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ITbe Comentan MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Volume LXIX Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, November 12, 1965 Number 9 Outstanding Morav Named Officially Twenty-two outstanding Moravian seniors have been named for membership in Who's Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges. Each individual selected was judged in terms of scholarship, leadership and cooperation in edu¬ cational and extracurricular activities, general citizenship, and promise of future usefulness. Three phases of selection are involved in the nomination pro¬ cess. First, all campus organiza¬ Dr. tions and faculty members submit George Clark of Lafayette tentative lists of names to the Ex¬ ecutive Committee of the College. To Tel! Of 'Various From these submissions, the Com¬ Language' mittee selects a group of nominees, George Clark, professor and chairman of the Department of with the number of candidates Philosophy at Lafayette College, will lecture on "A Various Lan¬ based on the total college enroll¬ at ment. Finally, Who's Who must guage" November 18, 7:30 in the Bethlehem-Salem Room. approve the school's list of nom¬ Clark earned his A.B. from Ursinus, his M.S. from Rutgers, inees. and his Ph.D. in Philosophy at the The following seniors will be University of Pennsylvania. Be¬ admitted into Who's Who this fore assuming teaching duties at year: Penn and his current position at Parents of Edward Cranston Albee Upperclassmen Carol Lafayette, he taught at the high Lynn Coles Mary Francis Everett school and junior college levels. Joseph John Fassl Professor Enjoy One-Day Reunion Charles William Flnady Clark has written several articles in philosophical Moravian College was host to the parents of upperclassmen Mary Louise Graeff Woodrin Grossman journals and has participated in Saturday, November 6. Registration chores were handled by the Daniel Clyde Harris international congresses of phil¬ Triangle Honor Society. Sandra Ruth Creitz Hatzai osophy in Hawaii, Costa Rica, and The Moravian College Choir entertained approximately 250 Dale Leon Hegstrom Mexico. He was acting chairman persons in Prosser Auditorium Myra Elizabeth Heimbrook during the luncheon hour. Marianne Else Joch of the Easton-Phillipsburg Area Moravian and Upsala football Student Maturity Jane Eleanor Koebig Human Relations Commission and teams met on the gridiron, to play Charles William Laudermilch has served as president of the Judith Ann Marino to a 7-6 defeat for Upsala before Recognized At LU Cape May Geographic Society. 2,000 fans. Following the game, a James Malcolm McMahan Phi coffee hour sponsored by the Wom¬ By Lax Cut Law Linda Jean Moggio Sigma Tau, National Honor¬ en's Activities Committee was Gordon Earl Rupert ary Philosophy Society, will spon¬ Juniors and seniors at Lehigh Judith George A. Clark held in the College Union Build¬ Marcia Share sor the lecture. will not be required to attend ing Lounge. Jane Elizabeth Siegfried classes, beginning second semes¬ The roast beef buffet held that ter. Lynn Ann Snyder Walter Andrew Thurber evening had many of the parents The new university policy will registered as guests. This idea of pertain mainly to lecture sessions creating one na¬ U. S. Role In Viet Conflict The final event of the day was and not include scheduled exam¬ tional basis of recognition for col¬ a hootenanny, held to introduce inations or laboratory periods. lege students that would be demo¬ the parents to the music heard cratic and devoid of dues, initia¬ Summarized According to the Allentown By Dr. Jung currently on campus. Tom Irish tion fees or other cost to the stu¬ Morning Call, Lehigh vice-presi¬ Dr. Hwa Yol Jung, chairman of and Dave Kelber emceed the pro¬ dent was conceived over thirty dent and provost Glenn J. Christen- Moravian's political science de¬ gram, opening it with their rendi¬ years ago. The idea received im- sen said, "the purpose of this ac¬ partment, discussed the role of tion of "Salty Dog." mediate tion is to endorsement, and by Curtis recognize maturity and the United States in Viet Nam Q Other groups entertaining were: 1934-35 the first listing had been responsibility among the upper¬ Wednesday, November 3 at the Cindy Fox and Barbara Frowery, published. classmen at the university, where OGO House. "Plaisir D'amour;" Bruce Performs Singer active participation in academic The name of each new appointee The discussion, sponsored by and Willard Martin, humor and exercises is emphasized. will be published in the next edi¬ Omicron Gamma Omega, was con¬ folk music; Maria Roach and Bar¬ tion of the Who's Who national To Full "While the students are now ducted as a follow-up to the For¬ bara Frowery, "Hiroshima;" and membership directory. Students in free to make their own choice, eign Policy Association lecture by The Mary Haas, soloist. Who's Who are also privileged to Curtis String Quartet, spon¬ Tran Van Dinh the they must recognize their own preceding night. sored use the national organization as by the Chamber Music So¬ individual responsibility to the It is Jung's belief that the stu¬ a ciety of Bethlehem, performed for work permanent character reference, Professor Feick missed even though the fac¬ dent should be more interested in whether applying to graduate a capacity crowd in Prosser Audi¬ ulty will not take into account the the fulfillment of responsibility torium on schools, employers, or any of the Thursday, November 4. number of Lectures Again absences when measur¬ than in more immediate goals. military services. The new mem¬ The quartet, with Jascha Brod- ing a student's performance. And Today's students seem to be com¬ bers will receive a certificate at sky on first Goeffrey Mi¬ On Math the students are obligated to placent, docile, and intellectually violin, System the Awards Convocation next May. assess the chaels on second violin, Max Ar¬ effects of their action disinterested. The average student, Ray E. Feick, assistant profes¬ on nold on viola, and Orlando Cole both themselves and others in if he has a sense of awareness, sor of mathematics at Moravian is on the same course." Mantovani and his orches¬ cello, opened the program with College, has completed two more unwilling to express it. In a de¬ tra will be featured in the Quartet No. 1 in D Minor, written consultant speaking assignments Prior to the change, only honor mocracy based on participation, it annual concert sponsored by by Juan Arriago. in public schools on a new mathe¬ students in their junior and senior is unfortunate that those few stu¬ the Junior Aides of the Al¬ dents who do voice their opinion The matics concept. years were exempt from class at¬ second selection was Quar¬ lentown Hospital at 8:15 tendance. are not basing their views on more tet No. 3, composed by Arthur Feick, who serves as consultant p.m., November 28, in Muh¬ rational criteria. with Science Research Associates, Honegger. The innovation was passed by lenberg Memorial Hall. Pro¬ As a spoke Wednesday at three political scientist, Dr. After an sessions the university faculty in a Novem¬ ceeds from the concert are intermission, the quar¬ in Liberty Bell School, Southern Jung offers such theories as politi¬ tet was ber meeting. used by the Junior Aides to joined by Anthony Gigli- cal realism to analyze interna¬ Lehigh District. continue their work in the otti on the clarinet, playing Moz¬ tional politics. As a person, he ob¬ Earlier, he had discussed the childrens ward of the hos¬ art's Quintet in A for clarinet and jects to man's inhumanity to man. subject with Scranton school ad¬ may strings. Book of the Semester pital. Tickets be obtain¬ ministrators and International ed Following the lecture and dis¬ by writing to the Junior Following the program, coffee Correspondence School officials, Black Like Me Aides of the Allentown Hos¬ cussion, an informal coffee hour and tea were served. since ICS is contemplating the was held. About fifty students at¬ John H. Griffin pital, P.O. Box 1863, Allen¬ tended the program. The Curtis Quartet records for addition of modern math in its town, Pennsylvania. curriculum. [See picture, page 6] the Musical Heritage Society. Page 2 THE COMENIAN November 12, 1965 Editorial: Letters to the Editor Suggested Reading List Dear Editor, 'And Wish 'T Hail to Cunningham's Comman¬ For Thanksgiving Vacation does, Moravian's counterpart of the meter maid! These vigilant by Herb Preminger "With aching hands and bleeding feet guards of No. 3 parking lot caught We dig and heap, lay stone on stone; another one. (Choose Any 3) We bear the burden and the heat Of long day, and wish 'twere done. Forgetting that I was driving 1. "I Was A Teenager Draft Dodger"—by I. Wontgo my father's (unregistered) car 2. "The Art Of Cutting Classes"—by Lazy Susan Morality by Matthew Arnold, St. 2 while mine was being repaired, I 3. "Convocations Can Be Fun"—by Doen Go parked in No. 3 lot as usual. Upon 4. "Confessions Of A Commando"—by Jan Itor 5. "Art Of Whoever in this wonderful world of wisdom has the idea that returning from my classes, there Painting No. 69's"—by Pete Casso was the mark of the CC tied to 6. "Idiot and Odd I See"—by Cy Clops you can compensate for the coldness outside, by indefinitely in¬ my windshield wiper. 7. "Art Of Learning To Learn, Learning To Learn"—by Con Fused creasing the heat inside, ought to seek some readjustment. 8. "Gullible's Travels"—by Lili Putian What really disturbs me is the As the 9. "Blut Like Me"—by Izzy Cold temperature drops, we must be thankful for the blessing fact that the parking lot in ques¬ 10.