Impressum Autor_in Jason Wallin (Alberta) Aufsatztitel Evolve or Die! Enmeshment and Extinction in DC’s Animal Man Journal Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung #7 (2020) – Empfohlene Zitierweise Jason Wallin: Evolve or Die! Enmeshment and Extinction in DC’s Animal Man. In: Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung #7 (2020), S. 18–42. <>. 30.11.2020. Herausgeber_innen Victoria Allen, Cord-Christian Casper, Constanze Groth, Kerstin Howaldt, Julia Ingold, Ger- rit Lungershausen, Dorothee Marx, Garret Scally, Susanne Schwertfeger, Simone Vrckovski, Dennis Wegner, Rosa Wohlers Redaktion & Layout Victoria Allen, Cord-Christian Casper, Sandro Esquivel, Constanze Groth, Kerstin Howaldt, Julia Ingold, Arne Lüthje, Gerrit Lungershausen, Dorothee Marx, Garret Scally, Alina Schop- pe, Susanne Schwertfeger, Simone Vrckovski, Dennis Wegner, Rosa Wohlers Zweitgutachten »Evolve or Die!« Frederike Köpke Technische Gestaltung Sandro Esquivel, Marie-Luise Meier Kontakt Homepage: – Email:
[email protected] Evolve or Die! Enmeshment and Extinction in DC’s Animal Man Jason Wallin (Alberta) »We were given paradise...and we turned it into an...abattoir« – B’wana Beast (AM4.17.1)1 In the fall of 1987, British writer Grant Morrison was approached by a team of talent recruiters from DC Publishing with an unusual mission. In the wake of Alan Moore’s successful work on Swamp Thing (2012) (with Stephen Bissette, John Totleben, and Rick Veitch) and Watchmen (1986) (with Dave Gibbons), DC began looking for new writers to resuscitate an untapped back catalogue of silver-age characters. In the front matter of the Animal Man (1991) trade paperback, Grant Morrison describes his fascination with Carmine Infantino’s Animal Man, a character whose origins extend from issue #180 of Strange Adventures (1965), in which mild-mannered everyman Bernard ›Buddy‹ Baker gains the ability to harness the powers of animals after being exposed to radiation from a crashed alien spacecraft.