7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH 10.1146/annurev.anthro.32.061002.093218

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003. 32:111–34 doi: 10.1146/annurev.anthro.32.061002.093218 Copyright c 2003 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved First published online as a Review in Advance on June 4, 2003


Lawrence M. Schell and Melinda Denham Department of , University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, New York, 12222; email: [email protected], [email protected]

Key Words growth, lead, noise, stress, urbanism ■ Abstract The biocultural approach of anthropologists is well suited to understand the interrelationship of urbanism and . Urbanism is a social construction that has continuously changed and presented novel adaptive challenges to its residents. Urban living today involves several biological challenges, of which one is pollution. Using three different types of pollutants as examples, , lead, and noise, the impact of pollution on human biology (mortality, morbidity, reproduction, and develop- ment) can be seen. Chronic exposure to low levels of these pollutants has a small impact on the individual, but so many people are exposed to pollution that the effect species- wide is substantial. Also, disproportionate pollutant exposure by socioeconomically disadvantaged groups exacerbates risk of poor health and well being.


Urban growth began slowly several thousand years ago and has accelerated tremen- dously over the past 300 years. By 2006, half of the world’s population will be living in urban places (United Nations 1998). If current trends continue, the char- acteristic environment of the human species will be urban. The change from nonurban to urban living has occurred over too few genera- tions to provide much opportunity for evolutionary adaptation to urban challenges. Homo sapiens evolved in response to the physical and social demands of a hunting and gathering way of life and death during the Paleolithic and before. Many of these demands are absent from the urban environment today, and new challenges are present in abundance including altered energy budgets from urban activity pat- terns and diets, psychosocial stress, steep social gradients, increased contact be- tween social groups resulting in increased transmission and evolution of infectious disease, and increased pollution largely from transportation and industry (Schell & Ulijaszek 1999). Given the novelty of so many urban challenges and the antiquity of our response systems, a reasonable question is, “Are we suited for urban living?” As urban forms are social products, understanding urbanism and human biol- ogy involves the study of a complex biocultural interaction. An anthropological 0084-6570/03/1021-0111$14.00 111 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


approach that integrates sociocultural variables and biological measures of adap- tation and health is well suited to the problem. However, understanding effects of industrial pollution on requires study designs that differ from those employed to study small-scale societies. Studies of the effects of urbanism on human health have used two basic designs: studying urban populations and studying people exposed to features of urban environments wherever they may occur. The former approach is exemplified in the urban rural comparison. Urban rural comparisons suffer from the usual flaws inherent in reducing multidimensional differences into a simple dichotomy, each of which exists as a continuum. Today we know that urban rural differences in health vary depending on the particulars of each of the urban and rural places compared. Replication of results, a hallmark of , is impossible when the identities being compared change. Indeed, urban rural differences may not be apparent even though substantial differences in the factors that influence health exist because these factors, some positive and some negative, may sum to zero. The most obvious urban rural differences, such as those that existed during the height of unregulated industrialization, are now reduced to varying degrees in different countries. Nevertheless, some urban features continue to be highly detrimental to health and well-being. The second approach, studying urban features, is preferred because it involves the analysis and measurement of individual factors representing dimensions of urbanism (e.g., population size or density, stress levels, activity patterns, specific pollutants). It also involves measuring covariates that if unmeasured, as in urban rural contrasts, may confound the attribution of true causes. This measurement- based approach is more likely to lead to replication and generalization. It is the stronger approach also because in many societies exposure to pollution covaries with socioeconomic disadvantage (Schell & Czerwinski 1998), a known influ- ence on human health. Measuring both the putative causes and the covarying factors is a necessary step in determining the true influence of urbanism on human biology. The epistemology of urban research is similar to that in . Ex- perimental research in which the investigator can randomize exposures is rare or nonexistent, and observational research designs without the investigator’s in- tervention are common. Observational designs produce evidence that is evalu- ated in terms of Hill’s postulates in which proper temporal order of cause and effect, the presence of dose-response relationships, replication, and biological plausibility figure largely (Lilienfeld & Stolley 1994). A special type of obser- vational research design is the natural experiment in which experimental con- ditions are altered by chance. This approximates randomization but does not involve the investigator’s intervention in human circumstances. Sample bias is far less likely to influence results compared to studies without randomization. This review emphasizes results from studies employing measurement-based approaches that meet the epistemological standards of population-based research. 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH



The air we breathe is polluted with the byproducts of combustion from indus- try, power generation, and transportation, as well as the manufacture and use of chemicals. Air pollutants are a heterogeneous group of gases and particles that can remain airborne for long periods of time. Common air pollutants are oxides of nitrogen (NOx), oxides of sulfur (SOx), ozone (O3), carbon monox- ide (CO), and particulate matter (PM). In sufficient concentrations, these gases and particles can harm human health in the short (burning of eyes and throat, difficulty breathing) and the long term (cancer and long-term damage to the immune, neurological, reproductive, and respiratory systems) (Waldbott 1978). Air pollution is especially problematic in urban areas. In 1999, of the six com- mon pollutants used by the EPA to monitor national air quality, levels of CO, NO2,SO2, and PM10 were higher in urban areas (U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency 2001).

Mortality (All Cause) Air pollution is a significant risk factor for all-age, all-cause mortality in urban areas (Brunekreef & Holgate 2002, Schwela 2000). Ozone, CO, SOx, and PM have each been associated with increased mortality rates (Abbey et al. 1999, Borja-Aburto et al. 1998, Fairley 1999, Lee et al. 1999, Neas et al. 1999, Pope et al. 2002, Xu et al. 2000, Zmirou et al. 1998). Exposure to specific air pollutants has been associated with increased cause-specific mortality rates, especially cardiovascular and respiratory disease deaths (Fairley 1999, Xu et al. 2000, Zmirou et al. 1998). Brunekreef (1997) has estimated that chronic, low-level exposure to air pollution shortens life expectancy by one to two years, a substantial effect compared to other environmental risk factors. For biological anthropologists, pre-reproductive mortality is especially impor- tant because it focuses on the evolutionary impact of air pollution. Fewer studies have considered air pollution and mortality solely in children. Most of these stud- ies have found positive relationships between pollutants and sub-adult mortality (Bobak & Leon 1999, Loomis et al. 1999, Pereira et al. 1998, Woodruff et al. 1997) in varied populations (Mexico, Brazil, Czech Republic, United States) and at different developmental stages (prenatal, neonatal, infant). Several studies have reported significant associations with mortality even when air pollution levels did not exceed national or World Health Organization stan- dards (Fairley 1999, Lee et al. 1999, Schwartz 1991). For example, Schwartz (1991) demonstrated a dose-response relationship between total suspended par- ticulates (TSP) and daily mortality in Detroit when levels were less than half of the U.S. standard. Recent research suggests that through the mediating ef- fect of socioeconomic factors, air pollution may have a greater impact on mor- tality in disadvantaged groups (Abbey et al. 1999, Brunekreef 1999, Pope et al. 2002). 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Morbidity Although air pollution can have health effects throughout the body, the target organ for many major urban air pollutants is the respiratory system. In a recent review, Schwela (2000, p. 18) noted these effects: “acute and chronic changes in pulmonary function, increased incidence and prevalence of respiratory symptoms, sensitiza- tion of airways to allergens, and exacerbation of respiratory infections, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, alveolitis, and legionnaires’ disease.” However, the current evidence is mixed as to whether air pollution exposure reduces pulmonary function (Schwartz 1989). For example, PEACE (Pollution Effects on Asthmatic Children in Europe) studied 28 regions of Europe and found no effect of PM or NO2 on lung function or acute symptoms (Roemer et al. 2000). However, a large cross-sectional analysis including 44 U.S. cities found O3,NO2, and TSP to be sig- nificantly associated with decrements in several measures of pulmonary function (Schwartz 1989). The 2%–5% reduction in these measures may seem relatively small, but such decrements can impair performance of normal daily activities. Sig- nificantly, these relationships were found in areas where pollutants did not exceed national standards. Further evidence for a causal relationship comes from a study that compared pulmonary function before and after an air pollution episode in Western Europe in 1985 (Dassen et al. 1986). Significant deficits in pulmonary function were found to persist for three to four weeks following the episode. Effects on pulmonary function can be influenced by preexisting morbidity, such as asthma. When asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects are considered separately, nonasthmatic subjects exhibited little to no effect of air pollution, whereas asth- matic subjects showed declines in measures of pulmonary function (Koenig et al. 1993, Yang & Yang 1994). Air pollution also causes acute asthma exacerbation (Schwartz et al. 1993, Wjst et al. 1993). Powerful support for this relationship was obtained by a natural experiment in 1996 (Friedman et al. 2001). Investigators compared the number of daily acute asthma events among children 1 to 16 years of age during the Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, when citywide transportation changes reduced air pollution and improved air quality, to periods before and after the changes. During this period of lower air pollutant levels, the number of Georgia Medicaid claims filed for acute asthma events was reduced by 42% (see Figure 1). Furthermore, Georgia Medicaid claims filed for acute non-asthma events were only reduced by 3%, which indicates that the reduction in acute asthma events was not merely part of an overall change in reporting, hospital use, or improvement in health generally.

Growth Studies of growth and air pollution are less common than those addressing mortality and morbidity. The scope of interests has only recently expanded to include child health generally and growth specifically (Goldman & Koduru 2000, Landrigan et al. 1998). Child growth and development is a measure of health that is sensitive to subtle changes in the environment (Fogel 1986), and alterations 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Figure 1 Change in the number of Medicaid claims filed for acute asthma and non-asthma events (emergency care and hospitalizations) among children and youth before and during the 1996 summer Olympics in Atlanta, GA (adapted from Friedman et al. 2001).

in community child growth patterns can signal the presence of a stressor before morbidity or mortality occurs (Schell 1986). Most studies have adopted an ecological approach comparing child growth in two or more locations that differ in the severity of air pollution. These studies have typically reported reduced weight, height, and skeletal maturation among children in areas with higher pollution levels (Mikusek 1976, Schlipkoter et al. 1986, Thielebeule et al. 1980). A recent study of nine-year-olds in Krakow, Poland compared 434 children living in high pollution areas with 524 children who lived in less polluted areas of the city (Jedrychowski et al. 1999, 2002). Study subjects living in highly polluted areas showed a 1.5-cm-lower growth rate, and the proportion of children classified as having slow growth (less than 10 cm over two years) was 2–3 times higher. Air pollution may also affect the fetus. Most studies of the relationship between prenatal growth and air pollution have found a negative association (Bobak 2000, Bobak & Leon 1999, Dejmek et al. 1999, Perera et al. 2003, Ritz & Yu 1999, Xu et al. 1995), whereas a few studies have reported no relationship (Alderman et al. 1987, Dolk et al. 2000). The reduction in weight at birth is consistent with studies of cigarette smoking and high altitude where oxygen transfer to the fetus is reduced (Schell & Knutson 2002). 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


These results suggest an impact of air pollution on prenatal and postnatal growth. However, caution is warranted owing to the small number of studies that has been conducted and a tendency to use an ecological study design. Further research should employ more accurate methods to assess exposure to air pollution. Questions of which components of air pollution reduce growth and which growth stages are most susceptible to air pollution need to be addressed.

Conclusion The pervasiveness of air pollution means that large numbers of people are adversely affected even if the effect on any single individual is slight. On a community basis, air pollution contributes significantly to increased mortality, morbidity, and growth deficits. These effects are present at levels common in many urban and peri-urban communities.


Lead is a legacy pollutant. Lead has entered the air as dust shed from dilapidated, lead-painted housing and from automobile exhaust. During the 1970s lead was eliminated from most paint and gasoline, the primary sources in the United States, but it remains in dust, air, and soil. In the late 1970s lead levels were noticeably higher in urban residents than rural ones (Mahaffey et al. 1982), but the difference across the United States has lessened (Brody et al. 1994). Most lead enters the body by ingestion rather than respiration. Lead dust in or on food, or on non-food items that are mouthed by toddlers, are the single largest source of exposure (Cent. Dis. Control Prev. 1991). Most of a person’s lifelong lead burden is acquired between 12 and 36 months of age unless there is an occupational exposure (Brody et al. 1994). Occupational health studies provide the basis for the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines for effects of high lead exposure, but the more common situation in cities is chronic exposure to a low dose of lead early in life. For this reason and because early human development is so critical for later adult functioning, most of the concern about the health effects of lead focuses on effects during the prenatal period and preschool years. Lead is deadly at high doses, and at lower ones it causes encephalopathy, anemia, cognitive impairment, and deficits in neurobehavioral development (Cent. Dis. Control Prev. 1988). Until 1970 a blood lead level of 30 g/dL was considered by the CDC as “elevated,” but the current action level established in 1991 is only 10 g/dL. The change reflects the growth of knowledge regarding subclinical effects of lead and the special vulnerability of children. Despite the new lower action level, it is possible that no level of lead is completely safe.

Pollutant Exposure as Part of Socioeconomic Disadvantage in Cities The most common sources of lead are abundant in poorer sections of large cities where older housing with peeling paint exists on streets that have been 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Figure 2 Percentage of 1- to 5-year-old children with elevated lead levels ( 10 g/dL) by ethnicity/race and urban status: United States, 1988–1991 (adapted from Brody et al. 1994).

heavily trafficked for decades (Agency Toxic Subst. Dis. Registr. 1988). These urban lead belts are disproportionately home to members of minority groups, and the rate of elevated lead levels in urban minority populations is higher than in the rest of the United States (see Figure 2). In the late 1970s the National Center for Health Statistics reported that 1 in 6 African American children from 6 months to 5 years of age who lived in the inner city area of large cities had a blood lead level above the CDC action level (Mahaffey et al. 1982), a level now known to cause deficits in cognitive and neurobehavioral development. After twenty years of public to prevent lead poisoning in children, the mean level of lead and the frequency of elevated lead burden has decreased in both white and minority U.S. children (Pirkle et al. 1994). Despite the overall decrease in average lead levels, some groups still are disproportionately affected. For example, the frequency of elevated lead among young African American chil- dren living in housing built before 1946 is nearly 10 times that of white children living in post-1973 housing. This contrast emphasizes the point that health risk factors covary in urban areas. Minority group status is associated with residence in parts of the city with more older, dilapidated housing and more traffic, as well as a diet that may enhance the toxic effects of lead and other pollutants (Schell et al. 2000). Steep social gradients in urban populations are associated with differences in health, in part from exposure to pollution. Insofar as the abilities needed for socioeconomic mobility may be impaired by lead poisoning during childhood, 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Figure 3 Model of risk focusing on the relationship between so- cioeconomic position, toxic exposure, and socioeconomic mobility (adapted from Schell 1992).

lead exposure contributes to maintaining or exacerbating socioeconomic gradients (Schell 1992) (see Figure 3).

Effects on Psychological Function and Development Encephalopathy is a well-known effect of high lead exposure, and nerve conduction velocity is slowed at moderate to low doses (Cent. Dis. Control Prev. 1991). These easily measured effects indicate that the nervous system is susceptible to damage from lead and suggest that more subtle effects on cognition may be caused by lead levels at low exposures. 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Recent longitudinal studies of pregnant women and children have shown per- manent effects on child development at low lead levels (Bellinger & Needleman 1992). The measure of effect varies with the age of the children studied be- cause some common tests of cognition cannot be administered at early ages. Several longitudinal studies of infants and toddlers have found that neurobe- havioral development, as measured by the Bayley Mental Development Index (MDI) scale, is slowed in relation to lead burden: Decrements of 2–8 points per 10 g/dL increment in blood lead have been found (Grant & Davis 1989) (see Figure 4). Although a reduction of 4 points is not clinically significant to the individual, its meaning for the population is more substantial. An average de- crease of 4 points means the entire distribution of scores in the population is shifted down such that there would be 50% more children scoring below 80 on this measure. In older children, IQ can be measured reliably, and many studies have found it is reduced by 4 to 6 points (Smith 1989). Behavioral measures, specifically attention ability (distractability, organization, impulsivity, frustration tolerance), also may be impaired in relation to lead burden. Taken together, children with moderate or low lead burdens are at increased risk for psychological impairments. In a study of youth whose tooth lead was measured in childhood, the frequency of reading failure (two or more grade years delayed in reading ability) and school failure (not finishing secondary school) (Needleman et al. 1990) were significantly elevated in relation to childhood lead burden. Reports of behavioral problems in lead exposed children are frequent (Sciarillo et al. 1992, Silva et al. 1988). These studies suggest that lead exposure early in life contributes to educational failure with consequences for socioeconomic potential.

Figure 4 Relationship between blood lead concentration (as measured at 6, 15, and 24 months) and Bayley Mental Development Index (MDI) at 24 months of age (adapted from Baghurst et al. 1987). 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Growth Effects of lead on cognitive and behavioral development may be part of a general insult to development. Effects on physical growth have been examined in three areas: prenatal growth, child growth, and sexual maturation. Studies of prenatal growth have produced heterogeneous results. Risk of preterm birth is associated with higher lead levels in some studies (Baghurst et al. 1987, Dietrich et al. 1986, McMichael et al. 1986). Reduced size at birth in relation to lead burden of the mother has been found in many studies (Bornschein et al. 1989, Rothenberg et al. 1988, Schell & Stark 1999, Wolf et al. 1987), but not all (Factor-Litvak et al. 1991, McMichael et al. 1986). Reduction in weight at birth varies from 0 to 120 g for each log unit of lead in maternal blood (that is about half the birth weight reduction that may be attributed to moderate maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy). Differences in results may be caused by differences in control for covarying factors. Lead is related to lower socioeconomic status in the United States and to exposure to other pollutants. Variation across studies in the measurement of lead contributes also. This problem is typical of a science attempting to find the critical variable: When exposure is chronic but development is rapid, as it is during gestation, when is the exposure more influential and its influence best measured? Several studies stand out in terms of these problems. Two longitudinal studies of births to socioeconomically disadvantaged women in Cincinnati, Ohio (Bornschein et al. 1989) and Albany, New York (Schell & Stark 1999) carefully measured socioeconomic variables, as well as other influences on prenatal development. The Cincinnati study also employed multiple measures of maternal blood lead during pregnancy. The studies detected a significant reduction in birth weight ranging from 114–202 g per log of maternal lead level. A study of middle class Boston mothers found a reduction of 80–100 g in babies with cord blood lead levels above 15 g/dL compared to those with less lead (Bellinger et al. 1991). Finally, a study of mothers in Mexico City, where lead exposure does not have the same relationship to social variables as it does in the United States, found that women in the highest quartile of maternal tibia lead (a measure of stored lead and long-term exposure) delivered babies weighing 155 g less than those in the lowest quartile (Gonzalez-Cossio et al. 1997). These studies suggest that effects of lead on prenatal growth may be observed if there is a sufficient measure of lead and the effects of social covariables are accounted for. Large-scale studies of lead and postnatal growth are consistent. Data from the second NHANES survey of U.S. children in the late 1970s showed a reduction of 1.5% in height at 59 months (the mean age of the sample) after controlling for important influences on growth, including dietary variables (Schwartz et al. 1986). U.S. Hispanic children surveyed by NHANES from 1982 to 1984 also showed that children with lead levels below the median were 1.2 cm taller than those with lead levels above the median. Recent data from NHANES III (1988–1994) showed, among non-Hispanic children 1–7 years of age, a reduction of nearly 1.6 cm per 10 g/dL of lead (Ballew et al. 1999). These studies are very consistent in 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


the magnitude and direction of lead’s effect but, being cross-sectional, are not conclusive proof. Animal models have shown that lead can reduce growth, and physiological studies of lead-poisoned children (Huseman et al. 1992) have shown that growth is increased following treatment, which supports a causal relationship between lead and growth in the survey studies. Longitudinal studies of children over time have employed smaller samples and have produced evidence of an effect of lead on head circumference, height, and/or weight (Shukla et al. 1989), but not all studies do so (see Schell 1999 for a detailed review). The influence of lead on sexual development is little studied as yet. Danker- Hopfe & Hulanicka (1995) examined sexual maturation in relation to lead levels in the environment among a sample of girls from Upper Silesia, Poland (n 8090). Girls from highly polluted areas reached menarche at 13.01 years compared= to 13.14 years among girls from less-polluted areas, a significant difference. Earlier age at menarche may seem contrary to findings of less physical growth, but it is consistent with studies showing an endocrine basis underlying growth inhibition in lead-burdened children (Huseman et al. 1987, 1992).

Other Physiological Outcomes The study of lead’s effects on health often focuses on children, but lead exposure can be problematic for adults also. Most adults with elevated lead levels are em- ployed in occupations with the potential for lead exposure (Cent. Dis. Control Prev. 1983). Lower-level lead toxicity and acute lead poisoning can cause changes in heme biosynthesis, anemia, central nervous system dysfunction, and psychomo- tor and short-term memory impairment. With long-term exposure CNS symptoms grow increasingly severe; peripheral nervous system and renal disorders develop. In addition to these well-established effects, it has been suggested that chronic lead exposure has a detrimental impact on the male reproductive system. Men with blood lead levels elevated for more than five years were significantly more likely to father a low-birth-weight or premature baby than were controls, even after adjustment for confounding social and biological variables (Lin et al. 1998).

Conclusion The impact of lead on human health is so great that its reduction has been a major health priority in the United States for two decades. Effects on the development of the reproductive system and on adult reproductive function are especially relevant to anthropological interests in the evolution of contemporary societies. Further, the contribution of lead to growth deficits is a clear signal that lead has physiolog- ical effects at low doses, doses too low to effect mortality. As with air pollution, the widespread distribution of lead in urban environments means that very large numbers of people experience its effects. Finally, lead is an example of a class of pollutants that are distributed among large numbers of people and may contribute to decreased health and function. Such decrements affect individual and household 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


status because they can contribute to a downward spiral of health, function, and material well-being. This directly impacts the individual and household and con- tributes to the stratification of society.


Energy such as light, radiation, and noise can be pollutants if they occur at unwanted times, places, or levels. Noise is defined as unwanted sound and is a physiological stressor, as seen by classical laboratory experiments on stress (Kryter 1985, Welch & Welch 1970). As such, it serves as a model for effects of stress on human biology. The combination of energy pollutant and psychosocial stressor accounts for the diversity of its effects. It is a well-established cause of hearing impairment and loss, as well as a cause of sleep disturbance, annoyance, chronic cardiovascular effects, increased psychiatric disorder, reduced psychosocial well-being, reduced cogni- tive performance, and impaired growth (Morrell et al. 1997, Passchier-Vermeer & Passchier 2000, Stansfeld et al. 2000). The public health impact of noise has been recognized since the 1960s and has prompted noise abatement programs. How- ever, because noise is usually louder and more continuous in urban environments (Staples 1997, Westman & Walters 1981), exposure to noise continues to rise as urbanization increases globally.

Auditory Effects Hearing impairment is defined as a raised hearing threshold, particularly to the point where there is difficulty understanding normal speech with low levels of background noise (Int. Organ. Stand. 1990). Chronic occupational, environmen- tal, and leisure-time exposure to sounds louder than 70 dB(A), especially at higher frequencies, can impair hearing either temporarily or permanently depending on the duration, intensity, and frequency of the noise (Int. Organ. Stand. 1990, World Health Organ. 1980). Hearing impairment can be a serious social handicap in- somuch that it can reduce one’s ability to understand speech and can ultimately inhibit communication (Passchier-Vermeer & Passchier 2000).

Nonauditory Effects Stress is the primary mechanism by which noise produces nonauditory effects on physical and . Exposure to a noise stressor provokes short-term phys- iological responses mediated by the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system. The nervous system portion of the stress response involves numerous changes including altered blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration (Cohen 1977). Stress also involves the endocrine system, especially the adrenal gland. Endocrine- related effects are systemic and affect such basic functions as basal metabolic rate, the response to injury (tissue repair and inflammation), reproduction, growth and development, and mentation. Studies of noise should be interpreted as studies of 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


stress, and the nonauditory effects of noise represent the potential impact of stress on human biology and health.

CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE The strongest evidence for the cardiovascular effect of noise has been the study of blood pressure and occupational noise exposure (Stansfeld et al. 2000). Positive relationships between noise exposure and hyper- tension or blood pressure have been reported repeatedly in the literature (Belli et al. 1984, Green et al. 1991, Knipschild 1977, Lang et al. 1992, Parvizpoor 1976, Singh et al. 1982, Talbott et al. 1999, Verbeek et al. 1987, Zhao et al. 1991). Failure to control for potential confounders such as obesity, age, sex, cigarette smoking, and use of antihypertensive medication has weakened the results of some of these studies. In general, environmental noise studies of blood pressure have reported greater rates of hypertension and use of hypertension medications in noise-exposed people (Herbold et al. 1989, Knipschild 1977, Knipschild & Oudshoorn 1977) but have shown little or no effect of noise on mean blood pressure (Passchier-Vermeer & Passchier 2000). A recent longitudinal study of two cohorts of approximately 2500 middle-aged men in the United Kingdom addressed the effect of low-level, residential noise on ischemic heart disease (Babisch et al. 1999). The of heart disease approached significance only in the highest exposure category [66–70 dB(A)]. This finding is consistent with the 70 dB(A) observation threshold for environmental noise exposure suggested by the Health Council of the Nether- lands in 1994, based on a meta-analysis of noise and health research to date (Health Counc. Netherlands: Comm. Noise Health 1994). Several studies of the cardiovascular effects of noise have been conducted with children. Children exposed to high road traffic noise (Cohen et al. 1980, Karsdorf & Klappach 1968) and noisier school environments (Regecova & Kellerova 1995) were found to have increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure. One study compared children living near the new airport in Munich, Germany to controls in a quieter neighborhood (Evans et al. 1998). The airport children had similar levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine before the airport was opened; however, afterwards, the airport children’s levels rose significantly and were higher than control area children (see Figure 5).

GROWTH Studies of noise and postnatal growth are rare but have consistently shown small reductions in children’s heights, weights, or both (Schell & Ando 1991, Schell & Norelli 1983, Takahashi & Kyo 1968). More common are studies of prenatal growth, and most of these have compared births in relation to noise from airports. These studies have consistently found reductions in birth weight in the more noise-exposed areas, and the variety of locations (United States, France, the Netherlands, and Japan) supports the validity of the results. Especially convincing evidence comes from two studies in Japan. In one, more than 12,000 births were grouped in five different levels of noise exposure, and a clear dose-response rela- tionship was observed (Ando & Hattori 1973). In a second study (Ando 1988), the frequency of lower birth weight increased in tandem with increases in the amount 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Figure 5 Indicators of stress in third- and fourth-grade chil- dren in relation to noise exposure: mean epinephrine and nore- pinephrine levels (adapted from Evans et al. 1998).

of jet plane activity at the airport, which indicates a temporal association typical of cause and effect (see Figure 6). Evidence from occupational studies where noise is estimated by job description is supportive (Hartikainen et al. 1994, Nurminen & Kurppa 1989); however, in the one study of workers where noise was measured, birth weight was unaffected (Wu et al. 1996). An important consideration is the 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Figure 6 Rate of low birth weight (<3000 g) in an area of high airport noise, relative to a national standard (adapted from Ando 1988).

level of noise experienced. Noise may produce stressful effects that can alter the maternal environment for growth if sufficiently loud and annoying, whereas lower levels of expected noise, as may be found in the workplace, may not be as stimulating and detrimental.

MENTAL HEALTH Although the causes of mental illness are always difficult to determine, emotional stress is widely recognized to play a role. Noise can be such a stress. Studies of psychiatric hospitalization, drug use, and noninstitutional psy- chiatric morbidity have yielded mixed results to date (Morrell et al. 1997, Stansfeld et al. 2000). Of two studies of medication use in noise-exposed compared to quiet communities, one found a positive association (Knipschild & Oudshoorn 1977) and the other found no association between noise and medication use (Watkins et al. 1981). The latter study was methodologically weaker because medication use was self-reported, whereas the former study was strengthened by the use of pharmacy dispensation records to determine longitudinal community medication use before and after the opening of a new airport. Although higher rates of some psychiatric symptoms have been reported in populations living in high-noise areas, other studies have failed to find such an association (Stansfeld et al. 2000). Reports of medication use and psychiatric symptomology are both subject to recall bias. Rates of admission to psychiatric hospitals may be a more objective measure of the impact of noise on mental illness. Early studies with this approach produced 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


inconsistent results owing perhaps to differences in noise exposure and control for confounding variables (Abey-Wickrama et al. 1969, Frerichs et al. 1980, Gattoni & Tarnopolsky 1973, Jenkins et al. 1981, Meecham & Smith 1977). In a survey study of psychiatric hospital admission rates among nearly 1,000,000 people across a wide range of noise exposures, Jenkins et al. (1981) reported no or little effect of noise exposure; however, the analytic method and control for socioeconomic fac- tors may have been inadequate. Kryter (1990) reanalyzed these data adjusting more extensively for socioeconomic variables and found the rate of psychiatric hospital admissions was 40% higher in communities with the greatest exposure to aircraft flyover noise when compared to neighborhoods with the lowest aircraft noise. The inconsistency of these results likely stems from the complexity of factors influencing both psychiatric morbidity and individual reactions to noise. Noise may not be a large single contributor to mental illness, and the effects seen in studies of noise and mental illness may vary with the presence or absence of other significant variables. Variation in study results is reasonable given the different ways that noise may be measured and the variability in the level of noise studied. In addition, research in noise annoyance suggests that an individual’s reaction to noise is not simply a reflection of noise exposure. Noise annoyance, defined as negative feelings provoked by noise that interferes with thoughts or activities, is associated both with noise exposure and psychosocial factors that affect individual noise sensitivity (Borsky 1979, Job 1988, Stansfeld et al. 1985). Thus, noise affects different people in different ways and may contribute to psychiatric symptoms only in certain vulnerable subpopulations (Tarnopolsky et al. 1980, 1978).

COGNITIVE PROCESSING Laboratory evidence suggests that noise exposure im- pairs cognitive performance, especially verbal and recall tasks (Loeb 1986, Smith 1989). Noise need not be deafening to impair cognition; even moderate inten- sity noise can affect memory tasks (Smith & Broadbent 1982, Smith 1989). The quality of noise (controllability and meaning) mediates its effects. Intermittent noise that is out of an individual’s control seems to have the greatest impact on performance (Glass & Singer 1972). The anticipation of a loud noise may impair performance even in the absence of noise exposure (Cohen & Spacapan 1984). The meaning attributed to noise also affects the degree to which noise impairs performance. Speech noise (meaningful) has been found to have a greater effect on performance than non-speech noise (Salame & Baddeley 1982, Smith 1985), and irrelevant speech impairs performance perhaps through its effect on memory (Smith & Broadbent 1982, Smith 1989). Among children, research has consistently demonstrated the role of noise in the impairment of cognitive tasks, such as reading, language comprehension, problem solving, memory, and attention (Cohen et al. 1986, Evans et al. 1995, Haines et al. 2001). This can result in significant developmental delays. Elementary school children in classrooms near a railway line had reading scores three to four months behind children on the opposite side of the school (Bronzaft & McCarthy 1975). 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH


Conclusion Because of the close relationship between transportation and manufacturing, noise levels in urban areas are higher than in rural ones. Urban populations experi- ence decrements in hearing and a variety of systemic effects related to the ability of noise to activate the stress response. Noise, as a stressor, can affect growth and development, as well as adult functioning, as seen by effects on the car- diovascular system and mental health. Effects of noise on human reproduction have not been studied but are a logical subject for anthropologists interested in evolution. Noise is only one stressor of urban environments and is used here as an example of stress effects. Urban populations may experience stress from numerous other sources including job stress, crowding and contact with strangers, migration, and social adjustment (Dressler 1993, James et al. 1987, Pollard 1999).


Cities influence populations outside their boundaries because they are not self- sufficient. Circum-urban areas have always provided large cities with food, water, and the disposal of wastes. Modern cities also must provide electrical power from distant sources for residential, commercial, and industrial uses. Manufacturing often is located outside of the cities as well. The extensive influence of cities is its “ecological footprint” (Waskernagel & Rees 1996). The ecological footprint of cities includes the impact of pollution. Atmospheric and water circulation patterns extend the influence of the city by moving pollu- tants far from their origins. Remote communities in the North American arctic may have high levels of some pollutants created thousands of miles away. The Arctic Inuit have been affected by consumption of local animals contaminated with per- sistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxin, and dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene (a metabolite of DDT) (Dewailly et al. 1996). POPs are byproducts of manufacturing and incineration, are lipophilic, have long half lives, and enter soil and water through improper disposal practices. They bioac- cumulate up the food chain and are concentrated in large fish and sea mammals that are preferred foods for many populations (Johansen 2000). Levels of PCBs, one of the more common POPs, are found in the breast milk of many remote populations (Jensen 1990). The effects of POPs are not fully known, but evidence from laboratory stud- ies and studies of human populations suggests that the effects may occur by altering the development of the endocrine system and its action later in life (Brouwer et al. 1998). Effects on cognition, behavior, reproduction, growth, and development have been documented among laboratory animals and in human populations. 7 Aug 2003 8:27 AR AR196-AN32-06.tex AR196-AN32-06.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH



Pollution from industrial and transportation sources has been a characteristic fea- ture of urban environments, but it now reaches far from its origins to affect vir- tually all human populations. Pollution is a heterogeneous entity and produces highly variable effects on human biology and health, including effects on mortal- ity, morbidity, reproduction, and development. Important knowledge of pollution’s association with biological variation has come from large-scale surveys, but proof of the causal nature of these associations has been clarified by critical natural ex- periments. Mundane pollution exposure tends to produce chronic and sublethal effects, although it can severely affect susceptible subpopulations (e.g., the very young and old) and minority groups who experience disproportionate levels of ex- posure owing to the broad effects of socioeconomic disadvantage. At this writing, half the world’s population lives in cities, which makes small individual effects quite significant to the species as a whole.

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