Passion Play Trip ASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION THIS DOCUMENT AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Trip Name: Passion Play Trip September 10-19, 2022 Entities: (KCMS) SPIRIT 105.3, (KWPZ) PRAISE 106.5, KCIS 630, CRISTA Media, CRISTA Ministries Station Contact: Heidi Moore, Executive Assistant, Telephone: 206-289-7921,
[email protected] Name of Traveler: (please print) _______________________________________ Name(s) of minor child(ren) if applicable: (please print)_______________________________________ Assumption of Risks: Traveler has thoroughly reviewed Christian Expedition’s Passion Play Trip literature, and acknowledges that there are certain risks associated with the Passion Play Trip, including, but not limited to those risks related to air and ground transportation, guided tours, international travel and lodging. Traveler further acknowledges that such risks can lead to serious injury, disability, loss of life and damage to property. Traveler voluntarily assumes any and all risks of injury, disability, loss of life and property damage, whether known or unknown while participating in the Passion Play Trip. Statement of Capability: Traveler understands that activities on this trip may be physically demanding, including prolonged walking, hiking and potentially difficult road travel conditions. Traveler represents and warrants that Traveler, (and Traveler’s minor child(ren) if applicable), is physically capable of participating in this Passion Play Trip. To the extent Traveler is aware of any physical