The Researchers’ - Volume VI, Issue II, 20 June-2020 ISSN : 2455-1503 International Research Journal (Double-blind peer-reviewed) Impact Factor - 5.882 Date of Acceptance : 25 April 2020 DOI - 10.21276/tr.2020.6.2.AN8 Dr Raghumani Naik 8. Growth and Development of Satya Sanatan Mahima Dharma and its widespread impact on Odisha in 19th Century Dr Raghumani Naik Assistant professor in History, NSCB (Govt. Lead) College (Affiliated to Sambalpur University) Dist. Sambalpur, Odisha email:
[email protected] Abstract Satya Sanatan Mahima Dharma in Odisha was founded by Mahima Gosain. He was the obscure prophet of Odisha who had left behind a new religion and a new organization behind him. He was against idol worship and believed in one formless God. Mahima Gosain was absolutely innocent of modernization. Therefore, Satya Sanatan Mahima Dharma was autochthonous to the core and was deeply rooted in the Indian traditions. The religious movement which Mahima Gosain started was perhaps, the most revolutionary in the religious history of modern India. Its summon bonum is humanism. Its credential pins around the deliverance of man. It prescribes the path of complete surrender to Alekha Brahman for transmigration of Soul. While the other socio-religious movements of the last quarter of 19th century were confined to educated people in the urban centres of India, Mahima Dharma with its simple philosophy could reach the common people in the villages of Odisha and assumed the dimension of a mass movement. This movement became so significant that it may be regarded as the harbinger of renaissance in Odisha. It harped at the idolatrous, polytheism, caste system, untouchability, domination of priesthood, religious superstition and social obscurantism, animism and barbaric custom.