
PROCEEDING Znd INTERNATI0NAI SEMINAR oN UNculsTlcs (lso[-il) 'k,,,%r/zr<







DITERBITKAN OLEH Fakultas Ilmu Budaya universitas Andalas Kampus unand Limau Manis, Padang - Sumatera Barat. Telp. (0751 ) 7122j

ISBN 978-602-17140-3-4 2nd Internationel Sentinctr on Lingustic nd rock B-_i_i3 DR.ACULA IN THE INDONESIAN Qe. UK: C CONSTELLATION n-ed on Nurhadil and Dian rPendidikan Swandavanil Der-'ember Bahasa dan Sastra f"A"r"ri" 14. 2 FBS tINy) Pendidikan Bahasa prancis FBS tINy) rnal oi tt e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] lllq rn rc:ltron- ABSTRACT

The story of o has spreacl to Intlonesicr. Even the worcl of Draculcr hos :Ee thevocqbulary in Indonesian though often mingre with thevocaur,,tn,y oJ iir) rle beginning of the Gothic novel,Brim 'Jn,r),'," lg: -{. cai€ ' ,if stoker (rish) titted iracuta 1g97, which tetts '''t'od-sucking character long lasting 'Thesrsr {tge or in the.regiin of rransytt,a4ict, notu entet.the '': : t'r' of Hungary. A century-jater, the story of Draruro itr"rgihnrnriy the emergence of the v: ot' 's , pubrishect gles usrilng by LitttJ, Brown ctnd Compan.l: i, 2005 r:s beentranslqtedintolnclonesian, published by Giamectiq in 2007. The fictional stories '':";6 71'" stories about thefilm nr" IPcnrrEmtr o.1or* of the reproclttction of tlte recrl person tvho liyed in 1:h.Certury wet'e opposed to the rure 6l(5 r. 9-:-: iJ the ottoman crii,u 7.o^ r456 to 1462. vrad '. !he nqnte rtf the legend of Drocula is r litertl.rrr actuctlly cruel in the-vorior.ts crction.fign.es, so lte is '''"otttt os . Brt the 'ffest ,,sc^,e,, historl, of the c,tcl cr.e,tetl ir inro tJte ' Tlre tt'crnsJbt' of the (ttt'ocities 'tvestinto oftlte ct ntyth becontes tlre.ficriontltcrr ttct lottger. 'i anl'ntot'e eri'tlence. In-_Inclonesia, tlte intcrge of cr vcrntpire i, o.1tq ir,"rr o.\ tlte succe'sot.ro .:: iltvthologized in the II/est. Knowing the iisroty of theftrteste)lrr r4ttr,,.n cctupl uctttctlh, +,.' to view be the ITest crs ntore fttlly. The t,ocobtrlary ctf u t,ampit.e '. i,, Lrrto,,"rir,l,', ii,',,,ii,,r,,ir",, ;t- not iclenticul with the ghost pocong. qords: vocabulary, varnpire, , fiction, cruel, West hrroduction Dracula has been known in Indonesia as a blood-sucking hurnan longevity or lasting. FIe -5ed typically canines to bite prey (humans) usually in the neck and suck their blood. It is a :f the "ritual" in order to remain immoftal. He was afraid of the sunlight. Therefore he will : tieely at night and sleep in the coffin in the daytime. He was wearing the suit complete te tie, signif,iing the Christian West is buried. slov of a vampire has spread to Indonesia. . fhe Even the word of Dracula has become the minsre with the J u uu*pi,e. Actualy, :i]i?^:iis one lli::::1.:illglform ,3ft1n "o"ul.,ru,11 'rla of a vampire, he is one Jf a vampire. As has uee' toti ;"'*i'#.iiii; bl":9.*:kingman, someone who :jl. i:"y] jh: was bitten by u uu*po" will become the rire also infected' This is the vampire known in Indonesia. on the other hand, we rnorv the other vampire types originating fiom China, as we see in the Mandarin rnovie. The story of Dracula or Draiula begins exactlyrth; coirt" novel, r titled Drrtcula 1897, which tells the blood-suckrng character long lasting age or in the rl of , now enter the territory of Hungarlr. Ho1y ao.. ifre story of this iLrntext inan in of the literature or in the historical context will be discussed ;;'r""";;.1#,:in this article. The final constellation of thermeanings of the ,,ocauulury of a vampire in :::,11r1il1,t,;:::,:h:nesian? How do the Indonesian people or the Indonesian nation to form a discourse on the ring of this vampire story?

315 -Andalas (Jniversity, August l2-l3, 2015

1. DraculainBramstoker'sNoveI Bram Stoker's the novel DracurcrpubrLshedthe first tiine onMay 26 i s9rry Ein rhe novel, ,n. ,..y'i, told in epistolary fonnr* L.:nt3:_1?"::,1^*i:of,:*pany(UK).as a series of letters, loqli .xl:i'n diary entries, and ships' log eniries, narrators *t;r; are the nor im:t( :1"",:,T"::j::j::, ""f::t":11{ supplemented with newspaper .upp,"_* ..;;;; .;; directly witnessed. The events porrrayed in the nou.l iake pl..'J';;;.i;';5;;; neri Transylvania during the 1890s. l::n rcde The tale begins with , a newly qualified English solicitor, r,isiting Cor Dracula in the carpathian Mountains r rnl on the border of tru.r.ytnu,.il Bukovina. and Moldar to provide legal support Drec for a real estate transaction overseen by Harke.,s e*ployer. Al e-nticed by Dracula's gracious dh,e h manners, Harker soon realizes tirat he is Dracula,s pris, wandering the count's castle against Dracula's admonition, H".k;r';;;;;#;il.J'i:; lL*-lS€ @rne o"l he :#:t'i:::it:i^":i:"'i'-,"1:]: -h:T is rescued by d.,.;;. After the preparations made, Dracula leaves Transylvania and abandons Harker to th. ,i;;;.";#iffi; from the castle with his life (Swandayan i, et al,20l2) {0:'ry' tuCln Not long afterward-a Russian ship, the Dem'eter, having weighed anchor at vama. r whitby. rhe captain,s x.tu 11".,:*1": rog,narrate, A. ;;";;;l-;'ffi;;,;".. ;, entire:::,::1i:: crew, until the captain:l alone remain.a, u,or.rruound hil.'x to,h.ilh; ##;ilffi; , animal resernbling "a large.dog" is seen leaping r Dr, ashore. The ship,s i, described as a silr -&ac sand and boxes of "mourd", or earth, fromTrlnsyr"""i". irr.-;;;?;;;;;;"*,;;;;"a.go ,f. follows. T:,kat :::,,1:11t,:il S_o_on Dracula is tracking Hurte.,s fiancde, Wilhelmi "Mina" Mutray, and,tl".y her friend,^as .s llor . Lucy receir,.es three marriage proposals Dr' John I Seward, , ind the Hon. Arihur Holmwood (later Lord Godalmi nu::rbt communicates ;i'';#';;;il:; pncke, with Servard's patient Rerrfield, an insane *:.L:3lltula man u,ho rvishe: he'.r-o ;;;;;;,-f..;;:,;d; ::: -- Dracula himself' is able to u" L _--l:l detect Dracula's pl'esence and supplies clues accordinslr,. V/hen\l/hen T ,r^.. t.^^:-^ u:-, el Lucy begins..to waste away suspiciously, Seward i;r;;r";;;d;.;C,";;? , r'vho irnfirediately detennines the cause of Lucy's condition but refuses to disc ]*Dr i' ;;' ;;;'r'il:'l "" ;:I: Lu.y.ai.. ,oorr uft...-iolo,^ling Lucy,s death. *:"::::"i.::'j":::1il1newspaper report children ,1i:' "r.olr-i! :nd. being stalked in the ni-sht by, in their rvords, u ,'Llo.,f., taay,'i; knowing.!:.vIr: i..o-L connctes in Seward. Lr Goda'ning,.*::j:Yl.ll,l^utl*ng, and " I Morris. The suitors un*a vun H.lt*;;.;;k h..;;;;;il:';;il"r-oi.., her.hearl #fiH; {-':,nner Itjl.l::',:l"ke behead her, and fill her irouth'vitr, gu.ri". Around th- ru-.,i] Jonathan Harker anives from , K::orv where Mina maries him"after his escape, and hirn join the Mina t:-; frr coalition against Dracula (Swandayani, et al, 2012). m-Prog I ltarch. f.*stov [.-rnle, I 'il f'om an frsrs b ,n;;. prsider r-cnund :"i phenom t;.Ir$Jr:-,'$i1l111';, rruntrie ri{:7'r::. ri l::

t, .,' ut', " *,- -; 1 #i: The co ver ofthe fi.rst photograph of Bram Stoker 1 906

316 2nd International Seminctr on Lingtrsric

' Furthennore,the story ofthe manis described as the following quotation. After Dracula illar' 16 I carns of Van Helsing's plot against him, he attacks Mina on three occasions, and feeds Mina his n epistolary- :'r'n blood to control her. Under his influence, Mina oscillates from consciousness to a semi- brs are the rance during which she perceives Drabula's surroundings and actions. After the protagonists relating e\-cc merilize all of his lairs in London by putting pieces of consecrated host in each box of ll in Engld Transylvanian ear1h, Dracula flees to Transylvania, pursued by Van Helsing and the others under the guidance of Mina. In Transylvania, Van Helsing repulses and later destroys the crtor. \'tsltrng rampire "sisters". Upon discovering Dracula being transpofted by Gypsies, Harker shears lim. and Dracula through the throat with a kukri while the rnortally wounded Quincey stabs the Count in I emplol-er- -ll fte heart with a Bowie knife. Dracula crumbles to dust, and Mina is restored to health. The book Dracula's ::loses with a note on Mina's and Jonathan's married life and the birth of tl-reir son, whorn they Eters thrB uame after all four members of the party, but address as "Quincey"(Swandayani, et a1,2012). pre the There isan interestingnoteofthisnovelgroovein the fonn ofthe elirninationat theend of the rlier bareh' 51.'ry."The original final chapter was removed, in which Dracula's castle falls apart as he dies, mding the fact that were ever there.Apparentlyrelated toDracula'scastlein the2lst Ehor at Varn :tnturyhavemadeattractionsas describedin the writingsCruz(2015). "Tourists who would like to bappearancr iicam more about Dracula's secrets can begin exploring the site where he was held, as the tunnels maintain cou!:G- u Dracula's dungeons have just been opened to the public." FurtherCruz(2015) *Dracula's indicate that, lescribed as e dungeon was first discovered by archaeologists while doing restoration work at the m Stoker's Tokat Castle in northerrr in2014. The tunnel, which extends to about 100 feet before it iancee. \\-i s blocked off, has just been opened to the public, according to Huniyet Daily News..' proposak hge That is, begins withthe story ofBramstoker's novel, the story ofDraculacan bring ina r Lord r"'mber ofcommodities, notjust a."vork of the fictionbutalsor.isitine theothertourist rris. but all lackedwithregardDraculatale. AccordingMcCrum(2014), the novelDraculais inthe order ofj1of trtan u'ho s f'ew-orld'stop 1OObest novels. Of course thisillustrates an imporiance of the positionandthe role assi retbre ::thisnovelin the constellation ofthe rvorld literature. There is not necessarilythe Indor"resian lues accc-rrdin.h inovel wereable to enter theranks of theworld's1OObest novels. d teacher. - I retuses to t Draculain the Novel Elizabeth Kostova lolt: \1rs.\\ A century latefthe story of Dracula strengthened by the emergence ol a novel by le Lucr's dsaffi- El:zabeth Kostova's Tlte Historian, published bylittle, Brown and Cornpany, Neu, York in 2005 -blooter ladl' rnd has been translated into Indonesian, published by Grarnedia in 200i . bs in Seu'ard Elizabeth Z. Johnson Kostova was bom Elizabeth Z. Johr.rson in Neu, London, tfter a con t-.rnnecticut and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee where she graduated fi-om the Webb School of und the samc i Knoxville. She received her undergraduate degree from and a Master of Fine cape. and \li .l,ns from the , where she won the 2003 Hopwood Award tbr her Novel- :n-Progress. She is married to a Bulgarian scholar (Swandayani, et ar: 2012). Kostova finished the novel in January 2004 and sent it out to a potential literary agent in llarch. Two months later and within two days of sending out her rnanuscript to publishers, Kostova was offered a deal-she refused it. The rights to the book were then aubtioned off and [-inle, Brown and Company bought it for US$2 million (US$30,000 is typical for a first novel f,om an unknown author). Publishers llteekly explained the high priqe as a bidding war between nrms believing that they might have the next Da Vinci Cocle within their grasp. One vice- ;resident and associate publisher said "Given the success of The Dq Vinci Coeti, everybody rround town knows how popular the combination of and history can be and what a phenomenon it can become." Little, Brown, and Co. subsequently sold the rights in 28 :ountries. The book was published in the united states on 14 June 2005.

317 Andalas University, Attgnst 12-l3, 2015

:1la etl ln Dricu ulea He uechi

Coverof the novel The Historian (English and Indonesian Edition) unatn. pfloto ;f Elizabeth Kosror a of -:e O' More about this novel, the linkagesof the novel The Historictil by Br-amstoker,the novel historical figures, narnely Vlad Tepesas in the following quotation. .{s :rstor The novel blends the history and the folklore of Vlad Jepeg and his ficrional equi iLrCTmi and has been described as a combination of genres, including Gothic no\ adventure novel, , travelogue, postmoderrrhistorical novel, epiitolaryepic- In historical thriller. Kostova was intent on writing a serious work of literature ind sawher:c an inheritor of the Victorian style. Although based on Brarr Stoker's Drctcrtlo, The Hist 'fhe nbul not a horror novel, but rather an eerie tale. novel is concerned with questions about hig ; [r3n its role in society, and how it is represented in books, as rvell as the nature of sood and eril l.h Kostova explains, "Dracula is a metaphor for the evil that is so hard to undo in histon'" H evils brought about by religious conflict are a particular therne and the noyel explora \-lar relationship between the Christian West and the Islarnic East (Srvandayar.ri, et a1,2012). ::ed t:T,3n The background of this novel is based on studies Srvandayani, et al (2012) cau presented in table fon.n as follows. *T-" :e\\ :*J1' TI Table 1: Tabulation of the Background of The Histct-ion TlOI :f ln lht :i'-k rtlv t imrx snte ry".:den ruitled l mP"aling

Based on the novel The Hislot'ian description above, Dracula figure refers to the hist< figure named Vlad Tepes or Vlad Dracula. Who is this character? How is their work? Whv appear to be a fairly legendary of the fictional character? Even now his name has become icon of a human varnpire, included in the repertoire of Indonesian liter-ature, including in constellation of the Indonesian vocabulary?

Tllib.{mbr 0[- :, 156 trnglal mr

318 2nd Intetnqtionql Seminctr on Lingustic

flicrnanian' Therefore young vlad was "son of the dragon,' or ,,son hrre'e this was the beginnirig_ortn" of the devil.,, Scholars r"g."a?at Dracula ,iu. u ,ru,rroire (Johnson, In a note that vrad rrr, prince 2015). l1;\'i-ifi;tilr,'l;", a member ,' Driculeqti, a branch of the "iwrrr".rrrr of the House House or eur-uu, also known, urirrg lhiculea or (vlad) Dracula.The ni, patronymic, as (Vrad) o"r".ii*g o?Draculacan be read ur-follorur. a I *- u,urswrrr.' #,"", ilid"i'l}3?'.llr urt'g malnly ffom 1456 H' ti rn e v o i'o d e o r " ff i|ii,to1462, Xi;l;:{ the period of thei:' incipientottornan ^rhree- His farher, viad "'lX* .orrqu.r, Jr ,rr. l&Irans' II n*.ur, *uJl ,r,.-b., of rhe o;;J; fumded to protect christianity of the Dragon, was f i" a"rt"tr errope. vlad 'vhich i n ltt is reverea as a lblk r ell as other parts of Europe for hero in Roinania his p.ot..,ion of rh. R;;;;"i"r, u"rn fElizabeth Kos; ifihoube' A significant numbei norrh and sourh o' the of Romanian folk and "om-on rernaining boyars (nobles) moved *"'*;i,"4'r'i' r.uo".,r'if unJ,.iir.a bker.the nor-el ,ffi."i1["Jil]?ffiJ"Hil]", ,r,*. r"l..,"i"gii,'*ia, As the cognomen "The Impalet:' tugc":l:,_-lis pracrice iis ficrional $b historical reputation' of impaling his enernies is pan During rtit ilr"iriiiis reputation of for excessive cruelry spread cluding GorhL m Germany and elsewhere in Elurope. abroad, Th; ;;-. of the varnpi*C""", Dracula rl. epistolary lll'ilil*- novel Dracura was inspired in Bram Stoker,s b; thdb;;tronymic and reputation. ure and sau' cula- The *,"i",1i:!;Jjil,ll?Ti:ir:::::::"::x:::iw;,;;,.il;;";,,turions in ous,ed jn t442by rival with Hungary, u*,""**J-",'#u!il;:xl .fi ,:iilHti rstrons abor.u & rribute to'eague the Sultan'at t:, Vtua unJrrlri.otrr., alJ"1iJtx,# nuau.... t"lJ as I of and political hostages by the -sood ,us educated in rogic, undo in hisrm rrrytiffi:f,l:i;;lHT:,::lJ:1.:,.1, sh rangua ge and works 4;;*J,'",u0 the eurai. an.r th" r r i *"i,,.]"r; ffi #,;#;ffi;ri:?:' r nor el el Sunrs' He and his brother were" ;ll"?i.il' r1l i.,,:: also t.uin.J-in warfare and rrorsemanship.In et al.l0 Ilr the course of his Ernpi re He rva s con rionted Melrnedffi; :i1I,JjlL:*::i. II even in-sorne wars::-,1;, .wirh ;,5,"1"i:L.,u,,oIrlun rh. ru,.k;,;;;'iilJ[:ffr;ilH'""Jjtffi:i,:i.T',.;: bv S u r rr n er al ;1 characrer? HHffi li,fl:T;.J,1,r"",,1."1of the atrocities , ffi;,ffi Til., Here is an ffiil that he":T,li,_T"rft did, including rrrs ra,,orite fu,io],;li:l,.,ff::T;;.*:Hj: The story of a life of a srnall vlad and his rmrion. brother Radu is described in the Despire increasing his curturar follorving d;;iwith.the o,r;;;;,d;d was nor at ali preased I * r" ktl.:r.Jark :,1il,*'l#i';5X3::::i*1.:11'"'v ", ;ilil; il. u, o,r,.., rvho soon earned !. .{lier aslxmg ffi .rv n a surpnsrnE ;iJi:J::,?:?",'J"i'"x;'^1,";*3x1f'rL'us,-p ur rulran vlurad's : "il-#'ffi son, Mehrnet;::::"{:9J':'1,'';lil"olill.T'fi he evenfuaily conyerted \-lad entered Ottornan service. Conversely, ," Irra,, Tepes { [ VtaJ-u, defiant and rnncrq-rrr, -,,_:^L^r . of rhe life c"f ryudence rt h",;;;;;;;*#il;'iiJ';,il,1L,1":lr1.j'"T:::l:il1,;:,9*:fi:H,fi#: I up ro Bulgnu. -un r" g'.t rp to be, especialy ffirlJ&#j:"'5r',1itti" i,,r.guras ro his penchant for rilues ba*d lrbls of the lil rief ofdr r nDlhs altc{l0 t 6e.nts_

Is to lhe ir n'orL? S me has e, inclurhrE

['. His I pd to &e Ulh {mbras a;tlEp"til of Vtad ,[, Siion eng.aving 1499 German !rcn of : 1560. reputediy a copy olan f.unrylr.T'lnfrom tt""d.-t shoffitDl.rfr; lmsnal 1462 depicting Vladiepeg made during his lifetime y1!d.e d.ini.ne among the impaled corpses

319 Andales University, Attgust I2_13, 2015

In the courseof his life, vla-d finalry opposed to the rulers of the ottoman confronted by Sultan Empire. He Mehmed II even i" ro-. r.r,ars ll'ith the Turks.Vlad Radu' his was dealine r own brother rvho rvas in the . im Impalerand why then known as vll TE cruel character? Here is an overvierv of trr. ut.o"iii.s favorite punish that he did,includins his enemies by mean simple his body. & He roasted chirdren, rvhom he fea to theii h rnothers. And (he) cut off the breast ck 19 eat them. After that_h" r,"J},.* an impared.vrad reputatron::ff1,":',1"T:"^"i:1:::ll:1il:: was considerably rcr tu darker in western Europe than in Eastern ;;.d; oeen 'as ffi".| Ury charaoeri,ea took sadistic lli,,,y""lt;.)'ll,,,tjr_torturing and killing L:ry^*:his ilrarrt"ffi plea-srrc enemies. The estimates of the number of ," too#l;,1::::..::: hir'u;;;;#;tJffil It@ y,1"":""1t]1F:s a3d folre.sses destroyed Impalement unJlu*.o ro the ground. was vlad's preierred merhod of torture d ""d ;.J';r."ftt;tT; :lra 16th ;.;;u;;; vrad ofST"f.:..i;; stakes and if3.':::ji:1,i5:1.their grisry i:l1u"g.,.rv J;* reasting in a Ms: burdens outside B.urou. rvhire a nearby #;i,:H:"::tt#l i, toIj":n:-:'"i,1'":P"T::::l:^'n:1,'l-to,uzwet'm'j constanrinople orconstantinopre, ro after.beins slgkened by the sight of'li;.*ueror 20,000 Egu capital ,*d;il;H:""Ti?ii of Tdrgoviste (Johnson. 20 I 5). rls,i In the study ofthe history mi of the Islarnic ottoman Ernpire afte often biased rthe crusades, the \l- in its telling. However Crusade is atrarrrna fnr fhe\r/-"+ -fL^:.-^^^ ,n, j:Tfl contexr j#:t:qHiii,,*ffi ir,ff ff l.ll; :,ih.T; *',j:::*::*:;rji:tofthe battre berrveen Surtan Mehmeo lI with vrad defend i;d;: ,t . w.r, is in a posiri fi,qures on his side and discrediting the opponent. In this case Viad^Tepes represcntii-e westand Eastre present Sultan Mehrned II if ir to say the"christian, ..Ro,,ranian ::otle uguinrt rsram arrd Butgr docurnents3::::':i::._l:r:;:,"f rl'om 1481 onrvards portiay urd;;';;;;;1;.'ff;..,\:'ff1':ltX,fr"]fl couniry fi.om the co'upr :$::a:,j.:^:.,:11'llr,rh. and rich boyars. Moreover. all his mift efforts were directed against trre ottornan p-pi.J-iri.rr';;il;i,;;#fiJ::rll.ii (Johnson, 20 1 5)." So that he cruelty of vlad Tepes was not rnuch discussed or highlighted, but inse rnsread, Surtan rr,r.r'""Ji heroisrn o, tr,e thel]:Hf:,:::'1,'-T,'.-":1":e^T:] o*ornan Ernpire rnore l"*? s,rrJ olten omirtel and the crueity tr.,ut n.,o.. r,irr;i;;::: T;lrt,:lli# n3t appear in thereariiy instead obscured s_rr X::::S:::,I"fiI:f::becomes a wort of rrction. -H:did Bram Stoker', "i,*;;;;"t reproductivl ";;;i;;;.;;'r;;;ii,iT,li.,..*;:::['j';eithe. !1,:"':.,,11?jn;,::i*',:f **t, innov.ir,-"ri.r, and more. Nor.et Kostovaat u"gi*i.,g ofthe rxt ',!irn:::r,ll,"ulf'o"h 't'. .i'*.Jl'JJt:fi?:J"H Sr ;9 Sr 4. DraculainFiction sCr vladrepesmysteriousdeath. Brir There are five variants of vlad,s death. Some sources @aru.la by the b;;;". of his roya{ Mordr D bodvguards.ffi.ffi,I:t"4,*:t:".1*,^1,T.g others was 11,:,1",*,,..,y*oy1d-"dk'led by 'u{..h" disroyal warac'hian b;;;, ili ili#;1'rilr"# fiiu, _ vr. J ,rumD; ;;;' ;;ijJ#,, kl r e d men. The l :l' :,1..1 ::,:.yi ".i 1r,"1 by o n" o r nil HlT.fX'::;,r::::exact date and rocationT of vlad's death are ""t ror", iri;'J #:T.:loo?iJ fr urong thl betweenl3J*J";,"l;:::T"i",: Bucharest and T:j::oi:ll":idGiurgiu. There ?r?.;","b"i'i,4i?,,o_"rvr,"." Th latr is alsodepictingdeathascontainedin the quotation. ThE fiL According to Bonfinius (Antonio Bonfini) lhce . and a Turkish chronicler, Vlad was decapirt by the Turks as a trophy, and his Froduct head was se,n, to,Constantinople (now ), pr"r.^tl honev. After,After theth. headhpa,l was,,,^. displaved,{:^.^r^_.^r * buried unceremoniously by tris rrvat, Basarab" "$i;r;;i#il",tHJ,il::"Jil;tJr# Laiota,possibly by vlad ur-corrrurru, a monastery fou in 1461' The comana monastery was demolished (Johnson,20t5). and rebuilt from scratch in I

320 2nd International Seminctr on Lingustic n Empire- lle Johnson (2015) rnenyatakan Vlad killed in Decernber *'as dealing Bucharest' l4i6 fighting the Turks near , Dracula's head was cut Dm as \}el off and oisptayeJ i' constantinople. The Figure l-lad repes with all exploits were of did-inclr.r.;l; later known as Dracula who actuary meaning ,,son dragon" later evolved as of the into the. vocabulary of.the,later meanin-s ,'bloodsucking Dracula character,,. is nowknown as the fictional cha.acte, is rff the no longer u rrirtoii.ur figure. It has been quite 'r lot of fiction in this context literature rled-Vlad or novels that elei,ate this figure. In addition mto the ranks of 100 world-famous to entering and novel, It in u poJion t":i;;;, of Bram mspired rnany novels Stoker,s Dracura including the novel Tlte Hiitoric,r by Elizabein lbtic Twilight ror,ouu. novel by Stephenie Meyer which is urro nge from [-nited iuuiirrr.a'ilur., Bror,vn and co. in the States on october 5,2005 ur= uiro not hc gror-d spared fi'om the effects of Bram Stoker. Twitight rnd its sequel New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking neral r Dawn isalso a story about the human vampire frat sucks the blood of humans (Meycr. 2005;. rstrng ln r L ;;;";d;. if the T,iright nover,The lIistorian and equally published by Litle, Brown "o; 'cuts aptrt and co. in 2005 and by both u,ornen authors / In the world of a movie or miniseries finople. at least there are s0 tltl., of fihns dzure of Dracula' This related to the means that the figure of Dracula has become s outsidc masiv enough, a topic of storytelling especially in the world ortn"e fitrn. The g0th titl;;i;. fihn is related to Dracula ;an be seen in the following table. dcs. tbe fi, I ofthe Table 2: The titles of the films berefcre- fo of Dracula I Fi m s Ti tl e abou tDracl, I rna Lbbott and Costello The Creeps (film) Dracula II: Ascen- "- tteet The Legend ofthe 7 Scooby-Doo! Dark Prince: The and slon Golden Vampires futnran Dracula True Ston.ol the Reluctant Were- rred II ri m Dracula III: Legacl, The Librarian: S,arnran Fights Dra- Dracula Curse s,olf tand B:r Dracula Rebom ofthe Judas Chalice l-:2 Doctor Dracula Screant Dracuia Untold Lor e at First il hanh r,sl ile Batman vs. Dra- Bite Screarl Dracula ( 193 I Dracula rs. Franketr- ::-iia N'lad Mad Mad Son ofDarkness: dl his Engl i sh-language To stein Monsters tsrlll the Kid Versus Die For II qtrr \t film) Dracula's Daughter hacula Mad Monster party./ Son of Dracula Dracula ( 193 I Dracula's Dog Monster Mash ( 1995 Slacula Spani ( 1943 film) cd- sh-l anguage Dracula: Pages fron.r film) bur 3lade: Trinity filn) A Taste of Blood a Virgin's Diarv The Ibe SLd 3lood for Dracula Monster Scluad Taste the ( l95li fiinr) Dracula: Prince 3.ood of ol The Night of rhe Li- Dracula his i< n' -"' Dracula Dracula ( 1979 fiim) Darkness 3lrrod r ing Duck fender Dracula lscured of Dr:cula's Dracula (miniseries) Dracula's Deatit Noctunta: Crancl- To lastle Dracula (2006 fitm) Die For ( l9!i9 Denturr Fracchia contro Dra- daughter of Dracula 3ram Stoker's Dra- filrn) cula The rc- \ord :ula Retum of Dra- Varlpira ( 1974 film) The Halloween That cula Vanrpire ;me fm tsram Stoker's Dra- Dracula 3000 Hunter D Alnrost Wasn't Saint :ula (1973 film) Dracula 3D ( l98s fiim) The Satanic Rites Sram Stoker's Dra- Dracula of : A.D. 1972 House of Franken- Dracula ;ula's Curse Bloodlust Dracula and Son stein (1944 film) The Brides Vampire in Venice of Dracula: Dead and House ofFranken- E siol.rocti Dracula .Loving Scooby-Doo and the It stein (miniseries) Count Dracula (l Ghoul School Van Helsing (film) rl 970 Dracula Has Risen House ofthe The &eT lilm) from the Crave Vulture's Eye Count Dracula (1977 Waxwork (film) rcof lis film ,y l0 hng tc The latest film about Dracula,title d untotct Dracr.tla,produced h in 2014,precisely on october 10. The film, starring Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Do'rinic c""p*, ira parkinson,s, and charles Dance is directed bv G-ary produced lhoreand by Legendary pictures and Michael Deluca Productions, USA as in the following images. ls bodv kv rct in I

321 Andalos Llniversity, August 12_: 3, 20. 5

Image 4: IMA X erclusr-v. rT.

5. Conclusion The flction stories a'd also stories about the flhn person u'ho li'ed is a fbr'r of repro6uction of in the 15th celitury were opposed a real 14-56 to 1162' to the rule o1-the ottornan E'rpire Ylad Tepes' the nar# or1t.r. t.g.na fr.om action of o.acui is actualry cruer figures' so he is also known u, to the vruJtir. Irnpaler b..;;r; o-ft.n 'ariou-i the ri'ay her body irnpaled' to.tu.irrg their enemies br- But the listorv of the west ,'.rr",;r"a created it into a lvork ru'. ,r'i,'in,o"" oi- "'"1'l;" ,,rn', becornes a nction rhat,,o in Indo'esia, the ir.rage of the l'arnpire._ mythologized gjien just as the successor "::'Ul,iL:,i'::J',iH::;l,Y::f;in the west' Kn-ou'ing th. rririo.y 1s to u,rrat is to view of the west#-.uirur. could actualy the west as l,,ore fully lnioneriuo p.opl. be the ke' the have kno'vn it . ."ora ,,valnpire,, stories about hi', Howeve., th. as weri a-. Lrl;;;;*n peopre d" ;;;;;i;re or story of Dracula is cruel forms of or".r". do not even know if the orngu.", o."rr.J;il; west. about to be obscured fiction, This historical rearin, 3s gnlv ruirriiui;. il;;inilr.u'ing discursive process' vlad ""rv or form of the fight repes not much discussed highlight heroism "tr.iv'lr or highlighted, but instead against T*k;y. r;;luil srr,,un Otornan Empire M.h;;fi;'il..oir_ or the sultans more often o_itt.d ,;;;" cruelty of the west against that more highlighted. This is,what vlad repes and Sultan Mehrned II. the Dracula has become the .,^..h,,r^*;,: ;_., oretemarHehas;:F',ih"rft sunlight' :"7,T,';.::#1?":ff li"il*ii:,1.:;,1T:J*:ilh. He will move freely ut nlgr-tt'uJri..p i' a coffin in tt. iuytin'e. suit co*plete with the tie, *iti"rt He was wearing rhe n?i."t"r tr" *u, buried u, u Crr,irrrun of vampire in the Indonesian people. The vocabularl. languag. ir .r.".r, not identicai,u,rr, irr. ghostpocong. If Dracula M;;ri;,;;;lr not wear the li'.lffi:":;;'n'Indonesian ;;;; the tie but he wear a white

322 2nd International Seminar on Lingttstic


Cruz' Rachel ' 2015' "Dracula's Dungeon Reveals Secret Tunnel: Site.--.- opened for Exploration by Tourists,"'r,wvw.hngn.com/articles.Sownloaded July l, ZOiS-. Johnson' David' 2015' 'The Tenifyin-e Truth About Dracula,'' http:/hnnv.infoplease. cont/spot/ dracttlal. Downloaded July l, 2015. Kostova, Elizabeth, 2005. york: The Historian. Nerv Little, Brorvn and company Kostova, Elizabeth, 2007. The Historian, Sang Seicu'au,cr(terjemahan Andang H. Soetopo). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. \{ccrum, Robert. 2014. "The r00 best novels: No 3l-Dracula by Bram Stoker (1g97),,, u'ww. t h e gua rdi an. c om/b o oks. Downloaded July 1, 20 1 5. \leyer, Stephenie. 2005. Twitiglrr. New york: Little, Bro*,n and company. Shore, Gary' 2014' Dracttla Unrotrt. Holl)-r,vood; Legendary pictures and Productions. Michael De Luca

srvandayani' Dian, et aI-_2012. "Resepsi Novel-Novel Mutakhir lmplementasinya pembelajaran Berlatar Eropa dan dalam prurarisme,'. Lrrporn,, peneritian. yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

trion of a rcd t Empire frn lo the varicl rir enemies by lto a u'ort d fiction rhar r f lo \\.hat fo illy be the kqr re' as rr'ell r nknos-if b ilorical r€alt n of the figI I but insrdt Ultans of b : is q'har b ps a long li& pas afraid d I wearing lb I vocabufry f.If Dracdr pear a n-h-