samuel AUSTEN s Samuel Maria Swan Street Publican 14 7 1818 448 30 8 1818 Harriet ELLIOT d Richard Ann Labourer 449 30 8 1818 Elizabeth WICKENS d James Louisa Edmund's Strip Labourer 450 11 9 1818 Susan SMALL d William Susan Newbury Road Labourer 451 13 9 1818 George ERBY s Joseph Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 452 23 9 1818 Rebecca FRUEN d James Esther George Street Carrier 453 27 9 1818 Susannah WICKENS d John Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 454 11 10 1818 Daniel SOP s John Charlotte Ecchinswell Labourer

Page 85 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 455 14 10 1818 Mary SMITH d Joseph Ann Plaistow Green Bricklayer 456 18 10 1818 Sarah Ann BRADLEY d Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Tradesman 457 18 10 1818 William BERRY s William Charlotte Labourer 458 18 10 1818 Thomas DUCKETT s Thomas Martha Town Labourer 459 18 10 1818 Mary BATES d Edward Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 460 21 10 1818 Henry Willmott TWITCHIN s William Harriet Kingsclere Maltster 18 5 1816

461 21 10 1818 Andrew TWITCHIN s William Harriet Kingsclere Maltster 27 2 1818 462 25 10 1818 Ann WOODHOUSE d Joseph Ann Mill Green Labourer 463 1 11 1818 David SPROUT s Thomas Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer 464 8 11 1818 George WALlDIN s Robert Deborah Kingsclere Labourer 465 15 11 1818 Hannah BUTLER d Thomas Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 466 29 11 1818 James FOWLER s Joseph Sarah Hill Farm Shepherd 467 9 12 1818 John SMITH s Shadrack Jane Town Gardsman 468 20 12 1818 George RABBITS s John Hannah Common Labourer 15 11 1818 469 20 12 1818 Daniel ALDRIDGE s Alfred Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 470 27 12 1818 Edward SUTTON s Oliver Elizabeth Knowl Hill Labourer 471 27 12 1818 Joseph RABBITTS s Joseph Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 472 1 1 1819 James TAYLOR s William Elizabeth Town Clerk 473 3 1 1819 Daniel HARMSWORTH s John Mary Wolverton Labourer 474 3 1 1819 John HARRIS s William Susannah Ram Alley Green Labourer 475 13 1 1819 Henry COOPER s John Leah Town Publican 476 15 1 1819 Hannah ALLEN d John Jane Town Labourer 477 17 1 1819 Joseph GRIGG s Richard Charlotte Town Shoemaker 478 17 1 1819 Thomas ROLFE s John Mary Town Sawyer 479 7 2 1819 Elisa COTTRELL s Charles Charlotte Ecchinswell Carpenter 480 7 2 1819 Robert SEWARD s William Mary Exmans Ford Labourer 481 7 2 1819 Mary Ann SEWARD d Joseph Elizabeth Town Bricklayer 482 21 2 1819 George DUCKETT s Ann Town Spinster DUCKETT 483 21 2 1819 Frederick NEW s Elizabeth Exmans Ford Spinster NEW 484 21 2 1819 Mary NORTH d Thomas Letitia or Town Labourer Letty 485 26 2 1819 Henry HOLDWAY s William Hannah Town Labourer 486 28 2 1819 George ANDREWS s James Mary North Sydmonton Labourer 487 17 3 1819 Martha PIPER d Richard Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer

Page 86 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 488 21 3 1819 Jesse FOSTER s Stephen Elizabeth Summershurst Labourer Green 489 2 4 1819 Charlotte BUTLER d William Ann Stubbington Labourer 490 4 4 1819 Maria POCOCK d John Elizabeth Dell Labourer 491 4 4 1819 Thomas BENDLE s John Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer 492 8 4 1819 Ann Hunt GIBBS d Martha Headley Common Spinster GIBBS 493 11 4 1819 Elizabeth WITTS d William Naomi South Sydmonton Labourer 494 30 4 1819 Jane BLACKNEY d Rebecca Spinster BLACKNEY 495 30 4 1819 Esther RABBITS d John Mary Fair Oak Labourer 496 2 5 1819 Charles BUTLER s William Sarah Stubbington Farm Labourer 497 2 5 1819 Elizabeth BROWN d Robert Ann Bishops Green Labourer 498 9 5 1819 Harriet TEGG d James Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 499 9 5 1819 Mary Ann BUTLER d John Martha Town Labourer 500 14 5 1819 Henry WOOFF s William Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 501 14 5 1819 David PENFORD s John Sarah Tuckers Hill Labourer 502 14 5 1819 James HUSE s Silas Mary Town Labourer 503 15 5 1819 Elizabeth LEWIS d Sarah Spinster LEWIS 504 16 5 1819 Charlotte FOSTER d Jonathan Mary Ecchinswell Shoemaker 505 23 5 1819 Harriet HARRIS d Richard Elizabeth Down House Labourer 506 23 5 1819 Jane BENHAM d Elizabeth near Common Spinster BENHAM 507 30 5 1819 John ROLFE s Abraham Elizabeth Dell Labourer 508 13 6 1819 Ann HEDGES d William Hannah South Street Labourer 509 20 6 1819 Ann OWEN d Hannah Rackerton Spinster OWEN 510 21 6 1819 Charles TROUGHTON s Samuel Martha North Street Sexton 511 4 7 1819 William WEBB s John Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 512 8 8 1819 Mary NORTH d John Ann Town Labourer 513 15 8 1819 Sarah HOLLY d William Mary Hall Farm Labourer 514 5 9 1819 George KING s George Elizabeth near Plaistow Labourer Green 515 26 9 1819 Mary Ann BARTLEY d Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 516 10 10 1819 Sarah PIERCE d Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 517 10 10 1819 Hannah GIRDLER d John Dinah near Old Farm Labourer 518 24 10 1819 David MONDAY s William Elizabeth Overton Road Labourer 519 29 10 1819 Ann BENNET d John Leah Frith Farm Labourer 520 29 10 1819 Letitia IZZARD d Aaron Mary Swan Street Labourer 521 31 10 1819 Harriet IZZARD d Aaron Mary Swan Street Labourer

Page 87 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 522 5 11 1819 Sarah LONG d Daniel Eliza Swan Street Gas Smith 523 7 11 1819 Charles ANDREWS s Robert Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 524 7 11 1819 Mary Ann BUTLER d William Ann Warren Labourer 525 10 11 1819 James FRANCIS s John Ruth Kingsclere Blacksmith 526 21 11 1819 Hannah HUZZEY d William Sarah Sydmonton Labourer 527 21 11 1819 John SMITH s William Elizabeth Common Labourer 528 24 11 1819 Frances ANDREWS d Mary Ashford Hill Spinster ANDREWS 529 5 12 1819 John BREWER s James Ann Fobury Pit Labourer 530 5 12 1819 Thomas FOSTER s John Sarah Tuckers Hill Labourer 531 19 12 1819 James SOPP s Thomas Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 532 26 12 1819 David BRIDGMAN s James Mary Headley Common Labourer 533 26 12 1819 Mary Ann HUSE d Hiram Mary Workhouse Labourer 534 26 12 1819 George CUMMINS s James Martha Plaistow Green Labourer 535 2 1 1820 William CUSSAL s James Mary Holdup Hill Labourer 536 2 1 1820 Thomas WEBB s Joseph Esther Tan House Labourer 537 9 1 1820 William GIRDLER s William Hannah Plaistow Green Labourer 538 16 1 1820 Thomas WICKENS s James Louisa Ecchinswell Labourer 31 12 1819 539 19 1 1820 Henry AUSTEN s Samuel Maria South Street Inn Keeper 17 9 1819 540 23 1 1820 Sarah BARNETT d Richard Ann Holdup Hill Labourer 541 30 1 1820 George SMITH s John Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 542 30 1 1820 George PALMER s John Ann North Sydmonton Labourer 543 6 2 1820 Jane BUSHEL d Thomas Maria South Sydmonton Labourer 544 6 2 1820 Charlotte ELSBURY d James Jemima North Sydmonton Labourer 545 13 2 1820 John WELMAN s Joel Ann Fair Oak Labourer 546 27 2 1820 Mary ROLFE d William Ann Dell Sawyer 547 27 2 1820 Jane HARLOT d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 24 12 1819 548 27 2 1820 Eleazer WITHE s William Mary Woodlands Labourer 549 5 3 1820 John FOSTER s John Letitia Ram Alley Green Labourer 550 5 3 1820 Hannah FOSBURY d William Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer 551 12 3 1820 Richard WYATT s Richard Mary Town Bricklayer 552 12 3 1820 Ann WYATT d Richard Mary Town Bricklayer 553 12 3 1820 Hannah ANDREWS d Isaac Ann North Sydmonton Labourer 554 17 3 1820 Rebecca FOSTER d Jesse Charlotte South Farm Farmer 555 22 3 1820 Louisa FOSTER d John Sarah Old Farm Farmer 556 26 3 1820 John SMITH s Thomas Mary Wolverton Labourer Common

Page 88 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 557 26 3 1820 Sarah STEVENS d Mary Dell Spinster STEVENS 558 2 4 1820 Charlotte WOODLEY d Thomas Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 559 5 4 1820 William STROUD s Joseph Mary Town Labourer 560 9 4 1820 Treacey LOVELOCK d William Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 561 9 4 1820 Ann BEASLEY d William Sarah Catts Malt House Labourer 4 3 1820 562 14 4 1820 Henry HINE s David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 17 3 1820 563 16 4 1820 Benjamin BERRY s William Charlotte Wolverton Labourer Common 564 16 4 1820 Elizabeth MYRTLE d Joseph Ann Fair Oak Labourer 565 19 4 1820 Sarah Bear ROLFE d Joseph Bethany Headley Common Cordwainer 566 23 4 1820 Jane NIGHTINGALE d Thomas Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 567 26 4 1820 George DANCE s James Rebecca Spradbury's Farm Farmer 568 26 4 1820 Mary DAVIES d David Mary Town Tanner 8 1 1820 569 30 4 1820 Ann WOODLEY d James Sarah Goose Hill Labourer 19 4 1820 570 14 5 1820 Maria BRIDGMAN d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 571 17 5 1820 Henry NEW s Jesse Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer 23 4 1820 Common 572 17 5 1820 Charlotte COPATHITE d James Hannah Holdup Hill Labourer 18 4 1820 573 17 5 1820 Alfred MITCHELL s John Mary Tower Hill Clergyman 1 2 1820 574 31 5 1820 Maria HUGHES d Sarah Town Spinster HUGHES 575 4 6 1820 Henry VERNEY s John Rachel Dell Labourer 576 4 6 1820 Ann LEACH d George Hannah near Woodley Labourer 18 5 1820 577 18 6 1820 Mary MILES d Robert Elizabeth South Street Labourer 578 21 6 1820 Catherine PONTIN d John Mary Town Dealer in Cattle 579 25 6 1820 Charlotte RABBITTS d Robert Sarah Town Labourer 580 2 7 1820 William GRIGG s Richard Charlotte Town Cordwainer 581 16 7 1820 Mary Ann PIERCE d David Ann Ecchinswell Sawyer 582 19 7 1820 James WYTH s James Mary Plaistow Green Labourer 583 23 7 1820 Wm. HAZELL s Henry Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 584 30 7 1820 William NIGHT s James Sarah near Frith Labourer 585 6 8 1820 David PAICE s Thomas Emily South Sydmonton Labourer 586 3 9 1820 John PIERCEY s Thomas Ann 0ld Farm Labourer 28 8 1820 587 10 9 1820 John POCOCK s John Mary Ecchinswell Bricklayer 10 5 1820 588 17 9 1820 William ROBBINS s William Mary Ashford Hill Farmer 19 8 1820 Francis 589 1 10 1820 William FARMER s William Elizabeth Town Labourer

Page 89 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 590 1 10 1820 Hannah Eliza CRIPPS d William Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 591 1 10 1820 Elizabeth ANDREWS d Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 592 1 10 1820 Jane Sarah LEE d James Hannah Kingsclere Footman 593 1 10 1820 Hannah OWEN d John Mary Goose Hill Labourer 4 9 1820 594 1 10 1820 Emma TAYLOR d Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 595 8 10 1820 Caleb BOOTH s William Deborah Ecchinswell Farmer 12 9 1820 596 15 10 1820 william TAYLOR s John Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 597 15 10 1820 Hannah BUTLER d William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 598 20 10 1820 Caroline PENFORD d John Sarah Tuckers Hill Farmer 599 29 10 1820 William SIMPSON s Robert Harriet Ram Alley Green Labourer 600 29 10 1820 Mary Ann SPROUT d John Sarah Town Labourer 601 1 11 1820 Thomas BLAKE s Joseph Mary Town Labourer 602 1 11 1820 Sidney TWITCHIN s William Harriet Town Labourer 603 5 11 1820 Henry PIPER s Richard Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 604 5 11 1820 Henry RABBITTS s John Hannah Plaistow Green Labourer 605 8 11 1820 John BROOKER s John Sarah Dell Thatcher 606 19 11 1820 Caroline DUCKETT d Thomas Martha Town Labourer 29 10 1820 607 26 11 1820 Daniel WEBB s Henry Charlotte Frobury Pit Labourer 608 26 11 1820 Henry SEWARD s Francis Jane Town Blacksmith 609 17 12 1820 Peter BENWELL s William Charlotte Ecchinswell Labourer Exell 610 17 12 1820 Sarah LOVELL d William Jane Town Labourer 611 25 12 1820 Caroline FREWEN d James Esther Town Labourer Brunswick 612 27 12 1820 George COLEMAN s Aaron Sarah Star Inn Labourer 613 31 12 1820 Emma WITTS d William Naomi Sydmonton Labourer Hippott 614 31 12 1820 George LAWRENCE s Richard Isabella Kingsclere Labourer 27 11 1820 615 14 1 1821 Henry MARTIN s William Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 15 12 1820 616 14 1 1821 WIlliam SPROUT s Thomas Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 617 14 1 1821 Mary BRADLEY d Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 618 14 1 1821 Mary ROLFE d John Mary Dell Labourer 6 12 1820 619 21 1 1821 James DYER s James Charlotte Common Labourer 620 28 1 1821 Daniel BUTLER s William Mary Common Labourer 621 4 2 1821 Maria HUNT d John Mary Town Labourer 5 1 1821 622 11 2 1821 Charles BENDALL s John Harriet Ecchinswell Sawyer

Page 90 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 623 18 2 1821 Caroline CANNINGS d Richard Miriam Town Labourer 624 25 2 1821 Hannah HOLMES d Richard Eliza Ram Alley Green Labourer 625 4 3 1821 Charles HARMSWORTH s John Ann Fair Oak Labourer 14 2 1821 626 4 3 1821 Caroline ANDREWS d Mary Workhouse Spinster ANDREWS 627 11 3 1821 George MILLER s John Rebeccah Swan Street Tradesman 27 8 1819 628 18 3 1821 James BOLTON s John Margaret Shotton's Farm Labourer 629 18 3 1821 Jane SMITH d Jacob Mary Common Labourer 630 20 3 1821 Elizabeth MUNDAY d William Elizabeth Town Labourer 15 1 1821 631 25 3 1821 Hannah HARRIS d Richard Elizabeth Common Labourer 632 25 3 1821 John WALKER s John Mary South Sydmonton Labourer 633 25 3 1821 Sarah HOLDWAY d William Hannah Town Labourer 634 25 3 1821 Hannah OSMAN d Isaac Maria South Sydmonton Game Keeper Matthews 635 28 3 1821 Mary HEDGES d William Hannah Dell Labourer 636 1 4 1821 Hannah ELLIOTT d Richard Ann Common Labourer 637 1 4 1821 Rebeccah WATTS d Joseph Dinah Frith Labourer 14 3 1821 638 4 4 1821 George SMITH s Mary Town Spinster 30 12 1820 SMITH 639 8 4 1821 James GODDARD s John Elizabeth Dell Labourer 640 8 4 1821 Harriet SMITH d Joseph Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 8 3 1821 641 8 4 1821 John RABBITS s John Mary Fair Oak Labourer 642 8 4 1821 Jane ALLEN d John Jane Town Labourer 10 3 1821 643 11 4 1821 Thomas LEAN s George Sarah Plaistow Green Blacksmith 21 12 1820 644 29 4 1821 Thomas NORTH s Thomas Letitia Overton Road Labourer 645 13 5 1821 Henry MEGGS s Thomas Hannah Town Labourer 646 13 5 1821 Thomas THATCHER s John Sarah Pit House Labourer 2 5 1821 647 13 5 1821 Peter HARMSWOOD s Stephen Ann George Street Labourer 648 20 5 1821 James WALDIN s Robert Deborah Plaistow Green Labourer 649 27 5 1821 Joseph FOWLER s Joseph Sarah Ram Alley Green Shepherd 650 27 5 1821 Mary HUNT d Samuel Elizabeth George Street Labourer 651 3 6 1821 Caroline NORTH d John Ann Overton Road Labourer 652 3 6 1821 David SEWARD s William Sarah Town Labourer 653 3 6 1821 Daniel SMITH s William Mary Exmans Ford Shopkeeper 654 3 6 1821 Ann BUTLER d William Sarah Polhampton Labourer 7 5 1821 655 24 6 1821 Joanna MILES d Miriam Workhouse Spinster MILES 656 24 6 1821 Hannah HARMSWORTH d Richard Phoebe Headley Common Labourer 657 1 7 1821 Elizth. COPATHITE d James Hannah Hawker Marsh Labourer

Page 91 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 658 8 7 1821 Hannah READ d John Elizabeth Hawkins Hill Labourer 17 6 1821 659 8 7 1821 Charles COOPER s John Leah Town Publican 30 4 1821 660 22 7 1821 Caroline BOASLEY d William Elizabeth Holdup Hill Labourer 22 6 1822 661 22 7 1821 Caroline HUGHES d Silas Mary Burghclere Labourer 662 26 7 1821 Harriet ANDREWS d Lazarus Lydia Headley Common Labourer 663 26 7 1821 Charles COTTERILL s Charles Charlotte Ecchinswell Labourer 664 29 7 1821 Sophia ANDREWS d Lazarus Lydia Hawkins Hill Labourer 18 3 1819 665 29 7 1821 Martha OWENS d Hannah Spinster 18 7 1821 OWENS 666 5 8 1821 Thomas KING s George Elizabeth Plaistow Green Labourer 667 8 8 1821 William SHARP s Matthew Elizabeth Town Baker 668 8 8 1821 Harriet FRANKUM d William Hannah Ecchinswell Blacksmith 669 10 8 1821 Letitia SHARP d John Hannah Town Turner 670 12 8 1821 Kezia FOSTER d John Sarah Old Farm Farmer 671 12 8 1821 Hannah RABBITS d Elizabeth Plaistow Green Spinster RABBITS 672 12 8 1821 George BARTLEY s Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 673 26 8 1821 Ann TEGG d James Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 674 26 8 1821 Amelia WALKER d William Elizabeth George Street Labourer 675 26 8 1821 George WICKENS s James Louisa Town Labourer 1 8 1821 676 9 9 1821 Frances SMITH d Shadrack Jane Town Labourer 2 8 1821 677 9 9 1821 Maria SMITH d Shadrack Jane Town Labourer 2 8 1821 678 9 9 1821 William HUNT s Henry Mary Headley Common Labourer 679 12 9 1821 Sarah BASTIN d William Hannah Edmunds Strip Maltster 12 8 1821 680 16 9 1821 William BROWN s Robert Ann North Sydmonton Labourer 681 16 9 1821 Jane WOODHOUSE d Joseph Sarah Mill Green Labourer 682 23 9 1821 John BOZELY s Rachel Ecchinswell Spinster BOZELY 683 30 9 1821 Thomas SEWARD s William Mary Exmans Ford Labourer 684 30 9 1821 Mary FOSTER d Stephen Elizabeth Summershurst Labourer Green 685 7 10 1821 Henry HILLIER s Joseph Maria Sydmonton Labourer Warren 686 7 10 1821 James GIRDLER s John Dinah near Old Farm Labourer 12 7 1821 687 14 10 1821 George FOSBURY s William Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer 688 14 10 1821 George BREWER s James Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 689 28 10 1821 Rebecca TAYLOR d William Elizabeth Common Labourer 690 28 10 1821 Sarah BRADFIELD d Richard Sarah Town Miller 9 9 1821 691 28 10 1821 Jane SIMS d Mary Town Spinster 1 9 1821 SIMS

Page 92 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 692 31 10 1821 Louisa CHANCE d Richard Maria Town School Master 693 4 11 1821 Frances AUSTIN d Samuel Maria Town Publican 4 10 1821 Caroline 694 4 11 1821 William BUTLER s William Ann North Sydmonton Labourer 695 4 11 1821 Samuel HAINS s Sarah Common Spinster HAINS 696 14 11 1821 Jane ALDRIDGE d Alfred Sarah Ecchinswell Shoemaker 697 14 11 1821 Frederick MITCHELL s John Mary Town Clergyman 11 10 1821 698 25 11 1821 Ann SMITH d John Rebecca Fair Oak Labourer 699 9 12 1821 Charlotte SOP d Thomas Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 700 16 12 1821 John BERRY s William Charlotte Wolverton Labourer 701 16 12 1821 Caroline VERNEY d Elizabeth Dell Spinster VERNEY 702 23 12 1821 Martha PIPER d George Betty Dell Labourer 703 23 12 1821 Mary Ann PIPER d George Betty Dell Labourer 704 13 1 1822 John ANDREWS s William Lucy Sydmonton Labourer 705 16 1 1822 Rosa Anna GOODYEAR d Robert Mary Town Bricklayer 706 20 1 1822 Hannah HAZELL d Henry Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 707 20 1 1822 John BURNETT s Thomas Elizabeth Dell Labourer 708 20 1 1822 Levy BRIDGMAN s James Mary Common Labourer 28 12 1821 709 20 1 1822 Harriet SEWARD d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 28 12 1821 710 23 1 1822 John BUCKRIDGE s Isaac Elizabeth Town Labourer 711 27 1 1822 Eglah TIDBURY d Sarah North Sydmonton Spinster TIDBURY 712 27 1 1822 James SOAPER s Eliza Kingsclere Spinster 18 1 1822 SOAPER 713 27 1 1822 Sarah EVANS d James Mary near Beeshive (?) Labourer 2 1 1822 714 6 2 1822 Elizabeth STEVENS d John Mary Town Carpenter 22 10 1821 715 10 2 1822 Thomas HUSE s Abram Mary Ram Alley Green Labourer 716 10 2 1822 James MARES s John Frances Ashford Hill Labourer 717 17 2 1822 Deborah COOK d Joseph Hannah Marsh Labourer 718 20 2 1822 Martha FOSTER d Jesse Charlotte Waits Farm Farmer 719 3 3 1822 Mary WEBB d Joseph Esther Plaistow Green Labourer 9 2 1822 720 3 3 1822 Thomas SHEARMAN s William Hannah Dell Labourer 8 2 1822 721 10 3 1822 Charles HUGHES s John Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 722 10 3 1822 Harriet PIPER d Richard Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 723 13 3 1822 Susanna DALE d Henry Sophia Swan Street Attorney 14 2 1822 Sophia Assistant Langham 724 13 3 1822 Elizabeth FOSTER d John Sarah Tuckers Hill Labourer

Page 93 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 725 17 3 1822 Joseph WITTS s William Naomi Ecchinswell Labourer 26 2 1822 726 17 3 1822 Fanny HILLIER d Charles Elizabeth Ram Alley Green Labourer 19 2 1822 727 17 3 1822 James BEVENS s Thomas Jemima Ecchinswell Labourer 728 24 3 1822 Samuel HUNT s Thomas Martha South Street Labourer 729 24 3 1822 James COPATHITE s James Hannah Holdup Hill Labourer 26 2 1822 730 31 3 1822 Martha HARRIS d William Susannah Ram Alley Labourer 731 7 4 1822 Ann NEW d Jessy Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 732 14 4 1822 Harriet DANCE d James Rebekah Spreadbury's Farm Farmer

733 21 4 1822 Lavinia ARLOTT d James Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 14 4 1822 734 21 4 1822 Harriet GRIGG d Richard Charlotte Parsonage Shoemaker 735 19 5 1822 James MOON s Jonathan Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 736 22 5 1822 Sarah PALMER d John Ann Frith Farmer 737 26 5 1822 Henry HALL s Mark Martha Ecchinswell Labourer 738 26 5 1822 Ann FOSTER d John Letitia Holdup Hill Labourer 739 26 5 1822 Henry HOCKLEY s Thomas Mary Nutkins Farm Labourer 740 26 5 1822 James COVENTRY s William Elizabeth Old Farm Labourer 741 28 5 1822 Maria OWEN d Maria Spinster 1 5 1822 OWEN 742 16 6 1822 Mary Ann HINE d David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 743 16 6 1822 James SMITH s Jacob Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 25 5 1822 744 23 6 1822 Devine TIDBURY d David Phoebe North Sydmonton Labourer 27 5 1822 745 23 6 1822 Baynton JOHNSTONE s Daniel Mary Market Place 746 23 6 1822 Thomas GIRDLER s Lucy Town Spinster 24 4 1822 GIRDLER 747 7 7 1822 Maria SMITH d John Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 748 7 7 1822 Elizabeth ILSLEY d James Jemima North Sydmonton Labourer 749 7 7 1822 Ann WATTS d Joseph Dinah Town Labourer 750 4 8 1822 Charles STOCKER s Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 751 4 8 1822 John NIGHTINGALE s Thomas Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 752 14 8 1822 Elizabeth TAYLOR d William Elizabeth North Street Labourer 753 18 8 1822 Elizabeth DYER d James Charlotte Common Labourer 23 7 1822 754 25 8 1822 William WYATT s Richard Mary Town Labourer 8 7 1822 755 25 8 1822 Thomas WYATT s Richard Mary Town Labourer 8 7 1822 756 18 9 1822 Harriet TWITCHIN d William Harriet Town Shopkeeper 757 29 9 1822 John HOLLY s William Mary Town Labourer 758 29 9 1822 John SMITH s James Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer

Page 94 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 759 2 10 1822 Henry BUNCE s Harriet Town Spinster BUNCE May 760 13 10 1822 Charles PIERCE s David Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 761 13 10 1822 Hannah THATCHER d John Sarah Pit House Labourer 762 27 10 1822 George LANCELEY s David Maria George Street Labourer 4 9 1822 763 27 10 1822 John WHYTHE s William Mary Waites Farm Labourer 764 3 11 1822 John ANDREWS s Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 4 10 1822 765 3 11 1822 Prudence OWEN d John Mary Stackhouse Labourer 9 10 1822 766 13 11 1822 John Thomas SHARP s Matthew Elizabeth North Street Baker 767 17 11 1822 Joseph Cox ASPREY s John Jane North Sydmonton Turner 768 24 11 1822 Sarah FORSTER d James Ann Frith Labourer 769 24 11 1822 Harriet WOODHOUSE d Mary Mill Green Spinster WOODHOUSE 770 1 12 1822 James BRADFIELD s Richard Sarah Mill Miller 771 4 12 1822 Mary Ann KERNET d Peter Emily Exman's Ford Labourer 30 9 1822 772 4 12 1822 Eliza MILES d John Mary Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 21 11 1822 773 8 12 1822 Ann WOODLEY d Thomas Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 12 10 1822 774 8 12 1822 David DUCKETT s Thomas Martha Newbury Marsh Labourer 11 11 1822 775 22 12 1822 Stephen RICHARDSON s Richard Charlotte Ecchinswell Labourer 776 22 12 1822 John LEACH s George Hannah Woodhouse Labourer 777 22 12 1822 Mary CANNINGS d Richard Miriam Newbury Marsh Labourer 778 29 12 1822 George PENFORD s John Sarah Tuckers Hill Farmer 15 10 1822 779 29 12 1822 Elizabeth BENWELL d James Mary Town Labourer 780 1 1 1823 John PONTIN s John Mary Newbury Marsh Dealer 781 5 1 1823 Ann TUCKER d Elizabeth Plaistow Spinster TUCKER 782 5 1 1823 Charles MYELL s Benjamin Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 12 12 1822 783 8 1 1823 Harriet PROUT d Thomas Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer 784 12 1 1823 John TUCKER s Sarah Workhouse Spinster TUCKER 785 19 1 1823 Mary Spurrett ROLFE d Joseph Bethany Swan Street Shoemaker 18 10 1822 786 19 1 1823 David WELLMAN s Joel Ann Fair Oak Labourer 787 19 1 1823 Emily RABBITTS d Joseph Lucy Fair Oak Labourer 788 26 1 1823 Charles SIMSON s Joseph Charlotte Overton Turnpike Labourer Road 789 2 2 1823 Ann MILES d Robert Elizabeth Town Labourer 790 2 2 1823 Sophia SEWARD d Ann Town Spinster 16 12 1822 SEWARD 791 2 2 1823 Joseph HARMSWORTH s John Mary Common Labourer 792 9 2 1823 Maria TAYLOR d Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer

Page 95 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 793 9 2 1823 Rebecca ROLFE d John Mary Dell Labourer 7 1 1823 794 9 2 1823 Elizabeth MILLER d John Rebeccah Swan Street Clock Maker 18 12 1822 795 9 2 1823 Thomas FARMER s William Elizabeth Wolverton Lane Labourer 796 16 2 1823 Mary PIPER d George Catherine Dell Labourer 797 2 3 1823 Harriet HAWKINS d James Hannah Blissetts Farm Labourer 26 1 1823 798 2 3 1823 George PIERCE s Thomas Jane Itchenswell Labourer 799 16 3 1823 Charles LAWRENCE s Richard Isabella Newbury Marsh Labourer 800 16 3 1823 Sarah HOPKINS d Charles Rebecca Town Labourer 801 16 3 1823 Sarah PROUT d John Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 802 23 3 1823 Francis HUNT s Henry Mary Headley Common Labourer 803 23 3 1823 Charles FREEMANTLE s Elizabeth Headley Spinster FREEMANTLE 804 23 3 1823 Charles BUTLER s William Ann August Hill Labourer 805 23 3 1823 Elizabeth BOULTON d John Margaret Hall Farm Labourer 806 30 3 1823 Mary Ann NEW d Lucy Exman's Ford Spinster NEW 807 30 3 1823 Charles SIMPSON s Robert Harriet Ram Alley Green Labourer 808 30 3 1823 Henry LOVELL s William Jane Town Labourer 809 6 4 1823 Henry ROLFE s James Mary Dell Labourer 810 6 4 1823 Pamela SOPER d Henry Charlotte Harrington Labourer 811 6 4 1823 Jane BOOTH d William Deborah Ecchinswell Farmer 11 3 1823 812 9 4 1823 James COOPER s John Leah Town Inn Keeper 2 3 1823 813 13 4 1823 John HUTCHINGS s Richard Elizabeth Swan Street Baker 814 13 4 1823 Eliza HILLETT d William Martha Common Labourer 815 13 4 1823 James RABBITS s John Hannah Common Labourer 816 13 4 1823 Eliza BRADLEY d Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Smith 817 20 4 1823 James NORTH s John Ann Town Labourer 818 20 4 1823 Mary SEWARD d Francis Jane Dell Smith 819 23 4 1823 Ellen HANKIN d George Elizabeth Town Baker 820 27 4 1823 Joseph JEFFREY s Hannah Ashford Hill Spinster JEFFREY 821 4 5 1823 George JEWEL s John Martha Pit House Labourer 822 4 5 1823 William HUNT s John Mary Town Labourer 823 5 5 1823 Richard SMITH s William Mary Fair Oak Labourer 824 11 5 1823 Joseph JEFFREY s Hannah Ashford Hill Spinster JEFFREY ? 825 11 5 1823 Amy HARRIS d Richard Elizabeth Dell Labourer 826 18 5 1823 William HOLMES s Richard Elizabeth Ram Alley Green Labourer 827 18 5 1823 Thomas ROBBINS s William Mary Fair Oak Farmer Steptoe

Page 96 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 828 25 5 1823 Eliza ANDREWS d William Lucy Sydmonton Labourer 829 1 6 1823 Sophia AUSTIN d Samuel Maria Kingsclere Inn Keeper 830 1 6 1823 Frederic BUTLER s William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 831 29 6 1823 James HUGHES s Sarah Workhouse Spinster HUGHES 832 2 7 1823 John ROLFE s Robert Esther Dell Sawyer 833 6 7 1823 Eliza BENDELL d John Harriet Ecchinswell Sawyer 27 4 1823 834 6 7 1823 Henry WEBB s Henry Charlotte Frobury Pit Labourer 10 6 1823 835 6 7 1823 Stephen BREWER s James Ann Frobury Pit Labourer 23 5 1823 836 20 7 1823 Harriet BENNETT d John Leah Tan House Labourer 837 27 7 1823 George RABBITTS s John Mary Fair Oak Labourer 4 7 1823 838 3 8 1823 Betsy HOLDWAY d William Hannah Town Labourer 839 3 8 1823 George STEVENS s Mary Town Spinster STEVENS 840 17 8 1823 William NORTH s Thomas Letitia Overton Road Labourer 841 17 8 1823 Ambrose HAINS s Thomas Sarah Headley Common Labourer 2 8 1823 842 31 8 1823 Esther BROOKER d John Sarah Dell Labourer 843 14 9 1823 Mary Ann HELLYER d Joseph Miriam Sydmonton Labourer Warren 844 21 9 1823 Charles LAWRENCE s Elizabeth Workhouse Spinster LAWRENCE 845 21 9 1823 Mary LOVELOCK d William Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 846 24 9 1823 Elizabeth BUNCE d Robert Elizabeth Common Farmer 847 5 10 1823 Charlotte TIDBURY d Jeremiah Ann North Sydmonton Labourer 848 8 10 1823 James COLEMAN s Aaron Sarah Catt's Malt House Labourer 849 8 10 1823 Rosa Ann TWITCHIN d John Rosa Ann Market Place Farmer 850 10 10 1823 Bessom MITCHELL s John Mary Town Clergyman 13 9 1823 Ashford 851 19 10 1823 James WICKENS s Mark Sarah Old Farm Labourer 21 9 1823 852 26 10 1823 Ann Maria WALKER d John Mary Sidmonton Labourer 853 26 10 1823 Thomas LEWINGTON s William Sarah Freemantle Park Labourer 854 2 11 1823 Thomas BUTLER s William Sarah Polhampton Lodge Labourer

855 2 11 1823 David PEARCE s Henry Martha Itchenswell Labourer 856 12 11 1823 George SEWARD s William Mary Exenford Labourer 857 16 11 1823 John FOWLER s Joseph Sarah Dell Labourer 858 23 11 1823 Henry STEVENS s John Mary Kingsclere Labourer 30 10 1823 859 30 11 1823 Deberah WALDEN d Robert Deborah Holdup Hill Labourer 860 30 11 1823 Rebecca SHARMAN d William Hannah North Street Labourer 10 11 1823

Page 97 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 861 30 11 1823 George PRATER s Robert Eliza Ecchinswell Farmer 862 7 12 1823 Eliza WITTS d William Naomi Sydmonton Labourer 16 11 1823 Warren 863 21 12 1823 Sylvia PIPER d Richard Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 864 28 12 1823 George COTTERELL s Charles Charlotte Ecchinswell Labourer 865 28 12 1823 William HUTCHINS s William Phoebe Ashford Hill Labourer 866 28 12 1823 David SMITH s John Rebekah Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 867 4 1 1824 George HUNT s John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 868 4 1 1824 Charles COVENTRY s William Elizabeth Common Labourer 869 4 1 1824 Mary Ann WICKENS d James Louisa Headley Common Labourer 870 4 1 1824 David MUNDAY s Philip Lucy August Hill Labourer 871 11 1 1824 Maria HUGHES d Silas Mary August Hill Labourer 872 11 1 1824 David GIRDLER s John Dinah Common Labourer 6 12 1823 873 11 1 1824 Mary WEBB d James Harriet Mill Green Labourer 15 12 1823 874 18 1 1824 Christiana BUTLER d William Ann Sidmonton Labourer 875 25 1 1824 Jane WALKER d William Elizabeth Town Labourer 876 1 2 1824 Sarah HARMSWORTH d Richard Phoebe Labourer 877 1 2 1824 Charlotte ANDREWS d Lawrence Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 878 4 2 1824 Henry GRIGG s Richard Charlotte Town Shoemaker 879 11 2 1824 Eliza JOHNSTONE d Daniel Mary Town Gentleman 880 12 2 1824 John COOPER s James Elizabeth Town Labourer 881 22 2 1824 Maria HILL d Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 882 29 2 1824 Sarah SEWARD d William Sarah Town Labourer 4 2 1824 883 29 2 1824 Sarah FRUEN d Uriah Phoebe Tan House Labourer 884 14 3 1824 Harriet BRADFIELD d Richard Sarah Town Milller 885 14 3 1824 Ellis PAICE s Thomas Emily Sydmonton Labourer 886 20 12 1823 Edward CHANCE s Richard Maria Town Shopkeeper Omitted Pointer 887 11 2 1824 Frances HERN d August Hill HERN Omitted 888 21 3 1824 William NEW s Joshua Elizabeth Common Labourer 16 2 1824 889 21 3 1824 Charles HOCKLEY s Isaac Charlotte Dell Labourer 890 28 3 1824 Mary Ann CHANDLER d William Mary August Hill Labourer 25 3 1824 891 31 3 1824 Elizabeth MUNDAY d Robert Harriet Town Maltster 892 31 3 1824 Ann HARMSWORTH d John Ann Goose Hill Labourer 893 3 4 1824 Joseph BOLTON s John Margaret Hall Farm Labourer 894 3 4 1824 Charles GUNTER s Charles Susanna Ashford Hill Bricklayer

Page 98 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 895 7 4 1824 Charles SOP s Thomas Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 896 12 4 1824 Eliza CHAPMAN d John Harriet Town Labourer 897 18 4 1824 Ellen PINK d Frances Nuthanger Farm Spinster PINK 898 26 4 1824 Henry SMITH s Thomas Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 899 28 4 1824 Sarah WOOFF d William Elizabeth Fair Oak Carrier 900 2 5 1824 Mary PICTON d Mary Ecchinswell Spinster PICTON 901 2 5 1824 William PRATER s Elizabeth Ecchinswell Spinster PRATER 902 2 5 1824 Charlotte HUGHES d John Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 903 2 5 1824 Hannah ARLOTT d James Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 9 4 1824 904 5 5 1824 Hannah SHARP d Matthew Elizabeth Town Baker 905 9 5 1824 Sarah HELLIER d Charles Elizabeth Ram Alley Green Labourer 17 4 1824 906 5 1824 Esther STOCKER d John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 907 19 5 1824 Clement OWEN s Hannah Tan House Spinster 3 5 1824 OWEN 908 23 5 1824 Charles OWEN s Hannah Tan House Spinster 3 5 1824 OWEN 909 30 5 1824 Robert SMITH s Shadrack Jane Town Labourer 910 5 6 1824 Napoleon TWITCHIN s William Harriet Town Shopkeeper 911 15 6 1824 David GALE s Thomas Sarah Harrow Labourer 912 13 6 1824 Hannah TIDBURY d Sarah Ecchinswell Spinster TIDBURY 913 13 6 1824 Joshua MOON s Jonathan Mary Sydmonton Labourer 914 20 6 1824 Sarah BARTLEY d Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 915 20 6 1824 Henry JEWELL s John Martha Pit House Labourer 916 27 6 1824 John WOODHOUSE s Joseph Sarah Mill Green Labourer 31 5 1824 917 27 6 1824 David FOSTER s John Sarah Tuckers Hill Labourer 918 27 6 1824 Ann VINCE d Miriam Sommershurst Labourer VINCE Green 919 27 6 1824 Joseph POULTON s John Margaret Hall Farm Labourer 30 3 1824 920 4 7 1824 Henry WELMAN s Joel Ann Fair Oak Labourer 921 4 7 1824 Hannah HEWARD d Jacob Rebecca Holdip Hill Labourer 922 11 7 1824 Joseph ROLF s Samuel Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 923 18 7 1824 Charles WEBB s Joseph Hester Common Labourer 924 18 7 1824 Mary Ann SMITH d Edmund Mary Town Labourer 925 21 7 1824 Samuel GODDARD s John Sarah Common Labourer 926 25 7 1824 Ann OYER d James Charlotte Kingsclere Labourer 927 25 7 1824 Benjamin HUNT s Common Labourer 928 25 7 1824 Charlotte PIERCE d Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Labourer

Page 99 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 929 27 6 1824 esther BEVINS d Thomas Jemima Sidmonton Labourer Omitted 930 25 7 1824 Maris PIERCE d David Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 931 1 8 1824 Ellen BRIDGMAN d James Mary Headley Common Labourer 9 7 1824 932 1 8 1824 Eliza CHAPMAN d John Harriet Dell Labourer 933 1 8 1824 John BROWN s Robert Ann Sydmonton Labourer 934 4 8 1824 John PALMER s John Ann Frith Common Farmer 935 4 8 1824 Frederic FRANKUM s William Hannah Itchenswell Blacksmith 936 8 8 1824 Hannah FOSTER d Stephen Elizabeth Plaistow Green Labourer 937 15 8 1824 Sarah RICHARDSON d Richard Charlotte Bishops Green Shoemaker 9 7 1824 938 29 8 1824 James BUTLER s Mary Ashford Hill Spinster BUTLER 939 5 9 1824 Ann ELLIOTT d Richard Ann Town Labourer 940 5 9 1824 Thomas BREWER s James Ann Common Labourer 31 7 1824 941 19 9 1824 William HUNT s James Eliza Stratton's Farm Labourer 942 19 9 1824 Sarah SMITH d Jacob Ann Plaistow Green Labouring 14 8 1824 Mechanic 943 22 9 1824 Sarah Ann KARNETT d Peter Emily Holdup Hill Shoemaker 944 28 9 1824 Sarah DALE d Henry Mary Ann Town Attorney's Clerk

945 3 10 1824 Ann COOK d Joseph Hannah near Workhouse Labourer 946 8 10 1824 John AUSTIN s Samuel Maria Town Inn Keeper 16 9 1824 947 13 10 1824 Elizabeth BUTLER d John Martha Dell Carpenter 948 13 10 1824 Eliza WATTS d Joseph Dinah Frith Labourer 949 17 10 1824 Ann THATCHER d John Sarah Pit House Labourer 6 8 1824 950 17 10 1824 hannah HUSE d Abiram Mary Ram Alley Labourer 951 20 10 1824 Louisa DANCE d James Rebecca Woodlands Farmer 15 9 1824 952 7 11 1824 William FOSTER s John Letitia Holdup Hill Labourer 953 3 11 1824 William TAYLOR s Henry Lucy Common Labourer 954 7 11 1824 Richard ALDRIDGE s William Elizabeth Spreadbury Labourer 955 7 11 1824 John PARGESTER s William Letitia Sydmonton 956 10 11 1824 Jane Elizabeth CHANCE d Edward Mary Town Shopkeeper 31 9 1824 Susannah 957 10 11 1824 John TWITCHIN s John Rosa Anne Town Ironmonger

958 14 11 1824 George PIPER s William Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 959 14 11 1824 George Hobbs CHAPMAN s Sarah Ann Town Spinster CHAPMAN 960 14 11 1824 Eliza SMITH d William Mary Frobury Farm Yeoman

Page 100 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 961 17 11 1824 Charles FOSTER s Jesse Charlotte Waits Farm Yeoman 962 24 11 1824 Henry RABBITS s Joseph Lucy Fair Oak Labourer 963 24 11 1824 John COPATHITE s Charles Hannah Fair Oak Dealer 964 12 12 1824 William PRISMALL s David Mary Starkhouse farm Yeoman 27 11 1824 965 12 12 1824 Samuel STOCKER s Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 966 12 12 1824 Frederick HAINES s Mary Anne Sydmonton son of BB Philip 967 19 12 1824 Jane HAZEL d Henry Mary Kingsclere Labourer 968 26 12 1824 Daniel DUCKETT s Thomas Martha Backhouse Lane Labourer 27 11 1824 969 26 12 1824 David BOZELEY s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 970 26 12 1824 Daniel COPATHITE s James Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 971 26 12 1824 Gabriel HESLEY s James Jemima Ecchinswell Labourer 972 Entered at no. 944 973 29 12 1824 Thomas Henry JEFFREY s Mary Ashford Hill Spinster JEFFREY 974 2 1 1825 Sarah RABBITS d Elizabeth Common Spinster RABBITS 975 5 1 1825 Sophia PROUT d Thomas Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer 976 9 1 1825 William HINE s David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 977 16 1 1825 Charles PRATER s Robert Eliza Sydmonton Labourer 978 19 1 1825 Anne STRATTON d William Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 12 12 1824 979 23 1 1825 John OWEN s John Mary Common Bricklayer 980 30 1 1825 William ROLFE s John Mary Dell Labourer 981 30 1 1825 Robert ARLET s Sarah Plaster Green Spinster ARLET 982 30 1 1825 Susanna WICKENS d Elizabeth Kingsclere Spinster WICKENS 983 9 2 1825 Caroline WEBB d Charles Elizabeth Goose Hill Labourer 24 1 1825 984 13 2 1825 Charles HARRIS s Richard Elizabeth Dell Labourer 985 13 2 1825 Elizabeth SIMPSON d Joseph Charlotte Kingsclere Labourer 986 13 2 1825 Emma MILES d John Mary Anne Newbury Marsh Labourer

987 23 2 1825 Elizabeth NARES d Thomas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 988 6 3 1825 Eliza MILES d Benjamin Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 989 14 3 1825 Henry SPROUT s John Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 990 27 3 1825 Elizabeth SEWARD d Francis Jane Dell Blacksmith 991 29 3 1825 William FUCE s John Charlotte Woodhouse Farm Labourer 992 10 4 1825 David BUTLER s William Ann August Hill Labourer 19 3 1825 993 10 4 1825 Hannah MILES d Samuel Rachael Common Labourer 26 2 1825 994 13 4 1825 George BUCKRIDGE s Isaac Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer

Page 101 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 995 17 4 1825 Emma HOCKLEY d Thomas Mary Nutkins Labourer 996 17 4 1825 John LAWRANCE s Richard Isabella Newbury Marsh Labourer 997 17 4 1825 David WEBB s Hannah Headley Common Spinster 18 2 1825 WEBB 998 24 4 1825 John FOSTER s James Ann Kingsclere Labourer 999 24 4 1825 William HARRIS s Sarah Dell Spinster HARRIS 1000 27 4 1825 Hannah GODDARD d John Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1001 30 4 1825 Fanny POCOCKE d John Mary Ann Ecchinswell Bricklayer 21 4 1825 1002 1 5 1825 Luke HAWKINS s James Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 4 4 1825 1003 1 5 1825 Thomas POCOCKE s John Mary Ann Ecchinswell Bricklayer 27 1 1823 1004 8 5 1825 Elizabeth STROUD d Joseph Mary Dell Labourer 5 4 1825 1005 15 5 1825 Ann HARMSWORTH d John Mary Wolverton Labourer 1006 15 5 1825 Thomas NIGHTINGALE s Thomas Sarah Ecchinswell Farmer 1007 15 5 1825 John WHEATLAND OR s Robert Mary Ecchinswell ARCHER ARCHER 1008 24 5 1825 Emily HANKIN d George Elizabeth Town Shopkeeper 1009 24 5 1825 Hannah HOLLY d William Mary Swan Street Labourer 1010 24 5 1825 Elizabeth LANCELY d David Maria Town Labourer 1011 25 5 1825 Jane PENFORD d John Sarah Common Farmer 8 3 1825 1012 5 6 1825 Henry FARMER s William Elizabeth Farm (?) Labourer 1013 5 6 1825 Charlotte ANDREWS d Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 9 5 1825 1014 9 6 1825 John KING s John Sarah Town Labourer 1015 12 6 1825 Jane HUZZEY d William Sarah North Sydmonton Labourer 1016 19 6 1825 George GALE s Thomas Sarah Headley Common Labourer 18 5 1825 1017 17 7 1825 Phoebe WITTS d William Naomi Sydmonton Labourer 28 6 1825 1018 20 7 1825 Susanna HARTSHORNE d Hezekiah Susanna Broseley in County Brick & Tile 25 12 1824 Ashford Salops Manufacturer 1019 20 7 1825 Mary Sophia MITCHELL d John Mary Kingsclere Clergyman & 12 6 1825 Vicar 1020 20 7 1825 Esther GRIGG d Richard Charlotte Kingsclere Shoemaker 18 6 1825 1021 31 7 1825 John KING s John Sarah near Workhouse Labourer 1022 31 7 1825 John BRADLEY s Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Blacksmith 1023 3 8 1825 Mary WHEELER d Thomas Hannah Town Blacksmith 1024 4 8 1825 Charlotte HUMPHREYS d Samuel Elizabeth Summershurst Labourer Green 1025 7 8 1825 Mary HAWKINS d Clement Letitia Ashford Hill Thatcher 1026 14 8 1825 Eliza HUMPHREY d Louisa Plaistow Green Spinster HUMPHREY

Page 102 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1027 14 8 1825 Mary Ann WINKWORTH d Joseph Anna Town Bricklayer Maria 1028 24 8 1825 Elizabeth ROBINSON d Thomas Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 1029 28 8 1825 Stephen HOLDWAY s William Hannah Town Labourer 1030 1 9 1825 Betty HASLETT d Peter Hannah Town Labourer 1031 1 9 1825 Frances STEVENS d Daniel Sophia Town Carpenter 1032 4 9 1825 Rebecca Allen BERE d John Sarah Town Labourer 11 8 1825 1033 4 9 1825 Charlotte HUMPHREY d Samuel Elizabeth Old Farm Labourer 1034 5 9 1825 Emma MAY d Hannah Ashford Hill (?) MAY 1035 7 9 1825 George ROLFE s Joseph Bethany Hawkers Hill Shoemaker 23 12 1824 1036 14 9 1825 Hannah CANNONS d Richard Miriam Newbury Marsh Labourer 1037 18 9 1825 George LEACH s George Hannah Woodhouse Farm Labourer 1038 18 9 1825 William HARRIS s William Susanna Ram Alley Green Labourer 1039 25 9 1825 Lavinia SIMPSON d Robert Harriet Town Labourer 1040 2 10 1825 Timothy WHITHE s William Mary Woodlands Labourer 5 7 1825 1041 2 10 1825 Emma SHEARMAN d John Emily Dell Labourer 3 9 1825 1042 2 10 1825 James SMITH s John Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1043 11 10 1825 Jacob LEWIS s William Emily Ashford Hill Labourer 1044 13 10 1825 Susannah BUNCE d George Elizabeth Tuckers Hill Miller 1045 23 10 1825 Amey MAY d Hannah Fair Oak Spinster MAY ? 1046 23 10 1825 Andrew SMITH s Richard Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 4 9 1825 1047 6 11 1825 Charles COVENTREE s William Elizabeth Old Farm Labourer 19 9 1825 1048 13 11 1825 Joshua FOSBURY s William Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer 1049 18 11 1825 John SHEARMAN s William Hannah North Street Labourer 1050 20 11 1825 Charlotte HUNT d John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 1051 20 11 1825 Thomas HUNT s John Mary Town Labourer 1052 20 11 1825 Harriet NORTH d John Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 1053 20 11 1825 Sarah KENTFIELD d George Sarah Ashley Warren Labourer 1054 23 11 1825 Harriet BOOTH d William Deborah Ecchinswell Labourer 1 11 1825 1055 27 11 1825 Richard SEWARD d James Elizabeth Town Labourer 8 11 1825 1056 27 11 1825 Mary SEWARD s James Elizabeth Town Labourer 8 11 1825 1057 27 11 1825 Sarah KING d George Elizabeth Hall Farm Labourer 1058 4 12 1825 John HOLMES s Richard Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 1059 7 12 1825 Mary Frances JOHNSTONE d Daniel Mary Town Gentleman 1060 7 12 1825 William RUDDLE s Robert Rachel Harriden Farmer 1061 13 12 1825 Thomas MARTIN s James Sarah Swan Street Labourer

Page 103 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1062 28 12 1825 Henrietta HUGHES d John Harriet Knightsbridge Maltster 1063 29 12 1825 Mary Ann CRIPPS d William Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 1064 8 1 1826 Richard MILES s Miriam White Hill Spinster MILES Turnpike 1065 11 1 1826 Maty Ann COOPER d John Leah Town Inn Keeper 1 12 1825 1066 22 1 1826 Mary Ann BENDALL d John Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer ?? ?? 1825 1067 15 2 1826 Emma STEVENS d John Mary Town Carpenter 16 10 1825 1068 19 2 1826 Henry TAYLOR s William Mary Stubbington Labourer 1069 19 2 1826 Joseph FISHER s James Mary Mill Green Labourer 1070 22 2 1826 George BUTLER s William Mary Gale's Mill Labourer 1071 26 2 1826 Daniel HUTCHINS s William Phoebe Ashford Hill Labourer 1072 26 2 1826 Cornelius BUTLER s William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 1073 19 3 1826 Jacob WEBB s Charles Elizabeth Common Labourer 1074 19 3 1826 Sarah COLEMAN d Aaron Sarah Catt's Farm Labourer 1075 2 4 1826 David WEBB s Henry Charlotte Porch Farm Labourer 1076 2 4 1826 Ann HUGHES d Silas Mary August Hill Labourer 1077 9 4 1826 Maria WALKER d William Elizabeth Town Labourer 1078 14 4 1826 Maria CUSSALL OR d John Eliza Plaistow Green Illegitimate PIERCE Pierce 1079 16 4 1826 Eliza PIERCE d Henry Martha Ecchinswell Car Factor (?) 1080 16 4 1826 Charlotte SMITH d John Rebecca Ram Alley Labourer 1081 18 4 1826 William BENNETT s Solomon Sarah Tan House Labourer 1082 7 5 1826 Anthony LOVELOCK s William Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 1083 7 5 1826 John HUGHES s Abiram Mary Ram Alley Green Labourer 1084 10 5 1826 William FOSTER s Jesse Charlotte Waites Farm Farmer 1085 21 5 1826 Emmanuel BILLIMORE s Thomas Lucy Ram Alley Labourer 1086 21 5 1826 Samuel SEWARD s William Mary Exman's Ford Labourer 1087 4 6 1826 David NORTH s Thomas Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 1088 4 6 1826 Charles GEORGE s Henry Eve August Hill Labourer 16 5 1826 1089 4 6 1826 Arthur Evans ASPREY s John Jane Sydmonton Farmer 1090 15 6 1826 Elizabeth MARTIN d Thomas Mary Town Labourer 1091 18 6 1826 Maria ROLFE d John Eliza Summershurst Labourer Green 1092 18 6 1826 Charlotte ANDREWS d William Lucy Sydmonton Labourer 1093 23 6 1826 Henry TAMMAGE s Benjamin Maria North Sydmonton Labourer 1094 2 7 1826 William SMITH s Henry Letitia Ecchinswell Labourer

Page 104 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1095 16 7 1826 Eliza DANCE d James Rebecca Holdup Hill Farmer 1096 10 7 1826 Esther LEWINGTON d William Sarah Humeath Hill (?) Labourer 1097 16 7 1826 Charlotte WALKER d John Mary North Sydmonton Labourer 1098 30 7 1826 Lucy MOORE d Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 1099 30 7 1826 Martha WINTER d William Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 1100 13 8 1826 Ann BEVIN d Thomas Jemima North Sydmonton Labourer 1101 27 8 1826 George SIMSON s John Hannah Workhouse Earthenware Dealer 1102 27 8 1826 Harriet PAICE d Thomas Emily Ecchinswell Labourer 1103 3 9 1826 David ROLFE s John Mary Dell Sawyer 8 8 1826 1104 3 9 1826 George BAKER s Charles Harriet Ecchinswell Shoemaker 1105 3 9 1826 John BROWNJOHN s Obadiah Elizabeth Burghclere Farmer 1106 3 9 1826 Mary Elizth. BROWNJOHN d Obadiah Elizabeth Burghclere Farmer 1107 6 9 1826 Langham DALE s Henry Mary Ann Town Attorney's Clerk 22 5 1826

1108 10 9 1826 Rose Ann BRIDGMAN d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 1109 17 9 1826 Caroline WEBB d John Hannah Polhampton Labourer 1110 17 9 1826 Ann ARCHER d James Maria Ecchinswell Labourer 1111 1 10 1826 Fanny RABBITS d John Hannah Old Farm Labourer 17 9 1826 1112 1 10 1826 Charles HOPKINS s Charles Rebecca Swan Street Labourer 1113 8 10 1826 Henry MILES s William Elizabeth Polhampton Lodge Labourer 10 9 1826

1114 15 10 1826 Hannah DURBIDGE d Charles Ann Common Labourer 10 9 1826 1115 15 10 1826 John EATALL s Thomas Mima Ecchinswell Labourer 1116 15 10 1826 Charlotte HALL d Mark Martha Ecchinswell Labourer 1117 18 10 1826 Elizth KERNUTT d Peter Emily August Hill Cordwainer 1118 22 10 1826 George MILES s Robert Elizabeth Town Labourer 1119 22 10 1826 Henry HUGHES s John Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1120 25 10 1826 Samuel LANE s John Mary Plaistow Green Blacksmith 1121 25 10 1826 Richard HUTCHINGS s Richard Elizabeth Town Baker 1122 25 10 1826 Hannah BRADFIELD d Richard Sarah Town Miller 1123 1 11 1826 Alfred HOBBS s George Sarah Ann Overton Road Wheel Maker 5 10 1826 1124 1 11 1826 Richard SMITH s Shadrack Jane Town Labourer 1125 5 11 1826 Sarah GIRDLER d John Dinah Old Farm Labourer 23 9 1826 1126 12 11 1826 David SMITH s Peter Joanna Ecchinswell Labourer 1127 19 11 1826 Joseph WEBB s James Harriet Headley Common Labourer

Page 105 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1128 26 11 1826 Elizabeth NEW d Joshua Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 1129 26 11 1826 William COE OR OWEN s Henry Mary Rackerton Hill Labourer Owen 1130 3 12 1826 Martha SMITH d Edmund Mary Town Labourer 1131 3 12 1826 Eliza BREWER d James Ann Frobury Farm Labourer 1132 10 12 1826 Charles FOWLER s Joseph Sarah Dell Labourer 1133 10 12 1826 Elizabeth MARSHALL d Si Rachel Hawkers Hill Labourer 1134 10 12 1826 John FIFIELD s John Amey Ecchinswell Farmer Louisa 1135 24 12 1826 Henry Thomas PIERCE s Thomas Elcey Ecchinswell Labourer 1136 24 12 1826 Susannah PIERCE d David Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 1137 24 12 1826 Charles STOCKER s John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 1138 24 12 1826 William WATERS s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 3 12 1826 1139 24 12 1826 Elizabeth SHEARMAN d William nannah Dell Labourer 14 12 1826 1140 24 12 1826 Hannah TAILOR d Henry Lucy Dell Labourer 27 10 1826 1141 27 12 1826 John WHEELER s Thomas Hannah Town Blacksmith 1142 27 12 1826 James KUELL s William Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 1143 3 1 1827 Ann BOOTH d Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Farmer 1144 7 1 1827 Ruth LEWIS d William Emma Pine Apple Labourer 1145 14 1 1827 John ALDRIDGE s William Elizabeth Spreadbury Labourer 1146 24 1 1827 Annette HANKIN d George Elizabeth Town Grocer 1147 28 1 1827 Sarah JEWELL d John Martha Fair Oak Labourer 7 1 1827 1148 28 1 1827 Henry HUNT s John Mary Town Labourer 1149 31 1 1827 Thomas MUNDY s Robert Harriet Fair Oak Maltster 1150 31 1 1827 Jenny BRIDGMAN d James Mary Tan House Labourer 1151 4 2 1827 Thomas PRISMALL s David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 1152 11 2 1827 Ann WELLMAN d Joal Ann Fair Oak Labourer 1153 11 2 1827 Esther BRIDGMAN d James Mary Common Labourer 15 1 1827 1154 11 2 1827 Jane BRIDGMAN d James Mary Common Labourer 15 1 1827 1155 11 2 1827 Ann BARTLEY d Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 1156 14 2 1827 Robert PALMER s John Ann Frith House Farmer 1157 14 2 1827 John WHEELER s Thomas Hannah Town Blacksmith 1158 25 2 1827 Thomas PERGETER s William Letitia Sydmonton Gardner 1161 4 3 1827 Mary PRATER d Robert Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 1160 4 3 1827 John STOCKER s Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer

Page 106 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1162 4 3 1827 Charlotte STREET d Charles Susannah Ecchinswell Labourer 1159 4 3 1827 Mary STROTTON d William Hannah near Workhouse Labourer 30 1 1827 1163 18 3 1827 Sarah OWEN d John Mary Common Labourer 15 2 1827 1164 18 3 1827 Esther COOPER d James Elizabeth George Street Labourer 8 2 1827 1165 18 3 1827 Ann CUMMINS d John Hannah Common Labourer 16 1 1827 1166 1 4 1827 John COOK s Joseph Hannah near Workhouse Labourer 1167 4 4 1827 Charles ROLF s Joseph Abitheny Tan House Shoemaker 1170 8 4 1827 Elizabeth BEAR d John Sarah Town Labourer 1169 8 4 1827 Mary Ann CRIPPS d William Eliza Mill Green Labourer 1168 8 4 1827 Edward DUCKETT s Thomas Martha Town Labourer 1171 15 4 1827 Harriet Adele CARTER d Samuel Harriett Speenham land Surgeon 1174 22 4 1827 William FORSTER s James Ann Mill Green Labourer 1172 22 4 1827 Sarah HINE d David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1173 22 4 1827 Letty HUMPHRIES d Samuel Betty Summershurst Labourer Green 1175 22 4 1827 Mary WOODHOUSE d Joseph Sarah Mill Green Labourer 1176 22 4 1827 John HUNT s Thomas Martha near the Bear Labourer 1177 2 5 1827 Charles WOOFF s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 1178 6 5 1827 Richard DIBLEY s Richard Elizabeth Town Brewer's 5 4 1827 Labourer 1179 13 5 1827 Sarah THATCHER d John Sarah Pit House Labourer 1180 13 5 1827 Thomas SMITH s William Mary Frobury Farm Farmer 1181 20 5 1827 John ROLFE s Samuel Hannah Exman's Ford Labourer 1182 23 5 1827 William RABBITTS s Joseph Lucy Fair Oak Labourer 1183 27 5 1827 Daniel NIGHTINGALE s Thomas Sarah Ecchinswell Farmer 1184 10 6 1827 William WICKENS s James Luzen Headley Common Labourer 1185 10 6 1827 Jane SPROUT d John Hannah Town Labourer 3 6 1827 1186 17 6 1827 Rosanna FOSTER d John Letitia Spreadbury Labourer 1187 17 6 1827 William BUTLER s Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 1188 17 6 1827 William VINCE s Miriam Town VINCE 1189 17 6 1827 Daniel SMITH s Jacob Ann Waites Farm (?) 13 5 1827 1190 30 6 1827 Eleazer KENTFIELD s George Lucy Ashley Warren Labourer 1191 24 6 1827 Mary Ann FUCE d John Charlotte Tuckers Hill Farmer 1192 24 6 1827 Hannah BROOKER d John Sarah Dell Labourer 1193 1 7 1827 Richard TWITCHEN s John Rosa Ann Market Place Ironmonger 1194 8 7 1827 John SEWARD s Francis Jane Dell Blacksmith

Page 107 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1195 11 7 1827 Susan Isabella MITCHELL d John Mary Kingsclere Clergyman & 13 6 1827 Vicar 1196 11 7 1827 Frederic BUNCE s Robert Elizabeth Kingsclere Farmer 1197 15 7 1827 William HIGGS s Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1198 15 7 1827 Jane MILES d Benjamin Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 1199 15 7 1827 Charles FOSTER s Stephen Elizabeth Plaistow Green Labourer 1200 22 7 1827 Charles ANDREWS s Robert Eliza. Town Labourer 1201 22 7 1827 Richard BOLTON s John Margaret Hall Farm Labourer 26 6 1827 1202 22 7 1827 Charlotte KING d George Elizabeth Hall Farm Labourer 25 6 1827 1203 29 7 1827 Elizh. HAYWARD d Jacob Rebekah Town Labourer 1204 29 7 1827 Eleanor WEBB d Joseph Esther Common Labourer 3 7 1827 1205 29 7 1827 Seth FISHER s James Mary Mill Green Labourer 1206 29 7 1827 Louisa SPROUT d Thomas Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer 1207 5 8 1827 James HISCOCK OR s Peter Mary Plaistow Green Labourer 3 8 1827 CUMMINS CUMMINS 1208 5 8 1827 Abraham ILLSLEY s James Jemima North Sydmonton Labourer 1209 12 8 1827 Henry WALKER s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 1210 12 8 1827 Thos. EMMANS s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1211 12 8 1827 Emma LANCELY d David Maria Town Carrier 1212 12 8 1827 Robert RUDDLE s Robert Rachel Harriden Farm Farmer 23 7 1827 1213 26 8 1827 Charles COTTEREL s James Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 1214 26 8 1827 Eliza DRYE d John Miriam Town Labourer 1215 2 9 1827 Henry DOLERY s Daniel Isabella Sydmonton Labourer 1216 10 9 1827 Rosa CHANCE d Richard Maria Town Shopkeeper 31 7 1827 1217 16 9 1827 John STRATTON s Richard Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 1218 23 9 1827 Rachel ELLIOTT d Richard Ann Town Labourer 1219 23 9 1827 Charlotte DRY d William Eliza Plaistow Green Labourer 1 9 1827 1220 23 9 1827 Hannah HAWKINS d James Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 1221 30 9 1827 Sophia LAWRANCE d Richard Isabella Kingsclere Labourer 25 8 1827 1222 30 9 1827 Henry COPPATHITE s James Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 1223 7 10 1827 Charlotte GIRDLER d George Charlotte Old Farm Labourer 9 9 1827 RABBITTS 1224 7 10 1827 John COVENTRY s William Elizabeth Goose Hill Labourer 1225 7 10 1827 Thomas BUSHEL s Thomas Maria South Sydmonton Labourer 1226 21 10 1827 George EVANS s John Sarah Blissetts Farm Labourer 11 9 1827 1227 21 10 1827 Elen ANDREWS d Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 3 9 1827 1228 28 10 1827 Mary Ann HAYWARD d John Maria Town Labourer

Page 108 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1229 31 10 1827 Thomas CHALLIS s Thomas Mary Town Weader 1230 4 11 1827 Dennis BUTLER s William Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 1231 7 11 1827 John CANE s Robert Elizabeth Pineapple Publican 1232 7 11 1827 Lucy WATTS d Joseph Dinai Frith Labourer 1233 11 11 1827 Hannah BOSLEY d William Elizabeth Town Labourer 1234 14 11 1827 Ann SELWOOD d Thomas Rebecca Town Carrier 1235 18 11 1827 Betsy CANONS d Richard Miriam Newbury Road Labourer 1236 25 11 1827 Charles WHEATLAND s Thomas Hannah Headley Common Labourer 23 10 1827 1237 25 11 1827 Robert STEPHENS s John Mary Town Carpenter 1238 25 11 1827 Harriett HILLIER d Charles Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 1239 5 12 1827 Ann HUNT d Henry Mary Holly Bush Labourer 1240 12 12 1827 James HOARE s Charles Mary Town Shopkeeper 16 11 1827 1241 16 12 1827 John GEORGE s William Elizabeth August Hill Labourer 9 11 1827 1242 16 12 1827 Eliz. BENNETT d Solomon Sarah Goose Hill Labourer 22 11 1827 1243 16 12 1827 Eliza LEACH d George Hannah near Workhouse Labourer 1244 19 12 1827 Robert CLARKE s Robert Maria Town Plumber 1245 23 12 1827 John VINCE s Joseph Louisa Plaistow Green Labourer 30 10 1827 1246 23 12 1827 Richard SIMPSON s Joseph Charlotte Town Labourer 28 11 1827 1247 30 12 1827 William HOLLY s William Mary Town Labourer 1248 30 12 1827 Frederick GRIGG s Richard Charlotte Town Labourer 23 11 1827 1249 20 1 1828 James HUGHES s Peter Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1250 10 2 1828 Ann COLLINS d William Elizabeth North Sydmonton Labourer HUZZEY 1251 10 2 1828 David HAYWARD s John Maria Newbury Marsh Labourer 1252 17 2 1828 Jane HARMSWORTH d Richard Phoebe Harrow Labourer 1253 17 2 1828 Henry NORTH s John Ann near Workhouse Labourer 1254 17 2 1828 Elizth. MOORE d Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 1255 24 2 1828 Charles BOAZLEY s Benjamin Sarah Old Farm Labourer 1256 2 3 1828 Stephen PIPER s Richard Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 1257 2 3 1828 Mary MILES d Stephen Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 1258 2 3 1828 Ann BAKER d Charles Harriet Ecchinswell Cordwainer 1259 16 3 1828 George BUTLER s Thomas Mary Ram Alley Labourer 1260 16 3 1828 Barnet HILL s Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 1261 16 3 1828 Elizabeth HUNT d John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 1262 23 3 1828 Hannah Eliza SIMSON d John Hannah Town Earthenware 25 2 1828 Carter Dealer 1263 23 3 1828 Eliza HAWKINS d Clement Letty Ashford Hill Labourer

Page 109 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1264 26 3 1828 William PENFORD s John Sarah Ram Alley Farmer 1265 30 3 1828 Henry HUTCHINS s William Phoebe Ashford Hill Labourer 1266 30 3 1828 Elizabeth JEWELL d William Harriet Exman's Ford Labourer 1267 30 3 1828 Hannah LEWIS d John Rebecca Wolverton Labourer 4 3 1828 Common 1268 2 4 1828 Maria Louisa FIFIELD d John Amey Ecchinswell Tanner Louisa 1269 4 4 1828 Richard HEDGES s Daniel Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 1270 13 4 1828 Clara WEBB d Charles Elizabeth Mill Green Labourer 10 3 1828 1271 13 4 1828 Eliza LOVELL d William Jane near the Bear Labourer 1272 18 4 1828 Sarah ARLOTT d James Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 1273 20 4 1828 Anne Statia ALLEN or ROFFE d George Sarah Common Labourer ROFFE Allen 1274 20 4 1828 Thomas PAICE s Thomas Emily Sydmonton Quarry Labourer

1275 28 4 1828 jemima ALLEN d Charles Jemima Town Labourer 1276 11 5 1828 Charles TURNER s Daniel Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 1277 11 5 1828 Charles SMITH s Henry Letty Ecchinswell Labourer 1 4 1828 1278 18 5 1828 Henry HUGHES s Abiram Mary Ram Alley Labourer 1279 18 5 1828 Sarah ARNOTT d James Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 1280 21 5 1828 Hannah HOLDWAY d William Hannah Town Labourer 1281 25 5 1828 Mary Ann HUNT d James Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 1282 28 5 1828 Samuel PRISMALL s John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 11 4 1819 1283 28 5 1828 John PRISMALL s John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 25 4 1820 1284 28 5 1828 Daniel PRISMALL s John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 20 9 1821 1285 28 5 1828 Andrew PRISMALL s John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 9 3 1823 1286 28 5 1828 Joshua PRISMALL s John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 19 12 1824 1287 28 5 1828 Caleb PRISMALL s John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 29 5 1826 1288 28 5 1828 Martha PRISMALL d John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 1 3 1818 1289 1 6 1828 George MUNDAY s Philip Lucy Exman's Ford Labourer 1290 1 6 1828 William HOCKLEY s Thomas Mary Nutkins Farm Labourer 1291 7 6 1828 Hannah ETTWALL d Thomas Jemima Bishops Green Labourer 1292 8 6 1828 James MARSHALL s Si Rachel August Hill Labourer 1293 8 6 1828 Mark BUTLER s William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 1294 8 6 1828 Henry HUGHES s George Sarah near Workhouse Labourer 1295 11 6 1828 Esther FOSTER d Jesse Charlotte Waites Farm Farmer

Page 110 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1296 22 6 1828 Mary MILES d George Jane Polhampton Lodge Labourer 25 5 1828

1297 22 6 1828 James BERRY s John Ann Frith Labourer 1298 22 6 1828 Elizabeth MILES d John Mary Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 1299 4 7 1828 Edward James HUTCHINGS s Richard Elizabeth Town Baker

1300 6 7 1828 Hannah ETTWELL d Thomas Jemima Ecchinswell Labourer 1301 20 7 1828 Mary WEBB d Henry Charlotte Fobury Pit Labourer 1302 27 7 1828 William SHEARMAN s John Emily Dell Labourer 19 6 1828 1303 27 7 1828 Richard BRADLEY s Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Blacksmith 1304 3 8 1828 Henry BENDALL s John Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer 15 4 1828 1305 3 8 1828 Jamima ALLEN d Charles Jemima Fair Oak Labourer 27 4 1828 1306 3 8 1828 Sarah Ann MORE d William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 1307 3 8 1828 Timothy MORE s William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 1308 3 8 1828 Robert BAUGHURST s John Harriet Burghclere Labourer 10 7 1828 Common 1309 20 8 1828 Saml. PRISMALL s David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 1310 24 8 1828 Ann HARMSWORTH d Joseph Mary Wolverton Labourer 23 7 1828 1311 7 9 1828 Martha STRATTON d William Hannah near Workhouse Labourer 27 7 1828 1312 10 9 1828 Harriet BUCKRIDGE d Isaac Elizabeth Common Labourer 7 1828 1313 9 10 1828 Samuel PRISMALL s David Mary Porch Farm Farmer Entry before no.1309

1314 14 9 1828 William BENNETT s George Sarah Town Labourer 1315 17 9 1828 Thomas WHITE s Amos Charlotte Sydmonton Labourer 1316 21 9 1828 Mary Anne HILL d William Mary Ann Newbury Berks Draper Jeremiah 1317 23 9 1828 William DRY s William Eliza Woodlands Labourer 1318 24 9 1828 Fanny BOOTH d Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Farmer 1319 28 9 1828 Jane KEWELL d William Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 1320 28 9 1828 Ann TAYLOR d William Mary Stubbington Labourer 9 6 1828 1321 28 9 1828 Henry BRIANT s Jesse Elizabeth Turnpike near Labourer Town 1322 5 10 1828 Mary Anne THATCHER d Levi Hannah Dell Labourer 1323 5 10 1828 Nicholas WYTHE s William Mary Turnpike Labourer 1324 12 10 1828 Charles ANDREWS s William Lucy Sidmonton Labourer 1325 12 10 1828 George MARTIN s James Sarah Town Labourer

Page 111 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1326 26 10 1828 William DRY s William Eliza Common Labourer 1327 30 10 1828 James SEYMOUR s Robert Catherine Parsonage House Labourer 1328 9 11 1828 Charles LAVINGTON s William Sarah Freemantle Park Labourer 1329 30 11 1828 Mary PECK d John Dorothy near the Town Labourer 1330 23 11 1828 Charlotte DANCE d James Rebecca Colethrop Hill Farmer 1331 30 11 1828 William HARRIS s Richard Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1332 30 11 1828 George KENT s Charles Mary Sydmonton Farmer 1333 30 11 1828 Jane KENT d Charles Mary Sydmonton Farmer 1334 30 11 1828 Frances PINK d Frances Whitchurch Spinster PINK 1335 4 12 1828 Napoleon TWITCHIN s William Harriet Town Postman Walter 1336 4 12 1828 Catherine TWITCHIN d William Harriet Town Postman 1337 4 12 1828 Margaret TWITCHIN d William Harriet Town Postman 1338 7 12 1828 James HOLDRIDGE d William Elizabeth Upper Farm Labourer 1339 14 12 1828 Caroline COLEMAN d Aaron Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 1340 28 12 1828 William CUMMINS s John Hannah Goose Hill Labourer 1341 28 12 1828 Fanny TAYLOR d Henry Lucy Dell Labourer 1342 11 1 1829 John SAUNDERS s Richard Hannah Exelford Labourer 1343 11 1 1829 Sarah DRY d John Miriam Town Labourer 1344 11 1 1829 William MILES s William Elizabeth Polhampton Lodge Labourer

1345 15 1 1829 Frederick TWITCHIN s John Rosa Ann Town (?) Henry 1346 15 1 1829 Alfred BARRETT s Henry Elizabeth Town Printer 1347 18 1 1829 David SEWARD s William Mary Exesford Labourer 1348 18 1 1829 Sarah KERNETT d Peter Emily Hall Shoemaker 1349 22 1 1829 Hannah HEDGES d John Elizabeth Common Labourer 1350 25 1 1829 Lucy KAMFIELD d George Lucy Ashley Warren Labourer 1351 25 1 1829 George RABBITTS s Richard Maria Common Labourer 1352 15 2 1829 William VINCENT s John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 1353 1 2 1829 Martha HILL d Richard Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 1354 1 2 1829 Mary Ann PEARCE d Thomas Alice Greenham Sawyer 1355 1 2 1829 Jane PEARCE d David Ann Greenham Sawyer 1356 5 2 1829 John Thomas PALMER s John Elizabeth Kingsclere Tailor 1357 22 2 1829 Francis GALE s Thomas Sarah Headley Common Labourer 1358 22 2 1829 John DANCE s James Elizabeth Coldthorp Hill Labourer

Page 112 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1359 22 2 1829 George Hillier GRAY s Ann Town Spinster 1360 22 2 1829 Mary Ann HOPKINS d Charles Rebecca Town Labourer 1361 Deleted entry same as no1360 1362 22 2 1829 George BREWER s James Amy Fobury Pit Labourer 1363 1 3 1829 James HARRIS s William Susan Ram Alley Labourer 1364 8 3 1829 George DYER s James Charlotte Kingsclere Labourer 1365 8 3 1829 William HAWKINS s John Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1366 8 3 1829 Emma WHEATLAND d Thomas Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1367 19 3 1829 Mary RUDDLE d Henry Ann Kingsclere Builder & Carpenter 1368 22 3 1829 Charlotte SIMS d Mary Town Spinster SIMS 1369 26 3 1829 Mary Ann DIBLEY d Richard Elizabeth Town Labourer 1370 29 3 1829 John ANTHONY s Edmund Mary Town Labourer 1371 5 4 1829 Hannah HUNT d John Mary Town Labourer 1372 5 4 1829 William BEER s John Sarah Town Labourer 1373 5 4 1829 Thomas PROUT s Thomas Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer 1374 5 4 1829 Ann NORTH d Thomas Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 1375 12 4 1829 Martha THATCHER d John Sarah Pit House Labourer 1376 23 4 1829 Mary WATERS d William Elizabeth Town Labourer 1377 18 3 1829 Samuel CARTER s Samuel Harriet Speen Surgeon Farquharson 1378 23 4 1829 Sarah Ann HOBBS d George Sarah Ann Town Saddler 1379 26 4 1829 Ann SMITH d Joseph Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1380 26 4 1829 Harriet NEW d Joshua Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1381 19 4 1829 Jane HELYER d Joseph Maria Sidmonton Labourer 1382 26 4 1829 Elizabeth GIRDLER d John Dinah Kingsclere Labourer 1383 30 4 1829 Wm. Henry FISHER s James Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1384 3 5 1829 George ROLFE s Samuel Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1385 3 5 1829 Hannah WINTER d William Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 1386 10 5 1829 Hester ROLFE d John Maria Dell Labourer 1387 13 5 1829 Frances HURST d William Hannah Headley Common Labourer 1388 10 5 1829 George SIMPSON s Robert Harriet Kingsclere Labourer 1389 24 5 1829 Thomas SEWARD s Francis Jane Dell Labourer 1390 24 5 1829 Rebecca HIGGS d John Sarah Strotten Farm Farmer 1391 24 5 1829 John HIGGS s Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer

Page 113 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1392 24 5 1829 Thomas BURGESS s John Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1393 31 5 1829 Louisa SHERMAN d William Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1394 18 6 1829 Daniel STEVENS s Daniel Sophia Kingsclere Carpenter 1395 21 6 1829 George RUDDLE s Robert Rachel Harriden Farm Farmer 1396 21 6 1829 Elizabeth PALMER d John Ann Frith House Farmer 1397 28 6 1829 Eliza HINE d David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1398 28 6 1829 Hannah DUCKET d Thomas Martha Kingsclere Labourer 1399 28 6 1829 Sarah SMITH d Shadrack Jane Town Labourer 1400 28 6 1829 Cornelius STOCKER s Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 1401 5 7 1829 John HUGHES s John Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1402 2 7 1829 Charles RABBITTS s Joseph Lucy Kingsclere Labourer 1403 5 7 1829 Mary OWEN d John Mary Headley Common Bricklayer 1404 5 7 1829 James BLACKLEY s Hannah Ashford Hill Illegitimate BLACKLEY 1405 12 7 1829 Jane HUMFREY d Samuel Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 1406 19 7 1829 Ann ARMSWOOD d Joseph Harriet near Pineapple Labourer 1407 29 7 1829 Clarissa HANKIN d George Elizabeth Town Painter 1408 26 7 1829 James ROLFE s John Eliza Polhampton Farm Labourer 1409 26 7 1829 Hannah FOWLER d Joseph Sarah Dell Shepherd 1410 2 8 1829 David PRATER s Robert Eliza Itchenswell Labourer 1411 2 8 1829 David STRATTON s Richard Mary Itchenswell Labourer 1412 2 8 1829 James WOOFF s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1413 9 8 1829 William WEBB s James Harriet Headley Common Labourer 1414 23 8 1829 Charlotte FUCE d John Charlotte Tuckers Hill Farmer 1415 20 9 1829 Esther IMMANS d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1416 20 9 1829 Elizabeth ELLIOTT d John Mary Ann Dell Labourer 1417 13 9 1829 Sarah LANCELY d David Maria Kingsclere Labourer 1418 27 9 1829 Mary COOK d Joseph Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1419 20 9 1829 Sarah ALLEN d Alexander Eliza Kingsclere Bricklayer 1420 30 9 1829 Clara Reasdon TURNER d Samuel Eliza Workhouse Mariner Travellers or Keasden

1421 11 10 1829 Charles WALDRON s Mary Ann Headley Common Spinster WALDRON 1422 1 11 1829 Charles GILLAM s Isaac Adelaide Kingsclere Clerk Melcheir Pelignac 1423 1 11 1829 John ALLEN s John Jane Kingsclere Miller

Page 114 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1424 1 11 1829 Esther BARTLEY d Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 1425 8 11 1829 Eli GEORGE s Charles Charlotte August Hill Labourer 1426 15 11 1829 William WILLIS s William Harriet Common Bricklayer 1427 22 11 1829 James SMITH s Richard Hannah near Fair Oak Labourer 1428 22 11 1829 Thomas COVENTRY s William Elizabeth Common Labourer 1429 9 9 1829 Augustus DALE s Henry Mary Ann George Street Grocer 1430 6 12 1829 Charles BAKER s Charles Harriet Ecchinswell Cordwainer 1431 6 12 1829 Charles SPROUT s John Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1432 6 12 1829 Hannah HEDGECOCK d Daniel Elizabeth Fair Oak Labourer 1433 13 12 1829 Jane HARMSWORTH d Joseph Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1434 20 12 1829 Eliza SMITH d John Rebecca Kingsclere Labourer 1435 27 12 1829 David PIPER s Richard Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 1436 27 12 1829 John MILES s Ben. Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 1437 27 12 1829 George SMITH s William Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1438 27 12 1829 Eliza BIVANCE d Thomas Jemima Kingsclere Shoemaker 1439 3 1 1830 Theresa Sarah COOK d William Matilda Kingsclere Shoemaker Henry 1440 3 1 1830 William SEYMOUR s William Mary Town Labourer 1441 10 1 1830 Eli HAWKINS s William Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 1442 10 1 1830 Charlotte HAYWARD d Charles Martha Headley Common Labourer 1443 17 1 1830 William WELLMAN s Joel Ann Fair Oak Labourer 1444 17 1 1830 George VINCE s John Rachel Plaistow Green Labourer 1445 17 1 1830 Charles COOPER s James Elizabeth George Street Labourer 1446 24 1 1830 Eliza TAYLOR d Patience Ecchinswell Baseborn TAYLOR 1447 24 1 1830 John WALKER s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 1448 31 1 1830 Rebecca WICKENCE d Mark Sarah Common Labourer 1449 7 2 1830 Mary GEORGE d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1450 7 2 1830 Henry HAZELL s Henry Mary Itchenswell Labourer 1451 7 2 1830 Mary HAZELL d Henry Mary Itchenswell Labourer 1452 14 2 1830 Charles ROLFE s William Ann Dell Labourer 1453 14 2 1830 George BROOKER s John Sarah Dell Labourer 1454 14 2 1830 George RICHARDSON s John Mela Common Labourer 1455 21 2 1830 Stephen MONDAY s Philip Lucy Exams Ford Labourer 1456 7 3 1830 Edward HOAR s Charles Mary Kingsclere Cordwainer 1457 14 3 1830 Elizabeth HUSE d Abiram Mary Ram Alley Green Labourer 1458 14 3 1830 Charlotte FORSTER d Jesse Charlotte Waits Farm Farmer

Page 115 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1459 14 3 1830 Eliza ANDREWS d Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 1460 14 3 1830 Eliza SEYMOUR d Robert Catherine Town Labourer 1461 21 3 1830 Martha WEBB d Joseph Hester Common Labourer 1462 21 3 1830 James ALLEN s Abraham Charlotte Plaistow Green Labourer 1463 28 3 1830 Ellen HUTCHINGS d William Phoebe Ashford Hill Labourer 1464 28 3 1830 Hannah BUTLER d William Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1465 4 4 1830 Charles MILES s Robert Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1466 4 4 1830 Henry RICHARDSON s Richard Charlotte Itchenswell Labourer 1467 9 4 1830 Richard CLARK s Robert Maria Kingsclere Glazier 1468 18 4 1830 George BOULTER s John Margaret Kingsclere Labourer 1469 18 4 1830 Harriet MUNDAY d Robert Harriet Fair Oak Maltster 1470 18 4 1830 Mary SMITH d Jacob Ann Blissetts Farm Wheeler 1471 25 4 1830 Henry MARTIN s Thomas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1472 2 5 1830 George SMITH s Edmund Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1473 25 4 1830 Ann COPPERTHITE d James Hannah Itchenswell Labourer 1474 25 4 1830 Jane TURNER d Daniel Mary Itchenswell Labourer 1475 25 4 1830 Mary Ann BENHAM d James Mary Itchenswell Labourer 1476 2 5 1830 Mary Ann DRY d John Miriam Kingsclere Labourer 1477 16 5 1830 Thomas BRIDGMAN s James Mary Headley Common Labourer 1478 20 5 1830 Charlotte Ann MOOR d Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 1479 23 5 1830 Sarah SIMPSON d John Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1480 30 5 1830 Abraham NORTH s John Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 1481 30 5 1830 Isaac NORTH s John Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 1482 30 5 1830 Thomas LAWRENCE s Richard Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1483 6 6 1830 William CANNINGS s Richard Miriam Kingsclere Labourer 1484 6 6 1830 Ann GUNTER d Henry Jane Kingsclere Bricklayer 1485 6 6 1830 Henry WEBB s Charles Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1486 27 6 1830 Mary Ann BUTT d John Elizabeth Burghclere Farmer 1487 27 6 1830 Henry SELWOOD s Thomas Rebecca Kingsclere Carrier 1488 27 6 1830 Ann PIPER d William Elizabeth Itchenswell Labourer 1489 27 6 1830 Jane JEWEL d William Harriet Kingsclere Labourer 1490 4 7 1830 Alfred SIMPSON s Joseph Charlotte Kingsclere Labourer 1491 11 7 1830 Charles DANCE s James Eliza Kingsclere Labourer 1492 11 7 1830 Harriet COLLINS d David Mary Polhampton Labourer 1493 18 7 1830 John HARMSWORTH s John Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1494 18 7 1830 Henry John THOMPSON s John Mary Kingsclere Surgeon

Page 116 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1495 1 8 1830 Charles FORSTER s John Letitia Kingsclere Labourer 1496 1 8 1830 Rebecca BOASLEY d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1497 1 8 1830 Elizabeth HOLLY d William Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1498 8 8 1830 Eliza HUSE d Silas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1499 8 8 1830 Hannah LOVEL d William Jane Kingsclere Labourer 1500 15 8 1830 Andrew HUSE s George Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1501 5 9 1830 John DRAKE s John Jane Kingsclere Tanner 1502 19 9 1830 Letitia SMITH d Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1503 19 9 1830 Eli BUTLER s William Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1504 26 9 1830 James HARMSWORTH s Richard Phoebe Kingsclere Labourer 1505 26 9 1830 Henry BOZELEY s Benjamin Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1506 3 10 1830 Hannah DIBLEY d Richard Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1507 10 10 1830 Richard NIGHTINGALE s Thomas Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 1508 10 10 1830 Harriet HUNT d James Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 1509 10 10 1830 George HUGHES s Peter Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1510 17 10 1830 Ann ANDREWS d Giles Mary Sidmonton Labourer 1511 24 10 1830 Ann MILES d Stephen Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 1512 24 10 1830 Edward ANSELL s Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1513 24 10 1830 Sarah RABBITTS d Richard Maria Common Labourer 1514 10 10 1830 Henry COE s John Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1515 10 10 1830 Hannah FARMER d William Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1516 17 10 1830 John TAYLOR s Sarah Kingsclere Spinster TAYLOR 1517 27 10 1830 Sophia Olivia TWITCHIN d William Harriet Kingsclere Postman 1518 7 11 1830 Susannah WEBB d James Harriet Headley Common Labourer 1519 7 11 1830 Hannah WEBB d John Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1520 14 11 1830 James VINCE s Joseph Louisa Plaistow Labourer 1521 14 11 1830 Mary Ann HEDGES d John Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 1522 14 11 1830 Thomas HUTCHINGS s Richard Elizabeth Kingsclere Baker 1523 21 11 1830 John TARGETT s John Hannah Kingsclere Weaver 1524 21 11 1830 John SMITH s Joseph Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1525 28 11 1830 Esther TAYLOR d Henry Lucy Kingsclere Labourer 1526 28 11 1830 Henry BOSELY s Ben. Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1527 12 12 1830 Harriet HUNT d Thomas Martha Kingsclere Labourer 1528 12 12 1830 Elizabeth CHEATER d Charlotte Kingsclere CHEATER Baseborn 1529 15 12 1830 Ellen BOOTH d Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Farmer

Page 117 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1530 19 12 1830 John THATCHER s John Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1531 19 12 1830 Elizabeth HUNT d Henry Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1532 26 12 1830 Alfred BROWN s Thomas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1533 26 12 1830 Daniel HAWKINS s Clement Betty Kingsclere Labourer 1534 26 12 1830 Harriet EMMANS d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1535 9 1 1831 Daniel MILES s George Jane Polhampton Farm Labourer 1536 9 1 1831 James EVANS s John Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1537 9 1 1831 David DYER s John Christian Kingsclere Labourer 1538 16 1 1831 Hannah ROLFE d John Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1539 16 1 1831 Eliza GUNDRY d George Amelia Kingsclere Labourer 1540 2 1 1831 Lucy LEWIS d John Rebecca Kingsclere Labourer 1541 2 1 1831 Amelia HITCHCOCK d Daniel Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1542 2 1 1831 Elizabeth HOLDAWAY d William Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1543 2 1 1831 Caroline BRIDGEMAN d Richard Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1544 9 1 1831 Mary HAYWARD d Jacob Rebecca Kingsclere Labourer 1545 30 1 1831 John KERNUTT s Peter Emily Kingsclere Shoemaker 1546 13 2 1831 William PERRY s Thomas Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1547 13 2 1831 Eliza BAUGHURST d John Harriet Kingsclere Labourer 1548 13 2 1831 Hannah HUNT d Henry Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1549 20 2 1831 Charlotte ALDRIDGE d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1550 20 2 1831 Lucy HARMSWORTH d Joseph Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1551 20 2 1831 Charlotte MOORE d William Barbary Kingsclere Labourer 1552 20 2 1831 Martha PALMER d John Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1553 20 2 1831 Henry SMITH s Henry Letitia Itchenswell Labourer 1554 27 2 1831 Absalom BREWER s James Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1555 6 3 1831 Ann FORD d Charles Hannah Sidmonton Working Bailiff 1556 13 3 1831 Henry REYNOLDS s Thomas Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer 1557 13 3 1831 George REYNOLDS s Thomas Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer Thomas 1558 6 3 1831 William ROLFE s William Isabella Kingsclere Labourer 1559 6 3 1831 Sophia HISCOCK d Charles Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1560 6 3 1831 Joseph LEWINTON s William Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1561 13 3 1831 Emma THATCHER d Levi Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1562 20 3 1831 William HALE s Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1563 27 3 1831 George PEIRCE s Thomas Ellen Itchenswell Labourer 1564 10 4 1831 Ellen GRIGG d Richard Charlotte Kingsclere Shoemaker

Page 118 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1565 10 4 1831 Elizabeth MILES d Matthew Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1566 10 4 1831 Esther ELLIOTT d John Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1567 10 4 1831 John VINCE s Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer VINCE 1568 10 4 1831 Mary HOCKLEY d Thomas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1569 19 4 1831 Ann Frances GODDARD d Thomas M. Headley Common Labourer 1570 17 4 1831 Benjamin BRADLEY s Richard Elizabeth Kingsclere Blacksmith 1571 1 5 1831 Jane BUTLER d William Charlotte Kingsclere Labourer 1572 8 5 1831 Martha HOPKINS d Charles Rebecca Kingsclere Labourer 1573 24 5 1831 Eliza FOSTER d Jessy Charlotte Kingsclere Farmer 1574 29 5 1831 James HAWKINS s John Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1575 29 5 1831 Sarah STRATTON d William Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1576 29 5 1831 Ellen PECK d John Dorothy Kingsclere Labourer 1577 5 6 1831 Richard WHYTHE s Richard Ann Kingsclere Labourer 1578 5 6 1831 Eliza WALKER d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1579 12 6 1831 Elizabeth POCOCK d Nathaniel Harriet Kingsclere Labourer 1580 19 6 1831 Ellen CLINCH d Thomas Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1581 19 6 1831 Jesse NEW s Joshua Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1582 26 6 1831 Harvey HANKIN s George Elizabeth Kingsclere Shopkeeper 1583 3 7 1831 Thomas BAKER s Charles Harriet Ecchinswell Cordwainer 1584 17 7 1831 Jane COLLINS d William Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1585 3 7 1831 Charlotte RUDDLE d Robert Rachel Kingsclere Farmer 1586 10 7 1831 Rebecca FORSTER d Stephen Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1587 13 7 1831 Elizabeth PRISMALL d John Elizabeth Kingsclere Farmer 1588 17 7 1831 Emma TAYLOR d William Mary Kingsclere Farmer 1589 24 7 1831 Elizabeth SHEERMAN d John Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1590 24 7 1831 Henry CUMMINS s John Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1591 24 7 1831 John JEWEL s John Martha Kingsclere Labourer 1592 24 7 1831 Ellen TUCKER d Elizabeth Kingsclere TUCKER Illegitimate 1593 7 8 1831 Mary Ann WALLIS d John Mary Ann Kingsclere Blacksmith 1594 7 8 1831 Esther RABBITTS d William Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1595 7 8 1831 Elizabeth NORTH d William Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1596 7 8 1831 Jane NEWMAN d James Letitia Kingsclere Labourer 1597 14 8 1831 Sarah GALE d Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1598 14 8 1831 Hannah PEARCE d George Harriet Kingsclere Labourer 1599 14 8 1831 Caroline HELLIER d Joseph Maria Itchenswell Labourer 1600 21 8 1831 Thomas SMITH s William Mary Kingsclere Labourer

Page 119 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1 21 8 1831 William MUNDAY s Philip Lucy Kingsclere Labourer 2 21 8 1831 Mary SHEREMAN d William Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 3 28 8 1831 Elizabeth MILES d David Eliza Kingsclere Labourer 4 11 9 1831 Jane BOOTH d William Deborah Ecchinswell Farmer 5 11 9 1831 Ann SEWARD d James Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 6 11 9 1831 David COVENTRY s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 7 25 9 1831 Charlotte BUTLER d Mary Kingsclere Baseborn BUTLER 8 28 9 1831 Mary Ann DALE d Henry Mary Ann Kingsclere Shopkeeper 9 9 10 1831 Daniel HINE s David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 10 9 10 1831 Charles ROLFE s Samuel Hannah George Street Labourer 11 9 10 1831 John HAINES s Isaac Mary Common Labourer 12 9 10 1831 Hannah STROTTON d Richard Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 13 16 10 1831 William BUTT s John Elizabeth North House Farm Farmer Burghclere 14 16 10 1831 Charles WEBB s Henry Charlotte Frobury Pit Labourer 15 16 10 1831 Henry PILGRIM s Richard Frances Kingsclere Labourer 16 16 11 1831 Mary LEACH d George Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 17 16 10 1831 Charles DUCKET s Thomas Martha near Workhouse Labourer 18 16 10 1831 Henry RICHARDSON s John Mille Kingsclere Labourer 9 9 1831 19 30 10 1831 Ann BRIANT d Jesse Elizabeth Common Park Labourer 20 30 10 1831 George CHAPMAN s Henry Hannah North Street Labourer 21 30 10 1831 Charles HUNT s John Mary Tower Hill Street Labourer 22 6 11 1831 Elizabeth HIGGS d Thomas Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 23 6 11 1831 Charles HIGGS s John Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 24 13 11 1831 Caroline FUCE d John Charlotte Common Farmer 25 20 11 1831 Henry WHITE s Amos Charlotte Sidmonton Labourer 26 20 11 1831 William HUGHES s Charles Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer Watts 27 20 11 1831 Thomas STOCKER s Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 28 23 11 1831 Frances TWITCHIN s John Rosa Ann Kingsclere Shopkeeper 12 9 1831 29 4 12 1831 Eliza HARRIS d Richard Elizabeth Dell Labourer 30 4 12 1831 Harriet TAYLOR d George Mary North Street Miller 31 18 12 1831 Alfred WRIGHT s John Sarah Ecchinswell Carpenter 32 28 12 1831 James WICKINS s James Louisa Kingsclere Labourer 13 11 1831 33 4 1 1832 Mary Ann MASON d George Sarah Workhouse Gentleman's 10 12 1831 Service

Page 120 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 34 8 1 1832 Hannah FREEMANTLE d John Amey Headley Common Labourer 35 11 1 1832 Rebekah GIRDLER d John Dinah Common Labourer 13 12 1831 36 15 1 1832 Hannah TURNER d Daniel Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 37 18 1 1832 Martha Ann PRISMALL d Jessy Elizabeth Old Farm Farmer 38 22 1 1832 Mary DANCE d James Eliza Common Labourer 5 1 1832 39 22 1 1832 Mary ALLEN d Abraham Charlotte near Workhouse Labourer 40 25 1 1832 Daniel MILES s Stephen Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 41 25 1 1832 Frederick COOK s Frederick Charlotte Town Shoemaker Cornelius 42 25 1 1832 William PAICE s Thomas Eliza Town Labourer 43 29 1 1832 Ellen PIERCE d Henry Martha Ecchinswell Labourer 44 29 1 1832 George SEYMOUR s John Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer 45 1 2 1832 Eliza LANCELY d David Maria George Street Carrier 46 1 2 1832 Elizabeth DRY d John Miriam Swan Street Labourer 47 5 2 1832 Thomas BARTLEY s Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 48 5 2 1832 Jane BENNETT d Solomon Sarah Tanner's Hill Labourer 16 12 1831 49 8 2 1832 Richard John THINKWORTH s Richard Eliza Town Carpenter & 25 9 1827 Shipton Tanner 50 8 2 1832 Henry Thomas GUNDRY s Thomas Jane Exman's Ford Labourer 51 12 2 1832 Jane ALLEN d Stephen Ann North Sydmonton Labourer 52 15 2 1832 Emma ANDREWS d Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 53 15 2 1832 Henry HOBBS s George Sarah Ann Town Collar Maker 17 1 1832 54 19 2 1832 Margaret Mary THOMPSON d John Mary Swan Street Surgeon 21 1 1832 Northon 55 19 2 1832 Ebenezer THORN s James Jane Sydmonton Carpenter 16 1 1832 56 26 2 1832 Joseph SMITH s Shadrack Jane Tower Hill Labourer 57 29 2 1832 Mary Ann DRAKE d John Ann Kingsclere Tanner 1 2 1832 58 7 3 1832 Sarah Ann PIPER d Richard Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 59 7 3 1832 William INNIS s John Sarah North Street Labourer 60 7 3 1832 Rebecca SPROUT d Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Widow SPROUT 61 7 3 1832 John WEBB s James Harriet Headley Common Labourer 2 3 1832 62 11 3 1832 Ann WEBB d Charles Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 12 2 1832 63 11 3 1832 Martha LONG d Hannah Wolverton Lane Spinster LONG 64 19 3 1832 Richard FIFIELD s John Amy Nuthanger Farm Farmer 29 4 1830 Vincent Louisa

Page 121 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 65 19 3 1832 William FIFIELD s John Amy Nuthanger Farm Farmer Louisa 66 21 3 1832 James ANDREWS s John Ann Goose Hill Tanner 67 21 3 1832 George HARRIS s William Susan Ram Alley Labourer 3 2 1832 68 21 3 1832 Henry SMITH s Richard Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 24 2 1832 69 21 3 1832 Fanny TWITCHIN d William Harriet Town Postman 24 2 1832 70 21 3 1832 William OWEN s John Mary Stackhouse Labourer 27 2 1832 71 1 4 1832 James SOPER s Richard Sarah Wolverton Labourer 22 2 1832 Common 72 1 4 1832 Charles RICHARDSON s Richard Charlotte Bishops Green Labourer 73 5 4 1832 Charlotte CARTER d Samuel Harriet Speen Berks Surgeon Godwin 74 5 4 1832 Richard CARTER s Joseph Sarah Ann Newbury Berks Tea Dealer 1 1 1832 75 8 4 1832 Ann HILL d Richard Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 76 8 4 1832 George ANDREWS s William Lucy Ecchinswell Labourer 77 11 4 1832 Martha Ann WHEELER d Thomas Mary Ann Town Blacksmith 78 15 4 1832 William MAY s William Mary Town Baker 13 3 1832 Joseph 79 18 4 1832 Fanny HUTCHINS d William Phoebe Ashford Hill Labourer 80 22 4 1832 Francis SEWARD s Francis Jane Ecchinswell Blacksmith 81 24 4 1832 Jane TARGETT d John Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 82 24 4 1832 Ann TARGETT d John Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 83 26 4 1832 Mary Ann TIDBURY d David Phoebe Ecchinswell Labourer 29 3 1832 84 29 4 1832 Daniel LAWRANCE s Richard Isabella Swait's Farm Labourer 85 29 4 1832 George SHOULLER s George Mary Ann Sydmonton Keeper Emanuel 86 6 5 1832 Eliza COOK d Joseph Hannah near Workhouse Labourer 87 6 5 1832 Ellen HELLIER d Charles Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 88 9 5 1832 Cornelius MITCHELL s John Mary Tower Hill House Clergyman & 22 7 1831 Incumbent 89 13 5 1832 Martha BENHAM d James Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 90 13 5 1832 Sarah Anna SEYMOUR OR d John Mary Ecchinswell BUSHELL BUSHELL 91 16 5 1832 John Albert CURTIS s Thomas Maria Polhampton Farm Farmer Vincent 92 23 5 1832 Charlotte HARMSWOOD d Joseph Harriet Dell Labourer 27 4 1832

Page 122 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 93 27 5 1832 Mary HARMSWORTH d Joseph Mary Wolverton Labourer 7 5 1832 94 30 5 1832 Sarah FOWLER d Joseph Sarah Dell Labourer 95 3 6 1832 Hannah HUNT d John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 96 6 6 1832 Anna COPPERTHWAIT d Charles Fair Oak Dealer in E Horses 97 17 6 1832 Hannah COOPER d James Elizabeth George Street Labourer 98 17 6 1832 Mary Ann NEW d Maria Exman's Ford Spinster NEW 99 18 6 1832 William DRAKE s William Sarah Town Brewer & Courtney Farmer 100 24 6 1832 Charles DOLLERY s Daniel Isabella Watership Farm Labourer 101 24 6 1832 Ann Maria DOLLERY d Daniel Isabella Watership Farm Labourer 102 24 6 1832 Eli DRY s William Eliza Plaistow Green Labourer 29 5 1832 103 24 6 1832 Daniel MOON s Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 104 24 6 1832 Rachel WINTER d William Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 105 1 7 1832 David BUTLER s William Sarah Turnpike Labourer 6 5 1832 106 1 7 1832 Henry SMITH s John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 107 8 7 1832 David MILES s Benjamin Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 108 8 7 1832 Richard SMITH s Edmund Mary Town Labourer 109 11 7 1832 Jesse RABETS s Joseph Lucy Fair Oak Labourer 110 15 7 1832 Hannah ROLFE d John Eliza Town Labourer 31 5 1832 111 22 7 1832 Sarah FOSTER d John Letitia Woodlands Labourer 112 22 7 1832 Thomas KNIGHT s William Mary Ann Workhouse Lane Miller 11 7 1832 113 22 7 1832 Ann HAWKINS d James Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 114 22 7 1832 Sarah Mary BLAKE d Hannah Nutkins HUNT 115 29 7 1832 John SEWARD s John Martha Ashford Hill Labourer 8 7 1832 116 29 7 1832 Andrew SPROUT s John Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 22 4 1832 117 29 7 1832 Robert GEORGE s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 118 29 7 1832 Fanny STEWART d Charles Ann Swan Street Tea Dealer 5 7 1832 119 12 8 1832 John Richard BRADFIELD s Edward Maria Ecchinswell Miller 120 12 8 1832 Daniel BOOTH s Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Farmer 2 7 1832 121 19 8 1832 John GODDARD s Henry Ann Common Labourer 122 26 8 1832 Sally ANDREWS d David Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 123 26 8 1832 Isaac ELESBURY s James Jemima North Sydmonton Labourer 124 26 8 1832 Mary Ann KEWELL d William Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 125 26 8 1832 Stephen RABBITTS s William Sarah Exman's Ford Labourer 126 26 8 1832 Joseph HUTCHINGS s Richard Elizabeth Swan Street Baker

Page 123 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 127 9 9 1832 Sarah WALDRON d Mary Ann WALDRON 128 9 9 1832 James HUNT s Henry Mary Common Labourer 129 9 9 1832 Sarah DANCE d John Charlotte Headley Common Labourer 24 7 1832 130 16 9 1832 William RABBITTS s Elizabeth Common Spinster 12 8 1832 RABBITTS 131 16 9 1832 William CRIPPS s William Eliza Headley Common Labourer 9 8 1832 132 19 9 1832 Jane TARGETT d William Miriam Dell Labourer 133 23 9 1832 Joseph HILL s Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 134 23 9 1832 Charlotte HILL d Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 135 23 9 1832 Henry PRATER s Robert Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 136 23 9 1832 Elizabeth GIRDLER OR d William Mary Workhouse CUMMINS CUMMINS 137 23 9 1832 Maria NORTH d John Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 138 30 9 1832 Frederick ALLEN s Alexander Eliza North Street Bricklayer's Labourer 139 30 9 1832 John CRIBB OR SMITH s John Caroline Swan Street Batchelor & SMITH Spinster 140 30 9 1832 Rebecca HAYWARD d Richard Mary Swan Street Labourer 141 30 9 1832 Frances Mary SEYMOUR d Robert Catherine Freemantle Park Labourer 142 10 10 1832 Charlotte Ann GARRETT d William Louisa Swan Street Wheelwright 143 14 10 1832 Hannah ALDRIDGE d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 144 14 10 1832 Jane MILES d Isaac Hannah Ecchinswell Publican 145 14 10 1832 Mary Ann PRISMALL d David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 18 9 1832 146 14 10 1832 Charles BUTLER s Thomas Elizabeth Hawkins Hill Labourer 147 21 10 1832 John ROMAN s James Mary Ann Town Sawyer 19 7 1832 148 21 10 1832 Sarah Anna MATHEWS d Charles Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 149 21 10 1832 David MOORE s John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 150 28 10 1832 Eliza ROLFE d William Mary Dairy House Labourer 151 11 11 1832 Ann HARKER d Thomas Mary Sydmonton Groom 152 14 11 1832 Charles MARTIN s James Sarah Swan Street Labourer 153 2 12 1832 Alfred BUTLER s William Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 18 10 1832 154 2 12 1832 Emma SIMSON d Joseph Charlotte Overton Turnpike Labourer Road 155 2 12 1832 William WINTERBOURN s James Letitia Swan Street Labourer 156 2 12 1832 David COLLINS s William Betsy Bishops Green Shoemaker 157 12 12 1832 Elizabeth WOOFFE d William Elizabeth George Street Publican 158 16 12 1832 Jane FORD d Charles Hannah Sydmonton Bailiff

Page 124 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 159 23 12 1832 Robert MUNDY s Robert Harriet Fair Oak Maltster & Farmer 160 30 12 1832 Jane BUTT d John Elizabeth Burghclere Farmer 161 30 12 1832 James SMITH s Peter Joanna Ecchinswell Labourer 162 30 12 1832 John RABBITTS s Richard Maria Ram Alley Green Labourer 163 30 12 1832 Jane DIBLEY d Richard Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 164 30 12 1832 Martha Ann SIDBURY d James Ann North Sidmonton Labourer 4 12 1832 165 6 1 1833 Richard LOVELL s William Jane Kingsclere Labourer 166 13 1 1833 Lavinia ARCHER d James Maria Sidmonton Burch Burner 27 10 1828 167 13 1 1833 Richard ARCHER s James Maria Sidmonton Brick Carrier 30 11 1832 168 20 1 1833 Elizabeth MUNDAY d Charles Ann Exams Ford Labourer 169 20 1 1833 William JEWEL s William Harriet Wolverton Labourer 170 27 1 1833 Ellen TAYLOR d James Elizabeth Frobury Pit Labourer 171 27 1 1833 Harriet HUSE d Charles Jane Ram Alley Green Labourer 172 27 1 1833 Mary Ann BROOKER d John Sarah Dell Thatcher 173 27 1 1833 George HUSE s Abraham Mary Ram Alley Green Labourer 174 3 2 1833 John HEDGES s John Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 175 3 2 1833 Ellen TAYLOR d Henry Lucy Dell Labourer 176 17 2 1833 Charles COE s John Sarah Plaistow Green Labourer 177 17 2 1833 Mary HALL d Daniel Harriet Dell Labourer 178 17 2 1833 Mary Ann HITCHCOCK d Charles Jane Exams Ford Labourer 179 17 2 1833 James VINCE s John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 180 24 2 1833 Ann FOSTER d James Ann Ram Alley Green Labourer 181 3 3 1833 Mark MILES s David Eliza Pit House Labourer 3 2 1833 182 3 3 1833 Eliza NORTH d Thomas Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 183 3 3 1833 James ELLIOTT OR s William Ann Ecchinswell Labourer HELET HELETT 184 10 3 1833 Sarah Ann BREWER d James Ann Frobury Pit Labourer 185 31 3 1833 Thomas HOCKLEY s Thomas Mary Strotten Farm Labourer 11 2 1833 186 31 3 1833 John EVANS s John Sarah Common Labourer 187 31 3 1833 Sarah HAWKINS d Peter Maria Kingsclere Labourer 188 3 4 1833 John GODDARD s Richard Ann Pine Apple Publican 189 5 4 1833 Joseph DALE s Henry Mary Ann George Street Tradesman 26 2 1833 190 14 4 1833 Sarah HAYNES d John Sarah near the Turnpike Labourer 191 14 4 1833 Charles HOUSE s James Ann near the Turnpike Labourer

Page 125 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 192 14 4 1833 Harriet MONDAY d Philip Lucy Exams Ford Labourer 193 14 4 1833 John HUTCHINS s James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 14 12 1832 194 17 4 1833 Alfred RUDDLE s Robert Rachel Kingsclere Farmer 13 2 1833 195 17 4 1833 Louisa SEWARD d Charles Charlotte George Street Blacksmith Elizabeth 196 28 4 1833 Charles HUNT s James Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 197 28 4 1833 Anne CUMMINS d Jesse Eliza Plaistow Green Labourer 198 1 5 1833 Hester BRADLEY d Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Blacksmith 199 5 5 1833 Jane MOOR d William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 200 19 5 1833 Hannah GODDARD d Thomas Matilda Headley Common Labourer 201 19 5 1833 John HOPKINS s Charles Rebecca near the Church Labourer 202 19 5 1833 Eliza TEGG d William Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 203 26 5 1833 Walter BARRETT s Henry Elizabeth Kingsclere Glazier 204 28 5 1833 Thomas MILES s Robert Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 205 28 5 1833 Henry MILES s Robert Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 206 28 5 1833 George HOLLY s William Mary Swan Street Labourer 207 29 5 1833 George HAWKINS s Clement Letty Ashford Hill Thatcher 208 26 5 1833 Jonathan BUTLER s William Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 209 2 6 1833 John PIERCE s Thomas Elcey Sydmonton Labourer 210 2 6 1833 Jane RICHARDSON d John Amelia Common Labourer 211 2 6 1833 Sarah NIGHTINGALE d Thomas Elizabeth Ecchinswell Farmer Elizabeth 212 9 6 1833 Sarah Ann IMMANS d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 213 9 6 1833 Jacob LEWIS s John Rebecca Frith Labourer 214 16 6 1833 Ann HEDGECOCK d William Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 7 3 1833 215 20 6 1833 Vincent HANKIN s George Elizabeth Kingsclere Tradesman 216 23 6 1833 Mary Ann EARLE d Thomas Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 7 4 1833 217 7 7 1833 Charles SHALFORD s Charles Rebekah Labourer 10 5 1833 218 7 7 1833 Elizabeth HUNT d Henry Sarah Town Labourer 219 13 7 1833 Marianna GREENWAY d Henry Marianna Compton Berks Gentleman 31 5 1833 Gertrude 220 14 7 1833 Elizabeth HUGHES d George Sarah Plaistow Green Labourer 18 7 1832 221 14 7 1833 George WALKER s William Elizabeth Town Labourer 222 14 7 1833 Caroline Sarah PARSONS d Mark Elizabeth North Sydmonton Labourer Elizabeth

Page 126 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 223 21 7 1833 William PAXTON s Thomas Mary Sydmonton Farmer 14 7 1832 George 224 21 7 1833 Charlotte ALLEN d Hugh Hannah Sydmonton Labourer 225 24 7 1833 Charlotte JENNINGS d John Louisa St Giles Reading Bailiff 226 4 8 1833 Mary STRATTON d Richard Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 227 31 7 1833 Elizabeth DRAKE d John Ann Town Tanner 5 7 1833 228 28 7 1833 Ann HEDGECOCK d Daniel Elizabeth Exams Ford Labourer 24 6 1833 229 4 8 1833 Joseph PEARCE s George Harriet Headley Common Labourer 26 7 1833 230 7 8 1833 Esther KERNOTT d Peter Emily Hawkins Hill Shoemaker 231 11 8 1833 Charles DURBAGE s Charles Ann Headley Common Labourer 11 4 1833 232 18 8 1833 Ann ROLFE d Samuel Hannah Market Place Labourer 234 21 8 1833 Ann PARSONS d Elmer Julia Ashford Hill Dealer in Cattle 233 21 8 1833 Jabez PRISMALL s John Elizabeth Ashford Hill Farmer 21 6 1833 235 1 9 1833 Susanna BAUGHURST d John Harriet Headley Common Labourer 7 8 1833 236 1 9 1833 John HINE s David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 12 7 1833 237 8 9 1833 William WESBROOK s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 24 7 1833 238 22 9 1833 Caroline HARRIS d George Letitia Kingsclere Labourer 239 3 10 1833 Olive WELMAN d Joel Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 240 6 10 1833 John SOPER s Richard Sarah Wolverton Labourer 5 9 1833 Common 241 20 10 1833 Elizabeth Ann COLLINS d Arnold Elizabeth Market Place Labourer 242 20 10 1833 William Henry BATHE s David Kezia Ecchinswell Carpenter William 243 27 10 1833 Andrew ROLFE s William Isabella Dell Sawyer 244 27 10 1833 George ANDREWS s Giles Mary Sydmonton Labourer 8 10 1833 245 27 10 1833 Charlotte SMITH d James Mary Sydmonton Gardner at 5 9 1833 Sydmonton House 246 30 10 1833 Josiah MITCHELL s John Mary Kingsclere Clergyman 2 10 1833 247 10 11 1833 William BEVENS s Thomas Miney Sydmonton Labourer 16 10 1833 248 10 11 1833 Ann FREEMANTLE d John Amy Headley Common Labourer 249 10 11 1833 William BOZELY s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 250 17 11 1833 Andrew BUTLER s William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 251 21 11 1833 James Soper FIFIELD s John Amy Nuthanger Farm Farmer 23 10 1833 Vincent Louisa 252 24 11 1833 Henry SEYMOUR s John Harriet North Sydmonton Labourer

Page 127 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 253 27 11 1833 Emma HOBBS d George Sarah Swan Street Collar Maker 28 10 1833 254 8 12 1833 John POCOCK s Nathaniel Harriet Town Sawyer 255 8 12 1833 Thomas DANCE s John Charlotte Headley Common Labourer 21 11 1833 256 11 12 1833 Mary Ann TAYLOR d George Mary Town Miller Labourer 257 15 12 1833 Francis DYER s John Christian August Hill Labourer 18 10 1833 258 15 12 1833 George BRIANT s Jesse Elizabeth Common Park Labourer 259 25 12 1833 Harriet FUCE d John Charlotte Common Tanner 260 25 12 1833 William COOK s Frederick Charlotte Town Shoemaker 25 11 1833 261 29 12 1833 Hannah SMITH d Jacob Ann Fruent Gutter (?) Carpenter 262 5 1 1834 James WEBB s William Maria Ram Alley Labourer 25 11 1833 263 5 1 1834 John CHAPMAN s Henry Hannah North Street Labourer 23 11 1833 264 5 1 1834 George PILGRIM s Richard Frances Overton Turnpike Labourer 27 11 1833 Road 265 8 1 1834 John PRISMALL s Jesse Elizabeth Old Farm Farmer 27 11 1833 266 19 1 1834 Harriet PAICE d Charles Ann Ecchinswell PICTON 267 22 1 1834 Caroline FRY d Robert Maria Swan Street Excise man 268 22 1 1834 Henry FRY s Robert Maria Swan Street Excise man 269 22 1 1834 William WHYTHE s Richard Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 27 12 1833 270 26 1 1834 James LAWRANCE s Richard Isabella Waites Farm Labourer 24 12 1833 271 26 1 1834 Edward RICHARDSON s Richard Charlotte Bishops Green Labourer 22 12 1833 272 29 1 1834 Rebekah DANCE d James Eliza Headley Common Labourer 273 29 1 1834 John Wallis WHYATT s John Mary Swan Street Blacksmith 4 1 1834 274 2 2 1834 Hannah GALE d Thomas Sarah Headley Common Labourer 275 2 2 1834 Joseph PRIOR s William Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 30 12 1833 276 2 2 1834 Richard GARRETT s William Louisa Swan Street Wheelwright 277 2 2 1834 James WINTERBOURN s James Letitia Parsonage Farm Labourer 278 16 2 1834 John WEBB s John Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 9 2 1834 279 16 2 1834 Priscilla WOOLF d Emanuel Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 31 12 1833 280 19 2 1834 Sarah TARGETT d John Hannah Strotten Farm Weaver 24 1 1834 281 23 2 1834 Mary ALLEN d Abraham Charlotte near Workhouse Labourer 23 1 1832 282 2 3 1834 Mary HARRIS d Richard Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2 2 1834 283 2 3 1834 Alfred OWEN s John Mary Headley Common Bricklayer 12 2 1834 284 2 3 1834 Jane SHEARMAN d John Emily Dell Labourer 13 1 1834 285 9 3 1834 Eunice RICHARDSON d Isaac Martha Turnpike Gate Labourer 14 2 1834 286 12 3 1834 Elizabeth DRAKE d William Sarah Town Brewer & 13 2 1834 Farmer

Page 128 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 287 16 3 1834 Hannah SMITH d William Mary Fair Oak Labourer 288 16 3 1834 George HILL s David Ann Sidmonton Labourer 10 1 1834 289 23 3 1834 Charlotte HARMSWORTH d Joseph Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1 3 1834 290 23 3 1834 Ann TURNER d Daniel Mary EcchinswellCommon Labourer 22 2 1834 291 6 4 1834 Ellen DRY d William Eliza Plaistow Green Labourer 12 3 1834 292 6 4 1834 Caroline SEWARD d John Martha the Frith Carpenter 5 3 1834 293 6 4 1834 Fanny BUTT d John Elizabeth Burghclere Farmer 294 13 4 1834 Charles GODDARD s James Caroline Headley Common Farmer 12 3 1834 295 20 4 1834 John CUMMINS s John Hannah Common Labourer 296 20 4 1834 George SHEARMAN s William Hannah Dell Labourer 15 3 1834 297 23 4 1834 David PRISMALL s David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 29 3 1834 298 2 5 1834 John ALLEN s John Charlotte George Street Shoemaker 299 8 5 1834 George COOK s Charles Honor Swan Street Miller Labourer 300 9 5 1834 John SEYMOUR s William Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 5 5 1834 301 9 5 1834 George ROLFE s John Mary Dell Labourer 9 5 1834 302 9 5 1834 Charles ROLFE s John Mary Dell Labourer 9 5 1834 303 11 5 1834 Ellen BENHAM d James Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 304 14 5 1834 Sarah ANDREWS d Thomas Lucy Ashford Hill Working Brewer

305 18 5 1834 Hannah ALLEN d Stephen Ann North Sidmonton Labourer 306 24 5 1834 Thomas HIGGS s Thomas Sarah Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 307 25 5 1834 Charles ROAFFE s Samuel Martha in the Turnpike Labourer 4 5 1834 308 25 5 1834 David FOSTER s Stephen Elizabeth Plaistow Green Labourer 309 25 5 1834 Charles BARTLEY s Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 310 25 5 1834 Hannah MILES d David Eliza Kingsclere Labourer 24 4 1834 311 25 5 1834 George TAYLOR s James Elizabeth Ashley Warren Labourer 312 1 6 1834 Esther KERNUT d John Mary Headley Common Shoemaker 29 4 1834 313 1 6 1834 George WEBB s Charles Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 6 4 1834 314 1 6 1834 Harriet HUTCHINGS d William Phoebe Ashford Hill Farmer 315 20 6 1834 William TAYLOR s William Mary Overton Road Labourer 316 22 6 1834 Louisa HITCHCOCK d Charles Jane Exams Ford Labourer 10 5 1834 317 22 6 1834 John JEREL s John Sarah Newbury Road Labourer 1 6 1834 318 29 6 1834 Elizabeth SMITH d Richard Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 1 6 1834 319 29 6 1834 Robert HARKER s Thomas Mary Sydmonton Groom 29 5 1834 Thomas

Page 129 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 320 2 7 1834 Lydia SMITH d Shadrack Jane Kingsclere Labourer 7 6 1834 321 6 7 1834 George THATCHER s John Sarah Fair Oak Labourer 18 5 1834 322 11 7 1834 Elizabeth ANDREWS d John Ann Common Labourer 323 15 7 1834 Matilda PLATT d Charles Anna Anchor Inn Inn Keeper 27 6 1834 324 16 7 1834 Stephen WHITE s Amos Charlotte Bishops Green Labourer 325 19 7 1834 Ann TAYLOR d John Mary Headley Common Carpenter 20 6 1834 326 20 7 1834 Eliza HIGGS d John Sarah Turnpike Road Labourer 327 23 7 1834 Stephen TAYLOR s John Mary Headley Common Carpenter 6 5 1830 328 23 7 1834 Isaac BUCKRIDGE s Isaac Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 25 6 1830 329 24 7 1834 Sarah GODDARD d Henry Ann near Pine Apple Labourer 330 27 7 1834 Francis JEWEL s John Martha Goose Hill Labourer 3 7 1834 331 27 7 1834 George HARMSWORTH s John Ann Goose Hill Labourer 3 7 1834 332 27 7 1834 Lucy BOULTON d John Margt. Hall Farm Labourer 333 27 7 1834 Henry SMITH s William Sophia Sydmonton Domestic BRIDGEMAN Servants 334 3 8 1834 James PERRY s William Ann Bishops Green Labourer 335 3 8 1834 John STOCKER s Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer 336 17 8 1834 Robert KEWELL s William Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 7 7 1834 337 1 9 1834 James MILES s Matthew Hannah Newbury Road Labourer 8 8 1834 338 7 9 1834 William BUTLER s William Sarah Swan Street Labourer 339 7 9 1834 Jane HAYWARD d Jacob Rebecca Kingsclere Labourer 340 7 9 1834 John STRATTON s William Hannah Workhouse Lane Labourer 28 7 1834 341 7 9 1834 Harriet HAINES d John Sarah in the Turnpike Labourer 342 14 9 1834 John Hughes WATTS s Charles Hannah Bishops Green Labourer 343 21 9 1834 Hannah COVENTRY d William Elizabeth Common Labourer 344 21 9 1834 Sophia GIRDLER d John Dinah Common Labourer 12 7 1834 345 24 9 1834 Sarah Ann MARTIN d Thomas Mary Dell Labourer 12 9 1834 346 28 9 1834 Theresa THORN d James Jane Sydmonton Carpenter 14 7 1834 Chapel 347 12 10 1834 Ann BENNET d Solomon Sarah Tan House Labourer 8 9 1834 348 12 10 1834 Frederic HUNT s James Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 349 12 10 1834 Daniel HUNT s John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 350 12 10 1834 Richard MATTHEWS s Charles Eliza Ecchinswell Public House Keeper 351 15 10 1834 Elizabeth LONG d John Maria Dell Journeyman 11 10 1834 Tanner

Page 130 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 352 15 10 1834 Harriet COLLINS d William Betsy Ecchinswell Shoemaker 26 9 1834 353 15 10 1834 Maria COLLINS d William Betsy Ecchinswell Shoemaker 26 9 1834 354 26 10 1834 Maurice CHAPEL s Edward Charlotte Headley Common Labourer 355 26 10 1834 Caroline CUMMINS d Robert Maria Exams Ford Labourer NEW 356 2 11 1834 Lucy PRATOR d Robert Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 357 9 11 1834 Hannah GIRDLER d David Mary Common Labourer 358 16 11 1834 William SMITH s Elizabeth Summershurst Labourer SMITH Green 359 16 11 1834 Charles JEWELL s William Harriet Wolverton Lane Labourer 7 10 1834 360 16 11 1834 Joshua BOOTH s Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Farmer 361 16 11 1834 Mary BRADFIELD d Edwd. Maria Ecchinswell Miller 362 19 11 1834 John Thomas PARSONS s Elmer Julia Ashford Hill Cattle Dealer 363 23 11 1834 Thomas FRY s James Hannah Ram Alley Labourer 364 23 11 1834 Mary SMITH d Edmund Mary Black Bear Labourer 22 8 1834 Cottages 365 23 11 1834 George SMITH s John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 366 28 11 1834 William BARNES s William Emily near Old Farm Labourer 367 29 11 1834 Eliza ALLEN d Alexander Eliza near the Falcon Bricklayer Labourer 368 7 12 1834 Dennis GEORGE s William Elizabeth Hawkers Hill Labourer 27 10 1834 369 7 12 1834 George MILES s Mark Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 15 11 1834 370 7 12 1834 Joshua TIDBURY s David Phoebe Ecchinswell Labourer 6 11 1834 371 14 12 1834 Helen SEYMOUR d Robert Catherine Freemantle Farm Labourer 19 11 1834 372 18 12 1834 Sarah Ann ROLFE d William Ann Dell Journeyman Carpenter 373 14 12 1834 Hannah WHITE d Enos or Sarah Ecchinswell Bricklayer Eros 374 21 12 1834 Charlotte PIERCE d Henry Martha Ecchinswell Labourer 375 21 12 1834 Lavinia RABBITS d Joseph Lucy Fair Oak Labourer 376 28 12 1834 Eliza HEDGECOCK d Isaac Letitia Ram Alley Labourer 377 29 12 1834 Fanny SPROUT d John Hannah Newbury Road Labourer 378 31 12 1834 James SPROUT s William Elizabeth Newbury Road Labourer 379 31 12 1834 Isaac ROLFE s Joseph Elizabeth Common Shoemaker 380 4 1 1835 John ELLIOTT OR s John Mary Ann Dell Labourer 12 9 1834 ELLET

Page 131 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 381 4 1 1835 George ELLIOTT OR s John Mary Ann Dell Labourer 3 12 1832 ELLET 382 6 1 1835 Elizabeth TANNER d James Mary Kingsclere Clergyman 24 11 1834 Robin 383 4 1 1835 Charles James TAYLOR s Robert Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer

384 7 1 1835 Joseph BREWER s Samuel Elizabeth Lyddon School Master 5 12 1834 Charles 385 9 1 1835 Francis GODDARD s Richard Ann Ashford Hill Inn Keeper Turnpike Pineapple 386 11 1 1835 William HILLIER s Charles Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 17 12 1834 387 11 1 1835 Mary TEGG d William Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 388 11 1 1835 John COOPER s James Elizabeth George Street Labourer 4 2 1824 389 11 1 1835 Thomas COOPER s James Elizabeth George Street Labourer 14 12 1834 390 11 1 1835 Mary Ann BROWN d James Martha Ecchinswell Labourer 19 12 1834 391 14 1 1835 Clara Ann CRIBB d John Ann George Street Sack Weaver 10 12 1834 392 18 1 1835 Esther ROLFE d William Mary Winchester Labourer 26 12 1834 Turnpike Road 393 18 1 1835 Ann Brazier SEWARD d Charles Charlotte George Street Blacksmith 394 18 1 1835 Letitia DRY d John Miriam Winchester Road Labourer 395 25 1 1835 Charles ALDRIDGE s William Elizabeth in Lane to Labourer Common 396 1 2 1835 David HUTCHINS s James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 4 1 1835 397 1 2 1835 Ann Maria LANSLEY d David Maria George Street Carrier 398 8 2 1835 Caroline HAWKINS d James Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 11 1 1835 399 8 2 1835 Ann BUTLER d William Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 1 12 1834 400 8 2 1835 Henry WEBB s James Harriet Mill Green Labourer 22 1 1835 401 8 2 1835 Rebecca BLAKE d Joseph Mary Woodhay Carpenter 9 1 1835 402 11 2 1835 Ezra PRISMALL s John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 19 12 1834 403 15 2 1835 David WOOFF s Emanuel Elizabeth Mill Green Labourer 11 1 1835 404 22 2 1835 Mary Ann HUSE d George Sarah Plaistow Green Labourer 405 1 3 1835 Sarah WINTER d William Lucy Ashford Hill Labourer 6 1 1835 406 1 3 1835 Elizabeth TARGETT d William Miriam Dell Labourer 2 2 1835 407 1 3 1835 Rose Hannah NORTH d John Ann Newbury Road Labourer 408 1 3 1835 Alice WELMAN d Joel Ann Fair Oak Labourer 409 2 3 1835 Caroline WOODHOUSE d Henry Ann Ram Alley Labourer

Page 132 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 410 1 3 1835 Ann HILLITT d William Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 411 1 3 1835 Antony WOODHOUSE s Henry Mary Ecchinswell Labourer COVENTRY 412 8 3 1835 Caroline WEBB d Richard Eliza Headley Common Labourer 9 2 1835 413 8 3 1835 Nehemiah FORD s Charles Hannah Sydmonton Farmer Bailiff 414 15 3 1835 Harriet HOCKLEY d Thomas Elizabeth Stratton's Farm Labourer 415 18 3 1835 John ALLEN s John Charlotte Town Shoemaker 416 22 3 1835 Caroline WOODHOUSE d Henry Ann Ram Alley Labourer 417 22 3 1835 Charles BREWER s James Ann Frobury Pit Labourer 418 22 3 1835 Hannah SMITH d Jane Wolverton Labourer SMITH Common 419 23 3 1835 Harvey BARRETT s Henry Elizabeth Town Journeyman Painter 420 25 3 1835 Robert William HUTCHINS s Richard Elizabeth Swan Street Baker 2 2 1835

421 26 3 1835 Enos SMITH s Edmund Sarah Summershurst Labourer 26 2 1835 Green 422 29 3 1835 Sarah Ann LOVELOCK d Edward Mary Ann Headley Common Labourer 423 29 3 1835 Caroline CARTER d Thomas Ann Chawton Groom 424 29 3 1835 Francis MUNDAY s Robert Harriet Fair Oak Maltster 425 9 4 1835 Henry ROLFE s John Eliza on the Bank Town Labourer

426 12 4 1835 Mary Ann CURTIS d Thomas Ann Polhampton Farm Farm Bailiff Matilda 427 12 4 1835 Mary Ann HAYWARD d John Hannah Frith Farm Labourer 428 13 4 1835 Augusta Ann GREEN d James Maria Town Horse Dealer 11 4 1831 429 13 4 1835 Julia Sophia GREEN d James Maria Town Horse Dealer 11 10 1832 430 18 4 1835 Sarah ROLFE d Thomas Mary Exams Ford Labourer 431 27 4 1835 Frederick HAYWARD s Richard Mary Swan Street Labourer 432 29 4 1835 James DALE s Henry Mary Ann George Street Shopkeeper 28 2 1835 433 3 5 1835 Thomas TUBBS s John Sarah Sydmonton Farmer Stroud 434 7 5 1835 John HOOPER s William Elizabeth Ecchinswell Farmer HUGHES 435 12 5 1835 Henry BROWN s Henry Mary Ann George Street Carrier 436 13 5 1835 Charles BATT s Jeremiah Eliza Newbury Road Star PH Keeper

437 17 5 1835 Fanny PROUT d John Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer

Page 133 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 438 17 5 1835 John LAWRENCE s John Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 11 4 1835 439 17 5 1835 Sophia SIMPSON d Joseph Charlotte Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 440 17 5 1835 George DIBLEY s Richard Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 21 4 1835 441 20 5 1835 James PROUT s Elizabeth Newbury Road Pauper PROUT 442 24 5 1835 Thomas FOWLER s Joseph Sarah Dell Labourer 443 24 5 1835 William RABBIT s Richard Maria Common Labourer 28 4 1835 444 27 5 1835 Eliza BUTLER d Thomas Elizabeth Common Labourer 445 3 6 1835 William REEVES s Caroline Swan Street Seamstress REEVES 446 7 6 1835 Louisa ARCHER d James Maria Sidmonton Brickmaker 447 9 6 1835 Sarah Ann SOPER d Richard Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 448 12 6 1835 Susan BURGESS d John Elizabeth Kingsclere Journeyman Painter 449 14 6 1835 Jane LONG d George Charlotte Common Labourer 450 12 7 1835 Joseph WINKWORTH s John Jane near the Church Journeyman 14 6 1835 Cooper 451 12 7 1835 Eli MOOR s Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 452 26 7 1835 Jane DRAKE d John Ann North Street Tanner 453 26 7 1835 Matilda TIDBURY d James Ann North Sydmonton Labourer 454 9 8 1835 David ANDREWS s William Lucy Ecchinswell Labourer 455 23 8 1835 John ANDREWS s John Ann Common Labourer 456 21 8 1835 Hannah MILES d Isaac Hannah Ecchinswell Beer Shop Keeper 457 10 1 1835 Phoebe FIFIELD d John Amy Nuthanger Farm Farmer Louisa 458 30 8 1835 John STEVENS s Charles Sarah Ecchinswell Journeyman Carpenter 459 30 8 1835 Keziah HILL d Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 460 6 9 1835 Elizabeth WINKWORTH d Joseph Hannah George Street Journeyman 24 4 1835 Morris Bricklayer 461 13 9 1835 Hannah HINE d David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 462 13 9 1835 William John HANKIN s George Elizabeth Town Tradesman 14 8 1835 463 20 9 1835 Charles SHEARMAN s William Hannah Dell Labourer 1 8 1835 464 20 9 1835 Sarah Ann MILES d Ben. Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer

Page 134 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 465 24 9 1835 Thomas Oliver HARDING s Robert Huldah Kingsclere Keeper Anchor 24 7 1835 Inn 466 27 9 1835 Elizabeth POLDEN d Mark Ann Ram Alley Labourer 15 8 1835 467 27 9 1835 Louisa COOK d Joseph Hannah Workhouse Lane Labourer 468 27 9 1835 Daniel HUTCHINS s Daniel Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 18 8 1835 469 27 9 1835 Jane STRATTON d Richard Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 470 4 10 1835 Harriet BRIANT d Jesse Elizabeth Cannon Park Labourer Cottages 471 4 10 1835 Alice BENWELL d Alfred Emma Ecchinswell Carpenter 472 7 10 1835 Eliza WINKWORTH d William Hannah Kingsclere Journeyman 1827 Wheelwright 473 7 10 1835 Frances WINKWORTH d William Hannah Kingsclere Journeyman 1829 Wheelwright 474 7 10 1835 William WINKWORTH s William Hannah Kingsclere Journeyman 1832 Wheelwright 475 11 10 1835 Helen FOSTER d John Letitia Spradbury's Labourer 476 15 10 1835 Lavina SMITH d Henry Elizabeth Winchester Road Labourer 477 18 10 1835 Thomas DRAKE s William Sarah Kingsclere Brewer 22 9 1835 478 18 10 1835 Henry HUSE s Silas Mary North Street Labourer 479 18 10 1835 Charles NORTH s Thomas Letitia Newbury Road Labourer 480 18 10 1835 Daniel VINCE s John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 481 21 10 1835 Susan HOBBS d George Sarah Swan Street Collar Maker 22 9 1835 482 22 11 1835 Elizabeth PEARCE d Edwd. Eliza Plaistow Green Beer Shop Keeper 483 22 11 1835 Frances WALKER d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 9 10 1835 484 29 11 1835 David LEWIS s John Rebecca Frith Common Labourer 30 10 1835 485 29 11 1835 Martha HOLLY d William Mary Swan Street Labourer 486 6 12 1835 Sarah Ann MONDAY d Charles Ann Exams Ford Labourer 487 6 12 1835 Sarah CLINCH d Lydia Ashford Hill Labourer CLINCH 488 6 12 1835 John PIERCE s John Mary Ann Ashley Warren Labourer 489 6 12 1835 Jane SEWARD d Francis Jane Ecchinswell Working 8 11 1835 Blacksmith 490 8 12 1835 John PRISMALL s David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 12 11 1835 491 10 12 1835 Helen POULTER d Daniel Mary Brazen Head Farm Farmer

492 13 12 1835 Esther DANCE d John Charlotte Headley Common Labourer 14 11 1835

Page 135 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 493 13 12 1835 Alfred MORTON s Thomas Elizabeth Ecchinswell Farmer 16 11 1835 Frances 494 27 12 1835 Louisa Jane BATHE d David Kezia Fair Oak Carpenter 25 11 1835 William 495 25 12 1835 William ETTWELL s Thomas Mina Ecchinswell Labourer 496 25 12 1835 Ann BENDLE d James Mary Ann Bishops Green Labourer 497 25 12 1835 Hannah BENDLE d James Mary Ann Bishops Green Labourer 498 3 1 1836 Daniel SEYMOUR s John Harriet North Sydmonton Labourer 24 11 1835 499 10 1 1836 Elizabeth TUBB d William Ann Workhouse Lane Journeyman Miller 500 10 1 1836 John Knight GODDARD s James Caroline Ashford Hill Labourer 11 12 1835 501 10 1 1836 George MOOR s William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 502 10 1 1836 Robert SMITH s James Mary Sidmonton Gardner 28 11 1835 503 24 1 1836 Hannah MILES d Stephen Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 504 31 1 1836 John FUCE s John Charlotte Woodlands Farmer 505 3 2 1836 Kilurah CLARK d Charles Eunice George Street Glazier 506 3 2 1836 Edwin TARGET s John Hannah Workhouse Workhouse 26 11 1835 Keeper 507 7 2 1836 Hannah HARMSWORTH d Joseph Mary Kingsclere Labourer 1 1 1836 508 7 2 1836 Charles HILLIER s Charles Elizabeth RamCommon Alley Labourer 13 1 1836 509 7 2 1836 William BRADLEY s Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Blacksmith 510 7 2 1836 Ellen GUY d Thomas Ann Tan House Labourer 21 12 1835 511 10 2 1836 Charles Henry CRIBB s John Ann George Street Rope & Twine 11 1 1836 Maker 512 21 2 1836 Caleb CHAPMAN s Henry Hannah North Street Labourer 513 21 2 1836 Richard LAWRENCE s Richard Isabella Back Lane Labourer 27 1 1836 514 21 2 1836 John PERREY s William Ann Bishops Green Labourer 515 6 3 1836 James SMITH s Joseph Maria Ashford Hill Labourer 6 2 1836 516 6 3 1836 Charlotte EVANS d John Sarah Headley Common Labourer 517 6 3 1836 Hannah CHERRILE d John Sarah Swan Street Labourer 518 12 3 1836 Jesse HARRIS s George Letitia near Town Mill Labourer 519 13 3 1836 John HISCOCK s William Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 19 8 1835 520 20 3 1836 Jesse SEWARD s John Martha Common Labourer 521 20 3 1836 Ann Sophia ROLFE d Joseph Abetheny Headley Common Shoemaker 7 2 1836 522 20 3 1836 George TAYLOR s George Mary North Street Journeyman 13 2 1836 Miller

Page 136 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 523 21 3 1836 Daniel HEDGES s John Elizabeth Common Labourer 524 25 3 1836 Ann WALDRON d John Patience Headley Common Labourer 525 27 3 1836 Caroline HARMSWOOD d Joseph Harriet Dell Labourer 2 3 1836 526 27 3 1836 Sarah DANCE d James Eliza Headley Common Labourer 27 2 1836 527 27 3 1836 Ann BENDLE d Ann Ecchinswell Labourer BENDLE 528 1 4 1836 James COOK s Charles Honor Swan Street Labourer 529 3 4 1836 Louisa MARTIN d Thomas Mary Dell Labourer 5 3 1836 530 3 4 1836 Caroline ANDREWS d Giles Mary Sydmonton Labourer 9 3 1836 531 10 4 1836 Helen HAYWARD d John Hannah Town Labourer 21 3 1836 532 10 4 1836 John COE s John Sarah Spradbury's Labourer 533 14 4 1836 Lucy WEBB d Charles Elizabeth Folly Farm Farmer 534 21 4 1836 David ELLIOTT s John Mary Dell Labourer 535 24 4 1836 Jacob WEBB s Richard Eliza Headley Common Labourer 23 3 1836 536 24 4 1836 Daniel GIRDLER s David Mary Ann Headley Common Labourer 31 3 1836 537 28 4 1836 Eliza HAINES d John Sarah George Street Labourer 538 1 5 1836 Eliza HAWKINS d Clement Letitia Ashford Hill Labourer 539 1 5 1836 David ROLFE s Samuel Hannah in the Bank Labourer 31 3 1836 540 1 5 1836 Peter HEDGCOCK s Daniel Elizabeth Exams Ford Labourer 31 3 1836 541 1 5 1836 Jesse PEMBERTON s William Mary Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 542 8 5 1836 Sarah TARGETT d William Miriam George Street Labourer 8 4 1836 543 8 5 1836 William KERNUT s John Mary Mill Green Shoemaker 544 10 5 1836 George NORTH s William Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 545 18 5 1836 Charles HUNT s Henry Sarah Newbury Road Labourer 546 22 5 1836 Martha Ann SHERMAN d John Amelia Dell Labourer 9 4 1836 547 22 5 1836 Charles TAYLOR s Henry Lucy Dell Labourer 4 3 1836 548 29 5 1836 Emma WYTHE d Richard Ann Plaistow Green Labourer 3 5 1836 549 29 5 1836 Maria HAYWARD d Jacob Rebecca Headley Common Labourer 550 5 6 1836 Charles TAYLOR s James Eliza Ashley Warren Labourer 551 14 6 1836 Mary MILES d David Eliza Pit House Farm Labourer 552 15 6 1836 Emily KERNUTT d Peter Emily Hawker's Hill Shoemaker 2 4 1836 553 19 6 1836 William CHAPPEL s Edward Charlotte Headley Common Labourer 554 19 6 1836 William WYATT alias s John Mary Swan Street Blacksmith 22 5 1836 WALLIS WALLIS 555 19 6 1836 Ann SMITH d Peter Johanna Ecchinswell Labourer 556 26 6 1836 Mary MATTHEWS d Charles Eliza Ecchinswell Beer Shop Keeper

Page 137 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 557 4 7 1836 Elizabeth ALDRIDGE d Henry Mary Ann Headley Common Labourer 558 10 7 1836 Alfred CUMMINS s John Hannah Goose Hill Labourer 559 17 7 1836 John DRY s William Eliza Headley Common Labourer 560 21 7 1836 George HOPKINS s Charles Rebecca Swan Street Labourer 561 23 7 1836 Helen BLAKE d James Charlotte Frobury Farm Carpenter 562 24 7 1836 William GARRETT s William Louisa Swan Street Carpenter 563 31 7 1836 Sarah Ann HURST d William Hannah Knowl Hill Journeyman Maltster 564 3 8 1836 Thomas SMITH s William Ann Exams Ford Labourer 565 5 8 1836 Eleanor MAY d William Ann Benham Court Farmer Farm 566 7 8 1836 Eliza BUTLER d William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 567 10 8 1836 Mary PRISMALL d John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 22 6 1836 568 14 8 1836 Charlotte SILBY d Henry Ann Headley Common Labourer 569 14 8 1836 Henry JEFFERY s David Harriet Ashford Hill Labourer 17 7 1836 570 14 8 1836 Thomas DYER s John Christian Hawker's Hill Labourer 21 7 1836 571 14 8 1836 Jane SALTER d John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer HUNT 572 28 8 1836 Susan Jane HUGHES d John Harriet Headley Common Journeyman Miller 573 28 8 1836 Mary FREEMANTLE d John Mary Headley Common Labourer 574 28 8 1836 Robert STEVENS s James Elizabeth Ecchinswell Carpenter 18 7 1836 Jane 575 4 9 1836 Caleb CUMMINS s Robert Eliza Exams Ford Labourer 576 4 9 1836 George ALLEN s Abraham Charlotte Workhouse Lane Labourer 577 11 9 1836 John WINKWORTH s John Jane Kingsclere Journeyman 11 8 1836 Cooper 578 11 9 1836 Elizabeth Ann ALLEN d John Charlotte Kingsclere Shoemaker 579 11 9 1836 Thomas BARNES s William Amelia Headley Common Labourer 580 10 9 1836 Charlotte STOCKER d Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Labourer Maria 581 11 9 1836 Ann Hughes WATTS d Charles Hannah Bishops Green Labourer 582 18 9 1836 Alfred BAUGHURST s John Harriet Headley Common Labourer 25 8 1826 583 25 9 1836 Elizabeth PRIOR d William Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 584 25 9 1836 Charlotte ANDREWS d David Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 585 2 10 1836 Daniel SMITH s William Mary Fair Oak Labourer 586 2 10 1836 William GODDARD s Henry Ann Hawkhurst Hill Labourer alias Hawker's Hill

Page 138 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 587 2 10 1836 Matilda DODD d William Hannah Inkpen Tailor 588 5 10 1836 Catherine GODDARD d Richard Ann Ashford Hill Keeper of Turnpike Pineapple 589 16 10 1836 Lucy DOLLERY d Daniel Isabella Sydmonton Labourer 590 23 10 1836 Emma Sarah INNIS d John Sarah Ecchinswell Journeyman Tanner 591 23 10 1836 John FOSTER s Ann Plaistow Green Domestic FOSTER Servant 592 23 10 1836 Helen SMITH d Sarah Fair Oak Pauper SMITH 593 23 10 1836 Emma TAYLOR d John Mary Mill Green Carpenter 594 30 10 1836 Henry SOPER s Richard Sarah Common Labourer 26 9 1836 595 2 11 1836 Edwin William COX s William Olive Haddenham Gentleman 18 7 1818 Bucks 596 4 11 1836 William LONG s John Maria North Street Journeyman 4 11 1836 Tanner 597 6 11 1836 Martha STREET d Charles Susannah Ecchinswell Labourer 598 6 11 1836 George STREET s Charles Susannah Ecchinswell Labourer 599 13 11 1836 John BUTLER s William Sarah Swan Street Labourer 600 13 11 1836 Martha ALLEN d Stephen Ann Sydmonton Labourer 8 10 1836 601 17 11 1836 Charlotte DRAKE d John Ann Field Gate Tanner Hannah 602 20 11 1836 Hannah TAYLOR d Robert Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 603 11 12 1836 Lucy SMITH d James Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 604 18 12 1836 Daniel WHITE s Amos Charlotte North Sydmonton Labourer 605 18 12 1836 Charlotte TURNER d Daniel Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 4 11 1836 606 25 12 1836 William BROWN s Thos Ann Common Labourer 607 1 1 1837 John BLAKENEY d Thomas Elizabeth Pit House Farm Labourer Cottage 608 1 1 1837 Edwin GUNDRY s Charles Mary Ann Common Beer Shop 19 10 1836 Keeper 609 4 1 1837 Thomas COVENTRY s Ann Ecchinswell COVENTRY 610 7 1 1837 Elizabeth GREENWAY d Henry Marianna Shinfield Berks Gentleman 7 12 1836 Georgiana 611 8 1 1837 Lucy NORTH d John Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 612 10 1 1837 Ann ALLEN d Alexander Eliza near the Falcon Journeyman Bricklayer

Page 139 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 613 11 1 1837 Jane GRIGG d Charlotte Parsonage Domestic GRIGG Cottages Servant 614 14 1 1837 Charlotte HIGGS d John Sarah Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 615 16 1 1837 David MUNDAY s William Susan Kingsclere Labourer 616 25 1 1837 Charlotte BRIANT d Jesse Elizabeth Cannon Heath Labourer 617 29 1 1837 Rachel KEEP d John Mary St Giles Reading Journeyman Stone Mason 618 29 1 1837 Isabella BLAKE d Joseph Mary Journeyman Carpenter 619 3 2 1837 William SMITH s Shadrack Jane Kingsclere Labourer 620 5 2 1837 Leah BRIDGMAN d Richard Mary Dell Labourer 621 5 2 1837 George BREWER s Samuel Elizabeth Lyddon School Master Barefield 622 5 2 1837 Charlotte STRATTON d Richard Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 623 8 2 1837 John JEWEL s William Harriet Wolverton Lane Labourer 624 12 2 1837 William BOOTH s Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Farmer 28 12 1836 625 19 2 1837 Rachel NORTH d Charles Charlotte George Street Labourer 21 12 1836 626 19 2 1837 William BUTLER s John Sarah Exelsford Labourer ? 627 19 2 1837 Mary ALDRIDGE d William Elizabeth Upper House Farm Labourer

628 14 2 1837 Walter DODD s Henry Jane George Street Tailor 629 26 2 1837 Henry GIRDLER s John Dinah Headley Common Labourer 630 27 2 1837 Theodosia BARRETT d Hen. Elizabeth on the Bank Journeyman George St Painter 631 27 2 1837 Daniel HUTCHINS s James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 632 26 2 1837 Joshua BENHAM s James Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 633 26 2 1837 William PRATER s Robert Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 634 5 3 1837 William HELET s William Mary Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 15 2 1837 635 5 3 1837 Thomas DIBLEY s Richard Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 3 2 1837 636 8 3 1837 Ann Rebecca SAVORY d John Rebecca Dell Domestic Servant 637 12 3 1837 William LOVELOCK s Edward Mary Plaistow Green Labourer 638 12 3 1837 Joseph ROLFE s William Mary White Hill Gate Labourer 639 22 3 1837 Mary Jane BUTT d Henry Harriet Hartley Wespall Farmer

Page 140 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 640 2 4 1837 Frances Mary BREWER d James Ann The Pit Labourer 24 2 1837 Ecchinswell Rd 641 2 4 1837 Elizabeth SEWARD d James Jane Knowl Hill Labourer 642 5 4 1837 Charles CURTIS s Thomas Ann Polhampton Farm Bailiff on Farm Randolph 643 15 4 1837 Joseph HINE s David Elizabeth Dell Labourer 644 23 4 1837 William CUMMINS s Jesse Eliza Collington's Hill Labourer 645 30 4 1837 Harriet Maria FIFIELD d John Amy Nuthanger Farm Farmer Louisa 646 7 5 1837 Mary Ann NIGHTINGALE d Jane Ecchinswell Farmer's Dau NIGHTINGALE 647 19 5 1837 Hannah THOMAS d William Eliza Pit House Labourer 648 31 5 1837 Henry BATT s Jeremiah Eliza Star Public House Star PH Keeper 6 5 1837

649 4 6 1837 Ann FRY d James Hannah Ram Alley Labourer 650 4 6 1837 Caroline JEWELL d John Martha Wolverton Lane Labourer 17 5 1837 651 4 6 1837 Elizabeth POCOCK d Nathaniel Ann Dell Labourer 652 4 6 1837 Lucy SOPER d John Jane Wolverton Labourer Common 653 4 6 1837 Ellen FORD d Charles Hannah Sydmonton Farmer Bailiff 654 11 6 1837 John HUNT s James Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 655 19 6 1837 Sarah Fratten PAINTER d John Louisa Ecchinswell 656 18 6 1837 William BARTLEY s Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 657 18 6 1837 George BUTLER s William Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 658 18 6 1837 Henry COLEMAN s Charlotte near Spradbury's Domestic COLEMAN Farm Servant 659 25 6 1837 Mary PALMER d John Elizabeth Kingsclere Tailor & Private 29 11 1831 Soldier 660 25 6 1837 Richard PALMER s John Elizabeth Kingsclere Tailor & Private 15 9 1833 Soldier 661 25 6 1837 John PALMER s John Elizabeth Kingsclere Tailor & Private Winkworth Soldier 662 25 6 1837 Eleanor RICHARDSON d John Amelia Headley Common Labourer 663 25 6 1837 Charles TAYLOR s William Mary Stubbington Farm Labourer 29 6 1836 664 25 6 1837 Ann DANCE d John Charlott Headley Common Labourer 665 25 6 1837 Jacob COVENTRY s William Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer

Page 141 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 666 2 7 1837 James PEART s Maria North Street Journeyman PEART Tanner 667 2 7 1837 Joseph HAYWARD s Richard Mary Swan Street Labourer 668 29 6 1837 Betsy HEDGES d John Elizabeth Common Labourer 669 9 7 1837 Walter WEBB s Richard Eliza Headley Common Labourer 8 6 1837 670 9 7 1837 Harriet HEDGCOCK d Isaac Letitia Exelsford Labourer 13 6 1837 671 16 7 1837 Frederick COPPERTHWAIT s George Martha Ashford Hill Journeynan E Carpenter 672 16 7 1837 John ROLFE s Samuel Martha Winchester Labourer 20 6 1837 Turnpike Road 673 21 7 1837 Mary WINTER d Joseph Keziah Workhouse Labourer 674 21 7 1837 Henry WINTER s Joseph Keziah Workhouse Labourer 1 1 1836 675 21 7 1837 Thomas PRIOR s Thomas Ann Moss Workhouse Labourer 676 18 7 1837 Walter STEVENS s Charles Sarah Ecchinswell Carpenter 677 23 7 1837 Henry DIGWEED s William Maria Ecchinswell Labourer 678 24 7 1837 Edwin HORTON s Thomas Elizabeth Ecchinswell Farmer Frances 679 30 7 1837 Esther SMITH d Joseph Maria Ashford Hill Labourer 9 7 1837 680 30 7 1837 Elizabeth HANKIN d George Elizabeth Town Tradesman 3 7 1837 Edith 681 30 7 1837 Ambrose ALLEN s Charles Ann George Street Journeyman Bricklayer 682 6 8 1837 Olive MATTINGLY d Charles Jane Codington's Hill Labourer 683 6 8 1837 Jane HEDGCOCK d Charles Jane Exelsford Labourer 10 7 1837 684 9 8 1837 Penelope DALE d Henry Mary Ann George Street Tradesman 27 3 1837 685 20 8 1837 Mary Ann HARMSWOOD d Charles Ann Swan Street Journeyman Tanner 686 23 8 1837 Kezia PRISMALL d Jesse Elizabeth Old Farm Farmer 28 7 1837 687 23 8 1837 Martha PRISMALL d David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 31 7 1837 688 27 8 1837 Henry COOK s Frederick Charlotte George Street Shoemaker 21 7 1837 Ann 689 3 9 1837 George SPROUT s Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer SPROUT 690 3 9 1837 Thomas ARCHER s James Maria Sidmonton Labourer 23 7 1837 691 4 9 1837 John MILLER s Thomas Lucy Dell Labourer 692 17 9 1837 Hannah BRYANT d Thomas Elizabeth Ram Alley Labourer 693 13 10 1837 Charles SILBEY s Daniel Elizabeth Mill Green Labourer 21 9 1837

Page 142 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 694 17 10 1837 William WOODHOUSE s William Ann Common Labourer 695 22 10 1837 Daniel WINTERBOURN s James Letitia Parsonage Farm Labourer 20 9 1837 696 29 10 1837 Henry ANDREWS s John Ann Common Labourer 697 12 11 1837 Thomas PEARCE s George Harriet Common Labourer 15 10 1837 698 12 11 1837 Helen SILVA d Joshua Ann Smith Common Domestic Servant 699 16 11 1837 Eliza WINTER d William Lucy Workhouse Pauper 700 16 11 1837 Richard HILL s Richard Mary Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 701 28 11 1837 Jane MUNDAY d Robert Harriet Fair Oak Farmer 702 3 12 1837 Augusta BENWELL d Alfred Emma Woodlands Carpenter 4 11 1837 703 17 12 1837 Esther BATHE d David Kezia Fair Oak Carpenter 9 11 1837 William 704 20 12 1837 George TARGET s John Hannah Workhouse Porter at Workhouse 705 24 12 1837 Eliza HUSSEY d William Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 706 31 12 1837 Helen BUTLER d Thomas Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 707 31 12 1837 Ann WALKER d William Elizabeth Tower Hill Labourer 708 31 12 1837 Helen SEWARD d John Martha Wolverton Clock Case Common Maker 709 4 1 1838 Charles Henry DRAKE s William Sarah Brewery Brewer 710 7 1 1838 Mary Jane LEWIS d William Jane Folly Farm Carpenter 23 12 1837 711 7 1 1838 William HOCKLEY s Thomas Elizabeth Stratton's Farm Labourer 11 12 1837 712 9 1 1838 William MOORE s William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 4 1 1838 713 9 1 1838 David MOORE s William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 714 12 1 1838 Elizabeth CRIBB d John Ann George Street Twine & Sack Maker 715 21 1 1838 Sarah BENNET d Solomon Sarah Woodlands Labourer 27 12 1838 716 21 1 1838 George WEBB s James Harriet Mill Green Labourer 20 12 1837 717 28 1 1838 Alfred SEWARD s Richard Eliza Playstow Green Beer Shop 31 12 1837 Keeper 718 2 2 1838 Charles HUNT s Henry Mary Headley Common Labourer 719 4 2 1838 Charlotte MILES d Matthew Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 9 1 1838 720 4 2 1838 Mary POLDEN d Mark Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 721 4 2 1838 John William CLARK s Charles Eunice George Street Glazier 19 12 1837 722 7 2 1838 Albert WINKWORTH s John Huldah George Street PH Keeper 9 9 1837 HARDING

Page 143 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 723 11 2 1838 Jane EVANS d Maria Edmondstrip Brick Domestic 5 1 1838 EVANS Kiln Servant 724 15 2 1838 Robert DRAKE s John Ann North Street Tanner 18 1 1838 725 19 2 1838 Mary Ann GUNDRY d Charles Mary Ann Wolverton Woodman Common 726 25 2 1838 George HAYWARD s John Hannah Dell Labourer 23 1 1838 727 25 2 1838 James TOPP s Eliza Ecchinswell Domestic TOPP Servant 728 28 2 1838 Eleanor SEYMOUR d William Mary North Street Labourer 729 11 3 1838 Henrietta GODDARD d James Caroline Headley Common Shoemaker 730 11 3 1838 Thomas SMITH s Edmund Sarah Summershurst Labourer 3 2 1838 Green 731 11 3 1838 Caroline RABBITS d Richard Maria Goose Hill Labourer 732 11 3 1838 William Henry BOOTH s Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Farmer 733 12 3 1838 Helen KERNUT d John Mary Mill Green Shoemaker 734 20 3 1838 Fanny SEWARD d Charles Charlotte George Street Blacksmith 735 22 3 1838 William GIBBONS s Charles Lydia Workhouse Pauper 25 11 1837 CLINCH 736 25 3 1838 Helen BROWN d Thomas Ann Newbury Road Labourer 2 3 1838 737 1 4 1838 Ann ROLFE d John Eliza on the Bank Labourer 6 3 1838 George St 738 8 4 1838 Caroline HUTCHINS d William Phoebe Ashford Hill Labourer 739 8 4 1838 John NORTH s William Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 11 3 1838 740 8 4 1838 Helen HARMSWORTH d Joseph Mary Wolverton Labourer 13 3 1838 741 8 4 1838 Caleb BLAKENEY s Thomas Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 16 3 1838 742 10 4 1838 Eli HUTCHINS s James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 743 10 4 1838 George PENFORD s Caroline Woodhouse Farm Domestic PENFORD Servant 744 16 4 1838 Daniel Edward NORTH s Edward Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer

745 15 4 1838 Clara MATTHEWS d Charles Eliza Ecchinswell Beer Shop Keeper 746 15 4 1838 Mary Ann PIERCE d John Mary Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 747 15 4 1838 Elizabeth KEWEL d William Sarah Ecchinswell Farmer 748 20 4 1838 John CUMMINS s Jesse Eliza Codington's Hill Labourer 749 22 4 1838 Matilda WELMAN d Joel Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 750 23 4 1838 Joseph TIDBURY s David Phoebe Sidmonton Labourer

Page 144 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 751 29 4 1838 William DRY s George Sarah Headley Common Labourer 752 29 4 1838 Helen GALE d Thomas Sarah Headley Common Labourer 753 29 4 1838 Joseph WATTS s David Mary Wolverton Lane Labourer 754 29 4 1838 Thomas HUNT s Mary Kingsclere Spinster HUNT At Home with Parents

755 6 5 1838 Robert PRATER s William Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 756 11 5 1838 Alfred SEYMOUR s Henry Hannah Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 757 13 5 1838 Helen PULLEN d Mary Ecchinswell LAMB 758 13 5 1838 William LAWRENCE s Richard Isabella Workhouse Lane Labourer 17 4 1838 759 13 5 1838 Martha RABBITS d Joseph Mary Frith Labourer WATTS 760 13 5 1838 George FOWLER s Joseph Sarah George Street Labourer 761 20 5 1838 James PIKE s James Elizabeth Dell Labourer 30 4 1838 762 20 5 1838 Henry CHAPMAN s Henry Hannah North Street Labourer 12 4 1838 763 25 5 1838 John HOBBS s George Sarah Swan Street Collar Maker 8 4 1838 764 10 6 1838 Hannah MUNDAY d Charles Ann Exelsford Labourer 765 27 5 1838 George SMITH s Henry Elizabeth Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 766 17 6 1838 Eliza Rebecca ALEXANDER d Alfred Charity Workhouse Lane Journeyman 14 5 1838 Miller 767 17 6 1838 Francis FOSTER s James Maria near Old Farm Labourer 11 5 1838 768 17 6 1838 Rebecca ALDRIDGE d Henry Mary Ann Headley Common Labourer 13 5 1838 769 17 6 1838 Edward HOLLY s William Mary Swan Street Labourer 770 17 6 1838 John MILES s Isaac Hannah Ecchinswell Beer Shop 10 5 1838 Keeper 771 24 6 1838 David HARRIS s Richard Elizabeth Dell Labourer 772 24 6 1838 George KEWELL s John Letitia Ecchinswell Labourer 773 28 6 1838 Sarah TUBB d John Sarah Sydmonton Farmer 774 1 7 1838 Thomas JEFFERY s David Harriet Ashford Hill Labourer 775 8 7 1838 Fanny WYATT OR d John Mary Swan Street Blacksmith Rebecca WALLIS 776 9 7 1838 William JONES s John Susannah Hannington Farmer 777 8 7 1838 Jane Elizabeth SEYMOUR d John Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer

778 3 7 1838 Thomas WALDRON s Robert Eliza Headley Common Labourer 779 15 7 1838 Jabez BRADLEY s Richard Elizabeth Ashford Hill Blacksmith

Page 145 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 780 15 7 1838 Rebecca LOUCH d Rebecca Wolverton Lane Widow LOUCH 781 15 7 1838 George BRYANT s Jesse Eliza Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 782 15 7 1838 Ann STEVENS d James Jane Ecchinswell Journeyman Carpenter 783 21 7 1838 Benjamin MILES s Steven Hannah Ashford Hill Journeyman Sawyer 784 22 7 1838 Jane SMITH d John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 785 22 7 1838 Edward SHERMAN s John Emily Dell Labourer 21 6 1838 786 22 7 1838 Charles FOSTER s John Martha Ram Alley Spinster HARRIS 787 29 7 1838 Ellen WEBB d Charles Elizabeth Mill Green Labourer 29 6 1838 788 29 7 1838 John HEDGCOCK s William Charlotte Exelsford Labourer SMITH 789 29 7 1838 Henry ANDREWS s Giles Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 790 5 8 1838 Elisa VINCE d John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 791 5 8 1838 Ann HUTCHINS d Daniel Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 792 5 8 1838 Julia NORTH d Thomas Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 28 6 1838 793 12 8 1838 Emily MUNDAY d Philip Lucy Exelsford Labourer 794 12 8 1838 Ann GIRDLER d David Mary Common Labourer 22 7 1838 795 12 8 1838 Ann LEWIS d John Rebecca Frith Labourer 17 7 1838 796 19 8 1838 Georgina THORN d James Jane Sydmonton Journeyman 22 7 1838 Carpenter 797 19 8 1838 Ann HUNT d John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer Salter 798 19 8 1838 Eliza MAY d Daniel Hannah Ashford Hill Widow 1 8 1838 HAWKINS 799 19 8 1838 Ellen CUMMINS d John Hannah Goose Hill Labourer 24 7 1838 800 1 9 1838 Ross Moore TANNER s James Elizabeth Tower Hill Clergyman 801 9 9 1838 Rachel DYER d John Christian Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 17 8 1838 802 9 9 1838 Sarah BARNS d William Amelia Headley Common Labourer 17 8 1838 803 16 9 1838 Mary-Ann HARMSWORTH d Jonathan Rebecca Knowl Hill Labourer 25 8 1838 804 16 9 1838 Ellen ANDREWS d William Lucy Ecchinswell Labourer 805 30 9 1838 Fanny GARRETT d William Louisa Swan Street Carpenter 4 9 1838 806 30 9 1838 David HEDGES s John Elizabeth Common Labourer 29 8 1838 807 1 10 1838 David MUNDAY s Sarah Mill Green Working Silk MUNDAY Throwster 808 7 10 1838 James FOSTER s John Letitia Spradbury's farm Labourer 5 9 1838 809 7 10 1838 Amey DANCE d James Eliza Common Labourer 11 9 1838

Page 146 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 810 7 10 1838 Rosanna WOOFF d Emanuel Elizabeth Mill Green Labourer 811 14 10 1838 Daniel BROWN s James Martha Headley Common Labourer 20 9 1838 812 14 10 1838 John WINTERBOURN s John Mary Ann Swan Street Blacksmith 31 8 1838 813 28 10 1838 Peter KERNUT s Peter Emily Hawkhurst Hill Cordwainer 18 9 1838 814 12 11 1838 Ann THOMAS d William Eliza Ashford Hill Labourer 815 12 11 1838 George MUNDAY s William Susannah on the Bank Labourer George St 816 25 11 1838 Sarah CUMMINS d Robert Maria Exelsford Labourer 817 25 11 1838 Rebecca ALDRIDGE d William Elizabeth Upper House Farm Labourer 27 10 1838

818 25 11 1838 Ann Rebecca ELLIOTT d John Mary Ann Dell Labourer 27 10 1838 819 25 11 1838 William BLAKE s Joseph Mary Swan Street Carpenter 20 10 1838 820 25 11 1838 Henry COOK s Charles Honor Swan Street Labourer 821 6 12 1838 John William SIMS s John Eliza Workhouse Pauper 822 6 12 1838 Thomas STEPHENS s William Sarah Workhouse Pauper 823 8 12 1838 Emma BLAKE d James Charlotte Brimpton Common Carpenter 27 10 1838

824 8 12 1838 Thomas WINKWORTH s Joseph Anna George Street Bricklayer Maria 825 12 12 1838 David SMITH s William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 826 16 12 1838 James COLLINS s David Mary Polhampton Labourer 827 16 12 1838 Daniel DOLLERY s Daniel Isabella Sydmonton Labourer 12 11 1838 828 21 12 1838 Henry CHANDLER s John Hannah Wolverton Labourer Common 829 3 1 1839 Eliza ELLIOTT d Thomas Harriet Workhouse Pauper DUCKETT 830 4 1 1839 William ATLEE s John Esther Hawkhurst Hill Domestic Bear Servant 831 6 1 1839 Martha FOSTER d James Ann Ram Alley Labourer 4 12 1838 832 6 1 1839 Alfred BAVERSTOCK s John Mary Plaistow Green Domestic FOSTER Servant 833 13 1 1839 George PAICE s Thomas Eliza Pitchorn Farm Labourer 834 24 1 1839 Henry FARMER s Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 835 3 2 1839 Mary PRISMALL d David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 3 1 1839 836 3 2 1839 David LONG s John Maria George Street Journeyman 11 1 1839 Tanner 837 3 2 1839 Arthur WEBB s Richard Eliza Goose Hill Labourer 25 12 1838

Page 147 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 838 3 2 1839 George WHITE s John Keturah Kingsclere Labourer 10 1 1839 839 10 2 1839 Sarah MARTIN d Thomas Mary Dell Labourer 840 14 2 1839 Emily PENFORD d Isaac Emily Tuckers Hill Farmer 27 12 1838 841 14 2 1839 Alfred CRIBB s John Ann George Street Twine & Sack Maker 842 24 2 1839 David SMITH s John Charlotte Edmonstrip Malt Labourer 25 1 1839 House 843 25 2 1839 Emma CRISPIN d John Sarah Workhouse Pauper 27 1 1839 844 6 3 1839 Charles DANCE s Stephen Mary Ann Playstow Green Cordwainer 845 10 3 1839 Mary Ann WYTHE d Richard Ann Playstow Green Labourer 3 2 1839 846 10 3 1839 William ROLFE s Samuel Hannah Town Labourer 15 2 1839 847 17 3 1839 Thomas GODDARD s Richard Ann Ashford Hill Pineapple Keeper 848 24 3 1839 Charlotte DOLTON d David Hannah Old Farm Labourer 11 2 1839 849 24 3 1839 Charlotte WEBB d William Maria Common Labourer 18 2 1839 850 31 3 1839 Harry DODD s Henry Jane Swan Street Tailor 9 12 1838 851 31 3 1839 David STREET s Charles Susannah Ecchinswell Labourer 2 3 1839 852 7 4 1839 Sarah Ann CHERRILL d John Sarah Wolverton Labourer 10 3 1839 Common 853 14 4 1839 Thomas GIRDLER s John Dinah Common Labourer 8 3 1839 854 14 4 1839 Daniel PRATER s Robert Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 855 28 4 1839 William TAYLOR s James Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 856 25 4 1839 John FISHLOCK s William Hannah Workhouse Labourer of 857 25 4 1839 James POCOCK s Nathaniel Ann East Woodhay Sawyer 858 2 5 1839 William ETWALL s George Maria Swan Street Servant BUCKERIDGE 859 5 5 1839 Maria SHERMAN d William Hannah Dell Labourer 25 3 1839 860 5 5 1839 Henry HUGHES s George Sarah Ram Alley Labourer 8 4 1839 861 12 5 1839 Martha COE d John Sarah Spradbury's Farm Labourer 15 4 1839 862 12 5 1839 Alfred FREEMANTLE s John Amy Headley Common Labourer 19 4 1839 863 17 5 1839 Elizabeth LANE d James Amelia George Street Black Horse 15 4 1839 Keeper 864 19 5 1839 Mary Ann HAINES d John Sarah Winchester Road Labourer 25 4 1839 865 19 5 1839 Ellen LEWIS d William Mary Ann Swan Street Draper 10 4 1839 866 21 5 1839 James HARMSWOOD s Joseph Harriet Dell Labourer 17 4 1839 867 22 5 1839 Cornelius CLARK s Charles Eunice George Street Glazier 16 4 1839 868 19 5 1839 Sarah TURNER d Daniel Mary Ecchinswell Labourer

Page 148 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 869 19 5 1839 George ELLSELY s John Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 870 19 5 1839 Eliza STRATTON d Richard Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 871 2 6 1839 Sarah HOLDAWAY d Thomas Charlotte Ecchinswell Labourer 872 9 6 1839 Ellen JEWELL d John Martha Goose Hill Labourer 873 23 6 1839 Mary Ann JACOB d John Hannah Wolverton Labourer 2 6 1839 Common 874 23 6 1839 Edward ALLEN s Charles Ann Kingsclere Bricklayer 1 6 1839 875 23 6 1839 Mary Ann SOPER d Richard Sarah Wolverton Labourer Common 876 28 6 1839 Priscilla PRISMALL d John Elizabeth Fair Oak Farmer 877 29 6 1839 Susannah HOPKINS d Charles Rebecca Swan Street Labourer 28 6 1839 878 30 6 1839 Sarah WHITE d Enos Sarah Ecchinswell Bricklayer 879 30 6 1839 Harriett TAYLOR d Robert Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 880 7 7 1839 Ellen TAYLOR d John Ann Headley Common Labourer 7 6 1839 881 7 7 1839 Hannah DANCE d John Charlotte Headley Common Labourer 4 6 1839 882 12 7 1839 Maria HANKIN d George Elizabeth Market Place Shopkeeper 883 21 7 1839 Maria NORTH d Charles Charlotte George Street Labourer 30 6 1839 884 21 7 1839 Martha SOPER d John Jane Wolverton Labourer 2 6 1839 Common 885 21 7 1839 Thomas ALLEN s Stephen Ann Sidmonton Labourer 9 6 1839 886 25 7 1839 Thomas BREADMAN s Ellen Workhouse Pauper 3 7 1839 BREADMAN 887 28 7 1839 Lucy LAWRENCE d John Mary Dell Labourer 3 7 1839 888 28 7 1839 Elizabeth LEACH d William Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 889 4 8 1839 John SMITH s Peter Joannah Ecchinswell Labourer 8 7 1839 890 4 8 1839 George HILLYER s Mary Ann Sidmonton Spinster 7 7 1839 HILLYER 891 18 8 1839 Mary SEWARD d James Jane Knowl Hill Labourer 17 7 1839 892 18 8 1839 Eliza HAYWARD d Jacob Rebecca Headley Common Labourer 893 18 8 1839 Henry SEYMOUR s Henry Hannah Swan Street Labourer 894 18 8 1839 Sophia SMITH d James Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 895 25 8 1839 Thyrsa TANNER d Thomas Avice Ecchinswell Shoemaker 29 7 1839 896 25 8 1839 George SIMPSON s Charlotte Winchester Spinster SIMPSON Turnpike Road 897 1 9 1839 David FOSTER s Thomas Sarah Dell Labourer 4 8 1839 898 8 9 1839 Martha HAWKINS d Clement Letitia Ashford Hill Labourer 899 22 9 1839 Martha ELLIOTT d William Ann Ecchinswell Bricklayer 2 9 1839 900 22 9 1839 Henry HUSSEY s William Mary Ecchinswell Labourer

Page 149 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 901 22 9 1839 Charles SMITH s Richard Hannah Fair Oak Labourer 902 25 9 1839 Ann ARCHER d Thomas Sarah North Oakley Labourer 903 4 10 1839 Louisa TYFIELD d John Louisa Nuthanger Farm Yeoman 4 9 1839 904 6 10 1839 Charlotte SEWARD d John Martha Wolverton Clock Case Common Maker 905 6 10 1839 Mary Ann RUSHEN d Joseph Hannah George Street Labourer 5 9 1839 906 6 10 1839 Louisa SMITH d Joseph Fanny Winchester Widow 1 9 1839 PILGRIM Turnpike Road 907 13 10 1839 James GUY s Thomas Ann Stratton's Farm Labourer 908 13 10 1839 Ann POCOCK d Thomas Elizabeth George Street Journeyman 14 9 1839 Sawyer 909 22 10 1839 Mary Ann ALDRIDGE d Thomas Mary Newbury Marsh Labourer 910 27 10 1839 Robert SEWARD s Richard Eliza Headley Common Blacksmith 911 27 10 1839 Frederick DRAKE s John Ann North Street Tanner 19 9 1839 William 912 10 11 1839 Robert EMMONS s Sarah Sidmonton Spinster 28 10 1839 EMMONS 913 17 11 1839 Charles BAILEY s John Mary Ashley Warren Labourer 914 19 11 1839 William ALEXANDER s Alfred Charity Workhouse Lane Miller 915 19 11 1839 George ALEXANDER s Alfred Charity Workhouse Lane Miller 916 24 11 1839 Joshua HAYWARD s Richard Mary George Street Labourer 917 28 11 1839 Charles STEPHENS s Charles Sarah Ecchinswell Carpenter 29 10 1839 918 1 12 1839 Mary Ann HAMBLIN d Adam Hannah Headley Common Butcher 919 1 12 1839 Ann PEARCE d Daniel Mary Sidmonton Labourer 20 10 1839 920 8 12 1839 Charlotte LEWIS d William Jane Folly Farm Journeyman 11 11 1839 Carpenter 921 8 12 1839 Fanny SEWARD d James Sarah George Street Labourer 18 11 1839 922 8 12 1839 Harriet Ann HOLLOWAY d Henry Charlotte Kingsclere Journeyman 8 11 1839 Carpenter 923 15 12 1839 Harriet HUNT d Henry Sarah Dell Labourer 8 11 1839 924 18 12 1839 Harriet BUTLER d William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 925 22 12 1839 John JEWELL s George Eliza Wolverton Lane Labourer 926 26 12 1839 Thomas BUCKERIDGE s Isaac Elizabeth George Street Carrier 927 2 1 1840 Elizabeth TAYLOR d Henry Lucy George Street Labourer 928 5 1 1840 Eliza BUTLER d William Ann Ashford Hill Labourer 12 12 1839 929 5 1 1840 John COOPER s William Mary Ann Fair Oak Clock Case 30 11 1839 Maker

Page 150 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 930 5 1 1840 Caroline WHITE d Amos Charlotte Ecchinswell Labourer 1 12 1839 931 5 1 1840 Hannah HILL d Richard Mary Ann Ecchinswell Sawyer 5 12 1839 932 5 1 1840 William SIBLEY s Daniel Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 23 11 1839 933 12 1 1840 James SIMPSON s Joseph Charlotte Winchester Labourer 13 12 1839 Turnpike Road 934 12 1 1840 William ARCHER s James Marie Sidmonton Farmer 935 19 1 1840 Thomas MILES s William Elizabeth Polhampton Lodge Labourer 19 12 1839

936 19 1 1840 Naomi MATTHEWS d Charles Eliza Ecchinswell Beer Shop Keeper 937 19 1 1840 William MUNDAY s Thomas Hannah Ecchinswell Shoemaker 16 12 1839 938 22 1 1840 Fanny WINEWORTH d Sarah Workhouse Pauper WINEWORTH 939 22 1 1840 Sarah Hannah BROADHURST d William Esther Workhouse Labourer 940 22 1 1840 Eliza HARRIS d Jacob Esther Workhouse Labourer 941 22 1 1840 Arthur BURBIDGE s Jonathan Mary Ann Workhouse Bricklayer 942 22 1 1840 Ann HARRIS d Jacob Esther Workhouse Labourer 943 25 1 1840 Eliza BARTLEY d Thomas Ann Dell Labourer 944 25 1 1840 Edward DRAKE s William Sarah Kingsclere Brewer 28 12 1839 Jane 945 2 2 1840 James ROLFE s Samuel Martha Dell Labourer 946 2 2 1840 Lucy HAYWARD d Charles Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 947 2 2 1840 Edwin SEWARD s James Elizabeth Ecchinswell Smith 24 12 1839 948 9 2 1840 Isaac HAYWARD s John Hannah Dell Labourer 8 1 1840 949 9 2 1840 Catharine HORTON d Thomas Elizabeth Ecchinswell Farmer 9 1 1840 Frances 950 19 2 1840 Stephen SMITH s William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 951 28 2 1840 John DUCKET s Thomas Mary George Street Labourer 952 1 3 1840 William HEDGCOCK s Charles Jane Exelsford Labourer 953 1 3 1840 William TAYLOR s William Lydia Burghclere Blacksmith 954 1 3 1840 Anthony TROUGHTON s John Minny Kingsclere Bricklayer Labourer 955 8 3 1840 Walter WHITE s Enos Sarah Bishops Green Bricklayer 11 1 1840 956 25 3 1840 James HUTCHINS s William Phebe Ashford Hill Labourer 957 29 3 1840 Lydia KERNUT d Peter Emily Hawkhurst Hill Shoemaker 8 12 1839 958 29 3 1840 Rebecca ROLFE d William Mary Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road

Page 151 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 959 5 4 1840 Mary TUCKER d Ann Headley Common Spinster TUCKER 960 5 4 1840 Emma LONG d George Maria Kingsclere Journeyman Turner 961 12 4 1840 Ellen SEWARD d Charles Charlotte George Street Blacksmith 962 12 4 1840 Edward TARGET s William Miriam George Street Labourer 963 12 4 1840 Albert BOOTH s Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Yeoman 964 12 4 1840 Ann SEWARD d Francis Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 965 26 4 1840 Agnes BENWELL d Alfred Emma Newbury Road Wheelwright 23 3 1840 966 26 4 1840 Emily MYHILL d James Ann Ashford Hill Sawyer 16 10 1839 967 26 4 1840 Charles NORTH s Edward Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 968 3 5 1840 Charles HUTCHINS s Daniel Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 969 8 5 1840 James BAGGS s James Fanny Ram Alley Domestic HILLIER Servant 970 17 5 1840 George HEDGCOCK s Isaac Letitia Exelsford Labourer 971 17 5 1840 Thomas PAICE s Thomas Eliza Pitchorn farm Labourer 972 20 5 1840 Charlotte DANCE d Sarah Woodlands Spinster DANCE 973 24 5 1840 Henry RABBITS s Richard Maria Goose Hill Labourer 974 24 5 1840 Martha LOVELOCK d Edward Mary Ann Playstow Green Labourer 975 31 5 1840 Elizabeth BROWN d Thomas Ann North Oakley Labourer 976 3 6 1840 Tryphena Jane GUNDRY d Thomas Jane Workhouse Labourer 977 14 6 1840 Alfred EDWELL s Thomas Myma Bishops Green Labourer 978 14 6 1840 Elizabeth GODDARD d James Caroline Headley Common Shoemaker 17 5 1840 Knight 979 14 6 1840 Elizabeth BLAKENEY d Thomas Elizabeth Pit House Farm Labourer 13 5 1840 980 21 6 1840 William ANDREWS s David Mary Itchenswell Labourer 981 21 6 1840 Henry HAYNES s Thomas Mary George Street George & Horn Keeper 982 5 7 1840 Mary Ann SEYMOUR d Thomas Mary Swan Street Labourer 3 5 1840 983 12 7 1840 James BROWN s Thomas Ann Headley Common Labourer 18 6 1840 984 12 7 1840 Emily Ann BATHE d David Kezia Fair Oak Carpenter 5 6 1840 William 985 19 7 1840 Mary Ann WALDRON d Robert Eliza Headley Common Labourer 986 19 7 1840 William HARMSWOOD s Joseph Mary Wolverton Labourer 21 6 1840 Common 987 26 7 1840 Mary Ann PIPER d Jane Dell Spinster PIPER 988 26 7 1840 Alfred ALDRIDGE s Henry Mary Ann Workhouse Lane Labourer 18 5 1840

Page 152 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 989 2 8 1840 Ellen MUNDAY d Philip Lucy Exelsford Labourer 990 2 8 1840 Jane LOVELL d William Elizabeth Playstow Green Labourer 5 7 1840 991 9 8 1840 Ann DARLING d Timothy Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 5 7 1840 992 16 8 1840 John WHITE s John Keturah Kingsclere Journeyman Brewer 993 16 8 1840 Olive Jane MILLER d Thomas Maria George Street Labourer 31 7 1840 994 19 8 1840 Jenetta TAYLOR d Mary Workhouse Pauper TAYLOR 995 19 8 1840 George PIERCE s Amy Workhouse Pauper PIERCE 996 21 8 1840 Ann BREWER d James Ann Pit Ecchinswell Rd Labourer

997 23 8 1840 John WEBB s Richard Eliza Holt Kingsclere Labourer 21 7 1840 Breakspear Common 998 30 8 1840 Thomas BENNET s George Sarah North Wood Labourer 999 30 8 1840 William FRY s James Hannah Ram Alley Labourer 1000 3 9 1840 Oliver FOWLER s Oliver Emma Kingsclere Surgeon Humphry 1001 6 9 1840 Thomas HOLDAWAY s Thomas Charlotte Ecchinswell Shepherd 17 8 1840 1002 6 9 1840 Patience HAWKINS d Hannah August Hill Widow 12 8 1840 HAWKINS 1003 13 9 1840 George SILBY s Henry Ann Sidmonton Labourer 1004 13 9 1840 Ann BREWER d James Ann Pit Ecchinswell Rd Labourer

1005 26 9 1840 Hannah NORTH d William Sarah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1006 4 10 1840 Charles ANDREWS s John Ann Goose Hill Labourer 1007 4 10 1840 Henrietta DALE d Henry Mary Ann George Street Tradesman 1008 4 10 1840 Fanny LEWIS d William Mary Ann Swan Street Draper 6 9 1840 1009 4 10 1840 Hannah JEFFERY d David Harriet Ashford Hill Labourer 1010 4 10 1840 Mary MAY d Daniel Sarah Ann Ashford Hill Carpenter 1011 18 10 1840 John HUNT s John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 3 9 1840 1012 30 10 1840 John PENFORD s John Emily Tuckers Hill Farmer 1013 1 11 1840 William HOBBS s George Sarah Ann Swan Street Collar Maker 1014 1 11 1840 Mary NORTH d Charles Charlotte North Oakley Labourer 1015 1 11 1840 Jane PRIOR d William Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 1016 1 11 1840 Ann HIGGS d Thomas Sarah Black Bear Labourer Cottages 1017 1 11 1840 Esther MILES d Isaac Hannah Ecchinswell Beer Shop Keeper

Page 153 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1018 28 11 1840 Daniel THOMAS s William Eliza Wolverton Labourer Common 1019 29 11 1840 Sarah PRATER d William Ann Nuthanger Farm Labourer 3 11 1840 1020 5 12 1840 Joseph HOCKLEY s Thomas Elizabeth Stratton's Farm Labourer 1021 5 12 1840 Mary HOCKLEY d Thomas Elizabeth Stratton's Farm Labourer 1022 6 12 1840 Charlotte DYER d John Christian Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 1023 6 12 1840 Ellen FOSTER d Ann Playstow Green Spinster FOSTER 1024 6 12 1840 John WEBB s Elizabeth Tan House Widow 8 11 1840 WEBB 1025 6 12 1840 Andrew TAYLOR s John Ann Headley Common Labourer 8 10 1840 1026 15 12 1840 Walter PRISMALL s Jesse Elizabeth Old Farm Farmer 1027 29 12 1840 Alexander TANNER s James Elizabeth Tower Hill Clergyman 30 11 1840 Robert 1028 3 1 1841 Harriet WOODHOUSE d William Ann Mill Green Labourer 1029 3 1 1841 George BAUGHURST s John Harriet Mill Green Labourer 8 12 1840 1030 3 1 1841 Rebecca RABBITS d Dinah Fair Oak Spinster RABBITS 1031 3 1 1841 James ELLIOTT s John Mary Ann Dell Labourer 1032 3 1 1841 Dinah ROLFE OR d John Eliza Kingsclere Labourer 28 11 1840 CUSSELL 1033 3 1 1841 Alfred GIRDLER s David Mary Headley Common Labourer 1034 10 1 1841 Andrew CRIBB s John Ann George Street Sack Maker 30 11 1840 1035 20 1 1841 Alfred DURBRIDGE s Daniel Maria Headley Common Besom Maker (?) 1036 27 1 1841 Charles HUGHES s Elizabeth Ashley Warren Domestic HUGHES Servant 1037 31 1 1841 Blandy DODD Henry Jane Swan Street Tailor 1038 31 1 1841 Richard STRATTON s Richard Mary Ecchinswell Sawyer 5 1 1841 1039 31 1 1841 William TEGG s William Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 29 12 1840 1040 7 2 1841 Ann FOSTER d Thomas Sarah Dell Labourer 1041 7 2 1841 Dorcas HIGGS d John Sarah Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1042 12 2 1841 Jane KEWELL d John Latitia Bishops Green Labourer 1043 13 2 1841 Henry DANCE s Stephen Mary Ann Playstow Green Shoemaker 1044 21 2 1841 James CUSSEL s Eliza Newbury Servant CUSSEL 1045 28 2 1841 James MONDAY s Charles Ann Exelsford Labourer 1046 28 2 1841 George HEDGECOCK s William Charlotte Exelsford Labourer 1047 7 3 1841 Andrew COVENTRY s William Elizabeth Goose Hill Labourer

Page 154 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1048 7 3 1841 Alfred ALEXANDER s Alfred Charity Workhouse Lane Journeyman Miller 1049 12 3 1841 George HUTCHINS s Daniel Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 1050 14 3 1841 Martha WATTS d David Mary Wolverton Labourer Common 1051 24 3 1841 David William AMEY s William Mary Ann Ashford Hill Shopkeeper 1052 25 3 1841 Mary Ann LONG d John Maria North Street Journeyman Tanner 1053 25 3 1841 Fanny SEYMOUR d John Harriet Ecchinswell Labourer 25 2 1841 1054 28 3 1841 Joseph HILL s Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 26 2 1841 1055 4 4 1841 Sylvia WOOFF d Emanuel Elizabeth Mill Green Labourer 3 3 1841 1056 4 4 1841 William SEWARD s Elizabeth Exelsford Domestic SEWARD Servant 1057 4 4 1841 Esther HUTCHINS d James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 1058 4 4 1841 James BOLTON s William Elizabeth Frith Labourer 1059 4 4 1841 George HARMSWORTH s Jonathan Rebecca Knowl Hill Labourer 1060 4 4 1841 Harriet LEWINGTON d Maria Kingsclere Spinster LEWINGTON 1061 23 4 1841 Charles DAY s Hannah Workhouse Pauper 1 3 1841 DAY 1062 23 4 1841 Thomas DOLLERY s Daniel Isabella Workhouse Labourer 17 2 1841 of Sidmonton 1063 11 4 1841 Sarah Ann LEWIS d William Jane Headley Common Wheelwright 1064 25 4 1841 Elizabeth Mary BLAKE d Edward Clara George Street Carpenter

1065 2 5 1841 Ann SEWARD d William Mary Exelsford Labourer 1066 2 5 1841 Jesse BATT s Jeremiah Eliza Kingsclere Anchor Inn Keeper 1067 2 5 1841 James BENNETT s Solomon Sarah Playstow Green Labourer 1068 2 5 1841 Rebecca SMITH d Edmund Sarah Frith Labourer 1069 2 5 1841 Esther CUMMINS d John Hannah Headley Common Labourer 1070 25 4 1841 Ann BREADMAN d Elizabeth Workhouse Pauper BREADMAN 1071 11 5 1841 John PLATT s John Theodosia Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 1072 26 5 1841 Esther ARCHER d Ann Workhouse Pauper 15 1 1841 ARCHER 1073 26 5 1841 Thomas ARCHER s Mary Workhouse Pauper 26 4 1841 ARCHER 1074 2 6 1841 Sarah HUSSEY d William Mary Sidmonton Labourer 20 5 1841 1075 31 5 1841 Mary RICHARDSON d Isaac Amelia Sidmonton Brick Maker 1076 1 6 1841 Emma HOLLY d William Mary Swan Street Labourer

Page 155 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1077 1 6 1841 Henry SMITH s Richard Maria George Street Labourer 1078 1 6 1841 Charles PROUT s William Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer PROUT 1079 1 6 1841 Ellen Elizabeth MYHILL d James Ann Ashford Hill Sawyer

1080 6 6 1841 James WALKER s Amelia Tower Hill Spinster WALKER 1081 6 6 1841 Fanny HAINES d John Sarah Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1082 12 6 1841 Helen HEDGES d John Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 1083 13 6 1841 Helen DRAKE d John Ann North Street Tanner 1084 13 6 1841 Charles GARRETT s William Louisa Swan Street Wheelwright 1085 20 6 1841 Hannah PRATER d Robert Eliza Ham Labourer 1086 27 6 1841 Helen WYTHE d Richard Ann Playstow Green Labourer 1087 27 6 1841 Hephzibah CLARK d Charles Eunice George Street Glazier 1088 4 7 1841 Jane TAYLOR d Robert Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1089 20 7 1841 Ellen TUBB d John Sarah Watership Farm Yeoman 1090 1 8 1841 Esther SEWARD d John Martha Wolverton Clock Case Common Maker 1091 1 8 1841 Elizabeth RABBITS d Hannah Common Spinster RABBITS 1092 1 8 1841 Andrew FOSTER s Sarah Playstow Green Domestic FOSTER Servant 1093 1 8 1841 Lucy LONG d George Maria Swan Street Journeyman Tanner 1094 1 8 1841 Emma TARGETT d John Harriet Kingsclere Journeyman Fackerican (?) 1095 1 8 1841 Charles VINCE s John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 1096 8 8 1841 Sarah Jemima KEWELL d William Sarah Ecchinswell Farmer 1097 22 9 1841 Charles CHAPMAN s Henry Hannah Workhouse Pauper 1098 25 9 1841 Mary Ann SEYMOUR d Henry Hannah Falcon St Labourer 1099 26 9 1841 Ann SEWARD d James Elizabeth Ecchinswell Smith 1100 3 10 1841 John POCOCK s Nathan Ann North Street Labourer 1101 10 10 1841 Sarah HUSSEY d William Mary Swan Street Labourer 1102 24 10 1841 Mary Ann PIPER d Isaac Hannah Shepherd 1103 24 10 1841 Mary Ann COPPERWAITE d Charlotte Ecchinswell Spinster COPPERWAITE 1104 17 10 1841 Lucy SEWARD d Richard Eliza Headley Common Blacksmith 1105 6 11 1841 Elizabeth THATCHER d Robert Mary Fair Oak Labourer

Page 156 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1106 7 11 1841 George SOPER s John Jane Fair Oak Labourer 1107 7 11 1841 Thomas ADAMS s James Sarah Sparkland Middx Gentleman's (?) Coachman 1108 7 11 1841 Jacob BLUNDEN s James Mary Star Public House PH Keeper

1109 7 11 1841 James WOODHOUSE s Hannah Swan Street Pauper WOODHOUSE 1110 7 11 1841 Thomas DRY s George Sarah Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1111 7 11 1841 George TURNER s Daniel Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 1112 20 11 1841 William CHERRILL s John Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1113 28 11 1841 Charles SPICER s William Rebecca Hannington Labourer 1114 5 12 1841 Henry COLLINS s David Mary Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1115 5 12 1841 Caroline VERNEY d Henry Elizabeth Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1116 5 12 1841 Mary Jane SEWARD d Thomas Jane Ecchinswell Shoemaker 1117 8 12 1841 Mary Ann BARTLEY d Elizabeth Workhouse Pauper BARTLEY 1118 5 12 1841 George LOUT s Rebecca Wolverton Lane Widow LOUT 1119 2 1 1842 Charles SMITH s William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 1120 4 1 1842 James NORTH s Thomas Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 1121 5 1 1842 William Joe DUDLEY s George Frances Swan Street Suprintendent Sayer Rural Police 1122 5 1 1842 Sarah PIERCE d John Mary Ann Ashley Warren Labourer 1123 5 1 1842 Therese WORDLEYS d Ann Ecchinswell Spinster WORDLEYS 1124 23 1 1842 John RUMBOLD s John Caroline Ecchinswell Yeoman 1125 23 1 1842 Thomas TAYLOR s James Elizabeth Ashley Warren Labourer 1126 30 1 1842 Harriet Ann FOWLER d Joseph Sarah George Street Shepherd 1127 31 1 1842 James ALDRIDGE s Henry Mary Ann Nutkins Labourer 1128 27 1 1842 Charles BRIANT s Jesse Eliza Workhouse Pauper 1129 30 1 1842 Hannah Marie TIDBURY d David Phoebe Ecchinswell Labourer 1130 31 1 1842 Thomas POWERS s William Sarah Swan Street Labourer 1131 2 2 1842 Martha TROUGHTON d John Minny Kingsclere Labourer 1132 2 2 1842 Henry HARRIS s George Letitia Workhouse Pauper 1133 6 2 1842 Emily BUTLER d Charles Rebecca Ashford Hill Labourer 1134 6 2 1842 Charlotte HUTCHINS d William Phebe Ashford Hill Labourer

Page 157 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1135 6 2 1842 Mary Jane LEWIS d William Mary Anne Swan Street Draper

1136 20 2 1842 Amy Julia FIFIELD d John Amy Ham Yeoman Louisa 1137 20 2 1842 Ann STREET d Charles Susannah Ecchinswell Labourer 1138 20 2 1842 Harriet Jane STEPHENS d Charles Sarah Ecchinswell Carpenter 1139 20 2 1842 Sarah PIERCE d John Mary Ann Ashley Warren Labourer 1140 27 2 1842 James HAYWARD s Charles Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 1143 6 3 1842 James COOPER s William Mary Ann Fair Oak Reading Carrier 1141 6 3 1842 Andrew DOLTON s David Hannah Pitchorn Farm Labourer 1142 6 3 1842 Emma COOK d Deborah Workhouse Lane Domestic COOK Servant 1144 8 3 1842 John BAGGS s James Fanny Newbury Road Labourer 1145 10 3 1842 Henry Thomas BROADHURST s William Esther Workhouse Pauper 1146 10 3 1842 James Andrew HARRIS s Martha Workhouse Pauper HARRIS

1147 10 3 1842 Rebecca RABBITS d Sarah Workhouse Pauper RABBITS 1148 13 3 1842 Eliza DARLING d Timothy Elizabeth Ashford Hill Labourer 1149 23 3 1842 James GODDARD s William Maria Workhouse Pauper 1150 27 3 1842 Mary Ann ROLFE d Samuel Martha Dell Labourer 1151 27 3 1842 Charles WOODLEY s Thomas Caroline Ecchinswell Thatcher 1152 27 3 1842 Ellen ELLIOTT d William Mary Ann Sidmonton Labourer 1153 3 4 1842 Jane BLAKENEY d Thomas Elizabeth North Street Labourer 1154 3 4 1842 Henry ROLFE s John Eliza Dell Labourer 1155 3 4 1842 Ellen ELLIOTT d John Mary Dell Labourer 1156 3 4 1842 Walter HEDGCOCK s Charles Jane Exelsford Labourer 1157 6 4 1842 Henry RUDDLE s Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Farmer 1158 10 4 1842 Sarah Ann PRISMALL d David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 1159 15 4 1842 James MOORE s William Barbara Ashford Hill Labourer 1160 22 4 1842 George SEWARD s Charles Charlotte George Street Blacksmith 1161 1 5 1842 James JEWELL s William Harriet Wolverton Lane Labourer 1162 1 5 1842 Mary Jane WHITE d John Keturah Falcon St Labourer 1163 1 5 1842 Charles HUTCHINS s Daniel Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 1164 17 5 1842 Jane GODDARD d Henry Ann Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 1165 17 5 1842 George GODDARD s Henry Ann Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 1166 17 5 1842 Harriet Ann TAYLOR d Henry Lucy George Street Labourer

Page 158 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1167 17 5 1842 Avice TANNER d Thomas Avice Ecchinswell Shoemaker 1168 17 5 1842 Emma ANDREWS d Giles Mary Sydmonton Labourer 1169 26 5 1842 George MARTIN s Thomas Mary Dell Labourer 1170 27 5 1842 Eliza WELMAN d Thomas Sarah Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 1171 29 5 1842 Sarah MUNDAY d William Susannah Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1172 1 6 1842 Jane WEST d Ann Workhouse Pauper WEST 1173 1 6 1842 Richard WYATT s Hannah Workhouse Pauper WYATT 1174 29 5 1842 Mary BOOTH d Joshua Mary Ecchinswell Farmer 1175 5 6 1842 Ruth HARMSWOOD d Joseph Harriet Dell Labourer 1176 5 6 1842 Alfred TAYLOR s John Ann Headley Common Labourer 1177 5 6 1842 Thomas COOPER s James Maria Headley Common Labourer 1178 5 6 1842 Sarah MAY d Daniel Sarah Ann Ashford Hill Carpenter 1179 5 6 1842 Fanny ANDREWS d William Lucy Ecchinswell Labourer 1180 14 6 1842 Fanny BLAKE d Edward Clara George Street Carpenter 1181 26 6 1842 Charles GUNTER s Thomas Mary Ashford Hill Farmer 1182 27 6 1842 James NORTH s Edward Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 1183 29 6 1842 Daniel DINES s Joseph Ann Headley Common Labourer 1184 3 7 1842 Charlotte SMITH d Richard Hannah Goose Hill Labourer 1185 3 7 1842 George MARSHALL s John Sarah Ashford Hill Labourer 1186 7 7 1842 George OWEN s James Sarah Harrow PH Bricklayer 1187 10 7 1842 Jane FOSBURY d James Mary Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 1188 17 7 1842 Harriet Ann LOVELL d William Elizabeth George Street Labourer 1189 17 7 1842 Matilda BENWELL d Alfred Emma Newbury Road Wheelwright 1190 13 7 1842 Sarah PIPER d Martha Workhouse Pauper PIPER 1191 20 7 1842 Robert Church PLATT s John Theodosia Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 1192 22 7 1842 Eliza CUMMINS d Robert Maria Exelsford Labourer 1193 26 7 1842 Henry HUNT s Henry Mary Headley Common Labourer 1194 29 7 1842 Matilda HANKIN d George Elizabeth Market Place Baker Frances Jane 1195 7 8 1842 Ellen SMITH d Harriet Summershurst Domestic SMITH Green Servant 1196 7 8 1842 David ALDRIDGE s Henry Mary Ann Headley Common Labourer 1197 3 8 1842 Anna Maria KEWELL d Anna Ecchinswell Spinster KEWELL 1198 3 8 1842 Elizabeth Ann PONTIN d George Louisa Sidmonton Labourer

Page 159 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1199 17 8 1842 Henry William FOWLER s Oliver Emma Swan Street Surgeon JOHNSON John Mary 1200 27 8 1842 Elizabeth CORK d Frederick Charlotte Market Place Shoemaker Patience 1201 28 8 1842 Robert HAYNES s Thomas Mary George & Horn PH Keeper 1202 28 8 1842 Clara GODDARD d James Caroline Headley Common Shoemaker 1203 25 9 1842 Maria ROLFE d Samuel Hannah George Street Labourer 1204 30 9 1842 Henry FOSTER s Thomas Sarah Playstow Green Labourer 1205 3 10 1842 Ellen WOOLDRIDGE d George Sarah Dell Labourer STEVENS 1206 5 10 1842 Fanny COE d Daniel Eliza Playstow Green Labourer 1207 10 10 1842 Charlotte MILLER d Thomas Anna Falcon St Labourer Maria 1208 16 10 1842 Ellen Jane ARCHER d James Maria Sydmonton Farmer 1209 30 10 1842 Charles DANCE s Louisa Common Spinster DANCE 1210 6 11 1842 John FREEMANTLE s John Amy Headley Common Labourer 1211 8 11 1842 Martha DUCKET d Thomas Mary Dell Labourer 1212 13 11 1842 Elizabeth HERBERT d William Elizabeth Falcon Inn Inn Keeper & Elenor Bricklayer 1213 17 11 1842 George BREWER s James Charlotte Ashford Hill Shoemaker 1214 17 11 1842 Lucy PRIOR d William Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 1215 21 11 1842 Ellen Elizabeth SMITH d Richard Maria Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1216 25 11 1842 Anthony CURR s Thomas Eliza Edmondstrip Malt Shopkeeper House 1217 27 11 1842 Rebecca TROUGHTON d Charles Susannah Dell Labourer 1218 27 11 1842 William ANDREWS s John Ann Headley Common Farmer 1219 3 12 1842 Fanny Lewis SEWARD d Mary Anne George Street Spinster SEWARD 1220 4 12 1842 James HARRIS s John Hannah Dell Labourer 1221 6 12 1842 David PIPER s Harriet Ashford Hill Spinster PIPER 1222 7 12 1842 William JOYCE s Elizabeth Workhouse Pauper JOYCE of East Woodhay 1223 18 12 1842 Rebecca RABBITS d Richard Maria Goose Hill Labourer 1224 18 12 1842 Sarah Dorcas HIGGS d John Sarah Winchester Road Labourer 1225 18 12 1842 George SILVEY s Daniel Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1226 26 12 1842 Mary BLAKE d James Charlotte Basing Berks Carpenter 1227 27 12 1842 John HARMSWORTH s Joseph Mary Wolverton Labourer Common

Page 160 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1228 25 12 1842 Ann STRATTON d Richard Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 1229 1 1 1843 William FRENCH s William Maria Cottage Newbury Journeyman Road Tanner 1230 1 1 1843 Alfred ALDRIDGE s George Caroline Swan Street Labourer 1231 1 1 1843 Charles WEBB s James Harriet Mill Green Labourer 1232 1 1 1843 Josiah RABBITS s Robert Eliza Wolverton Labourer Common 1233 1 1 1843 Sarah Ann TAYLOR d Charles Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 1234 8 1 1843 Agnes BROWN d Ann Kingsclere Domestic Wyatt Servant 1235 10 1 1843 Jane Tubb GODDARD d William Harriet George Street Labourer 1236 15 1 1843 Samuel HUNT s John Sarah Ecchinswell Labourer 1237 22 1 1843 Ann GARRETT d Thomas Ann Labourer 1238 22 1 1843 William SMITH s David Sarah Headley Common Carpenter 1239 22 1 1843 Hannah WINTERBOURN d James Letitia Parsonage Farm Labourer 1240 29 1 1843 Elizabeth DODD d Henry Jane Swan Street Tailor Sarah 1241 5 2 1843 James PIPER s William Maria Dell Labourer 1242 8 2 1843 John SMITH s Hannah Workhouse Pauper SMITH of Burghclere 1243 10 2 1843 Ann BAGGS d James Fanny Newbury Road Labourer 1244 12 2 1843 Edward LOVELOCK s Edward Mary Ann Playstow Green Labourer 1245 12 2 1843 Richard SIMPSON s Charlotte Workhouse Pauper SIMPSON 1246 17 2 1843 Henry TARGET s William Miriam North Street Labourer 1247 17 2 1843 Joseph HAYWARD s John Hannah Dell Labourer 1248 19 2 1843 Henry PROUT s George Sarah Swan Street Labourer 1249 19 2 1843 Elizabeth SEWARD d James Sarah George Street Labourer 1250 19 2 1843 George POCOCK s Nathaniel Ann North Street Labourer 1251 26 2 1843 Lucy ANDREWS d David Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1252 26 2 1843 Charles SMITH s John Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 1253 26 2 1843 Sarah Maria BENDLE d Thomas Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 1254 5 3 1843 Emmanuel WOOFF s Emmanuel Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer

1255 5 3 1843 William WOODHOUSE s Hannah Ram Alley Spinster WOODHOUSE 1256 19 3 1843 Elizabeth WATTS d Rebecca Frith Spinster WATTS 1257 19 3 1843 Emma DRAKE d John Ann North Street Tanner

Page 161 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1258 26 3 1843 John BATT s Jeremiah Eliza Kingsclere Anchor Inn Keeper 1259 26 3 1843 Sarah SEWARD d Francis Jane Ecchinswell Journeyman Blacksmith 1260 2 4 1843 George ALDRIDGE s William Leah Upper House Farm Labourer

1261 2 4 1843 Isaac HOCKLEY s Thomas Elizabeth Stratton's Farm Shepherd 1262 2 4 1843 Henry TARGET s William Miriam North Street Labourer 1263 4 4 1843 Elizabeth JEFFERY d David Harriet Ashford Hill Labourer 1264 9 4 1843 Maria RICHARDSON d Isaac Amelia Sidmonton Labourer 1265 23 4 1843 William LEWIS s William Jane Headley Common Carpenter 1266 26 4 1843 Harriet HUGHES d Charles Hannah Workhouse Labourer of Ecchinswell 1267 26 4 1843 William PEARCE s Charlotte Workhouse Pauper PEARCE of Parish 1268 30 4 1843 Ann HEDGCOCK d Isaac Letitia Exelsford Labourer 1269 7 5 1843 Joseph NORTH s Charles Charlotte North Oakley Labourer 1270 14 5 1843 Jane Batting LAWRENCE d Richard Isabella Workhouse Lane Labourer 1271 14 5 1843 Rachel PORTSMOUTH d Charles Caroline Dell Labourer 1272 14 5 1843 Sarah HITCHCOCK d William Charlotte Exelsford Labourer 1273 15 5 1843 Charles BARNES s William Amelia Headley Common Labourer 1274 21 5 1843 Hannah MARCHAM d John Ann Fair Oak Labourer 1275 21 5 1843 Martha MARCHAM d John Ann Fair Oak Labourer 1276 28 5 1843 Ellen HUNT d Henry Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 1277 28 5 1843 Rachel CUMMINS d John Hannah Goose Hill Labourer 1278 28 5 1843 Walter MAYERS s Thomas Sally Ram Alley Labourer 1279 28 5 1843 William HURST s George Eliza Headley Common Groom 1280 3 6 1843 Alfred COVENTRY s William Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 1281 6 6 1843 Maria HUTCHINS d Daniel Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 1282 7 6 1843 Thomas HUGHES s Thomas Susannah Workhouse Labourer of Hannington 1283 7 6 1843 Jane RAMPTON d Diana Workhouse Pauper RAMPTON of Tadley Parish 1284 16 6 1843 Walter OWENS s James Sarah Harrow PH Bricklayer 1285 25 6 1843 Fanny LONG d George Maria Newbury Marsh Journeyman Tanner 1286 25 6 1843 Frederick PEATY s William Eliza Workhouse Workhouse Gibson Porter 1287 25 6 1843 George ALDRIDGE s Jane Ecchinswell Domestic ALDRIDGE Servant

Page 162 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1288 2 7 1843 Emma POCOCK d Francis Sarah Ann George Street Sack Weaver 1289 2 7 1843 Daniel WOODLEY s Thomas Caroline Ecchinswell Labourer 1290 8 7 1843 Edward DURBRIDGE s Daniel Maria Headley Common Besom Maker 1291 9 7 1843 Matilda MYHILL d James Ann Ashford Hill Sawyer Frances 1292 9 7 1843 Caleb BLUNDEN s James Mary Star Public House PH Keeper 1293 16 7 1843 Elmer HITCHCOCK s Ambrose Hannah Ashford Hill Labourer 1294 23 7 1843 Sarah DYER d John Christian Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 1295 26 7 1843 John BROWN s Thomas Ann Goose Hill Labourer 1296 26 7 1843 Hannah BROWN d Thomas Ann Goose Hill Labourer 1297 30 7 1843 Rebecca GIRDLER d David Mary Common Labourer 1298 30 7 1843 Charles NIGHTINGALE s Jane Ecchinswell Spinster NIGHTINGALE 1299 6 8 1843 George SEWARD s Richard Eliza Headley Common Blacksmith Hawkins 1300 6 8 1843 Emily ILLSLEY d John Jane Ecchinswell Labourer 1301 6 8 1843 Robert HILL s Richard Marianne Ecchinswell Labourer 1302 13 8 1843 Ann BROWN d James Martha Headley Common Labourer 1303 13 8 1843 Elizabeth GODDARD d James Jane Dell Labourer 1304 20 8 1843 Charles HESSEY s William Mary Ecchinswell Labourer 1305 27 8 1843 Harriet LANE d Thomas Ann Headley Common Labourer 1306 27 8 1843 Emma EVANS d Isaac Jane Stratton's Farm Labourer 1307 27 8 1843 George BUTT s George Catharine Ashford Hill Sawyer 1308 27 8 1843 George BRIDGMAN s Stephen Keziah Dell Labourer 1309 29 8 1843 Emma GUY d Harriet Headley Common Spinster GUY 1310 3 9 1843 Thomas TAYLOR s Robert Elizabeth Ecchinswell Labourer 1311 16 9 1843 John MUNDAY s Charles Ann Exelsford Labourer 1312 16 9 1843 Vashti SEWARD d John Martha Wolverton Clock Case Common Maker 1313 16 9 1843 Rhoda SEWARD d John Martha Wolverton Clock Case Common Maker 1314 19 9 1843 John RUDDLE s Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Yeoman 1315 27 9 1843 Emma NORTH d Sarah Workhouse Pauper NORTH 1316 27 9 1843 Francis MOORE s Francis Susannah Bath Gentleman visting Sidmonton House 1317 1 10 1843 George VERNEY s Henry Elizabeth Winchester Road Labourer 1318 1 10 1843 Henry SEWARD s William Mary Pit House Farm Labourer

Page 163 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1319 1 10 1843 William POWERS s William Sarah Swan Street Bricklayer 1320 1 10 1843 John CRIPPS s William Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 1321 8 10 1843 Caroline GIRDLER d William Hannah Headley Common Labourer 1322 8 10 1843 John SMITH s John Mary Ann Bear Cottages Labourer 1323 8 10 1843 Frederick JEWELL s John Martha Headley Common Labourer 1324 8 10 1843 Mary Ann PEARSON d Henry Emma Speen Gardener visting Kingsclere 1325 10 10 1843 Thomas LOUT s Rebecca Wolverton Lane Widow LOUT 1326 15 10 1843 Thomas THATCHER s Robert Mary Fair Oak Labourer 1327 22 10 1843 William RUMBOLD s John Caroline Ecchinswell Farmer 1328 4 11 1843 Elizabeth HARRIS d George Harriet Kingsclere Labourer 1329 5 11 1843 George SIMPSON s Joseph Charlotte Winchester Road Labourer 1330 5 11 1843 Mark WICKENS s Stephen Harriet Headley Common Labourer 1331 5 11 1843 Daniel WOODHOUSE s William Ann Headley Common Labourer 1332 10 11 1843 Harriet MUNDAY d Robert Sarah Fair Oak Farmer 1333 12 11 1843 Louisa Ann SHERRIN d Henry Jane George Street Farmer Bailiff 1334 12 11 1843 Alfred WALDRON s Job Hannah Headley Common Labourer 1335 19 11 1843 Ellen PAICE d Thomas Eliza Pithorn Farm Labourer 1336 19 11 1843 James HUTCHINS s James Mary Ashford Hill Labourer 1337 26 11 1843 Benjamin CLARK s Charles Eunice Kingsclere Glazier 1338 26 11 1843 Sarah Hannah AYERS d Edmund Sarah Hurstbourn Priors Groom 1339 5 12 1843 Hannah CHAPMAN d Henry Hannah Workhouse Labourer 1340 5 12 1843 Emma GUY d Harriet Workhouse Spinster GUY 1341 5 12 1843 Ann HEDGES d Eliza Workhouse Spinster HEDGES of Hannington 1342 10 12 1843 Thomas GUNTER s Thomas Mary Riding's Farm Farmer 1343 17 12 1843 Charles HARMSWOOD s Joseph Mary Dell Labourer 1344 18 12 1843 Thomas HAYWARD s Jacob Rebecca Headley Common Labourer 1345 24 12 1843 Thomas BURGESS s John Sarah Bishops Green Journeyman Painter 1346 25 12 1843 James HOBBS s George Sarah Swan Street Collar Maker 1347 31 12 1843 Fanny COLLINS d David Mary Winchester Road Labourer 1348 31 12 1843 John HARMSWORTH s Jonathan Rebecca Knowl Hill Labourer 1349 1 1 1844 Elizabeth PLATT d John Theodosia Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 1350 8 1 1844 Mary PROUT d David Deborah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1351 8 1 1844 Edward ALLEN s Alexander Eliza Kingsclere Bricklayer 1352 9 1 1844 John BALDING s William Elizabeth Humber's Marsh Wharfinger (?)

Page 164 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1353 10 1 1844 William HAWKINS s Ann Workhouse Pauper HAWKINS of Baughurst Parish 1354 7 1 1844 Elizabeth BAILEY d John Mary Ann Ecchinswell Labourer 1355 14 1 1844 Ann PRATER d Robert Eliza Ecchinswell Labourer 1356 17 1 1844 Sarah FOSTER d Thomas Sarah Headley Common Shoemaker 1357 21 1 1844 Mary Ann ETWALL d Thomas Minah Ecchinswell Labourer 1358 24 1 1844 Isabella DOLLERY d Daniel Isabella Workhouse Pauper of Sidmonton Parish 1359 28 1 1844 Sarah BAGGS d James Fanny Newbury Road Labourer 1360 28 1 1844 Harriet SMITH d Edmund Sarah Frith Lane Labourer 1361 28 1 1844 Sarah BLAKENEY d Thomas Elizabeth North Street Labourer 1362 11 2 1844 Henry GIRDLER s Andrew Sarah Common Labourer 1363 12 2 1844 William TAYLOR s George Sophia Polhampton Farm Labourer 1364 18 2 1844 Esther DINES d Joseph Ann Headley Common Labourer 1365 18 2 1844 George NORTH s Edward Letitia Newbury Road Labourer 1366 18 2 1844 George GARRETT s William Louisa Swan Street Wheelwright 1367 23 2 1844 Charles Edwin CURTIS s Charles Mary Ann Swan Street Gentleman GREENWAY Edwin 1368 28 2 1844 Robert BREADMAN s Ellen Workhouse Widow Pauper BREADMAN of Highclere Parish 1369 3 3 1844 Thomas CHERRILL s John Sarah George Street Labourer 1370 17 3 1844 Mary Ann LONG d Richard Ann George Street Labourer 1371 21 3 1844 William OWENS s James Sarah Harrow PH Bricklayer 1372 21 3 1844 Amelia SMITH d William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 1373 24 3 1844 John POCOCK s Thomas Elizabeth Winchester Road Labourer 1374 24 3 1844 James WYTHE s James Sarah Playstow Green Labourer 1375 24 3 1844 Mary Jane ROLFE d Rebecca Dell Spinster ROLFE 1376 6 4 1844 Mary Ann HAYWARD d Charles Mary Dell Labourer 1377 14 4 1844 Jacob SOPER s John Jane Fair Oak Labourer 1378 14 4 1844 William COOPER s William Mary Ann Fair Oak Clock Case Maker 1379 4 5 1844 Charles FOSTER s Thomas Sarah Playstow Green Labourer 1380 5 5 1844 Mary Ann HAYWARD d Charles Mary Dell Labourer 1381 12 5 1844 Walter Barry HARVEY s David Martha Swan Street Suprintendent BARRY Rural Police 1382 12 5 1844 George RABBITS s Robert Eliza Wolverton Labourer Common 1383 12 5 1844 Caleb ELLIOTT s John Mary Dell Labourer 1384 12 5 1844 Hannah COE d Daniel Eliza Playstow Green Labourer

Page 165 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1385 19 5 1844 William West GAPPER s Thomas Mary Winchester Linen Draper visiting Kingsclere Frances 1386 19 5 1844 James DANCE s Louisa Spradbury's Farm Spinster DANCE 1387 19 5 1844 George ALDRIDGE s George Caroline Swan Street Labourer 1388 19 5 1844 Jacob ALDRIDGE s Henry Mary Ann Swan Street Labourer 1389 28 5 1844 Clara Jane BLAKE d Edward Clara Jane visting Kingsclere Carpenter

1390 28 5 1844 George SEYMOUR s Thomas Mary Black Bear Labourer Cottages 1391 28 5 1844 James WALDRON s Robert Eliza Mill Green Labourer 1392 5 6 1844 Richard BUTLER s John Sarah Catt's Malt House Maltster 1393 9 6 1844 David DREWETT s Thomas Jane Dell Labourer 1394 20 6 1844 Frederick WINTER s Joseph Kezia Workhouse Pauper 1395 23 6 1844 Henry Thomas MILLER s Thomas Maria Swan Street Labourer 1396 23 6 1844 George SEYMOUR s Henry Hannah Swan Street Labourer 1397 23 6 1844 Stephen NORTH s Charles Charlotte North Oakley Labourer 1398 24 6 1844 Ann ROLFE d Thomas Emma Dell Labourer 1399 30 6 1844 Selina TARGET d John Harriet Kingsclere Sack Weaver 1400 30 6 1844 James WYTHE s Richard Ann George Street Labourer 1401 14 7 1844 Thomas FOSTER s Sarah Ram Alley Spinster FOSTER 1402 19 7 1844 Elizabeth Mary GREEN d William Hannah George Street Shopkeeper

1403 21 7 1844 Agnes ADAMS d James Sarah Southgate Inn Keeper visiting Kingsclere 1404 12 8 1844 Richard HEDGES s John Elizabeth Wolverton Labourer Common 1405 15 8 1844 Rosa Alice HANKIN d George Elizabeth Kingsclere Shopkeeper 1406 18 8 1844 Charlotte SEWARD d Charles Charlotte George Street Blacksmith Emma 1407 21 8 1844 Edwin ROSE s Maria Workhouse Pauper ROSE 1408 21 8 1844 James SEWARD s Mary Workhouse Pauper SEWARD 1409 25 8 1844 George HAYNES s Thomas Mary George Street PH Keeper 1410 25 8 1844 David FOSTER s Charles Martha Ram Alley Labourer 1411 8 9 1844 Elizabeth MILES d Charles Emma Winchester Road Labourer Emma 1412 15 9 1844 Dennis BRIDGMAN s Daniel Eliza Nutkins Labourer

Page 166 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1413 22 9 1844 Emma DURBRIDGE d Daniel Maria Headley Common Besom Maker (?) 1414 22 9 1844 Amelia HAMBLIN d Adam Hannah Edmondstrip Brick Shopkeeper Kiln 1415 29 9 1844 Charles HAZEL s Eliza Woodlands Spinster HAZEL 1416 29 9 1844 Lucy WATTS d David Mary Wolverton Labourer Common 1417 29 9 1844 Fanny BITMEAD d Richard Eliza Dell Labourer 1418 6 10 1844 Mary Ann ROLFE d John Eliza Dell Labourer 1419 13 10 1844 Charles MAY s Daniel Sarah Humber's Marsh Carpenter 1420 13 10 1844 Jacob SMITH s Henry Eliza Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1421 20 10 1844 Henry ROLFE s Samuel Martha Dell Labourer 1422 3 11 1844 Harriet BENNET d Solomon Sarah Swan Street Labourer 1423 9 11 1844 Charles WOOFF s Emanuel Elizabeth Mill Green Labourer 1424 10 11 1844 Ellen LONG d George Maria Newbury Marsh Labourer 1425 13 11 1844 William TAYLOR s Hannah Workhouse Pauper TAYLOR Edward 1426 13 11 1844 Emma Ann RABBITS d Charlotte Workhouse Pauper RABBITS 1427 17 11 1844 Sarah BENWELL d Alfred Emma Newbury Road Carpenter 1428 17 11 1844 Elizabeth BOLTON d William Elizabeth Frith Farm Labourer 1429 24 11 1844 Kate GODDARD d James Caroline Headley Common Shoemaker 1430 8 12 1844 Elizabeth HUTCHINS d Daniel Jane Ashford Hill Labourer 1431 8 12 1844 Fanny SEWARD d William Charlotte Baughurst Collar Maker visting Kingsclere 1432 22 12 1844 Alice FOSTER d Thomas Elizabeth Holdrip Hill Beer Shop Keeper 1433 28 12 1844 Jane HERBERT d William Elizabeth Falcon Inn Inn Keeper 1434 26 1 1845 Mary GUNTER d Thomas Mary Riding's Farm Farmer 1435 26 1 1845 Susanna LANE d Thomas Ann Woodlands Labourer 1436 26 1 1845 Harriet LOVELL d William Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1437 2 2 1845 Charlotte JEWELL d William Harriet Wolverton Lane Labourer 1438 9 2 1845 Mary TROUGHTON d John Minny near Falcon Inn Labourer 1439 9 2 1845 James RABBITS s Richard Maria Goose Hill Labourer 1440 16 2 1845 Sarah Ann WICKENS d Stephen Harriet Headley Common Labourer 1441 2 3 1845 James William BLAKE s James Charlotte Visting Kingsclere Carpenter

Page 167 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1442 2 3 1845 Ellen BREWER d John Mary Ann Pit Ecchinswell Rd Labourer

1443 2 3 1845 William HARRIS s John Hannah Dell Labourer 1444 2 3 1845 Henry DANCE s John Ann Headley Common Labourer 1445 2 3 1845 William LEWIS s William Mary Ann Swan Street Draper George 1446 9 3 1845 Alfred ALDRIDGE s William Leah Upper House Farm Labourer

1447 9 3 1845 Charles MATTINGLEY s Charles Jane Dell Labourer Richard 1448 30 3 1845 Emily HAYWARD d John Hannah Dell Labourer 1449 30 3 1845 Elizabeth MUNDAY d William Susan Swan Street Labourer 1450 2 4 1845 William SMITH s Richard Maria Winchester Road Labourer 1451 5 4 1845 Christian OWENS d James Sarah Harrow PH Bricklayer 1452 6 4 1845 James PROUT s George Sarah Swan Street Labourer 1453 6 4 1845 William SMITH s John Mary Ann Bear Cottages Labourer 1454 13 4 1845 Ellen WHITE d John Ketura Kingsclere Labourer 1455 19 4 1845 Eliza SEWARD d James Jane Knowl Hill Labourer 1456 25 4 1845 Henry Joseph FRY s James Hannah Ram Alley Labourer 1457 11 5 1845 Keturah Maria PRIOR d William Ann Swan Street Shopkeeper & Baker 1458 25 5 1845 Joseph LOVELOCK s Edward Mary Ann Playstow Green Labourer 1459 1 6 1845 Mary Jane BUTT d George Catherine Ashford Hill Sawyer 1460 1 6 1845 Albert BATTEN s Eleazar Susannah Stackhouse Farm Farmer Cokesley 1461 8 6 1845 George EDWARDS s William Joanna Dell Labourer 1462 15 6 1845 Ann BATT d Jeremiah Eliza Anchor Inn Inn Keeper 1463 15 6 1845 George HAYWARD s Jacob Rebecca Woodlands Labourer 1464 13 7 1845 William ROLFE s John Eliza White Hill Warren Labourer 1465 20 7 1845 George SEWARD s John Martha Woodlands Clock Case Maker 1466 20 7 1845 David FOSTER s Thomas Sarah Woodlands Labourer 1467 22 7 1845 Fanny PLATT d John Theodosia Cannon Heath Yeoman Farm 1468 25 7 1845 Ellen TROUGHTON d Charles Susannah Kingsclere Labourer 1469 27 7 1845 Jane MILLER d Thomas Mary Ann Woodlands Labourer

Page 168 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1470 27 7 1845 Caroline SMITH d Daniel Sarah Headley Farm Carpenter 1471 27 7 1845 William VERNEY s Henry Elizabeth Winchester Road Labourer 1472 27 7 1845 George JEFFERY s David Harriet Ashford Hill Labourer 1473 3 8 1845 Joseph LONG s John Maria North Street Journeyman Tanner 1474 13 8 1845 Sarah RUDDLE d Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Farmer 1475 17 8 1845 James WEBB s Elizabeth Tan House Lane Labourer's WEBB Widow 1476 17 8 1845 Mary WEBB d Daniel Martha Dell Labourer 1477 29 8 1845 Emily FOWLER d Oliver Emma Swan Street Surgeon JOHNSTON Mary 1478 29 8 1845 Ann FOWLER d Oliver Emma Swan Street Surgeon JOHNSTON Mary 1479 1 9 1845 Mark HAWKINS s Clement Letitia Ashford Hill Labourer 1480 14 9 1845 Ann SMITH d Richard Hannah Goose Hill Labourer 1481 14 9 1845 Elizabeth DRY d George Harriet Dell Labourer 1482 6 10 1845 Richard WORDHOUSE s Mary Mill Green Spinster WORDHOUSE 1483 8 10 1845 Thomas DOLLERY s Sarah Kingsclere Domestic DOLLERY Servant 1484 12 10 1845 John Stevens MYHILL s James Ann Ashford Hill Sawyer 1485 19 10 1845 Emily LEWIS d George Charlotte Kingsclere Shoemaker 1486 19 10 1845 Emily CUMMINS d Robert Maria Exelsford Labourer 1487 19 10 1845 Elizabeth PORTSMOUTH d William Eliza West End Cottage Labourer 1488 2 11 1845 Jane WOOFF d Emanuel Elizabeth Headley Common Labourer 1489 16 11 1845 Hannah WYTHE d James Sarah Playstow Green Labourer 1490 23 11 1845 Thomas BROWN s Thomas Ann Woodlands Labourer 1491 23 11 1845 George DANCE s Stephen Mary Ann Playstow Green Labourer 1492 23 11 1845 Hannah SMITH d William Charlotte Ashford Hill Labourer 1493 23 11 1845 William THATCHER s Robert Mary Fair Oak Labourer 1494 10 12 1845 John NORTH s Edward Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 1495 14 12 1845 Elizabeth MEGGS d Henry Mary North Street Labourer 1496 28 12 1845 Elizabeth PORTSMOUTH d Charles Caroline Kingsclere Labourer 1497 4 1 1846 Alfred BREWER s Cornelius Mary Ann Tower Hill Shopman Frederick 1498 16 1 1846 Charles ELLIOTT s John Mary Dell Labourer 1499 18 1 1846 Mary THATCHER d Sarah Pit House Farm Domestic THATCHER

Page 169 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1500 25 1 1846 Esther NEW d Charlotte Woodlands Spinster NEW 1501 1 2 1846 George COE s Daniel Eliza Playstow Green Labourer 1502 15 2 1846 Ann PROUT d David Deborah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1503 8 2 1846 Keziah PRISMALL d David Mary Porch Farm Farmer 1504 22 2 1846 Ellen POCOCK d Nathaniel Ann North Street Labourer 1505 22 2 1846 Mary BLAKENLY d Thomas Elizabeth North Street Labourer 1506 1 3 1846 Mary Ann WICKENS d Stephen Harriet Woodlands Labourer 1507 8 3 1846 James DYER s John Christian Hawkhurst Hill Labourer 1508 8 3 1846 Alice Eliza SMITH d Harriet Woodlands Spinster SMITH 1509 15 3 1846 Jane HARMSWOOD d Jonathan Rebecca Knowl Hill Labourer 1510 19 3 1846 Hophni CLARK s Charles Eunice Newbury Road Glazier & Shopkeeper 1511 5 4 1846 Mary BEAR d Elizabeth Swan Street Spinster BEAR 1512 10 5 1846 Lucy MOORE d William Hannah George Street Labourer 1513 10 5 1846 Louisa DREWETT d Thomas Jane Dell Labourer 1514 12 5 1846 Lavinia Perry DRAKE d John Ann North Street Tanner 1515 2 6 1846 William ALLEN s Alexander Eliza Kingsclere Bricklayer 1516 2 6 1846 Jane WINTERBOURNE d James Letitia Parsonage Farm Labourer 1517 2 6 1846 William HEDGES s George Ann Tottenham Middx Gardner 1518 7 6 1846 George HUNT s Henry Sarah Dell Labourer 1519 14 6 1846 Rosanna SEWARD d David Prudence Kingsclere Shoemaker 1520 14 6 1846 Elizabeth BUTLER d Charles Deborah Kingsclere Labourer 1521 21 6 1846 James ALDRIDGE s Henry Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 1522 12 7 1846 Charlotte PIPER d William Maria Dell Labourer 1523 12 7 1846 Anthony HOCKLEY s Thomas Elizabeth Stratton's Farm Labourer 1524 19 7 1846 Elizabeth SEYMOUR d Henry Hannah Swan Street Labourer 1525 26 7 1846 Sarah BRIDGMAN d Stephen Keziah Coleridge's Farm Labourer 1526 16 8 1846 Elizabeth ALDRIDGE d William Leah Upper House Farm Labourer

1527 23 8 1846 Elizabeth ROLFE d John Eliza Dell Labourer 1528 30 8 1846 Charles SMITH s Richard Maria George Street Labourer 1529 30 8 1846 Mary SIMPSON d Charles Louisa Newbury Road Labourer 1530 30 8 1846 Mary Anna LONG d George Maria Newbury Road Labourer & Journeyman Tanner 1531 30 8 1846 Emma ELLIOT d William Harriet Swan Street Labourer

Page 170 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1532 12 9 1846 Nathaniel POCOCK s Thomas Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1533 17 9 1846 William HERBERT s William Elizabeth Falcon Inn Inn Keeper 1534 30 9 1846 Joseph TAYLOR s Eliza Workhouse Pauper TAYLOR of East Woodhay 1535 30 9 1846 Marie Ann PIPER d Eliza Workhouse Pauper PIPER of East Woodhay 1336 4 10 1846 Amy Louisa GARRETT d William Louisa Swan Street Carpenter 1537 4 10 1846 George BENNETT s George Mary Mill Green Labourer 1538 25 10 1846 John FRENCH s William Maria Cottage near Labourer Broad Meadow 1539 25 10 1846 John EDWARDS s William Joanna Dell Labourer 1540 29 11 1846 Elizabeth TARGET d John Harriet near Ecchinswell Labourer Rd 1541 6 12 1846 Joseph GREEN s William Hannah George Street Shopkeeper 1542 27 12 1846 Charles HUNT s William Mary Newbury Road Labourer 1543 11 1 1847 Sabina SEWARD d Charles Charlotte George Street Blacksmith 1544 17 1 1847 William HAYWARD s John Hannah Dell Labourer 1545 19 1 1847 Hannah SEWARD d James Sarah George Street Labourer 1546 31 1 1847 Henry BRIDGMAN s Daniel Eliza Nutkins Farm Labourer 1547 7 2 1847 Elizabeth WEBB d Daniel Martha Kingsclere Labourer 1548 28 2 1847 Ann WHITE d John Keturah Swan Street Labourer 1549 14 3 1847 Ellen HOBBS d George Sarah Ann Swan Street Collar Maker 1550 14 3 1847 Henry ROLFE s Samuel Sarah George Street Labourer 1551 14 3 1847 David HARMSWOOD s James Eliza Knowl Hill Labourer 1552 29 3 1847 Edwin SMITH s Henry Hannah Newbury Road Labourer 1553 11 4 1847 Ann CROSS d James Mary Polhampton Lodge Labourer

1554 25 4 1847 Emily MILES d Charles Emma Cannon Heath Labourer 1555 25 4 1847 Theodosia BEAR d Elizabeth Swan Street Spinster BEAR Rabbits 1556 26 4 1847 Mary Ann BITTMEAD d Richard Eliza Dell Labourer 1557 4 5 1847 Mary Anne RUDDLE d Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Yeoman 1558 16 5 1847 Emma MILLER d Thomas Anna Swan Street Labourer Maria 1559 19 5 1847 George LANE s Thomas Ann Workhouse Pauper 1560 19 5 1847 George MAY s Harriet Workhouse Pauper MAY William 1561 19 5 1847 Eliza GREENWAY d Mary Ann Workhouse Pauper GREENWAY

Page 171 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1562 23 5 1847 George HUGHES s Ann Kingsclere Spinster HUGHES 1563 11 7 1847 George DOLTON s David Hannah Fish Ponds Labourer Ecchinswell 1564 11 7 1847 Dennis PROUT s George Sarah Swan Street Labourer 1565 11 7 1847 Nathaniel POCOCK s Nathan Ann Dell Labourer 1566 1 8 1847 George ROLFE s Samuel Martha Stubbington Farm Labourer 1567 4 8 1847 Cabeb NORTH s William Eliza Workhouse Labourer 1568 5 9 1847 Hannah ETWELL d Henry Jane Sandford Farm Labourer 1569 18 9 1847 Jane THOMAS d William Eliza Winchester Road Labourer 1570 19 9 1847 Walter STROUD s John Charlotte Winchester Labourer Turnpike Gate 1571 26 9 1847 Ann DOLLERY d Daniel Isabella Swan Street Labourer 1572 31 10 1847 Elizabeth COLLINS d David Mary Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 1573 20 11 1847 Hannah SMITH d John Elizabeth Newbury Marsh Labourer 1574 5 12 1847 Thomas BOLTON s William Elizabeth Winchester Road Labourer George 1575 11 1 1848 Alfred RUDDLE s William Jane Hall Farm Farmer 1576 14 1 1848 Charles ROLFE s Rebecca Workhouse Domestic ROLFE of Kingsclere Edward Servant 1577 16 1 1848 George TAYLOR s John Ann Summershurst Labourer Green 1578 30 1 1848 Elizabeth HAINES d Thomas Mary Frith Farm Farmer & Dealer 1579 8 2 1848 Matilda ROLFE d Joseph Fanny George Street Labourer 1580 13 2 1848 Jane TROUGHTON d John Minney Kingsclere Labourer 1581 14 2 1848 Ellen DRY d George Harriet Workhouse Pauper 1582 15 2 1848 William HAWKINS s Robert Diana Kite's Hill Labourer 1583 12 3 1848 Sarah Ann HARRIS d John Hannah George Street Labourer 1584 16 3 1848 Louisa COOPER d Esther Workhouse Pauper COOPER of Kingsclere 1585 16 3 1848 Alice ALDRIDGE d Jane Workhouse Pauper ALDRIDGE of Ecchinswell 1586 19 3 1848 Joel CULLUM s Henry Diana Workhouse Lane Journeyman Miller 1587 26 3 1848 Emma MUNDAY d William Susanna Swan Street Labourer 1588 2 4 1848 Elizabeth ETWALL d John Ann Sandford Farm Labourer 1589 21 4 1848 George Edwin LEWIS s George Charlotte George Street Shoemaker

Page 172 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1590 28 4 1848 Henry SEWARD s James Jane Knowl Hill Bailiff 1591 30 4 1848 Hannah VERNEY d Henry Elizabeth Workhouse Lane Labourer 1592 7 5 1848 Agnes ALDRIDGE d Thomas Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 1593 14 5 1848 Charles BLUNDEN s Henry Jane Winchester Road Labourer 1594 24 5 1848 Charles FOSTER s Rose Workhouse Pauper FOSTER 1595 11 6 1848 George TWITCHIN s Wilmott Elizabeth Woolhampton Carpenter 1596 11 6 1848 Catharine TWITCHIN d Wilmot Elizabeth Woolhampton Carpenter Harriet 1597 11 6 1848 Sidney TWITCHIN s Wilmot Elizabeth Woolhampton Carpenter 1598 11 6 1848 Walter HAYWARD s John Hannah Dell Labourer 1599 14 6 1848 Keturah Ann PRIOR d William Ann Swan Street Shopkeeper 1600 2 7 1848 Ann SEWARD d Samuel Ellen Winchester Road Labourer 1601 5 7 1848 Ruth HIGGS d Rebecca Winchester Road Spinster HIGGS 1602 9 7 1848 Emma Sarah HUNT d William Sarah Newbury Road Labourer 1603 23 7 1848 Louisa BUTLER d Charles Deborah Swan Street Labourer 1604 30 7 1848 George LAWRENCE s John Hannah Frobury Pit Labourer 1605 30 7 1848 Mary Ann ALDRIDGE d William Leah Upper House Farm Labourer

1606 3 8 1848 Mary FROOME d Harriet Workhouse Pauper FROOME of East Woodhay 1607 13 8 1848 Mary Jane SPARSHOTT d William Mary Swan Street Suprintendent of Police 1608 27 8 1848 Jem WINTERBOURN s James Letitia Parsonage Farm Labourer 1609 10 9 1848 Ellen BRIDGMAN d Stephen Keziah Coleridge's Farm Labourer 1610 6 10 1848 William ALDRIDGE s Henry Mary Ann Hall Lane Labourer 1611 15 10 1848 Ambrose EDWARDS s William Joanna Dell Labourer 1612 18 10 1848 Henry ROLFE s Esther Dell Spinster ROLFE 1613 23 11 1848 Susannah TROUGHTON d Charles Susannah Kingsclere Labourer 1614 25 11 1848 Sarah Anna HOLDWAY d Hannah George Street Domestic HOLDWAY 1615 10 12 1848 Matilda LONG d George Maria Dell Journeyman Tanner 1616 13 12 1848 Harriet DINE d Lucy Workhouse Pauper DINE of Burghclere 1617 4 1 1849 George ALLEN s Alexander Eliza George Street Bricklayer 1618 14 1 1849 Emma MILES d Eliza Hall Lane Domestic MILES Elizabeth Servant 1619 24 1 1849 Alice Maria BLAKE d James Charlotte Carpenter 1620 28 1 1849 Helena Louisa HEDGES d Ann Workhouse Lane Pauper HEDGES

Page 173 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1621 4 1 1849 George James PROUT s David Deborah Newbury Road Labourer 1622 7 2 1849 Charles NEW s Charlotte Workhouse Pauper NEW 1623 2 3 1849 Mary Ann PORTSMOUTH d Charles Caroline Dell Labourer 1624 14 3 1849 Letitia CHAPMAN d Henry Hannah Workhouse Pauper 1625 14 3 1849 Arthur John DRAKE s William Sarah Kingsclere Brewer Jane 1626 18 3 1849 Henry TARGET s John Harriet Bear Cottages Labourer 1627 20 3 1849 Emma RUDDLE d Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Yeoman 1628 25 3 1849 Hannah ROLFE d Samuel Sarah George Street Labourer 1629 8 4 1849 David SEWARD s David Prudence George Street Shoemaker 1630 15 4 1849 Sarah Ann WEBB d Daniel Martha Dell Labourer 1631 24 4 1849 Sarah DRAKE d John Ann North Street Tanner 1632 29 4 1849 Sarah HARMSWORTH d Jonathan Rebecca Knowl Hill Labourer 1633 12 5 1849 James GARRETT s William Louisa Swan Street Carpenter 1634 16 5 1849 Edward GREENWAY s Mary Ann Workhouse Pauper GREENWAY of Highclere Parish 1635 16 5 1849 Charles PORTSMOUTH s William Elizabeth Workhouse Labourer William 1636 18 5 1849 Sarah Ann HUSBAND d Charles Hannah Dell Brewer labourer 1637 29 5 1849 Sarah COOK d John Maria Nutkins Labourer 1638 3 6 1849 Edwin LEWIS s William Mary Ann Swan Street Draper 1639 12 6 1849 Frank William BALDING s William Elizabeth Island Mill Miller 1640 17 6 1849 Jane PIPER d William Maria Dell Labourer 1641 1 7 1849 Emma WHITE d John Ann Swan Street Journeyman Brewer 1642 15 7 1849 Reginald FOWLER s Oliver Emma Swan Street Surgeon 23 4 1847 Conolly 1643 22 7 1849 Horace FOWLER s Oliver Emma Swan Street Surgeon 1 7 1848 1644 22 7 1849 Alice Sarah SMITH d Richard Maria Newbury Marsh Labourer 1645 5 8 1849 John SEYMOUR s Henry Hannah Dell Labourer 4 4 1848 1646 5 8 1849 Albert MILLER s Thomas Mary Swan Street Labourer 1647 8 8 1849 Elizabeth RUDDLE d William Jane Hall Farm Farmer 1648 26 8 1849 Charles INSTRALL s Susannah Workhouse Spinster INSTRALL of Hannington 1649 4 9 1849 David ROLFE s John Eliza Newbury Marsh Labourer 1650 6 10 1849 Susannah INSTRAL d Mary Ann Workhouse Spinster INSTRAL of Hannington 1651 7 10 1849 Sophia LAWRANCE d John Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 1652 14 10 1849 Clara Ann STROUD d John Charlotte Dell Labourer

Page 174 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1653 18 10 1849 Emma WYETH d Richard Ann the Bear Labourer 1654 28 10 1849 Elizabeth Ann EYERES d Edmund Sarah George Street Domestic Servant 1655 28 10 1849 Mary Ann ELIOTT d William Harriet Swan Street Labourer 1656 9 11 1849 Elizabeth QUARTERMAN d Robert Martha George Street Labourer 1657 9 1 1850 Mary Jane PEARCE d Abraham Caroline Swan Street Labourer 1658 13 1 1850 Isabella CLARK d Charles Emma Kingsclere Painter & 25 2 1848 Glazier 1659 13 1 1850 Mary Ann PROUT d Charles Caroline Dell Labourer 1660 20 1 1850 Mary BRIDGMAN d Daniel Eliza Nutkins Labourer 1661 25 1 1850 Elizabeth POCOCK d Thomas Elizabeth Workhouse Pauper 1662 25 1 1850 Esther RABBITTS d Daniel Martha Workhouse Pauper 1663 25 1 1850 Alfred William DOLLERY s Sarah Workhouse Spinster DOLLERY of Sidmonton Parish 1664 25 1 1850 George WEST s Sarah Workhouse Spinster WEST of Tadley Parish 1665 25 1 1850 Charles SMITH s Charlotte Workhouse Spinster SMITH of Burghclere 1666 27 1 1850 William Morris GARDNER s Ann Kingsclere Spinster GARDNER 1667 3 2 1850 Eliza ROLFE d Samuel Martha Stubbington Farm Labourer 1668 3 2 1850 Emma BITMEAD d Richard Eliza Polhampton Lodge Labourer

1669 10 2 1850 James ALDRIDGE s George Caroline Kingsclere Labourer Twins 1670 10 2 1850 John ALDRIDGE s George Caroline Kingsclere Labourer Twins 1671 10 2 1850 Eliza BROOKER d George Harriet Dell Thatcher 1672 24 2 1850 Mary CULLUM d Henry Dinah Workhouse Lane Journeyman Miller 1673 3 3 1850 Elizabeth HARRIS d John Hannah Dell Labourer 1674 3 3 1850 Maria BATT d Jeremiah Eliza Anchor Inn Publican 1675 8 3 1850 Charles POCOCK s Nathan Ann Market Place Labourer 1676 10 3 1850 Dorcas HARMSWOOD d Joseph Harriet Dell Labourer 1677 31 3 1850 Charles MILES s Charles Emma Dell Labourer 1678 31 3 1850 Betsy EATWELL d Henry Jane Dell Labourer 1679 12 5 1850 Mary Ann PROUT d George Sarah near the Bear Labourer 1680 16 5 1850 Emily Sarah PRIOR d William Ann Swan Street Baker 1681 2 6 1850 Thomas VERNEY s Henry Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1682 Cancelled 1683 2 7 1850 George COOK s John Maria Nutkins Labourer 1684 4 8 1850 Mary Ann WEBB d Henry Louisa Newbury Marsh Labourer

Page 175 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1685 18 8 1850 Edwin SEYMOUR s Henry Hannah Dell Labourer 1686 25 8 1850 Thomas ROLFE s John Eliza Parsonage House Labourer 1687 8 9 1850 Norman FOWLER s Oliver Emma Swan Street Surgeon 1688 8 9 1850 Francis Philip LEWIS s George Charlotte Market Place Shoemaker Ann 1689 22 9 1850 Thomas NORTH s Edward Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 1690 29 9 1850 Sarah WINKWORTH d John Elizabeth George Street Carpenter 1691 12 10 1850 Harriet TROUGHTON d John Minnie near the Falcon Labourer 1692 13 10 1850 Charles BUTLER s Charles Deborah Swan Street Labourer Gabriel 1693 14 10 1850 Elizabeth ALDRIDGE d Thomas Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 1694 20 10 1850 Mary Ann THATCHER d William Emma Old Hill Labourer 1695 8 11 1850 James FOWLER s Sarah George Street Spinster FOWLER 1696 1 12 1850 Mary BRADLEY d Richard Caroline Wolverton Lane Blacksmith 1697 13 12 1850 Henry THOMAS s William Eliza Turnpike Road Labourer 1698 15 12 1850 Charles MILES s George Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 1699 18 12 1850 Emily CLARK d Charles Eunice Kingsclere Painter 1700 25 12 1850 Mary Ann MAY d John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter 1701 25 12 1850 Caroline MAY d John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter 1702 27 12 1850 Rachel Mary HUNT d Henry Elizabeth Newbury Road Labourer 1703 15 1 1851 George LOCOCK s Sarah Workhouse Spinster LOCOCK of Tadley Parish 1704 17 1 1851 James BUCKLAND s George Eliza Cottage near Shepherd Polhampton Lodge

1705 26 1 1851 Eliza BRIDGMAN d Stephen Keziah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1706 9 2 1851 Emma GREET d Alexander Emma Swan Street Gentleman Caroline 1707 9 2 1851 Eliza HARMSWOOD d Charles Mary Ann North Street Journeyman Tanner 1708 9 2 1851 Celia HARMSWOOD d Charles Mary Ann North Street Journeyman Tanner 1709 19 2 1851 Henry William STONE s James Alice Workhouse Journeyman 7 9 1843 Judge Judge Baker 1710 19 2 1851 Charlotte STONE d James Alice Workhouse Journeyman 2 8 1848 Elizabeth Judge Baker 1711 19 2 1851 Eliza BRYANT d Jesse Eliza Workhouse Pauper

Page 176 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1712 19 2 1851 George HOPKINS s Sarah Workhouse Pauper HOPKINS of Highclere Parish 1713 19 2 1851 Martha Ann PURTON d Emma Workhouse Pauper PURTON of Highclere Parish 1714 2 3 1851 John James SAVERY s John Caroline George Street Shoemaker 1715 9 3 1851 Emma WARWICK d Rupert Patience North Street Labourer 1716 20 4 1851 Charles MUNDAY s William Susanna Swan Street Labourer 1717 20 4 1851 Ann MEGGS d Henry Mary George Street Labourer 1718 27 4 1851 Sarah Ann ELLIOT d Thomas Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1719 30 5 1851 Martha RUDDLE d Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Farmer 1720 23 6 1851 Charles Allen MARSHALL s Thomas Martha Swan Street Groom 1721 10 7 1851 John NEW s Elizabeth Dell Spinster NEW 1722 27 7 1851 Eunice MILES d Henry Elizabeth Turnpike Road Labourer 1723 27 7 1851 John PIPER s William Maria Dell Labourer 1724 10 8 1851 Emily PEARCE d Joseph Ann Cannon Park Labourer Cottages 1725 10 8 1851 Sarah Ann EDWARDS d William Johanna Dell Labourer 1726 14 8 1851 George WALKER s Henry Emma Coleridge's Farm Labourer 1727 29 8 1851 Alfred George SHARP s John Ellen Market Place Shopkeeper 1728 26 9 1851 Henry George ALEXANDER s Alfred Charity Town Mill Miller 1729 28 9 1851 Harriet Ann RABBITS d Joseph Ann Dell Labourer 1730 3 10 1851 Mary BEAR d Robert Mary Ann Frith Carpenter 1731 12 10 1851 Henry Alfred HEDGES s Ann Workhouse Lane HEDGES Wife of George Hedges 1732 12 10 1851 Charles SOPER s John Jane Tower Hill Journeyman Carpenter 1733 12 10 1851 George STROUD s John Charlotte Turnpike Toll Collector Winchester Road 1734 12 10 1851 Henry WHITE s John Ann Swan Street Labourer 1735 9 11 1851 Henry BREWER s Cornelius Mary Ann Tower Hill Labourer Griffith 1736 9 11 1851 William SEWARD s David Prudence George Street Shoemaker 1737 18 11 1851 Esther CULLUM d Henry Dinah Workhouse Lane Journeyman Miller 1738 19 12 1851 Julia BALDING d William Elizabeth Island Mill Miller 1739 21 12 1851 Emily HOBBS d Emma Swan Street Spinster HOBBS 1740 25 12 1851 Richard DOLLERY s James Elizabeth Parsonage Labourer Holdway

Page 177 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1741 25 12 1851 Charles WINTERBOURN s James Letitia Parsonage Labourer 1742 30 12 1851 Septimus FOWLER s Oliver Emma Swan Street Surgeon JOHNSON Twins Mary 1743 30 12 1851 Charles FOWLER s Oliver Emma Swan Street Surgeon JOHNSON Twins Mary 1744 2 1 1852 Maria Elsie TAPLIN d Thomas Matilda Fox Grove Farmer Matilda 1745 4 1 1852 Thomas PORTSMOUTH s Charles Caroline Dell Labourer 1746 23 1 1852 Henry HUGHES s Charles Hannah Workhouse Labourer of Ecchinswell 1747 23 1 1852 Thomas ROLFE s John Eliza Workhouse Labourer 1748 23 1 1852 Mary LOVELL d William Elizabeth Workhouse Labourer 1749 23 1 1852 George PROUT s Jane Workhouse Pauper PROUT 1750 23 1 1852 Harriet RABBITTS d Fanny Workhouse Pauper RABBITTS 1751 1 2 1852 George ECKETT s David Mary Swan Street Journeyman Carpenter 1752 22 2 1852 Catherine HARMSWORTH d Jonathan Rebecca Reading Marsh Labourer 1753 22 2 1852 Emma PROUT d David Deborah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1754 5 3 1852 Emma BALDING d William Elizabeth Sharp's Mill Miller 1755 7 3 1852 George FOSTER s George Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 1756 10 3 1852 Priscilla ALLEN d Alexander Eliza George Street Bricklayer 1757 12 3 1852 Mary MUNDAY d Charles Ann Dell Labourer 1758 14 3 1852 Maria COOK d John Maria Nutkins Labourer 1759 28 3 1852 Thomas SMITH s Lydia Newbury Marsh Spinster SMITH 1760 4 4 1852 Agnes BUCKRIDGE d Harriet George Street Spinster BUCKRIDGE 1761 10 4 1852 Martha Ann PLATT d Francis Caroline Cannon Heath Yeoman Farm 1762 11 4 1852 Alfred WEBB s Henry Louisa Newbury Marsh Labourer 1763 2 5 1852 Amy SMITH d William Eliza Workhouse Pauper of Baughurst Parish 1764 2 5 1852 Charles LANE s Ann Workhouse LANE Wife of Thomas Lane

1765 2 5 1852 Ellen Elizabeth STEVENS d Emma Workhouse Pauper STEVENS

1766 2 5 1852 William TAYLOR s Eliza Workhouse Pauper TAYLOR of East Woodhay 1767 9 5 1852 Edwin SMITH s Richard Maria Newbury Marsh Labourer 1768 16 5 1852 Harriet Ann FOWLER d John Ann North Street Labourer

Page 178 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1769 16 5 1852 Elizabeth Jane MILLER d Thomas Maria Swan Street Labourer

1770 18 5 1852 Edmund EYERS s Edmund Sarah Swan Street Groom Should be George St Charles 1771 23 5 1852 Ellen DREWITT d Charles Jane North Street Labourer 1772 27 5 1852 George BRADLEY s Richard Caroline Wolverton Lane Blacksmith 1773 30 5 1852 Henry NORTH s Edward Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer 1774 6 6 1852 Charles ELLIOT s William Harriet North Street Labourer 1775 13 6 1852 Albert William SAVERY s John Caroline George Street Shoemaker 1776 13 6 1852 Sarah MARTIN d Edward Ann George Street Labourer 1777 17 6 1852 Ann SIMPSON d Charles Louisa Turnpike Road Labourer 1778 30 7 1852 Harriet HARRIS d John Hannah Dell Labourer 1779 1 8 1852 Thomas FRENCH s William Maria Broad Meadow Labourer 1780 8 8 1852 Elisabeth THATCHER d William Emma Old Hill Labourer 1781 8 8 1852 Mary Ann ROLFE d Joseph Fanny George Street Labourer 1782 8 8 1852 Emma DUCKETT d Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer 1783 15 8 1852 Henry Samuel GREET s Alexander Emma Swan Street Gentleman 1784 20 8 1852 John INGLEFIELD s Laura Workhouse Spinster INGLEFIELD of Tadley Parish 1785 20 8 1852 Emily GREENAWAY d Mary Ann Workhouse Spinster GREENAWAY of Highclere Parish 1786 20 8 1852 Elizabeth PHILLIPS d Ann Workhouse Spinster PHILLIPS of East Woodhay 1787 31 8 1852 Mary TAPLIN d Thomas Matilda Fox Grove Farmer 1788 6 9 1852 Lydia Lavinia ALDRIDGE d Henry Mary Ann Dell Labourer 1789 6 9 1852 Ellen DRY d David Harriet Somershurst Labourer Green 1790 5 10 1852 Helena Selina BLAKE d Edward Clara Brimpton Common Carpenter

1791 16 10 1852 Rebecca FOWLER d Charles Lucy George Street Labourer 1792 19 10 1852 Harry HUNT s Henry Elizabeth Newbury Road Journeyman Tanner 1793 24 10 1852 Dennis PROUT s Charles Caroline Dell Labourer 1794 6 11 1852 Sarah Ann PROUT d Rebecca Newbury Road Spinster PROUT 1795 Cancelled 1796 19 12 1852 Sarah Ann PEARCE d Joseph Ann Cannon Park Labourer Cottages 1797 25 12 1852 Walter Joseph WINKWORTH s William Emily George Street Journeyman Fanny Bricklayer

Page 179 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1798 26 12 1852 Louisa ROLFE d Charles Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1799 17 1 1853 George WALKER s Henry Emma George Street Labourer 1800 19 1 1853 Fanny RUDDLE d Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Farmer 1801 19 1 1853 Daniel SEWARD s John Martha George Street Journeyman Mother Deceased Carpenter 1802 6 2 1853 Stephen BRIDGMAN s Daniel Eliza Nutkins Labourer 1803 19 2 1853 William MAY s John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter Hophni 1804 27 2 1853 Dorcas WEBB d Daniel Martha Dell Labourer 1805 27 2 1853 Emily Mary HOPKINS d Charles Charlotte Swan Street Journeyman Tanner 1806 4 3 1853 Charlotte BRYANT d Jesse Eliza Workhouse Labourer 1807 13 3 1853 Henry STRATTON s Mary Dell Spinster STRATTON 1808 13 3 1853 Harriet Ann MILES d Charles Emma Dell Labourer 1809 27 3 1853 Mary ELLIOT d Thomas Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1810 27 3 1853 Mary Jane BUTLER d Charles Deborah Swan Street Labourer 1811 29 3 1853 Henry SHARP s John Ellen By Lytton oppsite Miller Church 1812 1 4 1853 Elizabeth Ann CLINCH d Ellen Workhouse Pauper CLINCH 1813 13 5 1853 Charles HARMSWOOD s James Eliza Newbury Marsh Labourer 1814 16 5 1853 Agnes Amelia PRIOR d William Ann Swan Street Baker 1815 24 5 1853 Herbert WEAVER s Thomas Jane Swan Street Police Constable 1816 29 5 1853 John CULLUM s Henry Dinah Workhouse Lane Journeyman Miller 1817 10 7 1853 William SEWARD s Richard Sarah Dell Labourer 1818 24 7 1853 Anna Maria GARRETT d William Louisa Swan Street Carpenter 1819 29 7 1853 Sarah MAY d Joseph Martha Workhouse Labourer of Wolverton 1820 29 7 1853 Alfred James COLLINS s Jane Workhouse Spinster COLLINS of Sidmonton Parish 1821 31 7 1853 Louisa SMITH d Henry Eliza Bear Cottages Labourer 1822 31 7 1853 Harry EDWARDS s William Johanna Dell Labourer 1823 7 8 1853 Emma HUNT d Henry Elizabeth Newbury Road Journeyman Tanner 1824 7 8 1853 Mary Ellen EYERES d Edmund Sarah George St Groom 1825 14 8 1853 Emily GIGG d George Martha Catt's Malt House Journeyman Maltster

Page 180 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1826 14 8 1853 George ROLFE s James Jane North Street Labourer 1827 21 8 1853 George ROLFE s George Maria Dell Sawyer 1828 28 8 1853 Harriet VERNEY d Henry Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1829 11 9 1853 Ellen ALDRIDGE d William Leah Upper House Farm Labourer

1830 18 9 1853 Charles PAINTIN s Richard Mary Dell Labourer 1831 25 9 1853 Ann Maria PIPER d William Maria Dell Labourer 1832 25 10 1853 George WILMOT s Charles Mary Ann Market Place Gardener 1833 1 11 1853 William CHUBB s Frederick Mary Island Mill Lower Miller Frederick Mill 1834 4 12 1853 Alfred ADAMS s George Adelaide Swan Street PO Letter Carrier 1835 16 12 1853 Ann HARMSWOOD d James Eliza Workhouse Labourer 1849 1836 16 12 1853 Charles ROLFE s John Eliza Workhouse Labourer 1852 1837 17 12 1853 Thomas SEYMOUR s Henry Hannah Dell Labourer 1838 25 12 1853 Mary Ann WHITE d John Ann Swan Street Labourer 1839 22 1 1854 Mary GREET d Alexander Emma Swan Street Gentleman Twins 1840 22 1 1854 Annie GREET d Alexander Emma Swan Street Gentleman Twins 1841 11 3 1854 George HILLIER s Henry Hannah near the Falcon Pensioner 1842 23 3 1854 Joseph STROUD s John Charlotte Winchester Gate Keeper Turnpike Road 1843 2 4 1854 Frederick SOPER s John Jane Tower Hill Sawyer 1844 5 4 1854 Walter DODD s Henry Jane Market Place Tailor 19 8 1845 1845 5 4 1854 Blauny Jane DODD d Henry Jane Market Place Tailor 5 9 1850 1846 12 4 1854 Albert SMITH s Harriet Workhouse Pauper SMITH 1847 16 4 1854 Fanny MILLER d Thomas Ann George Street Labourer 1848 17 4 1854 David COOPER s Thomas Jane Dell Carter 1849 21 4 1854 Fanny WOODHOUSE d Isaac Charlotte Workhouse Labourer of Hannington 1850 5 5 1854 Joseph HARMSWOOD s James Eliza Workhouse Labourer 1851 5 5 1854 George ANDREWS s David Harriet Workhouse Labourer 1852 21 5 1854 Elizabeth BEAR d Robert Mary Ann Tower Hill Journeyman Carpenter 1853 11 6 1854 Mary BRIDGMAN d Stephen Keziah Coleridge's Farm Carter 1854 16 6 1854 Mary Ann CLINCH d Ellen Workhouse Pauper CLINCH 1855 16 6 1854 Alice Ann KERNOTT d Esther Workhouse Pauper KERNOTT

Page 181 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1856 25 6 1854 Henrietta BREWER d Cornelius Mary Ann Tower Hill Labourer Griffith 1857 2 7 1854 William MAY s William Ann Wolverton Lane Gardener 1858 9 7 1854 Hannah HOLDWAY d Stephen Esther North Street Labourer 20 12 1851 1859 9 7 1854 Ellen HOLDWAY d Stephen Esther North Street Labourer 1860 23 7 1854 George SMITH s Richard Maria Newbury Marsh Labourer 1861 23 7 1854 Ann DUCKETT d Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer 1862 28 7 1854 Ellen TAPLIN d Thomas Matilda Fox Grove Yeoman 1863 30 7 1854 Sarah Ann FOWLER d Charles Lucy George Street Labourer 1864 30 7 1854 Charles PORTSMOUTH s Charles Caroline Dell Labourer 1865 20 8 1854 Maria SAVERY d John Caroline George Street Shoemaker Elizabeth 1866 18 8 1854 John SAUNDERS s Jane Workhouse Spinster SAUNDERS of Tadley Parish 1867 17 9 1854 Jane Keturah MAY d John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter 1868 1 10 1854 Ellen MUNDAY d William Susan Swan Street Labourer 1869 8 10 1854 Charles MILES s Thomas Eliza Bear Cottages Shepherd 1870 15 10 1854 Julia PROUT d David Deborah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1871 22 10 1854 Charles OLIVER s George Sarah Swan Street Labourer 1872 19 11 1854 Charles FOSTER s George Ann Newbury Marsh Labourer 1873 26 11 1854 Elizabeth WALKER d Henry Emma George Street Labourer 1874 25 12 1854 Mary HARRIS d John Hannah near the Falcon Labourer 1875 25 12 1854 Alice Elizabeth DOLLERY d James Elizabeth Dell Labourer

1876 27 12 1854 Ann HILLIER d Ellen Hall Farm Spinster HILLIER 1877 31 12 1854 Charles HOPKINS s Charles Charlotte Swan Street Journeyman Tanner 1878 31 12 1854 Rosa HARMSWORTH d Jonathan Rebecca Reading Marsh Labourer 1879 31 12 1854 Charles VERNEY s Henry Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1880 10 1 1855 Maria MILES d William Elizabeth North Street Labourer 1881 21 1 1855 George GRAY s George Sarah Swan Street Journeynan Tanner 1882 28 1 1855 James MARTIN s Thomas Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 1883 16 2 1855 Elizabeth BROWN d William Charlotte Workhouse Labourer of Asmansworth Born 1847 1884 16 2 1855 John BROWN s William Charlotte Workhouse Labourer of Asmansworth Born 1849

Page 182 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1885 16 2 1855 Charles BROWN s William Charlotte Workhouse Labourer of Asmansworth Born 1854 1886 16 2 1855 Sarah BARNES d Daniel Elizabeth Workhouse Labourer 1887 16 2 1855 Alfred RICHARDSON s Eunice Workhouse Spinster RICHARDSON of Burghclere 1888 16 2 1855 Robert James TANNER s Charlotte Workhouse Spinster TANNER of Woodcot 1889 18 2 1855 John LEWINGTON s William Hannah Stratton's Farm Labourer 1890 16 3 1855 Charles SMITH s Lydia Workhouse Spinster SMITH 1891 22 3 1855 Henry Francis HUNT s Henry Elizabeth Newbury Road Journeyman Tanner 1892 23 3 1855 William SHARP s John Ellen Sharp's Mill Miller 1893 25 3 1855 Alfred ROLFE s James Jane North Street Labourer 1894 1 4 1855 Sarah GIGG d George Martha Catt's Malt House Journeyman Maltster 1895 12 4 1855 William POULTER s Ellen North Street Spinster POULTER 1896 15 4 1855 Margaret STANFORD d George Martha Dell Drillman Horse Elizabeth Ricer (?) 1897 20 4 1855 Arthur RUDDLE s Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Farmer 1898 2 5 1855 James HORAN s Edmund Ann Swan Street Suprintendent of Police 1899 4 5 1855 James STEVENS s Sarah Ann Workhouse Spinster STEVENS

1900 6 5 1855 Henry William OSBORNE s Henry Sarah Newbury Coal Merchant Hillman 1901 14 5 1855 Ann FORD d Patsy Winifred Cannon Park Labourer Cottages 1902 23 5 1855 Mary Jane HILLIER d Henry Hannah near the Falcon Labourer 1903 3 6 1855 Ellen ROLFE d Joseph Fanny George Street Labourer 1904 6 6 1855 Walter Charles CHUBB s Frederick Mary Island Mill MIller

1905 10 6 1855 Henry William WINTERBOURNE s James Letitia Swan Street Drillman

1906 13 6 1855 Alfred BRIDGMAN s Leah Coleridge's Farm Spinster BRIDGMAN 1907 27 6 1855 Ellen ROLFE d Samuel Martha Turnpike Road Labourer 1908 2 7 1855 Maria ALLEN d Alexander Eliza George Street Labourer 1909 22 7 1855 Martha SEWARD d David Prudence George Street Shoemaker 1910 19 11 1855 Mary Ann NORTH d Edward Letitia Newbury Marsh Labourer

Page 183 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1911 2 9 1855 Alfred TWITCHEN s Frederick Ann George Street Ironmonger Henry 1912 7 10 1855 Eli WEBB s Henry Louisa Newbury Marsh Labourer 1913 14 10 1855 Henry William MILES s Charles Emma Dell Lane Labourer 1914 28 10 1855 Elizabeth ELLIOT d William Harriet Swan Street Labourer 1915 4 11 1855 Ann Margaret BOLTON d George Harriet Summershurst Labourer Green 1916 2 12 1855 Thomas CRACKNELL s James Harriet Stratton's Farm Labourer James 1917 16 12 1855 James HAYWARD s John Hannah Dell Labourer 1918 30 12 1855 Mary Ann ROLFE d George Maria Dell Lane Labourer 1919 6 1 1856 Sarah Ann HUNT d Harriet Newbury Road Spinster HUNT 1920 20 1 1856 John Harry MAY s John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter 1921 10 2 1856 George GARRETT s George Eliza Swan Street Carpenter 1922 17 2 1856 William CLARKE s Amelia George Street Spinster CLARKE Ambrose 1923 2 3 1856 Alfred WHITE s John Ann Falcon Inn Labourer 1924 2 3 1856 Esther BRIDGMAN d Daniel Eliza Nutkins Labourer 1925 3 3 1856 Alfred Henry NORTH s James Charlotte Newbury Marsh Labourer 1926 16 3 1856 Thomas DUCKETT s Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer 1927 23 3 1856 Geoffrey EDWARDS s William Joanna Dell Labourer 1928 2 4 1856 James SIMPSON s Ann Turnpike Road Spinster SIMPSON Sophia 1929 6 4 1856 Henry MEGGS s Henry Mary Stanton's Row Labourer 1930 6 4 1856 Charles MEGGS s Henry Mary Stanton's Row Labourer 1931 29 4 1856 Charles POVEY s Eliza Newbury Marsh POVEY Widow of George 1932 4 5 1856 Sarah Ann BUTLER d Charles Deborah Swan Street Labourer Povey 1933 11 5 1856 Emily Jane PROUT d Henry Letitia Dell Labourer 1934 23 5 1856 Sarah Ann LONG d John Sarah North Street Journeyman Tanner 1935 25 5 1856 Sarah Ann PAINTING d Richard Mary near the Falcon Labourer 1936 29 5 1856 Thomas GIRDLER s William Hannah Headley Common Labourer 1937 14 6 1856 John SMITH s John Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 1938 6 7 1856 Agnes SAVERY d John Caroline Market Place Shoemaker Caroline 1939 13 7 1856 Walter HILLIER s Caroline Workhouse Spinster HILLIER

Page 184 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1940 cancelled 1941 20 7 1856 Henry MAY s William Ann Wolverton Lane Gardener 1942 20 7 1856 Harriet STANFORD d George Martha Dell Drillman & Rice Flower Clipper 1943 11 8 1856 Emily Ellen MARTIN d George Emma Turnpike Road Labourer 1944 24 8 1856 James COOPER s Henry Ann Swan Street Labourer 1945 5 9 1856 Emily Mary TAPLIN d Thomas Matilda Fox Grove Yeoman 1946 5 9 1856 Alice Anne HORAN d Edmund Anne Police Station Suprintendent of Police 1947 21 9 1856 William John MUNDAY s John Hannah Rabbit Warren Labourer 1948 12 10 1856 Emily ELLIOT d Thomas Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1949 12 10 1856 George ALDRIDGE s Thomas Mary Workhouse Lane Labourer 1950 19 10 1856 Elizabeth SEWARD d Richard Sarah Dell Labourer 1951 19 10 1856 Henry HILLIER s Henry Hannah Dell Pensioner & Labourer 1952 26 10 1856 Emma HOLDWAY d Stephen Esther Stanton's Row Labourer 1953 26 10 1856 Charles PEARCE s Thomas Mary Stanton's Row Labourer 1954 29 10 1856 George RUDDLE s Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Farmer 1955 9 11 1856 Neral SMITH d Richard Maria Newbury Marsh Labourer 1956 30 11 1856 James ANDREWS s David Harriet North Street Labourer 1957 3 12 1856 Martha HARMSWOOD d James Eliza Fish Ponds Labourer 1958 7 12 1856 Christiana BURT d Henry Sarah Dell Sgt 7th Dragoons Guards 1959 25 12 1856 Mary Jane DOLLERY d James Elizabeth Dell Lane Labourer 1960 28 12 1856 Henry PORTSMOUTH s Charles Caroline Dell Labourer 1961 28 12 1856 Sarah Ann NORTH d Abraham Charlotte Dell Labourer 1962 1 2 1857 Mary Ann HARRIS d Caroline Newbury Marsh Spinster HARRIS 1963 6 2 1857 Elizabeth GODFREY d Richard Elizabeth Dell Carman Born Bermondsey London 1964 14 2 1857 Sarah SMITH d David Ann George Street Maltster 1965 15 2 1857 Charles John BARNES s Daniel Elizabeth Workhouse Pauper 1966 15 2 1857 Fanny ROLFE d James Jane North Street Labourer 1967 20 2 1857 Edwin CHUBB s Frederick Mary Island Mill Miller 1968 22 2 1857 Mary Ann SEWARD d Henry Hannah Dell Lane Journeyman Blacksmith

Page 185 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1969 22 2 1857 Thomas HUNT s Henry Elizabeth Newbury Road Journeyman Tanner 1970 3 3 1857 Emma HARRIS d Mary Dell Spinster HARRIS 1971 14 3 1857 Ellen PROUT d Andrew Charlotte Workhouse Lane Labourer 1972 22 3 1857 James FOSTER s George Ann Dell Labourer 1973 3 4 1857 Kate Ellen ARNSBY d Alfred Mary Swan Street Solicitor Clerk Ashton 1974 17 4 1857 Emily SHARP d John Ellen North Street Miller 1975 10 5 1857 Ann MUNDAY d William Susan Swan Street Labourer 1976 7 6 1857 James TAYLOR s Ellen Dell Spinster TAYLOR 1977 7 6 1857 Emma SOPER d John Jane Town Hill Labourer 1978 14 6 1857 William John HAMPTON s James Eliza Wolverton Lane Labourer 1979 21 6 1857 John HOPKINS s Charles Charlotte Swan Street Journeyman Tanner 1980 21 6 1857 Eliza VERNEY d Henry Elizabeth Dell Labourer 1981 21 6 1857 William WYTHE s William Emily Cannon Heath Labourer Cottages 1982 27 6 1857 Philip PIKE s William Martha Market Place Surveyor Nathanael 1983 27 6 1857 Harry Stephen PIKE s Philip Urania Market Place Surveyor Hermon Nathanael Elizabeth 1984 27 6 1857 Annette PIKE d Philip Urania Market Place Surveyor Amelia Nathaniel Elizabeth 1985 28 6 1857 Jane PEARCE d Joseph Ann Stanton's Row Labourer 1986 28 6 1857 George GIGG s George Martha Catt's Malt House Maltster 1987 28 6 1857 George HUNT s George Ann Turnpike Road Labourer 1988 5 7 1857 Martha HOLLEY d John Rose Ann Bear Cottages Labourer 1989 5 7 1857 Mary Jane MILES d Thomas Eliza Bear Cottages Labourer 1990 26 8 1857 James PIPER s William Maria Dell Labourer 1991 12 9 1857 George SEWARD s David Prudence Swan Street Shoemaker 1992 13 9 1857 Sarah HARRIS d John Hannah Dell Labourer 1993 13 9 1857 Daniel WEBB s Daniel Martha Stanton's Row Labourer 1994 15 9 1857 Charles THOMAS s William Eliza Turnpike Road Labourer 1995 18 9 1857 Rosa Ann TWITCHEN d Frederick Ann George Street Ironmonger 1996 18 9 1857 Mary Ann ALBURY d Richard Ann Kingsclere Builder Born in Basildon 1997 7 11 1857 Charles MAY s John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter

Page 186 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 1998 15 11 1857 Alfred GARRETT s George Eliza Swan Street Carpenter 1999 22 11 1857 Sarah BOLTON d George Harriet Summershurst Labourer Green 2000 27 12 1857 Thomas HARMSWORTH s Jonathan Rebekah Kingsclere Labourer 2001 27 12 1857 Mary FORD d Patsey Winney Cannon Heath Labourer 2002 27 12 1857 Daniel DUCKETT s Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer 2003 17 1 1858 Emily Jane LAWRENCE d William Sarah Turnpike Road Labourer 2004 7 2 1858 George MILES s Charles Emma Dell Labourer Edward 2005 10 2 1858 John HAYWARD s John Hannah Dell Labourer 2006 12 2 1858 William BRIDGEMAN s Stephen Keziah Newbury Marsh Labourer 2007 14 2 1858 James BENNET s George Caroline Pit Ecchinswell Rd Labourer

2008 19 2 1858 James EDWARDS s William Joanna Dell Labourer 2009 21 2 1858 John DRUETT s George Esther Kingsclere Labourer 2010 22 2 1858 Henry MARTIN s Thomas Elizabeth Stanton's Row Labourer 2011 25 2 1858 Sarah Mary SMITH d David Ann George Street Labourer 2012 28 2 1858 Emily Mary STANFORD d George Martha Kingsclere Labourer Ann Price 2013 7 3 1858 Francis PROUT s Henry Letitia Kingsclere Labourer 2014 7 3 1858 William HEDGES s Ann Dell HEDGES Charles 2015 17 3 1858 Horace TIBBLE s George Harriet North Street Shoemaker George 2016 24 3 1858 Harry LEACH s John Eliza Woodlands Labourer 2017 24 3 1858 Lucy Ann OLIVER d George Sarah Stanton's Row Labourer 2018 24 3 1858 John OLIVER s George Sarah Stanton's Row Labourer 2019 4 4 1858 Amy MEGGS d Henry Mary Dell Labourer 2020 25 4 1858 John CUMMINS s Eliza Woodlands Servant CUMMINS 2021 23 5 1858 Mary Ann STEPHENS d Sarah Ann Workhouse Labourer STEPHENS 2022 23 5 1858 Elizabeth TAYLOR d Eliza Workhouse Labourer TAYLOR 2023 23 5 1858 Alfred David DYER s David Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 2024 23 5 1858 Louisa MUNDAY d John Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 2025 23 5 1858 Zechariah BARRET s Jeremiah Louisa Kingsclere Labourer 2026 13 6 1858 George BRIDGMAN s Daniel Eliza Kingsclere Labourer 2027 23 6 1858 Frederick LAWRENCE s Daniel Rebecca Kingsclere Labourer

Page 187 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2028 23 6 1858 Augustus LAWRENCE s Charles Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer Charles 2029 23 6 1858 Elizabeth SHARP d John Ellen Kingsclere Miller Edith Emily 2030 27 6 1858 John POVEY s Eliza Kingsclere Labourer POVEY 2031 11 7 1858 Rachel ROLFE d George Maria Kingsclere Sawyer 2032 15 7 1858 Sarah Ann GRAY d George Sarah Kingsclere Tanner 2033 24 7 1858 Albert George MARTIN s George Emma Kingsclere Labourer 2034 25 7 1858 Eliza Emily BARNES d Daniel Elizabeth North House Labourer 2035 26 9 1858 Ellen Maria DRY d John Caroline Kingsclere Labourer 2036 3 10 1858 Walter ALDRIDGE s Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer ALDRIDGE 2037 17 10 1858 Mary Ann HOLDAWAY d Stephen Esther Kingsclere Labourer 2038 24 10 1858 George FRENCH s William Maria Kingsclere Labourer 2039 31 10 1858 Mary Louisa ROLFE d James Jane Kingsclere Labourer 2040 1 11 1858 William ROLFE s Joseph Emma Kingsclere Labourer Arthur 2041 3 11 1858 Walter Henry CHUBB s Frederick Mary Island Mill Millman 2042 25 12 1858 Lucy Watts FOWLER d Charles Lucy Kingsclere Labourer 2043 26 12 1858 George LAWES s George Fanny Maidentica (?) Tailor Rebecca 2044 7 1 1859 Elizabeth RUDDLE d Henry Sarah Catt's Farm Farmer 2045 9 1 1859 Elizabeth SMITH d Richard Maria North Street Labourer 2046 9 1 1859 Agnes GARRETT d George Eliza Kingsclere Carpenter 2047 24 1 1859 Sarah Ann FISHER d Harriet Kingsclere FISHER 2048 26 1 1859 Charles MAY s John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter 2049 30 1 1859 John NORTH s Abraham Charlotte Kingsclere Labourer 2050 9 2 1859 George MEADOWS s Samuel Mary Kingsclere Miller Thomas 2051 9 2 1859 Ellen Sophia MEADOWS d Samuel Mary Kingsclere Miller 2052 9 2 1859 Samuel MEADOWS s Samuel Mary Kingsclere Miller 2053 9 2 1859 Albert MEADOWS s Samuel Mary Kingsclere Miller 2054 9 2 1859 Eliza MEADOWS d Samuel Mary Kingsclere Miller 2055 11 2 1859 Walter Charles PASSINGHAM s William Eliza Kingsclere Policeman

2056 20 2 1859 William APPLEFORD s Sarah Ann Workhouse APPLEFORD 2057 23 2 1859 Alfred Henry HOBBS s Henry Elizabeth Kingsclere Saddler

Page 188 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2058 27 2 1859 Fanny PRESTON d Alfred Susannah Kingsclere Labourer 2059 27 2 1859 William FORD s Patsey Winiford Kingsclere Labourer 2060 27 2 1859 Ellen FORD d Patsey Winiford Kingsclere Labourer 2061 3 3 1859 Louisa HISCOCK d Daniel Sarah Kingsclere Labourer 2062 6 3 1859 Mary Ann THOMAS d Hannah Kingsclere THOMAS 2063 15 4 1859 Sarah ROSE d Charles Maria East Woodhay Bricklayer aged 14yrs 2064 22 4 1859 George BATT s George Sarah Kingsclere Publican William 2065 24 4 1859 Ann Maria DOLLERY d James Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2066 24 4 1859 Eliza BUTLER d Charles Deborah Swan Street Labourer 2067 15 5 1859 Henry Thomas SAVERY s John Caroline Kingsclere Barber 2068 22 5 1859 Charles GIGG s George Martha Kingsclere Maltster 2069 31 5 1859 Amy HUGHES d Henry Louisa Kingsclere Farmer Jane 2070 1 6 1859 Frederick HORAN s Edmond Anne Kingsclere Suprintendent George of Police 2071 3 6 1859 Mary Ann DIBLEY d Thomas Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 2072 8 6 1859 Elizabeth Lee MANNING d George Mary Kingsclere Labourer Frederick 2073 12 6 1859 Keziah BLUNDEN d Joseph Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer 2074 12 6 1859 James ELLIOT s Thomas Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 2075 12 6 1859 Thomas MILES s Harriet Kingsclere MILES James 2076 14 6 1859 Clara HARMSWORTH d Charles Sarah Kingsclere Tanner 2077 15 6 1859 Daniel HUTCHINS s Esther Workhouse Pauper HUTCHINS 2078 17 6 1859 William ROLFE s Thomas Emma Kingsclere Sawyer 2079 10 7 1859 Clara Fanny CRIBB d Charles Fanny Kingsclere Sack Maker Henry 2080 10 7 1859 Ellen POWERS d William Sarah Kingsclere Bricklayer 2081 10 7 1859 George POWERS s William Sarah Kingsclere Bricklayer 2082 17 7 1859 Eliza HILLIER d Henry Hannah Dell Pensioner 2083 17 7 1859 Sampson PORTSMOUTH s Charles Caroline Dell Labourer 2084 24 7 1859 Eliza HUGHES d James Rebecca Newbury Road Labourer 2085 7 8 1859 Samuel ROLFE s Esther Dell Sojourning Spinster ROLFE 2086 7 8 1859 Alice Ann MOORE d Sarah Workhouse Spinster MOORE 2087 7 8 1859 David DUCKET s Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer

Page 189 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2088 4 9 1859 Jane BENNET d George Caroline Chalk Pit Labourer 2089 11 9 1859 William James FULBROOK s William Elizabeth Dell Labourer

2090 11 9 1859 Joseph VERNEY s Henry Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2091 23 10 1859 Clara Bertha BREWER d Cornelius Mary Tower Hill Labourer Griffith 2092 13 11 1859 Henry HOPKINS s Charles Charlotte Swan Street Journeyman Tanner 2093 13 11 1859 Richard BARTLEY s Eliza Turnpike Road Spinster BARTLEY William Buckridge 2094 25 11 1859 Oliver POCOCK s Samuel Jane Workhouse Carpenter Father residing in East Woodhay 2095 25 11 1859 Mary Anne LUCOCK d Sarah Workhouse Spinster LUCOCK 2096 27 11 1859 John William SMITH s Daniel Ann George Street Labourer 2097 25 12 1859 Lewis TIBBLE s George Harriet Hurst Berks Shoemaker Sojourning in Buckeridge Kingsclere 2098 25 12 1859 Tom SMITH s John Hannah Newbury Marsh Labourer 2099 25 12 1859 William HOLLY s Thomas Rose Ann Swan Street Labourer 2100 25 12 1859 Henry James MILLS s Thomas Eliza Swan Street Labourer 2101 1 1 1860 Thomas ANDREWS s David Harriet North Street Labourer 2102 10 1 1860 Ada WICKENS d Stephen Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 2103 15 1 1860 John FOSTER s George Ann Dell Labourer 2104 18 1 1860 Emma BRIDGMAN d Stephen Keziah Coleridge's Farm Carter 2105 22 1 1860 Henry ROLFE s Joseph Emma Toll House Toll Keeper Winchester Rd 2106 9 2 1860 Frederick HOBBS s Henry Elizabeth Swan Street Collar Maker 2107 12 2 1860 Edward EDWARDS s William Johanna Wolverton Lane Labourer 2108 11 3 1860 Willy TURNER s James Louisa Free School Lytton School Master

2109 11 3 1860 Richard LAWRENCE s Daniel Rebecca Workhouse Lane Labourer William 2110 25 3 1860 Arthur PROUT s Charles Caroline Dell Lane Labourer 2111 25 3 1860 David George WEST s Ann Workhouse Spinster WEST Belonging to Tadley Lawrence 2112 1 4 1860 Amelia Harriet PRESTON d Alfred Susannah Stratton's Farm Gardener

Page 190 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2113 1 4 1860 Richard SMITH s Lydia Workhouse Spinster SMITH Charles Ledger 2114 8 4 1860 Henry John DINES s Elizabeth Workhouse Spinster DINES 2115 29 4 1860 Jem MARTIN s George Emma Winchester Road Labourer 2116 13 5 1860 Sarah Ann DOLLERY d Henry Jane Hounslow Labourer Sojourning in Kingsclere 2117 20 5 1860 Emma PEARCE d Joseph Ann Stanton's Row Labourer Privately Baptised 2118 20 5 1860 Eliza GARRETT d George Eliza Swan Street Carpenter 2119 27 5 1860 Joe COOPER s Joseph Mary Ann Whitley near Publican Sojourning in Reading Kingsclere 2120 24 6 1860 Maria Louisa CORNEBY d Joseph Emma George Street Chemist & Coles Maria Druggist 2121 10 7 1860 Mary Jane STRATTON d John Jane Dell Labourer 2122 15 7 1860 Alice MAY d John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter & Dealer 2123 18 7 1860 Francis PENFORD s George Caroline Swan Street Butcher George 2124 7 8 1860 Ellen ROLFE d James Jane Tower Hill Labourer Privately Baptised 2125 25 8 1860 Mary Ann HISCOCK d Daniel Sarah North Street Labourer Privately Baptised 2126 16 9 1860 Joseph PAINTING s Richard Mary Dell Labourer 2127 3 10 1860 Thomas LARGE s Thomas Sarah Fox Grove Yeoman James Margaret 2128 6 10 1860 Alice BRIDGMAN d Daniel Eliza Nutkins Labourer Privately Baptised 2129 7 10 1860 Mary Ann NORTH d James Charlotte Newbury Marsh Labourer 2130 14 10 1860 Emily GRAY d George Sarah near the Church Journeyman Elizabeth Tanner 2131 21 10 1860 Mary Hannah WYETH d William Emily George Street Labourer 2132 4 11 1860 Frederick MILES s Charles Emma Dell Lane Shepherd James 2133 4 11 1860 Albert Daniel SMITH s Ellen Workhouse Spinster SMITH 2134 6 1 1861 Ellen DUCKETT d Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer 2135 13 1 1861 William DYEHOUSE s Stephen Ann George Street Gunner Royal Child Sojourning in Stephen Marines Kingsclere 2136 14 1 1861 William Henry SEWARD s Henry Hannah Dell Lane Journeyman Blacksmith

Page 191 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2137 27 1 1861 Sarah HORN d Mary Workhouse Spinster HORN of Burghclere 2138 3 2 1861 William ROLFE s Joseph Fanny George Street Labourer 2139 5 2 1861 Annie Laura WILSON d Thomas Fanny Swan Street Tailor 2140 8 2 1861 Eliza Sarah BATT d George Sarah Swan Street Publican 2141 17 2 1861 Thomas GIGG s George Martha Catt's Malt House Journeyman George Maltster 2142 8 3 1861 Alice DRY d John Caroline Stanton's Row Labourer Privately Baptised 2143 31 3 1861 Laura Jessie BUTLER d Charles Deborah Swan Street Labourer 2144 12 4 1861 Clara MEADOWS d Samuel Mary North Street Miller 2145 12 4 1861 Sarah HILLIER d Charles Rachel Hall Farm Labourer 2146 14 4 1861 Charles LAWRENCE s Charles Emma Winchester Road Labourer 2147 14 4 1861 Edward HOLLEY s John Rose Ann Swan Street Labourer 2148 21 4 1861 Hannah HARRIS d William Mary Dell Labourer 2149 26 4 1861 Georgina ARNSBY d Alfred Mary Swan Street Solicitor Clerk Emma Ashton 2150 14 5 1861 Ada WICKENS d Stephen Elizabeth Stanton's Row Labourer 2151 19 5 1861 George HOLLEY s George Martha Islington Draper Twins Sojourning in William Kingsclere 2152 19 5 1861 Harry HOLLEY s George Martha Islington Draper Twins Sojourning in Kingsclere 2153 19 5 1861 Mary Anna PROUT d Henry Letitia Cannon Park Labourer Cottages 2154 19 5 1861 Ellen PROUT d Henry Letitia Cannon Park Labourer Cottages 2155 19 5 1861 Charlotte WEBB d Daniel Martha Stanton's Row Labourer 2156 14 7 1861 Hannah FOWLER d Charles Lucy Newbury Road Labourer 2157 21 7 1861 Henry Richard HOLDWAY s Stephen Esther Swan Street Labourer 2158 4 8 1861 Alfred LAWRENCE s Sarah Workhouse Spinster LAWRENCE 2159 14 8 1861 George STANLEY s Thomas Mary Swan Street Groom Swithin 2160 18 8 1861 Thomas GARRETT s George Eliza Swan Street Carpenter 2161 20 8 1861 Horace WATTS s George Mary Ann George Street Labourer George 2162 1 9 1861 Henry William OLIVER s George Sarah Stanton's Row Labourer 2163 22 9 1861 Frederick SMITH s William Hannah Workhouse Carpenter of Burghclere Edwin

Page 192 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2164 13 10 1861 Henry James MUNDAY s John Hannah The Warren Labourer 2165 20 10 1861 Caroline MARTIN d Thomas Elizabeth Stanton's Row Labourer 2166 27 10 1861 John ANDREWS s David Harriet North Street Labourer 2167 3 11 1861 Henry VERNEY s Henry Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2168 4 11 1861 Charles NORTH s Charles Ellen The Marsh Carter 2169 10 11 1861 Richard SAVERY s John Caroline George Street Shoemaker Edward 2170 17 11 1861 Frank SELLWOOD s Henry Julia Ann Union Lane Gardener 2171 17 11 1861 Jane WOODHOUSE d Isaac Charlotte Turnpike Road Labourer 9 10 1862 2172 17 11 1861 Mary Ann WOODHOUSE d Isaac Charlotte Turnpike Road Labourer 30 4 1858 2173 17 11 1861 Thomas WOODHOUSE s Isaac Charlotte Turnpike Road Labourer 9 8 1856 2174 25 11 1861 Charles MILES s William Elizabeth Stanton's Row Labourer 2175 22 12 1861 Mary Jane LAWRENCE d Daniel Rebecca Union Lane Labourer 2176 25 12 1861 Grace DOLLERY d James Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2177 29 12 1861 Jane ELLIOT d Thomas Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2178 29 12 1861 Mary Jane SMITH d Daniel Ann George Street Labourer 2179 12 1 1862 George NORTH s Abraham Charlotte Dell Labourer 2180 12 1 1862 Rose Ann DENNIS d George Mary Ann Dell Labourer 2181 22 1 1862 Martha THOMAS d Hannah Turnpike Road Spinster THOMAS 2182 22 1 1862 Elizabeth Ann MAJOR d Martha Turnpike Road Spinster MAJOR Steel 2183 24 1 1862 Richard LONG s Jane Workhouse Spinster LONG 2184 9 2 1862 Rosa Kate STROUD d John Charlotte Turnpike Road Labourer 2185 9 2 1862 Jane Elizabeth HISCOCK d Daniel Elizabeth North Street Labourer

2186 16 2 1862 William HILLIER s Henry Hannah Dell Pensioner 2187 28 2 1862 Emma LEWINGTON d Joseph Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2188 2 3 1862 John Charles CRIBB s Charles Fanny George Street Sack Henry Manufacture 2189 13 3 1862 Albert Earl BROWN s Mary Ann Workhouse Spinster BROWN of Hannington 2190 16 3 1862 Martha STANFORD d George Martha Tower Hill Drillman & Rice Flower Clipper 2191 21 3 1862 Sarah Ann GIRDLER d William Hannah Summershurst Labourer Green 2192 30 3 1862 William NORTH s George Jane George Street Journeyman Tanner

Page 193 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2193 9 4 1862 Arthur MAY s John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter & Shopkeeper 2194 13 4 1862 Thomas PEARCE s Frederick Harriet Newbury Marsh Sawyer William Ann 2195 18 4 1862 Sarah Ann STEVENS d George Maria Cottages NW of Labourer church 2196 20 4 1862 Mary Jane ROLFE d Joseph Emma Toll House Toll Keeper Winchester Rd 2197 20 4 1862 James POVEY s Eliza Kingsclere Widow POVEY 2198 20 4 1862 Thomas DRUETT s George Esther Turnpike Road Labourer 8 1 1861 2199 27 4 1862 Amy HUGHES d Henry Louisa Swan Street Journeyman Jane Tanner 2200 11 5 1862 William Henry PRESTON s Alfred Susanna Stratton's Farm Gardener 2201 11 5 1862 Frederick John HUNT s Harriet Dell Spinster HUNT

2202 9 6 1862 Walter TIDBURY s Jeremiah Martha Wandsworth Labourer Sojourning in Surrey Kingsclere 2203 11 6 1862 William HOBBS s Henry Elizabeth Swan Street Collar Maker 2204 11 6 1862 Frank HOPKINS s Charles Charlotte Swan Street Journeyman Tanner 2205 6 7 1862 Emily Mary POWERS d William Sarah George Street Bricklayer 2206 6 7 1862 Amy COOPER d Joseph Mary Ann Reading Railway Child Sojourning in Labourer Kingsclere 2207 27 7 1862 Henry John DUCKETT s Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer 2208 27 7 1862 Robert William STEVENS s Robert Elizabeth Cottages NW of Carpenter church 2209 30 7 1862 Florence TAPLIN d George Catharine Field Gate Yeoman Margaret 2210 15 8 1862 Annie Louisa HANKIN d William Mary Salisbury Butcher Child Sojourning in Bennett Minnie Kingsclere 2211 15 8 1862 Fanny TWITCHIN d Frederick Ann Market Place Bonnidinger (?) Henry 2212 17 8 1862 Alice BREWER d Cornelius Sarah Ann Tower Hill Labourer

2213 14 9 1862 Henry Charles COOPER s Henry Ann Hounslow Labourer Child Sojourning in Kingsclere

Page 194 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2214 19 9 1862 George WEBB s William Amelia Summershurst Labourer Green 2215 19 10 1862 Alfred William WINTER s Eliza Workhouse Spinster WINTER 2216 19 10 1862 Jane GARRETT d George Eliza Swan Street Carpenter 2217 19 10 1862 David SMITH s David Ann North Street Journeyman Maltster 2218 26 10 1862 Alice ROLFE d Joseph Fanny George Street Labourer 2219 16 11 1862 Alice PROUT d Henry Letitia North of church Labourer 2220 16 11 1862 Edith FREEPANCE d Louisa Spinster FREEPANCE Sojourning in 2221 23 11 1862 William HILLIER s Charles Rachel Hall Farm Labourer 2222 28 12 1862 Harvey MILES s Charles Emma Dell Lane Shepherd George 2223 4 1 1863 John STRATTON s John Jane Dell Labourer 2224 25 1 1863 George CORNEBY s Joseph Emma George Street Chemist & Frederick Coles Maria Druggist William 2225 13 2 1863 Sophia MEADOWS d Samuel Mary George Street Journeyman Miller 2226 15 2 1863 Sarah Ann WATTS d George Mary Ann Walkeridge Labourer 2227 20 2 1863 Adelaide MAY d John Sarah Wolverton Lane Carpenter 2228 22 2 1863 Anne BATT d George Sarah Anchor Inn Carpenter & Publican 2229 8 3 1863 William LAWRENCE s Sophia Cottage near Spinster LAWRENCE Catt's Farm 2230 15 3 1863 Tom ALDER s Mary Anne Workhouse Spinster ALDER of

2231 16 3 1863 Mary HOUSE d George Emily Dell Shepherd 2232 1 4 1863 Albert Edward PENFORD s George Caroline Market Place Butcher 2233 5 4 1863 Lucy EVANS d John Jane Newbury Marsh Carter 2234 5 4 1863 Alice Maria WEBB d Daniel Martha Workhouse Labourer 2 5 1862 2235 12 4 1863 Charles BARRETT s Jeremiah Louisa Newbury Marsh Labourer 2236 19 4 1863 George GIGG s George Maria Catt's Malt House Journeyman Maltster 2237 25 4 1863 Edward BLACKBURN s Joshua Elizabeth Tower Hill Gentleman Aged 30 both Parents Deceased

Page 195 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2238 26 4 1863 Francis ROBBINS s Caroline Workhouse Spinster ROBBINS William 2239 3 5 1863 Joe ROLFE s Joseph Emma Turnpike Road Toll Keeper 2240 3 5 1863 Susan DUCKETT d Martha Workhouse Spinster DUCKETT 2241 5 5 1863 Alfred BRIDGMAN s Daniel Eliza Nutkins Labourer 2242 18 5 1863 Albert PEARCE s Frederick Harriet Newbury Marsh Sawyer Ann 2243 31 5 1863 Sarah Louisa ROLFE d Elizabeth North Street Spinster ROLFE 2244 26 6 1863 Mary Ann GODDARD d Eliza Workhouse Spinster 2245 28 6 1863 Charles HILLIER s Caroline Workhouse Spinster HILLIER 2246 30 6 1863 Charles MARTIN s Charles Jane Swan Street Groom 2247 3 7 1863 Alice Louisa MANNING d George Mary Cannon Heath Trainer Frederick 2248 3 6 1863 Edmund MANNING s George Mary Cannon Heath Trainer George Frederick 2249 5 7 1863 Tom EARLY s Thomas Catherine Sandford Farm Game Keeper 2250 21 7 1863 Charles FOWLER s Charles Lucy Newbury Road Labourer 2251 2 8 1863 Emily PEARCE d Sarah Workhouse Spinster PEARCE 2252 2 8 1863 Georgina FOWLER d Ellen Workhouse Spinster FOWLER 2253 7 8 1863 Frederick LARGE s Thomas Sarah Fox Grove Yeoman William Margaret 2254 9 8 1863 Fanny Eliza LITTLE d William Mary Police Station Police Arthur Constable 2255 16 8 1863 Mary Ann WALLACE d William Elizabeth North of church Blacksmith Name should be Elizabeth WALLIS 2256 22 8 1863 Alice MARTIN d Thomas Elizabeth Stanton's Row Labourer 2257 20 9 1863 Daniel LAWRENCE s Daniel Rebecca Union Lane Thatcher 2258 3 10 1863 Katharine TAPLIN d George Katharine Field Gate Yeoman Jane 2259 11 10 1863 Jane SIMPSON d Alfred Hannah Turnpike Road Labourer 2260 24 10 1863 Louisa NORTH d James Charlotte Newbury Marsh Labourer 2261 25 10 1863 Thomas SMITH s Daniel Anne Dell Labourer 2262 25 10 1863 Alfred William DRY s John Caroline Dell Labourer 2263 11 11 1863 Isabella WICKENS d Stephen Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 2264 15 11 1863 Alice HENSLERE d Richard Charlotte Brazen Head Farm Labourer

Page 196 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2265 29 11 1863 Sarah Ann PROUT d Henry Letitia Dell Labourer 2266 27 12 1863 Willie HOLLY s John Rose Ann Swan Street Labourer 2267 30 12 1863 Kate Harriet LAWRENCE d William Mary Ann Market Place Excise Officer 2268 17 1 1864 James DOLLERY s James Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2269 6 2 1864 Prudence SEWARD d David Prudence NW of church Shoemaker Martha 2270 22 2 1864 Emily Alice PORTER d John Emily Jane Cannon Heath Trainer House 2271 27 2 1864 Sarah HOLDWAY d Stephen Esther Dell Labourer 2272 13 3 1864 Louisa SMITH d David Ann North Street Labourer 2273 24 3 1864 Arthur CUMMINS s George Ann Plaistow Green Labourer Woodlands District 2274 3 4 1864 Albert Earl WINTER s Eliza Workhouse Spinster WINTER 2275 3 4 1864 Annie Maria ALDERMAN d Mary Ann Workhouse Spinster ALDERMAN 2276 24 4 1864 Henry Charles HISCOCK s Daniel Sarah North Street Labourer 2277 30 4 1864 George BRIDGMAN s George Mary Stanton's Row Carter Charles 2278 1 5 1864 Charles MUNDY s John Hannah The Warren Labourer 2279 1 5 1864 Frank George CANFIELD s Edwin Elizabeth Bolton Arms Beer Shop Hewett Keeper 2280 15 5 1864 Martha DUCKETT d Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer 2281 15 5 1864 William LEWINGTON s Joseph Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2282 20 5 1864 David STRATTON s John Jane Dell Labourer 2283 29 5 1864 Charles STEVENS s Robert Elizabeth Swan Street Carpenter George 2284 29 5 1864 Albert PRESTON s Alfred Susanna Stratton's Farm Gardener 2285 5 6 1864 Joseph SAVERY s John Caroline George Street Parish Clerk Charles 2286 12 6 1864 Rosina Emily WINTER d Sarah Workhouse Single Woman WINTER 2287 17 6 1864 Amy VERNEY d Henry Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2288 26 6 1864 George HOPKINS s Charles Charlotte Swan Street Journeyman Tanner 2289 3 7 1864 Minnie Kate FEY d Thomas Mary Police Station Suprintendent of Police 2290 3 7 1864 Mary Jane NORTH d George Jane George Street Gardener 2291 8 7 1864 James Walter COOK s George Hannah Cannon Heath Carter Cottages

Page 197 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2292 17 7 1864 Henry MILES s James Kezia Coleridge's Farm Pensioner 2293 7 8 1864 William BUTLER s Charles Deborah Swan Street Labourer Joseph Cook 2294 26 8 1864 Joseph LARGE s Thomas Sarah Fox Grove Yeoman Sheppard Margaret 2295 9 9 1864 Kate HARRIS d Elizabeth Workhouse Spinster HARRIS 2296 18 9 1864 Harriet GRAY d George Sarah Kingsclere Tannery Engineman 2297 25 9 1864 William Henry RABBITS s Henry Charlotte Wolverton Lane Labourer 2298 4 10 1864 Horace HOBBS s Henry Elizabeth Swan Street Harness Maker 2299 7 10 1864 John WALLIS s William Elizabeth Market Place Blacksmith 2300 9 10 1864 Francis TIBBLE s George Hannah North Street Shoemaker William 2301 16 10 1864 Fanny ELLIOTT d Thomas Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2302 13 11 1864 Albert Edward PEARCE s Frederick Harriet Newbury Marsh Sawyer 2303 20 11 1864 Charles James HUNT s Frederick Caroline Cannon Heath Carter

2304 20 11 1864 Millicent NORTH d John Ann Dell Labourer 2305 27 11 1864 Joseph Henry REID s Joseph Annie Swan Street Gentleman's Graham Henry Butler 2306 4 12 1864 William STEVENS s George Maria Duke Lane Labourer 2307 22 1 1865 Bessie Matilda BREWER d Cornelius Sarah Ann Tower Hill Labourer

2308 28 1 1865 John Frederick TWITCHIN s Frederick Ann Market Place Chemist Henry Ironmonger & Grocer 2309 7 2 1865 Emma ROLFE d Joseph Emma Winchester Toll Keeper Turnpike Road 2310 19 2 1865 Emily BURRETT d Jeremiah Louisa Newbury Road Wood Dealer 2311 12 3 1865 Frederick WINTERBOURNE s Daniel Ellen Station Street Labourer William 2312 22 3 1865 Edward s John Emily Jane Cannon Heath Trainer House 2313 26 3 1865 George DOWLING s George Elizabeth Dell Carter Edward

Page 198 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2314 26 3 1865 Martha Ann MILES d Charles Emma Dell Shepherd Shearman 2315 5 4 1865 Albert RABBITTS s Henry Sarah Wolverton Lane Rettiflogger (?) 2316 10 4 1865 Arthur BREWER s Cornelius Mary Ann Tower Hill Labourer Leviston Griffith 2317 16 4 1865 Arthur Joseph LITTLE s William Mary Police Station Police Arthur Constable 2318 17 4 1865 Fanny Maria NEW d Jesse Mary Ann Dell Lane Hoop Shaver & Labourer 2319 21 5 1865 Anne Marie SOMNER d Jacob Jane Swan Street Journeyman Twins Mason 2320 21 5 1865 Matilda SOMNER d Jacob Jane Swan Street Journeyman Twins Mason 2321 28 5 1865 William PEARCE s Joseph Ann Stanton's Row Shepherd Joseph 2322 4 6 1865 Charles POVEY s Eliza Dell POVEY 2323 4 6 1865 Sarah Ann ELLIOTT d Caleb Jane George Street Labourer 2324 11 6 1865 William POOK s William Ann Swan Street Seedsman & BRAZIER Seward Land Surveyor 2325 14 6 1865 Maria OLIVER d George Sarah Dell Labourer 2326 30 6 1865 Charles Edwin FISHER s Henry Elizabeth Swan Street Sawyer ALDRIDGE Mother Bark Scraper 2327 28 7 1865 George TAPLIN s George Katharine Field Gate Yeoman Frederick 2328 30 7 1865 Richard BRIDGMAN s Daniel Eliza Nutkins Carter 2329 1 8 1865 Henry Thomas COOPER s Jane Workhouse Spinster COOPER 2330 11 8 1865 Frank WOODHOUSE s Isaac Charlotte Turnpike Road Labourer 2331 10 9 1865 Arthur LAURENCE s Daniel Rebecca Union Lane Thatcher 2332 16 9 1865 Caroline BATT d George Sarah Swan Street Carpenter & Publican 2333 24 9 1865 Frank MILLS s Charles Catharine Black Horse Publican 2334 24 9 1865 Mary Ann KENSLERE d Richard Charlotte Brazen Head Farm Labourer

2335 24 9 1865 William Peter NEWLANDS s John Jane Great Dover St Chemist 9 12 1864 Reina Alexander London Reina 2336 15 10 1865 Amy POWERS d William Mary Ann Dell Bricklayer

Page 199 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2337 29 10 1865 William James EVANS s John Jane Sandford Farm Carter

2338 15 11 1865 Ada Caroline PENFORD d George Caroline Market Place Butcher 31 7 1865 2339 11 12 1865 Annie PORTER d John Emily Jane Cannon Heath Trainer

2340 24 12 1865 George FULBROOK s William Bessy Coleridge's Farm Labourer 2341 24 12 1865 James DUCKETT s Daniel Rebecca Dell Labourer 5 8 1865 2342 25 12 1865 Charles Henry DOWLING s George Elizabeth Dell Labourer 12 11 1865 Emma 2343 14 1 1866 William John COOK s John Amelia George Street Labourer 2344 21 1 1866 Charles Henry SEWARD s Samuel Ellen Frobury Farm Carter 2345 10 2 1866 George MILLER s Henry Elizabeth George Street Labourer Thomas 2346 18 2 1866 Alice SIMPSON d Alfred Hannah Turnpike Road Labourer 14 1 1866 2347 27 3 1866 Henry William DOLLERY s James Elizabeth Dell Labourer 2348 8 4 1866 Robert George RABBITS s William May Brazen Head Farm Labourer

2349 8 4 1866 Arthur Railiegh NORTH s Abraham Charlotte Dell Labourer

2350 8 4 1866 Charles SEAMOUR s John Elizabeth North Street Labourer 2351 18 5 1866 Sarah HARMSWORTH d William Sarah Wolverton Lane Labourer 2352 20 5 1866 William WALLIS s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Blacksmith 2353 23 5 1866 Ernest Edward LARGE s Thomas Sarah Fox Grove Troman (?) Margaret 2354 27 5 1866 Elizabeth HORBLEY d Thomas Fanny Stanton's Row Labourer 2355 6 6 1866 Helen HOLLY d John Rose Ann Black Bear Labourer 2356 10 6 1866 Jim HUNT s Thomas Eliza The Pit Labourer Duckett 2357 24 6 1866 Louisa LEWINGTON d Joseph Elizabeth Dell Labourer 25 5 1866 2358 24 6 1866 Rosa Kate HISCOCK d Daniel Sarah Dell Labourer 2359 10 7 1866 Kate MILES d Charles Catherine Black Horse Inn Publican 2360 29 7 1866 Tom MARTIN s Thomas Eliza Stanton's Row Labourer 2361 29 7 1866 Albert SMITH s Daniel Ann Dell Labourer 2362 22 8 1866 Reginald PEARCE s Mary Workhouse Single Woman PEARCE George 2363 30 8 1866 Ellen Maria PIPER d Maria Workhouse Single Woman PIPER

Page 200 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2364 30 8 1866 Arthur Henry WINTER s Eliza Workhouse Single Woman WINTER 2365 30 8 1866 Edward DUCKETT s Eliza Workhouse Single Woman 3 6 1865 DUCKETT George 2366 23 9 1866 Edward BATT s George Sarah Anchor Inn Swan Carpenter Thomas Street 2367 30 9 1866 Eunice Fanny CLARK d Hophni Fanny George Street Painter 2368 7 10 1866 Clara Anne ROLFE d Matilda George Street Single Woman ROLFE 2369 14 10 1866 Sarah Anne NORTH d John Ann Dell Labourer 2370 26 10 1866 Alfred ANDREWS s David Harriet Workhouse Pauper 2371 18 11 1866 Charles POOK s William Ann Swan Street Seedsman & BRAZIER Seward Land Surveyor 2372 1 12 1866 Frank HUNT s Thomas Eliza The Pit Labourer Duckell 2373 23 12 1866 Eli Albert DRY s John Caroline Dell Labourer 2374 9 12 1866 Albert NORTH s Charles Hannah Dell Labourer 2375 10 1 1867 Tom ROLF s Joseph Emily Turnpike Road Labourer 2376 18 1 1867 Emily Sarah CRESWICK d Emma Workhouse Servant CRESWICK of Highclere Parish 2377 27 1 1867 Edith Anne HINTON d William Anne Kingsclere Police 11 1 1867 James Constable 2378 7 2 1867 Ellen TAPLIN d George Catharine Kingsclere Farmer 7 2 1867 2379 10 2 1867 Annie MILLSON d William Rhoda Kingsclere Labourer 2 12 1866 2380 1 2 1867 Charles DINES s Elizabeth Workhouse DINES of Burghclere Joseph 2381 17 2 1867 George Miller WINTERBOURNE s Daniel Ellen Kingsclere Labourer 2382 19 2 1867 Ellen LAWRENCE d Ruth Common Servant 4 12 1866 LAWRENCE Privately Baptised 2383 22 2 1867 Septimus RUDDLE s William Jane Kingsclere Farmer 4 11 1866 Edward 2384 15 3 1867 Elizabeth PROUT d Henry Sarah Ann Kingsclere Labourer Privately Baptised 2385 27 3 1867 Emily HOBBS d Henry Eliz'th Kingsclere Harness Maker 2386 7 4 1867 Isaac BURNETT s Charlotte Workhouse Labourer 2 4 1867 BURNETT Privately Baptised 2387 17 4 1867 George Henry PORTER s John Emily Kingsclere Trainer 2388 20 4 1867 Henry NORTH s George Jane Kingsclere Labourer 20 4 1867 Privately Baptised 2389 20 4 1867 Ellen TIBBLE d George Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 20 2 1867 2390 20 4 1867 William SEWARD s Ann Pitchorn Farm Servant 4 3 1867 SEWARD

Page 201 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 2391 10 5 1867 Constance SMITH d Jesse Alice Kingsclere Labourer 5 5 1867 Elizabeth Sarah Jessie 2392 15 5 1867 Eliz'th Ann DOLLERY d James Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 23 2 1867 Privately Baptised 2393 7 6 1867 Emma CLARK d Cornelius Emma Kingsclere Painter 15 3 1867 2394 9 6 1867 Augustus John MILES s Charles Emma Kingsclere Labourer 12 4 1867

2395 9 6 1867 Henry NORTH s George Jane Kingsclere Labourer 2396 16 6 1867 Rosannah HAYWARD d James Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer 29 3 1867 2397 16 6 1867 William GRIGG s George Maria Kingsclere Maltster Thomas 2398 23 6 1867 Elizabeth Ann FISHER d Eliza Kingsclere Servant 4 5 1867 FISHER 2399 11 8 1867 Olive MILLER d Henry Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 2 7 1867 Thomas 2400 25 8 1867 Charles WEBB s John Emma Kingsclere Labourer 1 7 1867 1 25 8 1867 Francis Fanny ROLFE d Joseph Fanny Kingsclere Labourer 13 5 1867 2 26 8 1867 James NORTH s James Charlotte The Marsh Labourer 23 8 1867 3 30 8 1867 Lydia Kate ALDRIDGE d Mary Workhouse Single Woman ALDRIDGE 4 13 10 1867 Myra Elizabeth ALDRIDGE d Alfred Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer 19 8 1867

5 23 10 1867 Daniel OLIVER s George Sarah Kingsclere Widow 6 13 11 1867 Sidney Herbert PENFORD s George Caroline Kingsclere Butcher 30 8 1867 Shold be PENFORD

7 22 12 1867 Catharine HUNT d Frederick Caroline Kingsclere Labourer 26 10 1867 Matilda 8 25 12 1867 Tom LAWRENCE s Daniel Rebecca Kingsclere Thatcher 26 5 1867 9 25 12 1867 Alice LAWRENCE d William Mary Ann Kingsclere Excise Officer 22 10 1867 Josephine Mary 10 9 2 1868 Elizabeth Eliza DIBLEY d George Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer 7 11 1867

11 23 2 1868 Elizabeth SIMPSON d Alfred Hannah Kingsclere Labourer 14 1 1867 12 23 2 1868 Louisa BUTLER d George Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 22 2 1868 Privately Baptised 13 29 3 1868 Rose BLAKE d Henry Ann Kingsclere Labourer 15 1 1867 14 6 4 1868 George EVANS s John Jane Kingsclere Miller 27 1 1868 15 8 4 1868 Caroline SEYMOUR d John Elizabeth Kingsclere Labourer 4 2 1868

Page 202 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 16 10 4 1868 Harry Brazier POOK s William Ann Kingsclere Labourer BRAZIER trade should be inn Seward keeper 17 12 4 1868 Anne Maria DUCKETT d Thomas Eliza Kingsclere Labourer 11 2 1868 18 20 4 1868 Sarah Ann SPROUT d Thomas Charlotte Kingsclere Labourer 19 10 5 1868 Rosina HOCKLEY d Thomas Fanny Kingsclere Labourer 21 3 1868 20 31 5 1868 Ellen ROLF d Joseph Emma Kingsclere Labourer 1 5 1868 21 2 6 1868 Henry James WALLIS s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Blacksmith 28 4 1868 Cribb 22 7 6 1868 Sydney Harry PRATER s William Mary Kingsclere Servant 24 3 1868 23 14 6 1868 Emily RABBITS d Elizabeth Workhouse Single Woman RABBITS 24 12 7 1868 Annie POVEY d Eliza Kingsclere Widow POVEY 25 16 7 1868 Selina WICKENS d Stephen Elizabeth Swan Street Labourer 26 24 7 1868 Edith Marcia SHORTEN d Stephen Harriet Field Gate School Master 27 9 8 1868 Thomas STEVENS s George Maria NW of church Labourer 28 30 8 1868 Emily DOWLING d George Elizabeth Dell Labourer Florence Shearman 29 30 8 1868 Joseph FOWLER s Charles Lucy Newbury Road Labourer 25 2 1867 31 4 10 1868 Thomas SHEARMAN s Charles Hannah George Street Carter 30 4 10 1868 Harry John MATTHEWS s Henry Helen Bartholomew St Hairdresser Sojourning in William John Elizabeth Newbury Kingsclere 32 4 10 1868 John HARMSWORTH s William Elizabeth Wolverton Lane Carter 33 7 10 1868 Annie Bella CLARK d Hophni Fanny Swan Street Journeyman Painter 34 12 11 1868 Sarah HISCOCK d Daniel Sarah Dell Labourer 35 25 12 1868 Elizabeth POVEY d Charles Hannah South of Swan Journeyman Street Carpenter 36 27 12 1868 Susan SPARKS d William Sarah Ann Workhouse Miller 37 24 1 1869 Bertha Ellen DAY d George Eliza Dell Labourer 38 28 1 1869 Kate PROUT d Ann Newbury Marsh Spinster PROUT 39 31 1 1869 Phyllis Lewis PRATER d Mary Ann George Street Spinster PRATER 40 12 2 1869 Alfred Henry BATT s George Sarah Cottages NW of Late Builder church Licensed Victualler 41 14 2 1869 Mary Jane WILLIAMS d John Emma Dell Sweep

Page 203 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 42 21 2 1869 Charles ANDREWS s Harriet Workhouse Spinster ANDREWS of Sidmonton Parish Edward 43 23 2 1869 Robert LARGE s Robert Margaret Field Gate Farmer Sheppard Sheppard 44 24 2 1869 Albert Henry DRURY s Albert Ellen Free School School Master House 45 21 3 1869 Kate ALDRIDGE d Alfred Mary Ann Coleridge's Farm Carter 46 4 4 1869 Emma Matilda NORTH d Abraham Charlotte Dell Labourer 47 18 4 1869 Frederick NORTH s James Charlotte Newbury Marsh Labourer 48 30 4 1869 Sarah Maria MILLER d Henry Elizabeth George Street Labourer Thomas 49 9 5 1869 Louisa Ann BURRITT d Jeremiah Louisa Tadley Labourer Late of Kingsclere 50 15 5 1869 Henry DOLLERY s James Elizabeth Dell Labourer 51 30 5 1869 William Henry OLIVER s William Emma George Street Journeyman Bricklayer 52 2 6 1869 Ellen LAWES d William Hannah Polham Lodge Fogger Cottages 53 6 6 1869 Ellen GRAY d George Sarah Cottages NW of Journeyman church Tanner 54 6 6 1869 Rosa Kate MILES d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 55 6 6 1869 Mary Ann HAYWARD d James Mary Ann Cottages NW of Labourer church 56 11 6 1869 Heroda Selina PEARCE d Frederic Harriet George Street Sawyer Kate 57 18 7 1869 William MILLSON s William Rhoda Kingsclere Carpenter 13 5 1867 58 15 8 1869 Herbert POOK s William Ann Horn Inn George Inn Keeper BRAZIER Seward Street 59 20 8 1869 Elizabeth BUTLER d George Elizabeth Kite's Hill Labourer 60 19 9 1869 William VERNEY s William Eliza Swan Street Labourer George 61 26 9 1869 George SMITH s Daniel Ann Dell Labourer 62 22 10 1869 Emily WHISTLER d Septimus Eliza Kingsclere Farmer 21 1 1867 Mother & Child sojourning in 63 7 11 1869 Louisa RUMBOLT d John Sarah Star Inn Inn Keeper 64 18 11 1869 Ernest Charles WICKENS s Stephen Elizabeth Swan Street Sawyer

Page 204 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 65 21 11 1869 Emma Jane WINTERBOURNE d Daniel Jane George Street Labourer 66 21 11 1869 Walter PARSONS s Peter Eliza Cannon Heath Labourer Augustus John

67 3 12 1869 William John DOWLING s George Elizabeth Dell Labourer Emma 68 3 12 1869 Florence Ada MILES d Charles Emma Dell Shepherd 69 26 12 1869 William John SMITH s Thomas Elizabeth Calcott Downs nr Labourer 22 12 1868 Sojourning in Whitchurch Kingsclere 70 31 12 1869 Florence CLARK d Cornelius Emma Newbury Road Plumber & Glazier 71 7 1 1870 Louisa Eliza BOWLES d Henry Frances Camden Town Butler Maria May London 72 12 1 1870 Ellen PORTER d John Emily Jane Training Trainer Mother should be Establishment Emily Jane Kclere 73 14 1 1870 Mary Ann SEYMOUR d John Elizabeth Cottages NW of Labourer church 74 26 1 1870 Charles DRUETT s George Esther Polhampton Farm Labourer 3 6 1863 75 26 1 1870 Henry DRUETT s George Esther Polhampton Farm Labourer 2 11 1866 76 26 1 1870 Joseph DRUETT s George Esther Polhampton Farm Labourer 77 6 2 1870 Charles John ALLEN s John Mary Aunty Road Labourer Sojourning in Reading Kingsclere 78 6 2 1870 Ada PEARCE d Sarah Workhouse Spinster PEARCE of Tadley Parish 79 17 2 1870 Elizabeth ALDRIDGE d Mary Ann NW of church Spinster ALDRIDGE 80 20 2 1870 Henry GREGORY s John Emma Dell Sweep 81 25 2 1870 Kate MARTIN d Thomas Elizabeth Stanton's Row Labourer 82 3 3 1870 Agnes Maria SMITH d Jesse Alice Dell Labourer 83 9 3 1870 Isabella LAWRENCE d Daniel Rebecca Union Lane Basket Maker 84 9 3 1870 Arthur MEADOWS s Samuel Mary Town Mill Journeyman 15 9 1868 Miller 85 9 3 1870 Kate MEADOWS d Samuel Mary Town Mill Jorneyman 28 8 1866 Miller 86 9 3 1870 Jane MEADOWS d Samuel Mary Town Mill Journeyman 11 6 1864 Miller 87 13 3 1870 Albert Edward BREWER s Cornelius Ann Dell Labourer

Page 205 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 88 15 3 1870 Sarah Ann RABBITS d Henry Sarah Brazen Head Farm Labourer

89 1 4 1870 Mary QUELCH d Anthony Mary Ann Union Lane Labourer John 90 1 4 1870 John HOLLY s John Rose Ann Black Bear Labourer 7 10 1869 91 10 4 1870 Annie Louisa BAGGS d Hannah Workhouse Spinster BAGGS Aldridge 92 10 4 1870 Frederick CLARKE s Harriet Workhouse CLARKE Wife of Henry George Soper CLARKE a lunatic 93 17 4 1870 Bertha Louisa HUNT d Thomas Eliza Chalk Pit Labourer Duckett Ecchinswell Rd 94 24 4 1870 Mary Ann POWERS d William Mary Ann Swan Street Bricklayer 95 24 4 1870 George EDWARDS s Ambrose Matilda Frith Labourer 96 13 5 1870 Joe MILLER s Henry Elizabeth George Street Labourer Thomas 97 22 5 1870 Emma WATTS d George Mary Ann Walkeridge Labourer 98 5 6 1870 Mary Ann HUNT d Frederic Caroline The Warren Labourer 99 8 6 1870 Selina BLAKE d Henry Ann Black Bear Journeyman Miller 100 20 6 1870 Mary NORTH d Daniel Elizabeth Dell Lane Carter 101 26 6 1870 Frances Annie ALDRIDGE d James Elizabeth Dell Labourer 102 10 7 1870 Kate PRESTON d Alfred Susanna Stratton's Farm Gardener 103 13 7 1870 Florence PENFORD d George Caroline Swan Street Butcher Augusta 104 17 7 1870 John William RABBITS s Daniel Lucy Turnpike Road Labourer 105 17 7 1870 Clara Ann HOLDAWAY d Stephen Esther Dell Fogger 5 9 1867 106 24 7 1870 Alfred George STROUD s Walter Elizabeth Swan Street Carpenter CHENEY 107 7 8 1870 Anny Maria STEVENS d George Maria NW of church Labourer 108 14 8 1870 Emily WHITE d Emma George Street Spinster WHITE 109 11 9 1870 Alice WYETH d James Lucy Polham Lodge Labourer Cottages 110 18 9 1870 Lavinia POVEY d Charles Hannah Stanton's Row Carpenter 111 18 9 1870 Fanny Jane MARSHALL d Richard Hannah George Street Gardener Evelyn Janmes 112 18 9 1870 William ROBERTSON s Robert Martha George Street Gardener Deacon

Page 206 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 113 7 10 1870 Elizabeth FULLBROOK d William Elizabeth Sandford Farm Labourer 114 28 10 1870 George ALDRIDGE s Alfred Ann Newbury Road Carter Twins Feast oF St Simon & Jude 115 28 10 1870 James ALDRIDGE s Alfred Ann Newbury Road Carter Twins Feast oF St Simon & Jude 116 2 11 1870 Frederick UDALL s George Mary Newman St Farrier Sojourning in Knowl James Kensington hill London 117 6 11 1870 Hannah FOWLER d George Ellen George Street Labourer 118 22 11 1870 Mildred PORTER d John Emily Jane Park House Trainer

119 25 11 1870 Jennie WHISTLER d Alfred Phyllis Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 120 5 12 1870 Ernest Charles WICKENS s Stephen Elizabeth Swan Street Sawyer

121 15 1 1871 Frederick ORMAN s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Carrier Mother & Child William Joseph Patience sojourning in 122 20 1 1871 Minnie GIRDLER d James Mary Ann George Street Carrier 123 27 1 1871 Daniel SIMPSON s Alfred Hannah Winchester Labourer Turnpike Road 124 13 2 1871 Charles HAYWARD s James Mary NW of church Labourer 125 19 2 1871 Bertha SPARKS d William Sarah Ann Union Lane Journeyman Miller 126 12 3 1871 Helen Selina RUMBOLD d John Sarah Star Inn Inn Keeper 127 26 3 1871 Emily Kate OLIVER d William Emma George Street Journeyman Bricklayer 128 2 4 1871 Harry STEVENSON s Alfred Ann Eliza Stationed at Corporal Royal Augustus Kingsclere Engineers 129 9 4 1871 Arthur Edward DRY s John Caroline Dell Labourer 130 9 4 1871 Sarah Hannah CHEESEMAN d Richard Hannah Dell Lane Labourer 131 10 4 1871 Sydney CLARKE s Cornelius Emma Kingsclere Painter William 132 30 4 1871 Lucy Kate ROLFE d Joseph Fanny George Street Labourer Father deceased 133 4 5 1871 Richard BRIDGMAN s Mary The Marsh Spinster BRIDGMAN 134 7 5 1871 George GODDARD s William Fanny Anchor Inn Inn Keeper William Thomas

Page 207 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 135 14 5 1871 John Charles CLARK s Hophni Fanny George Street Journeyman Painter 136 14 5 1871 Frederic MEADOWS s Samuel Mary Town Mill Journeyman Miller 137 19 5 1871 Percy Seward POOK s William Ann Anchor Inn Land Measurer 138 28 5 1871 William James ALDRIDGE s Ellen Union Lane Spinster ALDRIDGE

139 30 5 1871 Louisa ALDRIDGE d Alfred Mary Ann Dell Labourer 140 11 6 1871 Emily VERNEY d William Eliza Swan Street Labourer 141 11 6 1871 James HOCKLEY s Thomas Fanny Stanton's Row Shepherd 142 9 7 1871 wilfred george SMITH s Joseph Merab Dell Labourer 143 12 7 1871 Flora Kate ROLFE d Henry Lucy NW of church Labourer 144 16 7 1871 Henry Thomas NORTH s Daniel Elizabeth Dell Lane Labourer 145 23 7 1871 Thomas SEYMOUR s John Elizabeth The Pit Labourer 146 13 8 1871 Oliver HOLDAWAY s Stephen Esther Dell Labourer 147 14 8 1871 Jane PRESTON d Alfred Susanna Stratton's Farm Gardener 148 5 9 1871 Francis WHITE s May Dell SOUTH Charles 149 10 9 1871 Annie ROLFE d George Mary Freemantle Labourer 150 25 9 1871 Walter MARTIN s Thomas Elizabeth Stanton's Row Labourer 151 15 10 1871 Wilifred ROLFE s John Thirza Dell Labourer Charles 152 15 10 1871 Louisa Ellen MILES d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 153 22 10 1871 George RABBITS s Henry Sarah Brazen Head Farm Labourer

154 29 10 1871 Horace NORTH s Abraham Charlotte Dell Labourer William 155 5 11 1871 Caroline Mary MARYFIELD d Thomas Thyrza Newbury Road Fogger 156 5 11 1871 Mary Ann HILLIER d Charles Rachel Pitchhorn Labourer 157 8 11 1871 Thomas DOLLERY s Thomas Hannah Dell Labourer 158 15 11 1871 Ada PROUT d Charles Harriet Dell Drillman 1 7 1870 159 11 12 1871 Charles HISSARD s Jane Workhouse HISSARD 160 20 12 1871 Edwin CANFIELD s Edwin Elizabeth North Street Journeyman Ambrose Butcher 161 24 12 1871 Francis WINTERBOURNE s Daniel Ellen George Street Labourer Edward

Page 208 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 162 7 1 1872 Albert WHITE s Ellen George Street Spinster WHITE Christian 163 7 1 1872 George SOPER s Joshua Emma George Street Journeyman Blacksmith 164 16 1 1872 Agnes HARMSWORTH d Joseph Sarah Wolverton Labourer 165 21 1 1872 Alice PRESTON d Alfred Susanna Stratton's Farm Gardener 166 21 1 1872 Walter WALLIS s William Elizabeth Kingsclere Blacksmith Wakeford 167 21 1 1872 Agnes WATTS d George Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer 168 26 1 1872 Agnes Fanny PRIOR d George Eliza Ann Swan Street Baker Wilson 169 6 2 1872 Henry PEARCE s Frederic Harriet George Street Sawyer 170 18 2 1872 Rose Alice CHIFFINCE d Robert Clara Ann Kingsclere Butler Mother & Child sojourning in 171 18 2 1872 Agnes Eleanor GREENWAY d Emily Workhouse Pauper GREENWAY 172 25 2 1872 Amy SIMPSON d Ellen Winchester Road SIMPSON 173 3 3 1872 George MILES s Thomas Ann Black Bear Labourer Cottages 174 10 3 1872 Emily EDWARDS d Ambrose Matilda Kingsclere Labourer 175 20 3 1872 Emma GOSLING d Thomas Emma George Street Inn Keeper 176 27 4 1872 William ELLIOT s Mary Ann Workhouse ELLIOT George 177 28 4 1872 Rosa Ann LEWIS d William Eliza Headley Carpenter Woodlands 178 1 5 1872 James TITCHENER s Thomas Sarah Steventon Berks Journeyman Mother & Child Collar Maker sojourning in 179 5 5 1872 Elizabeth ROLFE d Joseph Emma Dell Labourer Kingsclere 180 12 5 1872 John James NORTH s James Charlotte Newbury Marsh Labourer 181 16 6 1872 Julia Ann FARMER d Henry Margaret Dell Labourer 182 16 6 1872 Emily ALDRIDGE d Elizabeth Union Lane Spinster ALDRIDGE 183 26 6 1872 Eva GARRETT d George Elizabeth Market Place Journeyman Carpenter 184 30 6 1872 Anne HUNT d Frederick Caroline Cannon Heath Labourer Cottages 185 7 7 1872 Harry HUNT s Thomas Eliza North Wood Labourer Duckett

Page 209 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 186 21 7 1872 Ethelinda GREGORY d John Emma George Street Sweep 187 28 7 1872 Eleanor WICKENS d Stephen Elizabeth Swan Street Sawyer 188 28 7 1872 James SMITH s Daniel Ann Dell Labourer 189 18 8 1872 Alfred John HUNT s John Lucy Ecchinswell Labourer 190 26 8 1872 Osmond SMITH s Jesse Alice Dell Labourer George Leonard 191 6 9 1872 Thomas CLARK s William Emily Kingsclere Groom William 192 27 9 1872 Harry Charles CLARK s Cornelius Mary Kingsclere Groom 193 29 9 1872 William POVEY s Charles Hannah Swan Street Carpenter 194 29 9 1872 Sarah Jane POWERS d William Mary Ann George Street Bricklayer 195 4 10 1872 George WHISTLER s Alfred Phyllis Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 196 8 10 1872 Horace PROUT s George Charlotte The Marsh Labourer George 197 9 10 1872 Richard LAWRENCE s Daniel Rebecca Union Lane Basket Maker 198 13 10 1872 Charles Henry MILES s Charles Ellen Ebbworth Labourer 199 13 10 1872 Frances DOWLING d George Elizabeth Dell Labourer Emma 200 20 10 1872 Rosa BREWER d Cornelius Ann Swan Street Labourer 201 29 11 1872 Joseph SMITH s Joseph Merab Labourer Mother & Child Leonard sojourning in 202 1 12 1872 James Joseph LEWINGTON s Charles Ann Turnpike Road Labourer

203 9 12 1872 Agnes QUELCH d Anthony Mary Ann Union Lane Labourer John 204 22 12 1872 Emily ALDRIDGE d Alfred Ann Newbury Road Carter 205 25 12 1872 William HUGHES s Rebecca Union Lane HUGHES 206 29 12 1872 Arthur William PARSONS s Peter Eliza Dell Labourer 207 4 2 1873 Henry John FOWLER s George Ellen George Street Shepherd 208 2 3 1873 Walter HUNT s Charles Ann Workhouse Labourer 209 7 3 1873 James HUSSEY s Emma Workhouse Single Woman HUSSEY 210 9 3 1873 Laura Louisa MILES d Charles Emma Dell Lane Shepherd 211 23 3 1873 Walter CHAPMAN s Thomas Emily Cannon Heath Labourer Cottages

Page 210 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 212 13 4 1873 Ellen SIMPSON d Alfred Hannah Turnpike Road Labourer 213 13 4 1873 Emma WOODHOUSE d Fanny Turnpike Road Spinster 21 9 1872 WOODHOUSE Since Married to 214 13 4 1873 Arthur DREWETT s Jane Polhampton Spinster DREWETT Cottages 215 18 5 1873 Sarah Ann HARMSWOOD d John Emily Union Lane Labourer 216 4 6 1873 Ida Jessie MAJOR d Martha Kingsclere 29 11 1872 MAJOR Since Married to Holley Edward HOLLEY 217 8 6 1873 Emily Maria MILES d Anna Half Acre near Dell Spinster MILES Maria 218 22 6 1873 Albert SHEARMAN s Charles Hannah George Street Carter 219 2 7 1873 Henry George HALLIS s Henry Blanny George Street Journeyman Jane Tanner 220 10 8 1873 Frank BLAKE s Henry Ann Swan Street Journeyman Miller 221 31 8 1873 Mary NORTH d Daniel Elizabeth Dell Lane Carter 222 17 9 1873 Ada Louisa HUXTABLE d Henry Emily Field Gate Jockey Rebecca 223 3 10 1873 Clara Ellen WALLIS d William Elizabeth Swan Street Blacksmith 224 23 11 1873 Annie Maria VERNEY d William Eliza Dell Labourer 225 14 12 1873 Harry Lewis ORMAN s William Elizabeth Wimborne Dorset Groom 19 7 1873 Sojourning in George Joseph Patience St 226 21 12 1873 Mary Jane ROLFE d Charles Sarah Cannon Heath Labourer Cottages 227 28 12 1873 Alice WHISTLER d Alfred Phyllis Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 228 28 12 1873 Walter FRANKLIN s William Martha 19 Victoria St Joiner Sojourning at Pitt Thomas Sophia Brighton Farm 229 11 1 1874 Alice Merab SMITH d George Eliza Dell Labourer 230 11 1 1874 Harriet Ann HOCKLEY d Thomas Fanny Stanton's Row Shepherd 231 16 1 1874 William ROLFE s Joseph Charlotte Lower House Labourer Union Lane 232 25 1 1874 Ellen Matilda MARYFIELD d Thomas Thyrza Swan Street Postman 233 8 2 1874 Sydney WICKENS s Stephen Elizabeth Swan Street Sawyer 234 15 2 1874 Freedom GREGORY s John Emma George Street Chimney Sweep

Page 211 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 235 15 2 1874 Emily Jane SOPER d Joshua Emma George Street Journeyman Blacksmith 236 1 3 1874 Florence DRY d John Caroline Dell Labourer Louisa 237 18 3 1874 Louisa STROUD d Walter Elizabeth Swan Street Journeyman CHENEY Elizabeth Carpenter 238 5 4 1874 Emily Dora STEPTOE d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 239 26 4 1874 James STEVENS s George Maria Cottages NW of Labourer church 240 26 4 1874 Felicia Maria NORTH d Abraham Charlotte Dell Labourer 241 10 5 1874 Rose Ellen BOLTON d James Ellen Swan Street Carter 242 16 5 1874 Rosa RABBITS d Henry Sarah Brazen Head Farm Labourer

243 18 5 1874 Edith BROWN d Charles Elizabeth Newbury Road Retired Ann Tradesman 244 24 5 1874 Margaret FARMER d Henry Margaret Dell Discharged 8 5 1865 Elizabeth Guardsman 245 24 5 1874 Annie MILLER d Henry Margaret George Street Labourer 246 24 5 1874 Margaret HUNT d Frederick Caroline Bear Cottages Labourer Harriet 247 24 5 1874 Emma Martha BATES d John Emily Woodlands Groom Maria 248 31 5 1874 Frank POWELL s Thomas Emily Swan Street Journeyman Baker 249 7 6 1874 Alfred SMITH s Thomas Elizabeth Whitchurch Shepherd Sojourning in Kingsclere 250 28 6 1874 Francis Walter ROBINSON s Isaac Alice Black Bear Labourer James Cottages 251 5 7 1874 Ann SMITH d George Charlotte George Street Carpenter 252 24 7 1874 Henry Richard COLLIER s Henry Elizabeth 30 Queen St Packer Sojourning in William Horsley Down Kingsclere Bermondsey 253 23 8 1874 Mary Elizabeth RAMPTON d Wyndham Fanny Turnpike Road Labourer

254 20 9 1874 Arthur GARRETT s George Elizabeth Newbury Road Journeyman Carpenter

Page 212 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 255 4 10 1874 Elizabeth PRESTON d Alfred Susanna Stratton's Farm Farm Bailiff 256 4 10 1874 Emily Jane RUMBOLD d John Sarah Star Inn Licensed Victualler 257 4 10 1874 Catherine MILLS d Charles Catherine Swan Street Letter Carrier Ethel Rose 258 11 10 1874 Alfred ALDRIDGE s Alfred Ann Newbury Road Labourer 259 11 10 1874 Emily PROUT d James Mary Ann Newbury Marsh Carter 260 30 10 1874 Ernest Edward CLARK s Cornelius Mary Newbury Road Plumber & Glazier 261 1 11 1874 Alfred ROLFE s John Thyrza Cottington's Hill Labourer 262 8 11 1874 Walter Jesse NEW s Jesse Mary Ann Frith Labourer 263 12 11 1874 Anne QUELCH d Antony Mary Ann NW of church Labourer John 264 22 11 1874 Frederich HARMSWORTH s John Emily Union Lane Journeyman James Miller 265 22 11 1874 Arthur George SEYMOUR s John Elizabeth Dell Labourer 266 20 12 1874 Alice Jane CHAPMAN d Thomas Emily Polhampton Carter Cottages 267 25 12 1874 Arthur SMITH s Daniel Ann Dell Labourer 268 25 12 1874 George LAWRENCE s Daniel Rebecca Union Lane Basket Maker 269 27 12 1874 Horace John DOWLING s George Elizabeth Dell Lane Labourer 270 27 12 1874 Thomas ALDRIDGE s James Eliza Newbury Marsh Labourer 271 27 12 1874 Emily Kate HAYWARD d James Mary Ann Black Bear Labourer Cottages 272 27 12 1874 William GARRETT s Charles Sarah Swan Street Builder etc Charles Jane 273 3 1 1875 Janett POVEY d Charles Hannah George Street Carpenter 274 31 1 1875 Rose Ann WATTS d Mark Martha Headley Labourer Sojourning in Kingsclere 275 21 2 1875 Frederick DREWETT s Frederick Mary Ann Stanton's Row Labourer James 276 21 2 1875 Henry BUTLER s Thomas Sarah Kite's Hill Labourer 277 10 3 1875 Annie HUXTABLE d Henry Emily Field Gate Jockey Rebecca 278 28 3 1875 Agnes Mary HUNT d Thomas Eliza Cannon Heath Carter Cottages

Page 213 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 279 31 3 1875 Herbert Sidney HISCOCK s Daniel Sarah Dell Sawyer George

280 1 4 1875 Agnes ROLFE d Charles Sarah Dell Labourer 281 4 4 1875 Bertha SIMPSON d Alfred Hannah Turnpike Road Labourer 282 11 4 1875 Fanny WATTS d David Rachel Frith Keeper 283 11 4 1875 Charles WINKWORTH s William Mary Jane Sandford Farm Carter 284 18 4 1875 Edith Martha COVENTRY d Ann Workhouse Spinster COVENTRY of Ecchinswell 285 18 4 1875 Florence Kate RABBITTS d Elizabeth Workhouse Spinster RABBITTS 286 18 4 1875 George LEWINGTON s Charles Hannah Turnpike Road Labourer 287 25 4 1875 Elizabeth RABBITS d Thomas Sarah Kite's Hill 24 9 1872 RABBITS Now Married to Thomas BUTLER 288 2 5 1875 Annie ROLFE d Joseph Emma Dell Labourer 289 5 5 1875 Alfred WHISTLER s Alfred Phyllis Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 290 30 5 1875 Florence MEADOWS d Samuel Mary Town Mill Journeymen Miller 291 4 6 1875 Walter RABBITS s Daniel Lucy Turnpike Road Labourer 292 13 6 1875 Alfred William SMITH s George Eliza Swan Street Labourer George 293 20 6 1875 Jessie Nora KNAPP d John Oliph Ida Mary Kingsclere Curate of Charles Kingsclere 294 20 6 1875 Edward HILL s William Ellen George Street Labourer 295 4 7 1875 Phyllis Fanny WALLIS d William Elizabeth Swan Street Blacksmith 296 23 7 1875 Mary Louisa HORNE d Sarah Workhouse Single Woman HORNE 297 28 7 1875 John WEBB s John Emma Stanton's Row Labourer 298 7 8 1875 Bertha Rosina WEBB d Mary Summershurst Single Woman WEBB Green 299 26 9 1875 Walter EVANS s William Emily Headly Labourer Woodlands 300 3 10 1875 George James ROLFE s George Jane Stanton's Row Labourer

301 3 10 1875 Thomas PROUT s George Charlotte Newbury Marsh Labourer William 302 8 10 1875 George COBB s Frederick Mary Ann Toll Gate Gardener William Winchester Rd

Page 214 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 303 29 10 1875 Albert Ernest CLEARY s Olive Workhouse CLEARY 304 2 11 1875 Mary Ann TAYLOR d Mary Ann Workhouse Spinster TAYLOR 305 14 11 1875 Sarah Jane NORTH d Daniel Elizabeth Dell Lane Carter 306 21 11 1875 Wilifrid Neates HEANLY s Frank Anna Swan Street Gentleman Edward Maria James 307 19 12 1875 Martha Ann LONG d David Emma Coleridge's Farm Bricklayer Emma Daisy 308 25 12 1875 Arthur WINTERBOURNE s Daniel Ellen George Street Labourer 309 26 12 1875 Myra Maria LONG d David Emma Coleridge's Farm Bricklayer Jane Coster 310 14 1 1876 Alfred HILLIER s Charles Rachel North Street Labourer 311 14 1 1876 Agnes Louisa HILLIER d Charles Rachel North Street Labourer 312 23 1 1876 Elizabeth ALDRIDGE d Alfred Ann Newbury Road Carter 313 23 1 1876 William POWERS s William Mary Ann George Street Bricklayer Kimber 314 23 1 1876 Lizzie Sabina MILES d William Elizabeth Dell Labourer 315 6 2 1876 Sophia SMITH d Thomas Elizabeth Whitchurch Shepherd Sojourning in Kingsclere 316 11 2 1876 Annie Amelia CLARK d Cornelius Emma Newbury Road Plumber & Glazier 317 22 2 1876 William GIRDLER s William Eliza Summershurst Labourer Green 318 5 3 1876 George MILLER s Thomas Margaret George Street Groom Henry 319 19 3 1876 Claribell SMITH d Joseph Sarah (?) Dell Labourer 320 12 4 1876 Charles Henry ALDRIDGE s James Elizabeth Coleridge's Farm Labourer 321 16 4 1876 Lucy BROWN d Charles Elizabeth Newbury Road Retired Easter Day Ann Tradesman 322 27 4 1876 Maud SOPER d Jacob Louisa Rose Cottage Bricklayer Clara 323 17 5 1876 Rose Jane POVEY d Charles Hannah George Street Carpenter 324 24 5 1876 Frederick WHISTLER s Alfred Phyllis Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 325 4 6 1876 Nalvina ? GREGORY d John Emma George Street Sweep 326 4 6 1876 George ALDRIDGE s James Eliza Newbury Marsh Labourer

Page 215 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 327 4 6 1876 James Herbert MILES s Anna Kingsclere 6 6 1875 now wife of Thomas Sidney George Maria SEYMOUR

328 13 6 1876 Ellen Mary SOPER d Joshua Emma George Street Blacksmith 329 18 6 1876 Alfred James NORTH s Abraham Charlotte Dell Labourer first sunday after trinity 330 25 6 1876 Emily Rose HARMSWORTH d John Emily Union Lane Journeyman Miller 331 26 6 1876 Alice Kate OWEN d William Caroline Black Horse Inn Publican 332 26 6 1876 Caroline Edith CHAMBERLAIN d James Caroline Elm Grove Lodge Gardener 333 16 7 1876 Harry SEYMOUR s John Elizabeth Dell Fogger 334 19 7 1876 Agnes Jane GARRETT d George Elizabeth North Street Journeyman Carpenter 335 21 7 1876 Walter John STROUD s Walter Elizabeth Swan Street Carpenter 336 23 7 1876 Albert Edward COOK s Henry Emily Swan Street Labourer 337 30 7 1876 Wyndham RAMPTON s Wyndham Fanny Turnpike Road Fogger Richard 338 30 7 1876 Mary Ann RAMPTON d Elizabeth Turnpike Road Spinster RAMPTON 339 30 7 1876 Ellen HISCOCK d Henry Hannah Hall Farm Labourer 340 30 7 1876 Selina Kate HOLDAWAY d Stephen Esther Dell Labourer 341 16 8 1876 George GODDARD s William Ellen Cottages NW of Fogger church 342 31 8 1876 Albert PEARCE s John Eliza North Street Journeyman Butcher 343 1 9 1876 Benjamin WALLIS s William Elizabeth Swan Street Blacksmith 344 3 9 1876 William EDWARDS s Ambrose Matilda Kingsclere Shepherd 345 3 9 1876 Sidney Herbert HILL s William Ellen Ecchinswell Labourer

346 10 9 1876 Anne Maria DRY d John Caroline Dell Labourer 347 4 10 1876 Charles PORTER s John Emily Jane Park House Trainer Frederick 348 6 10 1876 Ernest Edward BEAVER s John Ann Gas Works Gasworks Charles Manager

349 8 10 1876 Ellen QUELCH d Antony Mary Ann Cottages NW of Fogger John church

Page 216 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 350 8 10 1876 George JACOBS s William Sarah North Wood Carter 351 15 10 1876 Kate VERNEY d William Eliza Dell Labourer 352 29 10 1876 William James BOLTON s James Ellen Swan Street Journeyman Painter 353 5 11 1876 Clara SMITH d George Charlotte George Street Carpenter 354 22 11 1876 Elizabeth Ann MILES d Benjamin Eliza Plaistow Green Carter 355 25 2 1877 Wilfred LAWRENCE s Daniel Rebecca Union Lane Thatcher Charles 356 2 3 1877 Ada Nora CRANE d Thomas Ruth George & Horn Inn Publican

357 11 3 1877 Annie Louisa SMITH d George Eliza Swan Street Labourer 358 25 3 1877 Martha DREWETT d Frederick Mary Ann Stanton's Row Labourer 359 15 4 1877 Emily PRESTON d Alfred Susannah Stratton's Farm Bailiff 360 22 4 1877 Ada Kate NORTH d Daniel Elizabeth Dell Lane Carter 361 18 5 1877 Tom HOCKLEY s Thomas Fanny Stanton's Row Shepherd 362 20 5 1877 Ethel COOK d George Mary Ann Newbury Marsh Butler 363 20 5 1877 Herbert BLAKE s Henry Ann Swan Street Journeyman Miller 364 3 6 1877 Kate HARMSWORTH d George Jane Workhouse Labourer 25 6 1873 365 3 6 1877 Rosa HARMSWORTH d George Jane Workhouse Labourer 25 6 1873 366 29 6 1877 Sidney HOLLERY s Martha Workhouse Widow Leonard Robinson 367 5 7 1877 Harry SOPER s Jacob Clara George Street Bricklayer 368 8 7 1877 Rosa Kate ROLFE d Charles Sarah Dell Labourer 369 22 7 1877 Henry George POWELL s Thomas Emily Swan Street Journeyman Baker 370 29 7 1877 Adelaide PARSONS d Peter Eliza Dell Labourer 29 7 1874 Christina 371 29 7 1877 Mary Ann PARSONS d Peter Eliza Dell Labourer 29 7 1874 372 5 8 1877 Agnes Ann SAVERY d Agnes George Street Spinster Hadley Caroline 373 12 8 1877 Eleanor WICKENS d Stephen Elizabeth Swan Street Sawyer 374 17 8 1877 Walter WHISTLER s Alfred Phyllis Cannon Heath Farmer Farm

Page 217 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 375 24 8 1877 Albert George CLARK s Cornelius Emma Newbury Road Plumber & Glazier 376 26 8 1877 Isabella CHAMBERLAIN d James Caroline Elm Grove Lodge Gardener 377 26 8 1877 Frederick HIGGINS s John Ann Cannon Heath Carpenter George Farm 378 2 9 1877 Kate ROLFE d Joseph Emma Dell Labourer 379 9 9 1877 Ernest MOSS s John Emily Charlton Lodge Coachman Mary Wantage Berks 380 26 9 1877 Joshua SOPER s Joshua Emma George Street Blacksmith 381 21 10 1877 Mary Jane HISCOCK d James Mary Lower House Labourer Union Lane 382 21 10 1877 Alice Elizabeth SMITH d Joseph Merab Sandford Farm Labourer

383 28 10 1877 Rosa MEADOWS d Clara Town Mill Spinster 384 14 11 1877 Francis GARRETT s Charles Sarah Ann Newbury Road Builder George 385 23 11 1877 Edith Mary PROUT d Ann Workhouse Spinster 386 2 12 1877 Annie Amelia PADDICK d Walter Martha Tower Hill Watercress Mary Ann Planter 387 7 12 1877 Marion Creilia TAYLOR d Herbert Elizaberth Swan Street Surgeon Catharine Fauncy 388 19 12 1877 Alice Maud ALDRIDGE d Alice Workhouse Spinster Mary 389 21 12 1877 John Leonard GREGORY s John Emma George Street Sweep 390 10 2 1878 Thomas John LEWINGTON s Joseph Elizabeth Bear Cottages Labourer 2 10 1870 391 10 2 1878 Kate LEWINGTON d Charles Hannah Bear Cottages Labourer 392 23 2 1878 Harriet Ann DOWLING d George Elizabeth Dell Farm Labourer 9 6 1876 Emma 393 24 2 1878 Ernest MOTT s John Esther Knowl Hill Carter Benjamin 394 27 2 1878 Thomas Baron PORTER s John Emily Jane Park House Trainer

395 10 3 1878 Harry Albert TAYLOR s Henry Fanny George Street Labourer William Louisa 396 10 3 1878 Emily Kate SHEARMAN d Charles Hannah George Street Carter

Page 218 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 397 17 3 1878 Eleanor ANKER d William Emma Swan Street Journeyman Gertrude Jane Blacksmith 398 23 3 1878 William WINTERBOURNE s Daniel Emma Rose Cottage Drillman 3 3 1878 Thomas Maria Swan Street 399 7 4 1878 Mildred Mary HEANLY d Frank Anna Swan Street Gentleman Edward Maria James 400 14 4 1878 Ada Ellen SEYMOUR d Thomas Ann Swan Street Carter 401 21 4 1878 Bert HISCOCK s Henry Hannah Hall Farm Labourer 402 28 4 1878 Harry Miles DOWLING s George Elizabeth Dell Labourer Emma 403 28 4 1878 Frederick POWERS s William Mary Ann George Street Builder James 404 5 5 1878 Mary Ann ALDRIDGE d Alfred Mary Ann Newbury Road Carter 405 8 5 1878 William Henry BOUSWELL s forman Martha London Hse General South St Isleworth Outfitter

406 12 5 1878 william ernest DOLLERY s Richard Maria North Street Labourer 407 9 6 1878 Elizabeth Ann DOLLERY d James Elizabeth Dell Labourer 408 9 6 1878 Mary Ann RAMPTON d Wyndham Fanny Dell Labourer 409 9 6 1878 Sarah Annie GODDARD d William Ellen Pitchorn Farm Carter 410 19 6 1878 Ellen Mary CRANE d Thomas Ruth George & Horn Inn Inn Keeper

411 19 6 1878 William WEBB s John Emma Stanton's Row Labourer 412 28 6 1878 John Henry BEAVER s John Catherine Gas Works Gasworks Ann Case Manager 413 14 7 1878 John ROLFE s William Alice Newbury Marsh Labourer 414 21 7 1878 Edward James NORTH s Daniel Elizabeth Dell Lane Carter

415 24 7 1878 Albert PROUT s Charles Harriet Dell Drillman 1 10 1877 416 24 7 1878 William PROUT s Charles Harriet Dell Drillman 1 10 1877 417 28 7 1878 Henry WEBB s John Emma Stanton's Row Labourer 418 4 8 1878 Agnes MARTIN d Charles Jane Tower Hill Groom 419 4 8 1878 Olive MARTIN d Charles Jane Tower Hill Groom 420 25 8 1878 Sidney Herbert VERNEY s Ann Dell Spinster

Page 219 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 421 25 8 1878 Charles SIMPSON s Alfred Hannah Turnpike Road Labourer William 422 25 8 1878 Harry SMITH s George Eliza Plantation Labourer Wolverton 423 18 9 1878 Charles PROUT s George Charlotte Newbury Marsh Labourer 8 9 1878 424 22 9 1878 Sidney James PESKETT s Samuel Agnes Gardner's Cottage Gardener 17 6 1878 Beenham Court 425 15 10 1878 George Henry MILLS s Charles Catherine Swan Street Post Office Messenger 426 30 10 1878 Alfred George GARRETT s George Elizabeth North Street Journeyman Carpenter 427 6 11 1878 Herbert COBB s Frederick Mary Ann Winchester Road Gardener 428 24 11 1878 Edith HUGHES d David Mary Pit Lane Cottages Carter 429 2 2 1879 Henry James HAYWARD s James Mary Ann Bear Cottages Labourer 4 1 1879 430 16 2 1879 Frederick SMITH s Daniel Ann Dell Labourer Charles 431 9 3 1879 Margaret PRESTON d Alfred Susanna Stratton's Farm Farm Bailiff 432 21 3 1879 Ada Beatrice CLARK d Cornelius Emma Newbury Road Plumber & Glazier 433 23 3 1879 Ernest Edward SEYMOUR s Edward Emily Lower House Labourer Mary 434 30 3 1879 Daisy POWELL d Thomas Emily George Street Baker 435 6 4 1879 Arthur George HARMSWORTH s Rex Knowl Hill Spinster 436 13 4 1879 George EVANS s George Mary Dell Labourer 437 13 4 1879 Harry HARMSWORTH s John Emily Union Lane Miller 438 15 4 1879 Ernest William MILLER s Henry Margaret George Street Labourer 26 3 1879 Thomas 439 20 4 1879 Eleanor LAWRENCE d Daniel Rebecca Union Lane Thatcher 440 10 5 1879 Mary Ellen WINTERBOURNE d Daniel Ellen Rose Cottage Drillman Swan Street 441 11 5 1879 Fanny SMITH d Francis Fanny Elm Grove Lodge Gardener Elizabeth 442 4 6 1879 Eliza Annie WALLIS d William Elizabeth Swan Street Blacksmith 443 11 6 1879 Charlotte Jane GARRETT d Charles Jane Newbury Road Builder

444 22 6 1879 Harry EDWARDS s Ambrose Matilda Cottington Hill Shepherd

Page 220 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 445 29 6 1879 Walter John HUNT s Richard Sarah Ann Dell Labourer 446 13 7 1879 Bessie Susan CRANE d Thomas Ruth George Street Publican 447 13 7 1879 Frederick ROBINSON s James Eliza Kingsclere Carter James 448 27 7 1879 Ellen VERNEY d William Eliza Dell Labourer 449 3 8 1879 Linda Annie SMITH d Joseph Merab Kingsclere Labourer 450 17 8 1879 Frederick ROLFE s Charles Sarah Dell Labourer Charles 451 17 8 1879 Charles CROSSMAN s Arthur Ellen Fulham Dairyman Staying at Kingsclere George George 452 31 8 1879 Eva Mary PADDICK d Walter Mary Ann Tower Hill Watercress Planter 453 31 8 1879 Edwin WYTHE s James Lucy Walkeridge Labourer 454 3 9 1879 Annie SEYMOUR d John Hannah Workhouse Labourer 3 3 1875 Elizabeth 455 3 9 1879 Emily Ann HUNT d Mary Workhouse Spinster 14 3 1878 456 5 10 1879 Mary SMITH d George Charlotte George Street Carpenter 457 2 11 1879 Catherine Kate TAYLOR d Henry Fanny George Street Labourer Elizabeth Louisa

458 9 11 1879 Charles HILLIER s Charles Rachel North Street Fogger 459 15 11 1879 Alfred BLAKE s Henry Ann Swan Street Miller 29 10 1879 460 10 12 1879 Arthur George SEYMOUR s George Mary Ann North Street Bricklayer 461 25 12 1879 Leonora POVEY d Charles Hannah Anchor Inn Inn Keeper 462 26 12 1879 Ada Sarah JACOBS d Ann Workhouse Spinster 463 28 12 1879 James EDWARDS s Jeffery Mary Ann Kingsclere Labourer 464 31 12 1879 Emily HOCKLEY d Thomas Fanny Stanton's Row Shepherd 465 7 2 1880 Ellen LEWINGTON d Charles Hannah Bear Cottages Labourer 466 20 2 1880 Kate WHISTLER d Alfred Phyllis Cannon Heath Farmer Farm 467 29 2 1880 Percy William ANKER s William Emma Swan Street Blacksmith 468 29 2 1880 Arthur Henry COBB s Frederick Mary Ann Winchester Road Gardener 469 14 3 1880 Florence KINSHOTT d George Mary Ann Police Station Inspector of WHITTINGTON Police 470 27 3 1880 Ada Jane RAMPTON d Elizabeth Dell Spinster 471 28 3 1880 Amelia ROBINSON d James Eliza Coleridge's Farm Carter

Page 221 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 472 4 4 1880 Kate HISCOCK d Henry Anna Hall Farm Labourer 473 7 4 1880 Charles SOPER s Jacob Clara North Street Mason 474 11 4 1880 Frederick HUNT s Frederick Caroline Dell Labourer 475 11 4 1880 Ellen Elizabeth HARRIS d Edward Elizabeth North Street Shoemaker

476 23 4 1880 Kathleen Mary STROUD d Walter Elizabeth Swan Street Journeyman Carpenter 477 9 5 1880 Mary WYTHE d William Emily George Street Bricklayer 478 16 5 1880 Henry Charles DREWETT s Frederick Mary Ann Stanton's Row Labourer 479 30 5 1880 Ellen Louisa LEWIS d Francis Emily George Street Shoemaker 480 13 6 1880 Sidney SMITH s George Eliza George Street Labourer 481 2 7 1880 Jessie Mary CLARK d William Emily Lower Mill Groom 482 2 7 1880 Charles SEYMOUR s Edward Emily Lower House Labourer Herbert Mary 483 4 7 1880 William SEYMOUR s Thomas Anna Swan Street Carter Wilfred Maria 484 4 7 1880 Ada Kate SAVERY d Agnes Workhouse Spinster Caroline 485 11 7 1880 Edwin Charles SMITH s Mary Jane Dell Spinster Deceased 486 11 7 1880 Septimus POWERS s William Mary Ann George Street Builder Harry 487 15 8 1880 Willam ROLFE s Sarah North Street Spinster George Louisa 488 29 8 1880 Ernest MARTIN s Susanna Workhouse Spinster 489 10 9 1880 Maud Emilina GARRETT d George Elizabeth North Street Journeyman Carpenter 490 15 9 1880 Frances SOPER d Joshua Emma George Street Blacksmith Louise Ann 491 20 9 1880 Frederick PROUT s George Charlotte The Marsh Labourer 1 9 1880 James 492 29 9 1880 Ethel Ormiston CHANT d Thomas Laura Rookery Surgeon Feast of St Michael Ormiston 493 20 10 1880 Eleanor Daisy PROUT d Ann Workhouse Spinster 8 8 1880 494 23 10 1880 Clara WINTERBOURNE d Henry W. Rose Swan Street Labourer 495 3 11 1880 Annie Brazier GARRETT d Charles Sarah Newbury Road Builder Jane

Page 222 Baptisms at St. Mary's Parish Church, Kingsclere, Hants 1780 to 1880 Extracted by Barrie Brinkman 2010 v1.0 Reg Bapt Date Child Fname Child Surname S Father Mother Abode Father Occup Birth Date Moth Sname Notes 496 8 11 1880 John Thomas WALLIS s John Emily Jane Summershurst Fogger 8 10 1880 Thomas Green 497 12 11 1880 Elsie pizzey d Thomas Clara Swan Street Draper 498 23 11 1880 William NORTH s Daniel Elizabeth Dell Carter 21 10 1880 499 28 11 1880 William Arthur COOPER s Charles Agnes Shoemaker Sojourning in William Kingsclere 500 5 12 1880 William BROCKWAY s Jonas Mary Cannon Heath Labourer Charles Turnpike 501 8 12 1880 Harold George BEAVER s John Ann Gas Works Gasworks Manager 502 26 12 1880 Maud Mary PEARCE d George Mary Jane Gasman

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