STORM DOCTOR a Storm Chasing Physician’S First-Hand Account
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JOURNAL OF Civi lDEFENSE VOLUME 45 2012 ISSUE STORM DOCTOR A Storm Chasing Physician’s First-Hand Account CIVIL DEFENSE REDUX - It’s Back Psychology of Survival ANOTHER WAY TO BE PREPARED Social Media Lessons from the Joplin, Missouri Tornado Ways YOU Can Help PROTECTING FUEL SUPPLIES Preserve and Restore Your Fuel Supply NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CLEAN, SAFE, WATER AQUA RAIN Ceramic Water Filtration Systems for Emergencies The AquaRain® Natural Water Filter will pro - vide your family and loved ones with lab - oratory proven safe drinking water without electricity, without plumbing, and without pressure or chemical pre-treatments. Its patented space-age ceram - ic technology positive - ly removes danger - As low As ous living organ - $ .96 isms and harmful 184 bacteria from your drinking water 1-800-425-5397 naturally, using micro-filtration and gravity. Here is what may be the best VISIT OUR STORE AT part. The AquaRain® can produce quali - ty drinking water for less than 2¢ per gallon! JOURNAL OF Civil DEFENSE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. GarY M. Sandquist (President) Sharon Packer (Secretary, Treasurer) JaY R. WhimpeY William D. Perkins Dr. Gerald LooneY IN TH IS ISSUE Bronius Cikotas Dr. Charles CoX Dr. TammY TaYlor Storm Doctor 3 By Jason Persoff, M.D. ADVISORS . Paul SeYfried Is Your Vehicle Prepared? 10 By D6 Survivor Chuck FenWick Dr. Jane Orient Michael G. BaZinet 5 Reasons Why Beans Should be a Staple Dr. Landon Beales 11 in Your Food Storage Dr. Dane Dickson 6 By Jodie and Julie ( Sid Ogden Jonathan Jones KYlene Jones Civil Defense Redux Dr. MarY Pernicone By Bruce Curley 13 Paulette Wohnoutka Tim Hooper Steps for Water Purification Dr. Arthur Robinson 17 By Dr. Landon Beales OFFICE DIRECTORS 12 Lessons from the School of Hard Knocks KYlene Jones 18 By Clod M. Hopper (Editor) PollY Wood (Office Manager/Associate Editor) 2012: A Year of Record Breaking Natural Disasters 20 TACDA 12162 South Business Park Dr., #208 Draper, UT 84020 Psychology of Survival 21 By Jay R. Whimpey, P.E. [email protected] 14 TACDA Board Member Office: (800) 425-5397 Fax: (888) 425-5339 What Would You Do Without Toilet Paper? ISSN# 0740-5537 26 By Jonathan B. and Kylene Anne Jones . Homeland Security Parable 27 By Bruce Curley Social Media Lessons from the Joplin, Missouri Tornado 23 28 By Bruce Curley Protecting Fuel Supplies 31 By Ralph E. Lewis 2012 I SSUE • 1 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR s the current President of TACDA and a felloW am eXcited to join the TACDA team as the American citiZen, I haVe major concerns for the Wel - neW editor for the Journal of Civil A Defense . I honor Sharon Packer for her fare and securitY of our countrY. The turmoil in the Middle I manY Years of dedicated serVice. She Will con - East oVer the insurrection in EgYpt and the nuclear aspira - tinue to serVe TACDA in other capacities. tions of Iran to acquire nuclear Weapons are just tWo of the ManY of You knoW PollY Wood, Who faithful - threats We must address. The mission of TACDA is cen - lY remains the backbone of our organiZation tered on securing the safetY and Welfare for You, Your fam - and Whose talent is eVident in the journal’s ilY and the United States. I enlist Your interest and support for TACDA and final design. I am grateful to the amaZing Writ - its important mission. ers Who haVe donated their time and energY to bring You these qualitY articles. Without Stronger Sanctions, Iran Will Go Nuclear Please accept mY sincere apologies for the A recent article in the Wall Street Journal (TuesdaY, 13 August 2013) Was delaY in producing the 2012 annual issue. It is a titled, “Without Stronger Sanctions, Iran Will Go Nuclear.” Some in the U.S. fantastic issue, packed full of great information. Congress belieVe With the replacement of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad We do not anticipate anY future problems pro - bY Hasan Rouhani in June’s election that this neW President is a moderate ducing the journal in a timelY manner. You can eXpect another eXciting issue to folloW shortlY. Voice in Iran and Will enter into genuine negations regarding Iran’s nuclear I encourage You to go online to program for deVeloping nuclear Weapons. HoWeVer, during a 2004 speech, and eXplore the treasure of Rouhani boasted that his negotiating strategY With the West enabled Iran to information contained in the Journal of Civil adVance its nuclear program. Defense ArchiVes. There are issues dating back The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the most brutal and repressiVe to 1968. I discoVered a classic quote bY Sir regimes in the World. If Iran “goes nuclear,” Iran Will pose an enormous Winston Churchill in mY perusing. “The need threat to Israel, the Middle East and eVen the U.S. The Pentagon reports that for an effectiVe CiVil Defense is surelY beYond Iran could flight test an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching dispute…no citY, no familY nor anY honorable the U.S. bY 2015. The authors of the WSJ article argue to aVoid militarY man or Woman can repudiate this dutY…” interVention bY Israel or the eVen the U.S., We must continue economic sanc - This statement is just as true todaY as it Was tions and persuade China, India, South Korea and Japan from continuing to oVer 40 Years ago. purchase oil from Iran. The economic price for continued nuclear pursuits “The mission of The American CiVil Defense Association (TACDA) is to proVide bY Iran must be so high as to force Iran to abandon nuclear Weapon deVel - education, products and resources that opment. empoWer American CitiZens With a compre - hensiVe understanding of reasonable prepared - ness strategies and techniques; promoting a self-reliant, pro-actiVe approach to protecting themselVes, their families and their communi - ties in the eVent of nuclear, biological, chemical GarY M. Sandquist or other man-made and natural disasters.” President TACDA I am committed to the furthering of this mission through the Journal of Civil Defense . With the help of PollY and manY talented authors, I Will do mY best to proVide a Valuable reference to Your librarY. Thank You for Your continued support of TACDA. Together We Will be readY to face the challenging times Which fill our future. SincerelY, KYlene Jones Journal of CiVil Defense Editor 2 • 2012 I SSUE JOURNAL OF Civil DEFENSE Photo by Jason Persoff MD/ Storm Doctor First Response Mode: A Storm Chasing Physician's First-Hand Account of One of the Nation's Deadliest and Most Destructive Tornadoes. Joplin, Missouri, May 22, 2011. By Jason Persoff, M.D. he first smells to sand blast their WaY into mY mY skull. Some insulation from a house or business car as I opened mY door against the norther - floated doWn neXt to mY foot, Which Was noW T lY Winds Was that of gasoline, kerosene, and soaked from the horiZontal Winds about the rear sWamp gas. The tornado lurked VerY close bY, the flank doWndraft. Off to mY right, a sole poWer flash unmistakable roar of Wind, rain, hail, and debris as the tornado moVed on. A resonant bass, deeper gnashed about the road less than a mile or so aWaY than sound, signaled the proXimitY of the tornado, from us, and the skY roiled in aVocado green. I but in its Wake it left Wind, rain, and a remarkablY couldn’t see it, but I could feel it and hear it inside intense staccato lightning and thunder, like a strobe STORM DOCTOR, continued light stuck in irregular leaping beats. drils of the tornado touching doWn, to I grabbed mY orange trauma kit I had forecast this target almost the point Where it became a ¾ mile Wide from the back and began to attend to tWentY four hours before, but just about Wedge of destruction took <30 seconds, the trucker on the off-ramp. The rain thirtY miles West of Joplin. I liked the something I’d neVer seen in mY chase had been torrential and the roadside Winds at the surface, the hint of a drY - eXperience. The tornado greW in siZe in Was a mass of Water. I took one step line, the ridiculous amounts of potential a WaY that Was faster than its ground toWard the truck and sunk mY shoe into energY Waiting to unleash itself on the speed. EXperienced chasers I kneW muck and sWamp Water. I could barelY atmosphere, and the WaY the satellite could not moVe out of the WaY fast Walk through the morass at the side of and morning radar shoWed a boundarY enough and some nearlY found their the road, let alone make progress up the just draped oVer the area, Waiting to stir liVes forfeit. SadlY, so did manY in the incline and Yet, seeminglY 100 feet aWaY up storms. The storms that formed path Who had become so used to hear - at an angle that felt close to 45 degrees, began to mutate and darken, red blobs ing tornado sirens and had learned to loomed a truck on its side. I couldn’t turning to purple and White on mY tune them out as false alarms. propel mYself up the incline, but Wind radar. The storms Were groWing larger As We crossed oVer the Joplin toWn had no problem taking a truck Weighing line, the tornado Was busY spinning tons up the same incline. WildlY at oVer 200 miles per hour, leaV - Whereas I had thought I Was gain - ing behind a landscape that looked ing traction mentallY on the situation I “..