N. C. S. A. 2020 Soccer Rule Variations

1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5th/6th Jr. Hi. Laws Revised

Ball Size #3 #4 #4 #5 Law II

Players 6 v 6 8 v 8 11 v 1111 v 11 Law III - minimum 5 v 5 7 v 7 8 min. (other team w/ one extra player)

Cautions (yellow) Player must leave field after Yellow Card Law XII (may return on next substitution) Send Offs (red) Player must leave field and may not be replaced Law XII (including second yellow-red, misses next contest) Duration 4 x 10 min 4 x 10 min 4 x 12 min 2 x 30 min Law VII -intervals 1 / 5 min 1 / 5 min 1 / 5 min – / 5 min

Direct kick -(incl Penalty) None None FIFA FIFA Law XIV

Indirect kick All All FIFA FIFA Law XIV

Encroach 5 yards 8 yards 10 yards 10 yards Law XIII

Field Size 50 x 40 yd 80 x 45 yd 110 x 60 yd 110 x 65 yd Law I 45/55 x 35/45 70/85 x 40/50 100/110 x 50/65 100/120 x 55/80

Goal Size 4 x 6 ft 7 x 21 ft 8 x 24 ft 8 x 24 ft 6 x 18 ft Penalty Box 6yd radius arc 14 yd 18 yd 18 yd Goal Box none 6 yd 6 yd 6 yd

Build Out Line Is halfway between top of penalty box and midline, parallel to the midline.

Keeper No keeper FIFA FIFA FIFA Law XI

Referees 1 - Center 2 - Centers 3 - Man 3 - Man Law V Offsides(FIFA) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Substitutes After any goal, goal kick, own throw-in or both teams if present. No subs on corner kicks.

Teams are limited to three contacts per week, typically two practices and a game. Should there be two games in a week, only one practice shall be held.

Rule Violations- Coaches/Teams will be subject to Club and/or NCSA discipline. Discipline may range from probation to banned from coaching and/or from league.

Nov-December 2019 revision

Short-Sided Games Addendum to NCSA Soccer Rules Grades 1 and 2: 1. There are Offsides. 2. There will be NO GOALKEEPER. 3. Goal Area: - minimum of 6 yard semi-circle centered directly in front of the goal. NO ONE is allowed inside this Goal Area before the ball enters the Area. Any encroachment into the Goal Area results in an indirect kick with: Defensive kicks taken from the 6 yard Arc; Offensive kicks taken from a spot 5 yards outside the Goal Area. 4. Opponents must be at least 5 yards away from the ball on any Kick-off, Free Kick, , and Goal Kick. 5. All Fouls- result in Indirect Kicks. No penalty kicks are awarded. (Please note that you MAY NOT score directly from a kick-off or corner kick). 6. Goal Kicks- Can be played by a teammate once ball has been kicked & clearly moved. 7. Build Out Line- This will be added halfway between the top of the and the midline, parallel to the midline. When there is a goal kick or indirect kick, the opposing team must remove all players to behind this line. Once the ball is played opposing team may advance. If a team chooses to take a goal kick or free kick quickly, they are doing so at their own risk as the normal build out line rules still apply. 8. Team Size- The recommended number of players to begin the game is 6 v 6, but the game may start with 5 v 5. If a team has less than 5 players they forfeit the game. (Game may be played for practice only if coaches desire.) Both teams must start the game with the same number of players. 9. All players, in this age group only, will be given a second opportunity by the “same player” for a correct throw-in if the first is illegal. After second attempt, other team receives throw-in. 10. Intentional heading is not allowed. Treat as a foul, indirect kick. 11. One coach from each team may be on the field to help the players but should remain away from their defensive goal. As season progresses we encourage all coaches to be on the sideline. 12. Teams on Game Day: Will not split but stay as one Team, playing one game. Players can only play for their assigned team. Players may not switch teams.

Grades 3 and 4: 1. The ball must be placed on the 6-yard line for any foul committed inside goal box. (closest to point of infraction) Goal kicks may be taken from anyplace within the goal box. 2. All Fouls- result in Indirect Kicks. No penalty kicks are awarded. (Please note that you MAY score directly from a kick-off or corner kick) 3. Opponents must be at least 8 yards away from the ball on any Kick-off, Free Kick, and Corner Kick. 4. Goal Kicks- the ball maybe played by a teammate before going out of the box. A player from the team in possession may reside in or enter the penalty area and touch the ball as soon as it is in play. The ball is considered in play when it has been kicked and has clearly moved. Players for the team in possession of the goal kick may choose to position themselves inside the penalty area. If a team chooses to take a goal kick or free kick quickly, they are doing so at their own risk as the normal build out line rules still apply.

5. Build Out Line- This will be added halfway between the top of the penalty area and the midline, parallel to the midline. When there is a goal kick or goalie has possession of the ball(in their hands), the opposing team must remove all players to behind this line. Once ball is played opposing team may advance.

6. Goal Keeper Distribution- Ok to punt but NCSA highly encourage coaches to teach them to distribute ball with a pass(kick) or throw. 7. Intentional heading is not allowed. Treat as a foul, indirect kick. 8. Team Size - The recommended number of players to begin the game is 8 v 8 including a goalie, but the game may start with 7 v 7. If a team has less than 7 players they forfeit the game. (Game may be played for practice only if coaches desire.) Both teams must start the game with the same number of players. Grades 5 and 6: 1. Intentional heading is not allowed. Treat as a foul, with an indirect kick awarded. 2. Build Out Line- NO, not used in this age group. 3. Goal Kicks the ball maybe played by a teammate before going out of the box. A player from the team in possession may reside in or enter the penalty area and touch the ball as soon as it is in play. The ball is considered in play when it has been kicked and has clearly moved. Players for the team in possession of the goal kick may choose to position themselves inside the penalty area. If a team chooses to take a goal kick or free kick quickly, they are doing so at their own risk as the normal FIFA rules apply. Grades 7 and 8: 1. Heading is allowed, but heading training will be no more than 30 minutes per week and a maximum of 20 headers. 2. Build Out Line- NO, not used in this age group. 3. Goal Kicks the ball maybe played by a teammate before going out of the box. A player from the team in possession may reside in or enter the penalty area and touch the ball as soon as it is in play. The ball is considered in play when it has been kicked and has clearly moved. Players for the team in possession of the goal kick may choose to position themselves inside the penalty area. If a team chooses to take a goal kick or free kick quickly, they are doing so at their own risk as the normal FIFA rules apply. OFFSIDES: For All Grade Levels… The player must have at least one defender and the goalkeeper (or another player) between him and the goalpost. It’s not an offense in itself to be offside. A player is only penalized for being offside if he is deemed to be involved in active play. So a player can only be called offside if he is: • In the opposition’s half, over the midline mark. • Influencing or Interfering with play (that is, he’s part of the attacking move). • Interfering with an opponent (that is, he’s preventing the opponent from defending against the attack). • Gaining any advantage by being in that position. • A player can’t be offside from a goal kick, throw in, or corner. The offside call and position is determined when the ball is actually kicked and not on the position of the player when he receives the ball.