Register & submit your research from 3 June ISSN No: 1757-8175 PHARMACOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF Volume 9, issue 2 – June 2016 MICROVASCULAR CELL-CELL SIGNALLING AND CVS DISEASE 21−22 September 2016 Oxford, UK There has been a dramatic increase in our understanding of cell signalling over the last five years, with key papers indicating the importance of endothelial cell projections as signalling microdomains, which appear subject to disruption by cardiovascular disease. This focused meeting will provide a forum for scientists working in vascular biology, with a particular interest in identifying novel therapeutic targets in endothelial cell dysfunction Repurposing: that is a feature of cardiovascular disease. beyond one use Deadlines for your diary: For further information about Abstract submission: 10 August attending or presenting at this meeting, Early registration: 26 August please email
[email protected] or Bursaries (available for members visit of the British Pharmacological Society): 10 August Drug repurposing I Alemtuzumab in multiple sclerosis I EU referendum LastSave chancethe date to register INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS RESEARCH CONFERENCE (INRC) 10−14 July Bath Assembly Rooms, Bath, UK The International Narcotics Research Conference, founded in 1974, is an organisation whose purpose is to run an annual scientific meeting on the topic of opioid research bringing together scientists from around the world to discuss aspects of opioid research ranging from genetic and molecular to in vivo studies. For more information about attending or presenting please contact
[email protected] or visit INRC save the date.indd 1 05/04/2016 12:41:01 Pharmacology Matters I June 2016 Contents Editorial Your BPS 4 Jono Brüün Back to school for a former 5 pharmacology lab update Felicity N.E.