1 Charlie Roberts Tel No: 01865 541948 E-mail:
[email protected] Date: 17 January 2019 Dear Chief Constable Level 1 Meeting You are requested to attend a Level 1 meeting on Tuesday 22 January 2019 in the Conference Hall, Thames Valley Police Headquarters, Kidlington at 10.30am. Yours sincerely Paul Hammond Chief Executive To: PCC, Chief Constable Agenda Item Page No. 1. Minutes of the last meeting held on 26 November 2018 3 -16 2. Minutes of the CIEP meeting dated 12 December 2018 17 - 24 3. Revenue Monitoring Report 2018/19 25 - 36 4. Capital Monitoring Report 2018/19 37 - 50 5. Treasury Management Report 2018/19 51 - 64 6. OPCC Strategic Delivery Plan 2018/19 65 - 88 7. Capital Strategy 2019/20 to 2022/23 89 - 108 8. Property Asset Management Plan Refresh 109 - 168 9. Revenue Estimate 2019/20 169 - 230 2 Agenda Item Page No. 10. Medium Term Capital Plan 2019/20 to 2022/23 231 - 252 11. Treasury Management Strategy 2019/20 253 - 282 12. Reserves and Balances 283 – 302 13. Decisions taken under delegated powers 303 - 307 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 26 March at 10:30am, Thames Valley Police Headquarters, Conference Hall, HQ South, Kidlington. AGENDA ITEM 1 3 POLICE & CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR THAMES VALLEY MINUTES OF THE LEVEL 1 MEETING HELD IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, POLICE HEADQUARTERS, KIDLINGTON, OXON 26 NOVEMBER 2018 COMMENCING AT 10.30AM AND CONCLUDING AT 1.10PM Present: A Stansfeld (Chair and Police & Crime Commissioner) (OPCC) Chief Officers present: F Habgood (Chief Constable) (TVP) J Campbell (Deputy Chief Constable) (TVP) K Lowe (Supt.