Members’ Digest





Page No

Section 1 Cabinet Decisions 1.1 - 1.6

Section 2 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions 2.1 - 2.44

Section 3 Minutes of the Council 3.1 - 3.13

Section 4 Minutes of the Scrutiny Committees 4.1 - 4.8

Section 5 Minutes of the Regulatory and Joint Committees 5.1 - 5.9

Section 6 Corporate Information and Articles 6.1 - 6.20


Cabinet Decisions

Call-in Process

Any Member of the Council may by notice in writing to the Head of Law and Administration request that a decision of the Cabinet be referred to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee. The reports supporting the decisions are reproduced in Section 2 and further information can be obtained from the Officer contact identified in the report.

The notice must state the reason why the Member wishes the decision to be referred and must be received by the Head of Law and Administration by 5.00 pm on the last day of the call-in period - shown on the front cover of the Digest.

If notices are received signed by one Member of the appropriate Scrutiny Committee and any two other Members, the decision will be referred to the Scrutiny Committee.

It is, therefore, important that Members who wish to call in a decision should seek support from other appropriate Members. If you return the call-in response without securing support from other appropriate Members you risk there not being the necessary three signatures to support the call-in. If you cannot obtain the support of two other appropriate Members, you may still return the call-in request to register your concern/objection but this will not result in call in unless two other appropriate Members act independently of you on the same issue.

Blank call-in forms have been sent to you in the past and further copies are available on request from Democratic Services and on the Members webpage. However, if you do not have a form, a letter, e-mail or a fax to the Head of Law and Administration setting out the item and reason for call-in will be accepted. The Head of Law and Administration will accept three separate forms, e-mails, letters or faxes, suitably signed, to call-in an item or three signatures on one form, letter or fax.

You can obtain further information on the call-in process by telephoning (01785) 619212.

Call-in forms or letters relating to call-in items should be returned to

Head of Law and Administration Democratic Services Civic Centre Riverside Stafford ST16 3AQ

E-mails should be addressed to [email protected]

Faxes should be sent to Stafford (01785) 619119

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Minutes of the Cabinet held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on 5 March 2020

Chair – Councillor P M M Farrington

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: J M Pert Community and Health Portfolio R M Smith Deputy Leader and Resources Portfolio C V Trowbridge Leisure Portfolio

Also present Councillors J Hood and R Kenney

Officers in attendance:-

Mr T Clegg Chief Executive Dr T Redpath Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager Mr J Dean Democratic Services Officer

Prior to commencement of the meeting, the Leader of the Council referred to receipt of correspondence from the Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, Secretary of State for Transport regarding the recent announcement from Central Government concerning the future of HS2. Councillor Farrington reported that he had written to both Mr Shapps and the Prime Minister seeking confirmation of the proposed Handsacre junction. It had been duly confirmed that the said junction would be retained as part of the wider HS2 project. The Leader reaffirmed the Councils position on the matter and confirmed that he would continue to make representations to Government relating to HS2 on behalf of residents.

CAB86 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2020 were submitted and signed.

CAB87 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors F Beatty and J K Price.

1.1 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CAB88 Planning Obligations Allocation - Yarnfield

Considered a report considering the re-allocation of Section 106 funding in Yarnfield, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 265 of 6 March 2020.

The Cabinet Member, Leisure Portfolio highlighted the proposal as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet moved directly to voting on the recommendation.

RESOLVED:- that the proposal of the Cabinet Member, Leisure Portfolio be approved as follows:-

that delegated authority to re-allocate and use an existing off site contribution under the terms of a Section 106 agreement for the amount of £16,800 (planning application 13/19226/OUT refers) be granted to the Head of Development (in consultation with the Leisure Portfolio holder and Ward Councillors).

CAB89 Taxi Licensing Policy and License Conditions 2017 – Review and Amendment

Considered a report setting out the review and amendments made to the Taxi Licensing Policy and License Conditions 2017, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 265 of 6 March 2020.

The Cabinet Member, Community and Health highlighted the proposals as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, noting that the Council had a duty to its residents to provide safe forms of travel. The Cabinet then voted on the recommendations.

RESOLVED:- that the proposals of the Cabinet Member, Environment Portfolio be approved as follows:-

that:- (a) the review and amendments to the Policy and Condition to be consulted on be approved;

(b) the proposed consultation (as set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report) be approved;

(c) authority to make minor modifications to reflect changes in legislation or case law or to promote efficient administration in the licensing function (without any other consultation, if appropriate) be delegated to the Head of Operations (in consultation with the Head of Law and Administration and the Cabinet Member for Environment).

1.2 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CAB90 Proposals for an Increase in Fares: Hackney Carriage Vehicles

Considered a report setting out a request from Stafford Taxi Association on behalf of Hackey Carriage proprietors for an increase in taxi fares, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 265 of 6 March 2020.

The Deputy Leader noted that said fees had not increased since 2014 and that the proposals had been agreed to by the local Taxi Association. He then highlighted the proposals as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet voted on the recommendations.

RESOLVED:- that the proposals of the Cabinet Member, Environment Portfolio be approved as follows:-

that:- (a) the revised scale of charges (as set out in appendix 1 of the report) for Hackney Carriages licensed by the Council be approved;

(b) in accordance with the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 the revised charges be advertised;

(c) subject to any objections arising the revised charges be implemented as soon as possible.

CAB91 Hopton and Coton Neighbourhood Area Application

Considered a report seeking approval to designate Hopton and Coton Parish as a Neighbourhood Area for the purpose of producing a Neighbourhood Plan, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 265 of 6 March 2020.

The Leader of the Council highlighted the proposals as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet moved directly to voting on the recommendations.

RESOLVED:- that the proposals of the Cabinet Member, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio be approved as follows:-

that:- (a) Hopton and Coton Parish be designated as a Neighbourhood Area;

(b) upon designation the publishing of the information below be authorized and bought to the attention of people who live, work or carry out business in said area:-

1.3 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

(i) the name of the neighbourhood area;

(ii) a map identifying the area;

(iii) the name of the relevant body who applied for the designation.

CAB92 Sale of Land Adjacent to Stanley House, Fancy Walk, Stafford

Considered a report seeking approval to sell Council owned land, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 265 of 6 March 2020.

The Leader of the Council highlighted the proposal as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet moved directly to voting on the recommendation.

RESOLVED:- that the proposal of the Cabinet Member, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio be approved as follows:-

that the land at Fancy Walk (as detailed in the report) be sold to Nexus Property Solutions Limited or an associated company.

CAB93 Stone Neighbourhood Plan – Progressing to Referendum

Considered a report seeking approval to proceed to a referendum for the Stone Neighbourhood Plan, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 265 of 6 March 2020.

The Leader of the Council highlighted the proposals as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet moved directly to voting on the recommendations.

RESOLVED:- that subject to minor presentational and typographical amendments the proposals of the Cabinet Member, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio be approved as follows:-

that:- (a) incorporating the Examiner’s recommended modifications and further amendments suggested by the Council the Stone Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum;

(b) the decision statement (as set out in appendix 2 of the report) be approved and published with the Examiner’s Report.

1.4 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CAB94 Stafford Station Gateway – Part Confidential

Considered a report updating progress regarding Stafford Station Gateway and seeking agreement for the next steps to deliver the Gateway Masterplan Vision, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 265 of 6 March 2020.

The Leader of the Council highlighted the proposal as set out in paragraph 2 of the report and confirmed that the Council were looking to progress the matter, especially in light of the recent announcement regarding the future of HS2. The Cabinet then voted on the recommendation.

RESOLVED:- that the proposal of the Cabinet Member, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio be approved as follows:-

that the Task Agreement for business case development with County Council and London and Continental Railways (as set out in the confidential appendix to the report) be agreed.

CAB95 Revenues and Benefits Collection Report – Quarter 3 – Part Confidential

Considered a report informing Cabinet of the Revenues and Benefits Service regarding:-

• collections of Council Tax during the first three quarters of the financial year; • collections of Business Rates during the first three quarters of the financial year; • the recovery of overpaid Housing Benefit during the first three quarters of the financial year;

together with seeking approval for the writing off of the arrears as detailed in the confidential appendix of the report, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 265 of 6 March 2020.

The Deputy Leader reiterated the Councils commitment to pursuing outstanding debts before highlighting the proposals as set out in paragraph 2 of the report. The Cabinet then voted on the recommendations.

RESOLVED:- that the proposals of the Deputy Leader be approved as follows:-

1.5 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

that (a) the information regarding collections be noted;

(b) the arrears listed in the confidential appendices to the report be written off.


1.6 Cabinet Decisions


Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020



Page Nos

Planning Obligations Allocation - Yarnfield 2.1 - 2.4

Taxi Licensing Policy and Licence Conditions 2017- Review 2.5 - 2.9 and Amendments

Proposals for an Increase In Fares: Hackney Carriage Vehicles 2.10 - 2.20

Hopton and Coton Neighbourhood Area Application 2.21 - 2.27

Sale of Land Adjacent to Stanley House, Fancy Walk, Stafford 2.28 - 2.30

Stone Neighbourhood Plan - Progressing to Referendum 2.31 2.35

Stafford Station Gateway - CONFIDENTIAL 2.36 2.39

Revenues and Benefits Collection Report - Quarter 3 2.40 2.44 PART CONFIDENTIAL

Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Planning Obligations Allocation - Yarnfield

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB88/20

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To consider the re-allocation of Section 106 funding towards the provision and improvement of recreational facilities in Yarnfield Village, and grant delegated authority to the Head of Development, in consultation with the Leisure Portfolio Holder and Swynnerton Ward Councillors.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That the delegated authority to re-allocate and use an existing off-site contribution under the terms of a Section 106 Agreement for the amount of £16,800 (planning application 13/19226/OUT) be granted to the Head of Development in consultation with the Leisure Portfolio Holder and Swynnerton Ward Councillors.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 In May 2017 Cabinet approved the allocation of S106 contribution received from planning application 13/19226/OUT at Walnut Tree Farm on the following projects in Yarnfield:

(a) Drainage works on the village green

(b) Provision of Outdoor Gym Equipment

(c) Installation of football goalposts

3.2 The drainage works have been completed at a cost of £3,266 leaving an unspent balance of £16,800.

3.3 Since the approval of the funding Yarnfield Parish Council has been constituted as a separate Parish area, and separated from Swynnerton Parish, so now operates as an independent Parish Council.

3.4 The new Parish Council would like to the Council to reconsider the projects identified. Further, the Parish Council would want to consult with the local residents in order to allocate the resources available to improve the recreational facilities within the village in the most appropriate way. The proposed schemes, where practicable, will comply with the Equality Act and will be appropriate and accessible to all and meet different people’s needs.

2.1 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

3.5 In July 2019 a new process for managing S106 contributions under the value of £50k was approved by Cabinet, which allowed delegated authority to the Head of Development, in consultation with the Leisure Portfolio Holder and Swynnerton Ward Councillors. However in the case of this planning obligation allocation at Yarnfield there is a requirement for Cabinet to formally agree the approach, due to the previous decision of Cabinet taken on 2 May 2017.

3.6 In order to progress with the works following public consultation, without any further delays, this report is requesting delegated authority be granted in line with previous agreement identified in 3.5.

3.7 The sum of £20,066 was received in April 2016 relating to Section 106 funding as outlined in the table below and is targeted at the “provision of off- site open spaces or the improvement of off-site open space within the catchment of the Development as defined by the Council’s Open Space Strategies from time to time and any subsequent review of them”. The delegated authority will ensure the proposals meet the terms and conditions and are within the proximity of the development.

Planning Location Amount Date Application No Received 1 13/19226/OUT Walnut Tree Farm, Ash Lane, £20,066 April 2016 Yarnfield

4 Relationship to Corporate Business Objectives

4.1 This project should help to deliver the Council’s Corporate Business Plan 2018-2021 key objectives set out below:

• “To improve the quality of life of local people by providing a safe, clean, attractive place to live and work and encouraging people to be engaged in developing strong communities that promote health and well-being.”

• “To be a well-run, financially sustainable and ambitious organisation, responsive to the needs of our customers and communities and focussed on delivering our objectives”

5 Report Detail

5.1 Stafford Borough Council does not provide or manage any recreational facilities within Yarnfield.

5.2 Swynnerton Parish Council took over the responsibility for the management and maintenance of land in Yarnfield Village in 2012. This responsibility now sits with Yarnfield Parish Council.

2.2 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

5.3 In light of this the project will be delivered by Yarnfield Parish Council directly, on behalf of the Council as the local planning authority, subject to appropriate reporting to the Borough Council and the transfer of funds as the works are progressed.

5.4 The new facilities will be maintained and operated by Yarnfield Parish Council who will have full liability for the ongoing upkeep.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial Utilisation of the received Section 106 funding. Officers will ensure the procurement exercise will be undertaken to comply with the Council’s Standing Orders and to ensure best value and quality

Legal A section 106 agreement is a legal agreement made pursuant to section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, which imposes certain legal obligations on the land owner and also the Council. The obligations placed upon the Council are to use the amounts provided for in the agreement in accordance with the terms of the agreement. With regard to contributions received as per the planning agreement concluded pursuant to 13/19226/OUT, such contributions are required to be used for the provision of off-site open space or the improvement of off site open space within the catchment of the development permitted by the planning permission.

Human Resources Nil

Human Rights Act Nil

Data Protection All consultation responses will adhere to General Data Protection Regulations.

Risk Management Future risks will be formally assessed as a part of the overall Project Management

6.2 Community Impact The current scheme has significant potential to Assessment promote positive lifestyle choices around physical Recommendations activity and healthy behaviour. Therefore it is desirable for Yarnfield Parish Council to undertake a Community Impact Assessment, incorporating a health and wellbeing assessment which identifies the potential impacts, risks and benefits of a proposal on resident’s health and wellbeing.

2.3 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

In order to make an assessment meaningful, engagement or consultation should take place with appropriate and representative groups of people that are most likely to be affected by the project. The Community Wellbeing Partnership is a group of local stakeholders who are committed to contributing towards and supporting a joined up approach to health, wellbeing and community safety in Stafford Borough. ‘Health in all’ is a key initiative for this group and we would suggest that the Parish Council approaches the partnership, the Borough Council’s Health & Housing Strategy Officers or similar appropriate consultees for support in developing their project in a way that promotes good health and wellbeing.

Contact Officer: Sally McDonald Telephone No: 01785 619330

2.4 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Taxi Licensing Policy and Licence Conditions 2017- Review and Amendments

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB89/20

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To request Cabinet to consider the review and amendments made to the Taxi Licensing Policy and Licence Conditions 2017 which brings in all policies and procedures in line with current legislation and guidelines.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That Cabinet: (i) approves the review and amendments to the Policy and Conditions to be consulted on;

(ii) approves the proposed consultation referred to in paragraph 5.6 below;

(iii) delegates to the Head of Operations in consultation with the Head of Law and Administration and Cabinet Member for the Environment the authority to make minor modifications to reflect changes in legislation or case law or to promote efficient administration in the licensing function without any other consultation if appropriate.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 That:- (a) since the implementation of the Policy in September 2017 small amendments have been made with Council approval, however there has been updated guidance released on the policy statement relating to the relevance of convictions for Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Drivers and Operators requiring a substantive review, consideration has also been given to extend the life/age of a vehicle before it ceases to be licensed.

(b) Other smaller changes are also proposed to give more clarity to drivers in order to promote public safety.

2.5 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

4 Relationship to Corporate Business Objectives

4.1 To improve the quality of life of local people by providing a safe, clean, attractive place to live and work and encouraging people to be engaged in developing strong communities that promote health and wellbeing.

5 Report Detail

5.1 In the the Council has the responsibility for ensuring the public travel in safe, well maintained vehicles driven by competent drivers; as well as providing a fair and reasonable service for the taxi trade.

5.2 The protection of the public is the paramount consideration of the Council in terms of taxi licensing.

5.3 The Councils’ core functions for taxi licensing are:-

• setting the local framework, which can include safeguarding standards, fares and vehicle standards. • considering applications and safeguarding the public by issuing, reviewing suspending or revoking licences. • undertaking inspection and enforcement activities to ensure the required standards are being maintained and imposing controls or sanctions in the interests of public safety.

5.4 The reviewed and amended Taxi Licensing Policy and Conditions are attached as APPENDIX 1.

5.5 The flow charts referred to throughout the Taxi Licensing Policy are attached as APPENDIX 2.

5.6 Before this amended policy and conditions comes into effect the Council will carry out a consultation. The Council will share the reviewed and amended policy and conditions with local stakeholders/partners, including local trade representatives, Stafford and District Access Group, Police and the Town Centre Partnership, a full list is attached at APPENDIX 3, seeking contributions, feedback and comments. The consultation will last six weeks, 18 March – 30 April 2020. There will also be informal consultation with the trade at the Taxi Forum.

5.7 The amended policy and conditions will be clearly signposted on the Council’s website.

5.8 The Community Impact Assessment for this policy will also be available on the website.

5.9 The final decision on the policy and conditions will be taken by Full Council on 21 July 2020 and come into force on 22 July 2020 if approved.

2.6 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

5.10 The amended policy and conditions introduce a number of changes that have not been included previously, these include:-

• Age of vehicles, to extend the life/age of a vehicle before it ceases to be licensed. • Policy statement relating to the relevance of convictions for Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Drivers and Operators • Door signage for Hackney Carriages • Additions to information sharing • Dementia Awareness Training • Clarity on the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) • DVLA Licenses • Wheels and Tyres • Insurance Write-Offs • Reduction of time frames for notifying the Council of any changes/accidents/interviews by Police/convictions • Lost property • Additions to Operators’ Licence Conditions

5.11 The amended policy and conditions have to be formally agreed by the Full Council on 21 July 2020.

5.12 The amended policy and conditions upon adoption by the Council will be reviewed every 5 years. However, it will be the subject of continuous evaluation and, if necessary, reviewed at any time. At the time of any substantive review all relevant individuals and organisations at APPENDIX 3 will again be consulted, however, approval will be sought by Full Council that the Head of Operations in consultation with the Head of Law and Administration and the Cabinet Member for the Environment may make minor modifications to reflect any change in legislation or case law or to promote efficient administration of the licensing function without consultation if appropriate.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial No financial implications associated with the report. Legal Set out in the body of this report. Human Resources No Human Resources implications associated with the report. Human Rights Act A Community Impact Assessment has considered the Human Rights Act. Data Protection No GDPR implications associated with the report.

Risk Management The report ensures that our Taxi Policy is up to date and encompasses guidance and best practice.

2.7 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age has been considered with different lengths of licences for applicants of various ages. Disability - Wheelchair Accessibility for customers and the Equalities Act 2010, Regulations 2017. Race - The document is compliant with recent legislative amendments to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and the Immigration Act 2016 in relation to immigration and status. Religion or belief has also been considered. Sex and sexual orientation - Licences are available to all as long as the applicant passes the Fit and Proper rules and licensing process.

Contact Officer: Julie Wallace Telephone No: 01785 619605

The Appendices 1 and 2 as referred to are available on the Council’s website.

2.8 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020


Review of Taxi Licensing Policy and Licence Conditions 2020

This policy was circulated to the following individuals and organisations for consultation and responses.

• Staffordshire County Council Transport • Stafford Borough Council’s Planning Section • Stafford Borough Council’s Environmental Health Section • Stafford Borough Council’s Licensing Public Appeals Committee Chairperson and Members • The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire trade including all licensed Operators, drivers and vehicle owners within the Borough • Staffordshire Police • Staffordshire Police and Crime Commissioner • Staffordshire County Council Trading Standards • Staffordshire Safeguarding Board • Stafford and District Access Group • Town Centre Partnership team • Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service

2.9 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Proposals for an Increase In Fares: Hackney Carriage Vehicles

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB90/20

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To ask Cabinet to consider a request from Stafford Taxi Association on behalf of the Hackney Carriage proprietors for an increase in taxi fares.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That Cabinet consider the maximum tariff rates to be consulted on for Hackney Carriages within Stafford Borough and the need to advertise them.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 That:- (a) the revised scale of charges set out in APPENDIX 1 for Hackney Carriages licensed by the Council be approved;

(b) the revised charges be advertised in accordance with the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976;

(c) the revised charges be implemented as soon as possible, subject to any objections arising.

3.2 Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 states that “a District Council may fix the rates or fares within the district as well for time as distance, and all other charges in connection with the hire of a vehicle”.

3.3 This Council last set the fares for licensed Hackney Carriages, in 2014.Since this time there has been a significant increase in the price of fuel and other operational costs including insurance and maintenance that are associated with running a Hackney Carriage vehicle.

4 Relationship to Corporate Business Objectives

4.1 To improve the quality of life of local people by providing a safe, clean, attractive place to live and work and encouraging people to be engaged in developing strong communities that promote health and wellbeing.

2.10 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

5 Report Detail

5.1 Representatives from the Hackney Carriage trade have approached the Council and put forward a proposal for an increase in fares that they can charge customers.

5.2 The local authority controls the maximum fares charged by hackney carriages. This is enforced through the use of a meter for all journeys, which measures a combination of time and distance travelled.

5.3 Fare scales should be designed with a view to practicality. The Department of Transport sees it as good practice to review the fare scales at regular intervals, including any graduation of the fare scale by time of day or day of the week. Authorities may wish to consider adopting a simple formula for deciding on fare revisions as this will increase understanding and improve the transparency of the process. The Department also suggests that in reviewing fares authorities should pay particular regard to the needs of the travelling public, with reference both to what it is reasonable to expect people to pay but also to the need to give taxi drivers sufficient incentive to provide a service when it is needed. There may well be a case for higher fares at times of higher demand.

5.4 Taxi fares are a maximum, and in principle are open to downward negotiation between passenger and driver. Although at ranks, or for on-street hailing’s, this could result in confrontation or unreasonable customer expectations. However local licensing authorities can usefully make it clear that published fares are a maximum, especially in the context of telephone bookings, where the customer benefits from competition.

5.5 Members of the Taxi trade have requested the fares be increased as set out in APPENDIX 1

5.6 The current hackney tariff can be found in APPENDIX 2. This tariff was last increased in 2014.

5.7 The following guidance has been taken into consideration when considering the fares proposed:

• Law Commission Report https://s3-eu-west- 11jsxou24uy7q/uploads/2015/03/lc347_taxi-and-private-hire- services.pdf • Office of Fair Trading Report • Department for Transport uploads/attachment_data/file/212554/taxi-private-hire-licensing- guide.pdf

2.11 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

• Competition and Markets Authority report dated April 2017 uploads/attachment_data/file/624539/taxi_phv_la_guidance.pdf

5.8 In order to assess the application for a fare increase, officers have also carried out a fare comparison exercise with neighbouring authorities. This is set out in APPENDIX 3.

5.9 The comparison with other neighbouring councils shows that with the proposed fares Stafford will be placed as third highest however East Staffs BC have stated they will be looking at their fares next year and Stoke-on- Trent are also imminent for review.

5.10 A check has also been made against the Hackney Fare Table produced by Private Hire and Taxi Monthly Limited (APPENDIX 4). The calculation is based on a 2 mile hackney carriage fare on Tariff 1. This shows that as of November 2019:

• The maximum fare currently in Stafford District for a two mile Tariff 1 journey at £5.50 is the 270th lowest out of 358 authorities. • Tamworth rank 150 at £6.10, Chase 229th at £5.70, 261 at £5.50. is currently going through at £6.00 which will rank them between154-188. • at £5.20 is ranked 319, at £5.10 is ranked 325 and Newcastle under Lyme at £5.55 is ranked 259 and Stoke-on-Trent City Council 334th at £4.95. • The National average for Tariff 1 is £5.95.

If the tariffs proposed by the trade were adopted, the maximum fare in Stafford District for a two mile Tariff 1 journey would be £5.85 which would mean that the fares would be the same as authority ranked at 199th out of the 358 authorities listed.

5.11 For Tariff 2 the starting rate remains unchanged but the mileage charge has increased by10p.

5.12 In considering any fare increase, there is the impact on the customer versus ensuring that there is an adequate supply of taxis and the trade can make a living. For the trade their key costs are fuel, vehicle purchase, maintenance, insurance and labour. For Tariff 2 the hire charge ideally needs to be not so high as to deter people using taxis to get them safely home at night but at the same time set at a level which provides an incentive to hackney carriage drivers.

5.13 The Hackney Carriage trade represents an important part of the local economy of the Borough, providing employment opportunities and contributing to the public transport network.

2.12 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

5.14 The proposal would mean an increase of 8% on the initial 410 yards (4.9% increase for a 1 mile journey, 5.4% increase for a 2 mile journey, and 5.9% increase for a 5 mile journey) however taking into account that the rate of inflation from 2014 to 2019 has risen by 12.8% (Bank of England, Inflation calculator) and there has not been any increase in tax fares since October 2014 it is considered that the request from the trade is not unreasonable.

5.14.1 The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy produces a weekly road fuel prices statistical data set which gives the following figures for the increase of fuel costs between December 2014 and December 2019:

Date 22/12/2014 30/12/2019 % increase in fuel cost Pump price of 113.66 124.96 9.9% Petrol in pence/litre Pump price of 120.81 130.54 8.05% Diesel in pence/litre

5.14.2 The car insurance price index powered by Willis Towers Watson gives the Comprehensive car insurance price index for cars, which shows that the average cost for the average motorist has increased by 35.8% for the first quarter in 2015 to the fourth quarter in 2019. Insurance costs for the taxi trade are much higher paying at least £1300 a year for cover.

5.15 To illustrate how the proposed fare structures would affect the charge of typical journeys please see table 1 below:-

(No account has been taken of waiting time)

% Journey Existing Fare Proposed increase Length Structure Fare Structure

1 Mile £4.10 £4.30 4.9% 2 Miles £5.55 £5.85 5.4% 5 Miles £10.20 £10.80 5.9%

2.13 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

5.16 The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 requires that the Council publish the proposed table of fares in at least one local newspaper. Not less than 14 days must be given for objections to be made to the proposed changes. A copy of the proposed table of fares shall also be posted at the Civic Centre for the same period of 14 days referred to above.

5.17 If no objection to the table of fares is made, or if all objections so made are withdrawn, the table of fares shall come into operation on the date of the expiration of the period specified in the notice or the date of withdrawal of the objection or, if more than one, of the last objection, whichever date is the later.

5.18 If an objection is duly made and is not withdrawn, the Council shall set a further date, not later than two months after the first specified date, on which the table of fares shall come into force with or without modifications as decided by them after consideration of the objections.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial None Legal None Human Resources None Human Rights Act None Data Protection None Risk Management Economy – Economic Growth. If fares are too high there is a risk that the taxis won’t be used so will not be viable however if the fares are too low then there will be no taxi drivers or fewer available.

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Contact Officer: Julie Wallace Telephone No: 01785 619605

2.14 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020


CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Proposals for an Increase in Fares: Hackney Carriage Vehicles




(i) DISTANCE for the first 410 yds, or part thereof …………………………………. £2.70p

For each subsequent 168.7 yds, in excess of 410 yds, up to 1 mile ………………… 20p

(ii) After a distance of 1 mile, 227yds up to 4 miles will be ……………………. £1.55p

(iii) After a distance of 4 miles, 190.2 yds has been £1.85p travelled the charge per mile will be……………

(iv) WAITING TIME throughout the journey for each period of 40 seconds or uncompleted part thereof 20p


(v) When more than four persons are carried an extra 25% of metered fare will be charged.


(a) 50% extra to be charged on all Bank Holidays except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, when an 100% extra charge will apply

(b) On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, 50% extra to be charged from 1800 to 2300 hours and 100% extra to start at 2300 hours

(c) On Boxing Day, between 2400hrs and 0700hrs on the 27th December, 100% extra will apply

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(vii) AT TIMES other than the above, between 2400 hrs and 0700 hrs, an additional 50% of the standard fare be charged.

For charging purposes only, two children under 10 years of age regarded as one person

(viii) PRIVATE HIRE - When the Hackney Carriage is used on Private Hire journey (i.e. pre-booked), a booking fee of £1.00 may be charged.


Soiling Charge £60.00

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CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Proposals for an Increase in Fares: Hackney Carriage Vehicles




(i) DISTANCE for the first 410 yds, or part thereof ………………………………………….. £2.50p

For each subsequent 180 yds, or part thereof in excess of 410 yds, up to 1 mile ………………… 20p

(ii) After a distance of 1 mile has been travelled, the charge per mile will be ……………………. £1.45p

(iii) After a distance of 4 miles has been travelled the £1.75p charge per mile will be…………………….

(iv) WAITING TIME throughout the journey for each period of 60 seconds or uncompleted part thereof 30p


(v) When more than four persons are carried an extra 25% of metered fare will be charged.


(a) 50% extra to be charged on all Bank Holidays except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, when an 100% extra charge will apply

(b) On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, 50% extra to be charged from 1800 to 2300 hours and 100% extra to start at 2300 hours

(c) On Boxing Day, between 2400hrs and 0700hrs on the 27th December, 100% extra will apply

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(vii) AT TIMES other than the above, between 2400 hrs and 0700 hrs, an additional 50% of the standard fare be charged.

For charging purposes only, two children under 10 years of age regarded as one person

(viii) PRIVATE HIRE - When the Hackney Carriage is used on Private Hire journey (i.e. pre-booked), a booking fee of £1.00 may be charged.


Fouling Charge £60.00

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CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Proposals for an Increase in Fares: Hackney Carriage Vehicles

CURRENT RANKING IN PHTM (Private Hire and Taxi Monthly)


150 TAMWORTH £6.10 2017

229 CANNOCK CHASE £5.70 2018

259 NEWCASTLE -UNDER -LYME £5.55 2019


270 STAFFORD £5.50 2014

297 LICHFIELD £5.30 2012

319 STAFFS MOORLANDS £5.20 2015


334 STOKE-ON-TRENT UA £4.95 2010

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CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Proposals for an Increase in Fares: Hackney Carriage Vehicles


• This is a comparison of fares at the time of the production of the report. Relative positions will change as other Councils implement requests for increases in fares Last fare POSITION COUNCIL - TARIFF ONE 2 MILE FARE increase

150 TAMWORTH £6.10 2017

154-188 LICHFIELD £6.00 Proposed

199 STAFFORD £5.85 Proposed

229 CANNOCK CHASE £5.70 2018

259 NEWCASTLE -UNDER -LYME £5.55 2019


319 STAFFS MOORLANDS £5.20 2015


334 STOKE-ON-TRENT UA £4.95 2010

2.20 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Hopton and Coton Neighbourhood Area Application

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB91/20

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 This report seeks Cabinet approval to designate Hopton and Coton Parish as a Neighbourhood Area for the purpose of producing a Neighbourhood Plan within the remit of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Localism Act 2011 and further following such designation, to publish details of the same.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 To designate the Hopton and Coton Parish as a Neighbourhood Area (please refer to the APPENDIX).

2.2 Once so designated to authorise the publishing of the information set out below (sub- paragraphs (a) to (c)) on the Council’s website and in such other manner so as to ensure that the designation is brought to the attention of people who live, work or carry on business in the neighbourhood area:

(a) the name of the neighbourhood area;

(b) a map which identifies the area; and

(c) the name of the relevant body who applied for the designation.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The Localism Act gained Royal Assent in November 2011 and amended the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 by inserting new powers to communities, principally town and parish councils, to prepare neighbourhood plans.

3.2 Neighbourhood plans must be prepared in general conformity with the adopted Local Plan. Neighbourhood plans cannot reduce the level of growth outlined in the strategic policies of an adopted Local Plan, but they will take precedence over non-strategic policies.

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4 Relationship to Corporate Business Objectives

4.1 From the Corporate Business Plan 2018-2021 the following Corporate Business Objectives are relevant for the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans:

Corporate Business Objective 1 ‘To deliver sustainable economic and housing growth to provide income and jobs.’

Corporate Business Objective 2 ‘To improve the quality of life of local people by providing a safe, clean, attractive place to live and work and encouraging people to be engaged in developing strong communities that promote health and wellbeing.’

5 Report Detail

5.1 The main driver of the amendments introduced into the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (hereafter “the 1990 Act”) by the Localism Act 2011 was to encourage a more collaborative approach to plan making, with the Council and the community working more closely together.

5.2 The Borough Council has responded positively to the Localism agenda and has been proactive in embracing the new approach to plan making by incorporating Neighbourhood Planning into the Local Plan and providing advice to Parish Councils interested in the Neighbourhood Planning process. The process for producing a Neighbourhood Plan is set out below:-

Step 1: Getting started - Formal designation of the ‘Neighbourhood Area’. Step 2: Identifying the Issues Step 3: Develop a vision and objectives Step 4: Generate options Step 5: Draft your Neighbourhood plan Step 6: Consultation and submission Step 7: Independent examination Step 8: Referendum and adoption

Neighbourhood areas and relevant bodies

5.3 The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 as amended originally came into force on 6 April 2012 (hereafter “the 2012 Regulations”) These Regulations together with the 1990 Act provide the procedure for the development of Neighbourhood Plans.

5.4 Where the application is received from a Parish Council for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area and that area covers all of the Parish Council area (and such area does not extend into any area outside of the Parish boundary or has already been designated) then, as a result of Regulation 5A of the 2012 Regulations and Section 61G of the 1990 Act, the Council has to designate the Neighbourhood Area proposed. Once the proposed area has

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been designated then, in accordance with Regulation 7 of the 2012 Regulations, certain details1 regarding the designation have to be published on the Council’s website and in other ways so that the relevant information is brought to the attention of all persons living or working or carrying on a business in the proposed area.

5.5 This report seeks authority to designate the proposed neighbourhood area put forward in the application and once designated to seek authority to publicise the designation of the neighbourhood area. The name of the neighbourhood area, a map which identifies the area and the name of the relevant body who applied for the designation must all be published..

5.6 Hopton and Coton Parish Council wishes to designate the whole of the Parish administrative area as a neighbourhood area; following a letter and map sent to the Borough Council dated 24 December 2019 (please refer to the APPENDIX).

6 Implications

6.1 The cost associated with preparing a Neighbourhood Plan is currently unknown, with estimates around the country ranging from £14,000 to £100,000. The cost depends on the level of detail in each Neighbourhood Plan and any evidence needed to support the plan. The cost of producing a Neighbourhood Plan lies with the relevant Parish Council. There are several requirements under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Localism Act and further, contained within the 2012 Regulations which result in a resource and cost implication for Stafford Borough Council. The bulk of which comes from the requirements to arrange an examination and referendum for the Neighbourhood Plan, and publishing the Neighbourhood Plan.

6.2. The costs of each neighbourhood plan will vary, depending on what the plan seeks to address. Referendum costs will vary depending on whether the referendum is linked to an election or held as a stand-alone exercise.

6.3 The Minister for Planning announced an extension of funding of up to £20,000 per scheme for local planning authorities into the financial year 2015/16. A number of changes were also announced to provide greater support to those places encouraging neighbourhood planning in non-parished areas and will be available retrospectively.

6.4 The costs incurred in arranging an independent Examination and Referendum are supported by grant aid from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). Local Planning Authorities can claim £20,000 once they have set a date for a referendum following a successful examination where a neighbourhood plan has not previously been made for that area, to cover the costs incurred by the Council.

1(a) the name of the neighbourhood area;

(b) a map which identifies the area; and

(c) the name of the relevant body who applied for the designation 2.23 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

6.5 Financial The costs incurred in arranging an independent Examination and Referendum are supported by grant aid from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). £20,000 can be claimed once a referendum date has been set.

Legal The procedure relating to Neighbourhood planning is contained within the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 as amended. The process starts in the case of the submission of an application for an area designation by a qualifying body. A Parish Council is a qualifying body and in the event of application by a Parish Council which covers all of the Parish and not beyond the parish area then the Council as the local planning authority has to designate the area proposed an application and thereafter publish the Area Designation together with a plan of the area of the area and the name of the body / organisation proposing the designation.

The Council is committed to meeting its obligations pursuant to the law and will support Hopton and Coton Parish Council in meeting its requirements.

Human Resources Supporting the Parish Council in progressing the Neighbourhood Plan will require staff resources to be allocated.

Human Rights Act and This proposal is for the designation of the Hopton Equality Act 2010 and Coton Neighbourhood Area and publication thereafter and no issues arise at this time.

Data Protection Nil

Risk Management The risk issues contained in this report are not strategic and therefore should not be included in the Strategic Risk Register.

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6.6 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

Contact Officer: Alex Yendole Telephone No: 01785 619536

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CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Hopton and Coton Neighbourhood Area Application



Hopton and Coton Parish Council have decided that it is in the interests of residents of the Parish to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan. It has done this after consideration of the impact of the High Speed 2 project and the extensive development taking place on the western and southern boundaries of the Parish.

Although there is a presumption that the neighbourhood area will be the same as the parish boundary Hopton and Coton Parish Council have considered alternatives with the help of its professional advisors, Urban Vision. The Parish Council has decided to ask Stafford Borough Council to designate the whole of Hopton and Coton Parish as the neighbourhood area. This is because one of the aims of the Neighbourhood Development Plan is to integrate the whole Parish. The various parts and land uses are interrelated and no particular geographical area or land use in the Parish should be considered in isolation.

A map of the proposed neighbourhood area is attached,

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Hopton and Coton Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Submission and Map - Dated 24 December 2019

2.27 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Sale of Land Adjacent to Stanley House, Fancy Walk, Stafford

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB92/20

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To seek approval to sell Council owned land to provide private car parking spaces for the redevelopment of Stanley House into residential accommodation (see APPENDIX).

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That the land at Fancy Walk shown in bold outline on the attached plan be sold to Nexus Property Solutions Limited or an associated company.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The land is currently laid out as a free public car park but was originally a children’s play area that was closed due to vandalism.

3.2 The redevelopment of Stanley House is not viable without the use of the Council’s land for car parking.

3.3 The Council does not receive any income from the car park.

4 Relationship to Corporate Business Objectives

4.1 To deliver sustainable economic and housing growth to provide income and jobs.

5 Report Detail

5.1 The Council owns the land within the bold outline which measures approximately 0.05058 hectares and is currently laid out as a free public car park.

5.2 On 6 June 2014 Cabinet gave approval for the land to be leased to Rammon Group (Properties) Limited (the developers of Stanley House) to provide dedicated parking.

5.3 In 2016 planning permission was granted for the conversion of Stanley House to residential apartments.

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5.4 On 9 May 2019 Rammon Group (Properties) Limited sold Stanley House to Nexus Property Solutions GB Ltd.

5.5 The new owners have now approached the Council with a request to purchase the land to provide dedicated parking.

5.6 The land has been valued on behalf of the Council and the valuation figure is £75,000 for the sale of the freehold.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial The Council will receive £75,000 for the sale of the land. Legal The land is in the registered ownership of the Council. Human Resources None. Human Rights Act None. Data Protection None. Risk Management None.

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

Contact Officer: Sally Jones Telephone No: 01785 619218

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CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Sale of land adjacent to Stanley House, Fancy Walk, Stafford

2.30 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Stone Neighbourhood Plan - Progressing to Referendum

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB93/20

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To seek Cabinet approval to proceed to a referendum for the Stone Neighbourhood Plan on Thursday 7 May 2020, accepting the recommendations and limited amendments to the recommendations in the Examiner’s report (as set out in APPENDIX 1) on the Stone Neighbourhood Plan and notify relevant parties prior to proceeding to a referendum.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That the Stone Neighbourhood Plan proceeds to Referendum, incorporating the Examiner’s recommended modifications, and further amendments suggested by Stafford Borough Council are approved.

2.2 That the Decision Statement (set out in APPENDIX 2) be approved and published with the Examiner’s Report.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The Examiner’s Report confirms that the Stone Neighbourhood Plan, subject to modifications, meets the basic conditions shown below in paragraph 5.3, and can therefore proceed to a referendum when Parish residents and businesses can vote on whether the Plan should be approved.

3.2 After considering the Examiner’s Report, the Council are satisfied that the modifications made to the Stone Neighbourhood Plan satisfy the basic conditions. However, the Borough Council also consider that further amendments to these modifications should be made to provide clarity and correction, whilst meeting the basic conditions.

3.3 Based on the paragraph 13 of Schedule 4B within the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 if the local planning authority propose to make a decision which differs from that recommended by the Examiner, and the reason for the difference is (wholly or partly) as a result of new evidence or a new fact or a different view taken by the authority as to a particular fact the authority must notify prescribed persons of their proposed decision (and the reason for it) and invite representations. These powers were considered in a legal case by the Court of Appeal in R. (Kebbell Developments Ltd) v Leeds City Council [2018] 1 W.L.R 4625. Lindblom LJ. The court clarified that a Council is not required to consult if it promotes modifications which go further than those

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recommended by the Examiner as long as they are wholly consistent with those recommendations and are not based on “new evidence” or “new facts”.

3.4 On this basis the Borough Council do not consider that the further amendments proposed alongside the Examiner’s recommendations require further consultation as these are not as a result of new evidence, a new fact or a different view taken by the authority as to a particular fact. Therefore the next step is to publish a Decision Statement attached as APPENDIX 2 and proceed to referendum.

3.5 At all stages of preparing the Stone Neighbourhood Plan the Council has ensured that the process meets the statutory requirements and follows Regulations, so that the decision making process is clear and transparent.

3.6 In due course, following a successful referendum vote, the Neighbourhood Plan must be adopted and will then form part of the statutory development plan for Stafford Borough. Together with the adopted Plan for Stafford Borough, and the revised National Planning Policy Framework, the Neighbourhood Plan will be used to make decisions on planning applications that are applicable within the Neighbourhood Plan area.

4 Relationship to Corporate Business Objectives

4.1 From the Corporate Business Plan 2018-2021 the following Corporate Business Objectives are relevant:

Corporate Business Objective 1 ‘To deliver sustainable economic and housing growth to provide income and jobs.’

Corporate Business Objective 2 ‘To improve the quality of life of local people by providing a safe, clean, attractive place to live and work and encouraging people to be engaged in developing strong communities that promote health and wellbeing.’

5 Report Detail

5.1 Neighbourhood planning was introduced in 2011 by the Localism Act to give communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhoods and shape development and growth of their area through the production of Neighbourhood Plans. The process is enshrined in the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (As Amended).

5.2 Neighbourhood Plans must be prepared in general conformity with local and national planning policy. They cannot reduce the level of growth outlined in the strategic policies of the local development plan. The Stone Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared in line with the Plan for Stafford Borough.

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5.3 Neighbourhood Plans must satisfy the Basic Conditions set out below:-

(a) The plan must have regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State;

(b) Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development;

(c) Be in general conformity with strategic policies of the development plan for the area;

(d) Be compatible with European Rights (EU) and European Convention on Human Rights (EUCR) obligations;

(e) not breach the requirements of Chapter 8 of Part 6 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (d).

Development of Stone Neighbourhood Plan

5.4 In August 2015 Stone Town Council applied to designate the Parish as a Neighbourhood Plan Area, which was approved by the Council in December 2015. Subsequently a Neighbourhood Plan Working Group consisting of local volunteers was established to produce the Neighbourhood Plan.

5.5 The Stone Neighbourhood Plan has been subject to extensive community consultation, and supported by an evidence base. The Town Council published a pre-submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan and invited the public to comment between 19 June and 31 July 2018. Following the consultation, Stone Town Council made subsequent amendments in order to produce the submission version of the plan.

5.6 In September 2018 Stone Town Council submitted their Neighbourhood Plan, with supporting documents (Basic Conditions Statement, Consultation Statement and a Screening Assessment), to the Council for a six week publication period of consultation between 6 November and 19 December 2018. Between February and August 2019 the independent Examination took place when the appointed Examiner considered the representations received and all of the relevant documents.

5.7 On 16 August 2019, the Council received the Examiner’s Report (see APPENDIX 1) on the Stone Neighbourhood Plan, which recommended that the Neighbourhood Plan, subject to the Examiner’s recommended modifications, should proceed to Referendum. In summary, the Examiner considers that the Stone Town Neighbourhood Plan proposes a local range of policies and seeks to bring forward positive and sustainable development in the Stone Neighbourhood Area, based on extensive community support and engagement.

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5.8 The findings of the Examiner’s Report recommends a number of modifications to help refine policies so that they are more effective and, most importantly, ensure the Stone Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions

5.9 Stone Town Council has considered the Examiner’s Report and its recommendations. As a result Stone Town Council submitted a “Urban Vision Enterprise CIC Stone Neighbourhood Plan Options for Moving Forward October 2019’ document to the Borough Council on 7 November 2019 prior to a decision being made on the Examiner’s Report. The Borough Council has decided that two further amendments to the Stone Neighbourhood Plan 2016- 2031 would be appropriate, to provide clarity and to meet Basic Conditions 1 & 3. The amended and final version of the Stone Neighbourhood Plan, subject to the Referendum, is included in APPENDIX 3.

Next Steps

5.10 As the Council are satisfied that the Neighbourhood Plan fulfils the basic conditions of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations, prior to proceeding to a Referendum, the Council must publicise a Decision Statement (see APPENDIX 2) to take forward the Stone Neighbourhood Plan.

5.11 The decision to proceed is normally made within 5 weeks of receipt of the Examiner’s report. However, in this case further representations were received from Stone Town Council, which could not have been considered within that time period.

5.12 If a decision to proceed to referendum is made, the Council will proceed in arranging a Referendum to enable local people within the Parish to vote on adopting the Stone Neighbourhood Plan.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial The costs incurred in arranging an independent Examination and Referendum are supported by grant aid from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). £20,000 will now be claimed to cover the costs incurred by the Council.

Legal The Stone Neighbourhood Plan meets the legal requirements and Basic Conditions of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations.

A decision on whether to proceed to referendum should be taken within 5 weeks of receipt of the Examiners report or by an alternative date agreed with Stone Town Council.

Human Resources The Referendum will require staff resources to be allocated.

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Human Rights Act Nil

Data Protection Nil

Risk Management The risk issues contained in this report are not strategic and therefore should not be included in the Strategic Risk Register.

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation

The Stone Neighbourhood Plan provides clear guidance to developers and also members of the public through planning policies and proposals in the Parish. This will enable any resident or business to see the requirements related to future development.

Working from a consistent evidence base through the Town Council and with partners, ensures that Community Impact Assessment recommendations made in relation to the Stone Neighbourhood Plan with policy-specific areas are also consistent and complementary to an approach that supports equality in both service provision and health outcomes.

Contact Officer: Alex Yendole Telephone No: 01785 619536

The Appendices as referred to are available on the Council’s website.

2.35 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

CABINET 5 MARCH 2020 Stafford Station Gateway

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB94/20

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To update on the progress made with the Stafford Station Gateway and agree next steps to ensure delivery of the Gateway Masterplan Vision.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That Cabinet agree:

(i) To undertake to sign the Task Agreement for business case development with Staffordshire County Council and London and Continental Railways (see the CONFIDENTIAL APPENDIX)

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The Borough Council have been working in partnership with Staffordshire County Council and London and Continental Railways for some time but the next stage of work requires revenue funding. By agreeing to share the cost of the work the liability to the Borough Council is reduced by two thirds.

4 Relationship to Corporate Business Objectives

4.1 The proposal supports the delivery of sustainable economic and housing growth is are therefore actively supporting all three of the Business Objectives within the Corporate Business Plan as follows:

Objective 1: Delivering sustainable economic and housing growth to provide income and jobs

Objective 2: Developing strong communities that promote health and wellbeing

Objective 3: To be a financially sustainable and ambitious organisation

2.36 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

4.2 The proposal reflects a workstream in its own right within the Council’s Economic Growth Strategy (adopted February 2020) delivering against Growth Priority 1 as follows:

Enabling new and existing businesses to grow and build confidence in Stafford as a hub of productivity with a balanced economy

4.3 The proposal is also consistent with and supportive of the Council’s adopted development strategy as set out in The Plan for Stafford Borough (adopted 2014).

5 Report Detail

5.1 In March 2017 and as part of our ongoing work with the Constellation Partnership consultants BDP produced a spatial masterplan for the area identified as the Stafford Station Gateway. The Gateway comprises three distinct areas, Gateway North (which is now in County Council ownership), Gateway Central (which is largely in St Modwen’s ownership) and Gateway South or the Station Plaza (which is in mixed ownership).

5.2 As the Gateway was identified as a focus for HS2 related growth the preferred aspirational masterplan option of up to 800 residential units (a mix of circa 650 apartments and 150 town houses/family houses) and up to 70,000 square metres (760,000 square feet) of Grade A office and other commercial and industrial space was agreed with Cabinet. It is the Gateway South area that was identified as a potential new Central Business District, capitalising on HS2 led growth and accommodating around 55,000 square metres (600,000 square feet) of office floorspace.

5.3 A project group of both Borough and County Council officers has been developing the individual workstreams within the project that include:

• Land acquisition strategy • Station connectivity • Progressing planning status • Current on-site development • Communications and stakeholder engagement • Funding requirements • Commercial deliverability

5.4 As part of these workstreams significant progress has been made as follows:

• £150,000 LEP Growth Fund award in February 2019 to enable acquisition of redundant Network Rail sidings to unlock development of an additional 70 residential units

2.37 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

• Gateway Central housing layout replanned with St Modwens (the land owners and developers already on site) to enable a realigned spine road to be constructed in a later phase that will provide connectivity through Gateway Central and South • A working group of officers from both Borough and County Councils and London Continental Railways (LCR) commissioned commercial and land strategy advice on the Gateway South area which was completed in June 2019

5.5 In November 2019 Cabinet agreed to enter into a Collaboration Agreement with LCR and Staffordshire County Council to enable progression of the Station Gateway Masterplan Implementation Plan. The next tranche of work has now been scoped and requires revenue investment to complete the delivery framework, revised financial model, planning and delivery strategies.

5.6 The detail of the work is set out in the Task Agreement at Appendix 2 with a total cost (including 10% contingency) at £176,000 to be shared equally between the Borough Council, the County Council and LCR. A further £25,375 is to be met by both Councils for the management role to be taken by LCR as detailed in section 6 of the Task Agreement and becomes payable if a viable scheme is identified. The total revenue cost to the Borough Council is therefore initially £71,354 which can be met from within existing budgets.

5.7 Signing the Task Agreement will therefore create an initial financial liability of £58,667. If a sound business case for further investment cannot be demonstrated then no further payment would be made by the Borough. If however a viable scheme was demonstrated and the Borough Council proceeded without providing an equity stake to LCR, then Staffordshire County Council and the Borough Council could jointly be liable to further repay up to £84,401.

5.8 At this stage in the process it is not possible to specify what equity arrangements could be in place further into the project. What can be confirmed is that should a deliverable scheme not exist the Borough Council can limit the financial exposure to the £58,667 as set out above.

5.9 Cabinet approval is therefore sought to enter into the Task Agreement and proceed with the procurement of specialist services.

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6 Implications

6.1 Financial As set out in the report. Legal The Task Agreement has been reviewed and amended for clarity in consultation with the Head of Law and Administration. Human Resources N/A Human Rights Act N/A Data Protection N/A Risk Management N/A

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

Unlocking the redevelopment of the western side of Stafford Station provides connectivity for the existing and future residents of the Gateway site, Castlefields and Burleyfields developments enabling easier on foot access to Victoria Park and other leisure facilities in and around the town centre.

Contact Officer: Michelle Smith Telephone No: 01785 619 335

The Confidential Appendix as referred to is available to Members on the Council’s website.

2.39 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020


5 MARCH 2020

Revenues and Benefits Collection Report - Quarter 3

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB95/20

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To inform Cabinet of the performance of the Revenues and Benefits Service as regards:

• collections of Council Tax during the first three quarters of the financial year. • collections of Business Rates during the first three quarters of the financial year. • the recovery of overpaid Housing Benefit during the first three quarters of the financial year.

1.2 To seek approval to the write off of the arrears listed in the CONFIDENTIAL APPENDICES.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That the information regarding collections be noted.

2.2 That the arrears listed in the CONFIDENTIAL APPENDICES be written off.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendations

3.1 Efficient collection of the Council’s revenues is of major importance to the funding of Council services and those provided by our preceptors.

3.2 Council Tax due for the current year amounts to £81.8M, of which some 84.3% was collected by the end of the December.

3.3 Business Rates due for the current year amounts to £51.7M of which some 81.2% was collected by the end of the December.

3.4 Whilst our collection rates are good, regrettably not all of the monies owed to the Council can be collected and this report contains a recommendation to write off bad debts which cannot be recovered.

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4 Relationship to Corporate Business Objectives

4.1 Not Applicable.

5 Report Detail

Council Tax

5.1 Council Tax is collected on behalf of the District Council, Parish Councils and our Major Preceptors (Staffordshire County Council and Commissioner for Police, Crime, Fire and Rescue). The effect of the Collection fund arrangements means that Stafford Borough Council retains around 10% of the council tax collected.

5.2 Council Tax due for the current year amounts to £81.8M and we would anticipate collecting in the region of 98.4% within the year, as was the case in the last financial year. Action continues to collect the remainder, after the end of the financial year, with over 99% being recovered.

5.3 By 31 December, we had collected 84.3% of the year’s charges, which is broadly in line with the corresponding period of the previous year (which was 85.0%).

5.4 In accordance with the Council’s approved policies, all reasonable and lawful attempts are made to recover all amounts due. In the first instance this involves the issue of bills, reminders and final notices, followed by Summonses in the Magistrates Court where the warning notices are not effective. At all stages of this process, debtors are encouraged to engage in voluntary arrangements to repay their arrears, to prevent the need for formal action.

Where necessary and when Liability Orders are granted by Magistrates, the Council uses its powers to make deductions from earnings and benefits of debtors, where it can, and instructs Enforcement Agents where such deductions are not possible or appropriate.

In the most severe cases and for debts exceeding £5,000, the Council will consider personal bankruptcy action against individuals.

5.5 The recovery powers available to the Council are considerable but not completely infallible. There are occasions when bills are not paid and the debts cannot be recovered.

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5.6 Statutory safeguards such as Debt Relief Orders, Individual’s Voluntary Arrangements exist to protect debtors suffering hardship, to attempt to the expensive, stressful and sometimes ineffective process of personal bankruptcy. Where a debt is included in such an instrument, or when a debtor is bankrupt, our ordinary recovery powers cannot be used.

5.7 For any of our powers to be effective we need to know the whereabouts of a debtor and this is not always the case. Where debtors abscond we will use all reasonable endeavours to trace them and are often successful in doing so. Unfortunately, on occasions this is not so and we must submit a debt for write off.

Our trace procedures include;

• Checking our internal Council systems, and following any information which may help us to trace the debtor. • Using the Locating Council Tax Absconders (LoCTA), a Local Authority data sharing system, to check for forwarding addresses at other Local Authorities, • Use of Transunion credit reference agency data. • Trace and collect facilities offered by our Enforcement Agencies • Visits to the last known address by the Council’s Property Inspector and use of external tracing agents.

Unfortunately, legislation does not currently permit access to DWP or HMRC records to trace Council Tax debtors or their employers, though a Cabinet Office project is currently reviewing this.

5.8 Irrecoverable council tax debts in the sum of £20,022.47 are listed in the confidential appendix to this report.

Business Rates

5.9 Business Rates due for the current year amounts to £51.6M of which some 81.2% was collected by the end of the December. Again we would anticipate the collection rate to match last year’s performance of 98.4%.

5.10 The recovery powers available to us are again contained in the Council’s approved policies and are used in full. Those powers and our procedures are similar to the council tax powers described above, with the exception that deductions from individuals’ benefits and earnings are not permissible, even if the debtor is an individual.

5.11 Where rates are owed by an individual, similar safe guards exist for the debtors and trace facilities are used by the Council for absconding debtors, as described above.

5.12 Additionally, in the case of business rates, as has been reported to Cabinet previously, our collection efforts are sometimes frustrated by weaknesses in

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legislation. Rates are due from the occupiers rather than the owners of property and where the occupier is a company, we can only recover from that company. Some proprietors will strip a company of its assets, or dissolve the company before we have had an opportunity to implement our recovery procedures. A new company is then formed in a similar style, to trade from the same premises.

Central Government has previously undertaken to review the loopholes that exist in rating and company legislation, though no changes have yet been received. Officers continue to actively monitor these issues.

5.13 The CONFIDENTIAL APPENDIX to this report lists business rate debts of £60,345.06 which cannot be recovered for the reasons stated and for which approval to write off, is requested.

Housing Benefit Overpayments

5.14 The Council manages the Housing Benefit scheme on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions, who fund the cost of benefits paid to claimants.

5.15 Recovery of overpaid Housing Benefit continues to progress well, with some £298,133.15 being collected into the Council’s General Fund in the first three quarters of the year.

5.16 One irrecoverable Benefit Overpayment debt in the sum of £4,562.06 is included in the CONFIDENTIAL APPENDIX to this report.

6 Implications

6.1 Financial Under the Business Rates Retention Scheme, business rates write offs will no longer be offset against the National Non-Domestic Rating Pool. Write offs will now form part of the costs of collection of Business Rates. The Business Rates write offs in this report total £60,345.06 This represents 0.15% of the outstanding collectable debit for the current year.

Council Tax write offs are losses to the Collection Fund and, as such, form part of the cost of collection incurred by this Council. The Council Tax write offs on this report total £20,022.47. This represents 0.02% of the outstanding collectable debit for the current year.

The cost of collecting the debts has been considered as part of the decision to put them forward for write off. If further information does come forward about the whereabouts of any of 2.43 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

the individual debtors the Council will pursue recovery action.

Cabinet are asked to write off the debts as they are considered to be irrecoverable for the reasons given in the appendices. The debts remain legally due to the Council and should the circumstances causing the write off in any particular case, subsequently change, recovery action may be recommenced. Legal Cabinet are asked to write off the debts as they are considered to be irrecoverable for the reasons given in the appendices. The debts remain legally due to the Council and should the circumstances causing the write off in any particular case, subsequently change, recovery action may be recommenced. Human Resources None. Human Rights Act None. Data Protection The appendices to this report contain personal information and are therefore not published. Risk Management The risk issues contained in this report are not strategic and therefore should not be included in the Strategic Risk Register.

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

7 Appendices to the Report

Appendix 1 - Council Tax write offs over £2,500. Appendix 2 - Non-Domestic Rates write offs over £2,500 Appendix 3 - Housing Benefit Overpayments write offs over £2,500

Contact Officer: Rob Wolfe Telephone No: 01543 464 397

The Confidential Appendices as referred to are available to Members on the Council’s website.

2.44 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions .


Minutes of the Council

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Page Nos

Council - 25 February 2020 3.1 - 3.13

Council Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Minutes of the Council held at County Buildings, Martin Street, Stafford on 25 February 2020

Councillor Gareth Jones (Mayor)

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: J A Barron P W Jones R J Barron W J Kemp F Beatty R Kenney A R G Brown P A Leason R P Cooke A M Loughran A G Cooper B McKeown B M Cross A Nixon M G Dodson J A Nixon A P Edgeller G P K Pardesi P M M Farrington A N Pearce I D Fordham J M Pert A T A Godfrey M Phillips M Green J K Price A S Harp P Roycroft A D Hobbs R M Smith D Holbrook-Summers R M Sutherland M V Holmes C V Trowbridge J Hood M J Winnington R A James

Officers in attendance:-

Mr T Clegg - Chief Executive Mr B Kean - Head of Finance Mr W Conaghan - Press and Communication Manager Mr J Dean - Democratic Services Officer

C54 Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 January 2020 were submitted and signed.

C55 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C A Baron and L Nixon.

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C56 Announcements

The Mayor thanked all those who had attended the Charity Ball and noted that it had been a successful evening raising over £3,700 for the Mayor’s Charity Appeal.

Continuing, the Mayor reported that invitations had been issued for a charity Race Night to be held at the Stafford Polish Club on Friday 6 March 2020.

C57 Notice of Motion

A Notice of Motion pursuant to Paragraph 13 of the Council Procedure Rules has been proposed by Councillor A N Pearce and seconded by Councillor A T A Godfrey as follows:-

‘Stafford Borough is fortunate to have a number of sites of biodiversity significance. However the Council recognises the threat to biodiversity posed by global warming, climate change, pollution, excessive use of chemicals and over-intensive development. In addition, the West Coast mainline and the M6 have both suffered loss of trees and other vegetation and the advent of HS2 will create further major losses.

In it’s draft Climate Action plan, the review of the Local Plan and in proposed planning guidance on biodiversity, it is seeking the views and support of residents and organisations on ways to combat these threats. In order to create a coherent strategy across the Borough, the Council resolves to work with partners, in particular, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, to create an agreed Biodiversity Plan for the Borough which all parties are signed up to.’

The Notice of Motion was moved by Councillor Pearce and seconded by Councillor A T A Godfrey.

The Cabinet Member – Economic Development and Planning Portfolio responded to the Notice of Motion as provided for in Paragraph 15 of the Council Procedure Rules by reporting that:

“the Council has already undertaken this work amongst other initiatives with the Wildlife Trust. In 2019 SWT completed work on their Nature Recovery Network Opportunities Map.

The NRN document has mapped all habitats of importance in the Borough and produced maps that indicate opportunities for linking and enhancing these areas. The NRN work will be used as an evidence base in the Council’s Local Plan. Additionally, the opportunity map will provide guidance on biodiversity net gain.

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The Council has also undertaken the following works with SWT:

• Surveying/mapping the Borough’s County Wildlife Sites (Sites of Biological Importance and Biodiversity Alert Sites) • Funding the “Wild about Stafford” volunteers who undertake monthly conservation work on the Borough’s Local Nature Reserves. • Working on a £1 million funding application with SWT and the Environment Agency for the “Stafford Brooks” project to enhance the many waterways around Stafford. • A site visit to investigate a potential project to enhance Council land to the east of Stafford along the Sow and Penk, in accordance with the Climate Change Strategy Action Plan. • A “rewilding” project for the Stone Meadows Local Nature Reserves.

In addition, the Council’s new Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document is now out for consultation. This will provide better guidance to developers when considering habitats and species in planning applications.

Other current work streams include assessing Stafford and Stone’s Green Infrastructure - which ties in with work on Green Space allocation in the Local Plan.

The Council is also working on updating its Biodiversity Strategy during 2020. We are waiting for the Government’s new Environment Bill to inform the new strategy. In particular, we anticipate advice on Biodiversity Net Gain whereby financial contributions from development will create new habitat. This work will be guided by the Nature Recovery Network document above. The new strategy will look at all the above and hopes to influence how the Council manages its green resources, in accordance with the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (2006).

We are a major player in protecting Cannock Chase, its national and international ecological and landscape significance. I chair the joint committee supported by our specialist officers. In consequence Cannock Chase has a strong up to date management plan fully in line with EU and national Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report and Habitats Regulations Assessment were carried out to support our Management Plan Review, published last year.

The MP commits all partners to monitoring and reporting on the conservation status and needs of key species and their habitats throughout the AONB and drawing up actions to address identified threats; also to identify and promote projects that enhance the

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landscape connectivity, biodiversity resilience and heritage value of countryside and public open space around the Chase.

There are exciting longer term ideas to consider heathland restoration areas on the conifer plantations. Heathlands, like deciduous trees, create invaluable carbon sink - and we are working on that project.”

As the matter was cross cutting, the Cabinet Member - Environment Portfolio, was also invited to respond, which he duly did by noting the continuing work of the Council in developing strategies relating to the issues raised and by quoting from both the Biodiversity Strategy and Draft Climate Strategy of the Council.

At the conclusion of the debate and having been put to the vote the Motion was declared to have fallen.

C58 Offices of Mayor and Deputy Mayor

RESOLVED:- that the Council receive nominations of:-

(a) Councillor A Nixon for the Office of Mayor for the Municipal Year 2020/21;

(b) Councillor P W Jones for the Office of Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2020/21.

Councillors Nixon and Jones responded appropriately to the nominations.

C59 Council Tax 2020/21

Considered the report of the Head of Finance proposing the level of Council Tax for 2020/21 inclusive of the County Council, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Authority and individual Parish Council requirements.

The Deputy Leader introduced the report and noted the recommendations as set in paragraph 2 before concluding his comments by moving that said recommendations be approved.

The proposal was seconded by Councillor P M M Farrington.

In accordance with Paragraph 17.4(c) of the Council Procedure Rules a recorded vote was taken; voting on the proposal was as follows:-

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For Against Abstain

J A Barron R P Cooke R J Barron A T A Godfrey F Beatty A D Hobbs A R G Brown D Holbrook-Summers A G Cooper M V Holmes B M Cross E G R Jones M G Dodson W J Kemp A P Edgeller A M Loughran P M M Farrington A Nixon I D Fordham G P K Pardesi M Green A N Pearce A S Harp J Hood R A James P W Jones R Kenney P A Leason B McKeown J A Nixon J M Pert M Phillps J K Price P Roycroft R M Smith R M Sutherland C V Trowbridge M J Winnington

The Mayor declared that the proposal was duly carried.

RESOLVED:- that the following be approved:-

1 It be noted that under the power delegated to the Council’s Section 151 Officer, the Council calculated the Council Tax Base 2020/21

(a) for the whole Council area as 48,260.69 [Item T in the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the "Act")] ; and

(b) for dwellings in those parts of its area to which a Parish precept relates as shown below

3.5 Council Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Parish Taxbase Adbaston 233.68 1,009.32 Berkswich 792.18 Bradley 216.18 Brocton 554.11 Chebsey 249.42 Church Eaton 286.97 Colwich 1,841.71 Creswell 497.34 Doxey 916.09 2,107.91 Ellenhall 61.94 Forton 140.40 Fradswell 84.26 Fulford 2,294.89 Gayton 76.06 Gnosall 2,012.62 Haughton 461.84 High Offley 388.89 Hilderstone 280.05 Hixon 734.41 Hopton and Coton 845.80 Hyde Lea 183.95 Ingestre 86.97 Marston 94.25 Milwich 197.11 Norbury 194.14 Ranton 181.19 Salt and Enson 187.12 Sandon and Burston 164.89 Seighford 773.32 Standon 326.67 Stone Town 6,133.24 Stone Rural 724.91 Stowe by Chartley 189.43 Swynnerton 1,358.50 Tixall 123.43 Weston 479.08 Whitgreave 88.52 Yarnfield and Cold Meece 830.74 28,403.53 Unparished Stafford Town 19,349.16 MOD Contribution in Lieu 508.00 Council Tax Base 48,260.69

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2 That the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2020/21 (excluding Parish precepts) is calculated at £7,686,480.10.

3 That the following amounts are calculated for the year 2020/21 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:

(a) £48,293,548.56 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.

(b) £39,438,506.00 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.

(c) £8,855,042.56 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act).

(d) £183.48 being the amount at 3(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts).

(e) £1,168,562.46 being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.

(f) £159.27 being the amount at 3(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(e) above by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish precept relates.

(g) For the following parts of the Council’s Area

Parish Band D £ p

Adbaston 172.27 Barlaston 223.87 Berkswich 190.69 Bradley 207.07 Brocton 183.03 Chebsey 184.74 Church Eaton 179.17 Colwich 262.59 Creswell 186.68 Doxey 180.45 Eccleshall 196.37

3.7 Council Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Parish Band D £ p Ellenhall 162.45 Forton 166.65 Fradswell 173.11 Fulford 179.59 Gayton 208.65 Gnosall 204.23 Haughton 204.13 High Offley 171.64 Hilderstone 197.43 Hixon 199.96 Hopton and Coton 200.88 Hyde Lea 191.23 Ingestre 181.86 Marston 159.27 Milwich 179.55 Norbury 178.15 Ranton 182.25 Salt and Enson 199.12 Sandon and Burston 216.51 Seighford 182.39 Standon 185.44 Stone Town 209.92 Stone Rural 179.50 Stowe by Chartley 235.95 Swynnerton 181.07 Tixall 175.07 Weston 228.67 Whitgreave 173.97 Yarnfield and Cold Meece 189.17

being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 3(f) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at (1)(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.

(h) For the following parts of the Council’s area

Band A Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Parish Disabled A B C D E F G H £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p

Adbaston 95.71 114.85 133.99 153.13 172.27 210.55 248.83 287.12 344.54 Barlaston 124.37 149.25 174.12 199.00 223.87 273.62 323.37 373.12 447.74 Berkswich 105.94 127.13 148.31 169.50 190.69 233.07 275.44 317.82 381.38

3.8 Council Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Band A Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Parish Disabled A B C D E F G H £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p

Bradley 115.04 138.05 161.05 184.06 207.07 253.09 299.10 345.12 414.14

Brocton 101.68 122.02 142.36 162.69 183.03 223.70 264.38 305.05 366.06

Chebsey 102.63 123.16 143.69 164.21 184.74 225.79 266.85 307.90 369.48

Church Eaton 99.54 119.45 139.35 159.26 179.17 218.99 258.80 298.62 358.34

Colwich 145.88 175.06 204.24 233.41 262.59 320.94 379.30 437.65 525.18

Creswell 103.71 124.45 145.20 165.94 186.68 228.16 269.65 311.13 373.36 Doxey 100.25 120.30 140.35 160.40 180.45 220.55 260.65 300.75 360.90

Eccleshall 109.09 130.91 152.73 174.55 196.37 240.01 283.65 327.28 392.74

Ellenhall 90.25 108.30 126.35 144.40 162.45 198.55 234.65 270.75 324.90

Forton 92.58 111.10 129.62 148.13 166.65 203.68 240.72 277.75 333.30

Fradswell 96.17 115.41 134.64 153.88 173.11 211.58 250.05 288.52 346.22

Fulford 99.77 119.73 139.68 159.64 179.59 219.50 259.41 299.32 359.18

Gayton 115.92 139.10 162.28 185.47 208.65 255.02 301.38 347.75 417.30

Gnosall 113.46 136.15 158.85 181.54 204.23 249.61 295.00 340.38 408.46

Haughton 113.41 136.09 158.77 181.45 204.13 249.49 294.85 340.22 408.26

High Offley 95.36 114.43 133.50 152.57 171.64 209.78 247.92 286.07 343.28

Hilderstone 109.68 131.62 153.56 175.49 197.43 241.30 285.18 329.05 394.86

Hixon 111.09 133.31 155.52 177.74 199.96 244.40 288.83 333.27 399.92

Hopton and Coton 111.60 133.92 156.24 178.56 200.88 245.52 290.16 334.80 401.76

Hyde Lea 106.24 127.49 148.73 169.98 191.23 233.73 276.22 318.72 382.46

Ingestre 101.03 121.24 141.45 161.65 181.86 222.27 262.69 303.10 363.72

Marston 88.48 106.18 123.88 141.57 159.27 194.66 230.06 265.45 318.54

Milwich 99.75 119.70 139.65 159.60 179.55 219.45 259.35 299.25 359.10

Norbury 98.97 118.77 138.56 158.36 178.15 217.74 257.33 296.92 356.30

Ranton 101.25 121.50 141.75 162.00 182.25 222.75 263.25 303.75 364.50

Salt and Enson 110.62 132.75 154.87 177.00 199.12 243.37 287.62 331.87 398.24 Sandon and Burston 120.28 144.34 168.40 192.45 216.51 264.62 312.74 360.85 433.02

Seighford 101.33 121.59 141.86 162.12 182.39 222.92 263.45 303.98 364.78

Standon 103.02 123.63 144.23 164.84 185.44 226.65 267.86 309.07 370.88

Stone 116.62 139.95 163.27 186.60 209.92 256.57 303.22 349.87 419.84 Stone Rural 99.72 119.67 139.61 159.56 179.50 219.39 259.28 299.17 359.00

3.9 Council Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Band A Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Parish Disabled A B C D E F G H £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p

Stowe-by-Chartley 131.08 157.30 183.52 209.73 235.95 288.38 340.82 393.25 471.90

Swynnerton 100.59 120.71 140.83 160.95 181.07 221.31 261.55 301.78 362.14

Tixall 97.26 116.71 136.17 155.62 175.07 213.97 252.88 291.78 350.14

Weston 127.04 152.45 177.85 203.26 228.67 279.49 330.30 381.12 457.34

Whitgreave 96.65 115.98 135.31 154.64 173.97 212.63 251.29 289.95 347.94 Yarnfield & Cold Meece 105.09 126.11 147.13 168.15 189.17 231.21 273.25 315.28 378.34 All other parts of the Council’s area 88.48 106.18 123.88 141.57 159.27 194.66 230.06 265.45 318.54

Being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at (3)(f) and (3)(g) above by the number by which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

4 To note that the County Council, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire Authority have issued precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for each category of dwellings in the Council’s area as indicated in the table below.

Valuation Bands

A B C D E F G H £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p Staffordshire County Council 863.97 1,007.96 1,151.96 1,295.95 1,583.94 1,871.93 2,159.92 2,591.90 Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner 150.06 175.07 200.08 225.09 275.11 325.13 375.15 450.18 Staffordshire Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority 51.49 60.08 68.66 77.24 94.40 111.57 128.73 154.48

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5 That the Council, in accordance with Sections 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the aggregate amounts shown in the table below as the amounts of Council Tax for 2020/21 for each part of its area and for each of the categories of dwellings.

Band A Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Parish Disabled A B C D E F G H £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p Adbaston 983.64 1,180.37 1,377.10 1,573.83 1,770.55 2,164.00 2,557.46 2,950.92 3,541.10

Barlaston 1,012.30 1,214.77 1,417.23 1,619.70 1,822.15 2,227.07 2,632.00 3,036.92 3,644.30 Berkswich 993.87 1,192.65 1,391.42 1,590.20 1,788.97 2,186.52 2,584.07 2,981.62 3,577.94 Bradley 1,002.97 1,203.57 1,404.16 1,604.76 1,805.35 2,206.54 2,607.73 3,008.92 3,610.70 Brocton 989.61 1,187.54 1,385.47 1,583.39 1,781.31 2,177.15 2,573.01 2,968.85 3,562.62

Chebsey 990.56 1,188.68 1,386.80 1,584.91 1,783.02 2,179.24 2,575.48 2,971.70 3,566.04 Church Eaton 987.47 1,184.97 1,382.46 1,579.96 1,777.45 2,172.44 2,567.43 2,962.42 3,554.90 Colwich 1,033.81 1,240.58 1,447.35 1,654.11 1,860.87 2,274.39 2,687.93 3,101.45 3,721.74 Creswell 991.64 1,189.97 1,388.31 1,586.64 1,784.96 2,181.61 2,578.28 2,974.93 3,569.92 Doxey 988.18 1,185.82 1,383.46 1,581.10 1,778.73 2,174.00 2,569.28 2,964.55 3,557.46 Eccleshall 997.02 1,196.43 1,395.84 1,595.25 1,794.65 2,193.46 2,592.28 2,991.08 3,589.30 Ellenhall 978.18 1,173.82 1,369.46 1,565.10 1,760.73 2,152.00 2,543.28 2,934.55 3,521.46 Forton 980.51 1,176.62 1,372.73 1,568.83 1,764.93 2,157.13 2,549.35 2,941.55 3,529.86 Fradswell 984.10 1,180.93 1,377.75 1,574.58 1,771.39 2,165.03 2,558.68 2,952.32 3,542.78 Fulford 987.70 1,185.25 1,382.79 1,580.34 1,777.87 2,172.95 2,568.04 2,963.12 3,555.74 Gayton 1,003.85 1,204.62 1,405.39 1,606.17 1,806.93 2,208.47 2,610.01 3,011.55 3,613.86 Gnosall 1,001.39 1,201.67 1,401.96 1,602.24 1,802.51 2,203.06 2,603.63 3,004.18 3,605.02 Haughton 1,001.34 1,201.61 1,401.88 1,602.15 1,802.41 2,202.94 2,603.48 3,004.02 3,604.82 High Offley 983.29 1,179.95 1,376.61 1,573.27 1,769.92 2,163.23 2,556.55 2,949.87 3,539.84 Hilderstone 997.61 1,197.14 1,396.67 1,596.19 1,795.71 2,194.75 2,593.81 2,992.85 3,591.42 Hixon 999.02 1,198.83 1,398.63 1,598.44 1,798.24 2,197.85 2,597.46 2,997.07 3,596.48 Hopton and Coton 999.53 1,199.44 1,399.35 1,599.26 1,799.16 2,198.97 2,598.79 2,998.60 3,598.32 Hyde Lea 994.17 1,193.01 1,391.84 1,590.68 1,789.51 2,187.18 2,584.85 2,982.52 3,579.02 Ingestre 988.96 1,186.76 1,384.56 1,582.35 1,780.14 2,175.72 2,571.32 2,966.90 3,560.28 Marston 976.41 1,171.70 1,366.99 1,562.27 1,757.55 2,148.11 2,538.69 2,929.25 3,515.10 Milwich 987.68 1,185.22 1,382.76 1,580.30 1,777.83 2,172.90 2,567.98 2,963.05 3,555.66 Norbury 986.90 1,184.29 1,381.67 1,579.06 1,776.43 2,171.19 2,565.96 2,960.72 3,552.86 Ranton 989.18 1,187.02 1,384.86 1,582.70 1,780.53 2,176.20 2,571.88 2,967.55 3,561.06 Salt and Enson 998.55 1,198.27 1,397.98 1,597.70 1,797.40 2,196.82 2,596.25 2,995.67 3,594.80 Sandon & Burston 1,008.21 1,209.86 1,411.51 1,613.15 1,814.79 2,218.07 2,621.37 3,024.65 3,629.58 Seighford 989.26 1,187.11 1,384.97 1,582.82 1,780.67 2,176.37 2,572.08 2,967.78 3,561.34 Standon 990.95 1,189.15 1,387.34 1,585.54 1,783.72 2,180.10 2,576.49 2,972.87 3,567.44 Stone 1,004.55 1,205.47 1,406.38 1,607.30 1,808.20 2,210.02 2,611.85 3,013.67 3,616.40 Stone Rural 987.65 1,185.19 1,382.72 1,580.26 1,777.78 2,172.84 2,567.91 2,962.97 3,555.56 Stowe-by- Chartley 1,019.01 1,222.82 1,426.63 1,630.43 1,834.23 2,241.83 2,649.45 3,057.05 3,668.46

3.11 Council Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Band A Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Parish Disabled A B C D E F G H £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p Swynnerton 988.52 1,186.23 1,383.94 1,581.65 1,779.35 2,174.76 2,570.18 2,965.58 3,558.70 Tixall 985.19 1,182.23 1,379.28 1,576.32 1,773.35 2,167.42 2,561.51 2,955.58 3,546.70 Weston 1,014.97 1,217.97 1,420.96 1,623.96 1,826.95 2,232.94 2,638.93 3,044.92 3,653.90 Whitgreave 984.58 1,181.50 1,378.42 1,575.34 1,772.25 2,166.08 2,559.92 2,953.75 3,544.50 Yarnfield & Cold Meece 993.02 1,191.63 1,390.24 1,588.85 1,787.45 2,184.66 2,581.88 2,979.08 3,574.90 All other parts 976.41 1,171.70 1,366.99 1,562.27 1,757.55 2,148.11 2,538.69 2,929.25 3,515.10

6 That it is determined in accordance with Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 that the Council’s basic amount of Council Tax for 2020/21 is not excessive in accordance with the principles determined by the Secretary of State under Section 52ZC of that Act.

C60 Review of Members Allowances

Considered the report of the Head of Law and Administration.

The Leader of the Council introduced the report noting its previous consideration at the last meeting of the Council. Councillor Farrington thanked the Head of Law and Administration for the amendments made to his report, and acknowledged the work of the Independent Panel in reaching their findings. The Leader of the Council concluded his comments by moving that the recommendations as set out in paragraph 2 be approved.

The proposal was seconded by Councillor A T A Godfrey.

Members then voted on the recommendations as set out, which were declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that:- (a) a scheme of allowances for the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 be made having regard to the Panel’s recommendations set out in the appendix and annex 1 of the report;

(b) a Scheme of Members Allowances for use by Parish Councils be made having regard to the Panel’s recommendations set out in the appendix and annex 2 of the report;

(c) the Head of Law and Administration be requested to convene a further meeting of the Independent Panel within the next 12 months to consider a scheme for 1 April 2021 onwards.

3.12 Council Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

C61 Localism Act 2011 - Pay Policy Statement 2020/21

Considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources.

The Deputy Leader of the Council introduced the report and concluded his comments by moving that the recommendations as set out in paragraph 2 be approved.

The proposal was seconded by Councillor R M Sutherland.

Members then voted on the recommendations as set out, which were declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that (a) the Pay Policy Statement as set out in the appendix to the report be approved;

(b) publication of the Pay Policy Statement on the Council’s website (as required by the Act) be approved.

C62 Temporary Appointments to Creswell Parish Council

Considered the report of the Head of Law and Administration.

The Leader of the Council introduced the report and drew Members attention to paragraph 5.1 before concluding his comments by moving that the recommendations as set out in paragraph 2 be approved.

The proposal was seconded by Councillor A T A Godfrey.

Members then voted on the recommendations as set out, which were declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that (a) authority be delegated to the Head of Law and Administration to make an order under section 91 of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of Creswell Parish Council, in the form of the draft order as set out in the appendix to the report;

(b) an election for all Creswell Parish Council seats be held on 7 May 2020.


3.13 Council


Minutes of the Scrutiny Committees

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020



Page Nos

Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee - 4.1 - 4.5 11 February 2020

Resources Scrutiny Committee - 20 February 2020 4.6 - 4.8

Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Minutes of the Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Tuesday 11 February 2020

Chair - Councillor W J Kemp

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: C A Baron P A Leason J A Barron G P K Pardesi A G Cooper M Phillips B M Cross R M Sutherland A S Harp

Cabinet Member - Councillor F Beatty - Economic Development and Planning Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor J K Price - Environment Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor R M Smith - Resources Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor C V Trowbridge - Leisure Portfolio

Also in Attendance - Councillor A T A Godfrey

Officers in attendance:-

Mrs E Fullagar - Chief Accountant Ms J McCloy - Deputy Chief Accountant Mr R Simpson - Head of Operations Miss M Smith - Strategic Business Manager - Development Mr A Bailey - Scrutiny Officer

EDP24 Minutes

The Minutes of the last meeting held on 14 January 2020, having been published in Digest No 263, were submitted and signed.

EDP25 Apologies

An Apology for absence was received from Councillors B McKeown (Substitute C A Baron), J M Pert (Community and Health Portfolio), M J Winnington (Substitute R M Sutherland) and the Head of Development.

4.1 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

EDP26 Stafford Borough Economic Growth Strategy 2020-2025

This matter had been considered by Cabinet on 6 February 2020 and was submitted to this Committee for consultation.

Considered the report of the Head of Development regarding an update on the changes to the draft Stafford Borough Economic Growth Strategy 2020-2025 following public consultation and approval to adopt the Strategy.

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Cabinet Member (Economic Development and Planning Portfolio) and the Strategic Business Manager - Development:-

• Clarification of the projected increase in the growth of the population of Stafford Borough to 2027 • The need to invest in the Borough’s town centres • The outcomes from the MIPIM event • The need to understand why each hour worked in Staffordshire was nearly a fifth less productive than the national average • The need for further information on the net number of new additional businesses created • Clarification that the 11,000 residents who had internet speeds of less than 25mps+ equated to greater than 6% of the Borough population • The importance of the contribution of the over 60’s to the local economy • Clarification of the footfall through Stafford town centre on weekends when there are no events • The need for the Visitor Strategy to link into the Economic Growth Strategy • Clarification over the perceived benefits of a smart motorway • The suggestions that Eccleshall Show, Stone Food and Drink Festival, Derrington Way Ahead and Staffs Fest be added as case studies to the final document

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the decision of the Cabinet, as set out in Minute No CAB81/20, regarding the draft Stafford Borough Economic Growth Strategy 2020-2025, be noted.

4.2 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

EDP27 Parking Orders

This matter had been considered by Cabinet on 6 February 2020 and was submitted to this Committee for consultation.

Considered the report of the Head of Operations regarding the objections received during the consultation on the off-street Parking Orders and consideration of the approval and the implementation of the off-street Parking Orders

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Cabinet Member (Economic Development and Planning Portfolio) and the Head of Operations:-

• Concern over the cost of evening and Sunday charges in Stone • Clarification of the arrangements for the enforcement to cover the additional chargeable hours in Stone • An explanation as to whether additional Season Tickets could be made available in Stone • £1 was a minimal cost for overnight and Sunday parking in Stone • The increases were required in order to maintain the car parks, including the provision of electric charging points • Clarification over the consultation arrangements for the off-street parking orders • There had been no increase in car parking charges for a number of years • An explanation as to why a parking bay could not be used for sleeping, camping, eating or cooking purposes • The fact that all Stafford car parks were at 100% capacity

Following the discussion, a motion was moved by Councillor P A Leason and seconded by Councillor G P K Pardesi, that the Cabinet be asked to consider the scrapping of the proposed evening and Sunday charges in Stone, and that the potential loss in income be compensated for by increasing the fees and charges for weekday, daytime use.

On being put to the vote, the motion was declared to be lost.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the decision of the Cabinet, as set out in Minute No CAB82/20, regarding the off-street Parking Orders, be noted.

4.3 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

EDP28 Performance Reporting 2019-20

The Committee considered the performance and financial management details for those areas within the remit of the Committee for the quarter 3 period up to 31 December 2019.

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Cabinet Member (Economic Development and Planning Portfolio), the Strategic Business Manager - Development and the Deputy Chief Accountant:-

• An explanation that some of the targets listed were statutory • Confirmation that further information in relation to 1.5.2 - Stafford Brooks Project would be provided once it became available • An explanation as to why there was a favourable variation for off street reduced rates for car parks • An explanation of the increased charges for off street parking electricity

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the performance and financial management data relating to areas of activity within this Committee’s remit be noted.

EPD29 Work Programme - Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee

Considered the report of the Head of Law and Administration, which presented the Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee’s Work Programme for forthcoming meetings up to February 2021.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the Work Programme be noted.

EDP30 Exclusion of Public and Press

RESOLVED:- that pursuant to section 100A(a) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting whilst the following item of business was discussed on the grounds that it involves the disclosure of exempt information of the type specified in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 A to the Act.

The recording of the meeting was stopped at this point.

4.4 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

EDP31 Stafford Indoor Market

Considered the report of the Head of Operations which updated the Committee with the presentations and the recommendations arising from the Stafford Indoor Market Task and Finish Review Working Group.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the report be noted and that further meetings of the Stafford Indoor Market Task and Finish Review Working Group be reconvened.


4.5 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Minutes of the Resources Scrutiny Committee held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Tuesday 20 February 2020

Chair - Councillor R P Cooke

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: R J Barron A S Harp B M Cross R A James M G Dodson P W Jones A T A Godfrey R Kenney

Cabinet Member - Councillor J K Price - Environment Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor R M Smith - Resources Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor C V Trowbridge - Leisure Portfolio

Officers in attendance:-

Mr B Kean - Head of Finance Mr I Curran - Head of Law and Administration Mr P Kendrick - Head of Technology Mr N Raby - Head of Human Resources Mr R Simpson - Head of Operations Dr T Redpath - Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager Mr R Wolfe - Revenues and Benefits Manager Mrs V Ashcroft - Principal Corporate Business and Partnerships Officer Mr L Booth - Corporate Contracts Manager Mr A Bailey - Scrutiny Officer

RSC31 Minutes

The Minutes of the last meeting held on 7 January 2020, as published in Digest No 263, were submitted and signed.

RSC32 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A R G Brown (Substitute P W Jones), M V Holmes, J A Nixon (Substitute B M Cross) and P Roycroft (Substitute R J Barron).

4.6 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

RSC33 Performance Reporting 2019-20

The Committee considered the performance and financial management details for those areas within the remit of the Committee for the quarter 3 period up to 31 December 2019.

The Committee discussed the following indicators contained within the report with the Cabinet Member (Resources Portfolio), the Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager, the Head of Finance, the Head of Operations and the Revenues and Benefits Manager:-

• LI20 - % of resident satisfaction with our Customer Contact Centre • 3.1.4 - Enable those residents who need to contact the Revenue and Benefits Services to be able to do so on-line • 3.1.19 - Develop a Corporate Organisational Development Strategy • 3.1.12 - Support Members to be effective community leaders and representatives • 3.2.3 - Procure and implement a new telephony system to enable a consistent approach to call handling • 3.3.1 - Manage key corporate contracts to agreed service level specifications and standards; identify and manage risks that may arise through the operation of the contract and implement robust financial and operational controls. • Alleynes dryside operational costs £31,000 • Off street parking electricity £18,000 • Parking additional income £27,000 • Clarification of the amount of favourable variances • Resources Portfolio forecast outturn

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the performance and financial management data relating to areas of activity within this Committee’s remit be noted.

RSC34 Review of the Constitution

A meeting of the Review of the Constitution Task and Finish Review Working Group held immediately prior to this Committee had considered a number of recommended amendments to the Constitution.

However, the Chairman highlighted the need for a further meeting of the Review of the Constitution Task and Finish Review Working Group together with a Special Resources Scrutiny Committee in order to consider a proposed amendment to the Council Procedure Rules.

The Committee confirmed that the Task and Finish Review Working Group had recommended a number of amendments to the Constitution. The Group’s recommended amendments were as shown in the Appendix to the Committee report (with the exception of two amendments related to the Terms of Reference for Overview and Scrutiny concerning the scrutiny of the Council’s major contracted services)

4.7 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

The Committee subsequently confirmed that those amendments to the Constitution as recommended by the Task and Finish Review Working Group, be presented to Council at its next meeting due to be held on 21 April 2020.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee:-

(a) A further meeting of the Review of the Constitution Task and Finish Review Working Group together with a Special Resources Scrutiny Committee be convened in order to consider a proposed amendment to the Council Procedure Rules;

(b) the recommendations of the Review of the Constitution Task and Finish Review Working Group be presented to Council at its next meeting due to be held on 21 April 2020.

RSC35 Work Programme - Resources Scrutiny Committee

Considered the report of the Head of Law and Administration, which presented the Resources Scrutiny Committee’s Work Programme (V2 10/2/20) for the forthcoming meetings up to February 2021.

The Committee discussed the potential for a Procurement Task and Finish Review Working Group.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee:-

(a) A Procurement Task and Finish Review Working Group be investigated;

(b) the Work Programme (V2 10/2/20) be approved.


4.8 Scrutiny Committees


Minutes of the Regulatory and Joint Committees

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020



Page Nos

Audit and Accounts Committee - 14 January 2020 5.1 - 5.4

Planning Committee - 29 January 2020 5.5 - 5.7

Planning Committee Site Visit - 12 February 2020 5.8 - 5.9

Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Minutes of the Audit and Accounts Committee held at the Civic

Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Tuesday 14 January 2020

Chairman - Councillor A M Loughran

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: M G Dodson P W Jones I D Fordham J A Nixon R A James

Cabinet Member - Councillor R M Smith - Deputy Leader and Resources Portfolio

Officers in attendance:- Mr B Kean Head of Finance Mrs J Aupers Head of Governance Mr S Baddeley Chief Internal Auditor Mr J Dean Democratic Services Officer

Also present:- Mr R Percival Engagement Lead, Grant Thornton Mr H Samatar Engagement Manager, Grant Thornton

AAC17 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2019, as published in Digest No 260, were submitted and signed.

AAC18 Annual Audit Letter for Stafford Borough Council

Considered the Annual Audit Letter as prepared by Grant Thornton summarising the key findings arising from the work carried out by the External Auditors to the Council for the year ended 31 March 2019.

Mr Hamze Samatar, Engagement Manager, Grant Thornton, introduced the report and highlighted the following key areas for Members attention:-

• Key messages and work carried out (as set out in the Executive Summary on page 6 of the agenda); • Final reports issued and fees charged

Arising from consideration of the report, Members were given the opportunity to raise any questions relating to its content, to which Mr Hamze Samatar responded accordingly.

5.1 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee the Annual Audit Letter for the Year Ended 31 March 2019 be received.

The Head of Finance undertook for Members to receive training regarding Pension Fund matters, prior to the next meeting of the Committee.

AAC19 Audit Progress Report and Sector Update

Considered the report of Grant Thornton outlining progress in delivering those responsibilities of the External Auditors and providing a summary of emerging national issues and developments relevant to the Council.

Mr Samatar led Members through the report and in particular referred to:-

• Details of progress as at November 2019 • 2018/19 - 2019/20 Audit Deliverables

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee the Audit Progress Report and Sector Update be received.

AAC20 Treasury Management Strategy, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy, Annual Investment Strategy 2020/21

Considered the report of the Head of Finance (V4 02/01/20) seeking approval of:-

• the Prudential and Treasury indicators; • the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy • the Treasury Management Policy • the Annual Investment Strategy for 2020/21

and to note that indicators were subject to change in accordance with the final recommendations of Cabinet and Council, in relation to both the General Fund Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme.

Arising from the debate, the Head of Finance confirmed that there were no current requirements for the Council to seek any borrowing. Following discussions regarding capital expenditure as set out in paragraph 5.23 of the report, Members voted on the recommendations as set out, which were declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee:-

(a) the following be approved:-

(i) the Prudential and Treasury indicators; (ii) the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy;

5.2 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

(iii) the Treasury Management Policy; (iv) the Annual Investment Strategy for 2020/21;

(b) it be noted that indicators were subject to change in accordance with the final recommendations of Cabinet and Council, in relation to both the General Fund Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme.

AAC21 Annual Governance Statement Progress Report

Considered the report of the Head of Governance (V2 02/01/20) presenting progress in addressing the significant governance issues identified in the Annual Governance Statement for 2018-19.

The Head of Governance referred Members to paragraph 3.2 of the report, prior to detailing progress made against the governance issues as set out on pages 68-70 of the report.

Members then voted on the recommendations as set out, which were declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee the content of the progress report on the Annual Governance Statement for 2018-19 be noted.

AAC22 Internal Audit Quarter 1 and 2 Report for 2019-20

Considered the report of the Chief Internal Auditor (V1 23/12/19) presenting the Internal Audit Quarter 1 and 2 Report for 2019-20 and seeking approval of the IT Audit Plan for 2019-20.

The Chief Internal Auditor detailed the performance of the Audit Section as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.

Clarification was provided regarding the awarding of partial assurance in relation to IT Project Management as set out in appendix 2 of the report, and the timing of providing the quarterly reports to the Committee.

Members then voted on the recommendations as set out, which were declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee:

(a) the Internal Audit report for Quarter 1 and 2 of 2019- 20 be noted;

(b) the IT Audit Plan as set out in Appendix 5 of the report be approved.

5.3 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

The Chief Internal Auditor undertook to provide details of mobile devices as used by Officers of the Council, as requested.

AAC23 Risk Management Report

Considered the report of the Head of Governance (V1 12/12/19) setting out the details of the Council’s Strategic Risk Register as at 30 September 2019.

The Head of Governance highlighted paragraphs 5.6/7 of the report and the corresponding details as set out in the associated Appendix 2.

Members then voted on the recommendations as set out, which were declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee the Strategic Risk Register (as approved by Cabinet) be approved and the progress made in the identification and management of the strategic risks be noted.

The Head of Governance undertook to review any requirement to update the Councils Risk Policy (in conjunction with the Cabinet).

AAC24 Work Programme - Audit and Accounts Committee

Considered the report of the Head of Law and Administration (V1 06/01/20) presenting the Audit and Accounts Committee’s proposed work programme.

Members then voted on the recommendations as set out, which were declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee the Work Programme be received.

AAC25 Mr Richard Percival, Engagement Lead, Grant Thornton

It was reported that in line with rotation of Engagement Lead Officers of the External Auditors, this was the last meeting of the Committee to be attended by Mr Richard Percival of Grant Thornton.

RESOLVED:- that the Committee place on record in thanks and appreciation to Mr Richard Percival, Engagement Lead, Grant Thornton for his work in supporting the Council’s Audit and Accounts Committee.


5.4 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Minutes of the Planning Committee held at the Civic Centre,

Riverside, Stafford on Wednesday 29 January 2020

Chair - Councillor R M Sutherland

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: B M Cross W J Kemp A S Harp A Nixon A D Hobbs A N Pearce J Hood M Phillips P W Jones

Also present:- Councillors J K Price and R M Smith

Officers in attendance:-

Mr N Lawrence - Deputy Development Manager Mr S Turner - Legal Services Manager Mr J Dean - Democratic Services Officer

PC81 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M G Dodson and A P Edgeller (substituted by Councillor P W Jones).

PC82 Application Nos 19/31306/HOU and 19/31307/LBC – Loynton Hall, Newport Road, Loynton

(Recommend refusal).

Considered the report of the Head of Development regarding this matter.

Prior to his presentation, the Deputy Development Manager clarified a typographical error on page 4 of the agenda by confirming that the property in question was of late 18th century origin.

Public speaking on the proposal was as follows:-

Mr A Kay raised the following points during his support for the proposal:

• Purchased Loynton Hall in Spring 2017 • Was previously in a poor state of repair • Had spent 3 years refurbishing the hall to a high standard • Had enhanced many of the historical features • Was a beautiful Georgian house with an 80’s style conservatory • Had always been wish to replace the conservatory to enhance the house further

5.5 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

• Proposed replacement with a hardwood orangery • Invited Members to visit the site to view for themselves • Proposal would greatly enhance the property

Councillor R M Smith, Gnosall and Woodseaves Ward Member, at the invitation of the Chairman addressed the Committee and raised the following issues:-

• Noted previous applications (pub in Shebdon, barn conversion in Norbury) • Noted recommendation of refusal, current conservatory had been in situ for 30 years • New owners wished proposal to be more in keeping with the property • Quoted from ‘Character, appearance and heritage’ paragraph of the report • Building in question was far from its original form and was far from distinctive • No harm would be caused by the conservatory • Noted single storey outbuildings on the left of the building conservatory balanced appearance of the house • Property would be improved further by construction of the orangery • Respectfully asked the Committee to grant approval • Suggested a site visit would be useful to Members

The Committee discussed the application and raised a number of points, including:-

• Conservation advisors’ comments as set out on page 9 of the agenda • Existing conservatory was unauthorised development • Was a chance to further improve the property

It was subsequently moved by Councillor A S Harp and seconded by Councillor M Phillips that the applications be deferred for consideration pending a site visit by Members of the Committee.

On being put to the vote the proposal was declared to be tied, and by subsequent use of the Chairman’s casting vote was declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that planning application Nos 19/31306/HOU and 19/31307/LBC be deferred for consideration pending a site visit by Members of the Committee.

5.6 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

PC83 Planning Appeals

Considered the report of the Head of Development.

RESOLVED:- that the notified and decided appeals as set out in the report be deferred for consideration and be resubmitted to the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 19 February 2020.

PC84 Quarterly Enforcement Report - Ongoing Authorised Enforcement Cases

Considered the report of the Head of Development setting out ongoing enforcement cases.

The Legal Services Manager and the Deputy Development Manager provided updates on progress where requested.

RESOLVED:- that the report be noted.


5.7 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Minutes of the Planning Committee Site Visit held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Wednesday 12 February 2020

Chairman - Councillor R M Sutherland

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: B M Cross P W Jones A S Harp A Nixon A D Hobbs M Phillips J Hood

Also present:-- Councillors J K Price and R M Smith

Officers in attendance:-

Mr N Lawrence - Deputy Development Manager Mr A Taylor - Conservation Officer Mr S Turner - Legal Services Manager Mr A Bailey - Scrutiny Officer

PC85 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M G Dodson, A P Edgeller (Substitute P W Jones), W J Kemp and A N Pearce.

PC86 Application Nos 19/31306/HOU and 19/31307/LBC - Proposed Removal of existing UPVC conservatory and replace with new traditional hardwood orangery - Loynton Hall, Newport Road, Loynton, ST20 0QA

(Recommendation refuse).

Considered the report of the Head of Development regarding this matter.

The Committee viewed the proposal from the front elevation, the garden area, the kitchen, the dining room and the south east elevation.

The Committee arrived at the site at 9.56 am, departed at 10.17 am and reconvened at the Civic Centre at 11.00 am.

At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor R M Smith, Gnosall and Woodseaves Ward Member, addressed the Committee and raised the following issues:-

5.8 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

• Disagreed with the advice of the Conservation Officer • The proposed orangery would be set back from the property • The proposal would bring the property into the 21st Century • The Committee should consider whether the proposals would harm the character of the building • The existing orangery helped reduce heat loss through the French doors from the kitchen. This contribution to sustainability would be lost if the replacement orangery were to be set back as suggested by the officers • Requested the Committee to approve the application

The Committee discussed the application and raised a number of issues, including:-

• The site visit was helpful in showing the current situation • The French doors into the present conservatory did not appear secure enough to act as external doors if the conservatory were to be repositioned • The proposed orangery represented a significant improvement and would enhance the property • Queried whether the present white paint on the wall in the existing conservatory could be removed without damaging the brickwork • The current Octagonal ended plan form of the house was not symmetrical and would not be harmed by the proposed extension • There was no reason to suggest that the high standard of workmanship on the property would not continue with the proposed orangery

It was subsequently moved by Councillor J Hood and seconded by Councillor A S Harp that Application Numbers 19/31306/HOU and 19/31307/LBC be approved on the basis that the proposal would not cause harm to the character and significance of the grade II listed dwelling.

On being put to the vote the proposal was declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that planning Application Numbers 19/31306/HOU and 19/31307/LBC be approved on the basis that the proposal would not cause harm to the character and significance of the grade II listed dwelling.


5.9 Regulatory and Joint Committees


Corporate Information

and Articles

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020



Page Nos

List of Meetings - 17 March to 2 April 2020 6.1

List of Delegated Decisions decided between 1 and 6.1 - 6.10 29 February 2020

Assets of Community Value Register 6.11 - 6.13

Top dementia boss visits award winning Stafford facility 6.14

Free parking afternoon in Stafford and Stone this weekend 6.15

Planting day signals end to park works 6.16

Rough sleeping numbers in Stafford reduced 6.17

Driver handed £100 littering fine 6.18

Staffing - Leavers, New Starters and New Posts - 6.19 - 6.20 CONFIDENTIAL

Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

List of Meetings - 17 March to 2 April 2020

Audit and Accounts Committee 6.30pm Tuesday 17 March 2020 Planning Committee 6.30pm Wednesday 1 April 2020 Cabinet 6.30pm Thursday 2 April 2020

Contact Officer

James Dean, Democratic Services Officer, Tel 01785 619209


List of Delegated Decisions Decided Between 1 and 29 February 2020

18/29350/FUL Proposed Fire Escape 5 Market Square Stafford M B Roof Works With Stafford Forebridge PERMIT Lighting, Guardrails Staffordshire and Air Con Related ST16 2JH Works To Lightwell and new external door. 18/29351/LBC Proposed Fire Escape 5 Market Square Stafford M B Roof Works With Stafford Forebridge PERMIT Lighting, Guardrails ST16 2JL and Air Con Related Works To Lightwell

19/30020/FUL Erection of outbuilding Land Rear Of 67 Barlaston to form residential Longton Road Barlaston PERMIT annex Barlaston Stoke On Trent Staffordshire 19/30593/TWT TPO No. 459 of 2007: 10 High Park Stafford M B Sequoiadendron spp. Stafford Rowley GRANT (Wellingtonia) - Crown Staffordshire Lift to 10 metres and ST16 1BL crown reduction to clear properties by 5 metres 19/30701/FUL Site access and Land East Off Stafford M B highway, surface Fairway Forebridge PERMIT water drainage Littleworth infrastructure, Stafford pumping station, site Staffordshire re-profiling of levels ST17 4NH and landscaping.

6.1 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

19/30835/FUL Conversion of existing 75 High Street Stone Town basement area to Stone St Michaels And PERMIT form new licensed Staffordshire Stonefield premises changing ST15 8AE from Office space to a drinking establishment (class A4) 19/31022/TWT TPO No. 7 CSR of 2 Walton Lodge Berkswich 1971: Taxus spp. Walton On The Hill Milford SPLIT (Yew) - Reduce radius Stafford by 2 metres, Crown ST17 0LR Lift to 3 metres over garden and to 5.1 metres over highway; Betula spp. (Silver Birch) - Crown reduction to balance crown and establish up to 2 metre clearance from garage. 19/31091/FUL Construction block Dans Motorcycle Stone Town work and timber Showroom Walton REFUSE service workshop and The Fillybrooks open hand car wash Stone facility with jet ST15 0PT washers including welfare shelter 19/31113/HOU Single storey Sherborne Cottage Yarnfield And bedroom side Yarnfield Lane Cold Meece PERMIT extension. Yarnfield Swynnerton And Stone ST15 0NJ Oulton 19/31218/COU Change of use from 10 Princes Street Stafford M B A1 to mixed use of Stafford Forebridge PERMIT Classes D1 and D2 to Staffordshire form a creative ST16 2BN community hub for a temporary period of 12 months 19/31220/TCA Trentham The Vicarage Swynnerton Conservation Area: Trentham Park Swynnerton And GRANT Taxus spp. (Yew) and Park Drive Oulton Salix spp. (Willow) - Trentham Crown reduction to Stoke On Trent mitigate Staffordshire encroachment issues

6.2 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

19/31267/FUL Variation of condition Fledgling Farm Eccleshall 2 and 7 on Old Hall Lane Eccleshall PERMIT 17/26393/FUL Mill Meece Stafford ST21 6QT 19/31287/FUL Conversion of two 2 Walton Hurst Eccleshall cottages to form one Cottages Eccleshall PERMIT dwelling with Well Lane proposed extension Walton and partial demolition Stafford of existing dwellings Staffordshire and store ST21 6JS outbuildings. 19/31315/TWT TPO No. 3 of 1974: White Lodge Brocton T11, T12, T13 and Chase Road Milford SPLIT T16, Fraxinus spp. Brocton (Ash) - Crown Stafford Reduction by 3 Staffordshire metres and selective ST17 0TL branch removal 19/31325/COU Change of use from Stone House Farm Sandon And C3 (dwellinghouse) to Church Lane Burston PERMIT C2 (Care Home) Sandon Milwich Stafford ST18 0DB 19/31334/TCA Colwich Conservation 20 Elm Close Colwich Area: 2 x Fagus spp. Great Haywood Haywood And GRANT (Beech) - Up to 30% Stafford Hixon selective removal of ST18 0SP crown to mitigate clearance and encroachment issues 19/31378/LDC To confirm usage as The Villa Haughton residential (class C3), Newport Road Seighford And PERMIT area within property Haughton Church Eaton curtilage been used Stafford as garden area for Staffordshire more than 10 years. ST18 9DJ 19/31368/HOU Retrospective The Grainstore Fradswell planning application Lymers Lane Milwich PERMIT for a timber pergola Fradswell and proposed garden Stafford seating structure. ST18 0EX 19/31410/HOU First floor side and 19 Braunton Avenue Stafford M B front extension and Weeping Cross Baswich PERMIT single storey rear Stafford extension. ST17 0EP 19/31427/PAR Prior Approval - Doxeywood Farm Bradley Change of Use of Thorneyfields Lane Seighford And PERMIT Agricultural Building to Hyde Lea Church Eaton Dwellinghouses Stafford ST18 9BY

6.3 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

19/31438/HOU Retention of rear 3 Field View Colwich dormer extension to Coley Lane Haywood And PERMIT form attic bedroom Little Haywood Hixon and en-suite. Stafford ST18 0UH 19/31474/FUL Erect a Steel Portal Land Adjacent To Chebsey Frame Execution Searchlight Lane Eccleshall REFUSE Class 2 agricultural Chebsey Building, and to Stafford extend the current Staffordshire access which will in turn require 7 meters of hedge to removed. 19/31484/FUL External alterations to Wolseley Coach Colwich existing storage unit House Haywood And PERMIT which has been Main Road Hixon granted prior approval Wolseley Bridge to change its use to Stafford ST17 0XP two dwellings 19/31488/HOU Proposed loft 146 Road Fulford conversion to include Blythe Bridge Fulford PERMIT 2no. new roof Stoke On Trent dormers, conversion ST11 9HQ of existing double garage and associated single- storey link extension. Relocated garage and associated external works. 19/31489/FUL Proposed HGV/trailer Land East Of Stan Seighford park with attenuation Robinson LTD Seighford And PERMIT pond and Lane By Ladfordfields Church Eaton landscaping. Industrial Estate Ladfordfields Stafford 19/31502/FUL Replacement sales Shell Service Station Stone Town building associated Eccleshall Road Walton PERMIT with the existing petrol Stone station, removal of car Staffordshire and jet washes, minor ST15 0DJ relocation of the HGV fuel island, alterations to the canopy, provision of car parking and associated works

6.4 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

19/31511/ADV Retention of existing Guildhall Shopping Stafford M B signage. Centre, Car Park Forebridge PERMIT Market Square Stafford ST16 2BB 19/31517/HOU Single-Storey Rear Gestreon Ingestre and side extension Ingestre Road Milwich PERMIT Ingestre Stafford ST18 0RE 19/31524/HOU Removal of Meadow View Gnosall Conservatory. Church Lane Gnosall And PERMIT Construction of Oak Moreton Woodseaves framed Garden Room, Newport and replacing rear TF10 9DS ground floor windows with French Doors. 19/31528/PAGR General purpose steel High Onn House Church Eaton framed agricultural Farm Seighford And PERMIT building High Onn Church Eaton Church Eaton Stafford ST20 0AX 19/31543/HOU Two storey front, side The Dale Eccleshall and rear extension Fairoak Bank Eccleshall PERMIT Fairoak Stafford ST21 6PN 19/31534/LBC Proposed installation Shugborough Park Colwich of secondary glazing Farm Haywood And PERMIT Lichfield Road Hixon Shugborough Stafford ST17 0XA 19/31548/HOU Single storey side/rear Lansdowne Seighford extension plus pitched 20 Whitgreave Lane Seighford And PERMIT roof to garage and Great Bridgeford Church Eaton bay window to front Stafford ST18 9SJ elevation 19/31549/ADV Advertisements to be Bus Shelter Stafford M B displayed on a loop Moss Pit Manor REFUSE on the digital display, Stafford interchanging with Staffordshire real time bus information on an ongoing basis.

6.5 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

19/31550/HOU Demolition of existing Whitleyford Farm Forton extension, creation of Shay Lane Gnosall And PERMIT new extension to Forton Woodseaves dwelling and minor Newport alteration to access Staffordshire (resubmission of TF10 8DL 13/19312/HOU) 19/31559/TWT TPO No. 19 of 1975: Sefton Colwich Fagus spp. (Copper Coley Lane Haywood And GRANT Beech) - Crown Lift to Little Haywood Hixon 5 metres over Stafford ST18 0UP Highfield Drive 19/31563/HOU Proposed two storey 14 Windsor Road Stafford M B side extension, flat Queensville Weeping Cross PERMIT roofed rear extension Stafford And Wildwood with the demolition of ST17 4PA existing rear extension, dormer/gable extension to the loft and demolition of existing garage to re- build further down in the garden. 19/31575/FUL Retention of 64 Foregate Street Stafford M B elevational treatment Stafford Coton PERMIT to north and west Staffordshire elevations, retention ST16 2PT of brick skin on south elevation and retention of fenestration. 19/31579/HOU Proposed demolition Brook House Gnosall of existing canopy and 1 Audmore Road Gnosall And PERMIT erection of proposed Gnosall Woodseaves kitchen extension to Stafford ST20 0HA rear west elevation 19/31580/HOU Proposed first floor Primrose Cottage Fulford side extension, Aynsleys Drive Fulford PERMIT carport, alterations to Blythe Bridge existing driveway and Stoke On Trent associated internal ST11 9HJ alterations 19/31603/HOU Proposed two storey Blue Skies Hyde Lea side and front 14 Orchard Lane Seighford And PERMIT extension and canopy Hyde Lea Church Eaton across front elevation. Stafford ST18 9BB

6.6 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

19/31604/FUL Removal of condition Knightley Grange Gnosall 11 and variation of Grange Road Gnosall And PERMIT condition 2 on Knightley Woodseaves application Stafford 18/28881/FUL to Staffordshire allow demolition of ST20 0JU former kitchen range. 19/31605/TWT TPO No. 215 of 1998: The Laurels Stafford M B T3, Cedrus spp. Radford Rise Baswich SPLIT (Cedar) - Crown Thin Stafford by 20%, Crown Lift to ST17 4PS 5 metres 19/31608/HOU To erect a PVCu 6 Willowmoor Stafford M B framed conservatory. Mosspit Manor PERMIT Stafford ST17 9LH 19/31609/FUL Two extensions and Milford House Stafford M B alterations to the St Georges Hospital Coton PERMIT existing building Corporation Street (Milford House) with Stafford associated external Staffordshire works and fencing. 19/31610/HOU Proposed two storey The Cottage Eccleshall and single storey Doley Road Eccleshall PERMIT extension Eccleshall Stafford ST21 6ER 19/31619/HOU Alterations to Weston Hall, The Standon elevations to consist Granary Eccleshall PERMIT of installation of new Weston Lane windows and Bowers rooflights. See also Stafford 19/31620/LBC ST21 6RF 19/31620/LBC Alterations to Weston Hall, The Standon elevations to consist Granary Eccleshall PERMIT of installation of new Weston Lane windows and Bowers rooflights. Stafford ST21 6RF 19/31621/HOU Proposed extension Stone Cottage Standon and alterations Weston Lane Eccleshall PERMIT Bowers Stafford ST21 6RW 19/31624/HOU Removal of Brackenwood Brocton conservatory, Brook Lane Milford PERMIT extension to rear, Brocton relocation of the Stafford principal entrance ST17 0TZ door, replacement windows and rendering of all elevations

6.7 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

19/31625/HOU Side and rear single 7 Camborne Close Stafford M B storey extension to Weeping Cross Baswich PERMIT form enlarged kitchen Stafford study, utility, WC Area Staffordshire and enlarged garage. ST17 0EN 19/31635/TWT TPO No. 17 of 1975: 3 Highfield Drive Colwich Aesculus spp. (Horse Little Haywood Haywood And GRANT Chestnut) and Fagus Stafford Hixon spp. (Beech) - Fell ST18 0UX 19/31640/TCA Church Eaton Church Eaton Church Eaton Conservation Area: Endowed Primary Seighford And GRANT T1 + G2 Prunus spp. School Church Eaton (Cherry) and High Street Crataegus spp. Church Eaton (Cockspur Thorn) - Stafford Crown Reduction to 2 Staffordshire metres below ST20 0AG conductors; T5, Fraxinus spp. (Ash) - Through Prune to provide 1 metre clearance to conductors. 19/31631/ANX Proposed ancillary Lang House Ranton accommodation unit Long Compton Lane Seighford And REFUSE for aged relatives to Ranton Church Eaton be used in conjunction Stafford with the main use of ST18 9JT the existing dwelling house. 19/31633/HOU Rear single-storey Red Roof Barlaston garden room 4 Old Road Barlaston PERMIT extension and first Barlaston floor extension over Stoke On Trent previous rear ST12 9EQ extensions 19/31637/HOU Proposed extensions Newpool Barlaston to front, sides and Bedcroft Barlaston PERMIT rear together with Barlaston external and internal Stoke On Trent alterations and ST12 9AL alterations to existing access and boundary wall with gates 19/31651/HOU Proposed single 24 Newport Road Stafford M B storey extension to Stafford Rowley PERMIT form summer room, Staffordshire utility and shower ST16 1BH room

6.8 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

19/31655/TCA Forebridge 5 Wolverhampton Stafford M B Conservation Area: 3 Road Forebridge GRANT x Fraxinus spp. (Ash) Stafford - Fell ST17 4BN 19/31659/HOU Single storey The Farm Swynnerton extensions with Stone Road Swynnerton And PERMIT internal alterations Tittensor Oulton Stoke On Trent ST12 9HA 19/31664/HOU Demolition of existing 29 Bridle Road Stafford M B garage and Stafford Weeping Cross PERMIT outbuilding and Staffordshire And Wildwood proposed front, side ST17 0QD and rear extensions 19/31675/POR Prior Approval - 69-72 Foregate Street Stafford M B Change of use of Stafford Coton PRIOR APPROVAL Office Use (Class Staffordshire GRANTED B1(a) to Dwellings (Class C3)) - 27 Apartments 19/31677/HOU Proposed garage 20 Fountain Fold Gnosall conversion into new Gnosall Gnosall And PERMIT entrance hall, Stafford Woodseaves toilet/cloaks, relocated ST20 0DR kitchen and living room, new window to living room, new replacement pvc doors and windows and new entrance porch. 20/31703/PAGR Prior Notification - Taft Wharf Farm Colwich Extension to existing Bellamour Lane Haywood And REFUSE agricultural store Wolseley Bridge Hixon Stafford 20/31719/TCA Colwich and Little The Cliffs Colwich Haywood Meadow Lane Haywood And GRANT Conservation Area: Little Haywood Hixon Removal of 6 Stafford assorted species, Staffordshire small trees as ST18 0TT identified in the application

6.9 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

20/31809/NHPD Rear extension- total 19 Kitlings Lane Berkswich length beyond rear Walton On The Hill Milford NOTRQ wall of the original Stafford dwelling 6m, Staffordshire maximum height 3.6m ST17 0LE and eaves height 2.25m 20/31842/NHPD Rear extension- total 11 Daurada Drive Stafford M B length beyond rear Stafford Penkside NOTRQ wall of the original Staffordshire dwelling 5m, ST17 4XW maximum height 3.85m and eaves height 2.4m 20/31871/SCG Extension of existing Holding 23 Whitgreave steel portal framed Green Lane Seighford And OBS agricultural building to Whitgreave Church Eaton provide further stock Stafford housing ST18 9SR 20/31877/LBC Gates to entrance to 44 Greengate Street Stafford M B prevent homeless Stafford Forebridge NOTRQ occupation ST16 2JA 20/31885/COU Change of use from 10 High Street Stone Town first floor meeting Stone St Michaels And NOTRQ room to dental Staffordshire Stonefield surgery ST15 8AW 20/31918/TCA Great Haywood and Woolmer Cottage Colwich Shugborough Main Road Haywood And GRANT Conservation Area: Great Haywood Hixon Aesculus spp. Stafford (Chestnut) - reduce all Staffordshire branches to leave ST18 0SR standing stem 20/31939/HOU Removal of condition The Old Malt House Standon 5 Walford Back Lane Eccleshall NOTRQ Standon Stafford ST21 6QS

6.10 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Assets of Community Value Register

End of End of Protected End of Full Initial Period Moratorium Name and Date of Moratorium (18 Date (6 months address of Nominator Disposal (6 weeks months Listed after date Property Notice after date after date of disposal of disposal of notice) notice) disposal notice) Hand and Cleaver Inn, Ranton 11 Ranton 29 August 22 February 11 July 11 July Parish January Green, 2013 2017 2017 2018 Council 2017 Stafford (pdf 2.3mb) Red Lion Inn, Derrington 2 29 August 14 October 2 March 2 March Derrington Way Ahead September 2013 2013 2014 2015 (pdf Group 2013 2.3mb)

Roebuck Inn, Sandon Hilderstone 2 6 26 26 July 26 January Road, Parish September September January 2017 2018 Hilderstone Council 2013 2017 2019 (pdf 2.4mb)

Universal Sports Members of Club, 8 January the Universal Doxey, 2014 Sports Club Stafford (pdf 5mb)

The Crown Hyde Lea 10 Inn, Hyde Parish February Lea (pdf Council 2014 4mb)

St Lawrence Gnosall Primary 6 March Parish School - 2014 Swimming Council Pool, Gnosall

6.11 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

End of End of Protected End of Full Initial Period Moratorium Name and Date of Moratorium (18 Date (6 months address of Nominator Disposal (6 weeks months Listed after date Property Notice after date after date of disposal of disposal of notice) notice) disposal notice) (pdf 3mb)

The West Way Public Castle 29 15 April 29 April 10 June 29 October House, Church, October 2014 2014 2014 2014 Stafford Stafford 2015 (pdf 4mb)

Westbridge 9 April Park, Stone Town 16 July 2015 21 May 9 October 9 October Stone (pdf Council 2014 2015 2015 2016 6mb ) (part only)

Oxleathers Public House (pdf Highfields 1.3mb) 14 May Community 2015 Group Boundary Plans (pdf 223kb)

The Red Lion, Bradley 10 29 10 29 April 29 April Bradley, Parish September October December 2016 2017 Stafford Council 2015 2015 2015 (pdf 4mb)

Wedgwood Memorial Barlaston 19 13 27 March 13 August 13 August College, Parish November February 2018 2018 2019 Barlaston Council 2015 2018 (pdf 4mb)

The Weston with Woolpack 17 Gayton Public October Parish House (pdf 2017 Council 3mb)

6.12 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

End of End of Protected End of Full Initial Period Moratorium Name and Date of Moratorium (18 Date (6 months address of Nominator Disposal (6 weeks months Listed after date Property Notice after date after date of disposal of disposal of notice) notice) disposal notice)

Football / Recreation Ground, Doxey Doxey 21 August Parish Road, 2018 Council Stafford ST16 1EF (pdf 929kb)

Eccleshall Police Station and Car Park (pdf 72kb) Destination 12 June 8 July 19 August 8 January 8 January Management 2019 2019 2019 2020 2021 Decision Eccleshall upheld on Review 3 October 2019 (pdf 139kb)

Contact Officer

James Dean, Democratic Services Officer, Tel 01785 619209 ______

6.13 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Press Release No 5604 20 February 2020

Top dementia boss visits award winning Stafford facility

The most senior officer of the UK’s leading alzheimer’s charity visited Stafford to see the work at a state-of-the-art dementia friendly facility in the town.

The facility is part of the Northfield health and housing village concept.

Jeremy Hughes, Chief Executive of The Alzheimer’s Society, was given a tour around the dementia care facility in Northfield Village on the town’s Stone Road and spent time talking with partners from the NHS through to some of the key players in helping to make the wider Stafford area a Dementia Friendly community.

He also visited HM Prison Drake Hall, which was the first Dementia Friendly prison in the managed estate in England and Wales – demonstrating the work to raise awareness of the disease is being seen an exemplar to other communities.

The visit marked a milestone in the life of Dementia Friendly Stafford who announced they had trained 7,000 Dementia Friends in less than the three years it has been going - more than anywhere else in the UK over that period.

Northfield Village includes a multi-GP hub, pharmacy and café along with an extra care facility which boasts dementia friendly cinema and pub.

Cabinet Member for Communities and Health at Stafford Borough Council, Councillor Jeremy Pert, said he was very proud to show Mr Hughes the excellent work that had gone into creating the facility and raising awareness of dementia in the local area. He continued: “The chief executive was very impressed at what had been created from a run down site in Stafford to an award winning and nationally recognised centre for helping some of the most vulnerable in our community.

“Dementia is only going to become more prevalent in our communities, as the number of older people continues to grow, so how we support those people in living at home safely in our communities is really important. Starting with a basic understanding of dementia, and recognising that it need not be a life sentence and people can still live well with dementia is important.”

He added: “Having the most senior professional in the field visit Stafford to see our work and that of Choices Housing and the County Council first-hand is gratifying, whilst recognising that there is always more that we all can do. The fact-finding visit took place on Tuesday (18 February).

6.14 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Press Release No 5605 25 February 2020

Free parking afternoon in Stafford and Stone this weekend

Shoppers will be able to park for free in Stafford and Stone town centres on Saturday afternoon (29 February).

Stafford Borough Council has introduced the free parking offer to encourage more people to shop in both town centres to boost trade for local businesses.

Now the last day of February will see more free parking - following the introduction of a similar initiative last month.

Parking charges will be waived on all the Borough Council car parks in the two towns from 1pm - except the Riverside and Waterfront car parks in Stafford.

Councillor Frances Beatty, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Planning said they had received positive feedback from the free parking Saturday in January with shoppers asking if it could be extended.

There is a variety of independent and big-name stores in Stafford town centre and top places to grab a drink and a bite to eat. Stone also has a great mix of shops, cafes and restaurants.

Mary Walker, Chair of the Stafford Town Centre Partnership, said: “Having the benefit of free parking for visitors will hopefully encourage more people to visit the town and for longer periods. I’m sure this positive step to have more free parking will help support the High Street.”

Councillor Beatty, continued: “We ran our free afternoon in January because we know money can be tight after the festive period. Our car parks were busy and shoppers told us that it would be good to see it happen again.

“We want to encourage everyone to come into town throughout 2020 to shop for what they need and I’m pleased we are now able to extend the free parking offer this Saturday.”

She added: “As well as shopping why not grab the opportunity of some time out to relax in the great cafes and restaurants in Stafford and Stone.”

Most Borough Council car parks offer cash free parking throughout the year so visitors to the town centres can pay for their parking using their mobile phones, and top it up without having to return to their cars.

Details of where to park in Stafford and Stone town centres can be found at . More information on where and how you can use cash-free parking is available at

6.15 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Press Release No 5606 25 February 2020

Planting day signals end to park works

Local people and community groups are being invited to the official opening of a park in Stafford.

Mayor of Stafford Borough, Councillor Gareth Jones, will be officially opening Charnley Road park in May following a £400,000 makeover.

A new playground for toddlers and young children, skatepark, and outdoor gym have been available to the public since December - but the wet weather has delayed developers putting the finishing touches to the landscape.

Work on planting, painting and reinstatement of parts of the park are ongoing.

The official opening will now take place on Saturday 2 May and will include a community planting day as well as demonstrations of skateboarding and football along with other family activities.

Councillor Carolyn Trowbridge, Cabinet Member for Leisure at the borough council, said she hoped families and organisations in the area would turn out to help with planting on the day as well as enjoy all the activities going on.

She said: “We listened to the community about the improvements they wanted to see at Charnley Road and it is fantastic to see how popular the park has become in the last couple of months. I can’t wait for the landscaping and other finishing touches to be completed so many more local people can really enjoy this park.

“The council has a very good track record in delivering great leisure facilities in the borough and I am pleased that Charnley Road is another park we can be proud of.” For more information go to

6.16 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Press Release No 5607 2 March 2020

Rough sleeping numbers in Stafford reduced

A senior Stafford Borough councillor has welcomed recent national figures that show rough sleeping numbers in the county town have fallen.

Councillor Jeremy Pert made his comments on the back of government statistics released last week that reveal there were five people sleeping rough in Stafford - compared with seven the previous year.

Nationally numbers of people sleeping on the streets of Britain have seen a nine percent reduction between 2018 and last year according to the latest figures revealed by the government.

The council is already seen as one of the country’s leading authorities in preventing homelessness and reducing the numbers of people sleeping rough.

Their work has been highlighted in the House of Lords, attracted parliamentary visits to the county town, and the authority was the first in the Midlands to have achieved the government’s gold standard for preventing homelessness.

Cllr Jeremy Pert, Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “One person sleeping rough is one too many. But the solution is not as simple as giving someone a house - there is nearly always a catalogue of other issues that will stop a person keeping a roof over their head - and it is these issues that this authority will continue to tackle along with our partner agencies.

“We are seen as one of the leading authorities in the country on tackling the issues of homelessness and rough sleeping and it is pleasing to see we have again improved on the national trend, but we know we can never rest on our laurels. We want to ensure that no one person needs to sleep out on the streets without a roof, if we can help it.”

For more advice on homelessness, and the help available, go to

6.17 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 March 2020

Press Release No 5608 2 March 2020

Driver handed £100 littering fine

A lorry driver has been fined £100 for littering at an industrial estate near the motorway in Stafford Borough.

The driver was caught dumping rubbish in a grass area near Mustang Drive - which is off Junction 14 of the Motorway.

The man, who lives in the Stafford Town Centre area, was traced via the registration of his HGV and served with a £100 fixed penalty notice.

The incident happened last week.

6.18 Corporate Information and Articles