


Inside this issue: YearsMessage from 8 the & Head 9 of School 2 Gulwali Passarley 3

The Brilliant Club 4 July 2018 Newsletter Settle’s Got Talent 5

Junior Prize Giving 6

Food Prep & Nutrition 7-8

Sixth Form Matters 9 Snazzy Suited Sixth Form Students

Maths Challenge 10-11

Robot Rumble 12

Thank You Selestial 13

Sports News 14-21

Celestial Bodies 22

Blackpool Rewards Trip 23-25

Youth Environmental Forum 26

Sports Day photos 27-30

Work Experience 31

Going Places - Geography 32-34 D of E Bronze Award 35-36 French Alps Ski Trip 37-38

Student of the Month 39 100% Attendance 40 Yr 11 Leavers 41-42 ‘A’ Level Students Celebrate the end of the Sixth Form Ball 43 Exam Season. Please see page 43. Term Dates 44

Head of School Message 2018

Dear parents, carers, friends and our wider community readers,

The summer term has been exceptionally busy, year 11 and 13 having just completed their exams, followed by the Year 11 Prom at the Rendezvous and the Year 13 Leavers Ball at Coniston Cold. The Rewards Day out to Blackpool zoo, Blackpool pleasure Beach and on site activities has been a resounding success, all made better by the amazing weather we have had.

At the time of writing we are looking forward to an Eco Conference held at Settle College, hosting schools through , a grime artist visiting Settle College to work with students, music day organised by Miss Shaw as her swan song, giving students the opportunity to work with professional musicians for the day, Sports Day and Battlefields trip to name a few.

We have been privileged for all of Year 8 to have listened to Gulwalibyline Passarly this term, an Afghan refugee who fled the country during war. More later in this[Name] edition of Settle College Matters. Thursday 28th June saw Years 7 - 10 take part in the big breakfast, getting people together following the tragic death of Jo Cox. To keep up to date with any events and celebrations at the College please follow us on our Twitter account.

We look forward to welcoming our new intake for September during our Transfer day and say a fond farewell to students moving on from Years 11 and 13, wishing all every success.

Have a safe, restful and well-earned summer break.

Head of School, Gareth Whitaker

Inspirational Guest Speaker Gulwali Passarlay On Thursday 21st June, Settle CollegeBoy had a visit from Gulwali Passarlay, a refugee who fled from Afghanistan at the age of only 12. He spoke to Year 8 and Year 12 throughout the morning and told his inspiring story. It was so interesting to hear about his experience and what he went through at such a young age, and he opened everyone’s eyes about the difficulties that people face and how little we know about it. All the students were very keen to ask Gulwali questions about his journey to England and where he is today, they were particularly moved by the fact he hasn’t seen his mother since leaving Afghanistan and that “by saving him she lost him”. It was a very good illustration of the massive sacrifices and difficulties that refugees often face, and despite his different experiences of childhood, he was very down to earth and related to the students. His last piece of advice was to “work hard” and “be kind to each other”; and his achievements of coming to England, graduating from the University of Manchester and now doing his Master’s degree, are truly inspiring for all the students. We highly recommend Gulwali’s book, as a ‘must read’ this summer. Nearly every reviewer on Amazon has rated it 5 stars and a film is on the cards. Gulwali may even star in it himself! We would love to make his visit a regular event, so all students can hear his remarkable story. That’s assuming he doesn’t become too famous to visit us. Katharine Tarbox Year 12

The students in the photo are: Marcin Jastrzebski, Katharine Tarbox and Imogen McCabe

The Brilliant Club By Abigail Reid

It's been amazing taking part in the Brilliant Club. I had a lot of fun discussing work with Hannah and sometimes talking about stuff off topic. I have learnt a lot of things and I think that everyone else has as well.

I thought that it would be stressful to have to write one thousand five hundred words for our project, but I actually enjoyed it a lot. I am grateful that I had this opportunity and I am very proud with the results I achieved. I would also like to thank Hannah for taking her time to do the course with us and for her patience, as I know that we didn't listen as much as we should have done at times. I think we all have worked exceedingly hard and this experience has given us an idea of what it is like to be a university student.

In one tutorial that I particularly enjoyed, we were looking at diseases and how the different types of diseases spread. We did go a little off topic after we finished the lesson and we started talking about pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Apparently pheumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a rare form of lung cancer that you can get from microscopic bits that live in volcanoes. I also learnt that it is the longest English word.

I loved working with Hannah and finding out about virus', parasites, bacteria and fungi. I also enjoyed the opportunity to visit Lancaster University. We were able to see what people do in different departments. My Dad also spoke to us for a time, which gave us a bit of extra information, as he has been working there for a few years. I also liked the activities that we took part in at this University. The Brilliant Club has shown me what kind of standards I need to have for my GCSEs.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this amazing opportunity and I am very appreciative to have been one of the twelve students to have been chosen for this project.

Settle’s Got Talent! By Ms Shaw

On Tuesday 20th March 2018 Settle College hosted its second Settle's Got Talent competition. The competition was open to all types of act from any year group to come and perform in front of our professional judges. Judges included opera singer & actress, Charlotte Trepess, Singer, conductor, cellist and Ballroom/Latin dancer Robert Brooks and our very own Simon "Cowell" Murphy.

The night was a fantastic success with pupils showing such confidence and professionalism. Acts included dancing, singing and playing. The winners of the junior prize, with their multi- talented cup playing and singing, was Erin Holgate and Skye Dinsdale.

The senior category saw a joint win between the beautiful dancer, Lotte Harrison, and dramatic singer, Olivia Schofield.

Well done to all the students involved - it takes a brave person to stand up there and perform and you were all brilliant. (Even our own teachers' ensemble "Teachers rock!") Settle College has talent!!

By Junior Prize Giving Imogen McCabe

It was a pleasure to host the Junior Prize Giving as the new Head Girl. I would just like to say massive congratulations to all the students who received prizes. Despite the heat, the hall was filled with guests who were entertained by our incredible musicians showcasing the extraordinary talent we have here at Settle College.

Special thanks must go to our guest speaker Sita Brand, the founder and Director of Settle Stories. Sita talked about her childhood in India and her passion for continuing the tradition of passing stories down from generation to generation. Her energy, enthusiasm and creativity was inspiring. It was a truly lovely evening topped off with fabulous refreshments.

Food Preparation and Nutrition Class of 2018 - 19

Settle College’s ‘Options drop down day’ is where students start their new GCSE option choice and receive 10 hours of learning in each option subject before breaking up for the summer.

In our Food Preparation and Nutrition classes we have been extremely lucky to have Jack Depledge, the current Ambassador for the ‘Schools Game Changer Project’ offering the students a practical workshop.

Jack was able to demonstrate the butchery of a pheasant and prepare the meat for cooking. All the students then had chance to learn the skills needed and prepared Pheasant and apple bruschetta with horseradish mayonnaise.

The students were fully engaged in the lesson and it was a delight to see them actively taking part in the practical element of the course, they also enjoyed trying the food they had prepared as many of the students had not eaten game meat before. As part of the GCSE coursework students need to research the background Provence of food and this was a great introduction to the course.

A Taste of Game is run by the BASC (British Association for Shooting and Conservation) which is a non-profit organisation with the sole intention of promoting and increasing the consumption of Game meat in the UK.

We are looking forward to working with the students who have selected this course as they develop their skills in Food commodities, Principals of nutrition, Good health and diet, The science of food, Where food comes from and Cooking and Preparation.

Mrs Lodge and Miss Mason – Catering Teachers

Continued from Food Preparation and Nutrition previous page

By Mr Murphy Sixth Form Matters

In the Sixth Form, the Year 12 are taking advantage of the space created by the departing Year 13. Year 13 have been a fantastic year group and I hope that all their hard work and effort will pay off when they collect their results in August. I look forward to celebrating with them at the prom on Friday 6th July at the Coniston Hotel.

Year 12 have been busy preparing for their end of year examinations. I have been very impressed by their work ethic and approach to study.

In this final term, attention switches to Post 18 and we look at the options open to all students. On Wednesday 27th June, over 92% of the cohort went to the West Yorkshire Higher Education and Career Fair at Leeds Beckett. All the major universities were there as well as Apprenticeship, Armed Forces, Gap Year advisors and employers. The weather was beautiful and the students gained a great deal from the visit. There is a great buzz about the potential options amongst students now.

We have held a UCAS Personal Statement morning and UCAS Parents Evening in late June, which are just some of the activities we hold for our students. The process for applying begins now with an aim to complete the process in October.

We are starting to see more apprenticeship options being chosen by our students and we have a programme designed to support these rapidly improving and attractive alternatives. In September, we hope to invite more employers into school to explain the opportunities they have to offer our Year 13.


UKMT Mathematics Challenge Department

The UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) is a charity founded in 1996 with the aim of helping with the education of children in mathematics within the UK. The UKMT run a series of national mathematics challenges designed to encourage children's interest in mathematics and develop their skills

In April Year 8 took part in the Junior Maths Challenge along with over 260 000 other pupils in the UK. Of those students, roughly 6% achieve gold, the next 13% silver and the next 21% bronze. In addition the top 8 200 students out of the 260,000 are invited to sit the follow on competition ‘The Junior mathematical Olympiad’ or ‘Kangaroo’.

Congratulations to Cecily Robinson for achieving Best in School and a Gold Certificate, Daniel Craig, Tabitha brown, Max Clark, Abigail Reid and Amy Jane Hodgson for achieving Silver Certificates and Georgia Harrison, George Pilkington, Anna Sapsford, Freddie Parsons, Daniel Gillies and Aidan Howard for achieving Bronze Certificates.

Cecily also obtained such a fabulous result that she was invited to take part in the Maths Kangaroo where she gained a Certificate of Qualification. Amazing!

UKMT Maths Feast In April the school took a team of year 10 students to Lancaster University to take part in a competition organised by UKMT against other schools from the north west region. The team comprised of Emile Oliver, Tom Dale, Jack Bloom, Will Tyrer, Tilly Holt, Isobel Birrell, Rosie Pettifer and Caitie Birkett Bentley. A fantastic afternoon of Mathematical fun was spent competing in quizzes, challenges and problem solving activities against more than a dozen other schools. To avoid any ‘extra help’, teachers were not allowed to work with their own teams. We were therefore extremely proud when the teacher that worked with our team took the time to write to Mr Whitaker to compliment the students on their hard work and polite behaviour and to say that they were a credit to the school and their parents. Well done team!

Edge Hill Maths Challenge For the second year running Settle College has a team of mathematicians entering the Edge Hill Maths Challenge. This prestigious national competition is essentially for gifted and talented year 9 mathematicians with the aim of stretching their mathematical problem- solving skills beyond the curriculum and encouraging the students to work as a team whilst also integrating mathematics with ICT.

Continued from previous page UKMT Mathematics Challenge

Edge Hill Maths Challenge

For the second year running Settle College has a team of mathematicians entering the Edge Hill Maths Challenge. This prestigious national competition is essentially for gifted and talented year 9 mathematicians with the aim of stretching their mathematical problem- solving skills beyond the curriculum and encouraging the students to work as a team whilst also integrating mathematics with ICT.

The team, consisting of Will Maudsley, Harry Wills, Ethan Cross and Joshua Harland, gave up a considerable number of lunchtimes for several weeks in order to work on a solution to a challenging mathematical problem and the poster showing their investigation.

The team were successful in getting through to the second round and received yet another problem to solve. However, despite being highly commended, Edge Hill said that this year they had received an unprecedented number of entries and consequently our team were not invited to travel to Edge Hill University to take part in the final. However, what a fantastic effort from the boys!

From left to right, Ethan Cross, Harry Wills, William Maudsley, Joshua Harland with their 2nd round poster

Robot Rumble By Mrs Partridge

Settle College were very pleased to be invited to help with Settle Primary's Robot Rumble; An exciting STEM and Computing event involving primary schools from across the area.

Programming experts from year 8 and 9 got involved and came back waxing lyrical about the afternoon.

They definitely earned their fabulous Robot Rumble staff t-shirts! Our students assisted or ran the following fabulous challenges;

• Micro bit - making faces and messages using the mini computers' LEDs • Beebots- Arrr Matey! Find the treasure on the treasure map. • Robot arm - moving bricks challenge to win a treat! • Dance off - A very enjoyable competition, which primary school robot has the best dance moves? • Robot battle- using Vex Robots, primaries went head to head to see who would be the victor.

Our Students were excellent ambassadors for the school and Settle Primary did a fantastic job organising the afternoon. We can't wait to do it all again next year! [Issue] :: [Date] .

Thank you to our experts! Molly Bangert Evie Hayward Kiera Hayward Daniel Craig Daniel Gillies Connor Partridge Tabitha Brown Josh Harland Daniel Handy William Maudsley

By Mrs

Thank You Selestial Partridge

The Settle College Computing Department and our sixth form IT students would like to thank Sam Wilcock of Selestial for his greatly appreciated input and support of our new post 16 qualification.

The Level 3 Cambridge technicals in IT has been developed with industry and further education professionals to ensure that the content our students cover, is up to date and relevant. One requisite is the involvement of local companies; we felt very lucky to have an established software development firm right on our doorstep.

Selestial is based in Skipton and offers bespoke software solutions including mobile apps, content management systems and websites with clients in the UK and worldwide.

Therefore, Mr. Wilcock was very well placed to be able to help us with our coursework units.

He helped us refine the assignments, making them fit closer with what is done in industry.

Mr. Wilcock also provided valuable feedback at the design and prototype stages of their app development unit.

This and the hard work by our students, has contributed towards a very successful exam moderation visit where all our students achieved a Distinction for their first submitted coursework unit!

Sports News Judo

Elliot Marklew and Aidan Howard travelled to Aberdeen this weekend to compete in the Granite City Open. Elliot won GOLD and Aidan won BRONZE in their respective categories. The boys then, along with their Craven Judo Academy team mates, had the opportunity to train with 4 times Olympic medallist Angelo Parisi in a day long judo masterclass.

Following a year of league competitions, Aidan is this year’s North West Area Champion and Elliot is the area silver medallist in their pre-cadet categories. As a result of these placings, both boys have retained their places on the North West Judo Squad and have been selected to compete at the National Teams competition on Saturday (June 30th) in Cardiff.

The boys, their coach Danny Harper and their families would like to thank Settle College for their support throughout the year.

By Ms Trish Marklew

Year 7 Girls Rugby Report By Skye Dinsdale

Settle college Year 7 girls travelled to Castleford on Friday the 9th of March. Thankfully, it was a bright and sunny morning for some challenging games of rugby league in the Yorkshire cup.

Settle were short on numbers for the 9 aside tournament and only managed to bring 8. The team’s first game was against Corpus Christi who scored an early try. The girls didn’t get their heads down and soon after Ruby Ogden sprinted past the opposition to get Settle’s first try of the tournament. Corpus Christi came back stronger with two more tries before the referee blew the final whistle.

Settle played their second match with only 6 players due to injury with Outwood Grange playing with 9. We struggled to reach the opponents try line but worked hard knowing it was going to be difficult. Erin Holgate was close to getting a try but unfortunately just stepped in to touch before the try line. Strong defending from the girls kept the score down to only a 0-10 defeat.

Next was Ossett Academy. Back with 8 players Settle started strong with Skye Dinsdale breaking through the defence to get the first try of the game. With confidence behind them Megan Hird received the ball out on the wing and then managed to dart past their defence to make it 0-10 to Settle.

Ossett Academy didn’t give up and managed to get two quick tries to even up the score. Next it was Bella Spensley who found space to skip past the opponents and make the try line once more to put Settle back in the lead. Again, Ossett weren’t finished and managed to find two more tries. With seconds to go, Skye Runciman tried her best to bring the score back to a draw by making a brilliant run for the line, but was tripped up by a last ditch tackle from the Academy.

The last game was against Archbishop Sentamu. Ruby Lambert kept the team in high spirits and started the game strong. Skye Dinsdale had a second try of the tournament with Mellissa Tither making a strong run to the try line to make it two tries for Settle - but it just wasn’t their day and was once again beaten by one try. All the girls played well and enjoyed the trip to Castleford.

Team: Captain -Skye Dinsdale, Megan Hird, Erin Holgate, Ruby Lambert, Ruby Ogden, Skye Runciman, Bella Spensley, Melissa Tither.


Boys Rugby Report By Mr Paisley

Year 9 Boys Rugby

The Year 9 rugby team produced a different story this year compared to the last. After 15 games, Settle College were joint top of the Craven District table with Ermysteds’ School and Ilkley Grammar School.

Craven League Position Team 1st Settle College 1st Ermysteds’ School 1st Ilkley Grammar School 4th 5th 6th

Before the Yorkshire Schools White Rose competition started, two teams dropped out, leaving the competition with all three Craven teams and Prince Henry’s Grammar School, Otley in the final.

The first game was against Ermysteds’ School. The final score was Erymsteds’ School 15 – Settle College 10. Excellent forward work from the team allowed Settle College to remain in close contention but weak defence in the midfield allowed Erymsteds’ School to always be in front. Ilkley Grammar School also put up a tough fight, however, Settle College forwards proved too strong. Final score, Settle College 20 – Ilkley 5.

With the other results going Settle College’s way, they just needed to beat Prince Henry’s Grammar School. Within the first minute, an outstanding individual effort from Freddie Spensley – chip and chase, from his own half didn’t pay off. Prince Henry’s School started to attack the midfield and within 7 minutes they had scored three tries (how?). Settle College conceded the match when a Prince Henry’s player was seriously injured. Final position:

Position Team 1st Prince Henry’s Grammar School 2nd Ermysteds’ School 3rd Settle College 4th Ilkley Grammar

Continued from Boys Rugby Report previous page

Year 9 Cricket – Yorkshire Cup Last 16 - Settle College Vs Ermysteds’ School

Settle College won by 6 wickets (10 overs match)

Bowling figures:

Will Smith, 0 -21

Harry Mathew, 0 – 15

Oscar White , 1-9

Harris Dinsdale, 1- 13

Richard Bradley, 0-11

Adam Dunwell, 0-0

Batting Figures:

Angus Ogden, 5 – Caught

Harris Dinsdale, 6 – Caught

Freddie Spensley, 20 (not out)

Will Smith, 26 (not out)

Quarter Finals – Settle College Vs (HGS)

HGS batted well, however, 3 dropped catches with their Yorkshire county players did not help. Harris Dinsdale will always remember this game – a hat trick in his last over (1 catch, 1 LBW and one bowled – middle stump). HGS scored 121.

Settle College needed 36 in their last over to win the match. First bowl, Will Smith smashed it for a 6. HGS were very worried, unfortunately, their bowler started to bowl more full not allowing Will to get anymore 6s. Final Score – HGS won by 12 runs. Will Smith scored 49 with the bat.

Well done to you all.

By Ms Tarjanyi

Swimming Report On Tuesday 10th July students from Settle College represented the school in the annual North Yorkshire School Games swimming gala which was held at Craven Swimming Pool. Students were out in full force and competed against other local schools such as Skipton Girls, South Craven and The Skipton Academy. Students swam exceptionally well and did the school proud.

The boys team won overall which is a fantastic achievement and the girls did equally as well finishing in 3rd position against some stiff competition. Overall Settle College came 3rd which is once again a great achievement and betters last year’s results. Individual results are listed below- EVENT COMPETITORS’ Position NAME 1 Boys Yr 7/8 50m Individual Harvey Day 1st Freestyle 2 Girls Yr 7/8 50m Individual Sophia Beckett 3rd Freestyle 3 Boys Yr 50m Individual Ned Sharp 1st 9/10/11 Freestyle 4 Girls Yr 50m Individual Saoirse Behan 2nd 9/10/11 Freestyle 5 Boys Yr 7/8 50m Individual Jonathan Hill 1st Breaststroke 6 Girls Yr 7/8 50m Individual Jess Baines 2nd Breaststroke 7 Boys Yr 50m Individual Ned Sharp 1st 9/10/11 Breaststroke 8 Girls Yr 50m Individual Isobel Birrell 3rd 9/10/11 Breaststroke 9 Boys Yr 7/8 50m Individual Jonathan Hill 1st Backstroke 10 Girls Yr 7/8 50m Individual Mary Throup 2nd Backstroke 11 Boys Yr 50m Individual Ned Sharp 1st 9/10/11 Backstroke 12 Girls Yr 50m Individual Megan Baines 2nd 9/10/11 Backstroke 13 Boys Yr 7/8 25m Individual Harvey Day 1st Butterfly 14 Girls Yr 7/8 25m Individual Jess Baines 3rd Butterfly 15 Boys Yr 50m Individual Ned Sharp 1st 9/10/11 Butterfly 16 Girls Yr 50m Individual Caitie Birkett- 2nd 9/10/11 Butterfly Bentley

By Ms Tarjanyi

Sports News - Athletics

Harrogate and Craven School Athletics Championships

On Thursday 28th June a number of students from Settle College travelled to Cleckheaton to compete in the Harrogate and Craven Schools Athletics Championships. The students who attended had come either 1st or 2nd in the first round of this competition which was held at School the 14th June. The students made a fantastic effort in very difficult conditions. Temperatures rose to 30 Degrees but the students battled on through and were fantastic representatives of Settle College. Results-

Flynn Wake- Long Jump= 5.03m (1st) and Triple Jump 10.62cm (1st) Jonathan Hill- Javelin (1st) Nathan Caunt- Long Jump= 4.32m (2nd) and 1500m (4th) Callum Matthew= Javelin 28m (1st) Oliie Macnab= Triple Jump 8.06m (3rd) Will Smith= High Jump 1.55cm (2nd) Edward Bradley= Shot Put 10.64 (2nd) Skye Dinsdale= Shot Put 6.26 (4th) Joe Dinsdale= 200m (3rd) Freddie Spensley= 200m (25.71 (3rd) Harry Matthew= Discus 23.8 (3rd) Talia Caton= Triple Jump 7.00m (3rd)

Mrs E. Tarjanyi Subject Leader Physical Education

House Sport’s Day Winners

From top left to right –

Overall Winners Ribblesdale, Yr7 Malhamdale Winners, Yr8 Wharfedale Winners, Yr9 Kingsdale Winners and Yr10 Kingsdale Winners.

Photos supplied by Mrs E. Tarjanyi

Cycling Images By Harvey Stroh

By Annabelle

Celestial Bodies Pettifer

On Wednesday 27th-Thursday 28th of June, I and my Dad went up to Stockdale lane to photographFusceDolor eget nibh.the moon Maecenas andsit commodoSaturn. amet. Onipsum Thursday non urna. it Vivamuswas a full moon (The strawberry moon) and Saturnbibendum was fermentumat its closest pede. poin Vestibulumt to the earth eu dolor. which Vestibulum gave us a great opportunity to photograph them both.ligula magna, gravida vitae, malesuada et, tincidunt non, elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, Innascetur order to ridicu get thelus Phasellusphotographs pulvinar, we decided nibh fringilla to get porta up at 11:30 pm because it would still be darkvulputate, and therefore nibh justo allowimperdiet me mi, to ut focus ultricies on thesem brightlectus ut celestial leo. objects. When we reached our destinationPhasellus nislwe turpis,found venenatisthat Jupiter et, imperdiet and Mars eget, were viverra also id,visible in the night sky and we could not misslorem. an opportunity like that! Cras fermentum dolor id ante. Nullam elementum, orci vitae I managedsemper pellentesque, to take some turpis amazing lectus photosposuere of lacus, the moonin pharetra however , because of the wind, it was difficult to justofocus odio on thevel ipsum.planets. Vivamus Despite aliquam that, I sagittis successfully arcu. Cras took a shot of Jupiter and all four of its moons. nonummy tristique elit. Aliquam id augue vel nibh fringilla placerat. Fusce sed eros. Duis consectetuer est at mauris.


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The Zoo Trip Blackpool Rewards Trip This year, those of us that2018 didn’t fancy the theme park or the in-school sports option got the opportunity to go to Blackpool Zoo with Miss Nutter, Mrs Howarth and Mr Harrison. I’m sure everyone who went with us would recommend this menagerie as a future rewards trip destination (minus the seagulls!).

The Zoo-goers set off at 8:30am on a 30 seater minibus, caged in between the four 70 seaters, taking our more adventurously minded classmates to the Pleasure Beach for a day of what I can only describe as nightmarish hell! Yet others evidently, would beg to differ.

Within an hour and a half we had reached our destination. After being briefed on timings and placed to meet up, in groups of no less than two, we eagerly began to explore the artificial habitats of the Zoo’s impressive inhabitants. Now before I go on, in order to reassure those of us who are seasoned Zoo skeptics, it is important to note that all of the zoo’s animals were either bred in captivity or rescued and so would be unsuited to a life in the wild and that they are all very well cared for by their keepers.

Our first stop was the primates, who like many of us on that fine day, were either sunbathing or taking shelter beneath the trees. However, I can't imagine that they got much ice cream, perhaps some frozen berries would suffice?

Needless to say, the big cats followed suite and were respectfully intent on doing as little as feline-ly possible (we had nearly given up by the time I took their photo!).

Rewards Trip 2018

The sea life however was much more active with the Sea Lions giving their excellent performance three times and that was just whilst we were there! The penguins were also living life to the full in their underwater enclosure.

The Elephants and Giraffes also seemed to be enjoying the heat wave which I’m sure is nothing compared to what they have to deal with in the wilds of India and Africa.

Yet I believe the species that profited the most from our visit was the Seagulls. These awful avians periodically made their presence known by successfully feeding where signs told us not to bother. However, they did add some considerable excitement to the day (even if they did steal my doughnuts!) and I do believe that all those who went to the zoo greatly enjoyed it.

We tanned, took adorable photos, and were even back before 5pm! Indeed, I would have to say that Blackpool Zoo is definitely ‘noted for fresh air and fun!’ and wish to thank all those who made this terrific trip possible.

By Rosie Pettifer and Lauren Soames

My Experience at Blackpool Pleasure Beach By Skye Dinsdale

We all set of in the morning to Blackpool pleasure beach. This trip was a rewards trip for the people that have been well behaved throughout the year.

I wandered, with my daring friends, around the pleasure beach going on all the spine-chilling rides. This was the first time I had ever been to Blackpool pleasure beach - it was an experience I will never forget. My favourite ride was the famous Pepsi Max also known as the Big One. I loved this ride for the excitement of it and the butterflies you get when you are at the top and feel like you are about to drop into the sea. I would love to return to this theme park and recommend it.

Photo supplied by Erin Holgate

By Ms Popa The Youth Environmental Forum

The YDMT’s Youth Environmental Forum joined forces with Settle College this year in clearing the allotment area that the Eco Group students have been working on this spring on the Settle College grounds. Youngsters and staff from as far as Kendal and Leeds came to Settle and spent a lovely Saturday morning weeding the area, digging, discussing permaculture and other environmental issues, as well as getting a healthy tan!

By noon most of the area was cleared of weeds showing the strength of numbers and perseverance, but, sadly, the ground was too hard to dig deep enough, making it impossible for us to also build up a rabbit proof fence at the same time.

The event wouldn’t have been possible without the invaluable help of devoted volunteers, such as Mr Bilton and the organisers of the Youth Forum: Gail Smith and Sarah Deane from the Yorkshire Dale Millennium Trust. We are extremely grateful for their constant support and funding opportunities and hope to carry on our collaboration in the future.

Overall, a positive experience for everyone, a pleasant atmosphere which led to a very positive outcome for our school and we hope we can carry on the good work from here on.

By Mrs Tarjanyi

Sports Day 2018

This year’s sports day was a stark contrast to previous years, the sun was out for the whole of the day creating the need for lots of sun cream, water and ice-cream!!!!

Students competed in the 800m and 1500m in some very humid conditions along with their field events in the morning. Some fantastic times, distances and heights were recorded which will be added to the ‘Settle College Athletics Stars’ wall of fame which is displayed in the school trophy cabinet in Reception.

All students competed with a fantastic attitude and were a credit to the school. The ‘Tug of War’ saw some fierce competition again between tutor groups.

The ‘Tuck shop’ was also a huge success and will make a return next year- we managed to raise over £200 this year to go towards the PE department and improving the equipment for all students to use here at the school.

We also invited the ‘Yorkshire Peddlers Ice Cream’ company to provide delicious ice cream to staff and students. Students were exceptionally polite and well-mannered which the Yorkshire Peddlers noted.

A huge thank you goes to all staff who helped to run such a huge, whole school event and make it as successful as it was!

This year we decided to present the ‘Overall Sports Day winner’ on the day- the results were extremely tight with the winner changing minute by minute.

The overall year winners were:

Yr7= Malhamdale (152pts) Yr8= Wharfedale (204pts) Yr9= Kingsdale (165pts) Yr10= Kingsdale (134pts)

Overall winners= Ribblesdale (816pts) A huge well done to every student who participated in the day, you were a fantastic credit to yourselves and the school

Mrs Tarjanyi Subject Leader of PE

Sports Day 2018 Images

Sports Day 2018 Images

Sports Day 2018 Images

By Jonathan

Year 12 Work Experience Week Cunningham During the week beginning the 4th June 2018, I took part in work experience at Natural England’s headquarters focusing on conservation work. By having this experience, I wanted to gain a fuller understanding of what this DEFRA funded organisation does specifically for the well-being of the local environment and therefore be more encouraged potentially do some official volunteering further on in my lifetime.

In the morning of the first day, I used my organisation skills to help set up display boards showing some of Natural England’s past conservation achievements. This was to be exhibited in the Ingleton Community centre. In the afternoon, I helped build the foundations of a non-stock proof drystone wall up from Selside in preparation for the next day’s event previously organised as part of the timetable.

During the whole of the second day, I took part in the building of the main body of a drystone wall. I did this alongside a group of refugees and asylum seekers and someone from the YDMT. I learned about various tips, tricks, and safety precautions along the way.

The third day was more relaxing because I joined in with a group completing a photography course with Andrew Fletcher, a professional wildlife photographer. From this class, I learned the basics of using a camera with its controls and components and what purpose they serve in achieving good-quality photos of close-up subjects which in this case were wildflowers.

On the morning of the fourth day, I had a look at some moths caught in the previous night and listened to the experts identify each individual species whilst a breakfast was being prepared for all the visitors in the session. Then in the afternoon, I went with some of the other members and carried out a controlled investigation of the UK’s rarest orchid, the Lady Slipper Orchid.

Day five was quite flexible because I unexpectedly went with one of the members to inspect a couple of large water troughs for the cattle up from Gilgarth near Selside. Due to the abnormally dry spell of weather this needed checking. In the afternoon, I finished my working week off by hand-pollinating a few Lady Slipper Orchids grown at the site and then fed them in their cold frames.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my week and I would recommend any opportunity for students to take up the challenge of work experience.

Geography - Going Places! By Mrs Whitaker

Continued from Geography - Going Places! previous page

Continued from Geography - Going Places! previous page

By Mathew

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Langan

On the weekend of the 31st July, 13 Settle College students undertook their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award's Qualifying expedition to Malhamdale. The weather was blisteringly warm, but was made bearable by a pleasant breeze which cooled the participants. As staff, we were hugely proud to see our year 10 students working together as part of a team to hike, cook and camp in some tough conditions.

The groups were divided into one groups of boys (Tom Darwin, Tom Oxley, James Franklin, Elliot Belt and Will Monks) and two groups of girls (Emma Howarth, Katie Gudgeon, Sophie Barker, Rosie Pettifer, Molly Taylor, Olivia Robinson, Isabel Schofield and Abbie Richards). Camp cuisine was basic but kept them all going, with mostly pasta, noodles and rice being staples for our groups- cooking these over the Trangia stoves proved to be a challenge in itself!

The campsite was at Goredale Scar, which was a beautiful setting for us to spend the night, despite the presence of several million midges (fortunately some had midge net hats to keep the worst of them off!) All returned well, if not a little tired, ready for a good sleep and school on Monday morning.

We would like to thank Mr Scott, Mr Langan, Mrs Craig and Mrs Jones for organising and accompanying , and to all the participants for their excellent conduct and attitude to the weekend. Well done!

Continued from

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award previous page

French Alps Ski Trip

In the second week of the Easter Holidays, 36 students, along with Mr Hulzebus, Mr Langan, Mrs Lodge, Mme Bataller and Ms. Lonsdale made the long journey to Serre Chevalier in the French Alps.

Despite a rocky start, which included a lengthy delay at Manchester airport, we all made it to the resort happy and healthy, albeit a little tired! The group of students, many of whom had never skied before, took to the slopes the following morning, after getting their various bit of equipment sorted at the hotel.

The students were assigned 3 groups, tailored to their skiing experience; each headed by a wonderful Ecole Ski Francais instructor. Mrs Lodge had the enviable job of coordinating lost gloves, forgotten sunglasses, and ensuring all has remembered to liberally apply sun cream in the intense alpine sun!

Every student gave it their all, and all made excellent progress in their skiing- despite several missed ski lifts and the infamous Mr Langan incident- him being floored by a student not quite moving away from a lift in time!

Continued from

French Alps Ski Trip previous page

Throughout the week, the staff accompanied the students in ski school- not only to help pick up any stragglers but also because we wanted to see how hard everyone was working and the progress everyone was making- particular commendation must go out to Henry and Lee for persistently picking themselves up and cracking on despite finding some aspects a little tricky!

Many of the photos taken reflect the brilliant time had by all; not only skiing but on the variety of apres ski activities- such as the bowling trip and quiz night that the ski reps put on for us- who knew how creative (and competitive) the students could be when tasked with building a shoe tower!

Very quickly the week drew to a close, and before we knew it, it was time to board the coach to Turin airport and make our way home. 36 very tired students returned to Settle, ready for a good sleep and school the following Monday.

Particular thanks must got to Mr Hulzebus, who not only organised the trip but also ensured all students were well looked after and happy, and to Ms. Lonsdale and Mme. Bataller who skied with the students at all times and assisted selflessly when one student was injured. We as staff were thrilled to see how much the students took from the experience, and we felt that they were a credit to themselves and to the communities they represented whilst overseas.

A big thanks to parents for all their support and to all the staff- both school based and in resort who enabled the trip to go ahead. All that is left to say is bring on Ski Trip '19!

Student of the Month – March-May Student Services

At the end of each month teachers are asked to nominate students to receive the student of the month award. This can be because of an excellent attitude to learning, an exceptional piece of work or because they have done something above and beyond in the community. We have many students nominated for student of the month but unfortunately we can only pick one for each category. Students who have been nominated should also be very proud of their achievements. Well-done to everyone nominated.

MARCH Year 7 - Megan Hird Year 8 - William Hopwell Year 9 - Laura Birrell Year 10 - Caitie Birkett- Bentley Year 11 - Leonie Dale Year 12/13 - Lizzie Howard

Community Award Winner - Georgia Bentham Technologist - John-Jo Cummins Class charts rewards APRIL We us class charts to record positive as Year 7 - Sofia Beckett well as negative comments. Year 8 - Johnny Bland Year 9 - Rosie Chapman As we are coming towards the end of Year 10 - Eleanor Butler the school year we have been not only Year 11 - Oliver Nash looking at the house point badges but Year 12/13 - Emma Franklin also looking at everyone’s points on class charts. Community Award Winner - William Monks Technologist - Thomas Busfield We have a group of students across years 7 to 10 that have received no MAY negative comments on class charts. Year 7 - Erin Holgate This is amazing! Year 8 - Cecily Robson-Gott Year 9 - Tomas Best These students received a sweet treat - Year 10 - Tom Oxley presented in assembly. Year 11 - Harry Rishton Year 12/13 - Katharine Tarbox

Community Award Winner - Amelia Fawcett Technologist - Molly Bangert

Student 100% Attendance Stars Services

The following students have attendance figures of 100% which is a wonderful achievement.

Year 7 Year 9

Ruby Ackroyd Will Clay Richard Bradley Harris Dinsdale Nathan Caunt Matthew Garth Henry Clay Ollie McNab Macey Nemeth Lucy Cockshott Emily Preston Holly Drury Oscar Wake Matthew Duffin Joseph Ellershaw Year 10 Kaitlyn Moorby Harry Stringer Edward Bradley Danielle Lightbody Year 8 Emile Oliver Rebecca Paul Daniel Craig William Tyrer Henry Carling Lousia Hill Isabel Martin Scarlett Taylor Sophie Taylor Mary Throup Flynn Wakefield Amelia Wild

Well done!

Mrs Lodge Assistant Head Teacher – Student Services

Leavers’ Day Year 11

On the 28th June, it was the Year 11 Leavers' Day. It was a lovely day as we arrived in the school hall. Laid out for us on decorated tables were lots of breakfast items such as croissants, pain au chocolate and apple juice.

Mr Whitaker gave a short introduction, before handing out numerous awards to students. This was followed by a slideshow created by the Student Services team, made up of 200 slides with photographs of students and messages from the staff. It was very funny to watch and see how much we had all changed. After that we had lots of photographs taken before heading off home to get ready for the evening Prom.

At 6.30 pm the majority of the year 11 students were transported by coach to the Rendezvous Hotel in Skipton where the Prom was to be held. The room was very spacious, decorated with large gilt mirrors, fairy lights, swags and coloured balloons and there was also a big dancefloor, which was used fully all evening with lots of moves being busted by girls and boys alike.

There was a photographer in residence for people to have professional photographs taken both individually and of groups of friends. Being such a lovely evening the balcony was very popular both for cooling down and as a backdrop for the students' personal photos of their groups and general pictures with each other. A very nice buffet was also laid out before us, the choice of food being selected beforehand by the outgoing prefects.

Everyone who came dressed up very nicely, with the girls in a range of stunning gowns, and the boys dressed smartly in suits and a rainbow of different coloured ties. The effort taken made for a great atmosphere for the whole day.

The evening was 'the best ever' and immense gratitude goes to Mrs Howarth and her helpers for organising the whole day so well. A fitting tribute to a happy time at Settle College.

Continued from

Year 11 Leavers’ Day previous page

Continued from

Sixth Form Ball Celebrations

Settle College ‘A’ Level Students Celebrate the end of the Exam Season

At the end of a long and arduous exam season, Settle College students had the opportunity to let their hair down at a Leavers’ Ball at the Coniston Hotel.

The event was meticulously planned by the students themselves, even down to coordinating a full range of colourful suits! Head boy Nathan Jeffs said: ‘We’ve had a list in the Sixth Form Centre for the last few weeks to ensure no two suits were the same.’ Assistant Headteacher, Simon Murphy, commented: ‘That organised approach epitomises the outgoing Year 13 students.

Their dedication and teamwork has been appreciated by all staff. As a tight knit and supportive team they have also raised over £2500 for charity in the last year alone’. They will be sorely missed and we wish all students every success.

Term Dates Academic Year 2018 /19

Summer Term 2018 Term Ends: Friday 20th July (Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th July are training days for staff)

Academic Year 2018/19 Autumn Term 2018 Term Starts: Years 7 and 12 only – Wednesday 5th September Years 8-11 and 13 – Thursday 6th September (Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th September are training days for staff)

Holidays: Half-Term: Monday 29th October to Friday 2nd November

Staff Training Day (no students in school): Friday 23rd November 2018 Term Ends: Friday 21st December

Spring Term 2019 Term Starts: Tuesday 8th January (Monday 7th January is a training day for staff) Holidays: Half-Term: Monday 25th February to Friday 1st March Term Ends: Thursday 12th April Summer Term 2019 Term Starts: Monday 29th April Holidays: Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May 2019 Half-Term: Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May Term Ends: Friday 19th July (Monday 22nd is a training day for staff)