Delay of Pidyon Haben
YD 305:ll.l995 DELAY OF PIDYON HABEN Rabbi Vernon H. Kurtz TI1is paper was approved by the ens on March 27, 799,5, by a vote of' twenty in favor (20-0-0), Voting· infiwor: Rabbis Kassel Abelson, Tlen Zion Tlergman, Stephanie Dickstein, F:Zliot ;Y Dorff, Jerome ;l;f F:pstein, Myron S. Geller, Arnold wr Goodman, Su,l(lfl. Crossman, Judah Kogen, Ti?mon H. Kurtz, 4lan Tl. Lucas, Aaron T,. Machlet; Lionel F:. Moses, Paul Plothin, .:'Hu:)WT HabinotDitz, Arram Israel Hei.sne1", Joel f~·. Hembaum, Joel Hoth, Gerald Sholnili, and Gendd Xehzer. 17w Committee on Jm:ish T,aw and StandarcLs rijthe Rabbinical 1ssembly provides guidance in matters rijhalahhahfor the Conservative movement. 1he individual rabbi, hou,ever, is the authori('yJOr the interpretation and application of all malters of'lwluhhnh. May Pi111'i!:l be postponed beyond the thirty-first day'? One of my tasln; in my current congregation is to teach a life cycle class to students of m:.:~ n:::l/i:::l age and their parents. One of the topics discussed is T:::li1 P'i!:l, the redemp tion of the first-born son. Most students and many parents are unfamiliar with the con cept and the ritual. Over the course of six y<:ars teaching the class, two families have approached me and recognized that their son should have been redeemed, but was not. In each case, since the m~m remained the re;;ponsibility of the parent;; until their son became am:.:~ i:::l, we arranged for the ritual to take place.
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