February/March 2016




PRESIDENT Greg Campbell [email protected]

PAST PRESIDENT Bernie Sillis [email protected]

VICE PRESIDENT Alan Latimer [email protected] Peter

Chamberlain [email protected]

SECRETARY Mario Imbriano [email protected]

ASST SECRETARY Judy Sillis [email protected]

TREASURER Gary Cairns [email protected]

RECORDER Carol Taylor [email protected]

COMMITTEE John Collins [email protected]

Matt Harman [email protected]

Kim Hobday [email protected]

James Kemp [email protected]

Peter Kemp [email protected]

Luke Stuart [email protected]

Steve Wearn [email protected] LIFE MEMBERS Bill Abbott Bill Dunkley

Paul Anderson [email protected]

Alan Latimer [email protected]

Sanchia Glaskin [email protected]

POSTAL ADDRESS Canberra Game Fishing Club Inc P O Box 94 WODEN ACT 2606

FAX 02-62977445

GENERAL ENQUIRIES Greg Campbell 0417 209612 Mario Imbriano 0421 049191


The year is racing away again. We only have a quick few months until our tournament and the end of our points score so keep tagging those fish and going fishing on zone weekends. For those that can go our Bermi bash is coming up this weekend and hopefully there will be a few go to that if you need a ride on a boat come down and it will be sorted keep safe on the roads and water and have a great Easter Cheers

Greg Campbell President 22 March 16


Hi All

What a start to the season, from the reports I have heard there have been a lot of marlin around with boats getting up to 12 fish a day – wow.

The comps have been and gone for the start of the season with the weather being normal for comps. Two out of three days being able to fish. Well done to all club boats who went to the comps and supported the other clubs.

Well done to the crew on Nautiness for winning heaviest Marlin at the Bermagui Blue Water Classic, and to Greg Smith for reeling it in, all 128.5kg of Striped Marlin.

Congratulations to Alan and Kelly Dawe on the birth of their daughter Kate. Also a big get well to club members Kim Hobday and Mark Trew – hope to see you on the water soon.

Alliance Tag and Release Tournament 12th to 13th March. Southern Zone Interclub all ports 12th and 13th of March. Shoalhaven Game Fishing Tournament is on the 18th to 20th March. Eden Open Game Fishing Tournament is on the 18th to 20th March. Bermi Bash is on the 26th of March One Day event to have fun.

As you can see, March is a busy time of the year. If you are going to fish the Southern zone, you can also fish the Alliance T&R out of Bermagui on the same weekend, There are entry forms in Tale Rope for these. If you are fishing the Alliance T&R, could you let me know if you can help with the BBQ on Friday night or Sunday. Thanks.

The Bermi Bash is on Sat 26th March – if you have a friend/friends who would like to see what game fishing is all about, this is a good weekend to do so with low cost involved and, of course, FUN.

The Yellowfin Tournament is coming up in May, if you know of anyone who might like to sponsor the club, can you let Greg, Gary or myself know so we can have a look into it.

If you want a club shirt let Gary Cairns or myself know so we can bring them to the next meeting.

Good luck to all those fishing the tournaments, stay safe and catch plenty.

Our next meeting is on the 8th of March at the Hellenic Club Woden, hope to see you all there with many a tale to tell.

Mario Imbriano Secretary Canberra GFC February 2016


Another great month on the water for the Canberra club. As you will read in the Bermagui Alliance report from Judy Sillis the club cleaned up with Escape taking out champion boat over 7m one of the many categories won by the club. It was also good to see everyone wearing the Canberra club shirts. If any one would like one of these shirts please see Mario, for $25 they are a bargain.

The Bermi bash is coming up this weekend hope to see you there. Its always a great day on the water and a great way to introduce new members to the sport followed by a BBQ at the club.

The Canberra Yellofin tournament is fast approaching if you can think of anyone who may like to sponsor the tournament Aaron Wild has produced a great sponsorship booklet that can be passed on. If you would like one of the sponsorship booklets let me know.

If you have any photos or stories you would like in the tale rope or the facebook page please send them through to [email protected]


26 March Bermi Bash 12th April CGFC General Meeting


The Canberra Game Fishing Club is hosting the annual Bermi Bash in Bermagui on 26th March, 2016 – Easter Saturday. The aim of the day is to introduce new members to the sport of game fishing and to assist members with advice on tackle and equipment. It is focused also on the social side of fishing.

Members of Bermagui Big Game Anglers Club and other neighbouring clubs are also invited to take part.

Where possible, we will place new/potential members on members’ boats for a day game fishing. They will, of course, be expected to contribute to the cost of fuel, which we expect will be kept to a minimum, and to abide by the particular skipper’s directions. It will allow new/potential members a day, hopefully, that will have them 'hooked' on game fishing.

Boats will compete in a “beer Mug tournament” with prizes of a beer mug in each of three categories:  High point score tag and release boat  High point score tag and release angler  President’s/Capture Award GFAA and NSWGFA Rules will apply.

On Saturday evening the Canberra Game Fishing Club will provide a barbeque at the barbeque area at the Bermagui Country Club.

Those attending the Bermi Bash will be responsible for their own accommodation, travel to and from Bermagui and any meals other than the supplied BBQ on Saturday night.

Please advise Mario Imbriano, Secretary, Canberra Game Fishing Club by Thursday 24thMarch, 2016 of your attendance for catering purposes.

Enquiries: Mario Imbriano – Phone – 0421 049191 Email – [email protected] Greg Campbell – Phone 0417 209612


The 27th Annual Alliance Tag and Release Tournament was held out of Bermagui on Saturday and Sunday 12th and 13th March. 28 boats fished the tournament of which Aquaholic, Escape, Mr Hooker, Nautiness, Panlicker and Y Knot 2 represented Canberra.

Fishing in the days leading up to the tournament was excellent and all crews set out on Saturday morning full of confidence. When Escape called in the first tag at 7.20am spirits were high for a very good day. At the end of Day 1 however there were only eight marlin tagged by the 95 anglers taking part. There were plenty of fish sighted tailing and feeding on bait balls, but with them gorging our on the triggerfish in the bait balls it was difficult to get a bite. The crew on Escape were leading the way being the only boat to tag two marlin.

Day 1 was significant for the Canberra Club however with two of our female anglers, Debra Kemp on Aquaholic and Chrissy Meneghal aboard Escape each tagging their first marlin. Well done and I am sure that these are just the first of many.

The second day produced perfect sea conditions as the crews headed out and Escape was again on the board early when Luke Stuart tagged his second for the weekend, putting Escape to the lead for Champion Boat. There was more activity on the tagging front with Mark Trew on Panlicker nosing ahead in the male angler category, tagging two on 15kg. Judy Sillis edged ahead in the female angler category when she tagged her second for the weekend on Mr Hooker.

The Champion Team is the major trophy for the Alliance Tournament and it was again hotly contested. There were three teams with four or five fish and in the end the three boats team of Escape, Rocky and Joker got across the line.

Thanks to all of the Canberra members (looking resplendent in their club shirts) who cooked the barbeque for the presentation and to the crews who took part.

Results for Canberra members were as follows: CHAMPION THREE BOAT TEAM – Escape, Rocky and Joker CHAMPION BOAT OVER 7 METRES – Escape CHAMPION ANGLER – BILLFISH – Mark Trew (Panlicker) CHAMPION MALE ANGLER – Mark Trew (Panlicker) CHAMPION FEMALE ANGLER – Judy Sillis (Mr Hooker) CHAMPION ANGLER DAY 1 – Mark Trew CHAMPION BOAT OVER 7 M – DAY 1 - Escape

Line, Backing, Double, Leader

(a) Line

1. Monofilament, multifilament and lead core multifilament lines may be used. For line classes, see Australian Record Requirements.

2. Wire lines are prohibited.

(b) Line backing

1. Backing not attached to the fishing line is permissible with no restrictions as to size or material.

2. If the fishing line is attached to the backing, the catch shall be classified under the heavier of the two lines. The backing may not exceed the 60kg (130lb) line class and must be of a type of line ap- proved for use in these angling rules.

(c) Double line

The use of a double line is not required. If one is used, it must meet the following specifications:

1. A double line must consist of the actual line used to catch the fish.

2. Double lines are measured from the start of the knot, braid, roll or splice making the double to the furthermost end of the knot, splice, snap, swivel or other device used for securing the trace, leader, lure or hook to the double line.

Saltwater species: In all line classes up to and including 10kg (20lb) the double line shall be limited to 4.57m (15ft). The combined length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 6.1m (20ft). The double line on all classes of tackle over 10kg (20lb) shall be limited to 9.14m (30ft). The combined length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 12.19m (40ft).

Freshwater species: The double line on all classes of tackle shall not exceed 1.82m (6ft). The com- bined length of the double line and the leader shall not exceed 3.04m (10ft).

(d) Leader

The use of a leader is not required. If one is used, it must meet the following specifications:

1. The length of the leader is the overall length, including any lure, hook or other device, and is measured to the bend of the last hook.. The leader must be connected to the line with a snap, knot, splice, swivel or other device. Holding devices are prohibited. There are no regulations regard- ing the material or strength of the leader.

Saltwater species: In all line classes up to and including 10kg (20lb) the leader shall be limited to 4.57m (15ft). The combined length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 6.1m (20ft). The leader on all classes of tackle over 10kg (20lb) shallbe limited to 9.14m (30ft). The combined length of the double line and leader shall be limited to 12.19m (40ft).

Freshwater species: The leader on all classes of tackle shall be limited to 1.82m (6ft). The combined length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 3.04m (10ft). http://www.gfaa.asn.au/new/index.php/rules-regulations-general/line

Southern Zone CHAIRMAN : Sanchia Glaskin PHONE : 0409 923 585 EMAIL : [email protected]

COCK O’ THE WALK RESULTS …….. FEBRUARY 2016 CAPTURES : HEAVIEST SPECIES WHT LINE S/J ANGLER BOAT CLUB PTS MARLIN Striped 130.8 15 S/M Kaine Clark Profishent Kiama 5 Black 113.0 37 S/M Grant Crukshank Jedi Merimbula 4 Blue 107.5 24 S/M John Acker Shark Attack Shellharbour 3

SHARK Mako 179.5 15 S/M Jarrod Clarkson Tailwalker Shellharbour 5


OGF Mahi Mahi 20.1 8 S/M Brian Jones Reckless Shellharbour 5 Mahi Mahi 15.7 10 J/M Brayden Clarkson Tailwalker Shellharbour 4

CAPTURES : MOST MERITORIOUS SPECIES WHT LINE S/J ANGLER BOAT CLUB PTS MARLIN Striped 130.8 15 S/M Kaine Clark Profishent Kiama 5 Blue 107.5 24 S/M John Acker Shark Attack Shellharbour 4 Black 113.0 37 S/M Grant Crukshank Jedi Merimbula 3

SHARK Mako 179.5 15 S/M Jarrod Clarkson Tailwalker Shellharbour 5


OGF Mahi Mahi Mahi Mahi 20.1 8 S/M Brian Jones Reckless Shellharbour 5 15.7 10 J/M Brayden Clarkson Tailwalker Shellharbour 4

CAPTURE POINTS FOR MONTH TAG & RELEASE POINTS FOR MONTH Shellharbour 35 Profishent Kiama 183500 5 Kiama 10 Side Effect Ulladulla 128000 4 Merimbula 7 Entourage Ulladulla 103000 3 Hardaraddit Bermagui 96000 2 Blu Alibi Ulladulla 80000 1 Teaser Ulladulla 63000 Team Shimano Ulladulla 52750 X-Factor Jervis Bay 44500 Polaris Eden 40000 Mc 1 Shellharbour 37500 Dadsboat Shoalhaven 27525 Anticipation Shellharbour 23000 Flying Dutchman Eden 23000 On Site Batemans Bay 20000 Krakatinni Canberra 20000 Reckless Shellharbour 18500 Marlin Feeder Jervis Bay 18500 Off Tap Jervis Bay 11500 Provoked Shellharbour 10000 Striker Shellharbour 10000 Dorado Batemans Bay 10000 Aqua Adiction Canberra 10000 Sea Tiger Canberra 10000 Chips & Dip Canberra 10000 Hustler Canberra 10000 Tuna Terror Bermagui 10000 Game Chaser Bermagui 10000 Jiggy Jig Bermagui 10000 Adrenalin Bermagui 10000 Spooky 2 Merimbula 10000 Opportunatee Batemans Bay 8500

CAPTURE POINTS 2015-16 PROGRESSIVE TAG & RELEASE POINTS 2015-16 Shellharbour 71 Ulladulla 18 Merimbula 35 Shellharbour 15 Canberra 32 Shoalhaven 9 Jervis Bay 28 Jervis Bay 8.75 Kiama 20 Bermagui 7 Eden 10 Canberra 6.25 Bateman Bay 8 Batemans Bay 6 Eden 6 Kiama 5 Merimbula 4 Bermagui 2 .

My thanks to the eight Southern Zone boats who competed at the NSWGFA Interclub State Championships. They were Warlord, Empty Pockets, Tailwalker and On Line from Shellharbour, X- Factor from Jervis Bay, Entourage and Side Effect from Ulladulla and Polaris from Eden. Congratulations to those anglers, boats and teams who took out various categories. It was a fantastic effort from everyone and they represented our Zone brilliantly. It would be great to see more of our boats fishing this event as we have proved that we can take on the others big time. It was a good tournament with 102 boats and over 500 anglers. It seems the trend these days for bigger boats means that the number of people on board has increased. The bottom line for all tournaments is not how many boats are entered but how many anglers have entered. Thankfully we had four good days weatherwise with quite a perfect last weekend. The fish were not as plentiful although there was a definite run of small Blue Marlin. We also had Yellowfin, Mahi Mahi, Short Billed Spearfish and various sharks weighed. Ladies Day, the Lyndy Grieves Memorial Day, was a blast with 30 boats fishing and we also had a small midweek tournament for Mahi Mahi with the heaviest being 17kg. There was also a special day for “Soldier On” where we supplied around 15 boats and put on a barbeque for the returned service personnel who attended. This has become an annual event which NSWGFA is proud to support. Eden and Shoalhaven have their tournaments this coming weekend weather permitting and then in April we have the Kiama Blowhole Tournament. If you can attend any of these events I know it would be appreciated.

Stay safe and enjoy our fishing. Sanchia


26.1.16 Matt Harman Aquaholic 36.30 150.17 B115912 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

26.1.16 Carol Taylor Aquaholic 36.30 150.17 B112662 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 30.1.16 Matt Harman Aquaholic 36.30 150.15 B109002 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

30.1.16 Ian Gulson Aquaholic 36.31 150.14 B115915 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

30.1.16 Matt Harman Aquaholic 36.30 150.15 B115913 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

30.1.16 Leranne Reid Krakatinni 35.23 150.50 B083412 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

31.1.16 Anthony Canulli strike rate 36.23 150.18 B082230 STRIPED MARLIN/15 11,500.00 1.2.16 Luke Patrick Dripping Wet 36.29 150.14 B112536 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

1.2.16 Matt Patrick Dripping Wet 36.21 150.18 B115930 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 1.2.16 Matt Patrick Dripping Wet 36.21 150.18 B115926 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

1.2.16 Luke Patrick Dripping Wet 36.22 150.18 B115927 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

2.2.16 Luke Patrick Dripping Wet 36.24 150.17 B112537 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

2.2.16 matt patrick Dripping Wet 36.22 150.18 B115928 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

6.2.16 Dennis Tokic Fishfull thinking 35.59 150.26 B112653 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 6.2.16 Ricky Grintell Fishfull thinking 35.59 150.26 B112652 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

6.2.16 Tony Morrisson Fishfull thinking 35.59 150.24 B112654 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

6.2.16 James wern Elegantly wasted 36.21 150.18 B040335 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

6.2.16 James wern Elegantly wasted 36.21 150.18 B024249 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

6.2.16 Phill Buckland Elegantly wasted 36.21 150.18 B024247 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 6.2.16 steve angus Mr Hooker 36.21 150.18 B112541 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

6.2.16 judy sillis Mr Hooker 36.21 150.18 B115923 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 6.2.16 steve angus Mr Hooker 36.23 150.18 B112543 BLUE MARLIN/24 10,000.00

6.2.16 judy sillis Mr Hooker 36.23 150.18 B112542 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

6.2.16 Luke Stuart Chips & Dips 35.18 150.51 B112523 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

7.2.16 Tony Morrisson Fishfull thinking 35.58 150.28 B112.651 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

7.2.16 luke patrick dripping wet 36.23 150.18 B112538 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 7.2.16 Carol Taylor Aquaholic 36.24 150.18 S85732 WHALER SHARK 2,000.00

15.2.16 Luke Stuart escape 36.32 150.14 B115988 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

15.2.16 Aaron Meneghel escape 36.32 150.13 B115987 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

15.2.16 Luke Stuart escape 36.31 150.14 b115986 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

20.2.16 ken escape 36.28 150.15 B115989 BLACK MARLIN/24 10,000.00 20.2.16 Luke Stuart escape 36.28 150.16 B115990 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

20.2.16 Dean Crampton Mr Hooker 36.28 150.14 B112544 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 26.2.16 Tony Morrisson Hustler 35.22 150.43 B121725 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 26.2.16 Dennis Tokic Hustler 35.20 150.57 B083095 BLACK MARLIN/24 10,000.00

27.2.16 Tony Morrisson Hustler 35.52 150.30 B083409 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

27.2.16 mario imbriano Aqua Addiction 35.50 150.30 B 088600 BLACK MARLIN/24 10,000.00

28/.2.16 Frank Jones sea tiger 37.10 150.22 B112421 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

28.2.16 Doug Reid Krakatinni 35.23 150.48 B083414 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00 28.2.16 Leranne Reid Krakatinni 35.23 150.48 B083413 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

12.3.16 Doug Reid Krakatinni 35.27 150.49 B083420 BLACK MARLIN/37 8,500.00 12.3.16 chrissy meneghel escape 36.31 150.14 B115991 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

12.3.16 judy sillis Mr Hooker 36.30 150.18 B1124545 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

12.3.16 Debra Kemp aquaholic 36.22 150.15 B109003 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

12.3.16 Luke Stuart escape 36.47 150.18 B115993 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

13.3.16 Doug Reid Krakatinni 35.22 150.37 B083418 BLACK MARLIN/24 10,000.00 13.3.16 Mark Trew panlicker 36.27 150.16 b083435 BLACK MARLIN/15 11,500.00

13.3.16 Luke Stuart escape 36.37 150.15 B115994 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

13.3.16 Trent Bink nautiness 36.27 150.15 B121406 STRIPED MARLIN/15 11,500.00

13.3.16 Mark trew panlicker 36.27 150.16 B112510 STRIPED MARLIN/15 11,500.00

13.3.16 judy sillis Mr Hooker 36.30 150.16 B112532 STRIPED MARLIN/15 11,500.00 13.3.16 matt Harman aquaholic 36.36 150.14 B121706 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

13.3.16 matt Harman aquaholic 36.40 150.15 B121711 STRIPED MARLIN/15 11,500.00 13.3.16 Dennis Tokic Hustler 35.34 150.40 B121720 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

14.3.16 Leranne Reid Krakatinni 35.31 150.39 B083417 STRIPED MARLIN/24 10,000.00

CAPTURE LINE POINT DATE ANGLER BOAT FISH SPECIES WEIGHT CLASS SCORE 27.6.15 Judy Sillis Mr Hooker Y/FIN TUNA 49.2 24 1,391.87 5.7.15 Geramy Harris Ballz Deep S/B TUNA 47.6 24 1,302.81 5.7.15 Joel Barton Ballz Deep S/B TUNA 44 24 1,113.20 4.7.15 Col Beveridge Mr Hooker Y/FIN TUNA 67.8 24 2,643.18 27.6.15 Pat Jackson Apothecary Y/FIN TUNA 85 15 10,837.50 27.6.15 Phill Buckland Elegantly Wasted Y/FIN TUNA 44 24 1,113.20 27.6.15 Ricky Grintell Fishful Thinking S/B TUNA 30 15 1,350.00 19.07.15 James Kemp Escape S/B TUNA 43.4 24 1,083.05 19.07.15 Aaron Meneghel Escape S/B TUNA 26.4 24 400.75 19.9.15 Denis Tokic Freedom MAHI MAHI 17.8 15 475.26 STRIPED 24.1.16 Greg Smith Nautiness MARLN 128.5 24 6329.70


High Point Score Boat High Point Score Angler

Escape 150000 Matt Harman 81500 Aquaholic 146500 Luke Stuart 70000

CANBERRA GAME FISHING CLUBEVENTS CALENDAR 2015-2016 Batemans Bay Yellowfin Tournament June 6-7 Queen’s birthday long weekend June 6-7 CGFC General Meeting June 8 Zone weekend June 13-14 Merimbula 21st Broadbill & 1st SBT Tourn 1st leg June 12-14 Zone weekend June 27-28 Merimbula 21st Broadbill & 1st SBT Tourn 2nd leg June 19-21 Southern Zone AGM & Trophy Presentation July 5 Zone weekend. July 11-12 CGFC General Meeting July 14 Zone weekend July 25-26 Zone weekend August 8-9 CGFC – AGM and Presentation August 15 Zone weekend August 22-23 CGFC General Meeting September 8 Zone weekend September 12-13 Zone weekend September 26-27 Zone weekend October 10-11 CGFC General Meeting October 13 Zone weekend October 24-25 Shoalhaven Light Tackle Tournament November Zone weekend November 7-8 CGFC General Meeting November 10 Zone weekend November 21-22 Jervis Bay White Sands Tournament * November 27-29 CGFC General Meeting and Christmas Drinks December 8 Zone weekend December 12-13 Zone weekend December 26-27 Zone weekend January 9-10 Batemans Bay Tollgate Island Classic * January 15-17 Zone weekend January 23-24 Bermagui Blue Water Classic * January 23-25 Jess Sams Ulladulla Open * February 5-7 CGFC General Meeting February 9 Zone weekend February 13-14 Shellharbour Tournament * February 13-14 Zone weekend February 27-28 NSWGFA Interclub February 27-28 +-March 5-6 CGFC General Meeting March 8 Alliance T/R Tournament, Bermagui March 12-13 Southern Zone Interclub * March 12-13 Zone weekend March 12-13 Shoalhaven Open Tournament * March 18-20 Eden Open Tournament * March 18-20 Zone weekend (Easter) March 26-28 Kiama Blowhole Big Fish Classic * April 2-3 Zone weekend April 9-10 CGFC General Meeting April 12 Zone weekend (Anzac Day) April 23-25 Merimbula Open * May 6-8 CGFC General Meeting May 10 Zone weekend May 14-15 Canberra Yellowfin Tournament * May14-16 Zone weekend May 28-29 CGFC General Meeting June 14 Merimbula Broadbill & SBT Tournamnet 1st leg July 15-17 Merimbula Broadbill & SBT Tournament 2nd leg July 22-24 NB : Zone weekends are the second and forth full weekend of every month. Fish tagged or captured at the NSW Interclub will be counted in Southern Zone monthly Cock O’the Walk competition. All gazetted NSW Public Holiday long weekends are also included * Denotes nominated tournaments eligible for Zone points and the Columbus and George Bass Trophies.