Healing Wounds and Scars, Emotionally and Physically, with Energetics


COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Energetics of a Scar •What comes to mind for you when you glance upon a scar on your body or notice one on a stranger or your animal friend? •Do you automatically think of just the physical appearance of a scar, or does the scar flood your mind with memories of trauma associated with it? •Do you feel a sense of connectedness to the wound or scar?

If so, this presentation will share that, for some individuals (including our animal friends), scars may also manifest blockages (emotional and physical); and how the energetics of essential oils and botanical bases can be beneficial in the healing process.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Scars-emotional and physical. The word ‘scar’ may resonate differently depending on the individual. Below are a few descriptions defining the word scar from online dictionary sources [1]. Physical Scar: “A mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely, and fibrous connective tissue has developed." •Associated words: blemish, discoloration, disfigurement, pockmark, lesion, and birthmark. Emotional Scar: “A lasting effect of grief, fear, or other emotion left on a person's character by a traumatic experience.” “Deep psychological scars." •Associated words: damage, injury, trauma. Definition of a Plant’s Scar: “A mark left at the point of separation of a leaf, frond, or other part from a plant.” "A former attachment." •Associated words: damage, impact, injury, trauma.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Meridian Energetics In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) theory, the body contains individual meridian channel pathways that are connected to individual organ systems by way of energy (Qi). Each channel has specific acupuncture points associated to the energetics of these organ systems. When the body experiences an injury or trauma (emotionally or physically), it also impacts one or more meridian channels. This may come in the form of a physical scar from a surgical procedure to remove an organ such as the appendix, or it may manifest when an individual experiences emotional trauma. With the application of acupuncture and acupressure to specific body points (above and below the physical scar region), or to points applicable for emotional trauma, this type of treatment, aids in both the physical and emotional healing of the scar and/or trauma. Meridians exist in all beings-human and animal.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Blocked or Concentrated Energy Some individuals may become hypersensitive to touch near the surgical or trauma body areas. I can speak from experience in regards to an emergency appendectomy surgery (removal of the appendix), and how, to this day, almost ten years afterwards, I am still a bit hypersensitive and guarded to touch near my right flank and hip crest region, even though the incision scar mark lies more to the right inner side of my lower abdomen. Acupuncture, aromatherapy and energy therapies have helped me immensely in letting go of the hypersensitive tension that builds in that area from time to time. I also incorporate the use of massage cupping, which helps to decrease adhesions, crepitus and softens older keloid type scar tissue. Hypersensitive to touch: pain, inflammation, itching, muscle quivering, trembling, sensitive to temperature changes, guarded/armoring, tightness, tension, jumpiness, ticklish, fidgety, irritated, impatient, etc.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oil Energetics Methods of Application: Essential oils and aromatherapy blends can be easily incorporated for: Topical application: to specific acupuncture points and meridian pathways. Energetic: mist sprays may also be used to mist over the body’s energetic centers (chakras) to bring balance and harmony. Cleanse the environment, improve Feng shui energy flow (“is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment.”-Wikipedia) Inhalation (direct or personal inhaler): anxiety, anger, grief, stress, trauma, nightmares, recurring memories/thoughts associated with the scar/injury/trauma. Diffusion: environmental, emotional, physical, spiritual.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Carrot Seed (Daucus carota): cleansing and healing effect on physical scars, wounds, and inflamed tissue. Carrot seed essential oil aids in the regeneration of new skin cells, and tones and tightens weepy wounds. Associated Meridian Channels: Liver, Gallbladder, Lung Emotions: Anger, Frustration, Worry, Over-thinking, Grief Applications: Topical, Mist Sprays

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Chamomile, German (Matricaria recutita)*: With analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, cicatrizant and vulnerary properties, and its high content of the chemical constituent, chamazulene, German chamomile tops the list of the wound and scar tissue healing essential oils. Its aroma aids in calming during a stressful or traumatic situation. Chamomile, Roman (Chamaemelum nobile)*: analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, cicatrizant, and vulnerary properties. Sweet yet calming scent, makes an excellent choice for use with children's wound care. Inhalation during topical application to the affected area, aids in releasing fear associated with the wound/scar. Associated Meridians: Kidney/Bladder, Liver/Gallbladder, Heart, Lung, Stomach Emotions: Anger, Frustration, Fear, Grief, Sadness, Worry, Over-thinking Applications: Inhalation, Diffusion, Topical, Mist Sprays

*Use caution with individuals with known allergies to ragweed and daisy family.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens): antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, hemostatic, styptic, and vulnerary properties. Cypress essential oil aids in healing weepy type wounds. It also offers tonifying and healing properties useful for both the reproductive and respiratory systems. Associated Meridians: Kidney/Bladder, Lung, Conception and Governing Vessel/s. Emotions: Fear, Grief, Protection (emotional/physical) Applications: Inhalation, Diffusion, Topical, Mist Sprays

Cypress was traditionally used in ceremonial practices to cleanse and uplift ones spirit during transition, mediation and sweat lodges.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Frankincense (Boswellia carteri or Boswellia serrata): antiseptic, astringent, cicatrizant, cytophylactic, and vulnerary properties. Frankincense essential oil is useful for skin damage, scar tissue adhesions, and weepy type wounds. Its fresh balsamic-woody aroma supports the respiratory system (emotionally and physically) with issues such as asthma, wheezing and seasonal allergies, as well as grief and deep sadness that often accompany imbalances of the Lung meridian organ energetics. Associated Meridians: Bladder/Kidney, Lung, Heart, Governing Vessel Emotions: Fear, Grief, Sadness, Protection (emotional & physical) Applications: Inhalation, Topical, Mist Sprays

NB: Use frankincense that is not endangered and from a sustainable source.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): antiseptic, astringent, cicatrizant, cytophylactic, deodorant, hemostatic, styptic and vulnerary properties. Geranium essential oil is useful for weepy and smelly wounds, skin ulcers and burns. Its rich floral aroma aids in balancing emotions associated with fear and anger, and as well as its benefit for those that suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), chronic anxiety and panic attacks. Associated Meridians: Liver, Heart, Bladder/Kidney, Conception Vessel Emotions: Anger, Frustration, Fear, Sadness Applications: Inhalation, Diffusion, Topical, Mist Sprays

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum): anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, and cicatrizant and lymphatic properties. This essential oil is powerful in healing deep wounds such as ligament tears, nerve trauma (dental, surgical, injury, degeneration), weepy skin wounds, skin ulcers and burns, bee stings. Helichrysum’s other common names are: Everlasting and Immortelle, both signify a powerful strength (inner and outer). Tap into the strength of helichrysum essential oil as an aid in healing physical and emotional wounds. Associated Meridians: Liver/Gallbladder, Heart, Lung, Governing Vessel Emotions: Anger, Frustration, Sadness, Protection (emotional/physical) Applications: Inhalation, Topical, Mist Sprays

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, cicatrizant, cytophylactic, deodorant, and vulnerary properties. •First Aid (emotional and physical) •Disturbed sleep, Nightmares •Anxiety, Panic Attacks •Hypersensitive to: touch, sound •Wound cleansing and healing properties. Associated Meridians: all Emotions: (all) Anger, Fear, Grief, Sadness, Worry Applications: Inhalation, Diffusion, Topical, Mist Sprays

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)*: antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, cicatrizing, and vulnerary properties. Myrrh prevents infection and promotes tissue repair [2]. Myrrh essential oil is useful for the healing process of skin ulcers, bed sores, weepy and infected wounds, scar tissue adhesions, and inflammation and infections of the gums and mouth. Deep skin cracks located on the hands and feet also respond well to the topical application of myrrh. Inhale myrrh’s balsamic aroma to release past trauma associated with wounds and scars. Associated Meridians: Lung, Spleen, Governing Vessel Emotions: Grief, Worry, Protection (emotional/physical) Applications: Inhalation, Topical

*Safety note: Avoid use during pregnancy (myrrh is a uterine stimulant).

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii): antibacterial, antiseptic, cytophylactic and hydrating properties. Palmarosa essential oil is not often included or mentioned as a wound and scar tissue healer. Yet, this sweet, floral essential oil offers hydrating benefits for skin tissue and stimulates cellular regeneration [2]. Diffusion of palmarosa essential oil supports the digestive and cardio vascular systems, and its beautiful rose-like scent brings a sense of peace and tranquility to states of fear, panic, grief, and deep sadness. Associated Meridians: Liver/Gallbladder, Kidney/Bladder, Lung, Heart, Spleen Emotions: Anger, Frustration, Fear, Grief, Sadness, Worry Applications: Inhalation, Diffusion, Topical, Mist Sprays

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Rock Rose (Cistus ladaniferus)*: antimicrobial, antiseptic, and astringent properties. Rock rose essential oil can be used for infection protection with wound healing. It is also useful as a topical compress to inflamed lymph glands, skin ulcers, bed sores, chronic and weepy wounds, and also with skin issues of eczema and psoriasis (which for many individuals feels like a physical and emotional scar of the skin). If you have not experienced rock rose essential oil’s aroma, which to me has a slight hint of vanilla, yet in many books it is listed as a sweet herbal balsamic type scent, you need to give it a try. Associated Meridians: Liver, Kidney/Bladder, Heart, Spleen, Lung Emotions: Anger, Frustration, Fear, Grief, Sadness, Worry, Protection Applications: Inhalation, Diffusion, Topical, Mist Sprays

*Safety note: avoid use during pregnancy (emmenagogue).

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Rose (Rosa x damascena or Rosa x centifolia): antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, cicatrizant, hemostatic, and vulnerary properties. The heavenly scent of rose is known by many as a ‘Healer of the Heart’. Scars from emotional wounds often lie dormant or, for some individuals, are a constant reminder of trauma. Inhale the aroma that rose essential oil offers, in order to let go of past wounds and allow love to enter. With topical application, rose essential oil should be at the top of your list for use with cold sores and herpetic lesions that bring about not only physical pain but also for some emotional stress and feelings of shame. Skin ulcers, weepy wounds, scar tissue adhesions and burns also benefit from the application of rose essential oil and hydrosol. Associated Meridians: Liver/Gallbladder, Kidney/Bladder, Lung, Heart Emotions: Anger, Frustration, Fear, Grief, Sadness, Worry Applications: Inhalation, Topical, Mist Sprays

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)*: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, cicatrizant, and hemostatic properties. Another essential oil that contains the constituent of chamazulene (not as potent as German chamomile), but enough to give yarrow essential oil its poweful use in wound healing. Yarrow essential oil can be fast to heal many types of wounds, so be sure to keep an eye on wounds that need additional time to heal without closing up to quickly. Skin ulcers, bed sores, weepy and inflamed wounds all may respond to the application of yarrow essential oil and hydrosol. Associated Meridians: Liver/Gallbladder, Lung, Governing Vessel Emotions: Anger, Frustration, Grief, Protection (emotional/physical) Applications: Inhalation, Topical

*Safety note: for some individuals, yarrow essential oil may cause an allergic skin reaction or increased photosensitivity.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oils-flower power! I find that floral essential oils are gentle, yet powerful, as a tool for emotional healing. The following essential oils (and those listed above) can be used singly or combined in a synergistic blend. Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)*: uplift the mind, body and spirit, decrease anger and resentment, joyful and happy scent. Clary sage is useful for scars attached to heavy emotions and trauma. Releases lingering energetic sensations that accompany scars associated with female surgical procedures from giving birth, reproductive organ removal, and breast surgery, as well as urinary and bladder or lung surgery. Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum): A potent floral scent that offers calm in one drop for inhalation, or applied topically to decrease anger, resentment, fear and anxiety. Neroli (Citrus aurantium var. amara flos): A sweet floral, with fruity orange, scent. Inhale or apply topically to calm fear, anxiety, panic attacks, and aid in pleasant dreams. Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata): A rich, fruity, floral aroma, that, when inhaled, can be useful for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and, when applied, typically for those that are hypersensitive to touch (and an important application when an individual is sensitive to touch in general, or guarded near the area of the scar).

*Safety note: avoid use during pregnancy (emmenagogue).

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Skin and Wound Healing Support Image: Borage (Borago officinalis)

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis): An inner clear gel of the aloe vera plant that contains 99% water along with its remaining constituents which are made of glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols and vitamins of A, C and E (antioxidants), and B12, folic acid and choline, and (8) enzymes. Aloe also contains (4) plant steroids -- cholesterol, campesterol, β-sisosterol, and lupeol -- which offer anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic therapeutic properties. [3] First Aid & Traditional Uses: Bug Bites/Stings Minor Burns and Wound Care Dry, chapped skin Scar Tissue softening/protection.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Apricot Kernel (Prunus armeniaca): Apricot kernel oil is high in vitamin A and has a light non- sticky texture. It is easily absorbed into the skin and excellent for delicate facial and sensitive abdominal areas. Use apricot oil alone, or combined with one or more different carrier oils for use with skin wounds and scar tissue. Traditional Uses: Skin care: (surgical scars/injuries/acne, wrinkles). Abdominal region: (surgical scars, injuries, post childbirth). Arthritis & Rheumatic Stiffness/inflammation.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Avocado (Persea americana)*: Avocado oil is high in oleic acid and it also contains vitamin D and lecithin. Its texture is thick and rich adding to its skin softening, hydrating, and emollient properties and it is a useful ingredient for creating a protective barrier for the skin, scar tissue adhesions, deep skin cracks, and as an outer protectant for skin wounds. Try avocado oil topically for small scar areas, or combine it with one or more carrier oils to dilute its thickness. Traditional Uses: Skin care: deep skin cracks, chapped, dry skin, skin ulcers. Scar and Wound Healing: adhesions, soften. Protective Barrier: skin care and wound healing. *Avoid use with animals.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Borage ( Borago officinalis): Borage oil is high in GLA (Gamma Linoleic Acid) and offers hydrating, moisturizing and emollient properties. Borage oil is especially useful when combined with evening primrose oil for topical application to scars on the face and the abdominal and breast areas. Traditional Uses: Skin care: hydrating, moisturizing, emollient, dry/cracked skin, sun damage, wrinkles. Scar tissue: adhesions, soften and protect.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Calendula (Calendula officinalis): Calendula oil is a made from the bright yellow- orange calendula flowers. It is high in carotenoid content that aids in tissue regeneration properties [2]. Calendula offers anti-inflammatory, tonifying and vulnerary properties. One thing to observe when using calendula in any form (herbal extract, infused oil, ointment, etc.) is that it heals and closes tissue very quickly, so be sure to monitor wounds that may need to be open longer without forming a scab or new tissue. Such is the case when using with our animal friends. I have used calendula herbal tincture and oil with our horses and dog for skin care issues such as minor wounds, hots spots, cracked skin, and, with one horse, when she had a deep ligament tear. However, the use of calendula sped the tissue healing process too fast for that type of injury. Traditional Uses: Skin care: inflammation, cracked skin, improve tissue healing. Wound care: regenerative for tissue healing (works quickly!) Scar tissue: protection.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Camellia (Camellia japonica): Camellia oil softens tissue, is an emollient, has moisturizing properties, and has been used as a lubricant in surgery [4]. If you have not tried camellia oil yet, I recommend that you do. It has a very silky texture and mixes nicely with other carrier oils, and especially for use with delicate facial areas. I blend camellia oil with apricot and rosehip seed (Rosa rubiginosa) oil for use in facial massage treatments to target dry damaged areas and to rejuvenate skin tissue. Traditional Uses: Skin care: damaged, dry, cracked, sensitive, wrinkles. Scar tissue: soften and protect, post surgical scars.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus)*: Carrot oil is a macerated oil that is produced by infusing the dehydrated root of the cultivated orange carrot in another such as virgin (Olea europaea) or (Helianthus annnus). Look for a quality grade carrot oil (rich yellow-orange color) that contains at least 2% concentration of beta- carotenes. Because carrot oil is very rich in beta-carotenes and may temporarily stain the skin I usually blend carrot oil with one or more different carrier oils. Blend with rosehip seed oil for application to scars (old and new), minor burns, and sun damaged skin. Combine with tamanu (Calophyllum inophyllum) oil for application to keloid or ropy type scars. Traditional Uses: Skin care: cracked, sun damaged skin. Wound care: minor burns and wounds. Scar tissue: keloid or ropy-type scars.

*Do not confuse carrot oil with carrot seed (Daucus carota) essential oil, which is produced from the seeds of the wild carrot commonly known as Queen Anne’s Lace. To learn how to make infused carrot oil, check out Jade Shute’s article in the NAHA Aromatherapy Journal 2015.4 Winter Issue.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils and Botanical Bases Coconut (Cocos nucifera): High in medium chain fatty acids, coconut oil has a very long shelf life. It is a wonderful carrier choice when it comes to making balms, salves, and ointments, as well as for use on its own as a protective barrier for the skin. Coconut oil offers skin softening, moisturizing and anti- inflammatory and antifungal properties. Choose organic cold-pressed coconut oil, which needs a little warming to liquefy; however, it is well worth it, when compared to the use of fractionated coconut oil. Apply a bit of coconut oil to cracked, dry lips and cuticles, and to soften calluses and facial scars. Use as a protective barrier from the outdoor elements, especially during windy winter weather, and for use with hot spots of your canine friends. Traditional Uses: Skin care: cracked dry skin, bacterial and fungal uses. Scar tissue: adhesions, soften, protect. Hair and Lip care: chapped, brittle, dry, flaky.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis): High in essential fatty acids, GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) and linoleic acid. Evening primrose oil offers anti-inflammatory properties which are useful for inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis. Evening primrose oil in its supplement form is used for a gamut of health issues including hormonal and immune support. It has a medium consistency and blends well with other carriers such as apricot, borage, jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), and rosehip seed oil. Combine with borage and rosehip seed oil for topical application to facial and abdominal scar tissue areas. Traditional Uses: Skin care: acne, eczema, psoriasis, inflammation. Scar tissue: soften and protect.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum)*: Another macerated oil that is derived from the infusion of St. John's wort red sap which is contained within its leaves, stems and flowers. This oil is useful as an aid in healing wounds and minor burns, skin ulcers and bed sores. Nerve pain from sciatica, neuropathy and post-surgery may also benefit from the topical application of diluted hypericum oil.

Traditional Uses: Wound care: minor burns and wounds, bed sores, skin ulcers. Nerve pain: sciatica, neuropathy, post-surgery and dental pain.

* Caution: Avoid exposure to sunlight or tanning beds, when using this oil, due to the photosensitive side effect of the cons tituent hypericin.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis): This beloved plant ester produces a golden liquid wax and is the number one carrier base in most aromatherapists' apothecaries. Jojoba is easy to use, lasts longer than any other carrier base, and our skin loves it, too. Its non-greasy texture lends itself well to spot applications to scar tissue and adhesions, along with scalp and hair treatments that may suffer due to radiation damage, or from scaring due to surgery on or near the scalp, face and neck areas. Jojoba can be used on its own or combined with one or more other carrier oils. It also aids in the stability of the more delicate carrier oils (when blended) such as apricot, borage, evening primrose and rosehip seed oil. Traditional Uses: Skin care: acne, cystic acne, deep-pitted marks, sun damage. Scar tissue: adhesions, soften and protect.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Meadow Foam Seed (Limnanthes alba): This oil is high in tocopherol content and offers emollient, skin moisturizing, and protectant properties. Like jojoba, meadow foam seed oil is also available in a liquid wax form which is used primarily for cosmetic purposes. Meadow foam seed oil’s silky texture blends nicely with apricot, borage, evening primrose and rosehip seed oils. Use for cracked skin areas, and as a protective barrier when skin and wounds are exposed to the elements. Traditional Uses: Skin care: cracked, dry skin, cuticle damage. Wound care: protective barrier. Scar tissue: adhesions, softens and protects.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Olive (Olea europaea): Olive oil offers anti-inflammatory and emollient properties useful for severely dry, chapped, cracked, damaged skin and scar tissue. Olive oil has a thick and sticky texture well-suited for balm and salve making. Try extra virgin olive oil for facial and skin dark marks and scars. Traditional Uses: Skin care: chapped, cracked, damaged and dry skin, eczema, psoriasis. Scar tissue: adhesions, ropy type scars, soften and protect.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Rosehip Seed (Rosa rubiginosa): As far as this beautiful carrier oil goes, I would have to rate it as the number one oil to use for the healing of scar tissue and skin damage from burns. Rosehip seed oil is a powerful tissue regenerator making it the ideal oil to apply topically to surgical scars, old scars, and keloid and adhesions areas. Rosehip oil is also a favorite for use in facial skin care treatments, and it blends well with other delicate base oils; apricot, borage, camellia, and evening primrose. Traditional Uses: Skin care: dehydrated, dry, cracked skin, sun damage, wrinkles. Scar tissue: adhesions, keloid, old scars and post surgical.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Tamanu (Calophyllum inophyllum): Tamanu oil is a unique and not so commonly used carrier oil. It offers analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and cicatrizing properties. Tamanu oil can be used alone for application to spot areas, or diluted with another carrier such as jojoba for a smoother texture for application. The texture of tamanu oil is thick and wax-like and it will solidify in cold temperatures, with a potent nutty type odor not adored by all. Traditional Uses: Skin care: chapped, cracked skin, calluses, cuticle damage. Wound care: minor burns/wounds, skin ulcers, cold sores, herpes, shingles. Nerve pain: arthritis, herpes and shingles, neuropathy.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Hydrosols: Use hydrosols for cleansing wounds and scar tissue. If there is a reaction to the use of essential oils, hydrosols are your best option. I like to use calendula, chamomile, lavender, and yarrow hydrosols for cleansing and calming irritated skin tissue, and witch hazel hydrosol to help tighten weepy wounds and decrease any itching associated with the healing process. Herbal Tinctures: Calendula (Calendula officianlis) and yarrow (Achillea millefolium).* One or both of these herbal tinctures can be added to aromatherapy blends made for topical use with wounds and scars. Use approximately 10-20 drops of each in a 2 to 4 oz. base (adjust drop amounts accordingly, e.g.: 10 drops (2 oz. base), and 20 drops (4 oz. base).

*Caution: For some individuals, yarrow may cause an allergic skin reaction or increased photosensitivity.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Carrier Oils & Botanical Bases Clays: Powdered clays may also be combined with carrier oils and botanical bases to aid in drying out weepy type wounds, and to form an outer protective barrier to wounds (especially with our animal friends that are outdoors). Clays are available in different types (defined by their color and properties), and the most common clays are: green (antipruritic and drawing properties), pink (calming, antipruritic, and mild drying properties), and white (calming, soothing and protective properties). Traditional Uses: Skin care: acne, abscess, boils, mild sunburn. Wound care: bug bites/stings, herpes, shingles, weepy wounds. Skin & Wound Care: protective barrier.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Flower Essences Emotional Wound Healing Support Image: flower solar infusion ©Kelly Holland Azzaro

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Flower Essences Flower Essences are considered the vibrational essence of a plant, flower, water or mineral. Flower essences are traditionally derived by solar or lunar infusion of the flower/plant material into spring water. The infused water contains the vibrational essence from the flower/plant, which is used to make a ‘Mother tincture’ for use in making ‘essence stock bottles’ used for making individual remedy bottles which contain usually 1 or up to 7 different individual flower essences at 1-3 drops of each for that particular individual’s needs. Flower Essence Remedies are all natural and do not interfere with any other treatments, therapies, supplements, herbs, oils etc. These essences are typically taken in drop form (1-3 drops) diluted by way of water and placed directly on the tongue or mouth. There are no side effects, and they can be used by humans and animals. They are not a substitute for medical treatment. The use of flower essences on their own can be quite effective for emotional balance, and when combined with essential oils adds another level to aromatherapy blending for healing the body- mind-spirit. Add in 1-3 drops of flower essence to a blend of essential oils or hydrosols.

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Flowers to the Rescue(sm) The well-known Bach Flower Essence; Rescue Remedy© is a combination formula of five individual remedies, which includes these essences below: Cherry Plum (fear of losing mental control/panic) Clematis (fainting, out-of-body feeling/sensation) Impatiens (irritability, hypersensitive, agitation due to pain) Rock Rose (terrified, panic) Star of Bethlehem (shock, trauma, after-effect of stress/trauma)

Additional flower essences that are useful for emotional wound healing from trauma are: Pine: grief, feelings of guilt associated with grieving/loss. Crab Apple: feelings of uncleanliness, shame, self-dislike.

Image: Star of Bethlehem

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. Essential Oil Safety Follow essential oil safety guidelines and contraindications. Always dilute essential oils for topical use. Use caution and care with small children and frail elderly individuals. Keep essential oils and botanicals out of reach of children and animals. Avoid use of essential oils with and around cats and birds and near fish/reptile environments. Use caution with other animals (dogs, horses, and farm animals) based on their individual health history/allergies/contraindications/age/breed/size, etc., as not all animals may be able to tolerate the use of or exposure to essential oils. Disclaimer: The information contained in this document and shared in the webinar is for educational awareness only. Essential oils and carrier bases are not be used as a substitute or as a replacement for professional health care. Visit the NAHA website for more information on the following categories: Essential Oil Safety: http://www.naha.org/explore-aromatherapy/safety/ Methods of Application: http://www.naha.org/explore-aromatherapy/about-aromatherapy/methods-of-application/

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. References References: [1]: Scar definition, web-retrieval 0ctober 2015: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome- instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=definition+of+scar [2] The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy; Salvatore Battaglia, 1997, Second Edition [3] Animal Aromatherapy Practitioner Certification Course©, 2015, Kelly Holland Azzaro [4] Liquid Sunshine; Vegetable Oils for Aromatherapy; Jan Kusmirek, 2002, First Edition

Images Credits: Most of the plant images used throughout this document are from the NAHA Image Database, as well as from my own image library. If you are interested in using images for your documents, website and marketing materials, check out the NAHA Database Image CD options available on the NAHA Bookstore.

©2016 Kelly Holland Azzaro, RA, CCAP, CBFP, LMT

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. For more information or to contact: Kelly Holland Azzaro, RA, CCAP, CBFP, LMT www.ashitherapy.com www.holisticanimalassociation.com Animal Aromatherapy Certification Courses Membership Opportunities Animal Flower Essence Certification Courses Educational Teleseminars/Webinars Holistic Healing Center & Education Newsletter & Networking! Animal Aromatherapy Product Making

COPYRIGHT: ASHI AROMATICS, INC. NAHA Webinar Special For webinar attendees please see this special offer below: Save $600.00 when you purchase the Animal Aromatherapy Practitioner Certification Course Bundle Packet #2. 1. You will receive the Animal Aromatherapy Level I Course (reg. $400.00) for free! 2. Course Bundle Packet #2 is on sale with this special offer (reg. $1,650.00) on sale for $1,450.00 a $200.00 savings. Course Modules are via home study mentorship program and emailed in PDF format to the student. Students email direct with any questions on course materials and for individual one-on-one support. Our program offers over 300 hrs. specific to Animal Aromatherapy and is approved by NAHA and H.A.A. Please email Kelly direct at [email protected] if you have any questions. Click on the hyperlinks above for more information on course details. Offer expires September 30, 2016.