E842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 16, 2006 her tenure, she has grown the organization logical action in their own communities. Good trative staff, all who have an integral role in from a small, grass-roots agency into a lead- Dirt is an all volunteer effort. Word is catching making sure the families and children Kidango ing provider of housing and support services on about their good work, and I am confident serve receive the best quality programs pos- to over 16,000 homeless individuals and fami- that they will continue to grow and be suc- sible. lies in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. cessful. Recent evidence of Paul Miller’s ability to She managed a staff of 115 at 20 sites with Harumi Kato of the Yamagata Broadcasting seize new opportunities and offer quality pro- an annual operating budget of $10 million and Company was honored for her short film enti- grams for children is readily apparent in Union $17 million in assets. She spearheaded the tled ‘‘Little Steps in for Sustainable City, California, where Kidango operates a development of many community partnerships Living.’’ The program was also broadcast in preschool program on every New Haven Uni- and at least 12 capital projects including the Japan in October of last year. She plans to fied School District campus. Building on a 20- building and/or rehabilitation of various shel- have more viewings in Japan in the future be- year relationship, the school district and ters, transitional housing facilities, permanent cause she wants people there to know ‘‘that Kidango launched a Preschool for All program affordable apartments and multi-service cen- despite not signing the Kyoto Protocols, some in 2001. By the following year, Union City has ters. Program development included: mental Americans are really concerned about taking the distinction of being the first district in the health services, alcohol/drug rehabilitation, job action in many ways to protect our environ- State of California to offer Preschool for All. training and children’s activities for all ages. ment by practicing sustainable living.’’ The flagship New Haven-Kidango Preschool In 1997, Ms. Burroughs was honored as a Rick Gilliam of Western Resource Advo- for All program has caught the attention of ‘‘Woman of Achievement’’ by the San Jose cates was the primary author of Amendment educators and policymakers throughout the Mercury News (Women’s Fund) and received 37. This was the first time that a renewable State of California. commendations from City and County officials, energy standard was put to a popular vote. Mr. Miller continues to work hard to intro- as well as the Management Center in San The successful initiative required that 10 per- duce Universal Preschool to other Bay Area Francisco. In 2004 and 2005, San Jose Maga- cent of Colorado’s electricity be derived from school districts and the California Super- zine heralded her as one of Silicon Valley’s renewable sources by 2015. I campaigned vig- intendent of Public Instruction has appointed Power 100. Currently, as a member of the orously for this initiative and saw firsthand how him to the Universal Preschool Task Force. San Jose Rotary Club, she serves on 2 com- hard the people associated with this effort In addition to.his exemplary administrative mittees whose focus is youth development. worked on the campaign. It was because of leadership at Kidango, Paul Miller is a major She is also a long-time member of First Pres- their commitment that the initiative was force throughout the State of California advo- byterian Church of San Jose and has served passed despite being out spent ten-to-one by cating for public policy that promotes quality in leadership roles on various local coalitions the opposition. Morey Wolfson, Robin Hub- childcare and early education. He is actively and boards advocating for the homeless. bard, Ron Larson, Matt Baker, Ron Lehr, Ken involved in the Child Development Policy Insti- Christine is a new board member of the Chil- Regelson and Stephanie Bonin were all instru- tute, the leader in the childcare and develop- dren’s Musical Theatre in San Jose. mental getting Amendment 37 passed. ment field on fiscal and public policy matters, Ms. Burroughs paved ‘‘the way home’’ for Finally, the City of was recognized and the principal advocate for children and countless people in need of assistance so as for its historic sustainability initiative, families in California’s legislative budget proc- to improve their struggle for independence, ‘‘Greenprint Denver.’’ The initiative advances ess. freedom and dignity. Hope is the mainstay of and supports the integration of environmental Paul Miller’s 30 plus years of advocacy for achieving success, and Ms. Burroughs pro- impacts into the city’s programs and policies, children and their families are beyond meas- vided that element of strength for so many in- along with economic and social consider- ure. He is committed and dedicated to excel- dividuals and families. ations. The comprehensive set of strategies lence as demonstrated by the growth and suc- Ms. Burroughs portrayed a pillar of strength, includes: measurably reducing greenhouse cess of Kidango. He works tirelessly with a solidarity and integrity, by which all who met gas emissions city wide, developing and im- single focus of inspiring all children and their her (service providers or beneficiaries of serv- plementing a municipal green building policy, families by promoting their potential and diver- ices) became transformed to reach a better increasing residential recycling, and increasing sity through quality education and nurturing re- plan in life. She has been a tireless advocate urban forest cover for air and water quality lationships. for those persons unable to share their voice and aesthetic benefits. Paul will be recognized at a well-deserved for themselves or their families. I hereby honor I am inspired by all of these laudable efforts. Kidango Staff Appreciation Dinner on May 20, Christine Burroughs, on this special day of her I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- 2006. I join them in appreciating him for his retirement and wish her all the best in the lating these Wirth Chair Award recipients for good work. years to come. their tremendously important good work. f f f IN HONOR AND MEMORY OF CONGRATULATING RECIPIENTS OF IN RECOGNITION OF PAUL MIL- STAFF SERGEANT ROBERT HER- THE NINTH ANNUAL WIRTH LER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF NANDEZ CHAIR AWARDS KIDANGO HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER HON. HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK OF MARYLAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO OF CALIFORNIA Tuesday, May 16, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, May 16, 2006 Tuesday, May 16, 2006 Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise before you today to honor the life of a fallen Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker I rise Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Maryland soldier, Staff Sergeant Robert Her- today to congratulate four recipients of the tribute to Paul Miller, Executive Director of nandez, a veteran reservist of 24 years who Ninth Annual Wirth Chair Awards. The Wirth Kidango, a private, nonprofit agency providing died on the 28th day of March 2006. Chair was started by my good friend and pred- a variety of services to children and families in Sergeant Hernandez was a member of the ecessor, former Senator . The Wirth Alameda, Santa Clara and San Francisco 3rd Battalion, 318th Regiment Military Police, Chair is committed to helping governments, Counties. Paul Miller has successfully led 80th Division, U.S. Army Reserve, Fort businesses and non-profit groups and commu- Kidango to become a leader in providing qual- Meade. He was killed when a makeshift bomb nity organizations form sustainable develop- ity childcare and child development services to detonated near his military vehicle during com- ment partnerships that carefully balance eco- children and support services to their families. bat operations in Al Taquaddurn, Iraq. nomic, environmental and expanded social Mr. Miller joined Kidango in 1979 and has The 47-year-old soldier was a former mem- welfare objectives and strategies. Their tre- helped the organization grow from serving just ber of the Baltimore and Police mendous work is widely respected throughout 90 children at one Fremont, California center Departments. He was praised by colleagues the country. This year’s recipients are very de- to over 2,800 children attending forty plus cen- for his hard work and jovial personality. He serving of this prestigious honor. ters throughout the San Francisco Bay Coun- easily earned respect from those who knew Good Dirt Radio received the award for ties. Kidango has over 350 employees. Miller him and worked with him daily. electronic media. The program is broadcast points with pride to his dedicated and com- As a member of the Prince George’s County from Durango, Colorado. Good Dirt airs radio mitted regional and center directors, teaching force, Sergeant Hernandez offered his exper- stories aimed at inspiring listeners to take eco- staff, maintenance, food service and adminis- tise in a division that lacked Spanish-speaking

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:32 May 17, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MY8.025 E16MYPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS May 16, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E843 officers. He served as a field training officer Martha’s Parish, Sarasota, St. Charles’ Parish, As a Minnesotan, I and many of my con- assisting officers who graduated from the po- Port Charlotte, and St. Mary’s Parish, St. Pe- stituents feel a particular bond to Norway, as lice academy. He also served as a mentor at tersburg. In addition to serving as pastor of St. so many ancestors of Minnesotans come from a local elementary school. Sergeant Her- Cecelia Parish, Clearwater from 1981 to 1990, that great country. The strong links that have nandez is remembered for his leadership skills Monsignor Cippel was also chosen as the formed between Minnesota and Norway ex- and ability to help others. spiritual director of St. Vincent de Paul Semi- tend to business partnerships and social con- Sergeant Hernandez is survived by his nary, Boynton Beach, FL. He came to St. nections. Minnesotans also share with Nor- fiancee and three children of Silver Spring. He Frances Cabrini after completing a 5-year wegians the strong desire in helping to allevi- is also survived by his parents in Puerto Rico. span at this seminary. ate the suffering that is a daily struggle for so He will forever be remembered as a depend- Mr. Speaker, over the years I have had the many around the world. Both Minnesotans and able, trustworthy and captivating person with a opportunity to see Monsignor Cippel interact Norwegians feel compelled to act in the name passion for life, children, family, and country. on a personal and spiritual basis with his of peace and democracy around the world, Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join with me parishoners at St. Frances Cabrini. Most and I am proud there is such a strong Nor- today in honoring the life and memory of a Thanksgivings I have been at the church wegian influence in Minnesota. Maryland hero. Staff Sergeant Robert Her- working with the congregation and Monsignor Mr. Speaker, we should extend warm re- nandez was loyal to the citizens of the United Cippel to help prepare the Thanksgiving feast gards and congratulations to the people of States and deserves our recognition and ap- for those parishoners and all residents without Norway, the Norwegian Government, King preciation. family on the holiday. Harald V and Queen Sonja, and Prime Min- Working alongside Monsignor Cippel I saw f ister Stoltenberg as they celebrate the adop- the compassion in his eyes and the dedication tion of their constitution. They have consist- BLUMENAUER AMENDMENT TO in his heart to serving those in need. For ently been warm friends of the , THE AGRICULTURE APPROPRIA- many years he has been a voice of reason in and I look forward to working with the Nor- TIONS BILL FY 2007 the Hernando County area and someone to wegian people on every level in the future, to whom the entire Catholic community looked ensure that our two countries maintain a HON. EARL BLUMENAUER up to for widsom and clarity of thought. strong relationship. Mr. Speaker, on the occasion of Monsignor OF OREGON f Cippel’s retirement, I would like to commend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him for his decades of work on behalf of the EM- Tuesday, May 16, 2006 thousands of men and women whose lives he PLOYEE TRANSITION ASSIST- ANCE ACT OF 2006 Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow has touched and influenced. Monsignor Cippel I will be offering an amendment, cosponsored has given so much to the men and women of by Congressman JEFF FLAKE, to the Agri- Catholic faith and it is time that we say thank HON. JUANITA MILLENDER-McDONALD culture Appropriations bill. The amendment will you to him as he leaves the St. Frances Par- OF CALIFORNIA prevent any funds in the appropriations bill to ish. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES go towards salaries or expenses of personnel f Tuesday, May 16, 2006 who make loans in excess of 17 cents per IN RECOGNITION OF NORWAY’S Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD. Mr. Speaker, pound for raw sugar cane or 21.6 per pound CONSTITUTION DAY I rise to draw our colleagues’ attention to leg- for refined beet sugar. This is, in effect, a 6 islation I have introduced (H.R. 5328) to make percent cut to the Sugar Loan Program. HON. BETTY McCOLLUM it easier for talented, experienced employees f OF MINNESOTA of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES facing loss of their jobs later this year to find TRIBUTE TO MSGR. CIPPEL OF ST. positions elsewhere in the Federal govern- FRANCES CABRINI PARISH Tuesday, May 16, 2006 ment. Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- The need for this legislation is both appar- HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE er, I rise today to recognize the people of the ent and pressing. In September 2005, the OF FLORIDA Kingdom of Norway and extend my congratu- CRS, a unit of the Library of Congress, an- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lations to King Harald V, and to Prime Minister nounced to 59 support employees that their Jens Stoltenberg, as Norway celebrates its na- positions will be eliminated not later than Sep- Tuesday, May 16, 2006 tional day of recognition of the adoption of its tember 30, 2006, by a reduction-in-force (RIF) Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. constitution on May 17, 2006. if necessary. The CRS Director, Daniel Speaker, I rise today to honor a devout serv- It was on May 17, 1814, that Norway adopt- Mulhollan, argues that the 59 positions have ant of the Catholic faith, Msgr. John A. Cippel ed its constitution, making the country free become unnecessary due to technological ad- of the St. Frances Cabrini Parish in Spring and independent. The United States and Nor- vances that have changed the way CRS fulfills Hill, FL. Monsignor Cippel is retiring after more way have long had a strong relationship, its mission, which is to serve Congress. than 46 years as an ordained priest in the founded on cooperation on important bilateral Several of our colleagues and I share seri- Catholic Church, the last 6 serving as mon- and regional issues, as well as on shared val- ous concerns about this decision and question signor at St. Frances Cabrini. ues. Our countries are engaged on every the CRS management practices which led to Msgr. John A. Cippel is the second pastor level, including on economic, security and cul- it. Since the announcement, I have personally of St. Frances Cabrini Parish. Appointed in tural matters, in a relationship that reflects a met with affected employees and others, many January 1996 by Bishop Robert Lynch to suc- shared commitment to further strengthening of whom suggested, among other things, that ceed the founding pastor, Father David Banks, our relationship. The strength of our friendship CRS has placed insufficient emphasis on Monsigor Cippel has served the parish with allows our two nations to openly engage on training and professional development offering distinction for more than 10 years. issues for which we might not share a com- opportunities for advancement. Moreover, Ordained a priest on January 28, 1960, Fa- mon perspective, and work together to build given the Library’s history in matters involving ther Cippel is an alumnus of St. Vincent Semi- common ground on issues of great importance racial discrimination, many people inside and nary, Latrobe, PA, and St. Louis seminary, to our citizens. outside the organization are troubled by the Carthage, Tunisia. His first years of priesthood Norway holds a strategic position within the fact that a large majority of the affected em- were spent as a missionary in Tanzania, East European community, and through its I mem- ployees are women, African-Americans and Africa. bership in NATO and the European Union, other minorities. Returning to the United States in 1973 to Norway is a voice of reason in security mat- Without debating the merits or demerits of continue his studies at Andover Newton Theo- ters that impact both its region and the world. Director Mulhollan’s decision, clearly Congress logical School in Boston, Monsignor Cippel re- In addition, Norway is a global leader in pro- should do everything reasonably possible to ceived the Degree of doctor of ministry from viding humanitarian aid to crises around the help these dedicated CRS employees to con- that institution in 1975. world, in aiding refugees, and in promoting tinue their careers elsewhere in the Federal Following his graduation, Monsignor Cippel human rights around the globe. I commend government. It is certainly the compassionate moved to Florida to begin his ministry as a the Norwegian government for the important and equitable thing to do; most if not all of the priest in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. His and life-saving work it is engaged in around employees have never received an unsatisfac- first assignments were associate pastor at St. the world. tory performance review, and many are sole

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:32 May 17, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MY8.028 E16MYPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS