Version 3.2 Last updated 22/12/2020 Review date 22/12/2021 Equality Impact Assessment High Owning department Partnership & Neighbourhoods

1. About this policy

1.1. This policy defines the methodology and framework by which the Hampshire Constabulary Volunteer Police Cadet Scheme (VPC) manages Volunteer Police Cadets, herein referred to as Cadets. The policy aims to set out the framework for the management of Cadets and Units and the continued development of the scheme across the force. 2. General principles

2.1. The VPC scheme is a uniformed youth organisation, supported by Hampshire Constabulary, for young people aged 13 to 18 and is designed primarily as a youth engagement and diversion programme. Cadets attend two hour weekly sessions during term time and are expected to volunteer for a minimum of three hours per month in policing and community initiatives. There are also opportunities for the cadets to take part in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme and other team- working or leadership exercises. The scheme provides cadets and leaders with the opportunity to develop their interpersonal, communication and leadership skills. It enables them to work as part of the Local Policing Delivery Unit, engaging with and assisting different teams across the force. Overall the scheme enhances the lives of young people providing them with skills and experience that they can transfer in future education and employment.

2.2. Cadets do not have policing powers and will not be used to replace Police Officers or paid staff. The VPC Scheme does not provide a shortcut for young people to join Hampshire Constabulary as a staff member or officer. Cadets who show an interest in a career within the organisation will be encouraged and supported in applying via traditional methods once they turn 18.

2.3. The National Volunteer Police Cadet scheme recommended aims and principles for Cadets are;

2.3.1. Promote a practical understanding of policing amongst all young people;

2.3.2. Encourage the spirit of adventure and good citizenship;

2.3.3. Support local policing priorities through volunteering and give young people a chance to be heard;

2.3.4. Inspire young people to participate positively in their local communities.


2.4. Hampshire Constabulary supports these aims as well as focussing on specific activities within the force delivery plan.

2.5. Hampshire Constabulary have adopted the National VPC Manual of Guidance (MoG) alongside supplementary developed Hampshire practices to support our own force priorities and vision. This document covers a wide variety of Cadet related information including disciplinary processes, recruitment, management and ongoing development of the scheme. The MoG and supplementary force documents are available via the VPC Intranet Page. 3. Statement of policy 3.1. Principles

3.1.1. Each Cadet Unit should:

a) Engage with young people between 13 and 18 years old.

b) Seek to achieve 25% of their membership from a ‘vulnerable’ background (as defined in the VPC MoG)

c) Support their Cadets to volunteer 3 hours per month assisting in community and crime prevention events.

d) Have a body of Cadets that represents the diversity of the Service Area

3.1.2. Hampshire Constabulary supports these principles and additional principle of 10% membership from black minority and ethnic groups across the force area, which will assist with achieving a body of Cadets that represent the diversity of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

3.2. Scheme Structure

3.2.1. A Senior Officer with the Constabulary will be responsible as the Strategic Lead and Designated Responsible Officer (DRO) for the Scheme. Operationally it is managed by a Central VPC Team which sits within the Local Policing Delivery Unit. The LPDU Chief Inspector manages the Central Team which consists of a Force Cadet Leader, a Cadet Support Officer and an administration support assistant.

3.2.2. Operationally the Scheme consists of Units of cadets within a geographical area. Each Unit can accommodate up to 30 young people as cadets, dependant on leader numbers, and is run by adult supervisors referred to as Leaders. Each Unit is run by a designated Unit Leader and Deputy Unit Leader. The Leaders report to the Force Cadet Leader who has over sight of the development and running of the scheme across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

3.2.3. The Unit Leaders and Deputy Unit Leaders for each Unit meet up regularly to discuss and decide on performance, scheme developments, and future events; and to share experiences an ideas.


3.3. Cadet Leaders

3.3.1. Time Off for Hampshire Constabulary employees

a) Cadet Leaders who are police officers or staff can claim up to 96 hours (12 days) of single rate TOIL per year for any Cadet related activities. These hours are to allow Leaders to support the Cadet evening sessions or any cadet volunteering and extra-curricular activities that fall during rest days or annual leave. To be eligible to claim, Cadet Leaders must regularly volunteer at the evening weekly sessions or assist with assigned tasks as agreed by their Unit Leader or Force Cadet Leader.

b) Hours claimed must be recorded via CARM and submitted to the Force Cadet Leader at single rate only;

c) Time spent on duties with the VPC is classed as working time for the purposes of Working Time Regulations. This applies to TOIL only;

d) Subject to operational demand, and with the authority of their line management, Cadet Leaders may use rostered duty time to attend VPC activities;

e) Due to the planning and commitment to VPC activities and safeguarding requirements to cadets; duties designated as VPC Duties should only be changed in extenuating circumstances, and only following consultation with and the agreement of the Force Cadet Leader;

f) Please refer to the Miscellaneous Leave Procedure 33016 for further instruction.

3.3.2. Cadet Leaders

a) Cadet Leaders who are also members of the Special Constabulary can use 8 hours of VPC activities towards their 16 hour monthly commitment. These hours can be claimed against activities and cover at the weekly sessions.

3.3.3. Police Support Volunteers (PSV)

a) Members of the public aged 18 or over can volunteer as Police Support Volunteers in the role of Cadet Leader.

b) Applications are submitted via the IBC and interviews are conducted by the Citizens in Policing Co-ordinators within the Local Policing Delivery Unit.

c) Cadets attaining the age of 18 can remain with their unit until the end of the academic school year or can apply to become a Junior Cadet Leader. Applications for the post of junior leader are submitted via IBC and interviews are conducted by the VPC Central Team.


d) Once the interview has been passed, applicants submit their details for vetting (as below). There is an expectation nationally that all cadet leaders will be subject to a DBS check. This is currently being reviewed by the Cadet Central Team.

3.3.4. Vetting

a) All Cadet Leaders will be appropriately vetted. Force personnel must have in date personnel checks.

b) External volunteers are vetted to NPPV Level 2 to allow access to force networks and police information in accordance with their role. This is renewed every three years.

3.3.5. Police Officers

a) When Police Officers are engaged with VPC activities, their priority is always the welfare of the cadets. All activities must be risk assessed in advance and Cadets must be removed and protected as a priority from any hostile, traumatic or otherwise dangerous situation.

b) Should a welfare issue or crime be reported by a cadet to a Police Officer acting in their role as a Volunteer Police Cadet Leader; the officer should follow the guidance set out in the Safeguarding Policy available via the VPC Intranet Homepage.

c) Police Officers as Volunteer Cadet Leaders must not become involved in any investigation involving cadets due to a conflict of interest unless requested to provide evidence by the independent investigator.

3.3.6. Secondary Employment and Business Interest

a) Volunteer cadet leaders, who are Hampshire Constabulary employees, will not be required to submit an AD190 disclosing this volunteer work as a Secondary Business. This decision has been made by the Head of Professional Standards, due to the fact that approval for the Volunteer Cadet leader scheme already addresses areas of Conflict of Interest and Working Time Regulations impact on performance, and therefore does not require and additional approval as a Secondary Business Interest. Volunteer Cadet Leaders are also subject to monitoring throughout their role, and if the role raises concerns in these areas, continuing approval of their volunteer role will be reconsidered.

3.4. Safeguarding

3.4.1. The Hampshire VPC have fully adopted the National VPC Safeguarding Policy. The up to date VPC safeguarding policy can be found on the VPC Intranet Homepage. All Leaders must adhere to this policy and guidance at all times.


3.4.2. All volunteer leaders must hold an up to date Safeguarding Young People accreditation approved by the National Volunteer Cadet Team and be familiar with the force VPC Safeguarding Policy.

3.4.3. The supervision of cadets by Cadet Leaders must not exceed a ratio of 1:10. and should be a minimum of 1:2 at all times. This ratio may be subject to change at events or activities with are public facing.

3.5. Cadet Recruitment

3.5.1. Applications

a) Any young person aged 13 to 16 can apply to become a cadet via the online application process on the VPC Internet page. They can remain as a cadet until the end of the academic year following their 18th birthday, at which point they have the option to become an Adult Cadet.

b) Applications received will be held on a waiting list until the chosen Unit next recruits.

3.5.2. Positive Action

a) We have a duty to ensure that the scheme is inclusive to all, reflects the diverse communities we operate in and meets one of the National VPCs key objectives of our cadet force consisting of 25% being young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and 10% from BME Communities. As a result, during our recruitment process we can utilise positive action to ensure our recruitment process is fair but also allows us to operate a diverse scheme.

b) Where possible, when recruiting new cadets, leaders should consider their existing cadets and the young people they are recruiting to aim towards a diverse unit that meets the above targets. To do so, they can consider the questions in the application that covers their age, equality monitoring information and experiences that may suggest their vulnerability or under-represented protected characteristic to offer that young person a place as a cadet.

3.5.3. Referrals

a) The VPC partly serves as a diversionary scheme for young people who require direction, focus and/or stability in their lives. Referrals from Social Workers, Police Officers or other professional bodies are welcomed and will require a short explanation as to why the referral is being made. Each case will be treated on its merits and at the discretion of the Force Cadet Leader a place will be offered when one is available in the chosen unit. These young people are encouraged but not required to submit a full application.

3.5.4. Family of Police Officers and staff


a) There will be no preferential treatment given to police officers and staff who want their children or family members to get involved.

3.6. IT

3.6.1. Unit Leaders will be issued with a force mobile phone, all telephone contact with cadets should only be made via this number

3.6.2. Unit Leaders will also be issued with a force laptop providing wireless connectivity to force systems to ensure safeguarding of cadets including safe management of cadet information.

3.6.3. All Leaders, if required, will be given access to force systems to provide secure access to cadet information. 4. Implications of policy

4.1. This section should contain, where relevant, details of the implications of the policy in the following areas:

4.1.1. Financial Implications / Best Value

a) Hampshire Constabulary has allocated a budget to provide for the day to day running of the VPC scheme including training, activities, uniform and equipment.

b) The VPC Scheme and individual Units may receive additional sources of income via donations, grants and awards to provide for additional equipment, trips or expenses. Leaders will also be encouraged to support their cadets in raising funds for their units. All incoming monies are recorded and utilised for their original purpose.

c) To support the running of the scheme, Expenses and mileage may be claimed by Cadet Leaders using their home cost centres or the general Volunteers code if a Police Support Volunteer.

d) Any equipment purchased must be made using the VPC Cost Centre, authorised by the Force Cadet Leader.

e) Each Unit Leader will be provided with a Force Purchasing Card that should be used for small incidental purchases and emergencies; at all times in accordance with the purchasing card policies.

4.1.2. Staffing / Training

a) VPC Leaders of all levels are voluntary roles and should be managed as such.

b) Leader Training is mandatory and will be provided to leaders on an annual basis and as such, individuals may be eligible for courses that would usually fall outside of their day role if relevant for VPC purposes.


4.1.3. Risks

a) Insurance – the VPC scheme members will be insured under the Hampshire Constabulary force insurance policy. Please refer to the Insurance intranet page for further information.

b) Insurance of personal vehicles – Cadets and Cadet Leaders will be responsible for ensuring that their own vehicles are appropriately insured for the purpose they are using them.

c) Insurance of Police / Police Hired vehicles – this will be covered under the force vehicle insurance (as at link in (a) above).

d) Health and Safety Risk Assessment for VPC related activities are available on the H&S Intranet pages. For specific activities that fall outside of that risk assessment, a separate risk assessment will be carried out by the Unit Leader who is responsible for the activity. The welfare of Cadets is included in the Procedure 21320 Employment/ Work Experience of Young Persons and Volunteer Police Cadets.

4.2. Consultation

4.2.1. Consultation in the development of the scheme was carried out with the following:

 Police Federation

 Unison

 Force Health and Safety Advisor

 Occupational Health

 Force Risk Manager

 Learning & Development

 Human Resources – Recruitment

 Human Resources – Employee Relations

 Corporate Communications

 Force Executive Committee

 Corporate Finance

 Mobile Data team

 H3 Procurement


 Police & Crime Commissioner for Hampshire & IOW

 Winchester University

 Avon & Somerset Police

 Thames Valley Police

 National VPC

 Sussex Police

5. Monitoring and evaluation

5.1. This policy will be monitored and maintained by the Force Cadet Leader.

6. Review 6.1. This Policy will be reviewed annually by the VPC Strategic Lead, or earlier if National arrangements are changed. 7. Other Related Policies, Procedures and Information Sources

7.1. 33016 Procedure - Miscellaneous leave

7.2. 21320 Procedure - Employment/ Work Experience of Young Persons and Volunteer Police Cadets

7.3. Volunteer Police Cadets - Manual of Guidance

7.4. Volunteer Police Cadets – Intranet Page

7.5. Health & Safety Risk Assessments – Intranet Page

7.6. Insurance intranet page

7.7. AD203 Equality Impact Assessment

Origin: Partnership & Neighbourhoods