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"i, J r Washington's Birthday Sales Today, Friday* Saturday •r '' \ Beobnd ,C1«BS" Poitajre Paid Vol. LXX. No: 5. 4 Sections, 28 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1964 Crmford, HL 3. TEN CENTS Gift of $100,000 to Make UJC Campus SiteBoard to Resubmit Budget on Tuesday; Of William M. Sperry Memorial Observatory The William Miller Sperry Cut $145,000 From Capital Outlay Memorial Observatory will be The Board of Education will the Lincoln School heating, $156,473 lower, made possible cational services In 1962-63 to established on the IJnion resubmit its 1964-65 budget to plant and system,. by the capital outlay cut and socially and emotionally mal- Junior College campus with a the yoters on Tuesday with a No change was made in the the news last week that the adjusted students. gift of $100,000 'from Mrs. cut of $14g,00Q in the capital current expens'e appropriation, state will reimburse $11,473 Frederick W. Beiriecke of New Voters will be asked to ap- outlay expenditure to replace but the-total .budget will be to the school system for its edu- prove an expenditure of York (Uy and William S Bei- $2,807;404 in taxes for current neckc' of Summit, it waS art- expenses and $49,600 for capi- noun'^d today by Dr. Kenneth C. Mac Kay, UJC president, tal outlay, a total of $2,857,- 1 Municipal Pool Committee Aim 004. PoMs Will, be open from"' ftn<: Hi '- Thomas Roy Jones, chair- nrj.M! 1/ the board of trustees. 2' to. d .p.m. II r observatory — believed to Capital outlay Item.was defeat- u; first on a two-year college Is Resort Complex for Cranford ed by-a 539-vote margin itrlafet hupus— will be operated by week's school election. Gus Gut- n • Junior College andi Ama- • A nine-acre urban resort com- ierrez former board president, Mid..: pur . Astronomers, • Inc. It will plex is in the planning stage for at a meeting last Thursday, "Board Jtm'.ain the largest telescope in Cranford, it was pointed out this members recognized that the Bellringers Plan Brochures vpters clearly felt our program to *jf,i- Jersey arid two of the largest week by Robert M. Crane, chair- repair Lincoln School Wa« more 1 the northeast coast of the man of the Cranford Municipal than they want bo pay'at thktimft. •»ited States. Pool Committee. Of Swim Pool Facts, Figures We will now need to defer the «t»v— Amateur . Astronomers have u The $400,000 facility is to cre- The BeUringors Oommittoe will distribute a brochure setting forth pense to replace the present coal- 'agreed to design, build--and - do- ate "a summer recreational en- fire heating system. The $145,000 . •v.\\e two telescopes — 6ne a 24- facts on swimming pool construction, sites, location and costs in other vironment in a typical suburban communities as they relate to the proposed local municipal pool, Wil- we cut was money for this pur- iiUh, 72-inch focal length New- pose, and this reduction will make community, the -chairman ex- liam J. Fordham," chairman, announced following a meeting pf the tonian-Cassegranian reflecting tel- plained. The center revolves a- it impossible to take action thia escope and . accessories, and the WILLIAM. MILLER_SPERRY OBSERVATORY—This is an artist's rendering.of the Wiliiam Miller committee Monday evening. • . Sperry Memorial Observatory to be built on the Union Junior College campus here — believed to be round- the 16,000-square-foot_lZ- year." . ' other a 10-inch, 159-inch focal shaped.swimming pool and a club The Bellringers, Mr. Fordham length refractor telescope and ac- the first on a two-yeaf- college campus., Mrs. Frederick W. Beinecke of New York City and William "The current expense budget house .containing locker, admin-1 emphasized, are not opposed to items," Mr. Gutierrez continued, cessories. • .'.'•! S. Beinecke of Summit Have contributed $1,00,000. Tor the "building as a memorial to'their'.-father and istratiye and dining facilities. " •the principle of a municipal swim- According to Amateur Astrono- ( missed approval by a narrow .mar- grandfather. The observatory will be operated by Union Junior College and Amateur Astronomers, Adjacent to the dining area are ming pool. The . committee is gin (35 votes). The difference is mers, the 24-inch reflecting tele- Inc., and will contain the largest telescope in New Jersey. • . two shallow wading pools. A-. agreed, however, he said, that the too small to be of real help to us scope will be capable of detecting- Found the main pool are tennis proposal of the Cranford Munici- in assessing what the town really an object the.size of the new Ken- courts, shufflebbard, tetherball pal Pool Committee is faulty in wants. nedy half dollar (and probably a and other outdoor, recreational fa- many respects. "We feeU that the current ex- Washington quarter) on top of the cilities. Identified at the meeting .as be- Empire State Building on a clear Clergy Council Members Plan pens* items sre soundly based on Behirtd the pool will be a wood- ing chief among the faults were: teachers' salaries, some addition day — a distance of more than 15 1 ed picnic area .containing tables Inadequate size of the Parkway to our program for non-college miles from the.UJC campus". Individual Baccalaureates and benches.. A landscaped park- site, its inaccessibility by public bound, students, additional teach- Dr. MacKay said the college Members of the Cranfcrd Clergy Council have uanimously agreed ing area will be screened from the transportation, its location in a res- ers as required by enrollment, hopes to break ground and to com- to hold baccalaureate services in their respective places of worship pool and the surrounding area. idential area, and its cost in re and rnore money for books and ' plete constructi6n of the observa- Dean S. Van der Clute partner latlon to the facility planned. leachers' supplies. These items will tory within, a year. Architect during the week-end of June 12-14, it was announced this week by y the Rev. John Dexheimer, council president. ' • in the firm of Van derdute and A study made by the Bellringers be resubmitted without any addi- Frederick A. Elsasser and Assoc- Mr. Fordham continued, and sub- tion or reduction," he stated. This decision was reached following discussion of the recent de- Spies,'• local architects, designers (Continued on'Page 6, Sec. 2) Of the complex, explained that it stantiated by facts supplied, by cision of the Board of Education to William TTKncx, board member, i is hoped to create the type of rec- qualified pool builders and de- said, "The board is well aware of eliminate the traditional bacca- reational environment that Cran- signers, shows that municipal the increased demands of .the tax- Speaker Told laureate service at Cranford High ford residents now travel some pools suitable to the needs of this payers from all sides. It is also School. Tercentenary distance to enjoy. community can and have, bee'n aware.of the new and heavier de- "Guided by their own tradi- "The natural wooded areas will constructed for less than $200,600,, rmmas upor. oil* ybuth.|ot^ Sound ForCofC tions," the Rev. Mr.. Dcxheimer Film Show be maintained to. acluevt' the This would indicate, he s«*d. thai education both for work and col- said* ''each parish and ' spiritual lakeside' appearance enjoyed at DR. HENRY X MINE "for the money. p^posed to be spent lege. We try to balance these con- leader will plan the event, with for the facility now under con cUtions. _ north "Jersey vacation areas," he 1 Bariquet some congregations pussibly cem- Scheduled stated. "The complex has been sideration, Cranford could have "F'ortupiately we are noarlng Invitations have been issued to birifng iil theirown option. Source material for the- Cran- planned to encourage the entire two municipal swimming pools the end of-the rapid" budget In-, the-fourth, annual banquet of the "The council urges students to brd Tercentenary Days . Pageant family to speVid a holiday there, Dr. Mineur able to accommodate 1,800 fa,m- obliged to enjoying all of trie •faettttiBi.*, rath- the last to bo held Monday evening, March sometime between Friday and meeting of the Granford Historical JOHN V. NOSTRAND er than just the pool itself." "It. was no^ at the n. g few y Sunday evenings ' in the church Society next- Wednesday evening. Named Head Mr. Fordhami ted, "that misin- 2, at Shackamaxon Country Club, The architect said that a perr es Scotch Plains, it was announced or temple of their choice. Since all This will include the first public son visiting the site should be de- formation has n repeatedlpy y dis- Polling places on Tuesday are as this week by Dr. Wilfred W. Jor- services will be religious' serv^ showing here of the official Ter- 'Outstanding lighted with the landscaped park- Of Board seminated concernini g ththe sizi e of follows: Sherman School, Districts dan, general chairman. ices, any students and their fami- centenary film, "The Land Called ing area and should enjoy the Dr. Henry J. Mineur was elected (Continued on Page 2) (ContinuedjffmiPage 2) Bernard Shanley, former special lies who wish tp participate will New Jersey." pleasant walks from one area to president of the Board of Educa- counsel to President Dwight D. Ei- be welcome." The meeting will be held from Lion' Citation another. Planting islands, con- tion at the reorganization .meeting senhower, will be guest speaker. The following statement on the 7:45 to 9:30 p.m. in the commun- taining trees and shrubs, will be on Tuesday night in Lincoln Mr.